#voluntary land tax
jellyfishjulie · 2 years
My (recently wealthy) older sister and her husband bought some land and got ducks and they have this big plan to grow crops and sell produce and she keeps talking about "homesteading" 🤢 and since she lives in an overwhelmingly white community it's unlikely any of her farm friends are gonna call it out, so I keep meaning to like. Look up some books to gift her for xmas that offer better terminology and an At Minimum Less Colonial perspective and introduction to the concept of a voluntary land tax/land acknowledgement before she gets into this stuff too deep and starts making money off it (bc I know she won't take it on my authority) and I keep forgetting to google resources. So this is both an accountability post for me to not forget to do this but also a request for recommendations if any of y'all have some tyyyyy
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The Big Four accounting firms are one (more) scandal away from collapse
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One of the wildest features of the crypto wipeout is that all of these “multi-billion-dollar” firms never bothered with an independent audit, and they all turned out to be lying about their balance sheets.
Amidst this carnage, it’s easy to forget that the Big Four accounting firms are terrible enablers of fraud, and the fact that they sign off on your books is no guarantee that you’re not a giant scam waiting to implode.
This is just wild to consider. After all, independent auditors are the lifeblood of capitalism. Rich people really need to know that the people they trust with their money aren’t lying about their finances. Usually rich people get their way.
But not with accounting. Accountancy has dwindled to four massive, structurally important, terminally conflicted companies: EY, KPMG, PWC and Deloitte, and all four make more money selling “consulting” to companies than they do for signing off on their books.
That means that the Big Four routinely sign off on fraudulent books, because a failure to make nice with companies that are cheating the taxman and/or their investors and/or their creditors will cost the Big Four those fat consulting contracts.
Besides, the Big Four have a sweet gig: when they sign off on fraudulent books — as all four did for Carillion, the company that went bust in 2018 after billions went missing — they are the only companies big enough to oversee the bankruptcies. All four made millions off of Carillion’s bankruptcies.
Shorn of any consequences for wrongdoing, the Big Four are hotbeds of corruption. Who can forget when KPMG’s top management was fined millions…for helping their auditors cheat…on ethics exams (!!!!).
There is a contradiction at the heart of “consulting” and auditing. The consultant’s job is to help a company obscure its bad deeds — for example, helping it hide its tax fraud, or its wage theft — while an auditor’s job is to bring transparency to a company’s financials. These two activities are fundamentally incompatible with one another, and the fact that the Big Four make more money from cooking books than from uncooking them means that they forever lurch from scandal to scandal.
Those scandals are getting worse, and if a very big one should break, it could bring down the whole sector and with it, large swathes of the economy. Writing for The Dig, Jim Peterson describes the system risk:
The problem lies in the fact that the Big Four are “voluntary private partnerships to which individual accountants commit their energy, reputations and personal capital.” If a scandal threatens the business, partners who quit might get away clean, while those that stay behind will be mired in scandal and financial ruin.
That means that when disaster looms, each partner is better off individually running for the doors, even though a disciplined stay-and-hold posture might let the firm weather the storm. This is exactly what happened at Arthur Andersen during the Enron collapse, and the risk to other firms was identified by “Study on the Economic Impact of Auditors’ Liability Regimes,” a 2006 EU report:
The thing is, each partner at a big firm knows exactly how much dirty laundry they have personally buried in the company’s garden, and they have well-founded suspicions about what their partners have buried out there, too. When someone starts digging, they’re all gonna scarper.
Which is to say that if a firm faces sufficiently steep litigation damages or enforcement penalties, it could precipitate a sudden collapse of one of the remaining Big Four firms. That wouldn’t just be bad news for the firm — its clients would struggle to land another large auditor to sign off on its books.
Remember, most of the world’s auditing capacity has been gathered into four giant, brittle, opaque, compromised firms — if one of them goes bust, the remaining Big Three won’t have the capacity to take on its orphaned clients.
Peterson: “another collapse would strand significant numbers of the world’s large public companies, leaving them unable to procure the audit opinions required for their securities listings and regulatory compliance, from any source and at any price.”
Peterson’s written a fascinating-sounding book on the structural problems with monopolized accounting, “Count Down: The Past, Present and Uncertain Future of the Big Four Accounting Firms,” which is in its second edition:
Image: Vectorportal.com (modified) https://vectorportal.com/vector/business-deal-illustration/23215
CC BY 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Inspired by an illustration by Matt Kenyon for the Financial Times https://www.ft.com/content/07184d86-81cf-11e2-b050-00144feabdc0
[Image ID: Two business-suited male figures seen side on; each has a bomb for a head, and each is holding a lit lighter that has ignited the other's fuse. Each bomb is wearing a green accountant's eyeshade. In the background is a fiery mushroom cloud.]
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Jean-Léon Gérôme (French, 1824 - 1904) Femmes au bain, 19th century - Slavery gave rise to the figure of the Odalisque, that is the beautiful, white slave girl, a figure of quintessential beauty.
In the late 18th century Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, the father of physical anthropology, the father of scientific anthropology, an 18th century German scholar, assigned the name Caucasian to the people living in western Europe, to the River Ob in Russia to northern Africa, and to India. He called the people in Europe, over to India, well into Russia and North Africa, Caucasians because they were the most beautiful in the world. Blumenbach enjoyed a scholarly reputation that gave his designation enormous heft and it got picked up very quickly.
Immanuel Kant stated that the Caucasians, the Georgians, the Circassians, sell their children, particularly their girls to the Turks, the Arabs, and the Persians, for reasons of eugenics, that is, to beautify the race. The idea of the beauty of Caucasians is linked with the idea of the slavery of Caucasians. Before the Atlantic slave trade to the western hemisphere shaped our ideas about what slave trades are all about, there was slave trade from this part of the world, that goes back to before the reaches of time.
Herodotus writing in the fifth century BC, writing about the enumeration of taxes and tributes paid to the Persian kingdom, collected from the lands it had controlled and the lands even far away in the distance. He said that the voluntary contribution was taken from the Colchians, that is the Georgians, and the neighboring tribes between them and the Caucasus, and it consisted of and still consists of (that is in the 5th century BC) every fourth year 100 boys and 100 girls. This was before Herodotus could even see the beginnings of it. Herodotus also mentioned the tribute from the southern most part of the edges of the Persian world and that was for the people called Ethiopians, what they owed was gold and ivory, people were not mentioned. So, the Black Sea Slave trade was the slave trade in the western world until the 15th century when the Ottomans captured Constantinople and cut the Black Sea off from western Europe. At that point, 15th century, the Atlantic slave trade becomes the western slave trade.
Daniel Edward Clarke, our Cambridge don, also located Circassian beauty, in the enslaved. “The Cicassians frequently sell their children to strangers, particularly to Persians and Turkish Seraglios.” He speaks of one particular Circassian female who was 14, who was conscious of her great beauty, who feared her parents would sell her according to the custom of the country. The beautiful young slave girl became a figure, and she had a name; Odalisque. She combines the powerful notions of beauty, sex, and slavery. Ingres, Jerome, Powers and Matisse specialized in Odalisque paintings.
The figure of the Odalisque faded from memory as the Black Sea slave trade ended in the late 19th century, and the Atlantic slave trade overshadowed that from the Black Sea. Today, the word slavery invariably leads to people of African descent. Americans seldom associate the word Odalisque with with slavery in the Americas. Today many American painters use Odalisque figures, Michalene Thomas for instance who has done a series of what she calls American Odalisque. But the phrase and the figure of the Odalisque has lost its association with slavery. And now in American art history and in contemporary American art, Odalisque simply refers to a beautiful woman, usually unclothed.
If you want to learn more, listen to professor Nell Painter of Princeton University in the YT lecture “Why White People are Called Caucasian.”
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saintmeghanmarkle · 30 days
Why the faux royal tours? One possible explanation. by u/SirSidneyWiffledork
Why the faux royal tours? One possible explanation. Why would the government of a marginal country or a failing company risk alienating one of the most influential families on earth?The question has been rolling around in my brain for a while.What follows is pure speculation.Any similarities to individuals companies or countries is purely coincidental. There are 2 sides to this "push-me pull-you" Getting a narcissist to show up for publicity is easy, but why would anyone who has any power and half a brain do it?Companies and countries have one thing in common: they are led by people.There are always people involved who make decisions for these entities. Sometimes those individuals may make decisions for their own personal benefit. Sometimes.Imagine you are the head of a failing government or corporation. You know it's only a matter of time before you are removed from your paycheck and your partner really wants to go see Taylor Swift in concert and buy some shoes. Lots of shoes.How are you going to get that much cash quickly?The answer is simple: create a government or corporate expense that no one will question. The bigger the better. And make sure that when the money is paid, that every single payment includes a "voluntary tax" payment by the recipient to your designated account.Now imagine paying for the security of a high profile individual who constantly reminds everyone of the need for their personal security. Imagine the cost of protecting that individual if they came to visit your fair land or attended your event in a high risk area.Bringing such an individual into a high risk situation is a public relations coup, and the need for a ridiculous amount of money to pay for security is easily justified. You calculate the costs and realize that no amount would ever be challenged as excessive. You make sure there is plenty of spillover in the budget to overcome any possible objections.Protection of the precious is priceless after all. Who would say otherwise if they were getting a taste?As the person responsible for the invitation and being coordinator of the visit, all you have to do is ride out the negative press about your regime or withstand the criticism from your board for a few short weeks. Since you know you are on the way out as leader or your company is on life support, who cares? You and yours will be singing "shake it off" from prime scalped seats in no time.When the arrangements are complete you bring in an actress and her puppy for a command performance. They piss on the carpet but who cares? The damage you sustain is surprisingly minimal as the world press focuses on dresses and jewelry while pretending that word salad can sustain a hungry child.It's all about the money.Grifting the graft.African Parks. We should always remember.SPECIAL NOTICE: Sorry Ms. Swift. I am a fan of your music and do not mean to imply in any way that you or yours would ever be involved in such shenanigans. The desire to attend your concerts was just the easiest way to captur the motivation for the actions of the hypothetical twits in my post. You are amazing and the last thing I need is to have Travis mad at me. post link: https://ift.tt/RS4m6h8 author: SirSidneyWiffledork submitted: August 27, 2024 at 08:31AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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aressida · 11 months
Learning about Australian Tax stuff: Know your Rights.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gain an understanding of your legal prerogatives. From fines, taxation, banking regulations, the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccinations, and governmental oversight. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Upon examining the realm of Tax, it is my belief that a majority of individuals are not informed of this and mistakenly believe that they are obligated to pay taxes, when in reality, they are not.  It clearly says that personal tax is voluntary: Let's take a look at the Australian Taxpayer's Charter. (section 6)
There is absolutely no legal obligation for you to do so.
How much debt could you get rid of right now if you understood this essential concept? -------------------------------------------------------------------------We the People, not the Government, are the highest law in the land.
The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 is the single most essential piece of legislation in this country, dictating exactly what the State and Federal governments can and cannot do legally.
The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 link -> https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2013Q00005 (Look in part 9.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------Figured about the Victorian State: The problem is that, in 1975, the Victorian Parliament chose to create a new constitution rather than repealing the one that had been in place since 1855. They are unfortunate because a legal principle known as "first in time, best in law" applies and says that the 1855 Constitution overrides the 1975 Constitution.
The Commonwealth Constitution's Section 106 explicitly specifies that "The constitution of each state…", which means that there can only be ONE Constitution for each State.
So, if you ever have a court case involving the State of Victoria and they speak to the 1975 Constitution in any way, the above will be your response. -------------------------------------------------------------------------You're welcome.
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We should be concerned about the parallels between the Roman Empire and the American Empire.
Just FYI it is impossible to talk about Rome without focusing on it's politics, economics, and religion. Politics, economics, and religion are major movers and shakers of history. We need to talk about those things. We just need to learn how to talk about them without trying to argue each other into submission.
-The Roman Empire waged constant war to occupy or force "peace treaties" as much of the world outside of Rome as possible, creating a Roman military-industrial complex that supported Roman merchants.
-They did this while a republic-governed empire in the hundreds of years BCE and as an autocrat-governed empire in the hundreds of years in CE.
-The occupation of weak countries or "protection" provided to less-than-voluntary wealthy allies throughout the known world allowed the merchants of Rome to do business far more easily and they made bank.
-All roads lead to Rome because they built roads to quickly transport their troops and merchant goods between Rome and the occupied world
-The other reason for constant wars of expansion with permanent occupation/oppression was taxation on the poor, "unimportant", and invisible people of other nations who the Roman public didn't care about because rhetoric was mastered by the Roman elite. Plus they didn't have to see it and it lowered their taxes and paid for their aqueducts and cushy lifestyle so they didn't really question the rhetoric.
-This is why the story of Christmas starts with a census. Palestine was occupied by Rome and was being taxed to death (poverty causes death).
-Jesus was executed by Rome for teaching people in occupied Palestine a liberating theology of how to live with dignity under oppression and how to live a life of love within a religion without fundamentalism. He was murdered by the aristocracy and religious elite who whipped up the fundamentalists and got the Empire to do what it did to anyone who disrupted their status quo and/or taught poor people how to live with dignity under their oppression. There is so much there to unpack.
-The rich got really really rich and really really greedy. They used their power in the senate and connections with the aristocracy/emperors to get their businesses subsidized and tax burden shifted to the common folk of Rome.
-The military expansion also provided an infinite number of slaves and the Roman homeland transitioned into a slave-based economy
-As the economy became top-heavy, wages had to compete with slavery, and tax burdens shifted to lower classes, the common folk of Rome became poorer and poorer to the point most of them became day-laborers.
-All the land in/around Rome was privately owned. The poor rented rooms in tenement buildings or lived on the street. Without access to land, agriculture, or kitchens commoners became dependent on buying pre-made food and government bread handouts.
-As the economy collapsed for the middle and working class the rich kept the commoners distracted with sports and religion
-Around 300CE, when poverty was at a breaking point, the empire on the edge of collapse, the Empire nailed Jesus back onto the cross, "converted" and used their mastery of rhetoric to subvert the teachings of Jesus with cherry-picked religious writings like those of the Pharisee Paul who had been trying to shoehorn Jesus into his ultra-fundamentalist form of Judaism in the first few years after Jesus.
-The Roman aristocracy created a safe, atonement-focused theology all about sin and a cushy afterlife (and obedience), purged of Jesus' liberating theology focused on love and freedom. They called that Christianity.
-They used Empire-Christianity to unite their people to keep doing empire shit for a good while longer by exploiting the religious fervor of the commoners and using theocratic rule via the Empire's aristocratic church leadership.
-The tribal nations of Europe and Asia took advantage of the growing weakness to rebel and free themselves from occupation. They had fought the original occupation (see Vicingtorix) but now had a real chance with the Empire's governance focused on keeping their own people under control. This is where the various sackings of Rome occurred.
-Many of the warlords of Europe and eastern Asia thought the Empire's invented religion was a pretty good tool and adopted it as well. And made very effective use of it for the next 1500 years or so with their own brands of aristocracy, empire, and colonization.
-No major Christian reformation (even the Protestant one) ever rejected the basic premises of the Roman Empire's atonement theology or embraced the liberating teachings of Jesus in any meaningful way. (Anabaptists tried focusing on parts of the liberation, but got caught up in fundamentalism and still held onto atonement)
(BTW, Liberation theology was re-created/discovered by enslaved Africans and continues to be practiced by many of the world's oppressed including denominations of Black Christians and most Catholic South American Christians (alongside those still enslaved by the Empire-religion). It is being adopted more and more internationally, and here in the USA by "liberal" White Christians too. Of course the people with the empire-approved religion denounce it as heresy and persecute wherever they can.)
-Empire-Christianity was the religion of the founders of USA. And they used it as their spiritual fathers did. To conquer, oppress, enslave, and create a merchant-supporting military industrial complex that turns a good world into a hellscape for anyone not one of them. While we all shout FREEDOM! and wave the flag.
So here we are today with leftovers of the Roman Empire's religion in the hands of fundamentalists aligned with Aristocracy and Empire who run a military industrial complex and enforce cultural hegemony with decorative diversity. With an economy that is slave-based and top-heavy. (With all land/resources/food/medicine/communication privatized, we are all basically slaves- it's just some of us have more choice in who our masters will be and can negotiate the terms of our slavery. For the rest of us it's minimum wage and government slave subsides.)
The rest of us yearn for actual freedom and actual peace and actual reconciliation with all the neighbors our empire/religion has turned into our enemies.
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cowboycunt · 1 year
indigenous peoples’ day is coming up in the usa and if you’ve lived in california or minnesota or the seattle area there are honor taxes you could make to the tribes whose land you’ve benefited from and anyways would highly rec. if you know of any in other states please feel free to add
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lapsed-bookworm · 1 year
Want to honor Dakota land? With a new voluntary 'tax,' you can.
The wealth-return program, a form of voluntary reparation, is the first of its kind in Minnesota. By Zoë Jackson
Publication: Star Tribune Posted: 29 September 2023
After researching the history of her family's land in Nebraska and her home in Minneapolis, Twin Cities attorney Jessica Intermill wrestled with the notion that she and her ancestors benefited from stolen land.
Intermill was already working with tribal nations on treaty litigation, but it did not seem like enough.
"Being a bystander is its own moral injury. There's a whole lot of talk of 'I didn't do that, I wasn't here 200 years ago to make that choice,' which is of course true," Intermill said. "We do still benefit from those decisions today."
With the OK from the Lower Sioux Indian Community, Intermill launched an honor tax program, where people can voluntarily contribute to the tribe as an acknowledgement of how they have benefited from Dakota land. The little-known program is the first of its kind in Minnesota and has drawn contributions from more than 100 people since its spring launch.
The idea arose in 2021, when Intermill came across an online webinar called "Beyond Land Acknowledgement" hosted by Native Governance, a nonprofit based in Minnesota working with Native nations. The session offered actionable ideas for participants, and someone mentioned a "land tax program" on the west coast.
The California program, called the Wiyot Honor Tax, is a voluntary tax created by Northern Californians to benefit the Wiyot Nation. Intermill quickly decided that was something she could replicate in Minnesota — if tribal leaders agreed. "I basically built the thing that I wished had already been there," she said.
Intermill started the Mni Sota Makoce Honor Tax program as a material way for Minnesotans to contribute to the Dakota people who were forcibly removed from land in 1862.
Now, she said, anyone can pay a tax of their choosing as way of honoring the land that they are "renting" from the Dakota people that goes toward operations at the Lower Sioux Indian Community, a federally recognized tribe.
As a resident of the Twin Cities, creating a tax that would benefit a Dakota tribe was a no-brainer, Intermill said. Much of the economic violence created when the U.S. broke the Treaty of 1851 and the violence of the War of 1862 that resulted in the forcible exile of the Dakota people from Minnesota took place where the Lower Sioux reservation is today.
Plus, with about 15 years of experience working with the Morton-area community as a lawyer, Intermill, 43, had a long working relationship with tribal leaders including President Robert Larsen.
While Larsen said he had no doubt that Intermill would follow through and use her time to create the program, he said he didn't expect much public interest.
"We didn't think it would be something that would actually produce anything, but Jessica was willing to do this all on her own time. She didn't charge us. And it was her idea. I had never heard of this anywhere else and we thought, 'why not,' " Larsen said.
But Intermill knew there were people who were looking for a way to make reparations, just as she had. For a long time, the best thing she could find was to donate to Native-led nonprofits, she said. But it seemed important to return wealth back to the government, where it was taken from, Intermill said.
Individuals can contribute whatever amount they are comfortable with. Some have pledged to contribute an amount equivalent to their yearly property taxes. A guide on the honor tax website shows that a tax of $33.41 is equivalent to average tax on a trip to the state fair for a family of four, for example. Most often, contributions are recurring and are all over the map, ranging from $10 to hundreds of dollars, Intermill said, though she declined to disclose a total dollar amount.
Lower Sioux is not a nonprofit and funds are considered governmental contributions. Contributions may be tax deductible under federal law, according to the honor tax website.
So far, contributions have come from around the Twin Cities and as far as New York and California. Some people write that they are contributing not solely as reparations, but for the present occupation of Dakota land, Intermill said. Others mention specific ties to ancestral land.
Ian Stade, of Minneapolis, said he decided to contribute because profits from his family's century farm near Fairmont helped him pay for his studies and for a down payment on his home. The fact that the peatland was even available to his ancestors to purchase after they immigrated from Germany made Stade, a librarian, interested in reparations.
"I feel like we we owe something," Stade said. "How did this land become available? Well, through treaties that were pretty unjust when they were signed in 1851 and then the war that pushed the Dakota out of the state."
He contributed .5% of his annual income to the honor tax this year, and plans to do so annually.
Minneapolis contributor Brinsley Davis heard about the California program from a coworker. She wondered whether there was something similar in Minnesota, and found the Mni Sota Makoce Honor Tax online earlier this year even before the website was fully up and running.
Davis contributed between $100 and $200 and set a calendar reminder to do it annually. For her, the contribution is an additional property tax to acknowledge that the land where she resides has a long history.
"I have this huge privilege of having a house and a backyard ... and that's a land-based privilege," Davis said. "If you just think about who was on the land before you and who was forcibly removed from the land, I think it just makes sense."
The initial response has been a pleasant surprise for Lower Sioux tribal council members who doubted that anything would come of it. While no amount of money can pay for what their ancestors went through, Larsen said the creation of the honor tax is a powerful moment for the reservation.
"There's been so many policies and laws enacted to make sure tribes could not generate generational wealth. We can't own land. It's held in trust. We thought 'why would this be something somebody would support?' — but there are people," Larsen said.
The Morton-area tribe is hesitant to make grand plans for the funds when the amount of contributions they will receive is uncertain. First, they want to expand programs to keep youth busy and safe, Larsen said.
Wayne Ducheneaux, executive director of Native Governance, said he's proud their efforts inspired such a project. A lot of people write land acknowledgements, but seeing actionable steps from non-Native people is important, he said.
"She did a very good job putting that together and doing it the proper way, not assuming the tribe would want the support, not assuming she knew all the right answers," Ducheneaux said.
Already, people have reached out to Intermill expressing interest in creating similar programs for tribes near them. To do that, she stressed the importance of an existing relationship with a tribe based on trust — which takes time to build, she said.
While there are not enough Native people in Minnesota for all white people to have a close relationship with an Indigenous person, Intermill hopes that the honor tax can be a bridge that invites connection with the history of the land and an understanding of tribal sovereignty or government.
"This is a way for a person who is not near the reservation to come into relationship in a meaningful way that works for them, because they get to decide whatever amount, on whatever frequency they want to."
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badassindistress · 2 years
oh 17 and 22 (👀) for Cora, please ✨ (honestly very intrigued by 17... how does this lady relax???)
17. It was time for a beach holiday episode?
Cora does not relax.
In another life, she might have meticulously painted miniatures, but as it is she just draws detailed maps of land that is not yet hers.
So the beach holiday episode would be a nightmare for her. No goal except doing nothing?? Unacceptable. Cora will take a brisk walk on the wet sand for extra resistance and don her boring conservative swimwear to swim at speed for exercise. (But only if her companions are guarding her sword at the same time.)
22. They had to do their taxes?
Excuse me?? Cora is Nobility. Nobles don't pay taxes, the very idea is laughable. At most they pay a voluntary contribution to the good of the country. Whatever taxman was bold enough to ask is going to be Frightened out of his wits very quickly. (Cora does keep a meticulous account book and can account for all her income and spending, so she would certainly able to do her taxes. But she Would Not.)
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yokelfelonking · 2 years
I think one of the misconceptions both sides in the anarchist debate have is about "warlords" and where they'll come from and how they'll take over and how they'll be resisted; that, once the state is gone, groups of violent criminal thugs will begin to pour out of the woodwork and take control through force (unless stopped by the common citizens voluntarily working together for their own good).
I think this is probably inaccurate. The warlords will be homegrown and take control under the guise of "protecting their volunteerist society".
Let's say that there was a massive revolution, the Deep State was uprooted, and the common citizens decided that they don't need a formal government or elected leaders or a king or anything like that, because almost all interactions between people take place without those. No taxes, no police, no military; all interactions are just people working things out between each other. We've got our volunteerist society based on mutual respect between individuals, not fear of cops or government thugs.
And gangs of criminals do arise...but they're held in check by common citizens defending their own rights and coming to the aid of their neighbors. There's gangs and bandits and cartels, as well as foreign powers coming to try to claim land and tribute, but they're opposed by armed common citizens protecting their rights.
Thing is, organized groups (like gangs) are able to concentrate their force; to effectively oppose that, you need similarly organized and concentrated force. Moreover, not everyone is young and healthy and a good shot. Not everyone's physically up to fighting off bandits and invaders and shit all the time.
So a volunteer militia forms. Let's call them the Liberty Keepers. They're a group of folks - mostly young men - who join voluntarily, bring their own equipment, and do their part to make sure that folks aren't being robbed and coerced by gangs and cartels and shit. They're good people voluntarily protecting their friends and neighbors.
And the Liberty Keepers are very effective. So effective, in fact, that people start donating to them so they can be more effective; to do what they do full-time. All voluntary, of course; it's all charitable donations to a volunteer group that's looking out for their communities.
Well, in any society there's going to be folks with irreconcilable differences, and in such cases it can help to have a third party in the community handle things. And so the Liberty Keepers start being called in to handle disputes; to mediate when two parties claim that the other one is violating their property rights and violating the NAP.
The Liberty Keepers become very popular. They're heroes! They represent the best of our anarchist society: volunteers from within the community doing voluntary work to make sure everyone else can live life free of government coercion. People tell heroic stories about the Liberty Keepers. Kids grow up wanting to be Liberty Keepers.
Turns out, though, that the Liberty Keepers keep tending to side with the folks who donate to them more. Clearly a coincidence; or perhaps, the folks who understand the importance of the Liberty Keepers also have a clearer understanding of anarchist philosophy. Of course the Liberty Keepers would side with them more! They're real anarchists!
Also, certain people start taking priority in the Liberty Keepers. They're not really organizational leaders in the governmental sense; it's just that everyone keeps voluntarily siding with them. They're community leaders. And the folks within the Liberty Keepers who don't side with these leaders...well, people stop voluntarily associating with them. And maybe they start having some bad fortune. Their houses burn down. They go missing. But who can say why? It's a volunteerist society, maybe they just voluntarily left town.
Businesses start giving more and more to the Liberty Keepers - voluntarily, of course. Businesses that don't? They start to lose business as they get badmouthed. "You don't want to support the Liberty Keepers? Why do you hate anarchy? Do you want an oppressive government back, demanding high taxes and sending your kids off to war and telling you what you can and can't do? I'll take my business elsewhere!"
And, much like the folks who opposed the community leaders within the Liberty Keepers, bad things happen to them. Their shit gets stolen, or breaks a lot, or shipments go missing. They get robbed more often. And the Liberty Keepers aren't under any obligation to do anything about it; after all, it's a volunteerist society, and they choose not to. Besides, self-defense is ultimately everyone's personal responsibility.
After a while, every business is giving the Liberty Keepers a cut. The workers find it taken out of their paycheck; the customers find they're paying extra. But the customers can always choose to shop elsewhere, and the employees can always choose to find another place to work...if they can find somewhere else that isn't giving the Liberty Keepers a cut. (Good luck with that!)
People start complaining that the Liberty Keepers are siding with folks who pay them (I'm sorry, voluntarily donate) more...so, to "make things fair" and "ensure there's no coercion in our volunteerist society", the Liberty Keepers just start taking a flat 15% from everybody. And if you don't pay, well, they can't be blamed for what happens to you. (And if you do pay extra, well, they can't stop you from voluntarily giving extra, now can they?)
Eventually someone says that the whole reason the Liberty Keepers were established was because not everyone's equally capable at armed self-defense, and it's impossible for them to make voluntary uncoerced agreements with their heavily armed neighbors intimidating them...so maybe - to ensure that the NAP goes unviolated - the Liberty Keepers should be the only folks allowed to have guns. The Liberty Keepers think this is a great idea. The act of having a gun while not being a Liberty Keeper is declared to be a violation of the NAP and gun ownership is restricted.
Also, the government of the country next door is looking kind of threatening, so in order to prevent our free anarchist society from coming under government sway, the Liberty Keepers are going to need to build roads for mobility purposes and they need updated weapons systems and food and supplies and gasoline and morale-boosting entertainment, so they're going to start collecting more taxes voluntary donations from everyone. Also they're conscripting your son.
This is all necessary to protect our free anarchist society with no taxes or violent coercion by armed government thugs, you understand.
"But that's not how that works!" you cry. "That's not what the NAP is! That's not what volunteerism is! This is a bunch of twisted, bad faith definitions! This isn't an anarchist society!" Yeah, that's my whole fucking point.
Anarchists seem to think that the slow creep of government control can't happen under their system, because there's no government and the people will be ever vigilant. But the people are not ever vigilant, and they have always been vulnerable to sophistry and hypocrisy. Vast numbers of people will always gladly become the very thing they claim to hate in the name of fighting it.
Look at how many people right now are actively supporting political violence, the restriction of free speech, and absolute government control under the guise of "fighting fascism", when those things are exactly what fascism is. People under an anarchist system will fall for the same shit, because people are people. They will gladly give up all freedom and control and a whole bunch of their livelihood to a group of armed elites who make rules for them "so they don't have to have a government".
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gwengardner · 1 year
Exploring Farm Status: Requirements and Application Process in British Columbia
In British Columbia, the classification of land as a farm for assessment and tax purposes is governed by Section 23 of the Assessment Act and B.C. Reg. 411/95, known as the Classification of Land as a Farm Regulation, collectively referred to as the "Farm Class Legislation." This legislation lays down the essential conditions that must be met for land to obtain farm classification, providing owners with certain tax benefits and exemptions.
Participation in the farm classification program is voluntary. Landowners who wish to classify all or part of their property as a farm need to apply to the local assessor using the appropriate prescribed application forms. These forms include the General Application for Farm Classification and the Retired Farmer's Dwelling Land Application, catering to different farm-related scenarios.
To ensure compliance with the Farm Class Regulation, farm applications and any applicable lease agreements must be submitted to BC Assessment no later than October 31 for the following taxation year. This deadline allows the authorities to properly evaluate and assess the farm's eligibility for classification and apply the relevant tax incentives in a timely manner.
It's essential to note that in 2020 and 2021, the province introduced Exceptional Circumstances Orders specifically waiving the income requirements for the 2021 and 2022 Assessment Roll/Tax years. This measure was aimed at providing temporary relief to farmers during challenging times. However, starting with the 2023 Assessment Roll, BC Assessment has reverted to the standard practice, and the Classification of Land as a Farm Regulation's criteria will once again apply.
For farms due for an income review, a mail-out request was sent to prompt the submission of income details for either the 2020 or 2021 calendar years. If the reported income meets the income threshold based on the farm's size, the property may qualify for farm classification for the 2023 Assessment Roll, provided all other relevant criteria are met.
Understanding the classification of land as a farm and the application process is crucial for landowners seeking to benefit from the farm class designation. BC Assessment offers helpful resources to guide individuals through this process, ensuring they are well-informed about the requirements and the steps they need to take.
In conclusion, farm classification in British Columbia offers landowners significant advantages, but it is vital to adhere to the Farm Class Legislation and submit the required applications on time. By doing so, farmers can enjoy tax benefits while contributing to the growth and prosperity of the agricultural sector in the province.
Take Control of Your Farm Classification Today!
Are you a landowner in British Columbia looking to secure farm classification for your property and unlock the many benefits it brings? Do you find the process confusing or need more clarity on the requirements? Look no further – Farm Assessment Consultancy is here to assist you every step of the way!
Our team of expert consultants specializes in navigating the intricacies of farm classification regulations, ensuring that you make the most of this voluntary program. Whether you're a seasoned farmer or new to the agricultural landscape, we are dedicated to helping you achieve the farm class designation and all the tax advantages it offers.
Don't let uncertainty or unanswered questions hold you back. Our consultants possess an in-depth understanding of the Farm Class Legislation, and they're ready to provide personalized guidance tailored to your unique situation.
Take action now and reach out to Farm Assessment Consultancy for professional support and assistance. Visit our website at https://farmassessment.com/ or find us at https://goo.gl/maps/VkH1bFg9v4f3bh3Z7. Empower yourself with knowledge and expertise to maximize the potential of your farm property.
Seize this opportunity to elevate your land's classification and secure the financial benefits you deserve. Contact Farm Assessment Consultancy today and embark on a path towards a brighter, more prosperous future for your farm!
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ausetkmt · 1 year
New York Post : Denver Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca says white-owned businesses should pay reparations
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A Denver councilwoman caused a stir when she declared that white-owned businesses should pay reparations.
Candi CdeBaca, a 37-year-old Democratic Socialist who is facing a run-off election in June, told a business forum Thursday that white-owned businesses should pay an additional race-based tax, which would be given in turn as reparations to minority-owned businesses.
“Capitalism was built on stolen land, stolen labor, and stolen resources,” CdeBaca told the Greater Metro Denver Ministerial Alliance, 9 News reported.
She said business improvement districts could levy the racial tax.
‘You could be collecting those extra taxes from white-led businesses all over the city and redistributing them to black and brown-owned businesses,” she said.
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After she posted a video of her comments on TikTok, she was met with an online backlash that CdeBaca’s office characterized as being “targeted by a white nationalist mob.”
“I will not be silenced by the far-right playbook,” CdeBaca said. “A nuanced discussion about reparations is necessary, but that opportunity has been taken from us by the right-wing outrage machine. This kind of discussion is not going to happen in this media landscape.”
CdeBaca claimed that the constitutionality of a race-based tax is ‘not a factor’ because the taxes from a business improvement district are ‘voluntary.’
A spokesman for Denver’s Department of Finance told 9News that was untrue.
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Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (French, 1780 - 1867) Petite Baigneuse, 1828 Musée du Louvre - Slavery gave rise to the figure of the Odalisque, that is the beautiful, white slave girl, a figure of quintessential beauty. In the late 18th century Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, the father of physical anthropology, the father of scientific anthropology, an 18th century German scholar, assigned the name Caucasian to the people living in western Europe, to the River Ob in Russia to northern Africa, and to India. He called the people in Europe, over to India, well into Russia and North Africa, Caucasians because they were the most beautiful in the world. Blumenbach enjoyed a scholarly reputation that gave his designation enormous heft and it got picked up very quickly. Immanuel Kant stated that the Caucasians, the Georgians, the Circassians, sell their children, particularly their girls to the Turks, the Arabs, and the Persians, for reasons of eugenics, that is, to beautify the race. The idea of ​​the beauty of Caucasians is linked with the idea of ​​the slavery of Caucasians. Before the Atlantic slave trade to the western hemisphere shaped our ideas about what slave trades are all about, there was slave trade from this part of the world, that goes back to before the reaches of time. Herodotus writing in the fifth century BC, writing about the enumeration of taxes and tributes paid to the Persian kingdom, collected from the lands it had controlled and the lands even far away in the distance. He said that the voluntary contribution was taken from the Colchians, that is the Georgians, and the neighboring tribes between them and the Caucasus, and it consisted of and still consists of (that is in the 5th century BC) every fourth year 100 boys and 100 girls. This was before Herodotus could even see the beginnings of it. Herodotus also mentioned the tribute from the southern most part of the edges of the Persian world and that was for the people called Ethiopians, what they owed was gold and ivory, people were not mentioned. So, the Black Sea Slave trade was the slave trade in the western world until the 15th century when the Ottomans captured Constantinople and cut the Black Sea off from western Europe. At that point, 15th century, the Atlantic slave trade becomes the western slave trade. Daniel Edward Clarke, our Cambridge gift, also located Circassian beauty, in the enslaved. “The Cicassians frequently sell their children to strangers, particularly to Persians and Turkish Seraglios.” He speaks of one particular Circassian female who was 14, who was conscious of her great beauty, who feared her parents would sell her according to the custom of the country. The beautiful young slave girl became a figure, and she had a name; Odalisque. She combines the powerful notions of beauty, sex, and slavery. Ingres, Jerome, Powers and Matisse specialized in Odalisque paintings. The figure of the Odalisque faded from memory as the Black Sea slave trade ended in the late 19th century, and the Atlantic slave trade overshadowed that from the Black Sea. Today, the word slavery invariably leads to people of African descent. Americans seldom associate the word Odalisque with with slavery in the Americas. Today many American painters use Odalisque figures, Michalene Thomas for instance who has done a series of what she calls American Odalisque. But the phrase and the figure of the Odalisque has lost its association with slavery. And now in American art history and in contemporary American art, Odalisque simply refers to a beautiful woman, usually unclothed. If you want to learn more, listen to professor Nell Painter of Princeton University in the YT reading “Why White People are Called Caucasian.”
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libraryofcirclaria · 2 months
Library of Circlaria
Remikra Timeline
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West Moorland
Between the 560s and 650s, the Norman Church ran the government of West Moorland, where it collected wealth from voluntary donors, imposing no taxes, and where Normanites were solid in membership, keeping the lands and city of Hotay well-defended until the Plague years.
As a result of the Plague, though, the population of West Moorland had effectively dwindled; and the guilds, having been unseated a century previously, saw an opportunity. Lord Toran emerged as a leader, merging his Fighters' Guild with the Spellcrafter Guild as they built a concealed army of blade-wielders, archers, eagle-riders, and infantry utilizing catapults and the early "debris-projectors." On 4 March 671, this army was launched upon the walls of Hotay, felling it within 36 hours. Between 672 and 673, the Guilds' Council was re-established, as Lord Toran became its Leader. Under his rule, the traditional Alconist Church was restored, as Normanites and their sympathizers, considered heretics, were hunted and executed. Surviving refugees fled to Kand.
In Kand, the respective Guilds' Council was still in existence, with the respective Norman Church in place to provide moral checks upon their decisions. However, over the near-century that passed, corruption emerged within this system, as the rich guild owners voluntarily contributed large amounts of wealth to convince the Church to approve of a law requiring all Kandians to join a guild. With such a requirement, the guilds then raised their fees, portions of which were used to further bribe the Church to pass other corrupt measures. Eventually, there arose an aristocratic class of guild owners and Church leaders, who engaged in mutual deals of exchange. Within this class emerged a position of leadership, assumed, in the latter half of the seventh century, by Lord Mecon, owner of the Kandian Fighters' Guild.
Refugees from West Moorland were given asylum in exchange for service in the guilds. In 674, the Gatherers' Guild, of which many refugees were members, launched a party to the uncharted Northern territories, where they discovered silver moss, which could produce light efficiently when activated by spellfire.
The War in the North
Before long, West Moorlandish venturers also discovered silver moss, and saw its value in use and trade. Lord Mecon of Kand dispatched soldiers to these lands to fend off the West Moorlandish squatters, to which West Moorland responded with an army of their own. And thus, in the end of 674, war was begun.
Also in the century leading up to the 670s, Moorlander-Khaps, Martenians, and outcasts from the Gatherer and Spellcrafter Guilds merged to give birth to a new ethnicity: the Yelcrebans. The Yelcrebans upheld a "pure idea" encompassing Norman Church doctrine, accusing both the governments of Kand and West Moorland of corrupting it; and the Yelcrebans were determined to form their own nation. In the early 660s, before the Plague, two separate Yelcreban uprisings occurred, each in Kand and West Moorland. But both ended in defeat. In each country, Yelcrebans were forced into serfdom, with the ones deemed fit being drawn for army recruits as "scouting pawns," often being the first to die in battle. Those who survived were short-changed in terms of reward, and were often returned to their places in serfdom.
The Rise of Queen Vera
Born in April 651, Vera was raised with a family of Yelcreban serfs but later joined the Gatherers' Guild in Kand. Feeling blessed and empowered, as she and her family survived the Plague, Vera was keen to explore, and, in May 667, traveled with a company of Guild members to the uncharted Northern territories. However, it was on this journey that she fell off a cliff. Miraculously, she survived, but was, for the remainder of her life, paralyzed from the waist down.
Initially, in the wake of this accident, Vera was viewed with pity, but she was determined to prove this sentiment wrong. She taught herself to mount and ride a horse without the use of her legs, gaining admiration and a great deal of followers. Such feats drew impression and admiration from Lord Mecon, who, in April 675, called upon Vera to lead an army into battle in the North against West Moorlandish forces in a particular region. Within a month, the West Moorlanders were pushed back, as Vera returned with spoils. She, herself, was given a great deal of rewards, but was displeased to see that her recruits were not treated so well. Each was paid only five coppers and then sent back to serfdom. Vera believed that way of life for Yelcrebans may be better in West Moorland, to which she journeyed later that year. But it was there that she noticed Yelcrebans receiving the same treatment; and thus, she discovered that both Kand and West Moorland were the same establishments of equal corruption, only with each fighting for dominance over the territories while using the Yelcrebans as pawns. Believing that her people deserved better, Vera recruited followers in West Moorland to join her division in Kand. Both divisions secretly merged into one, establishing a unified Yelcreban force.
In 676, after being informed of a weakness in the line of West Moorland defence, Lord Mecon called upon Vera to fight again. Initially, Vera followed through with the call, as her Yelcreban followers used Lord Toran's strategies upon his own city, forcing Hotay under Kandian control. But then, in a surprise move, Vera launched a similar attack upon Kand, itself. Kand fell; and Lord Mecon was executed. In March 679, Khappian forces in the North saw Vera as a threat and attacked. But by October, Vera had handily defeated them, claiming the previously uncharted lands. In June 680, the gained territories became the sovereign jurisdiction of a new country: the Kingdom of Yelcreb, with Vera as its Queen.
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willjini · 3 months
Gift Deed and Gift Deed Registration: Everything You Need to Know
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In the realm of legal transactions, a gift deed holds significant importance, particularly concerning the transfer of property or assets without monetary exchange. This article delves into the nuances of gift deeds and their registration process, aiming to provide a comprehensive guide for both givers and receivers.
What is a Gift Deed?
A gift deed is a legal document used to transfer ownership of a property or asset from one party (the donor) to another (the donee) without any consideration or payment in return. It is a voluntary and unconditional transfer that must be executed voluntarily and without any expectation of something in return.
Importance of Gift Deeds
Gift deeds are crucial for:
Asset Transfer: Facilitating the legal transfer of property.
Tax Implications: Understanding the tax implications for both parties.
Legal Clarity: Ensuring clarity and legitimacy in property transactions.
Types and Categories of Gift Deeds
Gift deeds can be categorized based on various parameters:
Classification by Nature of Gift
Immovable Property: Involves land, buildings, or real estate.
Movable Property: Includes assets like jewelry, vehicles, etc.
Classification by Purpose
Conditional Gift: Involves specific conditions for the transfer.
Unconditional Gift: A straightforward transfer without conditions.
Gift Deed Registration Process
Legal Requirements
Documentation Needed
To initiate the registration process, the following documents are typically required:
Proof of Identity (ID proof)
Proof of Address (residence proof)
Title Deed of the Property
No Objection Certificate (NOC) from concerned parties
Drafting the Gift Deed: A legal expert drafts the deed outlining terms and conditions.
Stamp Duty Payment: Payment of stamp duty as per state regulations.
Registration: Deed registration at the Sub-Registrar's office.
Advantages of Registration
Legal Validity: Ensures the gift is legally recognized.
Prevents Disputes: Reduces the likelihood of disputes over ownership.
Tax Benefits: Exemptions under certain tax laws.
FAQ's about Gift Deed and Registration
What is the difference between a gift deed and a sale deed?
While both involve property transfer, a gift deed involves no monetary exchange, whereas a sale deed does.
Is it mandatory to register a gift deed?
Yes, as per the Registration Act, 1908, a gift deed for immovable property must be registered.
Can a gift deed be revoked?
Under certain circumstances, a gift deed can be revoked if conditions outlined in the deed are not met.
In conclusion, understanding the intricacies of gift deeds and their registration is essential for anyone involved in property transactions. Whether you're considering gifting property or receiving it, knowing the legal requirements and implications can prevent future complications and ensure a smooth transfer process.
For more detailed guidance on gift deeds and related legal matters, consult with a qualified legal professional.
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elonomhstoryvillage · 5 months
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north caydor, aireverie
general: denonym: ?? government type: confederation (of the different districts)
districts: northern districts,, leranpool, hosonwich eastern districts,, lesico, splendi, gelene southern districts,, portthorpe, stereterline western districts,, horacali rock, blackmouth, neri central districts,, lerynshare
geography: modest size land the land is predominantly covered in fertile grassland, with a rainforest climate to the north. the weather is usually windy and sunny. north caydor reaches the sea on its east side, so many districts settle by the water.
population: population: ~1.3mil population density: 22 people per sq mile (sparse) life expectancy: male = 58y, female = 63y average children per family: 6 population density: 57% urban, 15% suburban, 28% rural ethnic groups: 99% natives, 1% nomadic peoples languages: there is 1 official language religious beliefs: 25% major religion, 12% minor religion, 17% agnostic, 46% atheist
military: total military personnel: 6,879 (0.53% of the total population) active military: 3,180 (0.24% of total population) maximum military manpower: ~0.7mil they are seen as a pacifist nation. they have a defensive pact with 2 other countries. their military equipment is adequate. they have voluntary military service for adults.
economy: unemployment rate: 11% poverty rate: 29% literacy rate: 49% resources: fertile farmland, livestock, grain crops, seaweed and other ocean resources
law: serious crimes, very illegal: - kidnapping, rape, arson, trespassing, slavery illegal, but ignored: - identity theft, assault, vandalism, manslaughter, robbery, child abuse, bribery neither legal nor illegal: - indecent exposure, resisting arrest, slander, animal cruelty, extortion frequently problematic, actively trying to stop: - assault, robbery legal/legally protected: - tax evasion punishments for criminals include: - jail sentence, a fine
culture: once a boy reaches 20 years of age, he stops cutting his hair. north caydor people are not materialistic, with little belongings. the names of those from north caydor often include s and m sounds.
taboos and social attitudes: socially accepted behaviours: - walking an animal without a leash, having more than one child major social problems: - prejudice, bullying, littering major taboos: - disabilities, adultery, drug abuse punishments for breaking major taboos include: - the death sentence minor taboos: - yawning loudly (its taboo for religious reasons) punishments for breaking minor taboos include: - harassment, sanctioned bullying, a public apology
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