#wait she just said hes grandiose what is the fucking TRUTH
discountdyke · 10 months
sorry but i dont know how anyone can take dr ramani seriously why do so many ppl think shes credible just bc she has a youtube and a doctorate. i regret to inform you that even educated ppl can record themselves saying a bunch of bullshit and post it online for clout. she literally uses narcissism to describe any sort of behavior on earth. i can hardly get thru 5 minutes of her videos bc she is literally just saying "narcissists narcissism grandiose narcissist" over and over. if you made up a drinking game of this you would die within minutes. that is not information that is word salad
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tammyfeabakker · 1 year
So I went to my new job yesterday. I'm not getting many hours thats ok though. It will give me more experience in merchandising... move on to better one more hours. The last 2 days I have been ignoring that guy.. Saturday Sunday and Monday and Tuesday. Him and her were visiting each other. She is what we call grandiose narcissist... yesterday I seen her pull in go down to the shop. I was waiting for the disappointment... he must of sent her home... and she jus had this look on her face. GNs are over confident... what bothers me when shit ain't going the way she wants. The dog seems to suffer. She's not abusive to the dog. The dog jus doesn't get played with let alone let out as much. I knew the disappointments were coming her way. But I'm not disappointed because I gave up... up down up down up down fuck that! I'm pretty sure he knows I wiped my hands of it thats why he cut her off again.. but then again he could of been busy. Turned her away GNs have to be the center of attention. Or they become miserable if they don't get their way. Also I noticed the shes a copy cat. I wear leggins spandex outfits. Outside all the time. Getting my D vitamins plus I'm jus out doorsy. She comes out in this spandex outfit. Starts doing yard work she only lasted half hour before she went in. Yesterday she sat outside and stared at me like I have something to do with him turning her away. I probably do. Because I'm ignoring him. After our last conversation I told him. I do not want anything to do with this bullshit. She probably got to go on the boat because I told him she was unhappy after I he stopped by to see me she ran down there after. GNs don't like to be challenged. I fucking figured it out. I always asked him. Why does she think I'm in a competition with her? Now I know him and I said she's a narcissist. But which one. Low self esteem my ass she has way to much. I'm not saying I look better I'm very different from her. What makes her think she can show up and think she can beat me out is beyond me. No ego just the truth. I'm a beautiful woman because I have a beautiful soul. I'm tall in shape I have style I exude sexuality. Its built in. Im funny laid back knowledgeable interesting I have magnetic personality. I'm a fucking character. GNs do they think the world should revolve around them.. he looks at me from head to toe. And his smile is from ear to ear when he sees me. He doesn't know how I feel. Because I never told him because of his emotional baggage. I'm not talking to him not because of her. Its the situation. I'm not afraid of her. Sometimes I wish she would do something so I don't have to fucking wave at her. Even though she's a GN I'm sympathic... and he is cut off because he ain't cutting the ties with her. And definitely ain't getting his cake and eating it. I'm done and I'm not giving her a reason to run down there. And I'm not being sneaky. Like he drives by and beeps when she ain't there if I don't acknowledge him for a while. Fuck that! But he does stop to chat when she's there. Maybe he likes the negative attention... I wipe my hands. Its me or her. Not getting it both ways. Pick your poison. Right now I'm amused by it. Like watching a soap.
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queenoftodd · 4 years
Dinner & Its Capitalist Agenda (Jason Todd x Female!Reader)
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Summary: Reader is dating Jason and accidentally wears vibrating panties to the first dinner with the Batfamily.
Pairing: Jason Todd x Female!Reader
Word Count: 3,278
Warning(s): Smut (fingering, penetration), Swearing.
Note: The idea for this was inspired by the film “The Ugly Truth”. If you want to be added to a taglist feel free to message me. 
This was not how this night was supposed to go. How would you ever overcome the undying humiliation of tonight? You had been so excited to try on the gift that Jason had gotten you, that you didn’t bother to ask why the new lingerie came with a remote, one that you tossed in your clutch to ask him about later. This was also partly due to you rushing out of the house to Jason’s car, because you were both very late. Add that to the list of poor first impressions that you would be making on his family. 
The two of you had been dating for almost six months now, and while you had met Dick and Jason’s best friend, Roy, you still hadn’t met the rest of his family. There really wasn’t any reasoning behind this, you both had very busy lives. Both of you set on making the world a better place by exposing Gotham’s corruption. You were an up and coming journalist for The Gotham Times, while Jason was a--well he told you he was a military contractor for Wayne Enterprises, but you always do your own background checks. You sort of stopped digging after the news headlines saying that he was dead, if he wanted to tell you then he would tell you. Besides, you were too in love with him to care. 
According to Dick and Roy, his family has been dying to meet you. You had to admit that you were nervous, but determined to make the best first impression that you could. You would be meeting Bruce fucking Wayne. Despite the assurances that Jason gave you that Bruce was a regular guy, you still could not contain your excitement. Both as a journalist, but also as a longtime resident of Gotham. Vicki Vale would have a field day with you. You had even begged Jason to help you pick out something to wear that would both suit his sexual fantasies, but be modest enough to meet his father, and Alfred Pennyworth. Caretaker and grandfather-adjacent. 
Of course you had decided on a crimson cocktail dress. Just enough opening in the chest to give Jason the perfect eye-view of your cleavage, but not enough to make you feel uncomfortable to meet his family. Jason didn’t want to bombard you with all of his family just yet, especially considering that you didn’t know about his vigilantism. So he strictly requested that the guest list at tonight’s family dinner only be anyone legally adopted by Bruce Wayne (and Damian of course). 
This came to the rundown of everyone that would be there tonight. That was expected to be there tonight, at least. Jason did warn you that their jobs tended to keep them very busy, and his family might be called away to handle their respective responsibilities. You understood this of course, you were very familiar with being on call. Especially in Gotham.
Dick Grayson was a former Detective in Bludhaven, and you had met him at least three times over the course of being with Jason. Tim Drake worked at Wayne Enterprises and did something corporate-wise that Jason didn’t care enough about to explain it to you. Damian Wayne was the only biological son of Bruce Wayne and was currently in his senior year of high school. Jason informed you that he could be a smart-ass and bluntly rude. The last one that would be attending was Cassandra Cain. Jason said that she didn’t talk very much as she was raised to be mute, and only spoke in small increments when comfortable. 
Your mouth gaped at the sight in front of you. The grandiose gate before you held all the secrets of wealth within the “W” centered in it. You could feel his blue eyes on you, your face was a mixture of emotions. Nervous, excited, and--did your underwear just vibrate? You shake the thought away, blaming it on your nerves as you turn towards your boyfriend.
“You ready?” He asks, waving up to the security camera outside the gate as it opened. He glanced back at your soft face, unable to contain the smile he got from looking at you so in awe. You did not grow up like this, in fact your family had never had a house of their own. Seeing the mansion that the man you called your boyfriend had spent several years of his life baffled you. Of course you had seen pictures of Wayne Manor, but never did you think that you would be a guest. You reached for his hand, giving him an assuring squeeze as he continued down the driveway towards the manor. 
When Jason pulled into the parking area in the front of the manor you could make out four shadowy figures standing by the curb. Your back instantly straightened when Jason came to a stop. “I told them to meet us inside.” He groaned, placing the car in park. You were thanking the heavens that the glass was tinted so that they couldn’t see into the car, because the butterflies were coming in swarms in the pit of your stomach now. Taking a deep breath, you turned towards Jason. A glare forming on your face when you notice his amused expression. 
“Y/N, you look amazing, how are you?” 
You opened your mouth to speak being interrupted by his lips on yours, silencing your thoughts. The feeling of his hand on your cheek as he pulled you closer. “Knock ‘em dead, beautiful.” His smirk sent a warm boost of motivation your way as he parted from you, and climbed out of the car.
After a few seconds of mental motivation, you followed suit, reaching for the car door handle when it opened for you. Jason standing at your door, outstretching his hand for you to take as you climbed out. You prayed that your smile wasn’t too awkward or seemed unhappy. Jason brought you over to meet the figures you noticed earlier. Dick was a familiar face, which eased you a bit as you pulled him into a small embrace. 
“I’m great, it’s good to see you.” You beamed. You could already feel the eyeroll from Jason behind you. What could you say? You enjoyed any time you got to spend with Jason’s older brother. Next was Tim, who held a more shocked expression as he looked at you. Jason had to be the one to introduce him, as he was shaking your hand, but his mouth was hung open. “It’s nice to meet you, Tim. I’m Y/N.”
“You’re with him?” A laugh didn’t fail to escape your red lips as you dropped your handshake from Tim to press Jason back with your right hand, sending him a warning look before showing a gracious smile to Tim. 
“For six months now, yes.” You giggle and immediately feel Jason soften at the sound of your laugh. Next their was Damian Wayne who glanced at you in a way that made you feel like you were under examination. “You must be Damian.”
One of his hands was cradling his chin as he took your hand, eyeing you quizzically before placing a kiss to your knuckles, your eyes widening. Now that was definitely unexpected. “Todd, I’m impressed. Now I’m done waiting here for you imbeciles, I’ll be inside. Y/N, pleasure.” 
And with that he walked straight into the mansion without another word. Your eyebrows knitted together as you turned towards Jason, his mouth hung agape, along with the rest of his brothers. A tug on your arm made you realize you had almost forgotten someone. Cassandra. She was smiling at you, it was small, and seemingly shy, but excited? You extend your hand to her with a small smile and she takes it, her smile brightening. 
“Hi Cassandra, my name is Y/N.” I gesture towards Jason. “I told Jay that you were the sibling I was most excited to meet.”
She shook her head pointing to herself and your eyebrows furrowed until she said. “Cass.” You nodded in understanding, repeating her nickname until she gestured to you. “Y/N. J-lover.”
You could see why everyone in this family was so charming and mannerful. The way he carried himself from the top of the stairs to meet you in the foyer echoed a confidence you could only dream of. You felt Jason’s hand squeeze yours and you mentally cursed at how clammy they had become. Bruce’s smile radiated the room, but you could tell by the way Jason tensed next to you that this was a rare occurrence. He had told you many stories of Bruce’s stoic--or in his terms, resting bitch face. 
“Well...she’s not wrong.” You heard Jason mutter behind you, you smiled as she released your hand following Tim inside. That was when you playfully whacked his arm, before taking his head and walking up the steps to the manor’s entrance with Dick leading you two in. Upon entering the house, you entered the grand foyer. Greeted by a man whose face has graced many Gotham media covers and stations.
Bruce fucking Wayne.
“Y/N L/N.” Bruce grinned, extended his hand to shake yours and you met it with a firm grip. Tucking your clutch underneath your armpit. You swallowed your saliva as you shook his hand. Giving what Jason considered to be your breathtaking smile, beaming at Gotham’s wealthiest bachelor. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I’ve heard great things.”
“Mr. Wayne, it’s lovely to meet you as well.” 
A flex of your armpit sent a jolt up your cervix, catching you by surprise. This resulted in you jolting forward a bit, Bruce now shaking Jason’s hand, as they turned to you. You cleared your throat to throw attention off of the present fluctuation occurring by your pussy. What the literal fuck was going on? “Y/N/N, are you okay?” Jason asked and you nodded, already feeling your cheeks heat up. Running away to examine yourself before dinner was not a part of your goal to make a good first impression. 
Removing the clutch from your armpit provided a relief from the sensual feeling emerging below. Bruce had excused himself to head to the dining room, when Alfred came to meet you both in the foyer, briefly as he was finishing up in the kitchen. He was excited to meet you, but he had to tend to something in the oven. This gave you a moment to turn to Jason. 
“Are you feeling okay? You just jumped out of nowhere.” I nod assuring him, considering the feeling subsided, it shouldn’t be that big of deal to draw attention to. 
“I’m fine, I think it was just the nerves.” You lie, wanting to find a better time to excuse yourself to the bathroom to sort whatever was going on with you, out. Unfortunately he can read you like an open book, but for the sake of tonight, he just pushed it aside to discuss later. You followed him to the dining room where everyone was already seated and you had gotten a seat between Tim and Jason. Dick was across from Tim, Cass was across from Tim, and Damian was across from Jason. Bruce sat at the head of the table between Damian and Jason and once Alfred brought the courses in, he was to sit at the other end near Damian and Tim. 
“Oh Miss Y/N, let me grab your purse, I’ll put it by the coat rack for you.” You handed him the clutch with a small smile of gratitude as he left the room briefly before coming back to take his seat on the opposite end of Bruce. You thanked him as everyone was looking eagerly at Bruce. Judging by context clues, they were waiting for him to make the first move to eat. Once he began to cut into the steak dinner that Alfred had made, the knives and forks clattered around you to also begin their descent on their plates. You smiled lightly as you began to dig in yourself when a buzz whipped up your folds, making you tighten your grip on the fork and knife. 
A gasp passed your lips as a pulsating throb began in your pussy. You could feel Jason’s eyes on you, growing concerned as he noticed you weren’t looking anywhere but at your plate. “So, Y/N.” You’re eyes fluttered to Bruce, hoping your breathing was normal as you shifted in your seat. “How did you two meet?”
You cleared your throat, focusing on the sentence. “Jason l-loves to tell this story, right Jay?” You practically moan, shoving several pieces of steak in your mouth to avoid speaking. “This is oh...s-so good..” Your boyfriend’s eyes widened at the sound of your moan. For some reason his girlfriend of six months was getting turned on at the dinner table in front of his siblings and he didn’t know what to do. Jason had to distract them, mentally cursing himself as he opened his mouth to speak. 
“It’s not that exciting of a story. Dick, how’re things in Bludhaven?” This diverted the attention from you for a while while several whimpers fell from your lips as you squeezed your legs together. You couldn’t take this anymore. Jason placed his hand on your thigh leaning towards you. 
“Why are you moaning?” That’s when it hit you. The lingerie, Jason had gotten you vibrating panties. Your eyes widened, gripping his arm tight as you couldn’t stop yourself from moaning into his ear, your breathing heavy. 
“Fuck.” You moan holding tightly on his arm. His body shielding you from seeing Bruce or Damian. “Lingerie. I’m...s-so wet, Ja--ah!”
“What--you’re wearing them right now? Where’s the remote?” He whispered through gritted teeth. He was struggling to contain himself at the breathiness in your moans. Fuck, the remote, you gave your clutch to Alfred. 
“Clutch.” You managed to get out, focusing on containing your breaths, your body felt so hot. There was no doubt that you were so close to your climax. Jason grabbed your wrist pulling you from the table, surprising everyone at the sudden action. 
“We have to go. Thank you for dinner, Alfred.” He nodded towards the lovable butler. Then he nodded at everyone else, still shielding you from everyone. “Bruce, Dick, everyone, it’s good to see you.”
Without another explanation, despite numerous protests Jason rushed you to the exit near the coat rack where your clutch was, but it appeared to be open. Two feet away was Titus, Damian’s dog. He was chewing aggressively on the remote currently causing you to moan in pleasure. Your hand flying to your mouth as your knees grow weak. Jason steadied you by the door before wrestling the remote from Titus, who would’ve bit him if Jason didn’t move quickly. Jason shut the remote off, taking the batteries out for extra precaution as he handed you your clutch and rushed you out the door. 
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as Jason put you in the car and he raced out of Wayne Manor, speeding down the street before pulling down a trail by the woods. Once he parked you turned to him in confusion before he pulled you into a kiss. It was heated and you could tell by his eagerness that he was just as horny. Considering that he cut your climax off before you could get there, so were you. You felt your dress skirt ride up as Jason pulled the troublesome panties down smirking against your lips at the feel of your soaked pussy. 
Your breath hitched in your throat as he began to tease your clit, eliciting a louder moan. One you were grateful to let loose without worrying about his family. “Couldn’t let the panties have all the fun, now can we?” He huffed, moving his attention to your neck as he started on your neck. Sucking until his lips popped off your pulse, bound to leave a mark. He quickened his fingers pace, removing your panties completely as he inserted his ring and middle finger inside you. “Fuck me, Y/N/N. You’re so wet for me, huh?”
All you could do in response was whimper a small hum in agreement. Your vision was so blurred as his fingers fucked you deep in your soul. The car seat you were in flattened back, causing a laughter of surprise to fall from your lips as Jason climbed on top of you fully. You sat up to help unbuckle his suit. He had gotten all dressed up for you, a white button down tucked into some black dress pants and dress shoes that he had borrowed from Dick. His shirt was not buttoned all the way, exposing his chest. 
“Y/N, fuck--you have no idea what you do to me.” And with that final thrust you climaxed, your eyes fluttering open as your body convulsed, releasing a warm euphoric feeling all over his cock, and the passenger seat of his car. You didn’t have a chance to catch your breath as Jason’s grip on your hips tightened and he continued to ram into you with this newfound stamina. His breath quickening and his moans of your name growing louder. 
The belt was now somewhere else in his car, as he lowered his pants and boxers underneath you enough to ready himself at your entrance. You laid back down as he pumped himself, groaning as he was already so hard. It had taken you a few times to get used to Jason’s size, but now your pussy called itself the expert. You gasped, as he rubbed his cock up against your pussy, he smiled at the effect he had on you. How easy you unfolded beneath him.
You jolted back when Jason slammed into you, thrusting deep inside you. It didn’t take him long to find the right spot and stick to it. His grunts and moans harmonizing with your screams and gasps. “Fuck, Jay, oh--” Your vision began to blur as he picked up his speed, moving his hands down to your clit to rub it agonizingly slow. Thus increasing your pleasure. 
You caressed his arm, looking up at him as you moaned breathily, “Come for me, Jason.” A look of relief flashes across his face as his own euphoria engulfs him. He pulls out of you, climbing over to the driver’s side partly to take a breath. 
“You’re going to be the death of me, Y/N L/N.” He chuckled. “I can’t believe you wore those tonight.” You weakly smacked him on the arm as you pulled the car seat back into place. 
“You bought me lingerie, you rarely buy me clothes--I got excited.” Your y/e/c eyes widened, looking at him, running your hands down your face. “Oh no! I totally ruined it tonight.”
He could tell you were upset, especially knowing how badly you wanted to make a good first impression. “No one noticed, I got you out before they did.”
“Are you sure?”
“I love you too, beautiful.”
“I’ll just tell them you were nauseous.” He shrugged, buttoning up his pants, gesturing for you to put your seatbelt on. “If they ask what happened.”
“I love you.” You say before leaning over the console to kiss him as he started the car again. 
And Jason would tell you any lie you needed to hear in order to be able to meet face to face with his family again. Even if it meant making his siblings take a blood oath not to mention it. If they didn’t, there were always second impressions...right?
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fusrodie · 3 years
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ash & soot
Long before the Winters come into play, a monster stalks the Forbidden Forest that surrounds the Village. Karl Heisenberg is sent to investigate, and heads deeper into darkness to find his prey, a thorn on his side and someone just like him.
chapter 1 - grisly reunions
SFW, canon-typical violence, blood, mention of death. 2K words.
link to ao3 (or read down below)
Nothing ever happened in this boring old village. Every day he would wake up to the same dull sky, the biting cold on his skin, the smell of blood in the air. And the chanting, for fuck’s sake, the goddamn chanting. In the silence of night, you could hear them if you listened close enough. Even cooped up in his factory, trying to focus on bringing his latest creation to life, through the humming of engines and rattling of pistons, he could hear their voices pleading forgiveness and salvation.
It paints a perfect picture in his mind: a bunch of old farts holding hands in a circle, standing over a creepy-ass painted crest of an unborn baby, pouring their heart and soul into their prayer, accepting death and giving glory to their murderer. The prayer itself never made sense to him, not really, but he had to admit it was a damn good way of justifying their atrocities. Nobody batted an eyelash when someone was taken away, went poof overnight to never return. Something about the sacrifice having been made, fate had led them to the light at the end or some shit. It used to fascinate him back in the day, when he was just a child watching everything unfold hidden behind his mother’s skirt. But he was no longer a child, and after almost a century of bullshit, it was hard not to impale every single fucker who talked about devotion and destiny.
Not that anyone would care about it, of course - sister dearest routinely kidnapped girls from the village and no one seemed to notice the Castle was a death trap. Boxes and boxes of wine would make their way into the village and out into the world, the truth right there in the label, and no one seemed to put two and two together. Dimitrescu had offered him more than a few bottles as a courtesy, an attempt to bridge the gap between them - even he had limits, however, lines that he would not cross. The very thought of bringing a goblet of blood-infused wine to his lips made his stomach turn; he had never been one to experiment much with food. He drew the line on frozen pizza and energy drinks.
It’s a wonder the village still had people in it, really; between Alcina’s obsession with maidens, the poor sods taken to Moreau for Cadou experiments and the failed vessels Miranda would discard like common garbage, he figured at this point there were more lycans than people around. More for him to experiment on, he figured, though digging up corpses in the dead of night had done a number on his back. Haulers could only do so much, and more often than not he would have to get his hands dirty. Not having a proper bed, sleeping on a bare metal cot and decades of living on borrowed time had nothing to do with it, of course.
The Castle drawbridge lowered as he approached, hammer thrown over his shoulder, one last peaceful drag of his cigar before he was thrown into yet another boring council meeting. The vineyard greeted him with the bleak vibrancy of a cemetery, scarecrows drained of color, barely recognizable but eerily preserved in chunks of ice. A waste of perfectly good specimens, really.
The halls were quiet for a change, no tormented screams and blood-curling wails, no giggling sisters running around in the hallways. It all smelled of death and old people, expensive perfume and a good dose of arrogance.
He flashed a charming smile at one of the Castle’s servants, laughing when the girl turned a bright shade of red and scrambled away from him. Heisenberg could hear the bickering as he pushed the doors open, Angie’s joints clicking incessantly as the doll moved about. Moreau’s breathing sounded as loud and disgusting as ever, yellow teeth and the smell of a polluted riverbed with a hint of fish. There they were, his beloved little family, waiting patiently for him, staring at him like he had fucked every single one of their mothers.
“You are late, Heisenberg.” Alcina began, as she always did, eyebrow raised in contempt. “As always. Mother,” she turned to Miranda, gesturing towards him with her hoity-toity, stupid cigarette.
“You are obnoxious, Dimitrescu.” He replied without sparing her a glance. “As always.”
He could practically hear her seething as she finally placed her humongous backside on her chair, having given up on chastising him when Miranda paid both of them no mind. Mother sat at the end of the golden-trimmed table, looking awkward in her great black gown and modly crow wings. Dimitrescu’s finest china was laid perfectly for their little afternoon tea party, cup handles that were too big to fit his fingers, minuscule spoons that were fit for Angie’s creepy hands. The servant that had scurried away at the sight of him had come back with a tray of hot tea, biscuits and blood - the house’s specialty. Miranda began speaking as the girl poured her drink, some small chitchat about the state of the village, the influx of foreigners and progress on her grand resuscitation project.
“Thank you darling, but I brought my own.” He started as the girl circled around the table to serve him, pointing down towards his belt buckle to the whiskey flask he always carried around. She couldn’t help but look down, and then up at his sly smile, the blush returning to her cheeks in full force. Dimitrescu’s reaction was swift, a well placed slap with the back of her hand square on the girl’s cheek. He felt sorry for her for a moment, but it was good training - if she wanted to survive the Castle, she would have to learn that it was better to be blind and deaf, and that she had much more provocation coming her way than his harmless flirting.
Heisenberg tuned out of the conversation as he poured his whiskey, pinching the teaspoon between his index and middle fingers, swirling it slowly, scraping the sides of the porcelain. Alcina’s displeasure at his use of her china for such vile beverages made it all the better. He slurped it loudly to add insult to injury, savoring the drink for a second, sloshing it around his mouth before swallowing, a satisfied “ah” escaping him when the liquor burned down his throat. If Alcina didn’t already look like a corpse, he felt like she would have turned purple. When he unceremoniously shoved an entire biscuit in his mouth, crumbs falling all over the tablecloth, he thought she would vomit.
“The latest vessel, unfortunately, has been a failure.” Miranda announced with sadness in her voice, which prompted all of his other siblings to sigh collectively in sympathy. What a bunch of morons. “However, we have made some progress. It seems my theories were correct - younger subjects are far more receptive to the Cadou.” Kidnap babies, got it. There was no limit to how low Miranda would get to fuel her quest for a daughter that had been dead for longer than she was alive. “I regret to say there are no suitable infants at the moment,” she stopped to sip at her tea. “We can only hope the harvest fares better in the coming months.” Had she seen them as nothing but guinea pigs back then, too? No doubt in his mind she did. The only reason she kept them around is because she might not be able to kill all of the monsters she created - better to keep them close than risking losing it all.
“There is but one more matter I would like to discuss, Mother Miranda,” Dimitrescu began, a lilt in her voice, the telltale sign that whatever would come out of her mouth next would be positively foul. “My girls have brought me troubling news.” Troubling, he repeated to himself, but she had a smile on her face as she said it. Miranda gestured at her to continue, which she gladly did, excitement rising with every new word. “It would seem a monster prowls near our blessed haven. There is talk among the villagers of bodies being found drained of blood, organs harvested, but without a single cut left behind.” She stood up to pace the room, one of her favorite displays of grandiose that made her look like the world’s biggest buffoon. It suited her. “At first I believed this to be a mere rumor, a lycan attacking the livestock, a corpse refusing to rest. But then,” she clapped her hands, the doors to the room promptly opening to give way to Crazy, Dumb and Ugly, giggling in their flowing black dresses, dragging a corpse along like it was a treasure they had found in the forest. Angie tagged along with their excitement, pushing Moreau away to get a better look at the stinking body thrown onto the hardwood.
There was no mistaking the lycan, all teeth, claws and complexion of the finest of silver poisonings. It smelled just as bad dead than it did alive; bruises and injuries and gums that stuck out of its mouth. How, pray tell, was this thing still in one piece? Heisenberg rose to take a closer look, pushed its stringy hair away from its face to reveal glassy eyes poking weirdly out of their sockets. He tested its consistency with a slight kick, stabbed it with the butter spreader, shoved a gloved hand in the cut to pull it apart and open. It looked fresh enough, but nothing but a foul vapor oozed out of the body. Crystal dust lined its insides, shards poking out of muscles. He pushes his arm deeper, feels around the chest cavity to find nothing.
“No cuts, no holes,” he begins as he pokes and prods. “No bites, either. Heart’s missing. This your handiwork, Alcina?” Heisenberg quips, suspicion seeping through his stoic facade. For a moment, he swears he can see the lycan’s flesh pulse, the smallest contraction of a muscle. This whole situation got weirder by the second.
“The technique is truly admirable, is it not?” She offers with a gleeful smile, picks up her cigarette and places a hand on her hip. Here we go again. “I simply must have it. Besides, we must know if it poses any threat to us.” She was right, this time. After decades of experimentation, none of them had ever managed to keep an infected subject whole after death.
His shoulders slumped as she spoke, head bowing to hide his discontentment behind the brim of his hat. He knew what this meant: being sent on a stupid adventure in the ass-end of the woods, because he was the only one out of this freak show with the brain and brawn to venture out into the world in broad daylight, without dying to the cold or stopping every five seconds to infect and pet wild animals. Some of these missions he did enjoy, like being sent to nearby towns for special supplies - or special victims. He was never gone long, nor would he stray far, but those escapades never failed to serve as a reminder that he had a reason to keep going, that maybe one day he would be free and the world would be his to explore.
The four of them eyed Miranda quietly, waiting for the verdict that was certain to come. Moreau cut the silence by volunteering to investigate, the pathetic pitter-pat of his feet filling the room when Mother smiled at him.
“I would not risk you in such a way, my son,” she patted his head without a hint of affection. “Not when we are so close to answers. You must continue your research - Heisenberg will look into this… Whatever it is. You are dismissed.” Her tone was nonchalant, her confidence rock solid. This was merely an obstacle, not real danger. At least, that is what she wanted them all to see; if one looked close enough, they would notice the slight furrow in her brow through the slits of the golden mask.
“As you wish, mother.” He tipped his hat before taking his leave, chewing on his unlit cigar, feet pressing hard against the gravel underneath.
Heisenberg never thought he would come to regret having a proper spine and a functional pair of legs.
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silver, epilogue | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: Good people? Bad people? There are too many ways to judge. Min Yoongi didn’t know what he was anymore. He just knew that he fucked up, big time.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; angst; feels; Yoongi’s POV conclusion to this and this.
His doorbell was ringing incessantly. Yoongi did not want to answer it, but one look at the intercom and he knew he had to. With a heavy sigh, Yoongi opened the door. 
Kim Taehyung looked furious.
Brown jacket, gray shirt, dark loose jeans. All he was missing was a knife and he looked ready to murder him. Taehyung narrowed his eyes, brown hair windswept and wild. His sharp brown orbs spied the open and taped boxes behind Yoongi.
"What are you doing, hyung?" Taehyung growled, looking at him accusingly. No hello, no pleasantries. 
Yoongi exhaled and pointed to the boxes. "I'm moving, Taehyung. I'm selling the house."
Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "And why would you do that?"
Yoongi chewed on his lower lip. After a moment, he swallowed and told the truth. 
"Because my ex-girlfriend tried to propose to me and I said no. There's no reason to keep this house. I'm moving."
Taehyung stared deep into his eyes. "You're running away."
Yoongi pursed his lips. "No. I'm taking responsibility for my actions."
Taehyung clicked his tongue and shot him a disbelieving look. "If we're talking about taking responsibility, " he remarked coldly. "Isn't there someone you're forgetting then?"
Yoongi narrowed his eyes. "How is that your business?"
"It's my business because she's my friend and, unlike you, I'm loyal to my friends."
That stung. Yoongi looked away, unable to look Taehyung in the eyes any longer. It was all this fault. He was stupid. He was selfish. He knew he was and hearing it out loud made him feel even worse.
"... She won't answer my calls."
"Are you surprised?"
Yoongi sighed in annoyance. "She's not giving me a chance."
"I don't know what grandiose world you think you're living in, but your past chances at this point," Taehyung said quietly. 
"I know." Yoongi stared down at his white dress shirt. Black slacks. Salaryman clothes. He didn't belong in these. He never did. "I know. I want to say I'm sorry. I just wanted her to know that I'm sorry for being a bad person and making shit decisions. I want her to know I'm grateful to have met her." He sighed again, knowing she wasn't going to hear these words. Only a disappointed Taehyung glaring at him, holding him accountable. 
"Anybody with eyes could tell you didn't belong with your ex," Taehyung huffed.
"I thought I was doing the right thing." Yoongi shifted his eyes back to Taehyung, who shook his head. 
"You and I both know doing the right thing is complicated and fucking confusing as shit."
Yoongi twisted his mouth to one side. He looked out his door, past Taehyung. Out on the street, where kids were playing, throwing a basketball around. The typical suburban life. The raise-your-kids and work-forty-hours-a-week life. He wanted to throw up. How could he ever have wanted this?
"I should have told her," Yoongi mumbled. "I regret not telling her that she made me feel like I could take on the world, that I didn't feel scared of being myself when I was with her." The tears that he had pushed away for a long time threatened him, blurring his vision. He blinked them away rapidly. He sucked in a breath, smiling sadly. "Now I can't say anything at all."
Taehyung didn't respond. He stood there, watching Yoongi. Then he lifted his left hand and beckoned Yoongi forward. Yoongi frowned. He was in his socks, but he took a step out, onto his porch. There was something black and silver in his peripheral vision. The scent of dark cherry, sugary and heavy. Chunky silver rings, short black dress, black denim jacket. Too many silver necklaces and glossy red lips that shone in the sun. And silent tears streaming down her face, smokey eyes opening as Yoongi realized, speechless, that this wasn't a dream. 
Taehyung shrugged. "I told her she shouldn't have come, because you're an idiot."
The side of her lips curved upwards just a little. 
"You’re the worst," she breathed. “The actual fucking worst, Min Yoongi.” She wiped her tears, smearing her makeup a little. “Just be a shitty and terrible person so I can hate you without regret.”
Yoongi bit his lip. She ran a hand through her wild hair, sighing loudly as she looked up at the sun. Glittering, glittering, so bright and beautiful Yoongi became breathless at her profile. Her eyes flickered to him, dark pools that mirrored his reflection.
“I want to believe you.”
The smallest smile, so sad and so desperate.
“I want to believe in you more than anything in the world, Min Yoongi.”
Yoongi looked up from his phone to see his ex-girlfriend standing there. She was at the counter, ordering a coffee, standing next to a clean-cut guy in a dress shirt. She was smiling at the guy, clinging to his arm. It was a weird feeling, witnessing it. They finished ordering and stepped away from the counter. Her heels skipped as she chatted with the guy. Then, all of a sudden, she seemed to feel his gaze. Yoongi looked away quickly, pretending not to notice.
He turned and bowed his head, looking into the eyes of the woman he had cheated on. “Hello.”
She smiled brightly at him. “It’s been a while. How are you?”
The guy waited patiently beside her, blind to the weight of her words.
“I’m doing okay.”
She nodded. After a moment, he continued. “How about you?”
The chime of silver chains interrupted the moment.
“Here, Yoongi, iced Americano, like you asked.”
They both turned their heads at the same time. She held out the iced Americano with her silver-ringed hand, the rings not quite as chunky as when Yoongi had first met her, but just as many. The silver chains on her neck were still far too much, with a moon and star charm necklace. Oversized leather jacket, graphic t-shirt tucked into tight black jeans. Clean but sharp eye makeup, not quite as messy and dark as she wore at night. Perfectly painted lips, a glossy cherry red.
Her eyes darted between Yoongi and his ex-girlfriend, single eyebrow raised. Yoongi could see the tears threatening to spill in his ex-girlfriend’s eyes, the realization kicking in.
“I’m fine,” she said tightly.
“Order 78!”
She turned and rushed to the counter. The other guy looked surprised, sending Yoongi a quizzical glare before going after her.
“You going to let my hand freeze to death?”
He reached out to take the coffee from her. “You’re not going to ask?”
“It seemed pretty obvious,” she replied as they walked out of the store. “But if you want to talk about it, I’ll listen.”
Yoongi frowned at his drink, silent. She had even placed the straw in it for him. He felt her arm snake around his waist, pulling him to her. The scent of dark cherry. He squirmed, looking down at her. She kissed him, just like that. A quick, simple kiss that tasted like sugar and coffee.
“D-don’t do that,” he muttered, flustered.
“Do what?” she asked innocently, taking a sip of her drink. She cocked an eyebrow at him, foxy smile on her lips. He thinned his mouth into a line, narrowing his eyes, and didn’t respond. They stood at the bus stop, waiting. He stared at the cars passing by, her hand still on his waist.
“Going to the studio again?”
His eyes shifted down to his coffee. “Yeah. I want to spend more time with you, but–”
She chuckled, stroking his side through his distressed black sweater.
“You should make music. That’s your calling, my love.”
Yoongi turned his head to bury his nose in her hair, inhaling her scent. “I’ll make it up to you.”
“With your tongue, I hope.”
He smirked.
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Buffet Froid
Hannibal Lecter x reader x Will Graham 
Hannibal Re-Write Series Masterlist
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: spoilers for hannibal, murder, dead bodies, mental health problems 
Author’s Note: The art of making it look like i like hannibal when he annoyed the fuck out of me this episode. Also it is so hard to write this cause my HEART i just wanna hug will UGH
I took lines directly from the script so some may seem familiar. Those sentences are not mine. 
Official Episode Summary : Two victims' faces are similarly mutilated. For the first time, Will contaminates a crime scene thinking he committed the first murder and an MRI shows he suffers from Advanced Encephalitis.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
Tag List: @llperfectsymmetryll​
(not my gif)
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You sat in the car. You were outside of a crime scene, the house looking ominous as it loomed over what had happened inside. There were so many people outside, taking pictures and talking. Will was inside. You had driven him, per his request. You usually didn’t come to the crime scenes but they had been acting off, like he was almost on autopilot when he asked you to take him. Your fingers drummed on the steering wheel as you stared out, trying to catch glimpses of people you knew. 
You saw Bev walk out quickly making her way to the car. You rolled down the window and she shook her head a bit as she walked up.
“You should go talk to Will,” she said. 
“What happened?” Bev looked back at the house, at Jack who had just exited the house. You looked at her, the worried look on her face evident.
“He contaminated the crime scene. He’s never done that before,” Beverly said. “His hands were around her throat.” 
You were surprised to hear that, rightly so. You unlocked the car and got out, walking across the yard beside Beverly who was quick to give anyone a look that even thought about protesting to your presence. Will had come out when you weren’t looking. He was talking to Jack.
“I got lost in the reconstruction. Just for a second. Just a blink,” Will was saying as you walked up to him. Jack barley took notice of your presence but Will looked at you, surprised to see you there by his eyes. He didn’t protest it though. You knew before he could tell you. He had lost some time.
“I know you don’t like to be a subject of concern, but consider me officially concerned,” Jack said. You scoffed and Jack glanced at you but didn’t show any emotion. 
“Officially,” Will said.
“About time,” you muttered. 
“Wait in the car,” Jack said to you. You raised your hands in defiance.
“I’m here on a warning from Beverly,” you said, glancing at Will. He shook his head.
“I’ll be there soon,” he muttered. You nodded and he reached out to grab your hand and for a second he held it, quietly, looking confused and worried and scared. Your hand slipped from his and you walked over to the car.
“Thought the reason you have me seeing Dr. Lecter and not an FBI psychiatrist is so my mental well-being stays unofficial,” Will muttered, watching you go. 
“Have I broken you?” Jack asked. “Is your girlfriend right this time?” 
“Do you have anybody that does this better unbroken then I do broken?” Will asked. “And she’s always right.” 
“Fear makes you rude, Will,” Jack said as Will walked to the car. His hands shook. He always seemed to be shaking. He stooped at the drivers window and you looked at him, elbow resting on the open window and your hand propped up by your palm. 
“We should go to Hannibal after this,” you muttered. 
“Why are you here?” he asked. It wasn’t rude. He was only asking. 
“You asked me to drive you.” He nodded, glancing back at the house. “I have to look at the body again.” A beat of silence. 
“What’s the last thing you remember?” 
“Gutting a fish,” he whispered. You nodded. He had gone fishing yesterday though.
“We’ll go to Hannibal’s together.”
“Sit in,” he whispered, referring to the session. 
“I will.” He nodded and walked back to the house. You fought the tears threatening to fall from seeing him in so much confusion.
“I can’t remember seeing her dead body before I saw myself killing her,” Will said. He glanced at you sheepishly. You sat on Hannibal’s desk which was your resident spot when you sat into sessions. You didn’t do it often and you only did it with Will’s request or permission. He wanted a witness today, to whatever it is that Hannibal had prepared for him.
“Those memories sank out of sight, yet you’re aware of their absence,” Hannibal inquired. Will was pacing around the room, his mind on fire. 
“They left a slick on the surface of my mind where they’re supposed to be,” he said. 
“Where you hope they’re supposed to be, but fear they never were.” Will looked haunted. The false memories made him reel. The dying human under his hands had felt so real.
“There’s a grandiosity in the violence I imagined that feels more real than what I knew is true,” he said. 
“What do you know to be true?” Hannibal asked.
“I know I didn’t kill her. Couldn’t have. But I remember cutting into her. I remember watching her die.” 
“You must overcome these delusions that are disguising your reality. What savage delusions does this killer have?” Hannibal questioned. He was walking around the room as well, but in smaller spaces.
“It wasn’t savage. It was lonely...desperate...sad,” Will said, his eyes glossed over. 
“Are you lonely Will?” Hannibal asked. Will shook his head then paused. Your heart sank and you hung off his answer. 
“No. That was the killer,” he said. “But I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked through me, past me. Like I was a stranger,” he whispered. 
“What could this be? It has to be something that we can treat,” you said. Will looked at you and nodded.
“It could be a blood clot. Or a tumor. Just an answer is better than anything,” Will said. Hannibal glanced at you and Will as you stared at each other, nodding in agreement.  Your emotions hung off Will’s. It didn’t matter if you were an empath or not. You knew Will well enough to know when enough was enough. 
“I can recommend a neurologist. But if it isn’t physiological then you have to accept what you’re struggling with is mental illness,” Hannibal said. 
“It isn’t,” you whispered. 
Hannibal looked only at you as you seemed to bore holes into the ceiling now. You had a dangerous knowledge of Will Graham. Hannibal thought that might be a problem.
You were with Hannibal and Will into the medical office. You held Will’s hand and he held yours like a lifeline. You sat at chairs beside each other that happened to be far enough away where his hand slipped out of yours. He held them now in his lap, fingers fidgeting.
“What did the headaches start? In earnest?” Dr. Sutcliffe asked. Will glanced at you.
“Two to three months ago,” Will said and you nodded in agreement.
“About the time Will went back into the field,” you said. 
“When I met him,” Hannibal added.
“The hallucinations?” Sutcliffe asked. 
“I don’t know exactly when they started. I just slowly became aware that I might not be dreaming.” 
Hannibal walked with Sutcliffe behind a large piece of glass. You stayed with Will for a few minutes, taking his clothes in his hand as he put on the hospital dress. He let out a small sigh as you looked at him.
“What if nothing comes up?” he asked. 
“We’ll deal with that when it comes.” 
Will looked at you and you looked at him. He was ready to go but he waited. Eyes glancing around your body wildey.
“If nothing comes up than I am, by definition, likely insane,” he told you quietly. “And if-”
“I’m not going to go anywhere,” you said. Will looked broken. He looked tired. You grabbed his hand and brought it to your lips, kissing the back of it. “I love you.”
His breath seemed to relax. He knew you but he wasn’t sure that when he woke up you would be gone. He might be seriously ill but knowing you were there still made him feel better. 
“I love you too.” You kissed him and he kissed you back desperately. 
“Go get your brain scanned now. You have lipstick on your lips,” you said as you pulled away. He laughed very subtly adn shrugged, wiping it off with his hand.
“I don’t think it’ll mess up the results.” 
“You never know.”
You stood beside Will again before the doctor. He pointed to the brain scan. 
“We didn’t find anything abnormal. No vascular malformations, no tumors. No swelling or bleeding. No evidence of stroke. Nothing wrong with you neurologically,” the doctor said. Will’s face was clearly troubled. “Usually when I tell a patient that, they’re happy to hear it.” 
“So... what I’m experiencing is psychological?” Will asked.
“Brain scans can’t diagnose a mental disorder. They can only rule out medical illnesses, like a tumor, that can cause similar symptoms.” 
“And there’s no chance you’ve mixed up the photos? Or maybe the machine was malfunctioning? I hear that happens,” you said stiffly. 
“Y/N,” Will muttered but you shook your head.
“We can do more tests if it’ll make you feel better. Take some blood samples, but I imagine they'll be just as inconclusive.” 
For some reason you doubted the truth in that but you didn’t voice it. 
You walked into Jack Crawford's office. He took off his glasses and looked up at you, clearly not excited to see you.
“Does Will need something?” Jack asked.
“Stability.  A new brain perhaps,” you said. Jack looked you up and down and he knew that you meant business.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, voice monotone.
“Will’s always been a bit odd. Always. It was what drew me to him in the first place,” you said. 
“Shut up.” He shut up. “When Will went back into the field it was because you wanted him to. Will wants to please people. He wants to save lives. He wants to use his gift for good but for each life he saves a little piece of him is burned and singed. You broke Will Jack Crawford and I won’t let you forget it,” you said evenly, looking down at him.
“Do you have a life outside of Will Graham?” 
“I did before you broke him and now I have to advocate where he cannot.” 
“We were never going to be friends,” Jack said.
“No, no we weren’t.” 
Come midnight when Will hadn’t arrived home you woke up. You were getting a suspicious amount of sleep. You had gone to bed, assuming he would be back soon after you fell asleep. Jack sometimes had him out late hours and he was likely to be back. But when you woke up and he was still gone you started to panic a bit. 
You calmed yourself, trying to reason that he was maybe still at work. You called his cell. No answer. 
You got up out of bed and put on some clothes. With him sleepwalking, losing time, he could be anywhere. You told yourself to add a tracker to his phone.
You got into the car and drove the streets for a few minutes. He wasn’t there. You then drove to Hannibal’s which was the only other place your mind could come up with. You knocked on the door at about 12:30, shaking from the cold and worry. It took Hannibal a moment to come to the door but he eventually did, wearing his robe and rubbing his eyes.
“I thought you were Will,” he admitted. 
“Will hasn’t come home yet. He won’t pick up the phone but I’m guessing he’s not here,” you said, looking past him.
“Have you tried the crime scene?” he questioned. You shook your head but that must be where he was. It had to be. 
“No but I’ll go there now. I’m sorry to wake you.” 
“Don’t apologize.” He was about to shut the door when you turned around but he stopped. “He’ll be there. I’m sure your expertise in finding strays will help,” Hannibal said simply. You nodded and walked back to the car.
On your way there you got a call from Will. 
“Where the f-”
“I just sent you the address. Come quickly.” He hung up and you did as you were told, driving faster to the destination you were already going to.  You were there in under ten minutes from where you had been on your drive and you got out, walking quickly up to Will.
“I thought you were dead!” you yelled, throwing your arms around him. He shook his head but let you hold him. 
“Not yet,” he muttered. “I called Beverly to help me figure out the crime scene,” he said. 
“Then why did you tell me to come?” 
“Emotional support.” You nodded and held him tighter.
You woke up with a start. Will was thrashing beside you and you put your arm on his side instinctively. You couldn’t tell what had woken you up. It could be anything. The weather, your dreams but you felt like it was something out. You looked around for any disturbances. The dogs were still sleeping but you got up and looked around, trying to find what had woken you. 
You walked through the kitchen and the downstairs but you couldn’t find anything. When you were back in the bedroom Will was awake, standing up.
“Where did you go?” he asked.
“Something woke me up. I was trying to figure out what.” You walked back over to him and back into bed. 
“Probably wind,” he muttered. You put your arms around him as he got back in too and he put his head on your chest. You kissed his curls. 
“Probably,” you whispered.
Will went in for more tests a few days later. He looked up at you as you stood in the same spots you had, with you holding his clothes as he stripped them. 
“Jack talked to me,” he said.
“Proceed with caution,” you whispered and he chuckled.
“He thinks I stayed in the job because of the stability. That Jack created stability for me, a foundation.” 
“If he keeps going on like that you’re going to be investigating his murder,” you muttered bitterly. “Would you still date me if I murdered someone?” He shrugged.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you did. I mean, I’d have to consider it.” 
“Wrong answer Graham,” you said laughing lightly. He loved these moments. Moments where it was just laughing, joking. 
“I would date you if you killed someone. I mean I might have to turn you in but prison can’t be that hard on a relationship,” he said. You nodded.
“Right back at you bubba,” you whispered.
“I have killed someone.” 
“And look at you, still a free man.”
After the tests Will walked around, trying to find you or the doctor or someone. You were waiting for him and you walked up with his clothes in hand.
“Have you seen Sutcliffe?” Will asked. You shook your head.
“Not since earlier,” you admitted. “Let’s go find him.” You held his clothes in hand as you walked through the hospital. You peaked in rooms and eventually found Sutcliffes office. You pushed open the door as it was ajar. 
You gasped and Will grabbed you and put himself between you and the body, bleeding from a chunk that had been taken out of his face.
“Don’t look,” he whispered. 
“I can,” you muttered. “Call Bev.” 
The FBI came soon after. Beverly gave Will a look over, Jack concerned he might have had something to do with the murdedr.
“He was with me until he went in. And I would have seen him leave,” you promised. Bev nodded. 
“You’re clean. You couldn’t have done this without getting something on you and there’s nothing on you,” Beverly said.
“I don’t feel clean,” Will whispered. 
“Murder weapon has the same diseased or damaged tissue on it that we found at Beth LeBeau’s house,” Jimmy explained aloud.
“What connection does this guy have to the first victim?” Will let out a sigh.
“Just me.”
Will woke up and you were already sitting up. He followed your gaze that was at where one of the dogs growled at something under the bed. He grabbed your hand and shook his head.
‘Stay,’ he whispered. You shook your head vigorously and he nodded, getting off the bed and looking underneath. He slid underneath and you leaned your head over the bed, heart pounding in your ears.
“I see you, Georgia,” Will said under the bed. You couldn't see his face. There was a woman under your bed. “Think of who you are. It’s midnight. You’re in Wolf Trap, Virginia. Your name is Georgia Madchen. You are not alone.” 
“Am I alive…?” came a voice, a raspy whisper. Will nodded.
You stood with Will in the hospital room, looking down at the living body of the woman who had slept under your bed. You held Will’s hand as he glanced over her. 
“She’ll recover,” Will said.
“Hopefully she’ll stay out of our bed,” you whispered.
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moonlightchildz · 5 years
I want you; Jungkook
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writer: moonlightchildz
date: 10/06/19
summary: since the moment you laid eyes on him, you knew that Jeon Jungkook was going to be the one to take away your virginity.
pairings: jungkook x reader
warnings: SMUT (there’s so much jungkook content), drug usage (weed), alcohol substance, etc.
Word count: 13k
“If you keep staring at him, you’re gonna end up drooling at this point.”
You tentatively raised your index and middle finger up to your lips out of reflex, and as your friend snickered to herself you flipped her off. There was no secret that the guy who had been recently added into your little group of friends had definitely caught your eye. From the moment he was introduced, you were hooked, lined, and had definitely sunk. 
“I want you to meet the glue of the group,” you overhead Jimin say to someone. You weren’t sure who he was referring to since you were too busy packing up his shit into his moving boxes. That was supposed to be his job, but he received a phone call and immediately dipped, leaving you to continue all the work by yourself. Typical Park Jimin.
“And there she is in all her glory.”
You turned around, ready to yell at him when the man beside him caught your attention. Your words got caught in your throat at the sight of him cause holy fuck. Who was this beauty in front of you? And why were you just meeting him when you looked as if you had crawled out of Oscar’s trash can from Elmo’s Street?
 “I can’t even talk to him, much less go up to him and talk to him about cars because I literally have no clue what a car even is at this rate,” you exaggerated as you threw your hands in the air in frustration. Your best friend just chuckled quietly to herself, her light eyes taking in the boy—no, excuse you—the man who had keenly grasped your attention. He was cute for sure, hot even. Truth be told, you were a hard catch. Guys threw themselves at you left and right, but you were so damn shy to ever respond back to their advances—at least, that’s what your best friend thought.
“So, are you gonna talk to him?”
“Listen, if I ever manage to talk to him, and if the gods from above help me get laid, then I’ll become the filthiest slut you want me to be.”
“You haven’t even had sex yet you talk like a slut.” She retorted, rolling her eyes at you.
“Leave my virgin ass alone.”
“So, you’re not gonna go talk to Jeongguk?” She kept pestering you and you just swatted her hand away to keep her from bothering you.
You sighed in discontent and then slowly shook your head to respond to her question. “No, he literally looks like a Greek god, and just seeing his face makes me drool. Also, whenever he stands so close to me I go into shut down mode and turn mute.”
“Well, that’s a shame.” A new voice spoke up behind the both of you. You felt your heart drop at the sound of the so familiar voice. In fact, you’ve dreamt of it and as you felt mortification quickly engulf your body from head to toe, you dared not to turn around since the pale look your best friend was spotting right now was a dead giveaway to who it was.
You slowly turned around and there he was in all his presence.
If humiliation was a color, you would be covered from head to toe since Jeon Jungkook was standing in front of you. He was watching you lose your shit on the inside and you felt like crawling inside the nearest trash can right about now.
“I’m Jeongguk by the way.” He flashed you an innocent, and a rather beautiful smile that made your cheeks warm up instantly.
“I know,” You awkwardly said, a small smile beginning to linger on your lips. God sure decided to take his time creating this fine ass man. Everything about him screamed untouchable and just drool worthy. Even in just a fitted black t-shirt and ripped jeans, he was absolutely delicious. His forearm was tattooed with Korean characters, and it had a small blue, water colored Smeraldo flower lacing around them so prettily. It was intricate, and it suited his bicep really well.  
“All this time, I thought you hated me.” He shook his head in disbelief and what seemed like mere amusement. Your eyes widened at that thought.
“I—What?” you spluttered out in disbelief.
“Yeah, I really thought you didn’t fuck with me since you never really talked to me, or even bothered.”
“Yeah no,” you shook your head. “I’m just really shy.” With guys who have huge dicks, and look like you.
As he ran a hand through his hair, your eyes lingered on the rings that adorned his pretty and veiny hands. A few more artistic tattoos graced his skin, making him look a piece of art himself.  How could he ever think that you could ever hate him?
Wow, could you choke me until oblivion with those hands?
“I was waiting for you to at least say hi since everyone adores you, you know? I wanted to see what the hype was and now I understand.” He continued casually and your heart almost gave out on you. “Though I appreciate you calling me, eh, what was it? A Greek god? Thank you, by the way.”
“Sorry,” you mumbled out, mortified at being caught since a cute guy was talking to you. “I’m Y/N by the way.”
“I know.” He smiled, and right then, you wanted to suck his dick. “And why are you sorry? It’s not an often occurrence I have to meet a pretty girl like you, much less be shy about it.”
And in that moment, you knew you were bound to be fucked.
 Jungkook stood by the entrance of the living room. He had already downed shots thanks to his new group of friends that had encouraged him to drink them. He was feeling a bit buzzed, and the excitement coursing through his system wasn’t really helping the poor guy.
“C’mon Jeon, as the new member of the group it’s required for you to be initiated.” Taehyung began, getting the rest of the six morons into it now. Jimin began to holler, agreeing with him since of course he would. Jimin would grab the stars for Kim Taehyung if he could.
“Shouldn’t initiation be before I get added into the group?” Jeongguk retorted, his eyes too busy looking for a certain someone. Every time the door would swing open, his eyes landed on whoever entered, but each time he was disappointed since it wasn’t who he was anticipated to see.
“Okay, you have a point,” Taehyung agreed, but there was a smirk already making its way on his lips so he knew this subject wasn’t over yet. “But you’re still the rookie and each member has gone through this so get going.”
He shoved the bottle of Fireball towards him, a shot of glass sliding his way before he could protest. Guess getting shitfaced was part of today’s agenda, too. Jeongguk simply rolled his eyes and allowed Taehyung to pour him a shot since he might as well enjoy the night drunk if the person he was waiting for wasn’t even going to show up as he was promised.
“Chug, chug, chug!”
Jeongguk just laughed as he watched Taehyung pour liquor into Jimin’s eager lips.
He was buzzed by the time you arrived and he hadn’t seen you walk into the kitchen until he turned around with a bottle in one hand and a blunt in the other.
“Jungkook,” you greeted him with a huge, and easy going smile. He almost dropped the blunt and bottle right there. You were showing so much skin to his surprise. His doe eyes struggled in not landing on your ass, your thighs, and hips, but the ripped shorts you were wearing was such a tease move on your part. The shirt barely covered your stomach and your hair seemed so pretty in his eyes.
“Y/N,” he returned, mimicking your smile automatically. “I’m surprised to see you here.” He really was, but he felt giddy now. He felt the after effects of the fireball kick in instantly by just looking at you.
“Oh, well I was dragged out by my dumb friends.” You told him, your hand slowly tucking your strands behind your ear as you looked at everywhere but him. He could tell you were nervous, and he wanted to scream since he wanted to get to know you, to get you to tell him everything about your goals and dreams, and to even hear you animatedly talk about your weird obsession over this kpop group called BT21.
“Ah, I see.”
His eyes lingered on your figure, knuckles turning white from gripping his glass. For fucks sakes, you were too fucking hot, and adorable for your own good.
“Are you gonna drink and smoke that by yourself?” you suddenly asked him, and he immediately shook his head, a sly grin making its way on his handsome face.
“Well, since you’re asking you wanna join me?”
There was a beat of silence followed by his abrupt question and he wanted to cry. You probably didn’t even drink, or much less smoke so he felt stupid in that moment, but you surprised him. With such ease, you just grabbed the blunt from his hand, twirling it around with your index and forefinger so carelessly. With your other hand, you motioned him closer and like a dog in a leash, he was already there, inhaling your addicting scent of flowers, and lavender laundry detergent.
“I say we smoke this later.” Your hot breath fanned his neck, making him swallow thickly at the sensation of having you so damn near him. “But,” you shyly graced your lips against his cheek as you turned to face him instead. “I think we deserve to enjoy this bottle first, no?”
His hand was already in yours, barely managing to nod along since your lips were inches away from his and it was just torture at this rate. He felt his fingers twitch as he softly answered, “Okay.”
It was as if you melted the tough exterior away from him each time he glanced into your eyes. He let you lead him through Seokjin and Namjoon’s mansion without batting an eye. It was crazy how comfortably you were being surrounded by six men, granted they were all gay for each other, but they drove him insane the majority of time. He wondered how you had so much patience overall.
You led him towards the mini patio upstairs.
It felt so ridiculous walking up so many stairs to just get to the designated floor where you, and the rest of the other four morons usually stayed the weekends when Namjoon and Seokjin often threw these grandiose parties. The top two floors were always off limits for everyone, everyone except Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok, Yoongi, and you. The top floor was strictly only for Namjoon and Seokjin and that was a rule everyone obeyed simply because no one wanted to deal with Kim Seokjin’s wrath.
“I’m guessing everyone in the group has their own rooms?” Jeongguk prompted, his curious eyes taking every single detail in with awe. “Seokjin and Joon gave me the one across the hall.” He pointed to the door that was down the hall from your room.
“Yeah,” you nervously began, your fingers gripping the door knob to your room. With a short breath, you manage to unlock your room and lead him into your room. “Um, when I got into the group they gave me this room and told me to go crazy with it.”
As ridiculous as that sounds, it’s accurate. All six morons you dearly loved and adored lived here with them and it was amazing how well they all got along, even when they were at each other’s throats. But now it seemed as if this house was going to be filled in by someone special really soon. You glanced over at Jeongguk, and smiled.
One thing you quickly took notice of Jeon Jungkook was that every time you smiled at him, he always responded the same way: his eyes would softly crinkle, nose slightly scrunched up, and that beautiful smile of his always made butterflies in your stomach roam free. The nerves that were overflowing your body soon turned into a buzz, a buzz that you happily welcomed with opened arms.
“Come,” you beckoned him, nails waving him into the balcony. He watched as you carelessly slipped off your shoes and ran a hand through your hair while you occupied yourself into accommodating something that was out of his eyesight.
Jeongguk took in a deep breath, and slowly approached your moving silhouette. There was a love seat placed against the brick wall that faced Namjoon’s backyard and on the other side of the balcony was a hammock with cushions and even a blanket. A sparkling waterfall led into their pool that seemed to be occupied by people there and even though the atmosphere seemed so chaotic, here alone together it felt at peace in that moment. He continued taking in everything that was you, and right there on his left side there along with a mini table that held a tray with two flavored kind of Swishers, was a jar that was filled halfway with weed.
You were literally a god send angel in his eyes.
“Take a seat,” your soft voice levitated his heart.
He easily complied and took a seat, eyes shamelessly landing on that sweet ass of yours while you were facing him away. You carelessly looked down at the mess going on downstairs, a grin already on your pretty face while you securely hugged the bottle to your chest. His doe eyes roamed the shape of your hips, your soft curves, and the pretty expressions you made while taking a swig from the bottle he had earlier. With screwed eyes, you coughed a bit and started walking towards where he was seated at.
“So tell me about yourself,” he began, taking you in again as if hadn’t blatantly stared at your ass this whole entire time. “We’ve known each other for a few weeks now, but I don’t really know much about you besides that you’re everyone’s favorite, and therapist apparently?”
“Yeah, okay,” you screwed your eyes shut as the alcohol slowly went down your throat. “Um, well, where do I begin? Gee, uh, I’m the only daughter of three kids, so I have overprotective brothers up my ass all the time. My parents have been together for more than 23 years, but they’re not married. My favorite color depends on my mood, and I love to eat a lot, like a lot Jeongguk.” You emphasized the last thing so seriously that it made him laugh a little.
He was taking in everything you said, his brain writing down notes since you were finally talking to him.
“Uhh, I love to draw but I can like only draw like stick people,” you continued, eyes bright and your smile endless. “And, I love to listen to music a lot. If I’m not eating, or trying to get my life together, then I’m either smoking, sleeping, or studying. As for the whole therapist thing, well yeah. That’s how we met. We all tended to go to the same therapist, and I would talk to them individually while we waited to be attended. I didn’t realize these six weird dudes were friends because I never saw them together until Jimin, Hobi, and Jinnie decided to simultaneously invite me to a cookout. I spent days trying to compromise with the three of them to see if I could hang out with two of them another day. It was so fucking stressful, but I ended up going with Jin. And imagine the surprise I got when I saw that all of them knew each other and conveniently tried inviting me to the same event. It was so chaotic, Jeonngguk.”
Jeongguk nodded, following along to every word you said and he felt at ease just watching you animatedly talk to him. You had these adorable mannerisms that made him smile like a love sick idiot and he wasn’t even aware of it in the moment. He just felt the need to be closer to you, but he hadn’t come to the conclusion as to how much and why.  
“What about you?” You suddenly prompted him, handing him the bottle of liquor back. Your fingers gently graced his as you passed him the bottle and that movement alone made you jittery.
His dark eyes were trained on you as he slowly poured down liquor between his pinkish lips. That movement alone made his bicep bulge beneath the t-shirt he was wearing and you swallowed thickly.
Forgive me father for I will sin.
“I’m the second youngest out of my siblings,” he began roughly, snapping you out of your filthy imagination. “And my parents are married. I have a younger sister who drives me fucking nuts and we just moved here a month ago actually, so I really don’t know how I lucked out when meeting you and everyone else.”
You raised an eyebrow at that, “Really? You moved here a month ago and look at you know. Crashing in Namjoon and Seokjin’s mansion in less than a few weeks of meeting them.”
“Honestly, I’m as surprised as you are.”
“Not really,” you shook your head, eyeing him from head to toe quite shamelessly. By now the alcohol had gotten to your head and you seemed at ease with him. You were propped up against the palm of your hand as you practically talked without thinking now. “I can see why they love you, Jeongguk. You’re a sweetheart that everyone adores.”
His knee was pressed up against your thigh, hand inches away from yours. “Is that so?” He hummed out, an appreciative tone underlying in his voice.
“Yeah,” you reassured wholeheartedly without even hesitating. “You’ve become such an important part of the group in just a couple of weeks and that’s saying something. The guys are so picky and overprotective of each other, and you just fit in so well. It feels as if the group is complete now with you in it. Everyone from Jimin, to Tae, to Jin, to Namjoon, to Yoongi, and to Hobi has a special place, and you Jeon just happened to be the last puzzle piece to the set.”
“I can see why they love you,” he smiled fondly and your heart lurched against your chest. He was so beautiful. “You’re the glue of this big family.”
In return, you just smiled wider, carelessly even, but to Jeongguk seeing that smile meant everything.
There was a blur in time. Fingers softly and delicately traced skin, laughter echoed in the dim moonlight, and secrets were being whispered out in the open air. There was a point where you were leaning against him, his arm dangling around your shoulders as you laughed along to a story he was telling you about him and how he found Yoongi hiding in Hoseok’s closet after hanging out with him for hours. It felt so brief, so calming, and so natural. It was effortless.
“Can I ask you a weird question?”
You glanced up at him, and he seemed to be closer than you had imagine since his lips were just a few inches away from yours.
“Yeah,” you quietly said, finding it hard to concentrate. There was an urge inside of you to just lean in and close the gap, but something was holding you back. Was it maybe that he was more experienced than you in every way? For fuck’s sakes, you were a virgin without any clue of how flirting, or a relationship worked. You faltered, and he noticed.
“Wanna dance?” He opted out with upon seeing your reluctance.
“I don’t know how to,” you admitted to him, giggling in the end. Yep, you were definitely still a little buzzed, but it wasn’t due to the alcohol anymore. You could hardly maintain eye contact with him and here you were touching his biceps, and dragging your silver nails down his stomach so carelessly, unaware of the effect you had on him. Jeongguk had gotten under your skin so quickly, it left you so surprised and so affected by him. You knew that by the end of tonight, his name, his eyes, his endearing smile, and the will to ride the living fuck out of him was going to haunt you until you saw him again.
“I’ll teach you.”
He wasn’t pulling away yet and truth be told you didn’t want him to. Your smile was there as usual as you nodded and your fingers were already wrapping around the shot of vodka to down in your system. You were ready to down it all, but halfway through Jeongguk ripped away the shot of glass, letting some liquor spill on your lips.
With widened eyes, you glanced up at him in time to see him finish the rest of the contents inside.
“There’s some um,” he quietly began, nearing you again. “You have some vodka on your lips.” There’s a moment of hesitation between the two of you as his fingers gently trace your bottom lip where the strong liquid was dripping down to your chin.
With his thumb, he softly wiped away the liquor. His thumb ever so slowly brushed over your bottom lip, his dark eyes seeming lost as you stood still, barely managing to breathe properly.
His touch rendered you speechless since it was so brief, and gentle. Butterflies were practically roaming free, fluttering your heart awake at the simple, lingering effect of his touch.
“I expected you to swoon in and kiss me,” you suddenly blurted out without thinking. The funny thing was that you didn’t feel embarrassment, or any nerve wrecking feeling like you normally did when around him since by now you were sure that motherfucker had something for you as well.  
His eyes widened at your bluntness and you watched in amusement how his mouth repeatedly opened and closed like a fish without water. He sat up suddenly, beginning to lean in, almost closing the gap between you both, but you slowly pulled away from him, your fingers gently cupping his chin to detain him. A teasing smile edged on your lips, toying with him now before you got up from the couch, leaving him empty handed. You heard a loud, heavy sigh emit from behind you and you turned around to see him already standing, hair lightly blowing with the breeze.
“Come dance with me,” you extended your hand out to him, fingers continuously wiggling out for him. “I love this song.” You pouted as he just stood there with his pretty bunny smile and overall prince charming self. Jeongguk however seemed to be caught in a dilemma with himself. He didn’t know whether to follow your games, or to just stop them right there with one simple solution. He knew he could be getting head without even moving a finger from other bitches, but as you neared him, hands automatically wandering up his arms, those thoughts were instantly wiped away. There was a reason everyone gravitated towards you. With just a smile, you made his heart begin to bloom for the first time in a really long ass time.
His scent engulfed you completely as you glanced up at him, probably looking at him as if you want to ride him until morning arrives, and then let him destroy you until he no longer wants to. Fuck. You wanted to be embraced by his warmth, feel his lips against your skin, and you were craving for it so much. Being near him was becoming intolerable, and it wasn’t necessarily because you wanted to run away from him, no, quite the opposite actually. As each second, minute, hour passed by alongside with him you discovered just how badly you wanted him all.
His hands wondered down your sides immediately, pulling you flush against his body without even thinking. A small yelp emitted from your lips at the sudden pull and turn of your body. Jeongguk felt his heart leap from his ass as soon as you accommodated yourself, your back pressed fully against his chest as you moved your hips so sensually it was torturing him so much. He hadn’t known you would get so touchy, much less bold. It didn’t help that he was itching to just bend you over his couch and just fuck you until the only thing you could remember was his name.
He seemed thrown off when you rested your head against his shoulder, arms wrapping around his neck as you continued to sing along to the song that was playing in the background. You looked at ease, relaxed even. Is this how you were behind closed doors? An enigma? He hadn’t expect to feel this way. It was becoming too much now. He felt his dick harden underneath you, and you just kept on grinding your ass on him, a teasing grin on your lips.
“Fuck,” he cursed out, biting back the need to just do something to you at this point.  
“What is it?” you turned around to face him, arms still wrapped around his neck. You were humming along to a pop song, pushing yourself against him even more. Your fingers were delicately running on his broad shoulders, your other hand twirling his damp hair.
“You really don’t know?”
You sluggishly shook your head, whispering, “Don’t know what?”
You were too drunk, you’d probably wouldn’t remember if he did say anything anyway. “Nothing,” he decided instead. “I’ll let you figure that out on your own when you’re sober.”
“I could go for a smoke right now,” you suddenly said ignoring what he just said. With a slender finger, you picked at the blunt that was sitting right beside his ear. “Join me?”
He would do anything for you at this point. You placed the blunt between your lips, handing him the lighter. “Light it baby,” you instructed and he was so taken back by you. You were this shy little thing at first sight, but alone with him you were anything but that.
He slowly wavered the lighter side to side, eyes slowly taking you in. Your eyes were closed as you inhaled as much as you could. Smoke emitted from your lips as you fluttered your eyes open and there he was, inches away from you, just looking at you in what seemed wonderment. Jeongguk tried not to near you, tried not be lured into your schemes as he was warned by others, but you were his temptation. A temptation that was rendering him to his knees and it was all because of a woman. He hadn’t know he had unconsciously neared you until he felt the smoke blow right at him.
Seconds. He was seconds away from ripping away the blunt from you, and just kissing you right there and then, but he opted out to grabbing the blunt from your lips instead. He figured if you were going to toy with him, he’ll make you wait.
“So when did you start to sm—”
He halted, smoke emitting from his lips as he turned towards you. Did you just called him Guk?
Slowly, he neared you, eyes darker than before. His forehead bumped against yours, smoke engulfing the both of you.
“Say it again,” he roughly demanded, his other hand firmly grabbing your chin. “Say it.”
You didn’t. No, instead you pressed your mouth against his and it was so much fucking better. He dropped the blunt to cradle the side of your face, his lips molding against yours softly. You were already swinging a leg over his thighs, getting settled on his lap. Your arms already wrapping around his neck, tongue tracing the underside of his lower lip, and he moaned out at the feeling. Your fingers quickly tugged at his hair, body falling backwards since you knew he would wrap his arms around you and follow your movements, and that’s exactly what he did. His strong arms bulged underneath you, and you were so drunk for his kisses. You felt euphoric, a humming sensation was taking over you, and it was him who was the cause of all of it.
“More,” you panted out against his lips, tugging harder. He was everywhere. His hands, his lips, his soft moans echoing in your heightened sensations.
“You’re drunk.” He hotly murmured out against your swollen lips. “You’re kissing me because you’re drunk as fuck right now.”
Upon hearing that, you ripped yourself away from him, confused since you were anything but oblivious whenever it came to him for fuck’s sakes. “No,” you firmly began, inching closer to him again. Your fingers gripped on to his shirt, curling in it as you bumped foreheads with him, eyes fervently taking him in. “I’m kissing you because I want you, you fucking idiot.”
Jeongguk simply grinned.
His hand wandered up your bare side, nails digging into your skin. “Really?” He seemed in utter trance, doe eyes taking every single little pretty feature of yours in.
“Yes, you fucker,” you finally told him, eyes meeting his firmly. “Like a lot, to the point where I turn mute, but one thing for sure is that I want you, a lot.”
Okay, he decided, this was it for him. His hands were already pulling you towards him, mouth fervently on yours before he could let you continue speaking. Your hands were tugging at his hair, lips sucking swiftly his tongue as these little whining pants came out from you against his swollen mouth, bodies becoming increasingly hotter.
“If you continue doing that, I’m going to fuck you right here, y/n.”
Well, please say less.
“But our first time together is not gonna be with me and you crossfaded,” he stubbornly refused, and you childishly pouted. You both sat there on the old couch, his arms still wrapped around you as you shamelessly leaned your forehead against his shoulder.  
“Can I at least take off your shirt?” you tried to resonate with him, a tiny grin lacing your lips.
He laughed against your mouth.
The next day, you woke up with a smile slapped all over your face. The covers were all wrapped around your clothed body, hair matted and surprisingly your breath didn’t reek of death like you anticipated. It was late once you decided to crawl out of bed, but the rest of the household was still sound asleep since it was only ten in the morning. A smile lingered on your face once you walked out of your room and spotted Jeongguk’s room which was the one across from you. It was nerve wrecking to say that least. To have the Jeon Jungkook—the nationwide guy who was an incredibly, talented, and artistic tattooist— that everyone seemed to be thirsting had made you reassure him that you were into him last night.
His touch was magical in your enchanted heart. Seriously, one touch and you had been a goner. In your dreams, he was there, welcoming in you in his arms. Truth be told you wanted to be engulfed in his embrace, listen to him talk endlessly about his recent works, and feel his mouth on your skin. It was crazy really. Since the moment you had laid eyes on him, he had always been haunting you. And last night you had kissed him first, you had felt his hands roam your body, and you were giggling like crazy as he did so.
You had just changed into your spare clothes after a long, hot bath when you heard knocking on your door.
“Jiminie if it’s you, just barge in like you always do,” you called out from the patio, finding the cool October air refreshing against your skin. It was nearing towards five in the afternoon now, you figured the guys were already awake, but nervousness was a bitch. You hadn’t heard from Jeongguk and it was eating you alive. What if he realized he didn’t want the same as you? What if he realized what he wanted wasn’t you? You didn’t want to face reality yet so you just remained in your room, trying to find the will to go back to your home.
“It’s me.”
Those two words stunned you. It was him. Panic flared throughout your body as you realized what was bound to happen. You practically flew yourself all the way across the room you flung the door open because hell, might as well get this shit going.
“Did you mean it?” Was the first thing he blurted out of his mouth. He was leaning against your door frame, hair tousled and covering his eyes. The moment you saw him you could see his heart on his sleeve.
“Yes,” you quietly confessed to him, afraid to glance at him so you kept your gaze on everything but him. Jeongguk however didn’t find that reassuring. He caught you off guard with just two simple steps that he took closer to you. He was backing you into your room.
“I want you,” he softly professed to you, his voice firm.
“Okay,” you stood up straighter now since he was leaning closer to you now. Oh God. It’s really happening.
“So is it okay if I—” his hands were gentle as they framed your face carefully. There was a moment of hesitation that flickered in his heart, but as you glanced up at him with those eyes, with those eyes filled with anticipation and giddiness, he instantly just knew.
But you were already pulling him into the room, mouth on his as you breathed out, “Yeah.”
“Okay, good.” He kicked the door shut, hands still cradling your face while soft giggles emitted from your lips. He carefully neared you back to your barely made bed, ankles hitting the soft covers before you were thrown back against the heavenly cloud material.
Jeongguk was already there, hands roaming your body as he dipped down, his body resting against yours. “I was so nervous to come in here.” He admitted to you, and your eyes widened in bemusement. You were sure he could hear your heart beating erratically just by having him so close to you.
“Guk,” you began and he groaned out in pain. Panic began to creep up on you as you suddenly began to sit up, worried that you might have said something to piss him off already. “Guk, I—”
His mouth was on yours, distracting you completely. Every thought that seemed to be racing in your head flew out of your mind suddenly, your soaring heart completely taking over your senses now. He was kissing you like a deprived man, mouth messily missing yours before soaking your skin with his trailing, hot kisses that he left behind instead. You could feel your heart pounding against your chest at the sensations he was leaving in his wake. His fingers were tangled in your hair, keeping you angled to his will as his breath ghosted over your skin. Goosebumps arose along the way, and your mouth was slightly ajar, your mind blown away by this man’s touch. He clung on to you, lips marking every inch of your skin to his delight. And you relished on his touch since it was heavenly in your eyes, and heart.
“Guk,” a soft moan escaped your lips as his lips brushed your pulse, his dark gaze watching you completely surrender to him. You were at his mercy and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
“I have to stop before—” he was breathing heavily, his hands tightening around you. He bumped foreheads with you, his lips barely brushing yours, but it was enough to dizzy your heart.
“Okay,” you slowly nodded, still in trance. He was beginning to pull away and that woke you up so quickly. “But first, I—”
You winded your arms around his neck, pulling down towards you again as you kissed him again. There was a split second where you gasped and his tongue was already tracing the underside of your bottom lip, slowly sucking your swollen lip as his fingers dug on to your skin. Your shirt rose halfway, the skimpy shorts that you were wearing were no help whatsoever to him since his hands were finding your skin, bruising you. His fingers fisted your clothing as these little whimpers began to fill your room and Jeongguk knew he was bound to lose control once you spread your legs wider for him.
There was no hesitation as he flipped you over on top of him now. A surprised gasp emitted from your lips as Jeongguk helped you spread your thighs for him. He had sat up now and had his back pressed against your headboard.
“Put your arms around me, y/n.”
Your eyes met his as your hands slowly wandered up his strong arms, appreciating his figure as you scooted closer to his body. Your chest was pressed against his and you were so incredibly close to him. Noses brushed each other’s, and you were about to close the gap since his swollen lips seemed lonely, but he detained you with three simple words.
“I want you,” he breathed out against your mouth and you nodded, eagerly agreeing with him. “But I want to take you out first.” His fingers were tucking the strands of your hair behind your ear, his fervent gaze managing to make these butterflies roam in your fluorescent heart.
Jeon Jungkook was utterly, and immensely beautiful.
“That sounds much better,” you agreed, smiling ear to ear now. He wanted to take you out on a date!
“The guys are up and they want to see us so we could go out to eat. That was the whole excuse to get me to you and now I don’t want to leave.”
You bumped your forehead with his, laughing softly at his confession. Fuck. He was the one.
“We’re gonna go to this underground concert…”
You muted them out and just sighed. Jeongguk was busy at work and you were stuck with the six other idiots who acted as more like your brothers than your best friends.
“Hey, look who it is! My favorite person out of the group.” Jimin chirpily announced, eyes turning into slits when you all blatantly ignored him. Taehyung was working night shift so therefore his boyfriend was pissy since he wasn’t getting any attention, or affection.
At that, you whipped your head towards the front and spotted him walking in. Instantly, you lowered your legs from Hoseok’s lap and unconsciously began to run your fingers through your hair, trying to somewhat tame it before Jeongguk pranced in here looking like a piece of art himself. Yoongi glanced over at you, eyes squinting while you hastily tried to fix your appearance out of the blue.
And in all his glory, he strode into the living room where everyone was sprawled across the lush, plushy carpet. A red and black checkered flannel molded all over his body, the sleeves pushed up to his forearms where a couple of bracelets adorned his tatted sleeve. He was sucking on a lollipop, lips all red from the candy. His damp hair was pushed back with a black bandana, and he just absolutely screamed sex, power, fuck me please, and everything in between.
“Jungkookie, I’m so glad you’re here since I fucking can’t stand them anymore—”
You were busying yourself in sitting on the lonely couch, trying to dissimulate that you were waiting for his dumbass to already show up. When in reality, you couldn’t wait to be wrapped in his arms, to be peppered with kisses, and to feel his hands roam all over your body as soft pants emitted from his lips. So you did what anybody else did, you ignored his presence no matter how hard it was.
But Jeongguk definitely surprised you once you saw he was walking directly towards you. Your bitch face soon molded into that smile you always gave to him since he leaned forward against the couch, trapping you in as his lips tentatively met yours. When he felt you kissing him back, he felt relieve wash over him.
“Yeah, well I don’t think he considers you as his Jiminie,” Hoseok teased him, eyeing the both of you.  
“You should have seen them last night,” Jin snorted. “He was practically sticking his tongue down her throat while they were making breakfast.”
To piss them off even more, you winded your arms around his neck, tongue tracing the underside of his bottom lip while he flipped you over the couch. A yelp escaped your lips, but nonetheless you settled between his legs, giggling away into his mouth while the others began to throw cushions at the both of you.
“Heteros,” Namjoon muttered out while shaking his head.
 “You have no idea just how long I’ve been waiting for this,” Jeongguk mumbled it out against the crook of your neck. His head was placed against your chest, his fingers absentmindedly playing with strands of your hair. Both of you laid on your bed, there was a food stand next to the both of you with finished eaten meals that were prepared by the both of you. Music played softly in the background and Jeongguk surprised you by singing along to one of your favorite songs “Stand Still” by Sabrina Claudio.
“Long week at work?”
“Something like that.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
He shook his head, “No, I’m honestly okay now.”
“If you need to vent, then I’ll be here to listen, okay?” you tried reminding him since you hated seeing him down. It emotionally pained you seeing Jeongguk hurt, physically, or emotionally. 
“There’s times where I wish we could just stay like this forever,” he absentmindedly told you, his eyes fluttering to a deep slumber.
“I’m sure we can,” you wrapped your arms around him, inhaling his familiar scent of soft, laundry detergent, and love. “We can stay here as long as we can until you feel much better.”
But sadly the reality is that we have to go back to the real world at some point.
But as long as I have you in both worlds, I’ll be the happiest person on this planet.
“Okay, but don’t be an idiot and actually don’t go through with it,” you told him, hand intertwined with his. “If you don’t, then you could seriously be missing out on a once in a lifetime thing!”
There was a convention that he was specifically invited as the guest of honor, but it was across the world. He would be leaving in a couple of days and you couldn’t lie to yourself and feel this pang in your heart. He would be leaving soon and wouldn’t return until a month later. A whole month without Jeon Jungkook.
He was quiet, doe eyes adoringly glancing over at you. “What would I do without you?’
“Hm, probably cry yourself to sleep to the thought of not having someone as perfect as me.”
“No wonder Jin loves you so much,” Jeongguk was already rolling his eyes before you even voiced out your sentence. During the past few months, the shy little thing he adored was replaced with a shithead who tended to either render him speechless with how much bullshit you managed to spew out, or how sweet and loving to death you would be with him. It was never the both with you. It was always one or the other.
“They warned me about you, you know?” He suddenly told you, catching you completely off guard. You came to a stop as you curiously awaited for him to continue. “They said I should keep away from you. That you weren’t going to be another “toy” of mine, and they were right. You’re so much more.”
“Guk,” you began, beginning to get teary eyed. This conversation should not be held in public, and much less after finding out that he was going to be leaving soon. He shook his head, his bunny smile beginning to appear now. He was already tugging you closer to him, hands framing your face gently.
“You mean so much to me, you know?” He confessed to you, and you were already nearing him. You were ready to tell him these three little words because you always acted on impulse whenever you were around him. Your heart always rationalized for you whenever it just came to him.
“And I don’t want you to lose interest when I leav—”
A scoff ripped out of your chest, immediately halting him halfway. There was no way in hell you would ever lose interest. For fuck’s sakes you had been practically in love with this dude ever since the first time he kissed you that night on your balcony.
“Jeongguk, don’t you dare finish that sentence.” You fumed out, actually pissed at him for deliberately thinking that. You stepped away from his hold. It was known that you two weren’t exactly exclusive, but there was no other man that could ever take a hold of your heart like Jeongguk had. His name had been imprinted in your heart and you were so fucked upon realizing this.
“I want you to know that while I’m away, I don’t want to—” he swallowed thickly, his hand reaching out towards you again. “I don’t want to see you with anyone else.” He practically gritted it out, momentarily looking away from you.
“Why would I ever do that?” you softly questioned him, honestly perplexed. Did he not see how utterly happy he made you? Was it not so fucking obvious?
“We’re not technically together, but I—”
Say it. You yearned to hear him say it. Unconsciously, you had neared him. You hadn’t realized you were just a few feet away, but there was this need for you to be close to him.
“I want to be with you. I’ve been wanting to be with you since the moment the guys introduced me to you, and you’re angry at me now, and I don’t know why, but y/n…I don’t want to leave this goddamn country without calling you mine.”
There it is.
“Just fucking ask me, and I will be all yours.” You angrily blurted out without meaning to, but fuck dude. You would give this man the world if you could, just like you knew he would for you.
He seemed genuinely in shock. His doe eyes widened, mouth slightly agape before stammering out, “A-Are you serious right now?”
An exasperated sigh escaped your lips.
He was rambling now. “If I ask you right now to be my girlfriend, then will you—”
You were lunging at him, hands cupping his face as you shut him up with your mouth instead. This kiss was different. It was bruising, teeth clashed against each other, and Jeongguk had his arms winding around your waist as your legs began to wrap over his hips. There was cat calling from behind you, and you practically ripped yourself away from him.
“Okay, we’re in public,” you laughed against his mouth, slowly pulling away from him to continue what you were going to say. “But yes you idiot, I’ll be more than fucking happy to be your girlfriend. God damn it, it took you forever.”
“It’s been so fucking hard to keep my hands to myself, and at first I was okay, but now that you’re officially my girlfriend I’m dying to touch you.” He rasped out, his touch beginning to dizzy you once again. “I’ve been finding it so fucking hard…but then you look at me like that.”
You tilted your head, mouth slightly parting as you feigned innocence. “Like what?”
Except Jeongguk was always good in reading people and he already knew your true colors. Behind that little façade of innocence, there was something darker, and albeit sexy even. All he needed was to unleash it now. “Like you want to fuck the living brains out of me.” He was blunt and straightforward and you certainly didn’t mind it.
To his surprise though, you flushed. Your cheeks had begun to bloom in a rosy endearing pink, and it was quite cute honestly. “I guess I can’t quite mask my feelings, eh?” you rhetorically wondered out loud, a small smile laced on your pinkish lips.
The both of you walked into the alleyway of his apartment complex. There were a couple of steps before you actually reached his building, but by now you both stood in silence just looking at each other. You felt yourself growing shyer and a little bit vulnerable. In your defense though, who wouldn’t? Your boyfriend just told you he wanted you, and has been dying to touch you for as long as you had.
“If I kissed you right now,” he lowly began, slowly stepping towards you. You immediately whipped your head to the side to face him, looking surprised as ever. “Would you stop me?” He lowly asked you, eyes dark as ever.
God, was that even a question? Obviously not.
You allowed yourself to rest your back against the wall, head tilted slightly against it as you watched him slowly approach you. You hadn’t said a word, but the way your eyes took him in from head to toe, he had already gotten his answer.  
His fingers tentatively graced your arms, finding it quite hard to advance when you were just watching him so expectantly. It felt as if you had already done this with many others and were used to being worshipped. You seemed almost unaffected, but as his fingers began to travel up your shoulders, dipping into the little crook of your shirt where your collarbones were located at, he saw a glimmer of anticipation come from you. Your eyes were fervently watching his movements and he seemed genuinely afraid to continue.
“Jungkook,” your voice sounded so sweet, so innocent. It practically made his cock twitch with anticipation. You seemed so innocent, so beautiful, and so dangerous. “Just fucking kiss me already you wimp.”
He pressed himself against you without hesitation. One of his hands gently traced his fingertips on your skin as he removed part of your hair back to grab you by the nape of your neck. A soft gasp escaped your lips, reeling him in as his other hand grabbed a hold of your hip. With one simple glance between the two of you, he pushed you further up against the wall as his lips met yours. His tongue was already slipping past your lips, tasting the lemon flavored lollipop from your mouth.
Tongues lashed out as you eagerly tried to take as much as you could since who knew what would happen next. He moaned against your mouth, slightly panting. You came to figure out that he was definitely an ass man. His hands had wondered down your ass, kneading it roughly as he pressed his bulge against your cunt.
He was messy too.
His lips sucked on your tongue, hands grabbing and pulling you closer to him so he could grind against you. At this point his hand gripped your thigh and hitched it over his hip, his lips beginning to wonder down the crook of your neck. He was leaving hot, wet open mouth kisses, his teeth softly grazing your skin, and it was driving you insane.
“Jeongguk,” you softly moaned out his name, and he was not having it. He wanted more than just a moan. He wanted you quivering underneath him, back arching as he fucked you until you couldn’t handle it anymore. He was becoming insatiable whenever it came down to you and he was deeply terrified in that moment. He could have any other person giving him head for free without him having to do anything, but he didn’t want that anymore. He wanted you on your knees with your pretty mouth sucking him off. If it wasn’t you at this point, he didn’t want it. And that’s when he realized how utterly fucked he was.
Your hands were already unbuckling his belt before he could utter a word out.
 Fuck, you were ready to give this man everything.
“What are y—”
“You’re gonna have to be quiet, baby.”
You kissed him one last time before you sank down on your knees, hands gripping his cock gently. You were practically salivating at just looking at his cock. It was thick and long and everything you ever wanted. Jungkook bit down on his bottom lip, trying to stop himself from blowing right there when you hadn’t even put his dick in your mouth yet. In his defense, you were a really hot girl and he was clueless at this as you were. He hadn’t met a woman who could render him so easily without even trying.
He was already hard and leaking as you slowly began to pump him, eyes set and determined to give him the best head of his life.
“How about I give you a little taste of what could come if you’re sweet to me.”
Your lips were wrapping around the tip before he could answer, slowly sucking the tip of his cock in first. He bit down on his lip, teeth grinding against each other as you proceeded to take more of him in your mouth. Your tongue ran down his leaking cock, savoring his salty taste in your mouth, and you moaned out softly.
“Oh fuck,” he whimpered out, hands fisting beside his thick thighs. His knuckles were turning so white and a little bit of blood trickled down his palm as these whiny, and whimpering moans slipped from your lips. You were enjoying this, and he wanted nothing then to just cum right there in your tight mouth. You slowly bobbed your head up and down, swirling and sucking the living soul out of him in the process.
“R-Right there,” he panted out, eyes screwed shut. He refrained himself from moving, but you were being so good to him it was fucking hard for him to not do anything.
You released him to suck your fingers into your mouth, trying to make them as slick as your underwear was right now. “Use me, baby. Do whatever you wanna do to me.”
His fingers tangled into your hair, his hips stuttering to a slight stop as you gagged around his cock, spit beginning to travel down your chin.
“M-More,” he cried out, spluttering over his sentences. “Ohgod, hmfuck, I.”
He came all over your mouth, and like the angel you were to him, you swallowed it all.
“Holy fuck,” he heaved out, his cheeks rosy and his golden skin layered with perspiration. He looked absolutely ravishing. Right there all you wanted was to be fucked properly. It didn’t matter where at this rate, all you wanted, no, needed was him. His fingers were still tangled in your hair as he tried to regain his breath.
“Where have you been all my life?”
“I could say the same thing,” you easily countered back, your heels digging into the pavement by now. Your knees were scraped up at this point and you felt sweat beginning to gather up since it was so fucking hot, but it was so worth it. He released you and helped you get up.
“Grab your things,” he suddenly told you, and when he realized you weren’t budging he added, “Can you please grab your things so I can fuck you already?”
“Well, when you put it so nicely,” you rolled your eyes and he chuckled at your cuteness.
 The both of you stumbled into his apartment. Shoes were flung across the floor and your greedy hands were already placed at the bottom of his shirt, urging him to take the thing off so you could see him in his full glory. His shirt and shoes were gone as you latched on him, not giving him the proper chance to breathe since you wouldn’t stop kissing him, you were so addicted.
“Fuck, baby, wait. Are you sure?” He seemed nervous now and you found him more adorable now. He was so intimidating from afar, but now that you knew how much of a softy he was you smiled. Months before you couldn’t even utter out a word, but now all you wanted was for him to ruin you completely. You heard the stories, the fantasies, and his ego was there for a reason so he definitely knew what he was capable of.  It reminded you of the first time you had dropped the bomb shell on him that you were still indeed in fact a virgin. He was in the middle of searching for a goddam condom.
 “Oh, and before you fuck me you should know I’m a virgin.” You casually blurted it out and Jungkook stopped in his tracks, his hand stuck inside his pocket as his eyes landed on you in shock.
“W-What?” He stammered out, clearly taken back by your sudden outburst. “Shouldn’t you want someone who you love to—I don’t know, fuck you like they love you? Isn’t that what every girl wants? Or hopes for at least?”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “If I wanted to wait for a prince charming then I would die a virgin, Jungkook.”
“I’ve never fucked a virgin before,” he admitted to you and at this you cocked an eyebrow. Now that was certainly news you didn’t expect to come from him. You were sure he had de-virginized at least one person in his lifetime, if you could call it that at least.
“Well, there’s a first time for everything.”
No, you didn’t end up fucking. Which brings you back to now.
“I wouldn’t be standing in your apartment if I didn’t want you to fuck me, Jungkook.”
His eyes widened at your words, but yet again you always seemed full of surprises.
“I don’t want to hurt you.” He softly began, nearing you again. His hands engulfed your face, foreheads pressed together as he tried to gather his thoughts. His hands twitched to just touch you intimately, but now that he knew that you were practically untouched, he wanted to completely ruin you. He wanted to fuck you so good you’d never forget him, or his touch, or much less how he would have you quivering after blowing your back out.
“If you don’t want to, then that’s totally okay dude. I completely understand.” You tried to reassure him and you watched how his tongue poked the inside of his cheek, his eyes burning. He didn’t say anything, but soon enough his mouth was on yours and his hands were already sliding down your sides, squeezing and bruising your skin just how he learned you loved it.
“Y/N, I want you so bad.” Jungkook breathed out against your mouth, and you could see the inner turmoil going on in his eyes. “Fuck it.” He finally decided, his lips back on yours again. You were already wrapping your arms around his neck when he sent you stumbling backwards on to his couch.
“Bed?” He asked you, his fingers unbuckling his belt now. You swallowed thickly, insides going haywire since this was it, you were finally going to fulfill your promise. You were about to lose your virginity and it was with someone you knew you wanted, and even loved.
“Couch,” you decided, eyeing the comfortable sofa. You figured it shouldn’t be so formal with him so the couch it was.
He grabbed a hold of your hand and pulled you towards him. “I’ll be gentle, okay?” He promised you and you just felt your heart sigh in contentment for you.
He lowered you on to his couch, making sure you were placed comfortable on the pillow all while asking, “Are you okay? Is it too stiff? Are you sure you don’t want to wait? Do you want my bed instead? I promise it feels like a cloud.”
“No,” you answered to all of them.
“Okay then,” he cleared his throat. Then he changed, pupils dilating. “I’m going to make you cum until you can’t anymore.” That one shook you to the core.
A shaky breath left your lips upon hearing him say that, especially while looking like that. With his hair covering his eyes, lips swollen, and an aura of confidence.
“Oh baby,” he tsk to himself, a smirk beginning to lace his lips. “You’re gonna be in for a treat tonight.”
“Strip.” He simply told you, and you were so eager to obey him. Your hands immediately went for your top and soon enough you were flinging it somewhere, but before you unclipped your bra you suddenly halted.
“Lights on or off?” He asked, his backside facing you now. He was approaching the light switch, but drool was literally coming out of your lips as you watched in fascination how his muscles contracted with each movement he made.
“The real question is: can you fuck me with the lights off? Can I really trust you enough to not stick it inside the wrong hole?” You skeptically asked him and instead of seeming offended he just laughed. The lights turned off and you took in a deep breath as you unclipped your bra.
He stayed with his jeans on. They dipped lowly enough could see where his happy trail led on and the prominent v line that followed and hid inside his jeans. He looked incredible shirtless, and the tattoos that graced his skin did his beauty more justice. Every time you got the privilege to see Jeongguk naked was indeed welcome. His body was a temple that you would gladly worship until he allowed you.
“Oh fuck.” He inhaled sharply at the sight of you. You were only wearing underwear, and it wasn’t even lacy. It was cotton, but Jungkook noticed how fucking damp it was already. “You’re gonna kill me, baby.”
You shamelessly spread your legs wider for him. With Jeongguk, everything felt at ease, and as he approached you, you felt so safe with him. You came to trust this man so much that by now he had become second skin to you. Jeon Jungkook, the guy who came in and swept you off your feet in just a couple of months was about to rid of your purity. Excitement over came you as he began to crawl over your body, warm skin colliding with yours.
“You…” he dipped his body forward, bringing you down to the couch along with him. A playful smile curved his lips, his eyes on yours as he inched closer now. “drive me so fucking insane.”
The only lightning illuminating his apartment was the wall to wall window and you were both facing it since the couch was directly across from it, getting the view of the dark city below you. You were already wrapping your legs around him, trying to press him closer to you.
“I need you to spread your legs for me okay?”
Done. You easily complied to your boyfriend’s demands.
“You’re going to taste so sweet,” he rasped out against your skin, his hot breath fanning your sensitive skin. His long, wavy hair tickled your thighs as he tentatively dipped down, lips close to where you desperately needed him. He could hear your breathing pick up from that simple movement, but he was already half hard and he wasn’t going to hold back now. He’ll make sure you’ll come running back to his tongue, fingers, and soon his dick.
“Bon appetite,” he groaned out in pleasure, tongue swirling around your clit.
With the way you were laying down, with his hands running down your bare thighs, with his head between your legs, it was a sight to see. He tentatively ran his tongue down your slit, savoring your taste as he moaned in between your legs. His hand kneaded your ass before he brought you closer to his mouth, lapping all of your juices in that sinful tongue of his in one get go. Heat rushed straight to your cunt and all you could do was cry out softly at the new sensation.
“Remember, you can let go here, baby. Scream all you want.”
And then he dipped his tongue inside your tight hole, sucking and slurping like you did just an hour ago. Your hands instantly went down to his hair, feet digging into the couch as he pumped a long and slender finger. He was slowly easing it in, coating his fingers with your juices to spread it all over your cunt before he added another finger.
“Oh god,” you jerked suddenly, his fingers curling slightly. You were too lost in your senses that you hadn’t noticed he was watching you. His dark eyes took everything that was you in. How you drove your fingers into your own hair, matting it up as your feet became restless against the couch. The little cries that you made each time he forced his skilled fingers up to where your eyes rolled against the back of your head.
“S-Stop,” you were shoving him away and he immediately halted, lips pink and swollen. His chin was covered with your slick and you just shook your head in bewilderment.
“I want to feel you,” you panted out. “I’m on the pill.”
With urgency laced on your fingers, you brought him back up, mouth desperately trying to find his. And he of course followed you into your arms without hesitation. A sort of a whisper escaped his lips, breathing it out against your mouth, “You’re literally my angel sent from above.”
“Ditto, Guk.”
“Tell me if I hurt you, okay?” He softly whispered it out against your mouth, and you couldn’t help it, you smiled widely despite your heart racing. His fingers softly caressed your side, they were roaming your body so delicately, as if afraid to bruise you unintentionally. His rings graced your skin as he gripped your thigh, slowly hitching it over his hip.
“Tell me if it hurts and I’ll immediately stop,” he began and you nodded, the butterflies beginning to flutter all over you. “Look at me.”
Your eyes glanced up to his, and he was there, mouth on yours already. Your hands instantly cupped his face, breathing heavy as he momentarily stopped to push himself into you. His tongue was caressing your bottom lip, sucking and moaning to your delight. A quiet gasp escaped your mouth as he slid inside you. There was a pause between the both of you. Jeongguk slightly pulled away from your lips, his eyes taking in your reactions with such worriedness.
“You okay there?” He whispered out, and you began to nod repeatedly. Your fingers were threading into his hair instead, keeping him close to you. Your breathing was soft, and erratic against his mouth.
“Yeah,” you breathlessly managed out, trying to reassure him. “I’m okay, I promise.”
“Okay, I’m going to,” he gritted out, his mind focusing on not trying to blow when he hasn’t even fucked you properly yet. He slowly bottomed down and rather carefully began to stretch you out. A soft whimper escaped your swollen lips, but you were taking him in so well.
“You’re doing so good, baby,” he praised you, lips on yours. “So, so good.”
Your fingers were digging into his arms, eyes fluttering to a close.
“You feel so good,” he grunted out, refraining himself from moving. His arms framed your face, hot pants hitting your lips softly.
“Thanks?” You stupidly blurted out without thinking and as you closed your eyes to hide from your sheer embarrassment, Jeongguk just looked at you amusingly. You could feel his body shake as he quietly laughed to himself.
“Tell me when to move,” he softly reminded you. “tell me what you want because I’m all yours.”
You took in a deep breath. “You can move, slowly please.”
He hitched your leg over his hip before he slowly slid out and gently thrusted back inside. Your hands were tightly gripping his biceps, teeth sinking into your bottom lip at the discomfort at first but then Jungkook’s mouth was on your nipple, his tongue sucking and licking to his liking. His hands were gripping the sides of the pillow you were on top of, teeth grinding against each other as he struggled to hold back. You were too tight, too warm, and his veins protruded, arms bulging.
“Can I mark you?” he groaned out, lips releasing your nipple to look at you.
“You already left bruises you twat,” you reminded him and he shrugged. True.
He slowly pulled out, and as he slammed back inside your tight hole, he whimpered out against your skin. He found your mouth to distract him. You were kissing him equally as hard, swallowing his little cries of plea and desperation and that made you so fucking wet. He was this hot guy who looked as if he could fuck you into another universe and here he was whimpering, losing himself into you so desperately.
“Fuck,” you mewled out softly, fingers digging into his hot skin as he suddenly halted.
His face was buried in your neck, voice so rough from holding back. “Right there, baby?”
You nodded, your hands urgently trying to press him closer to you. They roamed the expanse of his back, gently tracing his hot skin as he slid inside you again. You could feel his thick cock pulse inside you and your cunt was clenching uncontrollably around him.
“Do you want me to fuck you harder now? Is that what my baby wants?” He purred out into your ear, his hand gripping your thigh so tightly you could feel your skin bruising.
“Yes,” you eagerly responded, eating up every syllable that dropped from those pretty pink lips of his. He slowly slid out and thrusted back, filling you up to the hilt. Your eyes rolled back into your head, lips parted as mixtures of whimpers and moans slipped from your so innocent lips.
“Fuck, move Guk.”
He let out a thankful sigh as he shoved you further down the couch, hand pinning you by the wrists. “You’re gonna regret that soon.” He slammed into you, hips grinding on to your pubic bone, earning lewd, squelching sounds in return from you.
The sight was unreal. Jungkook was pounding into you to the point your legs had begun to shake. Your hands kept running down his body, admiring every dip and every muscle, and your kisses had turned into heavy pants as his mouth took over your body. He was so good at it that it made your cunt clench onto him, causing him to groan out against your skin. His movements had halted to a slow thrust as he dipped forward, his arms extending to be placed on either side of your face.  
“How’re you feeling?” His arms were bulging, hands veiny, stomach clenching as he slowed down his movements to look at you. He was slowing down his movements to talk to you, but you were too focused on how his cock was filling you up each time he slid out and slammed back in with such brutal force that incoherent noises left your mouth as a response.
“S-So, good, ngh—I, I.”
You felt giddy from the way he was simply looking at you. Fuck, Jungkook stop before I fall in love even more with your dick, and you.
He ran his tongue up the side of your neck, licking a stripe of perspiration from your salty skin as you softly whimpered at the sensation. He was so good at everything. From the way his mouth sucked on your sensitive skin, to the way he was balls deep inside you now, and to the way his hands roamed your body, gripping and touching you until he was engraved in your mind. Every single movement he made, you could feel it and it was hot, so hot.
“Faster,” you panted out, and he complied. God, did he complied. “Kook,” you panted out, stopping him abruptly suddenly.
“What is it, baby?”
“Kiss me,” you incoherently demanded from him, your senses clouded by now. His easy going smile did wonders to your heart before he dipped down and kissed you like you wanted him to. His body molded with yours, his hot skin meeting yours as your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to you than he already was. His strong, bulging arms easily lifted you up from the couch momentarily so he could wrap them entirely around your back, his hands gripping your shoulders now. His tongue languidly rolled over yours, tracing and sucking on your lips until you were panting and breathless. There was this burning need that was he so quickly approaching with each roll of his hips against yours.
“I—Jungkook, ngh—”
“Does my baby want to cum already?”
“Yes, yes, please.” You desperately begged, your mouth missing his as another lewd whimper slipped from your lips. “Please, please.” Your lips were all over his jaw, moans echoing in his living room.
He was so strong, so sweet, and so good at fucking you. You wanted more. He was becoming addicting as each minute with him passed and you prayed to your God that this wouldn’t be the last time you ever saw of him. His tongue traced your lips, and as he spread your legs wider for him to he buried himself into you again, a needy whine escaped your lips. Your legs wrapped around his ass, urging him closer as your vision blurred and your nails dug into his skin. You cried out his name out in the air as your orgasm rippled throughout your body, engulfing you in bliss.  
“You’re so good to me,” he rasped out, his voice laced with need and want. He slowed down, lips molding against yours while you whimpered against his mouth. Your fingers slowly threaded themselves into his damp hair, pants escaping.
“So, so good.” He praised, his voice sounding orgasmic to your ears. “Can my baby handle more?” He purred out against your ear, and you obviously managed out a soft yes.
As a response, you clenched around him and he let out a groan. His hands landed on your hips, suddenly flipping you over against the couch.
“Baby, I’m gonna need for you to bend your knees for me okay? Can my baby do that?”
Your arms shook as you happily complied and rolled over to bent forward now, your heart racing as you felt his hand run down your spine and sides. His finger traced your slit and you bit down on your bottom lip to stop the poor excuse of a moan to come out from your mouth. Your hands extended further on to the couch, gripping tightly as Jungkook slammed into you from behind without warning. He sent you forward from the force, but he didn’t stop. He didn’t stop since you were fucking screaming out his name, pleading him, “Harder, harder, har—”
His fingers tangling into your hair, gripping tightly as you as he fucked you so ruthlessly from behind. Words couldn’t even form anymore. All you were screaming by now was his name since that’s all your body could remember at this point.
“I—I, Jungkook—”
You were utterly fucked.
It was so dirty, so messy, and it was exactly how you wanted it.
His ass was grinding straight balls deep into your ass, his hand roaming your body while he used the other as leverage so his muscled body wouldn’t be completely on you. Meanwhile you could barely hold yourself together. Your fingers had dug into the couch, your mouth directly pressed on the cushion as you tried to stop yourself from screaming so much. But you couldn’t. Not when he felt so good filling you up all the way you could barely breathe. His mouth was sucking so harshly on your skin, his thumb and index finger kneading your nipple. There were tears forming in your eyes as you felt yourself approaching another orgasm.
“More, more,” you cried out in a mantra as you arched your back to meet his sudden thrusts. His arm wrapped around your stomach, pressing himself closer to you. His broad chest was firmly pressed against your back, and you could feel his hand wedge between your slick thighs from your arousal. You lost yourself in his touch, not noticing the way Jungkook was glancing down at you as he abruptly kissed you, swallowing the moan from your lips.
“I love you—” you uttered out, breathless and completely wrecked.
“And I,” He pressed his thumb, drawing figure eights on your abused clit as he grinded his hips against your ass, his tongue running down your neck, sucking briefly. “And I love you.” He was doing so much to you and your brain could only handle so much, but you winded your arm around his neck, pressing him closer.
“I’m coming, I’m coming—” you practically screamed out as your knees buckled before you. He slammed into you one last time as your legs quivered uncontrollably. “Jungkook.” He fell forwards with you, his moans mixing with yours as your body shuddered, your legs quivering from the intensity of another orgasm.
“Fuck,” he breathlessly chuckled, hands beginning to remove strands of your damp hair away from your face. “Are you okay?” he cradled your face, seeming a bit worried since you were just lying there, breathing hard.
“No, you fucking moron.” You managed to mutter out, and he grinned. There you were. “Fuck, you’re too much Guk.” You slowly uttered it out between pants. Your heart was still racing and you couldn’t even feel your legs at this point.
He just laughed.
“You’re too hot for your own good, dude.”
“Thanks?” He seemed skeptic at accepting the compliment from you. “But on a serious note, did you really mean it?’
“What?” You smiled, beginning to accommodate yourself in his embrace. “That I love you?” You reminded him, and he slowly nodded, his hands cupping your chin so you could look at him in the eye.
He nodded, “Yeah.”
You didn’t hesitate. “Always.”
“Well, I just wanted you to know that I love you too,” he confessed and Jeongguk was ecstatic to see that love struck smile appear on your face, because now he was self-aware that it was only reserved for him. “And since I love you so much, you get no choice but to be stuck with me.”
You squinted your eyes at him as you removed his hands from your chin. “Is that another form of way of reassuring that I’m your girlfriend?” you prompted and the sheepish smile was your answer in return.
“In my defense, I fucked you until your next lifetime so I thought that could have helped course your decision whenever I asked.”
“So you waited after you fucked me to ask me to be your girlfriend again?” you concluded, wonderment laced in your voice. Before he answered you just sighed, “For now it’s a temporary no then.”
He pouted, and then a mischievous grin began to appear on his face. “But on another serious note, now that you’re not a virgin and you’re my girlfriend, and that the Gods from above helped you get laid, does that mean you’ll become the filthiest slut just for me?”
You remained silent, eyebrows furrowing at his stupid question. Filthiest slut? Just for him? Out of all the dumb shit he could say he decides to use this moment as a—and then you remembered.
“Oh my God!” you exclaimed, horrified. You tried shoving him away from you, but he just wrapped a hand around your wrist, keeping you pinned down against the couch. “You fucking heard everything didn’t you!”
Jeongguk just rolled over, arms wrapping around your body as he wholeheartedly laughed against your chest. “I’m still your Greek god, right?” He pouted once you smacked him in return. “I’m sure you’re no longer that mute you were before judging by how loudly you were screaming my name just ten minutes ago.”
“Jeon, you’re going to end up without a girlfriend before you even leave this country.”
“Okay,” he snickered to himself, pulling you flush against his body again since you managed to pull away from him. “I’ll shut up now, but come back here.”
Glaring at him, you crawled back into his arms. Jeongguk simply wrapped his arms around your body, kissing the side of your head as he more softly said, “I love you, you goof.”
You hummed in return, sleep beginning to engulf you at the comfort of your boyfriend’s arms.
“And I love you.” you concluded happily before he began to pepper you with kisses, his giggles and touch once again making you surrender to him.  
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tellmeyellme · 4 years
Bound to each other (ch.III)
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genre: angst, ennemies to ???
pairing : Kuroo c reader, Bokuto x reader
WC: 1220
ch.II | Masterlist
Rain pouring down could be heard from his bedroom; there was not much surprising to it as it was late April. Kuroo was laying in his bed, facing the ceiling. Not much happened since the start of the new school year, just like not much happened during the last two terms of his second year. Oh yes, one thing happened. 
He started treating you like he treated the other team members -after all, you were their manager. He had stopped making group chats where you weren’t included. It was just a thing he did so he could hang out with the others without you, thinking it would be too awkward since you ignored each other.  Spending time around you was something he found himself enjoying. You brought some other kind of light to the group  -it almost felt surreal, felt like the sun would have stopped shining upon them if you were to disappear. Was it the way you held yourself, the way you laughed, or even the way you never hesitated to hold out a hand to anyone? 
Your group hangouts allowed him to discover a new you -whether it was the afternoons and evenings spent at the arcade, the park, at one’s house. He had grown to learn some habits of yours - the way you liked your pizza, your taste in movies, the way you could talk so passionately about your favorite authors, and how you always tried to match the color of your shoes and your shirts. And truth to be told, he quite enjoyed it, wishing he could have made you a friend. 
Discomfort seemed to always find a way to intrude itself amongst the two of you whenever you were left alone -it was barely noticeable, but it was still there. He did his best to lessen it, or even get rid of it, making sure to pay attention to even the smallest things about your body language. He had brought you a book you favorite author wrote once, told you he had read it and wished to be able to discuss it with you. “I didn’t think you would enjoy this kind of books, but thanks, that’s very considerate of you, I’ll make sure to read it by the end of the week,” you responded with the slightest smile. Considerate of him? He was no fool, he was under no illusion. He hadn’t expected you to miraculously forgive him, and he wasn’t mad that you didn’t.
Spring symbolized renewal - a wild guess he could make was that there would be plenty of occasions to make you at ease with him. He thought of the Cherry Blossom Festival -it would have been awkward if it was just the two of us though, it would have looked like a date or just something romantic- so he asked the whole team to come.
Waltzing through the sakura trees, a smile adorning your face, he thought you looked like you belonged in a movie -one where you would be the protagonist, one where you would get your own happily ever after. He hoped he would not just be an extra on your movie.You plucked a flower from the trees, tucked it behind your ear and you went back to dancing amongst the tree, surrounded by flowers. And at that moment, Kuroo could have sworn you were one yourself.
It made him remember a haiku he had found after making some research on a poet you talked about. 
さまざまのこと思い出す桜かな*. Various things, they call to mind, ah, cherry blossoms! )*
Yes, all of this was definitely because of the cliché of the romantic set-up made by cherry blossoms -maybe he could have had a better idea than going to Ueno Sakura Matsuri.
The sun was setting down when the group left the park. The colors of it brought out your features in a way he had never seen -it kissed your skin as if it was a first kiss, in the most grandiose way. When the group split, it didn’t take long to start raining -maybe about thirty minutes, but Kuroo was already home. He wondered if you were,or if you had found something to shelter yourself. He hoped you did.
Kuroo rolled around in his bed one last time, deciding that the day he just had was quite odd, but still a good day. It was 11:47 now, he decided he should try to sleep now.
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It was 7:45 when Kuroo’s alarm clock rang. He woke up grudgingly -the first term already ended, but he still had to wake up early to go to the summer training camp. The whole team -you- would be here.  A part of him couldn’t wait to introduce his friends from Fukurodani to the team -to you-, because it had been five years since Nekoma last took part in one of these, so many of his teammates -you- didn’t know them yet. Another part of him was reluctant about that idea, what if the team -you- and the other teams didn’t get along? He decided it didn’t really matter, because at the end of the day, he was Nekoma’s captain, so he would have to side with his team -with you.
Yukie and Kaori were the first to greet you -telling you they were from Fukurodani. Meanwhile, Kuroo was busy catching up with Bokuto: “So she is the manager you told me about? You sure it’s the same person that you told me about? Come on man, she can’t be that bad, Yukie and Kaori seem to like her!” a shocked Bokuto exclaimed loudly, before slapping Kuroo on the shoulder and jogging towards you so he could introduce himself. Ah yeah, he hadn’t really updated him on you. Maybe he should have. 
“HEY HEY HEEEY! I’m Bokuto Kotaro, Fukurodani’s ace and captain,” the spiky haired boy exclaimed, pointing at himself with his thumb. “ And you must be (y/n) if you’re Nekoma’s manager!” 
“Yes, that’s my name,” you giggled, amused by the ace’s antics,”but can I ask you how you know that?” Oh no. Kuroo hoped Bokuto wouldn’t be blunt enough to tell you, especially with all the things he used to say about you. Oh he should have definitely kept him updated about you. Kuroo gave a silent prayer -that’s all he could do at this point.
“How could i NOT know about Nekoma’s manager? As the amazing captain that I am, I must know about my enemies !” 
Ah yes, what Akaashi called “Bokuto’s sixth weakness”, he liked to show off. It made Kuroo remember it -and it made him think that the Gods heard his prayer.He could breathe again; you would not learn about all the things he had said about you. 
He sighed in relief, and closed his eyes for what felt like half a second, but when he opened them again, he saw you laughing at Bokuto’s manners.It made Kuroo happy, thinking that if you made a friend of another one of his, he would get to spend more time with you, and you could become real friends. But he felt like he was shining upon you, brighter than the sun, and like he was blinding you, that you couldn’t see anything but this newfound sun.
A/N: Hi!! sorry for not updating earlier but I have been kinda busy these last few days :// So, about the haiku (*), I find it while looking for Japanese festivals, and i found the Ueno Sakura Matsuri, which is, from what I’ve understood, a cherry blossom festival in Ueno Park, in Tokyo. The haiku was written by Matsuo Basho, and you can read about it here -it’s where I got the traduction. I was thinking about starting an SMAU because I have an a idea, but i don”t know which characters i should pick so :CC. I think it could train me to write ‘dialogue’ even if i think im better at writing messages than dialoues (that introduction was weird AS FUCK, but clearly i can’t even introduce myself so how could i introduce someone else????)
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enniewritesathing · 4 years
The Proposal (Part 3)
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(It’s 6:55pm at Angelo’s. The place was hard to find seeing that it had only opened two months ago. It wasn’t that far of a drive since it was in Magnolia Promade and John was making good time until he hit rush hour/dinner traffic. Speaking of dinner, the restaurant was in the thick of dinner rush. 
John keeps his head on a swivel, even as he heads upstairs. He begins to text pull out his phone to text until he sees the outside area.)
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Eli: “Nephew!”
(John turns his head to the left at the booming voice.)
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John: “Yo, Uncle Eli!”
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“Lookin’ like a mob boss sitting in the corner.”
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“What’s up with the schmedium sweater?”
Eli: “What’s wrong with it? Look, boy, I had to dig this out of the closet. I’ve gained a little bit of weight.”
(John laughs as he sits down.) 
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(John looks around.) “This place is nice. Really nice.”
Eli: “Expectin’ a hole in a wall?”
John: “Actually, yeah.”
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Eli: “Since you wanted a ‘man to man’ talk, I thought it would be better to... y’know, be somewhere more relaxing. That and your aunt wanted me to check this place out; told her I’ll bring something back. May put it on the date list. By the way, food’s gonna be a minute.”
(John groans. Should have eaten an apple or something before he came over. Never mind that he went ahead and ordered for him, but knowing his uncle, it’s going to be a BIG meal.) “How is she, anyway?”
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Eli: “She’s doing fine. Just got back from Del Sol from a photo shoot last night.”
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(Eli’s look changes and John’s stomach drops.) “So, you needed to talk to me man to man. What’s bugging you, nephew?”
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John gulps. The sudden change of his uncle’s demeanor catches him offguard and he doesn’t quite know what to say or even how to say it.)
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John: “Well, I...”
(God, it’s like he’s 16 again, trying to summon the courage to come out. But this time, Brian isn’t here to back him up.)
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(He toys with his fingers.) “I... need some help. I mean, I need help in...”
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Eli: “What?”
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John: “I need help to... ask Brian a very important question.”
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Eli: “Ah. You plan on marrying him, huh?” (He grunts.) “I’m surprised you haven’t done it earlier.”
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John: “That’s the thing. I want to, I’m going to, but... how?”
Eli: “Just tell him how you feel.” 
(John sighs.)
Eli: “Ah, don’t give me that sigh crap. Listen, that’s what I did with Bea. Why are you so nervous, John?”
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John: “That’s the thing! I don’t know why. I don’t know what to say, o-or anything like that. Maybe... there’s some weird thought in the back of my head that he doesn’t feel the same way about me or he doesn’t want to change. I mean, we’re pretty stable. We just bought a house, he’s thinkin’ about going back to school, our cat has room to run around and kind of playin’ with the idea of adopting more cats... but getting married? That’s a BIG change, Uncle Eli and I’m not sure if he’s ready. Or I’m ready.”
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Eli: “John.” (The way he says it, it’s almost fatherly.) “Not to state the obvious, but Brian is perfect for you and you, him. I don’t think you realize it, but he’s changed you for the wildly better. He loves you and you love him. Dare I say, to death. That shit’s beautiful. I saw that from the very beginning. I told Bea you two were going to end up together one day. That’s how strong your relationship is. I wasn’t going to deny both of you of that. Why would I?”
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(John is shocked.) “Did you really say and think that?”
Eli: “Of course. I know I put on an act sometimes, but I know a good thing when I see it. Like I said, surprised you haven’t yet.”
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John: “I’m nervous. But can I ask you this -- how did you propose to Aunt Bea?”
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(Eli laughs.) “Simple really. I got her the biggest bouquet of roses I could afford after her performance of Swan Lake. She was thrilled. She didn’t believe I sat through the whole thing. I told her that I was trying to add a little more culture to my life. But that’s when I knew I was in deep. I was in love with Bea. She knew it too; I saw her eyes time to time to find me. It was like... a dream I didn’t want to wake up from.”
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“She was... very beautiful that night. Extravagant. Rapturing. All those nice, big words, y’know? I had the ring on me too, and I could have dropped on one knee then and there and told everybody there. But, decided not to ruin her moment. Besides... she was very hungry.”
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John: “Did you take her out to a fancy restaurant?”
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Eli: “No. Couldn’t afford it, so we went to Mike’s. Got her the fattest bacon cheeseburger. I’ve never seen this woman eat so fast in my life. Was gonna take her to the nearby park to walk it off, but she was understandably tired. Crashed soon as we got home. I held on to the ring that whole night, but I said ‘fuck it’ and just slipped it on her hand and waited until morning.”
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John: “You stayed up the whole night?”
Eli: “Yep. When she found out, she cried and all of that. I dropped down to one knee, told her how I felt; she told me yes, and that was that.”
John: “Wow.”
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Eli: “Is that the ring?”
John: “Yeah. Just in case. Sometimes Brian has random urges to look through things.”
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“I was practicing last night. I don’t know what to say. I could have done it last night, but I ended up chickening out. I like your idea, but, Brian’s a light sleeper. He’ll definitely know. You know I’m not the sneakiest person, Uncle Eli.”
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Eli: “Yeah, you do suck at that sort of thing.”
John: “I was thinking about proposing at Worlds when I win the whole thing. Y’know, become Brian’s champion.”
Eli: “Hmm. Marriage contingent on you winning Worlds?” (Beat.) “That’s real dumb, boy. And presumptious. Don’t make Brian wait that long. Not that I have any faith in you.”
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“You can always elope like Elle did.”
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John: “Uncle, I’m serious about th--”
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(He stops.) “Wait, what did you say?”
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Eli: “Elope like your mom did.”
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John: “Hang on. She eloped?! She never told me that part!”
Eli: “Oh? You don’t know?”
John: “She told me that she and Dad got married at the courthouse because they were broke and couldn’t afford to have the wedding they wanted. I mean, it’s not real eloping if you know about it. Or approve of the marriage in the first place.”
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Eli: “That is true, but the complete truth is that she eloped. I didn’t know about it for six months.”
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“Or the part where she hid you and Jake from all of us for almost two years...”
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John: “Two years?! Holy shit.”
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Eli: “You have no idea how much I wanted to strangle your father.”
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John: “For keeping us secret?”
Eli: “No, for knocking your mom up, but at least... ah, well, anyway, I’m sure you can ask her for the details since you’re an adult. That was such a goddamn mess, finding out I was an uncle.”
(John covers his mouth. Here he was thinking his mom didn’t wild out in her younger days. He’s really tempted to ask what else did she do, but that’s not what he was here for.)
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(Eli pauses.) “Speaking of... Brian’s not... y’know?”
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John: “Not wh-- (a little too loudly) “No!” (He laughs, nervous.) “No, no, Brian’s not. Brian’s not a Seahorse. Otherwise... we would have had kids long ago.”
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Eli: “John, calm down, it’s just a question. Do you two plan on it?”
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(John clutches a hand over his heart to calm himself down.) “Well, I gotta make sure he’ll even marry me in the first place, Uncle Eli, let alone have kids. One step at a time.”
Eli: “Ah, good.”
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(Eli jabs a finger at John.) “I know you came here for advice, but you said something interesting. Worlds. Being Brian’s champion.”
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“You’re a drama king, you know that? Grandiose, but a good head on your shoulders. Are you saying that just to be saying that or do you actually mean it? Are you ready to go through everything that entails? Physically, emotionally, mentally? This will be different than Juniors.”
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John: “I mean it.”
Eli: “You don’t look like it. Tell you what -- the deadline isn’t for another month. That’ll give you time to tell Brian. Maybe make your move early and tell him you want to be his World Champion.”
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“My advice to you, from your uncle... tell him. Tell him everything. What’s on your mind. Tell him what’s in your heart. Tell him what you feel in your soul and all of that mushy shit. Don’t hold back.”
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“You two have been together long enough to understand each other. Hell, you may not even need to go through all of that.”
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“When you know it’s the right time, go for it.”
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(John smiles.) “Alright. Deadline’s next month? That’s plenty of time.”
Eli: “The sooner, the better. That way I can get a head start on conditioning. I’m not gonna go easy on you, nephew.”
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(John offers his fist and Eli meets it.)
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Eli: “You ready?”
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John: “Hell yeah.”
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(Both slam their fists together with a mighty krrack!!)
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justkimberley · 5 years
HSMTMTS Thoughts Episode 7
Episode 1   Episode 2    Episode 3   Episode 4   Episode 5  Episode 6
This one is also kinda long (~2200 words)
Nini and Ricky doing a fantastic job harmonizing in Start of Something New
the dance routine around them is absolutely crazy and all over the place
So it seems that Seb is just their resident piano player (side note, who ended up getting Kelsey??)
Big Red with the flashlight trying so hard to keep it on the disco ball
EJ interrupting because of the bell. Does anyone really love Thanksgiving that much??
Also I always forget that American Thanksgiving is like a month later than Canadian Thanksgiving and I was hella confused for a second.
Ricky is so surprised that Nini is complimenting him
Ashlyn as Robotics Team captain! (side note Big Red gives her an impressed look after he overhears that she’s the captain)
Also: debate team, baking club, high priestess of the Renaissance Faire
We love a multifaceted lady
Miss Jenn/Mr. Mazzarra trying to have a ‘my horse is bigger than your horse’ banter except neither of them have the horses they claim to have
“With whoever could possibly love you,” lol ok Miss Jenn went for the head
“Late night party” - party starts at 8 that’s adorable
“Small group or…” “PARTY AT ASHLYN’S HOUSE!”
It’s really interesting learning about Nini’s Lola (? I think that’s how it’s spelled, which is what I believe Filipino people call their grandmother’s), and her story
I’m just really proud of Ricky’s Dad. Like he was in such a bad place 2-3 episodes ago and now he’s taking care of himself and Ricky (even if it isn’t a grandiose Thanksgiving) he’s trying and I think he’s doing great
“We roll hard” I just really love this line
“I suppose if you’re lonely, you could always just… randomly text my drama teacher,” “Too soon… RIck,” “... yeah okay”
That was pretty funny. Also, it seems like Ricky’s okay with his dad dating?
Ricky’s mom waiting for him to call
I don’t know how I feel about this to be honest. I feel like maybe she should have tried to call him first and then if he didn’t answer or want to talk to her, that she should wait for him to make the next move then.
EJ’s truth arc is very funny to me
Big Red and Ashlyn
“I promise not to steal your phone if you promise not to throw a basketball at my face,” “No, the only thing I’d ever throw at your face is a brighter spotlight cause, I like the way you sing
Oof they’re so cute, we love little crushes
Also this might be an unpopular opinion but y’all need to calm down about the whole ‘Ashlyn and Big Red are GAY and they only THINK theyy like each other’ thing. #1 It was never confirmed for them to be gay. #2 You can still have wlw and mlm head-cannons for them! Bi, Pan, and other multiple gender attraction oriented people exist, even if you forget about us sometimes.
They are a cute little pairing of people who are always looking out and taking care of other people. It’s okay for them to do things for themselves.
Ricky debating calling his mom, it took a lot of courage and then Todd picks up.
Hangs up immediately, it almost looked like he was going to have a panic attack. That would be so hard, such an extreme shift
I guess the reason he was more okay with his Dad dating was that his Dad was open and honest with him about it. Calling your Mom only to find out that she has a boyfriend that a. She never told you about b. He knows about you and c. is trusted enough to be left alone with her phone while she showers? Is a lot, and probably means that she started dating him before the split was official.
Ricky going to call Nini and then deciding against it. Why doesn’t he feel like he can talk to Big Red about this kind of stuff? Why does he always go to Nini first?
Gina shows up, those are good looking cupcakes
She made him a hat!
She looks so hesitant before she gives it to him!
Gina’s like ‘look dude, I know something’s wrong, spill the beans’
Ignore it and push through - I understand where she’s coming from but you really shouldn’t ignore your problems, it usually just makes them worse
“Do what makes you happy,” “... Give me that hat,”
Adorable, also do what makes you happy is good advice so we’re a little all over the map here
“That’s too big,” “I’ll grow into it,” (adorable)
Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazzarra’s whole interaction is hilarious.
Don’t burn down my shop! - holy shit, foreshadowing buddies
Ashlyn is so cute! She’s so happy when people compliment her
“I highly recommend not telling someone you love them for the first time on instagram” - yup! That’s what I said in the first one of these I did.
Carlos - “The party may begin!” - I totally thought he said “The party made me gay,” the first time I watched it so uhh yeah
Big Red is lactose intolerant
Carlos’ board game is amazing
“High School Musical the Choosical,” - fantastic name
Everyone is so accepting
Ashlyn and Big Red choosing to be on the same team
“South Side Knights -” “It’s the West High Nights,” “the West High Knights”
Ej is like a compulsive truther now. And it’s kind of hilarious
His face when he says “She laughed!” is hilarious and kind of adorable
“I gotta go join the party, and admit some terrible things, you ladies, catch up!” - I wish we got to see what he was admitting to, I find this whole thing quite funny
I’m glad that Emily and Nini got some reconciliation, I know Nini felt guilty even though it wasn’t her fault
That is not a good cockney accent
Why did Ricky enter alone when him and Gina walked together?
And he left her to open the door on her own with all those cupcakes?
“Buddies,” “We,”
Ricky and Gina both laughing about YouTube, cuties
Look, feelings are feelings and you can’t help what you feel, but pushing someone away and insisting to remain only friends means that you shouldn’t be upset when he makes a new friend
Mr. Mazzara and Miss Jenn
The plug socket is in the frame, more foreshadowing
“He won’t.. Not… fall” this show loves it’s double negatives huh? I don’t not love you, he won’t not fall etc.
“Ok but the center of gravity is off,” YES to different kinds of intelligence being helpful in fields other than the main one people associate them with
Carlos thinking people are going to keep judging him and the theater people being as accepting as possible
EJ is a gleek
What I’ve Been Looking For to the rhythm of Get Your Head in the Game is hard! (Catch me on the piano later trying to figure it out lol)
It just turns into a terrible rap
EJ - “That was terrible,” Seb -  “I’m so happy”
EJ vs. Ricky - “without laughing… or killing each other,”
This is a good parallel to the basketball scene, once again they get kind of aggressive, but this time they also joke around and no one gets hurt
Also I would love to see them become friends, I mean they both need to grow a little before that happens, but I have hopes
They missed the ‘neeee howww’ part of it, I really wanted to hear them do the high voices
EJ’s little “mehh” that sounds like a duck kills me everytime
Gina and Nini awkwarddd
“I do have high hopes for a junior year at East High” oof babey :(
“It must be nice sometimes though, right?” - nini does not understand
This actually gives us an insight as to why they don’t understand each other. Nini would love nothing more than to start a new life with no drama and Gina would love nothing more than to have a life that lasts longer than a couple months before being restarted.
Gina/Nini apology very exciting, hopefully they can actually become friends
“It’s all good,” from Nini seemed disingenuous, I don’t know if it’s because of the Wonderstudy thing or the Ricky thing. 
The sleepover thing I was so worried that it would be a mean spirited thing but I’m so glad it wasn’t
Nini sits on Ricky’s lap when she goes back to the game room and I don’t know if it’s intentional or not but it’s kind of like she’s trying to lay her claim back on Ricky.
Gina looks so happy when a. Carlos calls her in and b. the happy dance about the sleepover! (why’d they have to ruin the happiness??)
Mr. Mazarra returning the favour
“It’s beautiful,” “Math often is,” dudde I feel you I fucking love math
“I cannot stress to you enough how uncomfortable that would make me feel,”
“You know what we should do?” “Break off eye contact sometime soon?”
I’m dying
“It’s about a robot!” this is… pretty adorable. She just wants to make a genuine connection with him
Also are they going to do a romance route with these two? Because I can see them setting it up but also imagine if they just become like… best friends? I feel like they’d be unstoppable.
Musical Choosical Handbook of Rulesicals
“I thought you had never actually played this with people-” “Honey not today of all days,”
Carlos and Seb are the only couple with no bad drama and I’m living for it (please let them just stay happy)
Oops! I knew that jersey question… also it’s definitely the answer Big Red would now because he’s only watched the movie with no words (at his allergists office)
“And do people usually talk like that?” “No they do not.” - gold
EJ the compulsive cheater and also compulsive truther makes a comeback (I seriously find this so funny I don’t know why)
“I love to pop and lock and jam and break,” oh GIna
She’s so happy about winning
Not realistic, you know that the second she called her mom at least someone would be like “pass the weed,” (you know because friends are awesome and also terrible)
“Can you take me off speaker”
Some people are like ‘oh no is she in trouble?’
I kind of hate that it looks like Nini looks sort of happy about Gina’s mom asking her to take her off speaker - I really don’t want Nini to turn into a catty person.
Ricky is concerned
Why did her mom tell her this right now? She should have waited until the next morning, like that wouldn’t have hurt anyone and it would have let them form stronger bonds. And Gina would have had her first sleepover and also they might form strong enough bonds to try and stay in contact with her
Ricky is worried for her, he’s like, ‘You made me feel better, so I’ll go make you feel better’
Nini’s looking upset that Ricky’s being emotionally aware for once? Like dude, he’s grown up a lot since BEFORE summer break? That’s like six months ago I think at this point?
Ricky just wants to help Gina feel better because she made him feel better
She doesn’t understand that they can stay friends even if she leaves and I just :(
“Please don’t do that” he’s so overwhelmed
“My mom moved out two weeks ago and she’s already got a new boyfriend, sound familiar?” Oooh low blow Ricky bud.
“Really don’t need advice from a .. buddy right now,”
Ok but then who does Ricky want advice from? I’m so confused. This boy needs to get a better support system and learn how to use it. Romantic relationships should not be your only outlet for your problems.
Red and Ashlyn
“I hope Gina’s gonna be okay,” - Big Red is so sweet!
They’re so cute
“Hey Big Red? Don’t forget your dip,” - oh she was so going to ask him out and then lost the nerve
Write something for yourself.
It’s a hard thing to do, dude. It’s also hard to let yourself feel so vulnerable, even if it’s only you that’s going to hear it
Gina packing, I feel so sad for her, she’s finally made some good friends and now she has to leave again. She kept the badge! :( 
EJ losing followers and being cancelled, at least we know why now
It seems like a lot of EJ’s self worth comes from how others think of him. So losing followers is probably a pretty big hit. I wonder if he’ll keep going with his whole truth thing when it has these consequences or if he’ll just go back to what he was doing before. I hope that he has a positive arc but, will it go downhill from here? I hope not.
Ricky about to apologise to Nini (why did he erase it, he probably should have sent that) - side note: their conversation before was them asking each other if they were going to the party
It’s interesting that Nini had pictures of EJ and Ricky up still
Gina’s crying face is making me cry
“Hey mom, it’s me, I miss you so much,” tears
Nini hanging up pictures of her grandma and the musical. She’s really trying to move forward from boys huh?
Is nini going to apply to the theater school??
Electrical fire???????? WHy??
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hazelnmae · 5 years
Lies Travel Faster: Chapter One
Summary: Sophia Murphy's life seems to be on the upswing when she takes a job with Birmingham's notorious Shelby Company Ltd. But when she falls for her boss, CEO and ruthless gangster, Tommy Shelby, she finds herself wrapped up in a tangled web of danger and deceit. After all, lies travel faster than the truth.
Tags: Tommy Shelby x Original Female Character; Tommy/Assistant Trope (it’s a hill I’ll die on)
Warnings: angst; smut (in future chapters); violence; language; rape/non-con; death
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“God, he doesn’t really sound like that, does he?” She asked. But John just kept up the imitation, trying his best not to crack a smile. With a deep voice and with narrowed eyes he said, “Look, love, I’ll snap your neck if you fuck up my books one more time,” as he pointed his finger in her face.
Sophie laughed, tears filling her eyes.
Despite having spent the last few months in Birmingham she hadn’t met any of the Shelby family until last night at the pub when, uninvited, John tried to put his hands on her ass. She sweetly batted them away, instantly recognizing the haircut she’d been warned about. Much to her surprise, he didn’t respond with anger or aggression. Instead he asked her to join him for a pint, which Sophie found herself happy to accept.
She sat with John for hours that night, joking about anything she could between somber discussions of the war.
Sophie had heard the three Shelby brothers served in France when she was there. Although it’d been six years now since the war, Sophie was still trying to settle and make a home for herself in England.
John’s eyes slowly filled with tears each time he spoke of the Somme. Sophie let him finish each story before subtly turning back to lighter subjects. He wasn’t the brightest man she’d ever met, but she could tell he knew she was saving him from himself, and that he appreciated it.
He mentioned the job at the end of the night, as he helped her into her coat.
“We’re in need of a bookkeeper. It’s not much. The pay isn’t impressive and the work is tedious, but it’d help you get back on your feet.” John seemed so kind-hearted, nothing like the rumors she’d heard of him.
Sophie had told him of her struggle to find work after the war. She started in London, at a small hospital which closed after only a few years. She’d worked odd jobs after that, but hadn’t been able to find new work as a nurse, regardless of how hard she’d tried.
“Come by tomorrow morning, if you’re interested,” he’d said.
That was last night. This morning Sophie sat cutting up with John in the front room of Shelby Company Ltd. as she waited to interview for the open post as a bookkeeper.
“I swear, I sound just like him. Right Pol?” John leaned back in his chair and asked his aunt for affirmation. She responded with an eye roll that would have shook the ground, if it wasn’t accompanied by a smile.
As she spoke with John, Sophie observed the grandiose office space. It was dark, in a rich and purposeful way. Mahogany adorned the walls, broken up only by the glass windows of several offices and dim sconces that bounced a flattering light about the room. She and John sat at one of two desks in the front room, while Polly occupied the other.
The offices off the main waiting room appeared impressive. She could clearly see into two of them, through the open blinds on the clear glass windows. But the office at the back had mottled glass windows and large, frosted glass, double doors keeping it closed off from prying eyes. Etched in the glass was a name: Thomas Shelby.
One common theme in all the stories she’d heard about the Peaky Blinders was Thomas Shelby’s ruthlessness. Sophie knew he’d made a way for himself, and his whole family, by doing what others were too afraid to do. He’d taken what he wanted, what he thought they deserved, without caring who he hurt along the way. She was nervous to be in, what she assumed to be, the company’s headquarters. Even more nervous at the thought she’d have to interview with Thomas. John hadn’t mentioned his brother last night and she, naively, never thought he’d be involved with hiring such a low level position.
Polly seemed to read the trepidation on her face and offered some encouragement, “We keep racking up new enemies. We just need to be sure we can trust any new hire in the office.”
“Oh don’t worry about Tommy,” John added, seeing her reaction to Polly’s words. “If I tell him to hire you, he will,” he said with a wink and a smile. That gained him another eye roll from Polly, who lit a cigarette and smiled.
Just as she was considering the irony of a gangster’s name etched in such an elegant script, the main door to the office quickly flung open, dragging in a swath of cold, winter air. A dark silhouette filled the bright space behind the door as Sophie’s eyes adjusted to the blinding light behind it. As he walked into the room, she saw Thomas Shelby for the first time. Sophie made note not of his handsome features, but of their sad expression. He looked like a war-worn soldier--like so many of the men she saw daily in France--wearing a three piece suit.
He shot a glance her way as he removed his peaked cap and walked past her to his office. The air behind him hung thick with tobacco.
“Stay right there,” John said with a wink as he followed quickly on Tommy’s heels. Polly also stood, smiled in Sophie’s direction, and walked into Tommy’s office closing the door behind them.
“Good morning, Thomas,” Polly said, as she closed the door behind them.
Tommy worked in silence as he poured himself a whiskey with no regard for the early hour. He’d been shaken by the black hand they’d received earlier in the week and had spent the last few days even closer to the edge than usual.  But it was finding a stranger in the front room this morning that’d really tried his patience.
“Who’s the bird?” He asked in his deep, raspy brummie.
“Name’s Sophie. She’s applied for the position. Here for an interview,” John explained with a proud smile.
Tommy paused, his back still turned to Polly and John as he contemplated his response. “Send her home,” he said as he replaced the whiskey decanter on the table.
“Wha—Why?” Asked John.
“I said to send her home,” louder this time. The topic wasn’t open for debate.
“She’s bright, and funny—you should have heard her out there,” John said, his own frustration rising as he bit down on the toothpick he’d placed between his teeth.
“Tommy,” said Polly, “the girl needs a job. She has no family and is half a world away from anything familiar.”
“Don’t,” Tommy said, knowing Polly was trying to appeal to his heart. He sat down and began rifling through the papers on his desk, confident he’d put the matter to bed.
“We need a bookkeeper,” Polly said, this time leaving his heart out of it.
“Fine,” said Tommy, slamming the papers back down on the desk. “Send her in.”
John and Polly turned toward the door.
“I’ll send her home,” he mumbled over his glass of whiskey.
Tommy watched John’s misshapen silhouette through the mottled glass as he spoke with Sophie and led her back toward the office door. He returned his gaze to the desk as she entered and waited until John cleared his throat to acknowledge either one of them.  It didn’t matter how bright or funny she was, his gut told him it was the wrong time to hire a beautiful new employee. And his gut was rarely wrong.
“Come in and shut the door behind you,” he said to her.
Sophie wasn’t prepared for the pleasant lilt yet ominous depth of his voice. It was more silky than his brothers impression of him--although John had perfected the hardened tone--like rubbing velvet against the nap. Sophie entered the room with her chin held high and looked directly into his hollow, crystal eyes.
“Sit” he commanded.
She made her way across the room toward his desk only stopping when he gestured toward the leather covered chair directly across from him. He watched her intently from across his whiskey glass as she moved, slow but steady. She was slight, but seemingly strong. Her dress hung from her muscular curves in a pleasing way that he hadn't noticed when she was seated outside.
“What’s your name,” he asked.
“Sophia Murphy.”
He leaned back in his chair. “Are you fucking my brother, Ms. Murphy?”
While his question surprised her, it was the coldness with which he asked it that really caught her off guard. John had been so warm, but she could tell now that Thomas was something quite different. She watched him grow impatient awaiting her answer.
“No.” She answered plainly.
His cold, blue eyes ripped through her, but she didn't flinch. She’d spent much of her life around men like Thomas Shelby. Powerful, intelligent men who were accustomed to getting what they wanted. And while he was very different from his brother, she wasn't afraid of him.
He finally broke the silence. “Do you want to?”
Sophie refused to answer, internally seething at the audacity with which he'd asked the question. She calmed herself, though, before her anger became apparent.
Tommy removed the cigarette box and matches from his breast pocket and set them on the table. Slowly, as if he knew how it complemented his full lips, he placed a cigarette between them and let hang from a moment before lighting it.  
“So why are you here instead of America, Ms. Murphy?” he asked, changing the subject. The smoke from his cigarette lazily filled the air between them. She watched the ash collect before he finally tapped it into the crystal ashtray in front of him.
“There’s nothing left for me there,” She replied.
She had a confidence about her that he admired. Tommy wasn’t accustomed to women speaking to him so openly. All the women he’d know, with the exception of his aunt Polly, had assumed a submissive role in his presence. Sophie was rather exhilarating in that regard--something different. He raised an eyebrow at her, encouraging her to continue.
“I have no family, Mr. Shelby,” Sophie continued. “My parents died when I was 16. My older brother and I ran the family business until the draft.”
He offered her a cigarette and leaned across the desk to light it when she accepted. He didn’t return to his original position, choosing, instead, to stay somewhat close to her.
“Henry was killed in the third year of his deployment. I’d only been in a year myself at that time. I never even considered returning home. By the time the news of the treaty reached us in Amiens, I’d almost forgotten about home altogether.”
There it was.
She’d been changed by the war, just like him. She’d seen men at their worst--the world at its worst. She saw war--and survived it. Amiens. Verdun. The Somme. Mons. All teeming with despair. All ruined.
He’d been ruined by the war. Perhaps so had she.
“Nurse turned bookkeeper?” he asked.
“I’m not a bookkeeper,” she responded. “Turns out too many nurses survived,” she grinned sardonically.
Tommy understood. He’d struggled to find his own place after the war, always unsure of whether or not the world really needed his newly acquired talents. What he’d eventually settled into resembled his life before the war, but was quite detached. He couldn’t get the war out of his bones and found himself constantly on edge like he had been in the tunnels. In every relationship he felt himself harden and close off access to his thoughts and emotions. When he had finally opened his heart to Grace, it became her undoing. He’d decided it was best to keep everyone at a safe distance. The fear of losing someone always present in the back of his mind.
“I don’t want to hire you as a bookkeeper,” he said, watching her. She didn’t look up or even seem to really acknowledge him at all, except for the almost imperceptible nod she made in his direction. If he hadn’t been staring so carefully at her, he’d have missed it.
She gathered her purse and made as if to stand and leave when he interrupted again, “I’d like to hire you as an assistant. My assistant,” he continued. “You’ll keep the diary, answer phone calls, reply to posts. General secretarial work.”
She stood in silence a moment and held his gaze, sure there was more he wanted to say.
“I feel confident my associates will take a shine to you. I could use someone like you at the important meetings.” It wasn’t untrue, but he was kidding himself if he thought he was hiring her for any reason other than the fact that he was simply fascinated by her.
Sophie let out a laugh, causing him to lose control of the smile that crossed his own lips. “Is that a ‘no’, then?”  
Sophie just shook her head. “I’ll only accept on one condition, Mr. Shelby.” He nodded, beckoning her to continue. “Under no circumstances will I fuck you, or anyone else for you. Including John. I will not be used, Mr. Shelby”
She is fascinating.
Tommy nodded. “Fair enough,” he said, as he stood and extended his hand to shake hers. “Welcome to Shelby Company Limited,”
And he held her hand a little longer than was proper.
Read Chapter 2
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caitielady8705 · 5 years
What I can’t get off my mind after watching that horrible excuse for a man speak AT (not WITH) Taylor:
1. He speaks about women like they are possessions. He never once said Kim. It was “my wife”. And even “my daughter”. They were minimized to be being things owned by him. You guys. I cannot emphasize enough how fucking dangerous that is. This is a tactic seen over and over again in abusers. Dehumanizing for their own gain. This is one of the ways emotional and physical abuse begin. It’s part of the cycles of coercive control. This is terrifying.
2. He’s not well. He seems to be in a manic state. Not making sense, reckless choices and behaviors with no consideration of consequence. He inflates his status, or perception of status, as a way to continue feeling untouchable and important. I mean, look at how irresponsible he was with finances. That is literally part of assessing someone for bipolar disorder and manic or hypomanic states. He desperately needs medication to help balance what’s happening in his brain chemistry. That is also dangerous. He could hurt himself or someone else irreparably- and I mean even more than what he did to Taylor. I’m literally saying life and death here. It’s absolutely not ok.
3. Listen to how he speaks about himself. I know you all know I’m a therapist. And this is what we mean when we talk about grandiosity. Inflating the sense of self to maintain ego. This is narcissism by clinical definition in action. How he feels like he’s in the right. That he’s this “cultural icon” and life changing simply for having the ability to string a melody together. This is literally what delusions of grandeur look like. How he talks about fashion. How his wife is a status symbol FOR HIS EGO. How he’s going to take over fashion. Who he knows. All of it. I cannot emphasize enough that this is narcissism if not full blown Narcissistic Personality Disorder (that would require an in depth assessment though). But the markers are certainly there. And that’s frightening.
4. Listen to how fearful Taylor was. She couldn’t elicit an honest answer out of that person. He made her feel so scared that she had to placate his insane reactionary state for her own preservation. She absolutely spoke her peace in many ways, and I’m so proud. Those moments are NEVER easy. But how she tried to get him to tell her the lyrics or play the song.. she want the truth. And he saw it as fear (which he probably perceived as respect. Or simply liked that he could make someone feel fearful) and chose to take advantage of that. That speaks far more to his character, or lack thereof, than anything to do with Taylor. And how Kim just goes along with all of it. They’re simply disgusting, soulless, thoughtless, succubus’ in humanity. On a basic human level, they showed their true colors. And they’re all ugly.
5. We Stan an absolute Queen. I know she never lied. You know she didn’t lie. We all fucking knew she was the honest one. @taylorswift I am so proud of you. How you even chose, to a degree, to let us see that vulnerability and forgiveness until he did this. And then feeling like you had to hide- I am so sorry you were ever made to feel less than. You really did something beautiful out of this heap of shit laid on your doorstep. And that says who you are. Every decision you made. Every precious thing you hid to keep safe. Every song YOU WROTE. Girl. I don’t know if I could have had the fortitude to keep going after feeling so alone and broken.. but you did. And I am in total awe of you. I can’t even conceptualize what it felt like on that scale. I was bullied before, and I know how I felt then- how afraid, alone, scared, hurt- empty- it all was. But magnifying it to be what you survived- it makes me ache for you. What I do know is that you gave me hope. Your actions filled my very soul with resiliency. I cannot thank you enough for being you. For choosing to create. For your ability to keep fucking going. I loved you a long time before this incident. But seeing all of this, the things you had to go through.. I love you all the more. Narcissistic people will always try and control the story when they feel they can’t control you. And you made the choice to take your power back. And to me, that is inspiring. Thank you. You’re my whole heart.
6. Karma is real. But it’s always worth the wait.
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itsabluefloor · 5 years
Snowbaz oneshot: prompt request.
Prompt request: Mordelia catching Snowbaz all loved up and teasing them with Malcolm. Loved writing this one, please send more<33 And tell me if you like this one.
“You know your eyelashes flutter?” Baz says, taking a good look at the boy beside him. Both of them are laying tightly wrapped in each other, covered in the warm morning light. Making Simons' skin even more golden than it already is as a canvas for his moles and freckles. They woke up over an hour ago, but none of them seem to want to wake up.
“Yeah." Simon lazily answers before even thinking. His curls splayed out on the pillow beneath them. "Or wait, what? They flutter?” He opens his eyes for and looks up at Baz.
“Yeah” Baz whispers back, holding back a yawn, "when we’re really, really close, they flutter"
“How do they flutter?" Simon asks again, sitting up in the bed, now curious. "Like ‘her eyelashes fluttered as he looked at her’ kind of flutter? Or like a bloody butterfly flutters his wings?” Baz shakes his head and holds back a laugh to answer the curiousness that is Simon Snow.
“Maybe the first one I think. What, you haven’t noticed before?” He answers sitting up straighter too.
“No, I don’t think so? No one has ever told me anyway. It's not like Aggs ever noticed stuff like that and no one has been as close to me as you two. Do it again!” Simon hurries through the sentence. His eagerness taking a slight hold of him where he sits.
“Do what?”
“I don’t know. Get close, make them flutter.” Simon says, blinking his eyes to prove the point. Which only makes Baz smile even softer than before, if that’s even possible when he's with Snow.
“Make them flutter, wow” Baz repeats to himself before he moves one of his fingers slowly towards Simons' eye, as carefully as possible. It's not like he wants to stab them again. He did that once, by accident in third year, and as funny Snow looked with an eyepatch, Baz is not that bad of a boyfriend. Not this morning anyway.
“No, wait!” Simon stops him panicking slightly before standing up on his knees to find his phone and reaching it to Baz. “Film it”
Baz laughs again “You serious?”
He earns a decisive nod back. «I’m curious,” Simon explains as he lets his back hit the mattress again.
“You’re such a tosser,” Baz says, but takes the phone either way. He presses play on the camera and then with an American accent, explains the video like he is doing a magickal science project. Mostly because he knows that Simon loves his American accent...
“First try on the experiment; how does it look when Simon Snow's eyelashes flutter.” He says with a stern voice. Making Simon laugh out loud before he finally settles down. Too afraid to move and get stabbed in the eye. Cause that was not a good experience as he remembers it.
“You ready?” Baz asks with a smile and earns yet a nod from the boy beside him. He is just about to again, carefully touch the lash, when someone barges in the door. Immediately followed by a disgusted outbreak and the door closing harshly.
"What the fuck are you lot doing? Dad said no fucking in the house and you're making a porno?"
Baz and Simon jerk quick as lightning up from the pillows. Simon with cheeks as red as tomatoes and Baz with his usual, unaffected look. Both shirtless.
"What have I said Mordelia, if you don't knock you don't go in," Baz says, his voice as stern as his fathers.
“And for your information, we weren’t making a sex tape." Simon pipes in, his voice a little smaller. He still isn't sure that Mordelia is not a vampire herself as she looks and acts exactly like Baz did when he was here age. Like right now, she's just standing there with a big smirk on her mouth like she just found the best blackmail material ever.
"We weren’t even fucking,” Baz says, standing up from the bed and closing the window, earning a mine from Simon. “Now at least.” He adds, and Simon tries to hide the blush rising from the comment.
“What the hell were you doing then? With a phone, in the bed, you on top of him?” She asks. Giving suggestively looks at both of them as she speaks.
“Snow wanted to see how it looks when his eyelash flutters,” Baz answers for the both of them and Mordelia delivers a disgusting face again. "It was cute,"  
“What even” Is all Mordelia answers, before quickly giving up on finding what weird thing they do when she’s not here and instead reaches into her pocket to get her phone. She plops down on the sofa in the room and Baz practically jumps up to shove her out again the second she does.  
"I'll tell mom if you don't let me hang with you!" She shouts when he tosses her over his shoulders. Making Simon laugh out loudly. "I'll tell dad!" She tries again but has no chance of getting down from her vampire brothers’ hands before she is over the threshold and the door is closed between them again.
"You know that she will tell Malcolm, right?" Simon asks as Baz joins him on the bed again.
"I know, but he won't be home for a couple of hours, Daphne won't care and it's still morning and I don't want to stress any more than I have to." He says tiredly. Simon stares at him weirdly.
"I mean, who are you and what have you done to my overthinking, emotional mess that is my boyfriend? Did you finally cave in and tried human blood or?"
“No, I did not kill anybody today Snow.” He would never bite a person for food and they both know it. "And are you calling ME a mess? You're the definition of mess Snow." Baz teases back, leaning in to tuck a curl behind his ear.
"Wasn't me who was pining after my roommate for years without telling them." Simon laughs, shoving Baz's shoulder playfully where they lay face to face.
"Wasn't me who took three years to realize that my girlfriend never really liked me in that way." Baz shoots back and Simon gives him another shove along with an offended look.
"Truce?" Baz asks and reaches out his hand for him to take. Simon cackles at that but shakes it nevertheless along with a soft: "truce"
Hours pass before Simon is too hungry to stay in bed any longer and needs food asap. Baz grudgingly joins him down to their grandiose, marble tiled kitchen and opens the fridge filled to the brim with different kinds of food, along with a couple containers of pig’s blood. Baz takes one out and then looks back into the fridge to find something to eat.
"Dinner leftovers?" He asks.
"Nah," Simon answers from his kitchen stool behind him.
"Okay, how about a sandwich?"
"´Yeah okay"
"What do you want on?" Baz asks again, finding some bread from the drawer.
"I don't know, normal sandwich stuff?" Simon shrugs back
"Normal sandwich stuff, you tosser." He insults back but still picks out some cheese and etcetera to make one for Simon. He is just about done when Malcolm enters the room.
Two hours too early.
"Good day boys" He announces as he picks up his paper at the table Simon's sitting on. "Or should I say morning for you two?” He asks, looking them up and down.
"Father," Baz greets back as neutral as possible. Pouring himself a cup of blood to go with the food.  "Didn't think you would be home so soon. Would have put on some more suitable clothes if I had known" He tries to excuse himself.
"I did text you to say that the meeting went quickly, but you were probably too busy with Simons phone to see that message." He says, and Simon chokes on the food in his mouth. Baz can't hold his redness down this time either and stops in the middle of a sip. Malcolm just smiles smugly at himself.
"Ehm, what do you mean?" Baz finds the words to ask after a couple of seconds.
"Mordelia told me about how she found you two this morning, and you know what I said about these kinds of activities in the home when you're guests."
"Father." "Sir." Both Simon and Baz say in unison, desperate to tell the truth as quickly as possible.
"Calm down boys, just be careful right?" He answers smugly again and rises from his chair along with his paper. As he walks out the door he says behind him; " And use protection!" Both Simon and Baz are left completely stunned in the kitchen. Neither of them knows just what happened.
"Forget about you," Simon says after he has collected himself a bit. "What has happened to your father?" He asks, taking a big bite of the sandwich.
Before Baz has the chance to answer he hears through the wall a weak: "Did it work dad?" "Oh, you should've seen their faces" And then a high five.
 "Mordelia happened to my father." He smiles to himself and leans in to kiss the mole on Simon's neck before going back to his cup. “That little devil.”
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gaycrouton · 6 years
Words of Love 22/27 [Mulder gets in a fight in defense of Scully.] (Also, similar to the one shot I posted last week, oops.)
Value: (verb) consider (someone or something) to be important; have a high opinion of.
If Mulder was being honest with himself, there are really only a few things in life he cherishes; Scully, his life’s work, and his sister’s memory. The order of importance has shifted over time, but in the last few years Scully has consistently been at the top of the list. He didn’t want it to come across in the sappy ‘she’s what keeps me going’ way, but in all actuality, she was what kept him going. He couldn’t have done this, couldn’t have come this far, without her dedication and sacrifice. His work maybe hasn’t necessarily gotten him closer to finding out the truth, but it brought Scully into his life and for that he would be eternally  grateful. She was his confidant, the only person he trusted, the woman he loves, and so much more.
Which is probably why he didn’t take kindly to people who didn’t treat her with respect.
Mulder was not a violent man, he never had been. Fighting just wasn’t something he enjoyed doing, but that’s not to say he never raised a fist. Today was just the first time in years.
It had been raining, so he figured instead of dealing with soggy clothes and shoes, he would use the track at the Hoover Building. He got a few odd stares, many people were simply surprised to see him emerge from the basement. He had been an enigma in the mind of many, actually seeing him must have been a shock. However, the problem didn’t occur until he was in the locker room.
“Did you see Spooky’s here? ” A taunting voice echoed in the room. Mulder was in the restroom, so he had the luxury of being a voyager. He was getting a first hand glimpse into what people actually said about him. He presumed it was going to be what he’d been hearing for years. He hadn’t expected them to take a turn so fast.
“Spooky Mulder? His hot piece of ass partner here too?”
“Do you think I’d be in here with your ugly ass if I had an opportunity to watch Dana Scully prance around in all hot and sweaty in skin tight clothes? Get a grip.”
Mulder had been taken by surprise at the vulgarity of the men’s words, but he had been in enough locker rooms to know how men could be. However, that didn’t stop his jaw from clenching in irritation.
“How the hell does that alien obsessed freak get a partner like that? No wonder he’s never been promoted, probably too busy getting hard over his partner to get any work done.”
“You think they’re fucking?”
“Hell, if he’s not fucking her, I will. She’s so tiny, I bet you could just throw her around.”
Mulder was on edge before, but now he was just plain pissed off. He knew the rumors, and he knew, much to his chagrin, that rumors were all they were. It didn’t bother Scully and it certainly didn’t bother him. This was just the first time he had ever heard anyone talk about Scully in this way. He knew others regarded her as attractive, anyone with eyes would, but the imagery of these men, who didn’t know a thing about her, throwing her around like a ragdoll just for their sexual pleasure absolutely infuriated him.
“Do you think she’s a screamer, or do you think she just whines and pants?”
“If you can hear the sounds she’s making, you’re obviously not taking advantage of those full fledged blow job lips. One time I was in a meeting with her, and I swear to god I didn’t hear a word that came out of her mouth. All I could focus on was the thought of ramming my dick down her throat.”
Mulder reveled in the sound of Scully’s voice. Her laugh, her scientific theories, her words of reassurance, her words of affection, he hung off of every syllable as if she was revealing the secrets of the world. Sometimes he would call her just to hear the sound. These men didn’t even care.
He couldn’t sit through anymore.
He stood up from the stall he had been in and barged out, greeted with the sight of three random men he had seen periodically around the Hoover Building over the years. Men who had probably never even had a conversation with Scully, let alone any other female. He moved over to his locker, glaring at them as he passed, but it didn’t perturb them.
“Well, speak of the devil.”
“Mulder, we were having a debate, maybe you would know the answer.”
He glared at the one who asked the question, a tech geek he saw in the lab occasionally, “Excuse me?”
“Come on,” he said, making a grandiose gesture with his hands, playing bold to his audience of misfit men, “What’s Scully like in bed?”
“Christ, have some respect. You sound pathetic,” Mulder sneered as he entered his locker combination, getting out his bag and setting it on the bench.
“Lighten up Spooky, I was just curious. I personally am under the belief that she’d do whatever she’s asked. Usually when someone’s an uptight bitch on the streets, she’s a freak in the sh-” His sentence was cut off by Mulder’s fist connecting with his jaw.
To be honest, the rest was a testosterone fueled blur. Retrospectively, Mulder realized that going three against one probably wasn’t the best plan. He remembered a lot of hitting and kicking happening, but he was pretty proud with how he fared. After a couple moments, someone must have heard the scuffle because some other men barged in and broke it up.
When they were asked what happened, neither party spoke up. Mulder had started it, but the men didn’t want to face the possibility of having a sexual harassment violation on their records, which they knew would happen if they spoke up. Mulder wasn’t going to instigate it though because, as much as he wanted them to get reprimanded, he didn’t want what was said about Scully to be immortalized in an FBI report. She deserved better than that. In the end they were penalized for fighting on the property and asked to leave for the rest of the day. Mulder just went home, but he heard the other men talk about getting checked out at the hospital.
He figured he would be able to hide this, but heaven knows gossip spreads like wildfire, and after thirty minutes of being home, there was a frantic knock at the door. He didn’t even need to look through the peephole to know the whirlwind he was unleashing into his home.
“Mulder, I swear to god I can’t leave you alone for a second! A fight? What are you, a teenager? Since when did you even use the track there?” He knew she had probably prepared more when she practiced her rant on the way here, but her eyes widened and her tone shifted when she saw his face, “Oh my god, Mulder.”
She took a few steps across the room so she was standing right in front of him, delicately running her fingers over the bruises he hadn’t even looked at yet but could sure as hell feel. Staring down at her, he saw pure concern in her eyes and it warmed his heart. “Mulder, did you go to a hospital?” He shook his head and saw Scully morph into doctor mode in front of his eyes. “Of course not. Why did I even ask,” she muttered under her breath.
She pulled out a chair for him and motioned for him to sit down and he readily complied. Mulder never played sick or got injured on purpose, but any excuse to be doctored up by Scully was an opportunity he was more than eager to take.
She shimmied out of her jacket before disappearing into his bathroom, reemerging a few moments later with his five dollar first aid kit he bought at Walgreens. The fact she didn’t even have to ask amused him to no end.
She set the supplies down on the table next to him and started working her magic. “Are you going to tell me?” She asked while she was cleaning a cut that had apparently been on his forehead.
“Are you going to let me know why I came into work, only to be met with an empty room and rumors you were in a brawl?” She spoke softly and he could hear her displeasure seeping through her words. She never liked being out of the loop. Especially when it came to him.
He didn’t know what to say though. He wanted to be honest with her, but he didn’t want to repeat those words back to her. He had paused too long because he would feel her normally gentle hands becoming a little rougher on his wound. “I just got in a fight in the locker room after my run.”
“I can see that,” she sighed sarcastically, “Why?”
“I just got pissed off.” The words sounded timid coming out of his mouth and he knew he was just adding to her burning curiosity.
“Wait, you were the one that started it?”
“No. Well-I threw the first punch, but I didn’t start it.” She threw him a speculative glance before putting neosporin on a band aid.
“Did they say something that upset you?” He let her hold his head still with a gentle hand as she placed the band-aid over the cut. Once free, he simply shrugged in response, hoping that was enough.
“Were they making fun of you, or teasing you in some way?” Her voice was laced with the nurturing concern that he had only ever received from her. She moved so that she was crouched in front of him, her hands resting on his knees. It was a power move so he would have to look at her. It worked.
She was relentlessly understanding and infinitely patient. He never questioned his love for her, but moments like these solidified it even more for him. He didn’t deserve the love and attention of this exquisite woman. “No-no. Not really.”
He saw the glimmer in her eyes as the lightbulb went off, her mouth dropping down into a small ‘o’. “They were talking about me, weren’t they.”
He couldn’t lie to her, so he just lightly nodded. She didn’t say anything, but he felt shame flushing his cheeks and the guilt residing in the pit of his stomach. Scully was a grown woman, she didn’t need barbaric displays of masculinity on her behalf. “And that’s why you started the fight, because they were talking about me?”
She hadn’t moved her position or her gaze, so she wasn’t too pissed yet. “Pretty much, yeah.”
“Mulder, you’re not a violent man. What could they have possibly been saying to set you off that much?”
Letting out an exasperated sigh, he started picking at the skin around his nail to give him something to focus on, “They were being crude. Talking about you like a piece of meat, and completely disregarding you as a person. They brought up the rumor, you know, the normal one, and acted like I was to just join in . Like after this many years of working with you, all I can focus on is how attractive you are. As if I didn’t value our relationship or you as a woman, a scientist, a doctor, or an agent. You mean the absolute world to me. It just infuriated me and one of them called you a bitch and I lost it and went off.”
The silence after his rant was deafening as he waited for a reaction. He felt his heart hammering in his chest and his blood pounding in his ears. I said too much, I said too much, I went too far, I made her uncomfortable.
He froze when he felt her stand up, afraid she was going to walk out the door and leave. He was shocked when he felt her place a tender kiss to the crown of his head before wrapping her arms around his head in a sweet hug. His head was cushioned by her chest and he could hear her heart was beating in time with his own. After a moment, he tentatively raised his arms and wrapped them around her, hands meeting at the small of her back, pressing her closer to him.
He felt her words tickle his head more than he heard them, “I adore you, Mulder. Thank you.”
He didn’t know what she was thanking him for, standing up for her or the expression of his sentiments; but what he did know, was that he could never find the words to express how grateful he was for this moment. If he could be in her arms for the rest of his life, he wouldn’t give it a second though. It was like being home.
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tiip2ydoodles · 5 years
Take Me To Church, ch. 8
Of Demons, Real and Imagined
--It’s been almost a year since I uploaded a chapter of this holy shit--
Read HERE on AO3
The sound of church bells came from nowhere and everywhere, echoing in his head. Cronus took a jerking step forward, then another, and another. His legs felt filled with lead, his body moving on its own, compelled to move forward. Two large doors stood in front of him, massive oak structures carved with pictures of snakes and angels.
Without thinking, Cronus reached forward, brushing his hand along the carvings. The wood was warm, and seemed to beat with his own pulse.
The doors swung open. Inside was the church he’d seen so many times; glowing almost with the orange light filtering in through the windows, as if the sunset were setting the very rays of light on fire. Heat kissed his features, a heavy blanket of warmth settling over his body as he stepped inside. Row upon row of pews met his calloused hands; he barely noted the touch.
The saints painted on the windows all bore His face.
At the altar stood one lone figure, surrounded by red candles, humming softly. His voice echoed, bouncing off the high ceiling. His back was turned to Cronus; he only knew it was Him because of the soft waves of dark hair, shining brass in the light.
He was not the massive, godlike monolith He usually was. This time He was dressed in a simple robe of black cotton. He seemed relaxed; a candle in His hand as he lit the others, carrying their flame on and adding to the glow of the room. It was almost too bright for Cronus to look at, too hot for him to bear, and yet his legs kept moving him closer of their own accord.
His eyes watered. He wasn’t sure if it was from the heat or if he was crying.
“You’re late.” The boy’s soft voice sounded musical, a chorus of echoes joining him. Cronus’ heart raced.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered.
A soft sigh. “All will be forgiven in time.” He said, turning to face Cronus. His brown eyes shone brilliantly in the dusk light. The candles had vanished, but Cronus still felt their heat, heard the crackling roar of the flames. "Kneel.”
Cronus knelt before his God in worship.
The next day began with a lecture about finals.
The end of the year was fast approaching, every professor was warning them. If they hadn’t begun studying yet, now was the last few desperate moments they could cling to in hopes of studying enough to pass.
Cronus, as usual, couldn’t be fucked to pay attention. The lecture went completely over his head, as did most things in his classes. He’d been too half-asleep to care, dozing and having this odd sort of day-dream about fire and a church until-
Cronus snapped out of his nap with a stunned ‘whuh?’. The students around him snickered softly and Kankri shot him a cold look. What was that for?
“Did you hear anything I said?” The professor looked at him with a sharp glare and Cronus cringed back. Geez.
The professor sighed and shook her head in clear and stern disappointment. “I said, I’ll need you to see me after class. Mr. Vantas, as well, if you’d join me I would appreciate it.” She repeated herself. “And until then, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t treat my lecture as a time to catch up on sleep. We have beds at home for that reason, I’d much rather you play hooky than insult me.”
More snickering. Cronus shrunk down in his seat, scowling. His cheeks burned; he hated being made a fool of, especially in public like this. It gave him half an urge to slink out of the class right now and give the prof the finger as he went. Glancing over at Kankri, he was surprised to see that the preacher’s son looked almost the same way, his cheeks flushed a bright red and a scowl on his pretty face. He looked none too pleased about having to stay after class, or about having been called out in the same breath as Cronus. If he had to venture a guess, Cronus would say it was the second reason more so than the first.
Well, that made two of them, at least, that didn’t appreciate the snickers and sly grins. Cronus sighed and sat back, tapping his pen on his paper idly. The prof sunk back into her lecture and once again Cronus paid no attention, merely focusing on trying to stay awake.
It wasn’t working too well. Soon enough his head was in his hand, eyes slipping shut.
Cronus knelt obediently. From this point of view the preacher’s boy was so much larger than life, so grandiose and immovable. He wondered if, if there was really a God and a Heaven, if this was what looking up at Him would feel like.
The boy’s hand cupped his face. So warm, and soft. Glowing embers made of silk on his skin. Cronus closed his eyes and leaned into it, a shuddering sigh leaving his lips as he raised his chin into the touch. He thought that the other wouldn’t do anything other than touch him, just like he’d always done, caress his face and croon out how worthless, how pitiful and pathetic he was, how undeserving, but no.
The preacher’s son slapped him. Hard. It felt cold, the wind whistling past his face, the pain so much sharper than the dream-haze he was used to. So much more real. He could feel the bruise on his face throbbing--
Cronus groaned and rubbed his face. More laughter this time, subdued snickers and giggles from the students around him, and the disapproving face of the professor in front of him, scowling down with her hands on her shapely hips.
“Jesus, fuck, why dontcha just beat me to a pulp next time,” Cronus muttered, still half asleep. “That hurt. ”
“It wasn’t me, it was Kankri,” Her gaze flicked to the boy in question and Cronus looked as well. Kankri was scowling, a horrified, disgusted look pulling at the bridge of his nose as he stared Cronus down. Instantly Cronus could feel his cheeks burn - shit, was he talking in his sleep? No good. The prof was still talking and he had to strain to focus on her words. “...And if you fall asleep in my class one more time I’ll make sure your cheeks match. Understood, Ampora? I expect better from you. Now go on, head to the dormitories, if you’re that tired. Take Kankri with you. While I appreciate a good bit of slapstick, it’s not tolerated in my class.”
Cronus mumbled a ‘yes ma’am’ and grabbed his backpack. At least he’d remembered it this time. Kankri stood up beside him, not even waiting for Cronus to finish packing before he was out of his seat and marching to the door. The professor's words about some kinda early morning meeting slipped past Cronus' ears as he had to jog to catch up, grabbing a slip for both of them.
“That was one hell of a hit,” Cronus said once they were out the door and into the hallway. “Where’d you hide all that strength?”
“Don’t talk to me,” Kankri snapped. “My first reprimand, and all because you had the gall to fall asleep in class - what was I supposed to do, just sit there and listen to you snore the whole time? You’re lucky I didn’t push you off the chair, but I don’t want detention, too.”
It was just snoring. Cronus breathed a sigh of relief. “Listen, kid, it ain’t the end of the world--” he began, but Kankri cut him off again.
“ Don’t call me kid. ” He hissed. “And what did I just say? Don’t f-- don’t talk to me. Just leave me alone.” He was gripping the straps of his backpack so hard that Cronus was sure they were turning a sickly sort of white from the strain. His brows raised; he’d never heard Kankri swear before, not even hint at it.
“Geez, okay.” He said, then sighed. “Sorry, alright? I didn’t mean to get you in shit. I just didn’t sleep all that well last night, that’s all.”
That part at least was true; between nightmares, worrying about Eridan and sleeping on the world’s hardest cot he couldn’t have had more than four or five hours’ sleep. Not the worst by a long shot, but still just enough to have him shambling around like a zombie all day.
The apology at least seemed to soften Kankri up a bit. He rubbed his face, his hand drifting down to the front of his shirt, gripping it tightly. Not for the first time Cronus wondered why he did that; maybe it was some kinda self-soothing thing. Whatever it was, it was weird, that was for sure. But nobody could ever say that Kankri wasn’t weird, anyway.
“It’s fine.” Kankri muttered bitterly. “It’s not as if Father will see the reprimand note anyhow. As you said, not the end of the world. Just a pinprick in my record. Scouts will likely look at it and say, oh, a history of violence. This is fine.”
There was a sort of anxious laugh at the end that bordered on manic. Cronus’ brows raised. “You, uh…” He said, trying to parse his words. “You got a whole lot of neuroses goin on in that big old brain of yours, dontcha? I mean...hittin’ a guy once does not a history of violence make, ki--uh, Kankri.”
Kankri glanced at him. There was something appreciative in his eye, like he was glad Cronus didn’t pull the ‘kid’ nickname with him again. Bless him, Cronus was trying, at least. When he looked away, though, the frown was back and he glared at the floor.
“Not for you, perhaps,” Kankri murmured, “But for others it does. For me. Better schools will only take the highest achievers, the cleanest records. Keeping one’s nose clean and in the books is the key to getting into those schools.”
“You sound like you’re just repeatin’ back what someone else told you.” Cronus said bluntly.
“Well, it’s the truth, isn’t it?”
“Not really.”
Kankri pursed his lips. “Oh, really? Then please, mister ruffian who clearly knows more about ivy league schools than me, please educate me on how precisely one gets into a prestigious school with a fight on their record.”
Cronus couldn’t help it. He tried, he really did, but the snickering words left him before he could rein in his filthy mouth.
“Suck the dean’s dick?”
“That’s disgusting! You - get BACK here! Cronus!”
He howled with laughter as Kankri’s cheeks went red, the preacher boy chasing him down the hall and outside, screeching the whole way.
Kankri stopped, however, when the laughter cut short. He had to skid to a halt to avoid bumping into Cronus - and Kurloz. The latter offered an oily smile to Kankri.
“Morning.” He said smoothly. “Best get on outta here, brother. Me and Cronus're gonna have a private conversation.”
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dukemassetti · 5 years
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Orion Massetti, born to that Massetti family. Was it any wonder he turned out the way he did, willing to try anything to keep the ratings up, to push beyond the normal limits of whatever box he’d been shoved into? Daddy was a crooked Italian politician who fell far, far out of favor, to where even his mother’s inherited fortune couldn’t save him. 
A particularly nasty article at the time of his parents’ funeral (car crash, so sad, so very Gatsby of them) made sure to note that Orion didn’t seem to bat an eyelash at the service, and declined to speak. Good for him, many who’d been hurt by his father said, maybe he’ll turn out different.
He did, in a way. Straight out of college, Orion began splitting his time between L.A. and Italy, and made a name in the business of lying by telling the truth. He started small, as a correspondent for the E! Network, mainly covering fashion. Eventually he was given a web-show doing deep dives into the terrible, sordid gossip of the art community, something he was fascinated by and still likes to play around with in his spare time. It was around this time that he was signed by the Capulets.
It took years of shopping his show and doing stand-up and internet specials for him to come right back to his roots, scoring a late night half-hour slot on E! as a host, this time. His disarming brand of honesty coaxed his guests into being their own authentic selves, and many of the segments went viral, simply for how easily they got caught in the moment and revealed more than they ought to.
When his show was cancelled this past year in favor of an up-and-coming reality TV project the network was plugging, the fan reaction was so extreme that other networks immediately courted him. Together with the aid of his talent manager, Rafaella Capulet, they decided to go bigger, settling a six-figure deal with NBC to replace their morning talk-show, starting with one season and the promise of more if the ratings went well.
It’s entirely different from any other morning show in existence, and that comes with worries. Netflix has made it clear their offer for a weekly show still stands after his trial time with NBC comes to a close, and their format appeals to him, but Orion still tries to do what he does best: reinvent the game, break down barriers, that sort of thing. If he can revitalize and inject some coolness into daily morning talk-shows, who’s to say where the limits are?
The only rules sare to be honest, and not to do anything that will get him kicked off TV, which he openly discusses with each of his guests before they begin. Unlike other morning shows, Orion doesn’t fill air-time with puff pieces or easy punditry. He interweaves news and interviews with things like drunken cooking segments (much to executive chagrin) and party games that often lead to more than one secret being outed live and on the air. Scandals often exposed elsewhere are then deconstructed as the sun gleams overhead, mimosas in hand, as Orion’s ability to laugh at himself and the world filters into the heads of whoever’s closest. When Capulet management needs to spin a scandal in a positive light, this is where they begin.
His commitment to every morning? Not a joke. Even when Orion has to step back for some reason, he finds a celebrity name to cover or films segments in advance. The show is an hour every day, and that means every fucking day. While exhausting, it’s also fun to push himself to his limits: but it also means that this week is his first long-overdue break in a while.
During his time in Italy, Orion’s show has been ‘taken over’ by some of the hottest names in Hollywood, with a different guest host each day, culminating in a live remote taping from Verona on the morning after the Gala, where he will have various attendees on to discuss their night as candidly as possible.
(slots for The Legion - Castelvecchio Gala 2-Hour Special. these won’t necessarily be threads, though we can if you want; they’re mostly just to give a nice timestamp for the morning after the gala and make O do his job. if your character generally works in pairs or wants to pair up with someone else that’s also great!)
8:00 - 8:15 is TAKEN by Regina Daly. 8:20 - 8:35 is OPEN. 8:40 - 8:55 is OPEN. 9:05 - 9:20 is TAKEN by Katerina Du Pont. 9:25 - 9:40 is OPEN. 9:45 - 10:00 is OPEN.
Centerpiece | Rafaella Capulet. No one in the world makes him feel as whole, or as dirty. He’s been trying to get her out of his head since the day they met, when she was seventeen and far too young to be starting in an industry like this, taking on someone like him. There’s a hundred times he’s meant to say ‘no’ to her, but the word never comes when she’s around, save for the grand exception: the night she asked for more and he declined. He isn’t surprised she didn’t wait before finding someone else; he told her she probably shouldn’t. Yet it still feels like he’s bruised somewhere no one else can see.
Starting Point | Everett Craven. His first manager, and to this day, someone he actually fucking admires. Hard to find in an industry such as theirs, but he’s never denied the truth. He knows Rafaella is a better fit for him, management-wise, but it’s only because his style requires a bit more underhanded work than he’s willing to do with Everett. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t sneak into his office to leave him strange and “wonderful” gifts every now and again, or text him at 3am about a newly discovered bird in South America, just for kicks. 
Debters | Open to All. You had a scandal go viral and wildly spill out of your control. Whether by your own design or after suggestion from management, you went on The Legion to do damage control. Orion managed to talk it through and salvage your reputation, but at the cost of a deeper truth; he certainly didn’t go easy on you. The level of honesty required still makes you feel uncomfortable, even if it saved your ass. Now, whether you believe it or not, you owe him, and it’s made a connection between you. How you’ve chosen to interpret that connection is up to you.
All Eyes On You | Katerina Du Pont. For whatever reason, you see through Orion Massetti, and you’ve let him know it. To most people, he seems grandiose and over-confident, but there’s an emptiness underneath that makes you wonder if maybe he’s drowning. You’re not sure he’s worth saving — seeing through him means seeing all the terrible parts, too — but you know there’s parts of himself he doesn’t share, and you’re the only one who gets those, no holds barred. It’s up to you whether you think that’s a good thing. 
Liar, Liar | Open to All. You did the one thing you weren’t supposed to. You went on Orion’s show and broke the cardinal rule: honesty. When he found you out, he took to his platform once more to call out the deceit, ensuring his reputation remained unsullied while causing a PR nightmare for you. It’s unclear, still, what his sources were, and you’ve been blacklisted from his show ever since. His animosity toward you is still very well known, often making you the butt of jokes long after the original issue blew over, and you’re sick of it.
Darling | Maeve Petre & one other. You’re a media darling, and no matter how much Orion’s had you on, he hasn’t cracked into a deeper scandal or gotten a terrible secret. Fun ones, sure, but nothing serious. You’ve built a rapport, with him trying to razz you and you never quite managing to fall for it. Over your time knowing him, it’s become clear to you that Orion has a soft spot for you, and that’s something he doesn’t often exhibit.
Potential | Delilah Bello & one other. For whatever reason, you caught his eye, and Orion has tried to give you a leg up in the industry. Maybe you’ve had to trade something for it, maybe not; it’s possible he just likes you, or that he’s trying to curry favor long down the road. 
Chemistry | Open to All. Orion is well known for not settling down, and there are sparks whenever the two of you meet. Whether or not you act on them is up to you, or perhaps whether you have acted on them, many, many times. 
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