#wagg treats
chronicallykiki · 1 year
If you've been redeeming "Treats" recently with your channel points, this is what you've been gifting a (very) grateful Cookie with:
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rambunctioustoons · 11 months
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treat and trick!! :D 💥
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terri479 · 1 month
Verosika, Loona and Beelzebub (x sinner reader)
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• Although it may seem at times that she is only interested in sex, this is not the case. In fact, she is very affectionate, loving and supportive.
• It is best known when you two have a moment just for yourselves. She seems more relaxed and herself.
• She has very dexterous hands... Knows how to scratch and massage your head very well, she likes to do it for you. Really enjoys watching you melt into her touch.
• Since you've been dating, Vortex is also your bodyguard. At Verosika's events, you're safe from the paparazzi with Vortex somewhere backstage. However, if you want to be in the front row at the concert, Verosika will be happy to arrange it.
• In addition to psysical touch, her love language is also quality time. Except that, she likes to buy you gifts (expensive ones ofc).
• Will tattoo your name somewhere (I think on her chest, close to her heart).
• She loves doing your makeup, preferably when it matches hers.
• Skin routine with you in the morning and in the evening>>
• She will sing you good night in her gentle voice, or whenever you wish. :>
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• It takes a while for her to open up to you, but once she does, she never closes.
• Her wolf side sometimes comes out when she is comfortable with you. He snuggles up to your neck and inhales your sweet scent.
• When she wants something, she uses her puppy ​​eyes. You can't resist.
• Sometimes you just sit there and there's no need to talk. You both enjoy each other's presence.
• Blitz is completely supportive of your relationship with Loona, though he is careful for you not to harm her. Just to be sure. However, you still belong to the family.
• Loona will probably protest if you try to touch her ears or tail. After a while, however, she relents and lets you do your thing. Enjoy her fluffyness.
• She doesn't mind PDA, but sometimes she blushes... or waggs her tail.
• Her Instagram is full of the two of you together, she loves showing you off to the world.
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• She is wild. Loves to organize different parties and you can't miss them.
• Your relationship is public. But you also have private moments where Bee is a little calmer.
• If you are not that talkative, she speaks for both of you.
• She can't cook, but she uses her magic to make various sweet treats, such as catton candy, cakes, pies, and sweet drinks.
• For some reason, she really likes to lick you. She doesn't know why, she just likes it.
• Her cuddles are absolutely the best, cuz she has four hands! She touches you absolutely everywhere, every inch, every part of your body. She also engages her honey tail.
• She takes you on various flights around the city. Takes you in her arms and flies with you wherever you want.
Thank you for reading, sweetheart
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age-of-play-i-say · 2 years
Puppy Fever, pt. 1
I just have a cold, but I woke up aching and foggy, barely able to manage texting Daddy for help. Daddy appeared quickly, with a warm milk drink for me to wake up with. He coos as I take my medicine, and cannot stand my eyes watering as he breaks the news that he has to return to work while I languish in bed. He’d prefer I stay comfortable in my cozy bed, but I can’t bear to have him out of my sight when I’m like this.
He holds a finger up in the doorway and says “Give me 5 minutes, little one, and then Dada won’t leave your sight again” and I can hear him in every room, shuffling around with purpose. I doze unhappily, drinking my sippy cup and hugging my teddy bear stuffie.
Daddy reappears in the doorway and strides for my bed, sliding his arms underneath my body before bracing himself to scoop me up, blankets and all.
I moan, sore and miserable, and snuffle into Daddy's neck.
He does his best not to jostle me, walking slowly. As he does he whispers "I was saving this for your birthday, but today seems like the right time for a treat."
We round the corner to his office and I peer around his neck to see something new - a large plush doggie bed designed to fit under his desk, with grooves for his legs and feet to fit too. I cling to him and kick my feet happily before groaning from the exertion.
He bounces me lovingly before setting me down to explore my new spot. He adjusts my blanket to wrap around my shoulders and gives my bare bottom a pat. 
"Go on, sweetie, there are other goodies in your little baby corner. I'll be right here the whole time, and this way you don't have to go anywhere for my Zoom meeting later on."
I drop to my knees and crawl in. Out of sight, there's a small space heater, a DVD player with my comfort movies queued, starting with Lilo and Stitch. My favorite stuffies are all in attendance.
He also set up a small breakfast tray of different drinkies, snacks, and cold meds. As a final touch, the cold meds have a sticky note slapped on top that says 'grown ups only, Daddy will take care of it'
I coo happily, feeling warm all over for the first time since this cold hit me hard. I peek my face out and mean to thank Daddy, but no words come out. Instead my eyes get watery and I fling myself forward, hugging one of his legs.
He relaxes and settles into his chair, petting my upper back and hair before murmuring, "Sick as a dog, so I figured you might want to be my puppy for today." I whimper and hug his leg tighter, my bare bottom pressing on his socked foot. I'm turning pinker than my fever flush, not sure why I'm so blushy.
I look up at Daddy curiously. 
"Puppy?" I ask. He nods.
"Puppies don't have to speak, they get pets, tummy rubs, snacks." I nod, laying my head back on his knee before he says, "and any accidents or humpies without permission aren't naughty when you're a puppy." My head swivels to meet his gaze.
He was waiting for me. He leans down and pats the bottom of my puppy pen. It crinkles. He grins and leans back up.
"Lined with puppy pads and the base cushion is washable, so my sweet pup doesn't have to think about anything at all if they don't want to."
My lil winkie pulses against his leg without any movement from me, giving away my thoughts. He chuckles before continuing,
"You can also make humpies if you're up to it, or you can ask Daddy for help. No limits on anything that makes my baby feel good today, okay?" 
I nod, still fever-flushed but so aroused by his love and care. I don't look up at him and instead start rolling my hips against his leg.
He chuffs happily and focuses back in on his laptop, ignoring his puppy-baby churning their growing winkie on his bare ankle.
I squeal a few seconds later when my orgasm hits unexpectedly, leaving me gasping and shaking. I've been feeling so awful that getting off felt like a chore, and now Daddy has put me deep in headspace, caring for me more deeply than I've ever known.
No wonder I'm sensitive.
I sigh contentedly and give my sore hips one final waggle before lifting off, grabbing a drinkie from the tray and two stuffies and settling back between Daddy's legs, safe and sound.
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dimdiamond · 5 months
🖤 for dungeon meshi! 💀 for tintin!
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think? (dunmeshi)
Hmm that's an interesting question, especially for Dungeon Meshi as there's no clearly good or bad character and everyone has their own flaws and reasons to be like that. I would even say some characters suffer from too many good morals (like Kabru) and yet they still do bad things because they believe they're right. I think one character who does what she thinks it's right but she's not necessarily doing it for that reason alone is Milsiril (but I don't know what it's the fandom's general opinion of her). I don't think she's a good or bad person and I feel like she knows that too. She was the head of the Canaries and had made cruel things as such. When she saw Mithrun having no desire to live she gave him one she thought was enough to keep him going and be useful to them, revenge the demon. When she took Kabru home she thought she gave him the best of the best but I don't think she even put too much thought on his upbringing besides pampering him and treating him like a doll, overprotecting him to the point of making him suffocate in the prison of a nice room. Yet she had no bad intentions and Kabru indeed had better life and chances for a future than living like an orphan in the streets. There are so many things you can discuss about her but whenever I see any fan depicting her like the too loving and caring mother for Kabru and thus a good person it feels kinda wrong to me. Yes, she loves Kabru in her own way but that doesn't mean she's a good person to others. If anything she's neutral and does whatever she thinks it's useful and nice and convenient for her. Again I think these are opinions most in the fandom agree with and I don't know if she's considered morally good by many people but I just wanted to point out that she's not a morally good person despite doing some phenomenally good things.
💀: If you had to choose one major character to die, who would you choose? (Tintin)
Damn this is hard 😂 I feel people will hate me for this but if we're taking only the major characters then by logic the first who is to die is Milou. Yes, I know it hurts but it makes for great angst ok (I love dogs ok). For angst reasons I guess Haddock or Calculus is a good choice too.
But if we're going for who's annoying then Mr. Wagg must die. He's not a major character but for the so many times he appears in the comics you'll think he is lol.
Thompsons came to my mind but I love them so much I need to kill them by myself you know.
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marrow-minded · 1 year
you want rarepairs/crackships? i'll name you some of mine, so enjoy my long ramble:
-ironhill (Ironwood x Robyn) - HEAR ME OUT! i know Ironwood is disliked in rwby fandom while Robyn is, i'll safely say, unpopular in rwde community, BUT there's a certain charm of shipping disliked character with a liked character, especially when the views of the characters differ in different fandoms. Romeo & Juliet who?/j
But joking aside, i started shipping them when Robyn was like "i thought you were a jerk & didn't care about others, but i was wrong.". Call me basic but i like when two characters find a middle ground/realize they're not what they thought the other one was.
In all honestly their relationship was such a wasted potential and yes i am also saying it because i ship them, but with the theme of trust going around it would have been cool to have Ironwood & Robyn team up and become allies - with Ironwood representing Atlas & Robyn representing Mantle. Not to mention, BOTH care about their Atlas & Mantle and want the best for it's people. Just two leaders who didnt see eye to eye, only to realize both have the same goals in mind and are not each others enemy (it's Jacques)
Right now i can't name other reasons why you should like my ironhill propaganda, but consider this - they both hate jacques so that should be a sign they're soulmates/j & they both having shooting type weapons.
But even if you don't ship it, you have to admit their relationship was a wasted potential :/
-invisible poison(?) (Tyrian x Fiona) - HEAR ME OUT...it is mostly centered around them being Faunus, BUT the thing is Fiona is a sheep Faunus and Tyrian is a scorpion Faunus. Sheeps in general are seen in a positive light, while scorpions are seen in a negative light.
It's hard to put in words, but it would be interesting to explore how these two, while being Faunus had different experiences with how others treated them due to what type of Faunus they are. (Not to say Fiona never got discriminated against for being a Faunus in general).
Both are also very loyal to their leaders (Salem & Robyn), so yeah parallels...sort of. And my mind then came up with a scene where they fight and Fiona questions Tyrian on how he could be loyal to someone like Salem and he answer with that Salem is the only one who accepts him fully, never treating him badly due to him being a Faunus, UNLIKE certain other leader who called a dog Faunus "Waggs" & just makes Fiona question her role in HH and if she would have been treated differently by them if she had been a "dangerous" type of Faunus (but let's be honest he would mostly say this to mess with her)
There's the whole aesthetic/tropes with them too - short x tall, good x evil, kind x terrible etc. And I once decided to search them on google in case I find something, and while it wasn't a fanart, I did found a drawing of them together, so that's something.
-firewall/electric fire (?) (Watts x Cinder) - they hate each other and that whole balcony scene of Watts calling out Cinder's bullshit. Also unlike Ironwatts & Ironwood x Jacques, instead of them having divorced & sick of each other exes vibe, they rather have two people who refuse to get a divorce because they're petty af and want to see the other sufer. Next question
-target practice/pvp (?) (Penny x Pyrrha) - i might not ship it as i used to, but i think it started when i thought about how Pyrrha died thinking Penny is dead (which she was and will be), while Penny got brought back, not knowing Pyrrha is dead (does she know it is unknown but for the sake of angst im chosing this option) and then my mind thought of PvP Childhood AU, where Penny got the chance to travel around the world years ago and befriended Pyrrha with them keeping in touch over the years and getting to see each again other at the Vytal festival.
And yes that does make their fight a lot more devastating because now Pyrrha dies feeling the guilt of killing her best friend and Penny comes back only to learn her best friend is gone and died not knowing she's alive (if we assume bringing Penny took a lot of time).
Aside from the angst, I think they could have had a cute dynamic :)
-envy zinnia (Emerald x Ren) - it's the "because she's scared just like us" for me (dont remember if he said that because he used his semblance). It's the way Emerald reacted to his words and denied them. It's the way Ren looked at Emerald while others were arguing about her joining the team (i think it was Yang who mostly against it).
It's the idea of Emerald assuming Ren can read her well because of his semblance and trusts her based on that, only to learn he had never used his semblance and trusts her, because he wants to and sees good in her for me.
It's the idea of Ren feeling complicated about his feelings about Nora, because he feels like he should fall in love with her given she's his best friend and had always been by his side, only to fall in love with his former enemy. (nooo, i did not drop the summary of my wip here, nooo)
There isn't much with this ship, for me this mostly being "hey this is a neat one" only to then imagine Emerald getting flustered over Ren holding her hand or looking at her with a soft gaze in his eyes.
OKAY YOU SENT ME A LOT (WHICH I LOVE THANK YOU SO SO MUCH) so im gonna put my responses under a readmore bc i do actually wanna put thought into each of these
okayyyyy lets start with IRONHILL: well i think ironwood is a whole gay man but thats just MY hc so like. of the female characters u can ship him with its not the WORST option? like i 100% totally get what u mean that sometimes theres so much wasted potential or a better story hidden behind a dynamic that you either dont get to see on screen or doesnt get nearly enough to work with that u kinda end up shipping them just bc u want more of them. im not sure i see any romantic or sexual chemistry between them personally so i feel like i would "ship" them as like Business Partners. like
robyn: would you like... to form an alliance with me
james: ... yes, yes i would
robyn: EXCELLENT >:333
NOW TYRION/FIONA. This Interests Me. like i love corruption type romances, where the innocent or happy or naive one gets a dark or bad boy or straight up evil lover. some real hades/persephone type shit. ive said before that i love angel/demon imagery and u cant get more heavenly than a lamb. also i do agree that i think their parallels of their roles are very interesting and i also dont like robyn so anything that gets fiona away from her is good with me! i feel like i would really love like almost a roleswap of them? like a fiona slated to be a maiden candidate for salem, on the bad guys side, and a tyrion that was still fucked up but he is like on ironwoods payroll as a ace-op special assassin or something, like i feel like that would be really fun LOL or like a tryion that was just SLIGHTLY less insane and not on salems side but like is still a bad guy and he gets wounded and fiona finds him dying in the woods or something and brings him back to her little cottage and fixes him up and they bond as he recovers like THATS TASTY
cinder/watts im not a fan of. i do get what u mean about them having toxic divorced exes energy but i feel like watts/ironwood does that in a way sexier and fun way and i dont want to subject cinder to that sort of vibe tbh (i have another cinder-centric rarepair thats genuinely my cinder otp so theres also that)
TARGET PRACTICE IS A FUCKED UP NAME FOR PYRRHA/PENNY SKCBSODBSPEHEJ but pvp is deffo something i get... in a completely au context. like nothing about their canon vibes click for me? but with ur whole childhood friends thing i get it; i think like if somebody told me to outline a pvp fic, i would like. okay pyrrha is brought to beacon on a special recommendation and before she even starts the school, shes brought in and told about the maidens and magic and penny and the proposal to make her the next autumn and penny the next winter and ironwood and ozpin ask if shes willing and if she is, will she work with penny? and the two of them are assigned as partners (meaning jaune gets a new partner which according to canon would be WEISS so hello thats fun) and they bond and struggle with making friends and being 'normal' with these pressures and its quite bittersweet and emo and cute i like it
NOW YOU HAVE TOTALLY SOLD ME ON EMERALD/REN. i love putting ren with literally any other character and i feel like emerald has such a simple but good character that she can fit with a lot of people and tbh u really have sold me on them. i really like the imagery of like ren and emerald both having this barrier for whatever reason that prevents them from being open and honest with their feelings but using their semblances as different private u iqie communication that just WORKS for them they are both autistic and hot and i think they should kiss also their shades of green being complimentary and ren and her just having this really fun dynamic of them both being really snarky and sassy but quiet and observant and they just VIBE im highkey lowkey obsessed with the idea... ren and nora are side characters in my fic but they are on a team with merc and emerald (trust the process) and the plan is currently actually emerald/neon but... somethings may have to be rearranged bc im actually really REALLY into the idea of ren and emerald... SHIT YOU ACTUALLY DID IT YOU ACTUALLY SOLD ME ON REMERALD.....
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cecilkinkbunny · 16 days
Oh sweet thing you're activating my cuteness aggression so much! I'd love to cuddle up with you and nuzzle into your neck, biting down because of how utterly adorable you are then kiss and lick the blood off. It'd make my tail wag so fast! Such a pretty pet all curled up in my lap🥰
-🐾 anon
Heehee awwww my lord, i didn't know you have cuteness aggression! heehee, i will have to bring it out more often for yo! ^w^,,
mmmm I'd thank you for biting me, for treating your little servant to special treatment whilst whining softly. fuck, i love the feeling of those little blades breaking the delicate fibers of my being inch by inch. The act of being destroyed so that I can be built back better in your image. To be closer to my god in the ways only he allows is such a wonderful privilege to have ^///^,,
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letterstodante · 9 months
you had pockets and my hands where shaking. i am not sure if from cold, or from craving your touch, like a dog wagges his tail, when you show him a treat. you gave me your gloves and i could feel your fingers gently resting on my hands. you couldnt touch me, but you said words that warmed my heart, you couldnt stay so you walked me a little closer to home.
i was just stupid to think, that you could have ever covered me whole, when you gave me just your gloves.
that doesnt mean i wont take your scarf next time.
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rionneeeangelo · 2 years
Helloo. Wow. I mean, literally wow. The year has now transitioned again and here we are, still talking with each otherr. To be honest, ayaw kong maging super madrama itong mesage ko na ito sa iyoo. Pero regardless, I'm still happy to be able to type this one for you. I'm even listening to "Taylor Swift Playlist | calm songs + minimal rain // songs to study, relax, work and sleep" yownnn naks
For starters, Happy New Year my queen Jaslaine 🌻 New chapter of our lives na namann, hopefully a better chapterr for both of us. We're going up to 6 years na by february of this year and I want to remind you that I'm still here and reassure you that I'll still be heree, waiting for you kahit na you already said no a million times already. Hindi ko rin alam e pero I want to be here by your side. Super conflicted din ako dahil may mga araw na masaya tayong dalawa and we act like magjowa tayo even though we're not and merong mga araw na sobrang layo ng loob natin isa't-isa lalo kapag nag-aaway tayo. I don't mean anything by it kahit ano pang sabihin mong answer kapag tinanong kita pero still, I want to be able to ask you the question. Remind ko lang din ikaw na don't be pressured by me being here around you para magsay ng yes ha. I'll do everything to court you nang mas maayos ngayong taon and mag-ambag sa ating talking stagee. I'll invite you more to movie nights, kain days, gala adventures, game nights, etc etc in short bebe timee ✨✨
Mahal kita Jaslaine and kahit hindi mo man ako mahal, alam ko nagwoworry ka pa rin sa akin and kahit pa paulit-ulit mong sinasabing wala kang pakialam, alam kong may pakialam ka rin kahit kaunti sa akin, kahit na hindi man iyon in a romantic way. Pero I will communicate better this year so that we can fix more things easier, faster, and clearer. I'll do every single thing to court you and attempt to make you fall in love with mee. I know hindi ako gwapo so I will make it up sa actions and behavior ko, also the way I speak must be soft. I'll do everything right. If ever na maayos ko lahat ng ineexpect mo sa akin, I'll be more aggressive dahil ayaw kong stuck tayo sa talking stage lang and I want to level up din, that is if you'll fall in love with me as well hehehe 🥰🥰 Pero ayun nga, don't be pressured na magsay ng yes sa akinnn ha, I know super taas ng standards mo pero kasi at the same time, you are super kinddd, as in super duper mega ultra kinddd kaya baka magyes ka out of awa sa akin, 'wagg okayy? I'll be fineee kahit pa mag no ka when I asked youu. Ayunn, this was supposed to be a reminiscing of the past message for you but then, I went on and rumble about what I want to do hehehe.
Also, to make it formal, I am apologizing for all my shortcomings and disrespect to you. Thank you for your patience with me all this time. I owe you big time and I won't ever forget you and your kindness ever, please remember thattt okayy? Simula 2023, I will address all of our probleems more clearlyy and I will not suck at communicatingg to youu. I will speak in a way na even though I am correcting you, it will not sound like I'm angry at you or something na mas ikakagalit mo. Ibababy kita and will treat you gentler and softerr 👶👼🐥🐤🐤I'll baby you pero I'll tell you the things you might want to change para maggrow din ikaw as a better person without making it sound like condescending. I'll be a better partner for you this year. Gusto kong magstay dito and gusto kong mapastay ikaw dito pa dahil I want to spend more time with you and be able to do so many things with you again this yearrr. I'm looking forward to doing more things with you my queennn 🤗🤗 Hopefully hindi ka super magsawa pa sa akin hehehe
Ayun langgg, again Happy New Yearrrrr 🥳🥳 2023 is upon us and let's make it one of the best years of our livesss 🤩🤩 Yown ggraduate na this yearrr and magiging registered medtech naaa 🤞🤞 Let's gooooooooo!! 😎😍😍🤗
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I hope everyone loves seeing pictures of dogs because Pippin is so lovely to photograph. This was taken the other day on a walk when he couldn't keep his eyes off the peanut butter and banana cookies, his absolute favourite treat. It's so nice to have found a treat that he loves and is safe for his tummy as he has gastric problems and can get easily irritated. At first it did take a long time to find treats that didn't contain animal derivatives but these Wagg ones are an absolute winner in my eyes. I just hope he doesn't get sick of them! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #dogs #zuchon #shihtzu #bichonfrise #dogsofinstagram #tummyhealth #guthealth #pippn #pip #creamandwhite #treats #waggs #peanutbutter #banana #cookies #dogtreats #yum #animalderivatives #tricks #walks #playtime #favourite #goodboy ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ (at Llanfairpwllgwyngyll) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKgBck3ATLA/?igshid=1h0me59wl9077
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3bees4u · 6 years
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Free Wagg Dog treats You can get a free pack of WaggDog Treats by visiting the link below. You'll need to enter your name and email, then a link will be sent to you to print out the coupon for your free pack. Hurry probably won't last long, GET FREEBIE
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kinfriday · 5 years
Wandering Hops: Black Holes and Blast Zones
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Cliches, I feel, are annoying because they are a reminder of simple, near universal truths. No matter how clever, or accurate the wisdom they hold may be, just hearing them reminds me of something I should have never forgotten, and thus, I cringe.  
All of this is, of course, natural. None of us are perfect, we all make mistakes, get ahead of ourselves, mislay our car keys, all of that; thus life is full of cliches to remind us that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.
Shit, there’s another one.
Saturday, that very cliche presented itself and slapped me in the face.
Now, I should have been prepared for it. I woke up, eager, excited and early, ready to take on Black Hole Falls. My hiking checklist was beside my pack and trekking poles, the husband woke up early, and my directions were all loaded in. We even left almost on time.
All of this proved to be ominous portent of the day ahead.
With breakfast done and everything in the car, we left about 930am. Waggs was looking forward to an exciting day in Vancouver, Washington and I was eagerly awaiting my trip to Black Hole Falls. The site is billed as one of the best hidden waterfalls in the Pacific Northwest, perched on the edge of the Gifford Pinchot forest. It had all the makings of a wonderful day.
Heading out towards Amboy, Washington, we followed our directions dutifully. Eventually the two lane highway gave way to a simple paved forest service road that had certainly seen better days. As always in the Pacific Northwest, there were other campers and hikers camped beside conspicuous openings in the forest, portending trail and adventures just beyond.
This is where I start getting excited. The idea of other people on fun adventures reminds me that I’ll soon be on my own as well.  
“Keep left at the fork.” Sounded over the speaker, drawing both of our attentions, because the road that awaited us was a steep and graveled dirt road taking us up into the mountains. This was not unexpected. Before I go to any trail, I take a look at things via satellite and try to get the lay of the land. The trail head I was looking for showed to be set off a similar road, and so, all seemed groovy.
Up we went, gaining elevation as the road began to switchback aggressively and an unsettling feeling began to arise that the GPS was leading us on a boondoggle.
Finally, after almost half an hour on gravel roads, covering almost ten miles, it announced we had arrived, there were just a few problems…
No pull out, no trail head, no indication whatsoever of where the trail should be.
Son of a bitch.  
Undaunted, I fell back to my InReach navigator, knowing I had synced the maps from my computer the night before. While not designed for vehicle navigation, it should have been able to tell me if I was close, or off in the great beyond relative to the trail location.
That was when the second big surprise of the day hit me. Though I had synced it on my computer, I later found out that only works for software updates, it requires being synced through my phone to push the routes back to the device.
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Deep in the pit of my stomach a worried feeling blossomed as  I looked up and down the road, it finally coming into clear focus that we were lost, over half an hour from town, one hour out from signal, and no idea where the trail was.
All of my Saturday plans were firmly obliterated at that point.  Some careful backtracking followed, as we made our way back to the main road, and off for a day of fun in Portland.
It was actually a pretty good time, save that I didn’t feel I had earned my post hike eat out treat. After all, I hadn’t hiked anywhere.
At the end of the day though, a Bulgogi Bowl from Veggie Grill is a Bulgogi Bowl from Veggie Grill, and as I sat there, talking with my husband I resolved that this weekend would not be shot for Wandering Hops. While he browsed a bookstore, I hung out outside, using my all trails map and then hit upon The Coldwater Lake Loop.
The Coldwater Lake Loop is best described as a franken-trail, a mix of the south coldwater trail and the lake trail, with the last section incorporating elements of the main forest service road to take you back to the trail head. All told, it’s about 11.5 miles, and rated as a Hard/Difficult hike.
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This time, dear reader, I wasn’t about to be caught unaware. I synced and resynced my maps, verified in full that the route was on the device, checked permits, passes and hours, as well as my directions.
0630 Sunday rolled around, and as Maya likes to say, it was time to “get this bread.”
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This was my first difficult rated hike since the Hamilton Loop of last year, and as I drove, alone along Highway 504 (letting the husband sleep) I was filled with a degree of trepidation. My chosen route had me going counter clockwise from South Coldwater, which gains a half mile in elevation over the first two or so miles, and then you have to go right back down again.
The challenge though, is part of the fun, you never know what you can do until you do it, after all.
The Coldwater Lake Loop proved amazing from its first moments. For one, Mount St Helens loomed large just behind me. Back in 1980, the region I was hiking was at the very heart of the blast zone, dramatically reshaping the landscape in a moment, wiping away thousands of years of patient erosion and gentle world building. What surprised me was that there was still evidence of the volcanic cataclysm everywhere I looked, from petrified, stony trees to soil mixed with ash.  
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For two, the caterpillars were out by the thousands, massing on the trail, trees and plants in numbers I had never seen before. They made their migrations back and forth, largely oblivious to my movements as I attempted to side step as many as I could. All the while I took in sweeping vistas full of dramatic mountain ranges and colorful wildflowers, until about a mile and a half in, I found some curious bits of metal sculpture.
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Back when the volcano blew, the area I was hiking in was being logged. Still buried bulldozers, twisted by the titanic forces of Mother Nature in a full on rage still dotted the trail in two locations, accompanied by an observation tower that was shaped into loops and bends. All of this was found in the first two miles after a punishing round of ever upward arching trail, until it dumped me out on a wide and sandy plain,  grey white from volcanic ash, and full of scrubby, stubborn plants and flowers clinging to life.
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From there, I continued to go up, and up, and… well… up.  There were moments when I could hear my heart pounding in my chest as my legs burned from exertion. For my day hikes, I normally move with about 15lbs on my back. It’s good training for backpacking, and besides, I’m not carrying weights. Things like flashlights, extra water, and power bricks can come in useful if anything goes wrong, so up I went, lugging my necessary gear, until I found myself just inches from a ledge, with a heavy drop to my left, and a steep incline to my right as I traced my way up a mountain.
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Finally summiting a little over three and a half miles into my trek, a cool breeze began to blow off Coldwater Lake, which was quite refreshing after the hike I had just completed. Originally I had planned to eat lunch there, but I was feeling peppy. Deciding to press on to the halfway point, I began my descent, entering a thick and verdant forest, with the canopy so thick above me, it blocked out much of the sun.
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The transition was as quick as what you might see in a movie script. Suddenly, the world goes from open, to close in, the air cools and becomes humid, sticking to your skin, and the heavy scents of earth percolates all around as the world falls to hushed silence, broken only here and there by the chirping of a bird or the rustling of a fern.
It’s peaceful, but also leaves you with a feeling of anticipation. The size and completeness of the silence makes it feel like the world has found a pause, but there’s an expectation at its edge. At any moment it feels like the world around you may lurch forward again, bursting out upon the stage in an unexpected way.
Does that sound like foreshadowing?
As the descent began to level out a roar began to build progressively, until soon, it was deafening. Still, the thick canopy of forest surrounding me offered nothing in terms of view, but I was certain I was coming to a rapids crossing or a waterfall.
Turns out I was right on both accounts; emerging from the wood a sturdy looking bridge revealed itself, spanning the gap over a raging torrent of river and a stair step waterfall, working its way back up into the mountain. The entire scene was breathtaking, and marked about a mile past the halfway mark for the day. It was a perfect time to stop for lunch.
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After a few minutes rest and a Probar, my energy surged back, and I hit the trail again. This is where it began to feel long. Especially in the moments where I began to climb. Now, initially, upon my setting out, it was my belief that all the climbing would be done in the beginning, giving me a nice and level trail beside a lake shore to complete my day upon.
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No such luck. Examining my map more closely, I noticed the topographic detail that my trail route vacillated on this second stint a few hundred feet at a time in elevation. This was by no means the same level of challenge as I had started my day with, but it still proved daunting as the hours rolled on. However, the scenery was beautiful, alternating between verdant forests and vast meadows filled with both butterflies and wildflowers, until the sound of people enjoying Father’s Day began to carry on the wind.
That could mean only one thing. I was nearing the boat docks, which marked my return to the highway and trailhead. Roughly 1.5 miles later, and the day was done.
After 11 miles, the sudden stop of forward motion felt strange. My brain had dialed into the idea of me moving forward at a constant steady pace, and as I unloaded my gear into the wagon, I felt a bit  lost.
Glorious air conditioning awaited me. Sitting there with the engine idling, preparing to leave after finishing my post trail snack, I began to reflect upon the last few days and  realized there was a type of lesson in all of it for me.
To put it in one word, I’d have to call it persistence. I could have quit when my hike was thwarted by bad directions and haywire planning for Black Hole Falls, but I didn’t. I fell back, reassessed and found something that would work.
Still, it wasn’t that easy. Finding the trail is one thing, but hiking it is another entirely. I covered almost 12 miles, up mountains, along ledges, and across bridges. There were times when I was tired, there were times when I even got bored, but the one thing I didn’t do was stop. My perseverance rewarded me with a day full of beautiful memories and moments that I feel I will carry for a long time.
Persistence pays, dear reader. One last cliche to finish the day.
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marketreportss · 2 years
Online demand for pet food keeps growing
Pet Food Market size is projected to reach USD 94,547 Million units by 2027 from an estimated USD 70,102 Million unit in 2019, growing at a CAGR of 4.5% globally.
Pet food is animal feed intended for consumption by pets. Typically sold in pet stores and supermarkets, it is usually specific to the type of animal, such as dog food or cat food. Most meat used for animals is a byproduct of the human food industry, and is not regarded as "human grade". Pet food Market report covers the detailed analysis on current and upcoming market trends, company market shares, market projections, competitive benchmarking, competition mapping, and in-depth research of the most significant sustainability strategies and their impact on industry growth and competition. The research was conducted using a combination of primary and secondary data, as well as input from leading industry players.
Pet Food Market Report provides a deep insight into the market 2022, covering all its essential aspects. This generates an in-depth Analysis from an economic science outline of the planet market to the minute little details of the business performance, recent trends, key market drivers and challenges, Porter’s five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, value chain analysis, contestant analysis, etc. The report provides the user with insights into the manufacturing worth, stuff prices, supply chain analysis, etc. The analysis report contains a comprehensive analysis of the market opportunities, import/export details, key makers, market dynamics, and key regions.
The key market players for the global Pet Food Market are listed below:
Mars,Hill's Pet Nutrition,Nestle Purina,The J.M. Smucker Company (Big Heart Pet Brands, Inc.),Colgate,Lupus Alimentos,Diamond pet foods,Heristo,Unicharm,Mogiana Alimentos,Diamond Pet Foods,Affinity Petcare,Blue Buffalo Pet Products Inc.,Nisshin Pet Food,Total Alimentos,Ramical,Butcher’s,MoonShine,Big Time,Yantai China Pet Foods,Gambol,WellPet LLC,Paide Pet Food,Wagg
Segmentation of Pet Food Market
In market segmentation by Pet, Pet Food Market report covers:
On the basis of Food Type, Pet Food Market has been segmented into:
Dry Food,Wet Food,Snacks,Treats,Nutritious Food,Others
Following regions are highlighted in this the Pet Food Market report:
·         North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
·         Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Europe)
·         Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia, Rest of APAC)
·         Middle East & Africa (GCC Countries, South Africa, Rest of MEA)
·         South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America)
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Points Covered in The Report
·         The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as market players, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc.
·         The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report. This report analyzed 12 years data history and forecast.
·         The growth factors of the market are discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail.
·         Data and information by market player, by region, by type, by application and etc., and custom research can be added according to specific requirements.
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esonetwork · 6 years
Timestamp #160: Doctor Who (The Movie)
New Post has been published on https://esopodcast.com/timestamp-160-doctor-who-the-movie/
Timestamp #160: Doctor Who (The Movie)
Doctor Who: The Movie (1996)
  It’s a major turning point: The gateway between the classic era and the modern. But first, the Doctor must face Y2K.
The Master finally came to trial for his litany of crimes on the planet Skaro as part of a treaty between the Daleks and the Time Lords. Over cat eyes, we learn that the Master’s final request was for the Doctor to carry his remains back to Gallifrey for final disposition. The Doctor places the Master’s urn in a lockbox and secures it with a new sonic screwdriver before settling in with “In a Dream” on the gramaphone, The Time Machine in his hands, and a bowl of jelly babies. The control room is massive and gorgeous, and reflects the Seventh Doctor’s twilight years to a tee.
The Master breaks out of the urn and the lockbox, moving as a shadowy snake form to the TARDIS console and shorting it out, forcing the Doctor to make an emergency landing on Earth, San Francisco, New Years Eve, 1999. The TARDIS materializes in the middle of a gang fight, saving a young survivor in the process. Unfortunately, the Doctor (who didn’t use the scanners, I guess) steps into the fight and is shot. As Chang Lee calls for an ambulance, the Master escapes through the TARDIS lock.
The Doctor (on the record as John Smith) is rushed to the hospital, but modern medicine fails him. The x-ray accurately reflects his two hearts, and the bullet wounds are not particularly life-threatening (one in the shoulder, two in the leg), but the heart readings require a cardiac specialist. Enter: Grace Holloway.
The Doctor wakes up on the operating table to the sound of Madame Butterfly, pleading with Grace to stop the surgery and get him a beryllium atomic clock. The surgical team ups the anesthetic and proceeds, but human surgery on Time Lord physiology proves fatal. The Seventh Doctor dies on the operating table. Grace reviews the x-rays before informing Lee of the bad news, and Lee runs off with the Doctor’s personal effects.
We are treated to a double Time Lord resurrection: On the other side of the city, the Master has hitched a ride home with an ambulance driver named Bruce. As he snores away, preventing his wife from sleeping, Bruce is taken over and killed by the Master. Bruce’s wife is happy for the silence. At the hospital, the Doctor’s body is loaded into the morgue and regenerates in parallel with the 1931 version of Frankenstein. The Doctor bangs at the door and breaks out of the freezer, scaring the on-duty attendant. The Eighth Doctor finds a mirror (or thirteen… see what they did there?) in a broken room (seriously, what?) while humming Madame Butterfly. In shock, he screams and questions who he is.
As morning dawns, we find Grace Holloway in her office, the Doctor rifling through lockers for clothing (and discarding a replica of the Fourth Doctor’s scarf), and Lee trying to figure out what a sonic screwdriver does (as well as examining a yo-yo, the Doctor’s pocketwatch, and the TARDIS key). The Doctor finds a Wild Bill Hickok costume (intended for the New Years Eve costume party), discarding the gun belt and hat in the process. Meanwhile, the Master awakens (with glowing green eyes) and kills Bruce’s wife.
Pete, the morgue attendant, shows Grace what happened the night before. She walks right by the Doctor, who is still suffering from the effects of his regeneration, before meeting with the hospital administrator. The administrator tries to cover up the events of the botched surgery, and she quits her job as a result. As she’s leaving, the Doctor joins her in the elevator and follows her to her car. He begs her for help, pulling the abandoned cardiac probe from his chest as Grace drives him away.
The Master arrives at the hospital and demands to see the Doctor’s body, but finds out that the corpse is missing and that Lee has the Doctor’s possessions. Meanwhile, Grace and the Doctor arrive at her home to find that her boyfriend has left her (and taken her furniture). She examines the Doctor and his heartbeats as his memory fades back in. Grace is upset and confused by the whole affair, but the Doctor comforts her in his awkward way.
Lee finds his way to the TARDIS and steps inside, having one of the most amazing “bigger on the inside” moments. Unfortunately, he also finds the Master, who somehow entered before without the TARDIS key. The Master enthralls Lee and takes the Doctor’s things before demanding that Lee help him find the Time Lord. The Master tells Lee a false tale of how the Doctor stole his regenerations, offering the human gold dust and a tour of the TARDIS, including the Cloister Room. In the depths of the Cloister Room is the Eye of Harmony, the heart of the TARDIS, and Lee is able to open it with a little coercion. The Eye shows the Master and Lee the Doctor’s Seventh and Eighth incarnations, and the image of a human retina leads the Master to believe that the new Doctor is half-human.
That’s an important note to make: The Master makes the assumption that the Doctor is somehow half-human. While the Master – who has known the Doctor for a really, really long time – should presumably know better, the Doctor’s lineage is not a statement of fact. It is a wild assumption.
The Doctor finishes getting dressed (and finally removing his toe tag) as Grace examines his blood. They take a walk to clear their minds, jogging the Doctor’s memories of his own childhood. The joy of this incarnation is amazing. As the Eye of Harmony is opened, he remembers that he is the Doctor and kisses Grace, making this the first romantic moment for the Doctor in the franchise.
I’m okay with that. New face, new body, new Doctor.
With the Eye of Harmony open, the Doctor and the Master can share vision through the Eye. The Doctor closes his eyes and gives Grace the download on who he is. Lee also hears this, chipping away at the Master’s thrall. Grace runs away in shock and locks the Doctor out of her house. Despite the Doctor’s protests, Grace calls for an ambulance, but the Doctor shows her that the Eye of Harmony is tearing the planet apart by walking through a window without breaking it. The Master and Lee oblige her request by hijacking an ambulance and taking it to meet the doctor (and the Doctor).
The Doctor watches the news while they wait for the ambulance, learning that a local institute is unveiling a beryllium atomic clock, which is exactly what he needs to close the Eye. The doorbell rings, and it’s the Master calling. Grace has no idea, but the Doctor obviously recognizes the Master, and nevertheless, they all pile into the ambulance and hit the road. Eventually, the Doctor unmasks the Master and runs with Grace. They hijack a police motorcycle with jelly babies and race for the institute with the Master in pursuit.
Notably, the Doctor does use a gun once again, but it’s a distraction instead of a threat.
Lee knows a shortcut – of course he does – so they beat the Doctor and the doctor to the clock. They proceed inside and look for a way to the clock, passing the Doctor off as “Dr. Bowman” and meeting Professor Wagg, the inventor of the device. In the meantime, the Doctor explains more about himself, and distracts the professor with a joke about being half-human while swiping his badge. They take a piece of the clock, distract a guard with a jelly baby, and spot the Master before running. They race to the roof (understandably, the Doctor is afraid of heights) and use a fire hose to drop to the street before heading to the TARDIS.
They use a spare key to open the TARDIS, have a humorous moment with a police officer driving in and out of the time capsule, and go inside to install the clock component in the console. Unfortunately, the Eye has been open too long and the cosmos are in danger. The TARDIS also has no power. They attempt to jump-start the TARDIS, but Grace is enthralled by the Master as he arrives. She knocks the Doctor out and together, she and Lee take him to the Eye. The Master supervises as Grace places a device on the Doctor’s head to prop his eyes open. The Doctor pleads with Lee, and Lee refuses to open the Eye when the Doctor points out the Master’s lies. The Master kills Lee by snapping his neck, then enthralls Grace into opening the Eye.
Apparently, only a human’s eyes can open the Eye. Which is weird, but kind of plays into a theory of mine… more on that later.
The Eye’s light is focused on two points, designed in this case to channel the Doctor’s regenerative energy into the Master and extend the villain’s lifespan. The light of the Eye breaks Grace’s trance, and she runs to the console to reroute the power. At the very last second, Grace jump-starts the TARDIS and they travel into a temporal orbit. She releases the Doctor, but the Master throws her off the balcony and kills her. The two Time Lords fight over the eye, but the Doctor is triumphant and the Master falls into the Eye. The Doctor tries to rescue him, but the Master refuses and is (apparently) killed.
The Doctor places Lee and Grace on a balcony in the Cloister Room, and the energy of the Eye infuses with them, bringing them back to life courtesy of the TARDIS and its sentimentality. The Doctor shows them Gallifrey from a distance before returning midnight on January 1, 2000. Lee departs with the gold dust and a little advice after returning the Doctor’s stuff, and the Doctor offers Grace the opportunity to travel with him. Grace declines, and the Doctor departs for a new adventure.
  This presentation is deeply flawed, but it does have a lot of things working for it. I love the theme music (even if they don’t credit Ron Grainer or Delia Derbyshire) and I do love the humor and Doctor/Grace banter. On the other hand, it is swimming in the cheesiness that defined televised American science fiction in the 1990s, and a lot of those elements fall flat in the spirit of Doctor Who. I mean, can we get that hospital a little more funding for the entire floor full of broken junk?
The story also has a fixation on people stealing people’s stuff. Was there a major trend of kleptomania in the mid-90s?
Paul McGann is simply a joy to watch, and his energy and joy shines in this story. It’s also interesting to watch the “half-human” controversy play out: The Master takes it seriously based on scant evidence, but the Doctor plays it as a joke. I have often wondered if Gallifreyans are some sort of evolved human being – it’s definitely possible given that the default appearance is always human, most medical exams show only the two hearts as a physical difference, and that whole Eye of Harmony key thing – but I don’t think that the Doctor is any more human than that. The evidence just doesn’t support it.
All in all, this story would fall into the average range, which is a shame since Paul McGann deserved so much better. Of course, this was also a regeneration story, so it gets a little boost per the rules of the Timestamps Project.
    Rating: 4/5 – “Would you care for a jelly baby?”
    UP NEXT – Seventh Doctor Summary
  The Timestamps Project is an adventure through the televised universe of Doctor Who, story by story, from the beginning of the franchise. For more reviews like this one, please visit the project’s page at Creative Criticality.
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obsesivcreativ · 3 years
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Beautiful white hydrangea given to me by the lovely 86th Newcastle Guides (plus some other lovely Guiding treats) on my last day as their Assistant Leader, which I've really enjoyed doing for six years now. It was a tricky decision to stop volunteering with the Guides as it was always such fun, and great to work with an organisation that empowers young women. But exciting projects are tugging at my time commitments, including my part-time PhD! I have decided that I will make Guide coloured bunting to go around the pot, to remind me of the fun we had over the past six years - and the fun all my kids have enjoyed through Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers. The time and dedication given by the volunteer guiding leaders is fantastic, many have given decades to support generations of young women. To be celebrated! ... #girlguides #girlguiding #newcastle #guides #waggs #girlguidingnee #hydrangea #flowers #lastday #guideleader #thankyou #frontyard #crochet #crochetbunting #bunting #growlove #craft #craftivism #craftivist #empoweringwomen #empower #empoweringgirls #tobecelebrated #phd #phdlife https://www.instagram.com/p/CRvqtOpLpMk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Asia Pacific Pet Treats Market to show Impressive Growth During the Forecast Period | TechSci Research
Increasing disposable income among the population is driving the Asia Pacific Pet Treats Market growth in the forecast period, 2022-2026.
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According to TechSci Research report, “Asia Pacific Pet Treats Market By Product (Dry Treats, Wet Treats, Veterinary Diet, Snacks, Others) By Animal (Dogs, Cats, Birds, Fishes, Others) By Distribution Channel (Specialized Pet Shop, Online, Supermarket/Hypermarket, Others) By Ingredients (Animal Derivatives, Fish Derivatives, Fruits & Vegetables, Fats & Oils, Vitamins & Minerals) By Country, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, the Asia Pacific pet treats market is projected to grow on the backbone of increasing number of companion animals and their adoptions. The Asia Pacific pet treats market is expected to show an impressive CAGR rate in the forecast period, 2022-2026. Pet humanization is a rising trend that is primarily focused on betterment of living standards of the companion animals. Pet owners are inclined toward the pet humanization, demanding a better lifestyle and providing humans like living standards to their pets. Rising number of pet grooming centers, pet spas, and other pet products, are proof that pet owners are actively supporting pet humanization process and are even interested in spending over these services. Middle-class families in the developing countries like China, India are adopting pets at a rapid rate. With their affordability, the market for Asia Pacific pet treats is growing exponentially in the forecast period.
Moreover, government and pet wellness organizations like PETA are promoting the ideation of adopting more pet animals and creating an emotional drive to motivate people for pet adoptions, these factors are also aiding the Asia Pacific pet treats market growth in next five years. Latest launches of high nutritious value snacks and treats is attracting pet owners attention thereby supporting the growth of the Asia Pacific pet treats market growth, positively.
Browse over XX market data Figures spread through 110 Pages and an in-depth TOC on "Asia Pacific Pet Treats Market"
The Asia Pacific pet Treats market is segmented by product, animal, distribution channel, ingredients, country distribution, and competitional analysis. Based on distribution channel the market is further bifurcated into specialized pet shop, online, supermarket/hypermarket, and others. Supermarket/hypermarket is the leading sub-segment of the distribution channel segment, owing its growth to the availability of the wide range of the products. Pet owners can shop for the favorite treat for their pets at single sales point. Moreover, specialized pet shops are the fastest growing segment of the market. New pet owners are often completely dependent of these specialized pet shops to supply with the nutritional, and exclusive pet treats. The rising number of new adoptions of the pets is increasing the number of new pet owners, thereby driving the market growth of the specialized pet shops in the Asia Pacific pet treats market.
Based on ingredients, the market is fragmented into animal derivatives, fish derivatives, fruits & vegetables, fats & oils, and vitamins & minerals. A complete nutritional valued pet treat was not available in the market until last decade. Animal derivatives were the largest segment in the market, owing to the highest nutrition content in the source. Moreover, animal derivative treats are often preferred by the pet animals, there by driving the market growth. Vitamins & minerals are often supplied as supplements for the dogs that are to be mixed with other sources like animal, or fish derivatives so that they are taken by the pet animals.
Some of the major competitors in the market are Mars Incorporation, Filipino Multinational Food and Beverage Company (Del Monte Foods), Hill’s Pet Nutrition Incorporation, Unicharam Corporation, Nippon Formula Feed Manufacturing Company Ltd., Pet Center Incorporated (PCI), Nestle Purina Pet Care, Nisshin Saifun Group Incorporation Inc., Natural Dog Food Company Ltd., Marukan Co. Ltd., Spectrum Brands Inc., The JM Smucker Co. LLC, Colgate-Palmolive Co. Ltd., Wagg Foods Ltd., Shanghai Bridge Petcare Ltd., among others. Tope players are actively involved in the research and development of better, more nutritious treats, that satisfies the amount of nutrition along with the flavor of the treats thereby making it preferrable by the pets as well as their owners.
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“China is anticipated to be the fastest growing country in the Asia Pacific regional market. The increasing number of the companion animal is driving the growth which is followed by Australia, India, and South Korea. Dogs and cat population in South Korea is exceeding 5Millions already making it a perfect market for the upcoming players. Introducing new products with complete nutritional value would provide the edge over existing players in the market to the new players trying to penetrate the market,” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based Asia Pacific management consulting firm.
“Asia Pacific Pet Treats Market By Product (Dry Treats, Wet Treats, Veterinary Diet, Snacks, Others) By Animal (Dogs, Cats, Birds, Fishes, Others) By Distribution Channel (Specialized Pet Shop, Online, Supermarket/Hypermarket, Others) By Ingredients (Animal Derivatives, Fish Derivatives, Fruits & Vegetables, Fats & Oils, Vitamins & Minerals) By Country, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, has evaluated the future growth potential of Asia Pacific Pet Treats and provides statistics & information on market size, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in Asia Pacific Pet Treats.
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