#voice messaging
luthienne · 7 months
important to remember that many many countries, 120 countries, voted for a ceasefire and that the international community is not just the global north. the world stands with the palestinian people. those of us in countries who voted no to a ceasefire or abstained (and who actively send military aid to israel) must continue to pressure our representatives to end the genocide & occupation. that means protesting, calling, emailing, boycott, divestment, sanctions.
if you're in the us and you're looking for protests — look for your local jvp, samidoun, or psl chapter on instagram. they are usually organizing or co-sponsoring events.
as always with protests, remember to wear a mask for community & personal safety <3
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tanlakarix · 9 months
How a Voice API Delivers a Better Customer Experience.
As customers form relationships with voice commands, these user interfaces focus on providing a terrific opportunity to tailor their engagements and connections with customers. Texting, social networking sites, and email are all ways for businesses to communicate. Communication is essential to the success of any business.
It's all about engaging clients from all over the world, whether for business or pleasure; communication methods vary. Conferencing, chat messaging, video calling, phone calls, and other methods are all possible. For any of them, an in-app voice API can be developed.
How effective are voice assistants?
The two basic processes involved in machine-driven voice interaction are speech production and speech recognition. These functions are carried out by applications using a variety of APIs and technologies. The voice recognition stage of the process focuses on sound analysis, speech filtering, and digitalization of speech in a computer-readable language.
For this function, developers use specially designed algorithms that make use of cognitive science concepts. Machine learning, which trains a machine on how to change its interpretation of human speech, improves the entire process. The language can subsequently be shown as a written document or as a verbal response using a synthesized voice by the system.
What Are the Benefits of Using a Voice API for Customer Experience?
Using speech APIs, you may recognize and assist your consumers, allowing you to solve their problems. Whether a customer contacts you through your website, app, or another channel, collecting contextual information allows customer service representatives to understand who the caller is and why they are calling. Through contextual communication, your staff can personalize each client engagement, which speeds up the resolution process and lowers the need for orientation.
Customers can use voice APIs with automated speech recognition to accomplish critical self-service operations such as placing orders or validating their identities. This function provides rapid and easy help to consumers all over the world.
What role does a voice API play in improving call quality?
APIs could help organizations improve the quality of their mobile, VoIP, and landline calls. Voice APIs may still deliver exceptional service even during peak hours or as the business grows. Customers will never have a jerky or unreliable connection because of these performance enhancements, which increase customer support quality.
Instead of beginning from scratch or waiting for expensive circuits, speech APIs require little to no coding, making them easy to integrate into your app, website, and other digital platforms. Telecommunication networks and this adaptive technology can coexist as needed. It's a low-cost way to improve the user's calling experience because you only pay for what you need.
Impact of Voice Assistants across Industries
Services for making reservations.
Managing traffic at peak travel hours becomes tough for transport businesses. Customers can be offered packages via voice assistants based on filters such as domestic or international packages, travel budgets, and so on. Artificial intelligence-powered voice assistants may potentially recommend the most popular travel offers. If a product must be customized, a voice assistant can easily route the call to the right customer service representative.
Several e-commerce organizations employ voice assistants to answer critical customer care obligations such as informing consumers of their refund status, order delivery date, or assistance with their purchase process, among other things. These duties assist customers in the purchasing process and in selecting the best product.
In the healthcare industry, phone conversations, text messaging, team video chats, and one-on-one calls have all been employed. Communication is essential at all levels, whether scheduling an appointment or reviewing patient test results. APIs have greatly improved business communication.
The voice API, among other things, provides automation, personalization, and security, all of which can improve the customer experience.
Now, let's look at the voice calling API's impact on business development and why it's become such an important tool for increasing customer experience and business success.
Companies can use Voice API to automate client interactions, lowering total wait times and improving the speed and efficacy of customer service. The Voice API enables businesses to create interactive voice response (IVR) systems that handle common client requests like checking account balances and arranging appointments. Businesses can improve the overall customer experience by automating these conversations so that customer service professionals can focus on answering more difficult questions.
Voice API's security capabilities help improve the customer experience by protecting user information and eliminating fraud. By utilizing speech biometrics, businesses can use the speech API to develop a more convenient and secure customer authentication procedure. Organizations can also utilize Voice API to watch and monitor for fraud and suspicious behavior, reducing the likelihood of data breaches and securing client data. Businesses can boost client pleasure and confidence by providing a safe network for engagements.
Customers desire to interact with businesses through voice technologies. They have higher expectations for quick and courteous support. People prefer a relaxed discussion to a transactional exchange. Voice APIs enable beautiful and engaging customer engagement. Voice APIs are a critical tool for improving customer experience.
Contact us at:  [email protected].
For More Info Visit:
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sinchvoice · 11 months
By following these steps, you can implement automated and personalized voice messages that create meaningful interactions with your customers, enhance their experience with your business, and ultimately drive better results for your company.
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effebot · 1 year
Automated Voice Message Broadcast Service
If you're looking for an automated voice message broadcast service, here are some popular options to consider:
1. Effebot: Effebot offers an easy-to-use voice broadcasting software that allows you to send personalized, automated voice messages to a large number of recipients.
2. Twilio: Twilio provides a comprehensive API-driven communication platform that includes voice messaging capabilities. It allows you to create and automate voice broadcasts using their APIs.
3. DialMyCalls: DialMyCalls offers a user-friendly voice broadcasting service that enables you to send automated voice messages to groups of recipients. It also provides various features like recipient tracking and reporting.
4. CallHub: CallHub provides a cloud-based voice broadcasting service that allows you to create and schedule automated voice messages. It offers features such as message personalization and real-time analytics.
5. Easy Voice Broadcast: Easy Voice Broadcast is a web-based automated voice message service that enables you to send voice messages to a large audience quickly and easily. It offers features like contact management and message scheduling.
These services typically allow you to record or upload pre-recorded messages, select the recipients, and schedule the time of broadcast. They are commonly used for notifications, reminders, alerts, marketing campaigns, and more. Make sure to compare the features, pricing, and customer reviews of each service to find the one that best meets your requirements.
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i was gonna tack this on at this end of the last post but thought it deserves it’s own post 💀 because AINT NO WAY ADRIEN DOESNT QUESTION THIS MAN ASNJDILHASJKLE
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leadsrain-blog · 1 year
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raptorrobot · 3 months
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happy tdov from god's queerest angel !!!!
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aquapede · 4 months
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the voices in some god's head
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lucabyte · 21 days
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siffrin starts the game with oddly empty pockets for a rogue who has a habit of stashing away every little trinket that isn't nailed down
and a hardy pocketwatch is an indispensable tool for oceanic navigation
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markscherz · 4 months
tumblrs being transphobic, with the ceo himself starting an actual harassment campaign against a transfem & also banning transfems who post abt it.
Oh shit, I had not heard about that.
I would like to say I don’t understand why this shit keeps happening, but I actually do understand it way too well. It just makes me so sad and angry. Especially on a site where people find and make their communities.
So much of this is about ego, and the people with power wielding that power to protect themselves and failing to protect others with it. A mere hint of negative sentiment towards them is harassment that is dealt with immediately and harshly, but a dozen complaints about discrimination or threats or bullying take ages to process and frequently come to unsatisfactory moderation decisions.
Whatever the sentiments of the people running this hellsite, you are always welcome in my corner of the internet, wherever you find it. You are all wonderful, and we all deserve to feel that part of this space belongs to us and those to whom we can connect.
Transphobia has no place on tumblr, period. Or anywhere else in society for that matter. It is that which should be being rooted out.
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bsdtual · 6 months
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So i heard David Tennant made a whatsapp group for the actors who played the doctor and i'm pretty sure the first conversation went like this
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unfamd · 2 years
i strongly believe that in any universe modern or otherwise lwj uses lan xichen as a kind of confessional like a catholic priest. he literally comes into lan xichen's room at four pm precisely because that's the scheduled time that he allows himself to share an Emotion with his brother and sits down and says in a distinctly monotone yet perfectly recognisably anguished tone 'brother i have sinned' and lan xichen sighs very quietly because he doesn't want to hurt his brother's feelings and puts down his pen and says 'is this about wei wuxian' very gently and Lan Wangji is like 'mn' because it has never once Not been about wei wuxian. and then he says something that is Kind Of Weird, But Still Not A Sin like 'he fell asleep when we were studying and i watched his ribcage moving up and down for thirty eight minutes until he choked on nothing and woke himself up; am i evil' and once again lan xichen will kind of not-sigh in a way that makes it very obvious that in all other ways except physical he Is, Indeed, Sighing and has to reassure the most rigidly distraught younger brother in the history of mankind that what he is suffering from is in fact a malady known colloquially as a crush
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tanlakarix · 11 months
What you should know about Missed Call Service and Voice OTP
With the support of Voice API platforms, you can now employ compelling voice messaging solutions for your organization that can be easily scaled and customized. These platforms can assist you in automating voice notifications for low-balance changes, suspicious activity warnings, password resets, and other functions that contribute to client loyalty and satisfaction with your brand. You can even get missed call solutions through such API platforms, among other things.
Missed call services are increasingly being used by organizations all over the world for a variety of purposes, ranging from client verification to the promotion of services or products. It is frequently used to perform surveys or pools. In this approach, a phone number is typically promoted to clients using platforms such as websites, social media, SMS, emails, and others. Customers only need to make a missed call to this number to provide feedback, register for the product or service, look for special offers, and more. The missed call system is extremely convenient for both businesses and customers.
In today’s fast-paced world, few customers have the time, even if they want to, to engage with brands. As a result, they are continually looking for the simplest, most economical, fastest, and most convenient ways to communicate with a company. In this circumstance, missed call service is an excellent communication tool. It is a very convenient means of communication that is completely free of charge.
Missed call solutions are used in a variety of ways by modern commercial companies, including:
Verify authenticity: Companies that deal with food ordering or e-commerce frequently require their customers to leave a missed call from their registered number to check the order and the consumer.
Increase reach: Because missed calls are free, businesses may reach even the most remote areas, such as villages and small towns. It can be a good source of quality leads for a variety of businesses.
Feedback forms: While feedback is essential for business progress and advancement, getting input from customers is not always easy. Feedback is often limited in many circumstances. Because of its low cost and ease of use, the missed call system has the potential to increase the sample size of this feedback process.
How does voice-based communication work?
Voice-based communication strategies utilized by modern corporations can take several forms. Many businesses use voice-based OTPs in addition to outbound and incoming calling services. One-Time Password, or OTP, is a two-factor authentication (2FA) procedure that generates one-time passwords to provide an extra layer of security to messages. When the delivery of an OTP SMS fails regularly, voice-based OTP Services come in handy. During the OTP verification procedure, a customer can also initiate the generation of an OTP Voice. Most businesses utilize voice OTPs for:
Authorization: Voice OTPs are critical in granting third-party access, such as allowing delivery agents into secured areas.
Authentication: Voice OTP verification is excellent for exceptionally secure transactions such as product or service registration and net banking.
Transaction verification: By validating high-value transactions with the use of a Voice OTP service, businesses can better safeguard their consumers from financial fraud.
Resets: Voice OTP can be a safe and simple way for clients to recover access to services after changing their email address or password.
Account reactivations: Using a secure IVR OTP sequence is an excellent approach to greet consumers who are resuming their services with a company.
Voice-based communication strategy for enterprises
A professional communication plan is essential for all businesses. While emails, social media, and texting are certainly useful for engaging with leads, an increasing number of businesses are looking into Enterprise Voice Solutions to speed up their communication strategy. To engage with their clients in an innovative, engaging, and user-friendly manner, they often use Voice API systems that offer voice calling, conferencing, and missed call services. You can govern your inbound calls and convert more calls into income by employing these Voice API solutions effectively. It may even allow you to integrate call tracking into your existing software platform to eliminate data silos.
Advantages of using a voice messaging system for business
Increase in business engagement level.
Voice calling capabilities enable a more personalized customer experience. Some of these systems even handle vernacular languages. As a result, your clients can interact with your company in the language of their choice. This method dramatically increases corporate engagement and ensures increased customer satisfaction.
Easy to scale.
Voice API systems enable your company to connect with carriers across borders. This is a big benefit for businesses that cater to worldwide clients or customers. With the support of these platforms, they may easily scale up their communication approach.
Time-sensitive voice OTPs
Many voice systems enable the sending of OTPs. They ensure the timely distribution of crucial and time-sensitive information around the world via calls. Voice-based OTP, like traditional SMS OTP, is a two-factor authentication method. It is a reliable and timely notification solution that ensures messages are sent securely to consumers’ mobile phones on time. It is commonly used for utility passwords and notifications.
With clever outbound calling services, you may rapidly send prerecorded messages of phone calls to thousands of mobile numbers at the same time. It facilitates the delivery of real-time information to target customers. Inbound voice solutions, on the other hand, assist you in answering routine caller questions on your own by automating the process and decreasing the call load of agents.
For More Info: https://www.karix.com/products/voice-solutions/
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mirrorhouse · 3 months
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This is Dr. Casper Darling. I have a classified message for the Director of the Federal Bureau of Control.
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cellgatinbo · 6 months
wait also just remembered that time cellbit played with sneeg and the others in lethal company and all of cellbit's chat simped like crazy for his voice the second he spoke
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and i do mean they simped HARD. several minutes straight of :flushed: and yelling at each other to calm down and FOCUS (they did not)
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eva-birdman-art · 2 months
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More Wolf 359 shitpost!!!!!! They're too silly
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