#wanderer humor
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2.3k words- wanderer comes with you on a job. things are likely to go up in smoke.
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"this. was such a stupid idea." wanderer hisses from his spot beside you. back pushed against a well-aged stone wall, his hat in his hands since the obscenely round headwear makes hiding behind a wall a very convoluted endeavor.
you, who was standing nearest to the corner of the wall, peaking around it every so often swiveled your chin towards him and brought your finger up to your mouth to harshly shush him.
"i didn't ask for you to come. you invited yourself!" you hiss quietly back at him. the veins in his forehead from your return fire felt like they were around to fry and malfunction.
"no," he rebuttals, "buer insisted." which was... half true.
nahida had caught wind of a very interesting commission posted on behalf of the adventurers' guild on treasure street. something involving old books or scripts and she took a liking to it. 'you already know all of whatever's in those dusty tomes,' he had told her. still, nothing beat recovering the physical wisdom she already had so she could hold it in her small hands and fawn over it... so she claims. that's why he was here in the first place.
going along with whoever decided to take on the job beat out over having to endure her pressing gaze that lit his back on fire. the problem was that you were the one who took the commission.
while he tolerated your presence and didn't dislike you being around or yapping even if he was in a sour mood, when you were working out on the field- even he knew you were a reckless lost cause. did you bring results? yes. but you always found the most ludicrous ways to get there. if he took his eyes off you for a second, who knows what trouble you'd get yourself into.
presently, you and he had successfully snuck into the hideout of which the lost books were rumored to be. an old stone building that once stood as a small manor. the books were rumored to be in the last remaining tower on the east side of the main building; or so says the suspiciously detailed commission. of course, this hideout wasn't without its squatters. treasure hoarders infested the place like worker bees in a hive.
you both had gotten lucky so far. reckless as you are, he was half convinced you'd storm the place, guns blazing and just bull doze yourself all the way through.
as for what was going on around the corner, you were currently listening for the small group of treasure hoarders to pass by; or you would be if your hat wearing companion would stop nagging. shushing him between your teeth once more, you swirl your head away from him. annoyance bit at the back of his neck, still he obliged you by staying silent. one of his feet propped up against the wall behind him as he idled.
the chatter between the men you were both sneaking around faded into a murmur as he watched the back of your head from the corn of his eyes. the adventure's uniform was always tacky to him. apparently you thought so do, if all the changes you've made to yours was anything to go by.
"okay," you whisper. wanderer kicks himself off the wall before placing his hat back on his head with practiced grace. "coast is clear, let's go before someone else comes back around." as you take off around the corner his eyes roll before he's chasing after you.
for all his moaning, the previous nomad had no reason to doubt your skills. you were good as what you did. it was just always more trouble than it's worth sometimes.
with the same tactic of wait, listen, dash and repeat, you both managed to get to the tower and pushed past an old, domed wood door. the spiral of stone steps leading higher into the tower was so visibly unsafe, one wrong step on the wrong piece of rock would send a typical person tumbling all the way back down. of course, if that did happen, wanderer would just latch onto your collar and fly you the rest of the way up by your fabric scruff.
after an annoyingly long trip up in upward circles, you come to another door identical to the one at the bottom. wooden, domed and built with iron latches. twisting the handle and releasing the latch, the door opened, and the scent of dust hit your nose.
you step into the old room that looked like a small library once a upon a time and waved your hand in front of your face to stave off all the dust in the air. you coughed on it as wanderer watched you with crossed arms.
"you're so dramatic," he sassily told you before walking further into the library. a perk of not needing to breath was not caring about dust apparently. your lungs were currently envious of his mechanical innards.
"oh... shu-t up-" you choked, following after him.
the library itself wasn't grand. it was obviously old. cobwebs on the ceilings and in all corners, layers of dust that could easily create a thick quilt if it was all gathered in one place. the room of shelves held so many books draped in peeling covers and age-damage. still, somewhere among them was the books you needed to find.
it took a long time, longer than you wished, and more battles between dust clouds, spiders, and cobwebs that you care to admit, but you had finally found what you were looking for. placing any loose pieces of paper into your satchel on your hip, you take the book and wrap it up in cloth before also tucking it away.
"i think that just about does it." you say, latching your satchel up securely. "let's get out of here before-"
the sound of echoed, rushed footsteps stomping their way up the stairs behind the cracked door of the library interrupted you. spinning around, you faced the door as wanderer clicked his tongue.
"you just had to go and say something dumb."
"why are you blaming me?!" you screech.
"there's someone up here alright!"
one of the owners of the rushing feet shouted. wanderer's glare towards you made you look away quickly with sweat running down your cheek. you were guilty of nothing that he can prove. he stomped over to you and pulled on that cheek, his fingers pinching the flesh as his insides whirled in irritation. "you loudmouth!" through your squinted eyes did you see steam puffing from his mouth?
the cracked door blew open and behind it came rushing in three treasure hoarders. a knife thrower, a burly man with a shovel, and an excentric looking fellow in a red overcoat. 'oh great,' you think.
wanderer releases your cheek as the three men rush in. he grabs your arm and shoves you away from him and kicks starts your legs for you. you duck between the bookshelves as they give chase. the knife throwing man tries his luck, his projectiles lodging into the bookcase just as you find safety behind it. skidding to a swift turn, you counter with your own throwing skills- although with a stray rock on the floor inside of a knife.
a satisfied thunk sounded among the scuffle as the rock struck him on the head and he soon followed it to the floor. he deserves the headache he'll wake up with. your small victory was short as you yelp when the burly man with a shovel swings it and you just barely managed to duck under the woosh of its motion. rolling away from him you run, leading him towards a bookshelf you noticed was unstable earlier. once he was in place, you shoved the shelf with your shoulder, toppling it over the man.
books pelt him before the wooden encasement pins him to the floor. it was just heavy enough to keep him down long enough for an escape. stepping on the fallen shelf, you hear the treasure hoarder groan at your added weight on his back before you were rushing around the library back to the front.
"hey, [wanderer]! we've really gotta go!" you stood still in the library and wonder where the third guy had ran off to. he was the one you were most worried around. the last thing you needed was a molotov being thrown at you. "[wand]-" your second shout was cut off by a blast of wind swishing at your side. once the wind blew past, the sound of shattering glass echoed in the once tidy- but dusty- library. followed by a plume of fire.
"stop shouting! you're just giving yourself away!" you found wanderer at your back the moment you recovered from the sudden burst of air. there was a rumble in the floor caused by his vision as a blast of air sprang up from below the third attacker's feet. it violently burst from below, lifting him off his feet and onto his back.
three knocked down treasure hoarders. nice.
soon, the stairwell begin to fill with more noise. more shouting and stomping just like earlier. as you look over wanderer's shoulder, your voice chokes at the remnants of the flame-fueled molotov he had blasted away from your earlier. this library was the best fire starter in the books! dust, paper, wood. it checks all the boxes. and now you'd have to deal with more treasure hoarders.
"oh, come on!" you groan. wanderer looks behind his shoulder at you. he wonders if you realize that you've grabbed onto his arm or how close your nose was to his cheek at this angle. he clicks his tongue again before looking behind your head.
with his vision against his chest, he lifted his free arm, flinging a slice of air through a small window. the glass shatters, falls outside to the ground and the open air invisibly floods the room. it only adds to fan the flames that were now beginning to eagerly eat anything around it to grow.
moving, and dragging your wrist with him, he jumps up onto a nearby desk just under the now empty window frame.
"don't bite your tongue," he tells you. you look at him like he's nuts before he's shoving you out the window back first. shoving his palms against the front of your shoulders. your arms flail before the view of the library and wanderer, spin and flip to the outside stone of the tower and then the sky. there's a second of skirmishing noise before the sound of wind deafens you.
wanderer is quick to fly out of the window after you. diving down in the air, he swoops his arm under your stomach, securing you to his side. your body folds inwardly due to be stopped at free fall and wanderer takes a full few seconds of levitation before blasting off away from the scene.
"are you crazy?! why did you do that?!" you complain. rightfully so.
"did you want to stay and get burnt to a crisp?!" how he found the audacity to argue with you, you don't know. "we got what we needed anyway!"
"how about a little warning next time?!"
"stop shouting! you'll bite your tongue! don't you listen!"
"I have to shout so you hear me!"
the way he is holding you was backward; your legs were at his front with your arms clutching onto the flapping fabric that dangled on his person. clinging onto him, you watch the tower disappear behind the clearly strategic retreat. observing as smoke begins billowing up in the sky and you wonder if you'd have to include 'the result of the job was a massive fire' in your commission report.
it would break poor nahida's heart to know that so many books were lost to a reckless treasure hoarder who though a fire molotov in an old library was a good idea.
when you finally return to sumeru city and write up your report, your prompt in delivering it to katheryn. you glance over to the puppet who still hadn't dismissed himself back to the sanctuary of surasthana to do his own report back to the dendro archon herself with questioning eyes. was part of his task also to wait until you had submitted a report? what was keeping him?
walking over to his side, you dig the book out of your satchel along with the pieces of loose parchment. you offer them to him.
"do you need to take these back to lesser lord kusanali?" his arms remain crossed along his chest and he makes no move to uncross them to take your items. your chin juts up a fraction as if to tell him 'are you going to take these or?'
without so much as a word, he spins his back towards you. you're about to give him a piece of your mind, when he talks. "give them to her yourself." starting off, he walks further up treasures street, and you were left there flabbergasted. was he going to make you finish this job alone? "are you coming or not?" his voice called from up the slopped roads. he was waiting for you.
'guess he isn't.'
you jog to catch up to him, book clutched to your chest, and he waits until you were beside him to start walking again. just before he moved to open the door to the sanctuary, you stopped him.
"thanks for helping me out earlier." he turned to look at you quizzically. "you know? for deflecting that flaming bottle? it would've sucked if it caught the job items on fire."
"it wasn't a big deal." he turns away again.
"i also appreciate that you didn't let me get hurt."
there was a silence. then, "you're welcome." it was a genuine statement. not a hint of sass. it made you feel pretty proud. "come on." he told you before he's walking inside with you in tow, but not before opening the door for you.
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nahida was pleased at the newfound items she could safely store away after thoroughly studying them. but when you informed her that the rest of the library you ventured to in search of those items went up in smoke? lesser lord kusanali wasn't the happiest archon in teyvat about that.
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a/n: you'll never guess which scene i rly wrote all this for was- also yes i put [wander] in brackets when reader was speaking bc he's obvious named differently, so its more or less a name placeholder lol
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blueteller · 3 months
How Does This Work???
Questioning how godhood and ascension work in the TCF multiverse:
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Like... how does any of this work. HOW.
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auradaparanormal · 24 days
Whilst explaining their evil plan through song to the captured caretaker(s), the Whumper rips the whumpee, broken-spirited and bruised, from their cell and forces them to dance with the Whumper, perhaps stepping on their feet, bending a limb too far, or bashing the whumpee's head into a wall as the caretaker(s) are/is forced to watch. Maybe the Whumpee has been taught this dance already, or they're dragged along on a whim and trying not to slip up in fear of punishment?
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fatherentropy · 2 years
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Restarted by playthrough of Oblivion because it’s been three years and I don’t remember wtf I was doing and mostly I just wanted to doodle Martin to practice how to draw his face
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monarchetype · 6 months
Clive in Eorzea
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...except something's not quite right. Also, the FF14ers speak like they're from FF16, and Clive sounds like he's from Eorzea...
Part 0
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browsethestacks · 1 year
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Original Art - Groo The Wanderer #08 Cover (1985) by Sergio Aragonés
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s1mpactafterhours · 2 years
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Sure... let's just pretend that's what you actually meant 👀
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thekalpar · 15 days
Another show my spouse and I are watching is Rings of Power, which I'm just enjoying as "officially sanctioned fanfiction". (And maybe that's okay, but that's a separate post) ANYWAY so the Strangers (the guy who we can all tell is Gandalf even if they won't say it) is walking with Poppy and Nori his Harfoot friends and there's this really wonderful scene where they're talking about names and the Stranger says this really powerful thing.
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Absolutely beautiful moment in tv, and a message that has definitely resonated with all of the trans folx that I know.
The Stranger is Gandalf. All of us Tolkein nerds who sat down and read the Silmarilion and are obsessing over the lore details they've incorporated into this show know this guy is Gandalf. And here's the thing about Gandalf.
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hitomisuzuya · 2 years
How about a funny scenario where the Traveler is looking for the Wanderer in the Serenitea Pot only to find him making out with reader behind some bushes or something? (Yes, Traveler invited Wanderer and Reader to stay for a while)
Lumine and Paimon discovering the reader and Wanderer making out in her teapot. SFW. Lighthearted humor. Can be read as Aether if you prefer.
Wanderer x reader. Kissing.
"Y/nnnnnnnnn! Wandeeerrrerrr!" You could hear Paimon calling out in a chirp.
Your lips were locked with the Wanderer's in a heated kiss. You tapped on his shoulder, and tried to (reluctantly) pull away. Wanderer shook his head, grasping your chin and pulling you closer.
Lumine had invited to both of you to come stay in her teapot, insisting that you both relax and do whatever you like during your stay. You often did the same for her.
And that's exactly what you and Wanderer were doing.
He was going to kiss you when he wanted, whether it be behind some bushes or out in public. Your lips were his kiss, damn it. Kissing provided him with intimacy that he enjoyed.
Lumine wasn't surprised in the slightest at what you were up to. The urgency with which he was kissing you, however, almost made her drop the tray of food and tea she'd made for everyone. Nahida is going to be happy when she hears about this, she thought with a smile.
"Heeyyyyy, what is going on? Did they get so hungry that they decided to eat each other's faces instead?" Paimon asked curiously. Lumine simply told her that she would explain things later on to her.
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I mean, another great argument for keeping your cats indoors is so they don't get eaten by working line giraffes whose high prey drive hasn't been sufficiently channeled into their occupational routine.
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allthecastlesonclouds · 7 months
y'all go listen to friends are dead by dresses and think about kristen applebees. for me. just once. please.
i did it all wrong, i could've been such a better man but i am backwards
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wanderdreamer · 10 months
i would just like to say that staying for the credits of a film is not inherently a “marvel” thing to do. i stay for the credits for every movie i see for two reasons: 1. to actually give credit to all the people who poured their blood and soul into this piece of art, not just the big names, and 2. because they usually play a pretty piece of music over it that i quite enjoy listening to. i would also like to go back to my initial point and say that marvel was clearly not the first to have mid or post-credits scenes, despite their efforts and those of their fans to imagine otherwise. pirates of the caribbean has taught me that since 2003, so I will gladly be over here supporting elizabeth reuniting with will rather than seeing a two second clip that’s required viewing to understand the next 20 films that marvel puts out, thank you very much.
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blueteller · 1 year
Choi Han is a Pokemon, Confirmed
Not only did Choi Han evolve – he evolved three times:
changing his aura from Despair type to Despair/Hope type (classic Pokemon evolution, really)
learning the Black Yong (learning a new move! Another classic!!)
[Spoiler Alert] developing his own type of Dominating Aura in Part 2
THREE. TIMES. See?! Just like a starter Pokemon! And Cale got him right at the beginning! 😂
Conclusion? Choi Han is officially Cale's Pokemon now 🤣🤣🤣
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cloudydayjoy · 1 year
Weird little wheezing laugh
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firegiftlouis · 1 year
I need people to understand that when I say that Louis is female coded that’s a big fucking deal since I resisted calling male characters “female coded” for a very fucking long time, not least of all because the first time I saw that in fandom people were calling Kylo Ren “female coded” 🤢 so understandably it took Louis “officially diagnosed with hysteria because he’s depressed and reads to many books but damn if he isn’t Pretty™️” De Pointe Du Lac to finally use that phrase.
Only for him tho, no other male character I know of have suffered the way Louis has to earn the female coding privileges 💕
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monarchetype · 5 months
Clive in Eorzea, Part 0
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The saga continues here.
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