#waltjesse au?
heisenpink · 2 years
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g3othermal3scapism · 3 months
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the mashup au no one asked for
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caeruleophile · 2 years
💀 yeah im drawing them again cry about it
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- jesser put your hand away jess e. im not having sex with you right now jese.
heisenbitch is my everything 🛐
also never again drawing without references.... ew
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corgoship · 1 year
breaking bad titanic au
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I am once again having the urge to write a BrBa AU, but this time it takes place in old France and Walt is a Christian priest and Jesse is mostly unchanged, still using crime to get by in life. Maybe Jesse grew up going to Walt's church, before he stopped going as soon as he could. I haven't yet thought of what exactly makes the two pair up this time, so if anyone has any ideas (In general, not just for this specific thing, I wanna hear ALL ideas!) please give em to me!
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a-bloody-omen · 10 days
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I'm so excited to start uploading my pieces for the entire week Q_Q. This piece is basically an AU where if the shootout resulted in both Hank, Gomez and Uncle Jacks gang dead and Walt and Jesse decided to run away together after the shootout. Corrected some miscommunication and just left their old lives behind, moved to Alaska just like Jesse wanted and live out the rest of their lives under new names ectect. Ofc the cancer is still there but ya know...the homos...I love them 🥹💕💕💕
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iphisesque · 1 year
can i ask why you ship gojo and megumi? not as wank or as a callout or anything like that, I promise (especially since I'm sure we both ship far more morally reprehensible couples than that lol), I'm just curious as to what you see in them as a ship!
hi anon! love your disclaimer lmao, it's so funny to see people get all up in arms about me "shipping" gofushi when i literally ship like. johndean.
i wouldn't say that i Ship gojo and megumi, or at least not the way people ship like kawoshin or harumichi or whatever other lovely romantic daydream-material ship: i feel like people in contemporary fandom use the word shipping in two ways, to indicate a couple they find healthy and semi-aspirational and cute together (like how people in this fandom ship itafushi or kirakari) or to indicate two characters whose existing dynamic they want to dig into and dissect (like how people "ship" waltjesse or gendo and rei).
me and my friends definitely belong to this second category wrt how we engage with gofushi: their dynamic is foundational not just to the story, but most importantly to understanding gojo and megumi as individual characters at all. gojo canonically kidnapped and groomed megumi after killing his father, bought and indoctrinated him into the jujutsu world as well as his own cult of personality, and demanded he become as strong as him (like geto once was) while deliberately hiding information about megumi's own technique; megumi, on the other hand, has practically never known another "paternal" authority figure besides gojo, they grew together, and as such he sees him as not only the strongest and his teacher the way the other students do, but also as someone he knows personally and whom he consistently relies on to help him (this moreso re: the status quo at the beginning of the story), and as a benefactor who saved his life and to whom he owes a large debt.
granted, none of this is necessarily indicative of a sexual dynamic, just a deeply exploitative and unhealthy mentorship; however, when you couple that with all the countless references to gojo being a creep or sketchy or too-touchy (and the multiple akutami-written jujusanpo where he preys on students, if you consider those to be canon-compliant), as well as akutami's taste in media that inspired jjk (leon the professional, satanic sweet, etc), an implication starts shaping itself pretty clearly and starkly if you have the eye for it, and me and my friends definitely have that eye.
as yall know i don't care for anti/proshipper discourse, i think it's stupid and reductive, but i would say that my little gang approaches gofushi in a way that's antithetical to the proshipper ethos: i have seen how proshippers ship gofushi, and it's mostly "omg aren't they soulmates so cute!! same age au where they kiss and hold hands <3 student teacher romances are adorable!!", while what we say is essentially "gojo abused his power to groom and molest megumi his entire life and nobody in jujutsu society batted an eye". i ship gofushi the way i would ship humbert and dolores, or akio and anthy, or fucking leland and laura, which is to say not at all: all of these are horrible abusive dynamics i like to rotate in my head, and whose "victim" characters i empathize with and dearly love.
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venusasnb · 11 months
just read a tlou au waltjesse fic hello?????? losing it rn btw. i think something shifted
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So you know the 2012 rpf that's going around
"That's why I ran."
The way that is literally waltjesse-it wasnt about the money, it's another Walt controls Jesse
meth as a metaphor for the byproduct of walt and jesse's love
Especially that part where everyone in the office knows but the vp's wife can't know but she somehow already does
"He's my partner."
Jesse knowing his fate and life would be affect by Walter forever
Waltjesse president au anyone?
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bredforloyalty · 2 years
only seen a few rnm episodes but i'm legit shocked that your interpretation is rare, as soon as my friend showed me an episode i was like oh so they're sci fi comedy versions of walt and jesse, got it. also i think all comedies should be analyzed like dramas tbh
this is so funny because of course i drew parallels from the beginning and keep drawing them because i keep coming back to the same fictional relationships in different packaging but at the beginning i was like, it's wild to think that they're similar like that's crazy i should cool it. (← gaslighting myself) (felt especially crazy because well, y'all know how i am about breaking bad) but then even my sister said they're totally like my favorite baldie drug lord and his dogboy, and at this point i think she knew how i am about breaking bad so anyway you could say we've got a waltjesse intergalactic and interdimensional travel au and a waltjesse jazz drumming au 😭
and about "rare", i don't know about rare to be honest, i just see too many stupid interpretations or opinions from casual viewers for whom the emotional stakes are lower i assume so they don't.... think about it as much or go below the surface or bother to remember everything that happened. so their perceptions are different and they pay attention to different things
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party-beetle · 8 months
au where skyler is a fujoshi and TOTALLY ships waltjesse
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heisenpink · 2 years
Do you know if there are any Waltjesse zombie apocalypse AUs?? I would love to read something like that. 😍
Sorry I don't know 😞 maybe someone else on here can help?
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fairysylveon · 3 years
LF rp partner!!
- must be 18+ as I prefer rps with occasional smut
- looking for "problematic" rps, stuff like codependency, abuse, etc etc (extra problematic aus such as twincest/etc are fine, but I will absolutely NOT rp anything where any character is underage)
- ships: jackothy or waltjesse preferred, katarhys or jesse/todd as backups?
like this post if you're interested and I'll DM you, or you can go ahead and dm me if you like!!
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caeruleophile · 2 years
sleepyhead jesse 💖
the idea for this little comic came to my mind when i saw those giant dog beds for human on tiktok. I just thought that jesse may like it?? He's like a human puppy, so why not give him a giant dog bed lololol. I bet it's super comfy and warm.
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caeruleophile · 2 years
not me going further with this shit and creating designs for other rarities of them
SO. We have all rarities AND a pic showing where their gemstones are located
Lets start with the N rarity.
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Stray dog Jesse. Fire, striker.
Family man Walter. Light, support.
The next is R rarity :)
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Naughty student Jesse. Water, striker.
Professor Walter. Wood, saboteur.
SR is the next one 0-0
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50/50 partner Jesse. Fire, striker.
Master chef Walter. Dark, striker.
And you've already seen the SSR one, check my previous posts!!
Well now I'm putting the gemstone location under the cut, uhhh, yeah.
They share the gemstone of one type. The blue crystal. So, Jesse's gem is located on his collar. Walt's is on this hip, where his piercing is. IK it's kinda unusual for him, but i just had no better idea 🫢
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Yep, that's it. That's all i wanted to show you for today.
Do i like this crossover AU? Yes. Do i want to develop it further? You betcha. Do i know BrBa lore? Yeah, funny angst. Do i know NuCarnival lore? Gay sex. Do they fit together? Of course man, believe me, I didn't make this au just to ship waltjesse it's because both things are great 🙄🙄 and they fit very well together 🙄 nono don't go listen i can explain its because of lore you know- wait wait- IT'S DEEP MAN IT HAS SO MUCH MEANING--- NOO DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE 💀
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The urge to write a WaltJesse fantasy AU where Walt turns to dark magic and necromancy to help his mysterious and ever worsening illness and Jesse, in desperation, takes to grave robbing in order to sell of various valuables to survive and Walt blackmails Jesse into helping him retrieve viable corpses grows stronger by the day.
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