#waaaahhhhhh I love him so bad
myfriendtheghost · 1 year
hi! im sending you virtual hugs and good vibes! happy friday! i hope your day goes well! i am plus size, so i absolutely hate clothes shopping, but imagining shopping with josh makes it more enjoyable!
josh is an absolute menace to shop with in the best way possible. josh loves to pinch your bum when you try on new leggings. he is very vocal about the outfits you try on, if you’re not sure josh will shout at a comfortable level “LOOK AT MY GF!!!! LOOK HOW GORGEOUS SHE IS!!!” and when you try to get him to stop he just says he’s trying to let you and everyone else know how beautiful you are! he loves to pick out fun bras and lingerie and give you the biggest baby cow eyes asking you to buy them. there’s something so soft and intimate about asking him to come into the dressing room so he can help you zip up a nice sun dress he picked out. as soon as he zips you up and finally gets a look his breath catches in his throat and he’s just rendered speechless. when you’re looking at yourself and in mirror and he peers over your shoulder and softy tells you the dress is mandatory, you need to get it because you look gorgeous in it. he just can’t stop talking about how pretty you look. -🦦💓
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THIS IS SUCH A CUTE CONCEPT 😭 I wanna go shopping with hiiiiim that sounds so fun 🥺🥺🥺
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lightlycareless · 2 months
How could you break my heart on Valentine’s Day??? Waaaahhhhhh, it makes sense but it still hurts. You’re gonna give me a part three or else 🔫
Seriously though it was really good! I loved it. I calculated and rounded up how much Naoya paid Mei Mei in U.S. Dollars and this dude really paid her around $17,500 and that’s not including all the gifts he bought Y/N. If I was Naoya’s parents, his debit card is getting confiscated. That is INSANE. I can’t imagine if they somehow managed to force out what actually happened to learn he spent all that on a girl that didn’t even RECIPROCATE his feelings like oh my god. I can’t imagine the earful poor Ranta is gonna get especially since this was kinda his idea for Naoya to confess his feelings(Although I don’t know if Ranta thought he’d go about it like this).
I wonder though if Y/N would reconsider Naoya’s feelings if she read his letter. Oof but now I’m thinking about what she’d do if she learned Naoya was the reason why she didn’t receive any gifts. I don’t know how long he’d stay on her bad side after that.
Hello anon!
Gee this is surely a really late response, but I still hope you know I appreciate your lovely words about my work!! Thank you so much 🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I'm sorry that I broke your heart on the 14th haha it was kind of unexpected ngl, but that's just where the characters took me 🤭 though it's not all sad... if you know you know.
AS FOR THE MONEY HAHAHAH poor Naoya, he definitely got an earful from his parents, or more like the people in charge of the finances, I doubt Naobito cared enough to scold him (shall I make Tomoko involved? IF SHE WAS AROUND THOUGH THINGS WOULD'VE TURNED SO DIFFERENT) Damn I need to write a small drabble explaining what happened there, but in the meantime, it kind of went like this:
Ranta: What happened Naoya?
Naoya: nothing. *doesn't talk to anyone for weeks*
Ranta: That bad?
Naoya: :(
(he doesn't regret spending all that money on you. it's like a hobby of his lol he loves it.)
But anyways, I keep thinking that the third part for this series I would like something like an epilogue, a peak into the future…
Warnings: none. Fluff. A happy ending 😊. (By the way, this is the oneshot anon is referring to. Highly recommend reading this first!!!)
Happy reading!
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“—And that, dumpling, was your papa’s and I first valentine’s day together! Kind of, not really, but it was the first time I got gifts from him. It was certainly different from what I expected, but if you look really closely, it was very sweet, and now, I’m able to look back on it fondly!” You smile; truly, who would’ve thought that you’d end up marrying that awkward, somewhat intense kid? And having a beautiful daughter too?
Though you could see in Naomi’s tense chubby face that this wasn’t exactly the romantic story she was hoping to hear, and you do not blame her, Naoya’s approach had been nothing short of alarming and unexpected, just enough to scare you off from ever considering something more from him!
But his subtle persistence, the small gestures he’d still give you even when openly denouncing he’ll never seek you again, is what eventually persuaded you otherwise.
Through his attentiveness when you were out on a mission with him, making sure that you were neither too cold nor too hot, either through offering you something to drink or his own sweater to wear.
Quick to save you from a curse that got too close, or a fellow student you were not in the mood to entertain.
Whenever you needed help with jujutsu—either a term you didn’t quite understand just yet, or plain practice. Naoya had much more experience than you, so it was only natural that you’d seek him; that wouldn’t change even with that awkward valentine’s interaction…
But above all, what made you see that Naoya might be the one you were waiting for all along, is the fact that he remembered all the things you liked, the ones that made you happy—from sweets, food, to even your favorite characters…
If his emotions weren’t genuine, he wouldn’t have done such a thing!
Perhaps your only regret is ever giving him the idea that you couldn’t come to appreciate him, or that he wasn’t deserving of love.
But that was long in the past, and after a few dates, and getting to know each other… you two fell in love.
Unfortunately, Naomi wouldn’t come to see it that way.
“What’s wrong, pumpkin? This isn’t the story you expected?” Naoya asks with a smile, enjoying the way she huffed in response—though that satisfaction wouldn’t last long.
“No, papa, you were creepy.” She pouted, and her mama could almost hear his heart shatter.
“Oh.” Naoya doesn’t even come to wonder how she knew of such word, undoubtedly from his cousins, but that would be a matter to tend to later after he mends his broken heart.
“Well, he’s done his due! Papa loves us very, very much and would never do anything to scare us!”
“Thanks, Y/N.” Naoya responds sarcastically. “That makes me feel much better.”
You giggle.
“Why don’t you leave us alone, pumpkin? Papa and I need to talk a bit.”
And Naomi obeys immediately after, not that it took much for her to do so, for her disappointment rapidly pushed her to seek something better, a bit more entertaining—like Mai and Maki’s daily occurrences, more ways to annoy her father and such.
Once alone, the two are able to freely look back on that fateful day…
“What I did back then was messed up, wasn’t it?” Naoya sighs.
“I wouldn’t say that necessarily.” You add.
“But nothing happened after that.” He says. “Things didn’t change until much later.”
“Well, I did get to see a new side of you, one I didn’t think you had.”
“What did you think of me…?”
“That you were… bold. Arrogant, a bit snobby too…” you say, Naoya’s face reddens out of shame.
“Don’t—Don’t say anything else.” He frowns. “I get the idea loud and clear…”
“But that you were sweet too.” You smile, taking his hand. “I’ve never been lucky enough to have someone hold such strong feelings for me… thought it to be something out of a fairy tale—Until I met you—someone that harbored so much love to give but didn’t know how to express it.”
“You make me sound much nobler than what I really am—I don’t know how you do it, Y/N…”
“It took me time to get there, love.” You laugh. “But it’s only because you’re so cute that I eventually thought otherwise.”
“Cute?” he huffs, ready to retort otherwise, until you lean in to kiss his cheek, gesture enough to have him willing. “Alright—but only you can call me that.”
“I better be the only one.” You warn. “Although I was hoping our dumpling would do so too when I told her our story…”
“…Well, I can’t blame her, it must’ve sounded crazy for her.” Naoya sighs. “…If someone dared do the same thing to my daughter you can be sure I’d send the kukuru to get rid of him! No jerk is going to impress her!”
“I don’t think that’ll happen; Naomi didn’t seem amused by us either way.” You reassure him. “And she’s too young to be worried about that too! All she cares about right now is when will her papa get her that kitten he promised her…”
“I’m working on it!” Naoya frets. “It’s just that kittens aren’t born until later in the year…”
“Well, let’s hope that you aren’t too late, something tells me that my sister might be already on the lookout…”
“NO, she’s not.” Naoya breathes. “I will never forgive her if she does!”
But you just shrug playfully, not really giving Naoya much of an opportunity to not worry about spoiling his daughter, fearing that he might lose the position of favorite human in the whole wide world against your sister! A rank Hinata has been coveting for as long as he could remember, competing with the rest of your family too…
A tough endeavor, though he’ll have something else to worry about now.
“By the way… I’m aware of what you did with what you did with the gifts.” You say, he freezes.
“Ho—How?” he blinks.
“Shoko told me. Mei Mei wasn’t that… fond of keeping secrets that were too juicy to hide.” You reveal.
“That woman… she told me that—!” but he goes silent, understanding there was a much bigger issue at hand. “…Are you angry with me?”
“Yes, so angry, that I’ve decided to personally torment you for the rest of our lives!” You tease, at the mischief of your voice, a weight is lifted from Naoya’s shoulders. “I was angry, but… it didn’t last long, considering that some of those gifts were from people I didn’t really want to be involved with… so, you kind of did me a favor… though I did have to go through a whole day thinking I didn’t get anything…”
“…I’m sorry—I might’ve gotten ahead of myself trying to impress you…”
“Well, for all the chocolate I missed back then, you made up for me, tenfold!” you grin, wrapping him in your arms and placing kisses all over his cheeks until you could no more. “I love you, Naoya—you and all of your bold, extravagant, though a bit silly, ways. So don’t worry about that anymore, not when it was the reason that brought us together.”
Naoya blushes, letting himself be consumed by the incessant demonstrations of your affection and the acceptance of your words, for there was honesty behind them—even when a rocky start, it ultimately fated the two together.
What was once nothing but a dream, one that seemed so far away on the day you rejected him…
Now was his everyday reality—if not better, for it brought along a small bundle of joy that made both of your lives happier, although there were moments where she didn’t feel particularly the same, unamused by her parent’s antics from time to time…
But even then, he wouldn’t want it any other way.
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They got their happy ending nonetheless :') Really, that day was only the beginning for them. It was enough for Y/N to finally set her eyes on him!! And the rest is history 🥺❤️
Thankfully I do plan to write a bit more of this HS AU, you know, the simple things like them slowly falling in love 🥺 ajfghajkghajghjkas this has to be one of my favorite au's (if not the favorite haha) can't wait to write them in time.
Now, thank you so much for your support and patience 🥺❤️❤️!!!! I'm really glad you're liking my work!!!
Take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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clarajohnson · 3 months
the magicians s2e13
remember when i said i hated q the first time i watched this was a lot of the reason why
you loved him i love you... :-( i'm not without sympathy for him and his sad little face
cancer plus :-((((((
lipson is so fine i wish they gave her better hair
kady/penny are so great together it's crazy to me how briefly they actually get to interact
i love how much it costs eliot to ask if julia's okay "i can tell you the way you're relating to that couch is not unknown to me"
also love the horseshoe over the door. been there bestie !!!!
eliot's book has two volumes ????
you've done enough you get to be done :-(((((( they pull no punches on the season finales
fen's baby makes me verrrrrry sad
this is how you know i'm truly liveblogging these episodes because i don't remember if this is when they take margo's eye. i hope this is when that happens that eye patch is so hot.
it really just is so interesting how much of this magic show is about saving magic which is an animating force for all life in the universe and is constantly on the verge of disappearing without ever being able to return
sad little nerd king !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EYE IS GONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bambi one eye. it do.
jesus christ this show is such a time capsule. strings cover of best day of my life.
there is so so sooooooo much to be said about q killing ember
"society of godless heathens making this the first day of our societal adulthood" such an interesting thing to say
what did otd do to the writers to make her act so undignified in this arc
with every good thing no matter how small it is it's always married to something so completely disgusting :-((((((
big thumbs down on qualice kiss unfortunately
gods like ember have parents you IDIOT !!!!!!
oh my gosh i forgot about the magic pipes how fucking fun is THAT
"anything is possible" "or was, anyway" waaaahhhhhh
unbelievably rude of this show to just mention that vampires exist and not push further on that
joseph calling her "my alice" give me a season on THAT please
"they need to think they're inspired while they're being ruled"
julia quitting law school is a HAPPY ENDING TO ME !!!!!!!! show ends there congratulations julia
nobody ever believes that julia has magic they should stop it
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art-i-know-yes · 3 years
Wowww. Me? On-time? More unlikely than you may think. Anyway, I'm scared.
This is all before we start. Second thing, I'm scared cause the kids don't have plot armor so like they could die and I don't want that. I literally don't wanna anyone that's not the Omega Daddies dying. Also IT'S ALMOST 2 HOURS LONG.
Third thing, I'm shaking in my boots and I saw someone else talk about wtf is Bill gonna do. And like they're right with Nick no longer his technical grandchild and Glenn's dead, he doesn't have any daddy magic
They're so close to getting home
I wonder what they're gonna do, what's gonna happen ooooooohohohiohohohoho
Ok I'm starting it now
All you need to know is that I'm making a sad face BECAUSE LIKE IT'S THE PHONE CALL BEFORE AHHHHHHHH
Wtf is Rupert
Rupert sent them to the Forgotten Realms in spite
I do love Beth May
"Comma Henry Oak"
Awwww Henry
I meeeaaaan the people were ok with it
Awwwww Ron
Sometimes you are a Capricorn
"Fvck yeah"
The whiteboard instantly scared me
Oooo Oooo we sure don't like those statistics
"Hard stop, hard stop, sometimes"
I mean if you sayyy so
Mmmmh vegan
That frighten one is good
Anthony is a vegan
This is so scary
I love Doug sosomuch
25 year old Danish boy?
I can't breathe
It's a no stop ride baby you get through no matter what
This entire plan is a hopefully
You're right Grant, that does sound creepy
That is someone's fault
This is a hard if
Anthony can't say that (also bc that's how Willy died)
Awwwwwwww Terryyyyyy
"Ya know what I don't either"
Ron, Beth I'm going to fvcking lose it
Henrryyyy, Willllll I'm going to cryyyyyyyy whhyyyyyy
The fvcking what
Anthony is the DM who can do it both
"It's done, it's done!"
Wtf is the thing
I was about to say wtf is this Minecraft
This is perfect omgod Beth that was amazing
This is a regular conversation I have on the daily
Trolley Problem I did not need it
I'm fvcking vibrating
I just chocked 3 times in a row first with Glenn then Beth then Jodie
"missed your scent" WTFVCK
"Trauma takes many forms"
Jimmy is taking over this
"I know I have some complaints" we all do
So much is happening i can't do the think
Ooooooooo smaaaart Will
Well now we know what's going on with Bill
I completely understand why Willy did it. A- for revenge b- to get Bill to actually care
Eeny meeny fvck yourself
Fvck Willy Fvck Barry Fvck Bill
I HATE BARRY SO MUCH HIM AND HIS STUPID CALM his actions feel so smuuug
So mean
Glenn gets to kill Bill and that's great
Blaaaade pose
Don't you mute your leaf
This is so much easier with Glenn
Love the energy
"Ok fair fair my bad"
Oh yeah Everything
"Not with that attitude"
The kiddssss I'm so scared
Hell yeah Walter
Natural 1 fvckin loser
Mcscuse me
We should probably stop that
Cute natural 20
Waahhhhht make sure he doesn't ya know die before he can use that power word kill
Make sure like they don't hit that portal again
I can literally only feel my heart
Mmnnnn rouges
Buff on emotional distress
Ooooooooooo..my gawhd
"Come on don't think about it"
I literally am so enraptured I can't think
The 19th is actually fvcking illegal
I mean at least Willy didn't attack the portal again but he still had one resistance left
Anyway my soul is dead and my heart has exploded
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clarajohnson · 4 months
the magicians s2e10
that is a second year spell i read ahead WAAAAHHHHHH extremely sad scene to me
lots of comparisons to be drawn between julia and alice and i'm not sure i make them enough. pursuit of knowledge above all else.
"not my favorite quentin" "i didn't know that you liked any of the quentins" HORRIBLE !!!!!! GUTTING !!!!!!
ugh so much stuff that makes me sad in this episode. library penny :-(
nate silver being an earth magician is suuuuuuuch a 2016/2017 type thing to include oh my god
first of all baked sale aw. second of all josh you are a delight and when you're not on screen i miss you.
i would not want to be the kind of high that quentin gets. i know it's a plot device but also i would like to just be lie on the floor of the cottage high.
uuuuuuuuuuuuugh eliot do not marry that dilf your boyfriend is having a meltdown deal with that
how do people feel about the librarians? because it's the magicians i guess it can't just be straightforward but like net positive or net negative? me personally i feel mostly negatively. pedantic, limp, cowardly!
fen should be allowed to beat up eliot. and margo. possibly quentin, i think we could come up for a justification for her to beat up quentin.
websites being cities made of pixels... fen girl of my dreams
julia's fuckass rotary landline... you aren't using that phone girl !!!!!
i understand todd. i could make todd happy. i would not say go away todd.
if there was a magicians spinoff it would have to be grimdark like all spinoffs and reboots, which is difficult to do considering the magicians is already a little bit grimdark, but if they made one i would obviously want it to be the 23rd timeline.
ugh i barely understand women !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
marlee matlin is such a fucking get we don't talk about that enough
i love you eliot and margo but as always go fu fighters you deserve to operate your own nation you SHOULD chop off my best friends' heads
"a buttload?" "that'll do" i do love them honestly
the library kill switch is a FUCKING CRAZY little idea
poison room mention !!!!!!!!!!!!
"i certainly hope it would be weird" :'-)
good god do i hate the fairies i fucking hate the fairies so goddamn bad
so much happens to quentin coldwater despite him not doing nearly as much
tesla flexion quentin honorable mention !!!!!!!!!
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