#wakaba yoshizawa
hilacopter · 11 months
Aaaand we're back! Things have been pretty rough lately where I live but I managed to scrounge together some delicious textposts for y'all, come eat :)))
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persona-game-info · 6 months
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luxu-loveskh · 7 months
Got another drawing for my NG+ au
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This time its traditional art and a bit after the first calling card,after his tantrum kamoshida tasked akechi who was the only student still standing there to take the calling cards off
sumire wants to help him out but sadly she got some... "joker vibes" which irritates akechi
she also wants to befriend akechi
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smolstarthief · 2 years
So something hit me: Futaba and Haru's "wishes" were to have their dead relatives back from the dead albeit idealized versions of themselves while Sumi's was to CONTINUE BEING her dead relative but an idealized version of them. Holy shit guys... The parallels/foils!
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voicesagainstliars · 2 years
To the Phantom Thieves: do you guys have any New Years resolutions?
Futaba: I'd like to visit my mom's grave...
Haru: Done. I'll take you there myself, if that's okay.
Futaba, smiling shyly: ... please?
Kim: The swim team's got two more meetings this semester. I wanna place top 3 in at least one of 'em!
Alix, scoffing: Please, Kim. You'll nab gold.
Alix: Me myself, I was thinking of taking up gymnastics.
Akira: I think I know someone who can help you with that.
Alix: You do?
Akira: Yeah! Her name's Yoshizawa Sumire. I train with her every so often. It makes me feel stronger both in and out of the Metaverse.
Alix: Oooohhhh... she sounds cool. Couldja ask her?
Akira: With pleasure.
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crescentmoonteas · 1 year
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art by Lyn @jazlyn_jin!
hi! want to experience all the highs and lows of IYR/RTG (IF YOU REGRET / RESET THE GAME) but have no idea where to start or what Lyn and I are even going on about? no problem! here's a starter pack/summary post that'll get you up to speed in no time 💫
the tldr is that it's a roleswap AU where Haru is the protag and Ann is the traitor. the "not long enough; need more context" (doesn't roll off the tongue quite like tldr though) is below the read more!!
NOTE: this AU contains spoilers for both vanilla Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal. you've been warned!
most of the information for the AU is very neatly summed up (and comes with extremely good art by Lyn) in this thread on Lyn's twitter. below is more of a neat recap containing some plot points and stuff that you can use for reference or whatever.
what does IYR/RTG mean?
it means "if you regret, reset the game" and is a lyric from the song Axe to Grind from Persona 5 Strikers! it's a reference to how the roleswap is essentially a 'reset' of the canon game.
how did the AU come about?
two years ago I (Ash) posted a silly tweet about a roleswap AU "but it's just the Thieves put in a randomiser" and Lyn saw traitor!Ann and went wild. anyway two years passed and we're now back working together to make the AU a reality! sort of! we're not Maruki! maybe!
new roles!
🍀 Haru: Fool/Wild Card
🪶 Goro: Magician
⚡️ Sumi: Chariot
🦚 Yusuke: Lovers
👾 Futaba: Emperor
🌀 Morgana: Priestess
👑 Makoto: Hermit
♟️ Akira: Empress
🐈 Ann: Justice
💎 Ryuji: Faith
new personas!
🍀 Haru: Eurydice + Tyche + Atropos
🪶 Goro: The Mórrígan + Crowley + Hereward
⚡️ Sumi: Raijū + Cerberus + Anubis
🦚 Yusuke: Oshichi + Kikuri-Himei + Suzaku
👾 Futaba: MYDOOM + Sputnik 1 + ELIZA
🌀 Morgana: Babel + Seraph + Adam
👑 Makoto: Ophelia + Rapunzel + Vivian
♟️ Akira: Le Horla + d'Artagnan + Raoul
🐈 Ann: Daphne + Medusa + Persephone
new confidants!
Wakaba Isshiki is now the Judgment Arcana
Jin Akechi is now the Devil Arcana
Nozomi Akechi is now the Tower Arcana
Kasumi Yoshizawa is now the Moon Arcana
new palaces! (and some returning ones!)
Madarame (Greed)
Shun Nanami (Wrath)
Kobayakawa (Boasting)
Makoto Niijima (Acedia)
Fumiko and Atsuto Kurusu (Pride)
Wakaba Isshiki (Envy)
Kamoshida (Lust)
Holy Grail (Sloth)
Yaldabaoth (every single sin at once)
Maruki (Sorrow)
new all out attack screens! (screens to be drawn, here's the phrases they have!)
🍀 Haru: Lucky Strike
🪶 Goro: Any Way The Wind Blows
⚡️ Sumi: Danger! High Voltage
🦚 Yusuke: Après Moi, Le Déluge
👾 Futaba: GG NO RE
🌀 Morgana: I Said No Running
👑 Makoto: Lifeguard On Duty
♟️ Akira: Checkmate
🐈 Ann: That's All Folks!
💎 Ryuji: [SPOILER]
new plot changes!
Kawakami now works at Crossroads part-time rather than the maid service. there is no maid service in IYR/RTG.
Crossroads is also the place where Haru winds up spending most of her time due to the high number of confidants there and their lax rules about having birds in the bar
there's also a new waitress at Crossroads called Ren!
Shido is a complete nobody in the AU and is not relevant to the plot at all
the confidants that have been swapped out are either dead (sorry Sae) or they no longer need their confidant chain doing due to the lack of Shido in the AU
Ohya is now having a great time with her reporting partner and probably drinks a somewhat reasonable amount now maybe
Haru's dad is alive and well and still a complete asshole
Ryuji is fine :) stop asking questions about him :)
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yusuke-of-valla · 8 months
Characters that died in a car accident, because apparently 'terminal illness' and 'car' are the only ways that Atlus knows how to kill someone:
Arisato parents
Kitamura's son
Mamoru Hayase's dad
Shirogane parents
Chisato Dojima
Wakaba Isshiki, sort of
Kasumi Yoshizawa
Aoi Hasegawa
That is. So funny. I mean I get it logically if you need a sudden death with as little blame for the person as possible (like if someone died in a hunting or rock climbing accident someone could think it's their fault) but also can potentially not be an accident, a car crash works but at some point you'd think they'd switch it up
House Fire. Plane crash. Random mugging
If you need "random tragedy but ALSO maybe it could be something else" you have more options
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emanation-aura · 1 year
What if Joker got a Palace in the Third Semester AU: the unhinged explanation.
Goro had looked up Kurusu last night, using old police files he wasn’t technically sure he had access to any more, but he was past giving a shit. The arrest record and documents listing charges against him he’d taken from the chief interrogator— they were still there, but curiously blank, in a way only cognitive distortion could manage. His hometown existed, but an illegal search of Shido’s census database didn’t reveal anybody living in the Kurusu household; not Akira Kurusu, not his parents or literally anyone else. The whole thing was a baffling mystery that had exhausted him to the point of passing out. The violence of clearing Shadows gives his aching mind a bit of clarity, though, and with it, a chilling thought. Akira Kurusu has been erased from reality.
Set from Goro's perspective. Instead of waking up on January 1st to a changed reality, on that day, Akira suddenly disappears. He is not gone from the Phantom Thieves' cognitions, but he is physically missing, and stranger still are his blank arrest records and the existence of the Kurusu household in a government census that Goro has completely transparently and legally obtained, despite the fact that "Akira Kurusu" does not exist.
“If he’s been erased from reality, does that mean Maruki overwrote his… his existence itself?" The low, simmering anger in her voice and the way she drops the honorific for Maruki speaks volumes about how Kurusu’s absence has radicalised Yoshizawa against Maruki’s tempting demands. It doesn’t quite satisfy him, because Kurusu is still missing and Yoshizawa is far too innocent for her own good; but it is enough to give him confidence in her teamwork, at least. “I have my doubts about that,” Goro says. He weighs his words carefully, trying to construct the evidence in a way that makes sense. “If he were truly overwritten from this reality, the Phantom Thieves wouldn’t remember their friend; they do, albeit in a very limited way.”
Yoshizawa hums thoughtfully. “Maruki managed to overwrite the cognitions of all the Phantom Thieves into believing their dead or estranged relationships had returned. He has no trouble writing people into reality; it should follow that he can write someone out of reality, but it seems while an effort was made, it wasn’t complete enough.” “Indeed.” Goro hides the modicum of surprise he feels at Yoshizawa’s brains; she’s no detective, but she’s decided smarter than Goro had given her credit for. “To support your conclusion: the papers on which his arrest record was printed still exist, even if the pages are blank. The census database indicates that the Kurusu household is empty, but also that it exists.” It would be a fascinating conundrum if he wasn’t under imminent threat of this cognitive reality. Either Kurusu has been imprecisely written out of this reality, or… “What if he’s currently residing in another plane of existence?”
In this AU, I basically postpone Kasumi/Sumire's internal crisis until after they have figured out what the fuck happened to Akira. "Kasumi" and Akechi enter the Odaiba Palace as usual despite the lack of Joker, find out it's Maruki, but he doesn't show "Kasumi" the traumatising videos of her past life for reasons untold.
“As you said, it is unlike Maruki to imprecisely remove him from reality. If he were so intent on giving his friends their paradise, he would either allow Kurusu to exist to be their friend, or overwrite his existence completely so the Phantom Thieves fully immerse themselves in the fantasy of their desired lives, which all supposedly took place before they met Kurusu.” Madarame’s pupil, the Nijima sisters and their father, Wakaba Isshiki, Kunikazu Okumura… the only exception is a human Morgana, but Morgana has always been an exception. “Instead Kurusu exists as a memory and artifacts of his existence weren’t properly erased. Perhaps, due to his… unique powers, he was able to separate himself from this version of reality before Maruki got to him.” It’s a stretch, but at the same time, the incongruity of the entire fucking Metaverse continues to burn a hole through his brain, so really, nothing is going to stop him at this point. “Crow-senpai…” Yoshizawa is hesitant, as if she is also grasping how tenuous the connection is. But then her face hardens in an expression he’d thought her incapable of: sheer, raw determination. “The Metaverse is an alternate plane of existence.”
Goro and "Kasumi" figure out that Palaces apart from Maruki's simply cannot exist, because technically, reality itself is Maruki's Palace; he is spreading his cognitive belief (distortion) to the entire world via god powers. With such overwhelming cognitive control, no "real" place exists for cognitive distortion to occur, because "reality" is already just "cognition" by Maruki.
They try Mementos, sure. Mementos is the collective unconscious, and while Persona-users can't have Shadows, if one is being perceived by the collective unconscious, one is also technically part of it: AKA, if the Shadows in Mementos registered Joker as like, a person, proof of his existence still exists in the cognitive world. (Of course said cognitive world is currently fusing with reality but I digress.) They try inputting Joker's name into the Mementos Nav to see if it will register him in the public unconscious, but unfortunately, no dice.
But Joker is special. He is the Wild Card, and unbeknownst to Goro or "Kasumi", he has access to the Velvet Room, a place 'between mind and matter, dream and reality'. Not saying that it's simple enough for him to just escape to the Velvet Room, but he's always been special, and has powers that none of them understand. So strange things always happen to him, and well:
“He can’t be totally gone,” Goro tries to reason, more for himself than Yoshizawa. If he has to try and convince the Phantom Thieves to face reality and defeat Maruki by himself, he is going to scream. “Evidence of his existence is improperly erased, meaning his cognition has not fully disappeared, even if Mementos doesn’t perceive him. If so—” Yoshizawa suddenly goes very, very still. “There is one other possibility,” she murmurs almost disbelievingly. It strikes Goro the way lightning skewers a tree. It would make sense, though. Maruki physically resides in his Palace because his distortion extends to the entire world; ergo, the entire world is technically his Palace. If Kurusu were physically residing anywhere else, it would be a cognitive reality under his control, not one where he'd been erased… “No,” Goro says out of sheer disbelief, the same time Yoshizawa flicks her finger to the ‘Palace’ tab and says in a somehow-perfect voice that doesn’t shake: “Akira Kurusu.” “Candidate found.”
Akira doesn't have a physical location for his distortion to center on; Metaverse Palace access depends on target/location/distortion to find routing, and location has thus far always been physical (Shujin, shack, Shibuya/Tokyo, Futaba's room, Okumura Foods company HQ, courthouse, Diet building). But somehow he's managed to escape Maruki's reality through a Palace of his own.
And, look. I've read a lot of Joker gets a Palace fics. The keywords vary from fic to fic; distortion is commonly masquerade / prison / theatre, or anything reasonable construed to separate facets of the social self. Location also varies, but less; I've seen Leblanc / his room / all of Tokyo / the entire world.
I'm not going to do anything particularly new either. But the keyword for location in this AU is going to be Akira's heart.
It's not a physical location, obviously. But it is also a very fitting metaphor for a Phantom Thief turned Palace owner who knows exactly what distortion is. It also provides a convenient respite from Maruki's reality, because "Akira Kurusu's heart" is not part of Maruki's cognition the same way "courthouse" or "Diet Building" might be. So when transported there by the Metaverse, "Kasumi" probably gets a flood of terrible memories, since she is in a plane of existence where she truly and only exists as Sumire.
As for distortion... I haven't decided yet, but I'm leaning towards prison. (rubs hands) it will slot nicely with the emotional repression angle: a prison with high walls and iron spikes, perched on a stormy island and impenetrable to all. Akira truly deludes himself in believing his heart is an impenetrable fortress where all his feelings must stay locked up... forever. Goro and Sumire are basically fighting to open the doors in his heart and stopping him from repressing his feelings, which is some dramatic irony with Mr. Black Mask doing the infiltration.
No real details yet, but I do want there to be a perfect replica of the interrogation room, including all the abuse and drugs, because poor akiren is probably repressing his trauma over that too :( I wonder how Black Mask Goro would react to seeing the interrogation room in full, bloody detail? Plus having Sumire along for the ride, who didn't know that this happened, making them the two absolute worst people to be witnessing this side of him.
Anyway, Third Semester Palace is more interesting to me than a post-game one because of all the wonky shenanigans around Maruki's control of reality. If reality is Maruki's "Palace", then the Wild Card (who resists by his very nature; see how he and Goro are the only ones sane) defends himself by escaping to another plane of existence. Unfortunately, one option is forming a Palace, which Akira was already on his way to doing because [insert fanon and this guy's trauma over losing Akechi and the interrogation room and the social burden of being an unwanted criminal branded to him for what seems like the rest of his life]. This all could have been avoided if Lavenza, but there would have been no AU for me to brainrot about, so.
(Why doesn't Maruki show "Kasumi" her trauma when Goro and her show up in the Palace? Butterfly effect: not from Joker being gone, but from Akira having a whole-ass Palace. Akira Kurusu, the kid Maruki therapised for nearly a year and formed a deep bond with. The saviour complex in Maruki compels him to focus on dismantling Akira's Palace, which he tries to do by cognitive "brute force" rather than Goro and Sumire's infiltration. So he's too distracted to harass "Kasumi".)
Technically, Maruki and Akira "doing battle" with cognition (Akira retreating from the overwritten reality hastily; Maruki trying to delete the Palace) implies a metaphysical plane where all Palaces/cognitive worlds exist in a same... "place" where they can cohabit, but that just seems like a dangerously close brush with persona 3's Sea of Souls where Door-kun is sealed and I am running out of steam to think more.
I wrote 1,500 words in a frenzy for this AU and had to share some here before I lost all my inspiration.
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violetstrations · 2 years
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[ID: a digital drawing of Sumire Yoshizawa and Joker from persona 5 royal. They’re both in their metaverrse clothing. Sumire is pulling Joker up by his hair, gripping it tight as she holds the tip of her sword by his though, snarling as she talks to him. Joker is without his mask, unable to keep himself up as he grips Sumire’s sleeve. He’s gritting his teeth, wincing. The background is a swirl of grey, white, cyan and magenta. End ID]
redrew a frame from rgu with these two because I’ve been having a lot of Sumire emotions and they were very similar to my Wakaba Shinohara emotions. girls who believe they need to be special to have any worth and start resenting their close peers out of bitter envy,,,,,,,
original screenshot below !
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[ID: a screenshot taken from episode 20 of revolutionary girl Utena, with Wakaba Shinohara and Utena Tenjou in the same poses as the previous image. Wakaba is shown as a black rose duelist, gripping Utena by her hair and holding her sword at her throat. End ID]
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vashtijoy · 1 year
index: third semester
Meta posts about the third semester.
Indexes: [one] [two] [three] [akechi's confidant]
What did Akechi think was in Maruki's warehouse? (posted 2024/08/15)
"This one just got betrayed by its teammate!": the traps of bad translations. (posted 2024/06/18)
[P5R artbook] On Akechi's wish. (posted 2024/03/29)
Akechi's deepest fear: "It's too late, I'm going to die." (posted 2023/11/12)
Gloves as symbolism in the P5R opening. Also, Akechi's bat of justice. (updated 2023/05/24)
Followup ask: Akechi may still want to be a hero in the third semester. (posted 2023/05/25)
Is third semester Akechi a cognition? (posted 2023/04/26)
Early "yes, third semester Akechi is Akechi" thoughts. (posted 2023/01/13)
Maruki's attitude to life and death is fucked up. Also, Sumire's wish, and Futaba's choices in the third semester. (posted 2023/05/14)
Third semester Akechi seems subdued for a reason. (posted 2023/04/25)
On third semester Akechi as all that's left after his distortion is removed. (posted 2023/02/19)
[twitter] On Akechi and Haru and Futaba. (posted 2023/07/17)
Akechi is the only character who backtracks on their change of heart. (posted 2023/02/18)
Like Yoshizawa, Akechi let someone rewrite his identity. [tags mine] (posted 2023/01/23)
sou iu tatemae as an expression of regret. (posted 2023/04/30)
Maruki wants and needs Joker's acceptance and approval in the third semester. (posted 2023/02/01)
Akechi and the Phantom Thieves have a fucked-up family dynamic. (posted 2023/02/13)
Followup ask: Futaba and Haru's third semester approaches to Akechi deliberately contrast. (posted 2023/02/13)
Third semester: "lying is easy and being real is hard". (posted 2023/02/16)
plot and the P5R endings
[twitter] The parallel third semester. (posted 2023/07/11)
Two important dates in Maruki's backstory correspond suspiciously with important canon dates. (posted 2023/05/15)
[twitter] Maruki's diary entries and timeline. (posted 2023/07/16)
Where is Akechi between the engine room and 12/24? (posted 2024/07/14)
If Akechi is alive on 12/23, Maruki creates a reality where he died in the engine room and was then revived. Plus, Maruki cannot read Akechi's mind. (posted 2023/02/22)
What does Akechi remember in the third semester? (posted 2024/07/14)
Does Akechi see the events of 12/24? (posted 2024/07/14)
Why doesn't Akechi turn himself in on 12/24 in the non-Maruki timeline? (posted 2024/07/14)
Akechi's reactions to Wakaba. **needs updating for 8/28 **(posted 2023/03/27)
Akechi *almost *always uses Joker's given name in the third semester. (posted 2023/04/26)
1/2: Sojiro doesn't recognise Akechi in Leblanc. (posted 2023/03/14)
1/2: Akechi's deliberate step back from the intimacy of the engine room. (posted 2023/03/26)
1/11: is Akechi wearing Ren's tracksuit at Shujin? (posted 2023/10/21)
Akechi's five chat sequences outside Penguin Sniper in the third semester. (posted 2023/04/20)
Akechi's insistence that he's still a detective. (posted 2023/04/09)
Followup ask: Akechi's deleted Mementos mission is too good for cut content. (posted 2023/04/09)
Akechi is strangely calm when he tries to shoot Maruki. [followup to this] (posted 2023/04/22)
2/2: Maruki objectifies and ignores Akechi throughout. (posted 2023/02/09)
2/2: Shido described himself as making Akechi "dance", and Akechi now describes himself as compelled to dance. (posted 2023/02/15)
2/2: kaigoroshi: "I won't be kept around like a used-up farm animal." (posted 2023/01/16)
Akechi seems to have the same remote expression in the helicopter as he often did in the interrogation room. (posted 2023/04/23)
Joker staring up at the helicopter before he lets go. (posted 2023/02/27)
Deleted scene: Akechi at the refuge in February. (part one) (posted 2023/12/05)
Jose's star doesn't fade unless you establish a romance route. (posted 2024/04/16)
Does someone see Akechi wandering around with guys in suits after 2/3? [sadly, the answer is no] (posted 2023/03/28)
Early thoughts on the Maruki ending. (posted 2022/12/22)
Does Akechi remember what happened, in Maruki's ending? (posted 2023/02/23)
Akechi and Haru are friends in Maruki's ending, also burn the Maruki harem ending with fire. (posted 2023/02/22)D
There are two pursuit teams in the true ending, one after the PTs, and one with Akechi on the platform. (posted 2023/02/04)
Translation: The text message in the true ending is always the same, and extremely boring. (posted 2023/02/11)
Joker does not frown in one version of the true ending and smile in the other. (posted 2023/02/13)
Translation: Our Light. (updated 2023/05/14)
Followup: discussion of why translations differ. (posted 2023/02/24)
Followup and correction: yes, there's an explicit reference to Akechi's "I will choose my own path for myself" here. (posted 2023/04/28)
Followup: does Akechi call Maruki's reality a fairytale kingdom? Is this song really Maruki-viewpoint? (updated 2023/05/23)
Followup ask: "Our Light" is supposed to be ambiguous and is about them all. (posted 2023/05/26)
the black mask getup
Akechi still uses his detective prince sprites in Maruki's palace. (posted 2023/04/25)
Black mask sprites and their parent icons [part 1] [part 2] (posted 2023/04/26)
Is Akechi's white suit more intricate than the black one, and what does that mean? (posted 2023/05/28)
The black mask outfit is a two-piece, not a one-piece. (posted 2023/04/14)
The dark stripes on the black mask outfit are leather sewn to the spandex. (posted 2023/03/20)
Followup: The black mask outfit: jesters and snails. (posted 2023/06/06)
Akechi's top button in the third semester. (posted 2024/01/14)
Terms of address: what do the squad call Maruki? (posted 2023/12/29)
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persona5anotherstory · 9 months
Oh hey... it's been a while since I haven't posted that much on this account since I have done the Morgana design for the AU itself, but since it is almost the end of 2023, it's the holidays and I recently started playing Persona 5 Tactica this month and with me thinking... Man I should make more AU designs on the characters again and well, I'm doing it again!
And it's not one, not two... but three character designs I have made for the AU as like a early Christmas present for you guys, so I hope you like my own take on them!
Do note that there are stuff that I might have to change for both the character designs, their codenames and their descriptions too!
Ryuji Sakamoto (Codename: Athlete)
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Here's everyones favourite bro character that always likes to say "For Real?!?", which he is the AU swap version of Ann Takamaki, I wanted to keep "some" of the appearance of his original game counterpart, but giving him casual clothing.
Ryuji is a first year in Shujin Academy and is part of the track team, where he has been looking out for his childhood friend, Takeishi since they were kids (Yes, it's the same Takeishi that was seen in one of Ryuji's Confidant event in the game), but after what happened in the incident with Takeishi taking the very same fate like with Shiho in Persona 5, he has decided to join The Phantom Thieves to also help reform society itself!
Sumire Yoshizawa (Codename: Coach)
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The character that was introduced in the re-release of Persona 5 in the form of Persona 5 Royal, and will be the AU swap version of Yusuke Kitagawa!
She's both a second year student and a sports coach at Shujin Academy that helps out the different students for sporting activities in the school's gym, Sumire really has been interested on the Phantom Thieves ever since they were being talked about in the school, but the reason for that is because she has requested them through the Phan-site all because of her own father forcing her on getting into fashion instead of sports.
Goro Akechi (Codename: Mysterious)
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Now to finally end it off here is by showing off Goro Akechi in the AU itself where I have taken the whole "Detective" thing too seriously for him lol, but he's the AU Swap version of Makoto Niijima.
He's a third year in Shujin Academy and is also the prince detective that everyone has been awing for (especially his own fangirls on different Internet forms), he actually has been cousins with Futaba ever since his mom and Futaba’s mom, Wakaba are in good relations with each other due to them being researchers back when they were college students ages ago.
Akechi is quite suspicious on the whole Phantom Thieves thing since they were being spreaded around like wildfire and has been talked around in school, but after soon finding about his cousin is the leader of The Phantom Thieves after spying on Futaba, he has been wanting to join them is due to him currently on an investigation on a problem that has been going on with a new type of drug that has being secretly shared all around the school from some students.
I wanted to carry elements for Akechi in the AU with stuff like him being based on Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4 and even wanting Akechi in the AU to be inspired by Sam from Sam & Max because I just find it a perfect fit for him in my take in this AU itself.
And that's about it, with next year in 2024 I do plan on wanting to draw the next few characters that I really wanted to try and do, which would be Ren, Yusuke, Makoto and Haru, but maybe I might draw the characters that we're in the Persona 5 spin-offs, and even the Persona Q games too!
So I hope you all have yourselves a Happy Holidays!
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writerofjourneys · 8 months
your thoughts on sumire definitely aren't wrong, but i personally see her as "a bad person pretending to be good." the fanservice, x joker, and being shoehorned into the plot are basically all a given, considering basically all the girls get the first two, and she wasn't in vanilla so ofc she's gonna be shoehorned in royal.
as for sumire herself, her good-girl waifu act is just that: an act. she's meant to come off as a one dimensional waifu to hide her deeper, more toxic traits.
from the first cutscene where we see her true self, it's implied sumire was attempting suicide before kasumi saved her. and her reaction to this? to wish she was kasumi, to take kasumi's successes as her own. and when this doesn't work, she can't compare to kasumi's natural charm, sumire's perfect persona cracks.
and once maruki gains more power, to where he can even ressurect wakaba, okumura, and akechi, sumire still wishes to be kasumi. her desires don't change to bringing kasumi back like the other three. because sumire psychologically cannot stand to live as her inadequate, depressed, talentless self, she has to take kasumi's successes as her own. to her, there's no way "sumire" and "kasumi" can co-exist.
in this way, sumire is an extremely morbid character, disguised as a basic waifu. and the icing on the cake is one of her battle quotes: "what doesn't kill me makes me stronger."
For context, this a past comment regarding my character opinions post here that I finally decided to include here:
My Rants on Kasumi Yoshizawa + 1 & 2
Thanks for the reply, Anon. I mean, I don’t think Sumire was actually attempting suicide. She got overwhelmed with her frustrations and wanted to get away from the source of them, which is Kasumi, so she ran from her and didn’t look where she was even going. As nice as it is to get responses and feedback, I DO NOT want to relive getting the hate comments from this character’s cult for expressing my thoughts freely. Please be reasonable when you respond to posts and think before firing hate onto others. If you don’t like these posts I have then it’s fine to ignore and not care, it’s not important.
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queersrus · 1 year
HII KIRA KIRA looks at you :] persona names maybe... (feel free to choose from all games, but obviously 5 is the one I know :D)
yeye!! (nick)names from persona 5!!!
Aka, Akan, Akane, Aki, Akim, Akimi, Akimitsu, Akira, Al, Ali, Alice, Ang, Ango, An/Ann/Anne, Aoi, Ama, Amami, Amamiya, Ake, Akechi, Ara, Arai
Car, Caro, Carol, Caroli, Carolin/Carolyn, Caroline, Chi, Chiha, Chihay, Chihaya, Coach
Dem, Demi, Demiu, Demiur, Demiurge, Di, Dir/Dire, Director
En, Ena, Esc, Esca, Escar, Escargo/Escargot
Fu, Futa, Futaba, Fuji, Fujikawa
Go, Goro
Haru, Hi, Hif, Hifu, Hifumi, Has, Hase, Hasega, Hasegawa, Hi/Hii, Hiir, Hiira/Hira, Hiiragi, Hiraguchi, Hy, Hyo, Hyodo
Ichi, Ichiko, Ichiryu, Ichiryusa, Ichiryusai, Igo, Igor, Iss, Isshi, Isshiki, Ichino, Ichinose, Iwa, Iwai
Jo, Jose, Jun, Juny, Junya, Jyu, Jyun, Jul/Jule, Juli/Julie, Julia, Julian, Just, Justi, Justin, Justine
Kas, Kasu, Kasumi, Kaz, Kazu, Kazuya, Ko, Kob, Koba, Kobaya, Kobayaka, Kobayakawa, Koto, Kotone, Kumi, Kun, Kuni, Kunik, Kunika, Kunikaz, Kunikazu, Kuo, Kuon, Kiu, Kiuchi, Kita, Kitaga, Kitagawa, Kamo, Kamoshi, Kamoshida, Kawa, Kawakami, Konoe, Kage, Kageya, Kageyama, Kane, Kaneshi, Kaneshiro, Kat, Kata, Kataya, Katayama, Kabu, Kabura, Kaburagi
Mak, Mako, Makoto, Mari, Mariko, Masa, Masayo, Masayoshi, Mer, Mero, Merope, Mi, Mika, Miya, Miyako, Morg, Morga, Morgan, Morgana, Moto/Motoh, Motoha, Mune, Munehi, Munehis/Munehise, Munehisa, Mish, Mishi, Mishima, Maru, Maruki, Maki, Makigami, Mifu, Mifune, Mada, Madara, Madarame, Mon, Mont, Monta, Montag, Montagne
Nao, Naoya, Nat, Nats, Natsu/Natsuh, Natsuhi, Natsuhiko, Noge, Nii, Niiji, Niijima, Naka, Nakano, Nakanohara, Natsume
Od, Oda, Oku, Okumu, Okumura, Ohya, Owa, Owada
Pres, Presi, President
Ren, Ru, Rufe, Rufer, Ruferu, Rumi, Ry, Ryu, Ryuji
Sada, Sadayo, Sae, Sei, Seiji, Shadow, Shi, Shibu, Shibus, Shibusa, Shibusawa, Shiho, Shin, Shini, Shinichi, Shiny, Shinya, Shu, Shuz, Shuzo, Si, Siu, So, Soji, Sojiro, Soph, Sophi/Sophie/Sofi/Sofie, Sophia/Sofia, Sugi, Sugimura, Suguru, Sumi, Sumir, Sumire, Saku, Sakura, Su, Suz, Suzu, Suzui, Shira, Shirato, Shiratori, Saka, Sakamo, Sakamoto, Shido
Tae, Tak, Taku, Takuto, Tom, Tomoko, Tor, Tora, Torano, Toranosuke, Take, Takemi, Tan, Tana, Tanaka, Tsu, Tsuda, Taka, Takama, Takamaki, Togo
Ubu, Ubuka, Ubukata
Yu, Yuki/Yuuki, Yukimi, Yusu, Yusuke, Yuji/Yuuji, Yosh, Yoshi, Yoshida, Yoshiza, Yoshizawa
Zen, Zenki, Zenkichi
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goldenspecter · 1 year
New Game ++ AU (TMNT/Persona 5 AU)
gonna be cringe on main and ramble about my tmnt/person 5(royal) I'm creating with one of my partners @namiikilo. got into persona 5 late last month and got it a few days before my birthday and im currently 120 hours in the game, with 4 palaces done, and hoping to start the 5th one soonish.
Basic Gist: New Game ++ has Rise Raph as Joker having stuck in what is seeming to be a never ending loop. He's aware of how Yaldabaoth had set up the events that have yet to unfold once more to be rigged against him and everyone. Having gone through this hell twice, he's determined to make hit a homerun on try #3, succeed in saving his friends and the world, and finally getting five minutes to breath.
Main Cast (Solidified/Pretty Confident about)
rise Raph as joker rise Casey as ryuji MM April as Ann idw Leo as yusuke (idw kitsune as Madarame) MM Turtles as Futaba 12 Karai as Makoto Ronin Mikey as Yoshizawa 12 Timothy as Mishima MM Splinter as Sojiro 12 April as the Chihaya 87 April as Ohya the Journalist
Characters I'm not quite sure on:
MM Cynthia as Wakaba(hard maybe)
Metalhead/Shelldon/Klunk as Morgana
Twin Wardens = ?????
Sae= ?????
Akechi(the scab) = ?????
Palace Rulers = ????
-I'm not sure where exactly I want this to be set at in. Either in the actual setting of Persona 5, which is Japan, or New York, or the Hidden City but it has heavy influences of Japanese society/culture and modifications to how it functions.
-Mementos Shadows have distorted desires, have done some harm to others, but are able to have a change of heart before it grows to be any worse into an actual Mini-Palace or an Palace. It is the easiest to phase to induce a change of heart at this phase.
-Mini Palaces have a Palace Ruler, have its own distinct place in the Metaverse, and can pull in weaker shadows under their control. However, these palaces are much smaller than a Normal Palace and as such, a little more likely to have many places where the distortion is weaker. A change of heart is slightly harder to do than a Mementos Shadow but is still much easier to do than a Normal Palace
-Normal Palaces are as they are in the game, extensive/egregious harm towards others and a Forced Change of Heart Is Required
-07 Leo and 12 Donnie will canonically have a Mini-Palace at some point in the AU.
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shuakefruity · 1 year
"The Destiny of Two wild cards"
Hello! Are you looking for a new fic about Persona 5 to read? Then you are in the right place! "The Destiny of Two wild cards" is a fic that I'm currently working now (well, is my first fic) so if you are interested, I encourage you to keep reading!
What is "The Destiny of Two wild cards"?
It's a roleswap AU where the main roles of P5R are swap around. There will be two protagonists which are: Black mask and the leader of the phantom thieves, something that you will need to find out through the story!
This AU WILL contains highly spoilers of both Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal. Read by your own responsibility!
How I came up with this AU?
Honestly, some months ago, I was talking to someone about random ideas of fics, and I suddenly have a sort of idea. Then, I slowly started to have a better idea of what I wanted to do so with the help of two people I started to organize it even more until now. Of course there is more to think but I hope it's ends well.
🔥: Goro Akechi : Hephaestus > Phoenix 
❄️ : Yami(crow): Odin > Avis
🌪️:Makoto Niijima : Icarus > Alatus
🌕: Shiho Suzui : Artemis > Arzhela
⚡: Haru Okumura : Apollo > Atticus. 
🌏 : Ryuji Sakamoto: Hermes > Navi.
🪨 : Sumire Yozhizawa : Ares > Chaos
🌊 : Yusuke Kitagawa : Demeter > Styx
💥: Futaba Isshiki : Athenea > Pallas
☄️ : Kasumi Yoshizawa : Hera  > Astra
🌑: (Spoiler) : Hades > Jester
Moon: Kasumi Yoshizawa.
Faith: Haru Okumura.
Sun: Hikari Akechi.
Hieroplant: Mother
Justice: Shiho Suzui.
Temperance: Makoto Niijima.
Tower: Futaba Isshiki.
Devil: Okumura
Chariot: Sae Niijima.
The World: (Spoiler)
Hermit: Ann Takamaki.
Star: Yusuke Kitagawa.
Strenght: Ryuji Sakamoto.
Magician: Yami.
Empress: Sumire Yoshizawa.
Black mask:
Emperor: Shido Masayoshi.
Faith: Hikari Akechi.
Sun: Sumire Yoshizawa.
Judge: (Spoiler)
Devil inverted: Parents.
Strenght: Haru Okumura.
Hermit: Kasumi Yoshizawa.
Moon: Yusuke Kitagawa.
Wheel of Fortune: Ryuji Sakamoto
Temperance: Futaba Isshiki.
Empress: Shiho Suzui.
Star inverted: Ann Takamaki.
Priesteless: Makoto Niijima.
Magician: Wakaba Isshiki.
Hanged: Yami
Kamoshida (lust)
Okumura (vanity)
Kaneshiro (gluttony)
Spoiler (sorrow)
Madarame (greed)
Wakaba (envy)
Kobayakawa (wrath)
Shido (pride)
Holy grail (sloth)
Yaldabooth (all sins)
New things!
Goro's mother, Wakaba and Okumura are alive in this fic.
Goro and Kasumi are childhood friends.
Goro haves now a little sister called Hikari. :)
Ann is not anymore part of the phantom thieves as Shiho took her place.
Yami (crow) takes the place of Morgana and he turns to limousine in mementos!
Don't be afraid to ask anything in case you want to!
My Instagram account.
My friend's account(Twitter)
My other friend's account (Instagram)
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diamondverse-swapann · 8 months
This is an Arcana-Swap AU featuring Protagonist!Ann. The list of characters who you can ask about will be down below.
You can ask a character to recount their whole storyline, if you want.
Please don't ask anything spoiler-y or mean. Otherwise, go wild!
If I get enough asks, more characters will be added!
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You can ask the Phantom Thieves:
Fool/World!Ann Liekki a.k.a. Diamond
Magician!Futaba a.k.a. Hamham
Lovers!Morgana Kurusu a.k.a. Jaguar
Chariot!Akira Kurusu a.k.a. Knight
Emperor!Makoto Niijima a.k.a. General
Priestess!Sumire Yoshizawa a.k.a. Zinnia
Hermit!Haru Mifune a.k.a. Mystic
Empress!Goro Akechi a.k.a. Marquis
Justice!Ryuji Sakamoto a.k.a. Clubber
Faith!Natsuhiko Nakanohara a.k.a. Wily
Hope!Hifumi a.k.a. Mimi
Apostle!Toranosuke Yoshida a.k.a. Tiger
Or the following of Ann's Confidants:
Councillor!Ichiko Ohya
Hierophant!Chihaya Mifune
Fortune!Sae Fukurai
Hanged Man!Sadayo Kawakami
Death!Sojiro Sakura
Temperance!Tae Takemi
Devil!Lavenza Scimia
Tower!Takuto Maruki
Star!Sophia & Kuon Ichinose
Moon!Shinya Oda
Sun!Zenkichi Hasegawa
Judgement!Munehisa Iwai
We even have some extra Confidants! All Arcana are taken from the Osho Zen Tarot!
Awareness!Mika Chishiya
Breakthrough!Momiji Sakamoto
Change!Shiho Suzui
Silence!Amanda Liekki
Courage!Alice Hiiragi
Aloneness!Wakaba Isshiki
Hope to get all sorts of asks from y'all!!!
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