#voltage problems
voltagefangirl19 · 1 year
Reasons why I shouldn't be in KBTBB part 1
*Talking about how the dragons took Soryu to a gay bar in Hong Kong*
Baba: Did Sor tell you about that?
My MC: ... *shakes her head* ... Is that where you were that time you called me?
Soryu: Sorry I gave you the wrong idea, do you forgive me?
My fujoshi ass: If you tell me all the juicy details I might OuO
Bidders: What do you want? Clothes? Jewerly? Perfume? Shoes?
Me: I really just like to spend time with you guys ^^
Bidders: ...
Me: though if you insist there's a new console, and a new game and oh! my favorite anime/manhua/manga has new exclusive merchadise- guys?
Ota: She looks like she is deeply thinking about something
Hikaru: And she is blushing hard too
Soryu: just what on earth is she thinking?? *also low-key blushing*
Baba: my oh my, what kind of naughty things she must be thinking about
Me: *thinking about the beautiful, fluffy fic I read about my favorite ship*
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sunnydayaoe · 3 months
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Thing I noticed HAHA. My writing and drawing of Circuit [and the others too, but focusing on Circuit cus that's the only guy who I have written anything for] is extremely different,,, It's funny! I see the writing as much more in character, but what I show most other people is silly drawings of them cuddling instead, which I see as less in character.
[ID in ALT]
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megatraven · 2 years
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tomorrow i will. be making. 6 more blogs. at least.
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redheadkittys · 2 years
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flohuman · 1 year
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atomsminecraft · 2 years
A few more days left and you know what that means :) *opens google doc to write an entire essay about Lou’s route once it comes out*
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slumbering-shadows · 7 months
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reflections-of-mobius · 7 months
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@familylightfox asked:
After breakfast and that promised cuddle fest, Volt had to repay his partners. It had started with just little affections. The passing touch or a quick kiss as he walked by. A brush of his tail against one of their legs. But had the brightest smile as he offered them a box each. Inside was a keychain with a design that featured the first letter of their names intricately woven together in colors matching their fur. And attached to their keychains what looked like an air tag. Volt smiled as he held up one of his own and pressed the little device with his organic thumb. The other two tags gave a soft pulse and pink light. "For when we're off doing our own thing and wanna let the other know we're thinking of ya."
[Valentine's 2024 | Accepting!]
It had been a slow morning- a rather gentle start to a famous holiday, but a welcome one. Bless would occasionally sneak a peck to Volt and Node, Node would teleport when the other two weren't holding something dangerous for a small hug...it could be helped, but no party seemed to want to help it.
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"Hm...so what you're saying is 'this will be glowing constantly'?" As if to accentuate his point, Bless pressed the small device- watching as it lit up and pulsed in each of his partner's hands. "...I think I may need to start wearing a belt...this feels too precious for storage." He turned the small device over in his hand. A soft smile had found its way onto Bless' face. Somehow- it felt more intimate than a text or a call- something just for the three of them.
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"...c'mere." Node didn't want to clip the keychain to their shorts just yet- no, instead, they had set their box aside- reaching with both arms to drag the mobians into a hug. Anyone could see the way the tips of their ears were burning a faint pink, but they didn't care. "....thank you, V...." There was a far fainter mumbling underneath that- a quiet utterance.
"I love you guys." A gentle Valentine's...presents and small gifts that meant so much...it was any wonder there were wagging tails and gentle smiles. Node was still clutching their new favorite keychain in one hand- and pressed down on it even as they squeezed Volt and Bless for a moment more.
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blackfalcon1800 · 11 months
What was supposed to be an easy laptop clean out and replacing thermal paste so I can practice video editing and writing this weekend,
Turned into my laptop being out of commission until Sunday cause I can't find the thermal paste I thought I had and cause the battery is bloated, and her guts are scattered all over the floor rn.
Praying that the battery I ordered works cause I couldn't find the exact same model, cause Acer is fucking useless and I have to rely on third party parts
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amitsm356 · 11 months
Fire Incident caused by loose neutral wire in well known sports mall in India
This incident happened in well know multi location Sport mall in Northern Part of India where a loose neutral wire caused a fire incident. The loose wiring resulted in neutral open condition, due to which there was reverse supply of 230V in neutral wire resulting in 440V in one of the phases. A very well known and top branded Online UPS got damaged and got burnt. Short circuit protections like…
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eudikot · 1 year
I love paying $220 for the mechanic to say my engine problem was caused by my break lights
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jess-21990 · 1 year
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Dear Voltage,
Love the stories yall make....but I gotta ask....WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THESE NAMES OF PLACES & GANGS!? Cause these names are more girly than a damn pop girl group.....actually they kinda sound like a girl band! XD
VERY concerned reader
P.s: Love the fact the situation is revolving around a hamster being taken for hostage....a mothafuckin hamster! XD
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megatraven · 11 months
Hades Doesn't Save Her (WIP)
“Don’t do this.”
It’s the last thing she can think to say, the last plea she can make.  It’s only for Hades to hear, as he cradles her face in his hands. She looks into his eyes, searching for any remaining pieces of the man- the god- she had loved, but anything left is already in mourning.
As if she’s already dead.
Her grip on his wrists go slack.
Even after all of it- after she’s thrown his engagement ring back at him, almost run from the gods completely, almost taken the deal of a titan- she still clung to the desperate hope that Hades would find that he loves her enough to defy the gods. That he would love her enough to save her after all.
But he only stares back at her, resigned, as he has since the moment the gods decided to kill her.
“It won’t hurt,” he finally says, voice cool, and his aura activates before either of them can say more. Where she used to find comfort, only dread lives, now.
His power, and the power of every other Top Tier God floods her. In the back of her mind, she barely registers when the last one joins, just a split second later than every other one. It’s Aphrodite’s and, for some reason, though it hurts in the same way Hades’ betrayal does, it helps her breathe easier for a moment.
And then the world falls away.
Nothingness surrounds her, a terrible, foreboding darkness that her soul fears on instinct. A place where people like her, young and human, are put to rest.
A graveyard that takes its people when they’re still alive.
A feral sound escapes her as she struggles against her fate, fights against the inky void that grasps onto her, sinks beneath her skin.
“No... No!” she shouts, and almost on instinct, she calls forth the power of her ring, hoping it might save her, somehow.
For a moment, nothing happens.
Tendrils of gold pierce the darkness she’s been banished to, chaining across her body akin to an embrace. Part of her wants nothing more than to struggle against them, but she knows- this is what she wanted. Her saving grace.
The most she can do is hold onto them, too, and hope against everything that it’s enough to anchor her soul when the gods would see it flushed away.
Somewhere, in the encroaching dark, she hears a voice, ancient and tired. She strains her ears to hear, pushes the roar of divine power out of her mind as best she can, and listens.
“...on’t want... this.”
The chains of gold around her tighten, ever so slightly.
“Not again... ot now.”
Her mind races from the possibilities, but there’s only one person it could really be. A voice that sounds familiar and strange, heard in dreams forgotten. An essence, that watched over her for 15 years before settling into her skin itself.
A goddess that’s been missing for decades, by her own decision, only for the gods to try taking her choice away one more time.
She misses what the goddess says after the realization comes to her, but she has a guess as to what’s being said. One last spark of genuine hope ignites in her chest.
“Then don’t let it happen!” she shouts. It doesn’t leave her mouth, but the words scream out of the depths of her soul, echoing through the dark surrounding her until it pierces through, letting more gold spill in. It joins the other chains, wrapping around her, helping her hold on.
“...ow? ...werless ag...nst them...”
“I- I don’t know. But there has to be some way. You don’t want this, and I don’t either. There has to be a way.”
The goddess is silent.
The hope begins to slip away, but she’s desperate.
Her voice cracks on the word, her last weapon, and Hera answers her again.
“...One way...”
“I’ll do anything. Anything.”
She hardly recognizes her own voice, now. It’s raw and filled with something so primal, the only thing she can even think to compare it to is Hades’ aura when its screams pierced the air. For all it should hurt to make that comparison, she feels more powerful for it instead.
She feels like she’s been thrust back to a primeval version of herself, some piece of her that has existed long before humans, and even the gods themselves. A part that refuses to die, that stays alive through any and everything thrown at it.
A piece that wills her to survive, too.
“Yes.” She swallows. “Anything.”
The goddess stirs, somehow. She can feel it, in her blood, in her bones, in her very soul. More light spills out across the dark, and the goddess’ voice rings clear, the barrier between them breaking more and more.
“Then you must take my place. You must forgo your humanity, and become a goddess in my stead.” Her voice rings with something terribly sad, but it’s for her, not the goddess herself. “There is no other option, not when time is so short.”
“I...” She struggles to say anything, the thought of actually becoming a goddess, of taking Hera’s place too much to process.
She did say anything, but...
The goddess repeats her own plea back to her, and she knows there’s no other answer.
Her resolve hardens, sharpens.
“I’ll do it.”
“...Thank you.”
The goddess whispers it, a soft caress- and then she’s gone.
She feels it when she’s gone.
The darkness fades away completely, and light streams down on her, a perfect reflection of the ichor that burns its way through her body, waking up at long last.
Her senses begin to come back to her, a little too strongly for her to do anything more than blink away the blinding brilliance of Olympus as she comes to.
Hades holds onto her with his entire body, and she vaguely notes that she must have collapsed when the ritual started. Slowly, her eyes move to meet his, and the moment they do, he smiles.
“Hera,” Hades breathes, and the relief in his gaze is a knife to the heart. There’s hardly any trace of remorse or guilt in his expression, and it sets her blood on fire.
She didn’t think it was possible for him to hurt her any more than he has, but in that single name- she learns he never believed there was any hope that she would survive the awakening of the goddess.
Tears form furiously, thick and golden, like the blood underneath her skin, and she’s sure her hatred must be shining through just the same, because Hades flinches away.
“Not Hera,” she whispers, seething. “Never Hera.”
She sees when understanding dawns on Hades’ face, and for once, the god is tongue-tied, stumbling over his words, trying to walk his mistake back.
But it’s too late.
Her words cut through his, for the very first time. The power in them is new, and not entirely welcome, but it’s hers now.
“I will-” she stands up- “never forgive you-” and raises her voice for all the gods to hear- “ANY of you.”
Several gods start speaking at once, outraged, confused, but she ignores them easily. Any influence they’d had over her is gone now, her blood providing a built-in immunity.
“You should have thought twice about trying to kill the woman you wanted to be your missing goddess.” Her eyes haven’t left Hades, and though the rest of the Pantheon won’t understand the full meaning of her words, he will. “Especially knowing that she didn’t want to come back.”
Power rises in her like the tide, then, brilliant peacock feathers forming on a whim. With barely a thought, they rain down on the gods, drawing out godly auras and shrieks of surprise, and she uses the brief distraction to run from the throne room.
Human agents try to stop her on the way, but one look freezes each in place until she’s already out of sight, and demigods meet a similar fate when they cross her path, even Hercules.
It’s a long, winding path to the elevators, but she makes it.
She makes it.
And she steps inside, watching golden doors close on Olympus.
The moment it starts moving, down, down, down to Earth, the tight knot that’s formed in her chest loosens, ever so slightly. She can breathe again by the time the doors open up, and it takes nothing at all to shoo away the agents on guard, called on to stop her.
“Out of my way,” she growls- and they listen, auras falling back, guns holstered. Recognition burns in the eyes of some of their faces, but it only twists the knife in further, hurt on top of hurt.
And they all thought it was an honor, she thinks, bitter as she crosses the threshold.
No one else tries to stop her.
She’s halfway home before she realizes that she’s walking in the wrong direction, and a dull sort of pain tears at her chest.
She hadn’t been heading towards her apartment- she’d been headed towards Hades’ condo.
“Not there. Never again,” she mutters, and turns away, only to stop again a moment later.
“It- it probably isn’t even safe to go there, is it?” She shakes her head. “But where else...”
Unsure of where to go now, when her life’s been turned upside down, she lets her feet carry her through the city, aimless.
“There’s always Josh, but- no, I don’t want to get him involved. I don’t want to think that they’d use him to get to me.” She winces with her next words. “He’ll be safer without me.”
It doesn’t leave her many other options.
“Not my place. Not Josh’s. Not... Alex’s. Definitely not Cerberus or the other guardians. Selene and Helios always stayed with Hades. Astraeus- he’s gone, now. So where..?”
The answer doesn’t come until she finds herself standing in front of a door, pretty nondescript, with a boar emblazoned on it.
The Boarback.
“Neutral ground. That should work for now.”
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selfshiplightning · 1 year
tag dump!
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tramon81 · 2 years
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evosuper · 2 years
Bmw ista p voltage problem
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We have had BMW Dis V57 running successfully on long-forgotten laptops with as old as Pentium 3 750 Mhz CPU’s, and it is perfectly happy running on a 12-year-old second hand Windows XP laptop!. What is the minimum spec required on my Laptop? To avoid possible hardware or network conflict it is best to use a dedicated laptop for this software (Dell D610 or similar recommended), however if you do choose to use the shared family laptop to install this software, then make sure that all firewalls and Anti Virus systems are disabled and there are no other network connections, such as internet or Bluetooth connections active when using this software. If you have an older vehicle which uses the 20 pins round ‘ADS’ interface then you will need to use an old laptop which has a serial 9 pin RS-232 interface present, since the ADS Interface cable only comes with a serial port.
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What Laptop do I need to run the Software?Īny Laptop running Windows XP (recommended), Vista or Windows 7 and which has USB sockets will be fine. No, This is very complex professional dedicated software originally written in UNIX, however to make it more user friendly and suitable for a domestic environment it is only possible to use it within the familiar Windows Operating System by using VMWARE which essentially replicates the UNIX environment and so allows the software to run on a Windows O/S The Bmw Dis V57 software package uses a virtual environment called VMWARE which is included within the software set and replicates the non-windows operating system used within the original BMW factory and dealer environment, unfortunately, since there was never an official Windows-based version of Dis V57 written, it would be impossible to run BMW Dis V57 under any Windows O/S without also running VMware.Ĭan I get this to run without the VMWARE environment? We recommend using 32 bit Windows operating systems where possible, however, whilst DIS and Progman will work with 64 bit systems. We highly recommend using Windows XP to run this software and in order to avoid network and software conflicts it is advised that you also consider installing it on a dedicated machine used for nothing but diagnostic work (Old Dell D610 or similar era IBM ‘X’ and ‘T’ series laptops are ideal for this and can be bought very cheaply from eBay), however, the software will also run on Windows Vista and Windows 7 if a newer laptop is the only available option. What Operating System does BMW Dis V57 need? Any software professing to be newer versions than this will probably be heavily modified using files transplanted from ISTA (which replaced DIS in 2009). Ignore any claims that DIS or SSS exists in newer versions than those offered here, DIS V57 and SSS V32 was the last official version to be released & the newest to ever be supplied to BMW Dealers. BMW GT1 used to contain both the Diagnostic and Programming/coding options in the one system whilst the increase in control modules and software complexity means that now two separate dedicated programs are now required, and currently BMW DIS V57 handles the diagnostic data whilst BMW Progman SSS V32 deals with programming, coding and comfort facilities, and offers support for BMW & MINI Vehicles up to 2009īeing the latest version, also means that the V57 software package is compatible with many later models of BMW Vehicles, such as those E83, E6* and E9* series vehicles, and Mini R56 vehicles built after 2006 which use the faster D-Can interfaces.
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Database V67.0 add Chinese version software Dr.Dis V57 and SSS V32 are the very latest version of BMW GT1 and represent many additional and extended features that the Group Tester (GT1) originally contained.
SDP programming database: 4.21.32, support muilti language.
ISTA-P: Support BMW motorcycle and electric car programming.
Supports vehicles: Mini, Motorcycles, Rolls Royce, BMW i Series.
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Multi-language includes: ISTA/D(Wiring diagram) Languages: English(Default), French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Thai, Italian, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Swedish, Greek. ISTA BMW software rheingold service ISTAD/P comes with full comprehensive professional dealer system for all BMW up to 2020, supports BMW diagnostic, coding and programming offline, muti-language.
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