#voice recording ; ic and ooc answers.
blossoming-journey · 8 days
Tag Dump
Voice of Alaya || OOC
Knight Princess || IC
Records of the Throne || Lore
A Royal Vista || Commentary
Chaldean Carnival || Crack
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The Grail's Call || Prompts
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justariddleguy · 1 year
Ice Cream And Rejection
A colab fic with @strawberrymilk-boba!!! (Idk they might post their oc's pov or not) About our Spiderverse oc's!! (Also probably very ooc for Spot)
Word count: 832
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The day was rainy, rain hitting hard against the roof as Achilles walked towards him, The Spot, or as Achilles knew him, Johnathan. They've known each other for years, initially bonding by both of them not being "good" spidermen. Achilles was a neutral force, wandering through universes messing with other spidermen, creating chaos. And well, everyone knows who the spot is. But now the two are true friends, and to Achilles, hopefully more than that. Achilles told Johnathan they wanted to tell him something today, but only Achilles knew what could happen if they did.
Achilles was standing face to face with him, their stomach churning, hands fidgeting with their clothes. Usually Achilles would joke about everything, pretty playful and silly. But they couldn't help their nervous demeanor as they thought about him potentially rejecting them, him hating them and never wanting to talk ever again.
Achilles has had feelings for him for so long, but they pressed it down, hoping it would go away. The only other person who knew was Scooter, Achilles's adopted brother. Scooter would tease Achilles about it, but never went too far, knowing they should be the one to tell Johnathan, not themselves.
Achilles gathered all the courage they could as they started to talk to Johnathan. "Hey John! Long time no see!" "Didn't we see each other yesterday? Did I just make that up?" He questions, his face turning concerned thinking he missed something. "No, yeah we did, running around with those shopping carts in the parking lot was fun." They mention their activities from the previous day, thinking about moments like those that could never happen again because of them stating their feelings today. "Well uh, I wanted to tell ya' something today. And it's not another history fact." "Oh? Not another history fact? But I love those!" Is what Johnathan responded, Achilles feeling a small bit of relief that he actually likes their history facts. "Well uh.. I uh.." They stammer, words failing them. "I really like you and you're such a good friend and I kinda have feelings for you and I hope you feel the same!" They blurt out, looking at him for his reaction.
As soon as Achilles saw his nervous expression, him starting to fidget with his own fingers, they took a step back. They quickly shoot one of their webs at a building, swinging out of the situation. How could they be so stupid? Why would he ever like them? They're just a clown, someone who shouldn't be taken seriously. They quickly swing from building to building, heading towards their flat, tears dangerously close to clouding their vision. They land in front of their door, fumbling for their keys as they wipe the tears from their eyes. They rush through the door and unintentionally slam it behind them as they dive into the couch. They curl up, their head against their knees as they lay on the couch, thinking that they should've known, even though they never even heard an answer.
After a few dozen minutes of crying their tears finally dry, their eyes feeling heavy as their emotions start to become numb. They finally get up just to get some ice cream from their freezer, returning to the couch to eat it out of the carton. That is until they hear a noise from their window sill, not even looking up as they start to hear someone speak. "Hey man, you okay?" Scooter asked, his voice quiet. Achilles decides not to reply, just to keep laying there watching cartoons to comfort themselves. The soft sound of feet hitting the floor could be heard as Scooter gets off the window sill. "Achilles? Uh, spot said you asked him something then ran off." They say making Achilles curl up tighter. "Why?" Is all they can whisper out, one that wouldn't be audible if it wasn't so quiet in the room. "He recorded his answer, wanted me to bring it to you." Scooter replies before Achilles jerks their head towards him.
"His reply?" Achilles questioned, worried what his answer could be, all their emotions of anxiety and racing thoughts returning. Was his answer going to be no? Does he not feel the same? Does he hate them? Scooter soon sat down with Achilles, phone in hand. "Yeah, he recorded his reply and sent it to me. Wanna see it?" He questions Achilles, only making their heart beat faster. "What if.. what if he rejects me?" Achilles replies, looking at Scooter with a worried expression, one of the few times they showed their worry in front of him. "It'll be fine, we can watch it together dude. Besides you'll always have me." He reassures them, offering them his phone to let them press play on the recording. "Alright, together.. heh, guess we're two clowns waiting on a ledge." Achilles jokes poorly, their nerves getting in the way of their humor. Achilles lets out a breath before finally taping on the play button.
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wdova · 3 years
🎤 yel & tony!
Send a  🎤 + something to talk about and I’ll make voice recording of myself talking about it. @tcnystcrrk
I hope you like my rambling because I had to record this 4 times ok. i talk a lot and I don't say anything cohesive. HERE
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spacialrxnd-moving · 4 years
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       new tag dump (not including tags for other people/pokemon n stuff) because the old ones break on mobile and i have some new ones! also i redid the doc and added actual verses lol i'm sorry i've done so many tag dumps on my blogs as of lately 😭
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hq-cuties · 4 years
#20 for ushijima, oikawa, and atsumu miya 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 thank you!
This is my first time writing atsumu, so I’m sorry if his character is a little ooc, but thank you for the request! Enjoy :)
Prompt: “Truth or dare?” “Dare.”
        “Okay (y/n), truth or dare?”
        You sit on the floor of your friend’s bedroom, a few of your classmates there with you. You were invited to stay the night, and they came up with the idea to play truth or dare to pass the time. You fiddle with the pillow in your arms, before deciding on a dare.
        “Dare.” Your friend giggles at you for a second, and you immediately regret your answer.
        “I dare you... to ask Ushijima out on a date.” Her smile is wide, and the other girls around you laugh at her response.
        “What? No, there’s no way I can do that.” You shake your head quickly, and your friend makes a ‘tsk tsk’ sound at you.
        “You have to~ You can do it after the practice matches tomorrow!” Her smile almost seems mocking at this point, “I mean, at least you know him, right? You are the manager.”
        “That’s why I don’t want to do it- it’ll make everything awkward..” You mumble, squeezing your pillow before giving in to your fate, “But fine..”
         The laughing continues at your response, and the girls resume their game. You end up going to sleep before everyone else, as you had to be up early for the practice matches against some college teams.
        The next day, you were a ball of nerves. You had snuck out of your friend’s house early, trying not to be late. And now, you sit on one of the benches in the gym, fiddling with your fingers anxiously.
        Just about anything set you off that day- even someone simply asking you a question made your nerves spike. You avoided Ushijima as much as you could, trying to abstain from embarrassing yourself any more than you were going to. Eventually, the team came to notice your odd behavior, but you waved them off, blaming your anxiety on an upcoming test.
       The end of the day came quicker than you wanted it to. You watched as the boys cleaned up the gym, your heart beating like crazy. Your friend knew that you had a mad crush on Ushijima, and yet she still gave you that stupid dare.
       You sigh, and click the record button on your phone. The girls forced you to record it, just to prove that you actually went through with it. Your head shoots up as you hear the doors of the gym open, and you watch Ushijima walk out.
        “Ah, Ushijima, wait!” You call after him, jogging to catch up. He stops, turning to face you, “I have a question..” You struggle to get the words out of your mouth, your face an obvious shade of red.
        “Yes?” His deep voice interrupts your rushing thoughts, and you take a deep breath. 
        “Would you be interested in a um..” you start, stumbling over your words. You take another deep breath, attempting to regain your thoughts, “Would you be interested in going on a date with me?” 
        The silence that shrouds over the two of you seems to last for hours. You watch your hands as you fiddle with your fingers, and your foot taps an anxious beat. Your head swims with loud, colliding thoughts: why isn’t he speaking?, what if he says no?, what if he says yes??, what if-
        “Right now?” You snap your head up at him, your eyes meeting his stoic face. What do you even say to that? This was not part of the plan.
        “Um.. yes?” You tilt up the end of your answer, causing it to come out as more of a question.
        “And what plan did you have in mind?” 
        Ah, you should have expected this. His stupid, straight to the point mind. He won’t say yes or no without knowing everything first.
        “To be honest, I didn’t think that far ahead..” you rub the back of your head, giving him an anxious smile, “I’m sorry, nevermind, I’m going home,”
        “I’ll walk you.”
        For a second, the world seemed to stop. You only said ‘nevermind’ to get out of the situation, and somehow only pushed yourself deeper. You nod slightly before starting to walk off. You hear his heavy footsteps right behind you, and he quickly catches up to walk next to you.
        The walk was almost painfully silent. You gazed down at your feet for the most part, occasionally looking up to watch the pink sunset. Ushijima simply walked next to you, staring straight ahead.
        “What do you think about ice cream?” His voice broke the silence, and you look up at him, confused.
        “Uh.. It’s good?” Your mind rushes once again, “Why?”
        “It’s not my favorite.” His response did not help your question. You couldn’t tell if there was a reason behind his words or if he was just making conversation. The silence continues until you reach your house a moment later.
        “But we can get some tomorrow.”
        You stop quickly, and Ushijima turns to look at you. We can get some? Your heart races, and you take a second before he continues.
        “Unless you’ve changed your mind?” He asks, tilting his head slightly.
        You shake your head frantically, willing yourself to respond, “No! I just- yes, we can go tomorrow..” Your words trail off, and you hope that he understood you so that you wouldn’t have to speak again. You weren’t sure if you would be able to.
        “Great.” You look up at him, and your heart seems to stop at the sight. He was smiling. It wasn’t big, but it was something. It was enough to make your legs feel like jelly and your chest feel like it was caving in.
        “I’ll call you tomorrow. We can plan the time and meeting place then.” He gives a small wave before he leaves you standing there, still in front of your house. You watch his back as he walks away, your feet frozen to the ground.
        What in the world just happened?
        Oikawa leans back in his booth at the small cafe next to the school. He laughs at the other members of his team, Hanamaki, Iwaizumi, and Matsukawa, as they fought over something stupid
        The four of them came to the cafe after a long practice, and had been playing stupid games like ‘never have I ever’ to pass the time. They were now on to ‘truth or dare’, and it was going terribly- to say the least.
         “Oikawa, it’s your turn,” Hanamaki starts, turning to face the boy across from him, “Truth or dare?”
         “Ah... dare.” He smiled, waiting for Hana’s response.
        “Go ask for that girls number.” Oikawa looks up, surprised, before landing his gaze on a girl with long, blonde hair sitting alone.
        “Piece. Of. Cake.” He starts, going to stand up before Hanamaki stops him.
        “No, not her.” He pushes Oikawa’s head to turn it towards where you were sitting, “That girl. The one with the boy.”
        “You just want to see me get yelled at by some boyfriend, huh~” Oikawa jokes, smirking down at the other boys, “Watch me.”
        You sit across from your brother, Tobio, staring angrily down at your drink. He had been annoying you since you had gotten to the place, and you were just about ready to go home.
        “Excuse me, but I couldn’t help but notice that- Eh? Tobio-kun?” You look up at the boy that had approached your table, then turned your attention to your brother. The two of them stared at each other in surprise before Oikawa continued, “Ah, I didn’t know you had a girlfriend! Look at you~”
        “That’s my sister.” Your brother responds blandly, his face looking even more bitter than it did before. You smile up at the stranger, realizing who it was as you compared his personality to the stories that Kageyama had told you.
       “Ah, well, then you wouldn’t mind me asking...” Oikawa mumbles before turning to you, “Could I get your number?”
        You ignore your brother’s outburst as you contemplated his words. Typically, you would not have said yes, but you figured this would be an easy way to get back at Kageyama.
        “Sure! Here,” you scribble your number down on the napkin beside you before handing it to Oikawa, “My name is Kageyama (f/n), it’s nice to finally meet you.”
        “Oikawa Tooru. I’ll text you,” He smiled at you, before waving and walking back to his table, “Bye Tobio!”
        You started to regret your decision on the walk home. Kageyama ranted to you the whole time about how bad of a person he was and how you shouldn’t have said yes to him. You breathe a sigh of relief as you arrive home, finally able to escape the angry ranting
        Oikawa’s plan was to trash the number. After all, he had only done it for the dare. And yet, he found himself sitting on his bed, staring at the wrinkled napkin you had given him. He eventually decided that he had nothing to lose, and typed a quick message into his phone.
        Your plan was to simply ignore the text, as you only really said yes to piss off Kageyama. But oh, was the boy cute as hell, and you found yourself waiting anxiously for his message. You look down excitedly as your phone buzzed, and you smile at the text on the screen.
        Unknown number:
            Hi cafe cutie!! It’s Oikawa :)
        You stand against the wall in the bustling lobby, waiting for your friend to show up. You were at the national tournaments for volleyball, wanting to support your school. You had to watch their first match yesterday alone, and you hoped now that your friend would show up this time.
        You go through your phone, looking for her contact so you can message her, when you hear the conversation of a bustling group of boys a few feet away from you. They were playing truth or dare, and many of their ‘truths’ and ‘dares’ were inappropriate or rude. You turn your attention back to your phone, wanting even more to get away from that group.
         “Hey, truth or dare?” A shorter boy asks, a smirk spread across his face.
         A taller guy responds, his hand going to rest on his hip, “Why do you even ask? Dare.” He laughs slightly as he responds.
         “You see that cutie over there?” The first boy points towards you, “Go get her number.”  The group laughs at the dare, some of them turning to look at you.
         “Ah, easy..”
          You look up as someone approaches you, his smirk sending shivers down your spine. You recognized him as one of the boys in the group you noticed earlier, and you tilt your head at him.
         “Hey, you’re pretty cute, y’know.” He leans against the wall next to you, and you take a small step back. You decide that it’s best to not give in to his antics, and only offer a small ‘thank you’ before turning your attention away from him.
        “Ah, don’t be like that. A pretty face like that deserves a smile, especially when you get a compliment.” You cringe, taking another step back.
        “I’m not interested, sorry.” Your response seems to have no effect on him, and his smirk only grows.
        “What? You got a boyfriend or something? I’m only asking for your number, you don’t have to shut a guy down like that.” He laughs, taking a step towards you.
        You look around the lobby anxiously. Most of the people had cleared back into the main gym, as one of the powerhouse schools started a new match. The only people around were the group that you saw earlier and the boy next to you.
        “Yes, I do.” You decide to lie, hoping that telling him about a boyfriend will scare him off. It didn’t.
        “What a shame, I don’t see a boyfriend around. Just write down your number for me, he doesn’t have to know.” 
        “I have to go, sorry.” You turn away, hoping that he’ll give up and let you leave, but a hand wraps around your wrist and stops you in your tracks.
        You want to scream at his touch, and you look around the room again. All you can hear is the blood rushing through your ears, the laughing of the boy’s group, and footsteps. Footsteps. You turn towards the sound, watching as a guy in a volleyball jersey with dirty blond hair steps into the room. He doesn’t seem to pay any attention the scene in front of him as he walks in.
         You decide to take this chance, hoping that the new stranger would play along. You take a deep breath, pulling your arm away from the boy in front of you. 
        “Ah, sweetheart, there you are! I’ve been waiting forever for you!” You walk towards the blonde, and he looks at you, confused. You make eye contact with him, hoping that he’ll get the hint, hoping that he could look around at the situation and realize what is happening, hoping that he would at least get these guys to leave you alone.
        You stand next to him, wrapping your arm around his. You squeeze lightly, flicking your eyes from him to the group of boys. He was about to pull his arm away, confused at the contact, before realizing what was going on. He stops for a second, nodding at you then looking up at the other guys.
        “Is there a problem?” A smile spreads across his face, but his eyes show a completely different emotion.
        “Nope, not at all,” The boy that was harassing you returns the smile, “You’re a lucky guy.”
        “I’m aware.” 
        The boys leave after this, walking into the main gym. The second the doors shut behind them, you let out a sigh of relief, letting go of the guy next to you. You thank him and apologize hundreds of times, and he smiles, waving you off.
       “The name’s Atsumu Miya,” He finally introduces himself after your chorus of apologies ends.
       “Ah, I know..” You trail off, your head snapping back up when you realized what you said, “Not for any weird reason, I promise! I go to inarizaki too, and I recognized you from the team.. Oh, sorry, my name is (y/n)” Your words come out rushed as you tried to explain yourself, and he laughs at this.
        “Okay, (y/n), well I have to go back to the team, the next game is in half an hour,” He starts, turning to walk away, “You’ll be watching, right?”
        You look up, tilting your head slightly, “Yeah, why?”
        “Ah, then I won’t lose,” He walks off, calling over his shoulder a faint, “See ya.” You stand still, confusion still running through your mind.
        Your friend arrived moments later, and she didn’t believe your story one bit. Her disbelief faltered after the two of you sat in the stands, Atsumu Miya sending you a wave from the court.
Next imagine: “Dance with me” w/ Kenma
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
April 14: 2x15 The Trouble with Tribbles
Back to watching TOS on Wednesdays! We’ll see if I can keep this up because I do prefer it to Fridays.
Today’s episode: the Classic (tm) Trouble with Tribbles.
Starting out with a little test for Chekov lol. Just Chekov, his mentor, and his mentor-in-law.
My mom called Chekov “Kirk and Spock’s little project,” which I think is hilarious but also probably true. Only 22 years old and on the bridge crew? Private quiz by the top two people on the ship? Legit interpretation.
“It was just a little joke.” / “Extremely little, Ensign.” Classic Spock burn.
The Organian Peace Treaty--from Errand of Mercy??
I really do feel like Kirk is genuinely amused by Chekov.
You would never guess from this intro about tense diplomatic situations and number-one-top-priority-triple-red-alerts that this was going to be a crack-y episode about space bunnies.
Oh no, a fake red alert! Kirk is really angry now.
Kirk and Spock are very Married today.
Do not try to imply that Spock doesn’t know things; he is contractually obligated to show off.
Canadian wheat.
Honestly, just let Kirk call it wheat.
Spock is using diplomacy to reign Kirk in. Sarek would be proud. And Spock would be insulted that Sarek is proud.
Kirk is very Sassy today.
Omg the waitresses have little wings.
Spock taking the wheat from behind his back and giving it to Kirk like a magician’s assistant.
I feel like Kirk is bitter about the wheat because it’s the one (1) thing he’s not a nerd about. And he’s from Iowa too!! He should know!
Uhura listening to the salesman; well she IS here to shop, after all.
Is it alive? Is it cute? Oh who am I kidding, I can see it’s cute!
Oh no the tribble is eating the grain.
Uhura is truly adorable.
I can’t believe she just made a joke about never getting any shore leave and here she is, back at her station again.
Can you even imagine AOS Kirk being tasked with protecting a bunch of grain? HE would make Iowa jokes.
And Spock is trying so hard not to laugh.
Tbh I have a real soft spot for these frustrated Kirk episodes. Poor, long-suffering Kirk. So much more serious than all of the nonsense going on around him.
I like this space station design.
Klingons on shore leave. They just want to have some fun. No bowling alleys on their ships!
Technical journal time for Scotty!
“I am immune to their effect....” Sure. What’s funny to me is that Kirk actually is immune to their effect. Truly at no point does he seem charmed or amused by or even interested in the tribbles, except in their capacity as Klingon detectors at the end
“I think they’re old enough [to be adopted].” Lol how can you tell?
One look from Spock reigns Kirk in. #spacehusbands
Oh, you noticed there are 11 tribbles instead of 1? How astute.
“What do you get when you feed a tribble too much?” / “A fat tribble.” This is ACTUAL DIALOGUE. Oh, Kirk.
Honestly McCoy is a medical doctor, so it kind of would make more sense for Spock to be doing these tribble experiments but he has his hands full with Kirk
Kirk is awfully insistent upon Scotty taking shore leave when he should very well remember what happened last time
“You’d think he’d be a vodka man.” And he is!
Klingons don’t understand Kirk at all. He IS a little soft <3
Where’s that post that’s like ‘the AOS writers just listened to this one Klingon speech about Kirk and wrote his character based on that?” I mean... not totally inaccurate.
Actually it is a potentially interesting speech. Is this really how his enemies see him based on his reputation? Or is it just, like, a bunch of generic insults you could apply to pretty much any captain of a group you didn’t like?
Poor Kirk, missing out on this fight scene.
Lol the drink joke. Does it make sense? No, but it’s funny all the same.
“Captain’s log: I am forced to cancel shore leave.”
Angry Daddy!Kirk and his unhelpful children. You’re ALL grounded!!
“No this is not off the record!” Not even gonna debate that Scotty.
This whole Kirk and Scotty scene deserves an Emmy.
Spones + Tribbles
The extra hilarious thing about Spock talking about the uselessness of the tribbles and Bones defending their cuteness as being an end in and of itself is that Spock DOES canonically like soft, pleasing animals. Even in this episode!!
The tribble wants to be captain.
Kirk collecting tribbles lmao.
“Don’t look at me, it’s the tribbles that are breeding.”
The tribbles are bisexual. Just like Captain Kirk. (Yes this is two different uses of the term that mean totally different things and I do NOT care I just like hearing the word “bisexual” in DeForest Kelley’s voice.)
I feel like Uhura must be so lonely.. Trying to talk to Spock about the moon. Meeting shape shifting aliens who become native Swahili speakers just for her. Trying to buy love in the form of small, cute animals.
The tribbles have been taken from their predator-filled environment. I am VERY curious about their native environment now. What eats tribbles?
“It’s you I take lightly.” Honestly this level of sass almost makes AOS Kirk seem IC.
“Licensed asteroid locator and prospector.” Brb changing careers.
“But he is after my grain!”
Kirk saying “au revoir” is funny on its face for how he echoes Cyrano what’s-his-face but also because it reminds me of Shatner saying “I’m from Canada, so I speak French.”
No, the tribbles got in his food! That is the last straw.
It’s hard to tell because it’s covered in tribbles, but Spock appears to have a very odd looking salad. (Or that large piece of fruit is a tribble, really hard to tell.)
Spock’s “fascinating” was so quiet.
“They’re into the machinery all right.” First, lol, and second, isn’t Scotty supposed to be in his room thinking about what he’s done?
You can really see that missing finger.
Gonna beam down some tribbles too.
And now to top off this bad day: the indignity of having a bunch of dead tribbles fall on his head. To wacky music.
“Gorged? On my grain?” It’s more likely than you think.
And like........you realize someone off set is just continuing to throw little puff balls at Shatner's head at regular intervals during this whole scene? One just bounced right off it.
And the answer to the tribble problem is literally “stop feeding them” which is so obvious that I assumed it was just harder than one would think not to feed a tribble. Since no one fed them. And they continued to eat.
I also love how Bones comes into his best friend literally buried in tribbles and doesn’t even blink.
Whereas Spock’s here with his mouth this thinnest possible line, trying not to laugh.
They like Vulcans! They have good taste.
Spock is definitely that type that has secret low self esteem so he builds himself up with confident comments at every opportunity.
“He’s a Klingon, Jim.”
Kirk REALLY likes threatening the Klingons with tribbles.
I feel like leaving Cyrano to single-handedly clean up the tribbles over 17 years is not a punishment that makes sense because like... must the station live with the tribbles until then? Also, where is he to put them?
I think they should be returned to their native habitat to be eaten by predators according to the natural cycle of life.
Are we to understand that SPOCK suggested beaming the tribbles on to the Klingon ship? Perhaps I have underestimated his prank war abilities.
I’ll be honest, this ep is very entertaining and for that reason one of my favorites, but I don’t know that it paints the Enterprise, and Kirk in particular, in the best light.
Like... I am really torn on Kirk’s treatment of the undersecretary. I know he often doesn’t much like administrators and diplomats and other people who don’t seem to have much RL experience, and certainly this Federation official got on his bad side immediately and understandably by misusing the red alert.
But... Kirk isn’t at all subtle about not liking him. I mean he literally says “I don’t like you” and that’s just objectively unprofessional, which he is not. The sassiness was way unsubtle, which could be funny, but it just didn’t seem IC.
I can almost justify it because of the red alert mix up--that’s everything Kirk hates: violating regulations, showing disrespect to him and his crew, uncalled for manipulation--and I think he has the right to be upset about it. But he continues holding this grudge for a long time. It feels like it’s just as much about not personally caring about the grain as about anything else. Like he’s dismissive about the grain because he personally has never heard of it. So obviously it’s not important.
That’s too much that conventional-wisdom arrogant, dumb Kirk for me.
I guess I just don’t understand, why so much hatred for the undersecretary? Because his two biggest sins were the red alert and employing a Klingon. But as I already said, I think Kirk’s ire is disproportionate to the first offense and no one knew about the Klingon until the end--because a tribble, not Kirk specifically, found him out.
Otherwise..this guy was right! The grain was important, losing it or having it sabotaged would have very bad consequences for the Federation, it is Kirk’s job to guard it, and he should do it well. He was also right that the Klingon threat was real!! He’d brought in the Klingon threat but he was still right about it existing. The Klingons did in fact sabotage the grain! And although we hear at the end that there was magically more grain out there... I don’t get how or from where.
Furthermore, he used the red alert specifically because he seemed to think Kirk wouldn’t rush over to protect the grain otherwise, and Kirk is so dismissive of this “just wheat” that he kinda proves the guy right!
Anyway, I can see the grains of this Kirk (lol pun not intended) in his general characterization, but it’s too over the top, to the point where it’s OOC. He does take his job, including the diplomatic aspects of it, very seriously, and I think an IC Kirk would protect the grain, and maybe be only occasionally, subtly sassy to the undersecretary.
But this was such a crack-y episode overall... it was like everyone was turned up to 11 and pushed slightly to the side.
It was a fun ep though with a lot of very classic scenes, and it’s another reminder that Spock likes soft, adorable animals.
I will admit that I actually do not think the tribbles are particularly cute. They kind of weird me out. They’re just lumps of fur.
Next is The Gamesters of Triskelion, which I vaguely remember as a decent but not great episode.
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whitefeatheredcrown · 4 years
the rp that brought me back
Hi friends... I know it’s been awhile.  I don’t typically voice my opinion on here or much at all but I feel that I need to tonight.  I’m in a roleplay right now that is getting aggressively attacked.  They’ve been called out for being many things they are not (mostly through gaslighting) and I’d like to set the record straight as one of their members.
This is going to get lengthy so I understand if you don’t read the rest xo.  Before you go I just want the people in Devils Key to know they are LOVED, SUPPORTED, and APPRECIATED. 
I have been in many RPs in the glee bdsm fandom.  Many of which I’ve had pretty terrible admins.  I haven’t felt at home in an RP since Blooming Hearts and that was forever ago.  I actually left the RP scene for about a year after my last terrible experience.  Devils Key was my reintroduction to RP and I couldn’t be happier that I made that choice.  
The admins have been nothing but kind and helpful to me.  When I have a problem, they address it immediately.  When I have a question they get me an answer quickly.  They have an open DM policy and have made it clear on numerous occasions to our members that if there’s an issue ooc or ic that they are more than willing to talk us through it and come up with a solution.  They’ve also made it clear that they want to help and that they can’t help if they aren’t spoken to directly.  When it comes to triggers they crack down (but only if you tell them to list a trigger.)  For instance- I posted something that had some violence in it.  One of our members got uncomfortable and went to the admin.  The admin came to me, without telling me who the individual was, and asked me to put a TW and to black out the post.  I did immediately.
Before the individuals running another rp came into ours, we didn’t really have ooc drama.  I’ve been here about two months now and these people are amazing- they are fantastic writers and so kind ooc!  They’re always up to plot and are here for all the feels, angst, fluff, smut, and things.  Ooc I’ve never witnessed bullying in our rp until the two individuals in question came into the ooc in the middle of a plot drop and started to try and gaslight all of us.  Someone called them out about their motives and they went into attack mode further.  It was jarring to say the least.  They’re still doing it through the guise of an rph blog.  It’s petty and childish and needs to stop.
This all came about because of a Dom and Switch wide punishment plot drop.  It happened at the tail end of it (a 3 day plot).  The individuals in question decided to up end everything by saying an “anonymous person” was triggered by a plot that everyone in the group had consented to.  No one brought their own personal problems or triggers to an admin, not before or during.  Then they proceeded to call us out for being M/s and not D/s and a lot of our members took issue with this and voiced their opinion in the ooc chat.  They kept getting shot down by the individuals.
Our group is D/s but we’re being called out as an M/s rp.  We are not an M/s rp. We do have some members who enjoy an M/s plot here or there kink wise.  M/s is part of BDSM. Our group is advertised as catering to BDSM.  When you come into our rp there is A LOT to read up on INCLUDING that we have NPCs that carry out group punishments.  You have to take the time to actually join the discord group before applying to read up on everything.  But if you haven’t taken the time to read up on everything and are surprised by severe group punishments then it’s on you for not doing your research before applying.  If you’re not into intense scenarios with harder and darker kinks then the group probably isn’t your cup of tea. That being said, if you do see this impending punishment coming up and you know you don’t want to participate then all you have to do is speak with an admin to figure something else out for yourself.  
I have been triggered before and it’s terrible, that being said, I would never expect an RP to do a 180 because of an issue I have.  Especially if I haven’t spoken up about it.  One person getting triggered does not mean an entire roleplay has to change its structure.  It means that the person with the problem needs to speak up for them self with the proper people (the admins) and figure out a way to prevent the trigger in the future, that doesn’t involve messing with the plot of every other character in game.
This rph is saying they spoke to our autistic member about abuse from our admins and members.  She’s a lovely person and I would hate to see her abused in any way.  She happens to be livid because they never actually spoke to her about any of this before posting lies about her.  They just triggered her and now she has to deal with that unfortunately.  Unless there is another autistic player who hasn’t spoken up and in that case please let us know so we can all be aware and inclusive! <3
I could go on and on and show receipts for things that have been said and done by the individuals in question but I’m not going to.  Because I’m not a child.
I know from experience that some of this community can be vicious.  My anon feature will be turned off because I’m not in the business of getting hateful things sent my way.  I believe it’s cowardice.  If you have something to say then say it without hiding behind a grey face.
With all of this said, I hope that I’ve shed some light on a few misconceptions.  I love and appreciate the RP that has brought me back.  Thank you for providing a place for us to write out twisted fantasies. xo
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living-dead-parker · 5 years
Grocery Store Antics - Dad!Tony
Summary: Tony takes his kids to the grocery store
Warnings: cussing, probs ooc, nebula was adopted by Tony idc idc idc, tony in a dad outfit just picture it plz, not super funny but i tried 
Part of a new collection I plan on starting called Tony Stark and his kids.
Word Count: 1.8k
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"We need some hot links, hot dog buns, some chicken, drinks, and some desert," Pepper says out loud before turning to look at May who is making the list. May gives her a thumbs up, completing the shopping list. Among it includes bug spray, pool noodles, and tons of ice cream. All of it completely necessary.
The heat is returning once again, and while not super hot, it's warm enough for a barbeque and swimming in the lake. Tony insisted on grilling and making a day out of it. He has his dad outfit on; a pair of khaki cargo shorts, random SI shirt, and his dad sandals. He has on a bucket hat, of all accessories, and some sunglasses with the lanyard strap on it. Peter insisted Tony wears the ensemble, making him look like the ultimate dad. You're not sure how Peter convinced him to do it, but maybe he's finally accepting that he's becoming an old man. Either way, you're shocked because you remember being 14 and hearing your dad claim that you'd never catch him dead in a pair of cargo shorts and a bucket hat.
"Someone go with me to the store!" Tony exclaims, hearing feet running down the hall. In seconds, all the kids come tumbling in. Morgan up front, Peter next to her. You stand behind Peter and Nebula behind Morgan. Tony rubs at his temple before pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Dad move!" you yell, causing Peter to giggle. Tony looks up, beginning to regret any of this. Now his children are gonna bully him? It's like the Avengers all over again.
"What store are we going to?" Peter asks, walking over to May and grabbing the list from her.
"Not sure, but let's get going while May and Pep set up. Rhodey should be here in a bit, so we should get going."
With that, you lead the way out, followed by Morgan, Nebula, then Peter. Tony walks behind everyone, closing behind him. You sit in the passenger seat of the Audi SUV, connecting your phone once the car is on. Peter sits behind you, Morgan in the middle in her car seat, and Nebula behind dad. Tony pulls out of the driveway, heading off towards the city. Taking over the music, you start by playing some RHCP, to which both you and Tony sing to.
The drive wasn't too long, but it wasn't super quick either, having to drive a good twenty minutes to reach the nearest grocery store. You played some classics, singing along as loud as you could with your father. Every once in a while, the two of you would glance over at each other, smiles as wide as rivers and oceans. Tony would take in the sight of his first born, the pride and joy he's felt overpowering anything. Getting you back was probably the biggest event in his life. You, on the other hand, seeing the old man makes you feel nostalgic. He's been through so much and you owe it all to him. He's always been so selfless with you, even if things were bumpy at times. Cheesy as it may sound, he's your soul mate and you're his soulmate.
"Alright," Tony says once the car comes to a stop in the parking lot of the grocery store. "No lollygagging, in and out. Hear me?"
"You got it, sir."
Peter runs off and grabs a cart from the parking lot collector things. He returns to you all, moving over to your side. Tony picks up Morgan and puts her in the small seat on the top basket. He turns and sees Nebula eyeing the cart, never having done it before. It's quite adorable, actually. She's been getting used to more human things. Shopping malls, movie theaters, parks, and watching TV. For now, Tony and Pepper are letting her be a kid, seeing that she didn't get much of that. They're letting her experience the good stuff in life. All the ice cream, the fun parties, and bounce houses, cool music, and television. All of it.
So Tony chuckles as he nods his head to the bigger basket. "Get in, ya big dope," he jokes. A full belly laugh comes out when Nebula gets in excitedly, squealing as she sits down in the cart. You giggles, taking a quick picture of her in the cart. Having a blue alien sister is cool, except for when it's not. The only times it's not is when you see people staring at her like some kind of monster. It tends to happen a lot in public, much like at this very moment. There's a couple staring harshly while their kids ask about the 'cool blue lady'.
"What are you looking at?" you call out, causing Tony and Peter to pause in their steps. Your group all look over at the people on the other side, meanwhile Nebula looks down shamefully. Sometimes, she refuses to go out for that reason. People tend to ruin the moment. "She's cool and helped save the world, so a thank you is in order instead of staring at her like she's a monster."
The couple turns away and walks faster, almost running away. You flip them the bird when they look over their shoulders, but ultimately they speed walk away all the way. Tony chuckles, lightly clapping your shoulder.
"Hey, it's okay. They're not worth the stress," Tony says looking at you and then at Nebula.
"Let's just go inside and get what we need," you mutter softly, calming down from the moment.
Upon entering the store, things went downhill. Morgan was beginning to get antsy, so Tony put her down so she could walk. The first thing you all got was the dry food items. From there, you went to other non-perishable items or things that did not need to be refrigerated just yet. Before getting the meat and cake, you all happened to walk into the aisle with toys and pool supplies.
"Dad!" you exclaim, grabbing an already inflated whale floatie with black handles on it. "We need him!"
Tony sighs, pointing at the basket nonetheless. You giggle villainously and throw the floatie into the pool. Peter grabs a couple of pool noodles, Morgan grabbing three boxes of donut floaties, three mattress floaties. Behind Tony's back, you and Peter sneak in two boxes into the cart while Tony answers his phone. When he turns around, he has five super soakers in his hands.
"So, change of plans. Steve, Nat, Sam, and Bucky are going to be joining us for some food and a swim."
"So we ambush them with water guns?" Nebula asks. Her voice sounds almost menacing. It's awesome.
"Morgan, you take Nat. She won't attack. Peter, Y/N, Neb," Tony continues, looking at the three of you. "You take Sam and Bucky. I'll get Steve. That sound good?"
"Sounds better than good," you respond excitedly. Tony chucks the soakers into the cart, grabbing the handle and pushing it. There are still so many more things to buy, and the first cart is already running out of space. Even without Nebula in it. So Tony sends you and Peter to get a new cart.
The two of you do just that, grabbing a new cart and racing back inside. However, when he hears the distant sound of singing, he knows it's you. As the words to My Heart Will Go On fill Tony's ears, he sighs. Not a minute later, you're rounding the corner into the aisle that Tony is in, revealing Peter kneeling at the end of the cart with his arms spread as if he was in the king of the world scene in Titanic. Tony sighs, assuming his signature Tired Dad™ stance; head down, temple rub, pinching bridge of nose.
"Onward, trustee sea captain!" Peter exclaims. Tony flips the kid off, pushing the cart out of the aisle and into a new one.
"Dad," Morgan says excitedly as the group approaches the produce section. Tony turns to see his little girl with an orange in her hand. "Orange you glad I'm the normal one?"
Tony chuckles, shaking his head but approving of the joke nonetheless. However, you approach with your hands behind your back. You look at the little girl before squatting down to her level. You pull one hand forward, revealing an avocado.
"Avocadon't go there," you start. You proceed to reveal a squash in your other hand. "Before I squash you," you continue, pulling out your phone and showing your screen to reveal a google image search of baby goats. "Kid."
The beginning probably wouldn't have been funny, but Tony finds himself busting a guy at the preparedness and the commitment to the joke. How you had that ready, he'll never know, but he doesn't want to. He likes the mystery.
"Tony," Peter comes up, holding his hand out to reveal an orange in his hand. "Orange you gla-"
"Morgan beat you to it," you say, looking around a grabbing a bag off one of the nearest stands. It seemed to be all so conveniently placed. Tony's impressed. A bag of peas. "Pea-ter."
Peter is stunned into a silence. First Morgan steals his pun but now he gets punned right back. Not even by Morgan. He feels bamboozled. Peter looks around and grabs a small bag of beans just a few feet away from the group.
"I feel so bean-boozled."
"How do I do it with all of you kids?" Tony asks as he begins pushing one of the carts away.
"Should have kept your legs closed," Nebula cuts in, causing you to burst into laughter.
"She got you, dad."
"It doesn't even work like that-" Tony cuts himself off with a playful sigh. "Plus two of you aren't my creation, so," Tony mutters, not sure what to say next.
The rest of the grocery trip was spent making dumb puns, mispronouncing any and everything. It also involved bugging Tony as much as possible. There's one thing all four of you enjoy doing, and it's bugging Tony. Who doesn't enjoy bugging their dad?
"Morgan, say cupcakes are for basic bitches," you encourage the girl. Tony turns to look at you two as Peter and Nebula continue looking for some kind of desert to feed everyone. You suggested cake, but dad keeps saying no.
"Morgan if you say it I will tell mommy-"
"I'll have Peter make you a web swing!" you bargain.
Morgan nods, watching as you pull your phone out. You open your camera and begin recording.
"Daddy," Morgan begins, smirking as Tony begins shaking his head. "Cupcakes are for basic bitches,"
Suddenly, Peter and Nebula burst into laughter at the young girl's words. At that point, Tony calls it a day. They've been at the store for about an hour, things are running behind. So Tony heads to check out, pay for everything. Damn near has a heart attack at the price, despite the fact that he's a literal billionaire.
"500 dollars? How?"
He looks over the receipt and sighs when he sees what cost him almost three hundred dollars and something that cost him 70.
"A raft lounge for almost 300 and an inflatable pool seesaw for 70? Wow. Bamboozled by my own kids."
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trixcuomo · 4 years
The last person Trixany hugged
Trixany: “So. Cocoa, can you remember the last person I hugged?"
Cocoa, in sassy Goblin voice: “Come on sis, you know who it was. It was um... Him. That guy."
Trixany: “What guy?"
Cocoa: “The guy. He was trying to get your autograph. He wanted you to sign his sword--"
Trixany: “Don't put it like that! They don't know the context. Guys, it was an -actual- sword. A bonafide weapon."
Cocoa: “It was a WEAPON alright."
Trixany: “Will you cut that out? Alright, now that you mention it, I think I do remember. But he was just a fan, you make it sound like something else was going on."
Cocoa: “Speaking of context... Do -they- know who I am? Who's talking right now and helping you answer this question for your guild?"
Trixany: “..."
Cocoa: “Trix! I'm your sister. Do they not even know that you have a Goblin sister?"
Trixany: “Half sister."
Cocoa: “You do like to remind people of that, whenever I introduce myself."
Trixany: “Well, you're so short you're more like a quarter sister."
Cocoa: “Oh do you know what would be a MUCH better story, guys? That time Trixany got shot out of the Kaja-Canon."
Trixany: “I worked there for years, your liar. There was never a cannon?!"
Cocoa: “I meant c-a-n-on as in, when they finally fired your butt and scrubbed all knowledge of you from the OOC company records and its IC lore. Talking about short, you were the one who got redacted."
Trixany: “I can't believe this! All I wanted you to help me do is remember the last person I hugged and you're supposed to be my sister, but you're driving me crazy!!"
Cocoa: “Aaaah!"
Trixany: “Wha--what? Are we under attack? Are you okay? Yeesh, talk about hashtag Azeroth problems..."
Cocoa: “...It was me. I'm the one you hugged. We went through all this silliness for nothing."
Trixany: “But we aren't those kinds of sisters, we never hug."
Cocoa: “Un-huh! If you need a favor, you get all nice and you hug me. It's like this instinct you have to flirt in order to get what you want, but you forget at the last minute that I'm your -sister- of all people."
Trixany: “I don't... Do I?"
Cocoa: “Yeah, right before you asked me 'Cocoa, who's the last person I hugged,' You gave this quick hug hello, and only then you started bothering me with that question.
Trixany: “... ..."
Cocoa: *glints up at her step-sister.*
Trixany: “Forty gold and you tell the Tarts I hugged Sig Nicious instead?"
Cocoa: “Eighty-five. Shake on it?"
Trixany shakes her sister's hand: “Done."
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memoriesofyccjungrk · 4 years
A staff member leads you down Seocho’s winding hallways to one of the office rooms, then opens the door and leads you inside, where your CEO awaits, sitting on the other side of the desk. He doesn’t look up as you enter; he’s too preoccupied with paperwork in front of him. Seated across from his desk, next to an empty chair, is a company lawyer whom you recognize from before; she’d been present when you signed your initial company contract. The staff member directs you to take the empty chair next to the lawyer and then leaves. You hear the door close and the latch click back into place just as your CEO finally looks up and offers the tiniest hint of a smile.
“You know why I called you here, I presume?” he asks, clearly not expecting an answer back until he finishes talking. He folds his hands on the desk in front of him, eyes settling on yours as he continues to speak. “When trainees sign a two year contract, they usually don’t imagine the day when it will expire. They usually don’t expect the time to pass so quickly, either, but here we are.” As foreboding as the words may sound, another close-lipped smile appears on his face, gentle and reassuring.
“I don’t usually make special appearances like this, but you are lucky I had a meeting earlier. I’ve seen you grow a lot in these past two years, and you’ve had your ups and downs, plenty of both good and bad.” He pauses, and diverts his attention back to his desk, where he shuffles paperwork until he sets one singular sheet of paper in front of him. “I’ve been proud of your growth so far, and I trust you to do your best to continue to improve. In the end, the decision is yours, but I’d like you to continue to grow under the guidance of Royal Entertainment. Well, you’re not exactly currently under our guidance, but if you come back to us, we’ll be waiting.”
He finally becomes a little less stoic, and shows the glimpse of a real smile as he slides the contract toward you and hands you a pen. “If we share the same vision, you already know what to do.”
to say that gahyeon hadn’t expected someone to walk up to her that day was a lie. to say gahyeon wasn’t nervous about it was an even bigger lie. gahyeon had been well aware that her two-years was coming up since the beginning of the month, and the anxiety that came with that made her that much jumpier as the day came closer. it wasn’t that gahyeon thought she wouldn’t get offered another contract, but … well, she didn’t think she’d get offered another contract. there was something in the pit of her stomach that told her it was helpless, even though there was a voice in her head reminding her that it was unlikely, but that didn’t mean it was impossible.
only the meeting would give her an answer.
so, when she’s practicing in seocho that day, she’s expecting someone to walk up to her – but she doesn’t expect the drop in her stomach when the staff member asks her to come with them. but, she follows willingly, trailing after the staff member as they lead her through winding hallways as her anxiety begins to churn. she has a reason to be anxious about everything, right ? every trainee’s fate was uncertain, and gahyeon wasn’t exactly clear on how she was doing under royal in the first place. the fact that she wasn’t even training under royal at the moment made her feel a bit strange – she was sure since she was directed toward seocho today, that she was going to be meeting with so jisub. another wave of anxiety washed over her, heart rate quickening. she hadn’t thought much about that company loyalty that she had before, because she hadn’t had to face most of her company since she’d left – a few faces here and there – but it felt … weird having to see the ceo of a company she would potentially be leaving. it wasn’t like he probably cared, trainees came and went all the time – but gahyeon still felt strange about it.
so she’s not surprised when the staff member leads gahyeon into an office where so jisub himself sits at a desk in front of her – gahyeon freezes in the doorway for a moment, glancing over the man, but he doesn’t really seem to notice her hesitance, as he doesn’t even look up from his work. she’s not sure whether or not that’s a sign of … something. but the staff member ushers her inside and gahyeon takes a seat. beside her is a woman gahyeon’s sure she vaguely remembers from before, but she can’t be positive. regardless, it does nothing to really settle her anxiety, and gahyeon can’t help but clasp her hands in her lap and squeeze them as an attempt to alleviate some of what she was feeling.
it didn’t really help at all.
it isn’t until the door shuts behind the staff member that so jisub looks up – and gahyeon doesn’t even register the small smile because she feels a bit dizzy. she gives a nod as he asks her if she knows why she’s here – how couldn’t she ? it was the one thing that had been occupying her mind since the start of the month. she smiles slightly at the other’s words because she guesses that he’s right – gahyeon had hardly expected two years to pass and she was still here – her stomach continues to churn as he speaks – but the look on his face feels oddly … reassuring.
gahyeon guesses people call him the gentle giant for a reason.
at the mention of her time at royal, gahyeon purses her lips – it’s strange to hear her ceo having heard anything about her progress when she’s not entirely sure she’s ever seen him around, although the trainers were certainly his eyes and ears on the ground. despite him acknowledging that she had ups and downs, it feels oddly reassuring that he seems okay with that. part of gahyeon thought companies expected perfection out of all of their trainees and idols, which she’s sure they do – but she wouldn’t have assumed it wouldn’t feel terrible to be told that they were well aware of her shortcomings.
not to mention her progress was sufficient for a renewal.
gahyeon purses her lips to keep herself from smiling at first as she glances down to the papers the man was shuffling around, sliding the contract across to her. this was what she’d wanted – confirmation that her progress had been enough. that she was still making progress, and that she was growing under the company. it makes her feel even worse for getting involved in heartz yet again, a weird loyalty to the company that had initially signed her never faltering, apparently. although it had subsided for the most part since she’d started the project, the thought still swam in her head from time to time.
a glance up at so jisub revealed the smile on his face, and gahyeon took a deep breath before taking the pen from him. she signs easily on the line – because no matter her doubts, gahyeon doesn’t know where else she’d rather be. if heartz wasn’t it for her, she would always go back where she’d always felt more at home than anywhere else. she sets the pen down and sets her hands down in her lap, before looking back up at so jisub. “ if i get the chance to come back, i’ll be sure to do you proud. thank you for giving me another chance. i won’t let you down. ”
OOC NOTE: First of all, congratulations to two years as a trainee! I know it’s been a long and crazy journey, and I’m so glad you’ve stuck through it. When you are ready, feel free to post this prompt with Gahyeon’s response to it.
Should Gahyeon choose to RENEW her contract with Royal, she will sign on to the same agreement as before for another two years. As a reward for making it this far, she will receive ONE WEEK unpaid vacation time to use any time between now the end of November, so long as it doesn’t clash with any special trainee activities (such as her S-POP recordings.)
Should she choose to REJECT her contract with Royal, she will leave the company, effective immediately upon rejection. She will be able to keep all of her debut points, but will not be able to take any trainee workshops or earn any more debut points/workshop points until she becomes a trainee again. She will not have any special advantage over newer characters when she auditions for other companies in the future, and should she become a trainee at a new company she will be considered a junior trainee all over again, even though she will still have his debut points and would be eligible for debut right away. She WILL have the right to audition for Royal again, but the fact that she gave up a contract renewal WILL be taken into account in final casting decisions.
She will have up to one week to make her decision IC, meaning that if she does not make a decision by SEPTEMBER 3RD, she will automatically be cut from the company. Exceptions can be made for those on hiatus.
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asphodel-hq · 4 years
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Name/Alias: Jay Age: 28 years old Pronouns: She/Her Timezone: EST
Face Claim: Jade Tailor Full Name: Nita Samsara David Gender & Pronouns: Cis Woman & She/Hers Age: 23 years old House: Valerian Tier and Role: Significant, Sentinel-in-training Gift: Aerokinesis Occupation: Part Time Waitress at Lou’s Diner
Biography: depression tw, suicide tw
Nita was the daughter of two tribes. Her mother, Kinta, had her tribe woven into her heart and her home, both humbly kept on the Choctaw Reservation of Louisiana. Her father, Ezra, saw his tribe as a life forgotten, fading away in a small synagogue to be rekindled only in passing moments with his parents. Yet despite the deep roots of her ancestry, Nita found that home was a moving target. As a child, home was the Reservation; it was her mother’s world–warm, safe, and wrapped in raw emotions. Later, home became an apartment in the Garden District, and her father said this would be the place for them to grow. The schools were nicer, the jobs more plentiful, and the doctors more specialized. Sometimes home was a hospital waiting room, curled up with a book she wasn’t reading and a father who wasn’t saying anything. Sometimes home was a boiling kettle, screaming and screaming and screaming.
At the age of twelve, Nita became a child of two homes. Kinta and Ezra’s love had burned strong and bright like a falling comet, and the impact had been just as explosive. For a time their two lives and their two gifts aligned perfectly. Ezra would coax a fresh bouquet of flowers from the ground every morning just to watch his wife’s eyes light up with a joy that would overflow into his own heart. Her empathic abilities magnified their happiness, reflecting one into the other until there was no way to differentiate where one began and the other ended. Kinta couldn’t or wouldn’t control her ability; she felt everything deeply and let those she loved feel it, too. But the world was not always full of happiness, and she felt its grief and pain like an open wound, often falling into sudden and deep depressions. Ezra, for his part, eventually grew tired of coaxing flowers from the ground and hiding his temper; if his wife could indulge her sadness, he could indulge his anger. Their shared child and responsibilities did nothing to bring order to the increasingly chaotic home they built, and so much as their joy once had, their exhaustion, grief, and anger reflected, magnified and grew.    
Of the two gifts she could inherit, Nita wasn’t sure which one terrified her more. So when she manifested her aerokinesis, it was almost a relief. The gift suited her well, a tangible tornado of chaos to mirror her life’s figurative one, but despite its unique nature, she still took after both of her parents. Like her mother, her gift was left untamed, fluctuating in power from raw emotion. And like her father she could control the nature around her but never her own, succumbing to his self-same temper and trailing a destructive path in her wake. For all the prestige gifts could offer, Nita never felt very privileged. Controlling the wind didn’t help her soothe her mother’s pain or quell the fights with her father. And none of their collective talents could salvage their breaking family which drifted farther and farther away with each passing year.
After her high school graduation, Nita moved in fully with her mother, relieving her father of the duties of parenthood he was so clearly exhausted by and soon finding herself in the role instead. Any aspirations she had for her own life were put on hold, waiting for the time when she could trust her mother to take care of herself, financially and mentally. So Nita passed the next three years, living a bad rerun of her parent’s relationship as compassion turned to resentment, depression and temper folding in on each other in their home of shared emotions. Their destructive tendencies to the world and themselves landed Nita in jail almost as often as it landed her mother in the psychiatric ward, and whatever savings they had were eaten up in bail and bills. Until one day, after a particularly vicious argument, Kinta made a decision, one final fracture to their home: she was moving to Asphodel.
House Endine was supposed to save her mother. In all ways, they were perfectly suited for the job; they controlled the best hospitals in the area and, more importantly, they were home to the largest congregation of empaths in the state. Surely among them someone could teach the woman to reign in her ability, control it as it had come to control her. Kinta, for her part, committed herself to the plan completely, promising Nita she wouldn’t come home until she was better. Whether kindly or cruelly, she nearly cut Nita out of her life completely, limiting their connection to a single phone call each month. She said she didn’t want to keep holding Nita back from living her life, but her daughter couldn’t help but wonder if she just didn’t want to carry the baggage of their family into her new one. And so two more years passed in two dozen calls. The transition wasn’t easy, but slowly, Nita started to carve out a life for herself, a semblance of stability in a small studio apartment, bolstered by the slow improvement she could hear in her mother’s voice each month. Until, abruptly, the calls stopped.
Nita missed her mother��s funeral by six and a half weeks. Kinta hadn’t listed any family contacts, so no one had known to call; even her headstone erased her family, devoid of their surname or a single familial epitaph. The obituary and medical records were vague but she could recognize the euphemisms for suicide easily enough. And just as easily, she came to the conclusion that this was, without question, a lie. House Endine was supposed to save her mother, but the more she searched for answers, the more certain she became that House Endine had caused her death. Self-assured in her conclusions, it didn’t take long for Nita to take action. The encounter with Dr. Montgomery Lacroix was brief, but brutal, drawing swift attention from the Magistrate as well as Marchesa Montalvo. The two came to a simple compromise: Nita would stay under the watchful eye of House Valerian and the Magistrate would excuse the first offense. Unwilling to give up her opportunity to uncover the mystery of her mother’s death, Nita begrudgingly agreed, beginning a fresh and already fractured home here in Asphodel.
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princeasimdiya12 · 5 years
What's your opinion on the tetocu villians? Specifically the ones that appeared in that one moment in the season 3 intro
Interesting question and I thank you for asking me this.
The villains in general are hit or miss for me. Some of them have really cool designs and interesting personalities while others come off as bland, forgettable or not used to their full potential. It also doesn’t help that most of them are practically forgotten once they’re defeated. If they were more developed like the villains on Miraculous Ladybug, then you’d be seeing alot more entries in the Villains section for TvTropes. But since you asked me for the ones that appeared in the season 3 intro, I’ll gladly explain my thoughts for each of them. 
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(Answering each of them in Clock-wise format)
TP Mummy: I’m pretty indifferent towards this monster. While her design is simple, I do like how she uses her TP powers. Plus the design works since she is essentially a toilet paper mummy. But I feel that her motivation to take over the world by stealing all the toilet paper feels OOC considering that Yewh never really had any ego maniacal personality traits. 
DJ Drowsy Drawers: I personally love this villain. Her design is really creative and stands out since she’s essentially a DJ themed cyborg. Her sleep powers are also deadly along with her ability to shoot playing records. The writers were aware of her music theme and they went all out with her abilities. Her motivation was a little weak but it’s more solid since Herd’s prime goal was to make the dances be as boring and lifeless as possible. So I like her.
Socktopus: I find him pretty cool. It especially helps that he’s voiced by the John DiMaggio and I’m a huge fan of his work. You can really tell that he was giving it his standard tone of voice when voicing the Sock and I enjoyed that. His size and tentacle attack make him really effective as a monster. The only downsides would be his motivations and his take over the world plot. I feel it would have been beneficial to have him showing us how he can control other socks that aren’t his own so his threat can be taken more seriously. And while he does get character depth by saying that he only wanted dirty socks to be more loved, it feels shoehorned since he never showed any display of this during his screentime. If this was shown more then he could have been a more compelling monster. Apart from these factors, I still like him.
Tubbadump: I don’t like him as much. He comes off as a fairly generic monster that doesn’t leave a strong impression after his performance. And apart from his Godfather-esque personalty, he doesn’t really shine as much. Not to mention that he doesn’t have any creative or unique powers apart from moving trash. 
Queen of the Zombees: I actually liked Ribble as the Zombee Queen. Mainly because her design was cool and how effective she was as a ruler. My only gripes with her is that we don’t really see Ribble’s personality shine through as the Queen. It’s like you could swap her out with any faculty member, zap them a few times with the bee invention, have them go mad with power and nothing would change. So it feels like a loss that Ribble doesn’t show her personality when she’s akumatized her. It also doesn’t help that she’s really lacking in the personality department compared to her colleagues.
Flabby Flabulous: He’s okay for me. Not exactly a personal fave but he works for me as a starter villain in the show. Not only does he work as an introduction to the zaniness of the CU cartoon but he represents the wild and inappropriate imagination two children can come up with when it comes to making characters. A guy with a giant butt is definitely something a child would think of for kicks and giggles. 
The Splotch: Another favorite of mine. Along with being an Expy of Venom, he has a very charming and friendly personality when he interacted with the boys. He has a nice gentleman vibe while also being completely dangerous with his ability to control all the robes in Piqua. I also love that his character is meant to be a shadow counterpart to Captain Underpants and their fight was super entertaining. Even if perfectly symmetrical violence did solve anything, it was still fun to watch. I can only hope that he’ll find a way to escape his imprisonment and make an appearance in the next season(s). I’m still holding out hope that next season will focus on aliens!
Bigfoot: I don’t understand why he’s here in this shot. He’s not a villain and he’s actually a Wonderful Samaritan.
Avocadwoe: I have mixed feelings for this Akuma. On one hand, I love how effectively dangerous he was in attacking the heroes and reducing Piqua to ruins. I especially like how so much destruction and rampage came from the (formerly) timid and soft spoken Fyde. It really symbolizes how even the most gentle or harmless of people can unleash so much rage and fury. On the other hand, I kinda don’t like how this was what Fyde’s monster form turned out to be. When you compare him to the other faculty members and their villain/monster forms (Ribble as Wedgie Woman, Meaner as Flabby, Anthrope as Clogneta) it feels underwhelming that Fyde ended up with a plant seed theme. It doesn’t come off as very flashy or cool, especially if that may be his only akumatization. So again, Avocadwoe is a mixed bag for me.
Ratrick the Poopacabra: He’s not a personal fave but I do have a soft spot for him. Mainly because of how much character depth Ratrick has for feeling depressed along with frustration over not having his message heard. It only makes sense that he would lash out in anger and despair. And while I’m glad that he found comfort with Chupacabra, it is a little sad that we don’t know what became of him after his debut.
Altitooth: I don’t really like this youma either. Just like with Tubbadump, he comes off as rather forgettable since he was just a random guy who ended up becoming a monster and started terrorizing everyone. While that’s pretty much the norm for most of these villains, he doesn’t have an impressionable personality or do anything significant. He’s generic to me. But I do like his ice powers.
Barfalisk: This one is okay with me. Mainly because of its hyper aggressive personality and how it’s able to make people barf rainbows. But just like with Altitooth, it doesn’t leave a very memorable performance as a youma. Also I’m very curious to know how there are real barfalisks in the CU universe despite being created by the boys and how Erica was able to find one with no explanation. Really hoping they mention this in season 4.
Fur-cules: Another dud for me. I get that he’s a guardian of a secret fountain but his overall design, powers and personality aren’t that memorable or worthwhile. Plus he turns out to be a pretty good guy after his fight with CU and is eventually forgotten once the group leaves Ecuador.
Teachertron: In theory, the robot would make for a pretty great villain or even a tool for the Melvins. He has a sleek design and would be a formidable threat. But in the end, he’s not even a genuine villain or an Akuma. It’s just as an obstacle created for the Wonder Nerd duo to defeat the heroes. Plus it’s not like Melvin ever brings him back to terrorize the boys or CU. Though how Grace Wain forbade him from using these types of inventions, it’s fairly understandable.
Messica Gorgon: I actually like this Akuma. Messica works as a perfect opposite for the well kept and carefree Jessica as the Vimpire is a total mess and lashes out at everyone so they can be as miserable as her. Draining her victims of their joy and turning them into moping messes is a pretty creative power. Though it would be nice if she had another power to support her. Like maybe making huge hairballs of garbage to throw at CU and trap him. Apart from that, I really like her.
And those are my thoughts on each of these villains. i had fun writing my thoughts for each of them so I appreciate that you asked me this. And if you have any thoughts on my thoughts, you’re always welcome to reblog this.
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wdova · 3 years
🎤 - your most memorable birthday
Send a  🎤 + something to talk about and I’ll make voice recording of myself talking about it. @weaponxtm
hello listen to my horrible accent and voice. HERE
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joie-university-rp · 5 years
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It is with great pleasure we invite you admission to Joie University! Welcome to the Thunderclap family!
Congratulations, JUSTIN! Please be sure to check the New Members’ Checklist and send in your character’s account within 24 hours from now. We cannot wait to see all that you will bring to this roleplay! We love you already!
Name/Alias; pronouns: Justin, he/him
Age, Timezone: 20, MST
Activity, short explanation: 3-4 hours a day, after work.
Ships: Dante/Kurt since I am filling the connection. Dante/anyone.
Anti-Ships: Nothing.
Triggers: None for me.
Preferred photo for Character’s ID (please give a link): https://media.gq-magazine.co.uk/photos/5d138d392881cc034d0a7267/master/w_1280,c_limit/Adam-Driver-04-GQ-12Dec17_Dante-Brookes_b.jpg
Anything else: I’m filling this connection. https://joie-university-rp.tumblr.com/post/189809373804/requested-connection-for-kurt-hummel-suggested
Full Name (First, Middle, Last): Dante Matthew Noire
FC: Adam Driver
Age/Year at University (Freshman [1st Year], Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Graduate Student): 24 years old, freshman/first year
Birth date (MONTH DAY, YEAR): August 13th, 1995
Hometown (please be sure to check the hometowns listed for characters your muse is related to!): Los Angeles, California
Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Major(s): Philosophy
Minor(s) [optional]: Songwriting/Music
Housing request (remember, only the president of a Greek Organization is required to live at a Greek House to be in it!): Schuester Dormitory Single Dorm 205
Extracurriculars (Click here for the list. Be sure to specify any executive board positions [i.e. president, secretary, etc.] If something isn’t listed, please put it here and we will add it to the masterlist!):  Glee Club Member, Fencing Team Member
Greek Life Affiliation [optional] (Please be sure to specify any executive board positions [i.e. president, pledge educator, etc.] or if your character is not yet a member, but plans to rush): None.
CHARACTER PROFILE (TW; Alcohol abuse, suicidal tendencies):
Dante was born into a relatively normal upper-class family. His parents were a very successful pair, his mother a lawyer and his father a banking executive. He lived in peaceful comfort, went the best private schools for teaching, yet when it came time for him to start building towards a career path, he couldn’t seem to pick one. He was a joy in the classroom and had a knack for tutoring other students that struggled as well. Alas, he didn’t want to be a teacher like his mother recommended, or a social worker like his father suggested. He found his true home in the music room. His parents had him learn piano and other various instruments, including vocal lessons, much to their detriment. When it came to his senior year of high school with not a single college application submitted, Dante came clean to his parents; he wanted to be a musician.
He moved away from L.A. when his family rejected his selected career path, especially after they cut him off from his allowance. When he got to New York, he was dead-broke, but found a job quickly as a jazz -ballad singer and pianist at a couple bars around the city. He sang in parks and street corners, releasing self-written songs online, hoping one day he would get noticed. It wasn’t until he actually took a piece of his father’s advice that he started to gain fame; “Dress as if you already have the job when you go in for the interview.” So, Dante gave himself the new look, dressing like the jazzy, big band singers and performers of old, promoting his image as well as his music.
Dante’s relationship with Kurt ran along with his quest to fame. He met Kurt during one of his nights working at an underage-friendly jazz bar near NYADA’s campus. Due to his talents, the students that came in would tip him well. It was in September of 2016, one year into Dante’s tenure in New York, did he spot the other man in the same seat once a week. It didn’t take long for Dante to introduce himself. Kurt and Dante together felt like they were two puzzle pieces, making a complete picture. When Dante started to gain a small following online, he made efforts to separate his professional life from when he was at home. Kurt made him feel like he could be his true self, open and free, yet while he was on stage, performing for an audience of strangers, he was putting up an act. He knew Kurt’s voice was magnificent, but he never wanted Kurt to think he was using him like that to promote his own career. Dante loved Kurt, and he wanted to keep Kurt far away from his growing spotlight. Let Kurt find his own dream, his own claim to fame, with Dante supporting him the entire way. At least, that was the promise Dante proposed to Kurt with in 2017.
As his fame began to grow and explode, the lines between his face to his growing public and at home began to mix. Dante would come home shitfaced from some party, or a concert, or PR event. Photos online with him holding fans close, kissing their cheeks, and being flirtatious would come out in the tons each time he stepped outside. Kurt would have to sober Dante up, thwarting his attempts to get into his pants. Kurt never obliged while he was drunk, which would result in a heated argument. It wasn’t until the next morning that he would apologize. Trust became very thin, very quickly, turning into a vicious cycle, over and over. It was Dante returning from his first 3-month tour, as drunk as ever, that ended the relationship for good. Another argument had broken out, this time Kurt demanding to know why there were clips online of him running around some party with his hand in some girl’s back pocket. Dante became furious Kurt would think he cheated, yelling up and down it was just for PR. Kurt didn’t buy it, eventually locking himself in the bathroom when Dante threw a glass at him. It wasn’t until Dante woke up the next morning, somehow in his bed, that he realized just how badly he had fucked up. Kurt left him, with the ring on the kitchen counter, the glass cleaned, and fresh coffee brewing in the pot.
The depression that followed Kurt leaving had Dante near suicidal. He tried to find Kurt; his number was blocked, and when he contacted NYADA to find him, they said that he had dropped out. He was blocked on social media, using dummy accounts to find out none of them were being updated. Kurt had disappeared, and there was no way Dante could find him. He gave up, vanished for months from the public eye, nearly destroying his career in its infancy. In that time, Dante wrote songs, poems, and love letters for Kurt he could never send. When his agent demanded work from him, he just tossed the papers on the table in frustration, that having been his only work during that time. It was a good thing his agent had more business sense than Dante, recommending he commit his works to the studio, to audio, to music. And hence, his chart-topping, record breaking, radio dominating album, ‘To Kill the Canary’, was born. It tore away from his jazz swings of the past into a ballad genre, featuring less sax and more acoustic guitar. The day the album released, he saw the crowds form at his feet, resonating and praising his work. He was determined to live despite what happened, even if he couldn’t seem to move on.
With all this success, why attend Joie for a degree? He was set for life, he didn’t need more education. Dante’s agent thought the opposite. With the influence he held, and with him turning twenty-five in August, they thought it would look great for his image if he wasn’t just some good-looking musical flounce, doomed to fail when he was no longer dominating the public. They opted for the Emma Watson route; go to college. Get a degree. That way, he was a cut above all the others in his industry; he wasn’t just a talent, he was educated. He chose philosophy as his major over music because he already mastered music. He didn’t want college to be a complete waste of time, so he decided to learn something completely new. Joie was an easy choice for a university; it was a world-renown college, one his fans would recognize. The fact one of his dummy accounts notified him of a post to Kurt’s Instagram had absolutely nothing to do with this college selection. Nothing at all…
(Please answer the following questions IN CHARACTER. Responses can be as long or short as you see fit!)
What made you want to attend Joie University?
The prestigious nature of the school seemed the perfect place to both earn my degree and gain life experience I have been lacking. The administration seemed accommodating considering my current position and gave the impression that I would be treated just like everyone else. Overall, I felt very welcomed and fell in love with Joie instantly.
What are at least 3 positive or neutral and at least 3 negative traits that you believe you possess?
My most positive trait would be my unwavering determination. Even in the face of my family being nay-sayers in the quest for my dreams, I went after them anyway. Now, I wish to prove there is more to me than a pretty voice, exceed my own expectations. Perhaps that is my second trait; ambition for a new challenge. No mountain is too high for me. And that ties into my third best trait being creative problem solving. I simply cannot take no for an answer. If there is a will, there is a way, and I have a lot of willpower.
As far as the negatives of my personality, every positive is a doubt edged sword. For all my determination, it is very difficult for me to know when it is time to stop, reflect, and take it what is around me. I am always pushing for the next goal, leaving me often forgetting to savor the moment. I don’t know when to stop pushing for more, for better. This has had my personal relationships suffer in the past as well, and I do plan to remedy this. Apologies are another weakness of mine. For all I try to correct any wrongs on my part, simply saying ‘I’m sorry’ seems to escape my mind. A third flaw… I am frequently told I am too generous with my money. It isn’t like I could possibly use it all, so I use it on others. This has lead to a few personalities latching onto me simply for my wallet or my fame. I suppose that makes me a sub-par judge of character.
Which of your traits do you value most?
My ambition, by far. Taking on the impossible and making it believable is something I enjoy doing, both in music and in life. I wish to up the ante by studying for my degree, see what challenges I can tackle next.
How can that trait benefit the University (or its student body) as a whole?
Being I am a special case, it would be no lie to say my experience in the school could lead to positive press. I would also be interested in investing in the school through funding scholarships and such, once I am no longer a student. I do believe in the power of education, so on the same hand I do not wish to distract from other students attending. Making a show of myself here is not the goal. I wish to meld into the student body just as a regular attendee, no special treatment. That is what I could bring.
What do you hope to gain from your experience at JU?
The typical college experiences. The ups and downs of dorm life, the stress of finals, the development into a greater person leaving than you were when you arrived. I want all these things.
What is a quote or song lyric that describes you?
“I wanna take you high up, Let our hearts be the only sounds, I wanna go where lights burn low, And you’re only mine.” -James Bay, ‘Wild Love’
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the-royal-courier · 6 years
Caras De’Avalon: An Elven Haven
By Constance Riverton
Rumors of a construction project north of Stormwind reached the city recently. Speculation abounded on the purpose and the Elves behind the endeavor. I took the opportunity to reach out to the project leader, Jecarde Indo’shar, to clear the air and get to the truth behind the gossip. The city of Caras De’Avalorn is meant to be a neutral one. The idea is to create a city for those displaced, wishing to find a safe haven that feels like home. Both Mr. Indo’shar and Miss Thalryn were eager to speak of the endeavor.
We met at the Royal Courier offices. Upon first impression Jecarde Indo’shar presents himself as a well dressed, well spoken Ren’dorei. His fiance, Cassiele Thalryn, another distinguished looking Ren’dorei,  joined the interview, deferring to Jecarde for most questions. Her expertise did come into play around questions of immigration. 
Q: What does Caras De'Avalorn mean?
Jecarde:  "It means Mountain Ridge of the Avalorn, the Avalorn being the large plot of land that was procured just north of Stormwind. It is completely surrounded by mountains and the only way in or out is by sea or a very subtle passage that leads to the forests just outside of Stormwind city's northern wall."
Q: What is the ultimate vision behind this?
Jecarde:  "We feel that, especially given the fact that the Quel'dorei, Ren'dorei, and Kaldorei no longer have a home, it would be of paramount importance to provide a land that we can call our own. What's more, Elves have either been at each other's throats or non-existent in the world theater's stage and I believe now is a good time to bring us all together under one banner in the name of unity and execute the wisdom that we are rumored to have. Lead by example, for the sake of peace. If we prove that it -can- be done then more would likely be willing to give it a shot. At least in theory."
Q:  With your proximity to Stormwind, do you worry about your neutrality being called into question? What precautions are you taking to maintain neutrality?
Jecarde:  "There will be no standing armies within the realm of Caras De'Avalorn. We will have our peace keepers to make sure that laws are adhered to, but they would hardly be numerous enough to call themselves an army. Should Caras De'Avalorn come under attack, it would be the citizen's responsibility and privilege to take up arms and defend their home."
Cassiele:  “Caras De'Avalorn is secluded within the inlet just north of Stormwind with only a single passage made available to Elves beneath the Alliance banners. Those who are neutral or unfortunately still tied to the Horde can only access the Harbors of Caras De'Avalorn by passenger vessel to which they must provide their passport card to even board and then check in with the Harbor Master.”
Q: What of those elves who do hold allegiance to one faction or the other? Are they unwelcome? And what of other races?
Cassiele:  "Like you or I, we will always have a sense of home in our hearts. Caras De'Avalorn is to be considered neutral territory. Passport cards are available for both residents and guests alike and must be kept on your person at all times in the event the Champion requests his men set up a checkpoint. Other races are permitted though mainly as guest. Should a non-Elvish individual wish to acquire residency it would be considered under heavy regard and only for special circumstances. Something along the lines of a bi-racial couple looking to put down roots, or a descendent of an Elven race."
Q: What does it take to get one of these passports? How does one gain a passport to visit?
Cassiele: “In order to obtain a passport card one must meet with me to file the necessary documents and have a photograph taken. Currently with Caras De'Avalorn under construction, the best place to meet with me would be courtyard of the Keep. Once construction is complete, we'll open a Registrar's office and be able to create and maintain records there.”
Jecarde: "We plan to integrate a thorough vetting process to make sure that those who would bring harm to our goals or community will not be permitted entry."
Q: What about citizenship? Once you take up residence are you considered a citizen or is there more to it?
Cassiele:  “Citizenship of Caras De'Avalorn will only be reserved for Elves, Residency is more for special circumstances. Either of which can be revoked for illegal activities that are against the laws and ethics of the Kingdom.”
Q: What safeguards and laws are in place to attempt to keep that peace you strive for?
Jecarde: "Once people are accepted into Caras De'Avalorn they enter into a contractual agreement with the kingdom. They will adhere to this contract or will be expelled and banished for treason. Some of the laws in this contract are, for example, one resident cannot extort another. That one is part of a set of laws that will be impossible to repeal or alter, even by the high council, and are set in stone. Other laws specifying acts of violence will be implemented prior to the opening of the kingdom."
Q: What is that leadership structure like? Who selects the High Council?
Jecarde: "There are two tiers to leadership within the kingdom. The Curators will hold town hall meetings for the various Houses they represent and they will submit their information to the High Council, who would be responsible for voting any laws into effect, amending current laws, changing policies, so on and so forth. The original High council will be formed primarily by founders of Caras De'Avalorn, though any future members will be voted in by the council itself.
Cassiele:  “Ideally these positions are voted in, however Jecarde here will reside as Arbiter, a mediation position to ensure meetings and affairs run efficiently.”
Q: When do you anticipate the city to be ready for habitation?
Jecarde: “We will be having our opening gala next month, actually.”
Q: What else would you like people to know about the community?
Cassiele: “We're just looking for a peaceful home that caters to our ancestors and kin. That's all. There are no ulterior motives here.”
The meeting shed light on the project, the mission, and vision Mr. Indo’shar has for the new community. With the first citizens expected to take up residence in early April, as most of the construction completes, Caras De’Avalon promises to be a neutral haven for all elves.
(In addition to the in character questions, both the players behind Jecarde and Cassiele were happy to answer some OOC questions to help clarify the project.
If someone wants to get involved what are the steps?
Jecarde:  Basically contact myself or Cassiele  (@jecarde or @cassielethalryn or the Contact Us link on @cda-wra)
The Discord is set up to create the “setting” but you do intend for people to RP in game as well as in the Discord channels, right? And is there a storyline to get involved in?
Jecarde: Right. We're essentially creating, with some of our own stories to guide things along, a space where other like-minded storytellers can execute their own storylines. All stories, besides some of our own, will be community-sourced.
Cassiele:  We're essentially trying to establish a virtual city within the game. By blending Suramar and Silvermoon with a hint of Teldrassil. There will be people who actually rp out of CDA via discord, vendors and the like. The Community isn't a guild and thus doesn't provide direct stories. The Community is more of an IC backdrop for your character should you wish to live there.
Some have compared this to the HON, tell me why, in your own words, it's not that?
Cassiele: CDA has zero voice in Stormwind, the actions of any involved do not interfere or interject in anyone's role play but those who wish to take part. It is race centric, has common sense guidelines in order to maintain communication across and above board. It essentially has nothing to do with Stormwind, it's culture, laws, or ruling body. It's also not just nobles.
The Community theoretically governs itself through the ic positions and curators. Jecarde wanted to make a Ren'dorei only guild, but then opened it to all Elven races. Then he was encouraged to open it cross faction because of the tongues elixir. It was born into a community.
Jecarde: And for the record, I had nothing to do with the HON.
What is one thing you would like to share OOCly about the community?
Jecarde: Visit the CDA tumblr, read this post,  and if you still have questions about how, who, where, or what; use the Contact Us link and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.
The Royal Courier thanks @jecarde and @cassielethalryn for the opportunity to interview them on their project. If you’re interested in joining, visit @cda-wra and reach out to them!)
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hollowedrpg · 5 years
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CONGRATULATIONS, KENDRA! — You’ve been accepted for the role of Arabella Figg. Throughout your application you got Arabella’s characterization down, but it was your one-shot that really convinced me you were right for the role. Perhaps the most crucial part about writing Arabella, aside from having a good grasp on her personality, is understanding how she fits in between Alastor and Kingsley. Your one-shot really painted the picture I was hoping to see in an app for her, and I’m so glad. 
Thank you so much for applying. Please create your account and send in the link, track the right tags, and follow everyone on the follow list. Welcome to Hollowed Souls!
name: Kendra
age: 23
preferred pronouns: she/her
timezone: MTN Standard
activity: Fairly active on the weekdays, I work as a receptionist and we often have long stretches of silence and I do my other work from my personal laptop, so no one minds that I’m on it during the day. Weekdays I’m a little busier just catching up on things but tend to be very free in the afternoons.
are you applying for more than one character?: No
how do you feel about your character dying?: I think this is the kind of role-play where if that did happen, it would play out well, so as long as there’s plenty of communication and it makes sense in the game(and honestly even if it doesn’t because that’s just how things go, sometimes) I’d be fine with it.
anything else?: Nothing! This looks really beautiful and I can tell a lot of love went into it, so I’m excited to be applying!
ic details.
full name: Arabella Fiona Figg
date of birth: 12/27/1952
former hogwarts house: N/A (but serious Hufflepuff potential - Arabella strikes me as a very loyal, forthright person who would have fit in well with other Hufflepuffs and had she had the chance to be in such a welcoming, diverse house, she might have found herself opening up more instead of closing in on herself the way she has.)
sexuality: demisexual
gender/pronouns: cisgender female | she/her pronouns
face claim change: N/A
how do you interpret this character’s personality? how will you play them? include two weaknesses & two strengths. +Determined - it took more than a little pushing for Arabella to get into the world that so forcefully shut her out years before and she has done more pushing since. She is not one to take no for an answer, and while she might have to wait for the outcome she wants she gets it in the end. There is something steadfast in Arabella, solidified with each passing day a letter never came. She doesn’t want pity, doesn’t need it, she has what she needs, magic or no, to see things through to the end. +Reliable - If something needs getting done, count on Arabella to see it through. Whether it be finding some obscure ingredient or that stranger’s third cousin, there is a tenacity and specific drive to please that Arabella will run into the ground until she has the end result she wants. She has made a reputation for herself as someone to count on, and she doesn’t intend to let that go any time soon. -Awkward- Even as a child, Arabella was quiet, an observer, a wallflower. Her opinion was seldom asked for nor wanted, and the ensuing disconnect from her peers in school left her with little skill for socialization. Put a goal in front of Arabella and she can talk her way through just about anything, but put small talk in its place and she might be better off mumbling that excuse and ducking out of the room -Eccentric - Growing up between two worlds and the constant reminder you don’t quite fit into either can take its toll on a person. Things that might have been seen as a quirk to a witch are seen as an oddity in Arabella. Her attempts to learn in a community so determined to shut her out directed her to languages and reading ancient runes, memorizing spells she couldn’t use but one day might prove useful to the right person. Any piece of the wizarding community she is able to grasp onto is a gift, one she is excited to share with anyone willing to listen.
how has the war affected this character, emotionally and otherwise? In short, Arabella is exhausted. She has put her blood, sweat, and tears into the Order and while sitting still hasn’t always been her strong suit, she is willing to wait, to outlast the remaining shreds of terror, to keep the people around her safe. She sees a numbness forming in the people around her and hangs onto the shreds of light around them. They’ve worked too hard, lost too much, for this to not have been worth it. It has to be worth it, they have to pull through or else what did the people she coerced into this die for? She busies herself with keeping hopes up, keeping spirits light, keeping Kingsley on his feet so he can go just one more day, just one more, in order to make this worth the fight, so it all isn’t for nothing.
where does this character currently stand? with those who wish to hide in godric’s hollow until the war ends, with those who wish to rebuild the order and continue fighting the war, or on neither side? why? Arabella is in favor of keeping a low profile in Godric’s Hollow, unable to ignore the pull to protect those she talked into this war. Its hard to look into the same exhausted expressions and want to go in for a final push, let alone try and gather more support for more bloodshed. There is a side to her that wants to fight, wants to push on and finish this before the enemy can regroup, but the harsh reality is there’s a limit to how Arabella can help, and if her help needs to come in the form of supporting Kingsley and her other friends, she’ll do it and keep pressing on until things have at last settled.
When looking for new recruits for the Order, what does Arabella look for exactly? When is she sure someone would make a good fit? There is a certain spark to a protector, a fighter, and while it may not always be obvious at first, Arabella has a reliable gut, and she knowspeople. She can hear it in the way they treat a waitress, when they pause to coo at a cat across the alley, even in that awkward pause between holding a door open for someone just a bit too far away. When Arabella finds that bit of decency, her attention is snatched up and she follows that little bit of intuition until she’s proven right, and once she has a solid grasp, she prods and presses until she has a recruit, someone who stands up for the downtrodden, who sees this war and thinks ‘enough’ instead of putting their head down and hoping the war will pass them by.
mock blog - https://figgxarabella.tumblr.com/
pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/teenycactus/hollowed-souls-arabella-figg/
spotify - https://open.spotify.com/user/kglass8/playlist/61gL3WyAiSquFwct118cYm?si=Z7krGnUxSy-i92vMS8YJKA
 I wrote a bit of a one-shot thing to get a feel for it and got a bit carried away -
There was a comfort in the late nights of the Ministry that Arabella found didn’t exist in the little tent community she’d now found herself calling home. Her office was clean and quiet, save the occasional raised voice from Kingsley’s office a few feet away. Alastor was in there as well, and while they often included her in their discussions, tonight the door was firmly shut, leaving her to sort through her own files and photographs she’d been collecting over the past week. Recruitment had slowed significantly as the war grew more perilous and finding willing and able bodies had become a challenge even for her. A slam against the wall closest to her made her jump, another increase in volume from the office nearby, and she settled again, pinching the bridge of her nose and trying to focus on what was in front of her, not eavesdropping on whatever confrontation was happening.
It didn’t seem so long ago Alastor had first barged into this office, leaving little room for her protests, getting past her before she could even rise halfway from her chair and closing the door to Kingsley’s office the way it was now. She had been less considerate then, inching and then leaning in her chair to try and make out the muffled words beyond the wall all the while trying to occupy herself with the task of redirecting the Goblin Liaison Office  from their insistence on a meeting. It hadn’t been an extraordinarily long time to wait before Alastor Moody came crashing back out of the office and then out of sight but to this day she couldn’t tell you what meager excuse she had offered Dirk Cresswell that had ended his attempts to gain access to Kingsley. It wasn’t long until she was seeing more and more of Alastor and even less time until she was finding whatever odds and end he needed as well.
There wasn’t a point in trying to eavesdrop now, even if she’d wanted to. This argument was no doubt the same one they’d been having for weeks now. Hide or fight, stay or flee, it was the same every time. They would talk themselves in circles until they tired of it, and the door would open and the tension of indecision would spread to her sprawled out mess of a desk. Looking at it now, she gathered a few of the spread papers and stacked them neatly, shoving records and transcripts into a labeled folder and tucking the folder in a drawer just as the door swung open. She tried and failed not to jump again at the sudden noise, busying herself with making the folders in the cabinet sit against one another perfectly. She felt rather than saw the presence of Kingsley pausing beside her desk, looking down at the remaining selection of paperwork waiting to be sectioned away, hands idly brushing a yellowed photograph, the flickering image of a woman mid laugh, hugging a bundle to her chest.
She straightened up as he found the name on this folder, resting her chin in her hand as the door swung shut behind Alastor, who had gone without a goodbye.
“He wants to fight.” It wasn’t a question, but Kingsley nodded anyway, continuing to thumb through the folder before picking it up entirely, she leaned back in her chair to get a better look at his expression as he did it, but he hid well from her, as he always had. There was a crease between his brow but nowadays there usually was, anyone who knew him knew he was stressed, but that was as far as he let show. For a moment, there was only the slight creak in her chair as she rocked a bit uneasily in it, watching his face, waiting for more of an explanation and receiving none. “He won’t give up easily,” She said finally, the way her voice caught in her throat had him looking at her at last, and Arabella accepted the folder back, flicking through the papers as if to ensure they were all there.
“He won’t,” Kingsley conceded, watching her as she replaced the folder with the others and shut the cabinet door, locking it with a small key, “He just needs to be patient a little while longer.”
“They’re all being patient,” She told him, rising from her chair and dusting herself off; ignoring him when he flicked his wand at his office door, closing and locking it with a simple gesture. It was quick work to finish tidying up, pulling her coat on and preparing to go when she found him watching her. She merely raised an eyebrow, though the quizzical look disappeared when he reached a hand towards her face, eyes closing away from the gesture. Not quite a flinch but noticeable enough to not be anything less, the after effects of a war so steadily going wrong. She heard him sigh, hesitating, and opening her eyes to meet his she didn’t move as he removed the quill she had tucked behind her ear and promptly forgot about, accepting it when he passed it to her.
He opened the door and she ducked out, trying not to feel too embarrassed over her reaction. Arabella hugged her arms to herself as she waited for him to lock up. She wasn’t sure what she had expected when he’d reached for her, it was an innocent enough touch, though for Arabella even those came rarely. When the office was secure for the night, she followed Kingsley through the quiet hall of the Ministry, into an elevator and up to the top floor.
“You’re right,” Kingsley said, interrupting her own desperate thoughts as they raced for a way to break the suffocating silence, “Everyone is being as patient as they can. But this isn’t an answer we can come to with arguing. There needs to be compromise.”
“And if there’s no compromise?” She watched his gaze darken slightly at the suggestion, he’d been thinking of that, too, then. The elevator reached the top floor with a ding and he stepped off, leading the way to the doors, the only sound being the soft click of their shoes against the hard marble floor.
Above ground at last, the street was empty and dark, and though she had flinched from her earlier, she didn’t hesitate to take the arm he offered, gripping onto him tightly as he apparated the two of them to the outskirts of the Order’s new location.
“There’s always a compromise, Arabella,” Kingsley said, steadying her with the practiced ease of someone who had grown quite used to her stumbling at the end of such a trip. She was relieved when she looked up and found that, for the first time that day, he was smiling.
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