#villan’s are hot
tiredbitchposts · 2 days
Speaking of a lesbian Shen Yuan, let's just get it out of the way this woman would NOT know how to act after transmitgation. Like, all it took for a male Shen Yuan to start acting like the world's biggest babygirl was dying and being reborn into a villain's body, what do you think would happen if he was a closeted lesbian who religiously consumed either porn or male centric media? She'd commit war crimes on the poor women who had the luck of interacting with her. This woman would squeeze Liu Qingge's biceps and playfully say she can always depend on her strong shimei to protect her, she'd U-haul a marriageble age Luo Binghe into her side room and treat her as one would a wife, she'd host her sect leader to talk about her peak's budget wearing exactly two layers because it's just so hot and we're all women here shijie, she'd invite Gongyi Xiao to her peak with a smile and too much subtext for it to sound like a simple discipline invite to anyone hearing it, she'd call Zhuzi-lang fascinating to her face with no type of irony or mockery. This woman would would do all that AND still think think someone means lebanese when they say they're a lesbian, again, the system doesn't know what type of evil they unleashed upon the PIDW world
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aftonwilliams · 4 months
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@pscentral​ anniversary event: take two 2.0 -> event 18 adaptions
Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.
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*Cough* *Cough* Daddy *Cough* *Cough*
Human Killer Sans design belongs to @itsxroxannex
(If you ever see this Roxannex... you made me simp HARD for him. I hope you're proud of yourself lmao)
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asexualcloud · 7 months
hi everyone. id like to make an awareness post here. someone you know could be suffering from british. british is a serious disease, and yet there is no cure. yet! our associates at 5218008 industries are working on a cure! click here to learn more about british, and click here to learn more about what we at 5218008 industries do as a "company family", as we like to call it. but now, lets take a moment of silence for those who are currently suffering from british.
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this young man has been suffering from british for a very long time. he also suffers from catboy. the fact that he has survived(nope lol) both british and catboy is a truly astounding act.
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this person whos gender is the bomb theyre planning to bomb you with has been suffering from british since age 14. the fact that they are smiling through theyre diagnosis is truly a heartwarming act.
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this man has been suffering from british since he was born. he also suffers from bisexuality, a disease i personally battle with everyday. despite everything that he has endured, he has yet to become a major antagonist in an anime. oh? whats that? uh, forget about that last bit.
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here he is pictured at a younger age. despite being a lifelong sufferer of british, he has managed to stay (somewhat) positive. always.
thank you for reading my post. (uh quick disclaimer this post is a joke i have nothing against british ppl yall are great love yall)
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i gotta give it to him he is Very fucking attractive if the whole ( killing 7000 people) weren't the very first thing you learn of him i think he would have been as popular as Gortash
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phantazmz-old · 1 year
zhuzhi-lang crumbs please 🥹 caring for the tiny snakes
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a small doodle 4 u anon…. zhuzhi lang my beloved…….
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Concerning the dcxdp universe; I think there's an interesting side which is often scratched upon, but never fully discussed - the hero's apparent entitlement to information.
One fic which paints a clear image of this, imo, is "Vertical Limit", where the JL is not only hostile in some situations, but then also expects every one of their questions to be answered to their liking, offering nothing in return.
I think this idea could be interesting to explore, as Danny would already deal with this on a daily basis. The hunters in his opposition, the Red Huntress, the Fentons and the GIW, act as if they know everything about ghosts. They don't listen and they don't ask. The town's people also seem to show some bias, albeit not to the same extent as the hunters.
I just think it would be interesting to see Danny, especially in case of Ghost King!Danny, to go "No. You are not entitled to information regarding me/ my kind, you are not entitled to the business of another dimension and you may not research further against my will, unless you wanna fuck around and find out" when being interrogated by a bat, or when finding out he's being tailed by one. Or any of the JL members.
It enrages me on his behalf in many of the fics I read, so I just want to spell it out one time
Ya know, I prefer the Justice League being on the good side and genuinely doing stuff for the greater good but ya know with this interpretation of the characters I understand what you're going for. (Also check out Vertical Limits if you havent. It's an incredible fic.) I will say that if you're ever confused and don't know how to characterize superman or batman: If you can't imagine that version of the character consoling a crying child, you're not writing the comic versions of the characters... and if you can't imagine them doing so, Villainize them as much as humanly possible.
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thebirdarts · 3 months
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Heavy are are hands that wield the blade
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vegaspetesupremicy · 2 years
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You KNOW Vegas was pissed when he left after ep4
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airbenderedacted · 1 year
What was the beta s2 villain design? I haven’t heard or seen abt that one n im curious
,,,,Bombshell my bbygirl,.
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#she is So fucking cute & as a standalone design i love her but#for WOYS2's main villain.. for WOY's MAIN CAST........ bro absolutely not this is literally just 'hrjfdf woman hot' villan and nothing else#swapping this out for manic hot topic gremlin bastard lesbian was where they struck gold like. ty god hrjbhsdjgfbng#not that the way they used dominator was /perfect/ by any means#bc believe you me there's a few things in the show that were ehghhghhh at best & stuff from the crew that pisst me AWFF at worst but#overall dom was really solid. the purpose her character served and the writing & character building choices for her were all *chef's kiss*#there was a lot about her whole vibe that was communicated REALLY WELL through her design alone imo#(and a lot about her personality and motivations that you could gleam from JUST her first out-of-suit appearance on its own#i just really wish they'd given WAY fewer fucks about her being pewtty or conventionally attractive or Whatever bRO IT'S HOLDING YOU BACK!!#i dont think Any of that stuff was prioritized when brainstorming for bombshell here 😭 maybe they hadn't fleshed out those ideas yet#bc with Bombshell? the only things her design communicate are that she's hot & apparently that's Important + she has a bug theme going on#& i GUESS that she's ostentatious & goes for v loud clothing. those pauldrons command a room#so you can get ''commandeering'' and MAYBE even ''powerful'' from that#but for a MAIN VILLAIN meant to majorly challenge the main cast & shake up the show‚ THat is extremely milquetoast!!!!!!#again there's rlly nothing here to take away from her design overall other than that she's sexy. why define her that way for being a her#it's such a big ''nah man''#it's tired it's been done to death#the read you get on her from Overall Vibes alone are very bland!!!#i have to wonder at what point they really started to get the ball rolling in the right direction w/ their S2 big bad to end up w dominator#wondering if maybe it was when they figured they should make her a punk to contrast wander being a hippie?#do you think maybe they just got input from women#grateful every day for the absolute bastard supreme we ended up with#finalhaunts
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Why some of the best Riddler stories are the ones were he fabricates an over-elaborated plan that is later revealed to be harmless (unless you consider stealing some flowers harm) just so he can have a candelight dinner with a very unamused Batman?
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youshiai · 3 months
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Oh, why Thank you!
What a nice young man have I found.
Surely he didn't do anything to wipe my memories and emotions so he could keep me at his side as a doll in his man made Paradise 🤔
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creat1vecreature · 1 month
When the protective older sibling becomes the villan
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plainemmanem · 2 years
yk what was so hot. when steve tore up jonathan’s pictures of nancy.
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69pairsofleggs · 2 years
{𝓭𝓮𝓴𝓾 𝔁 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻}... _*𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕙𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖*_
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lil bit of spicy cringe. minors...get the fuck out
tired.."i'm tired'' "i know, hon but we need to interview you sweetie...it's just how it goes" ugh. that feathery light pretty princess voice. she's annoyed... you can tell. of course miss ass isn't aloud to tell you that. i've been here for days. years. my deadbeats dumped me here for ten grand when i was fucking ten and their tiny little sum was used for booze and weed paying the bills. and honestly- "hello? y/n?" .you bitch.... "yes? miss ass? you know i'm beginning to think you don't like that name very much. " noting the growl she gave you. she retained her composure. "what can you tell me about him?''
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Haha...when shit was close to normal I wasn't fearing for my damn life with a sadistic fuck knocking on my door gently with an intent to do the EXACT OPPOSITE OF gentle. Y/n...he said lazily. You flinched at the whisper of your name. "fuccckk youuuu" you hiss lowly as you couldn't open the window. any word of profanity that passed your lips would piss him off you. did. not. want. that. "awww come on... don't tell me you don't want your present?" you wanted nothing from that piece of fuck. you huddled in a ball. a last resort if he saw you like this surely he would let you go? in walked the sadistic fuck. he stared at you disappointed clucked his tongue and knelt down to hold your chin. "now..now doll i thought i had told you to sit and stay love..."you kept your eyes down and he roughly gripped your face painfully ripping your gaze from the floor into his eyes. "hmmm?" he said you know what he wanted. compliance. "sorry daddy.." "now i want you to be a really good girl for me today because i want to take you somewhere! isn't that fun!" you prompt an annoyed look from him when you don't respond and he harshly grabs your face again "isn't. that. fun?" he said "yes.." "we really need to teach you some manners don't we? haha.. you know.. ever since i took you away from that wretched place you've been nothing short of disrespectful.." "All the shit i've done for you... is it wrong for me to ask for a little reward..think of it as a thank you." "it's only fair i fought for you i killed for you i've done unspeakable things for you love... and i haven't gotten a thank you..not. one...so thank me right now..". he doesn't mean...shit..."b-but." you blubber and before you can protest he kisses you roughly his hands gripping your wrists tightly and pinning you to the wall the room grows hot and it feels as if you are on fire his tongue thrust into your mouth immediately and you wrap your arms around his neck. why? you don't know "please..." you whimper "want me to take you on this floor love? I don't think so...a slut as pretty as yourself isn't getting fucked so hastily. i'll make sure you can't walk i'll make sure you're drunk on this cock. forget where we were gonna go i wanna taste what's mine first"
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not to be that person.....but Utsuro’s voice😩
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