#wangji refuses to be written
wangxianficrecs · 1 month
💙 Am I (Gusu Lan Cultivator, 24 M) the Asshole? by moonwaif
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💙 Am I (Gusu Lan Cultivator, 24 M) the Asshole?
by moonwaif (@moonwaif)
M, 41k, Wangxian
Summary: After learning that his roommate and BFF Wei Wuxian is gay, Lan Wangji vows to be a supportive ally. Then one day, Wei Wuxian brings home another man. [Inspired by that one AITA subreddit story.] Kay's comments: AH! This story really is the epitome of one of my favourite tropes: oblivious Lan Wangji! It's so well-written and I love the misunderstandings so much and Lan Wangji's unintentional dickishness, because he doesn't realize that he's crushing hard on Wei Wuxian. He gets sooo jealous of Wen Ning, it's such a joy to read. Excerpt: The first thing he sees is, thankfully, Wei Wuxian. He’s lying on the couch, flat on his stomach and moaning while another man massages his back. Lan Wangji doesn’t breathe. “Mn, Lan Zhan.” Wei Wuxian stirs, head turning slightly in the direction of the door, his eyes remaining closed. “That you?” Lan Wangji doesn’t answer. The other man—the one who is seated on top of Wei Wuxian, straddling his hips—withers under Lan Wangji’s glare, but he doesn’t stop massaging. “Oh, sorry.” Wei Wuxian laughs breezily. “This is, ah—Wen Qionglin. Wen Ning, this is Lan Wangji.” Wen Qionglin ducks his head. “P-pleased to meet you.” Lan Wangji refuses to look at him. “What are you doing?” he grits out, teeth clenched. “Night hunt,” Wei Wuxian grunts. “Threw out my back. Ugh, yeah, Wen Ning, right there . . .” Wen Qionglin digs his thumbs deeply into Wei Wuxian’s lower back, while Wei Wuxian makes some more lewd noises. Lan Wangji has the sudden impulse to grab them and throw them both off the couch. Instead he stomps off to his room, tosses his duffle bag on the bed and starts to unpack. Aggressively. Is this why Wei Wuxian didn’t text Lan Wangji, because he was busy fooling around with Wen Qionglin?
pov lan wangji, modern setting, modern with magic, roommates, oblivious lan wangji, friends to lovers, misunderstandings, miscommunication, jealous lan wangji, jealous wei wuxian, implied/referenced homophobia, lan wangji has friends, angst with a happy ending, feelings realization, hurt wei wuxian, emotional hurt/comfort, coming out
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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Wangxian AU:
Odysseus & Penelope (The Odyssey)
Wei Wuxian as Odysseus, fighting to get back home and Lan Wangji as Penelope beating back the suitors.
Lan Wangji refusing to take anyone but Wei Wuxian is very Penelope.
Odysseus literally takes a trip to the underworld and we'll, Wei Wuxian f-ing dies that one time so
Also Wei Wuxian being smart and insightful, a natural leader is very similar to Odysseus.
Also, A-Yuan as Telemachus (Penelope and Odysseus' son for those not in the know) is perfect because in the odyssey Odysseus leaves him when he's a baby to go to war which is pretty similar to Wei Wuxian tucking him in that tree
Penelope raises Telemachus by herself just like Lan Wangji raises A-Yuan.
Anyway if anyone writes or has written something like this PLEASE let me know
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rayan12sworld · 4 months
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💙The White Lotus of Yunmeng
Born blind but able to see qi and the future, can Wei Ying change things before too much life is lost?
How can I read what’s written on the Wall of Discipline when I can’t see?” Lan Wangji’s mind froze. Golden eyes zoning in onto the eyes of the disciple, that’s when he saw it. As mesmerizing as the disciple’s silver eyes were, there was a haziness about them that refused to absorb the light of the moon. How could this captivating disciple cultivate when he couldn’t see ?
Wei Ying looked up at him, giving him a clear view of his tear-stained face and hazy silver eyes. The boy gasped. “Your qi is so pretty! It’s such a pretty shade of blue, just like that snow fairy!” Lan Wangji was shocked. Wei Wuxian could see qi? Maybe that’s why he’s able to navigate and tell people apart… “Snow fairy?” He asked, somewhat amused. Wei Ying nodded his head vigorously. “Before Uncle Jiang found me, I was living on the streets in Yiling. One snowy day, I was making straw dolls to represent me and my mom and dad, when this snow fairy came up in front of me and gave me his toy paddle drum. That was the only time I wished I could see properly. He must have been really pretty!” “I see,” was all Lan Wangji could say. Would wonders never cease? He finally found the boy he gave his toy to. When he came back to that same spot with his brother and uncle in tow, the boy was gone, leaving the straw dolls behind. They didn’t believe him about the boy, but before they left, he had hidden the straw dolls in his sleeve. He still had them hidden away in his quarters. What puzzled him was that the boy he met back then did not white hair…[2] The quiet was broken by the sound of a xiao. He recognized the song. “Wei Ying,” he said, looking down at the boy in his arms. “I want you to close your eyes and slowly count to ten. When you reach ten, I want you to open them, and I promise that you will be somewhere safe. Can you do that for me?” “Mn,” Wei Ying nodded his head. “Good boy,” he said, leaning down to kiss his forehead. The boy smiled brightly at him, cheeks flushed, and that smile sent butterflies fluttering in his stomach. He wanted to kiss him again, only not on the forehead…he held himself back, wanting to think over this feeling.
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@wonderlandwondering here is the ficlet inspired by your prompt! Thank you!
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Lan Qiren hadn't expected Wei Wuxian to be the first person visiting him so early in the morning - but then again, he's given up trying to make sense of the man long ago, so he receives him without further comment. He looks a lot more like himself now, and a lot less like Mo Xuanyu - which makes him, in turn, more similar to his mother.
Lan Qiren doesn't like thinking about her.
"Teacher Lan, I have a request for you." Wei Wuxian begins, and Lan Qiren is once again surprised by the serious tone in Wei Wuxian's voice.
"What is it?"
"Do you have any of my mother's belongings? Even just homework or essays she's written..."
Lan Qiren closes his eyes and takes a deep breath in. "What brought this on?"
"I've been... thinking about her recently..." His hands wring together slightly in his lap. "Lan Zhan and I want to adopt a little one to raise together and that's been making me think a lot about my parents... I don't even know my mother's actual name..."
Lan Qiren closes the notebook he has been writing in, and places his brush down before standing up to go to the furthest side of his office, opening a drawer.
"Your mother's name was Ren Xinyi." He takes out a thick stack of papers and returns to hand them to Wei Wuxian. He gazes upon them, upon his mother's delicate, elegant calligraphy, and skims through what appears to be an exam paper. Her writing is articulate and her points are well-argued, betraying a vast knowledge of cultivation practices.
Reading her paper feels a lot like her speaking to him across time and space and death. His hands tremble holding the papers.
"You used to be a lot like her. You are a lot like her."
"No wonder you never liked me." Wei Wuxian chuckles, with a slight edge of bitterness. Lan Qiren refuses to acknowledge how unfair he has been to do that - openly, at least. Though he cannot lie to others, the rules do not forbid him lying to himself.
"Your mother was a very bright student and a powerful cultivator. She was highly sought after, but her affections had clearly fallen on your father from the first day they met." A lot like you and Wangji, he doesn't say, but Wei Wuxian hears it anyway.
"She wrote the rules twice as much as you did, I personally saw to that. She would talk a lot, so I'd try to silence her, but she figured out a way to break the spell..." an embarrassed sigh, "...and would cast it on me instead."
Wei Wuxian laughs again, the image in his mind hilarious. While he can picture his mom as a young person somewhat, he can't imagine Lan Qiren young, and so his mind conjures the current Lan Qiren struggling to break the silencing spell, scandalized and frustrated.
"She also traded pornography in the Cloud Recesses. This is how she and your father met, actually. I personally caught him purchasing a picture book from her, an original work of all things!"
Wei Wuxian finds this both amusing and embarrassing. To think of his parents reading such things...! But then again, at least he knows who he got it from!
"She brought a duck to the Cloud Recesses once and tied a forehead ribbon around it. Called it Lan Quackren. All because she believed me unfair for punishing her for sneaking off with your father in the library."
Like you and Wangji do, he again doesn't say, but Wei Wuxian knows that's what he meant.
Wei Wuxian looks through the papers, and his eyes catch onto - "A portrait?"
Lan Qiren sighs, this time neither embarrassed, nor angry. Rather, it's more akin to sorrowful.
"Your mother could befriend anybody, no matter how closed off they were. I don't know how, but she also befriended Madam Lan. One day, when your mother and your father decided to leave the Cloud Recesses, Madam Lan had me bring her this portrait as a gift. She left before I could catch her, so I kept the portrait to give her if she ever returned. This is what your mother looked like."
Wei Wuxian takes in the details of the picture with tearful eyes. A woman smiles sweetly at him, long, dark hair cascading down her back and shoulders, a small headpiece holding some of it away from her youthful face.
She has simple robes on, and eyes that look just like Wei Wuxian's own, so kind as she smiles that it's unmistakable it's her. Wei Wuxian faintly remembers that, the warmth in her eyes when she would look at him.
His eyes catch onto some faint writing that appears on the back of the portrait and turns the paper around.
Please receive this gift to immortalize the day you found out you'll be bringing a little one into the world. I wish you an easy pregnancy and a healthy baby!
Wei Wuxian bursts into tears before he can stop it.
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mxtxfanatic · 2 months
(Please tell me if I am bothering you with my anons, I promise I'll stop, I just really need to rant to someone who understands T^T)
They came onto my post and started being wrong, at this point it's a matter of pride! (Tho I am this close to just doing that, if they keep saying things so factually wrong T^T)
Thanks for the answer, it really helped! We have since then moved on to debate whether WWX's cultivation harmed and impacted him and how he couldn't control it because of it.
(I disagree, personally, as that is what the public is trying to claim without even understanding how WWX's ghost path works, or how any form of cultivation works. I am of the mind that nobody can use any kind of cultivation safely and in a controlled manner while being pushed to the brink as often as WWX was during that period of his life.)
Frankly, it is pretty entertaining, tho I can't say it's a riveting conversation either. Their answer to me saying that the title of the novel was a dig to WWX's cultivation path that actually subvert the trope of demonic cultivation in xianxia novels was : "No, it is because of how he had good intentions and tried to protect everyone by using bad means to achieve goodness,tho in the end, he did more bad things than good ones." And I am just sitting there, losing braincells, wondering what the heck they are talking about.
Still better than the "Both LWJ and JC spent years looking for WWX's soul after his death, LWJ literally played music everyday to call his soul to him 🙄" thing. Why do I see this so often? Like, did it happen in the book? Am I losing my mind? Genuine question here, I feel like I am losing my mind T^T.
I think that particular fanon originated from a popular fandom blogger—and is usually paired with the headcanon that Lan Wangji only went where the chaos was to “chase Wei Wuxian’s spirit”—but I think I also heard it might have been written into some of the adaptations? (Idk about that second one because I’ve only ever completed the book.) Lan Wangji is said to have “gone where the chaos is” during the war, hence his title being given then, and the Lotus Pod Seeds extra seems to imply that this behavior was inspired by his first solo journey out of The Cloud Recesses to pursue lotus pod seeds upon Wei Wuxian’s suggestion during The Cloud Recesses arc. Nowhere in the book does it say that Lan Wangji played music to calm or call Wei Wuxian’s soul. The only place in the novel where it is ever mentioned that music was played in an attempt to call forth his soul is when the sects gathered together after the first siege of the Burial Mounds and were unsuccessful in their attempt. Lan Wangji was not present for this.
As for whether Wei Wuxian’s cultivation physically harms him or not: if the ghost path was harmful to the body, then 1) Lan Wangji would reject its use and 2) Wei Wuxian would limit his use of it and refuse to showcase it to others. For the first part: while Lan Wangji had many objections to the use of the ghost path during the war, he curbs those objections at the end of Wei Wuxian’s first life and actively supports his usage of it through actions in Wei Wuxian’s second life. For the second part: Wei Wuxian uses the ghost path in his second life throughout the entire main story and continuing into the extras. He completely forgoes using a sword as his main weapon of choice. He even displays his techniques to the juniors and explains how they work, but he begins to curb some of his usage with them to give them a chance to solve nighthunts on their own instead of relying on him to solve issues for them.
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liulans · 8 months
— devotum / wangxian one-shot au 🔞
rating: E / w/c: 3.9k
top!wwx/bottom!lwj 🥰
ao3: archiveofourown.org/works/51203923
easy read thread below (please be aware that this is p much just smut hhhh) ⬇️
Resentful energy is a fickle, fickle thing.
Wei Wuxian has it controlled, or so he says, down to a tee, and Lan Wangji— all he can do is trust. To love unconditionally, the way he always has, and offer up everything he has to give. To take on the burden, however he can.
Sometimes, that means giving Wei Wuxian a place to rest, behind a glacial wall of yang, diligently written to protect him with his life. Lan Wangji has adapted to this routine well enough; learned to stifle a lifetime's worth of orthodoxy and order. He's learned that the wicked ways are not necessarily wicked in intent.
'Come back to Gusu with me,' Lan Wangji had said, a few weeks ago now. A few weeks in shared solitude that have flown by. 'Resentful energy will harm you.' And he'd had to compromise, as long as he could keep Wei Wuxian safe, away from the sharp blades of the land's greatest clans.
But Wei Wuxian has killed people, cultivators, in their thousands, in the heart of the darkness of his own making. And yet, here he is, tucked far away in hiding, rattled awake by the mercilessness of his darkest nightmares. Lan Wangji has needed to adjust to this, too, because standing by Wei Wuxian's side makes him an accomplice by proxy. And that much is fine. It is fine. But he is not immortal.
Neither is Wei Wuxian. He carries himself like a trailblazer, granted — staunch, upright, indignant. Only here, for their eyes only, does the fear begin to trickle through the cracks.
Sometimes, Wei Wuxian craves. He craves validation and closeness. He asks to be soothed; to be spoken to, just like old times. Lan Wangji will not revert back to old times; he won't arbitrate Wei Wuxian's choices.
He won't back away. Not again.
Sometimes, Wei Wuxian refuses to curl up come night time, alone and cold against the rocks. He'd refused Lan Wangji's offer to take the hard ground, because of course he had. He is good. So good. There, he'd always wake up wrapped up in Lan Wangji's robes, still smattered with blood, red on white. And he'd always come up with some excuse—something about how he must have gotten cold and grabbed the closest thing.
Lan Wangji was always the one tucking him in, trying to keep him warm from the cruel cold of the world.
Most nights these days, he winds up curled up in the blankets, atop the bale of hay Lan Wangji had bartered for in a nearby village with the few coins left to his name, under the disguise of a dark grey cloak and a red rope belt. Not at all subtle; knowingly rumoured as a 'disciple of the feared Yiling Laozu'. In bed under their shared blanket, Wei Wuxian always ends up trembling next to him, clutching tight and begging for the voices to stop. It is unwavering, unrelenting with each passing rise and fall of the moon. His eyes have long grown dark, his hair disorderly, and his blood red ribbon askew where it hangs against his back.
Lan Wangji's mind is a mere shell of what it once was, his heart taking precedence here. And his heart is sombre; his resolve, diminished.
Sometimes, Wei Wuxian shakes, red raw with an itch for something more; all that resentful energy, and nowhere to put it. Spiritual yang pointed directly into the meridians does wonders for soothing that itch, much like an aloe balm, but even Lan Wangji grows tired sometimes. He has enough spiritual energy for the both of them, but the price he pays for that is doubled. And the yin will always come flooding back. Such is the natural order of things.
That is how they had wound up toppling into bed together, a tangle of limbs and a desperate mess of reassuring kisses, that first time. Lan Wangji can put up a good fight, can school himself into something almost as unremitting as he once was, equally stubborn as he is devoted, but for this— he's weak for this. His devotion to Wei Wuxian is unbreakable, it might as well be written in stone.
"The righteous, perfect Hanguang Jun. Hanguang Jun, the most peerless man in all of these lands," Wei Wuxian says, courtesy dripping like sweet poison from his tongue. Somewhere beneath the darkness of his red-rimmed eyes is that same arrogance, that same integrity he'd thrived with when they were teens. "Lan Wangji, you do things to me. Terrible, amazing things. Do you even know? Do you know?"
Lan Wangji knows. He knows well. And he takes it, obliged and without complaint, because he feels it, too. He feels cruel for it, stealing like this, but resentful energy is a fickle, fickle thing, and Lan Wangji is not selfless. Not at all.
He's sprawled out, his robes drawn open and splayed out around his sides. The hay bale is scratchy against his back, and his thighs are trembling, muscles pulling taut, following the path of Wei Wuxian's deft fingers. He's hard, his cock straining on end against his stomach. There's a thick plume of black hanging in the air around them, there are whispers of the undead, telling Lan Wangji to take and take and take and take.
'Selfish', 'dishonourable', 'greedy Lan Wangji'.
Wei Wuxian is kneeling against the folded edge of Lan Wangji's outer robe, chaos against order. His eyes are wild, his face frantic. He claws at Lan Wangji like he can't possibly touch him enough — kisses him like he can't believe he's there. And yet.
"I," Lan Wangji breathes, cupping the back of Wei Wuxian's hand, pressing it to the hot curve of his pelvis. Wei Wuxian allows it. He always does. "I wish for you to show me. Wei Ying."
Somewhere along the way, they'd gotten hooked. Somewhere before that, Wei Wuxian had begun to look at him a certain way. He'd allowed Lan Wangji to kiss him back to sleep, to pick out the knots in his hair. He never retreated whenever Lan Wangji had allowed himself the audacity to lay bare like this.
"You're too good," says Wei Wuxian, right as he gropes over the thick line of Lan Wangji’s cock. His fingers are gentle, but purposeful. Ghosting, but diligent. Ever full of contradictions.
Lan Wangji doesn't think he's particularly very good. He knows what he's doing here, what he's allowing in Wei Wuxian's moment of need. But he makes a low sound in the back of his throat, thighs spread wide. When he catches himself in the reflection of Wei Wuxian's eyes, he looks devilish there.
"I can see it in your face, Lan Zhan. You don't see yourself the way I do. You gonna be good for me? You gonna let me do all these terrible things to you again?" He lowers his voice, free hand reaching up, a testing finger dipping beneath Lan Wangji's forehead ribbon. "You always let me. You must really fear me, hm?"
No, Lan Wangji wants to say. It's a test, and they both know it – they've endured too much together for this to mean nothing to either of them, surely. But instead, he holds Wei Wuxian's hand flush against his groin, and allows himself the opportunity to grind his hips, painstakingly slow against the palm of a cold hand.
Wei Wuxian has been edging him on and off for the better part of the afternoon, his itch for it utterly unbearable. It had begun careless and casual, right up until that black fog began to swarm. Lan Wangji, out of sheer habit, had voluntarily laid himself across the makeshift bed and had opened himself up, three fingers deep and completely devoid of shame, in Wei Wuxian's line of sight.
"I want you," he says instead. He says that a lot recently, because it quells his own urge to say something far less inconspicuous. Wei Wuxian allows his hand to be coaxed downwards, where the slick of remedial salve is still warm between his thighs, precisely where he's open and eager. "You know that. Wei Ying."
"You wanna come, hm? You wanna come that bad? You did all the hard work for me, you could've finished yourself off, you know. I couldn't have stopped you. I couldn't even stop my Hanguang Jun from following me into the dark."
"You first," Lan Wangji says stiffly, pausing their hands there. Wei Wuxian is hard beneath his inner robe—Lan Wangji can see the outline of his cock twitching helplessly through delicate silk, the smear of precome, dark against red. It's stark, but overshadowed by a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. "Wei Ying first. As many times as he needs."
Distantly, in the depth of this barren cave, he can feel the pang of turmoil of his own. The hush whispers of the undead reminding him that the two of them could raise hell together, like this. That they could lose control together, if they so wanted. That if he keeps this up, they both just might. It would be an honourable death, Lan Wangji pacifies himself: to die for the man he loves.
"See? Too good." Absent-mindedly, Wei Wuxian strokes the tips of his fingers over Lan Wangji's hole, allowing his forefinger and middle finger to slip inside, testing. Teasing. Lan Wangji's eyes flutter shut. "What would your clan think, Lan Zhan. That I've ruined you, too? You know I have a hard time resisting you. You know that, don't you?"
"Mn," Lan Zhan says, because he does know. He knows. He knows that the moment he cracks, Wei Wuxian will be ruthless, wound-up and unable to stop. He'll break it up with soft kisses, warm enough to shatter the coldest hearts, and Lan Zhan will, in fact, be left truly ruined.
He'll also find himself host to any stray remnants of that resentful energy. Whatever Wei Wuxian gives. It'll weave itself around his qi, rattling him to his core, and the weight on Wei Wuxian's shoulder will be - unbeknownst to him - a little easier to bear for a while.
"And if you ever decide to leave me," he continues, slipping his hand into his inner robe and allowing it to part free. Lan Wangji blinks up at the sound of fabric pooling upon the ground, and those nefarious whispers grow loud again. He's wanted this for so long. He has it now - once in a blue moon. He knows the taste of Wei Wuxian's mouth, his cock— the way it curves, and the way it fits just right. "At least I can exist, knowing I've seen you like this. I can be happy, knowing that the crooked Yiling Laozu was good enough to have had Hanguang Jun for at least a little while. That in spite of your few words, I've heard you, like— this."
Before Lan Wangji has the opportunity to get a word in edgeways, to foolishly give away the deepest corners of his heart, Wei Wuxian fucks into him in one swift thrust. Lan Wangji growls, the air stolen from his lungs.
It doesn't take much to work up into a rhythm, brutal as it is. They know each other well enough by now. It goes like this: Lan Wangji knocking his head back, gritting his teeth through the pleasure, thrumming with the pain. He can ignore the resentful energy a little bit better like this, even while Wei Wuxian is desperately grinding it back into him.
Lan Wangji's core is strong enough to take it. It will have to be.
"Gods, Lan Zhan," Wei Wuxian babbles—he always does. And Lan Wangji hangs onto his every word. "You feel so fucking good. Fuck. You're good for me, hm? Just for me?"
Lan Wangji will always lose himself to it, giving in to sensation. The dark energy has him by the throat, but Wei Wuxian looks at him with such wonder, light behind those tired eyes. "Yes—just. Ah, just for Wei Ying."
"Tell me," Wei Wuxian says, punctuating it with a particularly hard thrust that jostles him. It scatters the hay underneath them, the weight of them sinking into it. The ground is cold beneath, but Lan Wangji is coated in a warm sheen of sweat, and if he's scraped or grazed— well, he will not notice. "Tell me, who you are, who I am."
Lan Wangji recognises this, too. He's come to expect it — the unrestrained, unrelenting descent into all that dark energy. It's routine by now, and who is Lan Wangji if he isn't living to please and serve? "I am— your Hanguang Jun," he says, throwing a leg around Wei Wuxian's waist. He's practically delirious with it. "I belong only to you, Yiling Laozu."
"Fuck, Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan, you do. Turn, turn over— Actually, no wait, I want to look at you."
Lan Wangji is delirious with this too. It's simple for them to fall in and out of these meticulously crafted characters they've accepted for themselves. Every time, however, the Wei Wuxian he's always known will sneak back in, and Lan Wangji has to ignore the twinge of guilt that he's taking advantage of his vulnerability here.
So he flips them, strong like steel, if a little shaky, and kisses Wei Wuxian down to the floor, deep and feverish. These stolen kisses each have little messages. This one means 'I am ever devoted to you'. Maybe also 'I will never leave your side', if he's feeling bold enough. Lan Wangji's hand acts as a cushion between Wei Wuxian's head and the ground, his hips working into a shameless grind, a frantic back and forth.
"Wei Ying." He bites, a secret swell of pride for leaving behind his mark - a claim in the form of lips bitten red. "Yiling Laozu, use me."
This is the part where Wei Wuxian will grasp onto his hips, and have his merry way, but he's staring up at Lan Wangji, something fierce. His gaze is scattered, skirting over the lines of Lan Wangji's body, the way his cock bounces so brazenly between them, untouched and throbbing with desire.
Lan Wangji won't come untouched. Not unless Wei Wuxian does first.
"Yes," Wei Wuxian's voice is low, dark. Lan Wangji knows when he's inching closer. He knows that face so well now, after all these years. He knows when he's happy, when he's frantic. And now, he can add pleasure to that list. "Yes, Hanguang Jun. I won't—I won't let you go," he says, between sharp inhales. "I'll—I'll keep you here. Everyone else— they can say that I've got - fuck - a pretty little plaything."
Well, that one goes straight to Lan Wangji's cock. His hips falter, stuttering on a harsh thrust up. Wei Wuxian knows—he always knows how to do him well.
"Little do they know," he continues, mouth pressed against Lan Wangji's shoulder. His breath is hot, his body wracked over with uncontrollable trembles. "Little do they know, you ask for it. My pretty little plaything likes this too—a-ah, Lan Zhan, I'm— fuck. I'm gonna—"
"Fill me." Lan Wangji is slack, and the Yiling Laozu takes him; grabs at his hips, his feet planted firmly against the ground, and fucks him. "Wei Ying, do it—"
When Wei Wuxian comes, Lan Wangji feels everything. Everything, all at once, like a thunderclap echoing in the silent sky. And Lan Wangji sinks his weight into it, working them through it until Wei Wuxian is writhing and breathless.
He does not move after, sated and filled to the brim, his hips bleeding red with the scratches.
And when Wei Wuxian sinks back, slack against the ground, writhing with it— when Lan Wangji sways forward to kiss him, there's nothing but sheer care there. Lan Wangji kisses, and kisses, in spite of the throbbing ache between his thighs, his hips moving idly - disjointed back and forths. He can feel all that resentful energy swirling around inside him, and he takes it all without complaint.
His eyes must darken with it, because Wei Wuxian is staring at him, scrutinising him closely, as though he's searching for something.
If he notices anything this time, he isn't given the opportunity to voice it. He's always insatiable like this, Lan Wangji knows it well enough. And so he moves, batting Wei Wuxian's hand away where it's crawling up towards his neglected cock.
"No," he says, and he doesn't miss the wild fervour in Wei Wuxian's face. "As many times as Wei Ying needs. However he needs it."
"Aiyo, Lan Zhan." There are hands clutching at Lan Wangji's waist, grounding him from the swell of devious voices threatening to break him down. Lan Wangji vaguely wonders if Wei Wuxian knows what he's doing here, the scope of the consequences. "You can't say things like that. I'm greedy enough already."
"Be greedy."
It all becomes a messily orchestrated scramble. Lan Wangji moves, unfortunately, just to rearrange himself. His knees pressed flush against unforgiving rock, his hands firmly rooted in place; his spine curved and his ass presented shamelessly.
Wei Wuxian is impervious to do anything but take.
And take, he does.
The second time is all heat, fiery passion. Filthy, in the way the slick of passion-fueled spend is fucked right back into him. Wei Wuxian's cock fills out again without much effort on his part, and Lan Wangji greedily takes the brunt of it. That thick plume of black is orbiting his hands where they're planted firmly against the ground, tearing away the inner resolve Lan Wangji has meticulously built for himself over the years. Years of meditation, fruitless, broken down by fleeting moments like these.
"Do not treat me like glass," he hisses, when he feels Wei Wuxian's hips falter. "I will not break."
"You won't break," Wei Wuxian repeats, one hand holding on to Lan Wangji's hip, the other curled into his hair, their parted lips lingering, phantom touches in midair. "Lan er gege, who knew, hm? Fuck—you feel so good. Who knew you'd be like this."
I am utterly devoted to you, Lan Wangji could say, but doesn't. Instead, he's a vessel for all of those resentful whispers, muffled out by the obscene sound of heavy breathing and skin against skin. "You know." He says instead, his abdomen pulled taut in effort to keep himself upright. "You know this. Only you will know."
"Don't worry." Wei Wuxian bites down on Lan Wangji’s bottom lip, pulling it between his teeth, and Lan Wangji nearly collapses right there. "I— I'm not sharing this. Not while I have it."
Lan Wangji, despite himself, meets Wei Wuxian's thrusts. He must look shameless right now, spread open, his knees scuffed and bruising. He's selfish, he realises. He voices it, his self-control a guqin string pulled too taut, snapping easily with a low ping. "Yours," he grits. "Yours. Steal me. Use me. Wei Ying."
"Yeah," Wei Wuxian agrees, voice more breath than sound. He leans down and sinks his teeth into Lan Wangji's shoulder, piercing skin, muffling his grunts of effort. "Yeah, mine."
When Wei Wuxian comes again, it's with a half-stifled shout, red light shooting into the tunnel of the cave before fading dark. His body is wracked over with uncontrollable shakes, and Lan Wangji is deaf to anything but the two of them, the resentful spirits acting as witness.
You'd kill anyone for him, wouldn't you? You'd murder them in cold blood. You are powerful, you could wipe out entire sects.
Lan Wangji breathes out, shuddering with it. Wei Wuxian is whimpering, mouthing wetly against Lan Wangji's shoulder, their bodies flush, every inch attached.
"Please," he says. He doesn't even know what he's pleading for, really. His body is spent, his mind fogged over. "Wei Ying, please."
"I've got you," Wei Wuxian soothes, presses it into the crook of Lan Wangji’s neck. Lan Wangji twists to meet his lips, messy and not at all lacking in saliva, and even that is a plea. "I've got you, my dearest."
The way Wei Wuxian handles him is too careful — too, too kind. He treats him as though Lan Wangji is something precious, and there's something unspoken there. He lowers Lan Wangji down, back against the ground, against the smatterings of hay. Lan Wangji is vaguely aware that they're sleeping on the ground tonight; distantly reminds himself that he will need to return to the village tomorrow. But that will be tomorrow's problem.
Wei Wuxian manoeuvres Lan Wangji's legs, kisses a stripe along the sensitive skin of his inner thigh. He rests his cheek there, then, gaze full of wonder as he curls his fingers around the girth of Lan Wangji's cock.
"Next time," he says, lazily stroking. Lan Wangji's balls are pulled taut, and he's so, so sensitive. Wei Wuxian smiles, and this time, his eyes scrunch up into delighted little crescents with it. "I want you to do me, like I do you. You're such a mess, Lan Zhan. You're so beautiful. I want to know what it feels like."
All Lan Wangji can do, really, is groan in response. His autonomy - his well trained control over his body - is completely shattered. He twitches, and reaches out, fingers slipping into Wei Wuxian's free hand, his heart thumping away frantically in his chest.
He would—he would kill anybody for him. He would do it all. Wei Wuxian could ask him to tear out his heart and present it to him on a golden platter; he could ask Lan Wangji to set the world ablaze, to give them a space to tangle up together, perched upon a bloody throne. He would.
The rise before the fall is beautiful. It doesn't take much for him, not with those fingers playing him like an instrument, drawing music from him, before Lan Wangji is swearing out into the open, desensitised to the swirls of black engulfing the air around them. He falls with a husky gasp, Wei Ying's name hanging heavy in the air, thick ropes of come spread across his stomach, coating Wei Wuxian's hand.
"Fuck," says Wei Wuxian, kissing the jut of Lan Wangji's hipbone, his ribs, the divet of his chest. "I can't get over it, you like this. You always gave me the cold shoulder, and now you're hiding me away, turning yourself into something that could actually be mine if—." The unspoken 'if I was truly good enough' is deafening. He's said it before. The war had left him a wanted man, told of his crimes from every which direction. So undoubtedly, he'll say it again.
Lan Wangji is buzzing. He'll tell him someday. Correct him. Tell him about everything, perhaps, if his resolve should crumble further. Maybe he will set the world on fire for him. He wonders absently if that would be enough.
"Lan Zhan." Wei Wuxian is crawling upwards now, ready to collapse sloppily across Lan Wangji's chest. They never did the whole cuddling after sex thing until just recently. Whether it was too real for them, too much back then, the two of them seem to be toeing a dangerous line now; stolen glances that last too long, and mouths finding one another in the night.
His eyes seem to find something in Lan Wangji, seem to recognise something there, and he manages to squeeze in a soft kiss before his body gives out. "You're good, you are so good. I— thank you. Are you okay? Want me to talk you through the comedown?"
And Lan Wangji can't really do much else other than huff out a soft laugh, because he is okay. They talk about normal things, fingers idly explorative, and he is good. Utterly devoted to the chaos that has made its bed, nestling itself neatly beside the order in him.
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digitalstowaway · 5 months
Perhaps the silliest fic I've written: mdzs but it's a 90s sitcom
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“I’m wearing my white top with my denim jacket—the top that A-Yao helped me pick out. Yes, with the jeans.”
Wangji stood in the doorway of his brother’s bedroom. Xichen glanced at him but continued talking into his phone. Their uncle had gifted him with his own phone line that summer, and Xichen had spent barely a minute away from the new phone. It was clear plastic, and all of the wiring and circuits on the inside were visible. At any point in the day when he was home, he was on a three-way line with Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao—both only lived a few blocks away.
Wangji thought it was ridiculous. Their uncle had paled at the phone bill. Xichen easily pretended that it was all normal, detailing plans to meet his friends and then walking only minutes to see them in person.
Lunch came, and Wangji found the bathrooms at a quiet end of the school. He hung his bag on the hook on the back of the stall wall, and he sat on the closed toilet lid and tucked his legs up. He didn’t want anyone to know he was there. He wanted to stew in his own misery.
Wuxian had a girlfriend, it seemed. And he was only being kind not rubbing it in Wangji’s face. It was unlike him, but Wangji made the terrifying realization that Wuxian must have known about his feelings for him. Wuxian was being gentle around him because even when he was breaking Wangji’s heart, Wangji had to find something new about him that he loved.
The girl that had given him the scrunchie couldn’t have possibly learned so much about Wuxian as Wangji had. Did she know that Wuxian was adopted by his parents’ best friend? Did she know that when Wuxian was 10, he fell out of a tree and tried hiding his broken arm until he fainted in Wangji’s backyard? Did she know that he was an excellent swimmer but refused to join the swim team at school because he hated being told what to do?
Did she know that Wuxian wanted to be a teacher?
Did she know that Wuxian had collected 145 of the 151 possible Pokemon?
Did she know the sound of Wuxian laughing so hard he choked? Or the way that he tucked his hair behind his ear with his middle finger only? Or the way that his eyes glazed over when he talked about traveling the world when he was older? Or the way he led with his right first when he fought?
Whoever she was, Wangji hated her.
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stiltonbasket · 2 years
Hi Stilton! I was going through your fem!wwx au and absolutely loving it (as usual) but then it got me thinking - when and how did wwx realize she loves lwj back in this universe? Like, lwj seems to have done the usual thunderstrike moment, but with wwx we only know that she was somewhat mollified when he refused to leve her to fend for herself after her defection. How did her feelings develop? Thank you so much for this lovely au, hope you're doing great!
Over the course of Wei Wuxian’s decade-long engagement, most of her elders and sect siblings assumed that she and Lan Zhan would grow to be a love match by the time of their wedding.
The aunties in Lufeng began gifting her silk in blue and white after her thirteenth birthday, to match with the colors her intended husband wore; and by the summer she spent in the Cloud Recesses, there was hardly a soul in the jianghu who did not know that Jiang Fengmian’s adopted daughter was dearer to Lan Wangji than the daughter of his blood would ever be to Jin Zixuan.
Lan Zhan liked Wei Wuxian, in a way that most boys of nine and ten were not disposed to like little girls, and this in itself was regarded as proof that theirs would be a harmonious marriage.
In Wei Wuxian’s eyes, Lan Zhan’s strange liking was proof that he was lonely, and wise beyond his years in a way that little boys seldom were. After all, even Yu Zhenhong liked to play tricks on their er-shijie sometimes, and the less said about Jiang Cheng, the better.
All told, Wei Wuxian did not see her intended’s feelings as love until their third month in the Burial Mounds. The Wens were living quite comfortably there, since Lan Zhan’s brother sent plenty of money to cover their daily needs; but they could not think of leaving at the time, since Zewu-jun had not yet settled matters with the Jin.
On that fateful day, Wei Wuxian awoke in the Demon-slaughtering Cave with A-Yuan at her side, just as she usually did. It was nearly spring, so one wool blanket sufficed for both of them; and after she left her padded stone bed, she tried to wrap her half of the blanket around Yuan’er so that he could keep warm in her absence.
It was then that she noticed that the sheet and blankets were stained with blood, and that her dark robes were smudged with crimson between her hips and thighs.
Wei Wuxian pinches the bridge of her nose. She is past her twenty-second year, quite far from the child of fourteen who wept when her first monthly blood began the day before that summer’s Duanwu festival, but waking up to find her bed ruined is a great deal worse than being forced to forfeit a boating race against her shixiongdi. If she were still at Lotus Pier, she would simply have called for new sheets; but now, she will have to rinse the bedding in cold water herself, haul a tub of hot water to bathe in, and find a set of fresh clothes and bandages before she leaves the cave.
“Yuan’er, get up,” she whispers. “The blanket is dirty, baobao. Jiejie will find you a new one.”
A-Yuan sniffles into his pillow and opens his big eyes.
“Xian-jiejie, A-Yuan is warm here,” he protests. “Yuanyuan doesn’t want a new blanket.”
“I know, sweetheart, but Jiejie bled on this one. Be good and listen for just a minute, ah?”
Grumbling, A-Yuan rolls away from the soiled blanket and lets Wei Wuxian wrap him in a fresh one. She throws the bedding over her arm, and wraps her cloak around her waist to hide her stained skirts; and then, with a small bag of salt hanging at her belt, she heads out to the mouth of the stream to fill the wooden laundry tub.
Lan Zhan is kneeling at the water’s edge when she rounds the turn in the path, pulling up a pair of bottles that were submerged there to chill last night. He rises to greet Wei Wuxian as she approaches, giving her a respectful nod, and then his gaze drifts sideways to the bundle of fabric on her hip. 
“Why are you washing clothes?” he asks. “Today is Lin Xiang’s day to do the laundry. It is written up on the schedule outside the clinic.”
Wei Wuxian winces. Lan Zhan would pay mind to a thing like that, even when his name wasn’t on the schedule at all.
“I stained the sheets of my bed with blood, that’s all,” she mutters. “I can’t ask Lin Xiang to wash these things for me, can I? And anyway, bloodstained things have to be washed with salt and cold water. We use boiling water and lye for sweat and mud stains.”
Lan Zhan’s eyes go wide. He takes a step closer, looking her over for injuries, and then he looks at Wei Wuxian’s pale face and tries to take her pulse.
“Are you wounded?” he says anxiously. “You were walking stiffly when you came back from cleansing the unclaimed plain behind the mountain yesterday. Did something attack you?”
“I’m having my monthly courses, Lan Zhan,” Wei Wuxian sighs. “They haven’t been regular since before the war, so I never know when to prepare rags for my clothes and towels to protect my blankets. It’s bothersome, to be sure, but I’m not in any danger.”
He frowns at her. “And the bedding must be washed now?”
“En, or the stains will set. It’s best to wash the blood out before it dries.”
Lan Zhan holds out his arms. “Then give me your clothes. I will wash them and bring a tub of hot water for your bath, and then I will fetch your breakfast.”
Wei Wuxian tries to resist, but Lan Zhan refuses to listen to reason. Worse yet, he argues, reminding her that she used to drink tinctures to stop her bleeding because it made her tired, and insisting that she should rest first instead of washing clothes.
“You need rest and food to replenish your energy, and I can wash clothes well enough,” he says. “I will be gentle with them, and make sure to use cold water first, just as you said. You have my word.”
“I don’t think they are dirty,” Lan Zhan persists. “What cultivator of worth has never stained their clothes with blood? And even if I was unaccustomed to cleaning it, you are my—”
But here his breath stutters, as if he were suddenly uncertain of his words, and stares at the ground for a split second before meeting Wei Wuxian’s eyes again.
“You are my friend,” he says gently. “I can see that you are exhausted, and hungry, and perhaps in no small amount of pain, as well. I cannot lessen your suffering very much, but I would like to do what little I may, to help you.”
Thwarted, Wei Wuxian hands over her bundle of laundry and starts back towards the cave. For his part, Lan Zhan leaves her clothes soaking in the tub and goes off to draw her a bath; and after she bathes, he brings her a bowl of hot chicken porridge and a tray bearing a teapot and a plate of homemade snacks.
“I will take over your duties today,” Lan Zhan tells her, after he makes up a fire in the cave and sweeps all the dust out into the courtyard. “If you grow tired of resting, will you continue with A-Yuan’s figuring lessons? That will do more good than laboring in the field. Anyone can tend to the crops, but A-Yuan must learn to study somehow.”
This comes as news to Wei Wuxian. “You’ve been teaching him arithmetic?”
“Only a little. Wangji is incompetent, and has not yet found a way to teach A-Yuan his numbers without first teaching him how to read.”
Wei Wuxian’s heart twinges. She has never liked it when Lan Zhan blamed himself for anything—the morning he was beaten for drinking with her in Gusu had been unbearable for her, since she had to watch him receive his fifty strokes of the paddle without sharing the punishment with him—but this is a sweeter kind of ache, for it comes with the knowledge that her former betrothed was thinking about A-Yuan.
“All right, then,” she hears herself say. “I’ll spend today with A-Yuan, and you can take over my work in the produce field.”
In the end, she and A-Yuan spend the morning bundled up in a set of new quilts, practicing basic arithmetic with a tray of wet sand and a chopstick. Wei Wuxian writes the numbers down for him, and A-Yuan counts them out on his fingers before scribbling the answers on the tray.
Wei Wuxian’s mind is elsewhere, however. She finds herself thinking of Lan Zhan again, and puzzling over the fact that something between them has changed. Lan Zhan is as he always was—steadfast and valiant and almost foolishly kind, unaltered from his younger self save for his deepened wisdom—but Wei Wuxian’s feelings towards him are different, somehow.
I have always taken joy in his presence, she reflects, while A-Yuan tries to convince her that three and three put together yield a sum of three-and-thirty. But I never missed him when he was gone, not really. Now, it seems as if I think of him more than ever when he is there, and twice as often again when he is not.
Suddenly, Wei Wuxian realizes that she can no longer bear to be without him at all.
But sooner or later, Lan Xichen will send word of a new territory for the Wens, and Lan Zhan will go home to the Cloud Recesses and leave Wei Wuxian behind with A-Yuan. She might go to safety with the Dafan clan after that, or return to her old life at Lotus Pier: but there will be no marriage in her future, no boisterous wedding in Gusu, no bows to earth and heaven with Lan Zhan by her side.
There will be no wedding banquet to follow, no airy wedded home high up in the green-covered mountains—for Wei Wuxian rejected all of those dreams when she rejected Lan Zhan, and now their two lives have been forever sundered.
Who will Lan Zhan marry, when all this is over? wonders Wei Wuxian. Who will be lucky enough to have his companionship, now that I’ve thrown it away?
“Qian-gege only marries Xian-jiejie.”
Wei Wuxian blinks and looks down at the lump of blankets in her arms. “Ah?”
“Qian-gege only marries Xian-jie,” A-Yuan says again, snuggling closer to Wei Wuxian’s chest. “He told A-Yuan, but it’s secret.”
Her heart skips a beat.
“What secret?”
“Mn, secret! Only A-Yuan knows,” the child persists. “Gege chose a big name for A-Yuan, too! One for A-Yuan, and one for my baby didi.”
“Didi? But Yuan’er, you don’t have a brother.”
“My didi’s not born, but A-Yuan will have him someday,” A-Yuan pouts. “Gege says, if he’s very good and loves Xian-jiejie, maybe Jiejie will love him back, and then A-Yuan can have a baby brother.”
He gives her a shrewd look, squeezing his feathery little brows together like an owl’s, and pats Wei Wuxian’s clammy hand.
“A-Yuan told Gege that Jiejie already likes him,” he says gravely. “If Jiejie tells too, then we have a wedding, and A-Yuan gets a didi.”
Wei Wuxian bursts into tears. She stoops and kisses A-Yuan’s little face, holding him close until he squeals and begs to be put down; and then, with great, fat teardrops soaking into her gown, she sets A-Yuan down on the ground and tells him to find Lan Zhan.
“Tell A-Yuan that Xian-jiejie loves him too,” she croaks, pressing her lips to A-Yuan’s soft forehead. “I think I always have, but it took ten years for me to know it!”
“A-Yuan knows,” he murmurs, patting her cheeks with his chubby little hands. “But A-Yuan doesn’t have to tell Gege.”
He turns around and points to the mouth of the cave: or, more specifically, to the white-clad figure standing there on the threshold, too stunned to move a muscle as A-Yuan leaves Wei Ying’s embrace and toddles out to meet him.
“Qian-gege, you heard?” he pleads, plucking at the hems of Lan Zhan’s robes. “Jiejie loves Qian-gege, too.”
Wei Wuxian rises from her bed, trembling, and Lan Zhan takes a halting step towards her. They meet in the middle, grasping for each other’s hands, and stand together in dizzy silence for what seems like an eternity before Wei Wuxian’s intended presses his forehead against hers.
“My feelings have not changed,” he says thickly. “I love you, Wei Ying—I have always loved you—but if you would rather we continue our friendship as it is, then you need not—”
“No! No,” cries Wei Wuxian. “But Lan Zhan, you must know—my feelings haven’t changed, either! I felt this way when we were children, if you will believe it. But you weren’t mine, so I never let myself realize how much I wanted to be near you, and be with you.”
“You need not worry now,” Lan Zhan whispers, smiling through his tears. “I am yours, Wei Ying, in every way you could wish. I have long since been so.”
His cheek brushes hers, finding its way in spite of the dim lighting in the cave.
She takes his hand, laying the other on A-Yuan’s head, and rises to meet him in a salty-tasting kiss a dozen years in the making.
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So, you guys who follow me know that gui dao is evil TM is one of my most despised fanon of all time. I have written my fair share of metas and vent posts about it.
I hate the fanon idea that it is a corrupting force, a voice whispering in Wei Wuxian's ear and sending him over the edge. And often enough, it is either resentful energy as a whole that is placed at blame for the tragedies during the Burial Mound arc - as opposed to the sects who decided that letting innocents live was unrighteous apparently - or, there is another culprit. The Yin Hufu.
The Yin Hufu, that corrupts Wei Wuxian through whispers in the ear about death and vengeance and revenge. The Yin Hufu that is almost sentient with the cries of the dead souls, with its greed for violence.
The Yin Hufu that is also, by the way, completely fanon.
I always assumed the reason I disliked that fanon trope really circled back to my dislike for casting Gui Dao as the enemy and for the generally fuckery that CQL did by actually making it a corrupting force. But there was always something else that bothered me about it, and I recently figured out exactly what, thanks to my rambling about the Sentient Weapons AU idea.
See, there is supposed to be some semblance of sentience to the spiritual weapons in the MDZS universe. Suibian's loyalty and dare I say, love for Wei Wuxian meant that it locked itself away, refusing to let anyone but its chosen master wield it. The sword that would not answer to anyone answered the call of the tiniest sliver of Wei Wuxian's soul. Chenqing, despite not being used for thirteen years, is instantly a better weapon in the hands of the man who carved it, is the powerful flute capable of great feats in the hands of its master.
During the CR arc, Lan Wangji reprimands Wei Wuxian when he assumes that he is being disrespectful to his weapon by allowing it to be called 'whatever' one pleases, until Wei Wuxian clarifies that, no, his sword is quite literally named 'Whatever'.
Spiritual Weapons are meant to have some semblance of sentience.
And the Yin Hufu does not have that sentience.
It is a cold hard weapon, to be wielded by anyone as they please. It has no allegiance, no loyalty. It is a weapon of devastating powers, and it has no sentience at all - it simply is. Wei Wuxian realizes this the very first time he uses it, and once he realizes this, he sets about neutralizing it as best as he can. He ensures that it can be of no threat, and short of destroying it - which by the way, fucking killed him - he does his best.
The Yin Hufu is not terrifying because it is some corrupting force that will entice you to slaughter millions - it is terrifying because by possessing it, anyone, can slaughter millions. And in a universe like MDZS, where much of the gentry are salivating for power like that, it is a dangerous, dangerous weapon indeed.
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nutcasewithaknife · 8 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
@bbcphile and @difeisheng thanks for the tag! :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
309,516. Which is actually insane, I'm not sure how or when I did all that
What fandoms do you write for?
Used to write for The Witcher, Supernatural and BBC Merlin, but not anymore. Currently writing for The Untamed and Mysterious Lotus Casebook (mostly the latter). There's one Love Between Fairy and Devil ficlet in there somewhere. I can't see myself making the space for anything else soon :')
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
One Ignorant Bard and His Witcher - The Witcher, geraskier (3.1k)
The Sins of the Father - BBC Merlin, canon divergent fix-it (11.5k)
You Can't Escape The Thoughts on a Rainy Day - The Untamed post-canon sangcheng (57.5k)
Foolish - modern au sangcheng (29.1k)
Are You Listening? - post-canon yunmeng shuangjie reconciliation (5.8k). It's part of the series that #3 on this list spawned!
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to respond to every single one, but nowadays it's just once in a while when I can. I read every single one multiple times like a lovesick fool tho <3
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have a terribly hard time writing fics that end angsty, the best I can do most times is bittersweet. That being said...
It will never be the same (1.5k) - Jiang Cheng returning to the Jiang Ancestral Hall after Guanyin Temple and speaking to his dead family. The night after Guanyin Temple, Jiang Cheng finds himself standing in the Jiang Ancestral Hall. Some things, long realised but unspoken, finally get said.
Found (34.5k) - Lan Wangji's angsty boy winter, set mid-canon during the 16 years wwx is dead and brimming with OCs. I really wanted to wallow in what made him the man he is during those years. Naturally I sent him off to a village beyond the Jianghu and gave him a boyfriend. It's incredibly angst filled and the ending is hopeful, but still sad by my standards.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm a hopeless sap! Too many of them are happy endings!! Given my current MLC brainrot, I'll have to say it's the three post-canon liansanjiao fics I've written with them being soft together and at peace <3
I have a special soft spot for Foolish though, because Jiang Cheng deserves a happy ending story ;-;
Do you get hate on fics?
I'm not popular enough for hate hehe
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
YES!! It took a lot of work but now I do! Sometimes very explicit, sometimes not. It's mostly chaotic and soft and at times emotional. Laughter and banter during sex is cocaine to me and it shows.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Sadly, no
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have gotten a couple of requests to translations into Russian and French, but none of them ever went through as far as I know
What's your all-time favorite ship?
You can't do this to me I refuse to pick ;-;
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh, there are too many, but the one I'm most invested in rn is a postcanon MLC fic where difang manage to save Li Lianhua's life and very many Feelings are had.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue is what I've been told. Specifically, I think I do a good job of finding each character's voice. This is something I've been consciously working on and I think it's been paying off, especially the last year or so!
What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot!! I cry every time I need to plot anything. That's why most of my fics are mostly just Vibes
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Ohhh I'd love to do that though I haven't yet. I think it would mean fewer people would read it, but that has never stopped me from writing a thing >:)
First fandom you wrote for?
The first I posted was a Witcher fic, but the one I started writing first was BBC Merlin. It still has a chokehold on my psyche
Favorite fic you've written?
AAAA once again i refuse to choose ;-;
Tagging @istgidek1234 @redemption-revenge @angryteapott @wuxia-vanlifer @omgpurplefattie (no pressure)
If you're a fic writer, feel free to give it a go even if you're not tagged!!
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bloody-bee-tea · 1 year
Breakfast in Bed
Jiang Cheng is on his way back to the apartment, bag with breakfast food secure in his hand and he’s rushing it a bit, he knows it, but he wants to get back home before Nie Mingjue wakes up.
He left him warm and cozy in bed and that is exactly where Jiang Cheng hopes to find him on his return because he decided on a whim that today is a breakfast in bed kind of day and if Nie Mingjue should get up before Jiang Cheng is back then that would ruin his entire plan.
So hurrying it is.
He’s just checking his phone, relieved to see that Nie Mingjue hasn’t yet written him, thus making Jiang Cheng believe that he’s still slumbering on, when he runs into somebody.
“Oh, gosh, I’m so sorry,” Jiang Cheng breathes out, momentarily relieved that neither he nor the other person fell down before he raises his glance towards them. “Oh.”
“Wanyin,” Lan Xichen whispers, clearly shocked to see him here and Lan Wangji is glaring at him like always.
“Xichen, Wangji, good to see you,” Jiang Cheng says, even though it’s anything but especially at the moment when he has other places to be.
But of course he would run into someone he knows right now.
“I didn’t know you were back yet,” Lan Xichen says, clearly completely taken off guard by Jiang Wanyin’s presence and Jiang Cheng refuses to feel bad about that.
Nie Mingjue and he decided to keep their return quiet for now to give themselves some time to settle back into their life here and it had been nice to have some time for the two of them.
“Has Wei Wuxian not said anything to you?” Jiang Cheng asks Lan Wangji, who is still glaring at him.
“We don’t talk about trivial things,” Lan Wangji gives back and it’s just so him that it startles a laugh out of Jiang Cheng.
“Yeah, right. But Wei Wuxian knows I’m back—hell, he helped with moving in, so I don’t see why he didn’t tell you. I’m back though,” he finishes with a shrug and then promptly curses when his phone rings.
And of course the display shows Nie Mingjue’s name.
“Excuse me,” Jiang Cheng says to Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji before he accepts the call. “My soul?”
“You’re not here,” Nie Mingjue whines, his voice still rough from sleep and Jiang Cheng can’t help the soft smile on his face. “I wake up and you’re not here.”
“I’m on my way back, alright?” Jiang Cheng says though he knows it’s hardly enough of an explanation.
“Were did you go, though? The bed is empty and cold.”
“I thought that today is a breakfast in bed kind of day, alright? So I quickly went out to get some things. You just stay right where you are and before you know it, I’ll be back.”
Nie Mingjue makes an unintelligent sound and Jiang Cheng loves him even more for how much of a morning person he’s not.
“Five more minutes. Can you stay in bed for that long?” he wants to know and he decides to take Nie Mingjue’s grumbling as consent. “I’ll hurry. I love you, my soul.”
“Love you, too, my heart,” Nie Mingjue says, clearly awake enough for that but Jiang Cheng is betting all his money on the fact that he’s asleep again before he even properly hung up.
“I really do have to go now,” Jiang Cheng says to Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji who have been watching him the entire time during that exchange, their faces varying from shocked to outrage, which Jiang Cheng finds uncalled for. He has seen Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian get up to worse shit than a simple love confession. “I guess I’ll see you around.”
He waves shortly to them before he simply walks past.
Nie Mingjue and Jiang Cheng really didn’t make a big secret out of their return back home but it had been kind of nice to be back without that many people knowing. It meant that they got to enjoy their time together a bit more and re-familiarize themselves with the city. It had been five years after all, at least for Jiang Cheng. It has been three for Nie Mingjue and a lot can change in a few years.
“Have a nice day,” Jiang Cheng still calls over his shoulder as he walks away, unwilling to be impolite to Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji even though Lan Wangji at least would have deserved it with how he’s still glaring at Jiang Cheng just like he did five years ago.
Lan Xichen at the very least didn’t do anything wrong and Jiang Cheng doesn’t want to risk Lan Qiren hearing anything bad about him.
Lan Qiren had been quite helpful with finding a job far away from the family business for Jiang Cheng and Jiang Cheng will forever be grateful for that.
Jiang Cheng pushes all those thoughts away now and hurries back home, unwilling to let Nie Mingjue wait for him any longer than he really has to. He seems to be still in bed when Jiang Cheng opens the door which is a relief, because breakfast in bed doesn’t quite hit the same if both of them have been up already.
Jiang Cheng only briefly peeks into the bedroom, content to see Nie Mingjue snoring away again before he goes over to the kitchen and gets started on breakfast. They bought a tray a while back for exactly this purpose but so far it hasn’t been used and Jiang Cheng thinks it’s high time by now.
He piles all the things he bought on the tray, listening for the gurgling of the coffee maker and by the time he’s finally ready his own stomach is grumbling.
Jiang Cheng makes his way back to the bedroom, carefully carrying the tray, but once he steps inside he realizes he’ll have to put it down on the ground first. There is no way in hell he’ll manage to wake Nie Mingjue up without upending the entire tray and that is definitely not the cozy, relaxed morning he envisioned for the two of them.
Jiang Cheng bends carefully down to put the tray on the ground before he crawls back into bed with Nie Mingjue.
“My soul,” Jiang Cheng whispers as he noses at the back of Nie Mingjue’s neck, which earns him a disgruntled sound. “Good morning, I brought breakfast,” Jiang Cheng tries again, because maybe that will get Nie Mingjue’s attention.
“No,” Nie Mingjue grumbles, snuggling deeper into the pillow. “You left me alone. Bad Wanyin.”
“Ah, but I only left you alone to bring you breakfast. In bed. How does that sound? Is that enough to make up for it?” Jiang Cheng tries with a smile, because he damn well knows that it’s enough to make up for it.
The coffee alone would have done the trick.
“It sounds as if you went out and left me in a cold bed,” Nie Mingjue still complaints and Jiang Cheng laughs because at this point Nie Mingjue is just teasing him.
“But now I’m back here to warm it up again,” Jiang Cheng whispers and slots his body behind Nie Mingjue’s, slinging his arms around the middle. “Come on, my soul.”
Nie Mingjue lets out a long breath before he slightly turns his head, clearly demanding a kiss that Jiang Cheng is more than happy to bestow upon him.
“Did you use the tray? Does it finally have a reason to exist?”
“Don’t be mean to the tray, it’s not its fault that we didn’t have quite such a quiet morning yet,” Jiang Cheng chides him.
“Mh, true,” Nie Mingjue agrees and finally turns completely around, blinking up at Jiang Cheng. “Good morning.”
“Good morning,” Jiang Cheng gives back, a sappy smile on his face and he leans down to kiss Nie Mingjue again, morning breath be damned.
“Okay, I have to admit, it’s a good way to wake up. Do I smell coffee?”
“Of course you smell coffee. As if I would wake you without having coffee at the ready,” Jiang Cheng gives back because he knows better by now.
Nie Mingjue is so not a morning person and it’s even worse if he doesn’t have his coffee, Jiang Cheng learned that early on. He’s still looking at that one coffee maker that has a timer on it, simply so he doesn’t always have to get out of bed first to get the coffee started.
Maybe for Nie Mingjue’s birthday.
“Come, sit up and I’ll show you what I brought,” Jiang Cheng says with a small nudge and even though it’s clear that Nie Mingjue wants the coffee he still seems unwilling to move too much.
Jiang Cheng pokes him until he does move though, but he guesses in the end it’s his grumbling stomach that convinces Nie Mingjue to sit up. Jiang Cheng gets out of bed to retrieve the tray, which he carefully settles over Nie Mingjue’s legs before he slides back into bed, careful not to jostle anything.
“Mh, this does look amazing,” Nie Mingjue says though very predictably he reaches for his cup of coffee first. “Did I—call you?” he then unsurely asks and Jiang Cheng bursts out laughing.
He knew that Nie Mingjue was mostly still asleep when that happened but to think that he barely even remembers it is hilarious. His need to complain was so great it surpassed conscious thought.
“You did,” Jiang Cheng answers him once he stopped laughing but going by the confused frown on Nie Mingjue’s face he still only barely remembers. “You were concerned because I was gone. But I’m back now, so it doesn’t matter.”
“Alright,” Nie Mingjue shrugs it off, taking a big sip of his coffee and letting out the most satisfied sigh Jiang Cheng has ever heard him made.
“I met Xichen and Wangji on the way,” Jiang Cheng tells him after he took his own coffee.
“Oh, really? How are they?”
“They seemed good, though—Xichen clearly didn’t know that we are back.”
“What? That can’t be right,” Nie Mingjue mumbles through his mouth full of food. “Wei Wuxian helped us move and Qiren helped you find a job. Xichen should definitely know that we are back.”
“Yeah, I said the same about Wei Wuxian and you want to know what Wangji said?”
Nie Mingjue only raises an expectant eyebrow at him, which Jiang Cheng takes as his cue.
“He said they don’t talk about trivial things.”
Nie Mingjue almost chokes on his mouthful which makes Jiang Cheng laugh again even as he claps on Nie Mingjue’s back to get him to breathe again.
“That is such a Wangji answer,” Nie Mingjue finally wheezes out when he’s no longer in danger of dying and Jiang Cheng has to agree.
It’s even possible that Wei Wuxian did mention that Jiang Cheng is back in town and Lan Wangji simply didn’t pay attention to it because he has never cared about Jiang Cheng. That is more likely than anything else.
They quietly chat about anything and nothing, really, all the while enjoying their breakfast and Jiang Cheng has to admit that it had been one of his better ideas to finally do this, and going by the way Nie Mingjue is all quietly relaxed and almost glowing with happiness, he would totally agree if Jiang Cheng should ask him.
Their peaceful morning is interrupted though when someone knocks on their door.
“Do you expect anyone?” Jiang Cheng asks and Nie Mingjue looks down at the tray over his legs.
“I am still in bed, still in my pajamas and you’re asking if I expect anyone?”
“Okay, alright, I get it,” Jiang Cheng huffs out, lamenting the fact that he has to leave the warm bed behind because it doesn’t seem as if their unwanted guest is going to go away any time soon, not with how the visitor knocks again and Nie Mingjue is clearly disinclined to get up.
“Come back here quick,” Nie Mingjue calls after him and Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes because if anyone would ask him he wouldn’t even have left the warm bed in the first place.
“What?” Jiang Cheng asks rather rudely as he yanks open the door but he blinks in confusion when he comes face to face with Lan Wangji. “Can I help you?” he then asks, struggling to remain civil by reminding himself that this is the love of his brother’s life and he’s not allowed to kill him.
Even if he did interrupt a perfectly relaxing morning just now.
“Brother waited for you,” is what Lan Wangji greets him with and now that makes Jiang Cheng frown even harder.
“Waiting? When? Just now? I wished you a good morning when I left, didn’t I?” he asks, puzzled by what the hell Lan Wangji could mean but going by the way the corner of his mouth ticks down he didn’t get it right.
“When you left. He waited for you to come back.”
“Okay—?” Jiang Cheng still unsurely asks because he went away to study. Everyone knew he would leave for three to five years, depending on how things go.
“I think what Wangji is trying to say is that Xichen apparently is in love with you,” Nie Mingjue suddenly says from behind Jiang Cheng but before he can turn around, Nie Mingjue wraps himself around his back.
“He waited all this time,” Lan Wangji says again and this time it sounds like an accusation.
And that, Jiang Cheng is not going to take.
“So? How the hell could I have known? It’s not as if he said anything.”
“But you’re here now,” Lan Wangji says as if Nie Mingjue isn’t standing right there behind Jiang Cheng, just his pajama pants on, a possessive arm wrapped around his middle.
“And so am I,” Nie Mingjue immediately bites out and Jiang Cheng puts his hand over Nie Mingjue’s, linking their fingers.
Nie Mingjue has the tendencies to get a bit possessive when people show interest in Jiang Cheng and he doesn’t need these two to fight right now.
“I am back with my boyfriend. Who I am living with. I’m sorry, Wangji, but whatever you thought coming here to tell me this would achieve, it’s not working. Now if you would excuse us, we still have a breakfast to get back to.”
“Breakfast in bed,” Nie Mingjue adds with a wolfish grin. “You know how it is sometimes.”
Jiang Cheng tries very hard not to laugh out loud when Lan Wangji goes a little bit green in the face but before he can say anything else, Nie Mingjue already closed the door on him.
“That was rude,” Jiang Cheng chides Nie Mingjue who simply shrugs.
“Just as rude as him coming here to tell you that. They should have gotten a clue when you were on the phone.”
“My soul, Xichen used to be your best friend. Don’t you feel—”
“No,” Nie Mingjue cuts him off and Jiang Cheng falls silent.
He left the city and his family and friends to grow into himself and to get a little bit of distance. Nie Mingjue left after being deeply betrayed by people he thought he could trust. It’s not the same and Jiang Cheng doesn’t like to remind him of it so he doesn’t bring it up again.
“Well, let’s hope Wangji conveys the message. It does explain why he’s always seemed to hate me, though.”
“Xichen never said anything to you. It’s unfair to hate you for something you didn’t even know,” Nie Mingjue shoots back and then falls silent for a moment.
Jiang Cheng knows what he’s going to ask before he even opens his mouth.
“Would it have changed anything? If he said something?”
“Before I went away? Maybe,” Jiang Cheng says with a shrug. “I couldn’t possibly tell anymore, now that I have you.”
“So it’s not something you—”
“If you dare to finish that question then this was the first and last time you get breakfast in bed,” Jiang Cheng threatens him because he will not allow Nie Mingjue to even believe for a second that his affection is so easily swayed.
They worked hard on their relationship for the past three years and they didn’t do it for Nie Mingjue to question it all like this.
“Alright, alright,” Nie Mingjue quickly says and then leans in to steal a kiss. “Going back to bed then?”
“Well, we’ll have to warm it back up again,” Jiang Cheng says with a suggestive eyebrow waggle and he knows he has won when Nie Mingjue laughs.
“I guess we’ll have to. What a hardship,” he agrees and then simply picks Jiang Cheng up to carry him back to the bedroom.
Jiang Cheng laughs again when he sees that the breakfast tray is already safely put away because of course Nie Mingjue would have thought ahead.
His practicality is one of the many reasons Jiang Cheng loves him so after all.
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wangxianficrecs · 2 months
The Shadows of My Old Palaces, Falling Across the Moats by ChilianXianzi
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The Shadows of My Old Palaces, Falling Across The Moats
by ChilianXianzi
T, 8k, Endgame Wangxian
Summary: Wen Qing would probably never know who their nameless cultivator used to be, or what kind of secret grief he hides beneath his bowed shoulders. But the man makes Wei Wuxian smile, in a way he doesn't anymore after Lan Wangji refused to stay for dinner and never visited again. And perhaps, surrounded by death and resentment as they are, perhaps that's enough. After wandering the realm for years in the wake of his wife's death, Qingheng-Jun came to the Burial Mounds - And stayed. Kay's comments: Qingheng-Jun/Wei Wuxian is not a pairing I would have ever read on my own, but since it was written by ChilianXianzi, I knew I had to give it a try and I wasn't disappointed! Nothing happens between them and the story is endgame Wangxian, but Qingheng-Jun certainly develops feelings for our Xiao-laozu. Really loved the idea of him just becoming a rogue cultivator after his wife's death and the Lan clan merely saying he's in seclusion because they have no idea where he is. In the end, it all works out too and he goes to scold his nephews and brother into making things right with Wei Wuxian and the Wens. Mostly The Untamed canon! Excerpt: "Aiyah, Daozhang, you're so good at this," Wei Wuxian sighs, "Are you sure you were a rogue cultivator and not some prodigious farmer, huh?" "My-" Daozhang Zhou's voice falters for the briefest moment, and Wen Qing holds herself against looking up from tending to her own herbs, ears pricking, "Someone very dear to me was fond of growing things, and I suppose I learned some things, watching her." "She used to plant all sorts of things, made them grow so beautifully," Daozhang Zhou continues, his voice now quiet and musing, as if he's not talking to Wei Wuxian anymore, "But she loved gentians, covered her garden with it, and gave me the dried blossoms to keep." Even Wei Wuxian has turned quiet beside the Daozhang, a heartbreaking understanding in his grey eyes. Wen Qing had always wondered what their nameless Daozhang had lost, what ghosts he carries around his shoulders so heavily - But now that she's seen the outline of it forms, it just makes her feel a too-familiar bereftness. A kindred grief. Wen Qing stands quietly, and leaves the two to their shared grief and potatoes.
pov wen qing, canon divergence, burial mounds settlement days, qingheng-jun/wei wuxian, endgame wangxian, qingheng-jun lives, golden core reveal, age difference, immortal qingheng-jun, fix-it of sorts, the untamed compliant, everybody lives, wei wuxian lives, jin zixuan lives, hurt wei wuxian, wen wemnants live, burial mounds ensemble as family, one-sided attraction, unrequited love
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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Fic Finder
1. Thank you, mods, for the wonderful work you do and all of the help you provide us anxious, dejected souls who lose their beloved fics. You’re amazing. The fic I lost and have looked for just about everywhere I can think of, takes place right after Lan WangJi is released from his 3-year forced seclusion/discipline whipping recovery, and assumes responsibility of Lan Sizhui’s upbringing, living in the jingshi. Through the years, Sizhui learns his father’s quiet ways and goes through LWJ’s bouts of severe depression during certain times of the year, LWJ becomes disconsolate, disappearing from home for periods of time leaving Sizhui alone. Lan Jingyi is his best friend. There is one black bunny among all the white bunnies in the bunny meadow that Sizhui names A-Xian, (though he has no memory of his previous life). LWJ cuts pieces of red ribbon from his secret stash to place around the bunny’s neck. Sizhui accidentally finds the secret stash box under LWJ’s bed with a picture of a smiling boy he doesn’t recognize. Sizhui and Jingyi leave Cloud Recesses without permission and run into trouble, but returned home the next day. Their punishment is issued by LQR. That’s all I remember. I hope it sounds familiar because it was very well written and compelling! Thanks again for all your help and this amazing blog. @mylittleponygrrl
FOUND! The Boy with the Sunshine Smile by Witch_Nova221 (T, 153k, WangXian, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Post-Canon, Romance, Domestic Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Parenthood, Growing Up)
2. Hello! I need help looking for a fic on ao3! It was an a/b/o focusing on teenage sizhui who has been living with his omega dad wwx and goes on an exchange program to china. He meets wwx's family and the lans and finds out ljy is his twin brother. i think there were some conflict between the lans and wwx, lwj thinks that wwx died during childbirth
FOUND! The time we’ve lost by Anye (T, 64k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O Dynamics, Everyone Is Alive, Self-Indulgent, Eventual Happy Ending, Slow Build, Twins, Misunderstandings)
3. im trying to find a fic that was smut and it was basically wangxian trying something new out with sex and resentful energy, but it goes out of control and there's someone that looks like wei wuxian (i think his previous body) but isn't him. I think there's switching and first time bottoming lwj. thank you!
FOUND? Chenqing by Sectionladvivi (E, 8k, WangXian, Threesome, Canon Compliant, Sex Magic, Dubious Consent, Rape/Non-con Elements, Clone Sex, Selfcest, Anal Sex, Fingerfucking, Rimming, Oral Sex, double blowjob, Nipple Play, Nipple Torture, Voyeurism, Non-Consensual Voyeurism, Cuckolding, Bottom LWJ, Switching, Light Bondage, Spit As Lube, Painful Sex, PWP, 69 (Sex Position) )
4. Hi! I’m looking for a Wangxian fic where Wei Ying pretends to be together with his coworker Lan Zhan in order to adopt little A-Yuan… except he didn’t tell Lan Zhan and now there’s a company picnic coming up. Thanks! :)
FOUND? Let's Play Pretend and Live Our Lives by Tassos (E, 50k, WangXian, Modern AU, On Purpose Baby Aquisition, Accidental Husband Aquisition, Idiots in Love, WWX Has Self Esteem Issues, Domestic Fluff, Kid Fic, Light Angst, the Lans and Jiangs make an appearance, NHS Gives Great Advice, Pining, Getting Together) Not exactly the same prompt but it's pretty similar
5. Hi, trying to find a fic that I’m not sure was deleted or not. It was a modern AU where LXC was in the hospital after a fatal car crash that killed JGY… which revealed his torrid affair with him, because LXC was actually married to NMJ with a child.
It focused on wangxian’s POV of it though. Like I think it started with WWX trying to get LWJ to come to the hospital with him, because he had been refusing to see his brother out of sheer disappointment and disbelief. They had a conversation about what love means and how LWJ just could not understand why LXC would choose to cheat.
I remember at one point, WWX said something along the lines of, “Not everyone is like us” because they’ve always been each other’s One and Only. @dandelion-san​
FOUND! like the other boys do series by daughterson (not_yibo) (M, 16k, LXC/NMJ, LXC/JGY, wangxian, major character death, modern, infidelity, panic attacks, car accidents, therapy, hospitals)
6. Hello! I was hoping you could help me find a one shot. It was where lan qiren wants to kidnap wei wuxian for lan wangji. I don't remember but I think he traveled back in time. Thank you
FOUND? as it should be by Sienne (T, 850, LQR & WWX, Pre-WangXian, Crack, Time Travel)
7. for the next fic finder: there was this fic I read ages ago that I really want to find again. it was Eldrich Wwx who was the monster under lwj's bed and stopped lqr from being abusive @epsilon-566
FOUND! A Creeping Darkness by Unforth (E, 34k, WangXian, Modern AU, Ghost WWX, Abusive LQR, Bad Parent LQR, Implied Childhood Sexual Abuse, Bottom LWJ, Top WWX, Protective WWX, Tentacle Sex, Consent Issues, Anal Sex, Overstimulation, Unrealistic Sex, POV WWX, Sounding, Starvation, Abused LWJ, Wet Dream, Past Child Abuse, Bad Parent YZY, Villain Character Death, Fire, Situational Muteness, Angst with a Happy Ending, Past Character Death, Multiple Orgasms, Possessive Behavior, Telepathic Bond)
8. hii i’m looking for the fic called ooc! where lwj was talking to a’yuan fell asleep and woke up 16 in cloud recesses and then met wwx who the jiangs were mistreating and helped him. thank you so much!!٩(♡ε♡ )۶ @whorefor-everyone
(Hi! The fic in question was unfortunately deleted (correct me if wrong) but the good news is that the author has started posting again, here's a link to their new account ~ Mod C)
9. Hi mods !! For the next fic finder I'm looking for a time travel fic, the only scene I can remember is where everyone else was discussing the future in which WWX(?) got mad at some point about the topic on JGY(?), MY was good in this one I think, and then when they opened the door they see him outside and knew he was listening and he then asked if he was really that bad in the future. Thank You !!
FOUND? in case of fire, break glass by Jenrose (T, 65k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Post-Canon, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, Genius Inventor WWX, No Women Die, Second Chances)
FOUND? Yearning for Miles by Murahi (M, 378k, WangXian, XiCheng, HuaiYao, LQR/SS, NingXue, Time Travel, but not really they see the future in a thingamabob, Slow Burn, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fix-It, Fluff, Lots of it, Canon-Typical Homophobia, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Character Development Galore, PLEASE ADHERE TO IN-CHAPTER TW, Canon Divergence, wwx still loses his core)
FOUND? And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami (M, 138k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Time Travel, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Healing, Mental Health Issues, PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, BAMF WWX, BAMF JC, BAMF LWJ, BAMF JYL, Getting Together)
10. hello hello thank you for your hard work i really appreciate it! for the next fic finder, i'm hoping you could help me find this m/f wangxian fic with femxian and she's a famous dancer? i think lwj and femxian are also neighbors or live in the same building?? bcs that's how they met (and lwj can see her dancing from the windows) oh yeah and femxian is the dom and lwj is just like. very whipped for her 😭 i hope you guys could help me with this thank you!!
FOUND? beautiful stranger, here you are by lily_winterwood (E, 3k, WangXian, Modern: No Powers, Dance, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Pegging, Neighbors, Female WWX, Bottom LWJ, Lingerie, Masturbation)
11. Hi mods, im having trouble finding a specific fic i read recently, it was A/B/O and a few of the characters were having a game night and JC comes in with a pregnancy test he found all angry and stuff, and WWX says it’s his to cover for JYL and everyone is shocked, especially poor LWJ. Also there was a part were people thought LWJ was the dad
FOUND? Positive by diamondbruise (M, 3k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O Dynamics, Omega WWX, Alpha LWj, Getting Together, Jealousy, Crack, Pregnancy)
12. Hi, I'm checking to see if a fic that was on one of the fic finder posts had been found? It's be a while and I can't find the post now lol but I think it was #4? of the post and the asker had said it was a sort of crossover with tgcf and LWJ and WWX were supposed to have been gods but WWX died like usual but when LWJ went to find A-Yuan he'd already passed away too and LWJ laid down with him and succumbed to his injuries from being whipped but then fate or something rewound time to before all the Sunshot stuff happened to give them another chance. I know I had read it before but still can't find it and wanted to read it again. Thanks for your help! (I actually can't remember if this fic has been found or not, hopefully someone else can remember which fic it was ^^; ~ Mod C)
FOUND? The Young Masters of Four Seasons Manor by gaotamao (G, 91k, WenZhou, WangXian, WOH Crossover, Time Regression fix-it, WKX raises monstrous sons, Not Jiang Sect Friendly, No Golden Core Transfer) This is actually a crossover with word of honor? But it sounds exactly like it
FOUND? Somewhere Sits an Empty Throne by Siamesa (E, 19k, WangXian, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, TGCF Fusion, Gods & Goddesses, Ghosts, Romance, vengeance, Dark LWJ, Grief/Mourning, Explicit Sexual Content, Angst with a Happy Ending)
13. Heyyy mods , can you help me find this fics ...
A) so I remember this fic and it's like LWJ was little when he was kidnapped and he ends up in brothel where someone tries to molest him because of his pretty face so he decides to ruin his face and gets help by witch ?? I guess..and gets himself curse as ugly and that curse will be lifted when someone loves truly even with his ugly face ...
B) so I lost this fic ..in this fic Jiang yanli and jin zixuan were alive ..and Wei ying reborns as their child ?? Or it can be adopted child I don't remember that much but he was there as jin and brother to jin ling . @selflovingmedj
FOUND? Turn Left by kianspo (M, 62k, WIP, WangXian, NieLan, Canon Divergence, Fix-It of Sorts, Friends to Lovers, eventually, references to child sexual abuse, not main characters, Canon-Typical Violence, Neurodivergent LWJ, LXC is the best brother, Slow Build, Lán Family Feels, specifically, Twin Jades of Lán Feels)
FOUND? Golden Phoenix by Alineko (G, 23k, WIP, XuanLi, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Reincarnated WWX, Jin!WWX, Child WWX, Minor WangXian, but when he is older, JC Gets a Hug, WWX is JL's Brother, Protective Siblings, Sibling Bonding, Stressed JC, Light Angst, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Family Fluff, WWX Shenanigans, Crack Treated Seriously, Golden Core Reveal)
14. hii for your next fic finder im looking for a book where wwx loses his memory and believes jyl is his mother @twlaei
FOUND? In Memoriam by NevillesGran (G, 10k, WIP, Canon Divergence, Burial Mounds-Induced Amnesia, YL WWX, Blood, creepy shadows, Mind Manipulation)
15. Hello! I'm looking for a modern AU fic that I read long ago but can't find anymore. Wangxian are married but they're not happy at the beginning of the fic. They would have sex at the beginning of the marriage but WWX could never orgasm and after a while they just stopped trying. I remember LWJ would pretend to leave for business trips and WWX would invite Jiang Cheng over to watch movies/TV shows in the room he had set up in the attic. At some point, wangxian had a big argument and were able to talk it out and started working on their relationship after it. Thank you so much in advance!
FOUND? A Marriage Story by DeviyudeThoolika (E, 38k, WangXian, NieLan, married wangxian, but there are some complications, because it’s marriage, Sex is complicated, Angst, Pining while fucking, Mature elements., Mutual Pining, Arranged Marriage, Sort Of, Misunderstanding, sof epic proportions)
16. Does anyone know the arranged/contract/regular? marriage fic where wangxian get married, but right before the ceremony, wwx overhears lwj talking with someone else (an ex?) about loving someone? I think they were both originally v happy about getting married but lwj notices that wwx seems off during the ceremony. They stay married, but I think wwx makes it obvious that he's not happy in the marriage and eventually one of them offers a divorce (or their contract period is up?). It ends up being that wwx realizes that the so called someone that lwj was in love with is him ofc. I'm not so sure of the details now, but I think in the conversation that was overheard, the ex confronted lwj with a note or a text or something and referred to the one he loved as 'W' which obvs wwx didn't think was himself. Thanks all!
FOUND! A Marriage Story by DeviyudeThoolika (E, 38k, WangXian, NieLan, married wangxian, but there are some complications, because it’s marriage, Sex is complicated, Angst, Pining while fucking, Mature elements., Mutual Pining, Arranged Marriage, Sort Of, Misunderstanding, sof epic proportions)
17. hello! I’ve been desperately looking for two specific Wangxian fics. A) One was where wwx got pregnant with lwj child (?) and lxc found out and he started secretly supporting wwx where he was living in an apartment bc he never told lwj about the child. And then lqr found out and threaten wwx to stop taking advantage of lxc. And In the end lwj finds out and they get together. B) The other fic was where wwx and lwj ran away together (modern fic) got married and years later wwx saw jc at store and talked
FOUND? A Fortuitous Bad Encounter by VividestList (E, 26k, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, Omega WWX, Alpha LWJ, mild dubcon mentioned, Mpreg, Misunderstandings, Mating Bites, Mating, Cycles/In Heat, Kid Fic, Dirty Talk, Possessive Sex, possessive LWJ, Riding, Praise Kink, Rough Sex, Hair Pulling, Breeding Kink)
18. Thank you so much for finding the last fic I was looking for! Unfortunately I have another one I can't find. It's a modern au, and the details are pretty vague in my memory, but I think WY finds A-yuan being ignored during a house party? Which may or may not have been at Wen Chaos apartment? So he adopts him... I think he might have had to fight for custody of him. I couldn't find it under the Accidental Baby Acquisition tag, but maybe I missed it? @iluvshikamaru
FOUND! You, Clouds, Rain by PaPaYa_Bites (E, 32k, WangXian, Modern AU, Found Family, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Adoption, but not really, Kidnapping, essentially, Past Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Fluff and Angst, Humor, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Depression, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Guilt, This sounds sad but its pretty funny actually i promise, Refeeding Syndrome, Eventual Smut, Family Fluff, Family Dynamics)
not FOUND The Right to Care by travelingneuritis (E, 61k, WangXian, Modern AU, Mood Whiplash, musician Lwj, nanny wwx, Developing Relationship, Breakup, Texting, Pining, Eventual Happy Ending, Adoption, Child Abuse, abuse intervention, Miscommunication)
19. Hello, could you put this in for the next fic finder? Thanks in advance! I'm looking for a fic on ao3, it was A/B/O with omega!wwx and I remember madam yu brought him to get his ears pierced and wear heavy earrings. I think jyl had smaller earrings? There may have been a scene where jyl takes wwx out to pick out an instrument..? Thats about all I remember unfortunately :(
FOUND! white winter hymnal by Anonymous (E, 48k, WIP, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Protective LWJ, Protective JC, Protective JYL, Hurt WWX, Precious WWX, Pretty WWX, Bad Parent YZY, Abusive YZY, Canon Era, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Rape, Rape Aftermath, Rape Recovery, Mpreg, Ectopic Pregnancy, Miscarriage, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Dissociation, Nightmares, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Nesting, Scenting, Sibling Bonding, Protective Siblings, Platonic Cuddling, platonic scenting, Excessive Amounts of Comfort, Excessive Amounts of Tenderness, Angst with a Happy Ending, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Sexual Intimacy)
20. Fic finders: It’s Untamed-verse (post canon), in LWJ’s pov. I think it starts with LWJ looking for WWX in a village, then it flashbacks to him receiving a letter where WWX writes that he has fallen in love with a farmer and marrying him, if LWJ would come to the wedding and give his blessing… which obviously catches LWJ off-guard because he’s been kinda assuming that WWX would come back when he’s ready, so now he’s all jealous and pining, and needs to see for himself what the hell is going on.
They do end up meeting and go on a night-hunt together, and LWJ notices that WWX is actually acting weird. The reveal was that WWX was actually under some kind of love spell and that the “farmer” was a rogue cultivator trying to bind WWX’s literal life to him and use his powers.
NOT FOUND! You'd Break Your Heart to Make It Bigger by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 32k, wangxian, soulbonding, case fic, first time, fools in love, pining while fucking) it sounds kinda like this fic minus the letter part
SIMILAR! Boy Trouble, We've Got Double by saltyfeathers (E, 59k, wangxian, post-canon, case fic, bethrothed to someone else, pining, UST, WWX pov, alcohol, consensual non-con) It's actually the reverse, where lwj is the one who gets cursed
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ziorite · 9 months
fuck it wip wednesday
i haven’t written in ages but getting back into tumblr into mdzs has awakened the beast once more. well, more specifically, my blorbo pedestal is empty and jiang cheng has stormed in and refused to leave. anyways, here’s a bit from my jiang cheng 5+1 fic! (i promise it’s about jc— lan wangji just wanted a drama queen chapter intro)
Lan Wangji had hated very few people in his life. He’d found that most people were simply not worth the time or effort of hatred. Jiang Wanyin, however, had managed to make himself the only exception. He was brutish and violent in his words and actions, only respected by his sect members and the people of Yunmeng because of the fear he inspired. Lan Wangji personally thought him thoroughly inferior to Wei Ying, who had charmed all he met in his first life and stood against wrongdoing and injustice, and to Xiongzhang, who was powerful in the same way but treated the people under their protection with only kindness. As a respected member of the Gusu Lan, he would never stoop so low, but often, he found himself resisting the urge to spit in Jiang Wanyin’s cup when he deemed to come to the Cloud Recesses on some diplomatic occasion or other. Even now that Xiongzhang was in seclusion and Lan Wangji had been forced into the position of sect heir and the additional responsibilities that came with the position, that impulse had only grown stronger. He’d seen more of Jiang Wanyin’s face this past year than he had in all thirteen before Wei Ying’s return, and it was almost enough to make him wish for those days back.
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Still waters
Two weeks later, I deliver the piece @sasumimo has suggested on my post asking for writing ideas.
Thank you for the idea and I hope it is to your liking! After that angst I've just written, this felt like balm for the soul!
Here is the prompt:
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The moon shines brightly onto the clear, summer night sky, overpowering the shine of the endless expanse of stars surrounding it. The softest, warm breeze caresses the sleeping leaves of trees and the petals of the fragrant night wildflowers, fireflies flitting into the darkness.
Little Apple grazes onto the damp grass, a little a-ways from the entrance into a large, dark cave. A white, Lan robe has been draped over her back, and two apples have been laid at her feet to snack on.
Her masters have disappeared into the cave, and she's a bit too grateful for that - she's heard enough of their nightly adventures to last her five lifetimes and a little into the sixth, so she happily takes in the cool night air and the distant sounds of nocturnal wildlife before laying down for a nap.
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji have finally reached the end of their impromptu spelunking trip, having explored the rocky depths of the cave, weaving through intricate passageways with curiosity. They reached a breathtaking underground pool, crystal clear water revealing the beautiful rocky formations underneath. A small stream of water from somewhere between the rocks flows into the pool, the rocks around it glimmering with droplets.
"Wow, this is so cool!" Wei Wuxians exclaims and leaps to the edge of the water, dipping a hand into it, breaking its stillness. "It's nearly as cold as the Cold Springs back home!"
Lan Wangji's heart leaps with joy, a smile curling the ends of his lips - Wei Ying thinks the Cloud Recesses are home! He will never find that knowledge less breathtaking, no matter how many times Wei Ying says it. And to think he used to refuse staying there so vehemently, thinking it to be the place of his demise... now it's home.
Lan Wangji is about to say something - something along the lines of I love you - but the words catch in his throat when he sees Wei Ying begin undressing. That's yet another thing Lan Wangji will never get used to or take for granted - it still makes him lightheaded to see Wei Ying without clothes on, skin still carrying the signs of their lovemaking, no matter how many times he's seen Wei Ying naked.
He feels his ears burn red, embarrassingly so, but Wei Ying is so incredibly attractive, his body now having become more his than Mo Xuanyu's, that Lan Wangji can't help it.
It's a bit (a lot) voyeuristic, the way Lan Wangji watches fabric slide off his husband's body, the way he moves, elegant and smooth without meaning to, as he undresses. Muscle flexes slightly underneath his perfect skin, and Lan Wangji swallows hard, imagines - no, remembers (oh, God, remembers!) - the way that skin feels underneath his fingertips and the reactions it elicits out of Wei Ying to be touched.
He doesn't even realize why exactly Wei Ying has been undressing - well, he had his own suggestions as to why, but alas - until he hears the little yelps and expletives that leave Wei Ying the moment he slides into the cave pool water.
"I'll never get used to this!" he wails as he stops at a waist-deep level, "Lan Zhan, are you just gonna let me freeze to death here all by myself? Come freeze with me!"
Lan Zhan huffs a laugh and begins undressing. Wei Ying whistles a low, flirtatious laugh, and Lan Zhan's ears flush a deep shade of red.
"You're so hot, Hanguang-Jun, the moment you touch this water, it'll boil me alive!"
"Wei Ying."
He laughs and wades further into the water, smiling through the bite of the cold that he seemed to have forgotten about. The horny mind is a wonder of nature.
His eyes inevitably draw downwards, where he sees what his teasing has done to Lan Zhan and he gets a mischievous idea. He swims gracefully around as Lan Zhan arranges his clothes in order - very Lan of him to worry about that - and begins humming their song as he does. Lan Zhan's eyes snap his way, and Wei Ying sends him a sultry look as he continues for a few more seconds, making a show of shaking water off his hair.
Lan Zhan finally dips into the cold water, and gains a semblance of rationality the moment the chill bites into his skin.
"Finally!" Wei Ying exclaims, "I need to work on my siren call, I hoped I'd lure you in a lot sooner!"
Lan Zhan easily adjusts to the cold, years of having soaked into the Cold Springs paying off, so he wades up to Wei Ying, who just then decides to move a bit further away and coax Lan Zhan into a little chase.
"Doesn't this feel a little nostalgic, Lan Zhan? It's been forever since last time we shared some space in cold water, but last time it was me chasing you out~"
Lan Zhan smiles, remembering how flustered he had been back then, how it would have never crossed his mind to allow Wei Ying to be close to him and touch him.
It crosses his mind now, and he nimbly catches Wei Ying at last, pressing their bodies together. Wei Ying blushes momentarily before wrapping his arms around Lan Zhan's middle.
"Hm, I was right back then, indeed. It's a lot warmer on your side~"
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deathbyoctopi · 2 months
Rarepair April! Yaaay!!! >w<
So! For the past couple weeks I've been working a lot with Gotcha for Gaza and another event, writing some oneshots for prompts, and the wonderful rare ships I was asked about are just so cute!!
So, for those already lost on just what I have and haven't written (me included), here's the recent Rarepair Festival >w<
🚢Wen Chao / Wen Zhuliu🚢
Shouting was heard from the ancestral hall of Lotus Pier. Which wasn’t too strange on the warmest summer days, when the youngest disciples took refuge in the cool shade and played games (making them grow quite rowdy), ensuing the even louder screams from the closest responsible adult that came to yell at them young irreverent ruffians.
Ah, but it wasn’t summer anymore, and the shouting now was far from joyful. Also, all the disciples were dead.  
From: A helping hand, a nsfw nasty little dub-con because if Wen-er-gongzi discovers he likes being spanked, can his faithful bodyguard actually refuse? (he should and he almost does! XD)
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🚢Nie Huaisang/Lan Wangji🚢
Lan Xichen eyes nervously the other members of the meeting. Judging by the little monitors on his screen, no one else seems to be noticing that Wangji is having some sort of inappropriate fun right now, thank God. Although he can’t understand why, since it’s so obvious…
But well, Lan Xichen has been long aware that, for some reason, he seems to be the only person able to read Wangji’s solemn expression, which Jin Guangyao has called on some occasion “the most perfect poker face” he’s ever seen.
From: Just another corporate secret, a naughty Lan Wangji / Nie Huaisang from the pov of Lan Xichen, that gets in an online meeting and realizes what's going on under his brother's table.
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🚢Jin Guangyao / Nie Huaisang🚢
“Tell me, a-Yao…”
The tinkle of golden wrist bells rang soft and delicate, glittering against the dark golden silks of the bed. The light was low and the perfumed incense thick, and there was a heavy suggestion of alcohol in the room.
Enough to make Nie Huaisang’s voice pass for something even more light and feminine.
“…have you been a good boy?”
“Yes, a-niang.”
From: Tell it to your mumsy, a nsfw HuaiYao where a drunk Jin Guangyao misses his mum very, very much (and Nie Huaisang takes advantage of that to learn all his little secrets >w<)
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🚢Jin Guangyao / Wen Ruohan🚢
“Show me what do you do to them. The prisoners.” Wen Ruohan sat calmly on a wooden chair, which the local guard had very wisely left free the second he saw those two turning the corner of the corridor.
Meng Yao’s voice didn’t betray his thoughts, but even so the sightliest hesitation dripped through. He looked at the prison guards, still lounging by the nearest cell.
“As your Excellency wishes, but… Here?”
“Wouldn’t it be more suitable to... perform such acts in the comfort of your Excellency's bed?”
“Here, a-Yao.”
From: Keep an ace up your sleeve (it will come handy) a very nsfw insight at some special methods Meng Yao came up with to torture prisoners during his internship with the Wen...
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Lastly, not a ship but a very special pair I hold very dear to my heart...
🍃Xiao Xignchen & Cangse Sanren🍃
Cangse Sanren put her arm around Xiao Xingchen’s shoulder and her voice took a conspiratorial tone.
“You too, you must get yourself a good and reliable cultivation partner, do you hear? Like that young man you fought with. What's his name? Song Something."
"Whatever. If you like him, tie the knot as fast as possible. Life is so short, and so precious!”
Xiao Xingchen could have blushed, if it wasn’t because he had lost quite a lot of blood and was feeling a bit light-headed.
“Shijie, please, don’t tease…” he said hiding a smile.
From: Relentless in love (and dodging nettles), where Xiao Xingchen comes across a mischievous spirit and realizes she is non other than his legendary martial sister...
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There! Now I'm up to date with the weird shit I've written lately XD
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