#Rich communication Services
techniktagebuch · 4 months
06. Februar 2024
RCS kennt zwar niemand, aber es kann Gruppen und so kann man Alles-außer-WhatsApp-Verweigernden doch etwas anderes unterjubeln
Schon seit vielen Jahren nutze ich kein WhatsApp mehr und fahre damit in aller Regel sehr gut. Heißt hier: Leider leider nicht an Elterngruppen teilnehmen zu können ist ein Feature und kein Bug. Probiert das mal aus, es ist eine herrliche Ruhe. Ich erreiche, seit es sie gibt, die meisten regelmäßigen Kontakte über Threema und fast alle anderen über Signal oder halt gar nicht bzw. notfalls per SMS. Das funktioniert erstaunlich gut und hat den angenehmen Nebeneffekt, dass meine Handynummer nicht unkontrolliert bei Leuten kursiert, denen ich sie eigentlich nicht geben möchte.
Leute, die Telegram nutzen, sind mir zu nah an diesen Leuten, die Telegram nutzen und ich habe weder Lust mich auch nur in die Nähe von Querdenker-Kreisen zu begeben, noch habe ich mehr Osteuropabezug als die tägliche Kriegsberichterstattung bei YouTube, die laufend darauf hinweist, dass sie dieses oder jenes Video auf dieser Plattform nicht zeigen können, man sich aber bei Telegram den ganzen Schrecken geben kann. Ich verzichte dankend auf authentischen Videocontent von in Einzelteilen durch die Gegend fliegenden Soldaten, denn unscharfe Drohnenaufnahmen von explodierenden Panzerfahrzeugen sind schon mehr, als ich eigentlich jemals in meinem Leben sehen wollte. Was ist das bloß für eine Welt?
Nun gibt es aber noch immer Leute, die der Auffassung sind, dass WhatsApp halt der eine Standard sei und wenn das alle nutzen würden, gäbe es keine Probleme mehr. Je nach Peergroup stimmt das oder auch nicht, ignoriert aber geflissentlich, dass die allermeisten Leute mindestens zwei Messenger benutzen, weil die Messenger-Fragmentierung schon lange Realität ist. Und diese Leute weigern sich folglich hartnäckig, irgendeinen anderen Kanal für schriftliche Echtzeitkommunikation zu nutzen. Diesen Leuten schreibe ich für gewöhnlich SMS und das fühlt sich schlimm rückwärtsgewandt an. Andererseits sitze ich im Glashaus, denn ich weigere mich hier im Techniktagebuch ja selber, den Redaktionschat im Facebook-Messenger zu nutzen und zwinge Kathrin damit auf, über Direktnachrichten bei Mastodon (früher bei Twitter) mit mir zu kommunizieren und mir dort Dinge auszurichten. Das ist zwar nicht rückwärtsgewandt, aber doch eine unnötige Extrawurst.
Und so eine Extrawurst bin ich aktuell bei genau einer Person aus meinen regelmäßigen Sozialkontakten bereit zu braten. Und das auch nur, weil es sich seltsam anfühlt, in einer Zwei-Paare-Konstellation zu dritt eine Signal-Gruppe zu betreiben und die vierte Person auszuschließen. Wenn der Berg also nicht zum Propheten kommt, aber es gibt ja keine SMS Gruppen… Aber was ist eigentlich mit diesem seltsamen SMS-Nachfolger RCS, der vor allem dadurch auffällt, dass die SMS-App manchmal ungefragt darauf umschaltet und man die Nachricht dann nicht zugestellt bekommt und irgendwo in den Einstellungen wieder auf SMS zurückschalten muss? Ich versuche also einfach mal, eine Gruppe in Google Messages zu eröffnen und tatsächlich klappt das einfach so. Allerdings weist eine Meldung darauf hin, dass die Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung nicht aktiviert werden kann, weil die Messenger-App von meiner Frau (die von Samsung und nicht von Google stammt) das nicht unterstützt. Nachdem ich Google Messages auch dort installiert und als Standardapp für Messaging eingestellt habe, aktiviert sich die Verschlüsselung sofort und ich recherchiere kurz nach: Das ist eine über den RCS-Standard hinausgehende Implementierung von Google, die das Verschlüsselungsverfahren von Signal nutzt. Das ist überwiegend eine gute Nachricht, denn diese Implementierung gilt als besonders gut und Messaging ohne Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung ist schlicht nicht mehr zeitgemäß. Nicht so gut ist die einseitige Erweiterung über den Standard hinaus, aber das ist mir in dem einen Fall egal, solange es funktioniert.
Alles in allem habe ich jetzt also doch eine Gruppe mit einer Person, die eigentlich nichts außer WhatsApp nutzen möchte, um ihr Leben einfacher zu gestalten und ich muss zugeben, dass mir das eine kleine diebische Freude bereitet. Denn wenn alles Erklären nichts bringt, entfaltet das Schaffen von Fakten manchmal eine wunderbar normative Kraft.
(Gregor Meyer)
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Qu’est-ce que la messagerie RCS ?
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Découvrez la messagerie RCS (Rich Communication Services) pour téléphones mobiles et ses différences avec les messages SMS/MMS.
© Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik
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mysmsmantraindia · 3 months
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voicebrodcasting · 4 months
Best RCS SMS Service Providers
Start using the next-gen RCS SMS to make your message stand out in your target customer's inbox. Enrich your brand message with captivating high-resolution multimedia. Get started today with go2market.
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fonadain · 4 months
RCS (Rich Communication Services) messages, an innovative messaging protocol, holds the potential to fundamentally transform interpersonal communication via text messages by emphasizing multimedia elements, interactivity, and an enhanced overall user experience. On the other hand, stakeholders must proactively deal with the many challenges and potential opportunities that arise on the path to broad adoption of any groundbreaking technology.
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tanlakarix · 9 months
RCS Business Messaging and the Benefits of Rich Media. If you run a business or work in marketing, you understand how crucial it is to interact with your clients well. You want to make a good first impression, communicate with them on their preferred channels, and deliver timely, pertinent information. But how are these objectives to be met in a crowded and cutthroat market? RCS Business Communications, a new mobile communications standard that improves the capabilities of SMS and MMS, is one of the most promising solutions. RCS, or Rich Communication Services, enables you to give your clients’ native messaging app rich media content, interactive buttons, suggested replies, verified sender IDs, and more. RCS relies on data or Wi-Fi connections rather than cellular networks like SMS and MMS, which makes it more dependable and affordable. Benefits of RCS Business Messaging Here are some of the benefits that make it a powerful tool for your business: Establish brand identity. Businesses can build familiarity and trust with their clients by using their logo, color scheme, and verified sender ID. Customers can quickly recognize the sender and steer clear of spam or fraudulent emails. Interactive Elements Businesses may create a conversational and seamless user experience by incorporating interactive features like buttons, carousels, calendars, and forms. Within the discussion thread, customers can do actions like scheduling appointments, paying bills, completing surveys, or looking through merchandise. Improved Campaign Performance Businesses can use indicators like delivery rate, open rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, and revenue to assess the efficiency and success of their RCS Business Messaging initiatives. To assist businesses in improving the quality of their services, customers can give reviews and ratings. Increased Conversions By giving their customers relevant and customized offers, coupons, discounts, and loyalty programs, RCS Business Messaging can assist businesses in increasing conversion rates. Enhanced Engagement By sending rich, engaging messages that grab customers’ attention and inspire reactions, RCS Business Messaging can help organizations enhance customer engagement. Improved Open Rate By utilizing verified sender IDs, logos, colors, and other branding components that foster greater customer familiarity and trust, RCS Business Messaging can assist organizations in increasing the open rate of their messages. Use Cases of RCS Business Messaging Business messaging from Rich Communication Services (RCS) provides creative communication solutions for a range of sectors. These prominent use cases are provided: Retail and e-commerce Personalized Product Recommendations: Send interactive messages with product images, descriptions, and direct purchase options. Order Status and Tracking: Provide real-time updates on order processing, shipping, and delivery. Flash Sales and Promotions: Engage customers with rich media messages for limited time offers and promotions. Feedback and surveys: Collect customer feedback through interactive surveys and feedback forms. Conclusion Businesses have a strong way to interact with customers thanks to RCS Business Messaging with rich media. Businesses may improve the user experience, raise brand awareness, boost customer engagement, and increase conversion rates by utilizing interactive and aesthetically pleasing content. RCS Business Messaging is a useful tool for companies in a variety of industries, giving them a competitive edge in customer communication strategies with its customized approach and thorough analytics. Contact our specialists right away to find out more about how Karix Mobile can expand your company and create new, powerful connections with your clients. Write e-mail today: [email protected] For More Info: https://www.karix.com/products/rich-business-messaging/
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mtalkzcloud · 10 months
What Is RCS Messaging and How Does It Work?
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, communication has evolved beyond mere text messages. The advent of Rich Communication Services (RCS) has revolutionized the way we interact, providing a dynamic and engaging platform that transcends the limitations of traditional SMS. This blog delves into the world of RCS messaging, exploring its intricacies, differences from SMS, the process of enabling it, and its potential impact on various sectors, including E-commerce.
What is RCS Messaging
At its core, RCS messaging represents a leap forward in communication technology. Unlike the traditional Short Message Service (SMS), which is confined to plain text and limited media, RCS messaging elevates the conversation by incorporating a range of multimedia elements. Think of RCS as an evolution of SMS, embracing features such as high-resolution images, videos, interactive buttons, and read receipts. This amalgamation of media and interactivity creates an engaging dialogue, transforming the way individuals, businesses, and brands communicate.
Difference between RCS & SMS
The distinction between RCS messaging and SMS lies in their capabilities and user experience. SMS, though effective in conveying basic messages, lacks the visual and interactive components that make RCS messaging stand out. RCS brings life to conversations with dynamic content, enabling users to share their experiences more vividly. Additionally, while SMS is restricted by character limits, RCS messaging provides the freedom to express thoughts and ideas without the constraints of traditional text-based communication.
How to Enable RCS Messaging
Enabling RCS messaging on your device opens the door to a new realm of communication possibilities. The process varies based on your mobile carrier and device, but generally, it involves activating the "Chat" features in your messaging app settings. Once enabled, you can enjoy a seamless RCS experience, exchanging rich media, interactive cards, and real-time typing indicators with other users who also have RCS capabilities enabled. This technology relies on an internet connection, similar to other messaging apps, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted conversation flow.
RCS in E-commerce
The potential of RCS messaging extends beyond personal conversations. It has a significant role to play in the realm of e-commerce, where engagement and conversion are paramount. By integrating RCS messaging into E-commerce platforms, businesses can interact with customers in innovative ways. Imagine receiving a message from your favorite online store showcasing new arrivals through high-quality images and direct purchase buttons. This level of engagement not only enhances the shopping experience but also facilitates swift transactions, streamlining the path from discovery to purchase.
RCS messaging in Ecommerce opens up avenues for personalized marketing campaigns. Businesses can send targeted messages to segmented audiences, sharing tailored promotions, product recommendations, and limited-time offers. The interactive nature of RCS messaging encourages users to explore these offerings directly within the message itself, reducing friction and enhancing the likelihood of conversions.
In conclusion, Rich Communication Services (RCS) messaging is more than just a technological advancement; it's a transformative shift in how we communicate. With its ability to blend media-rich content and interactive features into conversations, RCS messaging enriches interactions on a fundamental level. As technology continues to evolve, embracing innovations like RCS can empower businesses and individuals to forge deeper connections and engage in meaningful dialogues.
As you explore the vast possibilities of this dynamic cloud messaging platform, consider its potential in various sectors. From personal conversations that come to life with multimedia elements to the e-commerce landscape that benefits from enhanced engagement and conversions, RCS messaging is a force to be reckoned with.
So, whether you're excited about expressing yourself more creatively in your everyday chats or envisioning the ways RCS could shape the future of e-commerce, one thing is clear: RCS messaging has arrived, and its impact is only beginning to unfold. Embrace this evolution, and stay connected in a whole new way.
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karix · 1 year
Conversational Design For Whatsapp
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According to research from Gartner, around 70% of the global workforce will have interactions with a conversational system on a daily basis by 2022.
As a designer of such a conversational platform, you must think of it as putting a puzzle together. You must consider the technological limitations of your platform and craft what you want users to do within the space.
Bit by bit, use-case by use-case, you put the puzzle together with the end goal of creating conversations that feel natural, user-friendly, and intuitive.
In this article, we will discuss briefly how you can best use the tools available to you within the WhatsApp  Business API to bring the conversation design to life.
1. Understanding your business requirements and audience
The most important step in designing a great conversational flow is defining a clear problem statement that the bot is intended to solve.
For example – “I need to design an automated customer support bot for my online shoe store.”
Once you have identified the overall problem statement, you should start to fill in the details by asking questions like
What channels are customers currently using for support queries?
What is the percentage of calls/emails/chat that customers currently use?
What are the most common complaints?
How are we generating leads currently?
How well is our website/social media working for conversions?
2. Building a bot persona (researching your buyer)
To create the persona that the bot will communicate as, you must undertake comprehensive research to understand the practical details of what your customers really want. You should go to internet forums, app store reviews, the comments section on your social media and your reviews to understand what language your customers are using and what their questions are.
If you are already using a CRM, you need to know what the average turnaround time is for currently resolving tickets. How many customer agents do you currently have, and when are they active? Once you collate this information, you can start creating a bot persona.
For example, if you are a fitness brand your average customer might be young, financially independent individuals. To cater to them, your brand persona should be that of a young, enthusiastic fitness guru rather than an old, world-weary advisor.
Use this persona to role-play conversations with your customers. You will see that there is a lot of different conversational situations that could come up and the bot must be able to deal with emotions, technical jargon, and even separate languages. It should be able to speak to the angriest and the shyest customer and guide them towards a conversion.
3. Picking the right words (affirmations, ice breakers, sign off phrases)
To keep the conversation flowing and natural, it is important that you pick the right words and phrases to move the user along their journey.
Broadly speaking, your bot persona will fall into one of these three categories
Formal (Professional, minimalistic, and helpful tone)
Casual (Friendly and helpful)
Quirky (Energetic, funny, and niche-specific)
Conversations are inherently very contextual, so consider these as guidelines and not strict rules when you are designing your bot. Let us consider a few use-cases.
1. Acknowledgement of user query
Formal response – “Definitely / Understood” Casual response – “Happy to help / Glad you asked!” Quirky response – “Gotcha / Sure thing”
2. After user information has been collected
Formal response – “Noted / Thank You” Casual response – “Perfect / All set!” Quirky response – “Okay cool / Mission accomplished”
3. When you want to collect information, engage the user and move the conversation along
Formal response – “Before we begin / Next step” Casual response – “We’re almost there / Just one more step” Quirky response – “I’d like to know you better”
4. Asking the user to wait
Formal response – “Give me a minute / One moment” Casual response – “Hang on… / Hold up a second” Quirky response – “Stay right here / On it, boss”
5. Ending the conversation
Formal response – “Happy to have helped / Is there anything else I can help with?” Casual response – “I’ll be here if you need me / You know where to find me if you need help” Quirky response – “Toodles / Twas a pleasure helping you!”
4. Choosing the right elements (QR/Buttons/Carousels/Location picker etc.)
Depending on the context and where you are in the conversation, you might pick a textual or a graphical response such as images or buttons.
Let us take a look at some of the elements you can use while designing your conversation.
1. Quick Replies
These are tappable buttons that the user can use to reply instead of typing out a whole sentence or phrase. These are extremely common and should be used to lead the user into the next phase of the conversation.
For example, for your online shoe store, you might have quick replies like “Browse Products” or “Why do I need special running shoes?”
2. Away messages
Away messages can be used to convey that you are busy or currently out of office. You can set your business hours within the WhatsApp Business API and choose to send the messages either all the time, or outside of your specified business hours.
3. Greeting messages
These are used when a user first initiates a conversation with you. These need to be representative of the vibe you want to project as a brand (business-casual/ friendly/ quirky).
To give the user an optimal experience, make sure these greetings match the overall tone you are going for and convey wit and personality.
4. List Messages
Text-only messages can devolve into a wall of text if you are using them to convey a long list of options. This is where List Messages come in to provide a quick and easy bridge for customers to move to the next step of their journey.
List messages can be used in situations where you want to present the user with several options, such as
They need to book an appointment
They need to choose specific seats for an event they are attending
Menu options depending on user input
They need to locate the closest outlet or store
5. FAQs
Adding the most commonly asked questions to your bot is a great way to ensure that most people will have their questions answered without needing to involve an actual customer service agent.
Make sure that all of the FAQ sections move the user forward naturally in the conversation. If a particular answer is too lengthy, consider creating a video or image that can convey a majority of the information.
Always begin with the end in mind and prioritize the most common use cases. Once you have your brand persona set, you should begin testing and mapping out different variations of user journeys with the bot. By testing the bot in distinct scenarios, you will be able to iron out edge cases and roadblocks.
Designing an intuitive conversational flow can mean the difference between a massively successful campaign and a mediocre one. To learn more about building memorable user experiences with WhatsApp, make sure you bookmark our blog  karix.com/blog and visit regularly!
For more details click on karix.com
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redjennies · 18 days
your tooth troubles are so real I hate the way dental care is handled in the US!!!!!! my wisdom teeth have been sawing thru my gums at a weird angle for like a year but I'm uninsured and I straight up cannot do 2k PER TOOOOTH so?? anyway solidarity handshake
it's so fucking bullshit. like they literally know people need to be able to get their wisdom teeth removed to avoid pain like what you're going through but it's apparently a privilege of the wealthy to not live in pain that's going to possibly fuck up your other teeth. I'm not even in the minority of my friends who have lost teeth because it's too expensive to get a filling uninsured, and they make you jump through ridiculous hoops to get insurance that's still fucking expensive. honestly it's fucking criminal too because getting abscesses due to bad teeth can literally fuck up your heart and kill you but once again the American government continues prioritizing bombing families in foreign countries that ain't none of our business being in so the oil companies can stay rich and outlawing abortion so the working class can stay poor and desperate and docile over making sure its citizens have access to basic fucking health care. anyway no love for the United States government as always. no love to insurance companies as always. if there is a just god, all these bastards will rot in hell for their sins of greed and murder. I'm not even joking. I believe that. we have the wealth and knowledge and tools to avoid unnecessary health complications and we don't let our poor and working class access that healthcare because life is a privilege of the wealthy. it's fucking state sanctioned murder and we should consider the healthcare system (and the housing system, at that) just as violent through their inaction as the "justice" system and the military are through their actions.
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cinna-bunnie · 9 months
so like..
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is the idea that as a compromise to only having to toggle off tumblr live once a month, you now have this permanent tumblr live icon regardless of ur setting choice stuck to the bottom in the middle of everything in the hopes that i click on it accidentally anyways even though it's clear i don't want it or? where is the NO 100% STOP GIVING ME THIS SHIT I DON'T ACCEPT YOUR POLICIES AND LITERALLY COULD NOT CARE LESS ABOUT TUMBLR LIVE AND WILL NEVER BE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE OF FEATURE OR FORMAT.
@zingring @photomatt @humans idk how many feedback requests people have to cut tumblr for "no" to just be a valid response here. ppl aren't dumb and see u inching over the line trying to force this on them despite the snooze choice.
what, are there so many ppl snoozing and such a low adoption rate that you know you need to trick users into using it so you can "make number go up" or? 🙄
#snoozing tumblr live for a month but perpetually having a big centered button that will take you there immediately at all#times while also inherently meaning that you've accepted the privacy policies and TOS for using a third party service#tumblr is so fucking annoying is2g i should just pester my mutuals repeatedly about getting onto cohost and being active instead#of talking to a fucking brick wall because obviously NO ONE at tumblr gives a shit that NO ONE wants to use their shitty third#party live stream feature. for the millionth time leave me alooooone#my patience and grace for this site is almost entirely spent y'all ngl (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) tumblr is like one or two annoying updates away from#me bugging y'all to get on cohost. was hoping there'd be a few more good updates before we got back to the annoying enraging ones.#like.. seeing if ppl r mutuals or followers on mobile? 👍 snoozing going from 7 to 30 days? 👍 live being there despite snoozing? 👎🔫#I'm STILL not over this whole twitter UI too in the browser too. tumblr's trying sooo hard to be a blogging platform in a twitter trenchcoat#u ARE a blogging platform and are functionally different than a typical social media site in multiple key ways. why r u downgrading urself#it's bc matt thinks elon's sooooo cute and wants to kiss him so bad he'd do anything to get his attention#even crash the popularity of his site and burn his good grace he had w the platforms community.#y'all rich mf need some hobbies i swear to god (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) y'all get bored or divorced n start tryna fix shit that ain't broken. pests.#now it's everyone else's problem too 🙄
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khaopybara · 9 months
I was curious to know how Ray would get his arm broken but seeing as he gets punched two episodes in a row, maybe he's seen that coming
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sing-me-under · 7 months
I don’t know why, but I get really tired of fics where they’re like “Bruce has been sheltered his entire life and has absolutely no sense for normal people” as though he didn’t go on a world tour in literally every iteration of his existence before becoming Batman. Yes, he was absolutely sheltered as a teenager, and maybe he still held onto some naïveté in his early Batman years, but Batman literally faces every fucking crime there is, and I bet that little Bruce stubbornly traumatized himself with true crime shows and case studies. One does not become Batman and stay sheltered. Yes, unlike most people, he had the safety net of a home and a fat bank account to return to, but that really only applied in the States with legal identification. This man just kinda traveled the world with like the bare minimum and built a name and network for himself from scratch from pure skill, stubbornness, and his weird Mary Sue aura where everyone wants to fuck him. I can guarantee he’s nearly starved to death on multiple occasions, has slept in the worst conditions possible, and actually been fucking tortured in every sense of the word. You don’t need to be born and raised in poverty to have experienced food insecurities and the worst that humanity has to offer.
Anyway, this is just me just being fed up with the fics and posts where they treat Bruce as if he’s never experienced a single hardship in his life beyond the death of his parents when he was 8 years old. Bruce Wayne is the most empathetic, self-sacrificing motherfucker in Existence. He’s still an over controlling asshole, but he’s self aware and tries to understand why criminals do crime things.
Batman deserves to have a backstory where he actually developed and experienced his own coming-of-age as a mature member of society instead of being some vengeful middle school syndrome kid maneuvering a skin sack of nearly 300 lbs of muscle and fancy technology.
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mysmsmantraindia · 3 months
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anarchywoofwoof · 5 months
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the funny thing is that i don't think younger people - and i mean those under the age of 40 - really have a grasp on how many of today's issues can be tied back to a disastrous reagan policy:
war on drugs: reagan's aggressive escalation of the war on drugs was a catastrophic policy, primarily targeting minority communities and fueling mass incarceration. the crusade against drugs was more about controlling the Black, Latino and Native communities than addressing the actual problems of drug abuse, leading to a legacy of broken families and systemic racism within the criminal justice system.
deregulation and economic policies: reaganomics was an absolute disaster for the working class. reagan's policies of aggressive tax cuts for the rich, deregulation, and slashing social programs were nothing less than class warfare, deepening income inequality and entrenching corporate greed. these types of policies were a clear message that reagan's america was only for the wealthy elite and a loud "fuck you" to working americans.
environmental policies: despite his reputation being whitewashed thanks to the recovery of the ozone layer, reagan's environmental record was an unmitigated disaster. his administration gutted critical environmental protections and institutions like the EPA, turning a blind eye to pollution and corporate exploitation of natural resources. this blatant disregard for the planet was a clear sign of prioritizing short-term corporate profits over the future of the environment.
AIDS crisis: reagan's gross neglect of the aids crisis was nothing short of criminal and this doesn't even begin to touch on his wife's involvement. his administration's indifference to the plight of the lgbtq+ community during this devastating epidemic revealed a deep-seated bigotry and a complete failure of moral leadership.
mental health: reagan's dismantling of mental health institutions under the guise of 'reform' led directly to a surge in homelessness and a lack of support for those with mental health issues. his policies were cruel and inhumane and showed a personality-defining callous disregard for the most vulnerable in society.
labor and unions: reagan's attack on labor unions, exemplified by his handling of the patco strike, was a blatant assault on workers' rights. his actions emboldened corporations to suppress union activities, leading to a significant erosion of workers' power and rights in the workplace. he was colloquially known as "Ronnie the Union Buster Reagan"
foreign policy and military interventions: reagan's foreign policy, particularly in latin america, was imperialist and ruthless. his administration's support for dictatorships and right-wing death squads under the guise of fighting "communism" showed a complete disregard for human rights and self-determination of other nations.
public health: yes, reagan's agricultural policies actually facilitated the rise of high fructose corn syrup, once again prioritizing corporate profits over public health. this shift in the food industry has had lasting negative impacts on health, contributing to the obesity epidemic and other health issues.
privatization: reagan's push for privatization was a systematic dismantling of public services, transferring wealth and power to private corporations and further eroding the public's access to essential services.
education policies: his approach to education was more of an attack on public education than anything else, gutting funding and promoting policies that undermined equal access to quality education. this was, again, part of a broader agenda to maintain a status quo where the privileged remain in power.
this is just what i could come up with in a relatively short time and i did not even live under this man's presidency. the level at which ronald reagan has broken the united states truly can't be overstated.
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hammercarexplosion · 2 months
80% of "passing" is having enough money to purchase the clothes and services that will allow you to pass. Please stop holding being able to stealth up as the pinnacle of trans achievement. That place belongs to surviving. It belongs to finding joy. It belongs to love and community, not people who are rich enough to have professional makeup artists and tailors.
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tanlakarix · 11 months
RCS Messaging's Importance on Business Communications.
SMS messaging has become an essential aspect of modern communication; over five billion mobile phone users worldwide send around 22 billion text messages per day.
While SMS’s success has been fueled by its simplicity, ubiquity, and instantaneity, its future expansion will necessitate something huge in functionality. Despite having a remarkable 98% open rate, SMS was designed for uncomplicated communication.
Consumers today want a more engaging messaging experience that includes value-added services like read receipts, high-resolution audio and video sharing, mapping directions, and much more. To remain competitive, messaging providers must provide a powerful, integrated service that allows for the smooth exchange of multimedia information and easy links to other mobile applications.
This is where messaging via Rich Communication Services (RCS) comes in. RCS is a next-generation messaging platform that is on pace to someday replace regular SMS.
It is far more immersive than the current SMS service. RCS enables users to access features that were previously only available through OTT messaging apps.
In addition to all the capabilities consumers expect from a messaging app, including group chat, real-time typing indicators read receipts, and the ability to transmit audio and video messages, RCS enhances the experience by minimizing the time it takes to switch between apps.
With RCS, the native messaging suite transforms into a destination where users can do everything from booking a flight to ordering a pizza to purchasing online.
The major advantages of RCS Business Messages are as follows: greater conversions owing to real-time engagement, improved customer experience, and encouragement of interaction. We might claim that RCs are the SMS of the future.
How Does RCS Benefit Businesses?
RCS is industry-agnostic; thus, it may be utilized in a variety of business sectors, including small and large organizations, all over the world. RCS has created a new vista for businesses to reach end-users in a strong new way. Brands should use the channel to reimagine customer engagement.
Here are three critical advantages that modern enterprises can gain from RCS messaging:
Promotes conversions through frictionless involvement.
RCS transforms a user’s native messaging app into a platform for richer, more engaging communications with businesses. Businesses can utilize “rich cards” to share high-value material immediately within the messaging window because RCS communicates directly with other mobile applications and was built to contain embedded rich media content such as coupons, maps, or videos.
Businesses can also provide consumers with a selection of pre-programmed responses that they can access by hitting a “Quick Reply” button, making it simple for them to continue a conversation with your company.
These seamless content delivery and communication technologies boost user engagement and the possibility that the user would complete the targeted activity, such as visiting a physical store, watching a branded film, or redeeming a discount.
2. Develops fully branded experiences that customers can rely on.
Unlike standard SMS messaging, which displays your company’s name and phone number or short code, RCS communications allow you to add your company’s logo and brand colors to the chat window. RCS also provides verified sending, which protects clients from phishing and gives them confidence that the message they receive is coming directly from your company.
3. Offers real-time campaign optimization analytics.
Businesses must continually monitor campaign analytics to see whether their communication methods are effective. It’s the only way they’ll be able to maximize client engagement. However, this has proved difficult with SMS messaging because there is little data on how customers interact with texts.
RCS makes it simple to optimize communication campaigns. Businesses can watch when a consumer reads a message, starts typing a response, and clicks on the information supplied by their company.
This enables organizations to gain greater insights into communication funnel leaks and adapt messaging for optimal readability and customer engagement.
How can brands use RCS?
Businesses can use RCS to communicate with their customers in real time by sending rich and contextual communications. It also allows businesses to send branded messages that include the corporate logo and other business-related information, as well as a verified badge, so the recipient knows who sent the message.
As a result, organizations may provide a hyper-personalized customer experience in customer support, sales, branding, marketing, and advertising without developing a separate product. RCS has the potential to revolutionize enterprise-to-customer communications.
RCS allows businesses to send notifications such as important alerts, OTPs, QR codes for e-tickets, product catalogs, offers, and so on. It can also be used in conjunction with a chatbot to establish two-way conversation processes such as queries, customer support, feedback requests, bill payments, and online buying, among other things.
RCS messaging is a universal communication channel that can help industries such as retail, tours and travel, hospitality, entertainment, and healthcare, among others. It may be tailored to the needs of each of these businesses, making the entire communication process a rewarding experience.
Brands that have used RCS to increase client interaction.
Here’s a typical example of how the world’s largest fast-food business, Subway, promotes Sandwich bargains through RCS messaging.
Subway sought to connect with customers on a more personal level to enhance engagement and revenue. The company chose to adopt RCS messaging and run an A/B test to see if it outperformed its regular SMS message advertising.
Subway tested A/B offers by sending them to one audience group through SMS and the other via RCS. The content was unchanged, but the RCS version added the brand logo, product photos, and buttons.
Subway has two options. They advertised their popular sandwiches for $11.99 the first week. It was a $20 meal offer the following week.
The RCS messaging campaign was a resounding success. The RCS promotion has a 140% greater conversion rate than the SMS advertising.
For More Info: https://www.karix.com/products/rich-business-messaging/
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