roamanddiscover · 1 year
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Illinois, a state located in the Midwestern region of the United States, is known for its diverse landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture. It is the sixth most populous state in the US, with Chicago as its largest city and Springfield as the state capital. Illinois is bordered by Wisconsin to the north, Indiana to the east, Kentucky to the southeast, Missouri to the west, and Iowa to the northwest. The state of Illinois covers a total area of 57,915 square miles and has a varied terrain, including vast farmlands, dense forests, rolling hills, rugged bluffs, and pristine lakes. The state's economy is heavily based on manufacturing, agriculture, and services, with major industries including financial services, healthcare, transportation equipment, and food processing. Illinois has a rich history and heritage that dates back to ancient times. The region was inhabited by various indigenous tribes, including the Cahokia, Potawatomi, and Illiniwek, before the arrival of European explorers and settlers in the 1600s. The French established the first settlement in Illinois, and it later became part of the United States in 1818. The state has a diverse population of around 12.7 million people, with a rich cultural tapestry of ethnicities, religions, and languages. English is the most widely spoken language in Illinois, followed by Spanish and other languages spoken by immigrants. The predominant religions in the state are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Illinois is also home to many stunning natural attractions, such as the Shawnee National Forest, Starved Rock State Park, and the Lincoln Trail State Park. The state also boasts a rich cultural heritage, with world-class museums, art galleries, and music venues. Illinois is famous for being the birthplace of many notable public figures, including Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, Ernest Hemingway, and Oprah Winfrey. If you visit Illinois, you will experience the warmth and hospitality of the locals, enjoy the natural beauty and stunning vistas of the state's countryside, and immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage and diversity that the state has to offer. Whether you are a nature lover, a history buff, or a foodie, Illinois has something for everyone.
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The name 'Illinois' comes from the French rendering of the Algonquian language word for the Illinois Confederation, 'ilinwek' or 'illiniwek.' This name refers to a group of Native American tribes who lived in the region even before the arrival of European explorers. The meaning of 'ilinwek' is disputed, but it is commonly translated as 'tribe of superior men,' 'men of men,' or 'best people.' The Illinois Confederation was a loose alliance of several tribes, including the Cahokia, Kaskaskia, Peoria, and Tamaroa, among others. They inhabited the region around the Mississippi River, extending from present-day Illinois to parts of Wisconsin and Missouri. The name 'Illinois' was officially adopted as the state's name when it achieved statehood in 1818. It was chosen by the state's first governor, Shadrach Bond, who sought to honor the Native American tribes who had long inhabited the land.
Illinois has a rich and diverse history, dating back to precolonial times. Before European settlers arrived, the area was home to indigenous peoples, including the Illini, Miami, and Potawatomi tribes. In the years that followed, Illinois played a key role in the French and Indian War and the American Revolution. The state became part of the Northwest Territory in 1787 and was officially recognized as a state in 1818. Throughout the 19th century, Illinois grew rapidly, becoming a major hub for transportation and industrial development. The state was also notable for its involvement in the Underground Railroad, helping slaves escape to freedom in the north. In the early 20th century, Illinois was a key player in the labor movement, with major strikes and protests taking place in Chicago and other urban centers. The state also played a significant role in both World Wars, supplying troops and resources for the war effort. In the years that followed, Illinois continued to grow and evolve, with major advancements in industry and technology. The state was also marked by several notable political scandals, including the impeachment and removal of Governor Rod Blagojevich in 2009. Today, Illinois is a vibrant and diverse state, with a rich cultural heritage and thriving economy. Its history is woven throughout the fabric of the state, from its urban centers to its rural communities.
Illinois has a diverse geological landscape with various regions that all have their unique formations. One of the most notable geological features in Illinois is the Ozark Dome, a subterranean formation characterized by underground mines of lead, zinc, and other minerals. In contrast to this, the northwest and north-central region have mostly glacial formations such as drumlins, eskers, and moraines, created by the last ice age. The state has a rich history of coal mining that has left behind abandoned underground mines throughout the central part of the state. These coal deposits are from the Pennsylvanian period and are believed to have been formed about 300 million years ago. The coal-rich areas in Illinois are where the land is flat and the soil is fertile. Illinois has also been known to produce natural gas and petroleum, which has played a significant role in the industrialization and economic growth of the state. The reserves of natural gas and petroleum are found primarily in southern Illinois, in the Illinois Basin. The state has an extensive system of rivers and lakes, including the Mississippi, Illinois, Ohio, and Wabash rivers, that have played a significant role in shaping the geological makeup of Illinois. The contributions of these rivers and lakes have been significant in creating the rich farmland that exists in the state, aside from providing transportation for goods and services. the state of Illinois has a diverse geological landscape that ranges from underground mines that are rich in minerals to the flatlands that are suitable for farming. The state's history has been shaped by the natural resources found within its borders, with coal, natural gas, and petroleum being significant contributors to Illinois's industrialization. The region's numerous rivers and lakes have also had a remarkable impact on shaping the landscape and creating the fertile soil necessary for farming.
Illinois is a heavily populated state located in the Midwest of the United States. It is surrounded by Indiana to the east, Missouri to the west, Wisconsin to the north, and Kentucky to the south. The state is divided into three distinct regions: the Central Plains, Shawnee Hills, and the Illinois Ozarks. The Central Plains region consists of gently rolling hills and vast prairies with fertile soil, while the Shawnee Hills region is characterized by hills, bluffs, and forests. The Illinois Ozarks region, on the other hand, consists of rugged hills, ridges, and deep ravines. Illinois also houses several water bodies, including the Mississippi River, the Ohio River, and the Wabash River. The state also has many lakes, including Lake Michigan, which is the fifth-largest freshwater lake in the world by volume. The Chicago River also meanders through downtown Chicago to create an impressive sightseeing opportunity. The land use in Illinois is predominantly agricultural, with over 75% of the land used for farming purposes. The state is one of the largest producers of corn and soybeans in the United States. In addition to agriculture, the state is also known for its manufacturing and industrial capabilities. The major industrial centers in the state include Joliet, Rockford, Peoria, and Bloomington-Normal. Over the years, there has been a significant increase in urbanization and suburbanization in Illinois, primarily near Chicago, which is the largest city in the state. The state ranks fifth in the country in terms of urbanization, with over 87% of the population residing in urban areas. The state has an extensive transportation infrastructure network, including roads, highways, railways, and airports. The Illinois Tollway system covers over 292 miles of roadway to connect the major cities and metropolitan areas in the state. The Chicago O’Hare International Airport is the busiest airport in Illinois and one of the busiest in the United States. It serves over 83 million passengers every year. Illinois is also home to several protected areas and parks, including the Shawnee National Forest, the Illinois Beach State Park, the Starved Rock State Park, and the Lincoln Park Zoo. These parks offer visitors a glimpse of the state's natural beauty and biodiversity and are popular destinations for hiking, camping, and wildlife watching. the physical geography of Illinois is an interesting mix of rolling hills, deep ravines, forests, and water bodies. The state's land use is predominantly agricultural, with a growing urbanization trend near major cities. It has an extensive transportation network and offers numerous recreational and entertainment options for tourists. Illinois is indeed one of the most geographically diverse and culturally rich states in the United States.
Illinois is a state filled with diverse ecology, with several major biomes present within its borders. Forests, grasslands, wetlands, rivers, lakes, and streams are all habitats for a wide variety of plants and animals. About 25% of the state remains forested, with the majority of it located in the southern part of the state. The state's wetlands play a crucial role in regulating water levels, filtering pollutants, and providing habitat and food for many species. Sadly, many of these biomes have been severely impacted by human activities such as development and farming. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) works tirelessly to preserve and maintain these natural areas. They have established numerous state parks, nature preserves, and wildlife refuges to protect habitats and support wildlife populations. the state has several programs to provide financial and technical support to landowners who wish to participate in conservation efforts. One of the most significant conservation challenges in Illinois is combating invasive species that threaten many of the state's native ecosystems. The state has established protocols to identify and remove these species, including the use of prescribed burns, herbicides, and other methods. The state is also working to address water quality concerns, particularly in the Illinois River. Agricultural runoff, sewage treatment discharge, and other pollutants have had a damaging effect on the river's ecology. The state is implementing a variety of measures to improve the water quality, including guidelines for agricultural practices, new wastewater treatment facilities, and river restoration projects. The state also recognizes the importance of protecting its endangered and threatened species. The Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board is responsible for developing and implementing plans to conserve and recover species on the brink of extinction in the state. Several species, such as the gray wolf, black bear, and mountain lion, have been eliminated from the state and are being considered for reintroduction. the state encourages residents and visitors to participate in conservation efforts and education programs. These programs provide opportunities for people to learn about the state's ecology, wildlife, and natural resources and how they can help protect them.
Illinois boasts a diverse array of flora and fauna, with both native and introduced species inhabiting the state. Several types of forests, including oak-hickory and beech-maple, cover much of the state. The Illinois River, Lake Michigan, and other waterways are home to several species of fish, turtles, and amphibians. Moreover, Illinois' native plant life provides an important habitat for a variety of animals. Wildflowers such as purple coneflowers and wild lupine are often found on the state's prairies, providing food and shelter for animals ranging from bison to butterflies. Threatened or endangered species such as the Illinois mud turtle and Hine's emerald dragonfly call the state home, requiring conservation efforts to protect their habitats. In addition to the native species, Illinois has seen an influx of non-native species. Some species have been deliberately introduced due to their perceived benefits, while others have arrived unintentionally through human activities such as shipping and travel. However, non-native species can have negative impacts on the environment and native species, often outcompeting and marginalizing them. As a result, Illinois has regulations in place to prevent the introduction and spread of non-native species. Protecting Illinois' biodiversity is necessary to maintain the state's ecological health and promote its economic wellbeing. The state has established several programs to address conservation and restoration efforts, such as the Illinois Wildlife Action Plan and the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission. the state has regulations in place to protect threatened and endangered species and their habitats, as well as to prevent the introduction of non-native species that may threaten the native ecosystems. Furthermore, Illinois residents also play a critical role in the protection of the state's biodiversity. For example, homeowners can plant native species in their yards to provide habitat and food for local wildlife and can take steps to reduce their carbon footprint, aiding in the fight against climate change. Conservation organizations and volunteer groups also provide opportunities for citizens to get involved in restoration and conservation efforts across the state. Illinois' biodiversity is essential to its ecological and economic health. The state's rich natural resources provide habitat for a diverse array of native species, as well as several non-native species. However, conservation efforts are necessary to protect these resources and prevent the spread of non-native species. Through both governmental and individual actions, Illinois can continue to promote its ecological wellbeing while supporting its social and economic interests.
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Illinois has a diverse climate due to its location in the central United States, bordering the Great Lakes region and stretching south to the Mississippi River. The state experiences all four seasons, with hot summers and cold winters. In the northern part of the state, the climate is considered humid continental, characterized by warm summers and cold winters with heavy snowfall. Average temperatures in January, the coldest month, range from 24°F to 30°F (-4°C to -1°C), while July, the warmest month, sees averages from 64°F to 82°F (18°C to 28°C). In central Illinois, the climate is also humid continental, but with warmer temperatures throughout the year. Summers are hot and humid with occasional thunderstorms, while winters are milder with less snowfall. Average temperatures in January range from 25°F to 33°F (-4°C to 0°C), while July sees averages from 65°F to 85°F (18°C to 29°C). Southern Illinois is located within the humid subtropical climate zone, characterized by hot summers and mild winters with occasional snowfall. Average temperatures in January range from 32°F to 40°F (0°C to 4°C), while July averages range from 69°F to 89°F (21°C to 32°C). Illinois sees its fair share of severe weather, including thunderstorms, tornadoes, and even blizzards in the winter. The state averages about 35 to 45 thunderstorm days per year, with potential for damaging winds, hail, and tornadoes. The peak tornado season is from March to June, with an average of 47 tornadoes per year. Due to its location near the Great Lakes and Mississippi River, Illinois also experiences lake-effect snow and flooding. In the winter, cold air over the Great Lakes travels south, picking up moisture and dumping heavy snow on coastal areas. In the spring, heavy rains can cause flash flooding, especially in the central and southern parts of the state. Illinois' climate varies depending on location, but the state experiences all four seasons with mild to hot summers and cold to mild winters. Visitors should always check the weather forecast and be prepared for any potential severe weather events.
Environmental issues
Illinois is faced with numerous environmental challenges and concerns. One of the major concerns is the issue of pollution, both air, and water pollution. There are multiple sources of pollution in Illinois, including industrial facilities, agriculture, and transportation. Industrial facilities such as power plants, refineries, and manufacturing plants release toxic pollutants into the air and water, which can be harmful to human health and the environment. Agricultural activities such as the use of pesticides and fertilizers in farming contribute to water pollution in the state. These chemicals find their way into streams and rivers, leading to increased algae growth and the death of aquatic life. Transportation is also a major source of air pollution in Illinois. The use of vehicles such as cars, trucks, and buses releases harmful pollutants into the air, leading to respiratory problems and other health issues. Another major concern in Illinois is climate change. The state has experienced extreme weather conditions in recent years, including floods, droughts, and severe storms. These extreme weather events have led to damages to infrastructure, crop losses, and human health problems. The state is taking measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote clean energy sources, but more needs to be done to mitigate the effects of climate change. Illinois also faces challenges in conserving its natural resources such as forests, wetlands, and wildlife. Deforestation, urbanization, and industrialization have led to the loss of important habitats and biodiversity. The state has established protected areas such as state parks and nature reserves, but these efforts are not enough to prevent the loss of wildlife and habitats. waste management is another major environmental concern in Illinois. The state produces a significant amount of waste yearly, and proper disposal and recycling methods are needed to prevent land and water pollution. The state has implemented waste reduction programs such as the Illinois Green Business Association to promote sustainable waste management practices. Illinois is faced with numerous environmental challenges and concerns, from pollution to climate change and natural resource conservation. The state government, together with stakeholders, is taking measures to address these issues, but concerted efforts are needed to ensure a sustainable environment for future generations. Read the full article
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aricommissions · 8 months
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10 Very Best Places in Illinois To Visit Calling all adventurers. Embark on an unforgettable journey through Illinois with our list of the 10 Very Best Places to visit. Let inspiration guide your travels.
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thegroundctrl · 11 months
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10 Very Best Places in Illinois To Visit Calling all adventurers. Embark on an unforgettable journey through Illinois with our list of the 10 Very Best Places to visit. Let inspiration guide your travels.
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snoopoz · 4 years
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Just a random island of flowers or something . . . #glenellyn #illinois #upnorth #upnorthillinois #midwestisbest #midwestgrammers #midwestsnaps #midwestliving #lakeellyn #dupagecounty #discoverdupage #flowersofillinois #choosechicago #visitillinois #igersmidwest #chicagoshot (at Lake Ellyn Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDhEmoVDz9t/?igshid=ftwclgplw7yr
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artanddesignmatters · 4 years
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Jane Addams: A Homage Photo Credit: Alice Lowe for the Illinois Art Crawl Jane Addams (1860-1935) was an internationally significant social reformer who in 1889 founded Hull-House, the first settlement house in the United States. Located on Chicago's Near West Side, Hull-House provided housing, services and progressive programs to the city's disadvantaged immigrants. It became a center of cultural life, with an art gallery and classes that were attended by settlement house residents as well as the city's elite. A tireless advocate for women, children, and workers, Addams promoted national legal reforms, including tenement-house regulation, child labor laws, factory inspection, and workers' compensation. In 1931, she was the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. This multi-media public artwork celebrates the extraordinary legacy of Jane Addams. Visual symbols of her life are woven into the composition: the leaves are inspired by the original wall paper of Hull-House; the swirling depiction of pillars is reminiscent of Hull-House's original staircase and also symbolizes Addams' position as a pillar in women's history; and the mosaic borders recall the art of quilting, an activity that groups of women did together at Hull-House. In 2010, volunteers of the Chicago Foundation for Women created the mosaic quilts found on this underpass through a series of workshops similar to those held more than 100 years ago at Hull-House. REF: on location signage #HullHouse #JaneAddams #ChicagoFoundationForWomen #NobelPeacePrize #publicartwork #womenshistory #admIllinoisArtCrawl #VisitChicago #VisitIllinois #CultureTrip #CultureTraveler #CultureTravel #ArtandDesignMatters #artanddesign #art #admSupportsTheArts (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_GKBrygI3m/?igshid=sbi0yqq089be
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vaisart · 5 years
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I met Superman today! This guy is larger than life. I still think I can take him tho?... lol . . . #Superman #WorldsLargestSuperman #LMK #MustSee #TravlersLife #Traveling #VisitIllinois #SmileMore #LaughMore #LiveMore #Life #FeedYourSoul #DoSomethingForYouToday #Travel (at Giant Superman statue in. Metropolis, IL) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ajnmYljs4/?igshid=1vt3d6m5w58kb
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coreyhenni · 5 years
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This 10-acre city park is located on the bluff in East Dubuque overlooking the Mississippi River. As an Illinois Natural Heritage Landmark, this site is home to 26 ceremonial and burial mounds from the Hopewell Native American Culture 🔅 🔅 🔅 Check out our videos and try our cheap flights/hotels/rental car finder on www.coreyhennytravel.com 🔅 🔅 #linkinbio🔥 #visitillinois #visitdubuque #grammercypark #neargalena #thingstodoingalena #burialmounds #nativeamericanculture #hopewellmounds #nativeamericanmounds #mississippiriver #lookouts #naturalheritagelandmark #missisippidubuque #eastdubuque (at Gramercy Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2SXrFenNUk/?igshid=1rp4qqmxrl5ku
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frankfrosario-blog · 5 years
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. Fireworks night in Chicago. Who would like be there??? 😍 📍Chicago, Illinois 🇺🇸 🔹️------------------------------‐-----------------------------------------🔹️ Photo 📸📷 by @visuals.by.jack 🔹️------------------------------‐-----------------------------------------🔹️ NATURE🌿 SUNSET🌅 SUNRISE🌄 TRAVEL🗽 ADVENTURE🏞 ANIMALS🐅 🔹️------------------------------‐-----------------------------------------🔹️ To see more like this @frankfrosario👈 Para ver mas como esto @frankfrosario👈 Tag your photos here @frankfrosario👈 Use my hashtag #frankfrosario 👈 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #natureearthplaces #master_shots #visitchicago #chicago #illinois #visitillinois #fireworks #visitusa #bigcity #travelers #vacations #earthfocus #milliondollarvisuals #chicagophotographer #travelgram #earthpix #travelling #photooftheday #earth_deluxe #usa #nightphotograph #beautifuldestinations #nightlife #travelnow #wonderful_areas #party #master_shots #citykillerz #destinationearth @frankfrosario @natureearthplaces @sunshowup @animalgalleryone (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/B17fD9ShTGu/?igshid=5ju1subohkmo
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taifunu · 3 years
Warm Winter Light by Jenn Via Flickr: I went out for a cold, winter walk at a local watershed. I didn't think I'd find very much to photograph. They've just done a controlled burn and the plants are dormant. Was I surprised at how much texture I found.
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enjoyouride · 5 years
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@paxtons_corner_coop is an official Best of The Interstate Destination! We delivered their destination marker and of course picked up some cupcakes and Ice Cream. Find out why they are the best with the link in Bio. 🇺🇸 Visit Paxton's Corner Coop at Exit 33 on I-80 in Annawan, Illinois. Tag us or use #BOTI on your pics at all @bestoftheinterstate destinations across America. BestofTheInterstate.com #Travel #wanderlust #Illinois #visitillinois #IL #icecream #cupcake #cupcakes #interstate #business #tourism #thebest #roadtrip #motorhome #rv #gorving #motorhomelife #fulltimerv #i80 #i80truckstop #i80speedway #travelguide #rvliving #USA #BestofTheInterstate #paxtonscornercoop #yum #dessert (at Paxton's Corner Coop) https://www.instagram.com/p/By0_4zqHdIt/?igshid=o6j4h8vis939
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Plan a romantic adventure with that special someone in your life at our cozy cottages on the Chain O’Lakes. Stay for just a few days or take as much time as you need. Check the link in our profile and start planning your special getaway today. . . . #LakefrontChainRentals #airbnb #airbnbhost #airbnbphoto #airbnblife #airbnblove #airbnbfun #airbnbguide #airbnbhomes #foxlake #foxriver #chainolakes #visitillinois #enjoyillinois #northernillinois #chicagoland\n#lakelife #outdoorlifestyle #weddingvenue #familyreunion #vacation #getaway #weekendescape #LakeHouse #LakeGenevaWI #FoxLakeIL #WilmotMountain #Skiing #snowboarding https://www.instagram.com/p/BtCLr9Al9KM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bruep9b45run
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2wontour · 6 years
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Chicago – Ferris Wheel⠀ Es war es das erste moderne Riesenrad der Welt und lange Zeit auch das höchste. ⠀ ⠀ Wie es entstanden ist und woher die englische Bezeichnung kommt, die so gar nichts mit einem riesigen Rad zu tun hat gibt es hier nachzulesen.⠀ ⠀ Weitere Beiträge über Chicago in unserem Blog gibt’s in unserem Blog unter dem Link:⠀ https://2wontour.com/tag/chicago/ ⠀ ⠀ #scenicLocation #BeautifulDestinations #TravelBlogger #TravelPhotographer #traveling #TravelInspiration #TravelInspiration #RoamthePlanet #awesomeEarth #TimeTraveler911 @TimeTraveler911 #2WonTour #IllinoisRoute66 #Chicago #Chicagogram #Chicagoland ⠀ #visitIllinois #exploreIllinois #discoverIllinois #Illinois ⠀ #DivvyBikes #GrantPark #BuckinghamFountain #FerrisWheel #LakefrontTrail #ChicagoHilton #ChicagoSummerDance #ChicagoSkyline t#CrownFountain #MilleniumPark #MiltonLeeOlivePark ⠀ ⠀ @chicago @chicagomag @chicago.travel @chicagotribune @historic_chicago @chicagobucketlist (hier: Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsLJ47wlWNN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=t8c8xfmbdetj
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isansworld · 4 years
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It would have been lovely summer at work if things are normal. Well there is always next. Also do anyone know if museum drive is closed like all other lake shore parks? Just wondering. #thebeautyofchicago #TeamCanon #igerschicago #Lifeinchicago #throwback #traveltuesday #CanonFavPic #chicagophotographer #chicagogram #chicagoblogger #chicagolife #chicagoland #chicagoskyline #beautifuldestinations #ChooseChicago #VisitIllinois #lovelychicago #searstowerchicago #heartofchicago #chilove #loveforchicago #artofchi #chicagogrammers #gramchicago #iSANsjourney https://instagr.am/p/CAY43PDhRPD/
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artanddesignmatters · 4 years
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Imperial Hotel, Japan: Lobby Lantern Fragment 1923 (demolished 1965) Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect American, 1867-1959 Stone, Terra-cotta, unglazed brick, and glass; installed with interior light Photo Credit: Alice Lowe for the Illinois Art Crawl at the Architecture and Design, Gallery 200, Art Institute of Chicago #ArtandDesignMatters #FrankLloydWright #ImperialHotel #admMuseumSupport #admIllinoisArtCrawl #architecturedetail #architecture #architect #ArtInstituteChicago #VisitChicago #VisitIllinois #letsgotothemuseum #Chicago #Illinois #ChicagoIllinois #artmuseum #arthistory #arthistorian #architecturehistory #architectureanddesign #artanddesign #architecturefragment #artcurator #museumcurator #artgallery #museumexhibit #hotelhistory #lantern (at The Art Institute of Chicago) https://www.instagram.com/p/B--C8vfAkLX/?igshid=1vxlgdgb282gz
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damianvelez · 7 years
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Tbt to Chicago half marathon weekend with Gaby and Steph. #searstower #skydeck #tbt #chicago #city #holiday #weekend #travel #views #weekendtrip #fall17 #getoutside #illinois #autumn #explore #adventure #fun #visitillinois #choosechicago #sweaterweather #chicagohalf #windycity (at Sky Deck Willis Tower (Sears Tower))
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hotelversey · 7 years
Take a Look Inside Our Hotel
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