#vladimir nabokov cw
@gnotknormal replied to your post “Hi Frank! What's your favorite word?”
Crocodile is three syllables. Croc-oh-dile? I want the know the accent in where crocodile has 4 syllables. I bet that would sound great.
Ah, well, I should've picked "four" or "three" based on a single word, but here it is:
"Crocodile" is a four syllable word. But "Crocodile" can be analyzed as two syllables, "cro-cadile." Here's a way of writing it in IPA:
/ˈkʌ.rɔkəˈdɪl/. (This is, of course, just an "analysis" of the way the /kʌ/ and /dɪl/ segments are articulated, not a description of the vocal tract or something)
This could also be written as a two-syllable word in a different writing system, like this:
/ˈkɹkɔɹ.dɪɾl/. The vowel /ɹ/ could be spelled with a /k/ in some writing system, though I don't know which.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Pr*shippers really be like 'Purity Culture is so funny,like just look at all these medias with canon problematic ships!!!' and then the examples they use are like.Lolita(Humbert is an unreliable narrator who's so self-obsessed he victim blames his own stepdaughter who's life he ruined because she was 'irresisteble' and Dolores is played as an extremely tragic victim).Flowers in the Attic(a horror story where the Dollanganger family's incest is potrayed as what traumatized all of them and unwanted).Labyrinth(Jareth is the villain and Sarah never shows any signs of liking him back).Hades and Persephone(the beginner myth was Hymn to Demeter,which is about how women in ancient greece had no power to protect their daughters from older men and how it's bad and Persephone is miserable the whole time,including struggling against Hades' kidnapping and descriptions of her being a little girl).Batman and Robin(there is no evidence from og comics writers that they intended it the dynamic/archetype/trope as a pedestary metaphor and fan spectulation dosen't count because they're not the ones actually writing comics and Devin Grayson has apologized for her misenterpretations and said she wished she'd never written them and that it was fucked up on her part to).Game of Thrones is a popular one too but George R.R Martin is a raging racist and misogynist who employs propaganda and caricatures all over his books and with other badly written and especially positively potrayed examples,this is almost always the same case!!!!Historically and to this day the elements in 'dark romance' are used as punishments for poc and women and woc most of all,including trans ones and just trans people in general and disabled people and every minority fullstop!!!They are objectively not morally neutral and you have to be a really cruel and self-righteous person to ignore that!Fandom history dosen't erase real history.Fiction is not reality but pr*shippers care more about fictional people than real people and that's why they're bad.You're the bad guys in stories too for a reason and your lack of media comprehension is not the fault of your sociatel structurer 'lessers'
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thekimspoblog · 9 months
Ok the characters in both stories are named Dolores.
Ok, the actress was herself a victim of grooming and her abuser even wrote a song referencing Nobokov.
Ok, Dolores had only been online/conscious for 12 years, and William slept with her when he was 26.
But I'm sure that's where the parallels between the Man in Black and Humbert Humbert stop, right?!
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millermenapologist · 3 months
My reaction after reading the grandfather fantasy paragraph: https://images.app.goo.gl/wcjvkMn1AbRHZ8Bi6
Seriously, how can I unread that? I wanna shoot my fricking eyes.
I... Lmao forgive me but I don't even know what to say anymore wtf. I really wanna know where the hell nabokov took as inspiration to write this character, I mean, this creepy ass psychedelic thoughts has to come from somewhere bc I've read other characters like him in fanfiction/books but their line of thought wasn't this level of gore. Did nabokov took a trip to hell before writing that or what.
The slibling story has some abuse aspect or the only taboo thing in there is the bloodline? Sounds intriguing (and honestly sounds the least problematic of all 3 lol)
Not Kermit, omg.
But... here's the thing about Nabokov: despite many, many, many people ignoring this, he had been, in fact, a victim of CSA at the hands of a family member too.
The true extent of the abuse he went through is very much unclear, and the topic is still debated amongst academics who study his works and life, but we are absolutely sure that something did, indeed, happen. In his memoir, Speak, Memory, Nabokov brings up Uncle Ruka, his mother's brother, and says that the man used to lift him in his lap to "fondle" him, and that he (Nabokov) used to be terribly embarrassed when this would happen in front of his uncle's servants.
Overall, there are many, many similarities between what he writes about his childhood and what he included in Lolita.
Furthermore, he didn't exactly have an easy life, when he was younger: his family lost everything when the February Revolution came*, and they were forced into exile by the Bolsheviks only a year later. They settled into Berlin, and two years later Nabokov's father was murdered during a conference. Then Hitler was elected, and although his family wasn't Jewish, his beloved wife Véra was, which forced him to flee the country with her and their child. And as if this weren't enough, one of Nabokov's brothers, Sergey, was gay, and because he stayed in Berlin, he was eventually arrested and sent to Neuengamme, where he died.
If you live a life like this, I think it's fair to say that you have more than earned the right to write fucked up things lol.
*This is another similarity he shares with Dolores: Nabokov was Uncle Ruka's only heir, and when the man died, he inherited a mansion in the countryside. However, he was never able to enjoy it because, only a year after inheriting it, the October Revolution swept Russia, and the house was no longer his property. This is almost a direct parallel to what happened to Dolores: Humbert handed her 4000 dollars, but she was never able to do anything with it, because she died in childbirth little after.
Honestly, I read Ada or Ardor a while ago, and found it to be fairly boring and confusing, overly-complicated. The writing was brilliant, because of course it was, but couldn't really get into the story, and the few literature professors I've discussed this book with also mentioned that it was difficult to enjoy and definitely not their favorite Nabokov work.
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zoeylife · 4 months
✅Joy Blueprint: Unveiling Ultimate Bliss
Stay determined, achieve greatness, succeed.
Dare to be different, standout.
Gratitude transforms hardships into blessings.
Trust journey, embrace detours, grow.
Tranquility, where wisdom resides.
Boost motivation, free gift here, tap.🎉
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nympht4evr · 7 months
Hiii! Welcome to my little project! Happy to have you! ~♥
This is my attempt to archive an accurate portrayal of the 2015-2017 "nymphet" subculture as someone who was active in the community during those years which happened to double as its height/golden age!
Here I will be archiving images, music, films, and literature that were popular with nymphets, or at least popular with the nymphet that was myself! ~♥
In case you're new to it and wondering, the "nymphet" aesthetic draws its name from the name attributed by the antagonist/narrator of Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita to the young girls he felt an attraction to.
Common elements include an overall aesthetic of girlhood and the more sensual elements of femininity. Common as well are vintage aesthetics, aesthetics of Americana, a very feminine, little girlish aesthetic, and a general focus on a light brand of sexuality that's not vulgar, but playful, what might be described as a "sex kitten" type of sexuality.
If you have any questions about the history of the subculture, own an image I posted and would like to be credited or have it removed, or just want to chat, please feel free to message me, I would love to talk to you! ~♥
Lastly, let me address something that I feel must be stated (CW under the cut for mention of s*xual abuse and p*dophilia.)
I was 15-17 years old during the years I was active in the nymphet community, so let me make this clear: I am not making this blog to try to bring back the unpleasant sides of the subculture; I do not condone and actively condemn relationships between adults and minors. I do not romanticize Lolita and view it as a horrific piece of literature about child abuse, and as a survivor myself, my love of Lolita as a teen can be attributed to how relatable, brave, and strong Dolores is, even when her story is only told through the lens of her abuser, and how throughout the novel she refuses to allow the horrific abuse she is enduring and the loss of her mother to kill her spirit and towards the climax of the novel we can see that after escaping her abuser she had found happiness against all she had endured. Lolita is a powerful exploration of the nature of sexual predators. As it was often said during those golden years: Do not romanticize Lolita. It is not and never will be a "love story."
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On the other hand, we can go get some little Caesar’s pizza later.
I have no idea what the "little caesars" here is supposed to be. Are they talking about a specific place?
Anyway, I'd like to get together some more often... say, on the 4th of July or something...
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Wait Neil Gaiman did a Snow White retelling?
Yes and it's literally some fanon Lolita shit.Don't google the details,
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threemouthedcanine · 10 months
"S-some people write incest fanfic to cope"
I DONT CARE, GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Regardless of whether the author is a survivor, whether the fic is 100% perfectly tagged, whether they crossed their t's and dotted their i's, there is such a palpable and obvious difference between creative writing and other artworks that have incestual abuse as a core theme to explore and depict within the artwork, and some weird broads openly fetishistic incest shipfic. It is so fucking LAUGHABLE that y'all keep insisting that because a theoretical few survivors "write and publically post incest fic to cope" it makes it:
1. Automatically value neutral.
2. Above any and all critique, including those from other survivors.
3. Exist within a vacuum where it has no influence on others.
Lets start with number one and by far the most common excuse. To put it simply, these bitches are not Vladimir Nabokov. They are not creating worthwhile or interesting art, it is openly drooling eroticized & romanticized swill that is triggering as all fuck, and the people who flock to it and praise and reshare it are getting off to that eroticized portrayal to the detriment of all other survivors who in fact do not ship incest to cope. We all have seen what works this theoretical "coping artist" produces and regardless of the intention or mental state of the author the end result is still swill, both for its contents and for the presentation of said contents. I do not care.
Its so funny how the theoretical "coping artist" is absolved of all wrongdoing and criticism because they're coping but OTHER survivors are supposed to just suck it up when we're being negatively impacted by the constant fetishistic portrayals of the worst most terrible abuse to ever happen to us. It's not as if we don't try to avoid it, we do. As much as possible. But incest fic writers are determined to put their incest fetishism out into the world where all can see, whether they like it or not.
Do you understand how fucking exhausting it is to enter a character tag for a moment of peace and relaxation and have to close the tag, go to your blacklist, and add it #cw incest #tw incest #incest tw #twincest #incest warning #1nc3st #(specific ship name you barely remember and are hoping you spelled right the first time) because some chucklefuck decided to tag their fic with the character name and a new subtle variation on a warning tag that slipped past the blacklist and you can block them! You can go and block everyone in the notes too just to cover all your bases and hope that you don't get triggered too badly while blocking every name you see for minutes on end.
But there's always fucking more. My blacklist has quite literally hundreds of tags on it and that still doesn't protect me from other peoples negligence. Not to mention the mental toll of having to be so vigiIant, having to constantly keep my head on a swivel for this shit because some vague post about "censorship in art is bad innit" wasn't actually about censorship but about some cunt mad that their incest fic didn't get the praise and accolades they felt they deserved. I'm exhausted.
But if any survivors express anger, hatred, and resentment over this bullshit, we're in the wrong, because don't you know? They're #coping.
Well. As a survivor I cope by telling people who post their incest fic to character tags to kill themselves. Do I also get to be let off the criticism hook scotfree, or is that privilege only for the survivors who happily write the porn you jack off to?
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CW: Incest, pedophilia, Lolita
I understand a lot of the concern around fanfiction and “immoral” ships and writing.
And at the same time I don’t. Most of the points antis or anybody else have for certain things being wrong is “incest/rape/pediphilia is wrong. It’s immoral, it’s my trauma you’re romanticizing. What happens when a person who enjoys those things gets bored of your work and commits a real crime?”
Which…I feel like if somebody is already into incest or rape or pedophilia, it doesn’t matter what fanfiction they read because they already wanted to commit those acts.
Not only that, but I almost never see it said about murder or cannibalism in fanfiction. I’ve read some really good cannibalism fics about Bim Trimmer and it was so gross but the detail was like I could reach out and touch it! And maybe there’s some people who are like “oh, this romanticizes murder!” But it’s much lower frequency.
Because if you ask someone “hey, does this fanfiction author support murder? Because they wrote about this character killing another one.” They’ll say “No, that’s ridiculous. They just wrote about it.”
And I haven’t even begun to get into the level of scrutiny not directed at published fiction works. Why are they the exception?
But even then! Somehow they get scrutinized too! And it’s not for everything! It’s just for the more touchy subjects!
For example, Vladimir Nabokov wrote the book “Lolita.”
It’s a sad story, very scary. It’s told from the perspective of a man who is attracted and wants a 10 year old girl. So he dated her mom and manipulates and rapes the little girl. Very bad thing to happen.
But since he wrote it from the perspective of the man, tons of people think he actually supports pedophilia??? It’s heavily romanticizes but it’s also a narration directly from the pedophile himself. Of course it’s going to sound glorifying.
Apparently, the original intent was to show just how awful major parts of society could be. But that went over many people’s heads.
I don’t understand why. Why is written murder not as bad as written pedophilia???
Every single work can inspire an awful human being. Every Work. No matter how good you can make it, there has to be some badness, and any bad person can copy it.
So why are written murder and written pedophilia different?
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The Serpent's Tongue - Part Two: Trust
Tumblr media
Fandom: House of the Dragon
Pairing: Rhaenyra Targaryen x Daemon Targaryen
Rating: E (cw dubious consent, implied childhood sexual abuse & grooming)
Summary:Rhaenyra is the only daughter of oil billionaire Viserys Targaryen and loves nothing more than to inspire trashy gossip headlines.
When her beloved uncle returns, she is overjoyed but finds that her father and stepmother (and former best friend) Alicent are reluctant to welcome him home.
Word Count: 3.1k | Part 2 / 3
ao3 | ff.net | wattpad
FAMILY MAN? Pictures from Rhaenyra’s Childhood with Daemon that Give Us Pause
Daemon and Rhaenyra’s recent outing has had us looking in the archives for an explanation, and, well, a picture says a thousand words, so here are twelve.
One morning, a few days later, Rhaenyra made her way down to the kitchen to find herself some breakfast. It was past eleven, so she was surprised to not be the only one. Daemon leaned against the island in a shiny loose black button-up.
“Morning,” he said. “Late night?”
“Usually is,” she said with a grin, making a beeline for the coffee pot. “Someone has to keep the tabloids in business.”
“That’s a lot of responsibility to put on yourself.”
“What can I say? I’m an overachiever,” she said, pouring herself a cup. “But I wouldn’t mind your–” She turned around to find Daemon standing right behind her. “–help.”
He held up a single grape.
Rhaenyra smiled. “Avero,” she said, then closed her eyes and opened her mouth.
He placed it gently on her tongue, just like he had done all those years before. She closed her mouth around the grape, broke its skin with her teeth, letting the sweetness flood her mouth.
Before she opened her eyes again, she felt a spoon nudging at her lips. She opened her mouth automatically and the too-sweet honey almost made her make a face. Daemon pulled the spoon from her mouth and Rhaenyra swallowed.
“Alilla,” she said and opened her eyes.
“Sȳres riñus,” Daemon said.
A little honey clung to her lips and Rhaenyra’s tongue darted out to lick it off, but Daemon’s intent gaze stopped her. He reached out a hand, cupping her jaw as his thumb ran over her lips, catching the honey on it. Then he brought his thumb to his own mouth, licking the honey off of it. Rhaenyra stood almost breathless, suddenly very aware that they stood inches apart. When he leaned forward and kissed her cheek, she was almost disappointed.
“Sȳz tubis emilās, dōnys dārilaros,” he whispered in her ear. Have a good day, sweet princess. Then he left the kitchen.
Vujīgon, Rhaenyra thought. To kiss. It was funny, she didn’t remember when she learned that word.
SCHOOLGIRL OR SEDUCTRESS? Former Targaryen Staff Member Spills Sordid Details from Rhaenyra’s Teenage Years
Rhaenyra Targaryen, only child of oil tycoon, Viserys Targaryen, apparently had a childhood that would make Vladimir Nabokov blush. A source, who wishes to remain anonymous, from within the Targaryen household tells stories of teenaged Rhaenyra bringing home much older men, throwing wild parties, and engaging in threesomes, all while her father turned a blind eye.
“She could do basically whatever she wanted to,” says our source. “And he’d let her get away with it.”
One evening, Alicent had roped Rhaenyra into helping with the dessert choices for the dinner – a task Rhaenyra was not opposed to doing. They had narrowed the ten cake types to three when an assistant hurried in to tell Alicent that the catering company had made a mistake with the number of people who would fit per table, meaning that the seating arrangements had to be altered. With Alicent distracted, Rhaenyra slipped away and knocked on Daemon’s door.
“Come in!” Daemon called.
Rhaenyra pushed open the door, finding Daemon shirtless in dark slacks. He held out two shirts – one red and one black. “Thoughts?”
She entered the room, closing the door behind her. “Where are we going?”
“We? Stepmother give you the night off?” he asked.
“There was a crisis to do with seating arrangements.”
“Of course,” he said. “There’s a new club. Skandal – with a k.”
Rhaenyra snorted. “Then definitely the red one.”
Rhaenyra’s bones shuddered with every beat and the strobing lights made everything look like it was happening in stop-motion. She lost herself in the artificial storm of it all – the thunder and the lightning. She had once been told that the way she danced was ‘weirdly alluring,’ which had probably been meant as an insult, but she wholly embraced it. Arms above her head, she moved to the music, just another body in the writhing mass on the dance floor.
There were hands on her now, large and firm on her waist. She moved back, swaying against the body behind her. Even through the smell of spilled beer and sweat, she recognized Daemon’s cologne, so it was no surprise to her when he whispered in her ear.
“What was that you said about keeping the tabloids in business?” His lips brushed her neck and Rhaenyra pressed back into him.
“I thought you weren’t going to cause trouble,” Rhaenyra said over the noise. She tilted her head back, so it rested on his chest, looking up at him.
“How was I to know those photographers were there?” Daemon asked in mock innocence.
Rhaenyra laughed and Daemon used his grip on her hips to turn her around so she faced him. Her breath caught in her throat as he pulled her against him, at the feeling of their bodies pressed together. Then he took her hand and spun her, which made her laugh again, falling against his chest as he pulled her back.
And they danced together, his hands on her waist and her hips and her ass. Her hands on his chest – the deep triangle of his half-unbuttoned shirt – and his shoulders and her fingers tangled in his hair. Every so often Daemon would say some absurd tabloid line – ‘Maybe this Baby Should Stay in the Corner: Daemon Targaryen Spotted Dirty Dancing with Niece, Rhaenyra’ – with a shocked expression and Rhaenyra would laugh and he would exaggeratedly nip at her ear.
“Let’s get a drink!” he said over the music. Rhaenyra was sweaty and giddy and weirdly energized as he led her to the bar.
“I’ll have an Old Fashioned,” said Daemon to the bartender, then looked at Rhaenyra. “And a… Shirley Temple?”
She punched his shoulder. “Moscow Mule, please.”
“Oh, I forgot, you can drink now,” Daemon said in mock surprise.
Rhaenyra rolled her eyes. “Like you weren’t sneaking me drinks at galas when I was like twelve.”
Daemon grinned and sat down on the only free barstool.
Rhaenyra frowned at him. “C’mon, I’m the one wearing heels.”
He looked at her and then patted his knee. “Come on, then.”
She sighed but hiked up her dress slightly and hopped up anyway. “The tabloids’ll love this,” she said. “‘Barstool Babysitter? An Unconventional Family Outing.’”
Daemon laughed and Rhaenyra smiled proudly. The bartender handed them their drinks, clearly trying not to look at them strangely, which Rhaenyra found incredibly funny. She giggled into Daemon’s shirt between sips from her glass, his arm tight around her to keep her from falling off of his lap.
“You know what’d really put them in a frenzy?” Daemon asked finally. He jerked his head over in the direction of the bathrooms.
Rhaenyra smiled, downed her glass, and hopped down. She took Daemon’s hand and he let himself be pulled to his feet. He set his glass on the bar. “Watch that for me, will you?” he asked the bartender, who nodded, still a little confused.
“We shouldn’t be too long,” Rhaenyra called to him, and then began to lead Daemon towards the bathrooms.
“‘Shouldn’t be too long’?” Daemon whispered in her ear once she’d closed the door behind them.
Rhaenyra giggled, feeling a little frenzied as she locked the door. Daemon moved forward, pressing her against it. He towered over her; she had to tip her head up to look him in the eye. His eyes flickered between hers like he was looking for something, like he was figuring something out.
“Aōho laeho lēdēs,” he said, voice low and rumbling. Close your eyes.
Rhaenyra did so, feeling her body relax. Out there had been an act, a game, but High Valyrian meant that this was secret, just for them.
His lips were soft against hers, comforting but gently insistent. His hands gripped her hips, pressing her back against the door. She ran her hands his arms to his shoulders. Her fingers touched his neck and jaw cautiously, exploratorily.
He began to kiss her more demandingly. “Aōho reglo drāmmā,” he murmured against her mouth between kisses – open your mouth – and she immediately parted her lips for him. His tongue slipped into her mouth.
Ēngos, her mind supplied. Tongue. She tasted the sweetness of the bourbon on it. Ēngo Daemo dōno issa. Daemon’s tongue is sweet.
Daemon kissed her like he wanted to consume her. Ipradagon.
His hand moved down her thigh, bunching up her skirt. He pressed between her legs, and she gasped into his mouth.
He touched her like he wanted to possess her. Emagon.
For her to belong to him. Sytilībagon. But she did. She already did.
Yne sytilībā. I belong to you. She almost said it out loud when he pulled away, leaving her mouth empty of him.
But he kept this hand pressed against those sensitive nerves. He looked down at her territorially, watching her shudder when he moved his fingers slightly. She felt immobilized under his touch, unable to even grind down on him.
When Daemon pulled his hand away, she let out a small whimper, legs trembling. She reached out for him as she felt her knees give way, but instead of holding her up, he gently guided her down until she knelt on the tiled floor.
Still she looked up at him and his hand came gently to the side of her face, thumb stroking along her jaw. When the words came, they were unsurprising. Inevitable.
“Aōho laeho lēdēs se reglo drāmmā.” Close your eyes and open your mouth.
Her eyelids grew heavy, and she closed them. Her lips parted for him once more, the taste of his bourbon still on her tongue.
“Sȳres riñus,” he said, voice low. Good girl.
She felt his thumb move across her cheek and slip into her mouth. She closed her lips around it and heard Daemon sigh in satisfaction. She circled her tongue around it. His other hand stroked her hair, tucking it behind her ear as he gently pulled his thumb out of her mouth and then pressed it back in.
“Yne jurnēs,” he said quietly. Look at me.
Rhaenyra’s eyelids were still heavy, but she managed to open them. She looked up at him, at how he looked down at her. It felt right, the height difference. Familiar.
He continued pulling and pressing his thumb between her lips, eyes watching her face intently. When he pulled it out fully, he looked at her expectantly.
She still felt oddly hazy, but the word came out clear. “Tāenis.” Finger.
“Sȳres riñus,” Daemon said. Good girl.
He made no move to help her up, so she made no move to stand. She just knelt there at his feet, looking up at him.
Daemon took a deep breath, then nodded. “You’d better clean yourself up,” he said, stepping around her toward the door. “I’ll have Jasper pull the car around.”
The lock clicked. The door opened, letting the sounds of the club in, then closed, muffling it again.
And Rhaenyra still knelt on the floor. Her shoulders slumped a little. She felt exhausted. She blinked a few times and shook herself. Then she slowly got to her feet, feeling wobbly.
She looked in the mirror. Daemon was right, she looked like a mess. Lipstick was smeared from her nose to her chin. Her hair was a disaster.
She did what she could with damp paper towels. She combed her fingers through her hair a few times until she looked presentable. Before she stepped out of the bathroom again, she remembered: the tabloids. The game.
So she mussed up her hair in a sexily messy way, and then left the bathroom. More than a few heads turned to look at her and then turned back to say something to the person beside them. She smirked, then winked at the bartender as she strode out the door.
The car was out front, but when Rhaenyra got inside, there was only Jasper in the driver’s seat.
“Where’s Daemon?” she asked.
“He said he had something to deal with and that he’d take a taxi there,” Jasper said. “And that you didn’t need to wait for him.”
“Oh.” Rhaenyra sat back against the leather seat. “Right.” She swallowed. “Take me home then.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Jasper said.
Rhaenyra stared out the window as the night’s events turned strangely dreamlike in her head. Part of her questioned if they had even happened, except that she still tasted the bourbon Daemon had drunk. She sort of knew she should be confused or upset at his leaving, but found herself strangely okay with it.
Halfway home her phone buzzed with a text from Daemon.
Sorry, something came up. Dinner tomorrow?
Sounds good! She messaged back.
When Jasper pulled up to the house, Rhaenyra noticed a light on in the garden shed.
The door of the shed was open, spilling warm light out over the grass. She had already taken off her shoes in the car, so she was barefoot, heels dangling from her fingers. She walked over the damp grass and stepped onto the cold concrete floor of the shed. Harwin sat astride on a bench, sharpening a pair of pruning shears with a file.
“Hello, handsome,” Rhaenyra said, coming up behind him.
Harwin didn’t look up from his work. “That’s my name,” he said, and Rhaenyra could hear the smile in his voice.
“Don’t wear it out?” she asked, coming around to sit on the bench in front of him.
“Oh, I don’t mind.” He put the tools down on the bench. “So, you had a good night then?” he asked, noting her appearance.
She shrugged, pulling her feet up so she sat cross-legged in front of him, dropping her shoes on the ground. “It was alright.”
“Will I be reading about it?” he asked.
She snorted. “Probably.”
“It’s a weird hobby you have.”
“Orchestrating scandal.”
“I’m afraid it’s one of the few things I’m really good at.”
“You know, if you wanted to try something a little less…”
“Unconventional,” he said. “I’d be more than happy to teach you.” He gestured at the shelves of flowerpots and gardening tools around them.
Rhaenyra leaned in closer to him. “I’ll bet there are loads of things you could teach me,” she said suggestively.
“In that department, I highly doubt it.”
“Are you calling me a slut?” she asked curiously.
“No,” he said simply, and she believed him.
“Well, then, I guess I could teach you some things.” She leaned in closer, tipping her head up as her lips neared his.
“Rhaenyra,” he said quietly, and she stopped and looked up at him. “It’s late.”
Rhaenyra sat back. “Y’know, if you weren’t so goddamn nice about it, I’d start to get a little offended every time you brush me off like that,” she said.
He just nodded, then stood and began to put the tools away.
“Is it cause I was with another guy earlier?” she asked, getting up and following him.
“No,” he said, hanging the pruning shears next to the others.
“Is it cause the guy might’ve been my uncle?” she asked, stepping in front of him when he turned, unsure why she was even saying it. She supposed she just kind of wanted to see how he’d react.
He looked down at her. “No,” he said again.
That made her pause. “What, it doesn’t even bother you?”
“It’s none of my business,” he said.
She tilted her head. “Really?”
“Really,” he said. “I’d like to think I know you well enough to know that you can take care of yourself.”
She stared at him. “You don’t think it’s weird.”
He shrugged. “I mean, it’s a little weird, but so is a lot of stuff that isn’t my business.”
She was kind of stumped, unsure if she wanted to keep talking, or maybe try to kiss him again.
“Go to bed, Rhaenyra,” he said gently, as though he could tell what she was thinking. “You look tired.”
Rhaenyra made an exaggeratedly offended sound. “Tired? Oh, Harwin, you should know better than to tell a woman she looks tired.”
Harwin smiled, shepherding her to the door, picking up her shoes and handing them to her along the way. He led her across the grass towards the house.
“Kiss goodnight?” Rhaenyra asked at the door, only half-serious.
He pulled the door open and gently pushed her inside. “Sleep well,” he said, then closed the door behind her.
Rhaenyra felt like a teenager again as she crept through the kitchen, down the hallway, and up the stairs. She was almost at her room when she heard footsteps behind her.
“Rhaenyra?” Alicent asked.
Rhaenyra turned around. Alicent was in her pajamas and a robe, a paperback in her hand.
“You’re back earlier than usual,” she said.
“The club was kinda… boring tonight,” Rhaenyra said with a shrug.
“I thought you were going out with Daemon tonight.”
“He, uh… something came up.”
Alicent nodded, then stepped closer. “Are you alright, Rhaenyra?”
Rhaenyra felt a lump travel up from her gut to lodge in her throat. Her chest heaved and she didn’t know why.
Alicent rushed towards her, dropping the book and grabbing her hands. “What happened?” she asked insistently.
“Nothing,” Rhaenyra said quickly.
Alicent sighed. “Oh, I knew letting Daemon back here was a bad idea. I told Viserys that–” She shook her head. “What did he do? What did Daemon do to you?”
“Nothing,” Rhaenyra insisted, pulling her hands out of Alicent’s grip. “The club was lame, he had to leave on some business thing, and it just kinda sucked.”
When Alicent looked like she didn’t believe her, Rhaenyra snapped, “What have you got against–” She exhaled sharply. “I’m too tired for this. Whatever. I’m going to bed.” She pushed past Alicent into her room and closed the door firmly behind her.
Rhaenyra sank to the floor, back against the door. She didn’t feel upset. Just kind of… lost. Incomplete.
And it was so frustrating because nothing had even happened. Sure, they’d danced and kissed but it was all a game, for the tabloids. It was fun.
It had been fun.
And sure, it was a bit weird; he was her uncle. But nothing had happened. And even if it had, she happened to know that that was not illegal in the state of Illinois. So.
She sighed, swiping her hands over her face even though it was completely dry. She stood and stripped off her clothes, leaving them on the floor to be cleaned up later.
She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, not wearing anything except for the necklace that Daemon had given her years ago. Her hand moved up to touch it automatically.
Daemon would apologise tomorrow, at dinner. And then everything would go back to the way it was.
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poemsforlosers · 2 years
“Guarded Innocence”, from My Notes
tw: vague mention of csa, sa, abuse
cw: Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov
How could Ms. Haze not notice?
But I suppose, not even Dolores noticed.
Because no one suspects a man to be a pedophile,
Nobody but me,
Me who has anxiety,
And worries about every man coming onto me.
Me, and every girl like me.
In every conversation with a Y chromosome
I protect an innocence that faded away
Just last May,
With my 18th birthday.
I protect this false innocence with every man,
No matter how young nor old nor married nor gay,
Like I am the most attractive nymphet the world has ever known,
12 years old, in nothing but a pink nightgown and one white sock.
I value my pretend innocence more highly than I’ll ever value a child’s,
Because they, with careful caution on my part,
Will grow up and grow out and will be fine,
Purely prepared for an adult world,
Where they will function normally.
Meanwhile I, on account of my anxiety,
And some unmentioned trauma as a small child and bigger child,
Will never grow past the age of Lolita.
I will never stop being a vulnerable little girl,
Fending off all men, every man, with my own two fists.
Dolores probably felt the same,
In her shoddy little house with her husband and the dog.
She probably lay up nights,
Fearing that her dozing, half-deaf husband,
Might someday morph into the creepy European in the lilac pajamas,
Reaching out with his claws that he promised
Only ever touched her.
I would be scared, too.
Dolores stands in for every girl like her,
Girls traumatized by the thought
That some monstrous old man finds her
More attractive than the adult woman he married
And is willing to seek that little girl out
Even if he has to drain the blood of her much older, much stronger mother,
And the innocence of the girl’s soul.
Dolores brandishes the torch for all us girls
Who are afraid of men simply because they are men.
Dolores stands proudly before men,
With wet eyes and thick glasses and fully grown, womanly legs,
And says to them, firmly,
“You cannot touch. And if you look, I’ll kick you.”
Us girls, girls whose monsters were not under their beds,
But in their houses, shaving their chins and buying them presents,
Us girls are the reason why “Not all men” is still a controversial phrase.
Because not all men they may be -
But to us, it doesn’t matter.
To us, it’s all men.
All men are capable of being that leering, creeping, shadowy Humbert Humbert,
Trailing rainwater across the floor,
Gun-smoke billowing up around him.
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gelflinghandz · 2 years
I made a playlist for the faunlet-esque aesthetic I've been portraying for the past few years. Before i even knew what it was called, how empowering it can be for someone ftm like me, it led me into a lot of traumatic situations. So i guess this is kinda dark faunlet?? Either way, Im somehow nostalgic for that time, the attention i was given by men. I'm glad im out of those situations, but yeah. I was a whole vibe. So here you go, a mix of the stuff i was listening to at that time, plus other things I've found since then, that reminds me of it. Stay safe out there y'all, never let anyone use you for your body.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Nabokov was a CSA survivor? I did not know that!
Yep!I found a post saying he was so i factchecked and he stated in a biogrophacy his uncle used to molest him but that his family covered it up and denied it to him he was abused :( It hurt to read tbh,he was obviously telling a story like his own with Lolita and now it's even worse what it's been turned into by misogynists and pedos
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cor-ardens-archive · 3 years
[cw csa, not graphic]
Nothing could have been more childish than her snubbed nose, freckled face or the purplish spot on her naked neck where a fairytale vampire had feasted...
Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov
Then he took one after the other of my arms, rolled my sleeves to the elbows, and examined them attentively while asking me how many times I had been bled.
“Twice, Monsieur,” I told him, rather surprised at the question, and I mentioned when and under what circumstances it had happened. He pressed his fingers against the veins as one does when one wishes to inflate them, and when they were swollen to the desired point, he fastened his lips to them and sucked. From that instant I ceased to doubt libertinage was involved in this dreadful person’s habits, and tormenting anxieties were awakened in my heart.
Justine, Marquis de Sade
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jaques-b · 7 years
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The last Miss Grundy scene was a reference to Lolita by Stanley Kubrick.
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