#vnc manet
moxie-girl · 1 year
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the twins + KAITO! :)
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neversetyoufree · 9 months
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LOVE how Johann gets the last laugh here just by virtue of his attitude
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propheticpidgeon · 2 years
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The best ‘totally not vampires 100% human humans’ in all of France
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good7luck · 9 months
Adding more to my post about Noe in VNC manga latest chapter 61.5
(more under the cut)
First, thanks to all the people in my previous post! I didn't expect to get more than just a few notes, I feel honored ;w;
I considered re-writing the entire post at that time, but I think I'll just leave it as it is and make this additional post instead :P
I must say, this - especially the latter part - would be more subjective and controversial, probably? ^^;; maybe even unnecessary. I know it's just my personal imperfect view from my limited experiences for now, in the end.
In VNC so far (~ch 61.5), the Dham (racism) matter was (almost) brought up a few times:
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Noe got to hear about Dham for the first time here. But he couldn't get to learn more and deeper, because the kidnapping incidents were so urgent and dangerous. I suppose, Noe could've asked "Why would the kidnappers let go of you just because you're a dham?"...but it'd be very inappropriate and rude, as if Johann should've gotten kidnapped lol?
A LOT of things happened in this arc, especially in regards to Vanitas, so maybe Noe couldn't think of getting to know more about Dham specifically. (Or, more like, MJ-sensei thought it's not time to go further with Dham yet XD)
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This is just a moment, but it shows some glimpse of how tough to live as a dham and how Johann (truly) feels. And...Noe was NOT here, and it's unlikely that Vani bothered to tell him about this.
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This is probably the closest one where the word Dham was used like a slur (on thin ice) by Vani. And, again, Noe was NOT here, and honestly there's no way Vani has ever talked about this to him.
4) Not animated (which is a big shame, indeed), but in ch 40, Dante remembers when he got bullied for being a dham and when he first met Vani who hates all races equally. Only Johann was around him, and I'm sure Noe couldn't (properly) hear Dante far away: he was with Vani and JJ to find the Book and save Chloe, who started to completely lose herself and destroy things.
(sorry if I missed some ^^;)
My point is - Noe really didn't have a chance to learn about Dham and the discrimination properly. He even never witnessed one himself. Besides,
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the Dhams never looked like they're suffering from Orlok or in his office to Noe.
So, I think it's very understandable that Noe in the latest chapter couldn't even guess that such a horrible and systematic oppression has been happening to the Dhams then and now. It's all news to him, literally. Of course he hasn't noticed it yet that his words and actions aren't being (practically) helpful for the Dhams, much less he's making Dante angry for real.
That's why I feel it's quite unfair to (seriously) blame Noe for his (innocent) ignorance and the (gonna-be-unfortunate) outcome. It'd be rather unrealistic and OP, if Noe manages to immediately comprehend everything "right" and take "right" actions on his own lol
To be more personal and controversial...
I know it might be merely that some people hate / mock Noe and try to make anything he does (not) a problem / joke "just for fun", but...
Some seem to genuinely believe Dante should kick Noe or such, and idk, I must ask - what did they expect from Noe there, exactly? What do they think Noe had to do in that situation "instead", then? Is there a "good" "solution", even?
It's been only a few weeks (or months) since Noe arrived in Paris, and he's still almost a stranger in regards to the Dham matter. It's even not that he came to study Dham. Noe didn't even jokingly agree with Manet / Nox. It's pretty clear that he simply wanted to do something to make the messy situation better (and sincerely cared about Dhams), even if he didn't understand what's going on in front of him.
Noe is one mere individual, not even officially a powerful, high noble like Domi. Count Orlok is not rude to Noe but still casual to him, while he's much more polite to Domi cuz she's "higher". It's praiseworthy that Domi realized she's also participating in the racism, but somehow it's terrible that Noe consequently called out the racism and tried to help the Dhams? Which let Domi notice her own racism?
I wonder if they wanted Noe to "just shut up and stay still", but tbh..I feel...even if Noe actually didn't do anything there, they would've still easily accused him for doing nothing but "heartlessly" watching the racism (and so siding with the oppressors and so being a racist), with "silence / neutrality = consent / approval !!!", perhaps lol?
To be very honest - I admit it's still quite hard for me to fully understand why Dante is THAT angry at Noe, even after reading some fandom posts / comments.
Like, I get it, Noe is probably making the situation worse for the Dhams (which is utter tragic), or he sounded too un-serious to him. Dante sure didn't expect to see Vani there, much less suddenly hear some burdensome demand about Machina he hates, the whole Dham "lecture" (why and how they've been discriminated for years), and all the various / explicit insults to him and his family. I sincerely feel so sorry for him and Dhams. I really do.
But like...honestly and strictly speaking...Dante chose to get mad at Noe of all people there, NOT at the obvious oppressors (Manet, Nox, and Count Orlok), even in front of the very oppressors. As if Noe was clearly "worse" than them. This happened basically because Dante thought it's "okay" to throw his anger on Noe, unlike on the real oppressors.
"OMG of course Dante cannot lash out at them, he and Dhams will get only harmed worse by them later!" Yeah, while "nothing bad" will ever happen, even if Dante pours his rage on Noe "instead". Noe is "kind", "not oppressed", and "not socially high enough", so Dante should feel free to use him as a punching bag, "right"? Sorry to be "cruel", but...would Dante have been able to do the same (or unable to hold himself back), if it were not Noe but Luca or Antoine?
I mean, I genuinely cannot fathom why some people try to demonize Noe and "cheer" Dante that much (to "call out" Noe and/or get violent to him, idek), as if Dante is about to perform an act of "justice" towards Noe. Especially when the actual oppressors are right there without feeling any guilty or threatened lol? :/ I'm aware one cannot always rationally think and do perfect, but seriously...it's NOT a good look (for Dante) in any way? Do they "prioritize" seeing Noe get bullied thaaaaat much lmao? ://
It's also "funny" that I've (at least personally) never seen any criticism towards Vani about this. He's the one who forcedly and carelessly brought Machina and Dham stuff in front of the (aggressive) oppressors, even if he understands pretty much everything. He also should've seen what could come, especially when he himself openly gets discriminated by them as well for being a human and the kin of the Blue Moon.
Vani gave Noe all the explanations he needed, sure, but he wasn't polite in general (as always, I know). It also implies Vani never told any of his plans to Noe beforehand again. He blamed Domi for Noe's ignorance, but he didn't provide enough info to him, either lol Vani didn't particularly discriminate Dante or Dhams, but honestly he (and Domi, too) didn't try to stop the racism in the office, either - actively or indirectly, in any form.
I obviously don't mean Vani / Domi is to blame for the racism, much less worse than Count Orlok, Nox, and Manet. I'm glad the fandom rightfully got disappointed in the Orlok trio, calling the bigots out! Still, I don't get why some are overly harsh on Noe and only him lol Did he do THAT wrong and worse? Apparently, maaaaaybe he should've just "quietly" accepted and "wisely" gone with the racism, like Vani / Domi (low-key) did, not "wasting" his energy and kindness only to get hates lmao? ://
I think Vani should've been more patient and just made a private future appointment with Dante to ask for the Machina matter later, for example. But I guess this might be OOC lol
I feel it would've been great if Domi calmed down the people in the office, using her social status (ex. clapping and calling their attention to return to the subject - which should've been Orlok's job...).
I believe I would've taken it better if Dante simply tried to quickly silence Noe (to not make things worse) and/or talk to him (even get angry at him! though preferably not XP) in private later.
Of course, none of this would've mattered, if only the Orlok trio wasn't racists / the racism didn't exist in the first place...
Thank you for patiently reading my long and incoherent opinions!! Sorry if I was being too dramatic or such OTL
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alosyair · 6 years
Good day, we together with @anrehn wrote some crackship for your pleasure
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vanoesupremacy · 3 years
VNC Stage Play Official Arts✨
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the-chikyuu-times · 3 years
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rae-nger · 3 years
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wlw domi
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annonmaly · 3 years
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"And here I'm trying to save you vampires from the path of destruction."
"Save us? Don't get conceited, human!!
| VnC ep.2 | vol.1, ch.2, pg.119-124 |
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pandoraheartsposter · 3 years
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I was not expecting him to be blonde
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“Manet and Nox deserve more attention, actually.“
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incorrectvncquotes · 7 years
Nox: How do you want your coffee, Manet? Manet: As dark and bitter as my soul. Nox: He'll take a white chocolate mocha.
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sun-warmth · 6 years
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I really love the last panel because that image helped me to understand more clearly about those different vampires! But wait a min, what about Noe? He seemed like he’s stronger/powerful since he have the ability to see memories of anyone he drank from... Also, I now know Mochizuki really likes RED EYES which is used in VNC and Pandora Hearts :3
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potatoodles · 7 years
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“I don’t feel like we’re going to see them this month…”
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digital-dhampirs · 7 years
Vanitas no Carte (relation)ships- Manet
Manet, Manet, Manet.
The dhams have far outshone any other side character that dare try to creep up the ranks of popularity. And as for Manet, even his sister seems to be a more panelerific version of him.
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To be honest I had to go back through every panel to learn his name the first time around
However! There is one thing that makes Manet very, very interesting.
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He has a crush on someone.
At first glance, I thought Manet liked either the lovely Miss Amelia or our very own pop star of romance, Noé Archiviste.
But after reading waaaay too deep into every one of the five (well that’s a slight exaggeration) panels Manet is featured in, we have some evidence to definitely swing Manet in one way. 
And yes, this depends on the way his feet sway.
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As most people who overanalyze relationships know, body language is a key indicator of attraction or romance. After s̶p̶e̶n̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶f̶i̶f̶t̶e̶e̶n̶ ̶m̶i̶n̶u̶t̶e̶s̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶r̶e̶d̶d̶i̶t̶, ahem, reading key essays by scientific researchers, you will find that one of these signals is foot pointing.
If your feet are facing towards a person, it’s more likely you’re interested in them. And where are Manet’s feet facing in this frame? Towards Noé.
Or, you know, towards Vanitas. Because, you know, he’s having an important discussion about cursebearers. But who cares about that, I want to talk about ships instead!
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A handful of pages later, Noé bites Amelia and Manet does a hardcore blush. This could be interpreted as him being squeamish (shown here:
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But it could also be interpreted as him being.... physically.... into... it.
The other intriguing thing about the blush panel is Manet’s sister Nox’s expression. She’s looking away from the action, TOWARDS MANET. She’s checking his reaction. She’s not surprised, her expression nearly says “seriously bro we’ve been through this stop crushing on potentially dangerous clients”. She doesn’t look surprised, just mildly annoyed.
This makes it seem like she knows that Manet is into one of them. And from the fact that both siblings met Amelia just that day, we can assume that he’s crushing on Noé.
Just to further the proof, here’s Manet freaking out when he hears Noé is (fake) engaged.
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And that’s that.
Well, it seems incredibly unlikely that these two would ever get together. They basically haven’t spoken a word to each other ever (although Manet did do a good job cat-sitting so bonus points to him)
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And since basically every character in the series is in love with Noé, Manet your chances are slim. Either way, his crush makes each panel with the less-featured side characters in the series more enjoyable.
Fun Fact: this desk.
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And... next week, hopefully actually on time, we will be speaking of the too pure for this world ship between Jeanne and Noé (who’s here for the third week in a row.) Which only the Truly Oblivious, Truly Pure or Truly Freaking Conservative ship and is most likely going to be canon. (cries.)
Anywho, Manet is adorable. See you soon during Thanksgiving Ship Week!
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27danone · 7 years
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Original manga art by Mochizuki Jun
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