#walked to class with my shoes squeaking so loud
voltrixz · 1 year
Suffering from the most comical unluckiness ever thanks to the rain
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phant0mth1ef · 3 months
more of bakugou x support course reader!
after you’d fixed his gauntlets, he realized just how much you’d improved them as he was training in class one day, noticing how they’re able to withstand his blasts as if nothing had happened, and noticing that you etched the word dynamight onto the rim of the silver at the bottom of the grenade shaped gauntlet.
he found himself in the support course work room once again, looking aroundbto see if he could find you to, well, somewhat thank you and ask if you had any other recommendations to add to his costume.
his shoes hit the floor as he was able to fully see the room during the day, watching as the students shuffled around and didn’t just casually cater to someone standing in their doorway, they were too engrossed in their own projects.
he grabbed one’s shoulder as they tried to speed by him, almost dropping the poor boy as his items fell on the floor.
“where’s extra #1?” he asked, his eyes squinting at the boy who just wanted to grab his things and go.
“who?” the boy squeaked.
“extra #1!” he whisper shouted as the confusion on the boy’s face never faltered.
“l/n.” he finally gave up, realizing the boy wasn’t gonna understand what he meant.
“oh! she’s currently over at mirko’s agency! she designs support gear for her y’know! she’s so talented.” the boy gushed as bakugou swore he saw a slight blush on his cheeks before pushing him forward and letting him go, walking out the door.
he normally wouldn’t do this. but oh man did he really need that support gear today! the boy was walking around town looking for the number 5 hero’s agency, even stopping some people on patrol to ask!
he was outside the doors, watching with anticipation as he looked inside, watching power loader scold you, a sheepish smile on your face.
bakugou opened the doors, a soft music playing in the background as he caught the end of your conversation with the teacher.
“and get your grades up or i’m taking your keys to the lab!”
you put a hand behind your neck as you looked towards who had just walked in the door, a look of confusion on your face as you spotted the blonde hero in training.
you had grease on your face and dirt covering your arms up to your elbows, and yet he didn’t find himself completely repulsed, just fascinated.
“bakugou? what’re you doing here?” you spoke, a large screw in your hand as you waved him over.
“i, uh, i need your help with something.”
you nodded.
“d’ya have anymore recommendations for me? like to add onto my hero outfit? i liked the way you messed with my gauntlets.
“you came all the way over here to ask me that?” your tone was questioning, and your face wasn’t having any of it.
“listen! i’ve got a mission soon and if you do have anything to add i want it on by then! got it, extra?!” he got defensive quick.
“are you forgetful or do you just like to piss me off?”
he was stubborn, you were stubborn.
the perfect match for one another!
“tch. y’know what i don’t even know why i bothered coming out here! clearly you’re just an egotistical asshole.” he turned around.
“fine! then go! i’m not exactly asking to design your support gear anyway! bitch.” you said with pride, although you whispered the last part.
as the door jingled, signaling his exit, you could hear footsteps approaching from behind you.
“well well well, seems like we’ve found someone with enough spunk to finally match yours!” mirko clapped, announcing that out loud to everyone who was sitting in the lobby.
“tch. he wishes.”
“i dunno, the way you were talking to each other, i’d say there’s some romantic tension there, aren’t i right akari?” she turned to her assistant who nodded.
the next day bakugou showed up to the lab, just sitting there waiting to be acknowledged, although you blatantly ignored him the whole time he was there, going on with your day while people from his class walked in and were instantly assisted, even deku.
he would sit there and wait. and that’s all he’d do. day after day for a whole week before you finally begun to notice him sitting there.
“alright i can’t focus with you huffing and puffing in the corner over there!” you dropped your tools, clanking against one another as they hit your workspace.
“i don’t want to help you. but you’ve got persistence. i’ll give you that.” you said as you grabbed some things from a drawer, shoving them into his chest.
“what’s this?”
“a mix of different things. smaller compact grenades that pack a bigger punch than your other ones, these are ear plugs that’ll allow you to hear without damaging your hearing further, this is a roll of tape. for you to shut up.” you gave a chesire grin at the last one.
surprisingly, he chuckled. he didn’t think he’d ever find someone who… “matched his freak,” as mina would describe it.
he also found himself liking the feeling of sitting there and watching you in your element, so much that he begun to come in after classes just to chat with you while you worked.
you weren’t as bad as he thought, he wasn’t as bad as you thought.
you could get used to this.
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sunlightmurdock · 7 months
thinking about mechanic bradley and goody-two-shoes reader fooling around behind the backs of her rich upper class family & him accidentally knocking her up
sksksks bc I’m so picturing enemies to lovers for them, like maybe the office she’s interning at is next door to his shop and he’s always playing his music too loud for her to work and hitting her with vaguely naughty, witty remarks when she comes to scold him about it
Really, he loves her bossy attitude and is just dying to get his hands on her
One Friday night she has been ditched at the office with mountains of work to do and he’s working into the night, blasting the music over the shop speakers with little respect for the neighbours. So, in her classy office heels, she stomps over there to give him a piece of her mind and as you could have imagined — it doesn’t exactly go that way
Instead, she winds up being manhandled onto workbench, tools, pencils and parts flying to the ground, her hands tangled into his messy curls as he sucks feverishly along her neck. Her neatly ironed blouse torn open and her skirt bunched around her middle, her heels digging into the small of his back as he fucks her wildly.
Then, he fixes the button on her blouse with a safety pin and drives her politely back to her parents’ house. It’s far too late for her to walk by the time they’re done. Of course, she makes him park down the street though — she can’t be seen with a guy like him.
After that, he becomes her regular stress relief. You can usually find her in his bed in the apartment above the shop on her lunch breaks, ranting to him about those asshole bigwigs who never take her seriously as he kisses along her body.
Her parents don’t even notice when the lunch portions that she packs every day double in size, to be shared with Bradley once they’ve worked up an appetite. He’s no stranger to vegetables, despite his otherwise messy lifestyle — but he regularly wrinkles his nose at the weird, fancy lunches she brings him.
And now that she’s not walking home from work, she has an extra hour to kill before her parents expect her back — an hour that is often spent making out with Bradley in his truck.
They’re having so much fun that sometimes, they forget to be careful. It’s only once Bradley coolly asks her what kind of birth control she uses as he’s tugging up his jeans, that a cold feeling strikes her.
“… What do you mean?”
“I mean we’ve been fucking like rabbits for four months straight and you haven’t gotten your period. Do you take the pill for the full month or something?” He asks, grabbing his shirt from the bedroom floor and tugging it over his head while she sits, still naked, in his bed.
He takes the dumbfounded look on her face for her being surprised at his knowledge and just chuckles, “Not my first rodeo, honey. What, it’s not the pill? IUD?”
She just squeaks softly and buries her face in her hands, bursting into tears, making his face fall in realisation.
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mostmouse · 7 months
Professor Min
You bring dinner to your husband, knowing he hasn’t eaten all day, buried in his class’s midterm papers. What you thought would’ve been a cute little makeshift office date turns into something a bit more intense.
The only question on Yoongi’s mind… what are you willing to do to pass his class?
Yoongi x f!Reader (8,000 words, explicit, professor AU, student-teacher role play)
Parking in the lot next to the administration building, you hopped out of the car, hearing it beep as it locked. Cupping the insulated bag that held tupperware full of dinner, you walked up to the door, swiping the spare key card Yoongi kept at home. Hitting the automatic button, you slipped in as the doors opened.
Making your way down the hallway, you hummed a small tune, looking at all the closed doors and huffing. Of course your husband was the only soul in the building. Rolling your eyes, you smiled slightly as you made your way to the corner office, tapping your shoe against it and knocking.
You could hear vague complaining, Yoongi grunting as he no doubt stood up for the first time in hours. With a huff, you could hear him before he opened the door, “The building is closed, if you’d like to stop for office hours, please make an app- oh.” He looked pleasantly surprised as his gaze fell on you, a soft smile curling his lips.
Holding up your hands, you giggled softly, “I know I didn’t make an appointment, Professor, but I was hoping you could make time for me.” Your husband shook his head, laughing as he stood aside, letting you come in. “I made dinner! I know you’re working through midterm papers and all but... I got lonely, so I thought I’d bring it to you.” Your smile diminished slightly, wondering if he would be upset with you.
Yoongi liked to keep his professional life and home life separate, and you respected that. You didn’t pry into his classes unless he offered the information to you, and you never came during proper work hours. It was only because you knew the building would be closed and deserted that you even came tonight.
Yoongi sat on the couch in his office, dragging the coffee table over and motioning for you to sit down. With a delighted hum, you took a spot next to him, thighs pressed together. Unfolding the insulated bag, you laid it out and moved the containers so that both of you could eat from them. Nuzzling up close to him, you felt him sigh before he leaned over and kissed the crown of your head, “Thank you. I don’t remember when I last ate.”
You shook your head, admonishing him lightly as you grabbed a bowl, bringing it closer and feeding him a bite. You watched as he blushed, smiling as he chewed. Leaning back a bit more to rest against the couch, he wrapped one arm around your waist, looking up at you with puppy eyes. Grinning, you continued to feed him, taking a few bites yourself as he chewed thoughtfully. “How has grading been going?” Slipping him another bite, you quickly leaned down and kissed him, feeling him smile against you before you pulled away, letting him finish his mouthful.
Heaving a loud and heavy sigh, he whined as he looked up at the ceiling, “Remind me to discuss with the dean about shrinking my class size back to what it used to be a few years ago. There’s too many kids this semester. There were a few that requested special admission, so there’s even more than usual.” Sniffing, he pouted at you, opening his mouth again. You cooed softly at him, feeding him another bite and watching as his cheeks flushed as he chewed happily.
“Aw, sweetness, that's terrible. I’m sorry there’s so much work to be done. I’ll help however I can, even if it’s just to help decompress you, honey.” You grabbed the bottle of water from the table, opening it and holding it to his mouth. Trying to focus on his precious expression, and not how his throat moved with each drink, you pulled it away when he was done. “You have soju in your drawers, right? Want me to get you a glass?”
As you moved to stand, you squeaked as he grabbed your belt loop, tugging you back down and even closer to him than you were before. “No. Not right now. I just want you. And more food.” You giggled, looking at him as he stared dreamily up at you, a small smile on his kissable lips. Bending towards the table, you felt him rub your back as you grabbed the other bowl, bringing it up close and feeding him from that one, hearing him groan in satisfaction.
He was in bliss, having you for an extra visit and being pampered. He loved when you fed him, when he got to just lay back and relax. It was honestly the best way to be surprised in his office. As you fed him, he found his mind wandering further and further away, worrying less about work and more about how he wanted to go home with you. It had been a while since he got a full night’s rest.
Hearing your chopsticks scrape the bottom of the bowl, he opened his mouth, waiting for his next bite. As you gently laid it on his tongue, he hummed as he chewed softly. “I love you.” He heard you squeak softly, knowing you were blushing with a dopey smile on your face. “Thank you for coming tonight. I know I’ve been busy, you deserve more attention.” He accepted the next bite as well, not bothering to open his eyes.
You knew how he expressed his love, knowing his love language was acts of service and gift giving. Sometimes he felt guilty, knowing your love language didn’t exactly align with his, but countless times you had reassured him. You knew he loved you and that was that. Though it didn’t hurt to hear it every now and again.
Letting his legs fall open, he groaned loudly, feeling the stress and stiffness leave him slowly. He heard you set the bowl down, your body curling up next to his. Grabbing for your legs, he dragged them over his thigh, feeling your nails drift through his scalp, scratching softly and combing his hair. “You’ve really let your mane grow out, Professor. Do any of your students or colleagues think it’s too much?” He could hear the smile in your voice.
Huffing in laughter, he squeezed your thigh appreciatively. Tilting his head to be more pressed into your palms, he smiled, “Some of the students have mentioned it. Not to my face, but I hear them talk.” He snickered, hearing you huff. “None of the staff have said anything, so I’m guessing I can keep it.” Opening his eyes just a sliver, he looked at you, watching your expression.
You were trying to hold back your smile, shaking your head, “Good, I love it long. It’s so nice and soft and poofy. I love it so much.” You leaned forward, nuzzling him and sighing happily.
Yoongi smirked, licking his lips, “Plus, it’s nice for you to have something to hold onto while I’m eating you.” Laughing as you gasped loudly, he felt you slap his chest, quickly dissolving into laughter with him. “What? It’s true. Try to deny it.” Catching your wrist, he pulled you close, eyes darting to your lips with a smirk still on his own.
You felt your breath stutter in your throat, shuddering as his darkened gaze finally found yours, his smug smirk making your heart melt. Swallowing thickly, your voice was a husky whisper, “I- You said we couldn’t do anything in your office. Should we go home?” You watched, entranced as he leaned forward, biting your lip and dragging it between his teeth.
Letting go, he decided to shoot his shot at a fantasy he had been fighting down for months. Looking back into your eyes, he let his hand come up behind you, pulling your hair gently, just enough to excite you. “Ah, you can’t come home with me, that would be inappropriate. Office hours are just fine. Now tell me, do you want to pass this class?”
He felt you shiver in his grip, a soft breath hissed through your teeth. Giving you a moment, he worried that perhaps you hadn’t had the same fantasy. But sure enough, your voice was as husky as his, your lustful gaze on his, “Please, Professor Min. I really need to pass this class. I’ll do anything.” Your thighs rubbed together slightly, still propped up over his thigh.
Grinning, he used his foot to push away the table, dinner finished and just needed cleaning up. Once it was far enough away he didn’t need to worry about any spillage, he grabbed your leg, dragging you to sit on his lap, straddling him. Leaning back against the couch, he rested his hands behind his head, smirking, “Then show me how bad you need this grade.”
You swallowed thickly, licking your lips as you looked up at him. Leaning forward towards him, you dragged your fingers through his hair, tilting his head back and hovering your lips just over his, “Is this okay? Can I touch you, Professor?” He bit his lip to keep from grinning, instead just nodding and trying to look casual.
You made quick work of the space between you, crowding him and pressing your body against his, kissing him softly. His hands stayed behind his head, letting you do the work. You pulled back slightly, panting softly, “I’ve never done this with one of my professors before. Are you sure this is allowed?” Groaning at your innocent tone, he felt his cock get hard in his dress pants.
Letting one hand come up to your head again, he pulled your hair harder, hearing you whimper, “Do you want this grade or not?” Listening as you panted, he nodded your head for you, “Use your words, otherwise I’ll have to give that mouth something else to do.” He felt your thighs squeeze his hips, unable to keep the smirk off his face, knowing you were just as into the fantasy as he was. Of course he’d never do something with a student - he was far too obsessed and possessive of you - but having you in his office calling him Professor and bending to his will? He would gladly take it.
Panting, you tugged against his hand, whimpering when he didn’t let go, “Yoongi~” Crying out, you felt him pull harder, “P-Professor Min! Please, please can I kiss you? I promise I’ll make you feel good.” He groaned at your voice, head falling back against the couch. Letting go of your hair, he rested his palms on your thighs, giving you a sultry look and licking his lips slowly.
You bit your cheek to keep from grinning and jumping on him, trying to remember your role as a desperate student, but nervous to be with her teacher. Slowly, you leaned down, brushing a fingertip over one of his lips, biting your lip and smiling as he bit it softly, running his tongue over it. You could see the delight dancing in his eyes, both of you struggling to remain in character.
Swallowing, you puffed air over his face, falling back into your role and ghosting your lips over his. Feeling his grip on your thighs tighten, you pulled back, “Professor, please tell me what you want.” You pressed your forehead on his, your face flushed, “I’ve never done this before... I’m sorry I’m not experienced, but I promise I can satisfy you, anything for this grade, please Professor Min.”
He groaned loudly, dragging you almost imperceptibly closer to his body, “Such a bold little student I have. A cute little virgin willing to please her Professor for a passing grade?” He leaned forward a bit, biting your lip, “Then let me show you how to please a real man. I’m sure whatever guy you date will be happy you had such an experienced man teach you everything you need to know.” You grinned against his lips before he pressed his to yours, tongue swiping over your lip eagerly.
You fought the urge to let him in immediately, instead keeping your mouth closed and pulling back a bit, “What? I don’t get it, what do you want me to do?” You felt him growl against you, hands tightening in your hair and on your thigh, grip bruising as he shoved his mouth against yours and pressing his tongue into your mouth.
Unable to help yourself, you moaned hotly, legs falling wider apart in his lap as he ravaged your mouth. It was nearly intoxicating, feeling him kiss you so intensely after almost a week long dry spell. He was nothing if not devoted to his work, but right now, in this fantasy, you were his work. And you knew you’d get the same treatment as the papers on his desk.
His tongue licked all over your mouth, petting your own, tracing your teeth, and licking your cheeks. Pulling away, both of you panted, his eyes dark as they raked over your face. You couldn’t help but touch your lips with your fingertips with a dazed expression. Yoongi grinned, leaning forward and brushing his lips over the shell of your ear, “Never thought I’d get to break in a virgin again.” Licking you slightly, he felt your legs squeeze him.
The two of you were high school sweethearts, learning everything about pleasure together. He had been your first and you had been his. Him using the term ‘break in’ almost had you in a giggling fit, knowing all your first times had been bashful and blushy, and most certainly steeped in love. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you dragged your fingers through his hair, “Please be gentle, Professor.”
Yoongi couldn’t help but grin, leaning back and biting your bottom lip, eyes a bit wild. It seemed as if the nearly week long dry spell had him overly excited, plus the fantasy in his office so late at night. Letting go of your lip, he heard you whimper, “Gentle? You said you’d do anything to please me. Gentle isn’t something that pleases me, so I hope you don’t have some delusion that you’re walking out of here tonight after some lovey dovey touching. I’m going to break you.”
He watched as you whimpered, wiggling in his lap. He knew you wouldn’t be able to feel much relief through your jeans, but part of him loved it. He still felt good guiding your hips against his hard cock, moaning at the feeling. Your hands gripped his shoulders, your flushed cheeks making his heart beat just a bit faster. Licking his lips, he nudged your nose with his, coaxing you into another kiss, shoving his tongue back into your mouth.
You moaned against him, pulling him tighter against you and sighing. Playing with his tongue, yours pet his as he pressed against you. His hands drifted down, cupping your ass and squeezing, listening as you moaned into his mouth. Dragging your hands through his hair, you bucked your hips against his, desperate to feel his touch.
He pulled away from you, immediately nibbling and sucking your throat where he could reach. Your brows pinched up, sighing and gasping as you bit you. You knew you’d have fresh marks to hide at work, but you loved it. You loved getting up in the morning and seeing all the new bites, marks, and bruises he left on your body.
Grinding against him, you keened as he bit your throat, “P-Professor, please let me touch you.” He pulled away, his lips resting against your tender skin as he hummed thoughtfully.
Dragging his hands around to rest on your thighs, he slapped you playfully then squeezed tight. “Strip.” He sat back, pushing your knees and closing his legs so you could stand easier. Resting his hands behind his head again he licked his lips languidly. “And do it slowly. Give me a show, won’t you?” You bit your lip, whining in the back of your throat.
Stepping back a bit, you tossed up a finger, silently telling him to wait a moment. He watched you curiously as you packed up the bowls quickly, securing them back into the bag and placing it on the floor next to the door, which you then locked. Scampering back to stand in front of him, you slapped his knee as he giggled at you. Taking a deep breath you slapped your cheeks, trying to get back into character. Pouting, you pursed your lips at him, “Tell me to strip again, now I’m just excited!” You laughed together, Yoongi shaking his head.
Sitting up, he ruffled his hair, pulling it back into a ponytail before letting it cascade down his shoulders again. Looking up at you, he smirked as your eyes followed his hair. Settling back into the couch, he cleared his throat, getting your attention again, but snapping his fingers for good measure, watching as you blushed, knowing he only did it when he wanted you to get on your knees for him. “Eyes on me. Now strip down before I do it for you. And I won’t be nice about it.”
You whimpered, falling back into character and feeling your panties get wetter at his almost disinterested expression, yet his dark eyes stayed fixated on you. Playing with the hem of your sweater, you slowly tugged it up and over your head. Tossing it towards the door, you bit your lip, tracing the cups of your bra and shifting from foot to foot. “I said strip. Take it all off.” Moaning at his authoritative tone, you reached behind you, unclasping your bra and slowly dragging it down.
Looking away, you tried to look bashful as you covered your chest, one arm across them as you tossed your bra away. Yoongi groaned lowly, “Don’t hide yourself from me. If I have to get up, it’ll be a lot rougher for you tonight.” He pawed at his trousers lightly, trying to give himself any sort of friction. He saw you smile faintly, knowing you were hoping he would get up. Rolling his eyes he smiled, winking, “I’ll be rough no matter what. Now finish.”
Swallowing thickly, you let your arms fall to your side, heavy breasts exposed to Yoongi’s hungry gaze. Dragging his eyes over you, he felt drool pool in his mouth. Groaning, he adjusted his hips, eager to have you touch him once you were nude before him.
Watching you unbutton your jeans, you wiggled out of them slowly, dragging them over your thick thighs. Snapping his fingers again, you blushed as you looked up from where you were bent slightly. “Turn around. I wanna see that cute, tight ass as you bend over for me.” Standing back up, you blushed hotly, turning around and slapping your cheeks slightly, feeling yourself blush hotly.
Swallowing, you resumed your actions, thankful you wore cute panties. Once you got your jeans down to your ankles, you tugged them fully off, staying bent at the waist. Looking at Yoongi from down by your knees, your hair falling around you, you whimpered, “Do you want me to take my panties off, too, Professor Min?” He growled, eyes raking over your body that he could see.
“Yes. Good girl for asking.” You turned away from him, stomping your feet excitedly from his gravelly praise. Clearing your throat slightly, you slowly dragged your panties down. Stepping out of them slowly, you couldn’t help but blush, feeling bashful all of a sudden. Just as you tossed them away, you heard a camera shutter.
Gasping, you stood and whipped around, blushing as you saw Yoongi biting his lip and zooming in on his screen. “Yoongi-yah!” You couldn’t help but squeal as you covered your cheeks, stomping your feet and laughing. He laughed with you, tucking his phone away and shaking his head. Winking at you, he licked his lips, crooking his finger and enticing you closer.
Once you were in front of him, he sighed and tucked his hands behind his head. Nodding down towards his pants, he looked back up at you, quirking a brow as if to ask why you hadn’t already stripped him. Lowering yourself to your knees, you whispered for him to hold on as you crawled away to grab your sweater. Folding it and placing it under your knees, you looked back up at him, blushing at his love struck look.
Coughing to cover your smile, you kissed his knee softly, “Can I take your clothes off too, Professor Min?” Making your eyes big and round, you looked up at him from under your lashes, humming quietly.
Yoongi smirked, dragging a hand through his hair as he lifted his hips slightly, “No. All you need is my cock. Afterall, I’m not the one who needs to pass, am I?” You whimpered at his tone, hands sliding up his thighs to undo his trousers and dragging them down, along with his boxer briefs.
Groaning loudly as his cock was finally freed, he sat back down on the couch. Licking his lips, he watched as you tugged his pants to his knees and down a bit, letting you get a bit closer between his legs. Though he noticed you didn’t look directly at him, smirking as he remembered you were playing a virginal student.
He brought his hand down, dragging it through your hair before he grabbed it and made you look at his thick shaft, hearing you whimper, “What’s the matter? Never seen such a big cock before?” He pulled harder, hearing you gasp and moan loudly, your nails biting into his bare thighs where your hands rested on them. “Don’t worry about looking so much, I guess. I’ll be inside your mouth in just a moment anyways.”
Swallowing thickly, you panted slightly, “Professor Min, I’ve never- please-” He watched as your chest rose and fell with each breath.
Pulling you closer, he used his other hand to hold his cock to your mouth, coating your lips in his pre-cum before slapping them with it, “Please what? A girl like you hasn’t ever sucked a guy off before?” He scoffed, slapping your cheek next with his shaft, groaning tightly, “Want me to be gentle? Is that what you want? Too bad, baby. I’m not in the mood to pamper such a pure princess tonight.”
You moaned, licking your lips and opening your mouth, too excited to banter with him. You looked up at him, admiring his handsome face as he smirked down at you. Sighing, you felt his cock on your tongue, his hand loosening up in your hair as you slowly started to suck the tip. Looking up at him, you sighed as your hands drifted closer to your mouth, petting his strong thighs.
Swirling your tongue around him, you hummed softly. Yoongi’s head was tilted back, sighing and moaning as you pleasured him, mind in a haze after not feeling your touch in days. Smiling slightly, you took him deeper, feeling his hand in your hair go limp and rest there. Swallowing thickly, you took a deep breath before sinking as far as you could, petting his hard shaft with your delicate tongue.
Moaning around him, you heard him gasp, hips bucking up into your mouth. Scrunching your nose slightly, you slowly pulled back up, lavishing his tip and sucking him tightly. Becoming aware of his surroundings once more, he tipped his head back up, hand petting your hair and pulling it back into a ponytail before wrapping it around his fist, “P-Pretty talented for a virgin. You sure this is your first time with a cock in your mouth, baby?”
You hummed, smiling around him and not bothering to answer him, just looking up at him with flushed cheeks and slipping deeper. He moaned tightly as he felt himself hit the back of your throat, sighing as you dragged your head back up. Popping off him, you used your hand to stroke him as you kissed and licked his package.
“It’s my first time, but my friends have told me all about when they do it... Is it good? I just wanna make you feel good, Professor Min.” You tried to pitch your voice, sounding desperate as you licked back up his shaft from base to tip. As you flicked your tongue over his slit, he shivered, pulling your hair slightly. “Am I doing a good job, Professor? Please tell me what you want me to do.”
Gritting his teeth, he pushed your head down on him, “Be a good girl and take it all, want you to swallow my cock and take every load I give you.” You moaned around him, rubbing your wet thighs together. He gave you a second to catch your breath before taking a deep one. Once you squeezed his thigh lightly, he shoved you the rest of the way down his shaft, feeling himself inside your hot, tight throat.
Moaning loudly, his voice was rough as he slowly fucked your mouth. Dragging you by your hair, he bucked his hips as well, moaning as your tongue pressed against him, feeling you swallow around him. Tugging you up, you popped off him, panting and catching your breath. “Fuck... Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum too fast.” He panted, hazy eyes looking down at you between his legs, your lips shining.
You bit your lip, smile threatening to break your cheeks. You felt his words stroke your ego, knowing you could make one of the most severe professors in the entire department fall apart with just your mouth. Sighing, you tapped his thigh looking back up at him through your lashes, “It’s okay, Professor Min. I want you to- to finish in my mouth. Please.”
He smirked, guiding you back to his cock, sighing as your hand held and massaged his heavy package. “Aw, can’t say ‘cum’, baby girl?” He pulled your hair, stopping you just as you kissed the tip of his shaft, “Beg me for it, baby. Be a good girl and beg me to blow my load down your throat. Tell me how bad you wanna swallow my cum.”
You whined, pulling against his hand slightly just for him to pull harder. “Please, Y- Professor Min! Please cum in my mouth, I wanna taste you, please!” Groaning as you keened, he shoved you down halfway, growling as he felt your breath puff across his bush. Once you had a deep enough breath, you tapped his thigh softly. Roughly, he shoved you down the rest of his shaft, your nose against his coarse, dark curls.
Gagging slightly, you relaxed your throat, taking a few calming breaths and swallowing around him. Looking up, you felt tears gather on your lash line, tapping his thigh softly again. Clenching his other hand into a fist, he tightened his hold in your hair and resumed fucking your mouth. Panting, he bucked his hips, moaning as your tongue dragged against him.
Arching his back, his head fell against the couch, chest heaving with every breath, “Fuck, fuck! Baby, fuck! Gonna cum, be a good girl and swallow it, it’s all for you, fuck!” Arching, he held your face down, cock throbbing and pulsing in your throat as you felt him blow his load, filling your belly. Swallowing around him, you wiggled your face, causing him to keen as his hips stuttered, emptying himself into your tummy.
Panting for breath, he loosened his hand, letting you press your palms against his thighs as you slowly lifted yourself off of him. With a wet pop, you gasped for air, coughing slightly as his messy cock fell against his lower belly, happy trail getting covered in your drool and his cum.
Wiping at your lips, you licked any stray amounts of his cum from your fingertips, smiling happily to yourself and leaning forward, licking him softly and swallowing any that you missed on him. Finishing your clean up, you wiggled up next to him on the couch, holding him to your bare chest.
Feeling him pant against you, you brushed his sweaty hair from his forehead, kissing the crown of his head softly and whispering sweet nothings. Nuzzling against him, you hummed happily. Slowly, he could feel himself again, fingers twitching and brows furrowing. “It’s been too long obviously... Even just a few days and you suck me off once and I’m like a spent teenager again.”
You giggled, kissing his forehead and cheeks. Slowly, his eyes focused on you again, hands coming up and squishing your cheeks. Kissing his nose, you sighed happily, “Are you done for the night? I can pack up your papers and drive us home. I’ll bring you back Monday morning.” It didn’t pass him by how you were basically saying he would spend the weekend at home, but he loved it. Loved when you took charge and directed him exactly where you wanted him to be, knowing he was a bit of a workaholic.
Licking his lips, he leaned down, kissing the swell of your breasts, “Later. I’m not done with you yet.” He felt you shudder, smiling against him. He knew you were far from satisfied, especially since it had been so long. “You haven’t done enough to earn that grade. You think swallowing my cock is it? My class is much too difficult to equate to such a miniscule one time thing.” He looked up at you through his lashes, smirking as he saw your blush.
Moving to straddle him, you set your hands on his shoulders, looking at him intently, “Yes, sir. Whatever else you want, I’ll do it. I’ll keep your cock in my mouth for the rest of the semester if it’ll help keep you generous with my scores.” His head fell back, eyes closing and groaning loudly. You couldn’t help but giggle, covering your mouth and trying to stay in character.
His hands rested atop your thighs, squeezing. “Whatever else I want?” He hummed thoughtfully, slowly pushing you off his lap. Leaning over to his coat rack, he heard you giggle behind him, shaking his head as his trousers were around his ankles. Finally just kicking off one of his shoes, he stepped out of one leg, waddling to grab his sweater and waddling back, cock semi hard and slapping against his thighs softly.
Shaking his head, he stuck his tongue out at you before bending and grabbing the sweater you had been kneeling on. Spreading both of them out on his couch, he held your hands as he gently spread you out over them, making sure your bare body and face weren’t touching the cushions. He shuddered to even consider how many people had sat on this couch over the years.
Making sure his sweater came up just under your ass, to catch any stray spillage afterwards, he knelt between your legs, spreading them wide on either side of him. Groaning as he saw your perfectly wet cunt, he nipped the inside of your calf, which was resting against his still clothed chest.
You couldn’t help but giggle, covering your face. Quickly fanning yourself, you cleared your throat, looking up at him with a timid expression, “Professor?” Your breathless tone had him groaning low and gravelly. Stroking his cock, he slapped it against your lower belly, resting it on you so you can feel how thick and big he was.
Shivering, you felt yourself clench, desperately wanting him inside you. His rough voice pulled you from your thoughts, making you wetter. “Think you can take me? Look how big my cock is, baby. A sweet virgin like you? I’ll break you in half.” You couldn’t help but think back to the first time the two of you had gone all the way, even if he hadn’t completely finished growing up, it had been a tight fit.
Blushing, you bit your lip, hand tentatively reaching down and stroking him, biting back your moan. “I can take it, Professor Min. Please, just give me a chance.” You couldn’t help the excitement in your voice, hips wiggling subtly in Yoongi’s grip. You knew he noticed, but he was able to stay in character, looking down at you with a vaguely cold look, not quite able to pull it off when it was his gorgeous wife splayed out under him.
Licking his lips slowly, he smirked as you watched the action closely. Settling your legs against his chest, he groaned as he dragged his cock along your soaked slit, watching you shiver with anticipation. “Gonna take you hard and rough. Think you can handle it, princess?” He watched as you covered your mouth, watching your eyes crinkle and knowing you were smiling.
Taking a deep breath, you dropped your hands, nodding with an apprehensive expression, “Yes, I can take it, please, Professor, just take me.” Groaning harshly, he made sure the tip of his cock slipped inside before anchoring both palms on either side of your head. With a cocky smirk and dark eyes looking down at you, you couldn’t help but bite your lip, squealing as he shoved himself fully inside you.
Your hands wrapped around his wrists above you, legs shaking as he sat fully sheathed inside your tight cunt. Moaning loudly, you squeezed him tightly, hearing him moan roughly, “Fuck, you’re so tight. You really are a virgin, aren’t you, princess? Fuck, taking my cock so well, don’t think I’ll be able to hold back from breaking this pretty cunt of yours.” He grinned down at you, watching as you smiled dazedly.
Pulling himself back, he bucked back into you, starting up a rough pace. Each time he pounded back into you had you gasping, moaning his name and keening sharply. Soon, you had your hands clasped over your mouth, watching as Yoongi bit his lip, trying to keep himself quiet as well, just in case anyone was in the building for whatever reason.
Gasping behind your palms, you arched your back, “Yoongi! Please! I- ahh! P-Professor, I can’t! Please, please touch me~” Your brows knit up, moaning lasciviously, watching as he licked his lips and grinned. Moving his weight to one hand, he brought his other down, playing with your clit. Immediately curling forward, you cried out behind both hands, voice reaching your husband as easily as if you were screaming.
Sitting back on his heels, he dragged your hips up and closer, fingers playing expertly with your clit as you matched his pace easily, knowing all his moves. You arched against the couch, head falling to the side as you lost yourself in his pleasure. His cock stroked you perfectly, and in this angle made easy work of your gspot. Gasping against your palms, you felt your eyes water, your climax rushing down your spine.
Yoongi could feel your thighs quaking where they rested on his arms, having slipped from his shoulders. Maintaining his pace, he kept his hips bucking into you, readjusting his hand that was playing with your clit to also press down on your lower belly, making sure his cock was pounding your sweet spot over and over.
He heard you scream behind your hands, nails biting into your cheeks as you writhed under him. He couldn’t help but grin, teeth shining in the light as he panted, “That’s it baby, cum for me. Wanna feel you cum on my cock, pretty girl, I know you can. C’mon, good girl, just like that.” He watched as your chest darkened, body flushing as you keened under your palms.
Shuddering as he felt your cunt squeeze him, he imagined if anyone else were in the building, how they’d know how good he fucked you. He was sure none of them would be able to look him in the eye after. Not that many did anyways, he was aware of his effect on other people, after all you made sure to remind him every moment how ethereal he was.
Licking his lips, eased his hand up, gently circling your clit with feather light touches. Soon, your body quit trembling, your husband cooing softly to you as your eyes fluttered open again. Looking at him, you pulled your hands away to speak before crying out loudly, feeling him buck against you. “Y-You didn’t finish, baby?” You whimpered as he took his spot back above you, anchoring his palms on either side of your head, grin on his lips.
Leaning down, he caught you in a kiss, shoving his tongue into your mouth as he began pounding you fast and hard. You reached up, grabbing his hair and crying out loudly. Trying to pull away, he followed you down, body flush to your sweaty one as he fucked you fast. The way he pet your mouth with his tongue was a sharp contrast to how he pounded you, cock making you feel dumb and dazed.
You moaned hotly against him, hands pulling his hair as you keened, drooling on his tongue. His hands moved from your shoulders to hold your legs up and wider open, bruising his hips against yours. With a gasp, he pulled away from you, panting heavily as he watched you drool under him, breasts bouncing and expression blissed out.
Grinning, he leaned down, biting your chest and leaving marks all over you. Feeling your thighs shake against his palms, he bit you harder, feeling his own climax approaching. “Yoongi~” His name was hoarse as you whispered it, eyes fluttering. You whimpered as he fucked you, pulling his face flush to your bouncing chest, heart pounding.
He groaned your name, drooling onto your bruised breasts, hips stuttering, “Fuck, fuck- cum for me, baby, one more time, fuck-! I know you can- ahh!” His breath stuttered in his lungs, shoving one hand down and grinding his fingers roughly against your clit, feeling you immediately squeeze around him.
Gasping, he shouted, cursing as he finished inside, listening as you moaned loudly as his fingers got you off after. Growling in his chest, he couldn’t help but glare down at you, lustful gaze intense as you whimpered. Pulling himself free, you cried out at the loss, feeling his cum spill from you.
However, he easily slipped his digits inside you, panting heavily as he pushed his cum back inside. Not stopping there, he felt for your gspot and quickly began pounding it just as hard as he was fucking you, determined to make you squirt on him. Crying out, you covered your mouth again, tears slipping past your lashes.
Trying to close your legs, you keened as he kept them forced open, spreading his own legs and keeping yours pried open. Licking his lips, he leaned down, pressing his forehead to yours, watching your dazed expression, “C’mon, squirt for me. Be a good girl and squirt all over my hands.” Screaming behind your palms, you whipped your head to the side, body quaking with effort and pleasure.
He felt your cunt squeeze him, your mixed cum covering his hands and wrist and he pounded you hard. It didn’t take much more until you were arching, gushing all over his hands and making him moan, the filthy sound echoing in your otherwise empty head. Collapsing against the couch, you gasped for air, swallowing your mouthfuls of drool.
Feeling boneless, you let Yoongi move about his office as you blinked owlishly at the ceiling, unaware of mostly everything around you. Soon, you felt something soft between your thighs, petting your sensitive skin gingerly. You then saw Yoongi in your line of vision, blinking up at him as he smiled gently. Closing your eyes, you felt him kiss you softly, scattering them over your face, neck, and chest.
You tried to lift your arms up to hold him against you, but he slipped through your fingers relatively easily, not as though you were moving very fast. You heard rustling as you slowly came back into your body, wiggling your toes and fingers.
Before you could sit up, you felt Yoongi sit above your head, slowly dragging you across the sweaters on the couch to rest you on his lap. Kissing your forehead, he leaned back, letting you rest on his chest. Licking your lips, you coughed slightly before smiling, “So, do I get that passing grade, Professor Min?”
You felt his chest rattle with laughter, kisses being peppered all atop your head. Shaking his head, he pet you softly, “You do. You did a great job. Maybe I should have you stop by more often outside of office hours... You wouldn’t believe what a stress reliever this has been.” You laughed softly along with him, gently being lulled to sleep by the soft sounds in his chest.
Holding you for a bit longer, Yoongi basked in the afterglow of your intimacy. He felt especially relaxed, chalking it up to the fact he was incredibly pent up, not to mention how hot the little roleplaying act had been for him. Once he got all the feeling back in his legs, he wiggled you off his lap, sitting you back across the couch so you were sitting on his sweater.
It wasn’t so cold outside that he’d freeze without it, knowing all you had to wear really was your sweater. Gathering up your clothes, he stuffed your panties into his pocket. Wiggling your jeans up your legs, he left them unbuttoned. Shoving your bra into his briefcase, he also just tossed your sweater on.
Gathering all his papers, he stared at them before leaving them on his desk, instead just grabbing his over the shoulder bag, transferring your bra and panties to it, tying the dinner bag to it with his tie, and then shuffled you to the side of the couch, shoving his very soiled sweater into his bag as well, shuddering at the heady scent of it.
Fishing out your keys from your purse, he then sat between your legs, hefting you up onto his back. Carrying you carefully out of his office, he locked his door and made his way back down the deserted hallways, motion sensored lights turning on as he passed by them. Shivering as he stepped out into the evening, he quickly found himself missing the warmth of your body around his.
Clicking the unlock button on the fob, he tossed your purse in the back seat before laying you down. Weaseling a seatbelt around your waist without cutting you in half, he dumped his other two bags on the floor, closing the door softly behind you.
Sitting in the front, he adjusted the seat and mirrors before turning the car on, immediately turning the music off where he knew it would be loud. Sighing contentedly, he began driving the two of you home - not living that far from the university. Winding down university streets out onto the main roads, then down some residential streets, it wasn’t long until he was hitting the button for the garage. Parking the car, he grabbed the bags first, tossing them on the table inside before carefully extracting you.
Carrying you into the house and to the bedroom, he laid you down onto the bed, tugging off your clothes easily and tossing a stray blanket over you. Heading into the bathroom, he lit a few candles and started to fill up the tub, sprinkling relaxing bath salts into the water and stirring them around.
Once he was sure everything was alright, he went back into your shared bedroom, the lights off. Giggling, he saw where you had wrapped yourself up into the blanket. Crawling in behind you, he hugged you to his chest, forgetting to strip himself down. Sighing heavily, he kissed the back of your neck, “Are you awake? I have a bath running for us.”
That seemed to wake you up as you grumbled next to him. Soon, you were eagerly crawling out from under the blanket, eyes half open as you tugged at his hand, “Bath~ Yoongi-yah, c’mon~” He laughed as he let you tug him up, stripping himself down as you walked him to the bathroom. Kicking off his pants, he almost tripped, grabbing you around the waist and listening as you shouted and braced the two of you against the counter.
Laughing softly together, you felt him gather you up into his arms, smiling down at you. You sighed contentedly, leaning up and kissing him softly, whispering your love to him. Noticing the bathtub was full enough. You bent over to turn it off, shouting as Yoongi smacked your ass lightly.
Shaking your head, you stuck your tongue out and stepped into the bath. He wasn’t far behind you, slipping in and scooting to sit directly behind you. Wrapping his arms around you, he rested his face in your neck, yawning. “So tired...” You laughed, bringing a wet hand up to pet his hair, shouting as he shook it out like a dog.
Coaxing him into laying back, you rested against his chest. “Let’s relax for a bit, then I’ll clean us up so we can go to sleep, okay?” He nodded lethargically behind you, already drifting off in a nap. You couldn’t help but laugh softly, cooing back to him and calling him your kitty cat.
Letting him drift off to sleep, you slowly began to wash your body off. Turning in Yoongi’s lap, you gently washed his body as well. Biting your lip, you couldn’t help but smile as you gently cleaned him below the belt, giggling quietly as his soft delicate skin filled your hands. You heard him huff, looking up at him and finding him staring at you.
Looking away, you hummed innocently, continuing to clean him as he shook his head, laughing silently and easily falling back to sleep as you moved and massaged his thighs. Nudging him delicately, you slipped behind him, taking time to massage his neck and shoulders, hearing him groan and moan loudly at your firm but gentle touches.
Once you finished lavishing your husband in loving touches, you leaned around, emptying the tub. Grabbing the cup you kept by the bath, you turned the faucet on, filling it up and dumping the water over the newly exposed parts of your bodies, not wanting to bother with getting into the shower.
Humming softly, you rinsed Yoongi off, cooing softly to him and whispering sweet nothings. Soon enough, the tub was drained and the two of you had been rinsed off. You made sure he wouldn’t slip over the tub as you got out and grabbed your towels. Ruffling his hair, you whispered softly to him, “Baby, it’s time to get up. Bedtime~” He groaned at your words, but moved nonetheless.
He held his arms and legs out and up as you asked him, kneeling down and drying him off. Kissing his belly, you heard him giggle softly, covering where you had kissed with his hand and blushing.
Padding quietly back into the bedroom, you turned down his covers, helping him in bed and watching him sink into the pillow and sheets. Giggling, you pulled the comforter back up, tucking him in with a kiss to his forehead, cheeks, then soft lips. Scampering to your side of the bed, you slipped in as well, quickly wiggling to your husband and laying softly against him.
Kissing his shoulder, you smiled contentedly, “I love you, Yoongi.” He hummed in response, half asleep, and wrapped himself around you. Holding his head to your chest, you sighed happily, feeling yourself fall asleep completely for the night, knowing you had all weekend to spend with your beloved.
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mrs-kodzuken · 8 months
Fated Beginnings ♡
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Pairing: Kenma Kozume x fem!reader
WC: 4.1k
Genre: fluff
CW: fem!reader, teeth rotting fluff, date set up by Kuroo, slight introverted!reader, slight cursing
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"Kuroo, I don't feel comfortable doing this," I mumbled looking back down at the current book I was reading.
"Come on, (Y/n). It'll be fun!"
I sighed placed my bookmark on page 146, and closed it. I didn't have the time or guts to do this.
"Kuroo, you said that last time and last time I got clumsy and fell, multiple times if I may add." I coldly told him, looking up.
We were in the library at school, he knows this is how I spend my lunch. And yet still continues to bother me endlessly.
"I promise this one will be different, I know Kenma better than the other dude." He pleaded at me. He has been trying to set me up with people for God knows what reason.
I sighed once again and lightly put a lock of my hair behind my ear knowing I've picked the habit up from reading too much.
"Fine Kuroo, but if this one goes wrong, I will not speak to you for a week and you cannot set me up with another person," I spoke firmly at him, making my point known.
His eyes lit up at me and squashed me into a bone-crushing hug.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He shouted, very loudly, after letting me go.
"Calm down or else you're going to get us kicked out of here."
Kuroo and I have been friends since day one, literally. Well, not literally maybe about a year apart. However, I didn't exactly like how much of an extrovert he can be.
We grew up together and in most situations I'd stay inside, much to his dismay. So, I've never been a fan of being outdoors especially when it's a sunny day. I'd even go to the length and say I hate sunny days.
"Why are you like this.." I grumble quietly and pick my bag up from the library's carpet floor.
"Alright, so I've been planning this for a while. Hence, why I chose Saturday for the date because it's going to rain. You and Kenma are going to be staying at your place. I've been waiting for my best friends to meet for so long." The excitement but mischief in his voice concerns me just a bit.
I rolled my eyes and headed out of the library, seeing as I had to get back to class.
Even if Kuroo is a 3rd year, we still hang out together. Correction, he still pesters me to hang out with him.
I could have used all that time for catching up on books and sometimes on special occasions, diving into some fanfiction.
"I'll see you later (Y/n)." He sent me a sly wink and headed the other way.
Heading to class I took my seat, which was far from the front. I was glad about the seating arrangement, it could allow me to read while the teacher couldn't see me.
My desk mate, whose name I'm not even sure about, came and did his routine.
He also took advantage of being in the back but he used it on video games. I'm not sure why, but I guess we have different hobbies.
To be honest, I didn't even know his name. He was so quiet, two toned hair covering his eyes and gave about half of the time.
However, then again so am I.
Occasionally, I'd look up at the board to see if there was anything I needed to write down or listen to. As always, it was pure nothingness.
When the last bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. As I walked through the halls I continued my book because no bell is going to keep me from figuring out the murder mystery in this book.
I haven't ever stayed after school to watch Kuroo practice volleyball. I didn't see a point in it, I mean, I know he's good at it. He leads his team to nationals.
I passed and heard the squeaking sounds of their shoes and some harsh noises of balls being spiked.
"Kenma! Set me another one!" I heard a familiar voice speak up loud.
However, it wasn't the voice that attracted my attention, it was the name.
"No, that's your fifth one." I heard an annoyed voice speak from the gym.
I had the urge to go take a peek but then stopped myself.
Why should I? I have better things to be doing, like tidying up my room a bit and catching up on my weekend book.
Switching books occasionally wasn't a problem because my parents would always buy me more. I could even use my library card to go get more if needed be.
This meant that I had a huge bookcase filled with my favorite books in my room.
After securing my book mark, I glared up at the sunny sky. It pissed me off. I don't understand how someone could like sunny days over rainy ones.
After getting my house key from my pocket I unlocked my door. My parents did business work at the same office but would always get off late at night.
With that being said, I set my school bag down and grabbed my pink cleaning apron to start the process. I did a bit more than what I usually do, mopping the floors and dusting high places isn't a good match with someone like me.
When I got finished, I headed downstairs after tying my (h/c) hair up into a low bun and tied my cooking apron on me.
Just because my parents are gone doesn't mean that I can order pizza every night. And quite frankly, it gets boring.
I got started on an easy dinner, seeing as I wanted to get it over with. I felt like baked spaghetti was the easiest it was going to get considering I wanted a fulfilling meal.
After eating, a thought snuck into my head. I have to waste a perfectly rainy day on someone who probably wants to go out or something.
Why not just stay in the comfort of your bed and slob around in snacks and books? This is exactly why if there was a male version of me, I'd marry him immediately.
After cleaning the dishes I headed upstairs and started on my night routine. I grabbed an oversized grey shirt which said 'Do I care?' and some black shorts.
Knowing myself, that'd also be the outfit I'd wear when this 'Kenma' comes over tomorrow. I wasn't actively looking for a boyfriend so there's no reason to impress him.
Now that I thought about it, there wasn't anything weird I heard about Kenma from anyone.
I mean, I guess he got some love confessions from girls but he didn't waste his time on it.
I couldn't blame him, why waste your time on falling in love, which only ends in heartbreak by the way, when you can fall in love with fictional characters who'd never break your heart?
With those thoughts running through my mind, I set my book on my nightstand and turned off my lamp.
Now it's time for fanfiction, a small but devilish smile made its way onto my face as I opened Wattpad.
I'd always loved reading these, especially when they were about my favorite fictional character. I die inside a bit every day when I remember they aren't real.
Little did I know, I had stayed up a tad bit too late and before I knew it, it was 7:03 am.
I mentally cursed myself for doing this yet again. My eye lids were heavy and needed sleep however it was like some kind of drug to read fanfics.
I furrowed my brows and sat up hastily, shouldn't my parents have come in?
Pushing back my white covers with small pink roses on them, I grabbed a large red hoodie to go over my sweatshirt and some fuzzy socks. I headed to their room, surprisingly, it was empty.
I started getting worried and wondered if they had gotten in a crash or decided not to deal with me anymore. My parents weren't neglectful or anything but the anxiety didn't stop.
Those thoughts were the usual ones I'd always get whenever they did not come home.
I rushed to my phone and checked my messages, I didn't like getting notifications so I always turned on my reading focus mode.
Messages from my mom and dad came up on my notification screen. They stated that they had an emergency business trip to take.
I texted them back and sighed, they always do this.
I'm never mad or anything, I just wish we could have quality family time. But at the same time, I'm glad all the 'what-if's' were gone from my head.
I headed downstairs to put the kettle on, I wanted to make a cup of vanilla tea, my favorite. I smiled and peeked outside to see the rain coming down a bit harshly.
One of the reasons I love having a tin roof is that you can hear the sounds clearer. It was the most beautiful sound I loved hearing.
Just when I was just about to sip my tea, the doorbell rang.
Confusion rang across my face. I don't think I was expecting anyone this early.
Racking my brain for an answer, I opened it expecting Kuroo because he's just always there.
Running a hand through my hair, "Kuroo, it's Saturday, go home." I looked up to see not Kuroo, but my deskmate.
I stiffened, embarrassed. I immediately looked at my fuzzy socks and quietly spoke, "Oh, uh, you must be K-Kenma." I stumbled, my eyes widened a bit. I never stumble over my words.
He nodded and looked all over my flushed cheeks and lazy outfit.
Like the dumbass I am, I finally realized that it was still raining and he was bound to get soaked by the gutters if I didn't let him in.
I motioned for him to come and he mumbled a quiet, "Thank you."
I watched him like a hawk as he took off his shoes, setting them neatly beside one another. I awkwardly headed back to the kitchen for my tea then went up the stairs with him following me. I mean where else is he gonna go?
Wait, would he think I'd want something from him by immediately inviting him into my room? I shoved the weird thought from my mind and focused on where he was.
I sat on my unmade bed and grabbed my book from my nightstand. I clicked on the lamp, which was a beautiful, white flower lily.
"Uh, make yourself a home?" I questionably said, I never have been in a situation like this before.
I crossed my legs and opened my book as he sat on the edge of my bed which was weird. I had a white Ikea desk with a swirly chair, a reading nook in the corner, and a window seat. And yet, he sat on the edge of my bed.
After reading for a few minutes, I couldn't focus into my book. I mean, there's a strange sitting across from me. I looked up and he was playing on a switch.
That went on for hours.
Kenma had moved onto my bed more, sitting against the wall. His legs were crisscrossed and he was still playing his game.
I had leaned off the edge of my bed where half of my body was dangling off of it. I was hanging upside down and reading my book.
Kenma and I had settled into a comfortable silence and acknowledgment of each other. We hadn't touched but occasionally our eyes would meet when he lost a round or I discovered something juicy from my book.
The rain hadn't stopped which I was grateful for. I could feel the hunger rumbling in my stomach and I telling by his facial expression, Kenma was getting hungry too.
I sat up, earning the look of Kenma's curious eyes on me. I walked out of my room with the feeling of something that can only be described as nervousness in my belly.
I grabbed snacks from the kitchen, I wasn't sure how he felt about 'healthier' type snacks but it was all I had due to my distaste for 'junk' food. I returned  with the snacks and two bottles of water and two bottles of sugar free snapple.
Setting it all down on my bed, I took a few swings of my water while eating alongside him.
We resumed what we were doing after about fifteen minutes of silent eating
I guess Kenma had gotten comfortable with me because after eating he had set my legs in his lap. Well of course, asked me with his eyes, which honestly surprised me. He still had his eyes glued to the screen of his Nintendo switch.
Suddenly, the doorbell rang which made me jump. I had just gotten over the feeling of surprise from my legs in his lap and got to a good reading spot.
I sluggishly got up irritated at who would be at my door for the second time today. When opening it, I was faced with a bed-headed cat and his usual cheeky smirk. 
"What do you want Kuroo?" I asked quietly, afraid he would disturb my peace and quiet like he usually does. He waltzed right in, ignoring my question.
"Oya, so how are you two love birds doing? Hitting it off well?" He loudly spoke, which made me wince.
Kuroo headed up to my room with me, of course, trailing along. We found Kenma sitting how I left him, he was there snacking on my veggie chips.
"We're not lovebirds Kuroo." Kenma spoke up as my ears perked up from hearing his voice.
"What are you doing here?" I repeated my question and got myself comfortable with Kenma again.
He stared at us, his eyes following back and forth before trailing at my legs on Kenma's lap.
"Definitely lovebirds. Friends don't just lay the way you two are." His mischievous grin was irritating.
I gave him a 'you're a dumbass' look and glanced at Kenma.
"No kuroo, we aren't dating. Even if we were, I don't think we'd tell you," I said calmly picking my book up. I wasn't going to waste my precious time on a dumbass like him.
I saw Kenma nod, out the corner of my eye, he agreed with me.
"And what exactly have you and Kenma been doing?" One eye brown perched up on his ridiculous face, funny enough, the only eye brow we could see from his haircut.
"We've been lying here," Kenma answered for me and this time it was my turn to nod.
"So you're telling me, I set you two up and all you've been doing is playing games and reading.." Kuroo stood there dumbfounded.
"No, not exactly, we did eat some." I gestured over to the pile of half eaten snacks set in the middle of my bed.
"You two are hopeless...and made for each other." His voice trailed off as he left my room.
I perked an ear, trying to listen and see if he was gonna leave my house, and he did.
I snickered, returning to my book, I admit that my eyes needed new attention and that Kenma with his two toned hair was thinking the same thing.
"What do you want to do?" I hesitantly asked Kenma as he set his game down and me with my book.
"Can we make something?"
"Uh sure, I think my mom bought some ingredients for cupcakes last week. Is that alright?" I asked getting up and marking my book while setting it on my nightstand.
He nodded and we headed downstairs with Kenma in front of me now. I never really noticed it since we've mostly been sitting down but he's taller than me.
A strange thought came to mind as I was thinking of our conversation.
'A child.'
My eyes widened and my heart rate sped up. I cursed at myself for ever thinking that. What the hell? I've just known the guy for a couple of hours and I'm already thinking of a child? I've been reading too much lately.
I breathed out a sigh and tied my apron back once we were in the kitchen. I held out an extra apron for Kenma and he gladly took it.
"Three eggs please," I said reading the instructions from the cupcake box I grabbed from the cabinet. I decided to reach up and grab the flour from there while I was at it.
Once he found the eggs in the fridge, he broke the eggs into a glass bowl, making sure not to get any eggshells in the mixture.
'He can break my back.'
What the fuck (y/n)? Where are all these thoughts coming from?
Probably from the lack of sleep your dumbass got.
That's great. Now I'm talking to myself and responding.
I suddenly got nervous while pouring some flour in and accidentally got it on Kenma's chest. I fucking need sleep, how in the hell?
"Oh god, I'm so sorry." I nervously spoke trying to get it off. He raised a brow, took some flower and plopped it on my head.
I paused, just staring at him with my jaw dropped.
Holding eye contact, I grabbed up a handful of flour and threw it on his hair too. I cracked a smile as he shook his head and the flour flew out like snow.
Soon, we were throwing tons of flour on each other, the kitchen had become a war zone. Mind and his laughs were bouncing off the walls in the kitchen.
I squealed as he shoved some down the back of my hoodie.
"Kenma!" I threw my head back in laughter as I chased him around my kitchen, I wanted to put some down his pants.
"You're never going to get me!" He smiled at me. I felt my heart almost stop, he looked.. cute. Which was completely new for me.
I could feel my cheeks start to flush until an idea sparked in my head. I grabbed an egg from the carton and threw it at him.
This time it was his turn to stare at me with his jaw dropped. Just like the flour war, next came the eggs, then cocoa, and cupcake mixture.
At this point, we were the cupcakes just unbaked.
"Payback, (y/n)." Kenma whispered in my ear, making me shiver, or maybe it was the cold water that was just dumped on my head.
I gasped loudly, flailing my arms every which way. Kenma stood by me laughing, with his arms holding his stomach. What a lovely sound, it was pure happiness.
I smirked and shook my long hair next to him, the ingredients getting on him. Finally, it came to an end when we got tired of throwing ingredients at each other.
I went to the pantry to grab two hand towels that I didn't care to use to clean us up.
"What in the hell.." I looked up after cleaning my face with a towel. I saw Kuroo standing in the doorway, confusion drawn on his face like no other.
"What the hell did you two do?" He asked astonished at us and the messed up kitchen. I mean, it was a sight to see. I haven't had this much engaging fun in forever.
I started giggling at the mess and Kenma looked at me and started laughing alongside me.
"I leave and you two are sitting on your bed, all quiet and calm. But when I come back you two are making the biggest mess in all of history," He exclaims his eyes bolting around the room and his movements a little frantic.
"Kenma, can you help me clean up please?" I asked nicely and headed over to get the dishwater started.
"Yes ma'am," he said and smirked, bringing his hand up and sprinkling sugar above my head.
I sniffed by accident then sneezed when there was a molecule of sugar in my nose. I looked up at him afterwards and what looked like blush was coating his cheeks.
Smiling innocently, I took the dish hose and sprayed him lightly.
I earned a gasp and high-pitched but slightly drawn out, "(Y/n)." from him.
Before he could say anything else Kuroo's loud voice came over us.
"So you two are dating? Hitting it off well, oya?" He asked with a smirk that only seemed to hint at other things.
I glanced up at Kenma and he looked down at me.
It seemed as if they both silently agreed to ignore him. In our midst of cleaning, a grumbling Kuroo finally decided to help. The only things in the kitchen un cleaned were Kenma and I.
"Do you want to stay over and shower or..?" I waited for an answer while taking off my large hoodie, revealing my larger shirt underneath.
My hair was filled with gross food, well, technically cupcake ingredients.
"I guess I could stay over. I'll text my mo-"
"I'm staying over too." Kuroo announced without even asking.
I looked back at Kuroo to see if he has lost his damn mind.
"The hell? Just do whatever you want I guess." I rolled my eyes at him.
I was honestly surprised by my acts today, I'm not usually an outgoing person and yet I liked how today went. But I can also tell that Kenma isn't either.
"I'll go to my parents' shower, you two take a shower together or separately, I don't care." I smiled and gathered my things after giving Kenma my brother's clothes. He was in college so I doubt that he'd mind.
After I was done, I seriously thought that they had taken a shower together but it turns out they just took short ones. Who knows? I was in the shower trying to get egg out of my hair. I couldn't have had hot water either, it would've cooked them.
Instead of making an actual dinner meal like yesterday, I decided to order pizza just so Kuroo could shut up about it.
"You know Kuroo, I'm picking up actions that Bokuto would use. Not a good sign," I said and turned on a movie in my room.
"Hey! That's mean- oh." He realized, I guess he must've been spending much more time with him. Not a problem in my book though.
I was eager to sleep since I hadn't got any last night. Kenma and Kuroo slept on the air mattress we had blown up in the middle of my floor.
I dived underneath my covers, not even having time to adjust before I fell into a deep slumber.
I woke up from a gentle poke to my shoulder. I peeked up one eye and saw Kenma hovering over me. Groaning, I sat up and rubbed my eyes for better sight.
"Kenma? What's wrong?" I eyed my clock, it was one in the morning.
"Kuroo took over the air mattress. I'm gonna sleep with you." He softly spoke and lightly scooted me over to the wall.
"Uh, okay I guess?" I whispered, not sounding so sure but was too full of sleep to really think about it.
I closed my eyes and waited for Kenma to stop moving so I could sleep.
"(Y/n)? About what Kuroo said, if we were to date we wouldn't tell him right?" His voice talked into the darkness.
This meant that I couldn't really see his face, I could only guess what he was hinting at.
"Oh..yeah.." I answered, sobering up from sleep.
"Well, can we do the-uh, dating e-eachother." He stumbled over his words which made me smile a bit.
My face was burning underneath the covers that he could easily steal away from me.
"I think I'd like that very much, Kenma." I smiled, not stumbling over my words.
I felt an arm pull me closer to his chest and kiss my cheek. My heart beat like a drum inside my chest as I tried to find my slumber again. The weight of his arm around my waist. The kiss on my cheek. The warmth of-
"Goodnight, (Y/n)." Kenma's voice rang out, soothing my thoughts.
I smiled softly and closed my eyes. I guess this kind of love wasn't a waste of time after all.
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a/n: this is from my “Haikyuu x Reader Oneshots” on Wattpad! I hope you enjoyed and let me know if you want more!
the header is from lena!! on Pinterest
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machetegirl109 · 1 year
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Synopsis: Physical activities were not something you enjoyed. Never participating and distracting other students was all you did during class; but as soon as the new P.E teacher’s aid catches you slacking, she decides to teach you a lesson. *inspiration: bad liar by selena gomez*
Warnings: 18+, MIDN, F/F, suggestive and offensive language, 80s!AU, abby is 19yo & reader is 18yo, smut, top!abby, bottom!reader, dom!abby, sub!reader, thigh riding, oral (r!receiving), fingering (r!receiving), after care, T.A!abby x popular!reader
important info about my stories here
©machetegirl109 (credits to bad liar by selena gomez that inspired me to write this) DO NOT copy/steal my work OR post it on any platforms
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Word Count: 3.5k+
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Oneshot: Bad Liar
❝︎you're taking up a fraction of my mind❞︎
The mid-day sunlight entered through the gymnasium windows just right. The sound of shoes squeaking against the light wooden floor along with vivid and loud voices were present as the ladies played around and talked to each other, waiting for the teacher’s arrival to the last class of the day. The girls were wearing a loose fitting white t-shirt with a small logo of the school printed on the right side of the chest, the low-cut sleeves colored navy blue as well as the matching pair of shorts. Tall retro socks with two blue stripes and a red one in the middle covered their calves, each of them wore a different brand of worn out white sneakers.
Your high top vans tapped onto the floor as you sat on the bleachers, elbows positioned over each knee while you kept your head high and talked to some of your classmates who surrounded you. Ever since the beginning of the school year you seemed to attract other girls. Not only your good looks, but also your “I’m too cool for this,” energy made them fall head over heels for you; making them chase after you every day — The most lucky girls were the ones who also had Physical Education on the last period of their schedules, just like you. You weren’t fond of the class; either always showing up 5 minutes before it was time to leave, or laying on the bleachers while the others runned around and participaded on the sports.
What even is the point of running around chasing after balls? There are better ways to exercise.
“Alright, ladies! Get in line!” Joel Miller, the gym teacher, yelled as he got into the gym, pushing the double doors hard enough to make them knock on the walls, letting out a loud bang. Everyone stopped talking as soon as he made his way to the middle of the space with a tall, muscular blonde girl walking beside him, silent as she observed the spacious gymnasium and all the students present there. The girls that previously talked to you went ahead to join the line that was forming and Joel soon stopped in front of them, holding his clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other. The blonde curiously stares in your direction, seeing you lazily seated over the aluminum while the others stood before the teacher.
“First things first, M’ gonna do the roll call and then we’ll go over some things! Amber?”
“Here.” Joel wrote a checkmark beside her name and followed to the next.
“Sup’ teach’.”
“I’m here, teacher.” As he called out each name, the girls announced their presence and he scribbled down onto the paper, eyes never leaving the list.
“Okay, last but not least, Y/N?” Joel finally looked up, eyes going through the line of girls in front of him as he looked for his least favorite student.
“Hey, Mr. Miller.” You called out from your seat, all of those inside the warm gymnasium looked over to you; a shameless smile on your face when you waved your hand.
“Ah, glad you finally decided to join us for class today.” He dryly chuckes, adding a checkmark to your name. “M’ not even gonna ask whatcha doin’ sitting down.” You giggle at the annoyed tone in his voice and he turns back to the other students. “So, from today on we’re gonna have a new addition to the class! I want you all to welcome Abigail Anderson!” Joel points to the girl beside him, who stands proud with her arms crossed and her braid falling onto her broad shoulder. Abby opens a small smile and nods as the girls babble hellos’ and welcomes’. “Abby here, will be working as my T.A for the rest of the school year so make sure to respect her and follow her orders, understood?” The girls nod and let out sounds in agreement.
“Thanks, I'm looking forward to working with you all.”
“With that out of the way, we’ll be playing volleyball today! I want one team on each side of the court, now!” Joel blows his red whistle and the students start to get ready in two different teams as you only sit back and watch. He turns to Abby and begins to give her some heads up on how things work during class and what to expect.
“What about that one?” She points to you, who looks bored as you pick out your nails and talk to Ellie and Dina. Joel blows the whistle once more, making you and the two girls look back at him.
“Ellie and Dina! I advise you two to go play or I’ll give y'all zero’s for the day!” The girls shoot you an apologetic look, wishing they could talk to you a little longer since they were enamored by your charming presence. You wave them a small goodbye and Joel directs his attention to Abby once more. “I gave up on her a long time ago, all she does is sit around and distract the other girls; that is when she actually shows up. Definitely the worst student I’ve ever had in all my 30 years of teaching.”
“She’s that bad, huh?”
“Y/N has an F in P.E, which is the easiest class in her entire schedule… She’ll most likely fail.” He says in disbelief and they both look at you.
“Hm, maybe I can help,” The blonde says, a small smirk forming on her face.
“Yeah? What do you suggest?”
“She can stay after class and do some extra-credit, maybe run some laps, play some volley, just to make up for the time she wastes in class. I could also make her clean the gymnasium afterwards.” Joel smiles at the ideas and nods, patting her on the back.
“Great. You’ll definitely make a good teacher someday, Abigail!” Abby thanks him, and soon they switch their attention to the game.
After 30 minutes the class comes to an end as Joel checks the time in his Seiko Diver wrist watch. Placing the small whistle between his lips and blowing on it with force, he claps his hands together signaling to the girls that it was finally time to go home.
“Alright , ladies! Class is over, you’re all free to go!” The students drop the volleyball to the floor and begin to make their way to the exit. You stand and stretch your body, a wide playful smile on your face.
“Ahh, thank God, I was about to fall asleep here!” You say walking towards the double doors, but as soon as you reach for the handle, Joel shouts your name, making you stop on your track. “Need something, Mr. Miller?”
“No, but you do. You need to get a passing grade for my class and Abby will make sure you do. You’re staying here until she tells you to go, understood?” Your face falls to the ground as you look at the girl beside him. She’s wearing a tight light yellow t-shirt under a red sports jacket and some white shorts that exposed her strong, pretty legs, as well as tall white socks that hugged her thick calves and a worn off Adidas Top Ten RB — At least she’s cute you think before the current situation hits you again.
“What? Why?!” You ask shocked, making your way towards the middle of the room, where both of them stood.
“ ‘Cause you’re falling and Abby was kind enough to suggest you earn some extra-credit.” You groan loudly and throw your head back. “I’ll be off now. Be sure to behave, Y/N. Don’t cause me any more problems. Good luck, Abigail.” You watch as Joel leaves, leaving you and Abby alone. You turn to the girl, a bitter smile on your face as you think of what to say next.
“Ha… You could’ve been kind enough to keep your suggestions to yourself. I can’t believe I have to spend the rest of my Friday here! I had plans, you know?” You ask sacarstily, as you move forward, chest to chest with her. Abby looks down at your pretty face, a pout on your lips as she lets out a small laugh; making fun of your anger.
“I’ll be kind enough to suggest you keep that pretty mouth shut and run 100 laps around the gymnasium.” A naughty grin plays on her lips as her blue eyes stare into yours. “Now, princess.”
“You’re fucking joking right now, I’m not running—“
“150 laps now.” You gasp and try to push her, failing to since Abby is built like a tank.
“You’re not the boss of me, I don’t have to do anything!”
“Now I am, and yes, you do. Now run me 150 laps and I want you to count them out loud every time you finish one.” Abby states, grabbing the whistle that hangs from her neck and placing them between her pinkish lips, blowing into it and making the loud pitch hurt your ears.
“Ugh! The fuck is your problem?!” You say as your hands go up to your now sensitive ears, massaging them; you throw the girl before you a dirty look.
“The more you whine, the more you run. 200 now. Go.” Hearing the seriousness of her voice, you shoot her another expression before you walk to the side of the court; quietly calling her a cunt as you get ready to run. “I heard that!” You roll your eyes and you run, counting each lap as you reach the starting point before circling the gym, over and over again. Sweat accumulates around your forehead as your body begins to feel warm and tired, your legs ache as tremble and all Abby does is stand there, staring at you. Soon you reach the 200 count. You stop running and you press your hands on top of both knees, your chest rising fast as you catch your breath.
“I-I’m fucking done now.” You shout and close your eyes, thanking the Gods you can finally go home now. Abby laughs and you look at her, not sure of what is so funny.
“I don’t think you are. Come here,” She says as she grabs the volleyball that was on the floor. “We'll play a bit and then you're cleaning the gymnasium, princess, you can go home when you're done.” Abby throws the ball in your direction and you shrug away from it, like it was contaminated and you didn't want to catch whatever disease it carried. “You know, if you actually participated in class instead of sitting there n’ look pretty, you wouldn't have to be here?”
“Oh, so you think I'm pretty?” A playful smile makes its way to your lips as you cross your arms.
“If anything, I think you're lazy and a distraction to the students.” She answers you, annoyed by your lack of care towards the class. “Get the ball and bring it to me.” You walk towards where the ball landed and grab it, making your way towards Abby.
“So, you think I'm a distraction because I'm pretty.” You stop in front of her, pushing the volleyball to her chest.
“I didn't say that. Now get into position and play me until you win.”
Abby walks to one left side of the court and you to the right; each of you stopping a couple feet away from each other. She serves the ball and you do your best to receive it, returning it to her as you messily position your hands closed together, making the ball go back to her side of the court. You two keep volleying the ball back and forth, Abby making multiple points while you had the total of zero.
“Okay, let's stop. You're way too bad at this.” The girl says after holding onto the ball for the last time you threw. You stretch your arms, tired from all the movement, legs sore from the running, body sweating under your P.E attire. “Grab the mop from the supply closet and get to work.”
You tiredly nod and follow her orders, just wanting to take a shower to go home. After cleaning the whole wooden floor of the gymnasium, you put the bucket and the mop back to their original place and you walk towards Abby, who's sitting at your previous spot on the bleachers.
“I'm done. Can I go now?” Your exhausted voice comes out as you stop in front of her and she looks up at your sweaty and worn out face.
“Yeah, just do whatever you need to do in the locker room so I can lock it and go home, too.” Abby says, standing up and you follow after her as she makes her way to said area.
“I'm gonna take a shower so, guess you'll just have to wait ‘till I’m done.” You begin to strip your shirt off in front of your locker once you two are inside and Abby sits down, her eyes locked on the ground.
“Just hurry up, I have things to do.”
After getting rid of your clothes you grab a towel and a liquid soap you have in your locker and make your way to the showers, sliding one of the curtains open as you get in closing it again. You turn the water to a hot temperature, taking your time to wash yourself up and let the water fall onto your sore muscles. As the minutes go by, Abby shouts out to you, warning you get out soon or she'll just leave you here. Almost thirty minutes go by and she’s had enough, standing up and walking towards your stall; she pulls the plastic curtain open and you gasp, covering your chest.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” You yell and press yourself onto the cold walls as she reaches her hand inside, turning the water off. She grabs your shower from the hanger and shoves it in your direction.
“What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you who needs to spend an eternity showering?! Go get dressed, now!” You wrap yourself in your soft towel and push her out of your way as you head back to your locker.
“You're such a bitch. You already ruined my friday night and now I can't even take a fucking shower.” You mumble and she stops next to you, watching as you drop your towel on the bench. Abby’s face turns red and her breath stops for a second, her eyes scan your naked body before she comes back to reality.
“Y-you ruined it your own by not doing anything at the easiest fucking class you have.” You turn to her as you roll the deodorant under your armpits. Her eyes fall to your chest, nipples poking out in all their glory. You talk back at her but she hears nothing, all her attention goes to the way your tits move as your breath in-and-out. You place your hygiene product back to your locker, eyes never leaving her face as hers never left your boobs.
“Are you fucking listening to me?!” You attempt to push her for the second time today, but she's faster and stronger, grabbing your hands as she backs you against the locker. A wave of lust makes its way through your veins, stopping right at your core. The sound of your body hitting against the metal echoes in the empty locker room as Abby diverts her attention to your lips. Her blue eyes seem devil-like as she looks at you – Her face displaying a hungry expression.
“I had enough of your bitchy comments today. Let me make something else come out of that pretty mouth, yeah?” Abby whispers, a raspy voice sounding like music to your ears as she gently rubs her nose against yours. You feel yourself getting wet, the between of your thighs getting more slippery with each passing second. You nod your head fast, needy eyes looking back to her.
Abby closes the small distance between your lips, smacking them together with fervor as she lets go of your hands and brings her own to the side of your face; thumbs pressed onto each side of your jaw as her palm and fingers gripped your neck. You kiss her back, licking and biting her bottom lip as you pull it back with your teeth. She chases your face back and her tongue invades your warm mouth; your hands go up, holding onto her wrists and she gently massages the pads of her thumbs onto your soft skin.
“Can I touch you, princess?” Abby asks, breaking the kiss as she looks at you.
“Yes, please do, Abs.” This time, you push her towards you by the neck, press another kiss onto her lips and her left hand goes down your leg, opening both of them apart as she places her thigh between them. Abby moans at the contact of your dripping wet pussy onto her uncovered skin, and you throw your head back as you feel yourself slipping onto her with ease.
As she holds one of your legs, guiding your movements, her other hand reaches your chest, going directly to your nipple. She spits on it and begins to flick it rapidly; you moan as you feel the immense pleasure run through all your body.
“Look at you, all wet n’ slippery for me. My pretty, bitchy princess.” Abby pecks your lips and moves her hand from your chest to your cunt, spreading your moist lips and exposing your needy clit to rub against her skin. You let out loud moans when she reaches to your waist, carving her nails deeply into you as she moves you more violently against her. She feels herself getting wet, too, and she knows that the way you sound and the way you feel will be enough to soon make her white panties sticky with her cum.
As your bud deliciously kneads while you move your hips, you suck the white freckled skin of her neck, causing the girl to close her eyes and bite her lips. You push her head back by her braid and you lick from the bottom of her Adam’s apple all the way up to her mouth; pressing your teeth there again, making Abby hiss and moan.
“I-I want–” You try to speak but your moans interrupt you when Abby takes one of your boobs into her mouth, sucking on it and licking around your sensitive nipple. She lets go of it for a second just to talk back to you.
“What does my princess want, hm?” She goes back to massaging your tit with her muscle, hands never faltering on your hips.
“I want, I want you to-to eat me out,” You blurb out fast, not waiting to wait any longer to feel her tongue circling around your clit. Her breath hitches at the request, saliva pooling in her mouth at the opportunity to taste you. Abby grabs you with ease and lays you down on the bench, ready to have a feast. She wraps her arms around your legs, placing each of them beside her head, making your back lift a little from the wood. You shiver as her hot breath hits against your exposed pussy. “Please, ju-just fuck me…”
Abby looks at you, a needy expression on your face as you stare down at her and she spits onto your throbbing bud; the liquid making its way down to your hole resulting in you throwing your head back and closing your eyes. Your legs tremble and she holds you still, finally diving in. She runs her tongue up your slick collecting the wetness before bringing it to your clit. Abby sucks on it while she circles her tongue with speed and precision; her body taking in the way you taste as your pleasure filled moans enter her ears, making her head fuzzy as she fucks you.
“Fuc-fuck Abs, so-so good…” You praise and it only fuels her more, taking two fingers to your pussy, she caresses your entry before shoving them in. You moan and whine, pressing her head impossibly closer to your pussy; her tongue working on your clit nonstop and her fingers pumping in-and-out of you at full speed. “M’ gonna cum so-soon,” You announce as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to your limit, and unbeknown to you, Abby was getting closer, too. The thought of you creaming all over her mouth excited her, making her tongue swirl more frenetic over your clit as her fingers finally reached the soft spot deep inside you — The tips of her fingers pressing onto it made you finally brake, cumming over her face. As she felt your juices run down her chin, her orgasm hit her, too, and she slowly removed her fingers out of you; pressing one last kiss on top of your, now sensitive, bud.
“Fuck, princess,” Abby kisses your thighs as she lets your legs fall back down. “You taste so fucking good.” She kisses her way to your stomach, soon reaching your lips. “You were so good for me, baby.” You tiredly smile at her and she pecks your cheek before sitting back up and grabbing your towel from the bench. She softly presses the tower onto your cunt, cleaning you up as you quietly observe her.
“Are you gonna make me stay after school next week?” A shameless look appears on your face and Abby laughs.
“Oh, I just might.”
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ೃ⁀➷ thank you for reading! feel free to comment your thoughts, reblog, leave a heart and follow me˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
x-18 banner by @fic-dumpster
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biancadjarin · 2 years
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ʚ Send Me an Angel ɞ
- pairing: mean!eddie munson x bratty!henderson older sister!female reader
- content warning: 18+ nothing too graphic, but I prefer no minors on my blog, thankssss
- a/n: idk what this is lol, I just love fem/bratty reader and intimidating/mean Eddie <3
“Ugh why do your weird nerdy friends have to come here Dusty??” you pout at your little brother as you lay on your stomach on your bed, him staring at you from your doorway.
“I told you, the drama kids are putting on a play or some shit so we can’t play D&D in there.” He says to you like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Just stay in here, my friends don’t wanna listen to your stupid shows on the TV or watch you dance around to your girly music.” He slams your door shut and your head shoots up off a pillow, shocked at how rude he can be. You scoff and roll onto your back, eyes growing heavy and leading you into your after school nap.
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You’re rudely awakened by loud laughter and yelling. You look at the pink clock on your wall. 6:05pm. Their little game has only been going for 5 minutes and you’re already annoyed. You get up and head to your door, swinging it open and heading towards the bathroom for a quick shower before you go make yourself some dinner.
“C’mon Eddie, I wanna cast a spell, hurry up and roll!” you hear Mike Wheeler yell. Little twerp just like your brother. Always running into the house, tracking in dirt, leaving their bikes in the drivew… Wait. Eddie. Eddie’s here. In your dining room. You’ve had a crush on Eddie all year and while you two have talked here and there, you’d be lying if you said his harsh leather metal head look didn’t scare you a bit. You’re all soft edges, pink backpack, frilly white socks rolled over your reeboks, soft hair swaying. You’re not perfect, certainly no Phoebe Cates. But you know you’re pretty, plush lips over straight teeth, cute perky boobs and a butt that jiggles when you walk.
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You’ve felt Eddie’s eyes on you at school. Once he even bumped into you when you stopped short to tie your shoe. “Walk much?” Eddie said to you with a glare. “Oh!” You’d said as you spun around, surprised at his proximity. “S-sorry.” You said sweetly, his big brown eyes stared at you and made your tummy flutter in the most amazing way. Your tummy isn’t flat and perfect but that’s ok. You like cookies too much, is that a crime?!
“Actually since you’re here, can you hold my books while I tie my shoes?” you’d asked, voice smooth and sweet like syrup. Eddie stared at you for a second then put out his hands. You assumed that meant yes so you handed him your heavy textbooks. You turned and bent forward, ass almost grazing his crotch. The way the fabric of your white jeans stretched across your cute little butt made him stop breathing. Eddie’s mind went blank, mouth going dry and fingers going numb from the weight. Your textbooks slipped out of his hands and hit the floor with a slam. You squeaked a scared little scream and stood back up quickly. “Shit are you okay?” Eddie asks you as he drops down and picks the books back up, placing them gently into your small hands. “I’m fine. Was just loud. Scared me.” He chuckled, eyes narrowed and and flickered with mischief, making you wonder if he did that on purpose. “I’m sorry angel… I mean-” Your reaction to his nickname for you got cut short when you jumped for the second time in the last two minutes thanks to the class bell ringing. “Gotta go.” Eddie said with a wink before racing past you, your face red with embarrassment.
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You giggle at the memory as you exit the shower. Quickly running back to your room to get ready, you think to yourself: How can I get Eddie’s attention but not let him know he has mine? I think he likes me but I don’t wanna look too desperate. Gotta tease him a bit… You curl your lashes and put on your sparkly pink lipgloss. You open your closet and weigh your options… tight jeans?… but you want Eddie to see your panties. A dress? that’s a little too obvious… your fingers reach for your soft pink frilly mini skirt that has a matching jacket that your friend borrowed and never gave back. You slip it on, white and pink lace panties underneath with a scalloped edge that hug your ass just right. A simple white T shirt that’s slightly see through over a matching pink and white lace bra and a couple sparkly silver necklaces finish your outfit. Barefoot you begin to creep downstairs, the sounds of boys whooping and dice hitting your wooden dining room table growing louder as you ascend.
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“So uh, where’s your sister D?” you hear one of the boys ask. You stop on the second to last step, leaning in to listen. It’s not Eddie’s voice, but too deep to be Mike or Lucas’s. “Up in her room, she’s so annoying.” You roll your eyes. “Maybe..” Gareth grumbles. “But I certainly don’t mind lookin’ at her.” Everyone busts out into laughter except your brother. “Ew dude gross! Shut up, it’s your turn.” “Yeah G,” you finally hear Eddie’s voice, it sounds deep and tight like he’s clenching his jaw. “Roll the dice before I write you out of this whole campaign.” “Jeez fine. I got a 12.” “Not enough, you lose 18 hit points.” “What the fuck man!”
As the game continues you saunter past the table, only turning your head once to smile and wave politely at the group. You feel Eddie’s eyes follow you all the way to the kitchen. Their conversation continues on, sounding further away now. You begin to warm up some rice and leftover chicken, mixing up a strawberry lemonade while the microwave whirs. As you watch the yellow drink turn pink you feel a warmth encroach your space, the smell of weed and cinnamon gum filling your nostrils.
“Hey y/n.. didn’t know you were here.” Eddie says as he stands behind you. Closer than what would be considered normal. You spin around, big doe eyes looking up and meeting his, small silver spoon that you were mixing with coming up to your lips and sucking, savoring the tangy powder. His eyes fall to your mouth, half hooded, eyebrows raising slightly. You pull it out slowly and lick the tip of it with your tongue, before saying “I live here. Where else would I be?” in your bratty tone.
He shrugs his shoulders, “Friday night, thought maybe you’d be on a date.” He says with a crooked smile. Does he think about me going on dates? He crowds closer into your space, you feel the countertop at your back as you lean against it. “Nope. No date. Maybe you can set me up with one of your friends?” you say as you look past him, over his shoulder towards where Hellfire is. “My friends? You wanna date one of us?” “I don’t know.. maybe. You think they’d be interested?” you ask him confidently but your heart is beating so fast, your breath uneven, chest rising with every shaky inhale. BEEEEEP. The microwave signals behind you. “Eddie! You done in the bathroom yet?!” you hear your brother yell from down the hall. “Sounds like you’re needed out there.” You say to him, beginning to slide past him. His hand shoots up to grab your hip and maneuver you back. Caged in by him.
“Yeah, gimme five minutes!” He yells over his shoulder. You stare up at him, unsure what he’s going to do. He reaches behind you picking up your pink lemonade and drinks the whole thing in one long sip. You watch as his neck stretches back and his adams apple bobs when he swallows. The pale smooth skin of his neck looking irresistibly bite-able. “Sweet. Like you.” He says, low and gravelly. He puts the glass down and drops his chin to his chest, looking at the small space between your bodies. “Is this a skirt or a belt? So fuckin’ short I thought I saw some ass when you walked by.” “Maybe I wanted your friend to see. What’s his name? With the curls… Gareth?” Eddie snorts and throws his head back with a mock laugh. “Gareth wouldn’t know what to do with you.” His eyes sweep down your neck, your chest and stop at where the thin fabric of your shirt and lace bra are barely doing anything to cover the pebbled peaks of your nipples. “Oh and you know what to do with me?” you ask, eyebrows raising condescendingly. He exhales a low growl before reaching to grab the back of your squishy thighs and lifting you up onto the counter.
“I’d have a lot of fun finding out-” he leans forward, hands softly grasping the back of your calves, thumbs rubbing up and down the smooth skin as he guides them to rest around his thighs. “Angel.” he says with a wink. You feel a shudder go through you, ending at your core and making you ache between your legs. Eddie’s standing between your spread thighs, the rough fabric of his black jeans rubbing against your legs as he talks. Everything about him feels so warm. “Listen to me real good now.” He says, lips brushing the shell of your ear causing goosebumps to erupt down the whole left side of your body. “You’re going to eat your little snack. Then go back upstairs to your room and wait for me. Think you can do that?” He doesn’t wait for you to respond before he’s backing away and walking back down the hallway. “EDDIE COME OOON!” Gareth yells. “Comin’!” He says back, wide smirk dancing on his lips.
You’re left in the kitchen wondering what just happened and what you just got yourself into…
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Part 2 HERE
Masterlist HERE
——————Thanks for reading!—————
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joelswritingmistress · 7 months
You Scare Me, Professor: Chapter 50
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Summary: The reader is taking graduate classes at a local university in the wooded upstate New York. She is drawn to her professor, Dr. Joel Miller, though she is also inherently aware that he has something dark about him that she can't quite put her finger on. As the reader's attraction grows deeper, she has to decide whether to endure the danger or run away as fast as possible. 
Pairing: Professor Joel Miller x f!reader 
Will removed a gun from the back of his pants as he loosened his grip on me. Nonchalantly, he waved the gun in my direction. “Don’t go anywhere.” He smirked and began the short walk toward Dr. Miller.
“What are you doing?” I asked, visibly trembling now. I couldn’t get myself to stop.
“I told you,” Will said, “I want him awake for what happens next.”
“Don’t shoot him.”
He let out a loud laugh that echoed off the walls, “That’s just the back-up plan if Plan A fails.”
Plan A. What exactly did Plan A entail? Fuck! I need to do something but I don’t know what - or how.
Will squatted down beside Dr. Miller, reached into his pocket and stuck something beneath his nose. WIthin just a second or two, he coughed and breathed in a heap of air before letting his eyes flicker open.
“Hello.” Will waved a hand in front of his face, smiling. “Jooooel.” He gave his name an extra syllable and Dr. Miller finally acknowledged him with just his eyes. “There he is.”
“Joel!” I squeaked his first name out and immediately the reality of the situation registered and he attempted to get up, only to fall and stumble back down to the floor.
“He’s still a bit out of it,” WIll informed me, glancing in my direction briefly before returning his attention to Dr. Miller, flashing the gun as he did. “Come on. I’ll help you.” He reached a hand down and used all of his strength to drag Dr. Miller across the ground.
I went to run toward them but Will extended an arm, pointing the barrel of the gun right at me. I froze. Looking at that small, dark hold in the center was paralyzing. One flick of his finger and my life could be over.
“I’d rather this not get messy,” Will explained calmly. He nodded toward the water. “Go sit with your feet in the pool. Don’t take off your shoes.”
I stared back at him, half in shock and then I glanced at Dr. Miller and made eye contact.
“Don’t hurt her,” he managed to choke out quietly.
“I’m not going to hurt her,” Will said with a smile, “She might opt to hurt herself, but it’ll be her choice.” He used his gun to motion toward the water again. “Go sit,” he added politely, like a teacher would a student. “Please.”
I glanced at Dr. Miller again and then let out a loud exhale before tiptoeing toward the edge of the pool. I put just my feet in and glanced over my shoulder as Will relocated Dr. Miller so he was just a few feet away.
“Damn, Joel. You got more muscle on ya than I would’ve thought,” he grunted as he towed him the rest of the way so his head was near the edge. “Now, before I explain what’s going to happen next, I want you to tell her for yourself.” Will nodded toward me, “Tell her the whole story. The one we talked about on our walk down.”
“You already told me the damn story, Will,” I said sternly to him, despite the increase in my shaking.
“I want him to tell you. I want him to explain every,” he grabbed Dr. Miller by the hair, “Single, gruesome detail to you. I want him to look you in the eyes and tell you that he’s a killer.”
Will physically forced him to look in my direction so vigorously I shouted out loud.
“Stop it!”
“Tell her,” Will urged.
Dr. Miller’s eyes never left mine. “I.. killed Ace-”
“I don’t care,” I cut him off. “You killed a rapist..” I hissed the word and looked at Will, “And a murderer.”
“Say it all out loud, Joel,” WIll demanded, pressing the gun to the back of his head, “For the first time.” He raised his voice, “Admit it!”
“I killed him,” Dr. Miller spit out, “I killed him.”
“Say his name.”
“Ace Deerfield.” He swallowed hard and I lunged toward him, making Will point the gun back at me. I froze again and Dr. Miller completed the sentence in full, “I killed Ace Deerfield.”
“You killed Ace Deerfield,” Will went on, “My lifelong friend. The man who saved my life on the battlefield. I am doing this in his name.”
“Killing women in his name?” I shouted, “Do you hear how fucked up that sounds? Killing me and Joel in his name? Killing in someone’s name is not honoring them!”
Will stared at me, almost asking ‘how dare you?’ with his eyes. “I’m not killing to honor him,” he explained, “I was killing to frame the man who took his life. And then I’m going to kill him and I’m going to walk out of here, help his sister mourn her murderous brother, and live my happily ever after, like I said. All in the name of Ace. Joel took his life. I’m not only taking Joel’s life, I’m also taking his legacy. That is in the name of Ace Deerfield.”
“You’re sick,” I spoke quietly, “And there’s no way in hell Carol will believe any of it.”
“Well, I guess we’ll have to wait and see, won’t we?” Will smiled and shrugged, “Well, I’ll have to wait and see. You’ll be dead.” Without warning, he grabbed Dr. Miller by the shirt and shoved his body over the edge of the pool and into the water.
“Dr. Miller!” I shrieked and instinctively dove in after him.
“I told you I was helping the drama club,” Will gloated with a laugh. He placed the gun down neatly behind him and sat down on the ground with one foot crossed in front of the other and his hands rested behind him, looking like a little kid watching television. “Now, I’m going to watch these dramatics unfold. Oh, and if you were wondering, watching you struggle to save him.. that‘s Plan A.”
Carol stared down at her phone, glancing at the small, blinking, green circle on the screen. She had only recently set up the tracking feature on her phone several nights earlier before leaving for Vermont. Carol had originally been against it. It was her friend’s suggestion. There was never a reason she’d had to not trust Will, but after a few drinks with the girls and a discussion about what men do at bachelor parties, Carol had set up the location device on Will’s phone as a ‘just in case’ scenario.
She didn’t think he was out cheating, or even at a strip club or something of that nature. That’s what her friends had implanted in her brain; but Carol wanted to be sure if her husband-to-be did decide to get drunk and roam around, or raise a little hell with the groomsmen, that she would be able to find him with one-hundred percent certainty.
I shouldn’t have done this. She still felt guilty. It was something dishonest. It was something a woman in a trusting relationship shouldn’t have done. But, now that the light was blinking green and her parents were on a search for Joel, Carol knew it could discreetly come in handy - and then she would use Will’s inebriated state to disarm the device on the feature and never do it again.
I’m a jerk, she thought to herself, but texted her father as she began the march down the hallway to the elevators. When they took too long, she hurried to the stairs and let her sneakers pepper down them until she got the ground floor where the hotel bar was.
“Hey,” Chas greeted her, waving his phone when she emerged around the corner into the lively establishment. “I just texted you back.”
“I saw,” Carol said with a nod, “Are they here?”
He shook his head, “I can’t find ‘em.”
Her eyes scanned the room and she began her trek around the oversized space. Like the night before, people were singing and laughing and gathered with friends. But there was no sign of Will or Joel.
Carol made a beeline for the bar and placed her hands flat down on top of it. She then whipped out her phone and found a picture of WIll. “Have you seen this man tonight?” She asked when the bartender approached.
The man squinted and took a long look. “Nah, I don’t.. I don’t think so.’
She swiped her finger over the screen. “How about this guy?” Carol flashed a picture of Joel.
“Maybe. I don’t know,” he said, “It's not ringing a bell. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t here though. I served a ton of people tonight.”
“They would have been here in the last half hour, forty-five minutes.”
Carol made a face. “Thank you.” She turned to her father, “They aren’t here.” Her eyes looked down at the blinking light on her phone, “We should be right near him. Maybe he left his phone.”
Chas peaked at the screen. “What is that?”
“It’s a tracker of Will’s phone.”
“Well, does it account for different levels?”
“What do you mean?”
“The hotel,” Chas went on, “It has different levels. Maybe Will’s up or down. Does the app thing work like that?”
Carol thought about it for a second, “I.. I actually don’t know. This is my first time using it.”
“Maybe he’s either up or down a level.”
“Up is rooms.” She shook her head.
“What’s down?”
Carol thought for a moment. “The spa.. saunas.. salt caves.. Pool.”
The two of them looked at one another. “Would they do a bachelor thing down there? I mean, it’s 2024. Guys don’t always do strippers and shots these days.”
“What, like you did in the eighties?” She asked with playful accusation.
“We went golfing for my bachelor partt,” Chas said with a shrug, “Got a bit drunk doing it, but just golf.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
He crossed over his chest again like he did with Frankie, “Cross my heart.”
“Okay, I know you’re being truthful.” Carol laughed and patted him on the shoulder. “Well, why don’t we check out and see if they’re getting manicures and doing shots.. and then we can call mom and tell her everything’s alright.”
“And you can get your beauty rest,” Chas added.
“I’m already beautiful,” she teased.
He kissed her temple. “That you are.”
Carol linked her arm through her father’s. “Let’s go.”
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Soul Eater: Dating The Trio x (F) Reader (Lime/Angst/Fluff)
For those who don't know who the trio is (in my view at least). It includes Death the Kid, Blackstar, and Soul.
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To be honest, almost the entire class is excited, a new student at this time of the school year. You must be a really good weapon or meister to be allowed into Dr. Stein's class mid semester. The jittery buzz just couldn't be contained, as students tried to guess whether you were a weapon or a meister, what your weapon was if you were one, if you were a boy or a girl, and most importantly of all, if you were hot.
"Tch, why's everyone so excited it's just a new kid." Soul shrugged, as he threw his feet up on the desk in front of him, a few papers falling to the ground.
"Don't be so judgmental Soul, you haven't even met them yet." Maka rolled her eyes, as she shoved his legs off the table.
"It doesn't really matter who they are to me." Blackstar interrupted quite loudly, "because I am Blackstar, an assassin who can defeat even a God."
"Shut up Blackstar." Soul grumbled "you're literally yelling in my ear."
"Both of you shut up, I can't concentrate if you're bickering with each other." Kid interrupted, placing his pencil down as he rubbed at his temples.
"Whatever Kid." Blackstar grumbled, as he pushed Kid's pencil on the floor.
"You blue-haired idiot, my pencil was perfectly symmetrically placed and you ruined it, ruined it I say." Kid sobbed, as the three boys began arguing with one another.
Suddenly a loud creak from the classroom door silenced everybody, and there it was the moment the trio's and everyone else's jaws hit the floor. Shyly you walked into the classroom, your shoes clicking as they hit the floor, your hair shiny and silky, and your pretty skin seemingly glowing from the classroom lights.
"Class." Dr. Stein announced smoothly. "Meet Y/N L/N, our new student." Dr. Stein nudged you softly in the ribs, quietly asking you to introduce yourself.
"Hello everyone as Dr. Stein said my name Y/N L/N, I hope we can all get along and grow stronger together."
"Does anyone have any question for L/N." Immediately, almost everybody's hand shot up.
"I really don't wanna deal with this" Dr. Stein began walking out of the class, "well Y/N find somebody to sit by and answer their questions if you want I'm going on a smoke break."
"Umm alright sensei." You mumbled awkwardly, and as soon as the door shut you were bombarded with replies.
"Sit here pretty girl."
"I have a seat if you want it."
"No, no Y/N you should sit by me."
"You guys are loud." You murmured under your breath as the roar of children continued talking, as you made your way through the isles looking at desks and chairs to find a suitable seat. Quickly your eyes landed on the trio, and you dropped your bag between the middle of them on the table, plopping yourself in a chair.
"Now questions, you the girl in the bottom row what is it?" You pointed a finger lazily.
"Are you a weapon or a meister?" She timidly asks, her voice squeaking in embarrassment.
"I'm both, depending on my partner."
The entire class awes in astonishment, as you nonchalantly shrug. "Anything else."
"If your surname is L/N, does that mean your apart of that infamous tribe that's known for having that ability." You heard a voice somewhere in the back of you ask.
Closing your eyes, you nod, remembering your family. "Mhm."
"That's me Y/N L/N, daughter of the current leader of the L/N tribe."
"You know I'm apart of a clan too." You heard a voice scream on the side of you.
"You don't say." You hum quietly, as you open your eyes to look at the now grinning Blackstar.
"Yup, the name's Blackstar only heir left to the the Star Clan, but you can just call me your God." He laughs loudly, as he flexes his muscles.
"Calm down Blackstar, your gonna scare her and that's so not cool." A boy with sharp teeth, rolls his eyes hitting him on the back on his head.
As the two boys bickered you felt a hand touch your hair gingerly, "So symmetrical." He drooled, measuring you hair with a ruler.
"Umm okay." You thought to yourself, a little flattered and slightly weirded out as the boy brushed his hands through your hair.
"Any more questions." You asked, as you threw your feet up.
"What's your type hottie." A voice chuckled, the entire class agreeing with him.
"I don't really have a type I suppose." You shrugged "I just gotta like you for you."
Eventually the bell rung, and you made your way to the main hall having to pull free from the boy with black hair and white stripes as he murmured something about being asymmetrical garbage being compared to you.
Quietly, you stared at the mission bulletin board until you heard a group of footsteps behind you. "Do you need something?" You asked, plucking a paper off of the board.
"We just wanted to introduce ourselves properly, and we wanted to apologize." You heard a soft voice call.
You slowly spun around to meet face with the trio and their female friends (Maka, Liz, Patty, Tsubaki). "Apologize for what exactly?" You rose your eyebrows a little confused.
"For these three." Liz points her fingers at the trio, "More specifically him." Liz sighs heavily as Kid places his hand on your boobs.
"There perfectly symmetrical, why can't you both be more like her." He sobs, groping you rather roughly. Quickly you pull away from him.
"Umm, I don't think I have your names, besides Blackstar at least." You wave at him, as he pulls a cheeky grin from you remembering his name.
"Well I'm Liz, and that's my little sister Patty." She points towards the smiling blond girl.
"I'm Tsubaki." A girl with a long ponytail puts her hand out to shake yours quickly,
"And I'm Maka." A girl with light taupe ponytails smiles, quickly hitting a white-haired boy in the back of his head "and unfortunately this is my weapon Soul."
"Sup pretty lady." He grins cheekily, rubbing the back of his head.
"Don't flirt with the new girl." Maka yells at the boy, as he ignores her smirking at you.
"And the boy who just finished groping you is Death the Kid." Liz sighs once again, as he sobs into her shoulder.
"It's been decided I'm nothing but garbage asymmetrical garbage."
Feeling a little bad for the boy, you pat his shoulder softly "I don't think your asymmetrical garbage Kid, your actually umm...quite symetrical to me."
"Really." He sniffles.
"Mhm." You nod sweetly, as Blackstar and Soul glare at Kid quickly pulling him away from you to teach him a little "lesson". (They totally didn't get their asses beat)
You giggle as you watch the three of them argue, Patty pulling the paper you were scanning out of your hand "Are you looking at missions Y/N."
"Mhm." You nod "Gotta find a partner though." Quickly all the boys turn their attention to you, surrounding you in a love-sick daze.
"You know Y/n I'd love to be your weapon, Maka is kind of a brute." Soul grins.
"No, no you definitely would want to be the weapon of Blackstar." The blue-haired boy puts one of his arms over your shoulder.
"Get off of her you oaf, she called me symetrical she would definitely would want to work with me." Kid kisses the center of your hand dramatically, bowing slightly. But, suddenly the three of them collapsed around you their female allies annoyed, except for Patty at least.
"You all have partners already." Maka screams loudly, as the boys sat solemnly while being reprimanded.
And seemingly out of nowhere you let out a laugh "You guys are funny, I think I'll stick with you guys."
You kiss each of the boy's foreheads before you walk off, laughing to yourself as you realize you might have a little fun here.
It's been 10 months since you met the trio, 10 months of pure and utter chaos. Having to deal with Kid's OCD, Blackstar God complex, and Soul's constant nosebleeds have given you the power to do anything. In fact, you’ve had to start buying black hair dye to cover the strands of gray appearing throughout your hair due to the three musketeers who's only fulfillments in life seemed to correlate with you.
Around the eleventh month mark, though, your relationship with them began to feel a little different. They were all a little touchier with you and each other, past teasing, which consisted of being tripped or pushed into a puddle of water, bloomed into random sexual touches and innuendos, and light playful glares had turned to yearning and longing stares.
And then it happened, truly it was so casual and smooth that the moment the four of you became an official couple, you hadn't realized until a few hours later. You lay there, sprawled across the entire trio's lap, scrolling through your phone, your mind foggy.
"So Y/N.." You heard Soul whisper.
"Mmh." You grunted, shimmying on his lap a little to indicate your listening, body sore from a mission you had just previously returned from.
"We all like you, so to keep us from causing any unneeded drama we want you date all of us, that sound cool." Soul placed his hand on your stomach tapping lightly.
"Huh? Yeah whatever..." You grumbled softly, placing your headphones in your ears as you closed your eyes.
To be honest when he asked you, your brain was really muddled from a tiring mission so in your head all you heard was "like" "we" and "cool", so to get them to leave you alone you agreed to "whatever" they were saying.
Later that night as you laid in bed you suddenly shot up "Wait did I agree to be their girlfriend." You rubbed the back of your neck tiredly, as you flopped back down into your sheets "Welp can't be that bad I suppose, what's the worst that could happen."
Scenarios/Headcanons with "Soul Eater"
★ Really likes to have you lean on his shoulder while he plays the piano, he finds it really comforting.
★ When the other two boys aren't around he'll most definitely play a jazz vinyl and slow dance with you
★ Has an identical replica of the headband he wears for you; he won't force you to put it on but he thinks it'd be really cool if you did.
"Soul" You giggle softly as you bury your face in his shoulder as your feet softly make it back to the ground. For the past twenty minutes he's been spinning and waltzing you around the entire room. "Yeah, what's up pretty lady." He chuckles, lifting you into the air once again. "Kid and Blackstar are gonna be coming over soon you know." Breathy laughs escape your mouth as you watch his eyes widen. "Oh yeah, guess that's enough dancing for today huh babe." He strolls over to the jazz vinyl that's currently playing and stops the music. "Which reminds we why don't you want the other two to see us dancing." You flop down onto the couch on your back. "Because...." He mutters "Blackstar wouldn't let me live it down, and that'd be so uncool."
★ Almost ended your relationship with him because of how nonchalant he is; ended up allowing another girl to flirt with him while you two were on a date; he realized his mistake and apologized but deep down you can't seem to forget it
★ He tends to make you insecure without even knowing; whenever he drools over another girl's boobs he tends to talk about it all day making you wish your boobs bigger to match his expectations.
★ Whenever your both arguing and he gets annoyed he just walks out on you; thinks its a rational and cool way to avoid more irritation but it hurts you and makes him look arrogant and rude.
"I'm telling you Y/n, Blair's boobs are chef's kiss." He makes a smooching sound. For the past twenty minutes he's been going on about the cat witch Blair's boobs and you were becoming a little upset. "Umm Soul can we talk about something else now?" You looked down at the ground to avoid his gaze. "I guess we can, but I'm telling you babe her boobs are just perfect." He smiles toothily. "That's great Soul, that's great..." Your words die off as you fold your arms over your chest, wishing that your boobs could meet your boyfriend's expectations.
★ Randomly bites you whenever your going anywhere this includes school; sometimes it has a sexual implication behind and sometimes it doesn't but at this point you've stop covering them up because you can't afford to spend any more money on foundation.
★ He lowkey likes seeing you angry and being told off by you; he just sits/stands there grinning as you scream for the third time that day; eventually gets so turned on that he just pulls you by the collar and starts biting your neck as you whimper softly; he might start doing things that purposely piss you off so you get on his ass.
★ If you've met his family, he'll sometimes get insecure that you'll leave him for his older brother Wes (the family prodigy) so if you wanna make sure he doesn't get insecure be real touchy with him in front of his family and I mean real touchy; rub yourself against him, casually sit on his lap, tug his hair, the whole combo they'll probably just think that you're an affectionate person but he knows the real motive behind it.
"Soul Evans are you even fucking listening." "I swear on Lord Death's name if you put your mouth on the carton one more time, I'm gonna strangle you." You groan exasperatedly as you watch Soul grin at you even harder on the couch as he runs his hands through his hair. The entire time you've been yelling at him he's been doing nothing but staring at your lips and tits as you complain. You watch as he stands up from the couch, and grabs you by the shirt, surprising you, as he whispers in your ear, "Fuck babe~ keep nagging I love it when you do." You stutter over your words when he starts to bite down on your neck harshly, "Soul don't b-bite so hard." You whimper as you wrap your legs around his waist and tug in his hair "I'll see what I can do pretty lady."
Scenarios/Headcanons with "Blackstar"
★ Loves to spar with you, doesn't matter if your stronger or weaker he'll still go at it with you; if your stronger than him he takes this as an opportunity to learn so that he can become the best; if your weaker than him then he gets to show off his skills and make you stronger alongside him (10/10 Stan positive Blackstar)
★ Calls you royal like nicknames like Goddess, deity, Aphrodite, and Queen; rarely refers to you by your real name anymore because that's how important you are to him.
★ Will most definitely randomly pick you up during different times of the day and spin around as you squeal and yell at him; doesn't stop until the two of you fall to the ground dizzy and nauseous but laughing nonetheless.
You stood in front of the sisters as Liz complained about how they failed another mission because of Kid's Symmetry habit; all you could do was laugh as Liz complained more and more until you were suddenly spun around in the air from who you automatically knew to be Blackstar. "Blackstar put me down." You hit at his back playfully as he went even faster losing his balance slightly. "No can do Aphrodite." A playful grin plastered on his face like usual. Suddenly Blackstar tripped over his foot from his dizziness causing him to fall as you landed on top of him. "Your an idiot." You snickered quietly, as he tried to steady his breathing and sight, a goofy grin on his face.
★ Most definitely has a superiority complex so trying to talk to him during serious situation is very difficult; occasionally disregards your feeling when you confide in him
★ Always charges into battles without thinking causing him to get really injured sometimes; you despise seeing him in such a state so you try to talk to him about it; ends up missing the entire point of the conversation making you feel ignored
★Always thinks he's right, and I mean always even if the true way is in plain sight; there's usually no point in arguing with him when he gets like this because it ends in a heated argument and you hurting each other (emotionally)
Blackstar the scroll literally gives us the answer don't go screwing this up for us." You state sharply, annoyed by Blackstar's antics. "I know what I'm doing Aphrodite." He screeches loudly, as he stands on top of an old rune, pulling at the emerald, green gem in the dead center. "Your gonna hurt yourself." After one last harsh tug he pulls the artifact out, smiling triumphantly as he throws it into the air, catching it. "See told y-" His words are cut short as the roof of the temple begins to rumble, large stone bullets pelting down at the two of you. "Shit." You both say in sync, before running down a hall and out of the temple trying to avoid being hit. You eventually get out, but unfortunately not in very good shape (for Blackstar at least). As he groans in pain, you wrap his obviously painful flesh wounds with spare linen bandages. "Blackstar you have to be more careful on missions." Tears threaten to escape your eyes as he lays his head against your chest as you both sit on the ground. "I hate when you put yourself in harm's way." You wipe your eyes with the back of your hand. "I'm so awesome I told we didn't need that dumb scroll to pull the gem out." Blackstar fiddles with the gem in his hand, obviously not hearing what you had said. All you can do is sigh.
★ Loves to have some type of physical touch with you; whether it's just hand holding or his arm around your shoulder he gotta be touching you; but he especially loves when you full on sit on his lap and make out with each other during Dr. Stein's lesson; this boy craves PDA, he's gotta let everyone know who's your man.
★ He loves when you praise him in general, but sexual praise just boosts his already fat ego so much; most definitely brags to the Soul and Kid about it and becomes your personal slave for the rest of the day to hear more praises from you; give them to him sparingly.
★ Likes when you claim him in front of other people; he obviously claims you a lot so when you do it back makes him really proud and turned on; just kissing his cheek in front of everybody makes him really excited
The whole class is silent as you sit straddled across Blackstar's lap as he sloppily makes out with you. You moan into his mouth as you feel your body tingle from all the stares and silence. "Blackstar people are watching." You whisper into his ear, as he wraps his arms around your waist pulling you tighter to him. He shrugs uncaringly "Let them watch Goddess, you deserve nothing but praise and worship." He pulls you back into his mouth for a few seconds before being hit in the head by Maka. "Can you two quit with the slobbering for a while some of us are trying to learn." He scoffs under his breath, quietly. "Your just mad that nobody'll kiss you, you ogre." He ended up with a few bruises at the end of the day.
Headcanons/Scenarios with "Death The Kid"
Fluff ★ He's now officially in charge of your make-up, skincare, and hygiene routine; he wants you to stay perfectly symmetrical at all times so hair grooming "his", nail care "his", eyebrow tweezing "most definitely his"; honesty it's just you being pampered 24/7.
★ Definitely loves when you pamper him during his symmetry breakdowns; and I mean the whole package baby-talking, ignoring Blackstar and Soul for a little as you whisper sweet words in his ears; planting kisses on his cheek; loves it so much that he has fake "breakdowns" so that he can have you baby him; you can totally tell when he's faking it though
★ Likes when you play with his hair finds it very comforting and relaxing and doesn't even mind if it becomes asymmetrical; he won't voice out what he wants though; however, he will place his head in your lap and bring your hand towards his hair
You're sitting down on the couch watching a movie as you hear the front door opening, you look towards the door to see Kid staggering tiredly, but not hurt. "Hey baby, how'd your mission go." He shrugs, half-assed and sits down on the side of you. You take no offense to it, assuming that it's because he's exhausted, and eventually he lays his head in your lap as you turn your attention back towards the Tv until you feel your hand being moved. You don't look down, but you feel it move towards Kid's hair until it suddenly just lays there. You smile to yourself. "You want something Kid." He moves your hand back and forth in his hair to suggest what he wants as he shuts his eyes. You oblige, pausing your movie and running your hands through his white and black hair until he completely dozes off.
★ It's really frustrating and tiring whenever you go on dates with him because he insists everything has to be perfect; even if you express that it doesn't need to be perfect; he feels that perfection should always be be strived for; if it isn't feel be in a sour mood for the rest of the week
★ He judges you really hard when you wear clothes that aren't symmetrical; and he gets really mean about it to, but he doesn't know he does; so in about 2hrs when he's done with his tantrum and wants to talk to you he doesn't even know why your refusing to even look at him.
★ Blames you if for any reason you both fail a mission; because he's Lord Death's son he doesn't think he make mistakes ; so if he thinks your 'screwing up" a little to much for his liking he'll just ignore you and try to get the job done himself muttering "useless" under his breath
You had just picked up a beautiful ivory white shirt at the mall today and you were so excited to see your boyfriend's reaction to it. Quickly you run upstairs to his room and open the door, causing him to look up from his book. "Kid," You giggle excitedly, as he puts a bookmark in between two pages. "What do you think." You twirl slowly, to show off your new top. "I got it at the mall today, Soul and Blackstar thought it was cute, but they think I look cute in everything, so I came to you instead." You watch as he eyes you up and down, a disgusted look creeping onto his face. "It's disgusting." "Yeah, I thought it was cute- wait what." You backtrack your words as Kid gets out of his chair walking over to you. He roughly pulls at the shirt not tearing it off of you but damaging the material and the hemming of it. "It's not even symmetrical you idiot, can't you at least try to look good sometimes." Tears fill your eyes as you slowly back away from Kid, who's engulfed in frustration. "Do I need to feed you as well Y/N, considering the fact that I must dress you also." You shook your head no, as you tried to speak. "I just wanted your opinion on it Kid." "Tch I'm not dating a baby Y/N, wipe your tears and come and speak to me when you've matured." You sniffle, quickly, running down the stairs to sob in a nearby bathroom. After about an hour you left the bathroom, eyes puffy, and red, and throat sore as you bumped into Kid. "Dear why are your eyes so red." He places his hands on your shoulders, having calmed down from his tantrum. You sniffle and pull out of his grasp, leaving him confused as you head towards the front door.
★ Look me in they eye and tell me this man doesn't scream body worship; if you say no your a pathological liar because he does; he compliments your appearance so often that even if you were insecure those feelings completely disappeared; hates when you cover yourself during intimate moments so if you do he praises and worships whatever your covering so you feel more comfortable.
★ He's lowkey a bondage man; but won't use ropes or anything harsh on your skin it's more likely that he'll use soft black and white binds to suspend you in the air so you aren't uncomfortable.
★ Loves to see you in pretty lingerie, very gentle and delicate when he's peeling it off of you; goes absolutely feral when your finally fully bare though; your not leaving the bed with without a limp; the color white is one of his favorite colors on you because it seems to radiate innocent and niaveness, black however is a pretty close second.
You stay buried under the sheets, lacy panties and a plain bra being the only covering your naked body as Kid neatly hangs up his shirt, pants, blazer and almost everything else he's wearing. You can't help but feel a little insecure, well, a lot insecure as Kid stands in front of you practically bare, his cock semi-hard in his briefs. This was the first time you had been naked together and you were a little nervous. What if Kid thought your body was gross? What if he gagged in disgust? Or worse vomited. "Kid I don't think I can do this." You gripped onto the sheet tightly, as he walked towards you in confusion. "Are you feeling worried, we don't have to do this of you don't want to, I won't feel upset." You shake your head, no "It's just that what if you think it's gross." "What's gross..." He reaches over to you, causing you to quickly pull away. "My body..." Your sentence trails off, as Kid roughly yanks the sheet off of you, trapping you under his frame. He hurriedly kisses your body as you squirm underneath him, wrapping your arms around your neck. "You're so beautiful dear, you don't ever need to insecure around me beautiful." He kisses down your stomach roughly. You tilt your face to the side to try and hide your embarrassment as Kid kisses dangerously close to your cunt. "Don't look away dear." He tilts your head towards him lovingly. "Allow me to kiss those insecurities away please." All you can do is nod, as you squirm and arch from his lips kissing you all over.
Headcanons/Scenarios for "The Trio"
★ It's always chaotic when all three of them are around; definition of "crackhead energy"; most poly dates are at an amusement/water park, Soul and Blackstar's idea not Kid's; he actually kind of hates them but enjoys them for your sakes; you most definitely will be thrown into the water by the Soul with Blackstar as an accomplice of sorts; but with a few blinks of your puppy dog eyes you can get Kid on your side to dunk Soul as payback.
★ Everybody in the house has their own chore; Kid does all of the cleaning; You do most of the cooking (don't worry even if it isn't good the boys will still eat it); And BlackStar and Soul do most of the manual labor like cutting the grass or repainting a room.
★ Soul, Blackstar and Kid are all good with kids but for different reasons; Blackstar relates to their energy and hyper activeness if not even more and gets them tired and tuckered out pretty easily which makes him perfect for nap time; Kid is more of the orderly type of parent meaning everyone's birthday is memorized, favorite foods and drinks are always kept in stock and constantly has the upper hand on sports dates and other hobbies; whilst Soul is like the cool laid-back uncle who tells kids how they should deal with bullies, how to stand up for themselves and picks them up out of school early so that they can go hang out at some dingy arcade and eat greasy pizza.
"Blackstar, I swear on Lord Death's name I will kill you. Don't throw me into the water." You screamed loudly at Blackstar who was too busy laughing at you as laid thrown over his shoulder. "Don't worry Goddess, I wouldn't drop you." He easily throws your limp body over to Soul as if you were a ball and their playing a game of catch. "But Soul might." You squirm and whine in Soul's grasp as you tug at his hair in a futile attempt to make him let you go. Yet, if anything it seems to get him more pumped up and before you know it, you're beneath the pool water surface you hand easily touching the bottom of it, until you find your balance and push your way back to the top. You scramble and sputter as you cling to the pool side wall as Soul smirks at you, the image of you closely resembling a drowned rat. You let out a shaky sigh and hop back onto the poolside, your hair waterlogged, and your clothes soaked, as you lay your wet body beside Kid on a towel as he glances over at you, witness to the whole scene momentarily. " Are you alright dear." He reaches over to rub your back as you curl into his touch and sigh. "Stupid Soul... now my hair is all wet and frizzy." You yank at your locks of hair in pity and curl into Kid's body who's still gently soothing you with his hand. You pout and look up at him with the most innocent doe eyes you can muster, tears threatening to spill from your eyes at any given moment. "Help me get back at him please Kid." All Death the Kid can do in the moment is gulp, nod, and look away because who knows what he might do next of he doesn't. And it may possibly include fucking you right on the poolside until you're too weak to even go back into the water.
★ Accuse you of having a favorite boy when the seeing you hanging around somebody for unusually long periods; you try to explain that's not the case, but it doesn't really help when the boy in question has a smug look slapped on his face as he sarcastically answers their questions; everyone goes to bed hurt and upset.
"Why can't you two understand that there's nothing more special with Kid than there is with you two." You scream at a Soul and Blackstar with your head between your hands. "Then why have you been spending more time with him than you have with us." Soul's accusatory tone and Blackstar's mindless agreements sets off a spark in you as you stand up abruptly and get in their faces. Pointing a finger at them you poke Soul and Blackstar in the chest. "Maybe I spend more time with Kid because whenever I'm with you, you slobber all over some other girl's boobs." You turn your attention towards Blackstar "and maybe I'm never with you because it always ends up with me getting your ass out of trouble or with you bragging about your huge ego." You punch a nearby wall out of frustration and let tears leak out of your eyes until you hear Kid snickering under his breath about how Soul and Blackstar aren't good enough for you anyway. Shaking your aching hand off to the side, you stomp up to Kid and grip him by his shirt. "Stop saying shit like that, I love all three of you equally and if you can't get that through your thick skull then maybe..." You turn to face towards Soul and Blackstar "I shouldn't be with any of you." You wipe your tears with the back of your hand and trudge upstairs, slam the door shut, and let your soft cries whimper through the house as the three of them look at each other and then at themselves in shame.
★ 24/7 group sex; you can't escape them even if you tried; if you were really really adamant about not letting them, take you all at once; they'll each wait and stroke themselves as they wait their turn to fuck you; they'll still nag you about constantly though to convince you to change your mind; trust me you will eventually give in because their really annoying.
★ 10/10 would definitely try to fuck while you were out on group missions; It usually starts with you minding your own business and you kill and eating kishin egg souls; when usually Soul or Blackstar decide you look way to sexy, eating and killing for your own good; Kid ends up noticing their lustfulness and mocks them for a few moments before falling victim himself; they'll eventually convince you that your the needy one and they'll each take you one by one as the the other two deal with the mission; (Lord death has stopped assigning you four group missions)
"Come on babe, just a quickie." You hear Soul whisper in your ear as you chow down on another kishin egg soul. "No Soul, not right now." You push him away firmly, "If I give you one, Blackstar and Kid are gonna ask to." He grumbles something that you can't quite catch under his breath and grabs you by the waist. He rubs himself against his backside so that your forced to feel his hard-on. You swallow thickly and squirm away from away from. Unfortunately, his grasp is a little too strong and you're only riling him up. "Come on baby, I know your just as horny as I am." "But if your serious then I'll leave you be." He slowly starts to remove his hands of you and pull away to which you quickly protest. "Soul.... more please." You mumbled pulling his hand back in you. Quickly he turns you around so that you're facing him and sticks his hand underneath your clothes fondling at your breasts with his hands being weirdly cold. "Soul..." You whimper as you erratically grind your hips into his crotch. "Shit...mhm... I'm right here baby 'm not going anywhere." You can feel your panties getting stickier as you come close to your orgasm, but you suddenly interrupted by two other voices.
Two voices pull you out of your babbling mind space and back into the ancient runes that you had forgotten you were in. "No fair Soul, how dare you try to have My Goddess without me." Blackstar quickly rushes over dropping a cloth bag out of his hand that most likely contained the artifact that you were sent to retrieve. Your head flinches in the direction as the object almost hits the ground, but luckily Kid is nearby and reaches out to grab it before it falls onto the ground. You huff a sigh of relief and flick Blackstar in the middle of his forehead for his carelessness. "Blackstar be careful... that artifact was the entire..." Your words slur off quickly as Blackstar licks and sucks at your neck leaving red marks in place. "Not s-so much teeth Blackstar." Your words die in vain as Blackstar immediately bites down onto your neck causing you to arch you breasts right into Soul's face. "F-Fuck let go." You pull out of Soul's and Blackstar's grips and rush over to Kid's side. Wrapping an arm around Kid pulls you in front of him as she scoffs at has two other lovers. "Do you to have any decorum at all." Soul clicks his tongue at Kid, slightly insulted. "Oh please, we know you want her just as much as we do." Kid rolls his eyes as his other hand reaches down and cups your pussy causing you to lurch forward. "I meant that if you're going to touch her at least be swifter with your movements. She's quite a bit needy when it comes to her clit." The three of them only look at each other, smirk, and begin to surround you. You only whine as you know it's going to be a long mission.
You definitely can't tell which of the boys are my favorite........
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boredw69 · 7 months
Only In His Office Ch. 1 Negan X Reader
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Y/n is 19 year old Senior in high school who is particularly quiet but that's only because she always takes the time to write in her notebook filled with.. thoughts about someone imparticular, but its not who you expect it to be…
◇There is a age gap in this book so if you are not ok with that or if it makes you uncomfortable then you do not have to read, it's your choice.◇
Warnings: Sexual themes, Cursing, Age Gap, (bad writing.. :L )
Chapter One.
Word count: 1596
I pressed the dark tip of my pencil into my notebook writing as fast as I could trying to remember any detail that I had stowed away in my brain of someone whom I not speak of to anyone but myself.
He was the only man that had ever made me feel things; things I had only felt when I was alone in my room... Just me and my thoughts, but one day he came along and all the other things... I was using for pleasure were replaced by the thought of him towering over me, his hand firmly gripping my neck as I turn a light shade of pink. I longed for his taste, his presence was even enough to have me ache.
I would get on my knees anytime of the day for this man.
The way I thought about him made it seem like I could just talk to him, as if I had been close to him for my whole life, but no, it is not as simple as you think. So for that reason I choose to keep to me and my notebook where I write all of my.. thoughts about him.
The loud bell struck me out of my thoughts and I began to get up snatching my jacket and notebook on the way. I shuffed as fast as I could down the hall and through the double door room.
My shoes squeaked on the gym floor calling the attention to the coach across the way.
"Early again?" He asked with his sarcastically cheerful voice.
A question he always asked ever since he noticed my excitement to be in his class, and something I would always respond with a shy nod. It wasn't my choice to be shy but when I was around him what more could I say?
I threw my things into the bleachers where everyone is ordered to do and took my spot on the floor begining to stretch.
Hello's flooded the room as more Students came in .
"Alrighty, Lets get this stupid roll call over. Jace?" he shouted.
"Here" I heard from across the gym.
I began stretching, my mind wondering as I did so. My eyes fell to his legs, and as I slowly came up from my stretch I continued up past his thighs.. his groin, and his toned stomach.
'Fuck..' I murmured playing it off as I had stretched a sore muscle.
I jerked my head up looking at coach who seemed disappointed.
I cleared my throat, "here, sorry!"
He raised an eyebrow, "Next time keep your damn ears open."
Even when he was mad I stayed attracted to him, in fact it only made the thought of him pressing me against the wall harshly with pure lust more prominent. The things he could do when he was angry were unthinkable...
"I want you to sweat your balls off!" He shouted.
I thrusted my legs forward going as fast as I could. Not only for Coach but for my dad... he has been wanting me to join some sort of sport and that requires me to be good in gym so I did exactly that.
"Alright- the bell is going to ring in a few minutes, keep running until it rings! I dont care if you'll be late to class!"
I continued running, the sweat forming in every area it could. I was going to smell foul, but luckily after 2 years of being in his gym class I know to store away deodorant and perfume in my locker.
The bell rang once again and everyone rushed for the bleachers grabbing their things. I shoved through the crowd and managed to hook my jacket on my finger before throwing it over my shoulder and hurrying to my locker.
I put on something that would hide my smell and walked through some perfume before putting on my jacket and speeding down the almost empty hall.
As I jogged to history class it felt like something was missing...
Did we have history homework? It cant be my history book, it's in class as always... wait.
"Shit" I whisper yell.
I ran back down the hall and turned a corner going through the lockers and into the gym where I stood halt.
Chills ran up my spine and goosebumps traveled across my body... what was standing in front of me was of my worst nightmares.
He looked up from my book with a astonished look.
Maybe he didn't read it, maybe he just glanced at it... maybe..
"I-" I couldn't even get words to come out, only small whimpers.
This is so bad.. What the hell do i do now.?
"Follow me for a moment Miss. L/N" He stated.
This was the most serious I'd ever heard him.
This cannot be happening...
"B-but I need to get to cl-"
He looked up and me shutting my book tightly and bringing it to his side, "Now please.
Shit! No...
I followed him as he walked, he was alot scarier than I thought he would be, but then again I always thought of what he was like during sex instead of real life situations like this... I never thought that he would find my vulgar description of him like this, once again I foreseen it in less of a real situation.
I was an idiot for bringing it to school, it should have stayed in my closet where it belongs.
Negan shut the door and locked it.
"I-... I'm sorry.." tears began to form in my eyes, I was probably going to get expelled and my parents would find out and the whole school would know that I'm a perverted freak.
"Don't be sweetheart. Although I never seen you as such a dirty freak I knew there was something up with you, I mean common your so goddamn quiet." He trailed on, "but I didn't expect this-" he waved my book around before placing it on his desk.
"I- I can explain.."
"No need, I'm honestly flattered" he chuckled taking a seat in his plush office chair.
My eyes grew wide and I frantically searched his face for something other than seriousness.
Flattered? How, Why??
He leaned back, "Com'on, dont tell me you've never read them back. This shit right here-" he tapped his finger on my notebook, "is damn good!".
My eyebrows furrowed now looking down to his feet unsure of what to say.
"So.. Quiet.." He trailed on running his tongue across his teeth.
I shivered as his voice deepened. I was flattered to know my writing was exceptional.. and if I wasn't delusional I'd think he was flirting with me right now.
He picked up the book and opened up to a random page; glancing up to me he began to read.
I held my breath, "Please,.. Don't. I'm sorry I'll throw it away.. It won't ever happen again." I reached for the book but he pulled back holding it to his chest.
"Ah, ah ah." He Tsked.
I swallowed a lump in my throat and stepped back watching him slowly pull the book back down to read again.
"This is some freaky shit." He spat with a immodest tone. "I mean if I didn't know any better I'd think this belonged to a fucking psycho." He chuckled.
"Are you a psycho Miss L/N?" he asked leaning forward his elbows now resting on his desk book still in hand.
I stared blankly, my mouth agape unable to speak.
He tilted his head and set the book down now rising from his seat. He strolled around the desk and stood in front of me.
"I won't ask again.." He trailed on, his voice deeper and more demanding.
I could feel my heart physically racing, and my hand began to shake.
"no.. Sir." I mumbled formally.
He looked down on me towering over me by at least 8 inches. He leaned down closer to my ear. "I'm sorry, I couldn't quite hear that."
I could feel his breath on my neck. My legs felt weak, and I was aware of every little thing happening around me.
"No." I spoke up.
I dared to look up; catching him as he came up from my ear with a smirk.
The door rattled with a knock and my heart sank.
He rolled his eyes now taking a firm grip on my shoulder slowly moving me just behind the door. He lifted a finger to his lips before opening the door to cover me.
"Have you seen Miss. Y/n L/n? This was her last class and she hasn't came into Mrs. Jaco's class yet"
He cleared his throat, "She had left her book in gym class, I was expecting her to come retrieve it but she hasn't, so no, I haven't seen her".
"Hmm. That just doesn't seem like her, ya know?"
"Yea, let me know if you find her so I can give her this book of hers"
"Oh I can take it to her so its easier." The woman sounded cheery.
I could feel his panic from here. She had stepped slightly into the office but before anything he moved to close the door a bit with a awkward chuckle.
"No, it's fine I know her Dad, I'll just give it to him" he replied.
He knows my dad?!
"Oh, alright then. I will be sure to send her down when I find her then" the woman said cheerfully before I heard her heels clacking down the hall.
The door shut and silence filled the room.
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2-sleepy-for-this · 1 year
Our little brother pt.3
Finally, one of the long awaited favorites is uploaded once more! This took longer than expected and I’m headed into finals week soon so I may not upload for a bit (feel free to give me prompts still!) :D
here it is folks (I’ve had this half done for so long)
tw ~ unintentional fearplay, minor claustrophobia, anxiety, grabbing, technical kidnapping???, annoyed Technoblade
word count ~ 1.5k
The fast pitter-pattering of tiny feet sped down the hallway, nearly silent compared to the conversation and giant footsteps from the humans all around him.
Tommy didn’t know what to do. First, he was trapped in the brown-haired human's pocket for what felt like forever. Then the guy started petting him like an animal. He is not an animal! 
And he did not nearly fall asleep with those giant fingers caressing his back.
He is a big man, the biggest man, and big men don’t relax at some giants touch.
Now he just had to find somewhere to hide until all the humans went away and he could get back to the walls where he belongs. Tommy continued running against the wall, in a small hidden space near the gigantic heavy doors that humans kept walking through. No human could see him there.
The huge door slammed near him again as more humans walked out. He clutched his sensitive ears. Humans were too loud.
A shoe bigger than him slammed down just inches from his hiding place as he covered his mouth to suppress a squeak of fear. 
Even a big man like Tommy would admit that running so close to humans was terrifying, and he didn’t know what to do. There was nowhere to go.
So Tommy did the only thing he could think of. He curled into a tiny ball right on the floor in the shadows, where he hoped no human could find him.
Wilbur winced in surprise at how stern Techno’s voice was over the phone. He had received a call from his twin not long after he lost his sunshine and nearly jumped out of his skin when his phone rang in his pocket.
“Heyy Tech, just got out of my exam. I think it went well personally, but I could have done better on the essay honestly-“
“Wilbur. Stop talking.”
Wilbur knew his attempt to change subjects was futile, and he knew exactly why Techno had called.
“So… what are you calling for?”
Wilbur tried to ask, smiling innocently while talking, even though he knew Techno couldn’t see his facial expression.
“A few minutes ago, I came home to check on the creature we found, and it’s not here.”
Techno waited for Wilbur to speak but kept going when the other end of the call stayed quiet.
“I looked in the cage and it wasn’t there, Wil. So, either it escaped, or you brought it to class after we agreed you wouldn’t. Judging by the silence, I’m guessin it’s the latter?”
“…alright, yeah, it was me… I just thought it would be nice to take them out for a while!”
“Well, you said you were done with your exam, so come back here. I wanna see the little thing again.”
This time, Wilbur paled at Techno’s response. He couldn’t go back to the apartment empty handed…
Now he was on a time limit.
And a very short one at that.
…he just hoped his sunshine was close by.
Tommy didn’t know how long it had been since he hid. It felt like forever, but it couldn’t have been more than half an hour. 
He couldn’t see any good openings to run or get into the walls. The constant foot traffic calmed down, but there were still a handful of humans standing and talking. Too risky to move yet.
One of the humans that was in a pair started walking away. His white hoodie was hard to look at under the bright lights, but the shiny necklace around his neck was mesmerizing.
Tommy watched him disappear down the hallway before turning to look at the other guy who was just standing there on one of those glass rectangles that humans love.
After a few minutes, the guy—who was wearing a bright green hoodie, who does that?—still hadn’t looked up and seemed oblivious to his surroundings.
Tommy had a choice.
He could stay in his little corner, curled up for who knows how much longer… or he could try to make it under the door he was next to.
He needed to see if there was a way out.
Tommy held his breath as he uncurled his body, keeping his tail wrapped around his leg tightly.
He slowly inched to a stand and started to shuffle closer to the door.
He took shallow, silent breaths, even though his body wanted to hyperventilate.
As more minutes ticked by, he got closer and closer to his destination. He could almost touch the wood of the door.
Then the human sighed.
Tommy couldn’t help the full body flinch he reacted with… when he opened his eyes, large green ones stared right back.
The human stepped forward and was close enough to grab him in seconds, so he ran, bolting for the crack under the door even though he knew it would be pointless.
His escape plan was foiled as the human noticed where he was running and swept him off the ground and into a giant fist… the third one he’s been in since the alleyway.
Tommy, so desperate for an escape, screamed as he was lifted higher, tears rolling down his cheeks while he struggled.
“Wha…? Hey, hey, hey, little guy, relax.”
The human's eyes widened at his struggles. 
Good. He caught him by surprise. A better chance of escaping.
Tommy continued to squirm and fight against the hand he was in until the other giant hand came up and restrained Tommy. 
He was completely trapped, pressed against two palms with just his head to move. His limbs were completely stuck in place.
Still, his squirms continued for a few moments more before it just became too much for him. Tommy had been so close to escaping all the human monsters, but it was all for nothing now.
Tommy couldn’t help it when he muttered one word in fear;
In an instant Tommy froze in the humans hold.
He had just spoken.
No borrower was ever supposed to speak to a human. He broke the borrower code.
Tommy closed his eyes, tensing up while he waited for the human to do something to him. All of the scary stories he was told about breaking the borrower's code came to the front of his mind. What could the human be planning to do with him?
“It’s alright, little guy… you’re safe.”
Tommy opened his eyes in surprise. Those huge green eyes were still looking at him, but now they seemed… softer, more welcoming.
He was confused. Why did the human look like that? They were supposed to look mean and scary! 
His head tilted slightly as the hands around him loosened. Now Tommy was sitting in the giant's palm, mouth agape as his body relaxed from tiredness.
“My name is Dream… do you have a name? Or should I keep calling you little guy?”
Tommy wasn’t sure what to do, he can’t speak to a human again… but he had already talked before. 
The human knows he can talk… what if he gets mad that Tommy won’t?
“Hm, Tommy? That’s a nice name. Can you tell me why you’re here all alone, Tommy?”
What could Tommy say? He was alone… but he couldn’t tell the human, Dream, that. 
But he was also running away from someone too…
Maybe, if the hu- Dream thought he was trying to find someone, then he’d let Tommy go… 
It was risky, but Dream looked like he could be tricked.
“I.. I’m lost… I lost my human. I can’t find him anywhere..”
Dream looked at him with a mix of confusion and pity… it was working.
“Your human? Like… your friend?”
“Uh… yeah.”
“Well.. what does he look like? And what’s his name? I can help you look.”
Great. Now he was stuck with this human while he looked for the one he didn’t want to find.
“He has… brown hair, and brown eyes… and a yellow hoodie. And his name is… um..”
What was that humans name again? The pink haired one said it so many times, but he could barely hear over his heartbeat…
Wil… Wil-something. He still couldn’t remember… he would just have to make it up then. He was too far into this now.
“Wilby… his name is Wilby.”
“Alright.. let’s go find.. Wilby then!”
Tommy was lifted higher into the air as Dream stood to his full height. He clasped at his tail anxiously while he was cupped against Dream’s chest. Tommy hoped he’d never have to get used to this…
Tommy watched Dream walk the length of the entire hallway in seconds, faster than Tommy’s tiny legs could cross in hours, like it was nothing, while he looked for Tommy’s human.
Tommy could only hold his breath and hope ‘Wilby’ had already given up looking for him and left.
He didn’t want to be put right back into the hands he tried to escape from so hard.
Then he saw that brown-haired beanpole crouched on the ground, and once he felt the chest he was leaning against breathe a sigh of relief, he knew he was done for.
hope you enjoyed! (Told you there would be another main character)
I wonder how poor Wilby will react when he sees his sunshine in Dream’s hands?
as always, get some rest, eat and drink something, and send me things! :)
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milkybonya · 2 years
love fool ☆ haruto
order 062, 🐦 anon: large banana milk tea with pudding and crystal tapioca pearls for trsr Haruto
! : reader is kinda dramatic and mean to Haruto T_T but he's mean back heh, ft. class president!Yoshi, badminton references, crying, very much +1k it ended up loong
# : enemies to lovers! , lazy!Haruto and high achiever!(gn)reader, Haruto and reader are high school seniors
[💌: finally found time to watch weak hero and can u tell this is loosely nspired by that >_< also title is based off lovefool by n.flying 🫶🏼]
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all Haruto wants is to make it to lunch so he can nap. all you want is to make sure you get into your first university choice on a scholarship. aka you also want the highest grades. that's a bit of a problem, especially when the two of you keep getting in each other's way.
squeak. squeak. squeak. squeak.
someone in class had been shaking their leg up and down for the past ten minutes, driving you crazy as you tried to take notes. their rubber shoes were making sounds as they hit the linoleum floor and you were about to throw your own shoe at whoever it was.
"Haruto. stop shaking your leg and pay attention. it's bad luck," Yoshinori, the top student whispered somewhere behind you.
Haruto scoffed in response but stopped, and finally your ears were at peace. you were so happy you could give Yoshi a kiss or something--
squeak. squeak. squeak.
you gritted your teeth together. just 6 more minutes of class and all of this would be over.
you couldn't do it.
you suddenly got up and everyone's eyes turned to you.
"teacher, i really need to use the washroom," you said before storming off, not even giving your teacher a chance to reply.
you washed your face and took a few deep breaths before hurrying back, not wanting to miss the lesson. luckily, you were able to get all the important parts noted down before lunch.
"finally, lunch!" Haruto exclaimed, standing up and doing a booty jiggle in joy.
his friends all laughed and you sighed, turning to him with a glare.
"stop being disruptive during class. you're annoying enough during lunch anyway, so save it for then," you said before you walked away.
Haruto simply watched you with a glare. he didn't get why you were always such a party pooper.
in the cafeteria, Haruto wanted to quickly eat so he could head back to class and nap before lunch ended. so, he cut in line. seeing one of his friends near the front, he slid in next to them and quickly picked up a tray.
you, being a few people behind him and having waited five minutes so far just to get to this spot, found it hard to tolerate the tall boy's actions.
"hey, Ruto! don't cut in line. head to the back, we've all been waiting for ages," you shouted, sternly.
Haruto threw you a glare, actually kind of scaring you.
"don't call me Ruto. only my friends call me that. and stop acting like we're close and you can order me around," he replied, returning to his food.
his voice was deep and his eyes looked at you from behind his lids. your heart raced out of probable fear the whole time he interacted with you but once he was gone, all you could do was scoff.
your hand slammed down on Haruto's desk. he woke up dazed but sat upright, somewhat fearing for his life.
"no one cuts in line and gets away with it," you grumbled.
then, you grabbed Haruto's water bottle and splashed some in his face. he was seething with anger.
"and this is for being so loud during class," you huffed.
Yoshi watched everything from the seat beside Haruto while holding back laughter, shocked at your attitude.
"do you think getting the top grades makes you all that?!" Haruto exclaimed while standing up, his voice cracking because of how angry he was.
everyone held back their laughter after hearing the pitch of his voice.
"shut up, all of you!" Haruto screeched before storming out of the class.
during phys ed class, two teams were formed for badminton.
"the class president and the student with the highest grades in this class will form the two teams. team captains, pick your teammates and then we can begin," the teacher explained, organizing the rackets and birdies.
you eyed Yoshi as he began to pick his teammates. Haruto. Jaehyuk. Jeongwoo. Asahi. all his friends. you scoffed and leaned against a net.
"if you don't get picked by Yoshi or if you simply don't wanna be on that team, come here," you said, matter-of-factly.
you were surprised to see a lot of people joined you. after dividing everyone into pairs to play doubles, you decided you would play singles, since there was an odd number of students.
when it was time to start, you waited at a net for your opponent. Haruto came marching over, looking relaxed but clearly bottling up some anger.
"did you wanna play against me or was it Yoshi's decision?" you asked, practicing swinging your racket.
"if i beat you today, you're gonna let me cut in line at lunch, let me be as loud as i want in class, and let me sleep whenever i want," Haruto said, serving.
"if i win then you stay quiet, don't cut in lines, and you owe me another wish that i haven't decided," you replied as you returned the serve.
Haruto faced sideways as he ran to hit the birdie, and you noticed his long locks in a ponytail. it's cute, you found yourself thinking.
"why do you get another wish and i don't?" Haruto complained.
"because you asked for three things and i only asked for two."
you smashed the birdie down while Haruto was giving you a confused look, earning you your first point.
the game continued, and even though the rest of your classmates were having fun and taking breaks, you and Haruto were taking things extra seriously.
by the end of the class hour, you had won by three points and Haruto's hair was stuck to his forehead. despite hating the mere sight of him, you still offered him some of your water.
"thanks," he said before chugging it down. you watched his adam's apple bob up and down... then realized he finished all your water and left none for you.
"Haruto!" you yelled after him.
he smirked and grinned at the ground while he walked away.
"so. i won the game, right? you're gonna be quiet in class, right?" you asked Haruto at his desk.
he glared at you slightly before replying, "yeah but you never said for how long. could be a minute. could be an hour. could be months."
he had his chin resting on his palm as he smiled up at you with a mischievous smirk.
"you know exactly what i mean and if you act up, i'm not helping you on our group project."
"group project?"
"class, today i'll be telling you about a new assignment. it's a group project and i used a random generator to decide the pairs," the teacher spoke up just then.
you smirked at Haruto this time, keeping eye contact as both of your names were called.
"Haruto and y/n will be together," the teacher said.
Haruto looked at you with disgust as you mouthed to him to stay quiet, or else you'd make him fail the group project. luckily, he did as he was told.
you waited for Haruto at a café. he was five minutes late and you were trying hard not to call him and yell at him as soon as he picked up. you did yell at him when he arrived, though.
"and where in the hell were you? the café's practically closing!" you huffed as the tall boy approached.
he didn't bat an eye as he sat across you.
"y/n, it's so busy. they're open for like 6 more hours, still," he explained, rolling his eyes at you while trying to hide a smile.
"whatever. anyways, do you have any topic ideas?"
"no. i thought you were deciding that, mx 'i get all the top grades'," Haruto joked.
you stuck your tongue out at him and pulled out your notebook. he was right, though. you actually had decided on some topics.
after choosing one and starting your research, dividing the work and starting the process, the two of you parted ways for the night.
on presentation day, Haruto was nowhere to be found. you called him about a hundred times, asked all his friends, but there was no trace of him. still, you had to present, so you tried your best. though, you could only present for 5 minutes instead of 10 since Haruto wasn't there to do his part, and the teacher told you you would lose marks for it.
and boy, did you lose marks.
you got a 25% out of 100%. in other words, a complete fail. even after pleading the teacher to understand the situation, they explained to you that rules are rules. if a partner is absent, thats 50% of your grade gone. and the other 25% was because you weren't able to properly present without Haruto, showing the holes in your knowledge.
"but i'm the top student! you know i know what i'm doing," you whined to the teacher.
"no exceptions, y/n. i feel bad, i really do, but there's nothing i can do," the teacher explained.
the next day, Haruto hobbled into class on crutches. you felt relief seeing his little ponytail bobbing up and down as he tried to walk to his desk. then, you felt anger.
"where the hell were you yesterday?" you growled at the boy, who had just managed to take a seat.
"do you not see i'm literally injured?" he said back with a frown.
"you could've told me, at least! or sent me your part so i could present it! i got a 25% because of you," you complained.
"it's just a grade, get over it."
Haruto's words were like a punch in your face. 'get over it'? how could you get over it when getting into your dream university was the only thing on your mind right now?
your eyes started to fill with tears. you were so full of anger you didn't know what to do, it felt like a kettle was boiling and whistling within but there was no way to remove it from the stove. so, you stormed off before you could even get the chance to cause trouble.
"hey, that was really harsh, Ruto," Yoshi quietly told his friend with a concerned look.
Haruto shrugged and rolled his eyes, but inside he was a bit worried. as much as the two of you were not on the greatest terms, he knew what he said was wrong. what he didn't know was how to make it right.
"go after them and apologize," Yoshi suggested.
Haruto didn't hesitate for a second before he got up and ran out of the classroom, trying to find where you ran off to.
after searching for some time, he slowed his steps when he heard quiet sobs coming from the empty music classroom. hoping it wasn't you, he slowly approached the class and peeked in through the slightly ajar door.
"y/n?" a deep voice called out your name.
you quickly wiped your eyes and looked up to find Haruto, a worried look on his face. vulnerable and exposed, you didn't know what to do.
"hey, y/n i'm sorry for what i said. that wasn't cool of me. and i'm also sorry i couldn't let you know i wouldn't make it to class. i'll try to explain to the teacher so just... please.. don't be sad," Haruto almost pleaded the last line. his heart was completely shattered seeing your puffy eyes and tear-stained face.
you took the hand that he extended out to you as he helped you stand up, and he walked you to the bathroom.
"wash up and come back to class, okay? but if you're not feeling well and want to go home, i can take notes for you," Haruto said.
"you? take notes?" you almost laughed.
Haruto smiled seeing you in a brighter state.
"yes, dummy. let me make it up to you," he said, ruffling your hair and walking away.
you could hear and feel your heartbeat, somehow missing Haruto's presence the second he turned his back on you. even though you were so angry just moments before, receiving such a sincere apology eased all your worries. you finally knew what to use your badminton wish on.
"here are the notes," Haruto said, placing a notebook on your desk.
you looked up with a grin as you opened up the green book, ready to make fun of Haruto's writing or unorganized notes. to your surprise, these notes were better than anything you could've taken.
"if i put effort into school, i could succeed. i just don't want to," Haruto said with a shrug before walking away.
"hey, wait!"
the tall boy turned to look at you, curiously.
"let me treat you to food.. for the notes," you explained.
Haruto told you it was fine and didn't matter, since the notes where to make up for him being absent for the presentation, but you persisted.
"this is my wish for winning badminton. let me treat you to a meal," you said with a smile.
"this is your wish?"
"yeah. now accept before i change my mind and make you wash my clothes or something."
"the teacher said we can present again after school in his office, so don't worry about the grade anymore," Haruto said, his cheeks full of fried chicken.
"what? why are you laughing?" he asked.
you took a photo and showed him, the way he had sauce smeared on his face, how his cheeks were full and his fingers messy.
"oh... well that's no fair. we both need to be messy to have fun when eating" he said, smearing sauce on your nose.
"hey!" you yelled, trying to get back at him before he apologized and wiped your face with a napkin.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry. eat comfortably!" Haruto said with a laugh.
once you paid for the meal and both of you left, Haruto showed you a café.
"if you've got nothing to do, shall we go there? their fluffy pancakes are so good," he said, excitedly bouncing around.
"if they're as fluffy as your hair then i'll go," you replied, ruffling his dark locks before running away.
Haruto laughed and chased after you.
at the café was when a mood change between the two of you first began. you felt more comfortable than ever with Haruto that day, wiping cream off each other's faces and complaining about teachers.
from then on, rather than glaring at each other and angrily cursing from afar, you were laughing at each other's jokes and bonding over music and tv shows. during lunch time when Haruto would lean in to steal a bite of your food, so close that you could boop his nose, it was hard to not notice the way your heart rate sped up.
even that night at the café after you parted ways, you were up all night sharing music with Haruto. so, when you both showed up to class the next morning with dark circles, you shared a knowing smile.
"Haruto, were you up all night gaming again?" Yoshi asked his friend.
Haruto shook his head, smiling dreamily in your direction. he was so excited for lunch time to come, not so he could nap, but so he could talk with you again. and as soon as the bell rang, he got up and raced to your desk.
"wanna eat together?" he asked.
Yoshi watched the interaction with an eyebrow raised, confused to see you leaving the classroom together.
it was like that for weeks. the two of you suddenly became inseparable. your friends became Haruto's friends and vice versa. they kept asking if you were dating, to which you'd shyly reply 'no', but you couldn't hide how much you enjoyed hearing their assumptions. at some point, you started to wish it was true.
you had always seen Haruto as attractive but since he started being nice to you, it was even harder to keep your eyes off him. was it how he'd run his fingers through his dark locks, only for them to fall in his eyes again? and how he'd grab the elastic around his wrist with his teeth so he could just tie his hair out of his face? was it smile, his little smirk where the corners of his lips would turn downwards as he grinned?
every time he wrapped his arm around your shoulders after he ran towards you in the hallway, every time he called your name, every time he sighed while you explained the lesson to him, every time he's smirk when you gave him a cola can for no reason, it was in those moments when you truly felt like yourself.
you were a lovefool for Haruto, but you were also the most y/n in his presence. little did you know, he was more than a lovefool for you, too.
well, you found out pretty soon when he asked you to listen to a song he liked during lunch one day. he was sitting in front of you while you sat at your desk, and you shut your eyes as he gently placed the earbuds in your ears. you nodded along and he watched your every move, his eyes sparkling because he was staring at the person he now loved the most.
the song was just another love song, but when you opened your eyes and saw Haruto greeting you with heart eyes, it felt different. the voice confessing their love for someone suddenly sounded like Haruto singing for you, and you grew so flustered that you had to rip the earbuds out of your ears.
"what happened, do you not like it?" Haruto asked, worriedly.
"no, no, i just.. earbuds give me a headache," you lied, convincingly.
Haruto nodded with a smile, asking about your real thoughts on the song.
"it's so sweet.. it makes me melt," you said, shyly.
slowly and cautiously, Haruto took your hands in his. your heart started beating faster and you looked around, but no one was watching.
"good, 'cause it's how i feel about you, y/n," Haruto said.
you gulped as your throat felt dry, and you felt like your heart was beating so fast it would burst out your chest. the only thing keeping you grounded was Haruto's hands in yours.
"i like you, y/n. can i be your boyfriend?" he asked, tilting his head to one side.
"say yes!" whispered Yoshi from two seats away, acting like it wasn't him when you glared at him.
you turned instead to Haruto and nodded. he whisked you out of your seat as soon as you did, running hand in hand with you in the hallways.
"i don't know where we're going, but if we end up at the snack bar then everything is on me!" he yelled, his voice cracking.
his wide, box smile made you laugh but his strong grip and the hairs fallen loose from his ponytail made you realize just how hard you'd fallen for him.
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kaethefangirl · 4 months
Instead of thinking of prompts and forgetting them I decided to start writing tiny little fics ab them
Ling stares down at the kid in front of him as he walks directly behind him — maybe he's too close because he accidentally stepped on the back of the kid's shoes more than once but whatever, it's college, he probably won't even see him again.
"And you're sure you know where the robotics class is?" Ling asks for the third time.
The kid nodded shortly and didn't even spare Ling a glance. He hadn't looked at Ling at all, for that matter. The air was awkward and Ling was overly-conscious of every step he took and the way his sneakers squeaked against the newly polished university floors.
He gulped and it seemed as if the noise echoed throughout the entire hall, but theres no way it was audible to anyone except himself. The boy he was following turned his head slightly to shoot Ling a quizzical look.
Well, when in doubt—
Ling took a deep breath before breaking the silence. "I've been skipping for the past few weeks— for a very good reason, mind you— but I hear the professor is cool. I also hear he's hot but that's neither here nor there. Professor Mustang, I think."
Talk. He'd made lots of friends this way, with his inability to stay silent.
The short blonde kid replied with a grunt.
"I didn't really want to take this class to begin with but Lan Fan — my best friend — she forced me to fill my schedule and I thought robotics sounded cool so, you know, here we are."
Ling furrowed his brows. Was the kid anti-social or did Ling make a bad impression earlier...?
"I'm Ling."
Another grunt.
"What's your name?" Ling pressed. He was going to make this kid like him.
"Ed. Cool. You must have robotics too?"
"You could say that."
"I didn't know freshmen could take this class," Ling smiled, hoping he'd just insinuated that Ed was smart.
"Not a freshman." Ed grinds out. Ling's jaw snaps shut at the tone of voice. God, the last time Ling has felt this socially awkward was when he first transferred to a public middle school.
He felt a tension between them that he was itching to get rid of. "Today there's a substitute. He's known around campus for being super bitchy. But he's also won a Nobel prize! Hey—" Ling happened to turn his head and he caught a view of one of the trophy cases. Inside of which was a framed picture of a Nobel prize being handed to—
"Why is he handing the award to you...?" Ling visibly deflated as he slowly turned his head back to the short blonde.
"You're the substitute, aren't you?"
"Kill me."
Finally, Ed laughed. It was loud and boyish and Ling loved it. He always loved to make people smile.
"Look, kid—" Ed starts.
"I'm 21! Not a kid."
"I'm 22, and I say you are."
"No way you're older than me! You're so sh—"
"Don't say it!"
"Say what? Shor—"
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freshlyrage · 1 year
Running Like Water
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Chapter 3
whats playing: Ivy by Frank Ocean
pairing: Javier Peña x OFC (written as xReader)
fic warnings: Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI) language, strained family relationships, mentions of drug abuse, discussions of insecurities and body image issues, daddy and mommy issues, first few chapters are flashbacks to high school, they WILL NOT be explicit just fluff.
fic tags: Best friends younger sister, Life-long crush, Friends to lovers, Unrequited love, slow burn, Push and Pull, Small Town Dynamics, Secret Relationships, latina MC, Fluff and Angst, OFC!Jessica Alba face claim, sorry Lorraine I'm bringing you into this, Time jumps, 2 year age gap, pre-canon
A/N: Didn't think I'd have the entire "before" aspect of this story drag on so long but the angst is so needed. There is nothing angstier than an unrequited high school romance. This is a short one. The Javi we know will come soon, mama is working!
Also... it will be very clear that I don't know much about the police... surely not business I care about either! Go along with whatever I say though.
word count: 3.8k
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Your first kiss was technically one that you didn’t ask for so to make up for it, a week later you got shit faced at Monica’s and sucked face with Daniel from chemistry, a junior. Half of it was because you were fresh off seeing Lorraine and Javier kiss in the hallway just 2 hours prior so making out with Daniel was kind of a no brainer.  
Your shoes squeaked against the polished school tiles, still in your gym attire. Your hair tied in a ponytail as you walked to get your clothes from the locker, you didn’t really trust the gym lockers after a top of yours got stolen. Steps from behind you hurry. “You hooked up with Daniel?” Javier’s voice echoed in the empty hall. Eyes widening. Your eyes scan the hall for on lookers. 
He stands next to you, shortening his steps once he's leveled. Using his own line on him with narrowed eyes, “Don’t you have class? Stalker…” You hadn't really spent time together after new year’s but he and Lorraine sent a bouquet of flowers to your house on your 16th birthday. Catching up in the halls was what had to suffice. He’d tell you how it was going with Lorraine and then you would find an excuse to hurry away before getting too jealous.
He lifts the wooden pass, “It’s called a bathroom break cariño, answer my question.” He uses a pet name that he’s been fond of recently. You purse your lips trying to hide the smile, he catches on and returns it. God, any display of endearment could have you in a puddle at his feet. 
Despite the little worms in your brain screaming, sexy man, sexy man, alert alert, you manage to ground yourself to answer his invasive question. “I did, although its none of your business.” You wanted it to be his business so bad, but you knew he truly didn’t care for the reasons you wanted him to. He cared in that over-protective overbearing friend way. Emphasis on friend. You approach your locker and he leans against the one next to it. His broad stance always gets you, those guys in your brain are getting loud again when you notice his collarbone poking out his shirt as he leaned. His eyes imitating the narrowed look you gave him a few seconds prior. It’s been this way in school, back and forth teasing.
It drove you insane.
He sucks his teeth, “It became my business when I have to defend you in a locker room, Daniel had quite the mouth on him.” He mutters a see how long that will last. Your cheeks were red already from the workout, thank god. Always on your side. He peaks into your locker, spotting an orange sitting on your textbooks and grabs it. You slap his hand but he was already peeling.
Curiosity sparking in you, “What did he say.”
Javier’s lips went to a straight line and he shakes his in disapproval. “I’m not telling you.” The tips of his thumbs dripping with the citrusy juice. It made your stomach pit, wanting to pull his thumb into your mouth and lick him clean.
What am I thinking...
You chest stutters in a breath and you snatch the orange from his hand, earning a hey… from him.
“What. Did. He. Say.” You cross your arms, hiding the orange. Any more of that erotic fruit touching and you were going to pounce him. He stands up straight, a smirk playing on his lips. “Tell me.” You demand. You kind of felt silly in that moment but he seemed to be amused at your conviction. Javier’s face drops for a moment, his eyes doing that thing when he looks down at you.
His arms cross mirroring your stance. “He said you were a great kisser for a cherry.” your eyebrows pull together confused. Your arms drop. Cherry? Was I wearing cherry Chapstick?
“A cherry?”
“A virgin you idiot” He grabs the orange, and your eyes go wide not even caring as he continued to make a mess with the fruit. “I told him not to be so vulgar just so you know, s’gross” he mutters. You feel the sentiment in his voice, but anger rushes over you. It expressed itself with a sigh and a slam shut of the locker. You look back at him eating the fruit, stupid fucking orange. 
With the thought of Daniel telling your personal business to a group of pervs you begin walking back to gym with a bit of frustration in your step. Javier was still following like a lost puppy, like he was waiting for something. You take in a shaky breath as you look back to him, his eyes wide and worried that he might've ruined your mood. “Thank you- for always being on my side.” You admit and his eyes go to that place that it usually went when looking at you. You wanted to say softness and in your dreams, it was adoration. But it couldn’t be.
His lips flatten and he nods, “I always will be you know.” He confesses and your eyes fall to your sneakers, nodding at the ground. This was a bit too much for you in this moment. You feel like you could burst. 
The two of you approach the large wooden doors to your gym class. You stop and he follows. You look up to him with a look of adoration, one you thought he had just given you, you just couldn’t help it. And you felt-just for a moment. You felt like he actually mirrored it. Like he finally looked at you with the look you were giving him.
The still air of the hallway and the sounds of students working behind closed doors throws you for a loop then remind you of where you were at. Back to earth Andrea.
 You awkwardly point to the door and he nods. “I-um.” You laugh, “I have to change.”
“Yeah-yeah. I’ll see you around Andrea.” He reaches out for your shoulder and squeezes it before walking away. Your stomach rises and falls at the grab, feeling like this had been a moment between you two. You tucked it in the corner of your mind next to every other interaction you romanticized. 
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“Are you even hard?” The familiar voice comes from his lap. He blinks a few times seeing Lorraine’s head covering his length. He shakes his head for a moment and she frowns, moving her mouth from Javi. She sits up in the car seat, wiping her mouth and he tucks himself back in his jeans. His heart skips a beat in embarrassment but his mind wasn't in the moment  The truth was his thoughts were everywhere but in the car with his girl in his lap. And It wasn’t like it was bad, him and Lorraine did this so often but for some reason it felt wrong in that moment.
He zips up his pants, looking out at the dirt road they had parked at when she slipped her hand over his jeans while he drove out of school. She did things like that often, she really was the breeder type. Always wanting to have sex, Javier didn’t mind of course. He loved it, it was the one thing he knew he was good at. And shit, at that point it was holding them together. “I’m sorry baby.” He reaches to grab her hand, bringing it to his lips. She can’t help but smile. Lorraine had really liked Javier, they argue lots but she knew that he had a caring heart. And she wasn’t going to give up on him just because they had arguments, even explosive ones.
“What’s on your mind my love?” She twitches her hand to signal that she wanted him to kiss it again. You hadn’t known that Javier and Lorraine argued so much, you would have never been able to tell. And he sure as hell wasn’t going to tell you. Javier almost shudders at the nickname, for some reason it felt… he wasn’t sure. Inappropriate? Wrong?
But Javier’s mind had been occupied for many reasons. The biggest being the call he got two weeks prior. A request from a recruiter from the police training he had been at in the summer. They were going on about how he’d be legal this summer and how they’d like to get him on track with joining the force and providing "schooling accommodations". They had a heavy emphasis on “needing younger guys.”
He sat in silence in his room after the call, staring at his Houston PD poster overhead. 
Being a cop-not even- just being someone to protect had been his dream. There had been some deeply rooted issues that made him try to grapple at any opportunity to make someone feel safe, he felt far too young to tackle whatever that feeling was. But when he got a taste of it during his year in Houston, he knew it was were he wanted to be. Of course, he inquired about the “accommodations” which really were him dropping out and taking the GED instead, so he could move over to Houston, alone. Javier though, was comfortable here again. He had his girl, and his dad.
Frankie-Andrea. Andrea. You. He couldn’t bare leave you at that school by yourself. He felt kind of silly for thinking that way, he knew you could handle pretty much anything but he hated the thought of not even being there. It was simple to him, he liked being around you. At times he felt like it was you who was his best friend, not Frankie. You never pried, you never asked for too much, you never bickered and you were always happy to see him. He wasn't used to a simple relationship. He feared that maybe he liked mess, maybe he liked arguing and fights but then he was reminded of the calm your presence caused him. It wasn't that he liked mess, he might've liked having one thing to make things feel better, almost a taunting image of what good could look like in his life. Javier closed his eyes in a fit of shaking breaths when he got the call, he saw your face in the dark. He couldn't stand to leave you. He hadn’t realized how much he hated that idea until he came back after your year apart.
 The locker room earlier today proving that. Peeling off his shoes, applying deodorant. Daniel was sitting on the changing bench. He had barely participated in gym so his maintenance wasn’t as tedious like volleyball season for gym. Now that’s how you got Javier to participate.
“And she even touched me through my jeans, I almost-fuck man” He laughs loudly, a few other knuckle heads laughing with him. Javier listened on but wasn’t too intrigued, he had a few friends outside of Frankie and them- and they sure as hell weren’t losers like Daniel and his little posse of idiots.
“Man, you’re lucky. I saw her leaving gym a few days ago, it should be illegal to let girls wear those shorts in school.” Another voice snorting like a dork. Javier pinches the bridge of his nose at the idiocy. “Especially freshman.”
Javier leans against the locker, his face now screwing in confusion. “Who are y’all talking about?” Walking over to sit next to Daniel, fixing his shoes. He never really cared to get into that whole locker-room talk. It was all a bit juvenile, and he had a girl-
Daniel grins, “The freshman, Andrea- one with big lips- she’s a cherry but sure as hell could kiss”
 Javier didn’t expect to react the way he did, he didn’t expect to feel so much anger. So much anger at just a sentence. Just him using his crooked smile to utter your name bothered him, let alone the subject matter. Andrea, you had been someone he spent so much yet so little time with but so stupidly spent so much time aimlessly worrying about. He worried about you too much. Especially after new years. Your face solemn and full of tears. He never wanted to see that again and he secretly promised himself if he ever made you cry he’d punish himself endlessly.
Crossing his arms Javier speaks in the calmest way he can, “Alright. Don’t talk about her like that” It was the calmest way, but with the look on Daniels face he knew his version of calm may be a bit different. It was a shocked one before a face of inquisition forming on his rat like face.
Javier was unfazed, with his face being dead serious. Daniel nods slowly with an approving smile his tongue rolling against his cheek, “Oh- I’ve seen you two in the hall, she’s your friends sister right?” He laughs and the minions laugh as well. In that moment Javier had felt nearly as violent as the night at the bar. Javier gets up, knowing if he stayed in that room he was going to be in the back of a cop car. Wont be the best look for him since he has plans of driving one in a few months. That would be regrettable.
But seeing their faces and replaying the things they had said before he knew it was about Andrea was enough. At that point he didn’t give a fuck about regret. “I’m just saying, she’s a good girl and if I catch you talking about her again-i’ll break your jaw.” He spits, his voice intimidating but not nearly as dominant as his broad presence alone. The air in the room shifting to quiet and dull, the boys with shut mouths-shits not funny now huh? Javier gives Daniels stupid face one more look before exiting the locker room.
His fists flexing at his side, walking off the anger rising in his chest. 
Javier couldn’t help but ask you about Daniel when he saw you in the hall. He felt a sick feeling in his stomach that he wrote off as disappointment in you but it was probably something else.  
Maybe his dad was right, he really was going to struggle when you get a boyfriend. You had been in his life for so long, he met you when you were just a girl in pigtails and hearing you being talked about in such a vulgar way…
It was a new feeling he wasn’t ready to address.
Your cheeks were rosy from coming out of gym, it reminded him of two summers ago-the summer before his year in Houston. How you guys would bike a lot more than get into trouble in his basement. You would yell at the rest for going too fast and Javier would slow down to be at your side while Genie and Frankie would race.
You been a bit distant since New Years. And it’s been driving him crazy. He couldn’t stop thinking about you being alone the second the ball dropped, probably looking for him while they were all distracted-and for that person to take advantage of that moment. Javi felt ill after dropping you off at home, wanting to go back to the bar and really give the creep what he deserved.
You confirmed that you did in fact hook up and an familiar feeling came about, the one different from disappointment. “What. Did. He. Say.” You demand and Javier can’t help but smile at how determined you were to hear the things he didn’t want to repeat. And your lips were big, he guesses he never really noticed. He hadn’t noticed because your smile usually thinned them out, your were always smiling. Especially around him, that didn’t go unnoticed for Javier. Not at all. “Tell me.”
Your tone changes and shamefully, Javier feel his blood rush. You can tell from Javier’s face dropping in that moment.
Fuck this.
Javier repeats the vulgarity, and he sees that it frustrates you, even before he explained what a “cherry” was. Javier tried to explain that he didn’t just let them talk about you, especially not with him around. He would never let that happen, he didn’t say it out right but he wished you knew that. He could tell that him being away-him dating Lorraine-he could tell you felt like you were in an awkward position, like you felt like he wasn’t truly your friend.
And it frustrated him. He couldn’t stop thinking about your face before parting ways at the gym door. Your doe eyed look, like you were holding back. And maybe he was too.
“Javi?” Lorraine’s hands flattened over his arm and centered him back to earth. Javi looks to her again; her dark brows made her dirty blonde hair look lighter. She always looked at him like she was in need of something more from him. It was the root of the most of their arguments. He blinks a few times wondering what he was talking about again.
“Will you move with me to Houston?” He blurts before the thought fully develops in his brain. The thought ran through him for a second a few minutes prior before the words came up in his throat. Shock in his body, he was shocked at his own request.
Surprisingly, she isn’t shocked herself. She smiles from ear to ear and Javier feels like he could be sick. Move with me? Are we even that serious? I can’t just say never mind. 
Sorry Lorraine, I was thinking about Andrea so I accidentally asked you to move with me to a whole other part of the state.
Oh my god, there’s tears in her eyes.
“Of course.” She gleams and nearly hops over the console to pull him close. Kissing him, kissing him again. His eyes open and in shock at his question, in shock that she accepts so quickly
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You hadn’t known that Javier was dropping out for the police academy, you also didn’t know he was moving away with his girlfriend of 4 months. You were oblivious to it all while Javi and Lorraine planned their lives in secret. Lorraine was a senior and had planned to go to a college in Houston anyway, she was over the moon with the idea that she gets to be alongside Javier.
You had been quite oblivious despite Javier suddenly asking you to come over more often- “Chucho misses you.” you would oblige but always take someone along, being alone with Javier and Lorraine felt a bit too much at times. You kind of hoped that being around him and Lorraine would make you like him less, but you were doomed because for some crazy reason it made you want him more. It was almost every day that you stayed at his house.
He had even showed up to your first lacrosse game. It wasn’t your most attractive look in a collared shirt and pleated skirt, completely sweat through, chasing down the field. Fuck why did girls’ lacrosse sticks have to be so much harder to cradle.
Javier and Lorraine’s voices were the loudest ones from the stands, “ANDREA PUSH HER?!” Their voices mix from the bleachers up the hill. You try your best not to get distracted as you mercilessly hit the girl on the opposing team with your stick before driving the ball into the net. Shocked at the score and the fact that your ball stayed in its place. You’d be a fool to say you hadn’t tried harder because he was there.
Ridiculous and unserious screams from the bleachers.
Later, Monica squeezes water into your mouth after the win. She twisted her ankle two days before the start of the season, it was unfortunate, but she had run around the team limping as a personal coach to every girl. “Javier is literally in love with you.” You furrow your brows, cheeks full of water before swallowing. Shaking your head in disapproval.
Despite your multiple efforts to rid the crippling infatuation with Javier it truly only grew deeper. Every hang out he was sweeter, kinder and stared at you longer. It drove you mad. And honestly you just wished he’d leave you alone, maybe the crush would pass. Of course, hooking up with people didn’t help either. You would regret it the next day and, in the hall, Javier would complain about it. “You have to choose men more wisely Drea.” You mimic his baritone voice in your head.
The only “wise” choice you wanted was the one you couldn’t have.
You focus back on Monica, wiping your mouth dripping with water. “Him and Lorraine are practically married at this point.” Your own choice of words causing you to wince. God, would you have to attend their wedding? Are you going to have to watch him live his life out, without you?
Monica laughs, her classic snort falling from her. “You’re probably right, I’m just trying to feed your delusion.” Her words do not come as a comfort-but as everything but that- like a stab wound. You push her playfully and scoff. Javier in his tight pants and boots walks down the hill to meet you post game. You wipe the sweat at your hairline off quickly, smelling yourself as he looks back to see if his girlfriend was following. Your nose screwing for a second.
Whelp, you could smell worse.
Monica mutters something about the bride and groom approaching. You can’t help but want to push her and break her other ankle so that she has to get wheeled around school. Javier’s smile is bright, his eyes doing the thing. “You’re a beast Andrea” He compliments, and you were already giggling like an idiot. You could feel Monica’s judging eyes. You shrug as if scoring 2 points was nothing for you, it was a big deal-even if the other school was absolutely horrible.
He shoves your shoulder and Lorraine squeezes your other sweaty arm. “My gosh-I wish I had a video camera at that moment, freshman scoring in her first varsity game.” Her dimples deepen. A shy smile forms on your face at her sentiment, You looked at the two of them. They were so good together.
 Even if today you decided to cut them from my life- you would never get to escape them. They were the talk of the town, surprised they didn’t have a camera crew following them around An-American-Family-style. You give an appreciative nod to the couple, which they assumed was because of the compliment they just gave but it was a nod of understanding.
Understanding that you never really belonged. Not with Javier or in a relationship as good as that. You needed that understanding; he had loved her and despite you loving him-nothing will change that simple fact of him loving her.
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topgunruinedme · 2 years
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Seen not heard - DADvrick
Synopsis: Rooster and Payback pull a prank on Hangman, not realizing it could have been fatal. Maverick and Iceman step in to help the pilot recover.
"He will never be allowed to fly again; do you realize that?"
Word count: 4,023
On A03
Main Master list, Hangman Master List, Prologue.
A/N: I wrote this on my phone so they may be mistakes.
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It had been a long eventful day. Maverick managed to shoot him down again despite his best efforts the old man just wouldn’t go down, and then he had to deal with the teasing Phoenix dealt out. As if she herself had not been shot down by the man. He was beyond tired, but he had stayed back after class to look at some old flight manuals. If he was going to beat Pop’s he needed to be in the same court, he couldn’t do that if he didn’t have the ball.
He hadn’t realized how late he had stayed; he hadn’t realised the light in the look had long past dimmed and the crickets had started chirping. He glanced at the clock passingly before realizing it was almost 8 pm, he stood and rolled his shoulders back with a groan. These chairs were certainly not made for long-term use, he winced as his back cracked loudly in the quiet room. He let out a yawn as he collected his book and pen before stepping out into the hallway towards the parking lot. Thank heavens the classroom he had picked wasn’t far, he really didn’t want to walk halfway across base to get to his truck.
It was awfully quiet for a Naval base at night, he could faintly hear a few janitors and the occasional Admiral talking in their office. That’s why he loved studying at night, it was so much more peaceful. The world was sleeping around him, he stepped out into the parking lot; glad to see his truck, his lip twitched in relief. He had hardly made it two steps towards his truck before it happened.
Jake didn’t have any time to react when he was suddenly grabbed from behind and pulled away from his car. His keys and books slipped from his grip, and he fought his capture.   His shout was muffled by a hand as he was dragged backwards down a familiar hallway. He saw the classroom he had been studying in passingly as he attempted to dig his feet into the ground to stop them, he only achieved in the souls of his shoes creating a loud squeaking noise on the polished floor before one of his captures kicked his legs out from under him; forcing him to lose his leverage as he was dragged along.
The further into the hallway they travelled the darker it got, why the hell was the lights turned off?
He struggled against his captures almost breaking free once when he shoved his elbow back into someone, the man grunted in pain and Jake's eyes widened at the familiar voice before he was recaptured. Tight grips on his arms and waist as they forced him into an office. There was a chair, it looked out of place - clearly being placed there for this purpose alone. Someone shoved their weight on him, forcing him to stumble blindly into the chair. The other capture did quick work at tying his ankles and wrists to the chair while he was retrained. He attempted to strain and looked around in the darkness to find something, a hint at his capture's, anything. His heart pounded in his ears, unable to move as the rope pulled around his chest as he threw himself forward attempting to dislodge it. He managed to dislodge it enough to sink his teeth into the man’s hand, and his capture jerked away with a cry of pain.
“He bit me!” a hand was thrusted through his hair grabbing a fair chunk of it and yanked his head back using their other hand to force his jaw open as something was forced between his teeth. “Shut up you idiot!” the other person hissed as the object in his teeth straps were tightened and dug painfully into the skin of his cheeks. It made swallowing hard, and he felt a moment of panic as if he was suffocating.
“Done,” the first person said stiffly as they yanked the rope tightly, “let’s get the hell out of here!” he stood and herded the other person out of the room. The small light in the hall allowed a small stream of light to tumble in revealing the face of Rooster and Payback.
“See you later” Rooster smirked, and Payback laughed, “let’s see him leave his wingman after this”, as they shut the door leaving him in pitch darkness.
Nobody will come for you, a voice that sounded frightening like his father muttered. They don’t care about a pilot like you, dead weight. You’re not even useful, just the spare.
His mind flashed back to the day of the mission when Maverick decided who was the mission leader. He hadn’t slept the night before too afraid to go to sleep spending most of the night throwing up, petrified. This was a suicide mission no one should be happy to go on. It was their job, to go where they are told. There was no guarantee they would come back from this.
He had known the moment Maverick stood in front of them all, he didn’t once take his eyes off Rooster. Don’t, don’t make that mistake he begged silently, don’t let the past get in the way.
But there was nothing he could do, “Rooster” the man declared anyway. Jake felt like his heart had dropped, he had tried. He had worked so hard to get here, he tried to get along with the others. He wasn’t going to pretend this wasn’t dangerous, he wasn't going to put himself in danger because the others were playing house. Why wasn’t he enough? He had tried to work with the others, he had gotten better. He had been flying successfully with the others, he tried to prove himself. He was the only one to pass the mission, the simulation. The only one to get close to the time, the only one to lead without complications or death, Rooster was the only one in the squadron who didn’t pass the mission!
He was going to get them all killed.
“The dagger spare will be Hangman”, dagger spare, that’s all he ever was a spare. Maverick was going to get everyone killed, no one was coming home from this mission.
His father chuckled in his ear; see boy they can see through you. Through that pathetic act, you put on. They can see you.
He wasn’t terribly surprised to hear Maverick go down, or that Rooster ever the stupid impulsive spoilt man he was went back after him getting shot down himself. He was relieved to see dagger, 3 and 4 return, even if they were grieving the loss of the others.
It was inevitable, he had warned them all in the beginning.
But then they had survived, somehow. Wrecking 2, two-million-dollar planes pointlessly in the process. He was ordered to go after them, Hangman fixing it once again.
He didn’t remember much of the time in the air, he said something about putting a tray up, trying to focus on his pounding heart in his ears and trying to force down his own panic. He heard Rooster laugh and forced himself to continue their usual banter. But once they were on the ground, he had been forgotten again, shoved to the side.
Maverick and Rooster reunited, and the crew celebrated, Javy came to his side silently and lead him away. Hidden in his rooms, his hands trembling and his chest constricting in the undeniable panic as his best friend held him as he sobbed. He had killed again, this time he hadn’t hesitated.
When he joined the celebration, everyone seemed to have forgotten his sacrifice, his kill. They ignored him, he sat at the table eating silently with Javy by his side as they watched Maverick and Rooster be flaunted and fawned over. He wasn’t sure he even wanted that; he was somewhat grateful he was so forgettable. His achievements were forgotten.
But they didn’t even acknowledge him in their squadron anymore, he didn’t attempt to sit with them anymore, receiving odd looks. “What do you want Bagman?”, they didn’t want him.
He wasn’t the best, not anymore, they didn’t need him anymore. He had spent every night worrying someone would come and tell him to leave, that Top Gun was only reserved for the best. His anxiety jumped every time he heard someone knock on the door, always keeping a go-bag packed and ready to go. For two weeks straight until they hit land.
His heart jumped, and he swore he had heard footsteps behind him. He strains his eyes to look out in the dark. A familiar chuckle entered the room, and he felt the blood in his face leave, and he pulled at the ropes in desperation.
“Did you really think you could escape me boy?” his father whispered as he leaned over his shoulder to whisper in his ear, Jake could smell the alcohol on his breath.
“I’ll make you pay for staying away so long” the man promised, Jake yanked harder at the restraints, feeling them chaff his skin and the pain of it rubbing them raw. He attempted to cry out waiting for the unforgettable whip of a belt on his back, only becoming more distressed when it didn’t immediately come as the room stayed silent.
Where was he? Why was he drawing it out? Why was he tormenting him?
“Why did you not get top marks, boy?” the man finally spoke again, Jake’s eyes tried to scan the room in confusion. His body jerked as the wind from the window caused the blink the smack against the wall, making a ‘bang’ flood through the room. He could feel sweat rolling down his back, which only prompted the next question.
“Why is your uniform in such disarray?” the man fumed, “Do you have no pride!”. Jake shifted his jaw as if to speak when his father cut him off, “Did I say you could speak?”. His tone was a cold and frightening one, he had become used to it early in his childhood facing down the furious man.
“Little boys are seen not heard” his father whispered softly, the familiar manter he had heard throughout his childhood.
“Stop your sniffing!” his father yelled causing him to flinch, he hadn’t noticed the tears rolling down his face. “Only little girls and weak men cry” he sneered, he heard the terrifyingly familiar snap of a belt hitting the air, and his father’s deadly voice “do I need to give you a reminder?”. Jake couldn’t stop the whimper he releases, his eyes screwed up in fear as he waited for the belt to strike.
Maverick signed as he searched through the hazardly stuffed documents he had put in his bag this morning before realizing he was missing one. Damit, it must still be in his office, he had no clue how he had missed it; he had just grabbed the entire lot and stuffed them in. although he didn’t pay attention to what they were, maybe it had just slid his notice. He ran a hand through his hair in exhaustion, it was already making itself aware. He hadn’t been sleeping well, he never did when Ice was away on meetings, he was thankful his husband had returned last night. Although he was glad to finally have a chance to get some decent sleep, he did everything but sleep last night. He left his bag on the bike as he started the short trip back to the office.
Slider had stayed to keep him company while Ice was away, while he appreciated the man’s concern, his taunting and misplaced jokes got old quickly. He really hoped the man was gone when he got home, he didn’t want a repeat of this morning. Slider had smirked at him over his cup of coffee, “Have a good night last night?”. Ice hadn’t even batted an eye at the man, of cause they spend most of their Navy career living in the same room. It was not something new to Ice, Maverick however still couldn’t get used to how casual the man was about sexy to have the gull comment about it to his face not even an hour after.
He stilled when he heard a noise, he frowned and flicked on the lights in the hallway. Why were they off? It was far too early for the janitors to leave yet. He heard it again. A small whimper, and then someone cried out, it was muffled but definitely there. He followed it to his office; he was not looking forward to interrupting two lieutenants who decided to try and have a tumble in his office as an idea of fun.
He opened the door with an air of caution.
Jakes’s eyes flew open when he heard the door open, light flooded into the room. Maverick stood in the doorway with a look of confusion and horror.
Please! Please help me, Maverick! Please chase away my monster! Don’t let him hurt me!
He hadn’t expected this, the terrified clouded blue eyes that were stretched wide. Visible strips ran down his face where tears had been previously, the red ball gap shoved between the man’s teeth preventing him from speaking. His arms were tied behind him on the chair the rope stretching across his chest all the way down to his legs efficiently pinning him to the chair, making it impossible to be in any type of comfortable position forcing him to sit up straight.
“Jake?” he rushed to the man; the boy was trembling in the chair. He pulled the boy’s head forward resting it on his stomach as he quickly undid the buckle of the gag. He carefully pulled it from Jake’s skin and gently urged the man to open his mouth wider to pull it out. There were distinct marks on his teeth where he had subconsciously bitten into the ball in an attempt to escape. He then allowed the man to rest his head against him as he rubbed the man’s undoubtedly sore jaw; his other hand running through the man sweat covered hair. Allowing the panicking man to pant against him, chest heaving as he whispered to him soothingly. It’s alright, just breathe. I’m here now.
“Are you ready to continue?” he asked softly, Jake whimpered “no? that’s ok we can stay here for a bit. Whenever you’re ready” he stroked the man’s hair softly. Very slowly, Jake’s breathing started to settle into a steady rhythm.
Jake nodded giving him permission to continue, he stepped back releasing him; stepped around behind him as he went looking for the pocketknife, he kept in his desk drawer. He heard the desperate whine, and Jake let out in distress.
“I know Jake, I’m going as fast as I can alright” he tried to soothe as he found the knife and rushed back to the man’s side. He grabbed Jake’s wrists and mumbled softly to the terrified man, “I’m going to start cutting now, try not to move”. Maverick focused on the boy’s grip that was holding his wrist desperate for contact as he pulled the rope away from his wrists to ensure he didn’t cut the younger man, wincing as the robe tightened somewhere else on his body; cut the robe thread by thread.
He waited anxiously as the robe strained against more and more weight until it finally snapped, cut through and dropped to the ground. Jake sagged forward without the strict rope holding him back, Maverick quickly shifted the knife out of the way, so the man didn’t skew himself on it. Jake cried out in pain when he attempted to move his numb arms, “they’re going to be sore for a little while, darling” Maverick said as he rubbed up his left arm carefully to his shoulder and then repeated it on the other side, paying extra time to carefully rub his raw wrists where the ropes had down the most damage.
“Alright, I’m going to move on to your legs next alright?” he warned waiting until Jake nodded, Maverick knelt to cut the robes around his ankles. He felt the man’s hand grip the back of his t-shirt. He was still trembling still, he stood back up chucking the knife to the side when Jake was free. “Alright I’m going to lift you Jake”, he warned lifting his arms under the man’s shoulders and knees standing adjusting to the man’s weight.
Thank God it was after hours, he stepped out into the hall quickly using the back hallways towards the med bay.
He moved swiftly not wanting to risk raking to much time, this may not have hurt the man physically but who knows what it did to him psychologically?
“I need help over here!” he yelled out as he shouldered his way into the med bay, startling the idle medical staff. Forcing them to jump into action as he placed the trembling man onto the bed.
He attempted to bring the covers over Jake to give him something to ground him, but it only made him panic more, “please don’t” Jake asked with a small voice. Looking up at him, “don’t tie me up again, I’ll be good” Jake whispered his jaw trembling. Maverick swallowed hard and gripped the boy’s hand, he wouldn’t leave him. He couldn’t.
He dug out his phone from his pocket confident he would be spending many more hours here and sent a message to his husband.
He stood in front of his class the next day after spending all night in the midday by Jake’s side before Ice took over. He stared at the empty chair in the otherwise full classroom he didn’t miss Rooster and Payback’s grins. Please no.
“Last night, there was an incident involving Lieutenant Seresin” he started sullenly, his eyes scanning the class; “I’m giving you a chance now to step up and take responsibility before I start my own investigation”. Rooster’s lips twitched and he nudged Payback who laughed, “it was just some harmless fun sir” Payback smiled, “Rooster and I, we just wanted to teach him a lesson”.
Ice stared at him from his crouched position beside him, “go, ill watch over him. I promise nothing will happen; I’ll get you the moment he’s awake” his husband promised with a kiss.
Maverick clenched his jaw, oh god please no. “Congratulations” he watched confusion fall over the class, “Lieutenant Seresin had been removed from active duty and handed in his wings. You have single-handedly dragged a man out of the sky for your own entertainment”.
The nurses looked at him in sorrow “I’m Sorry Captain Mitchell, He failed his physiological exam. I can’t in good conscience let him fly any time soon”.
“He might never recover”
“What?” Rooster asked in shock, “we didn’t do anything to him!”. Maverick closed his eyes for a moment to retain his anger and despair, we didn’t raise you like this.
“What do you mean he won’t recover?”
“It will take time, a lot of time. He will need someone to be there for him. Every moment of the day-”
“I’ll be there, we both will”
He opens his eyes and forces himself to look blankly at the man, “There will be an investigation and a trial. Please hand in your wings”. Don’t make me take them.
He watched devastation and anger crawl onto Bradley’s face, this was like when he pulled his papers all over again.
Expect this time he hurt someone; he couldn’t stand for that.
He held out his hand palm face up as he watched Rooster stand and shove the pin into his outstretched hand storming out to the door, Payback was much quieter placing it carefully down on the palm.
“Bradley” he stopped the boy before he could storm out, his form almost vibrating in anger. Bradley stopped in the doorway standing stiffly but did not turn to him, this was exactly like his papers.
“He will never be allowed to fly again; do you realize that?” Bradley stood there for a moment before storming out, he had lost 3 pilots in a day.
The room was silent for the most of it, surprisingly it was Bob who broke the silence pulling his gaze away from the empty doorway the two men have long left. “Sir” Bob broached carefully sending him a concerned look, almost nervous “is he ok?”.
Bob was asking about Jake; he hadn’t even realized the two men were talking. But Bob seemed worried almost, “Stay after class Bob, Class dismissed” he waved his hand clenching his fist with the pins as the classroom emptied.
Bob silently stood and came to his side as they waited for the classroom to empty. Once the last person left, and the door slid shut, Maverick leaned back on his desk with a wearily sign.
“I’m not going to sugar-coat it, Bob. It’s not good” He held out a hand before the younger man could talk, “I can’t tell you what happened, but you can come to see him” he added hesitantly, “if you want that is”.
The WSO nodded silently and followed him without prompting, they walked down the busy hallways moving around people. Not once did Bob move from his shoulder, when had this happened? He didn’t remember Jake talking directly to bob once, surely this wasn’t a hidden in private friendship. He watched the man out of the corner of his eye, the man was fiddling with his book, bending it before soothing the creases out of It; moving determinedly but also attempting to keep to the same pace he was. He could see the man’s pace speed up almost anxious when the med bay came into sight, perhaps the man wasn’t aware of it.
Bob walked straight into the hospital bay without any hesitation walking past his husband to Jake’s bedside. He wasn’t sure if Bob just didn’t care at that point or if he hadn’t realised the man in civies was Admiral Kazansky but he didn’t stand at attention or salute. Ice let it pass silently moving to give the man space, Bob didn’t look at him once his attention was captured by Jake who looked at him with a dopey smile.
“Hey,” Jake said quietly as the younger man who pulled the man over the bed and brought him into a hug, “hey” Bob grinned at the man shyly.
Ice moved to the side and came to Maverick side, “How is he?” Maverick asked his husband softly. Ice signed and ran a hand through his hair, “It’s not good” he admitted, “they think he’s claustrophobic, he won’t let the nurses give him any blankets. I’m not sure how he’s going to get back into the cock pit Mav”.
“Well take care of him” Maverick smiled, Ice returned it and kissed his husband on the cheek as he pulled the smaller man in for a hug, “the spare bedroom is already set up for him”. Thank God Slider had left, he couldn’t deal with the man on top of this.
Maverick laughed softly, “God I knew I loved you for a reason”.
“Yes, dear?”
“Did you ever get that document you were after?”
Maverick mind blanked and he let out a startled laugh, after all, that had happened in the last two days, he had forgotten all about it. He laid his head back on his husband’s shoulder the man just rolled his eyes fondly.
A/N: What does everyone thing about possibly turning this into a series?
Tag List: @tallrock35, @inthestars-underthesun, @luckyladycreator2, @fortunatelycrazyyouth, @lgkoval.
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Smitten Kitten (Lev Haiba x female!reader)
I think I’m going to post some of my old stories from a year or 2 ago. This one always stuck out to me because it was one of my more detailed stories. I believe I write this in about 4 days maybe? Anyway I know there’s not a lot of Lev Haiba fanfic out there so I thought I’d post it! Sorry if it’s terrible in advance lmao <3
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The final bell rang, signaling that class was done for the day. You scooped up your books and started to pack them away in your backpack, when you felt a small tap on your shoulder. You looked up to see a guy with spiky black hair, who looked like he just rolled out of bed. You stifled a giggle at how ridiculous he looked, “Can I help you?” You calmly asked him. “You’re a second year, right?” He asked. You sighed, you got this all the time. “Yes I’m a second year, and I’m in more advanced classes for my age.” You rolled your eyes and started to leave. “Wait! I was just wondering because we have a new member on the volleyball team who’s a second year and he needs a tutor.” You turned to face him “Why are you telling ME this?” The man sighed and rubbed the back of his head “Well, if he can’t get his grades up then he’s kicked off the team, and he’s part of Nekoma’s starting lineup so....I was wondering if you could tutor him?” You thought to yourself. You could use the extra cash to save up for that cosplay you wanted...”How much will I get paid?” You asked. “He’s loaded, so probably a decent amount.” The guy shrugged. “His name?” “Lev Haiba.” He replied. “Meet me in the gymnasium after school. You can meet him then. If they question you tell them Kuroo sent you. I’m the captain of the team so that should earn you entryway into the gym.” You nodded. With that the man (now known as Kuroo) gave you a wave and walked out of the classroom.
Later that day after all your classes were finished you headed over to the gym. You felt out of place walking through the building when school was out. The closer you got to the gymnasium the louder the squeaking of the shoes became. You slowly peaked around the door. Inside was a bunch of boys playing volleyball. They must be the school’s volleyball team. You never really paid attention to the sports world at school. I mean occasionally you would hear how someone got injured, but that was about it. “Oi! Katey! We’re over hear!” You glanced over to see Kuroo yelling across the gym to you. Does he have to be so loud? You walked over to him. You could feel peoples eyes all over you. “Woah! Who’s this babe?!” Some guy with a buzz cut yelled. You ignored him and pressed on towards Kuroo. “Hey, you came! I thought you weren’t gonna show.” Kuroo said. “Well I’m here. Where’s Lev?” “LEV GET OVER HERE!” Kuroo yelled. You winced at how loud his voice projected throughout the gym. You noticed a very tall, lanky boy make his way over to you two. “Y/n, this is Lev.” Kuroo said, introducing you to each other. “Oh! You must be my tutor!” Lev said. “Umm yeah.” You replied. You were a little shaken with his height. He was practically a giant! “Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself! I’m Lev Haiba!” He blushed, extending his hand out for you to shake. You took his hand and shook it “I’m Y/n Y/L/n.” “It’s nice to meet you! So, do you think you can help me?” He seemed nice enough..a little goofy though. “Of course.” You replied, nodding your head. “Great!” Lev cheered. “Do wanna meet at my place tomorrow night?” Lev asked. “I’d have to discuss it with my parents, but I’m sure it’s alright.” “Great! Can I put my number in your phone? That way you have my address?” “Oh sure!” You said, giving him your phone. You both swapped each other’s numbers. “Well, I should let you resume practice. Bye!” You said, Turing around and waving. “Thanks again!” Kuroo replied. “Byeee Y/n!” Lev yelled. You smiled to yourself, Lev seemed sweet..
The next day after you had finished eating dinner with your family, you headed over to Lev’s house. His house was close enough that you could ride your bike and get there in 10 minutes. When you rode up to the house you thought there had been some mistake. This house was GIGANTIC! You then recalled that Monday Kuroo had said that Lev’s family was rich. “If only I had worn nicer clothes..” you mumbled to yourself, looking down at your favorite sweater with disdain. Realizing it was too late to change now, you made your way through the wrought iron gates and up the smooth cobblestone driveway. You felt a little intimidated by the large mansion looming infront of you. With a deep breath you rung the doorbell. A few moments later you could hear footsteps approaching the door. The door opened and there stood a girl who looked around 20, and was very dressed up. “Oh Lev! Your girlfriends here!” She yelled, while beckoning you inside the doorway. You blushed at her choice of words “I’m..uh..not his girlfriend.” You chuckled nervously. Before she could reply you saw Lev bounding down a set of stairs. “Oh, hey Y/n!”Lev said. He then turned to who you assumed was his sister “And she’s not my girlfriend, Y/n’s just here to help me study.” You didn’t know why but you felt your heart drop when he said that you weren’t his girlfriend, like it was merely a question of the weather. It’s not like you cared, obviously you had just met the man. But the way he almost seemed disgusted by that idea kind of stung. His sister rolled her eyes, and walked away. “Sorry about my sister..” he said, scratching the back of his neck. “Oh no, it’s fine.” You said. “So uhh nice place.” You said, surveying your surroundings. “Heh, thanks.” He blushed. “So uhh.. wanna go get started?” You asked. “Oh! Yeah right. Duh!” Lev said, playfully hitting himself on the head. “Follow me!” He said, leading you to the staircase. Wait! Were you gonna go IN his room!? He continued leading you up the rather large flight of stairs, and down a corridor till you stopped at a door at the end of the hall. “This is my room.” He said opening the door for you.
When you stepped inside Lev’s room, you noticed a lot of sports posters, books, trinkets, and a cat tower. “Do you have a cat?” You asked, nodding towards the tower. “Oh yeah! We have 4 actually, but the house is really big so they can be hard to spot sometimes.” You giggled. Lev smiled at you “You can have a seat on my bed.” He said walking over to sit on his bed. His BED!? Oooo boy... Every cliche Wattpad story you ever read racing through your mind. You cautiously took a seat at the edge of his bed, and opened up your backpack unloading your stuff on the bed. “Can you get out your last math assignment please?” You asked. Lev nodded and reached for a very crinkled sheet of paper. Oh boy. This was gonna be IMPOSSIBLE. You took the paper from him, and uncrumpled it the best you could. “Really?” You laughed, as you attempted to smooth it out on your textbook. Lev laughed and said “I know I’m not the neatest. You can probably see why I need a tutor!” Once you had finally made the paper readable again you started helping Lev. Turns out he was really bad at math. His score was horrible, he was a doodler, his notes were just chicken scratch, and he had a hard time concentrating. Somehow, you managed to get through the study session without losing your patience. When it was about 8:00 you and Lev had finished. “Do you understand it now?” You asked. “Kind of. But not really..” He awkwardly chuckled. You couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Yeah well keep practicing.” You gathered up your things, and Lev led you back downstairs to the front door. “I actually kind of enjoyed math tonight.” Lev said, smiling his goofy grin. You laughed “Well I’m glad you did!” “Hey, I have volleyball practice tomorrow, but do you think you could come over on Thursday to help me prep for the test?” You actually enjoyed yourself tonight, and you liked spending time with Lev. “Sure!” You said. “Great thanks! Bye Y/n!” He said, as you walked down the front porch steps. You turned and waved. As you made it back home safe, you saw your phone light up. It was a text message from Lev:
LEV: Goodnight, Y/n ;)
You blushed and giggled to yourself.
ME: Goodnight Lev :)
You didn’t see Lev throughout the week, so by Thursday you were excited to see him again. When you rang the doorbell Lev answered it this time. “Hi Y/n! Come on in!” You smiled and squeezed past him into the house. “How was practice yesterday?” You asked, placing your shoes on the rack. “It was alright, Kuroo wouldn’t let up on my serves though.” He said, frustratedly. You gave him a sympathetic smile “Sorry about that.” He cheered right up “It’s fine! Let’s go to my room.” You once again followed Lev up the stairway, and to his bedroom. “Oh! I have a surprise for you!” Lev said, stopping right in front of his door. “What is it..?” You asked cautiously. Lev grinned “Don’t worry it’s a good surprise!” “If you say so..” You teased. When Lev let you inside his room you didn’t notice anything peculiar or out of order. “What is it?” You asked. “Over here!” Lev said. You turned to see Lev in the corner of his room kneeling over a basket of...KITTENS!? You rushed over “Awww! Their adorable!” You gushed. “Yeah, one of my cats gave birth a week ago.” Lev explained. He then scooped a little white kitten with brown spots, and set it in your arms. “Awww!” You whispered, cradling the kitty in your arms. Lev chuckled, and rubbed the kittie’s head. “Y’know we can’t keep ‘em all..do you want one?” Lev asked nervously. “Really!?” You asked, excitement flowing throughout your body. “Yeah! If your parents say it’s cool you can pick one out now and take it home in 2 weeks!” He explained. “I’ve always wanted a cat!” You said, snuggling the little kitten closer. “I can take a picture on your phone so you can show your parents?” Lev said. “That’s a great idea! Here.” You said, handing him your phone. Lev took the picture, and you sent it to your parents, who agreed if you paid for it with your own money. “They said yes!” You cheered. Lev laughed “Alright, how about we play with them for a bit, and you can pick out which one you would like?” Lev suggested. “That’s a great idea!” 
You and Lev were having a fun time playing with the kittens. You were about to pick up a feisty orange tabby cat, when a sharp pain jolted through your leg. “Owww!” You exclaimed. “What’s wrong?!” Lev asked, all panicky. “Calm down. It’s just a scratch.” You said, setting the cat down so you could inspect your wound. Sure enough, there on your calf was a deep scratch. “Do you have any bandaids?” You asked, covering the scratch so it wouldn’t bleed all over. “Oh yeah! Follow me.” Lev said, getting up and walking towards a door on the far side of his room. He opened the door and inside was a small bathroom. All of a sudden Lev picked you up by your waist and set you on the counter, then went back to digging for bandages. He did it so casually, while your heart beat quickened a bit at his actions. “We only have actually bandage wraps..so can I..?” He trailed off. You realized that he meant that he had to wrap the bandages on for you. “Oh! Yeah, of course.” You blushed a little. Lev slowly took your leg and carefully pressed a cotton ball on the wound to weaken the blood flow. Your skin grew hot where he touched it. You let out a little hiss when he pressed a little to firmly. “Sorry, I know this stings.” He said, removing the cotton ball and picking up the bandage wrap. He cautiously started to wrap your leg up. You were surprised at how gentle he was being, after all Lev could be a little clumsy at times. When he finished wrapping the bandages around your leg, he leaned down and planted a quick kiss on your knee. Then, as if realizing what he just did, he quickly blushed and chuckled nervously saying “Sorry! Our mom did that to me and my sister when we were kids!” You cold feel your face flush about 20 different shades of red and pink. “No.. it’s okay. It was really sweet actually..” You whispered the last part. You looked up and locked eyes with Lev’s emerald ones. You both stared into each other’s eyes before you cleared your throat and said “Well, uh we should probably get some studying in!” Lev cleared his throat to “Oh yeah! Right. I wanted to show you my score on the homework today.” Lev awkwardly helped you off the countertop, and you both headed back to his bed to work.
You deadpanned when Lev showed you his “good” score on the math homework. “I wouldn’t call this good, but it’s an improvement I guess.” You laughed. Unlike yesterday, this study session was filled with awkward silences. Was it because of the almost kiss? “Hey Y/n?” Lev asked, breaking your train of thought. “Huh? Yeah?” You blushed at your awkwardness. “What do you think is a good goal for me to get on this test tomorrow?” He asked. “Hmmm...” you pondered that for a moment. “I would say at least an 85%.” Lev nodded his head in agreement. “So if I get an 85% or higher, can you come to my game Friday afternoon?” He wanted YOU to watch him play?! “I think that’s a good plan!” You smiled warmly. Lev grinned back that goofy smile that you loved. “It’s 9:30, I should be heading home.” You said, loading up your book bag. Lev helped you gather your things, and walked you downstairs. Just as you had finished saying goodbye, and were walking out the door, you turned around “Oh, and I thought about what kitten I wanted.” You smiled. Lev grinned “Which one?” “That feisty orange tabby.” You laughed. Lev chuckled “It’s a deal!” He said. Then you rode into the night, back home to your own house.
The next day you couldn’t help but hope that Lev passed his test. After lunch when you were exiting the cafeteria, you heard someone yelling your name. You turned to see a tall guy with silver hair, approaching you. It was Lev! You could tell because he was 2 feet taller then the crowd. “Hey! I passed!” Lev yelled, excitedly. “What?! No way! Let me see the paper.” You said, holding your hand out. Lev reached into his book bag and pulled out a piece of paper. You looked at it. Sure enough, there on his paper in red ink was a 89%. “Great job Lev!” You squealed, giving him a high five. He grinned from ear to ear. “So I guess that means your coming to my game, right?” Lev said, rather smugly. You snorted “Don’t get a big head.” You joked, flicking him on the forehead. “Ouch.. Y/n!” He whined. “Speaking of pain, how is your leg?” You instantly blushed remembering the kiss. “O-oh it’s better! How’s my kitty?” You asked. “That’s good news! And your kittens doing great. You should pick out a name!” Lev replied. You thought about it for a moment “Hmm.. what about Tigger!” Lev chuckled “Haha, that’s cute!” “So you like it..?” “It’s perfect.” He smiled. The bell rang. “Oh I’ve gotta get to class! My game is at 3:00 in the gym!” Lev said, rushing off. “Got it!” You called after him. You giggled to yourself at how scatter brained he could be.
At around 2:45 you entered the gymnasium. The bleachers were filled with people. Most of them wearing your school’s team colors, red and black. As you walked across the gym to an open seat, you saw Lev setting up the net. “What a great view..” you sighed contentedly, staring at his thighs. Just then he turned and caught your eye. He smiled and waved. You face grew hot, and you nervously waved back. You felt like the entire gym was staring at you as you made your way to a seat. 
The game was tied. If Nekoma could make this final score they could win! The whistle blew, Nekoma was switching a player in. But who? You peered over the person in front of you to see. It was..LEV!? You knew Lev didn’t do great under pressure, so why would they send him in? It was up to Lev to win the game for Nekoma. You found yourself cheering “I BELIEVE IN YOU LEV!” You blushed when the people sitting next to you gave you some dirty looks. Oops! You held your breath as Lev was getting ready to set. It was too much pressure even for you! You squeezed your eyes shut, and crossed your fingers. A moment later the whistle blew, and you could hear the announcer saying “The game goes to Nekoma!” You opened your eyes to see the crowd going wild, and the team high-fiving one another. Joy rushed through your veins, as you jumped off the bleachers and ran to Lev. Before you could even stop running, Lev scooped you up in his arms and spun you around. “You did it!” You squealed. “I know! I can’t believe it!” He replied. Just then Kuroo came by informing Lev that they had to get their stuff from the locker room. “Oh, sorry Y/n! I have to go. Can you maybe meet me outside in 10 minutes?” Lev asked, getting ready to run. “Yeah, of course.” You said. “Thanks!” He replied, bolting off. You wondered what he wanted to speak with you about...Honestly you were a little surprised that he had won. Lev could be clumsy and a little headstrong at times, but I guess when it matters he really pulls through. 
You were leaning against the cobblestone wall, waiting for Lev. It had been 15 minutes and he still wasn’t ready yet. Just then you heard the sounds of someone’s feet slapping on the concrete. “Hey!” Lev said, a little out of breath. “Did you run a marathon in those 15 minutes?” You asked, laughing. Lev smiled “Ha.Ha. Very funny. So uhh wanna go for a walk?” He asked nervously. What was going on? Why was he so nervous? “Sure.” You replied. You guys started walking. “So...you were amazing out there!” You said, smiling up at him. “Heh, thanks!” Lev said, blushing and rubbing the back of his neck. “Y/n..I uhh..it was because of you.” “Because of me?” You questioned, very confused. “Yeah. I was worried but when you said you believed in me..I wasn’t anymore...Y/n I like you! And I was wondering if you wanted to maybe...go to the dance with me tomorrow?!” Lev blurted out nervously. You froze. Did he just say...? “Lev..I.. I like you too. I have since I met you actually..” You blushed, looking away. “And about that dance? I would love to go.” You said, smiling back at him. “Oh great! I was scared there..” Lev ranted. You giggled, and leaned into Lev as he put his arm around your shoulders. He walked you home that night. Just when you were climbing into bed, your phone chimed. It was a message from your now BOYFRIEND Lev:
LEV❤️: Hey, thanks again. I’ll meet you outside the school tomorrow. Goodnight! Sleep well!😘
ME: Can’t wait! I love you too!💖
The next night when your parents dropped you off at the school dance, you were nervous. What if Lev had changed his mind? What if he thought your dress was ugly? Just then you felt a light tap on your shoulder. You spun around to see Lev. “Wow..you look really beautiful!” He said. “I..uhh..thanks!” You giggled. “I like your tie.” You said, nodding towards his satin tie. “Oh! Thanks!” He said. “Are you ready?” He asked, taking your hand and kissing it. Your face flushed, and you nodded. Slowly Lev led you into the gymnasium, which was now turned into a ballroom. You had a fun time talking to his friends, and doing goofy dances to silly songs. The night was almost over when a slow song started playing. Lev looked at you, and grinned. You blushed. “Y/n? Can I ask you to dance with me?” Lev asked all dramatically, getting down on one knee. You smiled “Yes you may.” With that Lev wrapped his arms around your waist, as you attempted to reach
his shoulders the best you could. “Can you reach?” Lev chuckled, mocking your height. “In all honesty, not really!” You laughed. “Guess I’ll just have to do this..” Lev said, slowly leaning down towards you. You froze. Was he gonna KISS you?! You felt his lips meet yours, and your tongues collided. They danced around, exploring each cavern to behold.  And you and Lev spent the rest of the night dancing and laughing. That night was one of the best nights of your life. Why? Because it was the first time you kissed your husband.
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