#motionless in white hc
circle-with-me · 10 months
Headcanon // Vinny Mauro when you’re sick
Just a few silly things I came up with bc I love this man.
This is for @concretenoah & @deathblacksmoke 🫶
- He notices you’re sick before you do. He hears the sniffles or you clearing your throat more than usual. He makes a comment and you ignore it but sure enough, a couple of days later you’re sick af.
- He takes you to the doctor and holds your hand in the waiting room. Listens to everything they tell you to do and makes sure he remembers their directions especially for the medication.
- He takes you home and makes sure you settled in bed and then runs to the pharmacy to get everything you need.
- HE STOCKS UP. All your medicine. Nose sprays. Tissues. Vicks. Popsicles for your sore throat. Snacks. Gatorade.
- He moves his entire gaming system in your room so he can keep an eye on your while you’re asleep, if he’s not napping with you.
- He tries REALLY hard to stay awake to keep an eye on you when he does lay down with you but he’s a sleepy boi and can’t.
- If you’re throwing up he’s right beside you, holding up your head and rubbing your back telling you it’s okay
- He’s sitting there trying not to gag too but he’s your bf and wants to take care of you.
- He makes sure you eat and drink plenty of water. Even if he has to feed you himself.
- Helps you get into the bath/shower. Puts epsom salt in the bath for your sore muscles and essential oils to help with your sinuses bc the boy does his research.
- Takes his time washing and conditioning your hair while you’ve got your arms wrapped around him because you’re too weak to do it yourself.
- Definitely gives you a shampoo mohawk to make you laugh.
- Feels a little bad when you laugh so hard it sends you into a coughing fit.
- Dries and combs your hair for you. Will put it in a messy braid (he’s not the best at it but he tries).
- He puts your pajamas in the dryer before bed so they’re nice and warm for you.
I just think he’d be the best when you’re sick. Sweetest boy 🥰🥹
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spacebarbarianweird · 9 months
Alright fic request! (Either reader or named Tav, whatever sparks joy.)
I HC that since Baldurs Gate has such a low population of elves, a lot of Astarion's previous sexual experiences did not involve his ears. They are probably the least "used" (his feelings) part of himself.
Maybe Tav isn't an elf and doesn't know, so they eventually just casually reach out- because they are so cute and Astarion's been OK with casual touches like that now they are in a relationship. But he just flinches away- very uncomfortable and hurt this happened.
Tav is obviously going to apologize and try to accept they hurt Astarion by mistake. Maybe not that night, but sometimes later after Astarion got to see them be sincere about his boundaries (maybe even OK woth him having a "bad" reaction) he puts his head in their lap and asks them to touch his ears in a quiet voice.
Basically a story about navigating rough waters with love.
I finally got to your request! I know it's been a while, thank you for waiting!
Synopsis: Astarion has very sensitive ears, you've never touched them. Until today.
Tags: fluff, Elven language and culture.
Thanks @bunnidarling for beta-reading! Your notes are super helpful!
Read on AO3
Pointy Ears
Moon washes the meadow in silver light. As he sits by the campfire, Astarion's skin looks almost marble to you: white and perfect. You glance at him from time to time to detect a hint of disturbance, that his mind has dragged him to some unpleasant place.  
But it seems like he is at peace with himself.
His pointy ears twitch a bit when invisible facial muscles move. They’re probably your favorite part of his body: long and sensitive, with a delightful pinkish hue. The elves, Tel’Quessira, have the most amazing ears. 
But you suddenly realize you’ve never touched them. You often massage his scalp and have kissed almost every inch of his body, but the ears remain untouched.
The scars and the bite mark? It took months for him to relax enough to let his guard down. You still remember him muttering “Tav loves me, Tav won’t hurt me” while you were caressing his back. You pretended you didn’t hear that. As for the more intimate parts of his body, you two agreed on an “ask before putting a hand into the trousers”.
But his ears… You are a non-elf, a lesser being in the eyes of elves, and know nothing about them. But you remember how many years ago someone told you “Never touch their pointy ears, they hate it”.
“Astarion, are you with me?”
Silence yet again. He looks somewhere into the woods, mentally far away from your small camp. Suddenly, his eyes squint and you see anxiety on his face.
Nine hells, again. 
It happens to him often. He just sits motionless as if someone has cast a “hold a person” spell on him. He can stay like that for hours oblivious to the world around him. As if his mind shuts itself down. Sometimes he returns, surprised it’s already sunset “I thought it was still morning”, he says.
He describes it as a dark wave that just pulls him under into the nightmare, and he can’t do anything, only to keep drowning.
You approach Astarion and sit behind him. Then you touch his curls, slowly brushing them with your finger.
“I am here. I am not going anywhere,” you whisper. “Return to me, please.”
No response. 
You keep caressing his head, intensifying your touches as you try to return him to reality.
And then your fingers accidently brush along his left ear.
Astarion flinches, forcing you to take your hands away.
“I am sorry,” you mutter.
Astarion covers his ear with his palm and stares at you in shock. He looks like a person who has been woken up in the middle of the night in some weird and violent way.
“Did I hurt you? I am so sorry!”
“No… you didn’t…” He still looks startled. “I just… Seldarine… How long have I been like that?”
“Since sunset. It’s almost the middle of the night.”
He snatches his shirt from the ground and puts it on. You still feel guilty.
“Sorry… I won’t touch your ears again.”
“Darling, you’ve touched me in much more intimate places and done much more lewd things to my body than this.”
You blush.
“It’s just… unexpected.”
“I am sorry.”
“Stop it! I hate it when you apologize. You’ve done nothing wrong. It’s just… Fuck it. I want to take a walk.”
You nod. “Take a walk” means “I want to wander the woods on my own''. Sometimes he hunts small animals and drains them dry. More often he just walks enjoying the freedom of being in nature. Even a person who loves cities would go insane, forced to spend 200 years within its walls.
You are still embarrassed by your actions, so you return to the tent. You are feeling sleepy and doze off on your bedroll hugging a pillow. 
You wake up a few hours later when Astarion returns to the tent. His shirt is bloodstained and his trousers are dirty, but he looks happy.
“Good morning, darling”, he kisses you. “It’s sunrise, time for the mortals.”
“Unless they travel with vampires,” you mumble as you sit up, feeling more or less rested. “I see you are in a good mood.”
“I am always in a good mood when I see your face, my dear.”
You scoot over, making more room for him. The tent is small but enchanted with darkness which fully protects Astarion from the sunlight. You would love to spend a couple of days in the inn, but the nearest town has no such place and you have to stay at the camp.
“Listen… about what happened…” He stumbles over his words. “Could you touch my ears?”
You giggle and invite him to sit between your legs. He presses his back against your chest and you wrap your arms around his body.
“You have leaves in your hair,” you say, brushing his curls with your fingers before kissing the crown of his head. “How sensitive are your ears?”
“Very sensitive, he admits. “That’s why… I… we… don’t like unwelcome touches.”
You carefully touch the tip of his left ear, then move your finger along the edge of the shell. 
He closes his eyes and smiles.
You get braver and use your other hand to caress his right ear. You lean forward and kiss the tips, and as you do you feel an electric impulse coarse through Astarion's body.
“Why don’t you wear any adornments? You like rings and necklaces, but all the elves I have ever seen wear something on their ears. I mean, I understand why Tel’Quessir don’t pierce them…”
“Darling, never suggest to pierce the ears of the elf, it’s fucking painful.”
“But are there other ways? Without damaging the skin?”
He shrugs. “Never found anything proper I guess.”
He softly touches your finger and you understand he’s signaling you to stop. You press Astarion tighter. 
You sit like that for a while in silence before you make yourself return to reality.
“I need to go to the town to see if they have some job for us.”
“I doubt it. We’d better return to the road at sunset,"he said.
“Yeah, this place is unbelievably peaceful.”
“I would say boring”, he takes out a book from his sack and you recognize Gnim, the language of the gnomes. Noticing your stare, he chuckles. “I prefer to know the enemy.”
You kiss Astarion’s cheek and leave the tent.
The town looks sleepy as if its residents exist in some weird world without troubles and worries. The townsfolk look at you with suspicion. Adventurers are rarely guests since there's almost nothing to do. 
You ask here and there about a job, but as Astarion said there is nothing to be found. No troubles. No dangers. No reward. 
Suddenly something catches your eye: a small building different in style from the rest of the houses. It is more elegant, with intricate runes on the wooden door.
You enter carefully, opening the door as if you are afraid you may break it, 
It’s a Jewelry store.
There are dozens of rings, necklaces, and bracelets. They are simple and delicate, but you just can’t take your eyes off them. 
“Do you want anything?” A golden-haired elven woman waves her hand over the adornments. “Maybe for yourself?”
You shake your head. “I wouldn’t want to wear such things on the road. I will either break them or lose them.”
“Pity. Maybe for someone you care about?”
Astarion would love something like that. No matter what happened to him, he is still an elf. Nothing will ever change it.
“Yes...” You say with some hesitation. “What do elves put on their ears?”
The woman smiles. “We wear ear cuffs. Like these”, she points at her own ear, showing a golden adornment that looks like flowers. “You want a gift for an elf, don’t you?”
You nod.
“Can I ask what kind of bond you share?”
You blush a bit and the elf smiles again. “It’s not an idle question. Elven culture is very complicated”.
“He is my… love.”
She points at the ear cuffs. “Then, this. Only lovers can give such things to each other. Received from a friend or, worse, a stranger, would be considered an insult.”
“Why so?”
“Oh, poor N'Tel'Quess. So bad of him not to tell you such important things.”
You pretend not to understand that the word she’s used is an insult. You speak some Elven.
“And how important is that?”
“Have you wondered why elves don’t like their ears being touched?”
“Because it hurts?”
Her laughter sounds like bells chiming. “The same way lovemaking hurts when nonconsensual.”
“It’s intimate. Even lovers sometimes don’t do it because they don’t fully trust each other. We allow this only to our aestara, our thiramina.For us, it’s a form of sex. But even regular sex might be less intimate. So, tell me, does he allow you to do that?”
“He did let me do this… today. For the first time. ”
“Then, give him an ear cuff. Choose.”
They all look equally beautiful and you try to picture Astarion wearing them but nothing is quite him. There are smaller and larger ones, golden and silver. Some resemble flowers, and some are more like stars.
Noticing your confusion, the shopkeeper sighs.
“Tell me about him.”
“He… is very kind. To me, at least. Very brave, but never admits it even to himself. He is smart, can learn a whole new language within a week, and can persuade people to do anything he needs. He can do a lot of things with his hands – embroidery, lock picking, you name it. But… he’s been through a lot. His past is very dark and he is still overcoming it, learning how to be with people, how to live this life.”
You carefully avoid details, trying to sound as vague as possible.
“It’s called srinna. The one who tests limits and establishes new boundaries.”
“Yes, it does sound like him”
The woman hands you a metallic ear cuff. It is simpler than the others but you notice small details like crescents and birds. It will look nice with his curls, you think.
You pay and as you leave the elf laughs again. “If I were you, I would scold him!”
You return to the camp at sunset. Astarion is still inside the tent engrossed in the book. He hasn’t been through too many pages. Gnim is difficult for someone who can’t stand its speakers.
Astarion smiles joyfully as he notices you. He always looks like this when you return. Pure happiness.
“So was I right about these peaceful people?”
“Yes. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why didn’t I tell you what?”
“About your ears! The elven jeweler gave me a lecture about them! You could have at least explained this to me before I embarrassed myself!”
He disarms you with his puppy eyes. They say: ‘Oh, darling, you can’t be really angry with me, can you?’
“Stop making that face. You know I can’t resist it!”
Astarion sighs. “My apologies. Never really took it into account. But yes, touching ears is a form of showing affection.”
You take out the ear cuff and hold it out to him “I’ve brought a gift for you.”
Astarion puts the book away and takes the cuff. He is silent and you are afraid he doesn’t like it.
“Srinna”, he says. “The one who establishes boundaries. Thank you”, Astarion doesn’t try to laugh it away or mask his emotions. His smile is goofy and sincere; he rarely shows it even to you.
“Put it on!” you encourage him. “I want to see how it looks!”
“You’ve given it to me. You must put it on, not me.”
You lean to Astarion and carefully adjust the adornment to his left ear. To your surprise, it fits perfectly and doesn’t show any indication it can fall off. You think it must be easier to lose regular earrings than elven cuffs. 
“How does it look?” he asks.
He cups your cheeks and kisses you. You feel like floating, forgetting about everything. You touch his ears and caress them with your fingers. Then he lets you go and presses his forehead against yours. “Salen arivae.”
“Salen means ‘my’, what does “arivae” mean?”
“Sunshine”, he answers after a short pause. 
Seldarine - Gods! N'Tel'Quess - not people. A derogatory term referring to non-elves. Aestar- love Thiramin - soulmate
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @astarion-beloved @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati
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neurthotic · 6 months
can you please do dabi as a bf again but more explicit (nsfw)? tysm
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Not My Type: Dead As Fuck 2 - Motionless In White
Dabi enjoys giving head as much as getting it, actually.  he likes the way you flinch and shudder when the burned skin on his face scrapes harshly against your sensitive inner thighs. he likes locking eyes with you across your heaving chest to watch you struggle to stay coherent, his slow grin against you exposing sharp teeth to your hopelessly overstimulated parts.
but this doesn’t stop him from plunging his fists into your hair when it’s your turn to get on your knees for him, gritting obscenities through clenched teeth and tensing tight as a bear trap as he tries to refrain from smashing his hips into your face hard enough to break your nose.  his knees cradle your head—sometimes his superheated hand cups the column of your throat to feel the bulge in it as he slides in and out.
the other thing. his body temperature skyrockets when he’s turned on, the fire inside him boiling to the surface to simmer behind his eyes and in his fingertips.  and in other places.  you better hope he doesn’t cum in your throat because it will leave burns all the way down.  (you have swallowed, once or twice, anyway—for once in his life, it left Dabi well and truly flustered, pupils so large they nearly turned his eyes black with the dopamine rush as he computed what had happened.  he probably abruptly called you a whore and then pulled you into his chest, his heartbeat slamming against your ear like a jackhammer, before getting you water and stroking your hair like he was hypnotized.)
a thousand wild horses couldn’t take this hc away from me: Dabi has a bizarre infatuation with pain.  the nerve damage leaves him with such a high tolerance that it registers as nearly orgasmic when it happens.  he’s constantly trying to get you to be rougher with him, eyes searing and delirious in the dim light as he murmurs in your ear.  “bite there again, pretty, make it bleed this time.”  “that slap won’t bruise. do it again.”  he contents himself with the darkest hickies you can suck into his damaged collarbone, but before he drifts off to sleep, or when he jerks off, the hazy images that imprint on his brain are more like you stabbing his abdomen with pocket knives or chewing his little finger off. it would be pretty hot if you killed him one day
steam hisses off of his overheated body and out of his mouth in copious white plumes when he finishes with a groan, muffled into the top of your head as he holds you. his wiry body spasms with aftershock.  if there aren’t tears streaming down your face from sheer overstimulation, and small, scuffed burn marks where his searing flesh ground too roughly against yours all over your body, he won’t be satisfied.  there’s almost never an ‘i love you,’ but this is his favorite feeling in the world— cooling down with you in his arms, listening to you try and catch your breath, your heaving chest pressed tight to his.  good luck trying to get up to pee. 
[ sorry this ended up way long + i have no experience writing this stuff LMAO but i hope you enjoyed anon 🫶 thank u for the request! ]
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skyloftian-nutcase · 29 days
Classic LU, pit the boys against one of your favorite/least favorite Zelda enemies
Sky Link encountering unfamiliar creatures on the Surface and misjudging whether they’re friendly (could be funny or angsty)
HC boys on a really truly awfully busy couple of shifts, or on a strangely quiet shift
Pick one of Link’s companions and write from their perspective (Epona, Crimson, Navi, Proxi, Ezlo, Midna, King of Red Lions, Phantom Zelda, etc.)
Is Abel okay though (any of them, honestly)
Warriors had never experienced anything like this. He felt impossibly light and heavy, warmth seeping out of his very being, permeating the air and distorting it. He chest heaved in an automatic response to stress, but no air moved within his lungs. Looking around frantically, he saw one of his brothers-in-arms on the ground, motionless, and he hastily knelt down at his side.
"Come on, farm boy," he ground out, shaking Twilight. "Wake up!"
As he shook him, he noticed with alarm that his friend looked strangely... distorted. Waves of light akin to the reflections of water washed over Twilight, and as Warriors looked at his own hand, he saw similar movements. Everything was bathed in pale green, and he felt like he was swimming, floating, and pushed into the earth all at once.
Where were they?!
He was trying desperately to remember how they'd even gotten here, only recalling that he and Twilight had been patrolling the area when the world had faded away to wake up here. They'd been looking for Sky, who had been late returning from his own route.
Twilight groaned, sniffling and coughing, and Warriors noticed with alarm that the grass beneath his friend did not move in response to the action.
Were they... had they...??
"What in Hylia's name is going on?" the captain whispered, staring at his hand.
The hair on the back of Warriors' neck stood up, and Twilight sprang to his feet, nearly knocking the captain over. "Sky?"
Warriors jumped, whirling around to see their companion watching them silently. At this point, the captain also noticed that a strange ring was on the ground around them, alongside intricate patterns that glowed in a similar eerie green as the rest of the place, bright and ethereal. Sky also had that strange watery reflective nature to him as they did, but he... was... floating? His feet hovered just above the ground, hair waving about as if he were underwater. Strangest of all, he was dressed a little differently - his green tunic was the same, but it lacked his red sash and his treasured white cape, while he sported a green hat very similar to what many of them had worn in the past.
"Sky, are you okay? Where are we?" Warriors called, walking towards the teenager. Why was he dressed different? Why was he looking at them like that? Sky was never this somber, something was wrong.
As the captain moved towards him, Sky stepped forward to meet him halfway. The movement was specific, Warriors could tell from the ground he covered. It was an awkward gait, determined but too small for the usual stride he took. He practically stepped on Twilight's toes, blocking both their path, standing on the edge of the circled that encased the elder pair.
"Link, what's wrong?" Twilight asked softly, also noticing that something was very off about their friend. He reached out, placing a hand on Sky's shoulder reassuringly and worriedly.
Sky gasped, flinching away from the touch and hugging himself, bending over slightly as if he'd just been burned. Warriors and Twilight exchanged confused glances, and the captain's chest clenched even more.
"Let me see the wound," Warriors ordered, stepping forward.
The world turned red.
It was a gut lurching, disturbing feeling, and the strange, cool wateriness of the world became scorching hot. It was as if electricity was shooting through Warriors' entire body, something akin to adrenaline but somehow terrifying in the fear that froze his muscles for an instant. Twilight whirled around frantically, eyes wide, immediately searching for threats.
They didn't have to search long. Warriors could hear the clanging of heavy footsteps, metal armor clinking, swords being unsheathed. They were ambushed quickly, surrounded by beasts Warriors was completely unfamiliar with, all made of metal and bearing one to two massive swords. One beast came up behind Sky, putting a hand on his shoulder and pulling him closer, almost protectively, making Twilight call out in alarm. Warriors reached for his sword--
Only to realize he didn't have one. And Twilight wasn't armed either.
What had--where did their weapons go?!?!
Warriors swore uncharacteristically, looking at Sky once again to see how he was doing, but the metal beast protecting him was backing away a little as two others floated into range, swords raised in attack. Warriors and Twilight both moved to duck and roll, but they were quickly being surrounded and their maneuverability was limited.
This was bad this was bad--
The swords came down, but no pain followed.
Warriors could hear his and Twilight's frantic breaths, having both braced for impact when they'd had nowhere else to run. Looking up between his arms that he'd held to guard his face, Warriors saw... Sky. Sky was standing over them both, towering, posture strong and fierce, feet spread wide and arm raised as if in a block. His white cape was back, hat gone, red sash nearly imperceptible in the bloody haze all around them.
Sky bore neither weapon nor shield, yet all the monsters were held at bay with his arm held in the air. Wrapped around the extremity was what looked like ivy, a plant of some sort. Twilight gasped at the sight of it.
"Are those tears of light?" he asked, before continuing, "Sky, are you--what the heck is goin' on, you were--"
"What are you guys doing here?" Sky interrupted, the plant and petals glowing brightly, pushing the monsters away. Suddenly, as soon as the beasts were outside of the ring in the earth, the world turned aqua green once more, placid like a lake.
"We were... looking for you..." Warriors explained halfheartedly, looking around in bewilderment, heart still racing. "What's going on?"
Sky turned to face them now, helping them stand. Without an explanation, he moved them to the center of the ring. Warriors looked around, a vague sense of worry filling him as if they were missing something. The space that Sky had occupied earlier when he'd dressed a little differently and behaved strangely was empty, but the captain swore he saw movement where that one metal soldier had retreated with him.
When the three stood in the center of the ring, Sky directed them to place their hands on his shoulders. They did so without argument, both still trying to keep up with what was happening, and then Sky dug his right arm into the earth as if digging, the plant wrapped around it glowing in response.
Everything grew dizzyingly blurry, and Warriors felt the ground shift beneath him as the world faded to black. When he awoke, his body felt heavy and exhausted, but normal once more. Nothing was in a strange hue, he wasn't partly glowing or shining or whatever it was he had been doing before, and Sky and Twilight were both there, alive and safe.
"What was that?" Twilight demanded, shooting to his feet faster than the captain could even get his bearings.
"A silent realm," Sky answered, offering a hand to his elder knight. "Pieces of the sacred realm designed by Hylia. But I'd not seen one here before. I wonder if we're... somewhere... well, it doesn't matter. I'm just surprised you two managed to fall into one. It usually isn't open to anyone."
"Sacred realm...?" Warriors repeated, awed. That was... Sky was right, that wasn't supposed to be something mere mortals could access.
How did Sky know how they worked?
Sky smiled reassuringly at them, his face gentle in his care, and he pat both of them on the arms. "Come on, we should get to camp. Let's make sure nobody else stumbles into this area."
Shakily, Warriors nodded, looking back at the place, seemingly innocent amidst the forest. He'd... rather not face those beasts unarmed again.
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scp230kinnie · 5 months
Hey!was wondering if we could get a hunter sylvester head cannon thing not sure what they are called (sfw of nsfw it’s up to you!)
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warnings: not proofread and cringe
Genre: fluff (?) relationship, friendship, general, whatever
I have no idea if I’ve used some of these yet but whatever
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He would NEVER admit it, but he can get really clingy. In a metal way😒
He tries to get you to join his dnd club thing… if it’s during that one part in the movie where they’re trying to find a bassist good luck
We know he (his dad) is loaded, so if you mention something you like or want offhand, he will go researching it and if he thinks it’s cool he’ll probably get it for you
He’s actually really smart. I feel like he’s really good in English, history (when it’s music related, and math.
More on English, he’s better at poetry, but he’d make it metal. He HATES play and book studies (Romeo and Juliet😒😒😒)
He’s not really that big on skipping,, he likes having good grades. (Despite his metalhead behaviour, he doesn’t do usual stuff like that, and he canonically doesn’t drink or smoke or anything)
If you begged him enough he might skip with you
If you convince him by saying it’s to go play guitar or something it’ll be a yes
I also feel like he’s a good cook. Not gourmet by any means, but he knows how to make a few things
He takes so many pictures of you. Mostly candid. He’s so interested in watching you do things
His lockscreen is a Picture of you two at a concert
If you say something braunrot (skibidi toilet or something😔) he’ll just stare at you like😐
He doesn’t really have “guilty pleasure” music, he’s diehard metalhead.
He’s definitely the type of guy to be like “metalcore isn’t real metal🤬”
(I love motionless in white)
Tell him to give it a try okay it’s not that bad
Sorry if this was short I’m in class
Also sorry for the unwarranted hiatus I was at the psych ward😔
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daddyhausen · 2 months
If you write poly can i request a NSFW HC for Poly MIW
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 「 POLY. RELATIONSHIP HEADCANNONS 」 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
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。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
「 SUMMARY 」 — nsfw poly!miw headcannons
「 WARNINGS 」 — 18+ [ MINORS DNI ] smut, polygamy/poly relationship
「 WORD COUNT 」 — 334
「 PAIRING 」 — fem!reader x motionless in white
「 GENRE 」 — smut
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
「 TAGLIST 」 — @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @mjfass @wardlow @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @bonehead-playz @legit9thlunaticwarrior @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980 @harmshake @igncrxntripley @ripleyswhore @embermdk @thepalaceofmelanie @seeingstarks @kennysbadkitten @darkangelchronicles @ripleyswife @selena-tyler-564 @auburnwriter @alyyaanna @nightmare-viper @nev-danielgarciawife @teenagedramaqueenlisa
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
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they were all hesitant with the idea of sharing you at first.
vinny and justin were the most accepting of the arrangement
ryan was indifferent
chris and ricky however, as much as they were willing to share you, the could not hide their jealousy.
vinny has the highest sex drive and is the most submissive
he’s called your misteress, ma’am, even mommy in front of the rest of the guys
he adores when you give him blowjobs before the show sitting on his cock while he practices at his drumkit
justin and chris are most likely to share between the two of them.
they’re rough with you.
chris likes to fuck you from behind, a hand in your hair pulling roughly while you choke on justin’s cock
justin will praise you for how well youre taking the both of them
they’ll switch positions so chris can cum on your face while justin cums inside you
chris is the most degrading only second to ryan
ryan will slap, spank, namecall, he’ll do anything to make you submit to him
ryan is also the most likey to fuck you in public, he’ll still have his cock in you minutes before playing a show
ricky is the gentle one, he’s kind of shy when it comes to fucking you
although he would love nothing more than to keep you to himself
just like vinny he’s more submissive than the others.
when the five of them fuck you be prepared to clear your calendar because that’s all you’ll be doing that day.
their words are s full of praise yet degradation at the same time
vinny, ricky and justin will praise you while chris and ryan degrade you
you will always start off by jerking off ricky and vinny
chris and ryan will interchange between fucking your ass and your throat
and justin fucks your cunt
all of them will take turns fucking each of your holes
all of them are cumming inside your cunt at least once
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
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ciginatree · 1 month
hc request
how good are all of the Bad Omens guys at eating 😼??
Sorry all of my requests are taking so long to get to! Here you go my friend, I'm going to format/respond to this like I did my motionless in white post that's similar :)
Noah: He's a certified, 5 star, award winning munch. He knows the exact speed and amount of pressure to use to have you squirming and crying out his name. The way he uses his tongue is indescribable; he's incredible at tongue fucking you until you orgasm.
Jolly: He takes it slow, teasing you, but still giving you the perfect amount of pleasure. It isn't overwhelming, and it isn't mind blowing, but it's relaxing in a way. He loves to massage the very rim and edge of your hole, not quite entering, in a way that has you sighing and closing your eyes.
Nicholas: He's less experienced, but you teach him and he catches on quickly. He's willing to learn and eager to please, smiling devilishly when he discovers something you like. He licks along your entire slit, molding his tongue to you to memorize your shape and taste.
Folio: Much like the name on his jacket, he's an animal when it comes to eating you out. He's enthusiastic and loud, moaning into you and smothering you with his mouth. It isn't the best you've had, but he'll stay at it all damn night until you're cumming on his tongue.
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Tags: @abiomens @exitwoundsx @tashka @Shilohrosechicken
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cyrusthedragon · 1 year
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14!Mira and 18!Laxus listening to their lil tunes. Laxus is dick, as always, but he promised he'd let her listen her music this evening, so...
Tho, we know Laxus loves rock and stuff, but I love the hc on Mira that she's the one who loves HARD rock. Heavy metal, glam rock, death rock, punk rock. While Laxus is Bon Jovi, Muse, maybe Beatles, Kiss, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin; Mirajane is SYSTEM OF A DOWN, BLACK SABBATH, SLAYER, MOTIONLESS IN WHITE, SABATON, DEATH ANGEL-
Laxus: 'I need you nooowww, more than words can saaay, I need you now, I've got to find a waaay! I need you nooowww, befooore I looossee my miiind, I need you nooooowwwww---'
Laxus: that's rock, baby.
Mirajane: pussy.
Laxus: the fu-
Mirajane: that's rock, baby.
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ego-meliorem-esse · 10 months
i love this blog so much; every hc made has the same feeling of staring at an old, european painting flaunt and draped with colour (renaissance; victorian; baroque, etc.) and emotion and feeling that same deep rich feeling of history and beauty pass through you as you stand in the silent hallways of a motionless white museum
I got very emotional at this wow
Thank you very much! You said this yet you have no idea that this is now my absolute fav ask i have ever gotten, you have no idea the emotions you made me feel.
You didn't have to look at my stuff: drawing, hcs and shitposts, but you did and that makes me extremly happy.
I have a flair for the dramatic I have to admit, and it comes out in my posts. Sometimes too much but I enjoy writing/drawing it immensely! And when I find out that someone out there finds as much joy in viewing it as I do making it, it makes everything worth the time i put into it!
Like yes, this is a shitty hetalia fandom blog with a specific niche, but as a community, we put so much thought behind it and make it come to life better than any book or movie ever could. And that makes me emotional.
So thank you again! <3
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starlite-sin · 11 months
-All the proxies (there's more than the four??) live in her house which was made bigger by the slenderman's influence
-She's the second youngest proxy (23), but the first one to join. As a result, she knows how to work around alot of Slenderman's rules.
-Major oldest sister vibes, especially towards the female pastas. Since a lot of them were children and didn't get to experience the teenage years they should have, she works to try to get them makeup, merch, toys, concerts, etc.
-Nina, Clockwork, and Sally go to her for literally everything (boys, tv, books, music, etc)
-Tried to help Tim break his smoking habit but then they both realized they were going to die far to young anyway so they just gave up on it
-Prefers fruity drinks (lipstick lesbian, pina colada, etc) over harder liquor.
-Southern and can have a very pronounced accent.
-Has been made fun of for it
-She has these glowy sabers instead of her knife
-Also incredibly flexible to a concerning level
-Her room is mostly dark since bright lights gives her migranes at best and completely puts her out of commision at worst
-She still sleeps with stuffed animals
-Rogue buys her a lot of them
-Can and will fight the boys and can generally win
-Simps for Tim but will not admit it (she is me and I am her)
-Motionless In White, Dark Divine, Black Veil Brides, etc are her go to bands
-Also really likes Bath and Body Works scents
-She doesn't really have an opinoin on Brian since he doesn't talk to her much
-Suffers from PMDD so her PMS is a new level of bullshit and she turns into an emotional wreck at anything
I got more but this is getting to long already
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klovercrown · 10 months
Omg omg I need to post this before I forget
Just realized the brothers have perfect Motionless in white songs for them
Vincent :
I honestly feel like he would love their cover of a Rob Zombie song (my music hc is that he loves Rob Zombie+White Zombie) Please tell me if you have any idea, I've listened to all of their songs and can't think of one for Lester. Lemme know your ideas 💖
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vladdyissues · 10 months
I'm glad you liked the concept of Vlad fleeing to the Ghost Zone. Thanks for answering about him having friends abd that analysis. However, I think Vlad could play his cards right even in canon. He has just tired of waiting love, plus, his emotional nature, and he lost it.
As addition to this concept, I want to share a hc that in first years in the Ghost Realm while Vlad was too weak as a ghost to do some evil plans, between training and attempts to cook blobs (c'mon he has to eat something; I don't think normal human can metabolise ectoplasm but who knows about halfa?) he could travel over the Ghost Zone and paint landscapes. That art therapy wouldn't be enough for Plasmius but it still can help to abstract his mind from his trauma.
Or perhaps he uses art as a way of expressing his trauma instead of trying to distract from it.
Tortured Artist Vlad is something that has been living in my head for almost a full year—ever since I heard Motionless in White's Masterpiece. It just struck me as such a "Vlad" song.
It's such a provocative image, this man possessed of such incredible power, helpless and suffering. Picture him: furious, weeping, clothes rumpled from sleeping in them, his long hair loose and unkempt, fanning from his shoulders as he slings bloody gouts of paint onto a canvas and then attacks it with brushes, feverishly trying to translate his agony into something he can see, that can be speared and dragged to the surface and then stabbed to death with a palette knife like some kind of Melvillian allegory. It's the only way he can excise his pain and heartache. It's a spell, really, binding his negative emotions. But each time he completes a work, the sooner he has to start a new one. It's as if the magical power of his expression is gradually weakening. What happens when it fails altogether? Will his demons finally consume him? Will he destroy himself trying to keep them at bay? Or will someone special step into the frame of his doomed portrait and help him paint a new picture?
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mcltiples · 2 months
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@muse-bs sent; 🎤 wild card, gimme one for whoever u feel like sharing
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{ OOC / HC } Broadcasting From Beyond The Grace: Death Inc. by Motionless In White
This is a little bit of a silly one. There's no deeper meaning to it other than, "hehe this song could be broadcasted from Alastor's radio tower" and I just think that's neat. Even though, he probably has never heard a heavy metal song in his life or even likes that kind of music.
'We are the weirdos in your stereo,' 'Disco freak show, Death Incorporated,' 'We are the weirdos in your microphone,' 'Supernatural, Death Incorporated!'
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eternal-ascensionism · 3 months
Hey folks! I haven’t done a proper intro post yet, so I suppose this is it! I’ll give a brief summary: I’m Raeven (they/them), I’m in my mid 20s and I have been writing on and off for over 10 years. Obviously nothing special or professionally published, just fics and prompts and such :)
I will write both SFW and NSFW, I have a few limits that I will list below. I will write for the following fandoms/bands (these aren’t the only ones, just what came to mind as I’m typing this):
•Sleep Token
•Bad Omens
•Motionless In White
•Eddie Munson (Stranger Things)
•Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
•Bucky Barnes (MCU)
•Horror classics (think: the OG ghostfaces, Michael Myers if you freak like that, etc.)
•anything involving bodily waste
•extreme body horror
•themes involving abuse of children (characters may have a tough backstory but I will not be going into detail or making it a main plot point)
•certain fetishes such as feet/abdl/etc. (If you’re unsure abt a kink but wanna see it written just ask! Worst I’ll say is no lmao)
I may add to this post as time goes on, but this is the basics for now! I hope to do your feral minds justice, feel free to shoot me an ask! I will also accept your writings if you wanna send em in :) I will post as-is or add onto it if you want!
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bloodytornwings · 2 years
Tim and Toby Father-Son HCs ^^
Tim asks Toby about his day and brings him drinks if he notices his ‘son’ looking upset
They watch shows like Rick and Morty, Robot Chicken, Phineas and Ferb, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and MTV Scream
They steal CDs from local stores and listen to them when going on missions together
If Toby falls asleep after missions, Tim will carry him on his back and take him back to the manor
They have smoke breaks together (Toby doesn’t smoke, but Tim does and they both hang out when he does so)
“Let me drive! I’m old enough to get behind the wheel!” “Are you trying to kill me, kid?”
Steal cigarettes, alcoholic drinks, and other things from corner stores and houses to drink together later on
Motionless In White fans. No questions.
One of them consoles the other whenever they have nightmares
Matching shirts!!!!!
“Dad, I got laughed at in public for my jacket again :(“ “Do you remember what they looked like? I’ll kill them.”
Tim definitely has a ‘best dad ever’ mug
They both enjoy the Scary Movie trilogy very much
They gossip about people in the manor a lot and are REALLY good at twisting stories together
“You’re just like a raccoon in a hoodie.” “I’m a raccoon? :D”
“Dad I got a boyfriend.” “Tell me if he mistreats you, I’ll execute him.” “I don’t think you need to go that fa-“ “I’ll execute him.”
Tim steals a few books whenever he’s on missions and gives them to Toby so he won’t be too bored :3
Jesus Christ my creativity is DYING. Gonna need to start looking for writing prompts soon 🤏🏽
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scp230kinnie · 2 years
pls do music tastes for stardew valley bachelors🙏🙏
- someone you definitely don't know
Before we begin I want everyone to know I did see the requests for other fics/hcs and I’m working on them but it has been a little hard cuz of exams 😭 will have them finished as soon is I can
I love shartstew valley omg 😻😻
I definitely don’t know you or anything 😻💪
May I introduce to you all
Characters: Alex, Elliott, Harvey, Sam, Sebastian, Shane
Warnings: cringe
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Modern music
Not Harry styles or anything I think he would hate him
He probably listens to imagine dragons and rap music
He secretly listens to country music
His favorite songs are believer by imagine dragons and high hopes by panic! At the disco
He probably listens to pierce the veil secretly tbh
Emo music is his guilty pleasure
He listens to Eminem while he works out
He also probably doesn’t listen to music very often
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So obvious but classical music
Like if it has piano or violin he loves it
He also listens to opera
Like he won’t watch it but he likes hearing the voices
He has his music going when he’s writing or he’ll have it playing quietly while he does stuff in his shack
His guilty pleasure is EDM music
He swears he hates it and insists he’s a man of culture
But he does listen to EDM
Not very often tho
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I like to think he doesn’t really listen to music that often
But if he were to I think he would like smooth jazz
He has it playing quietly in his little hospital sometimes along with the elevator music that’s probably playing
He also listens to 80s rock music
Not very often tho
Usually just when combing his moustache or reading
Not really music but he also likes to listen to ocean noises
Usually only when he REALLY can’t sleep
Which isn’t very often
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Rock music
Of course
He also probably listens to whatever music his own band makes
His favorite artists/bands are måneskin, Paramore, Ozzy Osbourne, and Metallica
He also listens to ABBA
His all time favorite song is dancing queen
He secretly listens to KPOP
Specifically the girl groups
But he totally fanboys over Felix from SKZ
It’s not really a secret because I can guarantee Sebastian knows
He also tries singing along but he doesn’t know Korean so he just says gibberish and hopes it’s close
He also likes listening to whatever openings are from his favorite shows lol
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My one true love
Listens to emo music duh
Jk he likes metal, rock, and nu metal
His favorite bands are being me the horizon, Pierce the veil, motionless in white, evanescence, and asking Alexandria
His favorite Song is dark passenger by motionless in white
He is not open to new music
He’s the typa guy to go “come on turn on something good instead of this trash” when you’re listening to anything that’s not within his music taste
He insists his music taste is better than everyone else’s
He doesn’t say it out loud, but when he sees someone in public wearing merch from one of the bands he likes, he really wants to ask them to name 3 songs
I still love him tbh
Late night K-POP karaoke with Sam
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He listens to SoundCloud rappers
He doesn’t make any but he kinda wants to
His favorite band is Green day
His favorite song is Superman by Eminem
I feel like he would put in headphones on the way to work every morning and listen to music
Aside from that I don’t really feel like he listens to music that often
His guilty pleasure is country music
Claims it’s the worst thing he ever heard but secretly shazams any songs
Probably sits in silence with his own thoughts most of the time
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Okay that’s it lmk if y’all want the bachelorettes lololol
I hope you enjoy person i definitely don’t know
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