kennak · 2 years
FAAが最近「ボーイング787は最長でも51日間に1度は完全にシャットダウンせよ」という勧告を出したのはなぜか? B787のソフトウェアはVxWorks 653上で動いており、各コンポーネント間の通信パケットに使われるタイムスタンプ(カウンタ)が約51日でオーバーフローするためらしい。 https://ioactive.com/reverse-engineers-perspective-on-the-boeing-787-51-days-airworthiness-directive/
新山祐介 (Yusuke Shinyama)さんはTwitterを使っています
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siliconsignalsblog · 4 days
Top 10 BSP (Board Support Package) Companies
Top BSP Developers to Fuel Your Embedded Systems Project
The world of embedded systems thrives on the seamless interaction between hardware and software. That’s where Board Support Packages (BSPs) come in, acting as the essential glue that enables an operating system (OS) to run smoothly on a specific hardware platform.
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Wind River A powerhouse in the embedded space, Wind River offers comprehensive BSP solutions along with their industry-leading VxWorks real-time operating system (RTOS).
2. NXP Semiconductors
As a major chip manufacturer, NXP provides BSPs for their extensive range of processors and microcontrollers, ensuring optimal performance.
3. Texas Instruments (TI)
Another leading chipmaker, TI offers a robust selection of BSPs for their processors and microcontrollers, often readily available for download.
4. Linaro
A non-profit organization, Linaro focuses on creating open-source BSPs for ARM processors, particularly targeting Linux and Android development on various boards.
5. The Linux Foundation
Another non-profit, The Linux Foundation fosters open-source BSP development through projects like Yocto Project, which provides tools and resources for creating custom Linux BSPs.
6. Silicon Signals
Silicon Signals is a one-stop solution enabler that provides design, development, validation, and manufacturing capabilities across a wide range of domains. They enable partners and clients to build intelligent, scalable, and interoperable connected solutions of unrivaled quality from concept to implementation and all-in-house experience in firmware, cloud, and mobile.
7. Witek Technologies
With expertise in various embedded architectures, Witek provides custom BSP development services tailored to your specific project needs.
8. Software Resource Associates (SRA)
SRA offers BSP development and consulting services for a wide range of processors and operating systems, catering to diverse embedded project requirements.
9. E Linx
Specializing in embedded Linux solutions, E Linx provides custom BSP development and porting services for various hardware platforms.
10. WiJungle
Focused on Internet of Things (IoT) development, WiJungle offers BSPs for popular IoT development boards, enabling rapid prototyping and product creation.
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2023.12.5 From: Worktank [email protected]
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wdptechnologiespvtltd · 7 months
Essential Embedded Software Development Tools for a Smooth Development Process
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Embedded software development is a specialized field that requires a unique set of tools to ensure the smooth creation of software that runs on embedded systems, such as microcontrollers and microprocessors. These tools are essential for debugging, testing, and optimizing code for these resource-constrained environments. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the key embedded software development tools that every developer should have in their toolbox.
Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)
IDEs are the central hub for embedded software development. They provide a comprehensive platform for writing, editing, compiling, and debugging code. Some popular IDEs for embedded development include:
Eclipse: An open-source IDE with a vast ecosystem of plugins, including many tailored for embedded development.
Keil MDK: A dedicated IDE for ARM-based microcontrollers.
IAR Embedded Workbench: A powerful toolchain for ARM, MSP430, and RISC-V processors.
PlatformIO: An open-source IDE that supports multiple platforms, including Arduino, ESP8266, and STM32.
Cross-compilers are essential tools that allow you to write and compile code on a host machine while targeting a different architecture, like an ARM-based microcontroller. These compilers help optimize code for the target hardware. Popular cross-compilers include GCC (GNU Compiler Collection), ARM Keil, and IAR Embedded Workbench.
Debugging Tools
Debugging is a crucial aspect of embedded software development. Without the right tools, finding and fixing bugs can be a daunting task. Some of the tools used for debugging embedded systems are:
JTAG Debuggers: These hardware tools connect to your embedded system and enable you to halt program execution, inspect variables, and trace program flow.
Serial Debuggers: These are essential for debugging when using serial communication with your embedded system.
GDB (GNU Debugger): GDB is a popular open-source debugger that can be used with various IDEs and hardware debuggers.
Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS)
Many embedded systems require real-time capabilities, and an RTOS is often the best way to achieve this. Popular RTOS options include FreeRTOS, Micrium uC/OS, and VxWorks. These operating systems help manage tasks, priorities, and resources in an embedded system.
Code Analysis and Profiling Tools
Code analysis and profiling tools are essential for optimizing code and identifying potential issues. Tools like Lint, Cppcheck, and Static Analysis Tools can help find code quality and security issues, while profiling tools like Gprof and Percepio Tracealyzer can help identify performance bottlenecks.
Version Control Systems
Effective version control is crucial for collaboration and code management. Tools like Git and SVN help keep track of code changes, facilitate collaboration, and provide a backup for your work.
Simulation Tools
Simulation tools allow you to test your embedded code on a host machine before deploying it to the target hardware. Tools like QEMU and Simulink can help you validate your code without the need for physical hardware.
Documentation and Collaboration Tools
Proper documentation is essential for understanding and maintaining embedded software. Tools like Doxygen can automatically generate documentation from code comments. Collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or even a simple Wiki can help teams work together efficiently.
Embedded software development can be a challenging but rewarding field. Having the right tools at your disposal can make the process much more manageable. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, these tools can help streamline your development process, improve code quality, and ensure the reliability of your embedded systems. Make sure to choose the tools that best suit your project requirements and hardware platform for a successful embedded software development journey.
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Best Embedded System Design Services Provider “YoungMinds”
What is an Embedded System?
An embedded system is a combination of computer hardware and software designed for a specific function. Embedded systems may also function within a larger system. The systems can be programmable or have a fixed functionality.
For example, a fire alarm is a common example of an embedded system which can sense only smoke.
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Examples of standalone embedded systems include:
Digital cameras.
Digital wristwatches.
MP3 players.
Appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines, and microwave ovens.
Temperature measurement systems.
History of Embedded system
In 1960, embedded system was first used for developing Apollo Guidance System by Charles Stark Draper at MIT.
In 1965, Auto-netics, developed the D-17B, the computer used in the Minuteman missile guidance system.
In 1968, the first embedded system for a vehicle was released.
Texas Instruments developed the first microcontroller in 1971.
In 1987, the first embedded OS, VxWorks, was released by Wind River.
Microsoft’s Windows embedded CE in 1996.
By the late 1990s, the first embedded Linux system appeared.
The embedded market reach $140 billion in 2013.
Analysts are projecting an Embedded market larger than $40 billion by 2030.
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Various Types of Embedded System: -
A Raspberry Pi an embedded system: Raspberry Pi single-board computer (SBC) was originally designed as a platform to teach computer science to students, but it has expanded into other applications, including use as an embedded platform.
ATM an embedded system: An Automated Teller Machine (ATM) - is an embedded system which utilizes a crowded computer to set up a network between a bank computer and an ATM itself. It also has a microcontroller to bear both input and output operations
Alexa an embedded system: The Amazon Echo is the epitome of an Internet of Things (IoT) device. It combines an embedded applications processor from Texas Instruments, MEMS microphones from Knowles, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless connectivity, an AWS cloud backend, and support for diverse applications.
Smart TV an embedded software: Embedded software comes into play in “smart TVs.” Smart TVs still have firmware for the low-level signal processing tasks, and more firmware to operate the wired or wireless network interface and communications with the remote control (which also now has firmware)
Embedded System Design: -
Embedded system is a self-contained, microprocessor-based computer system typically implemented as a component of a larger electrical or mechanical system. At the core of the embedded system is an integrated circuit that performs computational tasks.
Majorly Embedded System Design helps all kinds of manufacturing industries to control a specific function within a device. They are usually designed to only perform this function repeatedly, but more developed embedded systems can control entire operating systems.
If anyone searching Embedded System Design Solutions to make your ideas into reality – my best suggestion is “Youngminds” - Realizing product and software development for a wide range of application areas on cutting-edge technologies like below mentioned…
“Young Minds” Embedded System Design Solutions: -
Firmware Development and Optimization of Embedded Designs for a wide range of processors.
Various Embedded Processor/FPGA/SoCs:
Xilinx FPGA
Intel FPGA
3rd Party SoCs
Target Applications:
Image Processing
Medical Services
Target Technologies:
Wireless Technologies like WiFi, Bluetooth
Storage Interfaces
Sensor Interfaces
Display Interfaces
Wired Technologies like Ethernet, PCIe, SATA
Still need more information about “Young Minds” – Visit https://ymtsindia.com/
Embedded System Design Solutions: - https://ymtsindia.com/embedded-system-design
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fedelelomep · 2 years
Rtos linux stop pdf opening
 RTOS LINUX STOP PDF OPENING >>Download (Herunterladen) vk.cc/c7jKeU
  RTOS LINUX STOP PDF OPENING >> Online Lesen bit.do/fSmfG
           von K Yaghmour · Zitiert von: 25 — Built on top of RTAI, the LXRT module provides for seamless integration of normal Linux processes and RTAI-bound real-time tasks. It enables these. Mit Wind River Linux geht. Wind River Systems neben dem bereits erwähnten RTOS. VxWorks in Richtung Open. Source. Nach Unternehmens-.CMSIS-RTOS/mbed-rtos. 16. DOS32. 17. eCOS. 17. Embedded Linux. 17. embOS. 17. FreeRTOS/OpenRTOS. 17. µITRON/T-Kernel. 17. OS X and iOS. von K Yaghmour · Zitiert von: 25 — Built on top of RTAI, the LXRT module provides for seamless integration of normal Linux processes and RTAI-bound real-time tasks. It enables these. potential problem for eCos (open source RTOS from Red it is possible to let interrupts directly start or stop tasks (by storing the tasks start address At the end of the training, you have developed an entire driver and can develop drivers in your project. Software developers, software architects. This training von P Hausberger — As known operating systems TinyOS and Embedded Linux are mentioned. FreeRTOS1 ist ein Open Source Echtzeitbetriebssystem (engl. Real Time OS, RTOS) für. von P Marwedel · 2009 — potential problem for eCos (open source RTOS from Red it is possible to let interrupts directly start or stop tasks (by. Wir veröffentlichen FreeRTOS-Code unter der MIT-Open-Source-Lizenz, Stop-Bits: 1 anzuschließen, und folgen Sie den Anweisungen in der PDF-Datei.
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gatemains · 2 years
Writing ssh shell from labview on compactrio
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Step 1: Enabling Secure Shell Server (sshd) If using the myRIO, the easiest way to do this is to configure the Wi-Fi interface to that it connects to your internet hotspot and acquires address, dns, gateway via dhcp. Without internet access, this will not work. NOTE: All steps assume the cRIO has internet access. This tutorial will guide you through the process. This may sound hard, but it really isn't. This includes setting up the build environment on the cRIO, cloning the git repository for the rtl-sdr library, and finally compiling the code. This tutorial therefore focuses on this portion:īefore beginning with actual Labview programming, we need to prepare the cRIO. The next tutorial will implement and FPGA FFT to accelerate things, and in chapter 4 we will put this whole thing together into a coherent, expandable system. In this tutorial, we will be focusing on getting the rtl-sdr library working on in the cRIO.
This leads the reader chapter by chapter to a full solution, and hopefully makes things more understandable. In order to keep the reader interested and to keep the chapters short and manageable, I have decided to split things up a bit. Simply put, we want to turn the myRIO into an SDR-instrument that we can send commands to and have it return processed data to the host. However, it also makes things more complicated because a command framework is required from the Host PC to the cRIO RT target. This has the advantage of getting rid of the latency of the USB LAN connection during acquisition. In order to shorten this path it is possible to perform the acquisition directly on the cRio RT target. The FFT and other DSP is done in the FPGA and the resulting information flows back up to the PC. The information flows from the RTL-SDR to the Host PC via USB, then to the RT system via USB LAN (in the myRIO case), then to the cRio FPGA via a DMA FIFO. If the host is used for acquisition, the information flow is pictured above. If we want to use the cRIO (especially the FPGA) to accelerate digital signal processing, it is necessary to stream the information to the RT system, and then to the FPGA. The myRIO used here has the following parameters: NOTE: All development was done using Labview 2016, 32-bit. Unfortunately, there is probably no reasonable way to compile this library on VxWorks, much less Pharlap, so users of older CompactRIO devices are on their own. I used a myRio to do this project, but it should be possible to use this information on any linux-based cRio.
In this post I will go a step further and show the reader how to compile the rtlsdr library directly on an RTLinux cRIO. Additionally, because the library is open source, header files and with that the library’s entry points are available to us in a usable and documented format. The implementation process was very straightforward because the library was already compiled and available in binary form.
In my previous post ( ), I released a library which allows a Labview user on Windows to directly use RTL-based software defined radios.
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xumekaceqe · 2 years
Fatar studio 900 bedienungsanleitung kindle
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simogosov · 2 years
Elau c400 handbuch der
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  Sämtliche Angaben in dieser Anleitung zu unseren Produkten dienen lediglich der Tabelle 2-0: Anschluss X5 Seite 2 PacDrive C400 Steuerung ELAU GmbH. PacDrive ist ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen der ELAU GmbH. Alle übrigen in dieser Dokumentation genannten Warenzeichen sind alleiniges Eigen‐ tum ihrer sowie Elau PacDrive Steuerungen MAX 4, C200, C400, C600, P600. Steuerungs-Hersteller. 3S; Elau; Moeller;. Treiber unterstützt: Protokoll. 3S-Arti;. Lesen Sie diese Anleitung, bevor Sie ELAU Komponenten das ELAU AG. 1 Zu dieser Anleitung Betriebsanleitung PacDrive Controller C400. Schneider Electric ELAU C400/10/1/1/1/00. 2.800 € VB. Versand möglich. Eberhardt Spiralknetmaschine, SN120-7450907 generalüberholt TOP. Rastatt. 04.07.2022.Betriebsanleitung (Originalbetriebsanleitung) PacDrive Logic Motion Controller Echtzeit Betriebssys‐ tem VxWorks und ELAU Automation kernel Watchdog ja Lesen und beachten Sie diese Anleitung, bevor Sie die PacDrive-Komponente das PacDrive Controller C200, C400,. C600, P600, MAx-41). ≥ V00.12.02. Schneider Electric Elau PacDrive MC-4/11/05/230 pac drive servo amplifier Elau Schneider PAC DRIVE C400 C400/10/1/1/1/00 VCA07AAAA0AA00 HW: 3LG7102576
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cciaustralia · 2 years
Industrial Control Systems: A Security Analysis
Industrial control systems (ICS) are an integral part of most major industries. These control systems were initially created to help manage large-scale operations and provide more stability to them than manual methods. As the technology has advanced and become more accessible, however, more people are using it for malicious purposes. In this article we will explore some of these threats as well as ways that organisations can secure their industrial control systems against cyberattacks.
We are all dependent on industrial control systems (ICS) for everything from running our homes to managing the power grid. The ICS is a complex system of computers, software, sensors and actuators that monitor environmental conditions and ensure the safe operation of industrial processes.
In this paper we consider the security properties of ICS from a theoretical perspective: What are their vulnerabilities? How easily can they be compromised? How can we build defenses against attacks on them? We provide answers using formal methods drawn from information theory, cryptography, game-theoretic analysis and machine learning.
The Role of Information Security
Information security is a growing concern for the information technology community. The importance of information security has grown exponentially over the last few years, and industrial control systems (ICS) present unique challenges to ensure that they are secure from both internal and external threats.
The increased connectivity among ICS networks makes them more susceptible to attacks than ever before, which means that it's important to implement standards for these systems so companies can be sure they're protected.
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Computer Architecture
The architecture of the ICS itself can be divided into four layers: the hardware, the operating system, application software, and database. These components are not necessarily distinct entities but rather represent a set of functions that are combined in different ways depending on the particular configuration. At times, one or more of these layers may be shared by two or more systems; for example, many commercial applications use an embedded operating system (OS) such as VxWorks as part of their overall design.
ICS Communications and Protocols
ICS communications are based on industrial protocols. Industrial protocol is a standard used to communicate between different systems or components. Most of these protocols are based on open standards, which means that anyone can use them as long as they follow the protocol rules. The most common industrial communication protocols include Modbus and DNP3.
Configuring ICS Devices for Security
The principle of least privilege is a foundational concept in security, particularly when it comes to industrial control systems (ICS). The principle states that users should only have the privileges they need to perform their job functions and no more. This can be tricky in an ICS environment because different machines often require different privileges at different times. However, configuring these machines with this ideal in mind will ensure that your organisation's resources are protected from malicious users as much as possible.
For example, consider an operator who needs access to both the user interface of an industrial control system and its high-level configuration functions so they can adjust parameters on demand. If you configure this user with all the necessary access privileges for both tasks instead of just one or the other, then you're increasing their potential for success but also increasing their chances for failure if something goes haywire—and something always does go haywire eventually!
The industrial control systems (ICS) used in the US are a critical part of many major industries, including power generation and transmission, oil and gas refining, manufacturing operations, transportation systems, and water and wastewater treatment. The operating characteristics of these systems make them particularly susceptible to cyberattacks that could cause physical damage or result in loss of life.
The ICS community has long been aware of this problem; however, there has been little progress toward implementing security measures. In fact, recent research shows that most ICS devices still have no form of authentication or encryption enabled by default when they come out of their boxes. This lackadaisical attitude is dangerous because it makes these devices easy targets for attackers looking to launch damaging attacks on critical infrastructure systems.
The industrial control systems market is growing rapidly. This means that more organisations are adopting ICSes to achieve their business goals, and with them comes a greater need for security. While there are many options available today, it’s important to remember that not all security solutions are created equal; some products may be better suited than others, depending on your specific requirements (and budget). We hope this comprehensive analysis of the most common threats facing these devices has given you some insight into how best to protect yourself from potential attackers!
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jobkash · 2 years
Senior Principal VxWorks Software Engineer (No Clearance Required to Start)
Senior Principal VxWorks Software Engineer (No Clearance Required to Start)
…Space Systems is looking for you to join our team as a Software Engineer with deep knowledge and experience in VxWorks and hands-on hardware integration with the
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icnweb · 3 years
윈드리버-벡터, ADAS 및 자율 주행용 공동 솔루션 개발
윈드리버-벡터, ADAS 및 자율 주행용 공동 솔루션 개발
지능형 에지를 위한 소프트웨어 제공 분야의 글로벌 리더인 윈드리버(Wind River®)는 오토모티브 소프트웨어 전문 기업 벡터(Vector)와 협력 AUTOSAR Adaptive 표준 기반의 ADAS 및 자율주행 기능 개발을 지원하는 서비스지향아키텍처(SOA)를 제공한다고 밝혔다. AUTOSAR Adaptive 표준은 차량 출시 이후에도 기능성과 가치를 지속적으로 강화할 수 있도록 지원한다. 양사의 협력 솔루션은 벡터의 오토사 어댑티브 기술과 윈드리버의 실시간 운영체제(RTOS) 브이엑스웍스(VxWorks®)가 포함된 신제품 윈드리버 스튜디오(Wind River Studio)로 구성된다. 윈드리버 스튜디오는 미션 크리티컬 지능형 시스템의 개발, 구축, 운영 및 서비스를 위한 클라우드 네이티브 플랫폼이다.…
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職務経歴 業務内容/プロジェクト 開発ジャンル 規模 担当 開発環境 使用言語 ソフトウェア・情報系 大手Slerのチームでの5G管理システムの開発支援 インフラ(基盤)系 [ サーバー ] 100人以下 基本設計 詳細設計 サーバ設計/構築 OS: Linux
・【プロジェクト概要】・大手Slerのチームでの5G管理システムの開発支援                                      ・【担当業務】・Vue.jsでのクライアントアプリの要件定義・Python側でのAPI連携・データベース設計 ・【発揮したバリュー】 データベースの設計やSQLコマンドなどを活用し設計を補助した。 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID 111 性別 男性 出身地 埼玉県 現住所 東京都 年齢 35 最終学歴 専門学校卒 勤務先の業種 ソフトウェア・情報処理 現勤務先の従業員規模 50~99名 現在の年収 450 ~ 500 万円 現在の勤務状況 求職中 経験職種・経験年数 ネットワークエンジニア(設計・構築)  ルータ(Cisco) 5年 Webサーバー設計・構築  Linux 4年 語学関連のキャリア 検定資格  英検 3級 会話能力 所有資格 希望雇用形態 契約社員 委託社員 希望職種 ネットワークエンジニア(設計・構築) 希望の勤務地 埼玉県 千葉県 東京23区 東京都下 横浜・川崎 神奈川県下
職務経歴 業務内容/プロジェクト 開発ジャンル 規模 担当 開発環境 使用言語 通信・ネットワーク系 グループ会社向けネットワーク移設対応、構築・運用支援 インフラ(基盤)系 [ ネットワーク ] 100人以下 基本設計 詳細設計 サーバ設計/構築 ネットワーク設計/構築 OS: Linux
【プロジェクト名】 グループ会社向けネットワーク移設対応、構築・運用支援
【業務内容】 ネットワーク移設対応、構築支援 作業に基づいたNW機器の設定変更作業とそれに伴う手順書、config等の作成 内部関連部署との調整全般 検証環境構築、各種検証およびテストの実施 各種ドキュメント作成および最適化 各種問い合わせ対応 ユーザーとの各種打ち合わせ
【使用技術】 Vlan/linkaggligation/MPLS/StaticRouting/BGP/HSRP/VRRP/IP-VPN/QoS/ACL/Policy-Routing /SSH/SSL/TLS/IKE/OMP/DPI/インターネットブレークアウト/AAR/Filtering/IP SLA/NAT・PAT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID 376 性別 男性 出身地 兵庫県 現住所 東京都 年齢 37 最終学歴 専門学校卒 勤務先の業種 ソフトウェア・情報処理 現勤務先の従業員規模 100~299名 現在の年収 500 ~ 550 万円 現在の勤務状況 求職中 経験職種・経験年数 プログラマー(UNIX系)  アセンブラ 4年  C/C++ 5年 プログラマー(Web・モバイル関連)  VB.NET 3年 ファームウェア開発  ファームウェア開発 6年 語学関連のキャリア 検定資格  TOEFL 601~650点 会話能力 所有資格 希望雇用形態 正社員 契約社員 希望職種 ファームウェア開発 希望の勤務地 東京23区 東京都下 横浜・川崎 神奈川県下 京都府 大阪府
職務経歴 業務内容/プロジェクト 開発ジャンル 規模 担当 開発環境 使用言語 ソフトウェア・情報系 無線装置の保守系機能開発 インフラ(基盤)系 [ ネットワーク ] 100人以下 基本設計 詳細設計 プログラミング
無線装置の保守系機能開発 無線装置開発の保守系機能の詳細設計、製造、単体試験を実施 C言語 【OS】VxWorks
マイコンの調査、仕様確認、設計書作成 マイコンメーカー提供環境による製造および試験 C言語 【OS】Linux
2023.8.21 From: Worktank [email protected]
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gustavoalara · 5 years
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‘Urgent/11 flaws affect 200 million devices – from routers to elevators https://buff.ly/3184kBq⠀ ⠀ #VxWorks #vulnerabilities #cybersecurity https://www.instagram.com/p/B0mLs4AoLbA/?igshid=1uds0oqu21ug
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stevebattle · 2 years
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OPTIMISM – Operational Perseverance Twin for Integration of Mechanisms and Instruments Sent to Mars (2020), Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Pasadena, CA. This Vehicle System Test Bed (VSTB) is the Earth-side counterpart of the Perseverance rover that landed on Mars in 2021. The last photo shows OPTIMISM nose-to-nose with MAGGIE (foreground) at the JPL Mars Yard, where they simulate how the hardware and software will perform before they transmit commands to Mars. It's particularly useful for testing software patches before sending updates to Perseverance. Don't worry though – it's not running Windows, but the VxWorks Real-Time Operating System (RTOS). "The Mars 2020 Perseverance test bed team's motto is 'No optimism allowed'. So we named the test rover OPTIMISM to remind us of the work we have to do to fully test the system. Our job is to find problems, not just hope activities will work. As we work through the issues with OPTIMISM, we gain confidence in Perseverance's capabilities and confidence in our ability to operate on Mars." – Matt Stumbo, VSTB lead.
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janes-tech-review · 4 years
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Decades Old Code Is Putting Millions of Critical Devices Under Threat
Armis, the enterprise security firm, got a puzzling call from a hospital that uses the company’s security monitoring platform. A few weeks earlier, the researchers had found that one of its infusion pumps contained a kind of networking vulnerability. But that susceptibility had been found in an operational system called VxWorks — which the infusion pump didn’t run.
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