#visiting Amsterdam
muttball · 2 years
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Shopping for lingerie in Amsterdam
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therealrichardpapen · 2 years
Ohh I was wondering! is it possible to visit both the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh museum in one day or are the museums just to big for that? For when I visit Amsterdam, would you recommend I visit the museums in one or two days?👀(sincerely, someone who loves art v much)
Alright. I went to Rijksmuseum for Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Vermeer and Jan Asselijn, and didn't pay a lot of attention to any other sections (besides the temporary exhibition I went there for). Even for these, it took a bit of time (2h). The wardrobe line is huge, and the museum is split in two by a walkable passage. Get the map from the info point otherwise you'll be lost.
If you want to visit these museums, BOOK TICKETS. The lines are huge and they request booked tickets in advance.
Timewise, I'd say 2h for the Van Gogh Museum. I must say, I almost started crying when reading the fragments of his life that were on the walls next to his paintings. I've been a big fan for years, but I must admit, I'll be forever moved by his life and life.
For Rijks, it took me a bit over 2h (wardrobe included). I went there for a temporary exhibition (Clara and Onderreepsels), which took me around an hour I'd say. Make a plan on what you'd want to see in Rijks, and maybe reserve 4-5 hours of your day if you want to see most (if not) everything. The gallery of honour is the main gallery that has the highlights of the museum.
(Also, between Feb 10th and June 4th, there's a Vermeer exhibition)
Mind the weather, get waterproof clothes. Even though I live close to Amsterdam, and had waterproof clothing, I still got wet and annoyed. Weather in the Netherlands is a lottery, that's all I can say. You either have good luck or bad luck.
I hope I was helpful enough, and you can dm me if you have other questions.
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rainswhenyourehere · 2 months
i can be here like . 5 secs at a time but!!! amsterdam photodump pt 1 feat lowk hibi reveal???
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sergle · 1 year
culture clash punched me in the face when i read that you don't have a passport. like WHA
like why would I have a passport when plane tickets from the states into Any Other Country cost upwards of 1k, i don't go on "holiday", bc i don't have that kind of time, and my family doesn't even have the money to replace the 2003 PT Cruiser we've been driving into the ground
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mintbees · 1 year
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I died and went to yarn heaven today
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soath · 6 months
vox machina: half of a coed secret society currently facing university crackdown due to excessive rowdiness and flagpole scaling get a sizable townhouse; there they handle lizard escapes, child support requests, police scrutiny, many villainous professors, and members who won't stop getting engaged to each other.
the mighty nein: paranoid houseboat owners renting the absolutely cheapest moorings at a marina in a midsized european canal city band together against judgemental neighbors/local boat safety inspections/the concept of decay/ecosystem degradation in their waterways/their own dark pasts/two art-student ass cults; against all odds succeed at everything.
bell’s hells: posters on a queer housing page in toronto pack 6-11 people (depending on the day) into a two bedroom; ping-pong between icily polite spy warfare and cloying codependence, all while ostensibly working together to save a critically endangered species of salamander—end up involved in years old industrial drama opposing their friend’s shady mining corporation mom.
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mistress-light · 3 months
Everyone speaking French in Montreal. My poor head: 🙃 But I am on my way home.
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captain-nicnac · 6 months
Hey. Protesting Israel outside of a Holocaust museum? Gross! Don't do that.
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fanficfanattic · 9 months
"I wish you would write a fic where...
You are a great walloped of feelings and I would love to see something that explores platonically the Amsterdam bike training scene- like from Jamie, being able to be the person who gets to teach and help someone else, and from Roy, actually letting his guard down and letting someone help him with something.
Obviously you do not have to if you aren’t feeling it. I also realize that is an incredibly specific ask, so really anything that marches along the platonically walloped feelings path would be amazing. If its for a gift fic
If you feel like this isn’t the one for a gift fic, then consider this just me popping in to say hi buddy! You’re talented! You deserve to have a lovely day!
I didn’t want to wait once I finished it even though this is a holiday gift! To @readwing with love! 💜💜💜 And a special thanks to @jamietarttdodododododo for the cheerleading and reassurance!
Jamie can’t help but remember the first time he was in Amsterdam. His father saying it was time he taught him “how to be a man, Jamie.” And he tries to think about the second time he was there instead, with Mummy, and the both of them doing their best to fill him up with different knowledge instead.
The entire time he’s running with Roy, that’s what he’s doing. Spouting every fact he can think of, letting what they pass inspire another one. And then another one. All he has to do is run and talk about anything distracting.
It doesn’t occur to him that Roy might ask how he knows so much. That he has to answer or Roy will pick at him until he does. For the longest time the only armor he had was being a prick. He’d done so much to remove it for the people he cares about, for his team, for his own benefit.
But here in Amsterdam, where he had both the worst and best trips of his life? The armor comes up easily. He lies, like a prick, and he says it as pricky as he can, and the worrying thing is that Roy doesn’t say anything about it. He doesn’t see through Jamie at all. He doesn’t see Jamie.
Then he realizes that means Roy is distracted. By what, he doesn’t know but he should have clocked that immediately when Roy nabbed him from the team. Roy’s favorite way to work off frustration is by vaguely torturing him.
And Jamie knows that, and he doesn’t mind really. He’s had a lifetime of coaches barking at him. This way, with Roy, has felt like it was actually for a purpose. Most of the time it was making him a better player. But if the purpose is also making Roy feel better? He actively wants that.
Unfortunately, with Prick Mode activated, he doesn’t think twice about howling with laughter at Roy’s admission. Then he hears about his grandfather, and remembers Roy was the only other one who really sacrificed something important at the ghost cleansing, so the guilt sets in.
But now he knows what to do with guilt. He knows how to make amends. And more than that he wants to, of his own accord, rather than feeling like his hand is forced. He wants to make it right with Roy, right for Roy, and show him that it was safe for him to trust Jamie with that pocket of vulnerability.
He decides the best thing would be to honor the memory of Roy’s grandad. If Roy thought not learning was disrespectful, than they could feed two birds with one scone. He’ll teach Roy how to ride this bike, say thanks to a man he’d never met but who’d helped make his best friend into the man he is today, and apologize to the man himself. Okay, so sue him, they’re feeding three birds with the one scone.
Except…except it’s four. Because he finds that teaching Roy to ride a bike does more to distract him from the memories than learning did last time he was here. It pulls his focus and his energy. And it actually makes even more sense when he stops to think about it. Because that’s what Roy has done ever since he started training Jamie. Took everything that made Jamie who he was and directed it right where it needed to go.
Which is why, after he’d successfully avoided it all night, he found himself telling Roy the truth about Amsterdam. Roy told Jamie about his grandfather, so Jamie told Roy about his dad, and Jamie taught Roy to ride a bike…and Roy taught him that it was okay to admit that something bad had happened to him. That even if he doesn’t have the language for it yet…he doesn’t have to hide that it happened.
They were just two friends, riding bikes in the dark, telling each other secrets the way they should have both been able to do when they were actual children. Telling each other things that worried them even though they were unrelated to football. They found a magic castle windmill, and got punchy from staying up past their bedtimes, and though they would deny it only a month later; let down their guards enough to become best friends.
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darcyolsson · 1 year
not to derail the netherlands discussion going on here but you all keep mentioning all sorts of places that i assume are all over the country and me being american (sorry !) was like "doesnt that take like. 10 hours to get to??" only to google it and find it's like 2.5 hours across the whole country. i was so surprised that i had to come into your inbox and tell you lmao
lmfao yeah we're tiny, all of the places i mentioned are in amsterdam though! every famous thing or tourist spot you've ever heard of is all within the one city, because for some reason ppl outside the netherlands (especially outside europe) don't seem to know that there's a netherlands outside of amsterdam 😭 i think dutch tourist offices just forgor to tell everyone there's other cities too
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conatic · 2 months
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Visiting a Friend from Malaysia
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rainswhenyourehere · 2 months
amsterdam photodump pt 2 <33
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zippocreed501 · 1 month
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Pablo Picasso - Figure découpée
Vondelpark, Amsterdam
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neptunesenceladus · 1 month
14, 4, 5 for comics ask game!
14. Comic you picked up randomly that you ended up really liking
don’t have any of the issues with me but definitely CODA by si spurrier, it was amazing. definitely the number one non-dc recommendation i have
4. The comic you got the biggest deal for
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these guys were half-price so i got them all for $2.50 at a comic-con. i also got some $3 impulse issues but these were the best deal
5. The oldest comic you have
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my beloved de new teen titans, i have 5 issues from this series. they’re the dutch editions of the new teen titans and released in 1985. i’m pretty sure they also have a different storyline from the american version which is neat, issue one starts off with wally and vic gossiping about dick and kory. old and niche enough that i was the first person to log them on locg !
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imsorryimlate · 1 year
Come, I tell you what I propose: first, that we go off now and see that child in the hospital. Dr. Vincent, of the North Hospital, where the papers say the child is, is friend of mine, and I think of yours since you were in class at Amsterdam. He will let two scientists see his case, if he will not let two friends.
(september 26th)
do you think dr. vincent was like “damn are you two still together?”
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Farah Pahlavi, Queen and Empress of Iran and Mohammad Reza Shah of Iran on a visit in Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Dutch vintage postcard
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