#wake the the dead brynn
fairymatchmaker · 11 months
CHOICES - Wake the Dead🧟🧟‍♀️
F!MC and M!MC with Brynn
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Zombies are perfect for Halloween but in a form of angst and despair😅
one of my favorite fan arts I've done aside from COP arts. Hopefully I can draw some fan arts for BoLaS too 🥲
A repost from Instagram with some adjustments, again.
Characters from @playchoices
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dutifullynuttywitch · 8 months
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Sisterly advice
Wake the Dead fanfic
Pairing: Brynn Archer / Eva Archer (sisters)
@choicesfebruary2024 Prompt: Family
Summary: Eva and Brynn Archer enjoy a rare day off in the Tower.
Word count: 1,200
Rating: Teen
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Today has been an almost perfect day, Eva Archer reflects.
She’d had the day off from pest control. Brynn and her crew were also on a rare break from scouting.
She and Brynn had woken up late, enjoyed a half decent meal for a change – scavengers had brought back apples from a nearby grove – and spent the afternoon playing cards with Cassidy, Dirk, Troy and Mack.
Even Troy had refrained from cheating, mostly. He’d slipped her a couple of aces under the table when her pile of chips had run dangerously low, grinning charmingly at Cassidy’s amused smirk, the others oblivious to the maneuver.
This was about as perfect a day as she could hope for within the confines of the Tower.
Her wandering thoughts sour at that.
The Tower.
Forever cooped inside a large, windowless, oppressive bunker. Surrounded by too many people, all busy eking out a living, oblivious to the world around them, living and working under the flickering of artificial neon lights.
Of course, there were bright spots in that otherwise bleak world.
Her Sister Brynn and her scouting crew, Cassidy, Dirk, Brianna. Their quirky friend Mack. And Troy, her best friend and partner in crime. They had become her adopted family. Made her existence in the Tower more bearable.
Eva dreams of being able to head out and see the world. Feel the grass between her toes again. Visit some old world relics she faintly remembered from her childhood and would avidly read about in Troy’s magazines - amusement parks, libraries, museums... She wants to swim in the sea. Feel the warm, salty breeze on her face.
Eva barely remembers life before the drones, before the Tower. She had been so young when people had started to change, when they’d lost their fathers and had been forced to flee. Brynn, still a child herself, taking on the parenting role.
“Hey! Earth to Eva! What are you daydreaming about?”
It’s the main reason she wants to become a scout so bad. To Brynn’s immense displeasure. Too dangerous, she’d growl, shutting down every attempt at a conversation.
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Brynn pulls her out of her reverie with a light tug. Both sisters are sitting cross-legged on Brynn’s bottom bunk, the older sister’s hands nimbly working on braiding Eva’s fiery red hair.
“Nothing... I just.. I’m realizing, I’m starting to forget what the outside world looks like, feels like...” Eva murmurs, looking at her hands.
Brynn freezes, a pained look on her face.
“And I know what you’re going to say, outside is dangerous, full of drones. And I know you’re right, I’m not trying to minimize the danger. But still, you get to actually leave this place for a while, breathe fresh air, feel the sun on your face... The last time I saw any of the outside world was when Troy ...”
Eva clamps her mouth shut, realizing she’d said too much.
“When you what? Eva, when the hell did you see the outside world with Troy?!” Brynn rounds on her, furious.
“It’s not like we left the tower or anything, Brynn! A... a few months ago, he took me to see the northern lights up on one of the top floors. We may have snuck back up a few times since... but only at night, with no one around to see us, I swear!”
“Are you kidding me, Eva?! Do you have any idea what’ll happen if Blackstock’s people find you sneaking into off limit areas? And after curfew at that?! God, I don’t know who's the worst influence between the two of you.”
Brynn stares at her, furious, then lets out an amused chuckle.
“You know, I thought the two of you were sneaking around making out or something. Was working myself up to the birds and bees talk. I definitely did not suspect late night stargazing. You’re such dorks!”
“Making out?! Birds and - what on earth gave you that ridiculous idea?” Eva splutters, face heating up.
“Oh come on, little sis, I’m not blind. I can see how you look at each other. And the not-so-subtle flirting.”
Wait, what does Brynn mean about Troy looking at me like… Eva’s mind spins as she thinks back to their daily interactions. His charming smile, his soft brown eyes sparkling with mischief and affection…
Nah, he’s just being friendly, as he’s always been. My best friend, nothing more, nothing less.
Could they ever be something more?
She shakes the thoughts away.
Brynn smirks, enjoying her sister’s discomfort a little too much.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Eva mumbles, “Troy's just a friend. Besides, he’s a huge flirt. And a goofball. And an ass more often than not. He’s really not my type.”
“Uh Huh. You keep telling yourself that.” Brynn smiles, amused.
“Okay, since we’re going there, what about you and Dirk? I see the way he looks at you. The guy worships the ground you walk on!” Eva turns towards her big sister, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.
Brynn becomes serious, a little hesitant.
“Dirk and I... It’s complicated. I know he cares about me. And I do have… feelings. But when you’re out with someone risking your lives on a near daily basis, you need to fully trust them. Right now, we have a great dynamic going with him, Cassidy, Brianna. We have each other’s backs, but we also know none of us will hesitate to do the hard thing if one of us got bit. If Dirk and I became something more, I’m worried it’d cloud our judgement if things went south...”
Eva takes in the admission, brows knitted, then grabs her big sister in a crushing hug.
“Brynn, you deserve happiness. And love - even if it’s with someone as grumpy as Dirk.”
Brynn scoffs at that, but Eva continues.
“I swear, you’re always putting everyone’s needs and wellbeing ahead of yours. Even the damn job. You’re always looking out for me -”
“It’s my job, even though you don’t make it easy, you brat!”
“Well, if you weren’t such a stuck-up ass all the time ...”
“Watch it, lil sis...” Brynn growls, eyes narrowing in warning.
“Or what? You gonna -”
Eva squeals as Brynn lunges at her, jumping off the bed. She ducks as a pillow sails right above her head.
“I swear Eva, I don’t know how I even put up with you.” Brynn mutters, getting up to grab her boots.
“’It’s cause you loooove me!”
“You’re lucky we’re related or you’d be out on your ass. Now get a move on or we’ll miss evening rations.”
“Yeah yeah.” Eva smirks.
She suddenly turns serious, pensive.
“For what it’s worth, Brynn, I get your concern that letting someone in may… complicate an already good thing. But if you don’t, you can also miss out on the chance of something amazing.”
Brynn stops to ponder. Then smirks.
“Wait, actual words of wisdom from my little sis? I guess you did learn something in between all your suspensions. Any chance you’ll follow your own advice?”
“… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Eva rolls her eyes, wrapping an arm around Brynn to give her a hug.
Brynn reaches up and playfully rubs her knuckles on her sister’s head.
“Ouch! Brat!”
Both sisters giggle and tease each other as they head out into the labyrinth of neon-lit hallways.
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talesfromcordonia · 2 years
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Brynn Archer
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ntoraplayschoices · 1 year
Brynn is my favourite sibling I dont care, bestie made me sob :' )
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June MC of the Month: Eva Archer
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Please welcome June 2024's MC of the Month: @dutifullynuttywitch's Eva Archer
Each month, we highlight one MC or OC on our Meet My MC / OC List. They are selected randomly on the Wheel of Names, and eligibility requirements can be found here. We accept MC / OC profiles on an ongoing basis. Please feel free to send yours in!
Learn more about Eva below
1- In your own words, tell us what you like most about your MC / OC.
She’s an idealist, preoccupied by social justice. While at the Tower, she constantly fought the authoritarian leaders, which resulted in her and her sister needing to flee so she wouldn't ‘get disappeared’. Now that she’s leading her own colony, she is still trying to find the right balance, ensuring everyone’s voice is heard and feels welcomed.
2- Do you feel your MC / OC is like you at all? How are you alike or different?
I think we both lean towards social justice and fairness in our decision-making. And I definitely gave her some of my musical tastes! (Though I have more grunge and alternative in my repertoire.)
But other than that, Eva is much cooler than I could ever hope to be!! 🙂 She’s a fighter, brave, willing to put her life on the line for others.
3- What is most important to your MC / OC? What is their motivation in life?
Eva is not the bravest, but she is fiercely loyal to her friends. Being forced to leave her fatally injured sister Brynn, her only family, behind after narrowly escaping The Tower was the hardest thing she’d ever done. It left her deeply scarred. She refuses to lose anyone else she's close to and will put her own life on the line if she can save her friends or members of her colony.
Her friendship and frequent quests with Eli and Angel help her gradually feel more confident in her fighting skills. As a leader of the newly established Olympus Colony, she speaks up against injustices and tries to be conciliatory. What are their biggest pet peeves/dislikes?
She despises cruel, self-centered people. Unfortunately there are too many in her post-apocalyptic world, who will do anything, kill anyone just to survive a day longer.
While she generally loves Troy’s easy-going attitude, she absolutely loses her temper when he shirks on his chores - which he unfortunately does regularly.
4- If your MC / OC could change one thing - anything - what would it be?
She would find a cure for the parasite that converts people into zombies. She’s in no way a scientist, but she wholeheartedly supports her best friend Shannon Fox in her ongoing investigations.
5- What is your MC / OC’s favorite quote or song?
Wild Horses, The Rolling Stones.
It’s a bittersweet reaction, really, having lost both of her fathers in a horrible way (one became a zombie and killed his husband), and more recently her sister. She holds on dearly to the lyrics that “wild horses couldn’t keep me away”. It’s how she feels about Troy, and her friends Eli, Shannon, Angel, little May…
Her favorite quote is more inspirational: “Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul.” – Emily Dickinson
6- Is there anything else you’d like to share about your MC / OC?
I adored the Choices book Wake the Dead. Such an interesting, dark concept, where your choices matter, with tons of potential for world-building… I wanted to create a character that had lived through terrible things, resulting in deep-seated trauma, but at the same time could see the light in the world and continue to strive to better her life and that of those around her. This is how Eva was born!
7- Other facts about Eva
Eva was born close to Reno, Nevada before the zombie apocalypse.
She previously worked in pest control from the age of 18, then became a scout at 25 at her former colony, The Tower.
Eva is dating Troy Hassan, her childhood best friend from her Tower days. This was a slow burn, friendship to love. Troy’s an absolute charmer, knows her better than anyone and is her emotional support. He’s much more carefree, which brings out her lighter side – necessary with all the stress and pressures of running a colony during an apocalypse!
She dearly misses her sister Brynn, who died shortly after escaping the tower. Eva admired her fierceness and how she bravely ventured out as a scout every day to support the colony. Eva hopes to become as tough as her sister.
Thank you so much for reading through my MC profile, I had a blast sharing Eva Archer with you!! And thank you @choicesficwriterscreation for giving us the space to gush about our fictional babies!!
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Some spin-offs that I would absolutely love to see because they bring something new to the table:
-Cora Pritchard and her friends’ experience when Redfield fused with The Power and worked to annihilate them all, setting off a desperate attempt to bind him and lock him away for good as person after person fell to his power
-Brynn and the Wake the Dead MC at the start of the apocalypse branching off from the bonus flashback at the end of the book, how they grew and changed as orphaned children in a world of cannibalistic undead, and how they came to reside at the Tower
-Everett Rourke’s discovery of Vaanu and how it warped him into the power-hungry megalomaniac he was in Endless Summer
-The Endless’s very first moments of existence and every major moment in every timeline that truly changed and shaped them
-The full and fleshed-out tale of Dominic Hunter’s parents including how they met, how they fell in love, Dom’s birth, and his parents’ deaths
A spin-off I would NOT like to see because the original story took place in a way that both the main characters (the MC and Sam) were present for everything, and thus, it does not add anything of substance: The Dalton Affair
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aegon-targaryen · 1 year
Zelink Week Day 3 - Letters
read on AO3 | read on FF.net | @zelinkcommunity
Zelda sat at her desk, her only companions the crackling fire and the scratch of her quill against parchment. Shadows stretched long across the room. When a guard appeared in the doorway, he seemed afraid to breach the quiet.
“Forgive me for troubling you, Lady Queen,” he said, twisting his cap in his hands. “It’s likely nothing.”
She raised her eyebrows expectantly. Someone had once taught her the value of silence.
“We arrested a man at the gates. Seemed like some addled beggar at first—he kept asking to see Princess Zelda, as if you haven’t been queen for years. It seemed like he’d go quietly when we turned him away, but then he pulled a sword out of nowhere and knocked Brynn off his feet.” The guard barked a laugh, then smothered it at her look. “Brynn wasn’t hurt, mind you. And then this fellow dropped his sword and surrendered.”
“This winter has been cruel,” Zelda pointed out. “Perhaps he’s desperate enough to trade his freedom for a warm cell and three meals a day.”
“Perhaps, Lady Queen. Anyway—we weren’t sure if you’d want us to charge him. He’s probably mad as a full moon, but…does the name Link mean anything to you?”
Zelda went hot, then cold, then hot again. Her treacherous heart, persisting in the naivete that had cost her dearly in the past, pounded like a war drum. She wished powerfully that Impa was here to tell her she was being a fool.
Alone, Zelda couldn’t stop herself from striding past the open-mouthed guard and through the door.
The sight of her was a spear through the chest, one Link wouldn’t remove for all the world.
Her hair spilled down her black dress, glowing like spun gold in the sunlight that drifted through the cell’s high window. She had grown much taller than that girl he’d left behind in the summer garden so long ago. Link’s memory had glazed over details like her angular chin, the arch of her brows, her small, delicate nose—but he would recognize those wide blue eyes until he breathed his last. Maybe even after that, if the Goddesses were kind.
They weren’t kind, though. And the Zelda he’d fought beside was long out of reach. This Zelda had been allowed a childhood, and Link was a very small part of it: just a boy without a fairy who warned her father against Ganondorf and spent the following years coming and going from the castle, until he ultimately found himself unable to return.
Now he was finally home, and he’d always told himself that would be enough. Seeing her again would be enough, even if she had forgotten him.
The door swung open with a gust of magic that smelled like spring. Zelda stepped inside the cell, her hand glowing at her side, and said, “Link.”
His knees went weak. His back hit the cold stone wall, and he stayed there, pressing a hand to his mouth, because surely moving or speaking would shatter this dream apart.
“Your eye,” she murmured, reaching towards the bandage.
Link flinched on sheer instinct. She jerked her hand away though burned, taking a slow, shocked step backwards, until he burst out, “Zelda.”
She crashed into him, sending them both tumbling to the floor. She was warm and alive and real in his arms, holding him so hard it hurt—the sweetest pain he’d ever felt. He could have died there, quite happily; better that than waking up on foreign soil to realize this was one more cosmic joke.
Link had no notion of how much time passed before Zelda pulled back and said in a hushed whisper, “I dreamed of you.”
“I dreamed of you too,” he murmured. “And…of him.”
Her expression hardened in a way that surprised him, making her look more like Sheik than the gangly fourteen-year-old he’d left behind. “He’s dead,” she replied neutrally.
The other Zelda had stood over her Ganondorf’s crumpled body and called him pitiful. Link had wept when he’d dealt the killing blow. But that day felt so far away, and now all he could muster was relief that it wouldn’t happen again.
“We intended to keep him alive, mostly to maintain peace with the Gerudo,” Zelda continued. “He wasn’t the man you fought, not without the Triforce of Power, and after years in prison…I didn’t see it coming. But he was strong enough to escape one night and assassinate my father.”
“No,” Link gasped, a hot knife of pain sliding through him. I should have been here. This was exactly what he’d wanted to save her from. “I’m so sorry, Zelda.”
She shrugged—shrugged, as if it was nothing—and said, “We subdued him and sent him to the old desert prison to be executed. It was years ago.”
Years? That meant she and the other castle folk were dressed in mourning black for a more recent tragedy. Link had a hundred questions and a thousand apologies; he didn’t know where to start.
“Does your eye need medical attention?” Zelda wondered.
He shook his head. The remains of his eye were hideous, but mostly healed. Though he’d done his best to adjust to a world half in shadow, he certainly couldn’t fight like he once had—for that reason, as well as many others.
That was all well and good until Zelda levelled him with a stubborn stare, and Link—still unconvinced that this was real life—knew he would deny her nothing. “Okay,” he relented.
She smiled tentatively. Much about her had changed: the tall elegance, the air of authority, and something else he couldn’t identify, something not entirely attached to the simple passage of time. But that smile and the way it crinkled up her eyes still matched the memories that had sustained him for so long.
Zelda pulled him to his feet, dusting off her dark skirts. “Why did you get yourself arrested?” she asked with a meaningful glance at the guards on duty, who tried to pretend like they hadn’t been gawking at the scene. “If you had left your name at the gate, I would have seen you right away.”
Link followed her up the stairs, concentrating on placing one foot after the other until he could answer calmly, “I wasn’t sure you’d remember me.”
“Why wouldn’t I?” she demanded, halting in her tracks to look back at him with an unfathomable expression.
“I just—I don’t know how long it’s been.”
Zelda resumed the climb as abruptly as she’d stopped, not facing him again until she pushed open the courtyard door. There, in the full sunlight of late afternoon, they studied each other. The realization that he couldn’t read her anymore came with a sudden, breathtaking swell of loss. Could she read him? Did he want her to?
“It’s been over six years,” she said finally.
Link shuddered, trying to make sense of how the time had played out. It was winter now, which made them both twenty—older than he’d been even after waking in the Temple of Time to a kingdom ravaged by Ganondorf.
“You didn’t know my father was dead,” Zelda observed. “You’ve heard no news from Hyrule, all this time?”
He shook his head.
“I see,” came her cryptic response as she turned away to convey a series of requests to a befuddled attendant. Then she led him through the winding castle corridors to her chambers—not the small plush bedroom Link remembered, but the monarch’s full suite, bigger than most peasants’ entire homes.
He had not seen luxury in a long time, and he felt filthy and incongruous in this lacquered study with its fine silk curtains. At the same time, everything screamed so loudly of Zelda—the papers strewn across the desk, the bow hanging on the wall, the flowers in the windowsill—that Link would have recognized her touch anywhere, even if she hadn’t been watching him wordlessly a few feet away.
A grandfather clock ticked in the corner. He swallowed at the sound.
Before either of them found anything to say, a guard delivered Link’s confiscated belongings, and the healer arrived seconds later. To his immense relief, Zelda stepped into her bedroom while the healer poked and prodded at his eye, leaving him with a tin of cream and a dark patch he stared at for a long time before tying another bandage around his head instead.
Zelda returned when dinner arrived, and finally they were alone, sitting on the floor around the low fireside table, as they had when they were children. Link struggled to stay polite in the company of juicy roast Cuccoo and lavish potatoes and those hearty marketplace rolls dotted with rich seeds, but it all tasted so much like home that he found himself wolfing it down. He was halfway done when he noticed Zelda picking listlessly at her own food.
The clock counted down and down, reminding Link that he was the one who had left, the one who owed her answers. Taking a deep breath, he said, “You’re angry with me.”
“I know you,” she replied woodenly. “And I know you were away because you had to be. So I have no reason to be angry.”
“But you are, and I don’t blame you.”
Zelda pulled her knees up to her chest, leaning against the leg of an armchair. Her black dress slid up to reveal her bare feet, making her look far younger than the queen who had ordered her attendants around with such confidence.
“Did you find Navi?” she asked.
Her face fell even further. “I understood why you left. There was a grief in you that I was too young to grasp. It was why you had nightmares. Especially the last time you were here.”
The last time had been after Termina. Link tried to keep his gaze off the ticking grandfather clock. He had never told her of those three days with all their cyclic horrors, of how close he had gotten to letting the moon fall just so he could sleep—between that and the Lost Woods, he’d barely gotten home.
I should have learned my lesson, Link thought with fierce bitterness. I should have stayed. All he knew, after years of searching, was that Navi had gone where he couldn’t follow. Zelda was right here, and she’d needed him while he’d been stumbling from one land to the next, lost in every way possible.
“I understood,” she repeated. “But—six years, Link, and not one letter?”
The wariness in her voice broke his heart. Once, she had trusted his every move. Once, as a disguised Sheikah and a boy hero, they had operated like two halves of the same being. But that Zelda had sent Link away, so he’d abandoned this one before she could do the same.
“I wrote you letters all the time,” he said slowly. “I just had no way to send them. I was…in places where no one had even heard of Hyrule.”
“That far?” She tilted her head in confusion—then her eyes widened. “The Lost Woods sent you away?”
The grandfather clock chimed, and even though it sounded nothing like the one in Termina, it struck Link louder than thunder. He resisted the urge to cover his ears, but maybe Zelda could read him after all, because something made her rise and freeze the clock into stillness with one wave of her glowing hand. Then she knelt before Link, her skirts pooling around her like spilled ink, and waited.
“I wanted to come home,” he told her in the silence that followed. “The whole time, I was trying to come home. I can’t tell you how sorry I am that it took so long.”
“I believe you,” Zelda said. “And if it wasn’t by choice, then of course I forgive you, too.”
Link wasn’t sure he deserved that, but relief swamped him all the same. Her hands were curled in her lap, pale against the black silk, and he covered them with one of his own. “Thank you,” he breathed.
Zelda hesitated before taking the scarred ruin of his hand between her palms: the smallest movement in the world, yet it triggered a titanic shift inside Link. A—settling, of sorts. A realization that he wanted to stay.
A knock on the door made her frown. Releasing his hand, she went to open it, asking the newcomer a quiet question.
“Quiet as a lamb, Lady Queen, as always,” chuckled an old woman in reply.
Zelda thanked her, closed the door, and turned back to Link with a baby in her arms.
The room fell silent again. Twisting confusion froze him on the spot. She was just as motionless, watching him over the baby’s head of golden curls. Link had a feeling he knew why the court was dressed in mourning colors, and it took him a long moment to swallow down the cruelty of this world he kept saving, the world that had robbed them of each other.
“What’s her name?” Link asked quietly.
“You know it well.”
“Zelda,” he murmured, for no reason but to say it aloud.
“Yes. I needed allies to secure the throne after my father died. Marriage was the obvious choice. He was a good enough man, but his heart wasn’t healthy—it failed him last month.”
“I’m sorry.” Link could think of nothing else to say. He’d wanted so badly for her to have choices, this time around, but already they’d dwindled away.
She only shrugged. “We were only married a year. We had her, and we loved her together.” Shifting the baby in her arms, she added, “But I couldn’t have loved him, Link.”
“I couldn’t have.” Her eyes blazed with a surprising ferocity. “What about you?”
“There was someone,” he admitted. “She helped me. And I helped her. And…”
And that was all. She’d been brave enough to remind Link of his own courage; he would always be grateful for that. But neither of them had harbored any illusions for the future. He had lain awake beside her, thinking of Zelda’s eyes and Zelda’s voice and Zelda’s arms around him, thinking: It should have been her.
“And I couldn’t have loved her either,” he finished. There was a weight to the words, a rightness, that brought Zelda back to settle down at his side. Wordlessly, she lowered her daughter into his waiting arms.
The baby burbled sleepily. She was her namesake’s spitting image. Golden hair. Tiny little nose. Blue eyes; Link would recognize them anywhere. That was when he knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt: “I’m never leaving Hyrule again.”
Zelda’s laugh wasn’t the girlish giggle he remembered from that day they’d met in the garden, but something softer, more cautious, more precious.
And he meant that promise. There were other people who had offered him sanctuary throughout his long, bloody life—the woman he’d just spoken of, Navi, Tatl, so many others who had kept the light burning when it threatened to gutter out. But with every meeting came a parting, and too many of Link’s partings had been permanent.
But not this one. Not ever. Some roots went deeper than any force could unearth, and some flowers bloomed despite the bitter cold. It wasn’t too late: not for Link, and not for Zelda. He could feel that in the way she watched him hold her daughter, a quiet smile gracing her lips.
“Will you tell me more about what I missed?” he asked.
“Yes,” she promised. “And I’d like to hear about your travels, in return.”
Link nodded, and there, with their shoulders pressed together and the baby sleeping between them, they began to trade stories.
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moodmusicmonday · 1 year
Luck of the Draw 2023 MASTERLIST
It's HERE! It's finally here, and we are THRILLED to share this Masterlist! Our fandom is so creative, and we know, this is just a fraction of the talent we possess. To our creators: Y'ALL ARE AMAZING! These turned out so incredibly good, and we can't thank you enough for participating in this year's event! We love each of you dearly!
Please check out the playlist of submitted songs, and don't forget to check out the submissions below the cut! There is something there for EVERYONE... seriously! And when you check these out, support these creators! Leave them a like or a message of encouragement! It would mean the world to them!
*We are waiting on just a couple of more submissions. We will add you on when we receive your submission.
📚📖 Fanfics & Poetry 📖📚
Almost submitted by @socalwriterbee
Open Heart; Ethan Ramsey x f!OC (Tessa Martinez)
"Unfinished Business (acoustic)" by Neriah, JC Stewart
Always Lover submitted by @peonyblossom
America's Most Eligible; Carson Stewart x f!MC (Juliet James)
"Almost Lover" by A Fine Frenzie
The Commoner's Wife, Chapter 6: Three Blind Mice; submitted by @dcbbw
The Royal Romance/Heir; Liam Rys x f!MC (Riley), Drake Walker x f!MC (Riley)
"Just Say When" by Nothing More
Falling For You submitted by @queenrileyrose
The Royal Romance; MC (Riley) x ??? (former); Liam Rys x MC (Riley)
"Freaking My Out" by Ava Max
If Only I Could submitted by @cariantha
Open Heart; Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Sawyer Brooks)
"The Enemy" by Andrew Belle
Right by Your Side submitted by @alj4890
The Royal Romance; Maxwell Beaumont x MC (Riley)
"Runaway" by P!nk
Somewhere Else submitted by @txemrn
The Nanny Affair; m!Sam Dalton x MC (Brynn Schuyler); m!Robin Flores x MC (Brynn Schuyler)
"Paris" by Taylor Swift
WTD Drabble submitted by @lilyoffandoms
Wake the Dead; Troy Hassan x m!MC (Saeed)
"Because You Loved Me" by Celine Dion
🖌🎨 Moodboards & Edits 🎨🖌
If Only... submitted by @twinkleallnight
The Royal Romance; Liam Rys & Queen Eleanor
"Hollow as a Bone" - Cowboy Junkies
"Moral of the Story" by Ashe submitted by @tessa-liam
Rules of Engagement
Viva Las Vegas submitted by @peonierose
Open Heart; Soraya Auclair (F!OC) x Meilani Leahi (F!OC)
"More Than Words" by Extreme
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storyofmychoices · 1 year
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Here are some of my personal favorite fics that I've written organized alphabetically by pairing. [This does NOT include Thomas Hunt fics]
See a full list of my masterlist here.
💖 Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (F!OC) [Open Heart]
Can I Have This Dance (OH1—forever) Some dances last a few minutes, others a lifetime, but every so often, there’s one that lasts forever. This kind of encapsulates their entire romance from intern year til the end. It’s fluffy and bittersweet and a little heartbreaking.
Dance with Me (OH1): Bryce and Olivia dance in the rain. 
Sea Lions, Tiger Sharks, and Penguins, oh, my! The gang takes a trip to the Boston Aquarium (and cause a bit of trouble).  
Stay (OH2, Ch5): Olivia helps Bryce make dinner for Keiki after her surprise arrival, but the surgical intern isn’t ready for Olivia to leave just yet. (the first Bryce fic I ever wrote)
Unicorn Wishes & Mermaid Kisses: Bryce, Olivia, and Keiki go for ice cream when an argument erupts between them.
Will You?: It might be his birthday, but there is only one gift Bryce really wants
No Patient Too Small: Olivia runs into an unusual patient request, but knows just the surgeon to help.
Hekili (thunder): Young Keiki is scared of thunder. Thankfully, big brother Bryce is there to help. (part of my Very Lahela Prequel series)
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💜 Ethan Ramsey x Ellie Shepherd (F!MC) [Open Heart]
Full Coverage (OH2, Ch8): Ellie has a different idea when Ethan tells her to “get massaging” [the chicken].
Love & Scotch: a Hollywood U / Open Heart crossover series
Ellie's journey with the attack and her PTSD is my favorite Ethan/Ellie moments. The below fics all feature angst, PTSD, survivors guilt, and/or trauma.
Never Let Go (OH2, Ch11): When Ellie is in the hospital, dying from the bioattack, Ethan decides to spend the night by her side/
In Between (OH2, post Ch11+12) Ellie has recovered physically from the attempted assassination of the Senator, but mentally she is still struggling.
One Day at a Time (OH2, post Ch11+12): After learning about the depth to which Ellie is struggling with survivor’s guilt, Ethan tries to find small ways to help Ellie begin to readjust to life following her near death experience. 
Impromptu Vacation (OH2, post Ch11+12): Ellie and Ethan take a trip to a secluded beach as a way to help Ellie continue to process her emotions away from the triggers of Boston and the hospital. 
No Longer Adrift: Ellie and Ethan return to work after some time away.
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💖  Levi Schuler x Laura Day [Mother of the Year]
Let it Be: Laura is anxious about losing Lily to guy. Levi comforts her with a song.
S’more Trouble: Lily and Luz get into a sticky situation at their soccer team’s campfire.
 Check Yes or No: Lily has a very important question to ask Levi.
... and all the Dom!Levi fics because... 🙈
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💜 Mal Volari x Daenarya [Blades of Light & Shadow]
The entire orphanage series but most specifically The Start of Something New. Where Mal and Daenarya first open the orphanage and meet the their first two rescues who they eventually adopt.
Passing Shower: Sometimes when there’s an unexpected rain shower, you just have to let go and live in the moment.
A Kiss: Mal and Daenarya take a short trip to a secluded island and discuss Daenarya's kissing a mermaid. 
More than a Kit: Mal and Daenarya continue to discuss their developing relationship. Daenarya has a test for Mal to see how much he cares.
Double Date: Mal, Daenarya, Tyril, and Maiele enjoy a night at the tavern. (written as a gift to the lovely @lilyoffandoms)
 In the Market : Daenarya leaves Mal with Tyril while she and Maiele go shopping. This is part of my “a Hand to Hold” series.
One More : Mal loves telling stories of their adventures, and the kids love listening to them. Will he tell them one more? What story will he tell? (the first Orphanage story I wrote—a glimpse into the future)
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💖 Troy Hassan x Astraea Callen [Wake the Dead]
The Path Forward: Troy wants to help Astraea deal with Brynn’s death.
 Carry Me?: Troy and Astraea head back to the colony after exploring a nearby lake.
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💜 Trystan Thorne x Lilah Rose [Crimes of Passion]
Close Talking: Lilah is at the office, typing up her report on the Iverson Ball, when Trystan stops by to check on her.
Dealing with a Narcissist: Lilah is attempting to read a new case file but Trystan is being distracting.
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💖 Shadows and Deceptions: A Royal Murder Mystery (Mini Series) [TRR, COP, BOLAS, & D&D]
In the heart of Cordonia’s grand ballroom, an eclectic cast of characters gathers, their lives interwoven as a result of a shocking turn of events. Trystan Thorne, the exiled prince with a taste for mystery, Olivia Nevrakis, the snarky Duchess skilled with daggers, Tyril Starfury, the noble elf Lord a defender of the realm, Amalas, the enigmatic spy queen, and Prince Hamid, the charming and formal imperial prince. Amidst the grand party of the birth of King Liam’s third heir, Princess Ariana, the joyous celebration is broken by a piercing scream, a dead body, and a room full of royal suspects.
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dutifullynuttywitch · 8 months
Starlit night
Wake the Dead 
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Art by the wonderful @lilyoffandoms
Pairing: Troy Hassan x Eva Archer (f!mc)  
Rating: Teen (fluff) 
@choicesjanuary2024 prompt: Aurora (day 8)
Word count: 1,187 
Summary:  Several years before the events in Wake the Dead, Troy surprises Eva with a late-night outing within the confines of the Tower. 
A/N: In this story Eva is 17, in her last year at school. Troy is about 2 years older and just recently started working at the supply depot. 
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Eva tosses and turns around on her lumpy mattress, sleep elusive. She had gotten expelled. Again. Gotten into a fight with her sister over it. Again.  
“Eva, for crying out loud, it’s the second time this month! You have got to be more careful. You know how things are here.” 
“But Brynn, I don’t get why we can’t even talk about how things were, before. Maybe if we knew more, we could make this place a bit better for everyone.” 
Brynn sighs “I know you mean well, lil sis, but the leaders of the Tower are clear about the rules, whether we agree with them or not. And trust me, we don’t want to get kicked out into the wilderness.” 
She sighs, trying to will herself to sleep. Maybe she should hold her tongue more, but it infuriates her that the Tower leaders only care about teaching them the basics for survival – any form of critical thinking frowned upon, worse, punished. 
Toc. Toc.  
A knock on the door shakes her from her reverie. She opens a crack to find a grinning Troy. 
“What the hell, Troy? It’s the middle of the night!” She whispers, glancing back to make sure Brynn hasn’t stirred. 
“You don’t say! Come on, I have something to show you. You’re gonna like it.” He winks. 
“I’m in enough trouble as it is. Can’t it wait until tomorrow?” 
“Afraid not, it’s kind of a middle of the night thing.” He grins wider. “And, we’ve gotta go now if we don’t want to get caught. So, what’dya say, Archer, up for a little adventure?” 
She frowns at him, but her curiosity is piqued.  
“Wait a sec.” 
She shuts the door on his pleased face and quickly pulls on a sweater, sweatpants and boots. She grabs a flashlight and sneaks out into the dark hallway, glancing one last time at Brynn’s sleeping form.  
She’s so gonna kill me. 
As soon as she shuts the door, Troy takes her hand, leading them down several service hallways then up a series of rickety fire exit stairs. They duck into the shadows a few times to avoid patrolling guards. 
“So where exactly are you taking me?” She whispers as they continue to climb ever higher. 
“It’s a surprise.” 
“We’re almost there!” He winks. 
Sure enough, a few minutes later he stops them in front of a steel door high up one of the Tower’s outer walls. He pulls out a key from his pocket and unlocks, pushing it open with a flourish. 
They enter a small room stacked with dusty cases filled with weapons, munitions and other military equipment. At the far end, a small balcony overlooks the forest surrounding the Tower.
“Troy, what is this place?” 
“An ammunitions depot. They have a bunch of these scattered around the tower to defend against drones. And in case of security breaches from inside the tower, I wager… Only Blackstock’s most loyal have access keys.” 
“Look at you, the ultimate insider!” Eva smirks at her friend, punching him lightly on the shoulder. 
“Nah, I just know people who know people. The surprise is over here. Come, take a look.” Troy leads her towards the exposed balcony. 
She gasps as she takes in the scene.  
The balcony is perched high above the ground, providing a bird’s eye view of the hills and valleys surrounding the Tower.  
She looks out at the snow-covered mountains and valleys. Millions of twinkling stars lighting the night.  
Her breath catches as she notices bright shimmering lights in hues of green, blue and purple, dancing across the sky. 
“It’s beautiful.” She whispers, stunned. 
“Yeah. They call them northern lights. I read about them in some magazine. I was telling Sam and the guys about them, and she told me she’d seen these strange lights while out patrolling the past few nights. Convinced her to lend me the key to this place. It’s pretty amazing, I never thought we’d see them so far south.” 
“Isn’t Sam that brunette guard you’ve been flirting with?” Eva smirks, teasing. “You charmed her into lending you the keys?” 
“What can I say, I’m irresistible.” Troy grins, puffing out his chest.  
“If you say so, Hassan.” She smirks.
Eva looks out at the magical scenery, captivated. The aurora dance in the skies in an ethereal, pulsating rhythm, reflected on the white blanket of snow covering the fields and mountains.  
She shivers a little as a cold gust buffets their small balcony. Troy pulls out a blanket from his bag. He sits down on the ledge and beckons her over, wrapping them both snuggly.  
“You came prepared.” 
He shrugs “Figured it’d get cold out here.” 
They sit in companionable silence for a while, in awe at the delicate dancing ribbons of light. Relishing in the peace and quiet of the outside world. 
“One day, Troy, I’m going to see all this from outside the Tower. There’s got to be something better out there for us...” 
“I’m quite alright right here, thank you very much.” 
“For someone who spends an inordinate amount of time reading up on old world curio, you’re not even a little interested in seeing and experiencing it for yourself?” 
“Oh, believe me, I am. If it weren’t for the flesh eating freaks I’d be long gone… but let’s face it, I’m too good looking to die.” He flashes her one of his trademark grins. 
She chuckles, a twinkle in her eyes. 
“So, speaking of good looks, why d’ya invite little old me when you could be making out with the lovely Sam?” Eva asks him teasingly. 
“First of all, I don’t need any magical dancing lights to up my game with the ladies.”  
She scoffs.  
“Second, I heard you got expelled. I swear Blackstock’s goons are becoming unbearable. And it’s not just the school. It's harder and harder to get my hands on contraband, they’re really cracking down on everyone.” He sighs. “Anyway, I just figured you could use a friend and some cheering up.” 
“Thanks Troy, this is just about the nicest thing someone’s done for me.”  
She kisses him on the cheek before laying her head on his shoulder, gazing out to the skies once more. 
Troy hopes the darkness hides his blush.  
He wraps an arm around Eva, pulling her closer as they both take in the mesmerizing display. 
Maybe one day he’ll be brave enough to tell her how he feels. 
But tonight, he’s content he was able to brighten her night a little. 
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missameliep · 2 years
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I posted 3,172 times in 2022
171 posts created (5%)
3,001 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,017 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#not choices - 416 posts
#choices fanfic - 206 posts
#lol - 203 posts
#writing - 195 posts
#desire and decorum - 129 posts
#self reblog - 114 posts
#quotes - 113 posts
#writing inspiration - 108 posts
#choices fanart - 102 posts
#ask box! - 95 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#besides it's not inclusive if it disregards people who needs to use accessibility aids and this word is unreadable to the softwares 🤦‍♀️
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Miniseries: Safe
Book: Wake the Dead
Summary: After two decades living in the New World and with major threats looming on the horizon, Troy Hassan reminisces about his childhood, life and what being safe means after the end of the world came, and about his relationship with the Jones' sisters, Malia and Brynn.
Chapters: 6
Series status: Completed
See the full post
36 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
In Your Arms - Tyril Starfury x Arwen (F!Elf!MC)
Book: Blades of Light Shadow Pairing: Tyril x Arwen (f!Elf!MC) Summary: A late night at Undermount, after Adrina's engagement, a delicate subject is posed and Tyril and Arwen will have to make a decision about their futures. Word count: ~3.3k Rating: Teen and up Notes: No warnings. Based on this ask by my dear @princess-geek and the prompt from day 14 : gold | pi | shapeshifter of the March @choicesmonthlychallenge
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Flames dance, casting a golden light over the elves’ features who seek warmth by the hearth during a particular cold night at Undermount. The only other sound besides the crackling of the fire is their conversation about Adrina’s impending marriage.
Being alone like this, next to the fire and having one another so close, remind them of many late nights at camp.
Though, no camp could match the comfort and luxury found at the Starfury’s home, and very few things in this life might be as soft as the thick rug where they are sitting. Making herself more comfortable, Arwen's back presses against Tyril's chest. Revelling on the closeness he pushes her hair aside, giving him full access to her bare neck.
“Tonight was merely the first step..." Tyril explained, whilst peppering kisses on her neck as soft as his voice, "From this moment on, Adrina and Vaeril must undergo different trials until their betrothal is confirmed...”
“But why?”
His raven black eyebrows raise in unconcealed astonishment.
However, considering who was asking, it wasn’t an impertinent question at all. After the wars, Arwen might have decided to settle with him at Undermount, but, in spite of her thirsty for knowledge, growing up amongst humans made her ignorant of most of the Elven civilization’s practices.
“To prove they share great Kilvali.”
“Isn’t Kilvali like love?”
“Not quite the same...” He paused and pondered on how to explain something that is obvious to their kind, but not to her. “It is a strong bond. A sort of compatibility when shared by two elves is greatly desired, specially when it comes to joining Great Houses and forming stronger alliances.”
Twirling a lock of his long hair around her fingers, she mulled in deep consideration.
“And how does one even prove that?”
Leaning closer, his chin reposed on Arwen’s shoulder; her hair tickled his face when she tilted her head to steal a glimpse of him and listen to the words coming out of his mouth about the Elven wedding traditions.
As an outcome of their movements, the blanket slipped from her shoulder.
Without pausing his detailed explanation about the month of isolation, his hand deftly pulled the edge of the blanket upwards. Aiding him in the process, her fingers lightly brushed his whilst covering her shoulder.
Her touch makes the corners of his lips curl up and his mind loses the train of thought for almost as much time as the big hand in the ancient clock takes to complete its rotation.
“What was I saying?”
Amused, she guided his hand to rest on her thigh.
“You were about to tell me all the delightful activities the couple engage during isolation...” she teased and a flow of blood colored his cheeks in a purple shade.
He cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Not your sister, of course,” Arwen said innocently, “She will absolutely not do any of that.”
“That is not what... The isolation does not serve that purposed... and –” he paused, and recomposed himself. Her sense of humor sometimes is a bit too much for him to keep up with. “You tease me.”
“Always.” She chuckled and kissed his cheek.
“Besides, Kilvali and Dinvali –”
“It’s rare to share both,” she completed his sentence. “We were amongst the very few blessed...” She winked at him. “Go on, and tell me, after the isolation, if they don’t kill each other or die of boredom, are they done? Can we have a party and get completely sloshed with honey wine?”
“Afterwards, they must journey to Undermount’s depths.”
She whistled. “Pleasant place. Guarantee of a good time.”
A snort of laughter was muffled against her shoulder, and he let his thumb caress the side of her neck.
See the full post
45 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
What if some of our favorite series in the Choices fandom were books? What the covers would look like? Would they have special editions? Hard covers? Covers portraying the actors who portrayed the characters in the movie/series adaptation?
Fanfic Writer's Appreciation Day had me wondering about this and I'm starting something here...
The first one is Meant to Be by the talented Lori and I have a couple more planned.
1. Meant to Be by @lorirwritesfanfic
2. Unspoken Desires by @princess-geek
3. The Cursed Heiress by @noesapphic
4. The Greatest Con by @lorirwritesfanfic
5. For Love and Duty by @noesapphic
Bear with me and share your thoughts on the matter.
I'm tagging a few of you who might enjoy the idea: @princess-geek @noesapphic @lorirwritesfanfic @storyofmychoices @aallotarenunelma @lilyoffandoms
48 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
Like Poetry – Blades of Light and Shadow – Tyril Starfury x f!human!MC
Book: Blades of Light and Shadow
Pairing: Tyril Starfury x Nayeli (f!human!MC)
Characters: Tyril Starfury; Nayeli (MC); Nia Ellarious (the Priestess); Kade (the Bard); Imtura Tal Kaelen (the Princess) and Mal Volari (the Rogue).
Rate: Mature (Read notes)
Word count: 7k
Summary: More than three decades have elapsed since Tyril Starfury left Undermount and joined a party in their quest to save the world from the Shadow Court. Reminiscing about the time spent amongst humans, he ponders about life, friendship, love and time itself.
• Story freely based on a prompt from @the-modern-typewriter, in bold is the part of the prompted used, which also inspired the title, and you can find the original post here;
• All characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them;
• TW: character death (not graphic but still 2 characters die), violence, and mature subjects that might be triggering to some readers;
• The name Nayeli is of Zapotec origin and means “I love you”, and I think it’s quite appropriate to the MC in this story;
• Events take place three decades after the end of book 1 and I'm experimenting with different things narrative-wise in this story, so feedback is appreciated ☺️;
• English is not my first language.
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Time flows at its own pace.
Just like a river.
Always moving.
The apparent stillness of the surface sometimes tricks the eye, but time never stops; not even in those moments when it seems to stand still, like the first time Nayeli kissed him or when she confessed her love for him or whenever she cries his name when their bodies and souls unite in the most intimate expression of their love, it does not stop and one should not be fooled by it.
Impossible to block its path with a dam or slow it down. Impossible to press it forward either. The winds cannot change its course. Not even all the known magic in all the kingdoms can change that despite every attempt in doing so. Time never stops.
And that is the beauty of it. A beauty lost on Humans, the Elves used to say.
Humans seem to always be at war against time.
A war fated to be lost.
Not because of death, everyone dies, and everything shall perish eventually. Even the elves in their timeless grace shall meet their end. But humans, it seems, choose to focus on the losses and despair long before the end. Grasping for what’s impossible to hold, watching it slip through their fingers like sand, their eyes miss the true beauty of this world. The beauty in permanency. The beauty in order. The beauty that remains even when one is gone.
Prior to leaving Undermount, Tyril Starfury agreed with the scholars of his land: this behavior is nonsensical, why rebel against what cannot be stopped?
Time flows and Immortality is nothing but an impossible dream.
Nevertheless, more often than not these days, he wishes seconds would slow down and stretch indefinitely.
After three decades living amongst the humans, one could not ignore that the elf has learned too much about their ways – even if it is worth mentioning most of the knowledge about humankind was acquired against Tyril’s own will – and his mind and views about the world have changed. Evidently, they have not changed to the point to become foolish enough to go on a quest against time. Or death.
See the full post
59 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
tag game!
Thanks for tagging me @remys-lucky-franc ❤️
hot shower or cold shower // texting or calling // earbuds or headphones // paperback or hardcover // matte or gel // 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock // blue or green // sunsets or sunrises // tulips or orchids // candle light or moonlight // sci-fi or horror // pen or pencil // pandas or koalas // gold or silver // sneakers or boots // denim jacket or leather jacket // pink or purple // chocolate or sour candy // deodorant or perfume // drive-in movie theater or the cinema // pastel colors or neutral earth tones // lemonade or fruit juice // past or future // constellations or aurora borealis
tagging a few of you who might like it: @princess-geek @lorircreates @noesapphic @thequeenofpixels @mrsnazariowrites @peonierose @ladylamrian (feel free to ignore)
195 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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audikatia · 2 years
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Another year, another 110 books read! I don’t love organizing books by genre because I feel like so many of the books I read are a mix of fantasy/horror/queer romance/mystery/etc, but I like to see how it all falls into place. I had started 2022 with the goal of reading more poetry but otherwise had no specific goal except to read whatever I wanted. There were some disappointments, some books I have been meaning to read forever, some new favorites, and some comfortable rereads of old favorites. Overall, a good year!
List of books read + my ratings under the cut
Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Males of the Gay World, 1890-1940 by George Chauncey ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner ⭐️⭐️⭐️
No Voyage and Other Poems by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The River Styx, Ohio by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️
All’s Well by Mona Awad ⭐️⭐️⭐️
You’ll be the Death of Me by Karen M. McManus ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Summer Sons by Lee Mandelo ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Twelve Moons by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones ⭐️⭐️
American Primitive by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Dream Work by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
House of Light by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️
New and Selected Poems: Volume One by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
White Pine by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️
West Wind by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Leaf and the Cloud by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
What Do We Know? by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Owls and Other Fantasies by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Long Life by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Why I Wake Early by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Conventionally Yours by Annabeth Albert ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Dune by Frank Herbert ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Blue Iris by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️
New and Selected Poems: Volume Two by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thirst by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
These Violent Delights by Micah Nemerever ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Red Bird by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Out of Character by Annabeth Albert ⭐️⭐️
The Truro Bear and Other Adventures by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Evidence by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I Kissed Shara Wheeler by Casey McQuiston ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell ⭐️⭐️
The Woman They Could Not Silence by Kate Moore ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Swan by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Thousand Mornings by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Dog Songs by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Blue Horses by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Felicity by Mary Oliver ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Woman Beyond the Attic: The V.C. Andrews Story by Andrew Neiderman ⭐️⭐️⭐️
So It Goes by Isis Molina ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Slippery Creatures by K.J. Charles ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Sugared Game by K.J. Charles ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Subtle Blood by K.J. Charles ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
To Trust Man on His Oath by K.J. Charles ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
How Goes the World by K.J. Charles ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Band Sinister by K.J. Charles ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting by K.J. Charles ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Mary Magdalene Revealed by Meggan Watterson ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Le Petomane 1857-1945 by Jean Nohain and F. Caradee ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Any Way the Wind Blows by Rainbow Rowell ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Woman in the Library by Sulari Gentill ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell ⭐️⭐️
Magdalene: Poems by Marie Howe ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Love, Hate, & Clickbait by Liz Bowery ⭐️⭐️⭐️
All Eyes on Us by Kit Frick ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Song That Moves the Sun by Anna Bright ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The House Across the Lake by Riley Sager ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Michelangelo and the Pope’s Ceiling by Ross King ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Family Remains by Lisa Jewell ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Secret Wisdom of Nature by Peter Wohllben ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley ⭐️⭐️
Hell Followed with Us by Andrew Joseph White ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Cult Classic by Sloane Crosley ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Lock Every Door by Riley Sager ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Every Other Weekend by Abigail Johnson ⭐️⭐️⭐️
You Only Die Twice by Brynn Kelly ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Nineties by Chuck Klosterman ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Snakehead by Patrick Radden Keefe ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Cultish by Amanda Montell ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Opal by Maggie Stiefvater ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Mister Impossible by Maggie Stiefvater ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Greywaren by Maggie Stiefvater ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Feeling of Falling in Love by Mason Deaver ⭐️⭐️
Nothing More to Tell by Karen M. McManus ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Heroine with 1001 Faces by Maria Tatar ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Red White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Dracula by Bram Stoker ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Husband Material by Alexis Hall ⭐️⭐️⭐️
What If It’s Us by Becky Albertalli ⭐️⭐️
Here’s to Us by Becky Albertalli ⭐️⭐️
JELL-O Girls: A Family History by Allie Rowbottom ⭐️⭐️
My Policeman by Bethan Roberts ⭐️⭐️
Love in the Time of Serial Killers by Alicia Thompson ⭐️⭐️
Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M. Danforth ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Wicker King by K. Antrum ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Monster of Elendhaven by Jennifer Giesbrecht ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Cremains of the Day by Misty Simon ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Icebreaker by A. L. Graziadei ⭐️⭐️
Skin Deep by Sung J. Woo ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Raven King by Nora Sakavic ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The King’s Men by Nora Sakavic ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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phobiapup · 5 months
shart dream
he was living with his family in the mansion i sometimes dream about, the one that was haunted last time? he didnt answer the door when i came to see him so i let myself in. no one was around rlly. so i went to the kitchen, grabbed the darkest bottle of alcohol i could find from the cupboard, and then some orange juice and milk from the fridge. i poured myself a cup of straight whatever it was (probably whiskey) and quickly drank the glass (plus one or two more). next i mixed some oj, milk into the partially full bottle of whiskey and shook it the fuck up.
i took the bottle down the hall to a bedroom, where there was a large bed with two sleeping lumps. one was fart (i could tell from the cheesestick-like feet sticking out) and the other was shart. his ugly dead grass looking hair was on a pillow. walking over to the side of the bed away from the wall, i leaned next to his head and whispered, "good morning babe." he didnt move rlly.
i then climbed onto the mattress, somehow not waking him up. pulling away the blanket that covered his head and shoulders, i woke him up. looking down at him with my knees on his shoulders, he was horrified to see me. he opened his mouth to speak? and before he could, i lifted the bottle i had prepared over his head aaaaand Dumped the mixture all over his head face and shoulders. its gloopy texture and smell was just...blaergh. i smiled, he looked so shocked and disgusted!
i laughed at him and grabbed his head, started pulling and scratching at his face. he wrestled my arms and said something about me being a fucking crazy bitch. i was screaming about how he left he just left and i threw away years of my life for him because i loved him i trusted his promise of forever! but damn it was aaaaalll and lie!
i was laughing and crying and trying to hurt him as best i could. i took his jaw in my hand to make him look at me. and i said "im not blind to your real face anymore though, you would make even Lucifer vomit out of disgust! i could even puke on you right now". i spat whiskey drool his face instead, and got on my feet. i stomped on him a bit, stepping on his face while i jumped off the bed. i remember feeling a crack under my shoe! i was so glad that it was his probably his (nonexistent) nose. he looked like absolute garbage when i turned to see my handiwork!
"too bad your dirty secret is out. have fun rotting"
fart had woken up at that point and was yelling some stupid shit at me, their birdshit face was grosssss
in the hallway, aiden was angry with me for "hurting his sister" and brynn was giving me the ugliest judgement glare. i stuck my tongue out at them >:P
pushing past i got to the door where his mom was threatening to call the police as i was trying to leave. she grabbed my arm right as i was out the door. i turned and bit down on her hand as hard as i ever have and ran down the street crying and hysterically laughing.
i remember skipping along the sidewalk of some random shopping center thinking, "getting to stomp all over his face was worth it even if i go to prison idgaf that might be the whiskey talking, but i dont regret a thing"
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So in most alien abduction movies the characters are talking approximately 145% of the time, because they have to explain, every single time, “what are aliens?” and “what are alien abductions?”  This movie eschews nearly all dialogue, to its benefit!
This is about Brynn, who lives a cozy rural life. She sells homemade dresses on Etsy or something.  She has lots of cozy lights and items of vintage furniture and even a set-up of little model houses.  Thing is, everyone in town hates her because, spoiler alert, as a child she “accidentally” killed her best friend Maude. Anyway, she goes to bed and is awakened that night by noises of someone in her house.  She goes downstairs to investigate and it’s an alien (or, ALIUM)!  It makes weird chittering noises and the like which have become so fashionable for forest monster movies.  It chases her around the huge house for a bit and makes a tremendous mess, including upending Brynn’s table of dollhouses, which is totally a dick move.  Also, the alien, a typical Gray, has telekinetic powers and, per usual, interferes with electrical devices.  Brynn tries to run out the front door, but the alien yanks it off its hinges and the door crashes into Brynn’s head.  The alien is picking her up with its telekinesis, but she’s holding a piece of a dollhouse in her hand and actually stabs it in the head!  It falls over dead. Brynn passes out.
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The next morning, the dead alien is still lying dead in the entry.  Brynn cleans up a bit and heads into town to secure some assistance.  After a bit of anxiety, she wanders into the police office.  Unfortunately, Maude’s dad is the sheriff, and Maude’s mom, who is standing right in the lobby, spits in Brynn’s face.  Brynn runs away and decides to just leave the town.  She gets on a bus, but it’s filled with what we must assume are alien-controlled people.  Their necks are weird.  They chase Brynn off the bus, and she ends up at the church where Maude is buried.  Also, there are clouds in the sky and people are acting weird.  Brynn finds her way back home and discovers that something has crawled out of the dead alien’s mouth.
Brynn prepares for the coming night by cleaning up and gathering weapons, like a little box cutter.  Yes, the aliens do come back.  They start by levitating the dead body out of the entry.  Brynn runs into the basement, but an alien comes in the cellar door!  She tries to hide, but if finds her and uses its telekinetic powers to push furniture around and take away her weapon.  She flees upstairs, and there’s a little alien up there!  It chases her around, pausing once to make some weird sign with its double-jointed arms.  It runs after her into the bathroom, and she eventually stabs with it with a broom handle and jumps out the window.
Unfortunately, there’s a huge alien in the yard.  It has the longest arms and legs yet.  There’s also an alien-infected person from the bus earlier, and he catches Brynn.  The alien uses its long arms to make some signs in the air, and UFO appears.  Brynn avoids the abduction ray, and then the huge alien chases her around the yard.  It becomes tangled in the car, and Brynn blows it up.  She runs back into her house, but the human-sized alien still inside catches her!  She’s levitated up against the ceiling, and the alien coughs up a little slimy thing with tentacles, and it crawls into her mouth.  Gross.
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But then Brynn wakes up!  Everything is fine.  It’s a beautiful day!  Even Maude is there, and Brynn finally speaks and says that she’s sorry.  But Brynn knows that something isn’t right.  She shoves her hand down her throat and yanks out the little tentacle monster.  She comes to, back in the yard, that same night.  The slimy thing crawls away, and from above a UFO shines down a light and begins to create a new body for it.  This body is a copy of Brynn!  She runs into the forest, but alien Brynn chases her and stabs her with a knife.  Fortunately, the real Brynn cuts alien Brynn’s throat with that box cutter, and alien Brynn dies.  Real Brynn is bleeding out and runs into a road.  But!  She sees the biggest alien yet!  She’s finally  caught in an abduction ray and sucked up into a UFO.  There’s she’s surrounded by a bunch of aliens, who chitter and moan and make noises.  One of them touches her brain, and we see images of her past, including where she “accidentally” killed Maude.  The aliens talk for a bit, and I guess they feel bad for her, because they send Brynn back to earth.  She returns to her normal life, and everything is fine!  Because everyone else in town has been replaced by an alien and they let her live out her fantasy of being accepted and loved.  We pull back and see UFOs floating all over the town.  The end.
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This was an adequate monster movie.  There are some spooks, with maybe a bit of body horror, if you’re freaked out by double- and triple-jointed CG aliens.  The special effects are well done; the aliens blend in well into the environment, and the use of darkness and bokeh is clever.  I appreciate the choice to avoid dialogue and exposition because (1) everyone already knows the lore, and (2) it doesn’t matter.  It would be nice if more movies took this route.  Brynn, played by Kaitlyn Dever (who I previously saw in “Unbelievable” (2019)) gasps and screams and emotes on a level far beyond the typical actor in this role.  The emotional arc of the movie is interesting.  At first we might think that Brynn is building up a new level of self-confidence and self-healing in defending herself against the aliens, but instead the aliens create a world for her where her every delusion is enabled by a cast of enslaved humans!  The irony!
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CFWC F/AotW - Jan 28-Feb 3, 2024
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA | 🔹Submitted by creator
Blades MC Fanart 🎨 by @lilyoffandoms
Lost & Found 🎨🔹 | Mal Volari x f!human!mc by @cashweasel (C: @storyofmychoices
Tightrope ✒️🔹| Tyril Starfury x f!human!mc - @petalouda85
Gaius Augustine x MC Fanart 🎨🔹by @gaiuskamilah
Full CoP Masterlist week ending Feb. 3, 2024
Kieran Fanart 🎨🔹by @artbyalz
D&D OC 🎨 by @lilyoffandoms for @noesapphic
Mad Love ✒️🔹| Ernest Sinclaire x MC - @noesapphic
Helios - Emma's Arylu 🎨🔹 by @storyofmychoices
What's it Like Living With the Oretegas? ✒️🔹| Zig Ortega x F!MC by @choiceswithmika
Aiden Zhou x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @lilyoffandoms for @cadybear420
Chronicles of a Crimson Summer 11 ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Cassius Harlow x NB!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Pick a Line 1 ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Cassius Harlow x NB!MC - @aallotarenunelma
ILITW M!OC Fanart 🎨 by @lilyoffandoms for @aallotarenunelma
Full LOA Masterlist week ending Feb. 3, 2024
Guinevere, A Courtesan of Rome, Endless Summer, Getaway Girls, The Heist: Monaco
MC Fanart 🎨by @gaiuskamilah
Slow Burn, LoA, ShipWrecked, WTD, Surrender, CoP
MC Fanart 🎨by @cassiopeaicorvus
Full OH Masterlist week ending Feb. 3, 2024
Can't Take My Eyes Off of You - Part 5✒️| Maxwell Beaumont x Olivia Nevrakis - @alj4890
Side by Side (Series) ✒️| Liam Rys x MC - @ownworldresident Chapter 9: Renewal
Single Again ✒️🔹| Liam Rys x MC - @angelasscribbles
Vancross (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️🔹| Liam Rys x F!OC - @ao719 Chapter 22: My Way Back to You
Brynn 🎨🔹by @lilyoffandoms
Brynn (Zombie) 🎨🔹 by @lilyoffandoms
The Morning ✒️🔹| Eli Sipes x F!MC - @jerzwriter
Sisterly Advice ✒️🔹| Brynn Archer, F!MC - @dutifullynuttywitch
Wake the Dead Fanart🎨🔹by @lilyoffandoms
Zombie Queen🎨🔹 by @lilyoffandoms
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PB should just hire you to revamp WTD.
Part of the reason stories like ILITW and ILB left me so *shook* after playing them is because of decreasing nerve scores and the main characters' lives are at stake because of that. And of course these death sequences are well written to boot. Even though I was deliberately making the bad choices in my first playthroughs just to see what would happen, even though I was well aware it was gonna be horrifying, it still left me nearly unable to sleep. I'm not even kidding. ILS knew what they were doing and it did it good.
Having LIs' fates be determinant not just on specific stat levels but also your hard choice decisions would have been some very next-level goodness. But unfortunately, PB still played it just too safe even in one of the more respectable modern Choices books. #WakeTheDeadDeservedBetter
Absolutely, anon. That’s one of the biggest issues with modern books. For books where they need to take risks and get creative, they just don’t.
The It Lives series was so impactful because there were very real stakes. You could die. Your friends could die. There were lives on the line and they made that very clear early on in ILITW, letting us know that their nerve at the end of the game would directly tie in to their fates. If, say, Lily and Dan died, it was YOUR fault. If Lucas and Andy died, it was YOUR fault. If all of your friends died, well, you know the drill.
Plainly put, important characters integral to the plot could die because of your mistakes. And PB was absolutely not afraid to make you feel that in the most visceral, gut-wrenching ways.
Branching off of that, zombie media also tends to do this sort of thing particularly well. Wake the Dead wasn’t fully inspired by it, but had some very loose inspiration from The Walking Dead. In both the comics and the show (more so the comics), The Walking Dead isn’t afraid to let you know that absolutely no one is safe. No one.
Wake the Dead has many issues, but that, I think, is the biggest. It simply had no stakes whatsoever. Unlike some of the best zombie media, the zombie bites weren’t always fatal, and that took away a HUGE amount of what made the zombies so scary.
When the raiders attacked Sunflower Creek, I knew the main group would survive and there would be minimal casualties among the side characters. When the MC was taken by the raiders, I knew they were going to survive. When Eli was bitten, I knew he was going to survive, even when they gave us the choice to shoot him. When the main group went into the freaking zombie hive, I knew they were all going to survive. When Blackstock came to the colony and tried to execute us and all hell broke loose, I knew everyone was going to survive (but Blackstock).
There. Were. No. Stakes. NONE! None of them!
The closest thing we got to any sort of urgency was Brynn’s “death” early on. But that was it. That was the only major casualty in the book because PB played it safe in a zombie book of all books.
At the same time, PB tried to create an artificial sense of urgency by throwing different types of zombies into the mix. Types of zombies that the main group had never even seen before, even though the apocalypse had gone on for 21 years at that point, and two Solstices had already occurred since they happen like clockwork every 7 years. I don’t understand how not a single one of the people in our main group had never seen any of these variants.
And this goes without saying, but this artificial sense of urgency they tried to create with the variant zombies? It didn’t work. Why didn’t it work? Because the main character and love interests all had the most impenetrable plot armor in quite literally the entire app. I mean, Eli cheats death for Pete’s sake. He was on death’s doorstep from his bite (ON THE NECK, MAY I ADD, RIGHT BETWEEN THE HEART AND BRAIN) and still managed to survive and recover with no problem???? What????????
I get wanting to play it safe to an extent. This was a horror book that clearly had a lot go into making it. But you absolutely cannot be cautious in writing a zombie book. You simply can’t. Zombie media is absolutely notorious for killing off both main and side characters, whereas Wake the Dead only kills off side characters who otherwise don’t have much impact on the story.
Yes, some zombie media does get a happy, or at least, a realistically bittersweet ending. The Walking Dead comics, show, and Telltale series do. The Evil Dead does. 28 Days Later, I Am Legend, Zombieland all do. They have stakes which make us more invested, but also use those stakes in some way to tie up loose ends and give us an ending that really makes us think.
So yeah. As you said, anon, PB just played it too darn safe. And you can’t do that with zombie media. It’s not in the spirit of the genre, and its effect on the book quality was very evident.
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