myfriendtheghost · 1 year
hi! im sending you virtual hugs and good vibes! happy friday! i hope your day goes well! i am plus size, so i absolutely hate clothes shopping, but imagining shopping with josh makes it more enjoyable!
josh is an absolute menace to shop with in the best way possible. josh loves to pinch your bum when you try on new leggings. he is very vocal about the outfits you try on, if you’re not sure josh will shout at a comfortable level “LOOK AT MY GF!!!! LOOK HOW GORGEOUS SHE IS!!!” and when you try to get him to stop he just says he’s trying to let you and everyone else know how beautiful you are! he loves to pick out fun bras and lingerie and give you the biggest baby cow eyes asking you to buy them. there’s something so soft and intimate about asking him to come into the dressing room so he can help you zip up a nice sun dress he picked out. as soon as he zips you up and finally gets a look his breath catches in his throat and he’s just rendered speechless. when you’re looking at yourself and in mirror and he peers over your shoulder and softy tells you the dress is mandatory, you need to get it because you look gorgeous in it. he just can’t stop talking about how pretty you look. -🦦💓
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THIS IS SUCH A CUTE CONCEPT 😭 I wanna go shopping with hiiiiim that sounds so fun 🥺🥺🥺
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bomber-grl · 27 days
Hellooo I've already requested like 2 Leo fics because I love him he's my little blorbo 🥺 my bad !! Anyway uh. I have a request for Leo Valdez 😁😁 number 20, angsty? Maybe something of his just went horribly wrong and he's stressed about it, and to give him a break you make him food and he's so happy he just bursts into tears? Thank you so much your writing style and work is amazing I love it so much 😭
Prompt #20: making them food they like
Recently Leo has taken to making new inventions non-stop. It was his passion, so the obvious reaction was to openly support it.
But, when you heard the obvious sound of something exploding from the other side of camp, you knew it was trouble.
And trouble it was. You saw Leo and began running to him to ask what was up.
Once you got closer his face and overall vibe told you everything. He was covered in sweat and soot(?) from the invention that exploded.
Most of all he seemed genuinely upset. You waited a bit to talk to Leo as he was discussing something with another camper.
Then he noticed you and began walking over
“Hey Leo” your tone was light and happy, his, not so much.
“Hey” he practically mumbled, not to mention how he dragged his feet when walking over.
“Leo, I hate to do this but I’m grounding you” you tried making your tone teasing but it was spelled out loud and clear. You said it with no room to object, you were serious.
“Why??-“ you knew this would come and quickly interrupted “you’re overworking yourself, cmon”.
You took his hand and began walking towards where arts and crafts would usually be but was currently occupied with other campers form different cabins.
They were all cooking and baking, and it was a surprise to Leo.
“Hey, what’s going on here?-“ you pushed him down to sit and went on your merry way to cook something up.
recently campers had been wanting to start baking/cooking just for the sake of making some good food for others. Especially self made rather than using the enchanted plates at the dining pavilion.
So, to cheer up Leo who was hard at work (now, having a bad day) you prepared something for him to enjoy.
It was something he told you he enjoyed from his childhood, paired with a drink he liked and a desert you wanted to share with him.
Thankfully Will who was there took out your meal once it was ready while you were occupied with Leo.
Now, it was time to go to your cabin.Regardless of whether or not it was full most days, today it wasn’t.
No one was in sight and so u snuck Leo in.
He sat down on a bean bag and you dragged some coffee table look alike and placed it in front of Leo, then placed the food.
“Here, eat up. Sorry we haven’t been able to meet recently and also sorry that your invention went haywire but I just wanted to show you some love and this little workshop proved to be a good way. Oh! I also made the dish you told me about, remember?-“
Your voice trailed off as you finally stopped your rambling and took notice of Leo’s face.
He was surprisingly silent as tears blurred his vision and ran down his cheeks.
“Leo..?” You couldn’t manage to say anything else and as soon as it happened his tears dried up.
Mostly from him hurriedly wiping his face to not make you feel bad, but still.
“Leo? Why’re you crying ?” You leaned in closer and placed a hand of yours on his shoulder.”
“Sorry it’s just that it’s so frustrating” He didn’t say anything and so you asked “what is?”
That’s what set him off.
“This is, this invention was supposed to be big and amazing, I’ve been working non stop just for all my hard work to be poured down the drain. I guess I felt so stressed I forgot I had someone who still cared.”
He finally looked you in the eyes and realized what he had said, so he continued “I’m just trying to say that this made me happy, I guess this little action was really my last straw, huh? Even if is was stupid…”
Knowing Leo felt this way really hurt you, and how could he?!?! You latched onto him and pulled him into a much needed hug.
“I’m sorry that you feel that way about your work lately but I feel the exact opposite. Even if it did end in an unwanted way you still learned, right? Not to mention how insulting it is that you don’t think your emotions are valid!! I’m happy you enjoyed this, it makes me feel appreciated. And I’m sorry I haven’t made you feel that way too.”
Leo pushed you away and turned on the waterworks. He was crying once more and although you knew he was stubborn he ultimately settled on an excuse.
“K, just let me eat your food before it gets cold.” That was the last thing he said before happily shoving down the food you made him.
A bonus was that although he was still crying, at least he was happy now.
A/n: I’m glad you love my writing sm it makes me happy! Hope you enjoy this one too :)
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oblxvion · 3 years
euphoric | eren jaeger (1)
-> pairing: eren jaeger x f!reader
-> wc: 5.4k
-> warnings: use of marijuana, smut, praise kink, degradation kink, spit kink, oral (f and m receiving), fluff
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you were stressed. it was almost the end of the term, and you had spent the past two weeks studying and prepping for your exams because you needed those grades. you had been slipping a lot in your classes but you managed to bring your grades up with the help of your good friend armin. he was extremely smart and honestly, without him, you didn't even want to think about what your grades would be.
“ugh, sasha, i can’t study any more.” you groaned, bringing you head down to into the vast sea of review that you had been going over as per armin’s request. “i need a break, i feel like my brain is going to fucking explode.”
sasha looked over up from her phone and laughed. “it’s gonna be worth it, i promise. once you finish these exams, you’ll be able to relax for a bit. do you wanna smoke later ‘cause we’re all getting together later at eren’s, i forgot to tell you.”
you hadn’t checked your phone in the past few hours so you didn't know that there were plans that had been made. 
you didn’t move your head as you contemplated the thought, it sounded like fun to see everyone and ignore the work you had for at least a bit. exams weren’t for another week and a half, so you should be fine.
“yeah, i'll come.”
“yay! i’ll text the group chat and let them know that we’re gonna leave at around 6.” she squeals as she grabs her phone and starts typing away a text that you soon receive as well.
“ok, i need to nap first. plus it’s like 4 so i’m gonna pass out for a bit.” you got up from the kitchen table and made your way over to your bedroom, beginning to get comfortable. “wake me up at 5.” you yelled so she could hear from her room.
“you got it.” sasha yelled back. you could tell that she said that with food in her mouth. 
“typical.” you chuckled as you felt your body drift off to sleep.
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“y/n! hey! wake up! it’s 5:30. i lost track of the time.” sasha tried to shake you awake in which you grumbled in response. 
“ugh, ur so timely.” you joked as you made your way out of your room, and into the shared bathroom. wow i look like shit you thought to yourself as you turned from side to side trying to see all of what you looked like in your oversized sweatshirt and shorts.
there was not enough time for you to get ready to look at least presentable, but you felt gross so you turned on the shower and threw your clothes into your hamper. you put on some music because who showers without music and you made sure to shave because it had been awhile since you had and you wanted to feel clean.
once you had finished, you grabbed a towel and checked the time on your phone. 5:40. perfect.
“y/n, we have like 20 minutes,” sasha called from her room. “do you think you can be ready by then?”
“yeah, i just need to dry my hair and throw on some clothes and i should be good.” you said as you walked into her room, she was pretty much ready to go, and dressed in shorts and a baggy t-shirt. no one really dressed up for these sessions because everyone was already super comfortable with each other.
“ok i’m gonna go change, i don't know if i’ll have enough time to dry my hair though.” 
“you’ll be fine. plus, we can be a bit late, they wouldn’t start without us anyways.” she says with a smile as she puts on a sweatshirt.
you made your way back to your room and threw on a pair of sweatpants, a loose fitting tank top and your favorite pullover. as you made your way back to the bathroom to dry your hair, you found yourself stressing once again about your exams to which you took a deep breathe and reminded yourself that you needed to relax and this was a well deserved break. 
after you finished drying your hair, you quickly ran a brush through it, and put on some deodorant along with your favorite perfume.
“ok sash, i’m ready.” you called from the bathroom as you fixed your appearance for the last time. 
“perfect! i ordered us an uber because i don’t really wanna drive and i know you don't like driving high.” she says as she grabs the last of her things and we make our way out the door and to the bottom of our apartment complex.
you look at her as the uber pulls over to the side of the road. “so what?”
“have u been seeing anyone recently?” sasha looks over to you as she gets into the uber after you. 
“how could i? i’ve literally been studying nonstop. i wish though.” you say with a sigh. you had been so preoccupied with studying and getting your grades up that you haven’t had the time to see anyone except friends. “why do you ask?”
“oh, it’s nothing really. i was just curious, you know, being your roommate and all.” somethings up, she’s clearly trying to pick at something and this does not go unnoticed by you.
“ok,” you laughed and shook your head. “whatever you say.”
before you knew it, you both arrived at eren’s apartment complex. for some reason, you felt anxious. you knew the boys that were going to be there but you had this gut feeling that something was going to happen.
the two of you made your way up to his floor and knocked on his door which was opened almost instantly as if he were waiting.
“sasha!” connie exclaimed, embracing the girl into a bear hug. “hey y/n.” 
“hey connie.” you smiled in response. it was really cute how the two of them were so close, it’s almost like they were twins. you made your way into the apartment and saw jean and eren, arguing over god knows what.
“hey guys!” you say as you walked over to the two of them, hugging them both. 
“y/n! it’s been a while. how’s studying with armin?” jean asks as he pulls away from the hug.
“god. don't even get me started. i am in hell. armin’s being so helpful though.” you chuckle as you walked over to eren, who was looking at something on his phone but quickly shoved it away when he saw you coming towards him.
“hey y/n.” he says with his boyish smile as he pulls you into a side hug and you notice that his hand lingers for a bit longer than normal but you smile in response.
“so, can we smoke now that they’re finally here?” connie asks as it was very clear that he was getting impatient. 
“yeah, yeah, let’s go to the deck.” eren’s apartment had a deck with was extremely nice and over time, it had become the signature smoke spot for you guys. it had an outdoor couch and a few chairs along with a small table which was perfect.
you made your way to your favorite spot which was the right corner of the couch so you could be close to the edge of the balcony and look out at the view of the city. everyone had their signature spots, it was like an unspoken rule but everyone followed it. eren next to you on the couch, sasha, jean and connie in the three chairs on the opposite side of the table.
there were some blankets already outside along with a speaker that eren played some music on to set the vibe. 
“since you guys were taking too long, i rolled us a joint so we could smoke sooner.” eren said as he sat down next to you.
“aw, how kind.” you tease him as you nudge yourself against his shoulder, earning a chuckle from him. “dibs on first hit.” 
“aw, c’mon!” jean whined, knowing that you always give the blunt to eren right after you hit. 
“i get priority since eren is my best friend.” you smirk and wait for eren to say anything but he just laughs and shakes his head. 
you and eren had always been close ever since you started school. he even introduced you to everyone, which was the reason why you were here with them now.
eren took out his lighter and lit the joint and passed it to you. you took it between your pointer finger and thumb and took a long drag. 
oh how you had missed this feeling. the feeling of being high with your friends. you passed the blunt back to eren as he took a hit himself and you exhaled the smoke.
the joint was passed around the circle until everyone had gotten a good amount of hits and it was finished. you felt your high and you leaned back into the couch as you closed your eyes.
you opened your eyes and looked over to eren who’s eyes were red, just like yours. “no, just relaxing. this is nice. i needed this.”
“yeah, i noticed. armin told me that you’d been really stressed lately so i texted asking if people wanted to smoke but you didn't respond so i assumed you were studying,” he says as he stretched his arms and placed them just behind your shoulders.
“thanks,” you laughed as you stared into his turquoise eyes only now noticing how pretty they were. you had looked him in the eyes before but this time it felt different and he felt it too. but your staring was soon broken by sasha’s wails of being hungry.
“there’s food in the fridge, i had takeout last night so there’s probably some leftovers.” eren nods his head towards the inside of his apartment. sasha stood up and made her way towards the food as connie followed her.
“hey! save some for me!” he yelled as he chased after her. all that was left was you, eren and jean. there was clearly some tension in the air but you decided to ignore it.
“ain’t no way i’m gonna be third wheeling right now.” jean huffed quietly and joined the two inside. 
third wheeling? you ignored it because jean obviously knows that you and eren are close friends, nothing more.
oh, how you were wrong.
eren looked over to make sure that there was no way for the others to see the deck and he moved his arm down towards your shoulder. you were shocked by this, but in a way, it was comforting. 
“y/n?” he asked staring off into the distance.
he didn't respond so you took it upon yourself to look up at him.
“what’s up?”
no response once again.
your lidded eyes becoming heavy as he looked down at you with a tender look on his face. he leaned his face closer to yours until your noses were touching.
his lips connected with yours, igniting a feeling inside your chest that you had pushed away when you first became close. you melted into the kiss and kissed him back in a slow and sensual kiss. eren pulled back and tucked your hair behind your ear as he went back in for another kiss. you didn’t know what to do but the feeling that this gave you, it wasn’t like any other kiss you had before.
“wanted to do this for a long time.” he whispers and rests his nose on yours. 
you didn’t know what to say in response so you pulled him back for another kiss that was interrupted by the three of them coming back out onto the deck. you pulled away quickly, hoping that no one had seen what just happened. eren kept his hand on your shoulder, but no one had asked about it so you just let it slide.
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it had been a few days since you had last seen eren. everyone was texting in the group chat about plans for the upcoming days but you had to study, or at least try to study. the kiss that you and eren shared had been replaying in your head ever since it had happened. you knew that he was high and he may not remember it, but it still bugged you and you had to know.
but most importantly, this kiss had sparked feelings inside you that you had pushed away so long ago and it was beginning to get hard to consume them. eren was constantly on your mind, and you couldn’t focus on your work. 
you needed to talk to him but you didn't know how because you didn't know that he had these feelings for you and you didn't know that you still had those feelings for him. you realized that you were ignoring these feelings that you had for him because he was your close friend and you didn’t want that to ruin your relationship.
it was driving you crazy. you needed to talk to him. 
you grabbed your phone and clicked on eren’s contact and called him. it didn’t even finish the first ring.
“hey y/n! what’s up? how’s studying?” he said and you felt your heart swell at him saying your name, which never happened before until now.
“hey, can you come over later? i need to talk to you,” you sigh. this is it, you need to know if he truly had those feelings or he was just playing with you.
“yeah, of course,” he stammered. “is everything ok?”
“yeah, everything's fine, i just wanna talk to you.”
“ok, i can get a ride now if you want me to.” is he eager?
you looked at the time and remembered that sasha was out with connie and jean so she would probably not be coming back tonight.
“actually, yeah, that sounds fine. see you soon, eren.”
“ok, i’ll text you when i’m close.”
“ok,” you ended the call and placed your phone down, taking your head in your hands. you’re overreacting right? he definitely feels for you, why else would he kiss you?
“i need to shower.” you said to yourself, trying to ignore the thoughts in your head.
as you got out of the shower, you heard your phone get a text, which you assumed to be eren. walking back to your room, you heard a knock at the door and you froze. you were still in a towel and debating whether or not you should open the door for him, which you did because you didn't want to leave him standing out there.
“hey y/n, oh,” he stops and looks you up and down. 
“sorry, i just got out of the shower.” you say as you open the door and motion for him to come inside. “can you just wait a sec while i go put some clothes on?”
“oh, uh, yeah. i’ll wait in the kitchen.” he looks around and scratches the back of his head nervously. his hair was tied back into a messy bun like usual and wearing gray sweatpants with a black shirt and his chain peeking out from under it. “you good?” he asked as he took off his shoes.
oh my god, was i staring?
“oh, yeah, i'm fine. i just spaced out a bit, sorry.” you chuckle nervously, tucking a piece of your wet hair behind your ear. “i’ll be right back.”
“take your time.”
you made your way back to your room and threw hung your town on your closet door as you looked for clothes to wear. you opted for a pair of pajama shorts and an oversized t-shirt that was sasha’s but for some reason, it was in your closet. once you had finished changing, you made your way over to the mirror that was across for your bed to make sure that you looked fine.
“ok, breathe.” you exhaled and opened your door calling for eren to come into your room.
he came into your room, still clearly feeling awkward about your interaction from before. “nice room, i like the led lights you have.” 
“thanks,” you laughed and sat on the bed, motioning for him to come sit next to you, which he did.
“so, what's on your mind y/n?” he asks, leaning up against the headboard and trying to get comfortable. 
“i don’t know, i've just been thinking about some things recently, and i can't seem to get them out of my head.” ok, good start.
“like what?” he looks over at you. oh no, don't look at me like that.
“the kiss we shared a few days ago, it’s been in my head on repeat.”
eren looks confused and looks towards your mirror, “is that a bad thing?”
“huh? i mean no, it’s not, i just don’t know what to do because these feelings have come back that i pushed away from when we became close because i didn’t want to ruin our friendship. but right now, it’s consuming me and i don’t know what to do.”
“well, i wouldn’t have kissed you without having feelings for you, y/n. i don’t know how you didn't notice it. i’ve been kinda bad at hiding it.” he said calmly as his gaze remained in front of the two of you. “but if you didn’t like it, we can just forget about it. i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.” he turns to look at you once again. 
“no, i enjoyed it actually, but...” you trail off nervously, feeling your face becoming hot. you tried to turn away but his hand grabbed your chin and turned you back to face him. 
“but what?” he says softly, looking into your eyes which caused your heart beat to pick up. he thought it was so cute how you were getting so flustered by him.
“but i don’t want to be played...” you averted his gaze.
“y/n, i would never play you.”
you look back at him, now knowing the answer that had been bothering you for the past few days. it took all your strength to not kiss him right there but he beat you to it, closing the gap between the two of you. in that moment, all your worries had washed away, feeling content and glad that you had this conversation with him. the kiss soon escalated into you and eren sliding your tongues into the others mouth. you felt yourself getting hot once again but this time, a completely different reason. eren brought his hand that was on your chin behind your head, pulling you deeper into the kiss as you melted into his mouth once again, whimpering at the feeling. eren could feel it go straight to his dick that was now straining in his pants, trying to contain himself because he didn't know whether you wanted this or not.
“let me show you how much i care for you, yeah?” he says as he pulls away for a brief second. 
“eren, please,” you whimper as his lips met yours once again but this time with more passion. eren then moved so he was on top of you, caging you in his arms as he continued to kiss you. “i want you.”
“’want you too, baby.” the pet name going straight to your core. eren moaned as he moved from your lips down to your neck, gently kissing and sucking to leave a mark. he then placed his hands at the bottom of your shirt, looking at you as if he was asking with his eyes for permission to undress you, you nodded your head vigorously and lifted your hands up so he could take it off. 
“no bra? it’s like you’re begging me to fuck you, angel.” he then brought his lips down to your left nipple, gently sucking on it while taking the other between his fingers, moving it around earning a moan from you at the feeling. he then moved over to the right and did the same action. “you’re so beautiful.”
“ohmygod please, please,” you knew you sounded desperate, but you couldn't help yourself. you had been denying the fact that you had wanted this for so long.
“use your words, tell me what you want.” he groaned and came back up to kiss you, relishing in the feeling of your lips against his.
“’wanna feel you,”
“where, pretty girl?” he sat up at looked down at you with a smirk on his face, he knew where you wanted him but he wanted, no needed to hear you say it. 
“’want you inside me eren, please,” you whined arching your back so he could get the message. he chuckled and brought himself back down towards your sternum, placing wet kisses as he made his way down to the waistband of your shorts. 
“can i?” he looked up at you and immediately saw the approval in your eyes. “you don’t know what you do to me, do you?” you whimper at his remark, lifting your hips up in the process so he could take your shorts off easier to reveal your thong and the painfully obvious wet spot. he placed a finger on your slit, dragging it down slowly, teasing you.
“stop teasing me,” you whined, trying to prop yourself on your elbows but to caught up with the euphoric feeling that you couldn't. eren slowly took off your panties to tease you even more, and threw them behind him onto the floor.
“fuck, baby. this all for me?” he looked up at you with his jade green eyes meeting your e/c ones. he could feel the precum running down his shaft, struggling to keep his composure.
“yes eren, all for you.” your breath hitched as he spit onto your needy heat, bringing his tongue down to your clit, giving it a few kitten licks before he quickened his pace and wrapped his left arm around your leg to keep you in place, not once breaking eye contact. “fuck, keep doing that, holy shit!” you could feel him smirk against your core, and if it couldn't get any better, you felt a finger at your entrance before sliding in. “eren!” he felt so embarrassed to be rutting his cock against the bed but the noises you were making were sinful and he couldn’t help himself.
you began to feel your stomach tighten as he added another finger into your hole and picked up the pace. the sensation was incredible, the feeling of his tongue on your clit and the pace of his fingers going in and out of your pussy. your slick was dripping down his fingers, it was driving him crazy. he felt you tighten around his fingers, you were close.
“’gonna, ‘m gonna cum eren, please,” your release was so close, you just needed one more push.
“c’mon baby, cum for me.” he groaned against your pussy, sending vibrations throughout your whole body and you felt the coil snap. the moan you let out was pure sin and eren thought he was going to cum on the spot. “that’s it baby, good fucking girl.” as you got down from your high, you realized that he didn’t stop, you were sensitive, eren knew that but he needed one more from you.
“eren it’s too much, fuck,” you cry out as he brings his mouth back down to your heat and you can already feel yourself getting close again, and he could tell. you came even quicker this time, your juices gushing all over eren’s tongue. he lapped all of it up, not letting a single drop go to waste, and then taking his fingers covered in your slick into his mouth.
“you taste so good, i couldn’t get enough of you.” he whispers as he comes back up to kiss you. you could taste yourself on his lips and tongue. you reach down towards his throbbing cock, but he shook his head. “this is about you, baby.”
“please?” you look up at him and he couldn’t say no. he knew that he would not last long if you did as much as place your tongue on his tip. noticing that he didn't say anything, you took this as your chance. you flipped him over so that you were on top, and you could feel how hard he was. you grabbed the bottom of his shirt and helped him take it off, revealing his perfectly toned chest with chiseled abs. he threw the shirt to another place in the room, pulling you into another kiss shortly after. you moved from his lips down to his neck and down his chest stopping at his sweatpants to pull them down along with his boxers, revealing his swollen tip leaking with precum. he was larger than average and it excited you every bit. you smirked to yourself, and placed your lips on his tip, his breath hitched at the feeling.
you began to slowly drag your tongue down his shaft, maintaining eye contact with him, just like he did with you. you then took him in your mouth seeing how his legs tensed, you began to go even further. 
eren was trying so hard not to grab your head and push you onto his dick, afraid that he was going to ruin the moment with you and be too aggressive. you then took your mouth off with saliva connecting from his tip to your lips and then went back down taking him all in your throat before bobbing your head up and down, coming up for air while jerking him off. the sounds he was making went straight to your warmth, making you wetter by the minute.
“keep doing that, fuck y/n,” he groaned as his will vanished and he took your hair in his hands beginning to help guide you on his dick. he ran his hand through his hair and looked back at you, knowing that this image will forever be imprinted in his head. his legs tensed and you felt it, he was close. “fuck, i’m gonna cum, i’m gonna fucking cum.” he groaned as he shot thick white ropes of cum down your throat, you gladly took all of it and opened your mouth to show him that you did. 
“fuck, you did so good, so good.” he pulled you up towards him as you laughed into the kiss, and suddenly you were back on the bottom. “but now i’m gonna fuck this pretty little pussy, yeah?” he aligned himself with your entrance and your mind became fuzzy with the feeling of his tip right where you needed him most. he slowly pushes himself in but you didn’t need to adjust, and he began to move at a steady pace.
“oh fuck,” eren threw his head back at the sensation of finally being inside of you, the way your walls grazed his dick, pulling him back him. it was addictive, and he couldn’t get enough of it. “you feel so fucking good y/n.”
“fuckfuckfuck, ’m gonna cum eren.” the feeling came back embarrassingly quick but you didn’t care, the feeling was amazing.
“yeah? you’re gonna fucking cum? cum on my cock. cum on my fucking cock.” eren growled as his chain was in your face. hearing him be so demanding and aggressive set something off and you felt yourself release but this time it was different, arching your back at the feeling. eren was taken aback by the fact that he made you squirt, it was the hottest thing he had ever seen.
“that’s it, squirt all over my fucking cock.” he rode you out of your orgasm and continued to plow you into the mattress, picking up his pace. he was close but not quite there yet. you had taken into account that eren was aggressive in bed but he was being gentle with you at first, and you loved every bit of it. you wanted to make it more interesting. before you could even think, your hand met his cheek, and eren looked at you with a shocked expression but his eyes grew dark with lust. 
“fuck me like you mean it, jaeger.” you growled, hoping to get a reaction out of him. and oh boy, did it get a reaction.
“yeah? fuck you like i mean it?” he slapped you across the face, and then grabbed your cheeks and spit into your mouth. “swallow it.” if you thought you couldn’t get turned on anymore, you were so wrong. you rutted your hips against his, moaning at the sensation. this side of you was so different, and eren fucking loved it. he grabbed your throat, squeezing it and making you look him in the eyes as he fucked you with force.
“look at you, never knew you could be such a slut.” the name made you clench around him like a vice, earning a groan from him. “taking my cock so fucking well.” the feeling of you tightening around his cock for the 2nd time that night was making him lose his mind, he wasn’t going to last any longer and he knew that you weren’t either. he brought his hand that was around your neck down to your neglected clit and began rubbing circles as his pace became erratic. he was so close and so were you, but he needed you to come with him, he had to feel that feeling again. 
“fuck, i’m so close baby. fucking cum with me,” he moaned as he brought his head to your neck, you brought your arms and wrapped them around him, bringing him closer to you. before you could even comprehend, you released your juices, spraying all over his pelvis as he came shortly after you, painting your insides white. he stilled, trying to catch his breath but to his shock, you flipped him so that you were on top once again.
“not done yet.” you moaned as you began to grind yourself onto his cock. eren still so sensitive from his past orgasm that he was barely holding on by a string. seeing you on top of him, the way your breasts bounce and the way you look from this angle is driving him insane. he knows that he’s not going to last like this, the way you’re riding him, he grabs onto your hips and guides you.
you’re so overstimulated, you can’t even think straight. eren is trying so hard not to cum before you, but your pussy is milking him dry and before he knew it, he came inside you once again, legs shaking from the overstimulation. you lifted yourself off him and began to frantically rub your clit as you squirted all over his chest and pelvis. eren stared at you in awe, the way you looked like when you came and knowing that it was from him was a huge boost to his ego.
you finally collapsed onto his chest, trying to calm your breathing as he wrapped his arms around you. the both of you basked in this silence, thinking about the sex you just had.
“hope i wasn’t too rough, i kinda got carried away.” eren chuckled as he ran his fingers down your back, earning a laugh from you.
“no not at all, i really liked it actually.” you looked up at him, placing your chinos his chest. 
“I'm glad, been wanting to do that for a while,” he paused, as if he was looking for the right words to say. “i really like you, y/n.”
your heartbeat quickened, and you gave him a quick peck on the lips. “i really like you too, eren.” you blushed, “stay the night.” you didn't have class the following morning, so it was fine.
“ok, will do.” he squeezed you tighter, and you utterly being exhausted, you felt yourself drift off to sleep. eren gently moved you over and walked into the bathroom, finding a small towel and cleaning you and himself up. he grabbed you a new pair of underwear from your closet and the his shirt on the floor, dressing you before he put his sweatpants back on.
you felt the bed dip and a pair of arms bring your back to his chest and press a kiss to your cheek.
“’night y/n.”
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© all content belongs to oblxvion 2021, do not repost or change.
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codenamed-queenie · 4 years
I am going insane. So I poured my restlessness into one long and very detailed post and got super into it. Please enjoy this hot mess.
The Justice League, being the well-meaning virus-proof Super Friends that they are, took one good look at the news, one good look at their non-powered friends Ollie, Bruce, and their families, and collectively decided that these normal humans must be Protected At All Costs.
Now, keep in mind, Bruce is never one to roll over when it comes to being benched. 
However, he understands the importance of social distancing. He knows he needs to set a good example for his kids, and keep up appearances as Gotham’s Most Responsible Multi-Billionaire. 
So. Quarantine it is. 
But how are his kids handling it?
Dick - 
100% on board in the beginning. Gotta do the Responsible Thing. Gotta set a Good Example. Besides, guys, this is gonna be Fun. Quality Family Time is always a Must.
He lasted 2 days. 
Then he started to get twitchy. 
And as everyone knows? A Trapped Dick Grayson is a Feral Dick Grayson.
He bounces off the walls.
“I have to climb.” 
“Dick, no.”  
“I have to climb everything.”
Has scaled the manor 16 times already. Has climbed the chandelier. The banister. Bruce. The roof. The Cave. Anything in the house that’s been bolted down and especially anything that hasn’t. 
Duke found him clinging to the wall 10 ft off the ground like Spiderman and screamed so loud it shattered glass. 
Desperate for news of the outside. 
He thrives off of it like a starving man. 
Was the one to suggest he and Barbara take a break to Social Distance from each other (”Sorry, babe, kissing spreads germs”) and experienced Instant Regret(TM) approximately 5 minutes after. 
The Family has labelled him a Flight Risk Level 1 (Most likely to say f**k it and make a break for the outside world)
Jason - 
Accidentally got trapped inside the manor with the others when Bruce called Shutdown. If he had his way, he’d be chilling in his favorite safe-house right now, binging The Witcher with Roy and Artemis, and not worrying about finding a stray brother in his sock drawer.
But he’s nothing if not an opportunist. 
The way he sees it, Jason has 3 options:
Self Improvement
Self Isolation (See Duke, Cass, and Damian)
Descension Into Madness (See Dick and Steph)
And, well, he always wanted to try a few things. Now he’s got the free time to do it.
So he settles on baking. 
Alfred’s got enough food and raw ingredients stored up to feed an army. (Not because he’s a Panic-Buying-Hoarder in times like these. But because he’s a Panic-Buying-Hoarder all the time. Just try feeding 11+ teenagers sometime.)
Uses recipes he finds off Google.
His first few attempts are, in a word, ‘tragic’.
Alfred slips him a few of his recipe cards, and Jason suddenly starts seeing Results. 
Turns out he’s pretty good at this baking thing once he gets the hang of it. 
Hope everyone’s okay eating nothing but pie, macaroons, biscuits, and whatever else Jason whips up. 
Cause that’s gonna be the only food left by the time he’s done. 
Barbara - 
Self-quarantined with her dad. 
They’ve been binge-watching classic black and white movies together.
It’s a fun time, but she’s started to get a little antsy. Loving her dad and wanting to be around him 24/7 are, understandably, mutually exclusive. 
Calls the manor to video-chat every day.
For her sanity just as much as theirs. 
Gives everyone little challenges to film on their phones and send in. She makes compilations of everyone’s submissions so they can all watch and laugh together. 
Bonus points for Creativity
One comp shows the family trying to drop Mentos into coke bottles. 
Dick did a handstand, and dropped his Mento from the second story balcony. 
Tim did it wearing the Batman cowl. The soda exploded into his face, and the rest of the video is just Bruce’s Shrieking.
Stephanie tried it, but the bottle tipped. Everyone on camera screamed as the bottle rocketed through the front window. 
She spends most of her calls having one-on-one convos with Dick.
They’ve come up with little code phrases so they can be Cheesy even with family members lurking in the background. 
She thinks the way he clings to the monitor is cute. 
Almost like he’s giving her a hug through the screen. 
(It’s easier than letting herself worry about his mental state, at least)
Tim -
Oh this boy.
Freaked out for the first five minutes before he decided ‘hey wait, Bruce is letting me stay in my pajamas all day? Noice.’ 
Now he’s just vibing.
The rest of his family is Low-Key shielding him.
He Has No Spleen, you see.
Steph: “Someone could cough on him and he could die!”
He just goes about his day, playing Animal Crossing like there’s no tomorrow, tinkering on projects, taking naps, etc. Living his best life.
Meanwhile there’s always someone lurking behind him, keeping watch, keeping him safe. 
Dick sneezed within 5 feet of Tim once (the fact that he was on top of the dusty bookshelf Tim was perusing is irrelevant)
Jason still full-body tackled him the second Tim’s back was turned. 
No one with any symptoms--
Like, any symptoms. They don’t even have to be Corona-related.
--is allowed within 10 feet of Tim. 
Tim has been wandering the manor for weeks, now, without seeing another human being. 
(He sees Dick on the ceiling sometimes, but that doesn’t really count)
He’s been trying increasingly drastic pranks and shenanigans to draw someone, anyone, out. 
But it doesn’t matter how many times he steals Damian’s sword, or sets fire to Jason’s brownie bites.
Nobody wants to risk it. 
Cass - 
No one has seen her since quarantine started.
Everyone is approximately 87% sure she’s somewhere in the manor though
Because she does eat the meals Alfred leaves out for her.
Or at least someone does, at any rate. 
(Jason and Santa top the running suspects list)
Santa was Steph’s suggestion. For some reason it snowballed. 
It’s assumed that Cass misunderstood the meaning of ‘social distancing’ and took it too far. 
But no one knows for sure. 
She is Tim’s Guardian Angel. 
People who so much as clear their throats a little too loudly anywhere near him suddenly wake up on a different floor of the house four hours later. 
Duke came closest to spotting her while he was up in the attic. 
Either that, or there’s another Creepy Sister everyone forgot to tell him about living up there.
She is silent, and watchful, sticking to the shadows, but she does leave the occasional note out to brighten her siblings’ day. 
Things like ‘helo i love u’ and ‘hop u ar ok’  mostly. 
She is bound and determined to protect her family from this invisible threat, no matter the cost. 
Steph - 
Like Dick, she was Super Pumped at first. 
(Just kind of showed up at Wayne Manor before quarantine was enacted. The original purpose of her visit is unclear, but regardless, she’s Trapped.)
Also Like Dick, her descent into madness was swift.
She is impossible to pin down. 
Not like Cass or Damian, who’ve stayed off the grid, and are therefore Untraceable. 
No. She’s impossible to pin down, because she never stops moving. 
Switches seamlessly between Zumba on top of the Giant Dinosaur in the Batcave, and furiously knitting Alfred (the Cat) a sweater with a pair of Tim’s used chopsticks. 
Braided everyone’s hair while they were asleep.
Even Bruce’s. 
She tried to do Tim’s, but somehow blacked out and regained consciousness in the attic. 
When she woke up with a scream and a furiously twitching eye, she startled Duke out of his Makeshift Fort he built out of old cardboard boxes and antique furniture. He’s had to resort to finding a new hiding place. 
Sometimes, on the rare occasions she does sit still, staring off into the distance, she’ll suddenly start laughing hysterically. This may last between thirty seconds and thirty minutes, depending entirely on how long it’s been since she’s knitted a cat sweater or done cartwheels through every room in the house.
Blew up the greenhouse out back, somehow.
Everyone has agreed not to talk about it.
Some people were built to handle prolonged time inside their homes.
Stephanie Brown is not that way.
Damian - 
Damian Wayne Cannot Be Contained.
At least not inside the house. 
He took off thirty-six hours into quarantine. 
Thanks to the security equipment around the borders of the Wayne Estate, he can’t escape the grounds. 
(He’s tried and failed multiple times. Jason and Bruce have a running bet on how many times the perimeter alarms will go off per day.)
(Jason is winning.)
He wanders the grounds with Titus as his only companion. 
The two of them run laps, practice drills, and find ways to occupy their time. 
No one’s entirely sure what those ways are. 
In fact, nobody knows exactly where Damian is at any given time. 
Only that he is Out There. 
And he’s the best security system Wayne Manor’s ever had. 
So far, he’s stopped five groups of civilians scaling the perimeter walls before the lasers and electric nets even have a chance to deploy.
They were trying to break in and steal supplies. 
(Even ones they already had in surplus. Like Toilet Paper.)
He’s also stopped Dick from escaping twelve (12) times.
Drags him back by his shirt collar and deposits him on the welcome mat. 
Usually with a note for Alfred/Jason, requesting more fruit tarts. 
Duke - 
Did not leave the attic for two weeks. 
Then Steph discovered his hiding spot (read: was dumped there by Cassandra) which forced him to relocate to the basement. 
Yes, it turns out Wayne Manor does have a basement. 
This was a surprise to Duke, who always thought that the Batcave was Bruce Wayne’s basement. 
Alfred keeps him supplied with all the necessities:
i.e. food, magazines, assorted pastries from Jason’s latest batch, usually straight out of the oven.
Duke also snagged the Manor’s Alexa. 
She has become a sort of ‘Wilson’ to Duke’s ‘Chuck Noland’.
She is his only comfort. His only ally. 
He’s determined to wait out this quarantine, doing his best to avoid the others. 
Duke has seen these people under pressure. 
He knows exactly what he’s dealing with. 
Duke: “Alexa is the only motherf****r in this madhouse I ever respected.”
*offended butler noises from the other room*
Duke: “And also Alfred.”
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gubler-me-up · 4 years
Old Friends, Old Habits (MGG Request)
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Request: Can u write a cute smutty fic about mgg pls? Like seeing eachother for the first time in a while or something. Thanks! Love ya xx
A/N: Thanks for the request, anon! I know, I know, I said Thursday it would be published, but I was out and about my apologies. I stayed up until nearly 6 in the morning to get this out I’m actually so drained i’ll be in bed until 3 in the afternoon LOL that being said I hope it was worth the wait! 
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Content warning: Oral sex (male receiving), penetrative sex, fingering, unprotected sex
Word count: 2.1k
You heard a familiar voice call out. You had been walking the streets of LA by yourself the whole day. You didn’t know anyone from there. You were only down there for a quick business trip. That voice though. The last time you heard that voice was a few years ago after seeing each other at a bar in New York. The rest was history.
You turned around and saw Matthew as he stood there in surprise. He looked delighted to see you after so long though. You two had become friends in university, but hadn’t seen much of each other after graduation besides that night at the bar.
“Well, isn’t it the superstar himself,” you said as you leaned in for a hug.
He grabbed you up in his arms and hugged you tight. His touch hadn’t changed in all these years. The last time he held you this close was in his hotel room as he gave you a hug and kiss goodbye in the morning.
He chuckled. “Superstar’s an overstatement. From the looks of it you’re doing big things since the last time we spoke.”
“Yeah, I finally moved from New York to Illinois and got a job at this company that pays me well enough now,” you said.
“See, I knew since NYU you’d do big things,” he said.
You rolled your eyes. “Ugh, you’re too modest for your own good sometimes, Matt. If your face isn’t in a magazine, it’s on T.V. or on the silver screen.”
He laughed as he continued to stare dangerously at you. You could tell he was reminiscing about the last time you two had bumped into each other. A friendly meet up with a few too many drinks which led the two of you to an intense make-out session in the back corner of the bar. A few more drinks after that led to Matthew ramming you from behind so hard in the washroom stall you thought your back was gonna break.
“Well, I’m not too much of a star to blow you off. How about I take you to dinner tonight? Only if you’re not too busy for me,” he said.
You giggled. “How could I ever be too busy for the Matthew Gray Gubler? That would be a crime if I ever saw one.”
“For someone who took business, you sure have a knack for the dramatics, Y/N. Maybe we can star side by side in a project one day.”
“I don’t know, I don’t feel like upstaging you like that.”
He laughed. “You can upstage me on any show as long as you don’t stand me up tonight. We can go to Bestia. I know how much you love Italian food.”
“Aw, you remember that? You’re too sweet.”
He smiled as he leaned in to hug you. You took that as a sign of him having to go. You were glad you could see him again later on. The innocent-seeming hug took a turn when you heard him whisper in your ear.
“I remember every inch of you.”
As you two split from the hug you could feel your heart race with excitement just by those few words he whispered. What made it even better was he had such a casual look on his face while you looked at him dangerously. The night portion of your chance meeting would definitely be an interesting one.
Dinner had been going well for both of you. There was an extensive amount of catching up to do especially on your end. He wanted to know everything that had happened in your life in the past few years. You were more than happy to fill him in. Everything you shared with him you could tell he was proud of your accomplishments. You had to admit the both of you had come a long way since your university days.
He was still the same goof as you remembered him to be. Extremely hilarious and sweet wrapped in a perfect bow that was his physical form. You could still remember the feeling of his chest as you rubbed your hands up and down it the last time you encountered each other. Your mind couldn’t help rewinding that moment over and over again in your mind.
“Oh my God, do you hear that?” Matthew said.
You quickly snapped out of your thoughts. You were trying to figure out what he was talking about, but then you heard it. A big smile formed on your face.
“Is this Sublime playing?” You asked.
He nodded. “Yeah, it’s Doin’ Time. Remember in our freshman year of college we discovered Sublime and would just vibe to it?”
You laughed. “How could I forget? The easier days of procrastinating our homework and listening to music.”
“I wish we could still do that,” he said.
“Well, we kinda are. We’re putting off work to eat some pasta and vibe to Sublime,” you pointed out.
He smiled. “I guess that’s true. Doesn’t feel as good lazing around in your 30’s as it does at 18.”
“Nonsense, lazing around feels good at any age. If I could be laying in my bed every day with a margarita at my bedside I’d be content.”
“Make that two.”
You raised your eyebrow. “You’d be in the bed with me?”
“Of course. I’d be by your side more often if you were in LA.”
“Ugh, you know how much I hate LA.”
“I think I could change your mind about LA.”
“Oh? You sound so sure of yourself. I’d like to know how you’d make LA appealing.”
“Well, it’s beautiful.”
“Beauty? That’s all LA has? Beauty?”
“Well, yeah. I’m here, so it adds to the beauty of it all.”
You both burst out laughing. You had to admit he made a valid point. LA might not be your first choice to move to, but definitely a place you’d visit more often since Matthew made it worth it.
“Is there a second point?” You asked.
“Well, if you were down here we could do so many things together,” he said.
“Like?” You asked.
“Anything and everything.”
You placed your elbow on the table and placed your chin in your palm. You were interested in what he exactly meant by “anything and everything.” You decided it was the perfect time to see if you were the only one thinking about the last time you two meant. By his look early on in the day when you two bumped into each other you’d say he definitely still had it on his mind.
“What do you exactly mean by anything and everything?” You asked.
A smirk spread across his face. He licked his lips as he looked to his left before he looked back at you. You could see in his eyes he had something in mind. You looked over to where he looked and saw a hallway leading to the washrooms. At the end of the hall was the family washroom. It was confirmed, he in fact had thought about your hook up years ago.
“How about I show you?”
Before you could say another word he had gotten up from his seat and started to walk towards the washroom. You watched as he made his way to the washroom. He looked back at you before he entered and gestured you to come. You obeyed like a dog as you quickly walked towards him. He smiled as he opened the door for you. When he closed the door behind himself it was a matter of seconds before he grabbed your face and embraced you in a long, sensual kiss.
You broke away from the kiss and looked him in his lustful eyes. You smiled as your hands made their way to his belt buckle. He bit his lips before letting out a small laugh. He knew how eager your hands could get whenever he was near.
“Are you gonna show me why Illinois’s worth it?” He asked.
You giggled. “I’m gonna show you why I’m worth it.”
Without saying another word you dropped to your knees and pulled down his pants along with his underwear. As soon as you saw his dick you didn’t hesitate to put your mouth on it as you bobbed your head back and forth. He let out the most satisfied moan you’d ever heard from a guy. You were glad you still had power over him. You placed your hand on his dick and started moving it up and down his shaft.
“You’re too good, Y/N,” he said as he placed his hand on your head.
You moaned around his dick as you continued to bob your head on it. You forgot how exhausting it could be blowing him because he was a mouthful. The feeling of his dick in your mouth was worth it though. Every single inch of it.
He started to push your head for you so you let him take control. He pushed your head as close as possible to the shaft and held you there. You gagged as you looked up at him happily. He looked down at you happy you were enjoying yourself. He pulled your head off his dick and helped you off the ground.
“I wasn’t finished,” you said.
He leaned in and kissed you. “I’m supposed to be the one trying to convince you why you should come down to LA, remember?”
You laughed as you two embraced in another kiss. His kisses could be reason enough to move states. He didn’t even need to have sex to convince you, but you were glad it was leading to just that. He led you over to the mirror and stood behind you. He kissed down your neck as his hands found their way up your dress. You let out a desperate moan as you felt his hand rub your already soaked underwear.
“I didn’t know you were this excited,” he said.
“I’d be crazy not to be,” you said.
You then felt him move your underwear to the side and placed two fingers inside of you. You let out nonstop moans as he slowly moved in and out of you, watching you in the mirror as your face contorted in pleasure. In the mirror you saw him smiling to himself as he gave you a light bite on your neck. Those canine of his were a hot, dangerous force.
“You ready for the main reason you should be in LA?” He asked.
You smiled. “Been ready.”
You then felt his dick enter you. You instantly fell limp as the sensation overpowered any sense you had left. He made sure you felt every inch of his dick, so you knew what you were missing. Very devious of him, but he was doing a good job of convincing you.
“How’s that convincing you?” He whispered in your ear.
You moaned something incoherent and total gibberish as he continued to gently fuck you. He smiled at your answer though, satisfied you didn’t even have a straight answer for him any longer. He went back to kissing your neck as you continued to moan for him. You started to feel as if he wanted to fuck you slow, so he could save this moment in case he didn’t see you for another few years after this.
Soon you felt his hand rub your clit. Your eyes rolled to the back and your head fell back as you enjoyed the stimulation. His other hand was fondling your breast. He continued to run gentle kisses down your neck the whole time. This was the image of what heaven must be like. You could feel sweet butterflies running through you and knew it was time for you to meet your end.
“Matthew,” you moaned.
He just continued to do what he was already doing. You knew he knew you were about to cum. He wanted you to. His actions were almost demanding you to. So, you did. You let out a few breathy moans as your body seized as your orgasm ran through you. That’s when he started to pump his dick in you a bit faster. He moved his hand from your clit and placed it on your neglected breast. He soon came himself as he roughly grabbed your breasts as he did.
He pulled out, but didn’t move from his position behind you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder as he looked at your flushed expression in the mirror. You smiled at him as he stared at you with a smirk.
“So, LA doesn’t seem so bad after all. Maybe I’ll move down in a few years or so,” you joked.
He chuckled. “I’ll help you move. Just don’t make me wait forever again.”
“I’ll try my best, superstar.”
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jaehyunsuh · 3 years
nct u(make a wish) reaction to: finding their s/o asleep at the dinner table (w tearstains) and remembering it was your anniversary after showing up late
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please go to the ask box to send your requests, opinion or questions♡ you can interact as much as you want!
Taeyong is the softest :( I feel like he is a really giving person and celebrating special occasions with his s/o is something he would like to do because he can buy an even more special gift, do something cool, maybe even make a so g for them, just something cool and different from what he always does. He would make a mental countdown for your anniversary so he would never feel insecure that he is going to forget, but this time he was a really busy week, full of schedule, coming home at 3 am just to sleep and that’s it, that week was so tiring that all he was thinking about was talking to you and sleeping, that’s it. He comes to the apartment that you both share and finds you sleeping at the table with tear stains and a whole dinner set up on the table. He open his eyes in shook wondering what happened to you and that’s when it hits him, it was your anniversary! he holds his head in shook and feels frustrated, he feels so bad that he didn’t even text you a ‘happy anniversary’.
Taeyong is the softest :( I feel like he is a really giving person and celebrating special occasions with his s/o is something he would like to do because he can buy an even more special gift, do something cool, maybe even make a so g for them, just something cool and different from what he always does. He would make a mental countdown for your anniversary so he would never feel insecure that he is going to forget, but this time he was a really busy week, full of schedule, coming home at 3 am just to sleep and that’s it, that week was so tiring that all he was thinking about was talking to you and sleeping, that’s it. He comes to the apartment that you both share and finds you sleeping at the table with tear stains and a whole dinner set up on the table. He open his eyes in shook wondering what happened to you and that’s when it hits him, it was your anniversary! he holds his head in shook and feels frustrated, he feels so bad that he didn’t even text you a ‘happy anniversary’.
Taeyong is the softest :( I feel like he is a really giving person and celebrating special occasions with his s/o is something he would like to do because he can buy an even more special gift, do something cool, maybe even make a so g for them, just something cool and different from what he always does. He would make a mental countdown for your anniversary so he would never feel insecure that he is going to forget, but this time he was a really busy week, full of schedule, coming home at 3 am just to sleep and that’s it, that week was so tiring that all he was thinking about was talking to you and sleeping, that’s it. He comes to the apartment that you both share and finds you sleeping at the table with tear stains and a whole dinner set up on the table. He open his eyes in shook wondering what happened to you and that’s when it hits him, it was your anniversary! he holds his head in shook and feels frustrated, he feels so bad that he didn’t even text you a ‘happy anniversary’.
He quickly goes to the his room and picks up the necklace that affortunately bought for this date a month ago, and heads back to the dinner table.
“Y/n, wake up love.” He says while touching your back softly.
“Hey.” You say faking a smile while opening your eyes.
“Y/n, it was our anniversary today and I totally forgot, I’m so sorry.” He sounds upset.
“Yes, I could notice.” You say.
“I was really busy, but look! I have something for you.” He takes a little box out of his jacket pocket, he opens it showing a beautiful necklace with a T on it.
“It’s so beautiful Taeyong!” You smile feeling happy.
“I’m glad you like it, I have one as well.” He says while showing you his necklace with your initial on it.
“I love it, thank you so much.” You him a peck on the lips.
“I love you.” He says kissing you back.
I think he definitely likes to do special stuff for his s/o and take tons of pics and videos to remember the moments and stuff. Ig he saw you there in that situation he would instantly get really really worried thinking what happened to you, but when he sees you all dressed up, with flowers in the table and notices that you cooked stuff he would feel extremely terrible and guilty, he wouldn’t be sure if he should wake you up or let you sleep or take you to your room, he would just be stressed.
He decides to wake you up. “Y/n, please wake up, I want to talk to you.” He says. You open your eyes and find your boyfriend sitting in the chair next to you.
“Y/n, I’m really sorry for today, I totally forgot. I was so busy this whole time that I didn’t planned anything.” He looks upset.
“Yes, I can see that.” You say disappointed.
“I’m so sorry, really.” He says grabbing your hands.
“It’s okay.” You say.
“But look! We can do something, let’s go to the Han River, eat some chicken, at least be together for an hour.” He shows excitement in his face.
You sigh. “Okay, i’ll accept just for the chicken.” You smile.
“I love you, I promise i’ll never ever forget any date again.” He kisses your forehead.
“I hope you do, I love you.” You laugh
He seems like he is lowkey romantic or more like caring about special events for his s/o, so when he walks into his apartment and finds you like that he would immediately remember that today was your anniversary, he would feel so bad and disappointed at himself because two weeks ago he was thinking about it and planned to buy you gifts and take you to a nice place without you knowing it. Since the day began and Jaehyun didn’t even texted you, you didn’t mind as much because he had schedule today but later nothing happened so you decided to make dinner for the two of you but it was already 11pm and he didn’t show up so you didn’t even notice and felt sleep on the dinner table crying because your boyfriend didn’t knew what day was today.
“Y/n, Y/n, babe wake up.” He says while shaking you softly.
You open your eyes and see your boyfriend kneeling next to you.
“Hey.” You say
“Honey, I’m so so sorry for not remembering that it was our anniversary today. I was so busy, I had a lot of things in mind, I even made plans for today but I forgot.” He says with puppy eyes.
“I waited for you all night.” You sound upset.
“I know babe, I know, I promise i’ll make it up to you.” He holds your hand and caress it softly.
“Okay.” You say.
“We can go out tomorrow, or we can stay here and cuddle, I’ll cook your favorite dish, I’ll dance if you want me to, whatever you want me to, to make this up.” He says.
“Maybe we should do all of that.” You laugh. “I love you. You are the best.” You smile.
“Me too.” He grabs your chin and proceeds to give you a kiss full of love and you end the night making out in the couch.
I see Lucas being all over the place and a last minute type of guy when it comes to important events, but now that he has his s/o he is fully committed to remember every date, every birthday, every important event, he would even put alarms to remember. When he sees you like that would immediately put him in a stress mode, wondering if someone hurt you, if something went wrong at work, if he should fight someone, but then he gets closer to the table and notice the cake that has written ‘Happy Anniversary’ in it, he closes his eyes in frustration and follows to check on his phone wondering why the alarm didn’t make a sound.
“Hey love, I’m here.” He says shaking you softly.
“I waited for you.” You slowly wake up.
“I know baby, i’m sorry, I had a lot of shoots this week, I only could sleep and I forgot to put an alarm.” He says fast and
desperate, making you laugh with the las phrase.
“I know.” You say looking at him.
“Im sorry, we can go out tomorrow night, have a nice dinner, i’ll take to a beautiful restaurant and you can also see the pics from today.” He winks playfully. “How does that sound.” He smiles.
“Sounds good, I’m good with that.” You smile and touch his face softly.
“Great.” He continues to give you a sweet kiss.
This sweet boy, oh my god! Even if he is 30 years old he is always gonna give me first love vibes, I just feel like he really commits whenever he likes someone, that’s why he is constantly caring with his s/o showering them with gifts and their favorite things and doing cool dates when they have to celebrate something. When he finds you like that in his apartment he just want to hug you and never let you go because he doesn’t know what made you feel like that but he is gonna fight whoever made you feel like that. He tries to investigate what’s going on, that’s when he sees a decorated bag with a little tag that says ‘happy anniversary’, he opens his eyes in shook and punches his forehead with the palm of his hand. He starts thinking how is he gonna fix this? and how was it possible that he would forget something so important for you both?.
You hear a guitar playing and that’s when you realize it’s your boyfriend, it keeps playing and he starts to sing ‘let me love u’ , you wake up and admire the beautiful guy in front of you, but still a little upset.
“I’m sorry.” He says as soon as he is finished.
“It’s okay.” You say and give a simple smile.
“You know it’s not typical for me to forget this type of thing and I’m really sorry, I don’t want to make you feel anymore.” He holds your hands.
“It’s okay, I accept your apology just because I really liked your serenade.” You smile and give him a peck on the lips.
We all know this boy is so romantic and caring, when it comes to celebrating with his s/o he makes a whole event and gives the best gift. Today when he entered his apartment and found you like that felt really weird to him, he stood there for straight 5 mins looking at you and trying to figure out what was going to on, he notices that there are pots with food in the kitchen and that you are also wearing heels and a beautiful dress, he checks his phone and it was your anniversary! it was yesterday technically because now it’s 2am of the next day. He felt really bad for leaving you waiting like that and also making you sad, he didn’t even knew hot to talk to you.
“Sweetie, wake up please.” He says caressing your head. You slowly open your eyes and look at your boyfriend’s face who extremely close to yours.
“Hey.” You say
“I messed up didn’t I?” He gives an embarrassing smile.
“Uhm, yes.” You talk in a monotonous tone.
“I’m sorry baby, I had to do so many thing this week that I didn’t remember anything else.” He looks at you with sad eyes.
“But look, you know that i’ll forever love you and i’ll make every other anniversary really really special, right?” He says in a calm tone, sitting next to you and hugging you from behind.
“Yes.” You give a soft smile.
“Would you forgive me them.” He says while doing aegyo in a cute way.
“Yes Na Jaemin, I do.” You laugh.
“Thank you.” He continues to do aegyo and winks at you.
this adorable ball of cuteness, the softest boy ever, I see him buying the prettiest and cutest stuff for his s/o on their birthday, christmas, valentines day, and obviously, their anniversary, things like teddy bears and cute cups or matching hoodies, just the most adorable stuff. When he arrives home after a long day of practice he gets surprised finding a girl in a cute outfit apparently sleeping on his diner table, when he looks closely he realizes it’s his s/o, he is confused about what they are doing there. He gets closer and notices the tear stains, and he gets worried, but when he sees a gift on the table he realizes it was your anniversary today, he starts feeling really sad because he didn’t remembered this at all, suddenly he remembers the matching cups that he bought 2 months ago when he went to Japan, so he gave cheers to himself to try to feel better.
“Baby, are you awake?” He says caressing your hair. You open your eyes slowly and see you him standing next to you.
“Hi.” You say with no emotion
“Y/n, I forgot that it was an special day today, and I’m genuinely sorry. I didn’t mean to make you sad and I never want that to happen again.” He says in a sincere tone.
“I waited here with your gift and you didn’t even call.” You look away.
“I know, and like I said I’m sorry, but look what I have.” He says excited while showing you the matching cups that were hiding behind his back.
“Wow, this are so cute, when dis you get it.” You say happy admiring the cute cups.
“The last time I went to Japan, I was supposed to give you this and something else but we know how that went.” He looks to the floor.
“You are the sweetest, I forgive you.” You caress his cheek and leave a kiss. You both smile at each other.
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hey, could you do a sfw alphabet for chota? thank you!
Yep of course! Here you go! ❤
SFW Alphabet | Chota Segawa
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character: Chota
Genre: fluff
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A - Affection
(How affectionate are they? How would they show affection?)
Chota would really enjoy affection
He would try to get it from you at any chance he gets
His love language is probably physical touch, so there isn’t really a time when he’s not attached to your side
When you first started dating, he would have been really cautious about affection
He would hate making you uncomfortable, literally his worst fear
But over time, he would grow so much more confident and always be looking to hold you close whenever he can
B - Best Friend
(How would they be as a best friend?)
He’s the type of friend that seems both smart and dumb at the same time
Like he is really academically smart, but he would give the worst advice ever
He’s the comfort friend, so it would be so easy to find peace with him
He’d be constantly checking up on you and asking if you were eating well and looking after yourself
Mum friend vibes, but also dumb brother vibes
He’d be such a good study partner though
But it would be so hard to get stuff done because you would distract each other too much
C - Cuddles
(Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
LOVES cuddles
Literally the highlight of his entire day is when he can lay down with you on your shared bed and snuggle close
He gives off little spoon vibes, so he would love it if you cuddled with him facing away from you and your chest against his back
But even when your sitting on the couch trying to do work, he would sit next to you and just rest his head on your shoulder for a little while
He would never get sick of cuddles from you
D - Domestic
(Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking at cleaning?)
He’d probably act like he was your husband from day one of dating
He just emits that domestic vibe
And you can’t convince me otherwise, he is such a good cook
You never know where he got it from, because his mother never really taught him
But he would always insist that he cooked dinner for you both while you relaxed
Cleaning wise, he would hate it so much, but he would hate everything being dirty even more
So when he’s cleaning, he would get annoyed about it
Sometimes you would just tell him that you would do it just to save him the annoyance
E - Ending
(If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I think he would actually hate breakups more than anything
He’s a sensitive person, so he would struggle a lot when it came to breaking up with his S/O
If he had to end it, it would literally take him months to say something
He’s a people pleaser, so he would absolutely hate making you upset or seeing you cry
If you broke up with him, he would be torn
He would start doubting himself, wondering if he’s good enough and think about why you didn’t love him enough
He would be quiet and upset for a few months, but after slowly getting himself back on his feet, he would eventually be okay again
F - Fiancé(e)
(How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He would be very committed to you
And would literally dream of making you his wife/husband/spouse
Would always bring the idea of marriage up to you
So you would always know that he really wants to get married
He just loves the thought of growing old together and being devoted to one person for the rest of his life
G - Gentle
(How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Gentle in both ways, never would be insensitive
He treats you so carefully, physically especially
Even if he just bumped into you accidentally, he would be hugging you and apologizing
(Probably just another excuse to hug you)
I also have the feeling that he’s just amazing when it comes to other people’s feelings, especially yours
Always knows what to say and when to say it
Of course, he would enjoy a few teasing jokes every now and then, but he would never step over the line
H - Hugs
(Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He would adore hugs
He would never be able to get enough of your hugs
So any chance he gets, he would be as cuddly as possible
His cuddles would be super tight
Like you would have to pry his arms off of you
I - I Love You
(How fast do they say the L-word?)
He would say it rather fast
He fell for you very easily, so he would want to express his intense feelings for you as soon as possible
So he would blurt it out on your 3rd or 4th date
You would be leaning on a railing together, looking out into the ocean at night with your head leaning on his shoulder
He would sigh and blurt it out so naturally, but when he realised what he said he would smack his hand over his mouth
But after you said it back he would be so relieved
“Oh my god, I was so scared I freaked you out!”
J - Jealousy
(How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He definitely is such a jealous person
But he’s the silent jealous, so he would never really speak up to you about it
He would hate to make you feel like he was mad at you or being possessive of you
But it would be small things like you spending a bit too much time with Arisu or Karube that he would get upset about
But of course he hides it, playing it off like he doesn’t care
K - Kisses
(What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He would prefer hugs over kisses, but he would never deny one of your kisses
His kisses would be super simple and domestic
Like a simple peck when one of you is leaving the house
Or a few kisses before the both of you fall asleep in one another’s eyes
He would like kissing you on your cheeks mostly
But he would literally melt if you kissed his nose
Big blushes from him
L - Little Ones
(How are they around children?)
He would absolutely love kids
He would be such a good dad, you can’t convince me otherwise
He could play with kids for hours
And he has such a playful and loving personality, so they would be naturally drawn to him
He’d fall victim to their teasing sometimes though
Probably wants a lot of kids of his own, only if you want to
M - Morning
(How are mornings spent with them?)
He’s a morning person
So he wakes up so energetic and ready to start the day
Always tries to make you wake up with him
If you aren’t a morning person, be ready for him to catapult himself on top of you every morning to try and wake you
“Get up! It’s already nine-thirty and I’m bored without you!”
Makes breakfast for you every morning
N - Night
(How are nights spent with them?)
I think he would try his best to go to bed early, but would always fail
He has a lot of trouble getting to sleep, so he would always ask you to scratch his head or run your hands along his arms to hopefully help him
He would really love having deep conversations at night with you though
While he’s half asleep, he kind of just says whatever is on his mind
So sometimes he would forget what he admits to you by morning
O - Open
(When would they start revealing things about themselves?)
He’d be super open
He gives off the vibes that he just doesn’t care about hiding things from people
So if someone asked him about his personal life, he would answer truthfully (unless it was something super personal)
He’d want your relationship to be open and honest, so he wouldn’t hide any aspect of himself from you
From the start, he would have been 100% honest
P - Patience
(How easily angered are they?)
He seems like the type to be super neutral in arguments
He’s somewhat a mediator, so he would hate when people fought
So due to this, he would hate starting arguments as well
If he’s angry about something, he would keep it to himself until he saw the right moment to express his concern
Wants to sort things out maturely, not in a screaming match
Q - Quizzes
(How much do they remember about you?)
I have a feeling he’s quite forgetful
He would always have to remind himself of your favourite foods, or your family members names when you go to family gatherings together
He tries so hard to remember, but it’s just not his strong point
You guys would always laugh about it, especially if it was something super obvious about you that he forgot
R - Remember
(What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
His favourite moment would be when you spent a night together in an huge arcade
He’s not the biggest gamer (no where near like Arisu), so he would find it so funny when you beat him in all the games
He would cherish this moment in your relationship because it was the date he asked you to be his girlfriend
You had such a nice and fun night together, eventually leaving the arcade and buying drinks at a bar
So how could you deny him when he treated you so much
S - Security
(How protective are they? How would they protect you?)
He’s not that protective
I mean he’s not the bravest person in the world, so he would be as nervous as you in such situations
He would try his best to always make sure you were safe, but he would also have a lot of faith in the fact that you could look after yourself
He would hate to make you feel like he was being overprotective, because he knows some people get offended by it
But he would do the usual, if you go out at night by yourself you would share your location with him
And if he was walking somewhere quiet and sort of sketchy with you, he would keep a hold on your hand
T - Try
(How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
A lot of effort
Literally his favourite gift to give you would be flowers though
There would always be a bunch of flowers in your house from him
For anniversaries, he would always book out expensive restaurants to go to with you
Gifts wise, he would buy you so much stuff
Even just on random occasions like you had a bad day, he would go out and buy you a new necklace or something just as an act of kindness
U - Ugly
(What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He can be overly critical about himself
He’s definitely the type to believe he can’t do something if he’s not perfect at it the first time
Beats himself up about failing a lot of the time
So you would have to reassure him that he was doing okay
Sometimes he’s hard to comfort, because he’s the type to want to be alone when he’s upset
V - Vanity
(How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s quite concerned
Not incredibly, but he would sometimes be worried about not looking good enough for you
It would be an impulsive thought that would hit in at the most random of times
But you would instantly know
Because he goes quiet and fiddles with his clothes to distract himself
Usually shakes it off rather quick
W - Whole
(Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He would definitely be quite dependant on you
Not a huge amount, but he would feel quite lost in terms of emotions and personal connection if he had to be separated from you
If you had to go away or something, he would count down the days he got to see you again
And would call you everyday to talk to you and tell you about his day
But overall, he’s more emotionally attached to you than he’s aware of
X - Xtra
(A random headcanon for them.)
He’s such a workaholic
Sometimes you would have to drag him from his work desk to make him go to sleep
But he always says that he needs to do more, even if what he’s working on isn’t due for the next few weeks
It’s really bad though
He would sometimes neglect his mental health if he was bombarded with a lot of work
You’d always have to snap him out of it and keep an eye on him when it got too much
Y - Yuck
(What would be some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He needs a partner with the same humour as him
He has such a weird humour, so you would need to understand it for it to be funny
It’s more enjoyable anyway when no one else around you understands what you’re laughing at
In general, he’s super picky with foods
Literally wouldn’t eat some foods if they just didn’t look right to him
Z - Zzz
(What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
The deepest sleeper you will ever encounter
A bomb could go off outside his window and he wouldn’t even realise until the next morning
You would get so frustrated about waking him up when you need to
He could sleep through 7 alarms, all playing at once
Only way to wake him up is to throw your entire body weight on top of him, which always gives him a great, panicky start to the day
SFW Alphabet Template
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mochi-marie · 3 years
hello and congratulations ! 💕 for the event could you do the song heat waves by glass animals with bokuto? focusing on the chorus „sometimes all i think about is you, late nights in the middle of june,,,,". for the reader! male reader if you're okay with that, if not then gender neutral is totally okay! shorter than him (not by a lot, probably like half a foot or less), and has a build more on the larger side, and has freckles, curly hair, and glasses. the reader is also introverted and gets flustered very easily. thank u ! <3
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genre : ( insecurity-based ) angst to fluff ( ? )
pairing : bokuto kotaro x introverted! male reader ( bigger, curly, freckles, glasses )
author's note : okay, for some reason, i started to listen to this song on repeat for a long while just basking in the lyrics and music to get acquainted and to familiarize myself with the general vibe i got from it -- i got really inspired by reading the lyrics while listening, so thank you so much for helping me find my new favorite song!!! i hope you enjoy! this is also my first time officially writing a male-insert, so please, any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated! also, i might have strayed from the main focus of the specific lyric, so i deeply apologize!! 😖💛
also, if i forgot any warnings that anyone thinks i should add, please tell me as soon as possible!!
warning : insecurity, feeling as though you are not enough, angst ( kinda? ), ooc bokuto ( in my opinion ), written at 2 A.M. + Unedited
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Hands shoved into small pockets under the summer night sky, you avoided his curious gaze, opting to let your hand come up to ruffle your curly hair rather hastily. thinking -- thinking about ways to stall for just a few minutes longer, hoping to whatever power above that he would just wait and listen patiently until you finally explained why you had asked him to meet you out in the parking lot after his practice. The daylight had disappeared during the few minutes you both silently basked in each other's company, the stars just barely starting to flash and twinkle above both of your heads. Summertime was in full swing, though a soft breeze managed to drift by, tousling and playing with your bouncy locks and waving through his salt-and-pepper hair. If the bitter thoughts had not been weighing heavily on your mind, perhaps you would've giggled. Any other time you might have nudged him, gesturing for him to lean down just a smidge so you yourself could do as the wind and card through his hair with your fingers, gently separating the spikes of hair stuck together from sweat due to the hard volleyball practice. Oh, what you would give for your mind to be empty enough to carelessly be enough for and with him.
The thoughts weighed on you heavily -- the ideas implanted by society's view of perfection. The world around you would question why Bokuto would be with someone such as yourself; someone so imperfect, drowning in their insecurities. What gave you the right to bog him down with your personal issues? Did you not notice the glances peers would give, watching Bokuto buzz around you happily as you both walked along? Do you not see the way he works hard to keep himself so... perfect? That was the only word worthy of describing your Kotaro. Perfection was his middle name, it seemed; a perfectly beautiful smile that lit up a room, a bubbly personality that could only ever seem to do good for the people that relaxed in his presence. Yes, your boyfriend was effortlessly perfect. So why couldn't you be the same? Why were you who you are, why must you feel so unworthy?
Your arms had migrated to wrapping around your mid-section, eyes planted to the ground as your mind raced. You didn't see the way Bokuto's eyes glanced down to you, worry laced in his honey eyes. While Bokuto wasn't the brightest academically, that did not mean he was completely simple-minded; he was well versed in emotions, specifically your emotions. He often prided himself on saying that he knew you like he knows the very back of his hand, and it seemed that this claim was no lie. His hand gravitated toward your own, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and worry -- "(name)? is... is everything okay?" His voice was spoken low and soft, hoping to not startle you. "What's wrong?" His voice reached your ears, and with a quick glance from the corner of your eye, you were met with the honey-hued sight that always managed to calm your nerves better than what any remedy could.
Clearing your throat softly, your mouth opened, and yet no words would form. The words that swam dangerously in your head died the second they landed on your tongue, and you were left open-mouthed, trying to form a coherent sentence. Why was it so hard to simply talk about your insecurities? You mentally scowled, a bretah catching in your chest before you let your eyes flutter closed, trying to gather yourself quickly.
Bokuto's hand grasped onto the tips of your fingers, eyes surveying your face for any reaction. With the familiar cute pink hue slowly growing onto the apples of your cheeks, he pulled your hand closer to himself, his own fingers nervously fiddling with your own fingers. Your nervousness was starting to catch, making him anxious. What was so wrong that you could barely even form the words you wanted to say? His mind blanked, biting the inside of his cheek as he scanned your face numerous times, waiting for a sign that you were ready. He would be patient, for you.
His hand never left yours.
"Why are you still with me?"
Shaky breathing. The stilling of fiddling fingers. The confused exhale of air, paired with furrowed eyebrows that you could not see with your eyes tightly snapped shut, cheeks burning with embarrassment and eyes met with the faint, familiar hot sting. Your breath was held tightly in your throat, glasses slipping down the bridge of your nose with the way your head was tilted at a downward angle.
"What do you mean?" Was his only response, calm, though by the small waver of his voice, you knew his eyes were most likely wide. Wide and churning with golden panic that would not suit his boyish attitude. Eyes creeping open, you were met with exactly what you had predicted. Your hand slipped from his, arms resting against your stomach, trying to provide yourself the comfort a part of you was craving -- a crave for his comforting touch. His hugs of which never failed to spark butterflies to explode in your stomach, the hugs that wrapped around you fully, trapping you within his warm, strong embrace that made you feel at home; the hugs that made you feel like everything was okay again. "You'd be better off with someone more like you. You just need a better life than this..." Your voice met his ears, and with every unspoken word that finally spilled from your lips, he finally realized how much this bothered you, and now how it affected him.
His hands found your shoulders and he pulled you to his chest, one palm resting snug against your back, the other arm resting around your shoulder, cradling your face to his chest and into the strong, warm embrace that always managed to wash all your worries away.
"You're all I need." Bokuto mumbled firmly, adam's apple bobbing as he held back the severe urge to let his tears escape from the corner of his eyes where they had started to pool as the situation continued to dawn. You didn't feel enough, and that was more than enough information for him to finally understand what was going on through your handsome little head. "You're all I need, all I'll ever want, 'kay?" Voice murmured against the crown of your head as he pressed his lips to your curly hair -- so soft, locks of your beautiful curls that always tickled his face when you'd embrace in a joyful hug at every greeting, his lips, like default, softly curling upwards at the familiar feeling that calmed his nerves. "You're more than enough, just remember that. Sometimes all i think about is you... don't forget that 'm never far away," Bokuto paused, pulling away to look down at you softly, readjusting the glasses that had slipped down your nose and at an awkward angle to avoid being crushed by the force of you against his chest.
"Say it with me."
"What?" "Say you're enough, please, (name),"
"So you know that you're perfect the way you are, I need to know that we leave happy. Happy and together, (name)," Bokuto smiled a wobbly smile, eyes begging you to do this one thing for him -- for the both of you.
"I am enough" is a phrase that will resonate with your soul one day. A fact that is disguised by the hardened layers of stony-resilience that makes the battle of self-love seem impossible. Yet you are one of the strongest people Bokuto knows, and he believes in your abilities, passion, and you as a whole in all of his entirety, just like you do with him. A relationship with a deep emotional connection, and with him, this deep connection felt like a home away from home. Yes, Bokuto is indeed perfection, you decide.
His hand never left yours for the rest of the night, uncharacteristically yet sweetly lifting the back of your hand up ever few minutes to press three quick kisses to the back of your hand in a show of physical love -- a reminder that your Bokuto Kotaro will always be there, no matter what.
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Little Sunshine (Miss Venable x reader x Alice Macray)
okay..hi :) this is reallyyyy long xD And its the story of this 3 cuties and how they fell in love with each other.. Well, its a little bit like the 3. part of “purple roses” (purple roses u can find here: https://littlejeaniehugsbumblebees.tumblr.com/post/640902350735818752/purple-roses-ms-venable-x-reader ) 
I know, that there is no second part online today, but there will be! If u didnt read the first part, u dont need to, coz i wrote this fanfiction that way, that u dont have to read the first part, i guess its angst idk
anygays my english is a mess, thats why i use google translate:’)
can we just talk about the fact, how perfect alice and mina would match? Mina the hot top with all that bdsm vibes and on the other hand we got the cute and innocent Alice sksksks
I guess Mina is the protagonist of this fanfic 
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A good description of your relationship would have been complicated. Because it was all incredibly complicated. Don't get me wrong, you loved your girlfriends and they loved you, but sometimes when you woke up between the two of them, when Mina had her arms wrapped around you from behind and when Alice was cuddled with her head against your chest, you might just be confused how all of that could be possible.
And sometimes you couldn't help but wonder what your life would be like without one of your girlfriends. But you knew that you could never live without one of them, that was a fact.
You needed both to be happy, there was no other way.
Mina brought firmness and structure into your life. Thanks to her, you had developed routines for your daily routine and were no longer so distracted. And you loved the fact about her that she was more rational than emotional about things.
And every time she went on a business trip and left Alice and you at home alone, a huge mess broke out and all structures were thrown away.
You would oversleep in the morning, be late for work and your house would turn into a huge disaster and mess.
It just wouldn't work without Mina.
Alice, on the other hand, was the most innocent, gentle, and naive person you had ever met. Mina helped you solve your problems, but Alice helped you understand and accept them. In addition, Alice was incredibly cute and she was fantastic at cooking.
And whenever you needed it, she was there to hug you and tell you how much she loved you.
And the proof that it wouldn't work without Alice was the relationship you had with Mina before Alice came into your life. At the moment when everything you had with Mina broke, it seemed like God would have sent a gentle angel to save you.
"This is going to be a new record .." you said as you leaned into the door frame to watch your girlfriend who was still working at her desk.
"What do you mean?", She lifted her gaze from her laptop in confusion to stare at you with a frown.
"You have been home for 4 hours and are still working .."
Mina sighed and rubbed her temples.
"I just have to make one phone call and then I'm done .." she muttered with her eyes closed.
"You always say that ..." you started, shaking your head. "One last phone call, one last document, one last email ... and then it's 10 p.m."
Mina was startled at your words and took a quick look at the clock on her laptop. You were right, it was 10 p.m.
"I doesn't matter ..." you sighed and turned to go back into the hallway.
"I'm going to bed, good night Wilhemina ..."
"Good night .." she replied quietly and stared after you.
That's what you called her only when you were angry.
Mina swore quietly and grabbed her phone before dialing the directory assistance number and letting it ring.
"Uhm..Hello, you're connected to the directory assistance, I'm Alice ..", came a soft female voice, which sounded a bit too happy for Mina's taste.
"I want you to find Lennox Fischer's private email address for me ..", Mina said in a commanding tone.
There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment before the woman, Alice, continued.
"We have actually been closed since 6 p.m. .."
"Then you shouldn't have answered the call, could you still find this address for me?" Mina sighed and propped her chin on her palm.
"Give me a minute ... I've only been working here for a few weeks ...", Alice laughed nervously and Mina closed her eyes in annoyance.
"That's when I realize I shouldn't have told you my name .." Alice remarked after a few seconds.
"How tragic .." Mina replied ironically and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Do you have the email address?"
"I'm sorry..but what was the name again?"
"Damn it, it's not that difficult. Then why do you have this job if you can't get anything done anyway? I've rarely met someone who is as damn unqualified as you," barked Mina and slapped the table with the flat of her hand.
"You have no idea .." the other woman yelled back.
"Can you all stop being so impatient with me? I'm only human too ... And all because you're too lazy to look for it yourself and now take out your frustration on me ... I'm getting this right now not paid either, so it takes as long as it takes. And if you have a problem with it, fuck off.."
Miss Venable stared in confusion at the phone in her hand.
"Uhm, I'm sorry ..", she stammered overwhelmed.
"It's just that my girlfriend is impatiently waiting for me to finally get to bed .."
On the other end of the phone, Alice snorted.
"Yours too, yes? Get a divorce from her, even if she's just your girlfriend, it makes everything easier..You know- "
"Lennox Fischer ..", Mina interrupted the woman to bring her back to the subject.
"Oh yeah .. m'sorry .." Alice muttered and laughed nervously again. "You have to know that I got divorced from my husband two months ago and it's all a little bit complicated .."
"Well, I now have his email address, can you write it down? Then I'll dictate it to you .." Alice said and Mina sat down straight again to type in the email address down that Alice dictated to her on the phone.
"Good .." Alice said and sounded polite again.
"Then I thank you for your call and hope I could help you .."
Mina let out a small snort and had to grin at the strange woman.
"I have to thank you .." she muttered before hanging up and finally shutting down her laptop.
When she finally opened the door to your bedroom, you were lying with your back to her in bed and she couldn't tell whether you were still awake or already asleep. She undressed quietly and then climbed into bed behind you.
"Honey?" She whispered softly as she leaned over to gently press kisses against your exposed shoulder. "Are you still awake?"
"Nope .." you made with your eyes closed and Mina laughed quietly.
You blinked against the darkness of the room as you turned your head to face her. Your girlfriend was hunched over you naked, looking guiltily at you. After staring at her for a moment, you reached out your hand to reach behind her head and carefully pulled the hair tie out of her hair. Long red hair fell down her face and the ends of her hair tickled your cheeks.
"I'm done with everything now .." she whispered, smiling gently.
"Now is half past ten ..", your hand slid from the back of her head to her cheek to linger there.
"Now is a little bit late.."
"I know and I'm sorry .." she muttered and you could hear the regret in her voice. But a simple "sorry" wasn't enough for you anymore.
You sighed before you sat up and leaned against the headboard of the bed.
"Look, I know you have to work a lot, but sometimes it's just too much you know?"
Mina, who had also leaned against the headboard, nodded shortly before you continued.
"It's not about that the whole thing can't be healthy for you. I mean more us ... Although that might be a bit selfish, I know you love your work, but I uhm .. I don't know- you know, you work all the time and even on weekends and I know it's not your fault, but I just can't do this anymore..I'm sorry that I claim your affection so much, but I just need you and you have no time .. "
Carefully you looked over at Mina, who sadly returned your gaze.
"I'm sorry .." she whispered and grabbed your hand to pull you close to her so you could rest your head on her chest.
"I'll do better, I promise .."
"I know I'm no better myself .." you muttered as she began to comb through your hair gently.
"As a professor at this college, I have to work a lot too, but not until 10 p.m."
"I'll do better .." she repeated and you smiled before leaning over to press your lips against her cheek for a moment.
"That's all I want .." you pulled back and lay back on your side of the bed. Your girlfriend was not long in coming and lay behind you before she put an arm around you and pulled you back to her.
"What do you think if we go out after work tomorrow ..?" She whispered in your ear.
You hummed in agreement. "That's a great idea..".
"Yeah .." you muttered with your eyes closed.
"Good night Mina ..".
"Good night baby .."
You slammed the car door angrily before turning around to stomp up the steps to your front door. You were angry. Very angry. After you hurried to get off work as quickly as possible, you drove to the restaurant where you had an appointment, only to wait an hour for someone who didn't come and now you drove back home and then to see Mina's car parked in the garage.
"Wilhemina fucking Venable .." you shouted as you opened the front door.
"How dare you humiliate me so much ..".
You ran to her workspace and as you expected she was sitting at her desk in front of her laptop and seemed to be working. Her brown eyes widened when she saw you angrily standing in the doorway.
"I'm so sorry ..", she stammered and got up.
"Oh of course you are .." you hissed with narrowed eyes.
"I called you 4 times while I sat in this stupid restaurant for an hour .. You can't imagine how embarrassing it was, the waiter felt so sorry for me that I didn't have to pay for my tea .. "
Your girlfriend stared helplessly at you.
"Like I said, I'm sorry, Y / N .. i was just so busy and then I forgot .."
"So do you admit you've forgotten? You know, at one point I thought you might be doing this on purpose because you think it's funny."
"I never could, I-", she began, but you raised your hand to silence her.
"The only problem is that you always do that .." you bit your lip.
"You promise me so often that you will spend time with me only to then skip it for your work .. Then just leave it straight away and I don't always have to make myself hopes, only to be disappointed ..".
"Y / N please .. I'm as good as finished .. We can still go somewhere and have dinner ..", she looked at you desperately, but you just shook your head.
"Just forget it, Mina .." you muttered before turning around to leave her workspace . She looked after you sadly before let out a frustrated moan and slumped back into her desk chair.
How could she have forgotten?
Reluctantly, she picked up her phone and dialed the directory assistance number like the night before.
"Hello, you are connected to Directory Assistance .." said the same soft voice as last night.
"Alice ..", Mina remarked and didn't really want to notice.
"Ohh you're the rude woman from last night .." Alice laughed on the other end of the phone.
"The one with the impatient girlfriend .."
"Now more likely the one with the hating girlfriend ..".
"What did you do wrong?", Mina could hear real concern in the woman's voice and that confused her. She didn't even know this woman.
"She's upset because I always move her for work .." she mumbled.
"It's not your fault if you have to work."
"Exactly! ..", Mina shouted loudly and was surprised by her own volume.
At the other end it was quiet and Mina noticed that the whole thing was more than just private right now. She cleared her throat just before continuing.
"Can you find out Leigh Chaplin's phone number for me?"
"Of course..give me a minute .." Alice muttered and Mina heard Alice tapping on the keyboard through the receiver. For a brief moment Mina thought about just hanging up. That call was quite weird and had taken on a very personal direction. But just when she really wanted to hang up, Alice began to dictate the phone number to her and she had to take notes.
Mina had decided to make amends for what had happened a few days ago. The only problem was, whenever you had time, she couldn't. And once she was done with everything, you had to work. It was a never-ending cycle that dragged you both further and further down. And the worst part was that you both knew that and still couldn't do anything about it. She loved her work as much as you loved yours and neither of you would ever be willing to sacrifice your work for the other.
And yet Mina had decided to make it up to you and that meant for her to help you with saving time. That's why she was now at the city library to bring back the books for you that you had borrowed a few weeks ago. Actually you had your own little library in your house, because you valued books very much, but at some point all these books were read and you were both not people who read books again.
And as a college professor, you had a habit of researching books rather than the internet anyway.
Here she was now, hobbling her stick through the library building. Which turned out to be quite difficult as she was holding your books in one arm and then had to go through the big building with her stick. If she were to trip and fall, she would have no way of catching herself. Mina knew that this would probably never happen, but still she didn't like the feeling.
But of course it happened as it had to, as always in such situations. It wasn't Mina who fell, but it was one of the books that slipped out of the crook of her arm and landed with a thud on the wooden floor of the library. How much she hated that ... such situations were almost unbearable for her. Simply because it was embarrassing to know that because of her scoliosis she was unable to bend down to pick up the book herself.
She wanted to swear loudly, but she knew that a library might not be the best place for this. She poked her senselesslyn stick around on the book and tried to put it upright somehow, only to grab it. But it was useless. Of course it had to be the thickest of your books that she had dropped. Her stick seemed to be against it like a thin branch.
"Let me help you .." suddenly came a soft voice from behind her and made her flinch. Mina turned around and looked into the friendly face of a petite woman with light brown hair.
"Your book ..", the woman said when Mina didn't answer and pointed to it with an outstretched finger. Again Miss Venable didn't answer and just stared at the woman in front of her. She was 100% sure she had never seen her before, but her voice ... She knew that soft voice, she just didn't know where from.
Without hesitating for another second, the strange woman bent down and picked up the book.
"You are welcome ..", she smiled and put the book back in the crook of Mina.
"Thank you ..", Mina mumbled, still staring at the woman in front of her, confused.
"I'm sorry, but do we know each other?"
"I think I would know that..", the woman laughed and suddenly Mina knew who she was looking at.
"You're Alice .." she uttered. "Alice from directory assistance ..".
Alice's eyes widened.
"Then you must be the one with the impatient, hating girlfriend .."
Mina's pale skin turned red at the other woman's words and she began tapping the floor with her stick in an irregular rhythm, as she always did when she was nervous.
"I may have exaggerated a bit .." she muttered. "She doesn't hate me ..".
"Well, I'm glad .." Alice honestly smiled before she nodded at the books in Mina's arms with her chin. "By the way, you have a very good taste in books .."
Mina's gaze followed that of the woman in front of her and landed on the book that she had dropped.
"Oh..these aren't my books, my girlfriend read them .."
"So she has a very good taste in books ...".
Mina nodded briefly while she was still staring at Alice. The fact that she had actually met this woman was so weird that it couldn't be a coincidence.
"Uhm .. I should bring the books back .." she muttered and Alice nodded quickly.
"I can wait .." said Alice.
"So .. if you want .." she added quickly when she noticed Mina frown.
Mina narrowed her eyes while she could only stare again. Alice exuded such confidence and she was so kind, it was like she couldn't help but agree.
"Okay .." Mina muttered. "Just give me a minute ..".
Alice's eyes began to glow.
"Perfect .." she said, beaming. "I'll wait outside."
Mina nodded shortly before leaving Alice to return the books.
"Where is your car?" Mina asked Alice as she stepped out of the library.
"Oh uhm I came here on foot .." Alice muttered and Mina frowned.
"It's getting dark .." she said curtly and Alice, who obviously didn't know what to do with that remark, nodded shortly.
"I can drive you home."
Mina studied Alice's face for any dislikes, but the woman just smiled again.
"That would be nice..".
Mina nodded again before going to her car with Alice.
"Well ..", Mina began after getting into the car with Alice.
"Where do you live?" She looked at Alice from the side, who was desperately trying to put the strap over her blouse so that it wouldn't crease.
"Uhm..Woodhill Avenue ..", the woman mumbled when she was finally satisfied.
"You can't be serious ..", Mina stared at Alice, not sure whether to laugh or be upset. "We live on the same street .."
"Oh really?" Alice's eyes lit up again.
Mina just hummed in agreement before starting the car.
For a few minutes they drove through the crowded streets and neither said a word. And although something like that was usually uncomfortable, at that moment it was actually quite pleasant, at least that's what Mina thought.
"Actually we know the whole neighborhood, but I've never heard of an Alice, nor have I seen you ...", she said finally as she turned into the long street of Woodhill Avenue.
"Well .. actually I don't live there .. I think I told you that I separated from my husband and since then I've been living with my daughter ..", Alice explained and Mina didn't even need to look at her to see how the woman was uncomfortable with the topic.
"I'm sorry .." she said curtly.
"Oh no .. you know, I'm happy the way it is now, at least I'm happier than I was with Buck a few months ago ..".
Mina didn't know what to answer, so she decided not to say anything again.
"Do you know the people who live in this house?" Alice suddenly asked and pointed to the building that Mina referred to as her home. "Venable and Y / L / N are their names .. My daughter told me that everyone is afraid of them .."
Mina stared at Alice and when she realized that the woman was serious, she started to laugh.
"Is it really that bad that everyone is afraid of us?", Mina said and couldn't help but grin as she watched the eyes of the woman next to her widen.
"Wait..I- you live in the house with your girlfriend?" Alice stammered and Mina nodded.
"I'm so sorry ... God ..this embarrassing .."
Alice buried her face in her hands and stared between her fingers at the house where you lived with Mina.
"Well, it's a nice house ..", she muttered, trying to get out of this situation somehow. Mina just snorted in amusement before continuing down the street with the car.
"Which house does your daughter live in?"
"In the green one over there .." Alice muttered and Mina's eyes landed on a green low-rise building.
"Ohh your daughter is Evangeline ..", Mina remarked as she parked the car in front of the house.
"You know her?" Alice sounded confused.
Mina nodded.
"I've never really spoken to her before, but I know her .."
"Okay .." Alice frowned before reaching for the seat belt to unbuckle her.
"That's when I notice, I don't even know what your name is ..".
"Miss Venable .." Mina said curtly and bit the inside of her cheek.
"uhm..or Wilhemina .."
Alice smiled.
"Well, then thank you, Wilhemina, for taking me home .."
"Good Night, Alice ..", Mina muttered and had to smile again.
"Good Night .." Alice repeated before getting out of the car and disappearing into the green house. And Mina couldn't help but stare after her.
In her mind, for whatever reason, she was back on the day the two of you had met in the flower shop where you had been working at the time. Even then, she had wanted to smile all the time.
When Mina finally stood in front of the house for a few minutes and finally decided to go home, she felt nothing but guilty feelings and she did not know who these feelings were for: Alice, because Mina had let her go or you, because she felt exactly the same  things right now as she did when you and Mina first met.
It was Saturday evening and Alice was on her way to the house of the interesting woman she had met in person a few days ago. Somewhere she had a guilty conscience, as it was already 10 p.m. and it was probably impolite to disturb Mina so late, but she really wanted to see Wilhemina again and at the same time she really wanted to get to know you.
She stepped onto the site of your house and hesitantly raised her hand to the bell before finally pressing her finger against the little button.
When two minutes later still nothing had moved, Alice actually wanted to turn around and go home, but then she remembered that Mina probably needed longer due to her stick and that's why she stayed. And actually a few seconds later an angry looking Mina opened the door for her.
When Alice saw Mina's angry look, she was afraid for a moment that she had more than just disturbed, but when Mina recognized her, her look softened.
"Alice .." Mina uttered happily and Alice could see the woman in front of her trying to suppress a smile, which she failed.
"Uhm..I hope I'm not bothering .." Alice gave Mina, who quickly shook her head, a bright smile.
"No .." said the woman, her face serious again. "How can I help you?"
"Uhm well, I've got something for your girlfriend .." Alice muttered as she reached into her pocket to get the book out before she passed it to Mina.
"I saw on Thursday that your friend had checked out the first part .. I thought she might want to read the second part too .. It doesn't exist in the library .."
"Oh that's nice ..", Mina picked up the book.
"But unfortunately she's not at home all weekend because of a seminar .."
Alice frowned
"Are you sure you're the one who transfers his girlfriend because of work?" She asked and watched Mina just shake her head.
"I think you have a completely wrong picture of her ..", Mina muttered and chewed her lower lip.
"Isn't that important either, do you want to come in?"
"Sure .." Alice nodded quickly and started smiling again.
When Mina led Alice into the living room, Alice couldn't help but be impressed. The walls of the great room were lined up with full bookshelves sorted in alphabetical order. A large chandelier hung from the ceiling and was not switched on because a fire was burning in a large marble fireplace. In the middle of the room was a large dark red carpet on which a dark wing chair, a couch made of the same dark fabric and a square wooden table with short table legs stood.
Alice's gaze caught on the wing chair Mina had obviously been sitting in, before Alice rang the bell. A blanket lay untidy on the seat, covered with an open book and on the table was a half-empty glass with red wine. On the edge of the glass Alice could see traces of Mina's dark lipstick.
"Excuse the chaos, please ..", she heard Mina say behind her. Alice let out a low snort.
"Chaos .." she repeated mumbling and turned to Mina. Except for the few things on the wing chair, the house seemed to have been furnished down to the last detail.
"Do you drink wine?" Asked Mina, clutching her stick with both hands.
"Sure." Alice replied curtly.
"Red or white?"
"White, please ..".
"Well, then wait here for a moment ..", Mina said before turning around to leave the room.
Alice looked after the woman briefly before going to the dark sofa to sit on it. She sat there for a moment, but then the pictures on the mantelpiece caught her eye and she got up again to walk to the fireplace to take a closer look at the pictures.
All of the pictures showed Mina and a woman Alice was unfamiliar with, but Alice was smart enough to say that it was you, Mina's girlfriend.
And she noticed that Mina was right when she said Alice had the wrong picture of you. You didn't see at all like someone that could be impatient or strict. All these pictures showed you laughing honestly, with a cocky twinkle in your eyes. And of course Mina, who, as always, tried to suppress her smile. Alice grinned at the thought.
Each picture showed a different moment, presumably dates or vacations and all in one, Alice thought that you and Mina looked cute together, at least in the photos.
"So you've already discovered Y / N's altar .." mumbled Mina, who suddenly appeared next to Alice.
"Oh yes .. It's cute ..", Alice said and took the glass of white wine, which Mina held out to her before she mumbled a little "thank you".
"I think it's rather cheesy, but it was her idea ..", Mina stared critically at the pictures and for a few seconds neither said anything.
"She's pretty .." Alice finally remarked and Mina just nodded.
"She is.."
Alice's gaze wandered carefully from the pictures to Mina, who was staring sadly down at the pictures.
"You know, I think this is what I like the most .." she suddenly mumbled and tapped an actually inconspicuous picture with her finger. It showed you both in your winter coats squinting your eyes against the flash of the selfie camera. It was also pretty blurry.
"I know it's nothing special .." Mina explained. "But the moment behind it was special ... It was New Year's Eve last year and shortly before midnight we climbed onto the roof of the skyscraper in which she lived at the time, to watch the fireworks from there. I remember exactly how she was angry when I forced her to come on the roof with me .. it was pretty cold ..
But I wanted it to be special when I propose to her .. "
Alice's eyes widened.
"Are you engaged?"
Mina shook her head and smiled sadly.
"We were engaged .. but she broke off the engagement three months ago until .. until things were settled .. You already know how complicated everything is at the moment .."
Alice looked worriedly into Mina's sad eyes before slowly nodding.
"I understand .." she said softly.
"You know, I really love her, but it's just so weird .." Mina pinched the bridge of her nose. "I met her a couple of years ago in the flower shop she worked and earned next to nothing and actually had a shitty life, and now she's been working as a professor for a college for a few months and is finally happy with that... and that is great, don't get me wrong, but we hardly have no time for each other, because now she also has to work long hours ... and it's like she pretends that it's all my fault .. "
"I'm sorry .." Alice muttered before stretching out her arms and pulling the woman into a hug. Alice felt that Mina was uncomfortable when she lay tense in her arms, but when she wanted to withdraw, Mina quickly put her arms around Alice and hugged her back. Alice put her head on Mina's shoulder and inhaled the woman's lavender perfume. They stayed that way for a few minutes, until Mina finally cleared her throat and withdrew.
"M'sorry .." she muttered without looking at Alice and Alice could see the tear marks on her face.
"We shouldn't talk about this anymore .."
Alice nodded quickly. "If I got too close to you, I'm sorry .. "
She followed Mina, who sat down on the couch and sat with enough space next to her.
"Now that you've heard my shit, I'd love to hear yours .." Mina said, giving Alice a subtle sideways look. Alice blinked a few times and thought about it for a moment. Actually, she didn't really know the woman and a divorce is not really a pleasant topic for an evening like this, but a few seconds ago Mina had stood in her arms and cried, so what was wrong with it?
"Uhm .. so I've been divorced for 2 months ..", she began and for the next two hours she told Mina the whole story with Phyllis Schlafly, the E.R.A. and that Houston had somehow opened her eyes and she'd been working on directory assistance ever since. She told Mina about her children and that she couldn't believe she was a grandma. And then she told her about Buck and that for a few years she had wondered if what she had with him was really what she wanted the rest of her life to be.
To be honest, Alice wouldn't normally have been so talkative if it wasn't because of the alcohol. She usually didn't drink, so a glass of Mina's expensive white wine was enough to get her drunk.
"You know, I only noticed now how bad that asshole was in bed ..." she laughed out loud and held onto Mina's thigh. "Well in any case our house belongs to him and I have to live with my daughter .."
Mina, who was just as sober as she was a few hours earlier, might have been a little overwhelmed by Alice's drunkenness, but somehow she found it incredibly cute.
"I'm sorry .." she muttered and Alice missed the worried look the woman was giving her.
"Yikes .." Alice suddenly made as she stared intently at the clock on the wall.
"Am I wrong or is it 14 minutes past midnight?"
Mina was shocked at her words and had to find out that it was actually that late.
"I should call your daughter, then she can pick you up ..".
"Oh let Evangeline sleep .." Alice waved her off.
"I can just sleep with you .. you know I like you, you're nice to me and don't treat me like the failure that I am. Even if you were pretty mean to me on the phone ..".
Alice grinned crookedly before leaning forward and dropping her head into Mina's lap. Mina winced and immediately got up to let Alice rudely fall back on the sofa. The drunk woman let out a low wail and looked reproachfully up at Mina.
"We should put you to bed .." she mumbled and pulled Alice into an upright position before she gently grabbed her arm and pulled her up the stairs with her.
"Uhm .. this is the guest room ...", Mina muttered as they stood in the door frame of the room. Alice stared into the beautifully decorated guest room, which was so much better than the sofa she'd slept on for months. But it wasn't what she wanted.
"You know, I can sleep with you..", she remarked and looked carefully at Mina, who seemed frozen.
"Okay .." Mina finally said before stepping out of the doorway and leading Alice into your bedroom.
A large king-size bed stood with its head against the wall and filled most of the room. One side of the bed faced the door. Alice' gaze ran to the bedside cabinet on this side of the bed and could see reading glasses, a pill box and a tube of some kind of cream next to a small lamp. She suspected that Mina slept here. The other nightstand was a lot messier. Unused kleenex were piled on top of each other while a pair of gold earrings lay on the lamp stand. On one corner of the cupboard was an empty glass, but it was definitely used. And then there was a big black hairbrush and either it was Mina's red hair that was caught in it or you had the same hair color as your girlfriend, which Alice found unlikely. On the wall next to this side of the bed was a large painting with some flowers on it. Alice's eyes wandered to a large ground plant that stood in the corner of the room. She noticed that she had seen beautiful flowers all over the house and she remembered Mina saying that you had once worked in a flower shop.
All in all it was a nice bedroom, but Alice only saw the best part when she had stepped completely into the room:
On the wall opposite the foot of the bed was a huge picture window, which allowed a view of the neighborhood and the beautiful night sky. That was the advantage if you didn't live in the city. Alice couldn't help but grin than her eyesremained hanging on the black grand piano, which crowned the bedroom on top of everything else.
"A piano in the bedroom?", She turned to Mina, grinning, who turned red for whatever reason.
"Y / N can play the piano and when I gave this one to her, she wanted it to be here ..", Mina explained and nervously began tapping the floor with her stick to a random rhythm.
"It's pretty cheesy, but you should hear her play ...".
Alice nodded quickly and put on a neutral expression again when she realized that Mina didn't like her grin.
"I imagine it would be nice to wake up in the morning and then hear the piano .." she muttered and looked back at the piano.
"Anyway ..", Mina said and held her stick tighter again.
"We're about the same size, you can have my nightgown if you want ..".
Alice turned back to her and gave the woman a grateful smile.
"That would be nice..".
Mina only nodded shortly before she left the room, only to come back a minute later in a lavender nightgown.
"I'm going to change in the bathroom while you can do this here ..", she explained as Alice took the nightgown and mumbled a little "thank you".
And less than 5 minutes later Alice, who was actually still drunk, was lying in bed next to a completely stranger and, like Mina, stared at the ceiling in silence. And yet she would have preferred nowhere and it was the first evening in weeks that she could fall asleep without any worries.
Contrary to Mina's guess, the next morning hadn't been weird at all. Actually nothing special had happened, but Mina had been worried about Alice's drunkenness, but the woman had been kind as always.
And while everything was fine between Alice and her, she worried about what was between her and you. She felt incredibly guilty and could never have told you that a strange woman had slept in your bed. Mina knew that Alice was way too innocent to think anything about it when she and Mina shared the bed, but you didn't know Alice and you would never understand.
Miss Venable couldn't deny that the brunette had turned her head. Alice was so gentle, it was almost impossible to feel uncomfortable in her presence and Mina finally had someone who understood her and who showed her compassion.
And when you came home on Sunday night and she pushed you right against your front door to kiss you passionately, she did that not only to show you how much she had missed you, but also to prove to herself that she still loved you . Because she did, but what she felt when she saw Alice confused her feelings and it scared her.
It was Thursday afternoon and Mina was on her way home. She had tried again and again over the past few days to show you how much she loved you, but for whatever reason, that only made it worse. At least you just seemed to get a little bit more bitter every day, and she couldn't explain why.
Mina let out an aggressive growl when she sounded the horn because the light turned green and the idiot in front of her stopped driving.
She had got out of work late and now had to hurry to get home, even if she didn't really want to go there. You'd only be disappointed again because she was late again.
Nervously, she drummed her fingers on the steering wheel as she drove home as fast as she could. She was almost in your street when she spotted none other than Alice on the pedestrian path and automatically her bad mood had flown away. Mina stopped next to Alice on the side of the road before pulling down the passenger door window to see Alice's surprised face.
"Jesus Mina .." Alice exclaimed, clutching her chest.
Mina raised an eyebrow and grinned.
"I thought church mice dont swear ..".
"Actually, I don't swear either .." Alice stammered. "But do you have any idea how scary it is when someone pulls up their car next to you?"
"So am I someone then?"
"No .. but .. you know what I mean ..".
Mina nodded curtly before leaning forward to open the passenger door.
"I guess, you want to go home?"
"Oh yes ..", Alice smiled gratefully at Mina before climbing into the car.
"So how are you Mina?" Alice asked after they had driven for a few minutes.
"M'fine ..", Mina mumbled and was well aware that she was lying.
"Good to hear .." Alice said, sounding in as good a mood as ever.
"How did Y / N find the book?"
Mina bit her lip.
"So uhm..I didn't give it to her..Y / N doesnt know you were with me .. "
"Oh ..", uttered the woman next to her and didn't sound that happy anymore.
"I may not be allowed to interfere, but I think you should talk to her .."
"About what?" Mina frowned.
"About how you feel .. Tell Y / N that you feel misunderstood and make it clear to her that it is not your fault ..".
Mina didn't answer and concentrated on driving again.
"You know, communication is the most important thing in a relationship, so talk to her, I think that might help .."
Great, thought Mina and bit the inside of her cheek. Talking about feelings, that was exactly her thing.
She stopped in silence next to Alice's daughter's green house.
"Thanks, Mina ..", Alice mumbled and wanted to open the car door to get out, but Mina stopped her by locking the whole car.
Alice turned to her in confusion before Mina grabbed her by the collar of her blouse, pulled her close and pressed her lips against Alice's.
Alice let out a shocked whimper and Mina immediately withdrew.
For a few seconds both women stared at each other. Alice looked totally overwhelmed and horrified, while Mina slowly realized what she had just done.
Without a word she opened the car doors and not a second later Alice jumped out of the car before running into the house.
A few minutes passed and Mina didn't move an inch. She stared at the street in front of her, trying to understand what had just happened.
All she wanted was to solve the problems between you and her and now she had kissed another woman. Damn it.
She let out a loud scream and hit the steering wheel before leaning forward to lean her forehead against it. A few more minutes passed while she cried against the leather. She hated being so emotional, right now when so many feelings were boiling in her at the same time and she couldn't define all of these things.
After she had calmed down a bit, she took a few deep breaths before starting the car and driving home.
"I'm home, baby .." she called in a thin voice after entering your house.
"Oh, finally ..", she heard you sigh before you appeared in the hallway. Your usual smile faded when you saw her and you frowned.
"What?" Mina asked nervously and chewed her lower lip.
"You have lipstick on your face ..", your voice sounded dark and made Mina nervous.
"Oh .. it must be smeared .." she said and smiled shakily.
"This is not your lipstick .."
Mina's smile froze and she stared at you.
"So you're really having an affair .." you growled and she could see tears glistening in your eyes.
"What the- Y / N..No ..", Mina's voice faltered as she watched you turn around and pointed with your finger to follow you before you led her into your study.
"If you're not having an affair, what is that ..", you opened one of your desk drawers and put a white lace bra on it.
"I found it under our bed and it can't be yours .. you're not wearing white underwear .."
Mina stared at Alice's bra hanging on your finger.
"Okay, how long?", You looked at her piercingly.
"I uhm- We dont-" Mina struggled for words and clung to her cane.
"You just can't be serious .." you yelled. "All I want is your affection and while I give everything to hang out with you, you fuck someone else?"
"I'm not having an affair, Y / N ..", Mina tried to calm you down and held up a hand.
"Oh, then explain to me why I find strange underwear under our bed and why your face is such a mess .. You know, you could have at least tried to hide the whole thing ..".
"Please let me explain ..", Mina chewed her lower lip and briefly considered what to say.
"Well I know you from the directory assistance ..-"
"Ohh, phone sex..",  you interrupted her and raised an eyebrow.
"What the hell, no y / n ..", Mina hissed.
"It turned out that she lives in the neighborhood and then she was here on Saturday and slept here, more not .."
"More not? Are you kidding me?", You spat and ran your hair through. "You let this stranger sleep in my bed and you don't tell me about it? .."
Mina didn't know how to answer it, so she just kept silent.
"Did you have sex?" You asked as you crossed your arms and chewed your lower lip.
"She never could, she-"
"Okay, I'll ask differently ..", you pinched the bridge of your nose.
"Did you want to have sex with her?"
Mina stared at you with wide eyes. In her mind she traveled back to Saturday night when she had been lying in bed next to Alice and staring at the ceiling. She remembered it well, how disgustedt she was of herself, but all she wanted to do at the moment was bend over the innocent woman to do the dirtiest things to her. Things Alice didn't even dare to dream of. All she wanted was to hear the desperate whimpering of the women and how she shouted her name.
But Mina could never have done that, partly because her loyalty was yours and partly because Alice was far too innocent for something like that.
"Wow .." you mumbled when she didn't answer.
"And then that bitch kissed you today ...?"
"Don't call her that ..", Mina defended Alice. "And besides, I kissed her ..".
"Oh..That's even better ..." you screamed as tears ran from your eyes.
"Congratulations Wilhemina, something like that is called an affair ..".
Angrily you threw the bra at Mina before you ran past her back into the hallway. Mina followed you and watched sadly as you packed your handbag with simple things.
"I'm going to see my mother .." you explained without looking at her while you put on your jacket. "I have to think about a few things ... I have no idea how long I'll be gone ... I also have no idea if I'll ever come back ...".
That was the last thing you said before you ran out of your house and left her with all the guilt.
You spent three weeks with your mother. Three long weeks of thinking about everything that had happened. You loved Mina so much, and the fact that there was probably someone else almost killed you. And actually you hadn't meant to come back to her, no matter that all your things were still in her house, but you were too scared that you would then have to see how she got over you and went on with her life.
After all, it was your mother who persuaded you to go to Mina to talk to her.
And now you stood in front of the door of your house and at least from the outside it looked exactly as you had left it. You bravely raised your hand to the door to knock gently on it.
And when Mina opened the door a minute later, you couldn't help but stare at her. You thought you looked like shit, but Mina topped it all. The actually proud woman was just a pile of misery when she opened the door for you that day. The red hair curled untidily over the fabric of her pajamas as she trembled on her stick. She was obviously in pain and probably hadn't taken her pills, something you usually reminded her of. You looked carefully into her face, which seemed even paler than usual, and noticed how she squinted her eyes against the sunlight, she didn't seem to have left the house for a long time.
For a moment you both stared at each other and you felt guilt creep up inside you.
"Can I come in?" You finally asked and looked carefully into her cloudy eyes that were staring down at you. Mina nodded slowly.
"It's your home ..." she muttered before stepping out of the doorway and hobbling into the living room. Without hesitation you ran after her after the door had closed behind you. You sat down next to Mina, who was staring into the empty fireplace, on the couch and also stared at the fireplace, but your attention was focused on the photos on the mantelpiece.
"You didn't take your pills .." you mumbled and she just hummed in agreement.
"..uhm, how are you?" you tried again before carefully looking at her from the side.
"M'great .." she muttered.
"And how are you?" She asked while she was still staring into the fireplace.
"I'm great too."
Mina snorted.
"So we're both liars."
You ignored her comment and got to the real reason you came.
"Okay Mina, uhm i dont know- So about this woman .. I don't know what you had or just didn't have with her ..-"
"I had nothing with her ..", she interrupted you with a growl.
"You understand that I can understand that pretty badly?", You bit your lower lip and watched as Mina shook her head.
"I think you should get to know her .." she muttered and you frowned.
"So are you still in contact with her?"
Mina shrugged her shoulders.
"You should get to know her," she repeated.
"Okay .." you raised both hands in surrender. "Tell me when and where and I'll be there ..".
"Are you coming home then?" She whispered as she finally turned away from the fireplace and her injured eyes met yours.
"I .. I don't know ..", you stammered. "Please let me get to know this woman first .."
Mina nodded just before she got up and left the living room.
"What are you doing?" You called after her, confused.
"I'll call her .. "she muttered.
Your eyes widened.
"She's not coming here now, is she?"
"No ..", Mina called from the hallway. You didn't answer and after a few seconds you heard her talking softly to someone before she came back into the living room and stood in the doorway.
"You will meet her tomorrow in the café next to the library ..", she explained.
"Tomorrow I have to work late .."
"I know .." she said. "That's why you don't meet until 6 pm .."
"Okay .." you nodded briefly and stared at her for a few seconds.
"Uhm, I actually wanted to take some clothes with me .. For three weeks I've had to wear the shit my mother still had from me .."
"It's your home..", Mina replied shortly as she again clutched her stick with both hands.
You jumped up from the sofa to run past her up the stairs. In your dressing room you quickly packed a few clothes in an old sports bag before you turned around and actually wanted to go again, but then the white bra of this woman caught your eye, which was lost in the window sill. You knew stuffing that stupid thing in your gym bag might not be a good idea, but you would do anything to break the owner of this bra, for something to do with your girlfriend.
You ran back down the stairs where Mina was waiting for you in the hallway.
"I should go now .." you muttered as she stared at you expectantly. She nodded sadly.
"Uhm..Can I hug you?" She asked quietly and looked at you carefully.
"uh..of course ..", you nodded slowly before suddenly finding yourself in her arms again. She hugged you so tight that you were afraid you would suffocate. Her red hair tickled your face and for the first time in three weeks you could inhale her lavender perfume while she clung to you like her life depended on it.
"I am so sorry ..", she whispered and you swallowed when you felt guilty again.
"I should go now .." you repeated and withdrew from her arms.
She just nodded before you stumbled to the front door.
"Uhm..Y / N ..", she called after you when you were already out the door. You turned back to her and looked at her questioningly.
"Alice didn't do anything wrong, so please don't kill her tomorrow ..".
You nodded just before turning to go to your car.
"Damn .." you cursed as you nervously stared at your watch.
You parked your car in the library parking lot and walked briskly to the café.
Your gaze wandered through the almost empty room. Two men were sitting at a table and playing chess, an old woman was sitting in a corner and drinking coffee, and then your gaze was fixed on the graceful figure of a woman who was sitting with her back turned to you. It has to be her, you thought as you stared at her hazel hair curled up on a pastel colored blouse.
You got a little nervous when you approached her from behind.
"Uhm..Alice ..?" You asked and the woman winced slightly before turning to you and staring into her friendly eyes.
"You must be Y / N .." she said with a bright smile and got up.
"Uhm..ja .." you mumbled with a frown before you sat down across from her.
"I'm sorry ..I'm late .."
"Oh its okay .." Alice waved her hand before she sat down again. "Mina told me about your work .."
"Did she?", You looked at her confused and she just hummed in agreement.
You used the next few seconds to take in the woman in front of you and understood what Mina had meant. Alice looked so harmless and didn't fall into the category of the horny neighbor slut at all.
You cleared your throat and pointed with your index finger at the cup in front of you.
"What's this?"
"Tea," Alice said curtly. "She told me that you drink tea .."
The furrow on your forehead only got a little deeper as you pulled your eyebrows together a little further.
"She seems to have told you a lot about me .."
"I also know that you play the piano .." Alice replied, sounding kind of proud.
"She had to explain the piano in our bedroom .." you growled darkly as you remembered that this woman had slept in your bed.
"Y / N, she loves you .." she said and looked at you piercingly.
"I'm not sure about this.."
"Okay .." Alice sighed before starting to tell you the whole story from her point of view. How Mina had called her directory assistance late at night, how they met by chance in the library and how she ended up at your home on Saturday evening.
You listened to her attentively without interrupting her and with everyoneSentence made you feel a little worse because everything she said made sense.
"You must know, I never kissed a woman before and- you know ..." Alice muttered, staring at the table.
"And I thought it was a sin all my life and when Mina kissed me I wasn't really happy at first. You know, I was with her on a Tuesday two weeks ago to talk to her about it and she was really sad..- "
"Did she tell you she loves you?" You interrupt her.
"She-" Alice's voice faltered. "She apologized and said she was confused .."
You stared at her in silence.
"I don't want to offend you, Y / N, but Mina feels totally misunderstood by you .. She tries to do everything right and you reject her .. As if it was her fault that she has to work so hard .. And even if she doesn't seem like anyone that gets involved with something like that, she feels totally terrible about it all .. You didn't see how she cried when I was with her that Tuesday .. "
You looked at Alice sadly when you understood what she meant.
"Damn I'm such an idiot .." you muttered, rubbing your hair.
"There's something else, Y / N .." Alice sat up straight before continuing.
"When I was with her on Tuesday, I kissed her again ..".
Her words made you freeze.
"You did what?"
"You already understand me .." Alice said, looking at each other nervously.
"Did she kiss you or did you kiss her?"
"I kissed her."
"Okay .." you frowned.
"She loves you .." Alice repeated, putting her hand on yours.
Tears stung your eyes.
"But she loves you too ..", you croaked as you felt warm tears running down your face. Alice reached out her hand to wipe the tears from your face.
"Maybe .." she said softly. "But you mustn't be mad at her for that, it's not her fault .. Mina and I don't have an affair or anything, she loves you too much for that .."
"And do you love her?"
Alice thought for a few seconds before answering.
"I don't know to be honest .. This is all new to me, if you get what I mean .."
You nodded slowly and thought for a moment about everything she had just told you.
"I uhm .. thanks for trying to explain everything to me .." you finally said.
The woman in front of you smiled gently before taking her hand back.
"I hope you don't hate me now or anything.."
"Oh no!" You shouted loudly. "You are really kind .."
"Thank you," Alice muttered, her eyes shining a little more.
You stared at her for another moment and you could totally understand that Mina found this little sunshine attractive.
"Uhm by the way .." you started and reached into your handbag.
"I uhm .. I brought your bra .."
You put the bra on the table and pushed it over to the woman.
"Thank you .." Alice mumbled embarrassed and blushed, which made you grin.
She was really cute.
And that was your first "date" with Alice. Although one would call this educational talk less than a date. That same evening you drove back home and by home you meant Mina and not your mother's house.
The following months were more than overwhelming for you, Mina and Alice. Mina and you both applied for less working time at your work, which you also received and you had more time for each other.
That wasn't what overwhelmed you so much, the problem was, that it was pretty difficult for all 3 of you to come to terms with how you felt about each other.
After all, Mina got along best with it because she was the one of you who had been confronted with it the longest.
For her sake you accepted her love for Alice and began to meet the brunette more often and at some point you had to find out that you too were hopelessly in love with Alice.
Alice struggled with it though. The mere fact that she was in love with one woman scared her and then there were two. It was pretty hard for her to put aside all of her lesbian advantages and what her church said about you. Fortunately, Alice's children had different opinions and were glad that their mother was happy again after the divorce.
You and Mina were a little afraid of Alice's extended family, but they had all been nice to you and there was almost nothing better for you than to take care of Alice's grandchildren.
It took a while, but finally Alice also managed to get rid of her inhibitions and give herself completely to you.
And sometimes when you wake up between the two of them, when Mina had her arms wrapped around you from behind and when Alice was cuddled with her head to your chest and you were wondering how all this was even possible, you were probably the happiest person on earth at the same time.
And all you needed for that was the little sunshine in your arms while the red hair of your beautiful protector tickled your face.
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mashiraostail · 4 years
who do u think r the biggest simps??
1.) Hizashi: THIS MAN IS SUCH A SIMP IT’S PRESENT MIC I DON’T CARE EVEN A LITTLE BIT THIS MAN IS SUCH A FUCKING SIMP!!! I can’t explain it honestly i just...i can so picture him being the biggest idiot for his s/o he’s always looking at pics of them and staring at them when they’re around and he’s gonna compliment everything they do period. Like aw the way you sit is so cute, aw I love how you twirl pencils with your fingers when you’re trying to focus, aw your stutter is precious. And god even a tiny CRUMB of kindness from you will put him on cloud nine. Oh you like his jacket?? Okay, he can happily die now. He has pretty eyes? Excuse him he has to go cry in the bathroom. The sappier you get the easier it is to get your way. . He gives so many gifts, little stupid things that make him think of his s/o but also big extravagant gifts tht always leave them totally flustered and embarrassed. Biggest simp. Simp of the year. 
2.) Sekijiro- Sorry but.. Vlad king supremacy?? Idk why he’s such a respectful simp I just get those vibes from him. Like he’ll do anything his s/o asks, need something lifted? Ok he’ll be there in 5 minutes. Oh need help reaching something? Sure thing whatever you need. Had a bad day? Oh no well come sit here with me and we can talk about it or watch your favorite movie if you don’t wanna yet! This man loves love, if he gets hurt on the job, or has a bad day all he’s gonna wanna do is curl up with you and get all the kisses and loves and back rubs. If he’s having a bad day he’s def gonna sit around daydreaming about you. His phone bg is def either a pic of you together or just a pic of you, he has a lot of pics of you and he enjoys them very much. It’s always your way, you have to beg him to just tell you what he wants sometimes, and no ‘whatever you want babe’ isn’t a valid answer!!! sorry not sorry about it!! 
3. Toshinori- GOOODDDDD THIS MAN IS A SIMP. He’s totally stupid in love w his s/o the minute they meet. He’s all blushy and stupid and smiley at them and he’s always paying little tiny thoughtless compliments like ‘oh you have really nice hands’ or ‘you’re always so helpful (: I’m so lucky to get to work with you!’ He’s just happy to be around his s/o and he’ll do whatever they want. Shopping? Sure he’ll tag along. Got a bunch of boring errands to run? He’ll keep you company. Need to do a ton of house work? He can help! He also loves giving small gifts, and any matching thing on the planet will make his heart soar, rings of course, but also bracelets, key chains, mugs anything this man will want it. If you say a song reminded you of him he will listen to it on loop for weeks. He’s totally fantastically infatuated and it’s such obvious puppy love too.
4. Taishiro Toyomitsu- PLEASE again this man is a major simp gentleman. He holds doors he gets you flowers he cooks you dinner he talks about you all the time. Seriously all the time. Tamaki probably knows your whole life story by now all he does is brag about you. Complete a slightly difficult task? Everyone Taishiro interacts with is gonna know it. Even the villains. If he ever does an interview you’re getting brought up. He doesn’t care how much he has to bend over backward to do it, he’s gonna talk about you or he’ll perish. When you’re together it’s kisses and hugs all the time, he barely ever walks by without giving you some form of kiss, and god the amount of times this man says ‘i love you’ in one day, hell one hour, should be illegal. 
5. Kugo Sakamata- he’s not a super simp BUT he is still a simp, and the nicer you are to him the more simpish he becomes. If you have a normal comfortable give and take dynamic that’s good with him, but if you’re ever very affectionate with him he’ll be total putty in your hands. The longer you’re together the worse it gets. He loves gift-giving and there truly is nothing you can’t have. If you want it then it’s your’s Kugo doesn’t care, why would he? If it’ll make you happy then you can have as many as you want. So all in all, may not be a super simp at first but you can def mold him into one. 
6. Keigo Takami- He doesn’t simp at all in the beginning, he’s actually an annoying little turd. But the longer he spends with you the more infatuated he becomes until eventually it feels like going 6 hours without a kiss from you is majorly pushing it. Tokoyami has heard about every accomplishment you’ve ever made from your job to how quickly you did the dishes the night before. He has seen a thousand photos of you and probably knows you really well if he for whatever reason hasn’t met you. Because Keigo is always stopping to visit on patrols, or begging you to come to see him at the agency for lunch or just a quick hello if you’re going to be passing through. When he gets to know you all he wants to do is make you feel good.
7. Aizawa Shouta- people probably wanted him higher on this list but idk he doesn’t scream simp to me. In public he def does NOT simp, he might stare at you a little too long if he isn’t expecting to see you and he’ll always smile back if you smile at him but don’t expect him to plaster pictures of you everywhere and constantly talk about how much he loves you because that isn’t his style. In PRIVATE though?? This man can simp for the right cause. And sir can this man SIMP. What do you want? A bath? Okay I can do that. Your favorite food? Sure that’s easy. Massage? You don’t even have to ask! He likes the effect he has on you, watching you get flustered and melt at his affection is something he starts to really enjoy the longer the pair of you stay together. 
8. Mirai Sasaki- At first he doesn't simp, but once you hit a few milestones he’ll start. He likes making you laugh, and seeing your smile is at the top of his priority list, he has tons of photos of you smiling and if anyone is having a bad day he’ll think of some silly story about you to tell to cheer them up. Like others, his intern, Mirio, has heard all about you and probably knows you really well. He probably made it a point to introduce you after working with Mirio for a while. Mirio probably sees you as a package deal at this point. 
9.Nemuri Kayama- Girl does NOT simp. You simp for her  and you like it that way, periodsm!!! No actually though at first she also doesn’t simp at all, she doesn’t care, she can have pretty much anyone she wants so if you don’t like her then you can pack it up and find someone else. But the longer you stay with her the more she starts to warm up to it, she likes seeing you happy, so going the extra mile even if it is a bit much for her is something she’s going to start doing more and more. She’ll remember all your favorite things and give you random gifts. She’ll take lots of photos of you to keep for herself  and she’ll send you plenty of her own. She starts to also find a lot of comfort in you and will be looking for ways to spend time with you.
10. Enji Todoroki- I aint explaining this. Mans aint no simp. 
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psycho-slytherin · 4 years
Strangers ch. 46
The truth begins to be untold, from multiple perspectives.
Pairing: Idol!Yoongi x Actress!Reader
Word count: 3.2k
Genre: fluff, angst, slow burn, strangers to friends to ??? I honestly don’t know what this counts as anymore
Warnings: Strong language
<–– Prev  Next ––>
You can’t breathe for several seconds. You feel yourself begin to tremble, and Wonho must feel it too, because he places a protective hand on your shoulder. “Y/n?”
For a moment, the club swims before you. No. No. You’re not letting her win, not again. With enormous effort, you summon that numbness once more, letting it settle over you. In a single moment, you adjust your posture and expression, and although your throat feels like it’s about to close up, you don’t allow your voice to change. You’re an actress, after all. “Good to see you’re having fun,” you tell Yoongi cooly, ignoring Seoyeon. The redhead’s eyes narrow at your obvious disinterest. Yoongi’s gaze sweeps between you and Wonho, who’s glistening with sweat from dancing. Wonho’s mesh top is sticking to his defined abs.
“Looks like you are too,” Yoongi replies quietly. His brows knit together and his eyes search yours, almost pleading –
He can’t do this to me. It’s not fair. And you can’t keep your voice steady much longer. You take a long pull of your drink.
“Suga-bear~” Seoyeon whines.
“Hyung!” Out of nowhere, Hoseok breaks through the crowd, looking wildly between you and Yoongi. “Ha… I-I didn’t know you’d be here!” He says through a too-wide smile. 
Still looking at you, Yoongi jerks his head toward Seoyeon, who continues clinging to him. You notice Hoseok twitch. 
Without breaking eye contact with Yoongi, you reach up and rest your hand on Wonho’s, who’s still holding your shoulder. “Wonho, I’m going to BTS’s private room. Hoseok, is it okay if Wonho comes with?”
“Of course.” 
Wonho seems confused, but – bless him – he goes along with you as you turn your back on Seoyeon… and Yoongi. 
“So! Tell me about your mixtape, how’s that going?” You hear Hoseok shout over the music as you lead Wonho away. By the time you finally shut the door, closing yourself off from the club, you feel like the night has lasted for far longer than a few songs. 
The other members have disappeared, surely out on the dance floor or by the bar. Coats are strewn on the couch and chairs, and you can spot several empty bottles of soju on the counter.
‘Hey… you okay?” Wonho asks, his voice soft.
“Yeah,” you answer too quickly. 
“Want to talk about it?”
For a moment, just a moment, you consider telling him everything: about Lisa, missing and possibly dead. About Xiumin, who proved that you really couldn’t trust anyone. About Yoongi, whose betrayal hurt you more than any real boyfriend could. About Seoyeon, how she and her cronies followed you out of the hospital. About that night, the shove, the blood, the walk, the cold. About the photo, and how it ruined your lamppost meetings with Yoongi forever. You could tell him about how you found Seoyeon’s picture on Lisa’s laptop, making you fear the worst. 
Or the relentless cyberbullying. Would Wonho understand? You reach up, rubbing your thumb against the Starry Night pendant. Your situation is comically unique – would anyone understand? You’re stronger now, yes, but what does your strength mean if Lisa is gone forever and Yoongi is dating your attacker?
Your phone buzzes. Finally, is it the contract from FYP Entertainment? 
@mrsminnie<3: Guys! I made a poll, vote who u think Yoongi is better with- @seoyeonnielovesbts vs @yourname!
@jjksaysfuck: WHY does @yourname still think she’s relevant? Suga BROKE UP WITH HER lollll her career is #deadinthewater
@captainkookie21: @jjksaysfuck kinda like @yourname soon ;) #SUGA belongs to ARMYs! You’ll see ^-^
@streamDIEnamite03: Ok but like,,,, did anyone see that commercial with @WONHO and @yourname??? That was spicy 0_0
“Oh, sorry!” You realize you’ve been silent for several seconds too long. “Yeah. I’m fine. I should’ve known this would happen eventually, just…” You tuck your phone away. Not so soon.
“Dunno what he thinks he’s doing, showing up like this after that PR fiasco,” Wonho says, eyeing the door as though Yoongi is right behind it. “I mean, it looks like the girl wanted to come, Yoongi’s never been one for clubs. But seriously, dating a fan? You’d think he’d know better.”
You freeze. “Right.” You forgot that to the public, you and Yoongi met on the set of Possible. You forgot that you were never an ARMY – Yoongi wouldn’t date a fan.
“She gives me weird vibes, I dunno. Are you sure you’re okay?”
You nod. “I just want a few minutes without having to worry.” You’re both still standing awkwardly by the door, and you nod at the couch. “Wanna sit down? We can go back to the dance floor once we’ve caught our breath.”
“Sure. Hey, I never mentioned it earlier and I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but that outfit looks really great on you.”
You laugh. Maybe the night doesn’t have to be a waste after all. 
“Suga-bear~” Seoyeon coos. “Buy me a drink?” “Get your own,” Yoongi growls, tugging his arm out of her grasp. He forgot the group had a VIP room at Club Xyon; what were they doing in it?
Spread around the dancefloor, he sees Jungkook and Jimin having one of their famous dance battles; Taehyung is dancing in the front, vibing with the smitten DJ. Jin and Namjoon are sitting in a booth, surrounded by gorgeous idols.
And Hoseok is with him. Y/n and Wonho are alone.
Seoyeon is still whining. “But Suga, I want you to get it for me!”
Ugh. “Fine, what do you want?”
“Anything. Make it strong.”
Yoongi locks eyes with Hoseok, making sure he knows to keep an eye on Seoyeon, before heading to the bar.
“Suga!” The pretty mixologist grins broadly at his approach. “I’m a big fan! What can I get for you?”
Yoongi nods. “Thanks. Can I get some sparkling water with vodka on the rim and – I don’t know, something strong? Whatever you want to make, but with an extra shot.”
She nods, and sets about making the drinks. As he’s waiting, Yoongi’s phone buzzes with a text:
D-man: eyo Gloss [11:13]
D-man: got some shit for u [11:14]
Yoongi: Please tell me it’s good [11:14]
D-man: u don’t pay me for good u pay me for results [11:15]
D-man: anyway idk about good, but it’s something? [11:15]
D-man: seems weird tho [11:16]
Yoongi: What do you mean? [11:17]
D-man: hang on there’s more [11:17]
D-man: lemme call u soon [11:17]
Yoongi: ???? [11:18]
“Here are your drinks – oh, no charge!” The mixologist says with a wink. “I’m never taking a cent from BTS.”
Yoongi laughs, shoving his phone into his pocket. “Call it a tip, then. I insist.”
Hoseok’s smile is strained as Seoyeon dotes on him. Yoongi wishes he could laugh at his discomfort, but Hoseok is the only one besides him and Y/n that actually knows what the girl is capable of. 
“Here.” He hands Seoyeon the drink and sips from his own sparkling water. He refuses to lose his inhibitions around her.
Wonho and Y/n are alone. What if he hurts her?
Seoyeon takes a big swig. She was already drinking in the car on the way to the club, and Yoongi doesn’t understand why, with so much at stake, she can have fun. 
She hurt Y/n. She has Lisa. She hurt Y/n. She has Lisa. She hurt Y/n.
What he can’t understand is why Detective Kang and the rest of the police department aren’t investigating Seoyeon. Y/n did turn Lisa’s laptop over, right? Seoyeon’s photo was there, open on her desktop. Maybe they knew each other for unrelated reasons? But D would have told him.
Argh. This night wasn’t supposed to be such a mess. And what is Y/n doing?
“You’re kidding!” You snort into your glass of soju, almost spilling the drink down your front. “He said that?”
“Oh yeah. So I was like, dude, I’m not gonna fight you. Right? He was a head shorter than me. He didn’t like that, so he started swinging, but he ended up hitting my buddy–” 
Already buzzed and determined to forget about Yoongi, you laugh harder than you need to. “That’s crazy.”
Your phone buzzes once, twice, three times. Argh. You glance at Wonho, hoping he didn’t notice the notification, but… 
“Go ahead and take it,” Wonho says, ruffling his hair. “You’re hoping it’s the contract, right?”
“Ah – yeah, sorry.” You scroll through your notifications, past more hate messages. There’ve been fewer lately. You suppose you’re becoming old news. Still, some accounts have been more persistent. A text notification catches your eye:
Hi, L/n Y/n. I’m messaging you on behalf of Mr. Park of FYP entertainment. We expect a response to the contract offer by 5:00pm Tuesday.
Wonho looks up from his screen. “What’s up?”
“This…” you furrow your brow. “This says I’ve already received the contract. But I’m certain I haven’t!” You reload your email inbox desperately, but nothing changes. Wonho leans closer, until you can feel the heat radiating off his body. “Check your trash folder?” he suggests.
“But I haven’t deleted anything!”
“Just check.”
You sigh and click to view your recently deleted emails. There, staring at you, is an email with the subject line L/n Y/n FYP Ent. Contract of Employment 20xx.
“Oh my gosh, there it is!” You squeal, quickly moving it back to your inbox before tossing your phone aside and throwing your arms around Wonho. “Thank you so much!”
Wonho is quick to hug you back, laughing. “Of course. Glad I could help solve the mystery.”
As you gaze at Wonho, you’re filled with elation. Wonho’s easy. Unproblematic. Kind. “Wanna go back and dance?”
“Your wish, my command,” he replies with a wink. As you stand from the couch, Wonho steals a last glance at his phone- and does a double take. “Yo, what?”
“Ah, nothing. Just some stupid gossip about, er, Yoongi’s new girlfriend.”
Something burns in your throat. “Anything interesting?”
“Nah. Some people are saying that ‘cause her dad’s a cop, Yoongi must’ve committed a crime and her dad is letting him off if he dates Seoyeon.” Wonho chuckles. “The things people invent when they’ve got too much time on their hands.”
“What do you mean, her dad is a cop?”
He shrugs. “Detective, I guess. Same difference, and somehow I doubt Yoongi’s a felon. So! Are we gonna go dance?”
Kang Seoyeon.
“Yeah,” you reply, suddenly breathless. “Let’s dance.”
“I love this song!” Seoyeon squeals, waving her arms in the air. Yoongi, sipping his sparkling water, is doing his best to ignore her, while Hoseok is amusing himself with Seoyeon’s antics.
Yoongi wishes he could relax and enjoy himself, but with Y/n’s would-be killer and most certainly Lisa’s kidnapper now throwing it back to HyunA, and with D having something for him, Yoongi can’t do anything but stare around tensely. Suddenly, he notices Y/n and Wonho rejoining everyone on the dance floor. They’re laughing shoulder-to-shoulder. He feels a bolt of jealousy strike him like lightning, so fierce that he can barely breathe.
“Suga bear!” Seoyeon shouts, slurring her words slightly. She’s already finished her drink and is halfway through another. “You love me, right?”
Fucking hell. “No,” Yoongi replies, his voice flat. Behind Seoyeon, Yoongi can see Hoseok slap a hand to his mouth to stifle his laughter.
Seoyeon’s eyes fill with tears. “B-but you have to love me! I worked so hard, Suga! I did it all for you! You have to love me!”
Worked so hard? She had stalked him, tried to kill Y/n, and kidnapped Lisa. “Did all what for me?” Yoongi snarls. “You little –”
Bzzt. Bzzt. D is calling him.
Yoongi stares from his phone to Seoyeon to Y/n and Wonho across the dance floor. Shit. “Hoseok, keep an eye on her, okay?”
Hoseok salutes dramatically. “Yessir!”
With that, Yoongi snakes away from the crowd, eventually finding a less populated corner that gives him a perfect view of Y/n and Wonho having a great time. Wait…  is it his imagination, or does Y/n look-
“Gloss! Yo, my guy!”
Yoongi tapped his foot impatiently. “C’mon, what’ve you got?”
“Jeez, gimme a sec! Okay, so. Remember how that photo of you and Y/n was going around?”
“Right, so it came from, like, one of the red-haired chick’s backup accounts.”
“D, you fuckin’ told me this shit already, man.”
“I’m getting there! Stardom’s making you annoying, come back to Daegu.”
Yoongi snorts. “Keep talking.”
“So, you asked if Lisa had any side socials that weren’t under her name, right?”
“Well, I did a bit of digging – I charge extra for all the thirst tweets I had to look at, by the way – and I found that the fan account Seoyeon posted on has a very interesting username… one that corresponds pretty damn well to one her mutuals.” D took a deep breath. “Seoyeon’s account was called ‘@capkookies_btsbff’, and her mutual’s account is @captainkookie21. Remember how she kept talking about someone named Cap? Sooo I looked at that account, poking around, yknow? First thing: This was a total BTS fan account till, like, a few months ago. But after that? Gloss, this is some of the worst hate I’ve seen in a hot sec.”
“Whaddya mean, hate?”
“Hate towards your girl, bro! All sorts of bullshit, creepy stuff. Now, the IP address – which I took the liberty of finding, you’re welcome – tells me they’re in Seoul. The more interesting thing is that the address changed, and only a little over a month ago.”
“How can that change? I thought IPs were tied to devices.”
“They totally are! But socials aren’t. So this person was using one device, up until a month ago, and then switched.”
“They got a new phone?”
“Maybe. Or maybe they were trying to hide their location and were forced to use a new device.”
Yoongi’s forehead wrinkled. “Wha…”
He could hear D sigh over the phone. “Dude! Don’t you get it? Before they switched devices, this account was linked to Lisa’s phone!”
Yoongi’s jaw goes slack. That night at Seoyeon’s house… “Cap said you’d come to me. We’re meant to be.” 
“W-Where’s Suuuu-ga?” Seoyeon whines, clutching at Hoseok’s arm. She finished the rest of her glass and is now clearly well on her way to drunk.
“He’ll be back soon,” Hoseok replies, trying to blend his movement in with the heavy bass so that he and Seoyeon don’t stand out too much.
“All I did was love him,” Seoyeon says now, her eyes wide and doe-like. 
Hoseok makes a face. “You stalked him.”
Shaking her head vehemently, Seoyeon takes another pull of her drink. “Nuh-uh. I never did.”
Hoseok purses his lips. She’s clearly willing to let slip information, but he doesn’t want to take advantage of her vulnerability. “You followed him to that hospital, and that lamppost. That’s called stalking.”
“Nooooooo I di-hic-didn’t,” Seoyeon warbles, swaying. Hoseok catches her and props her up, brows knit. Is she okay? Of course, Hoseok was the last to claim a title for holding one’s liquor, but Seoyeon seems insistent on getting wasted.
“I was just –” Seoyeon hiccups and giggles to herself. “Captain’s orders!”
“Oops!” Seoyeon claps a hand over her mouth, stumbling backwards and bumping into an actress Heoseok recognizes from his favorite drama. “Nothingggg.”
This could be interesting. Hoseok plucks the glass from her hand, holding it away as she reaches for it. “Ah-ah-ah. I’ll give it back once you tell me what you meant.”
Seoyeon laughs, the sound going from a cute drunk giggle to something more intense, more concerning. “C-caaan’t~ Cap said I had to keep quiet.”
“Just tell me why you said you weren’t stalking Yoongi. You were following him, right? How else could you have found him at the hospital? And that lamppost?”
Seyeon sticks her tongue out. “Not telling!”
Is this really the same girl who shoved Y/n into a river and kidnapped Lisa under everyone’s noses?
Hoseok pauses and thinks. “Yoongi hasn’t kissed you, has he?”
Almost immediately, Seoyeon’s eyes well up with tears once more. “No! He never even touches me!”
“You know, I bet if you told me everything, he’d be really grateful.” Hoseok leans forward conspiratorially, barely able to hear himself over the music and shouts on the dance floor. “I’m sure he’d love you then.”
Seoyeon lets out a squeal that sounds practically inhuman. “Really?”
“Mhm.” Hoseok swallows down his guilt with the reassurance that he’s doing this for Y/n and Yoongi’s sakes. “So what were you doing at the hospital?”
Seoyeon stops and thinks hard, her face serious for the first time all night. “You really think he’ll love me? He won’t be mad?”
“Of course.”
Suddenly, Seoyeon shoots forward and snatches her glass away from Hoseok, downing the rest of the drink before he can blink. “I just wanted to be with him,” she says, wiping a droplet from her lips. “But I wasn’t following him. Cap said that she was at the hospital.” Seoyeon’s eyes turn dark, furious, the change so severe that Hoseok flinches. “Cap said she wanted to take Suga away from me. So I waited outside the hospital with my friends. Suga doesn’t belong to her!” Placing her glass on a nearby table, Seoyeon tugs at Hoseok’s sleeve desperately. “He belongs to me! To us, to ARMYs!”
 Goosebumps erupt along Hoseok’s arms. Fans like this have always terrified him. To claim ownership of a person just because they were an idol… “And the lamppost? You didn’t follow Y/n, did you?”
Seoyeon blinks heavily. “I didn’t seeeee her after she fell into the river. Cap just told me where to go, and when I saw them hugging, I wanted to kill Y/n.” She smiles sweetly as though her words were nothing but innocent. 
Hoseok can feel his stomach roil. “Why did you do all this?”
“Duh!” Seoyeon sweeps her arm around, gesturing at the club. “Cap’s friends with BTS! I was promised that Cap could set me up with Suga. And – hic – it worked.”
“We’re not friends. What?” Is this person someone the group knows? But Hoseok can’t think of many people the members of Bangtan are all friends with, except Y/n. No, surely…? She wouldn’t do that to herself.
It’s getting her a lot of publicity, a tiny voice in Hoseok’s head reminds him.
“W-What do you mean?” Seoyeon asks, a pout forming on her lips. “‘Course you are. After all, she has a video of Jimin saying her name.”
Hoseok’s heart is hammering in his chest. Y/n does love to tease Jimin. “At a fansign?” It would make sense, at least.
“Noooo~” Seoyeon says in a slurred singsong voice. “In your apartment.” She giggles, covering her mouth. “I recognized it from your lives!”
Hoseok’s own mouth goes dry. Had Y/n been manipulating his friend this whole time? “Oh.”
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when you look at me with those eyes (i’m speechless)
summary: virgil finally manages to ask out the pretty enby in his class, just in time for his father's epic gala event. sadly, neither of them would know fashion if it bit them in the ass. luckily, they both have friends to help them out. 
(OR: almost 3k words of analogical being useless fluffy gays)
wordcount: 2934
ships: romantic analogical, background romantic roceit, background queerplatonic intruality, background romantic remile
cw: cursing 
read it on ao3!! 
“So, uh, wh - what do you say?” 
Logan looks up from their desk, homework long forgotten. Their left hand is stretched out to cover the little doodle they’d been doing of the back of Virgil’s head, and now Virgil himself is standing in front of them, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly and looking anywhere except at Logan. He’s still wearing that patchwork purple plaid hoodie, and for some reason the only thing Logan can think of is that it’s definitely a violation of their school uniform. 
Virgil’s eyes skitter back to their face, skipping from their shoulder to their chest to their neck to their cheek. Their eyes meet for a moment, Virgil’s illuminated by the afternoon sunshine pouring in, and Logan forgets how to breathe. Virgil’s pink face gets even pinker, and his eyes settle on a point fixed above Logan’s shoulder. 
“Are you just gonna stare at me?” he snaps. “If you’re gonna reject me, just -”
“No!” Logan blurts. Virgil’s shoulders jump up to his ears, and Logan stands so fast their chair falls over behind them. “I - I mean - I’m not rejecting you, I - um - yes! Yes, I - I’d love to! That is to say - I - uh -” 
Virgil laughs a little, reaching out and tucking a stray curl of Logan’s hair behind their ear. They hadn’t even noticed that wisps had started escaping their high ponytail, but Virgil just smiles at them. “Cool,” he says. 
“Yes,” Logan breathes. “It - it is, objectively, quite ‘cool’.” 
“The event’s on Saturday night.” Virgil’s fingers tuck their hair behind their ear, gently tracing down the curve of their neck and sliding up to touch their jaw. “Pick you up around six PM or so?” 
Logan swallows, and they’re sure Virgil can hear it but he gives no indication if he did. “That - that sounds optimal.” They cringe inwardly - optimal? What the hell? - but Virgil just laughs and slides his hand up to cup their cheek. 
“You keep busting out all those smart-person words and I’m gonna have to kiss you before I buy you dinner, and that’s not very nice of me.” His hand drops from Logan’s face, and it takes all their willpower not to scream for him to put it back. He gently picks up their hand, lifting it to his bitten-raw lips and gently pressing a kiss to the back. “That’ll have to hold you over until then.” 
He turns and saunters away, and Logan grips the edge of their desk. They almost sit down on the chair they’d knocked over, catching themselves at the last second. Looking around the empty classroom, they catch sight of themselves reflected in the windows. They’d opted for a mixture of the uniforms today, wearing the boys’ shirt, vest, and tie over the girls’ skirt, knee-high stockings, and shoes. Their hair is tightly tied back with a plain hair tie, no ribbon, only one curl out of place where Virgil had tucked it behind their ear. 
They don’t typically dress themselves for much other than school (uniform), work (uniform), or home (casual clothing). They have no idea what they should wear for a date. Their phone buzzes on the desk, and they snatch it up quickly, flipping it open to see a message from Virgil. 
(They’d forgotten he had their number, from that project they did together last month.) 
You have: One! New message! 
FROM: Virgil 
hey, forgot to tell u - this gala is like, a bfd for my dads’ company, so dress up! like its prom or smthn, or a wedding 
Logan exhales, gathering up their school things and shoving them into their bag with an uncharacteristic haphazardness. This is going to require . . . outside intervention.
(Meanwhile, a few doors down, Virgil slams the door to his own classroom, shoves his face into his hands, and lets out the quietest feral screech he can manage. Derek, seated on the teacher’s desk with Roman pulled up between his legs, raises a single eyebrow.
“Is that a screech of success or a screech of failure, Virgil?”)
“What does one wear on a ‘fancy date’? I have never been to a wedding or a prom, let alone a gala! I do not own anything fancy!” Logan paces around their bedroom, hair hanging loose around their shoulders. Patton is on his back, hanging upside-down off of their bed and flipping through some sort of guitar catalog. Remus is curled up in Logan’s desk chair with some sort of slime in his hand. “Remus, if you get slime on my belongings I will end you.” 
Remus grins, looking deranged, and Logan resists the childish urge to throw something at him. 
“Don’t sweat it, Lo-Lo!” Patton says. “I’ve got a ton of pretty clothes in my room, you can borrow something from me! We’re still the same size, right?” 
“I assume so,” Logan says, “but what if I do not look right in your clothing? Our styles are vastly different, I would not wish to present a false impression of myself to him, I -”
“You worry too much!” Remus says. “Virge asked you out even though you’re a workaholic disaster who wouldn’t know the meaning of ‘relax’ if it bit him in the -”
“Remus!” Patton scolds, throwing one of Logan’s decorative constellation pillows at him. Remus bats it away with his foot. 
“Please do not throw things around,” Logan says tiredly. “Particularly my things.” 
“Sorry, Lo!” Remus does not apologize, but he does put the slime he’s been playing with back into its little plastic container. 
“Well, actually,” Patton says, flipping over onto his tummy, “it just so happens that I’ve been waiting for exactly this moment.” Logan looks at their twin in confusion. “I knew that eventually, there was gonna come a day where you would look at somebody and want to go on a date with them, whether it be a simple movie or a fancy date like this one, and you were gonna call me in here - didn’t know Remus would be here too, but he’s not unwelcome -”
“Thank you?” 
“- and you’d pace around and panic and go, ‘Patton! I don’t have anything optimal for this date, and our personal styles are so vastly different! What ever is there to be done?’” Patton flings one hand dramatically across his forehead like a Victorian woman fainting onto a couch. Logan raises one eyebrow. 
“So! I came up with the perfect solution! I’ve been secretly acquiring outfits for you! Stuff that you could wear for a variety of situations that you wouldn’t ever think of! We can mix and match to find something you like! Oh, and I also have a ton of unopened hypoallergenic makeup in a box in my closet!” 
Logan stares at him, blinking and trying to process everything Patton’s just told them. “You . .. you really did all that, for . . . for me?” 
“Yeah, of course I did! You’re my twin, Lo. I love you.” Patton smiles, bright and open and honest, and Logan blinks again, and suddenly their cheeks are wet. 
“Are you fucking crying because Patton is a considerate brother?!” Remus cackles. Logan whirls around, hiding their face and wiping at it frantically. “Oh my god, you are, I fucking called it, Roman owes me twenty bucks!” 
“You bet on this?” Patton asks, disapproving. Logan laughs a little, turning around to hug their twin. They can’t quite bring themselves to care about Remus’s gambling right now. 
“Why are you bitching?” Roman asks, pulling Derek’s hand up to his face. He’d forgotten his saline solution at his own house, so he’s wearing his old red glasses, bangs pulled up in a shitty unicorn-horn ponytail as he squints at Derek’s nails. Derek holds a book up with his free hand. “You managed to get them to go out with you, didn’t you?” 
“Yeah, but I was awkward as fuck about it, Roman!” Virgil complains. He considers throwing something at Roman, or shoving a pillow over his face and screaming (again), but the deep indigo-purple polish on their fingernails is still drying. “I touched their hair, they probably think I’m a fucking creep!” 
“As someone with that exact reputation,” Derek says, “I highly doubt they would have agreed to accompany you on a date if they shared your sentiments about yourself.” 
“Yeah, but -”
“Lighten up a little, man,” Roman says, carefully stroking the yellow brush over Derek’s index nail. “You’re totally fucking with the vibe of the chill session.”
“What do you want me to do?! I told them to dress fancy cause we’re going somewhere nice, like I have any idea how to dress other than ‘crawled out of a dumpster and sewed together some punk band’s leftovers’!” 
“Why did you think you invited me?” Roman says haughtily. He’s imitating some YouTube video they’d watched earlier. “I’m the king of style!” 
“You’re the king of something,” Virgil mutters. 
“No, seriously, I’m gonna help you!” Roman says. “I’m sure you have something that looks half-decent buried in your closet, and I am nothing if not an expert in bringing things out of the closet.” Derek’s cheeks blush faintly pink, but he doesn’t say anything. “And Der here is amazing with makeup -”
“I wouldn’t say experience with stage makeup and covering my port wine stain makes me amazing or anything,” Derek begins. 
“Well I would, so shut the fuck up,” Roman says smoothly. Derek rolls his eyes and huffs fondly. “Seriously, Vee, did you really think we were gonna egg you on to ask the pretty nerd out for this long and then leave you high and dry when the time came to deliver the goods?” 
Virgil exhales, bringing his hands up to his face to examine his nails. “I think they’re dry . . .”
“Nice! Get over here, once I’m done with Derek’s base color I’m putting sparkles on you.”
“What? Why?” 
“Because it’s my house and I get to choose the bonding activity, god damn it.” 
“What do you mean, no?” Logan says, pulling their hair up into their traditional high ponytail. “What else am I supposed to do with it? I hate leaving it down, it feels bad on my neck -”
“I know,” Patton says, “but you can’t just put it in the same old ponytail you always do! This is a fancy gala event, you have to be fancy! ” 
“What else am I supposed to do with my hair?” 
“You will not do anything. I will do your hair,” Patton says firmly. “And by I, I mean Remus, because I’m not good at hair.” 
“Remus is not putting his hands, which have been god only knows where, in my clean hair.” 
“Rude!” Remus says. “I washed them three times today! You can inspect them if you want, I promise they’re clean!” Logan squints at his hands critically before sighing and settling into the chair in front of Patton’s vanity. 
“Very well.” 
Remus brushes through their hair and then combs it, carefully working through the knots while doing his best to preserve their natural curl. He separates two small wings and pins them out of the way before pulling the rest of Logan’s long curls into a mid-height ponytail and braiding it with surprisingly delicate fingers. He carefully twists the long braid up into a bun at the nape of Logan’s neck and pins it there with a gleaming silver hairpin tipped with a shining eight-point star with a dark blue jewel set in its center. 
Carefully, Remus unpins the locks of hair he’d set aside and braids them as well, weaving them into a crown of braids on Logan’s head and cleverly hiding the ends by pinning them into the braided bun. Finally, he pins back a few stray wispy curls with silver bobby pins that have star-shaped cubic zirconium on the ends. “Take a look!” 
Logan has had their eyes closed the entire time, quietly stimming with their hands. They open them slowly, looking in the mirror and tilting their head back and forth to see all of the work Remus has done. “Oh,” they say softly. “I love it, Remus. I look beautiful.” 
“You always look beautiful,” Remus says. “I’d ruffle your hair if I hadn’t spent so much time making it look decent.” Logan leans back, gently pressing their cheek against his shoulder. Remus huffs and mutters something about “gross affectionate shit,” but he still lets them do it. 
Patton breaks out the makeup after that, spinning the stool around so that Logan can’t see their own face in the mirror. “Alright, Lo! Time to accentuate your pretty face!” 
“That was a surprisingly accurate use of the word accentuate.” 
Patton just shrugs and grins at them. “I know big words!” 
“You look fine,” Roman says, pulling a strip of fabric around Virgil’s throat and beginning to knot it into a bowtie. Virgil can’t stop himself from looking over himself in the mirror one more time - dark black dress pants, a silver dress shirt, a deep purple vest that matches the polish on his nails, black and purple eyeshadow accompanied by dark red lipstick and sharp cheekbone contour courtesy of Derek. Roman pulls the purple-and-silver striped fabric of his bowtie into the final bow, and he smiles. 
“Don’t worry, Virge. I know you’re worried, but you look fine.” 
“You don’t look like a vampire at all,” Derek adds. Virgil hisses at him. “That is certainly going to help that image.” 
“Seriously,” Roman says, “don’t worry about my stupid boyfriend. Logan agreed to go out with you, and I’m sure they’re going to find you absolutely stunning.” 
Virgil rubs the back of his neck, blushing, because he knows that if he touches the hair Derek and Roman had combed and gelled and styled and wrestled with for the past thirty minutes they will collectively murder him without a second thought. Derek smiles, reaching over to pat his shoulder. “It’ll be okay, Vee. Seriously. I know I mock you a lot, but you really do look good. It’s gonna be okay.” 
Virgil still feels nervous when he steps out of his car in front of the address Logan had given him. The lights are bright and cheerful, and when he knocks on the front door with his free hand, the door swings open eagerly. “Hello!” the man says cheerily. He’s wearing a pink tie and a brown cardigan, and he looks like Virgil expects Patton to in a few decades. “You must be Virgil!” 
“Uh, um, y-yes sir!” Virgil yelps. 
“Oh, you look precious! Remy, dearest, Logan’s date is here!” 
“Cool, babes,” a voice floats in from the kitchen. “I’ll take over the soup.” 
“Come on in! You can call me Emile, Lo is upstairs with Patton and Remus getting ready! Just wait here in the foyer, I’ll go up there and get them!” Emile hurries off up the stairs, and Virgil fidgets nervously with the flowers in his hand.
Patton all but slides down the bannister, grinning. “Are those for Lo?” 
“Y - yeah?”
“I’ll go get a vase out of the kitchen so they can put them in water before you two go!” Virgil pulls a single star-shaped lily bloom from the bouquet and spins it between his thumb and middle fingers. Emile comes hurrying down the stairs with a camera, sets himself up at the foot of the stairs, and shouts for Remus. 
“Finally,” Logan huffs, and then a door creaks open and shuffled footsteps approach the top of the stairs and then Virgil promptly forgets how to breathe. 
They look gorgeous. 
They have a crown of braids leading to a braided bun, studded with jewels that gleam like stars and a larger star pinning the bun back. They’re wearing the most beautiful dress Virgil has ever seen; the top is black, high-necked, and form-fitting, with short sleeves that are see-through ruffles of black gauzy material. The sleeves and the bodice are covered in sparkling silver rhinestones that look like stars in the night sky. There’s a silver band wrapped around their waist, and the skirt is made of layers of loose folds of fabric. The front comes down to their knees and the back comes down to their mid-calves, and the pattern is a soft blue-pink-purple galaxy color scheme. They have simple dark blue ballet flats on their feet, and as they get closer, what little breath Virgil had in his lungs is gone. 
Someone with experience has clearly done Logan’s makeup. Their eyes are coated in shimmery dark-blue-and-silver eyeshadow, eyes lined with soft smudged pencil and popping out of their face, freckles somehow still visible under the makeup. Their lips are glossy and pink and look so deliciously kissable that Virgil can barely restrain himself. 
“You look wonderful,” the vision in front of him says. 
“You - I - um - good!” Virgil stammers. Logan blushes, and Virgil thrusts the bouquet at them. “These - for you!” 
“Oh!” Logan takes the bouquet and smiles, and Virgil nearly passes out. “They’re beautiful! I -”
“I have a vase for you!” Patton chirps, hurrying in to take the bouquet and plop it into a vase. “I’ll leave it in your room!” Logan smiles, and Virgil reaches up to carefully tuck the lily behind their ear, into the carefully woven braids.
“You look beautiful,” he says honestly. “You’re the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my life.” Logan flushes, smiling. 
“It makes sense that you would think that, since you cannot see yourself.” 
(Years later, at their wedding, Patton will tearfully and proudly recall how Logan and Virgil had been fifteen minutes late to the gala because Logan’s compliment had caused Virgil to faint from sheer gay joy.) 
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littlespaceporgs · 4 years
The Clone Wars Reacts - Part 1
Or, Leah thinks Yoda is a badass and thirsts and coos over Plo Koon.
Welcome to part 1 of season 1! Ngl I’ve only got 2 episodes for the first one because i didn’t have time to watch a third, so here we go. These are just the thoughts and notes i took as i made my way through the episode, in their absolute rawness, I’ve barely even edited them so enjoy? and before anyone mentions it, yes I could do these on tiktok and you guys could watch me being an idiot, would anyone be interested in that however?
Tags (if anyone else would like to be tagged in this series, let me know!): @acciokenobi​ @roseofalderaan​ @catsnkooks​ @peacelandbread​ @littlevodika​ @icedcoffeeandgays​ @captainrexstan​ @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky​ @mcu-padawan​
Episode 1: Ambush
> Fuck yeeeeeaaahhh this intro is a fucking bop, I forgot how much I like it
> OH WAIT HANG ON YODAS IN THIS EPISODE, like it’s actually Yoda centric???? mad.. i thought it was going to be anakin and ahsoka this ep
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> FUCK I KNOW THAT VOICE *enter ventress*             - this woman could step on me and I’d say thank you ✨
> Oh shut tf up Dooku, nobody cares what you have to say
> “Sprung the trap, we have” no shit, is it just Yoda’s trademark to say exactly what’s going on?
> I have some questions, who has the creativity to come up with characters and planets that look like this?? Like that’s so cool????
> Huh you actually think you’re gonna catch Yoda???? Interesting thought.
> HAHAHAHAHA SMALL SHRIVELLED GREEN ONE WITH A LIGHTSABER *accurate tho, and I live for Ventress’ sarcasm ngl
> I want to point out the peak humour of one droid saying stop, we’re not gonna fit, followed by a droid attempting to fit                  >> actually scratch that the droids are hilarious in general
> why is yoda likeable in this episode??? If you can’t tell already, I don’t like Yoda very much.
> “He IS a little one!”
> alright fine. i admit it, I don’t think I’ve given Yoda enough credit, I didn’t like him much, but 10 minutes episode and I’m lowkey giggling at him.
> Dude Yoda is so cool *(Notes: i have written in a column here: should rename the title of part i to “Yoda is a fucking boss”)
> The force is so cool ngl
> “Trouble? Know nothing of this trouble, I do” hahahahaha hahahahaha
> good job Yoda make em feel better for me thank you
> *droid battallion approaches and Yoda just fucking sits there* Have I mentioned that Yoda is literally so cool?
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> Bruh I shouldn’t be surprised that the 4 of them destroyed an entire battalion but that was legit AWESOME
> Eh i don’t think I’ve said this enough, Yoda’s fucking cool.
> PFFFFFFFFFFTTTT fully just stole her lightsabers - imagine how much trouble Yoda would’ve saved himself if he had just kept the bastards instead of letting her take them back
> Alright fine, maybe I will enjoy this season.
 Episode 2: Rising Malevolence 
Notes: I am so sorry in advance, to be honest this entire one is just me either thirsting or cooing over Plo Koon and I can’t help it, and no, I still have not decided dad or daddy (its currently 14(?) hours after I watched the episode and I am still very undecided and I don’t think I’m ever gonna be able to make that choice)
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> Lowkey I dunno if it’s dad or daddy?
> Awwwwwww Lil soka (wait I’m talking about Plo Koon in case you’re confused) (NOTES: uh I know I put it up top but just case you missed it)
> Sorry, did Anakin just say he was gonna ask the council?? The fuck?? 
              >>Be mindful????? Who the fuck is this????
> Ugh it’s palptatunes slimy looking ass
> oh shit man that’s bad *if you haven’t clued in I’m going on about the weapon
> dude what the fuck is going on with his hair??
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> Everytime Plo talks my mind goes 🥰 sorry that’s off topic (or is it?)
> At least obi-wan sees sense, Anakin teaching an already reckless Ahsoka was never going to end up with them both being quiet
> Oh wait Wolffe doesn’t have his scar yet????? WAIT DOES THAT MEAN WE SEE HIM GET IT LATER?! Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh-
> There’s more alive, oh good I was afraid that they- aw shit poor Plo he sounds like he feels so guilty
> fucking hell I just wanna give him a hug and kiss his cheek and make it all better (NOTES: see what I mean???? Thirst or fluff?)
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> OOP THERE IT IS! I was wondering when the usual Anakin would show up
> “Redeployed himself.... again.” I can feel obi-wans exasperation with this kid man
> Okay so, Anakin is a little shit. So disobey the council but don’t tell them that I’m teaching you that
> Aw no there’s gonna be more clones die??????? Oh no and they have to watch oh no oh no oh no-
> I have questions: How are they screaming? I don’t think that’s how space works??? Ok but I legit don’t know?? Is it even possible to scream in space?? And shouldn’t it have killed them straight away?
> Aaawwwwww Ahsoka my baby (literally anytime this child comes on screen)
> “Anakin where are you” I love obi wan so much hahahahahahahahaha
> oh good job R2, crisis averted
> Pfffftttt the droid humming is distracting me from the more potential death
> Plo Koon is cooler than Yoda, you cant change my mind so don’t try.
> YEEEEETTTTTT poor sinker yikes I can’t imagine flying through space is fun
> “Twice the trouble they have become”?????? No shit Yoda. What were you thinking pairing these two disasters up?
> R2’s whirring is a vibe tho
> oh god the animation is terrible (NOTES: I can’t believe it took me that long to make that comment)
> Aw he seems so sad, thank u Ahsoka, she gave him the love and hug he deserves
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> Ugh now my internet’s playing up dang it, well this is infuriating, I WANT TO KNOW IF THEY DESTROY THE WEAPON OR NOT?!
> He seems so genuinely scared??????? Plo has me getting major feels
> how did everyone hate Ahsoka when this first came out??? I love her so much
> I mean like, I know they’re not gonna die??? But I still feel so anxious omg
> Holy shit the disappointment that rolls off of dooku is kinda hilarious (it took all of me not to start giggling at this)
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> “Riiiiiiiiiiiiight the council report”
Alright gonna stop here, because I have class in 20 minutes and there is no way that I am leaving the library if I start watching episode 3 so uh see y’all next time for episodes 3,4,5 and maybe 6??
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sukirichi · 3 years
[ BROKEN RECORDS ; asks ] 
💌 — love letter from @kyriaan​
from track 007. 
Okay okay im still kinda meh'ish' but i really wanted to answer you so 😭 ill try to compile both my answer to your answer on my love letter and my hyped review on track 7 <3 so yeah another long ass rant from me 😩💕Suki... Suki pls I totally forgot Tsumu had a crush on us Suki... And then poor Tsumu ir there sulking cause he still likes u- JFBFBDVDVSJCHDHSIA omfg i wanted so much to hug him my baby I like him so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 and he was trying so hard to behave while just sitting there sad fhfhfvbbshsjfhbdjaofhffhsoshd TSUMU YOU'RE STILL IN MY TOP 3 BABY 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 
Oh shit im crying again that scene lets me emotional 😭😭😭😭 someone get me a sunrin irl pls
Also how powerful are we?? HOW FUCKING POWERFUL ARE WE TO SCORE SUNA KITA AND TSUMU?? ARE YOU GONNA TELL. ME IF OIKAWA MOFO TOORU APPEARED HE WOULD ALSO BE ON HIS KNEES FOR US?? (okay no wait... No nooo i would legit drop anyones ass for tooru hes that powerful for me like sorry suna was fun but TOORU)
👀👀👀👀 Still not a kita simp ✌️✌️🤏✌️
Okay Kita deserves the best tho I mean okay he went there as a y/n mom's plan but he did ended up helping alot... Especially cause he knows no matter what y/n heart will always be suna's and pls give Kita the best ending possible cause he deserves someone who will trully love him and show him the world cause mah boy deserves it
*breaths in breaths out* i hated this scene- not in a bad way but shit i hate rejections... To the point im kinda afraid of confessing now cause i despise the feeling of being rejected... The best i can descrive it it like this coldness in your chest that descends your whole body and then you feel frozen in place.. Thats how it feels for me I hate it I absolutely despise it- its also the feeling i have when in a really bad situation and ugh...
The suna part made. Me feel this no matter how many times i reread it the feeling doesnt lessen it keeps being there cause (okay you probably are tired already of me saying this but) Suki I feel like I cant put it in words how much of a fucking good of a writer you are. Ill go ahead and say you are by far my favorite writer the fact i always feel so engaged and the fact i always feel like im there its just- it blows my mind.
I felt like suna was personally rejecting me and i hated it- i swear the moment he said prove it I almost screamed HOW? My brain had to take a moment to just slap me and say: 'kya you reading this is not happening chill-' cause i was already sobbing uncontrollably... I even whimpered the dont leave me 😬 my sadass went to bed feeling so sad thanks to suna... Man i wanted so much to hug him and i swear i would give him as much love as he gave y/n cause well i kin suna alot in this series cause im like that im a giver i treat others the way i would like to be treated (reason why ive been down lately ✌️) and i cant blame suna for finally setting boundaries- his call tho 'do i not stand a chance with you anymore y/n? Are you really not capable of falling in love with me?".... Oh suna... We are in love with you.. We always were we're just fucking stupid 😩
Also mari pls go jump off a cliff <3 youre in need dear cause sleeping with other man just to separate suna and y/n <3 i want so much to punch her 🙂🙃
Now for the love letter part (im so sorry for this being so long ✌️)
You said that if we asked suna he woukd say that he genuinely loved mari okay... Ill go ahead and say yes he liked mari he even learned how to love her and he genuinely cared for her BUT and heres where my personal view comes in so maybe ill be biased here still for me that was just a he loves her as in he cares you also love your friends and care for them but he didnt love her- and by this I mean- he could never be fully committed for her. Yes he loved her and he felt happy with her but like track 7 proved everything he would do in the back of his mind was y/n he deeply wished Mari was her and for that he just loved Mari cause he learned how to care about her- but he never forgot who he trully was in love it. Also the happiness he experienced with Mari was pretty much the one I experienced the bliss of having someone there and that bliss also made suna turn a blind eye to all the red flags from Mari cause to him all the jealousy meant she cared and thats toxic but suna was so desperate for some sort of 'she cares' that even all the possessiveness was bliss for him... And that makes my heart clench for suna...
'suna had to put an effort for the relationship' and saddly i feel like mari didnt... Mari didnt care mari was there because she was a fangirl of suna and got lucky, the way she just discarded him so effortlessly that proved-screamed how much she loved him- she didnt. She was just possessive over him she liked the whole 'hes mine' dynamic and suna was the perfect boyfriend cause he was giving her the world... What he wanted someone to do for him.
Also yeah suna and y/n might have been spurred from them being fuck buddies but well love doesnt really have an agenda- they just clicked, understood each other and had chemistry yeah they had tons and tons of sex but feelings started not because of sex but thanks to their deep connection... Also that dsncing scene in track 7 that alone spoke for their whole relationship- that alone is enough to defend their feelings for each other- yes it might jave started just as fuck buddies but ended up in them loving each other deeply and that is enough love after all doesnt need a perfect start. It can start out of the most stupid ways.
You said life with excitement and fun wouldn't be permanent or real.. Honestly i think it could be.. Cause i mean when you love someone that deeply your life always feels exciting even with the littlest things and that the purest kind of love. Even just going for a walk at the beach would be fun for them or even staying up watching movies i believe suna and y/n would always find a way to make their lofe exciting without much effort.
Also it kinda makes me. Sad when i see some anon saying that y/n and suna relationship are toxic? It makes me. Confused maybe because I was in such extremely toxic one (girl i sweat if you search for toxic relationship my ex's face will be there as an example 🙄) that Mari to me screams toxic! Possessive, manipulative, jealous and a few more if I think closely about it while with y/n and suna they are just two idiots that are hurting each other cause they're just that: idiots one that is afraid to get hurt and the other that keeps hoping- dont get me wrong what they're doing is not healthy but i dont find it toxic honestly
Sorry for the extreme long rant 8D I tried to keep it short but you always make me so hyped to talk about your works 😩
[ from saeren ]
NAHHH CUZ I LOVE TSUMU SO MUCH HERE HE WAS SO PRECIOUS. I didn’t write too much about them in college but Atsumu was so cute when he crushed on YN. he was always sending her memes and cute texts like “have you eaten” “good morning” and she’d feel so awkward because she doesn’t know how to let him down easy without hurting him. either way tsumu would feel hurt. AND YES PLS HE WAS SO SAD I MEAN, HIS CRUSH AND HIS BEST FRIEND NEARLY HAD SEX RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM SO THAT’S GOING TO HURT
SUNA AND ATSUMU TIED?? tbh I loved that dancing scene bcos suna is one of my faves and I really wanna do that with him hehehhehe. NAHHH PLEASE SAME IF SUNA DANCED WITH ME AND MADE A WEDDING PLAYLIST I’D BE LIKE boy what’re u waiting for let’s get married now !! n yes he said whoever YN will choose in the future will be one lucky guy IM SOBBING RN
naur cuz. there’s something about dating your best friend. I’m not saying a boyfriend wouldn’t know you as well but there’s something different when you’re best friends first. they could literally share eye contact and have a long ass conversation just from that. their connection is different.
HAJKALA AS FOR THE POWER, BR! YN IS A VERY CHARISMATIC AND FRIENDLY PERSON !! she’s like one of those people you meet that not only are they attractive as hell, but they’re also super approachable and down to earth. that’s why she’s so popular + she’s flirty and can make a stranger feel welcome or comfortable in the first meeting. SGSHJAK I WAS ACTUALLY PLANNING TO ADD OIKAWA HERE BUT I WANNA MAKE IT MORE INARIZAKI CENTRED
the seggs scene with kita SOBSSSS he’s such a soft dom IDC he knows where the clit is, he knows how to hit it. he’s a “your pleasure first before mine” type of guy. kita is perfect, PERIODT. HE GIVES DADDY VIBES HUH AHSKAA HE’S SO SWEET YET SEXY IM IN LOVE WITH HIM ISTG IF SUNA WASN’T OUR BEST FRIEND THEN I’D RUN FOR KITA ALL THE TIME. and I agree, kita deserves the best !! and don’t worry, I actually plan on giving kita the best ending, I promise you he’ll be fine (slight spoiler there)
 YESSSSS OMG I’VE BEEN REJECTED BEFORE AND THAT’S EXACTLY HOW I FELT, MY BODY WAS SO COLD AND I WAS SO CONFUSED LIKE IT MAKES YOU THINK. am I not good enough, did I do something wrong, do you not wanna give me a chance or try it out but ofc I’d never say that out loud. AND KYAAA AAAH IM YOUR FAVORITE WRITER??? NO CUZ YOU’RE GOING TO MAKE ME CRY. I remember ur asks way back reckless era and you used to tell me that my writing made you picture the scenes easily and you felt you were there in that moment and I’m just so grateful thank you so much <33
NO BCOS WHEN SUNA SAID “prove it” I was like. this is it. that’s his hot boy shit moment. man’s has had enough of being thrown from one toxic relationship to another and he also deserves his good moments yknow. and you kin suna here?? BESTIE IM SORRY TO HEAR THAT, SUNA’S BEEN THROUGH A LOT HERE AHSJAKA. that’s true about suna tho !! he’s definitely affectionate + a giver. he’s happy being the one who gives most of the time but he’s a human as well, ofc he’d want to receive the same amount of love back. ALSO HIS PHONE CALLLLLL ugh tbh that part was the one that made me the saddest bcos he’s just. he wants to know if there’s really no more chance. all this time he never gave up. but he’s also tired so if yn says ‘no more’ then he’ll give up. its his way of respecting himself too ahsjaka
YOOOOO I AGREE WITH THAT. he cares for mari as a person but not 100% as a lover. but ofc he’s still thankful for how happy she made him because she was there at his worst. and that’s true, deep down suna still wishes that it was YN who’s right beside him. he will always ALWAYS want her back. he learned how to love mari in a way that was more out of mutual care but not in the way he loves YN. no that’s reserved only for YN – she will remain no 1 in his heart. AND YESSSSS the reason why suna overlooked the red flags was bcos to him, its something that was supposed to be “normal” like no perfect partner existed. he thought mari’s attitude of pushing YN away was normal, and its normal to want your partner’s best friend keep some distance but not to the point of mari’s place where she literally wants the two of them to cut each other out of their lives.
and aww I’m so happy that you realized how I wanted to portray suna and yn’s relationship. they’re….like the definition of youth in its freest form. they were fucking around and doing stupid things, but they had a connection. they had something deeper than just sexual intimacy. even if they never dated or even if YN never proposed the idea of it, they would’ve actually been still great friends. and oooh I actually don’t remember saying life with excitement and fun wouldn’t be real HAHAHAHA so I can’t comment further on that. but I think when I ‘said’ those I probably meant that it’s not always going to be all rainbows and unicorns in a relationship. there’s no such thing as a relationship that’s always happy and sweet 24/7, but ofc it can be sweet and it can be pure even with the little things <33 they just need to work on it.
hmmm tbhhhh… suna and yn are toxic in a way that they refuse to let each other go when they clearly can’t meet halfway. toxic doesn’t have to be limited in just being mari-like in which they are possessive or manipulative, because then if we’d drive deeper into yn’s personality, then she’d be stringing suna all along and that’s unfair of her. she knows suna wants more and yet she remained being friends with him, which totally isn’t a bad thing, but it’s because she keeps flirting with him and is so romantically comfortable with him that she doesn’t realize it’s hurting suna because he’ll give double meanings to that. their relationship is ‘toxic’ because they’re not entirely good for each other, they’re not that ready to be with one another yet and neither is the world letting them be in peace, so forcing their relationship to a point they’re hurting another is the toxic part.
[ from @kyriaan ]
Ah also not me feeling all proud and mushy cause my analysis made you mind blown fjfbdnsjdkpa 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I guess its also because i see this story as a really big mirror of my own toxic relationship sonits extremely easy for me to get it... And oh boy the way i kin suna here
But dhdhfjdospdhfbsoa 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i feel happy now *huggles*
[ from saeren ] 
and aah yes ofc, I’m really happy whenever someone can see the underlying details I scatter throughout the story !! yeah omg same hahahaha broken records is also half inspired by the toxic people I’ve met. I kin kita here tho and I’m so glad you’re happier now !!
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hollabackholmes · 5 years
-Jesus Christ that first scene with Clint punched me in the throat
-how aggressive nebula was playing games with tony
- The way nebula helped tony up into his seat :,)
- “only a little bit sadistic”
- the cinematography in the moment where Tony lays down and the galaxy is behind him my god
- “I lost the kid” STOP IT RIGHT NOW
- rocket?? Or Build a bear???
- did rdj lose weight for that first section of the film or am I just tripping?
-anyone else find it funny that thanos suddenly became a cook with a nice little home and garden????
- the rest of this list will definitely be all over the place because I can’t remember the order of things happening #soz
-I really liked how they included that LGBTQ+ relationship in that support group that Steve was in.
-Steve saying something really sweet (can’t remember the exact words but it was something along the lines of ‘you took the jump not knowing how far you’d fall’??? Or something??? Sorry I’m awful)
-Clint really does own my ass
-That scene where he was in Tokyo holy shit I would die for him
-“don’t give me hope” “I’m sorry I couldn’t give it to you sooner”
-Natasha crying after cutting a peanut butter sandwich is a MOOD
- !!make that rat president 2020!!
-Scott is a cutie until you realise how much those past five years (hours for him) must’ve screwed with his mind.
-The way he searches the plaques 😥😥😥😥
- Time machine jokes
-Back to the future jokes
-Scott rushing to eat Nats sandwich
- Bruce the celeb
-Scott feeling embarrassed that the kids don’t know who he is
- “look he’s even shaking his head” SCOTT
-I love this so much
-ngl I’m Thor. I love beer. But shit...that belly.
-props to the prosthetics team for making that body suit look so realistic
-The way he walks into the avengers headquarters with his sunglasses on hahahaha
-Scott being the test run for the whole time travelling stuff was such a good scene
-and then when Scott’s taco gets blown away:( but then Bruce gives him another one :,)
-“is he asleep?” “No, he’s dead” HAHA
-That scene with them all walking together big oof vibe
-Oh I forgot to say how amazing both Carols and Natasha’s hair is like damn ladies
-hulk being embarrassed
-hulk trying to get angry
-nebula and Rhodes watching Quill dance
-“this is the part where blades come out with skeletons on the end”
-nebula sacrificing her hand to get the stone :,) character development
-Thanos has a small dick for hurting nebula in both versions of her
-Felt weird seeing Gamora from before she became good??
-Bruce and the ancient one talking, I just really like that whole dynamic
-Tony as the security guard omfg
-Steve And tony going back in time again
-Tony and his dad. So sweet. Him talking about Morgan with him
-Steve seeing Peggy :((
-I’m here for the whole ‘Judging-Tony’s-Beard’ thing
-Clint and Natasha.... I don’t wanna talk about this yet :(
-Thor and his mums interaction. Cute. The whole thing about being a failure and feeling like you need to be more is super super relatable idk I just felt very much like Thor in that scene
-okay I’m ready to talk about Clint and Natasha now. So basically I think Natasha died a heroes death. She was so ready to sacrifice herself for the greater good. What made it fuckin hurt though was the fact that Clint was ready to die because he didn’t want to see Natasha go through that death. He wanted to protect her. He even says later on ‘it should have been me’. So I think Natasha would be proud, but Clints gonna have to live with the memory of seeing his best friend die without being able to do anything about it.
- That whole thing about making sure her death was worth it uGH
-also Thor’s denial.... yeah. Same here bud.
-Thor begging Tony to let him do this one good thing :( I was sad :( super sad yall
-genuinely thought Bruce was about to die when he put the glove on
-Scott being the real hero out here again
-the fight
-holy shit the fight
-“I knew it!!!”
-That whole sequence of him using the shield and the hammer. My thighs were trembling bitch.
-“Hey Peter Parker. You got something for me?”
-and now for the sad part my dudes
-doctor strange pointing one finger up. Tony knew. He just knew what he had to do.
-“I am iron man” YES YOU ARE.
-Peter sobbing “we won. Mr stark. We won. I’m sorry”
-Pepper coming to comfort Tony oh fuck i cried
-“proof that Tony Stark has a heart” wow okay. Hit me deep then why don’t u
-the one shot of everyone at the funeral was so beautiful I loved it
-“your dad used to love cheeseburgers.... I’m gonna buy you all the cheeseburgers in the world” oh my god
-the goodbye between Steve and Bucky was perfect. I don’t care what you say. Bucky knew what was going to happen. And he allowed it because he knew Steve would be happy for a very long time.
-HOWEVER I felt like Bucky had so little screen time and the entire history between Steve and him felt so dead throughout the movie compared to how strong it has been over the past 11 years :(
-Sams panic because he thought he wouldn’t see Steve again :(
-Sam being given the shield :D
-Damn the CGI is so good in this film. Like Steve looked old but you could still see it was him. Which sounds dumb but so often, movies make it way too unrealistic to prove someone has aged. This did it just right.
-The ending scene wow. Beautiful.
-we all waited til the end of the credits just to be hit in the heart with the sound of Tony building his iron man suit.
-well thanks for going through this list :))
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s1utspeare · 3 years
Get To Know Me!
@foxofninetales tagged me in this ask game and since I LOVE HER i will now be doing it (i mean i’d do it anyway but now it will be filled with love for FOX i am not accepting CRITICISM ON THIS POINT)
Part I
name: Brigid! I’m named after the Irish goddess of like, poetry, healing, smithcraft, and protection, or the Irish saint (they’re both pretty similar it’s just whether or not you’re talking about Celtic religion or Catholicism). She’s very cool, and I think it’s a very fitting name for who I turned out to be!
pronouns: she/her
star sign: i’m an insufferable theatre kid of course I’m a Leo
height: 5'8″ babeeeyyy (172 cm). I’m not short like, at all, but all of my family members are over six foot, so I’m like. tiny in comparison. they all make fun of me all the time for it :(
time: 8:49pm! A delightful time of evening!!! 
birthday: July 31st, same day as Harry Potter lol.
nationality: american :P
fave bands/groups/solo artists: hnnnngggghhhh why would u ask me this I don’t KNOW jk i just have a lot uhhhhh all time faves would be Bastille and Mumford and Sons, but I’m SUPER into kpop right now, so my top groups are BTS, Stray Kids, and One OK Rock (who are technically jpop but I really like their stuff). I also am a Broadway BITCH (hello, theatre kid) so before this year all of my Spotify library was basically just show tunes. 
song stuck in your head: Get Away by VeriVery. I think they’re a pretty new group? idk i saw them on one of those tumblr promotional things and checked out the music video which is like??? really interesting conceptually? so I’ve just been listening to the song for a while lol. 
last movie you watched: Train to Busan! I’m gearing up to write a dmbj zombie apocalypse AU and so I was like “this is a popular zombie film! I’ll watch it for inspiration! :)” holy shit. holy shit i was so wrong. It’s one of the most viscerally affecting films I think I’ve ever seen, I was like. On the verge of an anxiety attack the entire time but in like the best possible way?? it’s a mastery of character introduction and action/horror and I cried for like the last ten minutes straight. SO affecting. I do NOT RECOMMEND IT if u are already made anxious by zombie apocalypse scenarios, blood, violence, and a Lot of Death. 
last show you binged: hmmm uh like I’m currently watching Mystic Nine but at like a normal pace, so the last show I probably binge watched was maybeeee The Uncanny Counter on Netflix? HIGHLY recommend that one, I made @cross-d-a watch it and I’m living for her liveblog reactions lmao. Idk most of my free time has been spent writing the past few months which. After months of only having the energy to watch shows is kind of really invigorating? the things u can do when u fix ur health I’ll tell you what
when you created your blog: in 2012 asldighalsdkfjladskjga i came on here to like burdge’s pjo fanart :)
the last thing you googled: "is it bad not to have an air cap on your tire” ALSDIGHALKDFJLADFJA FUCK ME (i learned that it’s not necessarily bad but it can get dirt and stuff built up in there so I went to the store after work today and replaced it)
other blogs: everything is here bc i am too lazy to create a sideblog! so sorry to everyone who does not follow me for cdrama content bc this is all I am now. 
why i chose my url: cause it’s my ao3 username and i wanted people to be able to find me more easily on tumblr! :) the long answer is because i love shakespeare and also i think that slut is a really funny word and concept for me especially because i am one of the most sexless people u will ever meet in ur life so slutspeare is like. an aggressively ace joke that only I think is funny. 
how many people are you following: 588
how many followers do you have: ah just over 200?!??!!? which is like. a lot for me. I think it was like 75 up until like last year omg 
average hours of sleep: my sleep app says I average around eight! which is very good for me! I do have to get enough sleep consistently or I will Have A Bad Time so my sleep schedule is pretty good and luckily I don’t have the Insomnia depression I have the Sleep Lots one which I am glad for bc idk what I’d do if I couldn’t Be Unconscious regularly. Die probably. 
lucky numbers: I don’t think I have lucky numbers?? my favorite number is 21 for no reason other than the vibes alone. 
instruments: i’ve played the piano for uhhhh.... eighteen years now? and I can play the ukulele and am surprisingly good with the recorder since I’ve had to play it in Multiple Theatre Performances. I was also an honor choir singer back in high school so I’ve done a lot of select ensemble stuff which was super fun! 
what i'm currently wearing: a Life Is Good long-sleeved t-shirt that says “Not All Who Wander Are Lost” that I got in a military surplus store like a million years ago and red Adidas athletic shorts that I found at the thrift store a couple weeks back
dream job: playwright! I just wanna be a playwright! playwriting is like drugs i literally go nuts for it
dream trip: I don’t know??? I don’t really like traveling tbh aslidhalkfdj umm I do want to see the grand canyon sometime before I die tho so maybe a road trip down there? I definitely like traveling solo so I’d probably just hang out with myself and drive and go to whatever places I want and see dumb tourist attractions and sing loudly in the car
fave food: CURRY i know i said eggs the last time it asked me this but I miss my local Indian restaurant I want to eat literal Platefuls of tikka masala at 12pm at the Indian buffet after my physics class again :(
top three fictional universe you'd like to live in: hmmm i don’t know, actually! probably one where I have Powers and could do Cool Hand Motions and make Lights Appear. If I were anywhere with like. An Actual World-Dooming problem tho I would not be helpful at all. I would just die. Besides, I already live in fictional universes half the time, I’m a writer! 
Part II
last song: Basquiat by Pentagon! The music video is like. Very whumpy. So if you’re into that... the song’s also a bop
last stream: i don't watch streams very often, I just watch clips from them, cause those usually just give the best parts lol 
currently reading: mmmmmbbbaaaaahhhhh literally nothing? I’m trying to get caught up on the backlog of dmbj fic I haven’t gotten around to so Binding by @vishcount is next on that list! oh I guess I’m also reading Johnny Tremain with my kids (one of them SPOILED THE END and I forgot how it ended and now I’m big sad). 
currently watching: Mystic Niiiiinnnneeeeee! love those gay history bitches. everyone in that show is so funny. I just finished the Fuba Side Plot tho and now we’re back to Politics so i’m like >:( someone give zhang baby rishan a hug (and then i write angst about him what is wrong with me)
what is antipoetry to you: antipoetry??? what the heck is antipoetry hold on... uhhhh that’s just poetry. who came up with this term. i guess like lyrical fiction would be the technical correct definition but idk I consider anything to be poetry! like that’s the whole point! poetry is poetry is poetry as long as it’s focused on intensity and emotions it’s poetry! a haiku? poetry. the random one-lined mess of words on my phone? poetry. a literal drawing of a cardinal with the word “bird” written next to it? poetry. idk I’ve been trying to teach my kids that there are no wrong ways to write creatively; if you’re expressing yourself and making emotions, then you’re writing! also like half of my work could be considered antipoetry lmao. I love emotionally supercharging the mundane.
currently craving: i have noooo ideaaaasssss i’m literally just vibing. uh. water? ok i took care of that one my water bottle was right next to me. 
uhhhh no pressure tags for @xia-xueyi, @nope4ever, @bookjoyworm, @elletromil, and @gaiahenshin, as well as anyone else who would like to give the full-rundown on themselves! :D
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