#w. jiyoon
cloud-dreaming · 3 months
people's s/o tell their partners oh yeah you should meet my friends
meanwhile, 100% of my usual friend group... are his friends too.
#// rambles#hes told me that i should make friends who are not his friends#but everyone ends up being his friend too#i literally talk to this guy all day. then the two idiots. and thats it#plus hannah#but like hannah and daniel and i are like the math buddies#and hes like since when do you talk to aliyah#like yes i talk to aliyah now. but still like most of my irl friends are also. his friends. strangely#i didnt even know he and joan and noah knew each other but turns out they're in the same art class#AND I DIDNT EVEN KNOW HE KNEW JUSTIN TOO#SO REALLY WE JUST KNOW ALL THE SAME FOLKS#except he knows more folks than me#...#i think jiyoon didnt want to be his friend freshman year#so like. does she count#the thing is. making friends is hard#i literally broke down once because he and our friends were going to watch ghibli movies together and i was not invited#not that they exclude me im just not in their art class and it was their art class group#and i dont talk to anyone much besides my bf and noa and rats 003 and 013#ugghghgh i feel like sumin and i could be good friends tho#we met in japanese club but she's so funnnn to be around in person the few times we talk#except i have no way to contact her#in college i need to find my cs girl besties#our college friends wont be the same so yah#i cant belive im probably going to the same place as rts 003 and 013... and then my bf will be going to the city#thats what probably will happen#in any case like i cant believe im going w those mf
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jujitto · 11 months
. . . . . . . . . 한 번 뿐인 것  ★  o n e t i m e t h i n g
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p a i r i n g s :: park sunghoon x reader
g e n r e :: angst
w a r n i n g :: not proofread, mentions of situationship
w / c :: 1.7K
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You two weren't together. But you weren't friends either. Your relationship was complicated. No one could understand what you guys were not even yourselves. You guys hugged, kissed, and hung out as a couple would but you guys weren't a couple. You guys just had something going on but everyone would question what you guys were and even yourself would question what you were doing with him. You didn't understand or remember how you got involved with him.
It just happened. Though it was only supposed to be a one-time thing. It was never supposed to happen again. You kissed. It was a one-time thing. But when it became something more. The whole one-time thing went down the drain. It was just supposed to be a one-time thing. And you told him that it was supposed to be a one-time thing. But it never was a one-time thing. It just kept happening over and over. And that wasn't something one-time things were supposed to do. One time things were easy for you. They didn't involve feelings or the emotion people called love. It was just something that you didn't want.
They were just simple. But this wasn't a one-time thing and it never was going to be one. The sound of whispers and hush conversations disrupted the peace you felt as you walked down the hallway of the place you would soon be leaving. High school. Usually, you wouldn't pay any of these people any mind but their whispers confused you. Though you continued walking as if they didn't bother you to your locker only to be met with the familiar face of your best friend. Jiyoon stood there with a look of uncertainty written on her face only to wipe it away when she spotted you walking her way. You could tell that the smile on her face was fake.
You knew that the whispers and the way she looked had to be for the same reason. It seemed as if everyone knew something but you. 'Before you say anything. I didn't know. No one knew until this morning.' Jiyoon spoke as you gave her a confused look. No one knew what. Just what in the world was she talking about? 'What?' You questioned not paying her any mind as you rummaged through your locker trying to get your textbooks. You can hear her rambling something about dating and you not being mad. 'About Sunghoon. You haven't heard. Maybe that's why you're acting so nonchalant.' She guessed as you shrugged your shoulders. Whatever he had going on wasn't your problem. Why should you care?
'So what you're saying is that you're cool with him dating someone else?' Her words made you stop in your tracks. Dating? Was that what was wrong with him? For the last few weeks, you have noticed something was up with him but you never really thought to ask him because his business was his business and you weren't someone special who could just ask questions about what he was doing in his day-to-day life. Though deep down inside you was a bit hurt. 'Why should I care whom he dates and whom he doesn't date? It's his life.' You spoke looking at Jiyoon who nodded but still had a look of uncertainty on her face.
'But don't you guys have something going on? I mean you are always together.' She questioned as you narrowed your eyes at her. You guessed what she was saying was true. But you two had nothing going on. You weren't a couple nor were you, friends. You guys had what you would call a situation-ship going on so to say. But it wasn't anyone's business what you two were or were doing. 'We are nothing. Our relationship is nothing. That's that.' You stated turning on your heels and walking away. Though the words came out of your mouth they still hurt. You told yourself multiple times that it was a one-time thing but you just kept coming back for it. Now, look at you. Feelings hurt because he's with somebody else who isn't you. What a shame.
You hoped he was happy. Because whatever you guys had going on was about to end. No more kissing, hugging, or going out. No more of this situation ship you had going on. No more! It was all too good to be true. His hands are on your waist. Your butt is pressed against the steering wheel of the car. Lips pressed against each other as hands roam. The windows fogged up. The surrounding area was empty except for the car you were occupying. The bright neon sign of the roller skating rink flashed illuminating the cramped space of the car.
You should be disappointed in yourself. You said no more. But here you were kissing him in his car with his hands all over you. But you just couldn't stop, could you? That's why your feelings are hurt because you couldn't stay away from him. However, you could feel the intensity in the air as your lips locked with his. It was a mixture of desire, longing, and a tinge of sadness. Deep down, you knew that this would be the last time, the final act of this complicated dance you had been engaged in. But at this moment, you allowed yourself to drown in the intoxication of his touch, the familiarity that had become both comforting and devastating.
As his hands explored your body, every nerve ending came alive, craving his touch even though your mind screamed at you to stop. The physical connection you shared was undeniable, but it was the emotional entanglement that had you questioning everything. What were you doing with him? What were you to each other?
You broke away from the kiss, your breathing heavy as you tried to gather your thoughts. The car felt suffocating, and the weight of your emotions threatened to consume you. With a trembling voice, you finally mustered the courage to speak.
"We can't keep doing this," you said, your voice laced with a mix of resignation and sadness.
He looked at you, his eyes reflecting a combination of desire and confusion. His hand, which had been caressing your cheek, dropped to his side. He knew exactly what you were referring to, but he remained silent, waiting for you to continue.
"We're only hurting ourselves," you continued, your voice shaking. "We're not together, but we're not just friends either. It's been so confusing, and I can't handle it anymore. I thought I could, but I can't."
He sighed, running a hand through his disheveled hair, his gaze fixed on anything but you. The atmosphere in the car shifted, heavy with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. You waited for him to respond, but the silence between you grew more suffocating with each passing second.
Finally, he spoke, his voice laced with a mix of frustration and resentment. "Then why are we here?"
You took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart. The question hung in the air, heavy with implications and the weight of your shared history. It was a question you had asked yourself countless times, but hearing it from him felt different.
"I don't know," you replied honestly, your voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know why we keep coming back to this, even though it's tearing us apart. Maybe it's because we're afraid of losing what we have, even if it's not clearly defined."
He leaned back in his seat, his gaze still averted, his face etched with a mix of frustration and vulnerability. "I get it but I don't want to get it. What's wrong with what we have going on?" You took a moment to gather your thoughts, searching for the right words to convey the storm of emotions swirling inside you. Your heart ached as you met his gaze, seeing the longing and confusion mirrored in his eyes.
"Y'know what's wrong with us." you said, your voice filled with a mix of sadness and aching. "You have somebody. You hell we both knew this shouldn't have been more than a one-time thing."
His expression hardened at your words, and a flicker of anger, flashed across his face. It was a painful truth that neither of you could deny any longer. "You don't think I know that. Every time I think I'm done with whatever this is.....I find myself back here with you. Kissing you, making love to you and never regretting it. But somehow I feel as though I messed it up somehow. It's greedy of me to want you when I have someone else," he continued, his voice tinged with self-reproach. "I can't keep hurting her like this, and I can't keep hurting myself either."
A heavy silence settled in the car as his words hung in the air. The truth of the situation weighed heavily on both of you, casting a shadow over the intense connection you shared. It was a bittersweet realization that what you had was not sustainable or fair to anyone involved.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you reached out to gently touch his hand, seeking solace in the final moments of this bittersweet encounter. "I don't want to hurt anymore either," you said, your voice filled with raw emotion. "We deserve better than this, and it's time for both of us to find that."
With that, you leaned in for one last lingering kiss, a farewell to the passion and longing that had defined your complicated connection. It was a farewell to what could have been but never was, and a farewell to the pain and confusion that had consumed you both.
As you pulled away, you mustered a weak smile, hoping to convey a sense of acceptance and closure. "Take care of yourself," you said softly. "And maybe, one day, we'll find the happiness we've been searching for."
He nodded, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "You too," he whispered. With a heavy heart, you opened the car door and stepped out into the night, leaving behind the echoes of what could have been. As you walked away, you couldn't help but wonder if this was truly the end. The end of a one time thing.
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wonkixo · 9 days
idk if anyone here follows up with i-land 2, but i'm gonna dump my thoughts on today's ep here since today was the start of part 2 :0 [+ disclaimer i slept thru the entire ep so if anything is wrong... blame twitter]
• prior to the episode, the 6 girls i thought would make it to part 2 were: jeemin, lingling, yeeun, sujung, yuju, koko
• jeemin my p01 ily 💗💗 i'm so happy she made it through, but i honestly had no doubt about her making it bc her fanbase is so large (myself included... she was my one pick in runext 😭)
• juwon & gyuri making it seem so out of reach for me, but i'm glad they both made it! juwon caught my eye since panorama so i'm glad she's getting recognized. gyuri kinda fell back for me as i oftentimes forgot about her in performances, but she is very talented and i look forward to her in part 2!
• i was very shocked that lingling or yeeun did not make it, considering they both have strong fanbases internationally and in korea respectively. i personally really enjoyed lingling's improvement and performance in part 1. although i was unsure of where i stood with her in terms of debuting, i felt that she would've became a stronger contestant if she made it to part 2.
• LOL i found this brought up on twitter and whether it was done intentionally or not,,, lingling was so girlboss for not speaking a word of korean in her speech
• i'm so sad yui didn't make it, especially as p07, but tbh it felt like it'd be either her or juwon. BUT YUI 🙁🙁 she caught my eye during the unit battle like SHE ATE THAT STAGE DOWNNN,,, ah i'll miss her :(
• i knew minsol wouldn't make it, but it still lowk breaks my heart bc she was always so talented AND her performance in eyes, nose, lips was too unforgettable for me like 🥲
• my current lineup as of 06/06 (assuming ot7 like enha): jeemin, saebi, sujung, jungeun, yuju, sarang, fuko
[very subject to change... the top 12 are all very strong so this is difficult ;-;]
• after episode 8, 06/13 (ot6 confirmed): jeemin, saebi, jungeun, sarang, fuko, jiyoon [honorable mentions: koko + juwon]
i might add more once i can wake up more and yk. Think,,, but please don't hate on me for my thoughts and opinions! feel free to share yours though <3 i'm happy to hear what other people's thoughts!
regardless of whether or not they made it to part 2, i wish everyone luck and i look forward to their future pursuits :)
also if anyone watched i-land... Pls lmk HAHA i'm still recovering from that damn egg show. i rlly told myself i-land would be my first and only survival show... but yeah that didn't rlly work out. i love enhypen though so a W in itself!!
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haenxn · 3 months
AESPA winter🌷spring pink/blue/green
ZBO hao pink/grey
ATZ mingi🪵nostalgic brown/teal
TXT beomgyu vintage reddish-brown
SVT mingyu beachy🐕sandy nature + fig
EN- jungwon fresh salmon/grey
LSRFM sakura📸city lights purple/yellow
EN- jake nature green/blue
WEEEKLY (former) jiyoon yoshi primaries/grn
XDNRYHR jun han faded gothic purple/grey
RIIZE wonbin indie red/blue/green
NWJNS hanni elegant white/purple/gold
TXT beomgyu indie brown/b+w
LSRFM eunchae sleepover white/pink/orng
RIIZE sungchan & shotaro corocorokuririn🌱 + keroppi🎪
LSRFM chaewon nostalgic peachy blue
BP jennie 2000s pink/blue/random
TXT soobin homey random/orange/blue/red
IVE rei cottagecore🍄green/brown/white
ITZY yuna indie⛰️b+w/green/blue/beige
LSRFM chaewon soft'n'cute🍰beige/grn/wht
TXT beomgyu & taehyun faded cottagecore
LOONA yves indie frutiger aero red/blue/neu
TXT soobin indie lilac/brown/white
NWJNS haerin soft romance neutrls/teal/red
SOLO yena 🍡🗒🐌pink/green/light brown
ILLIT yunah alt🚱🛌red/light blue/darks
EN- sunghoon posh alt🏑📽darks/ornge/red
BND ot6 🐙🍵📽beige/pink/green/black
AESPA winter happy warm rd/brwn/yllw/blu
LSRFM sakura festival red/seafoam green
SKZ seungmin silly🎉 random/black/orange
LSRFM chaewon 🗻🍜 orange/black/light
IVE rei coquette beige/pink/white 🐇💮
NWJNS hanni soft beige/blue/green+pink .?
EN- heeseung 🕰blue/beige/green
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bloomfish · 3 months
I definitely will not get back into kpop ever but occasionally I'll go through a youtube binge of my old faves. I only ever liked female artists but the thing was you'd get attached to a girl group or a female vocalist and like a year later it would be like "no she's too old now. time to abandon her and introduce a new group of 15 year olds" . they continually wasted so much incredible talent by viewing the artists as well as talent itself as a replaceable commodity imo (i'm not saying this doesnt happen in western pop too but perhaps not so brazenly)
anyway a lot of it is bad lol but these are some of the things that I've revisited that still actually go so hard:
4minute crazy- excuse me?? this was such a slay. also hate. the tonal plot twist in this track: unparalleled. hyuna was iconic but also jiyoon !!! i agree w the comments of this yt video this would absolutely be a massive hit if it was released today
ladies code. this is just legitimately good pop music. a very sad story behind them as well and they were very undervalued as I recall. but this. galaxy was spectacular. both of the last two EPs tbh. that vocalist's voice does things to me
f(x) 4walls. should have been an international dance hit tbh
wonder girls obviously. even as far back as irony which is so charming in a retro way but I love that they eventually were playing their own instruments/having more of a hand in their own music. specifically i want to point out that park ye-eun from wonder girls was legitimately SUCH a talented musician imo (as a singer and a composer) and so much of her solo stuff as ha:tfelt was incredible. I was very glad to hear that she (and the others i think) left their agency bc they were so mistreated rip
yezi cider.... god she was so talented and i was so in love with her. my underrated fave... at one point i watched a whole reality show about korean female rappers for her lol (which was. a lot. but she should have won)
suzy yes no maybe again this was just really good pop.
dalshabet someone like u this is the corniest thing i'll put on this list but mostly it's just a super interesting case to me. iirc it was fairly popular with international audiences but kind of a flop in korea. which is fascinating to think about in terms of the cultural differences in what music appeals to us. like as a cheesy pop song it is just so catchy to me lol and I can't understand how it could not be but there u go
in capable/caring hands so many of these women could have done INCREDIBLE things imo. like it's undeniable that there is very real talent in kpop, I think the aggressively commercial aspect just limits the artists criminally and it's a shame. which ig is true to some extent about any pop music.
anyway i've put two of my kpop playlists that were popular on 8tracks on spotify: here and here
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revivemyreverie · 1 year
Ahoy? 👀
May I, May I request a ∅ w Jiyoon and/or UiO w anyone you see fit??? pls and thank you very much! ヾ(^▽^*)))
I’ll go with their dormmates!! Jiyoon gets Lucero and UiO gets Saga. It feels fitting~
A fellow creative! Jiyoon’s stories always have an almost magical effect, no?
I met her in the theater box I always sit in at NRC, oddly enough. She somehow snuck into my spot before I did! I initially thought her as suspicious, but reading her stories made me change my mind. She’s terribly rude, though.
I decided to talk about my own accomplishments and she left as soon as she came! Hmph! It’s not my fault no one wants to hear about my amazing works!
Although, That magic of hers is certainly amazing. Well, it’s more amazing than what I can do. Oh, to write the perfect stage play and have it come to life—! I’d trade my own stupid UM for something like that!
Ughhh, I don’t care if UiO is my classmate, I hate puppets!
I-I mean, Lilia tells me I hate everything, but that’s not the point! Dolls… I can’t hear their heartbeats at all. I can’t tell if they’re lying for afraid or if they know something. Not to mention, I’ve never seen UiO change expressions. Even when I tell her to go away she just keeps prodding at me… What if she’s a tool sent by the police?! What if she’s the key to me being sent to jail?!!!!
Ueeeee, I can’t get rid of her, can I?? Do dolls die if broken??? Do I need to find an exorcism book?! Ugh, all this preplanning is gonna make me pass out—
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rosietrace · 1 year
Ahoy! I'm here looking for more victoria lore, w Jiyoon!
Jiyoon definitely cut ties with Vil but keeps contact with Epel and the others (really shows her favoritism)
Jiyoon knows how hurt Victoria is after her argument with Vil so she sends anonymous encouraging letters to Victoria. After Jiyoon left, she became a full time author and supports Victoria in the background <3
also what's the content of the letters Jiyoon got? 👀
Oho! Dw Victoria lore has arrived >:)
What I meant in track 06 about it being my last piece of writing for the AU for 2022 is like- before I resume the main plot. So I can still answer asks about the AU
Tagging: @starry-night-rose @authoruio @sakuramidnight15 @geminiiviolets @fumikomiyasaki @windbornearchon @knights-escort @twsted-princess @nem0-nee
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Victoria Shard, Shōri 💎
{ Moments with: Jiyoon }
Something that's noteworthy, is that Jiyoon actually saw Victoria return to her room the night of the argument.
She heard it, pretty much everyone in the group did, and... She wanted to comfort Victoria.
But she knew that her words wouldn't be enough to cheer her up. Nor would they be enough to convince her to stay.
To put it simply, Jiyoon wanted to comfort her after what Vil did. But she knew that her words wouldn't reach her.
Jiyoon and Circe are the only members of the group Victoria keeps in touch with. She cut ties with Vil, Rook, and Epel completely.
Due to her busy schedule and rising fame as a solo artist, Victoria doesn't have the time to hang out with Jiyoon like they used to. But she always makes sure to support Jiyoon's dream of being an author and actually referenced her in one of her songs in her album 'Silent Games'.
Unsurprisingly, Victoria's perceptive enough to know that it's Jiyoon sending her the anonymous letters of support. Because of that information, she let's the letters continue to be sent and even replies to them.
As for the letter Jiyoon was given from Victoria when she left...
To: Jiyoon
Dear Jiyoon,
I'm sorry that I have to leave. But I think you and I both know that we can't handle the objectification we both face as members of the group. And I'd even go as far as to say you're likely to leave as well.
I know that you want to become a full-time author, and I fully support that dream of yours and will help you in any way I can.
To start, I gift you a notebook with your initials engraved on it, to give you a headstart on writing whatever story you want to write.
Please tell Vil that I do not intend on forgiving him no matter what, on my behalf. I want him to fix that mindset of his before we can begin to talk again.
- Victoria
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jasdiary · 1 year
U didn’t specify which oc so i hope u don’t mind i went a lil crazy bonkers 😭 There was one oc that would have perfect for Jiyoon and UiO interactions but i haven’t done anything w her yet so to be continued HAJSJSNS
feb edit: I decided to restart this bcs i wanted to write Maria’s thoughts on Jiyoon and UiO i am so sorry this has been sitting in my drafts it’s DUSTY
Maria & Jiyoon : Two hot women two hot women t- um anyways :) These two would get along weirdly well. Like…in the way that no one expected them to be friends. Even though Maria’s close friends with Vil, she’s gonna let Jiyoon curse him out because she thinks it’s hilarious. Maria absolutely loves when Jiyoon creates paper origamis, she thinks they’re so cute!! They’re the type of friends who can be in the same room doing different things but sit in comfortable silence. Maria very desperately wants to play and style Jiyoon’s hair, it’s too long and pretty for her to leave alone HSJSHSJ
Maria & UiO : Maria fucking LOVES UiO. She finds her to be such a joy. They’re partners in crime, mostly messing around with people and then running away. When they have to run, Maria just picks up UiO and zooms. Maria likes to hear UiO play the piano every now and then, she cheers her on when she plays twinkle twinkle little star <3 If these two are seen together and they aren’t smiling…you should probably run. Maria has her bad days, but UiO makes those days a little better, finding her attraction to negative emotions a bit humorous. Maria’s a head patter, and UiO receives all the head pats :)
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gaymer-hag-stan · 2 years
Dara went to an amusement park w. a bunch of her friends!
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I can't really tell because the picture is blurry, but is the one in the sixth pic, at the back row, Minzy??
(Minzy and Jiyoon liked her post)
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ttenshiii · 2 years
a b o u t m e !
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hello! i’m Tenshi (天使) !
i write abt Saebyeok bc i luv her sm
my pronouns are she/her
requests are open !
i LUV kpop & kdramas
groups i stan are : twice (ult), itzy, loona, red velvet, aespa, stayc, blackpink, gidle, mamamoo, momoland, skz, billlie, ive, nmixx, got the beat (girls on top), txt, red velvet irene & seulgi !
my biases are : jeongyeon (ult), ryujin, yves, joy, ningning, yoon, lisa, minnie & soyeon, wheein & moonbyul, ahin, lee know & felix, moon sua, yujin, jinni, karina & hyoyeon, soobin & yeonjun, both
my fav soloists are : sunmi (fav), iu, yukika, chungha, taeyeon, hyuna, boa, bibi, sulli, seori, somi, eyedi, hyolyn, alexa, cl, hyo, jo yuri, nayeon, kwon eun bi, natty, yena, adora
casual listener : fromis, izone, oh my girl, rolling quartz, cherry bullet, everglow, dreamcatcher, girls generation / snsd, weki meki, wjsn / cosmic girls, dia, clc, weeekly, gfriend, alice / elris, purple kiss, kep1er, gwsn, 2ne1, 3ye, secret number, girls day, aoa, exid, kard, lightsum, niziU, saturday, wonder girls, woo!ah!, le sserafim, Apink, fx, p1harmony, brave girls, pixy, dalshabet, enhypen, i.o.i, limesoda, rocket punch, blackswan, class:y, pinkfantasy, april, bugAboo, 4minute, dreamnote, miss a, sistar, t-ara, seventeen, ateez, xg, brown eyed girls, xdinary heros, viviz, new jeans, ily:1, exo
my biases : chaeyoung, yena, mimi, arem, jiwon, aisha, siyeon, sunny, hyoyeon, seohyun, lua, seola, jueun, eunbin, monday, eunha, yuju, ej, ireh, youngeun, miya, cl, haeun, jinny, yura, hyeri, seolhyun, le, jiwoo, chowon, sangah, ayaka, mayuka, haneul, ot4, lucy, chaewon, yunjin, chorong, ot5, keeho, yujeong, ot5, jiyul, subin, jake, chung ha, jangmi, sohee, fatou, seonyou, yechan, chaekyung, zin, jiyoon, sumin, fei, bora, hyorin, jiyeon, dino, mingi, maya, gain, jooyeon, sinB, hyein, ara, baekyun
i luv cats & pigs !
basically i luv all animals💀
but cats r my fav
my ult bias is Jeongyeon
my fav color is pink
my aesthetic is basically anything w/ pink in it💀
my fav kdrama is Hotel Del Luna
i also luv animes
my fav anime is Sailor Moon
i’m a dancer !
my hobbies are : dancing, listening 2 music & fangirling over Saebyeok even tho she’s a fictional character-
luv u xx <33
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jenscx · 22 days
if ur talking abt iland 2 like oh my LORD please mnet needs to leave jungeun and jiyoon alone 😭😭 also mais we’ll meet again w yuju was sooo cute
im so done with mnet’s editing of jiyoon and jungeun like guys can we all just be friends 😭 mai is such a cutie she’s so pookie coded
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sugarcherriess · 2 years
related to this there’s rumours that eric wants to come back and ist aren’t letting him. it’s just rumours but it’s ist i honestly wouldn’t be surprised.. esp after what they did w jiyoon from weeekly… 🐶
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If i dont see eric’s comeback notification from ist by the end of the year im going to sue ist for emotional abuse
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seosracha · 2 years
SO i just caught up on your jake sm au and i have some things to say, first of all: ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. i am here for the jakeyn ship 🚢 <333 also jiyoon, you need to chill out, love. i can totally UNDERSTAND why she's upset but she's honestly going about this the wrong way PLUS IT'S LITERALLY FAKE. leave y/n also, i will protect y/n w my life i stg !!!!!!
HI thank u sm im glad you like it‼️‼️ jiyoon has her reasons tru but shes being so annoying and bitchy about it, especially the double standard she has 🙁
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gmskyungho · 4 years
semana de exibição mutante, terça-feira, após apresentação no show de talentos. w. @gmsjiyoon​.
                                ༉‧₊˚✧ o sorriso no rosto contrastava com o mancar de cada paço falso de kyungho em direção a ala médica. uma atuação digna de oscar, até, afinal, tirando sua cara, realmente seu corpo parecia ter dado um curto circuito - e deu mesmo, mas não era a dor que fingia ter e sim a ansiedade de ver quem mais procurava desde o começo do evento. eram naqueles momentos que se arrependia amargamente de não ter prestado atenção em suas aulas ou procurado aprender pelo menos um pouquinho mais de primeiros socorros, talvez no minimo ter uma habilidade de cura. se fosse o caso, não precisaria de uma desculpa esfarrapada para passar a maior parte de seu tempo as escondidas com jiyoon. mas nah, ele tinha logo que ter aquela habilidade ridícula de feromônios, mesmo que útil muitas vezes; até seria bastante útil em batalhas, mas depois de lutar até ficar exausto nos anos anteriores, decidiu que era hora de uma pausa. além disso, era possível mostrar a seus colegas um talento nada especial que tinha quando se tratava da dança. não, ele não havia usado suas habilidades em si mesmo, ali, ele tinha mérito.
"posso ajuda-lo?" uma mulher o questionou, reconhecendo-a das outras vezes em que antes havia parado na enfermaria, em seus dias comuns de treinamento. ok, definitivamente não era uma senhora em seus cinquenta que procurava, muito menos realmente uma das médicas que trabalhava ali, não, só queria a ajudante. "a han jiyoon ainda tá aqui? ela disse que me ajudaria com isso." e como o próprio antonio banderas, kyungho gemeu de dor, tentando convencer a mulher de que suas intenções ali eram genuínas. com uma expressão descontente, apontou para uma das áreas do local e como se a dor tivesse passado magicamente, se apressou a chegar até onde a outra deveria estar. bateu na porta, espiando para encontrar uma jiyoon sentada em uma das cadeiras. "toc toc."  
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nayeonline · 2 years
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weeekly moodboard #011 - vaporwave jiyoon 🌊
I don't think I can express to you how excited I am for weeekly's new era IT LOOKS SO COOL OMFG
album of the day:
'We Play' - Weeekly, 2021
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seokmatthewz · 2 years
weeekly and apink for the ask game!!!
hello worstie <3 my dearly beloved ggs omg thank u for asking....for weeekly it wld b after school, tag me, lucky, holiday party, and la luna!! and for miss apink i think my fave song of theirs of all time is undisputedly miss eung eung there is no contest....but im so sick, mr chu, and dumhdurum honourable mentions!!! im so excited for their comeback it looks so cool ugh
send me a kpop group and I'll tell you my favourite song(s) of theirs!!
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