glimbow-fics · 10 months
Bow confesses his romantic feelings for Glimmer---who doesn't want any of the romantic implications of having a boyfriend. But Bow loves Glimmer for more than what she could do for him romantically, and still wants to spend the rest of his life as her best friend, forever.
Hello! So for this fic, Glimmer is indeed aromantic asexual, with tertiary feelings for Bow. And Bow is biromantic asexual; very in love with Glimmer both romantically and platonically. I love writing about how someone can love someone else romantically even while not being romantically loved back---and neither form of love is any less than the other and both are strong enough to support the logical step of agreeing to be in a relationship. Yes, I am projecting my exclusively tertiary attraction to men onto Glimmer <3 and yes, I am fantasizing about a man being completely okay with me loving him tertiarily through Bow <3
Words: 2,288
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vilecovet · 29 days
CRIMSON EYES DULL, dropping to her chest, and he stares with a slight squint and a twitch of his finger, as if, he could just reach in and snap every rib, break through the breast bone and curl around her bleeding heart. vorren remains there, quiet, fantasizing, replaying it through his mind. it has been some time since he had any form of entertainment. he could feed her shattered corpse to his masters and make ornaments of her hair. purple. a most royal shade. vorren stepped closer, negligent of her personal space and searched her gaze—challenging.
“ are you saying. . .you do not experience fear? what a claim. ”
@maljefe whispered into the void, “sometimes I am frightened.” a pause, “sike.” / vorren
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ladyzirkonia · 2 months
14) What about any siblings, do they have any and is their relationship good?
18) What is your OC’s greatest fear?
15) Has your OC ever fallen in love before who their intended love interest is, or is the intended love interest their first love?
Honestly, whichever you want to answer for which one (where the joy is sparked) however 👀 I would like to urge for 15 for Doc cuz I think it'd be interesting
Hey Kassy, thanks for the ask! 💗
The first one I will answer for Kazdan because Zane is an only child which would be boring, so..
14) What about any siblings, do they have any and is their relationship good? For Kazdan:
Kazdan (Dathomirian) has a younger sister named Zeldin, a Nightsister. Their relationship is complicated by Kazdan's departure from their clan, leading to strained ties. While Kazdan deeply loves and misses his sister, their bond is tested by his divergent path and Zeldin's allegiance to the Nightsister clan. Despite the tension, Kazdan respects her strength and mystical prowess, though he struggles to understand her connection to the Force. Despite their differences, Kazdan yearns for reconciliation, longing for a time when their bond can be restored.
18) What is your OC’s greatest fear? For Zane:
Zane's greatest fear is losing the people he holds dear, driving him to take risks and make sacrifices to ensure their safety. He also fears being consumed by his inner darkness, constantly striving for redemption and seeking ways to make amends for his past mistakes.
15) Has your OC ever fallen in love before who their intended love interest is, or is the intended love interest their first love? for Doc:
To be honest, I'm still not sure who her ultimate love interest will be or if she will ever have one. But no, I don't think she's really experienced what love means before. Even with Ghoul (the first intended love interest), her feelings are driven by her obsession to feel responsible for his fate and her helper syndrome. Having never experienced the love of parents, the only understanding of love she has is to sacrifice herself for others, as her brother did for her.
My asks are still open :) OC ask game
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arcane-apathy · 5 months
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Chapter 10
Prologue | Previous | Next
AN: No you are not dreaming, I'm actually posting another chapter. Thank you all for being so patient with me this past year. I hope this chapter was worth the wait. 🌻
Warning(s): Brief talk of self-mutilation
It only took a week for Talnir to lay down the first layer of snow. The tan of the dying grass was sprinkled with snow and frost. Only to be turned into mud beneath people’s feet that same day. Despite being from a considerably warmer climate, the horde was not deterred. They donned extra layers without being told and helped the rest of the camp as they prepared for winter. The beginning of the winter rush was nothing new to you. And like most years you busied yourself with making tinctures, salves, and medicines. Making sure to use all ingredients you know would spoil if not used soon. 
  While you were busy preparing for a winter full of illness, Kurakh started a project of his own. He would leave once his food was devoured every morning and wouldn't return to your shared quarters until the last meal. You barely saw him around camp, nor did either of you speak unless necessary. It took five days for you to lose your mind because of the silence. Opting to work in the main hall with other camp members who wanted to hide away from the harsh wind.
  The main hall always brought a small smile to your face. The rebel's and the horde's children play together in the middle of the room. An Orcish woman helping braid the tail of an older Centaur. The Dwarves assess broken blades of all kinds. An Elven man was teaching a group of teenagers how to build arrows. Everyone sat in groups, no matter their race. Across the hall, you could see Schelura doing the hair of a younger Orc woman. The intricate style was already full of beads by the time you made your way over. 
  “Oh hello,” Schelura smiles and motions to an empty spot on the table, “have a seat.” You set your tools on the table and sit down, openly staring at Schelura’s handiwork. “Do you want to be next?” 
  “It’s tempting, although that’s a lot of beads…” 
  “She’s trying to catch a young warrior’s eye… Maybe you need this style too,” she teases. 
  “You’re ridiculous,” you roll your eyes. 
  “And you’re blind,” Schelura scoffs. “This is a more traditional plait since his parents are more set in the old ways. I’d give you something different… What do normal Vorren women do with their hair?” 
  "We usually just weave ribbon into our braids. Our hair is usually covered because you're clergy, or due to the cold."
  "Such practical people."  You roll your eyes at her comment and begin measuring out your ingredients. Schelura and the girl start to gossip while you ignore them to focus on the task at hand. "And Kurakh is away checking and setting up traps all day. I wonder what he's trying to catch, he comes back nearly every night looking frustrated." 
"Wait that's why he's gone all day," you look up from your herbs. 
The younger girl turns her head as much as Schelura would allow, "you didn't know?" 
Schelura laughs, "somebody might be getting a gift soon" 
"A courting gift, now that's romantic," the younger orc swoons. 
"Oh I don-" 
"He hasn't told you about it, he's gone all day, and he's constantly frustrated things aren't going as planned. If it isn't a courting gift, I permit you to cut off my hand," Schelura deadpans. 
 "You know I wouldn't do that unless it was at serious risk of infection or severely mangled ." 
  "Maid, that is not the point I am trying to make," she scoffs at your logic. You didn't even get to properly glare before she scolded you, "don't even look at me like that! Kurakh is one of the easiest men to read, like a warg pup."
"I don't even know what a warg pup looks like Schelura," an exasperated sigh leaves your lips.
"Cuter than you'd expect," the younger girl smiles while Schelura repositions her head. "I also heard he threatened a Tiefling in the courtyard yesterday for disrespecting you." 
  "That sounds likely,” Schelura smirks. 
  "You've made your point very clear Schelura," you roll your eyes and refocus on your craft. 
  "Then you should make sure Kurakh is aware that you know. He needs to know if you reciprocate or not. Not knowing is currently driving him crazy. And if you don’t want his advances he should know before he goes too far.”
  “And how do I do that?” 
  Schelura smirks, “you can start by letting me do your hair.” 
  "I'd rather not think of my hair, it has been so long since I washed it last. " 
  "You haven't gone to the hot springs yet?" 
  "And have strangers see me bare," you flush at the thought. 
  "The girls and I could go with you, and if we go in the evening there shouldn’t be that many people." 
  "I would appreciate the company," a rare smile graces your lips. 
  "We'll go tonight, I've been dying to wash off with something other than cold water." That evening you dropped Mazna off with Roldza, luckily without much fuss. And you left a note for Kurakh since he had yet to return. With your only clean change of clothes and bath oil in hand, you meet the girls in the hall. Maaga and Galta were both equally excited to relax in the warm waters that lie further within the former mine. Like Schelura said there was hardly a soul in the springs. Only a few elven girls sat in one of the smaller pools, applying oils to their hair. 
  With the safety of only being surrounded by women making you more confident you begin to undress. Schelura was the first one in, with a massive smile on her face, "definitely better than cold water and a bucket." You slowly follow in behind her, minding your steps on the slippery rocks beneath you. The water was certainly warmer than any water you bathed with before. After waiting a few minutes, thankfully there was nothing within the water that would irritate your wound. You take the chance to properly inspect it, not having to hide in the shadows from Kurakh. 
  "Is it still bothering you," Maaga asks concerned. 
  "Not as much as it used to, it'll be an awful scar." 
  "There is no such thing as awful scars in our culture," Galta chuckles. "I mean just look at Kurakh. Blind in one eye from one and littered with dozens smaller than that. And Orkisch women swoon over him every day... Well, the ones who don't know him like we do."   
  "Men can be scarred all they want in my culture, but for women it's unsightly."
  "The more I learn about your culture the more it pisses me off," Maaga groans. 
  "How do you think I feel," you scoff and sit on a rock in the water. The warm, mineral-rich water goes up to your shoulders. Galta dunks herself beneath the water with a smile. The whispers of the Elven girls were welcomed in comparison to the noise of the main hall, or Mazna throwing a fit. You slowly sink below the surface after getting more accustomed to the water temperature. The voices above you became louder, and you could practically feel the grime melt away.
  The light burn in your lungs prompted you to stand again. The water trickled down your back as you wiped your face. The cold air of the cavern causes goosebumps to bud across your skin. Once the water was out of your eyes you refocused on the rocks ahead. Trying not to stare at anyone in particular. Schelura scoffs and moves beside you, trying to run her fingers through your soaked hair. "This won't do... Don't worry I brought tools for this." She reaches for her comb and motions for you to sit on the rocks again. 
  "I can brush my hair." 
  "I'm aware, but I need to prep it for braiding tomorrow." 
  "Fine," you sigh and try to relax as she works the comb through the ends of your hair. Luckily it felt much better than Mazna playing with your hair at night. Out of the corner of your eye, you watch Schelura reach for the pool edge again, followed by a light herbal smell. "What's that?" 
  "A hair oil," she hums as her hands gently massage your scalp. "Your hair is damaged from the fabric of your headcover. It is too rough... I might need to make you something stronger. You also need a trim; your ends are a mess." 
  "I get it, my hair is awful." 
  "It just needs more than a hairbrush," Schelura chuckles. "Don't worry, you're in good hands," she emphasizes by massaging the back of your neck. You couldn't help but hum in relief, fighting not to melt into her touch. "your muscles are just as stiff as the warriors. You know, for a healer you are terrible at taking care of yourself." 
  An ache settled in your stomach. Schelura was one of many people to point it out to you. Usually, you'd be able to blame it on your duty. The life of a Maid of Eia was busy, even before the King declared war. Maaga seemed to sense this ache, moving closer to the two of you, "so how long until we have snow up to our knees?" 
  You smile softly as you welcome the distraction, "I'd say another month. It's supposed to be a late winter this year. Or as we say in the clergy, Talnir is lazy this year." 
  "The Spirit of Winter, son of Sokastr and Sala." 
  Galta laughs, "because that explains so much." 
  "The number of deities your people have is ridiculous," Maaga chuckles before dipping her head below water. 
  "It's a lot to remember," you sigh as Schelura's hands leave your scalp. "Honestly I forget most of it now. Just the stories we were told as kids. And the weird stuff you can't forget how much you try." 
  "How weird," Maaga looked apprehensive to ask. 
  "Eia's parents are aunt and nephew." 
  "That's not too bad," Galta relaxes against the pool's edge with her eyes closed. 
  "When creating their children, the elder gods forgot about procreation. So, the new gods had to create their genitalia. Eia took it upon herself to create the females by cutting herself open. Using her muscles to create a womb, and cutting between her legs. Hence the monthly cycle and the pain of childbirth." Galta and Maaga wince, and Schelura groans. "Want to know how Lantes created male gen-" 
  "Absolutely not."
  "Don't even dare." 
  "I'm close enough to push you underwater." Despite the threats you all laugh. A rare deep belly laugh escapes you. It has been so long since you've laughed like that it almost scared you. The good mood carried through as the four of you finished bathing. You felt the most relaxed and clean you've been in ages.  The clean change of clothes felt heavenly against your skin. Per Schelura's orders, your damp hair flowed down your back as it air-dried. The only bad thing was that you now needed to launder your only other set of clothes. 
  You returned to your quarters with your things in your arms, greeted by the smell of food cooking. Kurakh looks up from the pot but doesn't say anything. His good eye was looking you up and down. His silence was killing you, “is something wrong?” 
  “The scouts spotted a battalion just north of us. We'll ride out before dawn to intercept them." 
  "I should probably pack my supplies-" 
  "You're staying here." 
  "Kurakh, I can be careful." 
  "You are what they want. It would be surrender if you came with." You knew this tone well, Kurakh's words were final. And you didn't want to ruin your evening by wasting your breath. "That was easier than I expected," he smirks.
  "I don't feel like ruining my good mood," you set the dirty clothes in the corner. Hopefully, you won't forget them come morning. Kurakh doesn't say anything, choosing to stare at your hair instead. "Will you at least wake me up before you leave?" 
  "Of course, Odmili," he motions for you to sit. "The stew is almost ready." 
  "They are plentiful here." 
  "I fear you will run out of recipes before you run out of rabbits," you sit cross-legged beside him on the bedroll. He breathes out a laugh while handing you a bowl. A plate of Freronbrod on the ground beside the two of you.
  "Your kingdom will run out of rabbits before the horde is full." 
  "Your fault for coming in the winter," you snicker as you dip your bread in the stew. Kurakh elbows you in the rib playfully, his worried expression having finally worn away. You smack him in the chest as retaliation, a challenging look in your eyes. For once you didn't recognize the expression on his face. He looked conflicted like something was holding him back. His eye goes back to your hair, nose twitching. "What?" 
  "It's nothing."
"Considering the face you're making; I highly doubt that. Is it my hair?" 
   "Not necessarily... What oil did they put in your hair?" 
  "I don’t know. Schelura only scolded me for how unhealthy my hair is." 
  "That makes sense. I think Schelura is trying to make a fool of you." 
  "What do you mean?" 
  Kurakh sighs, "Orcs have a stronger sense of smell. Because of that, hair and body oils tend to have different meanings. And the one Schelura used on you… Well, it’s supposed to be seductive." 
  Immediately blood rushes to your cheeks, “you can’t be serious.” 
  “I wish I weren’t,” his lips parted as he tried breathing more through his mouth. 
  “I can go sleep with the girls tonight, considering they’re the ones who got me into this mess.” 
  “No,” Kurakh said rather quickly, “I can handle it.” He smiles sheepishly and continues to eat his soup. You decided not to press any further and do the same. Once the two of you finished eating you took it upon yourself to clear up the dishes. 
  “Do you have anything that needs to be laundered? I’ll be cleaning my spare clothes tomorrow.” 
  “I’ll leave a few things on the pile you’ve made. I know Mazna has a few tunics as well.” There was a quiet hiss of a blade leaving its sheath from behind you, soon followed by it scrapping the whetstone. “Do you not have any more clothes?” 
  You glance over your shoulder, hands still in the tub of cold soapy water used for cleaning, “I do not.” Stew was easy to clean off the wooden bowls, you hardly needed to look at what you were doing. “Clergy life is not as luxurious as people think. I had my own room, but it was tiny and drafty. The library barely had anything other than medical tomes. Three flavorless meals a day. We had no days off because ailments and childbirth don’t care for the calendar. And I would be lucky to get a new apron for my birthday.”  
  “Just enough to keep you from complaining about working for no pay I presume?” 
  “A twenty-pence on high holidays, which there are five of in a year,” anger made itself known in your gut. Stomach turning as you tried to ignore it, “it would take me three years to make enough for taxes. Luckily I don’t have to pay taxes. But I do have to catch a deadly disease, get robbed while traveling from town to town, never see my family again, or get captured by the enemy in a pointless war!” The scraping of the blade stops and so do you, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell.” 
  Kurakh motions for you to return to the bed roll. Patiently waiting as you dump the dirty water into the floor drain. “I wish you would stop apologizing for being your true self.” You pause and open your mouth to rebut, yet nothing comes out. “It is as if you are playing a character,” he gently takes your hand to pull you closer. “When I see that fire in your eyes, I’m reassured that there is a real person hidden within. You need to break free.” 
  “Kurakh, I hardly know how,” the words barely above a whisper. 
  “We can teach you. Remember you are one with the horde now, and we take care of our own.” 
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ao3feed-fratt · 4 months
The Struggles of Being a Vigilante When Everyone Else Thinks You're Just Blind
The Struggles of Being a Vigilante When Everyone Else Thinks You're Just Blind https://archiveofourown.org/works/53834239 by vorren Matt had heightened senses—Foggy figured, it made sense. Lose one, the others go on hyperdrive, right? To make up for the slacker on the team. There was a reason he didn’t go to medical school, however, and he was never really sure; all he’d ever gotten from Matt by way of an explanation was ‘well, something like that’ and a little laugh. But Foggy was certain he had some sort of… heightened ability, to sense when things were going on, and when women were hot (especially when women were hot). Matt, too, had always had an uncanny ability to tell where things were—walls, stairs, even people, he expertly (gracefully) navigated the world like some sort of damn gazelle, or a warm-water jellyfish, or something in a similar vein. Which is why Foggy knew it was absolute bullshit when Matt started coming into the office with significant bruises, and his reasoning was that he tripped. --- Or, the one where Foggy and Karen (and a bunch of other people) come to the wrong conclusions about the origin of Matt's injuries. Words: 10245, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Daredevil (TV), Daredevil (Comics) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen, Other, M/M Characters: Matt Murdock, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Karen Page, Frank Castle Relationships: Matt Murdock & Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Matt Murdock & Karen Page, Matt Murdock & Franklin "Foggy" Nelson & Karen Page, Frank Castle/Matt Murdock Additional Tags: Misunderstandings, Matt Murdock & Foggy Nelson Friendship, Hurt Matt Murdock, POV Foggy Nelson, Abuse, as in Foggy and Karen eventually believe that Matt is being abused, Blind Character, Blind Matt Murdock, Boxing, Minor Injuries, Serious Injuries, Blood and Injury, Major Character Injury, Bruises, basically just matt gets all sorts of hurt, expect that, Battling Jack Murdock, Broken Bones via AO3 works tagged 'Frank Castle/Matt Murdock' https://archiveofourown.org February 16, 2024 at 02:56AM
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baebeyza · 4 years
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One of those memes I havent done in ages with my dumbass characters :D ~
Jafer there is just happy because being dead means he won’t have to interact with people anymore
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zeck143 · 6 years
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Icon for a friend @tieflingvorren I did a while back
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At last, I can fulfill my dream of playing a cynical Maormer pirate...
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vorrentis · 2 years
Happy Mina Day Vorren 🎂
and to celebrate Mina day hopefully "Letting It All Out" will be uploaded 😂
sorry for being repetitive or something, I'm just like everybody else waiting for that smut😍
I do have it being worked on to update the story and write more smut. So it needs a bit of work to be released for the birthday girl
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vilecovet · 13 days
@maljefe whispered into the void,
she'd put up a good fight, but in the end she stood no chance against the silver bullets fired into her. one of her attackers mumbled something as they dug a hand into her hair. she felt strands tear away from her scalp due to the force. one of the bullets hadn't shot clean through her, and as a result she could barely move. the godforsaken metal was poisoning her with each passing second. if these men didn't kill her surely that would. funny how she was so strong until faced with something to stupidly simple. it was almost embarrassing.
"vo...vorren..." she choked out, blood dribbling down her chin and chest. one of the hunters heard her, bent down to her level, and dug his fingers into her jaw. "shut the fuck up, monster. your boyfriend ain't gonna sav-"
before he could finish he paused. by now most supers would have fallen into despair over their situation. they'd say the name of someone they loved and then lost the will to fight. yet she seemed oddly calm? as if waiting. "hey... let her go. I got a bad feeling, finish her off and let's get outta here!"
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VORREN SUPPOSED HE could blame invocation magic; the way his own name slithered into his mind with such potent force that, before he thought better of it, he was stepping over a portal's threshold. it took less of a second to assess this distasteful scene, as if he'd intruded upon a murder, or an execution. he should not interfere, as it would only incriminate her fate, but. . . he had no choice.
with each forward step, vorren tapped into the minds of these perpetrators and shots rang out in the air. but they were not directed toward him, were they? brain matter and blood splattered the walls, limbs twisted of their own accord, bones shattered, and he reveled in their screams of terror and agony.
it was a comforting symphony, and he quietly thanked them for being so foolish. he had an itch to kill that'd needed to be scratched for quite some time, and now he didn't have to hunt for victims. they came to him, and he drove them further into the irretrievable recesses of madness, extinguishing the light in their eyes until empty husks littered the floor.
the toe of his boot stepped in a puddle of blood, nudging scum away from his summoner as if it were nothing more than trash. indifferent eyes slid over her, observing, attuned to her pulse, and he gathered her as one would a wounded fawn. strange how she was small enough to fit in one arm, pressed against his side, helpless and bloodied, but he could not bring himself to show concern; it was a reluctant acceptance, perhaps even disappointment as he returned through his portal.
why didn't you call for me sooner. . . ?
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Tonight I killed one of my PCs in the other group I Dm, rest in piece Mirri Scatterheart human rogue. Long live Vorren Scatterheart the male half-elf she got reincarnated as.
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hyperionangel · 7 years
[10:25:38] vorren kelper: fghjkl [10:25:55] handsome jill: HDFGKLSDF [10:26:20] vorren kelper: fghjkl i just scrolled to this post on my dash [10:26:25] vorren kelper: DID I JUST DO THE SAME KEYSMASH [10:26:41] handsome jill: yes [10:26:43] vorren kelper: why does this keep happening [10:26:45] handsome jill: IT'S REALLY LINEAR [10:26:48] handsome jill: IT'S AN EASY ONE [10:26:49] handsome jill: fghjkl [10:26:59] vorren kelper: ARE U JUDGING MY KEYSMASHES WHAT THE HELL [10:27:02] handsome jill: fghjkl [10:27:11] handsome jill: u gotta be authentic [10:27:16] handsome jill: smash. the keys [10:27:17] handsome jill: sdfkjgjsdflgx [10:27:20] handsome jill: liek that [10:27:21] handsome jill: jvndfbjkfdfg [10:27:25] vorren kelper: getg                                              the hekll out
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folaireamh · 6 years
hey since i’ve... changed my name in the past month might as well redo one of these
Tagged by: my own self
Name: warren
Nickname: if i could choose? ren. but in reality ‘vorren’
Starsign: pisces. don’t know shit about horoscope stuff though
Sexual orientation: ace and panro
Hogwarts house: hufflepuffle
Favorite color: me like brown
Cats or dogs: kitties
Favorite fictional characters: doki doki sayori
Dream trip: venice. its wet
When was this blog created: a year and a half ago or something like that?
Number of followers: not sure rn. less than 20 probably
When did this blog reach its peak: meh
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baebeyza · 4 years
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Made another meme with my OCs - THIS TIME WITH NAMES ~ <3
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tipsoctopus · 4 years
"On my knees", "Great idea" - Many Spurs fans react to transfer link with versatile 21 y/o
According to Cadena Cope, via Sport Witness, Tottenham Hotspur are interested in signing Marc Cucurella during this summer’s transfer window.
The 21-year-old is currently on loan at Getafe from Barcelona, and it is understood that the capital club are prepared to pay €16m (£13.4m) for 60% of his rights this summer.
Under the above agreement, Barca would keep the remaining 40%, but it has been reported that there is a €25m (£21m) release clause that Tottenham could activate.
Watch Tottenham Hotspur Videos With StreamFootball.tv Below
Cucurella has made 32 appearances for Getafe during the 2019/20 campaign, contributing one goal and five assists in all competitions.
As expected, the Spurs fans have been on social media offering their views on the report, and there are a lot of mixed opinions on the subject.
Some are not particularly interested in signing the 21-year-old.
Don’t think he’s the one we need
— August Grubben Graff (@AugustGraff) February 25, 2020
i thought a new stadium and CL wpuld attract the best?
— 👑KingTroy👑 (@THFCYIDO) February 25, 2020
Others, though, are open to the idea of the Spaniard, who has played as both a defender and a midfielder this term, arriving in London.
Please @SpursOfficial I’m on my knees make it happen
— Camz🤑❄️ (@camzsavage) February 25, 2020
Great idea
— Ivar Vorren🇳🇴❤spurs❤ (@SznIvar) February 25, 2020
Yes please
— MK (@TongeeNdombeIe) February 25, 2020
Would certainly be an improvement.
— é (@SuperhumanAtal) February 25, 2020
No clues whatsoever: Which seasons do these iconic Spurs images belong to?
Another fan, though, questioned the relatively low price, suggesting that Spurs are only allegedly interested due to the cost of the deal.
Is that cos he’s good or cos he’s cheap?
— Don’tBelieveTheHype (@lordandladyf) February 25, 2020
Meanwhile, Spurs have reportedly entered the race to sign one of England’s most promising youngsters.
from FootballFanCast.com https://ift.tt/2PwEO5s via IFTTT from Blogger https://ift.tt/2vkOzg6 via IFTTT
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For the anon who wanted to see the ESO crew <3
ABOVE: Anacrea (Templar Tank), Castius Vorren (Warden Healer) BELOW: Cyrus Du’Volise (Nightblade DPS), Hanin (Dragonknight DPS), Darcastan (Sorcerer DPS)
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