#wanna try using markers for this but im terrible at it
mirick-vn · 1 year
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[ wip ] drawing that one scene of noé dragging domi under the blue moon for an art assignment :3
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bathroomtrapped · 11 months
ur art is so, so amazing, is there anyway u could do a tutorial bc I wanna draw like u so badly
i can try but idrk how to explain myself or make tutorials lol
i think my style is just a product of my brush and what im trying to get out of my art, which is trying to portray the characters as accurately as possible. i rly just want it to look like it could be a stylized redraw of a deleted scene or something
my process is kinda everywhere bc i just move on to whatever step will probably make me hate the piece less when im done with it. i draw with a more square brush (blurring marker 1 on ibis) which i def recommend. its great for focusing on shapes in ur art and it helps me not overblend/forces me to think of more interesting lines/shapes. my sketch is a thicker size of the same pen, focusing on the major shapes and proportions and i just make as many additional layers overtop of it, lowering the size of the pen and adding details as i go
once im at the lineart i usually use a site that creates color palettes based off images (usually just steal some from old catholic art) and i steal my base colors from that. it doesnt matter how terrible ur base colors look as long as they make sense and r what ur generally going for.
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these were my original base, i use colored line art and shade the basic shadows using the line art mixed with the base color, highlights r whatever is the lightest color in the palette. after that i duplicate and throw it through this filter
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i play w the colors and use it as a color/hue/luminosity layer on top of the original version, lower opacity and render now that theres more colors on the canvas (the filter creates more contrast between the lame base colors i mix, then i can add bounce shadows and shit).
i use a shit ton of digital cheats. single color overlay layers at the end of a piece, pizza face overlay glow, using vignettes around the border to draw the eye towards the subjects at the center, filters, color palette generators, etc. they make things sm easier so u can worry abt experimenting with other things.
i dont rly know how to explain how i do clothes or hair other than focusing on the shadows and worrying abt lights later. this is honestly the best tutorial i can think of bc in my head im just drawing what i see as best as i can with the pen i use. use a fuck ton of reference, do actor face studies, and try to experiment with ur style everytime u draw. ur never gonna learn how to use ur programs or expand if ur bogged down by trying to achieve a specific look. sometimes that thing u were nervous abt bc thats not how ur style usually works is the best thing on the piece at the end.
actually draw only what u want to draw in that very moment and use that as an opportunity to experiment however u can. i just draw chainshipping and find ways to trick myself into learning 👍🏻 sorry this is so bad if u have any specific questions i can try to answer those better
edit: this is what i mean when i say just draw with whatever base colors and use the lineart to add value. i thoroughly hated this piece at this stage but once i adjusted the pallet it felt much more cohesive and i could continue on with the drawing. the best thing i can say is to have absolutely no process past the same few first steps and resign urself to a cycle of self hatred and throwing random bs at the wall to see what sticks
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bigearsbunbun · 8 months
New Year !! 1/30/2024
its been ages since I last posted in this account er.. well things had been busy with school and I completely forgot this website existedT.T
So um a lot has changed for sure!! though I dont really know where to start....
well school um...I became an achiever in the first quarter can u believe it:O well obviously my math is still terrible but um Im trying my best still!! we're still waiting on the second quarter card (grades) which I think the card giving will take place next month? they havent really announced the date so we're just waiting for them to...
okay social life.. have I made some friends this school year...well yes a lot actually they're very friendly I guess some people I just happen to have the same interests with and some are just sociable T.T though I still prefer my grade 9 friends...but Im sure ill get close with some of these people in 3rd quarter cause thats how it all started in grade 9 anywayTT
my grade 9 friend group is still alive so Im pretty happy we hanged out like after exams and got some milk tea:D some of our friends weren't able to come though but its okay...
lately Ive been helping my aunt clean her store and she offered me to work there part time.... well I think its a realy good opportunity since Im really saving up for some stuff Im planning to buy:D example a new phone because the one Im currently using isnt really good anymore and Ive had it for ages already...
In regards of my new years resolution I guess I do have a few that I wanna start doing...like reading more books...sleeping some more and avoid staying up till 2 am everydayTT....continue learning languages...and journal some more...Im actually itching to go to the store and buy a sketchbook to use it as a journal because its just way cleaner to use a blank paper than some paper with lines since I can just adjust the size of my hand writing however I like
Okay now...my arts...I was literally stuck in art block for 3 weeks..... couldnt draw at all I was so out of it....but now Ive been drawing some doodles so I guess thats a good thing at leastxD my aunt gave me her coloring pencils since she said she doesnt even use them anymore..I was so grateful since I dont really have a proper set of coloring pencils...and now I have like so many coloring materials..I have 2 sets of crayons the other one having like 96 colors pretty crazy ik....i hate 2 sets of coloring pencils...coloring markers...I have some paints and a watercolor...IK so manyTT AND I HAVENT EVEN MASTERED USING COLORS YET gosh goodluck to me>.<
well I think thats about all...I really do feel like Im missing some stuff but er I'll write those in the upcoming posts in the future:D if I ever dont forget about this website again that isx3!! WELL BABAIII<33!!
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fl0ating-tree · 4 years
Fanfic prompt: everyones first visit to Dream in the prison (specifically Puffy, Sapnap, Punz, George, and/or Niki)
OOH i really hope we get to see these actually happen because my heart is gonna snap when it does happen. im gonna do george + sapnap and puffy bc this would be super long if I did them all. 
george is probably OOC because we don’t really have an example of how he is when he’s in character. also fair warning for puffy’s part, it might come off as a little c!dream sympathetic. that’s not the intention, it’s more to show how even dream still has emotions even thought he’s awful, but if that stuff really upsets you maybe don’t read puffy’s part. it’s barely there but still. 
George and Sapnap
Sam rarely stood guard outside of the prison. After all, it’s inescapable and he’s the only one with access. After locking Dream away Sam reassured them all that he built safety features in that no one but him, not even Dream, knew about. Sapnap called him paranoid when Sam told him that over lunch one day, now he couldn’t be more thankful.
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” Sam asks as he leads both Sapnap and George towards the only occupied cell. “He’s...he’s not exactly fun to be around at the moment.” Sapnap cringes at that. He feels bad that Sam is the one who has to bring Dream food and water, but no one else was particularly jumping at the opportunity to be around Dream after what happened. He doesn’t think he’ll ever forget Punz’s panicked urges for him to find anyone on the server and meet up at the Nether hub. How Punz led them through the Nether in full sprint, giving them all the vague explanation of “Dream is going to kill Tubbo and lock up Tommy” and nothing else. Sapnap wouldn’t have believed him if he didn’t walk in on Dream laughing at a despondent Tommy, holding a sword to Tubbo’s neck. Seeing the walls lined in trophey cases labeled for his friends and allies belongings (and even loved ones, was Dream really going to put Skeppy in a cage just to get to Bad?) 
“Sapnap?” Sam asks again after Sapnap doesn’t respond. 
“Yeah, sorry,” Sapnap shakes his head and continues walking, glancing at George to his left, “I’m sure.” George says nothing and continues walking. He hasn’t said anything since he logged on asking where Dream was. It took an hour of nearly everyone on the server telling George what happened for him to believe it. Even after everything Dream had done, George was still loyal to a fault. 
“George?” Sapnap presses and George’s shoulder stiffen.
“I need to see him for myself,” George says flatly and Sam and Sapnap share a look before continuing down the halls. Sam brings them through locked doors, redstone contraptions, pad locks after pad locks and at some points he even has George and Sapnap be blindfolded so they can’t see the inner workings. Sapnap was worried, as were others, that Sam would betray them and simply let Dream escape. But the fury in Sam’s eyes when he saw the cage built for Fran, when he heard Dream blew up the Community House, that squashed any thoughts of betrayal still lingering. 
“Wait here,” Sam tells them and Sapnap can smell redstone lighting and pistons firing before Sam’s now muffled voice calls out to them. “You can take off the blindfolds now,” he calls and they both do.
Before them is a large blackstone box, the wall between the cell and the corridor being made of obsidian enforced glass (Sapnap didn’t even know that was possible to make until Sam told him about it.) It was well lit and inside the cell was a decent looking bed, a door in the far corner presumably leading to a bathroom, a desk with papers and blunt markers, a round table with only one chair, and lastly, Dream. All things considered the cell was nice, nicer than Dream deserved, but Dream himself looked terrible. His mask was gone, destroyed by Tommy, and it made him so...human. Out of the corner of his eye Sapnap could see George studying Dream as well. His clothes were disheveled, deep bruises still on his face from his fight with Tommy and Tubbo, and where there was a normally calm and sophisticated aura surrounding him, Sapnap saw nothing but unjustified anger. 
“You’ve got visitors,” Sam says unnecessarily from where he stands by the lever to open the cell. George flinches at how detached Sam sounds. The normally kind and bright man sounded almost disappointed in Dream. 
“Yay me,” Dream snaps back, it’s Sapnap who flinches this time.
“You two wanna go in, or just talk through the glass?” Sam asks and Sapnap looks to George for an answer. He doesn’t give an answer, only stepping closer to the glass. Dream leans up from his relaxed position on the bed, intrigued. 
“I’ve gotta say Gogy this is probably the biggest thing you’ve slept through yet,” Dream teases, his voice friendly and open and Sapnap hates how badly it makes him want to break Dream out of this terrifying prison and pretend like nothing bad has ever happened.
“Were you really going to kill Tubbo?” George asks, voice quiet and void of emotion.
“Why do you care?” Dream growls, and Sapnap remembers why he can’t pretend like this is the Dream from months ago that he built the community house with, “You never gave a fuck about what was happening before, why do you care now? Cause Sapnap told you to care?” The mockery in Dream’s voice builds tension in George’s shoulders.
“He’s 17, Dream,” George’s voice is thick and Sapnap takes a step forward, having his own questions for Dream. 
“Why did you do any of it?” Sapnap asks, “Taking everything everyone loves? Controlling Tommy, trying to kill Tubbo, why did you do it?” 
“None of you get it!” Dream screams and even Sam jumps in surprise, “This is my server! I’m in control here, not Tommy, not Tubbo, no one but me!” Seeing Dream this...lost, this out of his element, without the mask is unsettling. His face is too raw, too many emotions on display from the man Sapnap always knew as calm and collected and one step ahead. Sapnap turns away, not baring to see his once best friend so far gone. 
“I’ve seen enough,” Sapnap tells Sam quietly, and the man nods. He guides Sapnap towards the exit, the two of them glancing back when George doesn’t follow. Dream seems to notice as well.
“Not gonna follow them Gogy?” He laughs, crazed and maniacal and hauntingly similar to a certain dead president. 
“You don’t get to call me that,” George snaps, voice fierce and shoulders tense. “You lost the right to call me that a long time ago.” 
The three of them say nothing else as Sam leads them out of the prison, even as Dream’s screams echo down the hallway and echo in their minds for the rest of the night. 
Captain Puffy
It started out as a joke, if Puffy was being honest. Dream had followed her around one day, carrying extra supplies for her, listening to stories of her old pirate adventures, and helping her with her daily tasks. She’d later find out that he was having a really terrible week, stressed from events he wouldn’t disclose (she’d later find out about those “events” as well, to her disgust) and not wanting to talk to anyone but needing something to occupy himself. Puffy joked around, calling him her “duckling” and let him continue doing it. It helped her and him, so she found no harm in it.
Months passed with their small routine. Dream would have a bad day or simply not want to be around the others (Puffy would, again, find out later that it was more that others didn’t want to be around him) so he would follow her around, helping out with her daily tasks or just spending the day with her. It reminded her so much of one of the younger boys on her long abandoned crew, cured a small amount of homesickness, and slowly it became less of a joke and more of a true friendship. The day Dream slipped up and called her mom, even thought she’s only two years older, used to be one of her favorite memories. Emphasis on used to be. 
She was hesitant when she heard rumors of Dream’s villainy. This was Dream they were talking about, the kind guy who came to her when he had a bad day and helped her with anything she asked. She saw him build up those walls around L’manberg, and she heard the murmurs of how he wouldn’t let anyone go see Tommy in his exile, but she passed them off as hyperbolic or flat out lies. She wonders if she was more attentive to what Dream was doing could she have prevented some of this pain. She doesn’t think she’ll ever recover from seeing Dream, her duckling, seconds away from killing a child and further traumatizing another. 
“We’re here,” Sam tells her solemnly as she hears pistons move and unties her blindfold. She could care less about how the cell looked, or how impressive the redstone was. All she could focus on was Dream, standing close to the glass, looking terrible. His mask was gone, showing his emotions clear as day. His eyes screamed sadness and anger and betrayal all in one. His hair was tangled and there was still some blood matted in it from where Tommy had fought him. His shirt was wrinkled and he didn’t even have any shoes. He was simply stood looking heartbroken and entirely human in this cell and it took ever ounce of willpower in Puffy to not cry to Sam to let him out. He looks nothing like the monster who manipulated and controlled others, he looked like her Dream, her duckling, her friend. 
“Dream...” Puffy starts but the words die on her tongue. 
“Puffy, please,” Dream starts and without the mask she can see tears welling in his eyes, “I know it looks bad but you know how bad these past months have been for me, you’ve always been there for me, you have to understand.” 
“I don’t...” the air in the room feels suffocating, “Dream I saw it with my own eyes. I saw it with my own eyes. How could you?” She watches as anger overrides Dream’s eyes but a mournful look still stays on his face.
“Puffy, Cara, you know me,” Puffy can’t hold back her sob when Dream uses her real name. The only other person she told that was Niki, and after their recent fight over what to do with Tommy, Puffy really didn’t want to think about Niki right now. “You know I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t have a reason. I’m doing what’s right, I’m making sure there’s no more fighting. You’re smart, you know me, I wouldn’t do this.” 
Puffy looks at Sam who looks an awful combination of guilty, furious, and depressed. Sometimes she forgets Sam has been here since the beginning. She wonders if Dream has always been evil, if he was always this manipulative, in the beginning. 
“When you would help me,” Puffy starts, still not looking at Dream, “when you were my duckling, was that just a cover? Was that just you trying to use me, too?” She turns back to meet Dream’s eyes, the mask no longer there to hide the way his eyes scream that he’s lying. His face is a dead give away for what he’s doing, Puffy wonders if that’s why he always wore the mask. 
“No, Cara,” Dream lies through his teeth, “I’d never use you, I promise. You have to believe me.” 
The three of them stand in silence, Dream leaning on the glass with fake tears in his eyes and real tears in Puffy’s. Sam is deathly quiet in the corner of the room, watching and not intervening. Puffy can’t tell if she appreciates that or not. What she can tell is that she can’t stand to look at Dream another minute. 
“I really did care about you, Dream,” she wipes her tears on her sleeve and turns to Sam, “I’m done.” Sam just nods and leads Puffy towards the exit. 
“Puffy, please! I wouldn’t do this, don’t you see it!” Dream pleads, voice morphing from sorrow to anger, “I did what I had to! Puffy listen to me! CARA!” 
Sam still says nothing as he sets a steadying hand on Puffy’s shoulder as she sobs, guiding her out of the prison and away from her duckling. 
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Do we have to leave?!
Warnings: Unsympathetic!Patton; Manipulation; shit gets real(if I need more please let me know)
Ship(s): Platonic RemRom/Creativitwins
Okay so Im going to start this by saying, Virgil is a toddler, and Remus and Roman are 10.
Just clearing that up here! This is after they split physically but before they had to leave each other? You'll get it..
I hope.
They were sitting in the living room together, playing around, minding their own business. "Remus look!" Roman said as he picked up his drawing that he made.
It was a drawing of a knight fighting a dragon, with his prince by his side. Remus starred in amazement. "Wow! Look at mine!" Remus said, holding his drawing up.
It was a drawing of an octopus, destroying and eating people on a ship.
Roman looked back at it with amazement. "That looks so cool!!" Roman enjoyed Remus' art and was used to the gore and violence that came with it.
The two looked at each other with excitement, marker and glitter on their faces and hands. For some reason, they found this quite amusing and fell into a pit of laughter and giggles.
"We should show Dad!" Roman said, standing up. Remus looked at his drawing and frowned. "I dunno.."
"Oh come on, Rem!! I'm sure he'll love just like I do!" Roman said, holding out a hand for Remus. "Okay.." Remus took Roman's hand and stood up.
Together, they went to go see Patton.
He was in the kitchen as per usual, and he smiled at them brightly as they walked in. "Dad, look!" Roman said, showing off his drawing with pride. "Oh my gosh- That is so good, Roman! I love it." Patton said holding the drawing. "How about we put it on the fridge?" He said and Roman nodded. After they put it on the fridge, Roman turned to Remus. “Remus made a drawing too!” Roman said, nudging Remus. “Oh! Uh yeah. Look.” Remus said, holding his drawing up. “Oh Remus that’s- uh-”
“Isn’t it great?” Roman said, cheerily. “I- Yeah. Yeah Remus it's great.” Patton said, forcing a smile. “Really?” Remus said. “See? I told you he would love it! Let’s put it on the fridge too!” Roman said, taking Remus’ drawing and placing it next to his many others of knights and princes. Not a single drawing on the fridge was Remus’.
Remus smiled brightly, happy to see his drawing on the fridge. “Come on, Remus! Let’s go draw some more!” Roman said, dragging Remus to the living room.
As soon as they were done, Patton took Remus’ drawing off the fridge. He looked at it with disgust and sighed.
Patton knocked on Deceit’s door. “Come in.” He said firmly. Patton slammed open the door. “What the hell?!” Deceit said, surprised. He turned around and saw Patton. Deceit groaned. “What do you want?”
“I want you to look at this!” Patton said, showing Deceit the drawing that Remus made. “What about it?” Deceit said, looking at Patton.
“What about it?! It’s- It’s hideous! It’s terrifying! Think about the nightmares it could give Virgil!” Patton yelled. “It’s really not that bad.” Deceit said. “Not that- Not that bad!? It’s terrible! He’s a bad influence on Roman. I can’t stand it anymore. He HAS to go!" Patton said, crossing his arms. "Go?" Deceit said, raising his eyebrows. "Yes! Go! I can't have him ruining Thomas!" Patton yelled.
"You can't just kick him out. He's still young. Without guidance, he'll just get out of hand."
"Fine. Then you go too." Patton said.
"Do you- What? Do you even know what you are suggesting?"
"I'm not suggesting it. I'm telling you to do it. Me, Logan, Roman, and Virgil, will live a perfect life and help Thomas without you two." Patton said. "You do realize that by doing this, you are going to split the mindscape?"
"I. Don't. Care. You two are toxic and aren't needed to make Thomas happy."
 Deceit knew there would be no changing Patton's mind. If he wanted something, he was going to get it.
Deceit sighed. "Fine. But I'm taking Virgil with me." Patton scoffed. "No you aren't! He's mine."
"No. You are clearly too unstable to take care of a toddler. I will not have you brainwashing him. He'll grow stronger and you'll end up hating him as much as you hate Remus." Deceit said.
"Dad? You- hate me?" Remus said, standing in the doorway, tears in his eyes. Patton turned around and Deceit stood up. "I- no- I don't hate you! You're my child! Dads don't hate their children." Patton said walking up to Remus. "Some do." Deceit muttered and bent down to Remus's height. "Hey hun, go say goodbye to your brother."
"But- but why?" Remus asked. "I'll explain it later okay?" Deceit promised. Remus nodded and went to go see Roman.
"Happy? You made a child cry." Deceit said, walking off to go get Virgil.
"Why do you have to leave?" Roman asked and Remus shrugged. "Deceit didn't say. But I think it's 'cause Dad hates me.."
"He doesn't hate you!" Roman said.
"Yeah he does. I heard them talking about me.."
 Roman wrapped Remus in a big hug. "I don't want you to leave.." Roman said, crying. "And I don't wanna leave." Remus said, hugging Roman back as he started crying.
Deceit, carrying Virgil, and Patton walked into the living room, to see Roman and Remus hugging and crying.
Patton pulled them away from each other. "Time to go, Remus!" Patton said, putting on a fake smile. Roman grabbed onto Patton. "Why!? Don't make him leave!"
"I'm sorry Kiddo I-"
"You hate him! You hate him! Why!? Why?! Why?!" Roman yelled, hitting Patton's legs.
"Roman, Hun, listen." Deceit said, placing Virgil down and leaning down to Roman's height. Roman turned to look at him. Deceit put his hands on Roman's shoulders. 
"Remus, Virgil, and I have go. There's no other way. I can't expect you to understand. But please try and be that strong prince I know you can be, okay?"
"But why do you have to go?" Roman said, voice quiet and cracking.
"It'll be better this way, okay?"
"Can you leave Virgil and take me? Please? I'll go! I can be strong there!" Roman pleaded. "Roman.. You can't go. You have to be strong and brave here. You'll be the knight in shining armor here, and Remus will be the one where we are going."
"The world can be a cruel and dangerous place. So, you gotta be strong, okay? For me?" Deceit asked and Roman nodded. "Good. Love you tons." Deceit said, kissing Roman's forehead and standing up. 
Patton glared at Deceit and Deceit glared back. "Come on, Remus. We gotta go." Deceit said, picking Virgil back up. 
"Okay.." Remus said, heartbreak in his voice. They all turned and began to walk towards a door, with a dark and eerie glow. "Wait!" Roman yelled, running to go hug Remus. "I love you." Roman said. "I love you too." Remus said. They let go of each other and the three went through the door.
Roman ran up to Patton and wrapped his arms around his legs. "Why'd you make them leave?" Patton sat down on the couch and pulled Roman into his lap. "Well, it's because they are a danger to you, me and Logan. And even to Thomas!" Patton said, rubbing Roman's back. "But how?"
"Well, Kiddo, Deceit lies all the time. He can't stop lying."
"So all the nice things he said?"
"Were lies."
"But what about Remus?"
"He's even worse! He wants you to think that the things he thinks about or says are okay, but they really aren't! They can make Thomas do bad things!" Patton said. "But what about-"
"That's enough questions." Patton said, cutting Roman off. "Clean up your mess and get ready for dinner." Patton said, pulling Roman off of his lap and standing up.
Roman sniffed a little and took a deep breath. "Okay.."
"Why'd we have to go?" Remus asked. "Well, Hun, I'm going to be completely honest with you. Patton made us leave."
"But why?"
"Well because he thinks we are bad- well evil."
"Are we?"
"No! Of course not! It's just that there are ways that society views things. And well, not all of the standards society sets are good ones. But we have to live this way.. Unfortunately."
"But- nevermind." Remus cut himself off. "What were you gonna say?" Deceit asks. "It's nothing. But what are we gonna have for dinner?"
"Well what do you want?" Deceit asks. "Pizza!" Virgil says from his new crib, giggling and smiling. "Yeah. Pizza."
"Okay. Pizza it is!" Deceit says, standing up to go get it.
Remus went up to his room.
"If it's bad guys they want, then it's bad guys they are gonna get." 
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shingansoul · 5 years
Pleasantly Surprising Company
Pleasantly surprising would be the best way to describe how the others felt seeing this sudden display before them. Wild wasn’t the best with sudden contact or speaking with others, especially those with more energy or presence than him. It made sense, he spent most of his time alone surviving and fighting or merely listening and taking orders whenever he was around others. Not that he didn't have friends, but they were far spread and Wild tended to prefer his time alone more than not. Yet here he was, going far and beyond out of their way to speak with and introduce just such a type of person.
The group had found themselves once again in Wild’s Hyrule, always a sudden shift from the liveliness of most of the others’ worlds. Lots of open plains, untamed animals, and few and far spread villages within various biome extremes. Yet even still, where they were now felt even more unfamiliar than the vast open lands they often traveled.
The place they now found themselves now was a vast, seeming to never end mountain path. Around them however, were many puddles and small pools to be seen in the distance further down the way and some of the shrubbery seemed almost aquatic in appearance. There also seemed glowing blue markers to signify a path as they traveled down the beaten path. It was very damp, as if it had just rained but a moment ago despite the clear open skies.
Most the group had made their complaints of the constant dampness of the place, but Wild simply lead on. Being the only one familiar with the area and being their only guide, they resigned themselves to trudge on.
“This place seems kinda dreary dontcha think?”
It was Warriors who broke the almost silent march, a couple resoundings agreement was heard, but Wild merely shook his head with vigor.
“This place always makes me happy when I visit. The people here are some of the kindest. Trust me, this visit will be worth it once you meet him.”
Wild’s spoke with almost reverence and excitement. The others merely gave him puzzled looks aside from Twilight and Time who only smiled knowingly; they had their suspicions what Wild could be referring to, though they held their tongues of course.
“People?” Questioned Legend, looking around briefly at all the water around them as if to exaggerate a point.”What kinda people would wanna live here? There’s water everywhere, wood housing would rot and stone housing would sink over time as the foundation wouldn't be stable.”
The eldest of them spoke up,”The Zora are a water loving race, they’re amphibious. Wild, by any chance are we visiting the Zora Domain?”
The boy in question smiled, nodding once again.
Ahead of the group was a sudden break from the wet grassy path and instead the beginnings of a long stone and marble walkway leading into the outer areas and winding paths of a quite fanciful city. At the walkways mouth were two tall towers that up their spires emitted the blue light as the path markers before. Taking in the sight, many of the band of heroes gawked in awe at the sheer intricacy and size of the city. However it wasn't for too long as a sudden boisterous voice yelled down to them from atop one of the towers.
“Ho there Hylian travelers! Please wait before entering the ci-,” the voice cut itself off with a dramatic gasp followed by a hearty and deep chuckle.
The heroes backed away at the sudden large form jumping down to stand among. In a few seconds of blurred bright red colliding with familiar bright blue, those closest to Wild a moment ago found themselves next to empty air. Twilight was the first to look around in concern and on high alert, his head swiveled side to side before resting on the surprising sight of their new company and his cub.
Wild was so small compared to the large Zora, especially so when being hugged and held like a child would their favorite doll or toy. The Zoran man’s arms wrapped tightly around the hylian, his head nuzzling against the smaller neck as he spoke in a stream of excited words stopping every few moments for Wild to add in a short one or two word response.
“Ah Link! My greatest most wonderful friend! It has been so long since last we met!”
“ 3 months.”
“Precisely, 3 months! An eternity it has truly been! It is so good to see you little one!”
“You too.”
Another gasp of excitement. “You must simply tell me everything you’ve seen and heard in these past months! We can hold a feast in your honor! Or would you like a small personal lunch instead? You must be famished from your travels, are you famished?”
“Not terribly.”
“Hmm, peckish then. A small brunch would be best then.”
The Zoran seemed to speak aloud half to link and half to himself about possible plans, giving enough slack for Wild to turn himself around in his grip to have his chest against the amphibian’s arms and his own two arms folded atop the others triceps. He smiled warmly, oddly comfortable with the gentle yet forceful contact from the sudden companion. He looked to his fellow heroes, lazily waving a hand as he spoke, loud enough to be heard but soft enough not to disturb the still planning Zora.
“So...are you gonna introduce us to your friend there or what?” Four questioned, his tone somewhat annoyed though his smirk and chuckle before speaking showed otherwise his true feelings of the circumstance.
“This is-”
“Ah how terribly rude of me!” The zoran in question shifted his hold on Wild, quickly but carefully placing him on the ground again before taking a low sweeping bow, his large tail-esque fin swishing to and fro excitedly like a dogs tail.
“I am Prince Sidon, Prince of the Zoran people and this before you is the Zoran domain. Welcome! Will you all also be visiting and staying while our dearest Link is?” The Zoran seemed to smile, his golden eyes almost willing the others to say yes.
Wild looked at the others with a similar though far toned down expression. The others quickly looked amongst themselves before turning their own gazes to Time. The eldest glanced at everyone before sighing in faux exasperation and nodding.
“It’d be rude to turn down such hospitality. Plus, im sure we’d love to get acquainted with your friend here, Link.”
As mentioned earlier, Sidon had gone ahead with the more private brunch idea, the dishes all being light fruit and fish served to the group in the Prince’s personal studies after a few extra chairs had been retrieved from empty guest rooms in the palace living quarters. As they all ate, the Zoran prince seemed to speak in an almost endless stream of questions and compliments towards Wild, changing to address one of the others on occasion to make sure all was well with their food. The sight of Wild so comfortable and friendly with another warmed Twilight’s heart, he felt a bit relieved in earnest.
He knew Wild’s journey in his mission had been a lonely one, so knowing he did actually have friends was a pleasant surprise for sure. Though Sidon was certainly not the kind of friend Twilight had expected. Sidon was loud but not obnoxious, he was boisterous and flagrant with his words, a strange mix of formal and polite yet excitable and hyperactive like a child. He seemed to care for Wild quite a bit, though the circumstances between their relationship were unknown. Wild was a wild boy and hero, Sidon was the heir to a kingdom and a prince, Wild was quiet and spoke with his actions before his words unless he felt it necessary, Sidon seemed to have words to share in the thousands, yet they seemed to pair off quite well and fit into each other's company seamlessly.
“Ah I've failed once again in my manners to you all, forgive me.” Sidon suddenly addressed all the other Links now. “I have yet to ask you all hardly anything, how terribly rude of me. How berated I would be if she saw..Now if i may ask, friends of Link, how exactly do you all know one another? Our dear Link has yet to bring other Hylian’s aside from Princess Zelda herself to our domain.”
The room grew awkwardly silent, the group thinking over how exactly to respond. How much should they tell? Should they even say anything, what lie would they give instead? However, all their struggled thoughts and side glances were for nothing as Wild spoke.
“They’re versions of me from the past, sorta. Something weird going on recently connected our times and versions of hyrule and now we’re travelling together…” He looked to Time as if to ask for confirmation that he spoke correctly. He eldest nodded slowly, adding on, “That’s an...oversimplified version of the situation i suppose, yes…”.
The group was torn between staring in shock and exasperation towards Wild and curious and concerned glances to Sidon, trying to gauge his reaction.
The prince hummed softly to himself, taking the information in. Seemingly far too quickly given the weight of what was just said so simply. He then smiled, sweeping his gaze over the group before him.
“Well, any Link is welcome here with my blessing then. I wish you all the luck on your travels and quest, whatever exactly it may be this time. Remember,” he turned his attention back to Wild,” If things weigh on you too heavily, or should you ever feel you’re unable, it is no weakness to ask for help. You’ve me and all my people can offer, and now you’ve other allies too! So do great, but don’t let the world make you feel like you’ve no choice in your path. You may be a hero, but you’re also my dearest greatest and most important friend i’ve ever had.”
Wild smiled, leaning into Sidons side and nodding. He made sure he had the Prince’s attention before ghosting his fingers against his chin and moving his hand forward and out from there.
‘Thank you.’
Sidon grinned, his sharp rows of teeth somehow showing more warmth than ferocity as he nodded. The Zoran raised his own hands, first pointing at himself, then crossing his arms wrist over wrist and finally pointing back at Wild. Then he made a motion laying one one thumb and wrist on the other, two fingers extended only on each hand and he pumped his arms moving his hands in a half circle away from him and then back.
‘I love you. Take care.’
‘Yes,” thought Twilight to himself watching the sign language “spoken” between the two, ‘pleasantly surprising indeed.’
Okay so first of all, i adore the @linkeduniverse AU so much, its brought me so much joy the past few days since  i stumbled upon it. The art, the story so far, the characterization, it’s all so wonderful and brought me a lot of comfort and joy recently. So i just HAD to give some kind of fan work for it to show appreciation. I can’t wait to see where it goes, thank you so much @jojo56830 for sharing your ideas and talents with the world. 
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9/26/2018, Part 1
Last night we had taken the boat back here, weakly hobbled back to our room and climbed into bed. Our head was terribly sore from being slammed into the resort building by the explosion that Dust Sans made at the beach. Returning to our room, only to be greeted by the sight of "ばくばくばくばくばくばくばくばくばく" written on our walls from weeks ago, did not help matters. We did our best to disregard the colorful wall writings and go to sleep.
We dreamed about a man wearing a shirt I didn't like. I couldn't help but wince in revulsion at the sight of it. We wake up, feeling more rested than we did for the past two days, but our head still feels a bit tender from yesterday. We don't really want to stay in our room today, though, so we get out of bed and go out the door.
We ride a boat to Port Town since the Island's not open, and step off.
"so wat u wana do today, hooman Cookie?"
"i dunno, just get some fresh air, i guess."
Hopefully Sans hasn't chased us all the way here. The exploding Sans, that is. We don't need another skull explosion knocking us off our feet and into a building. Our head's still a tiny bit sore from yesterday.
We start to make our way down the boardwalk... but as soon as I see who's there, I turn us around and walk us right back the way we came, in the direction of the harbor. Nope, we are not ready to deal with him again just yet. Sorry, Temmie, but Baku's going to have to wait.
"Temmie, my head- uh, our head still isn't feeling 100% better after we hit it yesterday. I don't want to deal with Baku giving me another headache right now."
"wat u mean??"
"i mean i dont wanna talk to him rite now."
"wy not???"
"yu kno he makes me feel weird, right?"
"ya, but wy??"
"remember a cuple days ago, wen we found out he new my name?"
"o ya... dat was weird. u got realy scared wen he did that! wat was dat all about?"
"cuz he likes freakin me out. an i dont really feel like bein freaked out rite now."
"aw, ok, hoomin..."
We would like to explore Port Town, but I don't want to risk attracting Baku's attention by passing through the boardwalk. So for now, Temmie and I sit on a bench and watch the boats.
[Johan] In the distance a boat is inbound, distant but coming in fast. The distant whirring sound becoming louder and louder before slowing down. By the time it’s close enough to the dock for the driver to start trying to park it, one of the passengers becomes painfully obvious. A skeleton with a bright shirt and sunglasses. He seems to be carrying a jacket that also seems bright in color, possibly more-so than the shirt itself. When the boat parks he thanks the driver and hops off, looking around for a map or something.
[Rave Witch Temmie] Wait a minute- is that another Fresh-possessed?!
Temmie notices my concern and thinks, "watsa matter, hooman??"
"Well, uh... it's just that... that skeleton that just got off the boat kind of reminds me of... y'know..."
But before I can object, she waves to him and calls out, "h0I! im Temmie!1!"
[Johan] The skeleton flinches a bit before looking in their direction before looking behind him. Who are they talking to? He nervously goes back to what he’s doing, trying to find a map and trying to be invisible. Dang these clothes. He eventually realizes there’s a map near where the others are but... something about them... actually no it’s just that he doesn’t want to be noticed, along with the tem being really social with that call out. He hesitates to walk towards them and eventually just stands there awkwardly, trying to find another way.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "wats ur name?? imma Temmie!1! and i gota human SOUL!!1 im da strongest tem!! wat about yu??"
[Johan] Johan watches the tem for a moment before looking around again. It really is talking to him isn’t it? Johan can’t help but sigh to himself as he decides to just walk past, pretending he didn’t notice as he goes to read the map. He really needs to find new clothes.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "u like pretty colors to?? i like pretty colors!1! u like my hat? i got it from da hoomans SOUL!1!"
[Johan] For the most part, Johan continues to ignore them, believing that maybe they were just rambling nonsense. He leans towards the map before him, trying to find some sort of clothes store, muttering under his breath as if to remind himself what he’s trying to find. The moment the other mentions a human soul he stops. His expression becomes one of concern as he looks over. “...what?? Wait wait... what???” He soon becomes extremely shocked and confused seeming, as there are many things about that statement that’s really worrying to him. He goes to put his jacket back on, the fluff on the hood and various other collar-like parts becoming obvious. That jacket, despite the colors, may seem familiar to those familiar with a certain blaster taming universe. He probably just wants to hide his face at this point. The tem is scaring the poor kid.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "watsa matter? u dont like my hat? its so pretty!! i got it cuz of hooman!1 my hoomans a witch!!1 i gota nice hat and a magic wand!! i can use hoomins magic and tems magic1!! its da best!1! also human helps me talk bettr!1! rite, hooman??"
We glance to the side for a moment.
"...yea, i do. cuz we use first person pronouns."
We look back at Johan. "yayaya!1 i talk in first persons!1! isnt dat cool??!"
[Johan] Johan can’t help but shiver. Something about this interaction was... unsettling. He begins to walk off despite not finding directions yet, and seems to smack something against the map. When he lets go what’s left is a weird peep-like creature. It’s neon blue and appears to be a bit dazed from the sudden smack. It shakes it off before going to read the map now that Johan has walked off.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "ooo!! who are yu???"
[Johan’s parasite] The parasite looks up at the tem and tilts its head to see better before looking around. Johan is gone and getting lost, leaving the parasite here with the tem. It seems to think for a moment before letting out a really quiet squeak and continuing its mapping. He slowly slinks around on the map as to continue its search. A clothes store, right?
[Rave Witch Temmie] We get up from the bench and walk over to the map to get a closer look at it. That thing... oh no, it isn't what I think it is, is it? Temmie, we probably shouldn't- too late, we're already standing right in front of the blue thing, and staring at it.
[Johan’s parasite] The tiny peep with its beady black eyes continues scanning the map, not noticing the tem before realizing it suddenly got really dark. It turns around only to be startled, resulting in the stickiness wearing off momentarily and the parasite falling off. It wiggles for a moment before getting its grip on the world again, soon trying to find a way back up. Parasite does its job when it has a job to do. Mostly just retrieve something. This time it’s information and direction. Maybe it could get a bit of magic in the meantime? Probably not though.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "aww, its so cute!1" We reach out a paw to touch it...
"Temmie, i dont think we should touch dat..."
"but its so cute!1!!"
[Johan’s parasite] The parasite doesn’t react to the poke, mostly just confusion as it looks up to the tem, beady black eyes pleading “why” to the other. With that poke alone they may be able to tell it’s very squishy. It continues trying to climb up, soon to find the map again. Pathfinding! Yay!
[Rave Witch Temmie] "hey, dont run away!1! i think yer cute!1!!"
"Temmie, it doesnt like us touchin it!1! lets just-"
We clasp the squishy blue parasite between our paws and try to pull it off the map. Temmie, I'm telling you, this is a very bad idea...
[Johan’s parasite] The parasite seems really confused as it starts to look around. It soon becomes obvious it’s scared as it begins to wiggle, trying to get upright again. It tries to look at the map from their new viewpoint but now all of the words are tiny. It freaks out more and soon tries to be free from their grasp, attempting to scurry up their arm if possible.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "ooo, its so wiggly!1!"
"eeeeuuuuugh, Temmie, it doesnt like- ACK!!"
The squirmy little thing just slithered out of our paws and onto our left arm!
"g-get it off, get it off!!"
As I am fairly certain I know exactly what this thing is (though, notably, I've never seen one that had eyes on the outside of its body before), I have no desire to let it cling onto us, lest it try to worm its way inside us...
I frantically shake our left arm up and down, trying to fling it off. If that doesn't work, I'm going to have to pull it off.
[Johan’s parasite] To their advantage, the parasite uses the shaking to give it a boost. It jumps off right when there’s the most momentum in the arm to fling it back into the map. It lands with a smack before going to find its place again. It crawls back to the “you are here” mark and begins inching around from there. Back to business!
[Rave Witch Temmie] Oh, thank god, we got it off. That was way too close. I can't risk letting one of those get inside us.
...Then again, if it really is a Fresh parasite, then even if it did manage to get inside us, it might not necessarily be able to take control of us, since we have two souls, one of which is far stronger than the other. It would have to subdue both of us in order to gain complete control over our body. Perhaps it may be able to overtake Temmie's soul, but if it did, that would only give it partial control- I'd still be able to resist it.
[Johan’s parasite] While the human is monologuing to itself the parasite continues trying to find the shop. It soon slinks over to the key to try and find some sort of indication or symbol of sorts. It finds something of the sort so it squished back up to the marker. It looks like it’s starting to get frustrated as it can’t find anything. It decides to figure out which way Johan went for now to have some sort of area to go off of. So for now it’s just looking around and trying to figure out how to read a map.
[Rave Witch Temmie] ...I don't want to stay here any longer while there's a Fresh parasite in the area. Yes, technically there was another Fresh parasite hanging around the boardwalk the last time we checked, but, y'know... this one's a free, hostless parasite. And I'd rather not stick around, just in case it decides that it would rather not pass up the opportunity to take us as a host.
...Not after what happened two years ago during the camping trip.
Not again... Not again...
We walk to the boardwalk.
[Johan’s parasite] After some time, now that there’s no distraction or anything, the parasite gives up. It looks like it has a headache. Soon it drops off the map and begins making its way to wherever Johan is. It takes some time but it will get there eventually.
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prompt-master · 7 years
Dear Evan Hansen Headcanons
- Jared once bought heelies because as the school funnyman it’s practically his job- but then he rolled down a ramp and crashed into a fountain
- when Connor was alive he punched a kid who made fun of his black nail polish
-Evan has both a fidget cube and spinner, but uses the cube more often. Jared used to tease him for it but then he saw how much it helped Evan and let the boy be free
-Evan has actually been handling his anxiety a lot better since the whole Connor project incident, and it makes Heidi and Jared so happy because: you’re doing great sweetie look at you go
-it took Evan a really long time to tell Jared how he actually broke his arm and when he did it was very a random very fast word vomit while they were hiking.
-Evan falling out of the tree is now the one thing Jared will not make fun of
-Jared once tried to ask Evan out and ended up screaming “YOU WANNA GO” at him and Evan instantly thought Jared wanted to fight and was Afraid
-things were incredibly awkward with Zoe for a long time. Most of the time they accidentally met in the orchard and Evan would always, without fail, start apologizing. Zoe is so used to it that whenever she sees Evan she instantly says “it’s ok.”
-Heidi takes as many days off as she can but she’s still really busy, whenever she’s home she’s making all of Evan’s favorite foods and they chill out and watch cop shows
-Heidi usually asks how Evans day went and if he’s doing ok, and Evan makes sure she’s not over exhausting herself
-One time in the middle of Evan’s routinely “I’m sorry I fucked up so bad” speeches Zoe suddenly asked “so you wrote that letter?”
-Evan didn’t go to the orchard for a week after that he was so shook
-whenever someone accidentally steps on the back of Evan’s shoes he loses his shoe, everything in his pockets, and face plants
-Jared is gonna make fun of Evan until he dies but if anyone else does Jared will personally show up to your room that night and end you
-Zoe actually helped to mend their very awkward relationship by making stupid jokes before Evan could open his mouth and after that they were able to just have a comfortable silence
-Jared is the living embodiment of “I made you a friendship bracelet” “lol that’s so stupid” “you don’t have to we-” “NO IM NEVER TAKING IT OFF”
-he may or may not have a few of Evans friendship bracelets around his ankle
-after middle school Jared actually got really afraid of being bullied, so when high school started he upped his teasing to the next tier
-Evan tries really hard to comfort Jared when he feels like shit- which is more often than you’d think- but it’s just so hard to tell when he is and he always throws it off with a dumb joke
-one time Jared teased Evan about the Connor project, and went too far, Evan didn’t speak to him for the rest of the day, Jared almost cried
- sometimes when he can tell Evan is having a rough day he invites him to places randomly- “hey so all my totally awesome friends bailed on me for the mall, and I figured you’d wanna go since you have no life or whatever”
- alternatively Evan sits by Jared and makes awkward small talk, and just gives the boy a chance to tell him what’s wrong. He’ll give him his cube if Jared seems especially anxious
-Zoe once asked Evan if anything he told her was true, and he told her about the printer story. She seemed somewhat happy that Connor cared she was in the letter.
-Zoe once stabbed Connor in the eye with mascara and still finds it one of the funniest memories of him
-Zoe is a music depression person, she sits in her room with music full blast a lot
-“wait Zoe you know that you don’t have to like forgive me and be friends with me right like that’s totally ok i know I screwed up so-” “I know, I also don’t have mourn Connor” “…so why are you at the orchard so much”
-she never explains this
-one time Jared jumped on Evans back and they both ended up in a river
-he knows Evan has the strength to hold him up and dammit he’s gonna prove it
-one of the things Evan doesn’t regret about the Connor project is his speech because he still gets messages of the video thanking him and telling him how helpful it was
-Evan really wants a hamster, like really fucking badly
-Jared constantly greets people with “sup I’m gay” or “sup Hereros”
-Jared also constantly points out hot guys in hopes that Evan will agree because he can’t tell if Evan really is bi or not he just gets bi vibes from him
-“hey can you help me find updog” “what is..updog…?”
- this happens with Bofa too
- Connor used to be the master of avoiding situations. If you tried to have a serious conversation with him he’d either distract you or you’d turn around and he’d just be gone.
- he also does this thing where he pulls his hoodie up and pulls the strings whenever he just can’t deal with how stupid this is
-Jared was the first to drive and oh god what a mistake that was, he’s terrible
-Zoe once laughed really hard and spat gum at a teacher by accident
-one time while hiking with Evan he reached over and ate a leaf and Evan can’t even look at him the same way- what is wrong with you, Jared
- operation ask Evan out part 2- Jared tried to let Evan come to him because who wouldn’t you know? Then Zoe explained that she solidified the relationship- so he took Evan to the park but ended up eating too many chili dogs and throwing up on the curve when he got nervous. He was still trying to ask him out while hurling
-Alana becomes Number One Leader, she’s great at it, she’s learned to listen to other people more often.
-she hangs out with Jared and Evan a lot, she usually organizes the hangouts
-was voted most likely to succeed in life and honestly? It was probably unanimous
- Jared and her are in the “Evan was a dick to me” club and have tshirts
- eventually they let Zoe into their club
-one time they were hanging out and invited Zoe without Evan knowing and Evan nearly jumped out a window he ran away so fast
- Alana saw Zoe’s stars on her jean cuffs and got so happy “oh my god that’s such a great idea it looks so cute!” “Oh thank you it’s just-” “do you mind if I do it too?” “Not at all but why-” “do you have a marker?”
- Evan can’t tie his shoes
- Alana ends up uploading a bunch of videos of Zoe playing songs, and they get some good attention. Zoe was shocked but Alana just explained that it was inevitable
-Jared goes through everyone’s phones and changes people’s contact names to memes
- “Evan stop apologizing so much” “I’m sorry-” “Evan no. None of that. Please” “ok ok I’m sorr-” “EVAN”
- Evan and Alana hate litter. Like a lot. Jared will never understand it but whenever the two are out they’re just picking up all the litter they find and throw it out.
-Jared once made a joke “maybe you guys should just carry around bags to carry garbage in”
-After they started doing this Jared made another joke: “why don’t you two make a recycling project”
-after Alana and Evan become save the world co-presidents Jared learned he really needs to stop joking.
-Jared cried when he graduated
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artificialqueens · 8 years
The Best Years Of Our Lives (Trixya/Pearlet) Ch. 6 - Athena
A/N: Hi guys! Sorry if you guys saw my melodramatic ask, I had a moment. I can be a little extra at times. But, I’m gonna keep writing this. Also, sorry for the lack of Pearlet, I promise you that it is coming in the next chapter
Trigger warning: Alcohol usage / Throwing up 
Once the girls made it back to the residence hall, Trixie heard several voices coming from the inside of her room. Violet, Pearl, Fame, and Kim were all sitting on the floor with a bottle of rum, a bottle of whiskey, and other various colorful liquids in different shaped bottles in the middle of them.
“Close the fucking door!” Pearl hissed.
“Wait, didn’t you hate a date tonight with a Tinder bro?” Kim questioned.
“Um, well, he was awful. I left without saying a word and went straight to Katya’s room. Anyway, this guy talked about his mom, and his Pomeranians—”
Katya interrupted. “Also, she said he was sweaty and smelled like feet.”
“Yup, smelled like feet, and asked me about how many children I wanted to have, and complimented my child-bearing hips.”
“Also, apparently, he talked about his ex, who left him because of his addiction to World of Warcraft, and lack of passion in the bedroom.”
“It was actually League of Legends.”
“Who cares, they’re both terrible,” Kim said.
Fame raised an eyebrow. “Wow. That’s… That’s… an experience.”
Katya and Trixie joined the circle on the floor.
Katya grabbed the bottle of vodka. “May I?”
“Of course,” Violet said. She handed Katya a bottle of cranberry juice. “Want a chaser?”
Katya chugged. “Please. I don’t do chasers.” Katya passed the bottle to Trixie.
“Why the hell not?” Trixie took a swig of the vodka and immediately regretted it. The alcohol was overwhelming, causing her to temporarily forgot how to swallow. Her throat burned as the liquid eventually made its way down her throat.
Trixie took a giant gulp of the juice that was handed to her. “Do people actually like the taste of alcohol?”
Fame laughed. “Nope. Most people just pretend to like it. But we have this, too if you wanna try it? It won’t taste like alcohol, not much anyway. It’s a good first drink to have.” She poured a bottle filled with blue liquid into a cup mixed with lemonade.
Trixie took a cup from Fame. She was right, she could vaguely feel the burn of alcohol, but to her, it tasted like blue popsicles. “This is great!”
“Pace yourself,” Violet warned. “The most dangerous drinks are the ones that taste good.”
“I have an idea!” Kim chimed in. “Let’s play never have I ever. I have nothing to lose because I haven’t done anything.”
“How do you play?”
“You put up ten fingers, and then you say something you haven’t done, like ‘never have I ever murdered a man in cold blood,’ and if you’ve done it, you put a finger down,” Katya explained.
“I’ll go first!” Kim said. “Never have I ever had a boyfriend.”
Pearl and Fame put a finger down.
“Okay, Violet you go.”
“Never have I ever… Hmm. Never have I ever—wait, nope, I’ve done that. Never have I ever been black-out drunk.”
Both Pearl and Katya put a finger down.
“Never have I ever… smoked weed.”
Pearl and Katya put a finger down.
“Never have I ever been tied up or tied someone up for sex.”
Violet put a finger down. “What? It’s fun. Maybe you should try it sometime.”
As the game progressed, Trixie felt the alcohol going to her head, and fast. She didn’t care. The alcohol made her whole body feel warm.  
 “Trixie, your turn.”
“Never have I ever been in a relationship.”
Everyone but Kim put a finger down.
“My turn again,” Kim said. “Never have I ever kissed a girl.”
Trixie hesitated as she put a finger down. She noticed that everyone but Kim put a finger down.
“Fame?” Katya questioned.
“There was a night where Violet and I got a little drunk. Pearl, you’re lucky. She’s a good kisser.”
“I know.”
“Trixie? Who?” Kim’s tone was skeptical.
Trixie hesitated as she looked at Katya. “I don’t kiss and tell.”  She looked over at Katya who made no reaction.
The game continued until Violet put her tenth finger down. Trixie was definitely past the buzzed stage, and was onto the full-on drunk stage. At this point, she wasn’t sure how many drinks she had. She knew it was more than two, but less than five. Everything was funny to her, and she laughed so hard that she had to lay down on the floor.
“Now what?” Violet asked.
Fame picked up an empty bottle of cranberry juice. “Spin the bottle?”
Katya snorted. “Please Fame, this isn’t high school.”
Trixie sat up. “I’m down.”
“I’m not. I’ll watch you guys,” Kim said moving to the bed.
“Vi, you go first!”
Violet spun. It landed on Fame.
“Hey, bae,” Fame said. They learned in for a peck on the lips. They both laughed and pulled back.
Fame went next. Katya.
“C’mere, baby,” Katya said jokingly.
As Trixie watched the two of them kiss, she felt a hint of jealousy. She pushed the feeling aside, knowing full well she had no right to be jealous.
Katya went next. It landed on Trixie, whose inhibitions were almost nonexistent. She looked at Katya with lust in her eyes as she pulled her in for a kiss. Trixie had never been so aggressive while making out with Katya, who kissed back with the same amount of passion. Eventually they broke away.
Everyone was staring at them.
“Whoa,” Pearl said.
“Someone’s had too much alcohol,” Katya said making an “Are you serious?” face at Trixie.
“Ew, did you get red lipstick on me?” Trixie questioned. “You know I hate that.”
“Wait. You guys have done this before?” Kim said getting up from the bed.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuckity fuck, Trixie thought.
“She means when I kiss her on the cheek! Right Trixie?”
“Yes! She always gets her lipstick on my cheek and it ruins my makeup. It’s the worst. Anyway, whose turn is it next?”
Violet looked at her and raised an eyebrow, which caused Trixie glare in return. She grabbed her phone, and had a very difficult time texting.
To: Vi Ill takl to u bout it in later
At this point, Trixie was so drunk that she couldn’t text. Violet waited a turn before texting her back.
From: Vi Jfc, that was kinda hot. Dont worry, you just looked like a sloppy drunk. Katya came thru with that save tho. Your Tinder date story was so extra
To: Vi It was fun thooooooo. Bsides im an extra person, yuo kno this. Lolololol. Atl east im not boring
From: Vi Whatever you say…
There was a knock at the door.
“Fuck,” Violet said, shoving as many bottles under the bed as possible.
“R.A.,” she heard Alyssa call.
“I forgot about their rounds,” Kim whispered, who was clearly panicking.
Pearl smacked her arm. “Don’t look guilty.”
Trixie put a bottle behind her back. “Just a sec!”
“I’m coming in!” Alyssa said opening the door.
She looked around the room. “Jesus, ladies could you be any louder? Manila said she could hear you from her end of the hall.” Alyssa looked around the room and locked eyes with a bottle that hadn’t made it under the bed and raised an eyebrow.
Panicked eyes shot amongst the girls. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. You’re lucky it’s so late and I really don’t feel like filing six underage drinking reports for all of you. Don’t you dare get cute and try this again.” Alyssa shut the door.
The girls unanimously decided it’d be best to stop drinking, and eventually decided to watch a movie on Trixie’s laptop. During the movie, Violet and Pearl weren’t paying much attention. They were on the corner of Kim’s bed making out, whispering things in each other’s ear. Trixie could have sworn they took it further, since they both had a blanket over themselves. 
“Get a fucking room,” Katya said, shielding her eyes.
At this point, Trixie could barely unlock her phone. But, she attempted to text Violet, not noticing that she had sent the text the wrong person.
To: Fame viiiiiiii jfc ur goin harder than me ad katya we’re the other nite. its kidna hot tbh
Fame looked at her phone with wide eyes.
From: Fame this def isn’t vi. What? you and Katya? wtf??????
As she read the text, Trixie was mortified she put her hands over her mouth.
Shit. This is bad. Fuck. Goddammit. Why did I think drinking was such a good idea? At least Fame’s drunk too, maybe she’ll forget.
 To: Fame gurl pls, I ment like when we kissed
From: Fame I dont rly believe you but I guess ill just ignore this and forget I ever saw it. Deleting the texts now
Before Trixie could text back, she suddenly felt sick to her stomach. She ran into the bathroom that she shared with two girls she had never spoken to. The only communication with them was through messages written on dry erase markers on the bathroom mirror. As she ran into the bathroom, she hoped to God one of her suitemates wasn’t in the bathroom already.
Thankfully, there was no one, and Trixie made it to the toilet. Her throat burned as all the contents in her stomach came up. The alcohol burnt her throat and nose. As she was bent over the toilet, she felt someone pull her hair back. After she was finally done, Trixie noticed that the toilet was now a bright blue color. She wiped her mouth and flushed the toilet.
She looked up and saw Katya. Trixie laid down on the nice, cool floor.
Trixie groaned in response. Katya helped her get out of the bathroom. Once she was out of the bathroom, Trixie flopped onto her bed. 
“Katyaaaaa,” she whined. “Come cuddle with me.”
Katya hesitantly laid on the bed with Trixie and stroked her hair.
“I love you,” Trixie sat up from the bed. “Like I really love you. Katya, can we tell them? Can we, can we, can we?”
“I think we better wait until you’re not drunk off your ass. You’re gonna probably–”
“Tell us what?” Fame questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“Me and Katya had sex, and it was really good.”
This finally made Pearl and Violet stop. Pearl stared at Trixie for a few seconds before saying, “Well, shit.” 
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mywildloves · 8 years
Im taking an FMLA day today.
I cant possibly go to work in my state of mind. I feel like absolute garbage. Its so weird how this happens. Things will go great for weeks, and then BAM I cant even get out of bed. But thats Borderline.
Everything everyone says to me is going to irritate me. Im texting Jared right now and hes trying to be supportive but its just making me more angry. Most of the time, its memories of *him* that get me like this so its hard to take that kinda positive “youre doing so great” talk from him. Id tell him why Im upset, but itll just be a day long argument and I dont wanna deal with that at all. Im going to try and not communicate with anyone today. Im going to self care myself back to life today. Just draw draw draw, or color color color. Ive been coloring since Ive been in and out of the looney bin, since aside from puzzles and reading, that was all we could really do. And I still do it. And I still use the Big Gulp cup that I used to carry my markers in. Im still sort of quietly recovering from being there, and in March itll be a year since the first time I was hospitalized.
Thankfully, I have therapy and group today so maybe thatll help me put things in perspective. One time I didnt go to group because I was too disregulated, and when I told them that the next week they said, ‘Yeah, thats actually the best time to come to group. We can help you shake it off and put things in perspective’. I didnt think about it that way, so Ill be going today even though I really dont want to.
I dont want to do anything but draw today. Im drawing this Hulk panel for Jared (who will probably do nothing woth it but go ‘wow, thats awesome". Just like the gigantic Superman vs Doomsday I did for him, or the countless octopuses… theyre all sitting in tubes. Forgotten about. Im sure the Hulk will join them in the dark.
Ugh, do you hear how negative Im being today?? I hate days like today. I cant get out of my own head and my head is telling me everything is terrible. Everything is NOT terrible, its just today. Its just today. Its just today.
Right? No? Ok.
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