#waist length hair
hair-stylesss · 6 months
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hivemire · 4 months
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hair down marz doodle
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aziraphalesbookkeeper · 2 months
we don't talk about Helmeppo's various hair phases enough
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thefreakandthehair · 2 years
eddie is very emotionally attached to his hair. he loves the look, obviously, but also loves using it as a shield. he plays with it when he needs to fidget, he pulls pieces in front of his face when he’s flustered or nervous, he sweeps it over his shoulders to hide his face from time to time. it’s a built-in barrier and ever since he’d grown it out at around 15, he’d sworn to never go back. eddie’s hair make him feel safe.
that is, until he wakes up in the hospital post-upside down to find it cut short. too short-- can’t-twirl-or-play-with-it short. once the shock and relief of oh fuck, I’m alive, thanks steve, wears off, he laments the loss.
"steve, it took me years to grow it out. I’ll be 25 by the time it’s back where it was!" he admits during a rare moment when it's just the two of them in his hospital room. the machines beep evenly and steve sighs from his position in the hard, wood-backed chair next to the bed.
"man, I get it. my nickname was the goddamn hair for awhile, so I know it's a part of you but it'll grow back, right? and--"
"yeah yeah, I know it will, that's not the problem. it’s— ugh, forget it.” eddie instinctively reaches to pull his hair over his left shoulder to hide his face and is reminded of what the problem really is. he feels exposed and seen in a way that he can’t control and it makes his skin crawl-- particularly that it's steve harrington he feels so seen by, and he frankly has too many other crises going on to unpack that at the moment.
steve, for all of the ‘dumb jock’ jokes tossed his way, is perceptive. you don't survive high school in hawkins and four end-of-the-worlds without a dash of social intelligence, after all. so when he sees eddie reach for his hair like a phantom limb, he starts putting puzzle pieces together.
"why don't you want people to see you?"
eddie freezes with his hands falling to his chest, the IV in one hand pulling a bit at his skin. "that's not... I don't ... nothing, it's nothing." he sputters, unsure how steve has gotten such a fucking read on him.
"hey, I mean, I get it. kind of, at least? after the last few fights knocked my brain around, I've gotten some gnarly scars and bruises and I uh, I don't really swim or go around shirtless anymore because of it. I know that's probably not exactly the same but... yeah. I can understand. want me to get you a wig?"
steve watches as eddie slowly turns to look at him, and more importantly, to let steve look at him and his hesitant smile with furrowed eyebrows.
"why are you telling me all this?" eddie wants to think it's more than steve being steve, more than him just looking out, that it's personal. that maybe he likes eddie. hell, there must've been a reason he and wayne were the only two in the room when he woke up. and it clearly hadn't been the first time, given how close steve and wayne seem to be now. he'd pretended to be annoyed about their banter over the chicago cubs but really? it gave eddie a glimpse of something he wanted so badly, it made him ache. but that couldn't be it.
eddie's heart monitor beeps a little faster when steve reaches out to place a hand on top of his. steve looks up at the screen and back down to their hands with a small, hopeful smile.
"you're one of us now." steve shrugs and replies simply, as if that answers any of eddie's burning questions. he doesn't want to overwhelm him, but Steve can't help some good-natured Harrington flirting. "and it'd be a real shame for you to keep hiding that blush."
there's something here, steve thinks, a reason he wants eddie to let him look, to let him see, to keep making him blush from his neck to his nose. he'll give it time though. after all, the danger is gone-- they're here, and alive, and the world is safe, and they've got nothing but time to watch eddie's curls grow back.
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icbmil · 11 months
i am beyond speechless🫠 (x)
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nottheeconomy · 8 months
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What if the main leading detective and clown gang leader were cute girls???
Well actually I don’t think their personalities would change at all hahahahahha
Just that I don’t think Kaito can bring himself to punch a girl so maybe lady Ouma and Saihara can get away with less bruises
Meanwhile Tenko would be having an internal war whenever she sees Ouma chan.
She’ll be caught between her intense feminism and intense hatred of Ouma as a person hahahahahahaha
Please share your genderbend headcanons if you have any! I’m super curious to read them
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hollowslantern · 2 months
this book keeps emphasizing how thin and slender the mc is GIRL THAT IS THE MALNOURISHMENT
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kuteheadrest · 7 months
there isn’t enough long haired vincent art anymore long haired vincent truthers rise up immediately
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hair-stylesss · 6 months
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sweatyflytrap · 3 days
my grow my hair long train lasts half a year, every year and then we all just go back home (getting a fuckass bob)
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swordmaid · 4 months
got my hair done but the lady cut my hair so much more shorter than what I was expecting …. having an asos jaime I look like some bald man moment rn…
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velidewrites · 8 months
I have a VERY important question which I am asking for absolutely no reason at all
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autisticlaezel · 2 months
Finally getting a haircut tomorrow
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murderballadeer · 4 months
*long hair = shoulder length or longer
**if you've had multiple hair lengths throughout your life then vote for whichever you've had for the longest continuous period of time
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melonlthawne · 1 year
thought: long haired meloni and bby bart...but baby bart is fascinated with her hair and hides in it.....
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immagrosscandy · 7 months
What's Scarlet going as for Halloween?
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dont tell me im late i'm always late that's my thing
she's going as a clown honk honk
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