#void stiles stilnski
franksoceanwrld · 8 months
if villain why hot..?
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hi do you think you could a angst stiles stilnski x sister where instead of stiles becoming void it’s his sister please ? x
thanks for requesting!
airy that's it's short and not that good!
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"Just listen to me," you led Scott and Stiles into the empty classroom, flicking on the light switch.
"Look," you jumped slightly as you looked on the board, seeing it empty.
"See what?" Scott asked.
"The message I left on the board of Barrow. He must've erased it. It was my handwriting. Look, I took a picture," your hands were shaking slightly as you unlocked your phone, looking for the picture.
You felt your heart drop as you looked in your albums, unable to find it.
"I have a... I have an extra key on my keys. Look, it's for the chem cabinet," you took your keys out, looking through them as you frowned.
"It's not here," the two of them looked at each other before looking at you.
"I-I know I can't prove it, but it was me, all of it was me. The message, sneaking Barrow into here. I-I did it all," you shook your head as your eyes watered slightly.
"(Y/N/N), why would you hurt Kira? You told me last week that you had a crush on her," Stiles shook his head.
"I-I didn't want to... look, there's something wrong with me. Please believe me," your voice broke slightly in fear as you looked between Scott and Stiles for guidance.
"(Y/N), how much sleep have you gotten this week?" Scott asked.
"What?" you frowned.
"How much sleep have you gotten since you died?" Stiles asked.
"That's not..."
"I hear you walking around all night every night. Dad's also worried about you," Stiles whispered.
"I'm..." your paused, unsure of what to say.
Stiles wasn't wrong, you knew something was wrong. You couldn't remember anything, everything slipped out of your hands.
You'd even forgotten how to read properly, not that you told anyone yet.
"Stiles..." you started.
"My mom's working today," Scott turned to Stiles.
"I don't need a nurse-"
"Just go to the doctor's, (Y/N). Please," Stiles begged.
"Please," you could see the look of desperation on his face as you nodded your head softly.
"Come on, I'll take you now," he held your hand, leading you out of the room.
You sat on the edge of the hospital bed, Stiles sitting next to you.
Your visions blurred slightly from your tears as you looked up at Stiles.
"What if something bad is happening to me?" he stayed quiet as you spoke, feeling more tears come to your eyes.
"I've been hallucinating, I have nightmares all the time, I can't remember shit. I'm scared," more tears filled your eyes as Stiles wrapped his arms around you tightly.
"Whatever is wrong with you, we'll help you. Scott can help you, we'll do whatever it takes," you nodded softly as you held back your cries, burying yourself in his arms.
You heard the door open as Melissa gave you a soft smile, the type of smile that you gave when you needed to hide something bad.
"I'll give you this right now to help you sleep. It's Midazolam," she said.
You nodded as Stiles stood up before you laid onto the bed.
"How long does it take to work?" the second she injected it into you, you could feel your eyelids growing heavier, as you yawned softly.
"Well then," you said.
"Just sleep. I didn't see anything else wrong," she said softly, pressing a small kiss to your forehead.
"Thank you," you closed your eyes, letting out a deep breath.
After you fell asleep, Stiles turned to Melissa, taking a deep breath.
"We need to talk," she looked at your briefly, before her eyes watered slightly.
"Let's go outside," the worry grew in Stiles' heart as he looked at you, before taking a deep breath, following Melissa.
Nothing could prepare him for what he had to hear next.
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clnriswood · 6 years
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Our Little Secret (part seven)
Part six here.
gif: stilesedit
a/n: Please read!! For those of you who didn’t know, from now on it’s no more messy//random posting of this! I’m done with my exams (thank god) so I’ll be posting every Friday (today and on) and Monday! Two a week, I hope that’s exiting! Thank you so much everyone who’s been sticking by me and this story, love you sm! 
a/n2: THIS IS A COMPLETED SERIES. Just thought I’d add that edit as I get lots of people asking for more! There’s 14 parts all up rn!
tagged:  @fangirllanie @myfandomiscooler @sataninsatin@sprinklesandsugarcubes   @ravenss  @extroverted-wallflower  @trashymxrphyy @whatsupuser  @bojabee @kylobien @bitchhstopp @fox-in-a-mousetrap-8 @golddaggers @wolfie-posts​ @persassyismyspiritanimal  @88charlotte88 @yuukiahim
Four days. Four days since she’d heard anything from Stiles. Four days since the pack had seemingly left her, all except Isaac. She’d figured that was fair enough, after Void had attacked Scott and publically strangled and sucked the life force out of her body, but their refusal to keep in touch had thrown her off.
“You know why,” Isaac said, stretching his legs over the soft quilts on the floor.
He’d shown up at her doorstep half an hour earlier, chock full with movie selections and Chinese takeout, his eagerness never waning until she’d let him in. And now they lay sprawled across a big blue blanket, the girl in an oversized shirt and messy bun, tangles of hair falling over her face as she shoved a mouthful of noodles between her lips.
“Why?” she said, focusing her attention from the rom com on the screen to Isaac’s unblinking eyes.
He bent over her lap to grab a spring roll, dunking it into the sweet chili sauce as he hummed, “you’re...a threat.”
“I’m a threat?!” she gaped, noodle falling from her mouth in a most attractive manner that made him snort with laughter.
“Yes, to the plan,” he continued, leaning back as he munched on the crunchy gold shell.
“The plan,” she responded blankly.
“Scott is going to figure out how to split those two,” he explained.
“Void was serious about that?!” She set her chopsticks down with a sigh.
“He was,” Isaac hummed, turning his jaw to hers.
“But...that’s...we don’t know how to do that,” the girl said slowly.
Isaac’s lips twitched, blue eyes crinkling.
“Isaac,” she emphasized his name slowly.
“Yes?” he arched a brow innocently.
“Tell me how,” she said sternly.
“Can’t,” he flashed his teeth innocently at her.
“Was worth a shot,” she grumbled, giving him a light punch to his chest.
He raised his hands as if in pain, “ouch.”
“Shut up,” she laughed, reaching for a fortune cookie.
“Sorry dear,” he sighed truthfully, “I’d love to indulge you, but they think you being involved might get in the way, what with your ‘taking’ to Stiles.”
“Hmm,” she rolled her eyes, pulling the wrapping off. “And I still think this is a terrible idea that will only anger him more. I mean, you were there when he said not to come near him, right?”
“Right,” Isaac shrugged, pushing his gold curls back.
She took a bite from the cookie, pulling the little white piece of paper out.
“What’s it say?” he inquired.
“Good things will come your way,” she recited with a chuckle. Then, looking up with a smile, “now there’s some bullshit.”
. . .
Seven days since the incident, and there was now no word from even Isaac, making the girl go practically crazy as she was cooped up alone at home and told not to do anything stupid. Late that evening, she ignored that call completely and climbed to the top of her roof. Stupid as it sounded, just being closer to the moon and stars made her feel lighter, like the air was cooler and fresher the less distance there was between her body and the glittering diamonds above her. She wore a long sleeved white tee, hair loose as she perched on the flat part of the surface and blinked up at the sky. She’d lost count of how long she’d been up there before the uneasiness had settled over her. Aware of someone's presence, she'd gone tense, breath stuck to her throat as she ignored that feeling. But then there was that voice.
It came from behind her back, but she didn’t turn.
“(Y/N),” it said again.
“Now’s not a good time considering the fact that one wrong move would have me slipping off this roof,” she responded flatly.
“Then don’t move,” it said.
She sat in silence as he appeared a foot away, sinking down onto the patch of roof and waiting for her to look at him.
“What?” she said sourly, when he made no noise.
“I’d like if you looked at me,” he admitted.
“And I’d like if you didn’t fucking strangle me,” she snapped her head to the side.
He had his legs folded, leaning forward in his lap with sad eyes, the stars sending bright flares over his dark iris’ and heavily lidded eyes. Something about him seemed off, like he was weaker, or more frail. His chapped lips hung slightly apart as he absorbed her words with little facial recognition. The same white hoodie from a week ago hung on his frame.
“I shouldn’t have done that,” he admitted.
His almost instantaneous apology took her by surprise, her brows creasing, “and?”
“And I’m sorry,” he said sincerely.
Her demeanor relaxed, “why are you here? What do you want from me?”
“Would you believe me if I said I wanted to see you?” he tried with a soft smile.
“No,” she responded flatly.
His lips settled into a frown, “fair enough.”
“You should go,” she said, turning her face away. “I might not be part of my friend’s plan to split your body, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to help you either.”
“And why wouldn’t you help them?” he asked, lacing his long fingers together.
“I saw how mad you got. You’re not afraid to lash out, to hurt someone, so doing that would just make it worse. Not to mention that in this form, at least Stiles has some control over you.”
He nodded with intrigue, “interesting, that’s not what you’d thought before.”
“Only took an almost dead kid and the bruises on my neck for me to figure that out,” she muttered coldly, pushing her hair behind her ears.
He began to speak again, but she cut him off.
“And I’m still crazy,” she laughed.
“What makes you say so?” he tilted his freckled cheek.
“I know you haven’t hurt anyone,” she turned her focus back to him. “You don’t think I realized? I’ve spent this last week waiting for a body to show up or a report to surface, but you haven’t hurt anyone.”
He rubbed slowly at his jaw with a nod.
“Why?” she asked softly.
“I want to be better than that,” he said slowly, shifting his dark eyes away.
“Even after what happened last week?”
He let out a soft noise of discontempt, “you...you had me, (Y/N). And I wanted to believe what you said, but your friends attacked me-”
“I’m sorry for that,” she interrupted, “really.”
“That doesn’t excuse my behavior,” he snapped his jaw up.  “Just because they don’t see me as redeemable doesn’t mean you hadn’t.” His words were sincere, and the sparkle in those dark eyes were honest.
She stared at him, laughing softly with a shake of her head, “every time I want to find a reason to give up on you, I just can’t.”
“That’s why I-” he clenched his jaw, “I care about you.”
“So?” her heart beat loudly.
“So I wanted to say goodbye,” he swallowed.
“What is that supposed to mean?” she asked.
“Your friends are clever,” he said, “and I’m weak. I haven’t fed off of anyone since you, so it’s only a matter of time before they get me where they want me.”
She swallowed, eyelashes fluttering, “you’ll be fine. Even if they do split you, you’ll be fine.”
“Careful,” he smiled, “a little more inflection and it might sound like you care.”
She couldn’t help but giggle, shaking her head.
“So, if you do split,” she said. “Would you still be mad?”
“Oh definitely,” his voice lowered, “and I wouldn’t want them to see that side of me.”
Her smile faltered, “but you can still be whole without Stiles.”
“I’m stronger like this,” he said seriously, “and it means that I don’t have to deal with Stiles in person.”
“Why would Stiles be any threat to you?” she frowned.
“Not quite to me,” he hummed softly, “to you.”
She bit her lip with confusion.
“I rather like you,” Stiles said after a long pause. “So does he.”
Her breathing came slightly choppily as she listened.
“I’m selfish,” he shrugged, tilting his jaw up to the stars and swinging his leg forward, “want you all to my damn self.”
The wind ruffled their hair, sending goosebumps down her spine as she blinked at him with disbelief.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she grumbled.
“Hm?” he spoke to she stars.
“Come here,” she said.
He turned his face slowly to hers, blinking her over to see if she was serious.
“Now,” she demanded.
He reappeared inches from her face with an interested flicker of his black eyes over her face, “yes?”
“Give me your hands,” she opened her palms.
He looked like a little kid not knowing what to do with himself, his hands slowly extending to her front. She caught them by the wrist, yanking his large veiny hands up to her face and placing one on each side of her cheek. Tufts of his chocolate colored hair spilled over his face as he stared at her with awe, “what are you doing?”
She laced her fingers over his, his hands so big they practically covered her little face.
“Go ahead,” she urged.
“And do what?’ he laughed nervously.
“Feed off of me, or whatever,” she grumbled.
“(Y/N)-” he tried.
“Spare me,” she cut him off. “You look like shit, and I’d rather you didn’t die just yet, so go ahead.”
He flickered his tongue over his dry lips, purple circles under his eyes glowing under the moonlight.
“I don’t want to hurt you again,” he whispered.
“I want you to,” she assured him quietly, closing her eyes, “please.”
So he did. And she felt it, the network of crackling black veins that sprung from his fingers and into her cheek, the slow oozing of every ounce of her pain seeping slowly from her body to his. She groaned out with instinct, leaning forward, her forehead finding his as she bent against the frame of his body. He tried to pull his hand back when she stirred, but she forced his skin harder to hers, making him gasp softly against her. Her teeth grinded together, sweat gathering on her brow until she felt him jerk away, his hands flying from her face.
“Stop,” he urged.
Her eyes flew open, and she was suddenly aware of her proximity to his lips, making her pull back. His face was set seriously, a low rumble of anger in his throat.
“I’m fine,” she panted quietly.
“No you’re not,” he growled, “are you trying to get yourself killed?!”
“I just wanted to help,” she said with hurt.
His gaze instantly softened at her tone, and he gingerly took her cheeks in his palms again.
“Thank you,” he muttered softly. “You’re so amazing. But I also don’t want you to die trying to help me.”
Her eyes focused to the roof.
“Hey,” he said needily, drawing her gaze back to his eyes.
They seemed brighter, and his skin felt warmer, and his grip was stronger on her than before; it’d worked.
“Why can you do that to me?’ she said quietly. “I’m not a wolf, I can’t absorb people’s pain.”
“You don’t need to,” he said. “You do that so much on your own because you’re so sensitive of others and your own feelings. You have so much pain bottled up in there that I can just take it right from you.”
He’d said it like a compliment, his voice admiring as he gave her a tiny smile.
“So I’m an emotionally unstable freak,” she laughed quietly.
“A little,” he grinned, “one of the many fascinating things about you.”
Little dimples lit his cheeks, a real and human smile on his face.
“What?” he said, seeing her change in demeanor.
“You’re happy?” she asked him.
“You’re in my arms, why wouldn’t I be?” he said without thinking.
Her heart practically exploded from her chest as she blushed under his fingertips.
“Wow,” he pressed his tongue to his cheek, “someone’s embarrassed. You could burn me with the scorch of your cheeks.”
“Oh my god,” she muttered, flustered as she pulled her face away.
“You’re so cute,” he humemd, acting completely un-void like.
Then his eyes went down, seeing the faint purple linings on her collarbone and making him well over with sadness.
“What’s wrong?’ she said when he tensed.
“I did that,” he indicated at where he’d choked her.
“It’s okay,” she brushed it off.
“It’s not,” he shook his head.
“It’s okay,” she mumbled again.
“It’s not!” he insisted. “Admit it!”
“Okay, it wasn’t!” she said with exasperation, hands flying up. “Is that what you want to hear?”
He nodded.
“I never thought you’d hurt me,” she admitted, “so that terrified me, if I’m being honest. But Scott provoked you, and none of them would even hear you out or give you a chance so you weren’t thinking straight-”
“Don’t make excuses for me,” he warned.
“I don’t care, Stiles. I will,” she said defiantly, crossing her arms and staring him down.
“But you said I was everything you weren’t,” he murmured. “You were right.”
“I did,” she said. “Because I’m scared of being vulnerable around you.”
He clenched his jaw, dark eyes boring into hers, “I don’t ever want to make you feel scared again,” he said. “I won’t, I swear to it.”
“You’re so...good,” he sighed, “and I’m the least deserving person of you.”
“Stiles-” she tried again.
The gates to his humanity had cracked wide open, truth pouring from his lips.
“I still-” he sighed, swallowing, “I still have that urge. To kill. To hurt. It’s quite literally my nature. But I- I don’t know, I just...I look at you and suddenly it all-” he breathed heavily, his heavily lidded gaze dropping to her lips.
“Goes away,” he finished with a short sigh.
Her heart hammered in her chest, blood rushing through her ears when she realized how easy it’d be to just lean in and kiss his chapped pink lips right then.
“I should go,” he mumbled softly.
“What? Why?” she stammered, snapping out of her daze.
“Your friends are on watch for both you and I, it’s not safe,” he shifted away from her face.
He stood, stuffing his hands into the white hoodie he wore and staring up at the stars.
“Soon,” he promised.
It went on like that for another week. Void would drop in through nightly visits, insist on not feeding on her until she’d exasperate him into doing it, and then he’d leave far too soon. And it made a difference. Sometimes, brief waves of sadness or anger would cling to him, but he’d hide that from her, keeping those dark parts under the surface. His skin, though pale as ever, was glowing, same for those eyes, and that smile. It’d been so weird at first, to see a monster crack such a lovely little grin, but now it’d become a habit of hers to coax it out of him, her face alighting every time he flashed his teeth at her. Her friends still had no clue or contact with her, asides from a disheveled Isaac who’d mentioned their sudden failure to trace any sign on the nogitsune.
It had worked until a couple days before, when they’d gotten into an alarmingly divided fight. He’d refused to touch her or drain her, but this time held his ground, and when she refused to quit, it had become a mess of frustrated screams and exasperation until Stiles hit his boiling point and, saying he wouldn’t hurt her, vanished.
Now it was day five alone, no word from him, and the girl lay on her back as she stared at the ceiling with a blank gaze, sitting up when a knock came to her door.
“Sti-” she began, freezing when her eyes focused on the boy in the doorway,
“Stiles?” Isaac voiced quietly.
“Isaac!” she exclaimed, jumping up and running towards him, stopping dead when he stepped away with a hardened expression.
“What?” she raised her eyebrows nervously at the glowering werewolf.
“We know, (Y/N), we found him.”
Her heart jumped to her throat, “I don’t know what you’re talking abou-”
“Cut it,” Isaac shook his gold curls, “I know you were lying to me. We have him.”
Her demeanor shifted, worry bubbling over her, “is he okay?”
“Why would that matter?!” Isaac spat.
“Because I-” she threw her hands up, “- because.”
Isaac sighed, “I trusted you.”
“You stopped talking to me, all of you did!” she flared with anger, “and none of you even gave him a chan-”
“MAYBE I WOULD’VE IF HE HADN’T-” Isaac screamed, stopping mid sentence and closing his eyes. “I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t want it to be like this.”
“Like what?” she said nervously.
He didn’t say anything as he slid from sight and slammed her door.
“Isaac?” she asked quietly.
Then, suddenly, a loud locking noise came as something clicked outside her door. She ran over, extending her fingertips to the golden handle and pulling it roughly, to which nothing happened. A wave of panic hit her, her eyes widening.
“ISAAC?!” she said. “Isaac let me out!!”
No response.
“ISAAC!” she yelled, her throat burning as the realization of what happened settled in.
“Oh my god,” her knees gave in as she hit the floor, back against the wall as she burrowed her face to her knees. “Fuck.”
Moisture brimmed at her eyes, fear washing through her bloodstream as it dawned on her that her friends had more intentions than just splitting Stiles from the nogitsune.
So she cried. Partly because she was happy, actually. She wanted her best friend back. Also because she was scared that the boy she’d grown on was going to be gone forever, or that if he wasn’t, no good would come from the split. The thought of losing him wasn’t something she’d even considered until that moment, but now that it was there, it terrified her. It wasn't fair, either, not when she was so close to breaking through to him. Already, she’d pried from him some differences to Stiles’ personality. His favorite weather included shitty skies and rain, he loved history, not surprisingly, and he preferred bitter coffee to sweet coffee. She cried some more, a laugh breaking through as she realized those stupid little details might be the only ones she’d ever get to know about him. And crying felt so stupid, but it was the only thing she could think to do in those next two hours where the sun fell.
“Idiot,” she sniffled, thinking how things would be different if only Void had fed from her and been strong enough to escape whatever circumstance he was currently in.
She lifted her head to the black darkness outside her window, imagining how she could jump from it if it wasn’t so high and didn’t pose the threat of  her breaking both her legs.
The girl rubbed her pink nose against the sleeve of her soft mint sweatshirt, imagining how much of a slobbering idiot she probably looked like. Feeling numb, she barely even registered as her phone buzzed in her hands. Her puffy eyes focused downwards, shock slapping her in the face when she saw Stiles’ name appear on her phone.
I’m okay. On my way.
For a moment, she forgot about Void, the reality of the words she read sweeping her on her feet with excitement. But then he sent another message.
Don’t open the door, okay? Don’t. Not for anyone but me. I’ll be there soon, I’ll explain everything.
“What the hell?” she murmured.
Not a minute later, a knock came to her door.
She froze, remembering his words as a tightness formed in the pit of her stomach.
“(Y/N)?” came Stiles’ unmistakable voice.
“Stiles?” she whispered cautiously back.
“Hey, it’s fine, okay? Give me a minute.”
The lock rattled against the door, the thought that her friend was on the other side terrifying her. She took a step back as the door swung open, Stiles’ shadowy figure in her doorway. No words seemed to surface as she remained like a petrified statue glued to her floorboards, her fingers fidgeting nervously with her sleeves.
“You’re really here,” she said through a broken whisper.
The figure nodded, its shape sagged and exhausted. It was so dark she could hardly see a thing, but the beams of moonlight were just enough to recognize that unmistakable person.
“Stiles?” she asked softly when he didn’t reply.
He just stared at her, shaking his head as he quickly approached her. She didn’t know what to expect, but it definitely wasn’t what he did next. Stiles stepped closer and closer, but he didn’t stop where he normally would, he just kept going. And she didn’t refrain, even when his fingers grasped at her jaw, she didn’t move, even when his nose was brushing to hers, she didn’t move. Even when those lips roughly collided against her own, she let it happen. A startled gasp burst from her lips as he kissed her, his large veiny hands cupping either side of her face as he scooped her into his body, holding her so close that her figure melted into his chest. Her hands hung loosely at her sides from the surprise, and she had to tilt her head to get a reach of his soft mouth, which tasted so good she momentarily forgot how to breathe. Then, in a daze, she quickly pulled her lips from his ones, Stiles chasing her breath to get more.
A foggy sense of familiarity struck her, but she pushed it aside.
“I’m so sorry,” he stepped back, his words strained.  His eyes were glued shut as he said, “I just had to do that, I mean I've wanted to for so long, but I- I just had to kiss you.”
“Wait, Stiles-” she stammered as he flew around and dashed from her room in a flash, leaving no trace he’d been there at all.
She couldn’t move as her brain tried with little luck to process what had just happened, or if it even had. Heart racing, she lifted up her lit up phone, Stiles’ name burning into the screen.
We’re here.
Her eyebrows flew up in confusion
What? She responded.
We’re pulling in, it said.
What are you talking about? She texted frantically as a set of headlights appeared outside, then coming the noise of a rumbling vehicle pulling to a stop. I just saw you, she typed.
Stiles name appeared, vanished, then came back.
Oh my god.
What?! She sent with exasperation.
Half a minute later came the sound of thumping footsteps, then her door being thrown open. Stiles’ bumbling self came crashing into her room as he flickered her lights on, sending a glow over the dark space as he stared at her with utter, shock, his big gold eyes clouded with horror.
“Stiles?” she breathed with relief, “what was th-”
“What just happened?!” he cut her off, not even giving her two seconds to speak.
“I- I- What?!” she mumbled, eyebrows knitting.
“WHAT JUST HAPPENED,” he barked, his anger making the usually happy boy seem deathly scary.
“You were,” she stumbled, “you came in here and-”
She stopped, her throat going dry as she watched his face, a lightbulb going off in her head.
“You were just in here, Stiles,” she said again.
His breath hitched in his throat as he shook his head, hair spilling over his disbelieving eyes, “no I wasn’t, (Y/N).”
“Yes, y-you were,” she shook her head.
He rubbed at his freckled chin with utter distress. 
“Were your lights off?” he said quietly, raising his brownish gold gaze to hers.
She nodded slowly.
“Holy fuck,” he cursed.
“What?” her words dripped with fear, the answer already on his lips.
“That wasn’t me.”
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