#walmart karin
thebestshoppingonline · 2 months
GRACE KARIN Women Sequin Dress Cocktail One Shoulder Sleeveless Sparkly Tie Waist Party Mini Dresses Black : Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry
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stopthebig3 · 1 year
The lastest Boruto chapter having fans theorizing and talking about senju/uzumaki makes so much sense why I'm seeing so many anti Tsunade Sakura is stronger posts the past week, Karins not the only girl they put down when she gets a mention.
Sakura is just a walmart Tsunade lol actually I'm giving her too much credit even by saying that. Sakura stans can't live without bashing all the other girls and comparing them to Sakura.
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tomsubalou · 2 years
1 Donnerstag, den 27. Oktober 2022
Heute, am Freitag den 21. Oktober, werden wir Kanada verlassen und in die USA einreisen. Es regnet in Strömen. Schon tagelang haben wir uns drangemacht, möglichst viele unserer frischen Lebensmittel zu verbrauchen, denn man darf weder Obst noch Gemüse einführen, keine Milchprodukte, vom Käse nur bestimmte Sorten, keine Eier oder Fleischprodukte, auch Medikamente nur eingeschränkt, keine Waffen – wie z. B. Bärenspray - usw. usw., die Liste ist ellenlang.
Jason und Karin haben uns Obst und Gemüse aus ihrem Garten geschenkt und wir haben auch sonst noch einiges, das wir einfach nicht wegwerfen wollen. Also bringen wir etliche Sachen in Balous Geheimkammer im Inneren unter, die man nur durch einen kleinen Umbau öffnen kann. Dann frühstücken wir in einem Tim Hortons in Surrey und geben in einem Supermarkt noch unser restliches kanadisches Bargeld aus.
Wir nehmen den Grenzübergang in die USA südlich von Vancouver, bis hierher sind wir genau 15740 Kilometer durch Kanada gefahren. Nach längerem Warten in einer Autoschlange passieren wir die erste Ausweis- und Papierkontrolle und beantworten Fragen zu unseren Mitbringseln. Nach einer zweiten Befragung: Und Reis? Welche Art von Reis? Basmati? Eventuell verboten! Drinnen auf jeden Fall angeben! heißt es an die Seite zu fahren und anzuhalten, alle Türen zu öffnen, Schlüssel auf dem Fahrersitz zu deponieren und uns mit sämtlichen Papieren in ein Gebäude zu begeben. Ein sehr korrekt wirkender Officer dort prüft alles sorgfältig und gleicht unsere Daten mit denen im Computer ab. Dann werden wir fotografiert, lassen uns Fingerabdrücke abnehmen und beantworten Fragen bezüglich der Einfuhr von Waren (der Reis bleibt unerwähnt), Grund, Länge und Route der Reise, Ansprechadresse in den USA, Familie, Finanzen, Immobilien, Anzahl der Klobürsten zu Hause.
Der Officer verschwindet nun mit seinem Vorgesetzten, um unser Auto zu inspizieren. Es vergehen bange Minuten, während derer wir uns fragen, ob wir nicht doch besser die Bärensprays, den Knoblauch und etliches Andere weggeworfen hätten. Dann kommen die Beiden zurück und zeigen sich freundlich und sehr angetan von Balou. Wir bekommen die sechsmonatige Aufenthaltserlaubnis und dürfen einreisen. Im Auto sind einige Schränke geöffnet, aber da war anscheinend von offizieller Seite nichts zu beanstanden. Und der eventuell gesetzeswidrige Reis lagert unauffällig irgendwo ganz hinten in einer Schublade.
Wir befinden uns jetzt im Bundesstaat Washington und fahren auf der sechs- und mehrspurigen Interstate 5 nach Süden Richtung Seattle. Erst kommen wir noch durch Regenwald, dann öffnet sich die Landschaft und wir fahren an riesigen landwirtschaftlich genutzten Feldern und Industrieanlagen vorbei. Wir sehen Flächen, auf denen mindestens tausend neue Wohnmobile der High Class zum Verkauf angeboten werden.
Der breite Highway führt uns abends direkt durch Seattle hindurch, es herrscht unglaublich dichter Verkehr. Die Höchstgeschwindigkeit beträgt 70 Meilen, das sind ungefähr 110 kmh, die Autos rasen links und rechts an uns vorbei. Ein Autofahrer fährt Schlangenlinien zwischen den vielen Spuren und bremst einige andere Verkehrsteilnehmer aus. Nach ca. 30 Sekunden stoppt der Verkehr der Raser hat mittlerweile einen LKW in die rechte Leitplanke abgedrängt, er selbst steckt mit seinem Geschoss in dessen Schnauze links vorne, am linken Fahrbahnrand stehen vier verbeulte Autos. Nix wie raus aus diesem Wahnsinn hier! Auf einem Parkplatz von Cabelas - Amerikas größter Outdoor-Kaufhaus-Kette - in der Nähe des Highways finden wir einen Platz zum Übernachten.
Der Regen hat aufgehört und wir fahren am Samstag zu einem Walmart in der Nähe, um Früchte, Gemüse und Sprit aufzutanken. Ein paar Kilometer weiter gibt es einen riesigen Büchershop, in dem wir die benötigten Straßenkarten für die USA erhalten.
Vorbei am Mount St. Helens, dem Vulkan, der in den 90er Jahren zu einem großen Teil explodiert ist, fahren wir weiter auf der Interstate 5 Richtung Portland am Columbia River entlang. Dort überqueren wir den riesigen Fluss Richtung Osten und kommen in den Bundestaat Oregon. Weiter am Columbia River wird der Verkehr nun wesentlich ruhiger.
Abends fahren wir auf der alten Straße neben dem Highway bis zu einem kleinen Wasserfall. Aber der schöne Platz liegt direkt neben einer Bahnlinie, und nachdem wir beim Abendessen durch das Geratter von vier ewig langen Zügen halb taub geworden sind, beschließen wir, noch 50 Kilometer weiter bis zum nächsten Walmart zu fahren, um dort eine ruhigere Nacht zu verbringen. Auch in den USA gibt es gottseidank Walmarts, die sind ja hier beheimatet.
Am Sonntag fahren wir im Sonnenschein weiter Richtung Osten am tiefblauen Columbia River entlang. Die Landschaft ist weit und offen, das Flussbett wird durch schroffe Felsen und braun bewachsene Hügel begrenzt und es gibt definitiv keinen Wald mehr. Wir kommen an einem riesigen Wasserkraftwerk vorbei, sehen einen Raddampfer und Fischerboote. Auch gibt es viele Windräder in dieser Gegend.
Nach der Stadt The Dalles biegen wir nach Süden auf den Oregon Scenic Byway ab, der eine „Reise durch die Zeit“ verspricht. Die Nebenstraßen sind hier, im Gegensatz zu Kanada, gepflegt und asphaltiert und noch haben wir auf der Karte keine Schotterstraßen entdeckt.
Wieder kommen wir an riesigen Feldern vorbei, ab und zu sehen wir eine Farm, die Ortschaften liegen direkt an der Straße und umfassen jeweils nur ein paar Häuser. Die Gegend mit ihrer unglaublichen Weite wirkt ähnlich wie die Grasslands in Saskatchewan, nur dass hier, im Gegensatz zum grünen Frühsommer, jetzt die Brauntöne in allen Schattierungen vorherrschen. Kilometerlange Zäune grenzen die riesigen Grundstücke ein, ab und zu sehen wir eine Rinderherde und die landwirtschaftlich genutzten Felder werden zunehmend durch Macchia mit wildem Getreide ersetzt. Was für ein krasser Gegensatz zu Washington und dem Betrieb in und um Seattle gestern.
Wir kommen durch Antelope, einem kleinen Ort, in und bei dem früher mehrere Western mit John Wayne gedreht wurden. Am John Day River in der Nähe machen wir am Ufer Halt und übernachten hier, etwas abseits der Route.
Der Montag beginnt mit Regen und wir fahren weiter auf dem Scenic Byway Richtung Osten. Leider wirken die Painted Hills, die mit allen Gelb- und Rottönen versehenen Felsen, im Regen etwas farblos. Wir fahren hier durch ehemaliges Wild-West-Land und können uns lebhaft vorstellen, wie ein paar Indianer (darf man das Wort überhaupt noch sagen?) also, wie ein paar Indianer hoch oben auf den steilen Felsen stehen, um im Tal einen Treck mit Bleichgesichtern (?) auszuspähen.
Das Land scheint nur dünn besiedelt, ab und zu kommen wir an einer Farm mit Pferden oder Kühen vorbei; die kleinen Orte wirken etwas verwahrlost und von Westernromantik ist nur wenig zu spüren. Es geht steile Pässe bis auf fast 1300 m hoch und dann ewig wieder runter bis auf 400 m.
Unterwegs halten wir an einer roten Ampel, bis ein Pilot Car uns abholt und an einer ziemlich harmlosen Baustelle vorbeidirigiert. Dann fahren wir noch mindestens fünf Kilometer hinter ihm her bis ins Tal zur anderen Ampel, an der doch tatsächlich ein Lastwagen wartet, um nach oben geführt zu werden. Dieser Begleitservice ist möglicherweise als der Versuch einer Vollbeschäftigung im Straßenbaugewerbe zu betrachten.
Nach Wald und Nebel kommen wir schließlich wieder an den John Day River, an dem wir Halt machen und übernachten.
Am Dienstag geht es weiter auf dem Scenic Byway, immer noch am John Day River entlang Richtung Norden. An einer Farm sehen wir, wie schon öfter, eine Reihe alter Traktoren und anderer landwirtschaftlicher Fahrzeuge. Aber wie so häufig ist für uns nicht genau zu erkennen, ob diese Ansammlungen in die Jahre gekommener Geräte eher musealen Charakter haben sollen oder einfach nur Schrott sind.
Wir kommen durch mehrere kleine Geisterstädte, die kaum mehr bewohnt werden. An einem Haus ist ein Banner angebracht: Trump God, Guns and Country. So genau wollten wir das mit den Gewehren jetzt gar nicht wissen.
Die Straße führt Pässe hinauf und hinunter, vorbei an riesig eingezäunten Ranches, gelben Grasfeldern mit grünen Tannen und schwarzen Kühen. Nicht weit oberhalb einer Passstraße liegt bereits etwas Schnee. Das Örtchen Long Creek scheint etwas belebter zu sein; vor allem sind viele Rehe zu sehen, die gemütlich durch die Straßen spazieren.
Irgendwann überqueren wir die Mitte zwischen Nordpol und Äquator, wie auf einem Schild zu lesen ist. Am John Day River gibt es zum dritten und vermutlich letzten Mal einen Übernachtungsplatz für uns.
Die Nacht war ziemlich kalt. Wir fahren am Mittwoch weiter Richtung La Grande. Auf 1300 Metern angekommen haben wir den ersten Schnee vor uns, der auf der Straße liegen bleibt. Wir nähern uns einem Schneepflug, hinter dem wir lange Zeit herzuckeln, gottseidank streut er noch kein Salz.
Eigentlich wollten wir in Oregon weiter nach Osten zum Hells Canyon fahren, aber die Wetterverhältnisse bringen uns davon ab. In östlicher Richtung soll es weiterhin kalt bleiben und schneien und es wären bis zum Canyon einige hohe Pässe zu überwinden. Als wir in die Ebene kommen, sind auch hier die Berge ringsum schon ziemlich verschneit. Also planen wir in La Grande mit Hilfe des Walmat WLANs eine andere Route Richtung Süden. Denn einerseits scheuen wir das ungemütliche Wintercamping und andererseits die vermutlich noch ungemütlicheren Straßenverhältnisse.
Auf der Interstate 84 geht es nun schnurgerade weiter Richtung Baker City, rechts neben uns die schneebedeckten Blue Mountains, links riesige Ebenen mit Rinderfarmen. Wir sehen eine Herde, die wir auf mindestens 1000 Tiere schätzen.
Die Zeit springt irgendwo auf dem Highway von der Pacific Time auf die Mountain Time um, die europäische Zeit ist uns jetzt nur noch acht Stunden voraus.
Kurz vor der Stadt Ontario machen wir auf einem Platz am Snake River halt, der hier vom Hells Canyon kommend vorbeizieht.
Die vergangene Nacht war nicht nur kalt, sondern eiskalt, das Wasser auf den Dachfenstern ist gefroren. Wir beseitigen erst mal das Kondenswasser im Inneren und machen uns dann donnerstags auf den Weg weiter südlich nach Idaho, dem dritten Bundesstaat, den wir in den USA durchqueren. Auf der Interstate 84 wird es mit viel Sonneneinstrahlung schnell noch einmal richtig warm.
In Caldwell verlassen wir den Highway und kommen nach gefühlt 28 Umleitungen auf einen Historischen Weg, der das Erbe des Westens veranschaulichen soll. Wir fahren jetzt durch eine riesige Steppe, so wie man sie aus Westernfilmen kennt, in der Ferne schroffe Felszüge, es gibt keine Wegweiser mehr, die Schilder mit den Straßennamen sind voller Schusslöcher. Ohne Navi wären wir aufgrund der vielen Abzweigungen völlig orientierungslos.
Schließlich kommen wir an einem großen Canyon des Snake Rivers, den Swan Falls entlang und es gibt eine Abzweigung, die in den Canyon hinunterführt.
Die Aussicht von oben ist großartig, der blaue Snake River windet sich durch den breiten Canyon, links und rechts davon die schroffen Berge eine echte Westernszene.
Unten am Fluss gibt es nach Befahren einer holperigen Strecke einige Stellplätze. Wir stehen noch keine zehn Minuten, schon kommt ein Sheriff mit seinem Pickup herangebraust, eine bullige Gestalt mit Sonnenbrille. An seinem Gürtel trägt er einen großkalibrigen Revolver, zwei Pfeffersprays, einen Taser, einen Schlagstock und zweimal Handschellen. Besser mal nicht atmen, geschweige denn bewegen!
Er will wissen, ob wir hier angeln, was wir verneinen. Daraufhin wird er sehr freundlich, will alles Mögliche über uns wissen und erzählt, dass hier im Sommer ein Betrieb geherrscht habe wie in der Hölle bei bis zu 43 Grad Hitze, und das über mehrere Wochen. Dies sei jetzt die beste Zeit um zu reisen und selbstverständlich könnten wir die Nacht hier verbringen.
Vermeintliches Westernfeeling wie in den vergangenen Jahrhunderten und parallel das Erlebnis der aktuellen, amerikanisch bewaffneten Realität.
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applepi-1 · 3 years
Walmart- mha
Going to Walmart with my hero academia. Based off a tik tok I seen lol. Hope you like.
Super short, sorry
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It was more of someone teasing Bakugou about he's no fun. But boy never did you think when you got here he'd be having a Mario cart race with the electric scooters with Kirishima. Everyone watched in pure shock, our little Bakugou growing up. But hearing Deku scream drew our attention in.
"Is he...?" Before Todoroki got his question out, the woman immediately began to ask for a manager.
"He's arguing with a Walmart Karen." You informed him, he sighed and looked at Bakugou.
"Get out of my way, Extra!"
"Bakugou won." You nodded your head.
"That's not how it works!" You looked at Deku.
"He's been hanging out with Bakugou to much." Shoto nodded with Kaminari who had security holding him.
"What did you do?!"
"I streaked. Apparently not a good idea." You watched as he got carried off.
"Where is Mr. Aizawa?" You asked Todo.
"Alcohol." You face-palmed, what is with our class today?
"Iida?" He pointed to Iida racing Uraraka in mid air. "Okay... and Mina?" She was with the acid. "That makes since I guess. Her quirk is... Is she burning the acid... with acid?"
"Everyone's acting weird." You looked at Momo as she created a blanket.
"Where are you going?"
"Movie in the movie section." You tugged your lip between your teeth.
"Are we the only normal ones?" You looked at Shoto who was looking at everyone who were being chased by security.
"I think so..." After an hour most of them got caught and banded from Walmart. You sighed and looked at Momo.
"Where did you get the pigs?" She looked at you then Mina who was writing on them. "And why are you number them, 1, 2, 3,and 5. Where's four?"
"That's the point." You looked at Kirishima. "There isn't one, but they'll be looking for it." Once they let them loose and scattered You looked at Todo.
"Did they get hit with a quirk, or something?"
"I don't know. But... this is the most fun I seen Iida." You watched as he used his quirk to escape the security.
"True. Want to go watch a movie in the movie section?"
"Sure." Once y'all settled down with our friends running and screaming behind us, Deku managed to get kicked out for yelling dumbass. He's definitely been hanging out with Bakugou. You snuggled into your boyfriend as you watched the movie. About an hour later you looked down at your phone sighing.
"They left us, didn't they?"
"Call All Mi- Actually we can walk." You nodded you head agreeing to that as you got up and left.
"It was pretty fun."
"Yeah, except the walking home part." You laughed a little you squeezed his hand and nuzzled closer to him. "But you're here, so I'm not complaining."
"I had fun being forgotten with you." He nodded his head kissing yours lightly.
467 words
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peacharchivedtm · 4 years
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“ merry christmas, i  hope your tree burns down , you’re on my shit list. ”
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sanbantaikarin · 5 years
Y'all Karin would burn thru pants SO FAST
She's just... so MUSCULAR. Her thighs chafe and the crotch wears out in less than 6mos. Joggers & basketball shorts last a little longer, but not by much.
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Hi! I‘m the anon who had asked you about the filler episodes (ep. 450) where Naruto and Sasuke were this Walmart version of the canon material hahah. Anyway, in your answer you said that this filler block captured the dynamic from friends to rivals better than in the actual anime. My question is what scenes would you exclude from the manga/anime to make Naruto and Sasuke believable simple rivals? Except for their kiss, which other scenes would you say shouldn’t have happened for them to be JUST rivals? Of the top of my head I’d say that Naruto shouldn’t have said to Sasuke that he’d bear his burden and die with him. That’s definitely not rivalry (friendly/platonic) at all in my opinion. I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Uhhh??? Almost everything??? LOL The Important aspect between 2 rival characters are that they should be obsessed about each other... BUT ONLY ABOUT THEIR STRENGTHS. Like how to catch up with the other in terms of skills, how to defeat the other, the jealousy and competitiveness. And possibly one can save his rival from any danger as a sign of strong friendship. That filler block captured all these elements perfectly. Whereas In the Original, they were obsessed about each other for different things other than the Strength part alone. Like if I have to remove certain scenes to make them look like rivals, then I would remove...
Sasuke speed-walking to walk next to Naruto... (Man!!! That’s totally a Crush Behaviour)
Sasuke Brainrotting about Naruto during his dying moment.
Naruto's Monologue in VoTE1 - Like how he really felt about Sasuke.
Sasuke's unfinished dialogue... "Naruto.... I"
Sasuke's VoTE1 stare... (There's no way this can be Friendly or Brotherly.... STRICT NO).
Naruto remarking Sasuke looks 'Cool' with a Panic. Or make him say it casually without any second thoughts.
Sasuke putting Sai in a Genjutsu.
Sasuke seducing hugging Naruto in the Orochimaru Lair. But ended up saying 'Don't come close' to Karin... (Another STRICT NO... It creeped me a lot...)
Naruto brainrotting about Sasuke but ended up asking for a Fake date with Sakura.
Sasuke smiling under ‘The Great Naruto Bridge’.
Naruto being "Alone" with Sakura... But ended up talking about Sasuke.... (Let them talk about something else)
Naruto praying under the Shooting Star.
Naruto pulling an All-Nighter by thinking about Sasuke... IN HIS BEDROOM...
Naruto's 2nd confession Under the Bridge.
Naruto’s declaration of “I’ll bear the burden of your Hatred and die with you” (You already said it... And I feel that way too... STRICT NO)
Naruto over-reacting when reminded him about that accidental kiss.
Sasuke’s Confession part from Chapter 698.
Remove all of these scenes... And then it would definitely look like they are Rivals, even though Naruto was desperately trying to save Sasuke for 4 Arcs.
There are many other moments too... Like Sasuke was obsessively saving Naruto in the War Arc...  We could totally take it as a Rivalry like “I’ll be the one to defeat you”.... But when you add the above scenes, the entire meaning behind those obsession changes contextually.
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artwitchpath · 6 years
Samhain Art Magic Ideas
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Hey guys! The veil is thinning and Samhain is nearly upon us. If you’re looking for some fun ways to work some art magic into your holiday this year give some of these ideas a try or use them to inspire a whole new thing!
Face/Body Paint
There’s lots of this art magic fun to be found at fall festivals and other seasonal gatherings for kids but we can also use it to connect with the Fae by incorporating imagery of things like butterflies or bells, maybe we just want to better connect to the energy of the season by painting pumpkins and leaves and other symbols of the shifting world around us. We could also honor a specific deity by using our bodies as the offering and painting symbols/imagery that is associated with them. It could be as simple as painting a key for Hekate, a simple sigil, or maybe you want to go all out and do an entire costume and fully embody your vision/concept of that deity! 
Power Color
Many witches talk about how they can feel themselves coming into their own at this time of year and that is a powerful thing to be able to channel and direct for magical purposes. We each have a power color (which can change, evolve, or be added to) that really resonates with us and brings out that confident and powerful version of ourselves. Find your power color and work with it this season to really make the most of this liminal time between the spiritual world and the material.  (I would be happy to help you discover your power color through a Color Cast reading. Space is limited so DM with your request)
Rainbow Meal Plan
"We know that the most vibrantly colored fruits and vegetables have the most nutrition," says Karin Hosenfeld, RD, LD, a dietitian in private practice in Dallas. "Eating an array of colors just ensures that you get the benefits of all of them."
Nutritionists and Dietitians are seeing the health benefits of eating a colorful meal. Red, Purple, and Blue fruits and veggies get their color from anthocyanins. These foods are powerful antioxidants, high in essential nutrients, and may be particularly important for people managing diabetes or who are at high risk of heart disease. Learn more about eating colorfully at the Food Revolution Network. By combining our knowledge of color, seasonal foods, and kitchen magic we’re sure to be whipping up some powerful dishes this season!
Sigil O’ Lanterns
Jack o’ Lanterns have definitely evolved with the times and people are making crazy and awesome designs in pumpkins and lanterns of all sorts this time of year. Use this opportunity to bring some magic to your home by carving sigils into your decorations. Maybe you want to manifest some personal power, carve your elemental symbol, your zodiac, or name sigil. Take it back to the origin of this tradition and carve wards or protection symbols for your home. The possibilities are endless, lighting the candle inside charges and manifests that magic, and your front porch looks incredible!
Faerie Staycation Space
If you work with the Fae, or are wanting to try it this season, try welcoming them into your space by creating a door or a little house to stay in. Building these out of found objects, cardboard, renovating old doll houses, or making an edible home like a gingerbread house (faeries love a sweet treat) can be a fun activity to do by yourself, as a party with friends, or as a family with kids! 
*Do take precautions when working with faeries, you don’t want them playing nasty tricks in your house*
Ritual Color Bathing
I’ve talked about color bathing before but it deserves mentioning again for special holidays. Samhain is often seen as the Witch’s New Year and as such ritual cleansing and bathing can be an important part of your celebration. Add some art and color magic to your bath this year by making your own bath bombs, or dropping some color tabs into your bath water that correspond with your intent or your power color. (Walmart, Target, Amazon)
I hope this inspires you to get magically creative and I’d love to hear what your plans and ideas are for Samhain this year! What are my artsy witches up to this season?
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fsoto20ahsgov-blog · 5 years
Media Assessment of the Issue
 Despite the recent mass shootings in Odessa, Dayton, Gilroy, and El Paso, the Senate has refused to pass any gun control legislation. Due to Mitch McConnells blatant favoritism for the issues that concern the National Rifle Association, many sane Americans, Including the CEO of Walmart, Jim McMillion are pushing for common sense Gun Safety Legislation, which Mitch McConnell refuses to provide. Jim McMillion, announced last Tuesday that Walmart stores will no longer allow customers to openly carry deadly weapons, loaded or not, at any time. Additionally Walmart stores will discontinue sales of all pistol ammunition (The kind you would use in an Assault style weapon.) despite holding an estimated 20% of the entire US marketshare of small caliber and pistol munitions. Unlike Mitch McConnell, Walmart is willing to face backlash from Pro-Gun Americans for the safety of the public. 
Over the weekend, many news outlets across the country gave their spin on Walmart’s decision. The first news source that I analyzed for a greater perspective on the partisan opinions on such a pressing issue was Breitbart News. Breitbart news, a notoriously conservative online publication, provided a Pro-Second amendment angle on the recent change to the stores’ policies. The subject of the Article was centered on change in policy as well, and the article was written by Second amendment advocate, Awr Hawkins. The journalist leaves out many aspects of the story that are important, and not once mentioned the recent shootings that occurred, despite the shootings being the catalyst for Walmart’s decision. With Hawkins’ targeted audience being the Gun-Owning American, he demonstrates his bias with unrelated, stranding references from a 1994 assault weapons ban. He Cited that contrary to the ban, gun deaths did not show significant increases. This statistic was disproven by the New York Times. In fact, since the lift of the ban in 2004, mass shootings with assault weapons have sharply risen. I do not agree with this article due to my Anti-gun perspective, and also because the statistics the author provided are blatantly false. The citation of such a false claim about the assault weapons ban discredits any significance of this articles political stance, and the authors choice of leaving out the context of Walmart’s decision makes the article to be heavily misinterpreted.
The second story I inspected was broadcasted by MSNBC, a liberal channel on TV, during the segment Deadline White House, hosted by Nicole Wallace weekdays at 1 PM. Wallace provides a liberal viewpoint on the recent ban of open carry in Walmart Stores, as well as Mitch McConnells political influence, to an intended audience of her fellow liberal explorers, citing the Republican parties’ shameless affiliation with the NRA, referencing Trump as a “political hostage” of the association. During the segment Ms. Wallace hosts Haitian-American political commentator: Karine Jean-Pierre, who exemplifies her frustration with Mitch McConnells response to the recent outcry for legislation, and how Walmart is doing more for the safety of our citizens than the officials we elect to do so. This story is significant because it provides a common sense perspective to the issue, and focuses on the safety of everyday Americans versus the profits of the NRA. I do agree with this article because I see the necessity of an assault weapons ban, and I know that it can solve the issue of mass shootings in our country, we’ve banned ARs before, we can do it again.
The third and final story that I read into this weekend was written by a non-partisan source, which believe me, is hard to find, especially when it involves the shooting of a 17 month old baby girl. You have to pick a side here. The Story was written by Lisset Voytko a reporter for Forbes’ digital news product, and provides an objective timeline of Walmart’s decision, with no opinionated perspectives. The Intended audience is all Americans who shop, work at, or occasionally visit Walmart. Voytko provides many different key background’s and tangents about the companies’ policy change, with no partisan influence. I find nonpartisan articles to be fast to read and the best way to obtain valuable information, but when it’s lives at stake, I find it very important to take a side, I also think it’s significant to take the side that protects people, not killing machines. Therefore the significance of this article (at least to me) is lost.
Finally, I know this doesn’t pertain to the assignment, but if anyones reading this I’d like to advertise the gofundme for the 17 month old who was shot in Odessa. After a bullet fragment hit her chest and mouth, she lost her front teeth, a large part of her tongue, and her lower lip was shredded. Any amount of donation would help pay for her expensive medical bills. We pray for Anderson Davis.
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Amazon's $26 best-selling pants have 500 positive reviews: 'Very flattering'
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Grace Karin Women's Pants (Photo: Amazon)
Once in a while, a pair of pants comes along that seemingly fits everyone perfectly. This is one of those occasions. Meet Amazon’s best-selling pants, the Grace Karin Women’s Trouser. It features a high-waist design and slim silhouette. Don’t be deterred by the seemingly small waist, though — it’s made of elastic for a comfy, stretchy fit. Many shoppers were quick to point out how they were especially “very flattering for a curvy bum.”
The Grace Karin Trousers are perfect for wearing to the office or if you’re looking for a classier summer alternative to your blue jeans. They are available in 16 different colors and styles and retail for $25 to $26, depending on the color chosen.
Let’s break down why these pants are such a stellar find.
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Grace Karin Women's Pants (Photo: Amazon)
“I LOVE these pants! Not only do they feel like you're wearing pajamas, but they are so flattering!” wrote one 5-star reviewer. “They hug your curves in all the right places, and fit loose where you want them too! I'm 5'5 with an athletic build, so finding pants that look good without making my legs look like tree trunks, but these make my shape look feminine and they are very forgiving on your waist! They are great for just about any occasion, I will be ordering another pair for sure! They wash very well, and don’t wrinkle easily!”
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Grace Karin Women's Pants (Photo: Amazon)
“I have been eying the tie-waisted business pant trend the past year or so, and decided it was finally time to hop on the train when I landed myself a new job,” shared one happy customer. “I wish I hadn't waited so long! I bought these in khaki and maroon, and I love them. The material is stretchy and oh-so-comfy, the fit is perfect (flattering for my curves but not too tight as to draw attention), the pockets are so handy, and I love how many colors I had to choose from. Every time I wear them I just ring in compliments, it's fantastic. Perfect for any networking occasion, fancy-but-not-too-fancy meeting, or just a cute and classy night out on the town. I might purchase in even more colors.”
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Grace Karin Women's Pants (Photo: Amazon)
“I purchased the long sleeve pants due to the versatility,” wrote one satisfied shopper. “These could both be dressed up to the office, or casual with flats on the weekend. Let me say this. MOST COMFORTABLE PANTS EVER. They are a bit of a stretch material so lots of room to work with. They are true to size. I am 145lbs and 5 3' and purchased a size small. I have gotten so many compliments from people on my pants. I now have both the black and khaki. I plan on purchasing a couple more. Great quality and a staple for any closet.”
Shop it: $25 to $26 (depending on color/style), amazon.com
The editors at Yahoo Lifestyle are committed to finding you the best products at the best prices. At times, we may receive a share from purchases made via links on this page.
The reviews quoted above reflect the most recent versions at the time of publication.
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zoe-elvira · 2 years
美聯社報導,德州州長艾波特證實,槍手為18歲的拉莫斯(Salvador Ramos),他當時帶著手槍以及可能還有一把步槍,進入位在尤瓦爾迪(Uvalde)的羅伯小學(Robb Elementary School),動機尚不清楚,但確定拉莫斯是當地拉丁裔社區的居民,是尤瓦爾迪高中的學生。
州參議員古鐵雷斯(Roland Gutierrez)指出,槍手的社群媒體上充斥著他在18歲生日時合法買槍的照片。並曾在Instagram上的一張槍枝照片標註某位女子,並傳訊息給對方說,「我想告訴你一個小秘密。感謝我標註了你。」但對方顯然與他不熟識。
白宮新聞秘書尚皮耶(Karine Jean-Pierre)發推文說,總統拜登已聽取德州小學校園槍擊事件簡報,預計於當地時間今晚8時15分在白宮向全國發表談話,白宮已降半旗哀悼。
這起槍擊事件是德州史上最嚴重的一次,2018年時,德州聖塔菲高中(Santa Fe High School)一名學生在學校開槍濫射,造成10人死亡;2019年時,德州艾爾帕索(El Paso)沃爾瑪(WalMart)賣場的槍擊事件造成至少23死。
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formidableluzmaria · 3 years
En Goretti, en la clse de Danielle Murphy, con Tania de 8° y la nueva profesora de extended French, Mrs karine Al Chakra, es profesora de recursos en el departamento de frances.
El verano disipado... algunos cuantos logros:
1. Mejorar Aurora & Alegria $21,000+ Rex y su equipo,Yaye
2. Comprar y organizar joyeria $16,000
3. Comprar la minivan Grand Caravan Dodge, the hitch para remolcar, los utility trailers, el minibuilding $7,000+
4. Completar la quimioterapia con 8 ciclos, y brutal cansancio, mal sabor en los alimentos, muchisimos hot flashes, como en menopausa.
5. Continuar con la radioterapia en Sunnybrook hospital, ultrasound, MRI... y en un mes terapia hormonal.
6. Apoyar a Greg muy agotadisimo con los estudiantes de China de YUELI, y lis de LINC HOME STUDY. Coordinar el zoom familial de los sabados. Carta de re omendacion de voluntariado para Ev ahora ya aceptada en la especialudad de ginecologia. Income taxes para toda la familia e Ontario Taxes. Esm $8,000+ en taejeta de credito de Walmart, Mayra con Syed y dejo el MA en King's College in London, England
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orbemnews · 3 years
Daimler’s Truck Unit Maps Plans to Replace Diesel With Hydrogen Carmakers have been promising to scrap the internal combustion engine, and now it’s the truckmakers’ turn. But the makers of giant 18-wheelers are taking a different route. Daimler, the world’s largest maker of heavy trucks, whose Freightliners are a familiar sight on American interstates, said last week that it would convert to zero-emission vehicles within 15 years at the latest, providing another example of how the shift to electric power is reshaping vehicle manufacturing with significant implications for the climate, economic growth and jobs. The journey away from fossil fuels will play out differently and take longer in the trucking industry than it will for passenger cars. For one thing, zero emission long-haul trucks are not yet available in large numbers. And different technology may be needed to power the electric motors. Batteries work well for delivery vehicles and other short-haul trucks, which are already on the roads in significant numbers. But Daimler argues that battery power is not ideal for long-haul 18-wheelers, at least with current technology. The weight of the batteries alone subtracts too much from payload, an important consideration for cost-conscious trucking companies. Instead, Daimler and some rivals are betting on fuel cells that generate electricity from hydrogen. Fuel cells produce no tailpipe emissions, and hydrogen fuel tanks can be refilled as fast as diesel tanks — a distinct advantage compared with batteries, which typically take at least twice as long to recharge. In April, Daimler began testing a prototype “GenH2” long-haul truck capable of going 600 miles between visits to the hydrogen pump. But lots of work is needed to bring down the cost of the equipment and there is not yet a network of hydrogen fueling stations or an adequate supply of hydrogen produced in a way that does not cancel out the environmental benefits. Last week Daimler provided details of how it plans to solve these problems, with the goal of selling hydrogen-fueled long-haul trucks by 2027 that will be cheaper to buy and operate than diesel models. During an online presentation Thursday, Daimler executives announced a partnership with Shell to build a “hydrogen corridor” of fueling stations spanning northern Europe. For shorter-haul trucks, Daimler announced a partnership with the Chinese company CATL to develop batteries, and partnerships with Siemens and other companies to install high-voltage charging stations in Europe and the United States. In March, Daimler and Volvo Trucks, which are usually intense rivals, formed a joint venture to develop fuel cell systems that will convert hydrogen to electricity to power long-distance trucks. The message is that the energy transition is too big even for a company the size of Daimler, with revenue last year of 154 billion euros, or $188 billion, to manage on its own. Daimler has been working on hydrogen fuel cell technology for decades, but the technology is not yet cheap enough or rugged enough for commercial use. “The fuel cells out there today are not at all fulfilling the demands that we have coming from our customers,” Lars Stenqvist, chief technology officer of Volvo Trucks (which is a separate company from Volvo Cars), said in an interview from company headquarters in Gothenburg, Sweden. “That’s one reason to join forces with Daimler, in order to share that development burden.” Daimler, based in Stuttgart, is planning this year to split its truck- and bus-making operations from the division that makes Mercedes-Benz cars, forming a separate company with its own stock market listing. The spinoff of Daimler Truck, announced in February, is a momentous event for the company, which traces its roots to the inventors of the automobile and was once a sprawling conglomerate that manufactured airplanes and trains as well as autos. One motivation for the amicable divorce is to give the truck unit more freedom to react to technological change, while raising money from investors to help finance the enormous cost of developing emission-free long-haul vehicles. Today in Business Updated  May 21, 2021, 3:55 p.m. ET “Independent management and governance will allow them to operate even faster,” Ola Källenius, the chief executive of Daimler, said Thursday. Daimler managers concede that some portions of its truck business are ailing. In the United States, Freightliner, which Daimler acquired in 1981, is the top selling brand of heavy truck, with more than one-third of the market. But in Europe, Mercedes-Benz brand trucks have lost market share and score behind rivals in customer satisfaction surveys. Karin Radstrom, hired this year from rival Scania to fix the Daimler Truck business in Europe and Latin America, said the company put too much energy into fancy engineering that customers weren’t willing to pay for. “To some extent we lost touch with our customers,” Ms. Radstrom said during the presentation Thursday. As with passenger cars, the truck-making dinosaurs like Scania, a unit of Volkswagen, or Paccar, maker of Kenworth and Peterbilt trucks, face new competitors trying to exploit the transition to electric technology. Nikola, a truck start-up based in Arizona, was briefly worth more than $20 billion on the stock market. But its shares have lost three-quarters of their value since the founder, Trevor Milton, resigned last year facing accusations he had made numerous false assertions about the company’s hydrogen fuel-cell technology. Nikola at least demonstrated how eager investors are to put their money into hydrogen trucks. Another example is Hyzon, a maker of fuel cells based in Rochester, N.Y., that has begun offering complete trucks and buses. In February, Hyzon was acquired by Decarbonization Plus Acquisition Corporation, a so-called SPAC that raises money before it has any assets. Tesla unveiled a design for a battery-powered semi truck in 2017, which the company has said it will begin delivering this year. Tesla, Scania and some other truckmakers are skeptical of hydrogen technology, which they regard as too expensive and less energy-efficient. The traditional truckmakers like Daimler and Volvo have some advantages over the start-ups. Truck buyers tend to be practical hauling firms or drivers who carefully calculate the costs of maintenance and fuel consumption before they make a decision. Managers of big fleets may also be reluctant to take a chance on a manufacturer without a long track record. “There is a lot more spreadsheet analysis and crossing the Ts before any orders are signed,” said Daniel Ives, a managing director at Wedbush Securities who follows the tech industry. “Daimler is in a massive position of strength.” For trucking companies, it is a confusing time. They face pressure from regulators to reduce their impact on the climate before there is a big selection of emission-free vehicles to buy, said Glen Kedzie, energy and environmental counsel for the American Trucking Associations, an industry group. President Biden has been promoting electric vehicles, but has not yet defined what that means for the trucking industry. Trucking companies, which have depended on diesel for most of the last century, will have to revamp their maintenance departments, install their own charging or hydrogen fueling stations in some cases, retrain drivers and learn to plan their routes around hydrogen or electric charging points. But Mr. Kedzie said that emission-free trucks also had some advantages. Fuel costs for battery-powered vehicles are much lower than for diesel trucks. Maintenance costs may be lower because electric vehicles have fewer moving parts. Drivers like the way electric trucks perform — an important factor at the moment when there is a driver shortage in America. Many companies that ship a lot of goods, like Walmart or Target, are trying to reduce their carbon footprints and taking an interest in zero-emission trucks. “There are a lot of potential benefits” Mr. Kedzie said. Daimler says its aim is to make battery-powered short-haul trucks that can compete on cost with diesel by 2025, and long-haul fuel-cell trucks that achieve diesel parity by 2027. “In that very moment when the customer starts benefiting more from a zero-emission truck than a diesel truck, well, there’s no reason to buy a diesel truck anymore,” Andreas Gorbach, chief technology officer for Daimler’s trucks and buses division, said during the presentation Thursday. “This is the tipping point.” Source link Orbem News #Daimlers #diesel #Hydrogen #Maps #plans #replace #Truck #Unit
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mathetkarine-blog · 7 years
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2017-09-28 - Visite paroissiale  d’une semaine à Yellowknife pour rencontrer les gens du bureau regional de CanNor aux TNO, et escapade d’une journée à Hay River, home of Buffalo Bill, qui opère encore des vieux DC-3 de la 2ieme guerre! 
C’est fou comment après avoir passé les derniers 5 mois à Iqaluit, Yellowknife ca feel comme la grande ville avec ses 20,000 habitants, son Walmart, son McDo, et son Canadian Tire! Karine m’a justement donné une longue shopping list de chose à ramener dans mes valises! La plus grande différence entre le Nunavut et les Territoires du Nord-ouest se résume à une chose: les routes! Bien qu’il y a encore plusieurs communautés qui sont ‘’fly-in only’’, le fait que le territoire soit accessible par route à partir de l’Alberta fait toute la différence: produits de consommation à des prix comparables à ceux du sud, diversité et fraicheur des produits, et économie généralement bcp plus développé. Et à compté d’octobre, il sera désormais possible de faire un road trip jusqu’à l’océan arctique grâce à l’ouverture du dernier tronçon de l’autoroute entre Inuvik à Tuktoyaktuk.
Autre fait intéressant, c’est qu’en ce temps de l’année, tous les hotels de Yellowknife sont remplis à capacité d’asiatique qui sont venus pour voir les aurores boréales (il y a litérallement des chinois avec leurs Kodaks partout!). Apparemment, la croyance chinoise veut qu’un enfant conçu sous les aurores boréales sera béni; alors il y a même des outfitters qui offrent des tentes à louer à l’extérieur de la ville sous les étoiles! ;)
Ma visite de Hay River aussi prouve très intéressante: petite ville de 3,000 habitant au sud de Great Slave Lake, il s’agit du ‘’transportion hub’’ du territoire (terminus de la ligne de chemin de fer de l’Alberta, et embouchure du fleuve Mackenzie par lequel les barges peuvent transporter leur marchandise jusqu’a Inuvik). 
Une des rencontres les plus intéressantes que j’y fais est celle du seul producteur d’oeufs à opérer au nord du 60ieme parallèle: Polar Eggs. J’y apprends plein de nouvelles choses sur l’industrie aviaire, et oui, je confirme que la senteur dans un poulaillier de 60,000 poules est plus intense que je n’aurais jamais pu imaginer!! CanNor vient tout récemment de financer l’entreprise pour un projet pilote de serre active qui combinera production de légumes et production d’oeufs; le principe étant que les retails des légumes serviront à nourrir les poules tandis que les excréments des poules fertiliseront les légumes. Le propriétaire de l’entreprise est super passionné par le projet, et si les résultats prouvent positif, c’est un modèle qui pourrait être répliqué partout à travers le nord et grandement améliorer la sécurité alimentaire de certaines des plus petites communautés.  
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womenofcolor15 · 5 years
#DomesticTerrorism: Almost 30 People Dead In Two Mass Shootings Within 24 Hours
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Almost 30 Americans are dead after two mass shootings went down in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas within 24 hours. The shocking details inside...
  Blood shed across the nation over the weekend as two mass shooting occurred within hours of each other.
A gunman armed with a rifle opened fire at an El Paso shopping area, killing 20 people and two dozen injured. Hours later, another mass shooting occured in Dayton, Ohio, leaving 9 people dead and at least 16 people injured.
According to reports, a gunman wearing body armor opened fire in a popular nightlife area in Dayton, Ohio around 1AM, resulting in 9 people losing their lives and 26 others injured. The suspect was reportedly making his way toward a bar called Ned Peppers, Montgomery County Emergency Services spokeswoman Deb Decker said.
People were hanging out on a Saturday night, only to be met with a gunman trying to take their innocent lives. He killed 9 people and injured 26...in LESS than a minute! It was the 2nd mass shooting in less than 24 hours.
Luckily, there were Dayton police officers in the area when the shooting occurred, and they were able to respond in less than a minute of the shooting that went down in the streets of the Oregon Distrct.
  #OregonDistrict #update Mayor Whaley: Suspect opened fire in the Oregon District wearing body armor. There are 10 people dead including the shooter, 26 others injured. Officers neutralized the shooter in less than a minute.
— Dayton Police Dept. (@DaytonPolice) August 4, 2019
  Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley praised the first responding officers for their speedy response during a press conference. Had the officers not responded so quickly, “hundreds of people in the Oregon District could be dead today.”
The alleged gunman - who has not been identified yet - was shot and killed by responding officers, so 10 people total are dead following the shooting. It's reported he was dressed in body armor and was carrying a .223-caliber rifle with additional high-capacity magazines. He's believed to be the only shooter. The FBI is assisting with the investigation.
There is not motive at this time.
Watch Mayor Whaley's press conference below:
  WATCH: Officials give an update on the Ohio shooting. https://t.co/dUKx700cpc https://t.co/cW2KLHqJ16
— WPEC CBS12 News (@CBS12) August 4, 2019
  People who were in the area during the time of the shooting tweeted about the horrific moment they realized they were in the middle of a mass shooting:
  There was an active shooter in the bar i was in tonight. I am told that he had an AR15. @HannahRayNinja and I are ok. I am so incredibly heartbroken for those affected by this. I have never been so scared in my life.
— Daniel Williams (@xcadaverx) August 4, 2019
    We heard gunshots while on the patio.. ran indoors only to be shoved back out because the shots were coming from inside the bar. We ran for our lives and hopped a fence trampling multiple people in the process/hid anywhere we could https://t.co/pm7Q00DfbR
— Hannuh (@HannahRayNinja) August 4, 2019
    Me and @KaylamILLER06 made it out of Nedpeppers safe. Scariest thing of my life. Prayers for all of the people who didn’t make it out
— Taylor Mayberry (@Tayyymayyy) August 4, 2019
  So scary.
Hours before the Ohio shooting....
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A 21-year-old gunman opened fire in a crowded shopping area in El Paso, Texas, leaving 20 people dead and more than two dozen injured. Families were out buying school supplies during tax free weekend ahead of the first day of classes next week. Many of the victims were shot at a Walmart, according to police.
Police arrested the alleged shooter, a 21-year-old white man named Patrick Crusius from a suburb of Dallas, according to El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen. He's ALIVE.
Police are now investigating to see if he should be prosecuted for a hate crime. Authorities believe the gunman may have written a four-page document posted online that advocates white nationalist and racist views.
The FBI has opened a domestic terrorism investigation into the shooting, according to CNN.
  Thank you to the @EPPOLICE and all the first responders for once again rushing toward the danger during an extrodinarily large and confusing crime scene in El Paso. pic.twitter.com/W1qTbuEB3G
— Bill Bratton (@CommissBratton) August 3, 2019
  Initial reports suggested there could be multiple gunman, however, the police now believe the man in custody is the only shooter. 2020 Democratic presidential candidate/Former Rep. Beto O'Rourke hopped on Twitter to respond to the shooting:
  Truly heartbreaking. Stay safe, El Paso. Please follow all directions of emergency personnel as we continue to get more updates. https://t.co/BU0AH6Y8Rv
— Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke) August 3, 2019
  "Truly heartbreaking. Stay safe, El Paso. Please follow directions of emergency personnel as we continue to get more updates," he wrote.
  Trump took to Twitter to address both shootings:
  The FBI, local and state law enforcement are working together in El Paso and in Dayton, Ohio. Information is rapidly being accumulated in Dayton. Much has already be learned in El Paso. Law enforcement was very rapid in both instances. Updates will be given throughout the day!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 4, 2019
  Folks have been sounding off on Twitter about the mass shootings and they're FED UP:
  This is not mental illness.
This is racism. This is xenophobia. This is hate.
Call it what it is: #DomesticTerrorism
Call him what he is: #WhiteNationalist #ElPasoShooter
— yvette nicole brown (@YNB) August 4, 2019
    We went to sleep mourning over the #ElPasoShooting.
We woke up this morning to the #DaytonShooting.
There are 400 million guns circulating in America, more guns than people.
The NRA saying is, “guns don’t kill people, people kill people.“
People with guns kill people.
— Bishop Talbert Swan (@TalbertSwan) August 4, 2019
    For all yall talkin that good shit about Kim & Kanye getting 45 to do something, you think they can text him and convince him to implement stricter gun laws?... Maybe save a few hundred thousand lives instead of freeing worthless rappers.#DaytonShooting #ElPaso pic.twitter.com/4JS9vNBvZv
— Boney Sugar Dupree (@DiqDaddyDangler) August 4, 2019
    Language matters. Rhetoric has impact. Having thoughtful, intelligent leaders in office matters. Having an honorable, compassionate president matters. Or, at least, it used to.#daytonshooting #ElPasoTerroristAttack pic.twitter.com/rgohH9WiBT
— Freeze Peach (@FreezePeach5) August 4, 2019
    #ElPasoTerroristAttack: a powerful statement from El Paso County Sheriff Richard Wiles, please share it.
Our hearts go out to those affected by these acts of hatred and extremism. pic.twitter.com/Z4JLwvibiT
— TellMAMAUK (@TellMamaUK) August 4, 2019
    Make no mistake @realDonaldTrump, you didn't pull the trigger or buy the gun but you sent that white nationalist terrorist to El Paso as sure as if you'd bought him a bus ticket to the Mall.#TrumpDidThis#ElPasoTerroristAttack pic.twitter.com/0iNunI4e8R
— Tedderman (@Tedderman1) August 4, 2019
    #EnoughIsEnough pic.twitter.com/bBSHYrsF3B
— Loni Love (@LoniLove) August 4, 2019
    Waking up to NOW Dayton.
One of deadliest weekends in less than 24 hours.
More than 30 people are dead in 2 American cities: #ElPaso and #Dayton
No more thoughts, no more prayers. We need #gunreformnow #EnoughIsEnough
— Karine Jean-Pierre (@K_JeanPierre) August 4, 2019
    To start:
• Ban Assault Weapons
• Ban High-Capacity Magazines
• Implement Universal Background Checks (supported by 90+% of Americans)
• Reinstate “One-Gun-A-Month” Law
• Pass “Red Flag” Laws
What is YOUR proposal?#HonorWithAction #EnoughIsEnough https://t.co/mdYKhMMM7b
— Justin Fairfax (@LGJustinFairfax) August 4, 2019
    Call it what it is. https://t.co/cyrZkpV7rD
— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) August 4, 2019
  This man risked his life to help save children during the mass shooting in El Paso:
  This man is an American hero. During the mass shooting in El Paso, he acted to save as many children as possible and used his legally owned weapon to help.
This man represents everything that’s great about this country. pic.twitter.com/69ovEw3uhN
— David Hookstead (@dhookstead) August 3, 2019
  True hero indeed.
Just days before these two mass shootings, a 19-year-old white male opened fire at Northern California’s Gilroy Garlic Festival, killing 3 people - including two children.
The Dayton, Ohio shooting is the 22nd mass killing in the United States in 2019. Something needs to be done to finally put an end to these senseless killings.
We send our condolences to everyone involved in all of the incidents where innocent lives were taken.
Photos: AP Photo
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2019/08/04/domesticterrorism-almost-30-people-dead-in-two-mass-shootings-within-24-hours
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jodiwatson · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://svlodos.com/2019/02/16/were-baaacckkk/
We're Baaacckkk!
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A blog is nothing more than a vanity project. I know, I know – some of us might say it’s a way to inform, educate and entertain, but at the heart of it, it’s a way for the author to broadcast personal and/or narcissistic thoughts or ideas. 🙂
When I started this blog, I always envisioned it would be singularly focused re: living on a boat/sailing our boat, but I realized that as time has passed, it took on more meaning and intention; I wanted it to reflect our lives and everyday activities, as well as act as part diary, part notification for family.
It is with this spirit that I get back in the saddle and start to write again. It’s been a long time since we posted anything – maybe you’ve been following along on Instagram (living_on_a_boat) – but if you haven’t, then let me explain what we’ve been up to. 
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As some of you may remember, our last post was from Turkey, where we were spending 3 months escaping hurricane season in Mexico. Our visa allowed us to be in the country for 90 days, and we left by ferry on Day 89. As the Turkish immigration guy reminded me: “You cannot come back!!”
Since leaving Lodos in June, we traveled from San Carlos, Mexico to Dallas then to: London, Paris, Amsterdam, Datca (Turkey), Kos, Symi, Rhodes, Santorini, Naxos, Athens, then back to the States for 2 months with a trip to Canada, the Copper Canyon and Russia somewhere in between. We recently landed back in Mexico where we have been getting Lodos ready to sail again. And, now, I write this on a plane to the Dominican Republic where I’ll be working for a week. 
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Lodos is back in the water in San Carlos, Mexico
In each place we traveled this year, we tried to act as if we lived there: not as tourists, but as residents. Yes, we did some touristy things, but mostly, we did very little or we focused on the mundane and pedestrian aspects of everyday life (e.g. taking a walk, sitting in a park, riding a bus, eating like locals, going to a laundromat, grocery shopping, binge watching 7 seasons of The Good Wife….). We love traveling like this as we get to see the world in a more personal and vulnerable way. 
When we left Mexico in June 2018, we bought two wheeled suitcases at Walmart for ~$11 each. Somewhere in Paris, the blue one lost its wheels, and we drug it unwillingly the rest of the way to Turkey where it died a quick death; however, the red one is going strong, and I’m still using it. 
Truth be told, I quite hate this suitcase. I have been living out of it for 6 months. Aside from a small shopping spree at Kate Spade and Nordstrom in order to have something to wear for work trips, I’ve been wearing the same clothes for 5+ months (although some of them I did have to throw away because I have literally worn them out). 
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Big Red – on its last legs
For me, the glamour of traveling and living out of an $11 red rolling Walmart suitcase (Big Red) got old around month 3 1/2. But, we are lucky to have good friends and family who have put us up and let us stay at their glorious homes resplendant with real beds, soft linens, endless hot water, steady electricity and wifi. We tried to follow the rule that visitors are like fish: both start to stink after 3+ days, but I’m sure we overstayed our welcome many many times, and for that, we’d like to especially thank: 
Karin – who’s flat in London was the perfect resting and jumping off point for our adventures
Dick – proving that a 30 year friendship is just as fresh and fun today as it was back then
Mar & Shar – letting us takeover half your houses (in two states!), multiple times, demonstrating that only family can tolerate you as a long term guest
Dilan & Sam – getting to meet Asa was a top highlight of our year, and we can’t wait to watch that gorgeous little baby grow up
Adam & Aleta – for being such great sports by hosting us so soon after that very long and adventurous trip to Sinaloa cartel country in Mexico (we’ll remember it always, I’m sure!)
John, Elizabeth, Leo & Lucca – it was a special treat spending time with your beautiful family and playing Catan with you!
Jeff & Cindy – our peaceful Christmas palette cleanser
Vince, Adrienne, Mia & Vincent – making us feel so welcome, at home and ringing in the New Year together 
I look forward to getting back to a regular schedule that chronicles the joys, triumphs, and frustrations of living this nomadic life, and in the meantime, we’d love to hear from you!
Jodi & Kirby 
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