#virgin river rpg
hiddenwashington · 1 year
@mastcrmiind said : Was that [ALEXANDRA BRECKENRIDGE]? Oh no no, that was just [MELINDA MONROE], a/an [CANON CHARACTER] from [VIRGIN RIVER]. They are [THIRTY SIX] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.{ooc: sammy} (can i please reserve Nancy Nakagawa from rise of the pink ladies?)
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. melinda monroe [alexandra breckenridge]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!  **nancy nakagawa is now reserved for sammy until 6/30 at 4:23 pm est!
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wankyuniverse · 10 months
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virginriverfm · 1 month
can you please give me some occupation ideas? stuck because there are so many great options
yes of course, i got you. i'd love to see chief of staff, paramedics, a librarian, definitely more teachers, authors, truck drivers, contractors, physicians, nurses, veterinarians, mechanics, surgeons, tattoo artists, bartenders, lawyers, plumbers, software engineers, electricians, gym trainers, dance instructors ... honestly anything and everything around here.
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audiofictionuk · 11 months
New Fiction Podcasts - 1st August
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The Dragonsail Puppets Variety Show New Audio Drama! The Dragonsail Puppets are a musical comedy ensemble featuring two dogs, a retired cat and a forceful diva. The Dragonsail Puppets sing their rocking, funky original songs and hone their comedic craft while sailing the seas aboard the "Club Dragonsail", a huge old whaling vessel that is somewhere along the spectrum between luxury liner and rickety piece of antiquity. Upon this war-scarred ship, they entertain their "willing captives" —aka patrons who have dared to buy a ticket and take the ride —and dock every so often to regale fans in various ports. When not on the ship, they busy themselves in their rural hometown running errands at the Pinch-My-Penny or getting styled up at the Color-Me-Crazy Salon, all in preparation for the next leg of their collective journey(s). https://www.youtube.com/dragonsailpuppets RSS:https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2216920.rss
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The Rule of Cool New Audio RPG! A group of friends playing a TTRPG, having fun, bending rules, and going on crazy adventures that we hope you join us in! https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/the-rule-of-cool RSS:https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/the-rule-of-cool
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True Dice New Audio RPG! Hello creatures of the night, we are True Dice, an actual play podcast where we explore the dark embrace of gothic horror. Our first season, New Year’s Death, is currently airing Tuesdays at 5pm CST. https://truedicepodcast.podbean.com RSS:https://feed.podbean.com/truedicepodcast/feed.xml
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Les Contes de la Lune Gibbeuse New Audio Book! Les contes de la lune gibbeuse est un podcast original. Après les récits horrifiques que nous vous raconterons, vous ne verrez plus le monde qui vous entoure de la même manière... Et tard dans la nuit, lorsque vous regarderez le ciel à travers la fenêtre de votre chambre, vous vous demanderez : qui sait ce qui peut se cacher dans la face sombre de la lune gibbeuse ? https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/contes-de-la-lune-gibbeus RSS:https://anchor.fm/s/e52c3298/podcast/rss
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Een nieuw begin New Audio Drama! Stap in de wereld van dierenarts Daphne die de drukte van de grote stad achter zich laat en haar toevlucht zoekt op een idyllisch Waddeneiland. Terwijl ze haar leven opnieuw vormgeeft, ontvouwt zich een feelgood avontuur vol verrassende wendingen. Oude vriendschappen krijgen andere vormen en nieuwe banden worden gesmeed, terwijl Daphne zichzelf verliest in een betoverende baan, onverwachte spanningen en zelfs romantische intriges... Een nieuw begin is een 10-delige podcastserie voor fans van Virgin River. Volg de podcast en mis geen aflevering. https://shows.acast.com/een-nieuw-begin RSS:https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/een-nieuw-begin
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lotusgraphics · 4 years
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Anon requested: Daniel Gillies 250x400 Avatars
Please, like and reblog if you save/use. Do not remove the credit and do not redistribute as your own. We doesn’t claim credits for the images used for the graphics. Thanks ♥
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Challenge of the Five Realms: River and Phoenix
Ah, the glamor of adventuring.
          As we wrapped up the last session, the party had emerged from the undersea kingdom of Thalassy with the emperor’s crown and the emperor himself. That was the second crown out of five that we need to retrieve before confronting Grimnoth.
This session began with the party moving on to Thornkeep. Despite its name, it wasn’t so much as “keep” as a collection of houses. The residents belong to an odd cult called the Children of Shamar. They believe that the return of the ancient Emperor Shamar is at hand. The populace seemed divided as to whether I am an obstacle to his return or the vessel of it. This is a good place to note something that I have forgotten to highlight in previous entries: In any given village, about half the NPCs are indoors, where they’re relatively easy to find, but another half wander fixed territories in the outdoor map. Sometimes, their territories seem boundless, and if you’re looking for a specific NPC, it can be hard to track him down. This was a “feature” of MegaTraveller 2 as well.
Ultimately, in Shamar’s Temple, we found a priest named Malocchius. He was the grandson of the Malocchius who had cursed the knights of Commington Forest, turning them into trees. He gladly gave us the Ring of Transformation to undo the curse.           
Damn it. This would have been the perfect closing screenshot for my previous entry (“Sins of the Father”). If only I’d played 15 more minutes.
           The head of the cult asked us to retrieve the sacred Scrolls of Shamar in return for the Spell of Restoration, which ages ago Cagliostra said I would need to defeat Grimnoth. The scrolls are supposedly hidden on the grounds of Castle Thiris (which I already visited and found empty), but a descendant of one of the builders of the castle might know where they’re hidden. He is north, in Arinor.
It was time to go back to Commington Forest. As I transitioned between the two locations, Duke Gormond’s knights attacked me but weren’t very hard. After their defeat, a quick screen showed Gormond “seething in anger.” I can’t wait to deal with him.           
Keep sending them, though. They’re good practice.
         Back in Commington, the Ring of Transformation did its job and the trees became knights again. They immediately offered to join my party. I can’t remember who I dismissed (one of the Monteplai prisoners, I think), but I was surprised to see that the result was a group of five knights in my party, sharing a single character portrait and inventory screen. Although they show up as a collective, you must individually place them on the battle screen. You also have to amass a stack of five of whatever you want them to equip before they can equip weapons, armor, shields, and other items. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite like it in an RPG.             
A collective “NPC.”
        With the trees gone, we were able to pierce further into Commington Forest, until we found a portal in one of its clearings. It took us to the elven kingdom of Fraywood, a realm “filled with mischief and magic,” as Cagliostra reported from her mirror. She said that in addition to the crown, we would need a symbol of “the innocence and goodness of this realm”–perhaps the horn of a unicorn. Unfortunately, unicorns will only appear to virgins.
            Everyone uncomfortably avoids looking at Chesotor.
          In conversation with NPCs, it transpired that power in the elven kingdom is based on one’s ability to tell jokes and pull pranks. Some wit recently pulled a good one on the new king, Wilric, by slipping a laxative into the food served at his father’s wake. (Grimnoth apparently killed him, too.) King Wilric was still stewing over this humiliation when we met him, plus he was concerned about the men burning sections of Commington Forest. (We had met them in the last session; they all claimed my father hired them.) The elves’ souls are apparently linked to the trees in the forest. For his help, he wanted me to identify the prankster who had embarrassed him and to stop the destruction of the forest.           I had to return to the surface to deal with the forest burners. One made me kill him, another wouldn’t leave unless I bribed him, and a third (who said he had always felt guilty about the job) agreed to stop based on a moral argument alone.            
This one was not long for this world.
           Finding the prankster took several steps. We had to first find the alchemist that sold him the Dyell Root (the laxative). I had to threaten him to reveal the buyer: the king’s cousin, Brodo. Upon hearing this information, King Wilric concocted his revenge. He had me go to a different apothecary and purchase a large amount of Broche powder, which causes uncontrolled urination.
Brodo confessed to the entire plot when I confronted him, but he was still dumb enough to take a tankard of ale from me. Soon, he was wetting his pants and unable to control it. Despite the fact that his “revenge prank” was both derivative of and less impressive than the original, King Wilric was overjoyed and joined the party, contributing the third crown.                
Bathroom humor wins the day.
       ��   During these adventures, we encountered a female elf named Gwin whose father had locked her in a chastity belt before getting killed in a prank gone bad. She asked my help finding its key. Her father’s friend, Tyrnoth, agreed to help us for 27 gold pieces. But when we followed his directions by entering a particular house north of the castle, we accidentally freed a “shaggy beast” that we then had to kill. Embarrassingly, I spent a lot of time afterwards digging up the floor before I realized the entire thing had been a prank.
         One for you, Tyrnoth.
          I eventually resorted to casting “Truth” spells to figure out who could help me. It turned out to be Rianen, Gwin’s sister, who had been jealous of Gwin’s beauty. Rianen found the directions to the key among her father’s effects, but she couldn’t read it because it was written in an ancient elven language. My Ring of Translation did the trick, although as you’ll see below, it’s unclear exactly how.            
What part of this was “written in an ancient elven language”?
           I dug up the key at the indicated location and returned it to Gwin, who joined the party in gratitude. Assuming she was the virgin needed to lure a unicorn, I wondered how we were going to find a unicorn, but it turned out that I didn’t need to worry: one showed up the moment we left Gwin’s hut. The beast sacrificed itself to allow us to gather it’s horn, an act that I hadn’t imagined was necessary until that moment. I’m reminded of how I didn’t realize that the bull was killed at the end of a bullfight until I was well past the age of 30.           
This doesn’t feel good at all.
        I also met an elf named Turry Startide who described himself as a “muse.” “Before the portal closed,” he said, “I frequently appeared to human creators and aided their imaginations.” Recalling the novelist’s request in Silvermoor, I added Turry to my party and took him with me when I went back to the surface to deal with the forest-burners. The author, Dorian Schick, was delighted to have a muse and gave me a diamond in return. This went into my spell components and allowed me access to a few new spells, including “Resurrection.”
Another NPC elf was named “Woody,” had the portrait of Woody Allen, and spoken in Allen-esque quips about his inability to attract women. After a few pages of one-liners (ex: “She hates jokes. I asked her to go for a walk with me in the woods and she said, ‘Don’t make me laugh'”), he gave me his collected Comedic Works. I remembered some gnome back in Alveola who wanted a book of jokes, but upon revisiting the gnome kingdom, I couldn’t find whoever it was.              
This was a little too on-the-nose.
        We returned to Alonia through the portal and moved on to the next stop in our exploration pattern: the Cathedral of Equus. Our trip was short. The cathedral was completely deserted, and I could find no sign of the monks and nothing to do. Later, in Havenshire, the mother of one of the monks told me of rumors that the monks had turned to sorcery and it was they who had summoned Grimnoth.           
It was a nice graphic, though.
         Thus, we continued on to the harbor village of Galraven, across a narrow channel from Gormond’s castle of Vinazia. I found some shops and spent some time selling amassed equipment and getting some better items for a few of my characters. NPCs told me that Gormond had threatened ship captains against bringing my party to Vinazia. A broke tavern denizen sold me a treasure map for 50 gold pieces; it refers to a bank of a river in a mountain village.             
Gormond has apparently never heard of “Teleport.”
          I couldn’t find much else to do in Galraven, so I teleported clear across the map, and slightly north, to the island of Jupiles and its castle, Ventrax. I hadn’t heard much about the location in previous encounters, but it transpired that the island is “ruled” by Emperor Kuvey Lyter. Lyter used to be a friend of my father’s, but the two had a falling out, and Lyter retreated to Jupiles, declaring it an independent state and allowing the practice of magic. The island successfully repelled the first few attempts to take it back, and it appears that Clesodor simply decided to let the matter go.          
It turns out that Lyter uses the title “emperor” ironically, so it’s okay.
         The kingdom was a weird cross between Oz and a Montessori School, with meandering colorful walkways and a happy populace of “artists, free thinkers, fun seekers, wanderers, and outcasts” allowed “the freedom to grow and learn.” Everyone loved Lyter and no one was unhappy to hear that Clesodor had died except Lyter himself.
The only thing Lyter wanted was knighthood, so he asked me to bring him my father’s knighting sword, which I had fortunately picked up in Castle Duras. In exchange, he gave me two more “group companions”–a set of knights and a set of archers. I had to get rid of Queen Neika and Sir Valakor to accept them. This means that while I have 10 character portraits, I functionally have 22 people with me–more of a “company” than a “party.” These individuals make combat easier but longer, since they’re placed and act individually despite sharing a single portrait.
Lyter has been building a wall to keep out the encroaching darkness, so he asked me to find a supplier for stone and mortar. The game didn’t give me an option to tell him that such a plan was both foolish and futile.         
“Together, we might come up with less silly names for our two kingdoms.”
         I consulted the map. The final sequence of visits seemed destined to go as follows: the village of Ragmar, the village of Havenshire, Castle Vinazia, Mount Shaska, and finally the northernmost village of Arinor. I knew I would have to return to Castle Thiris to find the Scrolls of Shamar and bring them to Thornkeep before returning to Thiris again for the endgame, and I suspected there would be some other secondary “return visits” in the meantime. Also, somewhere in that sequence, I’m going to need to find the passage to Aerieus, the final realm.
Ragmar, a dilapidated, vandalized, and suspicious village, turned out to the source of the thieves’ guild who has been raiding surrounding villages. The mayor begged me to find the guild and recover the village’s treasury, which they stole.            
As we’re about to see, I apparently had trouble finding the guild, too.
          One of the NPCs was the wife of Felron, one of the prisoners I released from Monteplai. She begged me to release her husband, but the game gave me no option to tell her that I’d already done so, and I had dismissed him from my party some time ago. This reminded me to remark that a game with this many NPCs needs some central place to organize them. They just disappear when you dismiss them; they don’t return to their original locations.
While I was in Ragmar, the gnome King Amarcam piped up that he had joined my party to help fight Grimnoth, not to solve all the problems of my realm. I thought it was a particularly realistic bit of NPC dialogue. I started to wonder whether I really needed the kings of the other four realms in my party, or whether their crowns were enough.
            I’ll remember that next time I waste hours on a gnomish murder mystery.
          I took a break of a few days after my visit to Ragmar, and when I reloaded, the party was in Havenshire. I can’t remember why I decided to move on from Ragmar, but I know I didn’t solve the thieves’ guild quest. Maybe I couldn’t find them. I have vague plans to return later, I guess. 
          A sheep gives me a new quest.
       In Havenshire, NPC dialogue indicated that their phoenix, normally a protector, has recently gone crazy and started killing the town’s livestock. It is apparently immune to regular weapons. Sure enough, every time we engaged it, it killed my party members one-by-one without suffering any damage.          
This was a good way to remind myself who’s in the party. I keep losing track.
         One villager told of an ancient hero named Tyro who defeated the beast with the Armor of Valor, the Sword of Malokor, and the Shield of Blotgar. A farmer named Silverfox Tenderfoot said that all the talk of magic items was nonsense, and that the phoenix could be defeated by a giant who lives on Mount Shaska, “the greatest warrior ever.” However, I learned from one NPC that the sword and shield were buried and the map to them entrusted to a “family of sailors that lived in a harbor village,” which sounds a lot like the map I received in Galraven.             
An NPC lays out the problem.
          The Armor of Valor, meanwhile, was in the museum in the center of the town. The curator had hidden the artifact but agreed to give it to me if I could provide “proof that the phoenix can be stopped.” I’m not sure what proof he was looking for, but I didn’t have it. I thought it might be the sword and shield.           
The king bargains for stuff he should just be able to take.
       “South of the watersprings on the bank of the river,” the map had directed. I soon found a pool alongside the bank of the river and dug to the south of it. Oddly, I found not a sword and shield by a diary of someone named Sir Creyar, who discovered that when the phoenix goes mad, it must be killed “in order for it to regenerate into a greater form.” Fortunately, I kept trying and ultimately found the sword and shield more to the southeast than to the south of the fountain.             
Does that shovel look “south” of the fountain to you?
        Nearby, we talked to an NPC and found ourselves in conversation with the Avatar from the Ultima series, who complained of his lot in life. It ended with Chesotor telling him, “You probably have an adventure or two left in you. Rest up. Maybe we’ll meet again someday.” I don’t know exactly what the creators were going for in this encounter. It seems too silly to be serious, too grim to be parody, too detailed to be a simple homage. Maybe they were hoping to get jobs at Origin.              
The poor Avatar has no idea what’s coming for him.
           With the artifacts in hand, I returned to the curator, who gave me the Armor of Valor. I briefly thought of investigating the rumors of the giant, but I realized that to accept him in my party, I’d have to get rid of one of the group “characters,” one of the kings, Felrid (who Cagliostra said I’d need), or one of my powerful spellcasters. I decided to deal with the phoenix myself, but I don’t know what I’m going to do when I meet the King or Queen of Aerieus.
I found and attacked the Phoenix, who died in a single blow.            
Chesotor fights the phoenix in the upper left, while the rest of the party mills around in the lower-right.
          The curator told me to keep the magic items until I had defeated Grimnoth, then return them so the bird could be killed again when the time came. Other NPC dialogue change to reflect the fact that I had killed the creature, which is a nice touch in this game.             
I’m not sure I’d call the battle “epic.”
         Unfortunately, this session highlighted the exact problem I outlined at the end of the last session: it’s becoming much more an adventure game than an RPG. These seven hours featured no character development and only three combats, two of them against single enemies who died almost instantly. Nonetheless, perhaps more than any other game I’ve played this year, I’m excited to see how the plot resolves for the young King of Alonia. I don’t know about you, but I think it’s time to kill my cousin.
Time so far: 29 hours
Note: I started Realms of Arkania far too early. It was irresponsible to begin it with two games already active and my time so limited by end-of-semester activities. So it’s going to sit on the back burner while I wrap up Challenge and hopefully Camelot. I hope to get to the second entry on the game late next week.
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/challenge-of-the-five-realms-river-and-phoenix/
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
grand theft auto online pc
grand theft auto online pc
Grand Theft Auto Online cheats & more for PC (PC)
Easter Eggs
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Genre: Action, Third-Person 3D Action Developer: Rockstar North Publisher: Rockstar Games ESRB Rating: Mature Release Date: October 1, 2013
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Currently we have no cheats or codes for Grand Theft Auto Online yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Rank Unlocks
If you reach the indicated rank in GTA Online You will unlock the correspondingbonuses:
Rank 1 Combat Shotgun Pistol Rank 2 Pistol Clips Stunt Jumps Rank 3 Car Mod Shop Hold Ups One-On-One Deathmatch Pegasus Shooting Range Shops Rank 4 Pistol Flashlight Rank 5 Garages Micro SMG Movies Personal Vehice Delivery Pistol Supressor Ballas To The Wall (Lamar mission) Chasers (Simeon mission) It Takes A Thief (Simeon mission) Rich Men In Richman (Simeon mission) Rockford Roll (Simeon mission) Where Credit's Due (Simeon mission) Rank 6 Arm Wrestling Bumpers (Custom Chin Spoiler) Darks Golf Strip Club Tennis Deal Breaker (Gerald mission) Death Metal (Gerald mission) Flood In The LS River (Gerald mission) Pier Pressure (Gerald mission) Rank 7 Meth'd Up (Gerald mission) Trevor's Enigma (Gerald mission) Rank 8 Bumpers (Painted Rear Bumper) Import/Export Windows (Light Smoke) Rank 9 Combat Pistol Combat Pistol Extended Clip Exhaust (Chrome Tip) No Hay Bronca (Gerald mission) Rank 10 Auto Armor 20% Bounties All In The Game (Simeon mission) El Burro Heists (Simeon mission) Gentry Does It (Simeon mission) Rank 11 Combat Pistol Supressor Parachutes (Blue) Parachuting SMG Rank 12 Merryweather Crate Drop Blow Up (Simeon mission) Gassed Up (Gerald mission) Rank 13 Ammo Drop Romance Isn't Dead (Ron mission) Rank 15 Grenade Grill (Painted Light Surroundings) Parachutes (Black Smoke Trails) SMG Supressor Survival Violent Duct (Gerald mission) Rank 16 Parachutes (Red) Chasers II (Simeon mission) San Andreas Seoul (Lamar mission) Rank 17 Bull Shark Testosterone Pump Shotgun Suspension (Lowered) Rank 18 Gang Attacks Parachutes (Yellow Smoke Trails) Ticket To Elysium (Lamar mission) Rank 19 Armored Truck Sticky Bomb Cop's Capacity (Lester mission) Rank 20 Back-Up Helicopter Gas Can Wheels (Bulletproof) Blow Up II (Simeon mission) Caught Napping (Lamar mission) Fueling The Flames (Ron mission) Going Down The GOH (Lamar mission) Lost My Mind (Trevor mission) Rank 21 Bumpers (Painted And Chin Spoiler) Lights (Xenon Lights) Remove Wanted Level Sniper Rifle Rank 22 Landing Strip (Lester mission) Out Of Court Settlement (Martin mission) Rank 23 Hood (Ram Air) Parachutes (Seaside Stripes) Rank 24 Assault Rifle Parachutes (Orange Smoke Trails) A Titan Of A Job (Lester mission) Death From Above (Martin mission) Rank 25 Boat Pick-Up Explosives (Ignition Bomb) ATV Steal (Simeon mission) Daemon Run (Ron mission) High Priority Case (Lester mission) Last Chopper Out Of LS (Lester mission) Lost MC RIP (Lamar mission) Turbine Carbine (Ron mission) Rank 26 Roll Cage (Stunt Cage) Rank 27 Parachutes (Red Smoke Trail) Base Invaders (Ron mission) Rank 28 Parachutes (Hornet) Crystal Clear Out (Trevor mission) Rank 29 Assault SMG Rank 30 Auto Armor 40% Exhaust (Big Bore) Helicopter Pick-Up By Land, Sea And Air (Lester mission) Crank Up The Volume (Ron mission) No Smoking (Lamar mission) Quarry Quarry (Lester mission) War And Pieces (Gerald mission) Rank 31 Windows (Dark Smoke) Blow Up III (Simeon mission) Rank 32 Parachutes (Patriot) Rank 33 AP Pistol Hood (Carbon Hood) Rank 35 Send Mercenaries Check Out Time (Martin mission) Chumash And Grab (Gerald mission) Locate A Helicopter Rank 36 Suspension (Street) Rank 37 Assault Shotgun Rank 38 Parachutes (Widowmaker) Rank 40 Off The Radar Reveal Players A Boat In The Bay (Ron mission) Grab Your Ballas (Martin mission) Stick Up The Stickup Crew (Martin mission) Teaser Trailer (Lester mission) The Los Santos Connection (Martin mission) Water The Vineyard (Martin mission) Rank 41 Hood (Triple Intake) Rank 42 Carbine Rifle Virgin Mary Tattoo (Right Arm) Rank 44 Parachutes (Rainbow) Rank 45 Bumpers (Painted and Large Splitter) Trinity Knot Tattoo (Torso) Cleaning The Cat House (Martin mission) Dish The Dirt (Gerald mission) Dry Docking (Martin mission) Editor And Thief (Martin mission) Four Trailers (Lester mission) Mixed Up With Coke (Martin mission) Rank 48 Lady M Tattoo (Left Arm) Rank 49 Windows (Limo) Rank 50 Airstrike Auto Armor 60% Explosives (Remote Bomb) MG Mugger Extradition (Martin mission) Holed Up - Burton (Martin mission) Out Of Harmony (Trevor mission) Rank 51 Tribal Tattoo (Right Leg) Rank 52 Exhaust (Side Exit) Rank 53 Hood (Single Intake) Rank 55 Bust Out (Lester mission) Landing Gear (Ron mission) Show Me The Monet (Martin mission) Sinking Feeling (Lester mission) The Parking Garage (Lester mission) Wet Work (Ron mission) Rank 56 Parachutes (Black) Suspension (Sport) Rank 57 Chinese Dragon Tattoo (Left Leg) Rank 60 Grenade Launcher Hack And Dash (Lester mission) Mermaid Tattoo (Right Arm) Satellite Communications (Trevor mission) Rank 63 Evil Clown Tattoo (Torso) Rank 64 Bumpers (Extended Chin Spoiler) Rank 65 American Exports (Lester mission) Chemical Extraction (Lester mission) Judging The Jury (Martin mission) Method In The Madness (Trevor mission) On Maneuvers (Lester mission) Rank 66 Dope Skull Tattoo (Left Arm) Rank 69 Stone Cross Tattoo (Torso) Rank 70 Advanced Rifle Chopper Tail (Trevor mission) Defender (Martin mission) Diamonds Are For Trevor (Trevor mission) Docks To Stock (Lester mission) Stocks And Scares (Lester mission) Rank 71 Suspension (Competition) Rank 72 Los Santos Bills Tattoo (Torso) Rank 75 Indian Ram Tattoo (Right Leg) Docks To Stock II (Lester mission) Rooftop Rumble (Martin mission) Rank 78 Dragon Tattoo (Left Leg) Rank 80 Auto Armor 80% Combat MG Rank 81 Serpent Skull Tattoo (Right Arm) Trash Talk (Martin mission) Rank 84 Skulls And Rose Tattoo (Torso) Rank 90 Heavy Sniper Rifle Rank 100 Auto Armor 100% RPG Rank 120 Mini-gun
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Grand Theft Auto Online yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Grand Theft Auto Online yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Achievement List
Above the Law – GTA Online | Reach Rank 100. – 80
American Dream – GTA Online | Own an Apartment, Garage and an Insured Vehicle. – 10
Backseat Driver – GTA Online | Direct a driver to 1st place as co-driver in Rally Mode. – 10
Be Prepared (secret) – GTA Online | Complete a Heist Setup. – 10
Can’t Touch This – GTA Online | Complete a Heist Finale without taking any damage. – 30
Clean Sweep – GTA Online | Finish a Gang Attack without dying and kill at least 10 enemies. – 10
Crew Cut – GTA Online | Complete a Job as a member of a Crew. – 5
Dead Presidents (secret) – GTA Online | Complete The Fleeca Job and The Pacific Standard Job as Heist Leader or Crew. – 30
Decorated – GTA Online | Earn 30 Platinum Awards. – 50
Dialling Digits – GTA Online | Call for a Backup Helicopter for the first time. – 5
Enjoy Your Stay – GTA Online | Participate in everything Los Santos has to offer. – 20
Four Way – GTA Online | As Heist Leader set the Finale cut as 25% across all players. – 10
Full Refund – GTA Online | Kill the thief that mugged you. – 10
In the Name of Science (secret) – GTA Online | Complete The Humane Labs Raid and Series A Funding as Heist Leader or Crew. – 30
Live a Little – GTA Online | Spend a total of $8,000,000 purchasing vehicles included as part of The Heists Update. – 50
Making Moves – GTA Online | Reach Rank 50. – 30
Mastermind – GTA Online | Earn 25 platinum medals across Heist Setups and Finales. – 50
Numero Uno – GTA Online | Obtain first place in all competitive game types. – 20
Off the Plane – GTA Online | Complete the Introduction. – 5
Parole Day (secret) – GTA Online | Complete The Prison Break as Heist Leader or Crew. – 30
Run Like The Wind – GTA Online | Survive for a day with a Bounty on your head. – 20
Shot Caller – GTA Online | Invest your hard earned cash to set up a Heist. – 10
Stick Up Kid – GTA Online | Hold up all 20 Stores. – 10
The Midnight Club – GTA Online | Use custom vehicles to win 5 races. – 20
Three-Bit Gangster – GTA Online | Reach Rank 25. – 10
Unnatural Selection – GTA Online | Complete all 10 waves of a Survival. – 20
Steam Achievements
Above The Law – GTA Online | Reach Rank 100. – 80
American Dream – GTA Online | Own an Apartment, Garage and an Insured Vehicle. – 10
Backseat Driver – GTA Online | Direct a driver to 1st place as co-driver in Rally Mode. – 10
Clean Sweep – GTA Online | Finish a Gang Attack without dying and kill at least 10 enemies. – 10
Crew Cut – GTA Online | Complete a Job as a member of a Crew. – 5
Decorated – GTA Online | Earn 30 Platinum Awards. – 50
Dialling Digits – GTA Online | Call for a Backup Helicopter for the first time. – 5
Enjoy Your Stay – GTA Online | Participate in everything Los Santos has to offer. – 20
Full Refund – GTA Online | Kill the thief that mugged you. – 10
Making Moves – GTA Online | Reach Rank 50. – 30
Numero Uno – GTA Online | Obtain first place in all competitive game types. – 20
Off The Plane – GTA Online | Complete the Introduction. – 5
Run Like The Wind – GTA Online | Survive for a day with a Bounty on your head. – 20
Stick Up Kid – GTA Online | Hold up all 20 Stores. – 10
The Midnight Club – GTA Online | Use custom vehicles to win 5 races. – 20
Three-Bit Gangster – GTA Online | Reach Rank 25. – 10
Unnatural Selection – GTA Online | Complete all 10 waves of a Survival. – 20
0 notes
wankyuniverse · 9 months
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13 notes · View notes
wankyuniverse · 9 months
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12 notes · View notes
wankyuniverse · 9 months
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15 notes · View notes
wankyuniverse · 11 months
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7 notes · View notes
virginriverfm · 1 month
ooooh i would love to see priscilla quintana, sydney sweeney, zendaya, maia mitchell, madison bailey, shay mitchell, alish boe, lily james, natalia dyer, margot robbie, chloe bailey, aja naomi king, karla souza, camila mendes, lana condor, zoe saldana, madelaine petsch, madelyn cline, phoebe tonkin, nina dobrev, adelaine kane, carlson young, chase sui wonders & jenna ortega !!
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virginriverfm · 1 month
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virgin river welcomes you, ENZO MORALES ( CLAYTON CARDENAS ) & QUINN MORALES ( ALICIA VIKANDER ). we hope you enjoy your stay and please don’t forget to check in within 24 hours. thank you for choosing to write with us, brooke !
『 CLAYTON CARDENAS, CIS MALE, HE & HIM 』wait a second! isn’t that ( ENZO MORALES ) who just walked into jack’s bar? rumor around town is that the local is approaching their ( TWENTIETH ) year in virgin river. in the meantime, you can find the ( THIRTY-EIGHT ) year old working as a ( MECHANIC ) at ( NELSONS GARAGE ). rumor around town is that ( HE ) has a reputation for being a little ( - ALOOF ), but they make up for it by being ( + HARDWORKING ). 『 BROOKE, 28, SHE & HER 』
『 ALICIA VIKANDER, CIS FEMALE, SHE & HER 』wait a second! isn’t that ( QUINN MORALES ) who just walked into jack’s bar? rumor around town is that the local is approaching their ( FIFTH ) year in virgin river. in the meantime, you can find the ( THIRTY-FIVE ) year old working as a ( FBI AGENT ) at ( VIRGIN RIVER POLICE STATION ). rumor around town is that ( SHE ) has a reputation for being a little ( - BOSSY ), but they make up for it by being ( + PASSIONATE ). 『 BROOKE, 28, SHE & HER 』
0 notes
virginriverfm · 1 month
good afternoon, tags !! alas, super excited to announce we're dropping in the tags and officially open for applications. if you're looking for a cozy place to write and develop your muse in.. come check out our small town / wholesome living community in virgin river. we're based loosely off the books + tv series, but it is not necessary to know either, as we're a small town rp that is set in northern california. virgin river can't wait to welcome you home !!
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0 notes
wankyuniverse · 3 months
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2 notes · View notes
allcheatscodes · 7 years
grand theft auto online xbox 360
grand theft auto online xbox 360
GTA Online cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Grand Theft Auto Online cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Grand Theft Auto Online.
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Official Title: Grand Theft Auto Online
Genre: Action, Third-Person 3D Action
Developer: Rockstar North
Publisher: Rockstar Games
ESRB Rating: Mature
Release Date: October 1, 2013
Currently we have no tips for Grand Theft Auto Online yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Grand Theft Auto Online yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Rank Unlocks
If you reach the indicated rank in GTA Online You will unlock the correspondingbonuses:
Rank 1 Combat Shotgun Pistol Rank 2 Pistol Clips Stunt Jumps Rank 3 Car Mod Shop Hold Ups One-On-One Deathmatch Pegasus Shooting Range Shops Rank 4 Pistol Flashlight Rank 5 Garages Micro SMG Movies Personal Vehice Delivery Pistol Supressor Ballas To The Wall (Lamar mission) Chasers (Simeon mission) It Takes A Thief (Simeon mission) Rich Men In Richman (Simeon mission) Rockford Roll (Simeon mission) Where Credit's Due (Simeon mission) Rank 6 Arm Wrestling Bumpers (Custom Chin Spoiler) Darks Golf Strip Club Tennis Deal Breaker (Gerald mission) Death Metal (Gerald mission) Flood In The LS River (Gerald mission) Pier Pressure (Gerald mission) Rank 7 Meth'd Up (Gerald mission) Trevor's Enigma (Gerald mission) Rank 8 Bumpers (Painted Rear Bumper) Import/Export Windows (Light Smoke) Rank 9 Combat Pistol Combat Pistol Extended Clip Exhaust (Chrome Tip) No Hay Bronca (Gerald mission) Rank 10 Auto Armor 20% Bounties All In The Game (Simeon mission) El Burro Heists (Simeon mission) Gentry Does It (Simeon mission) Rank 11 Combat Pistol Supressor Parachutes (Blue) Parachuting SMG Rank 12 Merryweather Crate Drop Blow Up (Simeon mission) Gassed Up (Gerald mission) Rank 13 Ammo Drop Romance Isn't Dead (Ron mission) Rank 15 Grenade Grill (Painted Light Surroundings) Parachutes (Black Smoke Trails) SMG Supressor Survival Violent Duct (Gerald mission) Rank 16 Parachutes (Red) Chasers II (Simeon mission) San Andreas Seoul (Lamar mission) Rank 17 Bull Shark Testosterone Pump Shotgun Suspension (Lowered) Rank 18 Gang Attacks Parachutes (Yellow Smoke Trails) Ticket To Elysium (Lamar mission) Rank 19 Armored Truck Sticky Bomb Cop's Capacity (Lester mission) Rank 20 Back-Up Helicopter Gas Can Wheels (Bulletproof) Blow Up II (Simeon mission) Caught Napping (Lamar mission) Fueling The Flames (Ron mission) Going Down The GOH (Lamar mission) Lost My Mind (Trevor mission) Rank 21 Bumpers (Painted And Chin Spoiler) Lights (Xenon Lights) Remove Wanted Level Sniper Rifle Rank 22 Landing Strip (Lester mission) Out Of Court Settlement (Martin mission) Rank 23 Hood (Ram Air) Parachutes (Seaside Stripes) Rank 24 Assault Rifle Parachutes (Orange Smoke Trails) A Titan Of A Job (Lester mission) Death From Above (Martin mission) Rank 25 Boat Pick-Up Explosives (Ignition Bomb) ATV Steal (Simeon mission) Daemon Run (Ron mission) High Priority Case (Lester mission) Last Chopper Out Of LS (Lester mission) Lost MC RIP (Lamar mission) Turbine Carbine (Ron mission) Rank 26 Roll Cage (Stunt Cage) Rank 27 Parachutes (Red Smoke Trail) Base Invaders (Ron mission) Rank 28 Parachutes (Hornet) Crystal Clear Out (Trevor mission) Rank 29 Assault SMG Rank 30 Auto Armor 40% Exhaust (Big Bore) Helicopter Pick-Up By Land, Sea And Air (Lester mission) Crank Up The Volume (Ron mission) No Smoking (Lamar mission) Quarry Quarry (Lester mission) War And Pieces (Gerald mission) Rank 31 Windows (Dark Smoke) Blow Up III (Simeon mission) Rank 32 Parachutes (Patriot) Rank 33 AP Pistol Hood (Carbon Hood) Rank 35 Send Mercenaries Check Out Time (Martin mission) Chumash And Grab (Gerald mission) Locate A Helicopter Rank 36 Suspension (Street) Rank 37 Assault Shotgun Rank 38 Parachutes (Widowmaker) Rank 40 Off The Radar Reveal Players A Boat In The Bay (Ron mission) Grab Your Ballas (Martin mission) Stick Up The Stickup Crew (Martin mission) Teaser Trailer (Lester mission) The Los Santos Connection (Martin mission) Water The Vineyard (Martin mission) Rank 41 Hood (Triple Intake) Rank 42 Carbine Rifle Virgin Mary Tattoo (Right Arm) Rank 44 Parachutes (Rainbow) Rank 45 Bumpers (Painted and Large Splitter) Trinity Knot Tattoo (Torso) Cleaning The Cat House (Martin mission) Dish The Dirt (Gerald mission) Dry Docking (Martin mission) Editor And Thief (Martin mission) Four Trailers (Lester mission) Mixed Up With Coke (Martin mission) Rank 48 Lady M Tattoo (Left Arm) Rank 49 Windows (Limo) Rank 50 Airstrike Auto Armor 60% Explosives (Remote Bomb) MG Mugger Extradition (Martin mission) Holed Up - Burton (Martin mission) Out Of Harmony (Trevor mission) Rank 51 Tribal Tattoo (Right Leg) Rank 52 Exhaust (Side Exit) Rank 53 Hood (Single Intake) Rank 55 Bust Out (Lester mission) Landing Gear (Ron mission) Show Me The Monet (Martin mission) Sinking Feeling (Lester mission) The Parking Garage (Lester mission) Wet Work (Ron mission) Rank 56 Parachutes (Black) Suspension (Sport) Rank 57 Chinese Dragon Tattoo (Left Leg) Rank 60 Grenade Launcher Hack And Dash (Lester mission) Mermaid Tattoo (Right Arm) Satellite Communications (Trevor mission) Rank 63 Evil Clown Tattoo (Torso) Rank 64 Bumpers (Extended Chin Spoiler) Rank 65 American Exports (Lester mission) Chemical Extraction (Lester mission) Judging The Jury (Martin mission) Method In The Madness (Trevor mission) On Maneuvers (Lester mission) Rank 66 Dope Skull Tattoo (Left Arm) Rank 69 Stone Cross Tattoo (Torso) Rank 70 Advanced Rifle Chopper Tail (Trevor mission) Defender (Martin mission) Diamonds Are For Trevor (Trevor mission) Docks To Stock (Lester mission) Stocks And Scares (Lester mission) Rank 71 Suspension (Competition) Rank 72 Los Santos Bills Tattoo (Torso) Rank 75 Indian Ram Tattoo (Right Leg) Docks To Stock II (Lester mission) Rooftop Rumble (Martin mission) Rank 78 Dragon Tattoo (Left Leg) Rank 80 Auto Armor 80% Combat MG Rank 81 Serpent Skull Tattoo (Right Arm) Trash Talk (Martin mission) Rank 84 Skulls And Rose Tattoo (Torso) Rank 90 Heavy Sniper Rifle Rank 100 Auto Armor 100% RPG Rank 120 Mini-gun
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Grand Theft Auto Online yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Grand Theft Auto Online yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Achievement List
Above the Law – GTA Online | Reach Rank 100. – 80
American Dream – GTA Online | Own an Apartment, Garage and an Insured Vehicle. – 10
Backseat Driver – GTA Online | Direct a driver to 1st place as co-driver in Rally Mode. – 10
Be Prepared (secret) – GTA Online | Complete a Heist Setup. – 10
Can’t Touch This – GTA Online | Complete a Heist Finale without taking any damage. – 30
Clean Sweep – GTA Online | Finish a Gang Attack without dying and kill at least 10 enemies. – 10
Crew Cut – GTA Online | Complete a Job as a member of a Crew. – 5
Dead Presidents (secret) – GTA Online | Complete The Fleeca Job and The Pacific Standard Job as Heist Leader or Crew. – 30
Decorated – GTA Online | Earn 30 Platinum Awards. – 50
Dialling Digits – GTA Online | Call for a Backup Helicopter for the first time. – 5
Enjoy Your Stay – GTA Online | Participate in everything Los Santos has to offer. – 20
Four Way – GTA Online | As Heist Leader set the Finale cut as 25% across all players. – 10
Full Refund – GTA Online | Kill the thief that mugged you. – 10
In the Name of Science (secret) – GTA Online | Complete The Humane Labs Raid and Series A Funding as Heist Leader or Crew. – 30
Live a Little – GTA Online | Spend a total of $8,000,000 purchasing vehicles included as part of The Heists Update. – 50
Making Moves – GTA Online | Reach Rank 50. – 30
Mastermind – GTA Online | Earn 25 platinum medals across Heist Setups and Finales. – 50
Numero Uno – GTA Online | Obtain first place in all competitive game types. – 20
Off the Plane – GTA Online | Complete the Introduction. – 5
Parole Day (secret) – GTA Online | Complete The Prison Break as Heist Leader or Crew. – 30
Run Like The Wind – GTA Online | Survive for a day with a Bounty on your head. – 20
Shot Caller – GTA Online | Invest your hard earned cash to set up a Heist. – 10
Stick Up Kid – GTA Online | Hold up all 20 Stores. – 10
The Midnight Club – GTA Online | Use custom vehicles to win 5 races. – 20
Three-Bit Gangster – GTA Online | Reach Rank 25. – 10
Unnatural Selection – GTA Online | Complete all 10 waves of a Survival. – 20
0 notes