#voice solutions
sinchvoice · 2 months
Driving Business Growth with Voice API Integration: Key Strategies and Considerations
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape of today, use of VOIP Services and integration of voice functionalities into applications have become a strategic requirement for companies striving to improve operational efficiency and user interactions. Choice of Voice APIs and strategies significantly impacts the quality of voice interactions, as well as the scalability, security, and overall user experience of the applications.
Here are a few important strategies and considerations one must keep in mind:
Voice API must have a robust set of features to meet the diverse requirements of an application.  Vital features to look for include comprehensive analytics, text-to-speech conversion, call control capabilities, advanced speech recognition, as well as interactive voice response (IVR) systems.
The effectiveness of Voice APIs is largely determined by their speech recognition accuracy and audio quality. Hence, prior to selecting an API, it would be prudent to assess its performance in multiple conditions to ensure a seamless user experience.
Scalability is a key consideration for a business, and the API they use must have the capacity to handle increased user engagement and call volumes without compromising on the service quality. It would be prudent to select providers that ensure high reliability and flexibility in scaling, so as to careering to the evolving demands of a business.
Companies that target international markets would need Voice API for Business with global reach and multilingual support is essential. Such an API would allow them to serve a wider audience, while breaking down language barriers and fostering global connectivity.
How well an API fits into your current setup is crucial. If it works smoothly with your existing tech tools and has straightforward integration steps, it can greatly cut down on the time and money needed for development.
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fonadain · 7 months
Explore Fonada's comprehensive guide on Voice calling APIs Solution, covering essential concepts, best practices in India. Enhance your understanding of seamless API integration and streamline enhance your customer engagement, and drive growth. Discover the power of Voice and take user engagement to the next level with Voice interactions. For More Information visit our webpage: https://www.fonada.com/calling-api
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tanlakarix · 9 months
How a Voice API Delivers a Better Customer Experience.
As customers form relationships with voice commands, these user interfaces focus on providing a terrific opportunity to tailor their engagements and connections with customers. Texting, social networking sites, and email are all ways for businesses to communicate. Communication is essential to the success of any business.
It's all about engaging clients from all over the world, whether for business or pleasure; communication methods vary. Conferencing, chat messaging, video calling, phone calls, and other methods are all possible. For any of them, an in-app voice API can be developed.
How effective are voice assistants?
The two basic processes involved in machine-driven voice interaction are speech production and speech recognition. These functions are carried out by applications using a variety of APIs and technologies. The voice recognition stage of the process focuses on sound analysis, speech filtering, and digitalization of speech in a computer-readable language.
For this function, developers use specially designed algorithms that make use of cognitive science concepts. Machine learning, which trains a machine on how to change its interpretation of human speech, improves the entire process. The language can subsequently be shown as a written document or as a verbal response using a synthesized voice by the system.
What Are the Benefits of Using a Voice API for Customer Experience?
Using speech APIs, you may recognize and assist your consumers, allowing you to solve their problems. Whether a customer contacts you through your website, app, or another channel, collecting contextual information allows customer service representatives to understand who the caller is and why they are calling. Through contextual communication, your staff can personalize each client engagement, which speeds up the resolution process and lowers the need for orientation.
Customers can use voice APIs with automated speech recognition to accomplish critical self-service operations such as placing orders or validating their identities. This function provides rapid and easy help to consumers all over the world.
What role does a voice API play in improving call quality?
APIs could help organizations improve the quality of their mobile, VoIP, and landline calls. Voice APIs may still deliver exceptional service even during peak hours or as the business grows. Customers will never have a jerky or unreliable connection because of these performance enhancements, which increase customer support quality.
Instead of beginning from scratch or waiting for expensive circuits, speech APIs require little to no coding, making them easy to integrate into your app, website, and other digital platforms. Telecommunication networks and this adaptive technology can coexist as needed. It's a low-cost way to improve the user's calling experience because you only pay for what you need.
Impact of Voice Assistants across Industries
Services for making reservations.
Managing traffic at peak travel hours becomes tough for transport businesses. Customers can be offered packages via voice assistants based on filters such as domestic or international packages, travel budgets, and so on. Artificial intelligence-powered voice assistants may potentially recommend the most popular travel offers. If a product must be customized, a voice assistant can easily route the call to the right customer service representative.
Several e-commerce organizations employ voice assistants to answer critical customer care obligations such as informing consumers of their refund status, order delivery date, or assistance with their purchase process, among other things. These duties assist customers in the purchasing process and in selecting the best product.
In the healthcare industry, phone conversations, text messaging, team video chats, and one-on-one calls have all been employed. Communication is essential at all levels, whether scheduling an appointment or reviewing patient test results. APIs have greatly improved business communication.
The voice API, among other things, provides automation, personalization, and security, all of which can improve the customer experience.
Now, let's look at the voice calling API's impact on business development and why it's become such an important tool for increasing customer experience and business success.
Companies can use Voice API to automate client interactions, lowering total wait times and improving the speed and efficacy of customer service. The Voice API enables businesses to create interactive voice response (IVR) systems that handle common client requests like checking account balances and arranging appointments. Businesses can improve the overall customer experience by automating these conversations so that customer service professionals can focus on answering more difficult questions.
Voice API's security capabilities help improve the customer experience by protecting user information and eliminating fraud. By utilizing speech biometrics, businesses can use the speech API to develop a more convenient and secure customer authentication procedure. Organizations can also utilize Voice API to watch and monitor for fraud and suspicious behavior, reducing the likelihood of data breaches and securing client data. Businesses can boost client pleasure and confidence by providing a safe network for engagements.
Customers desire to interact with businesses through voice technologies. They have higher expectations for quick and courteous support. People prefer a relaxed discussion to a transactional exchange. Voice APIs enable beautiful and engaging customer engagement. Voice APIs are a critical tool for improving customer experience.
Contact us at:  [email protected].
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karix · 1 year
Conversational Design For Whatsapp
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According to research from Gartner, around 70% of the global workforce will have interactions with a conversational system on a daily basis by 2022.
As a designer of such a conversational platform, you must think of it as putting a puzzle together. You must consider the technological limitations of your platform and craft what you want users to do within the space.
Bit by bit, use-case by use-case, you put the puzzle together with the end goal of creating conversations that feel natural, user-friendly, and intuitive.
In this article, we will discuss briefly how you can best use the tools available to you within the WhatsApp  Business API to bring the conversation design to life.
1. Understanding your business requirements and audience
The most important step in designing a great conversational flow is defining a clear problem statement that the bot is intended to solve.
For example – “I need to design an automated customer support bot for my online shoe store.”
Once you have identified the overall problem statement, you should start to fill in the details by asking questions like
What channels are customers currently using for support queries?
What is the percentage of calls/emails/chat that customers currently use?
What are the most common complaints?
How are we generating leads currently?
How well is our website/social media working for conversions?
2. Building a bot persona (researching your buyer)
To create the persona that the bot will communicate as, you must undertake comprehensive research to understand the practical details of what your customers really want. You should go to internet forums, app store reviews, the comments section on your social media and your reviews to understand what language your customers are using and what their questions are.
If you are already using a CRM, you need to know what the average turnaround time is for currently resolving tickets. How many customer agents do you currently have, and when are they active? Once you collate this information, you can start creating a bot persona.
For example, if you are a fitness brand your average customer might be young, financially independent individuals. To cater to them, your brand persona should be that of a young, enthusiastic fitness guru rather than an old, world-weary advisor.
Use this persona to role-play conversations with your customers. You will see that there is a lot of different conversational situations that could come up and the bot must be able to deal with emotions, technical jargon, and even separate languages. It should be able to speak to the angriest and the shyest customer and guide them towards a conversion.
3. Picking the right words (affirmations, ice breakers, sign off phrases)
To keep the conversation flowing and natural, it is important that you pick the right words and phrases to move the user along their journey.
Broadly speaking, your bot persona will fall into one of these three categories
Formal (Professional, minimalistic, and helpful tone)
Casual (Friendly and helpful)
Quirky (Energetic, funny, and niche-specific)
Conversations are inherently very contextual, so consider these as guidelines and not strict rules when you are designing your bot. Let us consider a few use-cases.
1. Acknowledgement of user query
Formal response – “Definitely / Understood” Casual response – “Happy to help / Glad you asked!” Quirky response – “Gotcha / Sure thing”
2. After user information has been collected
Formal response – “Noted / Thank You” Casual response – “Perfect / All set!” Quirky response – “Okay cool / Mission accomplished”
3. When you want to collect information, engage the user and move the conversation along
Formal response – “Before we begin / Next step” Casual response – “We’re almost there / Just one more step” Quirky response – “I’d like to know you better”
4. Asking the user to wait
Formal response – “Give me a minute / One moment” Casual response – “Hang on… / Hold up a second” Quirky response – “Stay right here / On it, boss”
5. Ending the conversation
Formal response – “Happy to have helped / Is there anything else I can help with?” Casual response – “I’ll be here if you need me / You know where to find me if you need help” Quirky response – “Toodles / Twas a pleasure helping you!”
4. Choosing the right elements (QR/Buttons/Carousels/Location picker etc.)
Depending on the context and where you are in the conversation, you might pick a textual or a graphical response such as images or buttons.
Let us take a look at some of the elements you can use while designing your conversation.
1. Quick Replies
These are tappable buttons that the user can use to reply instead of typing out a whole sentence or phrase. These are extremely common and should be used to lead the user into the next phase of the conversation.
For example, for your online shoe store, you might have quick replies like “Browse Products” or “Why do I need special running shoes?”
2. Away messages
Away messages can be used to convey that you are busy or currently out of office. You can set your business hours within the WhatsApp Business API and choose to send the messages either all the time, or outside of your specified business hours.
3. Greeting messages
These are used when a user first initiates a conversation with you. These need to be representative of the vibe you want to project as a brand (business-casual/ friendly/ quirky).
To give the user an optimal experience, make sure these greetings match the overall tone you are going for and convey wit and personality.
4. List Messages
Text-only messages can devolve into a wall of text if you are using them to convey a long list of options. This is where List Messages come in to provide a quick and easy bridge for customers to move to the next step of their journey.
List messages can be used in situations where you want to present the user with several options, such as
They need to book an appointment
They need to choose specific seats for an event they are attending
Menu options depending on user input
They need to locate the closest outlet or store
5. FAQs
Adding the most commonly asked questions to your bot is a great way to ensure that most people will have their questions answered without needing to involve an actual customer service agent.
Make sure that all of the FAQ sections move the user forward naturally in the conversation. If a particular answer is too lengthy, consider creating a video or image that can convey a majority of the information.
Always begin with the end in mind and prioritize the most common use cases. Once you have your brand persona set, you should begin testing and mapping out different variations of user journeys with the bot. By testing the bot in distinct scenarios, you will be able to iron out edge cases and roadblocks.
Designing an intuitive conversational flow can mean the difference between a massively successful campaign and a mediocre one. To learn more about building memorable user experiences with WhatsApp, make sure you bookmark our blog  karix.com/blog and visit regularly!
For more details click on karix.com
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jewreallythinkthat · 3 months
Something I really don't understand is this obsession the anti-Israel crowd (in the West) have with death and martyrdom. All they care about is dying, and often killing for their cause; I see nothing about building a better future that isn't based on the murder of 9 million Israelis.
It's easy to die for a cause. The challenge is living to make a better tomorrow.
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humanerrers · 6 months
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12.16.23 in Tel Aviv
(via @AmiDar on X)
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ya mean this clip
(praying this doesn't get yeeted off the post for violating The Mouse, this was done with my shitty screen recorder lmfao)
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gauntletqueen · 1 year
Smash Bros announcer: WAYNERADIOTV GNOME!
garbled wiimote speaker: you have failed the challenge
In celebration of the final chapter :>
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I could not work in a laboratory, you expect me to be in a room full of chemicals and expect me not to drink them? What if they have a nice texture and taste?
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itsmissing · 4 months
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the way Riderman's scarf covers up his face in one chapter of Spirits is so cute...
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autismserenity · 3 months
pretty please, my fellow progressives
Could we please all keep in mind that the concept of "The Jews In General, or A Specific Type Of Jew, Controls Education, Government, Media, and/or Banking", is a longstanding antisemitic trope?
And most of all, that it is false??
No, a marginalized group does not also control education, the government, the media, and/or banking?
No, Jews do not secretly control these things and just pretend to be marginalized? No, Jews have not secretly been accumulating power since the Holocaust, granted by too-generous gentiles, out of pity?
No, it isn't better if you just mean a specific subgroup or kind of Jews. It's still specifically Jews.
It's like when people who hate trans/queer people are fine with rich white cis gay men. So they think it's not bigoted to blame "people with blue hair and pronouns" for the downfall of society.
We all know this means, "I only see some of you as human like me. You have to speak and act a certain way to count. Everyone in your group has to pass a test to get into the Good group."
Doesn't work.
Sure, it gives them plausible deniability to the people who matter to them. But everyone else can see exactly how they feel.
We've all known for years that it's bad to think of a marginalized group as having some "good ones." Rein it the heck in, please.
Because YES, all of those examples are ones I've seen implied, or stated outright, over and over, within the progressive community. This month alone.
#antisemitism#anti-semitic#yes this is about how gentiles use zionism#yes this is about how fast it went from 'this isn't NECESSARILY antisemitic' to 'this ISN'T antisemitic'#yes this is about claiming that we claim antisemitism to deflect valid criticism#yes this is part of a larger pattern of violating every progressive standard but only for jews#none of us would ever say 'people are just claiming misogyny to deflect valid criticism'#we would never claim that trans people secretly control or “influence” the government#we would never treat Ukrainians like “'noble savages” who need us to speak for them#but we treat Palestinians like “noble savages” who need us to speak for them#we know to center the people affected and uplift their voices in every other situation#but in this situation we ignore the fact that we're supporting palestinians by talking ABOUT them#we swallow far-right Palestinian propaganda channeled through diaspora organizations#while Palestinians in Gaza demand completely different solutions and support#zionists echo Palestinian solutions and experiences because we know people in Israel and Palestine#and we get told we love genocide or just blocked#this is how Hamas propaganda is designed to work. Hamas has systematically silenced Palestinians for 18 years and now it's all you know#it is genuinely terrifying to see the entire progressive community sound exactly like the alt-right while it absolutely insists it's not#we also know to center marginalized people's voices about what harms them -- except the Jews?#honestly I think that progressives listened before Oct 7 and that the “no we just mean ZIONISTS are evil” has done wonders to reverse that#let's be real the zionists-not-jews trope comes from Hamas too#all it had to do was claim it definitely meant Zionists not Jews and that it was the Palestinian resistance and progressives flocked to it#its fighters were calling home from the massacre to boast about how many Jews they had killed. it has not changed.#i suppose that the zionists-not-jews thing gave freedom to unexamined antisemitism that people felt guilty about#but oh my god it caught on like absolute wildfire#wall of words
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sinchvoice · 3 months
Enterprise Voice Solutions from Sinch India provide businesses with reliable, secure, and cost-effective tools for voice communication. Our solutions are tailored to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises. Our Enterprise voice solutions include audio conferencing, VoIP, and toll-free numbers, so businesses can communicate with customers and employees from anywhere.
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commsroom · 2 years
beating my fists against the wall thinking about how eiffel hallucinating hera in mayday is the only time (that isn’t from her perspective) that her voice doesn’t have the usual filters on it. what that suggests about how eiffel sees her and how it aligns with her own self perception. what it implies, when hera’s glitching is such a literal manifestation of her self doubt and eiffel’s belief in hera and her ability is so unshakable and absolute, while her voice in mayday speaks for the part of him still strong enough to hold onto hope.
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tanlakarix · 10 months
What you should know about Missed Call Service and Voice OTP
With the support of Voice API platforms, you can now employ compelling voice messaging solutions for your organization that can be easily scaled and customized. These platforms can assist you in automating voice notifications for low-balance changes, suspicious activity warnings, password resets, and other functions that contribute to client loyalty and satisfaction with your brand. You can even get missed call solutions through such API platforms, among other things.
Missed call services are increasingly being used by organizations all over the world for a variety of purposes, ranging from client verification to the promotion of services or products. It is frequently used to perform surveys or pools. In this approach, a phone number is typically promoted to clients using platforms such as websites, social media, SMS, emails, and others. Customers only need to make a missed call to this number to provide feedback, register for the product or service, look for special offers, and more. The missed call system is extremely convenient for both businesses and customers.
In today’s fast-paced world, few customers have the time, even if they want to, to engage with brands. As a result, they are continually looking for the simplest, most economical, fastest, and most convenient ways to communicate with a company. In this circumstance, missed call service is an excellent communication tool. It is a very convenient means of communication that is completely free of charge.
Missed call solutions are used in a variety of ways by modern commercial companies, including:
Verify authenticity: Companies that deal with food ordering or e-commerce frequently require their customers to leave a missed call from their registered number to check the order and the consumer.
Increase reach: Because missed calls are free, businesses may reach even the most remote areas, such as villages and small towns. It can be a good source of quality leads for a variety of businesses.
Feedback forms: While feedback is essential for business progress and advancement, getting input from customers is not always easy. Feedback is often limited in many circumstances. Because of its low cost and ease of use, the missed call system has the potential to increase the sample size of this feedback process.
How does voice-based communication work?
Voice-based communication strategies utilized by modern corporations can take several forms. Many businesses use voice-based OTPs in addition to outbound and incoming calling services. One-Time Password, or OTP, is a two-factor authentication (2FA) procedure that generates one-time passwords to provide an extra layer of security to messages. When the delivery of an OTP SMS fails regularly, voice-based OTP Services come in handy. During the OTP verification procedure, a customer can also initiate the generation of an OTP Voice. Most businesses utilize voice OTPs for:
Authorization: Voice OTPs are critical in granting third-party access, such as allowing delivery agents into secured areas.
Authentication: Voice OTP verification is excellent for exceptionally secure transactions such as product or service registration and net banking.
Transaction verification: By validating high-value transactions with the use of a Voice OTP service, businesses can better safeguard their consumers from financial fraud.
Resets: Voice OTP can be a safe and simple way for clients to recover access to services after changing their email address or password.
Account reactivations: Using a secure IVR OTP sequence is an excellent approach to greet consumers who are resuming their services with a company.
Voice-based communication strategy for enterprises
A professional communication plan is essential for all businesses. While emails, social media, and texting are certainly useful for engaging with leads, an increasing number of businesses are looking into Enterprise Voice Solutions to speed up their communication strategy. To engage with their clients in an innovative, engaging, and user-friendly manner, they often use Voice API systems that offer voice calling, conferencing, and missed call services. You can govern your inbound calls and convert more calls into income by employing these Voice API solutions effectively. It may even allow you to integrate call tracking into your existing software platform to eliminate data silos.
Advantages of using a voice messaging system for business
Increase in business engagement level.
Voice calling capabilities enable a more personalized customer experience. Some of these systems even handle vernacular languages. As a result, your clients can interact with your company in the language of their choice. This method dramatically increases corporate engagement and ensures increased customer satisfaction.
Easy to scale.
Voice API systems enable your company to connect with carriers across borders. This is a big benefit for businesses that cater to worldwide clients or customers. With the support of these platforms, they may easily scale up their communication approach.
Time-sensitive voice OTPs
Many voice systems enable the sending of OTPs. They ensure the timely distribution of crucial and time-sensitive information around the world via calls. Voice-based OTP, like traditional SMS OTP, is a two-factor authentication method. It is a reliable and timely notification solution that ensures messages are sent securely to consumers’ mobile phones on time. It is commonly used for utility passwords and notifications.
With clever outbound calling services, you may rapidly send prerecorded messages of phone calls to thousands of mobile numbers at the same time. It facilitates the delivery of real-time information to target customers. Inbound voice solutions, on the other hand, assist you in answering routine caller questions on your own by automating the process and decreasing the call load of agents.
For More Info: https://www.karix.com/products/voice-solutions/
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karix · 1 year
How To Run Successful Sms Marketing Campaigns
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Back in December of 1992, Neil Papworth sent out the world’s first-ever SMS. It read “Merry Christmas” and was the first step in revolutionizing how people ‘talk’ to each other.
Today SMS serves as a quick and convenient way for people to communicate, globally. According to Gartner, SMS have an open rate of 98% and a response rate of 45%. Mobile devices have opened up new opportunities for brands to reach a more defined and receptive audience.
SMS marketing, or text message marketing, is a simple but powerful communication channel through which brands send updates, promotional messages, and logistical information to their users.
90% of all text messages are read within 3 minutes. Brands across industries, including fashion, healthcare, retail, food delivery, and many more, are using text messages to connect with their customers. Brands use the platform to engage with their customers at every step across the customer lifecycle. Be it sending promotional offers, calendar invites, images, or surveys. Text message is a faster, reliable way to do it.
But, SMS marketing may get tricky. Since it is a more personal space, marketers must plan their strategies out thoroughly before executing campaigns. You don’t want to go wrong with a channel that you use to foster long-term relations with your customers!
So, here are some best practices to help you optimize and improve your SMS marketing campaigns.
Start with Getting Permission
Getting permissions through opt-ins before sending out messages is a must. As marketers you don’t want to spam your users! Spamming users with unsolicited messages can potentially harm your relationship with them. Moreover, local laws that protect consumers from unwanted messages penalize brands for doing such things.
Opt-ins can easily be collected through forms, ads, online contests, checkboxes on website sign-ups, or by simply posting on social media. For example, Subway allows interested customers to simply text them a keyword, ‘OFFERS,’ to start communicating with them. In doing so, consent is established right away.
Use a Unique, Easy-To-Remember SHORTCODE and Promote it
Shortcode is a 5-6 digit number that users see on their screen when they receive a message from you. These numbers are made for commercial use. Since they are shorter than a regular phone number, they are easier to remember. These numbers are created for mass mobile communication and so, the bulk messages businesses sent out will not be blocked. It also allows for a faster delivery time, which is great for sending out time-sensitive information.
Since the shortcode is unique to your business. It is a good idea to familiarize your audience with it. Inserting your shortcode into email campaigns, social media posts, or even website checkout pages helps to build recall in the minds of your customers.
For example, Chipotle advertises its shortcode 888-222 on its website. Pretty easy to remember isn’t it? The goal is not to get your customers to memorize it, but to familiarize them with it. So, when they receive a text message from you, they’ll recall your brand and are thus, more likely to open the message.
Identify the Best Time to Send Text Message Campaigns
While planning Text Message marketing strategies marketers must identify the times their customers are most likely to be active on their phones. Most text messages indeed are opened and read, even the messages sent out when a customer is busy. But the customer won’t have time to take any action on it and is likely to forget about it.
For instance, you should avoid sending messages from 7-9:30 AM and 5-7:30 PM since most people are usually driving/traveling during these times. Sending messages at odd hours, like midnight or early morning, can also push customers to opt-out of the messaging services.
It is also important to send messages at the right ‘time’ of the customer journey. For instance, if a user has just bought a summer dress from your site, it might be a good idea to send a message with offers on hats or sandals. If a user has just visited the doctor, it’ll be ideal to send a message for a follow-up appointment or send a survey message to ask about their experience.
Intelligent marketing automation tools make use of AI and ML algorithms to determine best time to send SMS campaigns. Completely automating your engagement with contextual hooks and triggers placed across the customer journey.
Boxed, an online retail company sends its customers messages to remind them about abandoned items in their shopping cart. It also provides a discount code to nudge them closer to their purchase decision.
Keep Your SMS Campaigns Fun and Conversational
Through SMS marketing, brands have the opportunity to make a personal connection. It enables 2-way communication so that your customers can respond and give you valuable feedback.
You can also run fun SMS campaigns like quizzes, contests and other activities for your target audience. For instance, Starbucks ran an SMS quiz campaign to interact with customers and increase user knowledge about the brand.
BookMyShow also uses SMS to drive call to action. In the below example, the message urges Ed Sheeran fans to book tickets for the concert through a unique link.
Measure Success Metrics for SMS Campaigns
To make data-driven decisions and set goals for coming campaigns, you must understand what has worked in the past. Track demography based performance metrics, use trend reports to understand how your audience is interacting with your SMS campaigns over time.
For call to action based SMS campaigns that bring the users on to your website you can map campaign with their actions on the website using UTM sources in the URL.
Find the Right frequency
Once a user has opted-in, it is important to not abuse this power. Brands must provide value with offers or information that is valuable to users. For example, Amazon alerts its customers about their package delivery and allows them to track their orders, all in one message.
Gillette even goes to the extent of informing their customers that they will receive messages 2-3 times a month. Informing the user about the type and frequency of messages makes sure they know what to expect. And, it is permission marketing done right.
Add a Personal Touch to the Conversation
94% of marketing professionals believe that personalization is important to win over customers. Personalizing SMS campaigns with the receiver’s name, using the local language, referring to their previous purchase leads to better engagement. Customers today expect contextual, relevant, and timely communication from brands. Successful SMS marketing campaigns make use of user behavior data, user profile data to personalize the message content. Using a powerful marketing tech stack that brings the customer data in one place enables personalization. Along with the ability to segment, target the right user with the right message.
Incorporate the Right Keywords
Keywords are the word customers will type to opt-in to a brand’s messaging services or respond to them. By using relevant keywords – a word or a phrase – that users text to the provided shortcode, businesses increase the number of opt-ins and responses.
Keywords like “YES,” “Y” and “START” are overused and have little or no impact on a customer’s decision.  Domino’s Pizza uses the pizza emoticon and the word “PIZZA,” to enable SMS ordering for customers. The campaign also incentivizes users with a 30% discount.
Personalize Messages for Each User
Segmentation is one of the fundamental concepts of marketing. Bucketing users into homogeneous groups and then targeting them with appropriate messages gives better results than carpet bombing your entire user base.
For example, a clothing brand may send out different messages to users based on their past purchases, searches, or demography. So, a mom-to-be would receive a different message when compared to a teenager searching for her perfect prom dress.
Test Campaigns to Find the Best Option
Test. Test. Test. Until your campaigns improve. A/B testing your SMS campaigns help identify the variation that works best. For example, say you want to test the impact of adding an image to the messages created. To test this, a business sends two versions of the campaign. One campaign would just be the vanilla text message and the other with rich media (image).
Provide an Easy Way to Opt-Out
Businesses should create a simple opt-out process for subscribers. Even the most loyal customers need to know if they have a way out. Moreover, if your customers can’t opt-out, they’re likely to reach out to your customer support team or complain to their wireless carrier. Both of which are additional steps for them and creates a bad image for the business.
As soon as a customer signs-up for SMS services, IKEA provides them with all the information they need. The customer is given clear instructions on how to opt-out if they want to stop receiving messages.
Your customers are already texting, so why shouldn’t businesses be there?
As customers move towards being more mobile reliant for everyday tasks like paying bills, sending money, shopping, and more, a texting sales strategy is a great opportunity for businesses. Moreover, as part of providing customers an omnichannel experience, businesses must meet them wherever they are.
Through conversational messaging, brands can show their values and personality while interacting with customers. The next generation of SMS in mobile messaging is Rich Communication Services (RCS). RCS enables interactive 2-way communications through rich media capabilities like gifs, videos, document sharing, and more.
The mobile messaging market is predicted to grow from $10.5 Billion in 2019 to $25 Billion by 2024. That creates more than double the marketing opportunities for businesses! Businesses must rethink their customer journeys and come up with strategies that can help stand out among the many notification customers get in a day.
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batarangsoundsdumb · 2 years
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