#vitamin d foods for vegetarians
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10 Best Vitamin D Foods For Vegetarians You Should Know About| Livlong Learn about the ten vitamin d foods for vegetarians which are required by the body. Know more about the vitamin D vegetarian foods at Livlong. https://livlong.com/blogs/health-and-wellness/healthy-vitamin-d-foods-which-are-vegetarian
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10 Best Vitamin D Foods For Vegetarians You Should Know About | Livlong
Learn about the ten vitamin d foods for vegetarians which are required by the body. Know more about the vitamin D vegetarian foods at livlong.
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maria-devi · 2 years
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stayfitknowledge · 4 months
Explore 9 good sources of Vitamin D-rich vegetarian foods, perfect for boosting your intake. Discover mushrooms, fortified milk, tofu, and more in top vitamin D blogs!
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thetumarchive · 10 months
Vampire Feederism Prompts
A is known for going on uncontrollable frenzies when they’re hungry, so B makes sure they’re always comfortably sated around the clock.
Alternatively, normally vampires last a long time between feedings, but B coaxes A into overdoing it every once in a while so that it lasts longer.
A works in a hospital and has unsupervised access to the blood supply. Sometimes their temptations get the best of them.
A finds B’s blood irresistible, and often begs B to feed from them.
Alternatively, A finds that B’s blood has weight gain side effects. B seems to like the weight A is putting on a lot.
Due to their supernatural genetics, B’s only job is to supply A with blood, which they produce in excess, so they get a little whiny and irritated when A isn’t feeding from them enough.
Since A is the youngest member of the coven, the other vampires take turns hunting for them and feeding them in order to avoid a fledgling frenzy.
A’s vampire coven feeds human B the most delicious things to make their blood taste different. Each vampire has a different flavor preference, so B is getting bombarded with sweets, salty foods, spicy foods, savory foods, etc. They tend to go overboard and B ends up nursing a huge tummyache, which the coven is more than willing to take care of.
A is stubborn after being turned into a vampire and tries to eat only human food. They end up with a very bloated and queasy tummy.
As punishment for their crimes, A is restrained and forced to watch as coven leader B gorges themself on blood.
A hasn’t been feeding lately and has become resultantly weak. B makes sure to nurse them back to health.
A misses human food and develops a strange fascination with seeing B eat.
Worried that A isn’t getting enough nutrients, B takes it upon themselves to devour a food for every nutritional need, i.e. they chug milk for vitamin d. The weird food combinations have them feeling sick.
A doesn’t want to drink blood but the rest of the coven funnel feeds it to them anyway.
A is on a vegetarian diet (animal blood only) but when their fellow coven member B tempts them with human blood they completely forget their values.
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halfetirosie · 2 months
🥥🤤🍖 Damn it, now I'm hungry... 🍖🤤🥥
(Exercise 14 - 16 React-os!)
1) Ah, yes, a man a few words... 😅
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I mean, to be fair, I assume Quincy has only ever participated in purely physical contests, so he might not know that he's supposed to elaborate?
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---I'm not the only one that read that a "magikarp" for a second, right??
Rei must still be suffering from the Pokemon Curse--first I misread his real name as "Jolteon," and now this! 😅😅😅
2) EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW!!!!! 🤢🤢🤢
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YOOOOO WTF?!?!?! (⊙ ᗣ ⊙)
I assume that this must be similar to how people will eat octopus tentacles, which still move after death? BUT I WOULDN'T EAT THOSE EITHER!!!! Dead things should stay dead!!!!!----And I think my gag reflex would jump into overdrive if my food starting moving around in my mouth!!!!!!
Poor Eiden is fighting for his life here, stretching as far as he can to find something nice to say about this meal from HELL!!!!!
3) Vegetarian surprise!
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(I thought the veggies would be a side-dish or a component of the meal, not the entire meal.)
At first I thought, "What do you mean by 'the limits of nutrition'? Is there such a thing as too much nutrition???"
But then I remembered that, YES, that is a very real thing! Consuming too much of a certain vitamin/mineral in a short time frame can actually be super dangerous to your health!
(I only remembered this because of a video essay I saw a while ago about a corrupt company in...I think South Korea??...whose upper executive would sometimes force employees to take huge amounts of vitamins, which made them get diarrhea/puke. It's fucked up.)
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Kuya continuing to reach new levels of evil; weaponizing Garu and Yaku's goodwill and cuteness against Eiden!!! 😈
Foxy Grandpa for sure put some of his weird-ass magic on the meal, like that tea that causes hiccups. 100%.
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🤦‍♀️ Yup, it figures. That was a bit too obvious...
But fuck, Garu's sincerity here is too muchhhhh!!! How has he gotten this far and still trust Kuya's bullshit????
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I said it before but I'll say it again; these dudes are coordinated as fuck!!! They're giving such a damn professional presentation of their dish without missing a beat---like they rehearsed it!!! (Honestly, I bet they did.)
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6) Edmond, my love, I hate to break it to you, but...
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....there is NO WAY IN HELL that anyone else will want to consume that "special honey sauce." ♡♡♡
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....Scratch that---I don't think they'd even be capable of consuming that sauce at all!
If he can smell the sauce from a distance, then WHAT IN GOD'S NAME is in that sauce????
....Don't answer that. I'm getting a cavity just think about it....
7) Awwww, look at them all pampering Garu!!!
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Rei might deny it, but he really does live up to his nickname of "Big Bro Rei!" It's adorable!!!
⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
8) Peepaw Kuya back at it again with his sensitive palate! 😂😂😂
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And Olivine is seriously too nice!!!
9) OH SHIT!!!!
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Is this the first chill interaction we've seen of these two so far, or am I not remembering a different one? Whatever---
All the Yaku/Dante shippers rejoice!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
Shoutout again to From the Earth, Necatar, which lives in my head rent-free!
10) Not gonna lie, I'm pretty disappointed that we didn't get to witness Quincy grill...
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I guess Dante's too proud to give up his role as Grill Master; instead Quincy's in charge of "crackin open a cold one with the boys!"
....Unrelated, but I'm not the only one that expected Quincy to break open the coconuts with his bare hands, right?
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I mean, I knew he would, but the confirmation feel nice. :D
12) !!! Oh??? 😮
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Have we ever seen Karu's face look that scared before??? I feel like we haven't, or it's at least been a while!
13) Their bickering is as charming as ever---
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It's a little hard to tell, since Danteis up to his Tsundere Bullshit™ and hell-bent on victory, but I'm pretty sure he's having the time of his life right now.
In fact, I think Dante's competitiveness is a sure-sign of that. Getting caught up in a silly contest is his way of having fun, you know?
It's like when he kept competing with Edmond at the festival games during Chase the Rainbow. He gets himself immersed/invested in something inconsequential, and has a good-ass time!!!
(˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
14) Honestly, this part completely went over my head at first... 😅
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I honestly don't know if Eiden's response was enough to confirm that he's secretly on Dante's team. Hell, I haven't even been theorizing about what Eiden's team might be or what his secret conditions are.
Usually I might've been trying to figure it out, but I feel like we've been given absolutely no clues in the story so far...Also, I have been hella busy lately---that's why my reaction posts have been slower lately---so I'm quite low on brain juice.
Idk man! This event is just so laid back, I don't feel the need to try so hard to figure it out. 🤷‍♀️
I'm just here to have a good time!
ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
🍖 End of report! 🍖
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respectthepetty · 11 months
Y'all wanna get to know me better
Tagged by @colourme-feral, @pickletrip, @telomeke, @lukaherehelp,@my-rose-tinted-glasses
last song: Kylie Minogue's "Tension" because she is my everything, and I will worship her forever and ever. Amen.
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favorite color: Yellow! No other color even comes close. It is a ten, and all the other colors are sixes at best.
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last movie/tv show: All Over the Guy. My friend was asking why I say, "All's I know is" when I'm from the Southwest, and I had to show him a clip from the movie (not this clip), and ended up rewatching the entire thing.
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I love this movie a lotta. "Oh my god, Eli was stalking you? That is so romantic!"
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sweet/spicy/savory: Spicy! Green chile is its own food group where I live, so I shall share some of my favorites: green chile ramen, green chile and honey latte (not with a green chile apple pie because the restaurant was out ☹), green chile margarita, and green chile sushi. And yes, I do take pictures of my food.
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relationship status: I'm Boeing from Only Friends. I'm Vitamin D toxic. I'm fine in normal doses, but excessive exposure, although not life-threatening, is harmful to one's health and will cause unusual heart rhythm and confusion. People think I'm good for them, so they crave more of me, but . . .
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current obsession: All these food BLs I'm going to eat up just in time for Thanksgiving break. As a vegetarian and colonizer hater, I do not celebrate this holiday, but I sure do like to grub in my house with my pjs on, so BRING ME MY SWEET TREATS!
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last thing I googled: I already plan to make Torta Caprese next week for my themed FunDay SunGays, so I can enjoy it while I watch all the food-themed BLs. I was thinking of throwing in some lavender dark chocolate I have from Belgium but I needed to see how much chocolate I actually need. Result: I'm gonna do it!
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tags: I ain't doing that.
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heich0e · 11 months
As a veggie person, what are your dietary staples? Also do you actually account for protein and nutrition values or do you just eat? I’m not creative in the kitchen so I kind of just eat
oh wowie!! ok to be a responsible person i'm prefacing this by saying i am NOT a doctor/dietician/qualified medical professional in any capacity, i am just a person who is alive and who is sustaining that vitality in this particular way because it works for me!!
i'm a lot like you in that i just eat without being particularly or overly conscious of it. i've been vegan for almost a decade so i have figured out a way to feed myself that meets the needs of my body but that can look very different for every person. pls don't take this as gospel it's just what works for me <3
the bulk of my diet is just straight up fruits/vegetables. lots of whole grains/starches/carbs (rice, pasta, quinoa, etc.—not a lot of bread just bc i don't tend to eat it quick enough but i'm not remotely opposed to it!!) i get my protein predominantly from tofu/edamame (soy)/legumes/HUMMUS!! and I do regularly eat plant-based protein bars/protein supplemented snacks because it's something I'm concious of possibly not getting enough of in my diet otherwise. there's a bit of healthy fat in my diet too from things like nuts/seeds and their butters, and protein from that too, but definitely not enough to say that it's a huge part of my overall consumption.
i eat mainly whole foods at this point in my veganism, so while i appreciate the wide variety of dairy and meat alternatives that are on the market (a LIFETIME away from what was available when i went plant based) they don't make up a large/regular part of my diet. def still fuck w a vegan grilled cheese or veggie chicken nugget every once in a while!! but cheese alternatives are probably like... i buy them maybe once a month? veggie meat is probably only 4-5 times a year tbh! eating out at restaurants is different obviously, but in terms of what i'm eating at home i'd say those numbers are accurate!!
i need to also point out that i DO supplement (or try to lol) iron/b12 (b12 shots usually), and as we go into winter i'm gonna pick up some vitamin d and possibly an omega 3! i think supplementing vitamins is important for lots of ppl (not just vegetarians/vegans!) and if you can you should talk to your doctor about what might be a good option for you :)
love u! eat what makes you feel good! dress warm!
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I had this thought for a long time after seeing a post about vampires in general that I long lost
Vampires can’t be under sunlight, which means they can’t produce vitamin D like humans. And that means vampires get it through blood drinking, and food for kids with fake blood actually contains some blood or some blood plasma with vitamins and minerals
But Oscar is afraid of blood! The solution? He takes vitamin D in pills! Maybe even other possible vitamins and nutrients, because I didn’t study vampire’s diet enough
It also can be made into representation of people who need to take meds for any reason(because depending on how would you write it in your story) or vegetarians who take irreplaceable vitamins and some nutrients that only eating animals can give us, but the ones I forgot and am too lazy to google now, with pills(because I’ve heard that for some that may be a thing? Tell me if I’m wrong though!)
What do you think?
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sac-bestsupplements · 5 months
Surprising Multivitamin Benefits Revealed: Are Multivitamins Good for You? And how to use these vitamins correctly? Unlock The Secret To Optimal Health & Fill Your Nutritional Gaps!
Discover the Best Multivitamin Supplements for Men: https://super-achiever.com/best-multivitamin-for-men
#multivitamins #multivitamin #vitamins
Hello, Health Warriors! 🌞 Today, we're diving into the colorful world of multivitamins. With over 30% of Americans lacking key vitamins, could a daily multivitamin be the secret sauce to optimal health?
Don't forget to subscribe to the Super Achievers Club to stay updated on all things wellness. Now, let's unravel the mystery: Are Multivitamins Your Wellness Ally? Multivitamins Unveiled: A Daily Dose of Wellness? From sun-deprived lifestyles to restrictive diets, multivitamins might be the hero we didn't know we needed. Here’s a breakdown: - Sun Shy? Lack of outdoor activities might mean you're missing out on vital Vitamin D. Multivitamins can fill this sunny gap, ensuring your bones and mood stay strong. - Diet Dilemmas: Vegetarians, vegans, or those with specific food allergies might miss out on crucial nutrients like Vitamin B12 or C. A multivitamin steps in as a dietary backup plan, ensuring you're not left nutrient-bankrupt. - Health Hurdles: Certain conditions can block nutrient absorption. A multivitamin can act as a nutritional safety net, catching those elusive vitamins and minerals.
Special Situations: When Multivitamins Become Essential - Expecting or Planning: Prenatal vitamins are non-negotiable for a healthy pregnancy, packing vital nutrients for mom and baby. - Golden Years: Over 50? Your vitamin B12 absorption might be on the decline. A multivitamin can boost your levels, keeping your energy and brain sharp. - Medication Interactions: Some meds can disrupt nutrient levels. A tailored multivitamin, under doctor's advice, can rectify this imbalance. Did You Know? Your multivitamin's bright yellow send-off is thanks to water-soluble vitamins like C and B. Your body grabs what it needs and gracefully exits the rest. 🚽💛 Now, we turn the spotlight to you, our Super Achievers! Are multivitamins part of your daily ritual? Do they give you a noticeable boost, or are they just part of your morning routine? Share your vitamin victories or concerns in the comments below.
And remember, this is just the beginning. We're gearing up to delve deeper into the nitty-gritty of multivitamins in our upcoming videos. So, hit that subscribe button, and let’s journey together towards a healthier you. Until next time, keep striving, keep thriving, and goodbye for now! 🌟👋
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parambodyfitmind · 10 months
Top 23 Foods for Weight Loss!
Top 23 Top Foods for Weight Loss and Speed Up Your Metabolism!
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Hi Guys, Most of us always worry about our overweight. I know you are very serious about weight loss so I am. For losing weight, we have to start eating right. Most Experts say abs build in the kitchen not in Gym.
It means you can reduce fat or Loss Weight or Build Muscles With Right diet Macros according to your body weight. So here I will tell you to top 23 Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian foods, which as best virtual weight loss coach online I always recommend to my personal training client. These foods also help to controls your craving about eating crap.
These Top Foods for Weight Loss also help you to speed up Your metabolism and weight loss.
1. All leafy green vegetable:
I love them to have you first in your choice they are an amazing source of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins. They work in so many ways in our body, low in calories.
2. Quinoa:
Quinoa is the best source of veg. the protein contained in 100 grams is around 13 gram, best things about quinoa it contains all nine essential amino acids and packed with vitamin E, phosphorus, potassium, iron, vitamin b, fibers, calcium, and many more benefits.
3. White eggs:
Almost one white egg contains around 3.6 grams of protein. Rich in zinc, copper, b6, vitamin d, selenium, phosphorus, it has no cholesterol.
4. Chicken breast:
100 g chicken breast contains around31 grams of protein, Good source of chorine, b6, copper, zinc, magnesium, iron, etc.
5. Any berries:
Berries like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc. They all have immense benefits for us. Good source of vitamin c, fibers and antioxidants, and many More.
6. Cinnamon:
I really recommend this herb always for weight loss naturally and it helps speed up your metabolism. It contains antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial properties. I love to have it with my green tea I add one pinch of it.
7. Oats:
Oats are rich in insoluble and soluble fiber, Really help to lower the cholesterol, Help in constipation, Helps in skin issues, and many more. I love to have them in my breakfast.
8. Fish:
They are a good source of protein. 100 grams of fish contain around 22 grams of Protein. Also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin d. The latest science study claims it also helps in your Depression.
9. Green salad:
Amazing Food With amazing nutrition value with low calories.
10. Grapefruit:
I remembered how when I was a kid, In our home have grapefruit tree. But that time I was not aware of its benefits. But I use to eat every day in its season time. It helps in your immunity and mainly slows down ur aging process. Study claims also help in Kidney stones.
11. Legumes:
All are Good source of complex carbs, will not spike ur insulin, packed with amazing nutrition value. Also help in to lower your cholesterol and heart-friendly.
12. Avocado oil:
I always recommend to my client 2 to 3 spoons daily of it. It really helps to reduce Your abdominal fat.
13. Black beans:
A good source to protein, 0 saturated fat, having a nice amount of fibers, vitamin b6, potassium, 100 grams Contain around 21 g of protein, Most important heart-healthy
14. Seeds:
Seed like chia seed, pumpkin seed, Fennel Seed, sesame seed, flaxseed, sunflower seed, etc, They all packed with a good amount of nutrition value and help us to lose weight. I love to have in my early breakfast with oats.
15. Brown rice:
It is Called low energy density food. It helps to keep u full for longer and also provides our body with good nutrition value.
16. Fruits:
Fruits like pears, apples, pineapple, grapes, papaya, lemons, mangoes, watermelon, oranges, grapefruits, etc; they all are good carrying different nutrition value. I love to have a mixed fruit salad with eggs white in my after workout meal. Very help full to restore your glycogen level after a workout. Help to speed up the recovery. I always recommend season fruits are the best way to get its full benefits. But please don’t overeat it.
17. Dark chocolate:
Dark chocolate I really buy in powder form and make a good recipe with it, and enjoy. One of my friends told me long ago u can spell stressed in backward it becomes desserts. Really nice is in it. Help in anxiety I love to have it but again don’t overeat it one portion in a day with your meal.
18. Wheat bran:
Very higher in fibers, having good nutrition value, a good source of natural protein, and top of that helps in high blood sugar, high blood pressure, constipation, and keep u full for Longer.
19. Green tea:
very famous everybody already knows about its benefits I like to have it before my workout it really helps me for more focus.
20. Dry fruits:
For example almonds, resins, cashew, etc. They are also good for your skin and make your brain stronger. I love to have them in the early morning with my breakfast but in small quantities.
21. Sprouts
Sprouts are full of minerals, vitamins, and proteins. Really mix them with green salad enjoy and lose fat.
22. Soybean:
Very good source of fibers, calcium, and protein. 100 grams of soya contains around 36 grams of protein with 8 essential amino acids.
23. Spices:
Like black pepper, Green chili, Coriander, Mustard seed, Fennel, cayenne paper, ginger, Garlic, Onion, Add them in your cooking, Enjoy the benefits.
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ms-hells-bells · 2 years
My national newspaper recently released a bunch of articles about how supplementing is basically a scam, no matter if you're omni or vegetarian. There is a brief mention of B12 for vegans but other than that, they say it's a waste of money if you eat healthy.
I think this is stupid! I'm vegetarian and eat relatively healthy but will immediately notice symptoms if I don't supplement for at least B12, iron, vitamin D and magnesium/calcium. What do you think?
it's a half truth. most people are taking far too many supplements, or are taking multis where if they got a blood test, they'd see that they may only need to take one of two individual vitamins. i always recommend that people get a nutrient blood test to find out what they need to have more of, whether through dietary changes, or supplements. and that's not even getting into all the snake oil supplement pills for things like hair and nails, collagen capsules, SO MUCH FISH OIL, creatine, 'brain boosters' and SO MUCH MORE. supplements aren't covered under the food heath and safety acts of many countries, so there is no legal requirement to do any studies, or really regulate their contents at all. so, it's about digging out the fake shit from what's nutritionally necessary.
as for what you said, i think it's more of a reverse placebo effect for you. all of the nutrients you listed have stores in your body, you will not immediately become deficient if you stop taking supplements. in most cases, if you're healthy, it can take months or even years for your stores to completely deplete. but that doesn't mean not to take your supplements, keep taking them! i'm more just saying to not worry a bunch if you miss a couple days worth every now and again.
and yes, if people did eat healthy and varied, many people would NOT need supplements (apart from some women, because people always forget about women. many women of childbearing age should take calcium, especially if they are going to be childfree, and for women with heavy cycles, iron supplements are important, often you just simply cannot consume enough food to get enough iron needed to replace the blood you lose). but most people do NOT eat healthy because capitalism. they cannot afford healthy foods, they do not have time to cook healthy foods, they were raised on unhealthy foods and replicate their parents, they binge eat, they live in a food desert. many reasons. it's estimated that as many as 90% of people in the west have at least one deficiency. many people are overfed and malnourished. while the core solution is to make healthy foods easy and accessible to all, along with nutritional education, cooking classes, etc. in the meantime until we dismantle society as we know it, people need to stay healthy.
so, they're technically telling the truth, but in a half assed, deceptive manner.
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maria-devi · 2 years
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script-a-world · 2 years
Submitted via Google Form:
How can I create species with varied diets (taking into account both required nutrition and chosen habits, i.e. vegetarian or high protein for a bodybuilder) With food on earth, we know what kind of nutrition is in what food, but what species actually need seem to be all over the place. I can never tell whether other species don't need a certain nutrition or if they get it from non foods. Sure, I can make it all up give them whatever diet/food strikes my fancy including odd stuff, but it would be difficult to include storylines of malnourishment or anything regarding a deep dive into nutrition.
Tex: Before all of our fancy scientific equipment used to measure things like calories and mineral content, we mostly just made educated guesses on what people were craving in various situations - the more people document what, say, a heavily fevered person want to eat (when they do have an appetite), the larger the pool of available data is for physicians and regular people to discuss on what the best course of action is. To follow the example, this is where “feed a fever, starve a cold” comes from; a fevered person is heavily dehydrated so broth with salt in it alleviates that.
To address another point of your concerns, not all nutrition comes from the consumption of organic matter - or at least, humans haven’t optimized everything as such. A lot of minerals are best suited in water rather than some bitter vegetables or even blood (but even that has exceptions based on local adaptation to one’s environment). Vitamin D, which is not necessarily considered a vitamin at all (Wikipedia), is synthesized for use by exposure to sunlight. 
I think a nutritional profile is going to require a baseline regardless of what an individual chooses to do with their body, be it medical recommendation, personal desire, or vocational expression, given the assumption that they’re all the same species and thus generally of the same biological requirements (i.e. carbon-based).
How much protein does an adult member of your species need per day based upon a given age range in order to get minimum nutrition? What about carbohydrates? Vitamins, minerals? Fats? How do they metabolize, in general and under desired constraints such as high physical activity versus low physical activity? How much of this is impacted by what’s actually available in terms of flora and fauna in their environment? Do they perform agriculture and sedentarism in their society? Do they trade with others from different ecological niches? What are typical cravings in standardized situations?
Wootzel: Perhaps this is a question you’ve already answered for yourself, but since you didn’t strongly mention it in the ask, I’m going to question your intentions a bit! Friendly-like, of course. 
Why is it that you want detailed nutritional needs for your species to show up in your world? Are your plots heavily focused on cuisine? Is it an important plot point for a character to become ill due to a nutritional deficiency, and/or for characters to struggle to share food because they are vastly different species? 
I ask because I honestly can’t think of a reason that having all of this information plotted out would improve your story, and I want to offer at least a brief caution against overloading your story with scientific worldbuilding to the point that you lose readers who don’t want to wade through it. Unless you’re writing for a very niche audience who are just fascinated by nutrition in speculative biology (which is fine, if you are!), you’ll probably use, at most, 2% of your nutritional information in your final project without making it feel shoehorned in. You could certainly include a plot about malnourishment and a character falling sick because they’re missing important nutrients, mention what those nutrients are, and have literally zero other nutritional details; most audiences wouldn’t bat an eye about the lack of detailed context.
That aside, here are a few things that might help you get your nutritional variances off the ground.
You mentioned that life on Earth has huge variation in diet but that species’ needs “seem all over the place”, so here’s some information that might help demystify that stuff. This is a tumblr post talking about why pigeons have the dietary needs that they do, and it gets into some general information on why different species need specific diets in order to be able to digest them correctly. It isn’t in depth, but this information might give you a jumping-off point to researching what structures an animal will have if it has a particular diet. 
Another major factor is toxins. Earth plants have evolved a huge variety of toxins, and the species that eat them have evolved to avoid those toxins in a variety of ways. On earth, Humans are very good at being able to ignore lots of different toxins, and it’s not unrealistic to expect that sapient species from other planets would evolve to be good at using all kinds of different food sources as well, since food abundance is a huge factor in the evolution of high intelligence. We can eat things like avocados, garlic, and chocolate, which could kill a lot of our pets! 
If you have a specific dietary situation in mind and/or more details about your world, feel free to ask again with more details (use the submit feature or the google form linked on our blog if you need extra space for information). We can work best with a narrow idea of what your end goal is. 
Wootzel’s wholesale note: Just to note, because you mentioned vegetarians and bodybuilders, that you should avoid insinuating that a character's diet is predictable because of their lifestyle. While those aren't bad examples of lifestyle factors that influence diet choices, remember that there could be dozens of factors in a person's life that could result in different dietary  choices. Also, that there are vegetarian bodybuilders.
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Meeting Your Daily Protein Needs: A Guide for Diabetic Patients
Protein is an essential macronutrient that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including building and repairing tissues, producing enzymes and hormones, and supporting a healthy immune system. The amount of protein one should consume daily depends on several factors, such as body weight, activity level, and individual goals. In this article, we will explore the recommended daily protein intake based on these factors and highlight 10 excellent vegetarian and non-vegetarian sources of protein.
Know more details of PCOS Diet Chart at our official website…
Additionally, we will discuss important considerations for individuals with diabetes.
Determining Daily Protein Requirements:
When determining your protein needs, it's important to consider your body weight and activity level. The general recommendation for sedentary individuals is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. However, for those who engage in regular physical activity or strength training, higher protein intake may be necessary to support muscle repair and growth.
For active individuals, a range of 1.2 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is often recommended. Athletes or those engaging in intense training may require even higher amounts, typically around 2.0 to 2.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to determine the ideal protein intake based on individual needs and goals.
Top  Vegetarian Protein Sources:
1. Legumes and Pulses: Lentils, chickpeas, black beans, and other legumes are excellent sources of plant-based protein. They also contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making them a nutritious choice.
2. Quinoa: Considered a complete protein, quinoa contains all nine essential amino acids. It is also rich in fiber and minerals like iron and magnesium.
3. Tofu and Tempeh: Made from soybeans, tofu and tempeh are versatile sources of protein. They are low in saturated fat and can be used in a variety of dishes.
4. Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and pumpkin seeds are packed with protein, healthy fats, and other essential nutrients.
5.  Yogurt: This dairy product is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and probiotics. Opt for low-fat or non-fat varieties and avoid added sugars.
6. Cottage Cheese: Cottage cheese is a low-fat dairy product that is high in protein and calcium. It can be enjoyed on its own or added to salads and recipes.
Top  Non-Vegetarian Protein Sources:
1.. Chicken Breast: A lean protein source, chicken breast is low in fat and high in protein. It is versatile and can be prepared in various ways.
2. Fish: Options like salmon, tuna, and trout are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and high-quality protein. They also provide essential nutrients like vitamin D and iodine.
3. Lean Meat: Lean cuts of meat, are excellent sources of protein and iron. Moderation is key due to their higher fat content.
4. Eggs: Eggs are a convenient and cost-effective protein source. They contain all essential amino acids and are also rich in vitamins and minerals.
Considerations for Diabetic Patients:
Individuals with diabetes should pay attention to their overall carbohydrate intake when incorporating protein-rich foods into their diet. It's important to choose protein sources that are low in saturated fats and added sugars. Here are some additional considerations for diabetic patients:
Balanced Meals: Include a variety of protein sources along with complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and fiber to help stabilize blood sugar levels.
Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid excessive calorie intake. A registered dietitian can provide guidance on appropriate serving sizes.
Timing and Distribution: Spread protein intake throughout the day to support blood sugar control and enhance satiety.
Protein Powders and Supplements: If necessary, diabetic patients can consider incorporating protein powders or supplements into their diet, but it's important to choose those specifically formulated for diabetics and consult with a healthcare professional.
Protein is an essential component of a balanced diet and plays a vital role in overall health and well-being. The amount of protein needed daily depends on factors such as body weight and activity level. By including a variety of protein-rich foods in your diet, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, you can meet your daily protein needs. For individuals with diabetes, it is crucial to consider the quality and quantity of protein sources while maintaining an overall healthy eating pattern. Consulting a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide personalized recommendations to ensure a well-balanced diet that meets individual needs.
Visit our official website: https://www.bestdiabetologistindelhi.com
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