#waffle sorter
tanoraqui · 3 months
🐝Bridging Mechanicsburg
[ask meme]
Agatha just wanted to build a damn bridge from 66th St Park to Little Monster Island. Did the word "despot" count for nothing anymore?
Characters: Agatha Heterodyne, Vanamonde Von Mekkan, Hadrian Greenclaw, Carson Von Mekkan, Mama Gkika, General Goomblast, Mechancisburger OCs, Castle Heterodyne, Snakkerjape (Girl Genius), Doctor Sun, Violetta Mondarev
Relationships: Agatha Heterodyne & Mechanicsburg, Vanamonde Von Mekkan/Hadrian Greenclaw
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Mechanicsburg, Mechanicsburg City Factions, Organized Crime, Jägermonsters, Guild of Monsters, Background OT3, Background Foglios, The Greatest Enemy: Urban Planning Politics
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paladin-tourney · 6 months
Did anyone happen to submit Paksenarrion? I didn't get back to my computer until the form was closed.
From The Deed of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon? Yeah!
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waffle-sorter · 8 days
In retrospect, Homestuck probably was pretty instrumental there. Not that I recognized that particular influence at the time.
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sushi-paws · 1 year
Date ideas for regressors!
Note: even kiddos without a partner can do these activities cause it’s important to take yourself on a date sometimes too!
Scrapbooking or a Photo Album! 📷🎞️ (Pick up a photo album or scrap book from a local craft store and print some of your favorite photos! Your album can be themed around anything! Fun ideas include; stuffie album, caregiver and kiddo album, dates with your partner, ect.)
Snackle Tackle Box! 🦞🎣🐠. Fill up a clear divided container (a tackle box or even a bead or trinket sorter will do) and fill each section with one of your partners favorite snacks!
Picnic in the Park! 🧺🌱🥪 Grab a blanket, your favorite foods and drinks, and of course some fun activities (bubbles, chalk, binoculars are some good ideas) and head to the local park! (I recommend going on school hours if it’s during the weekdays so no kids will be around, or go later near sunset!) note: this activity can also be done inside if it’s not nice out!)
Movie Theater 🎭 🍿🎥 Make your own movie theater and invite your partner and stuffies! Make sure you choose a really good movie! Pop some popcorn, and make tickets to give to your guests! (Bonus if you make snacks themed around the movie you’re watching!) and before your movie starts make sure you check that everyone has their tickets!
Breakfast for Dinner 🍽️ 🥞🍳 This one is a classic! Help out in the kitchen and make breakfast for dinner! Be a little chef and prep all your ingredients before you start cooking! (This is called mise en place! Which means to gather and prep your ingredients) sometimes it’s nice to have a sweet treat for dinner! Pancakes and waffles are perfect for this!
Stargazing 🔭 ⭐️☄️ Find a nice place nearby without a lot of trees and a clear view of the sky! Pack yourself some snacks and a blankie and enjoy the stars! This is similar to the picnic idea but at night! You can get books or even look at your phone to find constellations!
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darkpuck · 6 years
Golden Sun fic ask things, hm? How about something with the two parties meeting up in TLA and figuring out how to integrate into one team?
Got a question? Want a fic? Wanna know my headcanons? Inbox is open for Golden Sun
Okay, so the thing is – Garet is thrilled that Jenna’s okay, and Kraden too. He’s even glad that Felix is alive, though he’ll deny it if anyone asks.  Felix betrayed them, betrayed Vale and everything they’ve ever been taught–
But the thing is.
He remembers Felix, always a serious kid, acting too old for the shenanigans Garet and Isaac got up to even though he was only a year their senior. (Remembers Felix leaping from the top of the Venus Lighthouse after Sheba fell.) But he doesn’t remember Felix’s eyes being that haunted. And sometimes he wonders if it’s because of the storm that nearly killed him….
Or because Felix knows that whatever happens, he’ll get the blame for it.
It almost makes him want to be nice to the bastard.
Though he swears on Sol Temple and all the Elemental Stars if Piers pulls that smug, ‘oh-i’m-so-much-older-and-wiser’ routine one more time he’s gonna deck him. 
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Evillustrator vs. The Mime
Who would win in a fight:
Omg that’s actually such a good one!! Both their powers are pretty much limitless, so they seem really evenly matched! Of course the Mime’s disadvantage is that he can only mime one thing at a time, but his advantage is that at least everything he mimes is invisible so it’s harder to avoid...
Idk. I honestly think they’d be about equal. Unless the fight takes place in the dark, in which case the Mime would win :D
Give me two characters in my inbox: “vs.” for who I think would win a fight, “or” for who I like better, “+” for how I ship them (platonic, familial, romantic, not at all)!
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goodplace-janet · 7 years
Legend of Zelda?
The only LoZ game I’ve played any of is Ocarina of Time, and I still haven’t finished that one, but let me go with the obvious choice of Ganondorf, with a close second being Mido? he was so mean to Link?? I still don’t forgive him tbh
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prokopetz · 6 years
What tabletop game(s) would you point to as having your favorite character creation process?
It’s tough to pick just one - different tools for different purposes, and all that - but a few standouts from my collection include:
Danger Patrol - Character sheets are split into halves. When play begins, each player chooses or is assigned a left half and a right half, tapes them together, and that’s their character; in this manner, they might end up playing an Atomic Professor or a Psychic Robot - or, with equal likelihood, a Psychic Professor or an Atomic Robot.
In a Wicked Age - Character creation and scenario creation are the same thing. At the start of each session, the group draws plot seeds from a set of cards called “Oracles”, and brainstorms a scenario based on those seeds; you then make a list of characters whose existence is implied by the scenario, and everyone picks from that list to play.
Lords of Gossamer and Shadow - Character creation is a group process in which the GM introduces an attribute (e.g., Warfare), explains why that attribute is the most important attribute in the game, then literally auctions that attribute off; the players bid against each other for their character to be the best at that attribute.
Nobilis 3rd Edition - Character creation begins with constructing a mind-map using the correspondences of an invented floriography (i.e., language of flowers). Not all of the flowers have real-world counterparts; one character type’s floriography involves a flower that grows backwards in time, for example.
Paranoia Red Clearance Edition - Many games have competitive character creation, but this is one of the few really well-done examples of actively adversarial chargen I can think of. Skills are chosen in a round-robin fashion, and each pick screws the player to your left; for example, if you take a skill at +3, the player to your left automatically gets it at -3.
Run Robot Red - Character creation is largely conventional within any given session; the twist is that there are multiple character creation methods depending on what factory that session’s characters were made at, ranging from buying components from a catalogue, to taking turns picking from a pile of paper cutouts in the middle of the table.
Spooktacular - Nothing special here: it’s just straight-up random chargen. I’m putting it on the list because it’s basically my favourite example of the type; it has an amazing random skill list, including such entries as “Screaming”, “Doing Paperwork” and “Unnerving Straights”.
Tenra Bansho Zero - A fusion of templated and point-buy character creation, I enjoy it both for the variety of characters it supports, and for the fact that your point budget represents your character’s level of worldly attachment; you can spend as much as you want, with the caveat that higher-budget characters are more likely to go mad with ambition.
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marvogue · 6 years
This is very silly of me, but I'd be interested to see Golden Sun's Alex in Garnet. I mean Cherry Soda.
You made me curious too so I tried it! Sorry it took forever, I coloured him 3-4 times before something finally looked good hahaha
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probablybadrpgideas · 6 years
Refer to all antagonists solely by reference, like “the one with the goatee” or “the one who poisoned the water supply”. Get annoyed if other people at the table don’t call them by name.
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clairelutra · 6 years
hey, do you think you could tag your "please don't tell my parents i'm a supervillain" as pdtmp or something? tumblr really hates the full name for some reason, I could only find two posts when searching it even though there's clearly more under the tag.
sure thing! :O
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tanoraqui · 7 months
Trick or treat!
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squirenonny · 6 years
Let's go with #3 for... Lance, Parker, and Elend.
[Asexual FMK] 
3. be unable to lie to, take a bullet for, murder 
Be unable to lie to Parker, because what’s the point? If she doesn’t already know my secrets, then Hardison will dig them up for her, anyway. Plus, I mean, she’s definitely the kind of person who’d rather everyone just be up front with everyone about everything. She’d appreciate the honesty, and I think it would make things easier between us.
Take a bullet for Lance. I mean. It’s Lance. I would take a bullet for anyone on the team, but Lance is near the top.
Which I guess means I’m murdering Elend, so. There’s that. Vin is definitely coming for me tonight hahaha At least it’ll be quick.
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waffle-sorter · 3 years
That’s kind of amazing, that the exact combination I was hoping to find is the only entry in one of the categories.
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an-aura-about-you · 6 years
For the ship rant thing, Neville/Luna (from Harry Potter)?
Why aren’t they canon? Why aren’t they canon? Why aren’t they canon? Why aren’t they canon?
And I don’t mean this in a “canon is superior” way because clearly I don’t give a fuck what canon says since I willingly pair characters that never interact together in canon at all. But they had chemistry, obvious chemistry. Neville and Luna know how to work together as a team.
Now It’s been a long time since I read a Harry Potter, though I’m sure I can fix that with enough down time at work if I want to, but even the books say there are some things you can’t go through without becoming inseparable. Surviving the hell that was Neville’s seventh year at Hogwarts together with Luna, the two of them helping Ginny fight through that, isn’t even the first of those things. Neville and Luna have plenty of stuff together that they could easily become best friends if they aren’t already, and I can think of no finer foundation for a romantic relationship.
I know I’m being fuzzy and vague on this because, again, I haven’t read any of the Harry Potter for quite some time. And part of me is wondering how much of this is the books being told from Harry’s POV and thus missing some stuff or JKR just not being that great at writing romantic relationships. Which, yeah, I’ll say the latter is true. Out of all the canon relationships in the book, the romance I find most believable is James and Lily, and they’re DOA. And I’m a fucking Romeo and Juliet fangirl. I don’t need much. (Though it’s possible I find James and Lily the most believable because we see their relationship in full, so to speak. Since they ARE dead from the beginning of the series, we’ve seen their relationship to completion.)
Anyway, tangent aside, love me some Neville and Luna. Always love a battle couple.
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harpers-mirror · 7 years
Is the new W359 episode up somewhere? The site still shows "Available September 4" for me.
It was available at release for me through my podcast app - I use Podcast Republic. I also see it in the feed on Google Play - dunno about iTunes, I don’t have any Apple devices. Weirdly it’s not linked on their social media like always - they’ve been at DragonCon all weekend and I’m betting it just got overlooked. I asked on Twitter if they could link it for the people having trouble.
Hope that helps!
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