inceptionpositivity · 11 months
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@wadebramwilson - Seeing you on my dash honestly brings such a smile to my face :)
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hideyseek · 2 years
1!!! For the ask game :)
BRAM MY BELOVED FELLOW HAIJI STAN mwah i love to talk about this boy every. single. day. thank u for the opportunity <333
#1 for the wips ask game is narrative!fic, what will hopefully one day be a fic exploring (and trying to explain) what made haiji go back to running after the terrible experiences he had with it in high school + what his future looks like and feels like now that he's re-injured his knee.
They’re singing for him, Kakeru and the others, and he feels detached from the moment. The soft glow of candles, the off-beat chorus. The press of people around him and the darkness around them. He can’t escape his future. Even in thinking about escaping it, it approaches. 
What if every moment is transition, from here on out? What if there is never another moment where he knows his footing? The weeks leading up to Hakone had been miserable, desperate, grueling, and anxiety-filled. But at least then he’d known what he was working toward. At least then he’d had a goal to work toward.
Now, what does he have? Most of a college degree, and final exams in two weeks. So little to show, for so much time spent. He feels like no time has passed. He feels like his high school self, still a child, but the chance to live like that is far behind him now. He cannot dodge his own future, even as he refuses to run toward it. While he is still refusing, it arrives. 
The singing stops, and the silence that it leaves seems to reverberate shrilly. They’re looking at him, some of them smiling gently, even. Haiji makes himself breathe out deep and fast. He exhales, and plunges them all into darkness. 
“Did you wish for something, Haiji-san?” Kakeru asks him later, sliding up quietly beside him at the sink. 
Haiji twists the tap off. “Ah,” he says lightly into the silence. “If I tell you, it won’t come true.”
“You’re surprisingly superstitious,” Kakeru observes, but says nothing more about it. Instead he says, “Here, you dry instead,” and takes a dish right out of Haiji’s hands. 
Haiji picks up a dishtowel without protest, and dries and stacks dishes mechanically. 
He didn’t wish. He hadn’t wished. He hadn’t been able to think of something clear enough to want, that would be enough to thoroughly change him at newly twenty-three from the way he’d been at thirteen, just about to enter high school, with no sense of how high school track would shape him. In his mind were only a list of things he didn’t want, impossible things that it was foolish to not want — no more change, no more loss, no more expectation, no more adaptation, no more uncertainty. He didn’t know what there was to ask for, when even asking would leave him hanging.
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belbeten · 10 months
Happy birthday?!?
Thank you! 🥳 Have some cake! 🍰
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dameferre · 2 years
I accidentally clicked on your blog and kept scrolling thinking it was my dash, 'very good content today' I thought
aww thank you! glad my nonsense content is appreciated lol
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AO3 First Lines
Tagged by @deinvatiwrites
Rules: Post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to AO3 (Sort by date posted.) If you have less than 10 fics posted, post what you have!
1. All I Wanna Do Is Grow Old With You
Fandom: Inception
Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Notes: A two part story I really need to finish 😬
When Arthur straps on his little half apron, he is transported.
2. I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter
Fandom: Inception
Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Notes: Probably the most out of character I’ve ever written.
Arthur slid his hand down his crimson tie, stretching the space between his fingers.
3. Cause You’re Pretty And I Like That
Fandom: Our Flag Means Death
Pairing: Ed/Stede
Notes: Proof you can write smut about muppets
It’s been six weeks since Ed last set eyes on the Revenge, and its shape forming in the mist is a balm on his heart.
4: Let Go Of Your Fire
Fandom: Our Flag Means Death
Pairing: Ed/Stede
Notes: The same story everyone else wrote after the first season finale
In the early, pre-dawn hours, the splintered wood of the Revenge’s hull was cool and damp beneath Stede’s fingers.
5. Holiday
Fandom: Inception
Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Notes: An absurdly long piece of porn with a liberal sprinkling of plot
They all ignored the first flickers.
6. Uplink
Fandom: Inception
Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Notes: Third in a series of astronaut AUs
“If I never see another Barnes and Noble it’ll be too soon,” Eames grouses.
7. Crush
Fandom: Inception
Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Notes: Short, sweet, worth the price of admission
“You should let me shoot you out.”
8. Placebo Effect
Fandom: Inception
Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Notes: What happens when an author tells themself jokes
The front desk clerk glared at Arthur, and he wasn’t sure if it was all the snow he’d let blow into the lobby behind him, or if it was the twelve groceries bags he was carrying with him.
9. Koi no Yokan
Fandom: Inception
Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Notes: Obligatory amnesia fic
Arthur’s eyebrows knit as he steps out of the car.
10. After Hours
Fandom: Inception
Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Notes: Odd, but one I’m prouder of
There’s a pretty prevalent rumor in the dreamsharing community that Arthur doesn’t have fun.
Bonus: Include the first few lines of your latest WIP:
I have several, but here’s one:
Arthur blinks.
Arthur stares at his hands where they rest on the drying bar. The scars on his knuckles are pink and fresh. He doesn’t remember how he got them. It’s been thirty years, at least. This suit style isn’t remotely in fashion anymore. Arthur stares at the stubble on Eames’ jaw, and the color is all wrong— unforgivably blond, over skin so smooth it’s almost unfamiliar after all this time.
“Look at it this way,” Eames says. He takes a swig of his beer. “You’ve got your entire life ahead of you.”
“Jesus Christ,” Arthur whispers, turning back to the bar. “Jesus Christ.”
Tagging: @mister-eames @wadebramwilson
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childofthekraken · 1 year
Tagged by @thetomboyeffect (my fav person) to tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Three ships: Shallan/Adolin/Kaladin, Leswhi/Kaladin, Midna/Zelda
First ever ship: i don't remember, but probably Link and Zelda
Last song: The Milk Carton by Madilyn Mei
Last movie: hmm i don't watch a lot of movies but probably the last one i really enjoyed was Everything Everywhere All At Once
Currently reading: too busy to read lately but my next read will probably be The Harafish by Nahguib Mahfouz because I promised my friend I'd read it
Currently watching: just finished the second season of Way of the Househusband :)
Currently consuming: i'm on a train so nothing but i had carbonade for breakfast (don't tell my roommates i had "dinner for breakfast" again lmao)
Currently craving: more carbonade... or some donkatsu
tagging: @dogsuffrage | @winterknightdragon | @pocketwatch56 | @rainwasheseverythingaway | @wizardcowpoke | @wadebramwilson | @cunning-conjurer |
idk who else to tag but if you want an excuse to talk about yourself consider yourself tagged!! (and if i tagged you and you don't want to talk about yourself, please do not <3)
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r0h1rr1m · 1 year
hi @isapolvorita ! hope the game was to just put the library on shuffle bc that's what i did
1. la puerta de atrás - no te va gustar
2. unclaimed graves - elway
3. dropping like flies - firewater
4. rorschach - el cuarteto de nos
5. sabor a mi - roka hueka
@wadebramwilson @iriszki @acetronaught @sfaiberh
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I hope you have the loveliest day, @wadebramwilson​!
Read her stories on AO3!
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stormofsharpthings · 2 years
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I wrote a 2021 Inception Reverse Bang fic for @wadebramwilson's lovely art!
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Here are the Writer-Artist matches for our 2021 Inception Reverse Bang!
@redxluna and @1deabril
@iamanonniemouse and @1deabril
@scarletenvy and @megofnuts
@veterveter and @megofnuts
@rayelovesgreen and @megofnuts
@motionalocean and @dreaminghigher
@stormofsharpthings and @wadebramwilson
@little-specificity and @mizunoir
@mister-eames and @stormofsharpthings
@finelydressedspacemen and @stormofsharpthings
@deinvatiwrites and @rainbyotes
@coolbeansbuddyofmine and @lemon-yellow
@oceans-foundfamily and @arosewrites
You will soon receive an email with details for your writing/artist partner coupled with an attachment of the respective artwork.
We pretty much have ONE MONTH to get things done. Writers are required to create stories of at least 1500 words.
Artists, you can use this time to refine your artwork as you collaborate with your writer.
With the advent of Thanksgiving & exams, we STRONGLY suggest that you get started as soon as possible, so you're not rushed by the due date.
FINAL WORKS are DUE on Monday, November 29th.
REVEALS will occur on Thursday, December 2nd.
Happy Creating!
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little-specificity · 3 years
Here's my ✨Inception Big Bang✨ story! It's about Arthur/Eames, 6k-ish and features kidnappings, running through the woods and stargazing.
Thank you so so so much to @noitsnacktime for their WONDERFUL ART and to @wadebramwilson for being such an amazing beta 💖
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inceptionpositivity · 10 months
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@wadebramwilson - Happy Inceptiversary!!
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hideyseek · 2 years
wips ask game
ty for the tag @hydrochaeriswrites! send me a number to get a draft excerpt of something i'm working on!! here we go:
narrative!fic (haiji/kakeru, post-canon dealing w/ the fallout of haiji's choices in the last four years)
reunion!fic (haiji/kakeru, kansei team gets together at hakone 10 years later)
heist!au (haiji/kakeru, undergoing identity crisis as i realize i'm not that interested in heist logistics actually and i just like writing about crime)
apartment!verse (arthur/eames, series of fics that involve apartments)
stagedoor!verse (arthur/eames, theater au with stage manager!arthur)
untitled arthur/cobb pre-canon on the run fic
untitled daisuke/haru fake married casefic
hmmmm tagging @6pc @queuebird @iamanonniemouse @swimmingseafish @wadebramwilson @wali21 @capfalcon! no pressure, only if you'd like hehe
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belbeten · 11 months
I was tagged by @mister-eames and by @lolahardy. Thanks for the tags, lovelies! Seriously, I love getting tagged!
Are you named after anyone: Yes, my nickname is inspired by two actresses who were popular in the 70s/80s. And my parents knew they liked that name, but they gave me the full version of the name, in case I didn't want to go by the nickname. (And now, I actually go by both).
When was the last time you cried: Um, full out big cry? A couple weeks ago? Getting a little teary/emotional: probably within the last couple of days. I'm a big cryer.
Do you have kids: Yup.
Do you use sarcasm a lot: Not as much as I used to. Though I still really appreciate/enjoy it.
What sports do you play/have played: In elementary/middle school, I did a bunch: soccer, cheerleading, track & field, basketball. But I haven't played any in a very, very long time. As I grew up, I realized team sports and coordination are not really my strong suit. But I still love exercising.
What's the first thing you notice about people: This is probably shallow, but their appearance. Is that too vague of an answer?
What's your eye color: Blue.
Scary movies or happy endings: Happy endings. Forever and always.
Any special talents: I'm good at trivia, and recalling what date something happened on.
Where were you born: New York. (State, not City).
What are your hobbies: Cross stitch, and reading fanfiction.
Do you have pets: Not at the moment. But I've had some lovely ones over the years, and I will again someday. But after my last pup passed, I'm taking a break for a while.
How tall are you: 5'7", or 170cm
Favorite subject in school: I never had a favorite subject. They were all just grades to be achieved / levels of a video game to beat. But I had favorite teachers, whose classes I loved. Some of my Spanish classes were always my favorites, because of the teachers.
Dream job: Like lola, I also do not dream of labor. But if I could be an independently wealthy patron of the arts, and just support writers and artists through commissions, that would be lovely.
I am tagging (completely no pressure!): @castles-in-the-eyre @wadebramwilson @booksnchocolate @boisinberryjamarama @a-forger-and-a-point-man @child-of-thekindlywest and anyone else who wants to do this!
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brennacedria · 2 years
@wadebramwilson replied to your post “OKAY, I just finished OFMD. Pacing is a bit off,...”:
I still have my fingers crossed 😢
​I'm just going to assume it won't and be surprised if it somehow is. Like, I'm not setting myself up for that disappointment.
What WAS renewed, and apparently finished filming ages ago, is S4 of What We Do In The Shadows. I need my vampire bbs back
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Excuse us for being late to the party but here’s a little Big Bang project from me and @mister-eames , betaed by @wadebramwilson . We hope you enjoy!
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter
Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Rating: M
Words: 3794
Ariadne has to design a romance novel cover for a school project. Eames is happy to help. Arthur, not so much.
Art here:
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Read it here:
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