#wanted these for a longass time and god damn were they annoying
vos-videmus · 2 years
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> PROPS - Motorcycle Helmet <
Now available on my
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char-lotteral · 3 years
I agree with Kishimoto never trying to use the girls. The hate they get is not fair. I used to defend Sakura back in the days because I hoped kishi would do her justice. When shippuden started I WAS SO HAPPY because I thought this was the start of something great for Sakura and the girls but NOOOOO. Every time, Sasuke showed kishi turned her brainless. If you compare Naruto's actions and Sakura's actions to sasuke, you'd see they're completely different. What's up with that weird fake love confession scene 😭? It makes her look like she was manipulating Naru. JEEZ.
Also he literally had badass Tenten and Temari with cool useful abilities and he didn't use them ?! TF ?! Thank god for modern authors who treat their characters with respect :)
okay2 you know how i am with these longass rants so click readmore and brace yourselves
The way I see it, Sakura's character development in shippuden was always one step forward, two steps back. She gets this really badass scene (like her fight with Sasori and those cool ass medical skills) but is then regressed back into a pining girl in love every time Sauce is on screen or Kishi just throws her in the background YET AGAIN.
I love Sakura's abilities actually. Her brute strength, intelligence, vast knowledge and skill as a medic nin. But what I dislike about her character is how kishi handled her feelings for Sasuke. Naruto and Sakura's obsession with Sasuke was so???? huh??? it was so damn toxic and i never once understood why both Nardo and Sak were so obsessed with him. They were a team for one year???? I mean its great that they care about him alot but Sauce's feelings were kinda valid. His freakin clan died. Id go batshit crazy against my own village too. BUT BESIDES THAT. Both Nart and Sakura's Sasuke obsession was so annoying. 80% of shippuden was literally Keeping up with the Uchihas or Naruto yelling SASUKEH. BUT what irks me so much is the fandom's double standards with both Naruto and Sakura. "Oh Sakura shouldve gotten over her Sasuke obsession" but then turn around and call Naruto's obsession cute and gush about how he's so in love with him!!
Hot take but the only reason why sasunaru is "the most developed ship with the most chemistry" is because theyre both male characters.
I guarantee you if Naruto was a girl and SHE would be the one to have this unhealthy obsession who was chasing around Sasuke, the fandom would shit on Naruto just as much. And if Sasuke were a girl, Sauce would be sidelined like the rest of the female cast and Naruto would have another male character to have a "brotherly bond" with, because thats the only bond Kishimoto is actually good at developing. Yey for male characters having all the screentime and cool assets <333
And about that confession scene, I get her intentions. I really do. I understand that she did that in order to bring him home and that she cares about him but honey, w-why?? Why lie to him about your feelings?? Supposed he DID believe her, then what? then what kishi???? huh??? Some of her fans point the blame on Sai or whatever but I personally dont see why that scene was at all necessary. Maybe to establish Naruto's feelings for her wasnt all that serious? or his maturity? idk man. That scene was such a clusterfuck.
In the end her development in The Last and in Boruto was immaculate. She had one of the best glow ups in the old gen and ironically enough, her character wasn't butchered in Boruto. She got badass scenes she was cheated from in shippuden. I also love how she's finally getting the spotlight she deserves. Unlike the other konoha 12 :,)))
Okay onto the next female character that Kishi completely wasted. My baby. My light. 🙈 AAAHHH HINATAA.
Let me just establish this real quick. Hinata's goal was to get stronger because of Naruto, her goal was never to be with Naruto. She wanted to become someone who is worthy enough to stand beside him, someone whom he can consider as an equal, as a partner. She NEVER once said "marrying Naruto-kun is my all time goal UwU" (if youre one of those weirdos who interpret her character that way, youre immediately invalid, go take a hike)
I personally dont have anything against their crushes but to the point of making their personalities revolve around these guys every time theyre onscreen is so fucking frustrating. And with the way he writes their dialogues is so.damn.cringey. Like that one scene in the war arc with Tsunade and Madara
"I mAy bE a WomAn but I aM nOt WeAAKKKK"
BAAHAHAAHHA WHAT?? Everyone else gets coolass monologues and one liners but thats the best you can come up with Kishi?????? Hilarious.
If im being honest. Hinata's character is actually kinda well written. Not well executed. Dear God no. But with the way he set her story, her personality, her chracterization. She's honestly one of the best written female characters on the show. IMO. By Kishi's standards of writing women ofc. She's hands down one of the most complex characters. Her shy personality wasnt out of the blue, it wasnt a cutesy waifu trait. Her abusive upbringing made her that way. Her trauma turned her that way. So yeah, sue her if she looked up to Naruto as an inspiration when everyone else in her family treated her like dust. Shit on her for having Naruto's love light in her dark when her own damn father wouldnt even look her in the eye and her entire clan shunned her because she was "weak." She doesnt owe her family shit so idgaf what they do with the Hyuga clan. Neji and Hanabi aren't included btw
Im not gonna deny that her role in the show was only as the love interest but tbh for a love interest, Im glad her character wasnt so one dimensional. It just pains me SO MUCHHH how fucking wasted she is. Every time she's with Naruto, they always make her into a damsel in distress. They always feel the need to turn Naruto into the heroic prince. How cute.
Hnggggg dont get me started with her role in Boruto. She's as relevant as a damn houseplant in the manga. They made her into an invisible trophy wife and "the mc's mother" and we all KNOW what happens to the shounen mc's mother once mc is in need of character development :) Quit putting her in the background. Give us that scene where she won against Hanabi DESPITE being retired for years. Give us that scene where she trains Boruto. GIVE US ANY FIGHT SCENE OF HER WHERE HER POTENTIAL ISNT WASTED WTF?¿
Now if you say that Hinata didnt have development. YOURE INVALID. She came from an abusive household, the shyest girl in her class, her insecurities got in the way of her own confidence, had difficulty of standing up for herself now became a loving mother of two, has the guts to kick her husband out of the house(with whom she couldnt even keep eye contact with when she was a kid) became the strongest hyuga, most supportive wife and mother, and has given her kids the comforting childhood she never had as a kid.
She has one of the most beautiful stories in the show and if you think her personality is only Naruto-kun and big boobs, then im sorry that you cant appreciate such a heartwarming story.
And I agree, killing her would honestly make me feel more at ease than continue to see her suffer because of godawful misogynistic writers. But at least let her die in an epic fight. Please. PLEASEE. She got nerfed so bad, i feel a physical pain every time i think about it
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Okay what else. I think Ino got pretty good development. Another wasted potential in shippuden but she's doing good for herself in Boruto. I dont know what Temari is up to. They basically made her into another classic angry mom who beats up her husband for comedy trope. Haha very funny and original! Im not sure with her career, im not that invested in the anime.
oh G O D Tenten. The dirtiest of all. Her jokes about her screentime is so mean and i hate that its true ahsjhs. She was the only female character in OG who's goal wanted to be as strong as Tsunade but what did Kishi do to her?? Sidelined. Forgotten. Irrelevant. Like every damn female on the show :D
Konan shouldnt have died. I blame plot armor. I know in my heart that Konan wouldve kicked Obito's ass if it weren't for Kishi's boomer mindset.
Tsunade had so much hype when she was introduced but died down in the war arc. Madara wiped the floor with the kages. Holy shit. Not only that, but yipee! Naruto is there to save the day AGAIN!!!!
AND UGHHHH If the female characters were given proper treatment then maybe MAYBE all the endgame couples wouldve made fucking sense????¿¿¿
I think that ends my rant. Im not sure how the female characters in Boruto are handled. Except maybe Sarada (she's pretty well executed in the manga imo). But arguably they are sooo much better handled in Boruto than how the old gen girls were. And thats because Kishi isnt anywhere near the new gen female cast. I cant formulate a solid opinion with the other new gen female cast since im not entirely invested in the anime. Not ashamed to admit that I only watch it for the sunshine moments and for Hinata :DD
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themeganator5000 · 3 years
1, 3, 13, 23!
sorry, this got kinda long lol. it has been a Day.
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
oooohohojhhh babe u know what this is kinda a toughie.
Okay so like content-wise my favorite fic is absolutely “One Night in Portorosso” because that had, in my opinion, some of my funniest jokes and my favorite scientifically-backed tongue descriptions. as all good smut fics should have.
But sentimentally speaking, “Professor” will always hold a special place in my heart for being the first smut fic I ever wrote <3 💕
I was literally so excited after I finished it, I’m gonna paint you an unnecessarily detailed word picture cause I got time and why the fuck not.
Okay so the idea for a Luca-teacher-roleplay smut fic had been tumbling around in my noggin for some time just cause what else am I supposed to be thinking about during longass chemical engineering lectures?? But it was only during my usual 3pm Saturday shower that the first lines hit me and everything just started to flow from there. So naturally I was like ‘DAMN thats good’ and rushed outta the shower and started typing in my notes app the second I sat down in my beanbag chair, hair still sopping wet and dressed in my bath robe. And I just! kept going! for like 5? or so hours I think it was?? Anyway I wrote that whole puppy in one sitting and did not stop until it was dark outside and my entire Saturday was gone. Absolutely worth it, of course.
I remember texting my friends (one of whom is asexual and is unfortunately bound by the laws of friendship to be eternally annoyed by my newfound love of smut) about how proud I was to have actually written smut! like orgasm and all!! (They were proud of me too, if perhaps a bit taken aback, bless their hearts 🥰) Anyway I still had barely eaten at all that day so I had to bike to the nearest open dining hall and I’ll never forget that feeling of exhilaration I felt, riding unreasonably fast through the dark, empty streets of my college campus, and how incredibly shocked and proud and excited and liberated I was because I wrote smut!! And that’s something I can do now!!!! And I actually did a pretty good job too!!!!!!!!!
And I have not stopped writing since <3
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏good question i like this question.
Hhhhhhhhhhhh there are SO MANY lines I like in my writing…….. I honestly just think of funny things for characters to say and then figure out how to make them have sex while saying them.
Okay! Here’s a list of my personal favorites 😎
(These are all from “One Night in Portorosso” cause, as I mentioned, it’s got my favorite stuff in it.)
“‘You’re so full of yourself,’ he chided.
‘Bet you wish you were full of me too.’
God, that was… too fucking corny to make him this hot.”
(Fun fact: it was physically difficult for me not to write ‘too fucking corny to make him this horny’, but I had to stop myself because I didn’t want to distract from the hilarious joke right above that.)
“Alberto nodded with determination and started to jog the rest of the way to the water. He then decided to walk the rest of the way to the water, because jogging and raging hard-ons do not mix.”
“Well, it was working because Luca was hooked like a herring and preying that Alberto wouldn’t stop licking his dick like that, tasting him from every corner, driving Luca wild with that titillating, tantalizing, texture…”
“He did that again, tearing Luca away just to ram him back in again, manhandling him like a popsicle, faster and harder each time.”
“Also if you want a sex scene without a bunch of terrible fish puns, then I suggest you get the fuck troutta here.”
(Technically this is from the Author’s Notes, but my fish puns deserve as much publicity as they can get.)
“Luca Paguro was going to die here.
Somewhere, deep in his heart, he’d always known that Alberto Marcovaldo would be the death of him.”
(This was my second choice for the fic description, but I didn’t want it to be misinterpreted as something dark because my fic is decidedly anything but.)
“‘Uh… it’s a seafolk thing,’ Alberto squinted in his signature expression of false bravado, ‘Y’know, night swimming…’”
(I like this one because I can see it :3)
“Oh, fuck it.
Even the worst nightmares can turn into wet dreams.”
(I want this shit on a T-SHIRT!!!)
“‘Curious…?’ Alberto tried to meet Luca’s eyes with a devilish smile, but it ended up being a sheepish grin at best, ‘… or kinky?’
Luca fixed Alberto with a much more successful glare, ‘Don’t make me strangle you.’
Now he smirked, ‘… definitely kinky.’”
“They got dressed quickly and quietly. Alberto couldn’t help but steal a few more mischievous glances at Luca and he blushed when he noticed Luca doing the same. Cool, Alberto thought, I’m probably not sleeping on the couch tonight, at least.”
Actually, going back and skimming through that fic made me realize that the second sex scene in “One Night in Portorosso” is also probably my favorite scene I wrote this year. I liked how I showed Luca’s inner conflicts with himself and I thought there were some pretty cool metaphors in there, too. I’ve said before I’m no poet, just a horny comedian who loves you so much, but I think this scene was probably the most artistically satisfying thing I’ve ever written. 🥰
And now heeeere’s a sneak peak at a lil something-something that I hope to be posting next 😉
(This is such a fun fic, y’all’re gonna love it <3)
“‘Holy shit, babe, you scared me there! I thought you were mad at me or something.”
‘For daydreaming about fucking me? Caro, I fantasize about you constantly. I almost got a boner while you were making bread once.’
‘Making bread?’ Alberto laughed.
‘You were flexing your arms a lot while kneading the dough, okay?’”
“‘You ready, lover boy?’
Lover boy. Luca almost fainted.
‘You know I am, uhh… hot stuff…’
Not his best work.”
(You have no idea how tempted I am to change that to ‘hot cock’)
“‘Oh, c’mon! I think 16-year-old me did a pretty good job imagining what you’d look like now!’
Luca was in horrible, wheezy, snotty tears on the ground, convulsing with laughter and pounding a fist to the floorboards.”
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year
I don’t write to music! It has to be close to dead quiet for me to get into the zone. I think it’s mostly because I tend to say a lot of the dialogue I write out loud to hear if it makes sense and sounds natural. I’m a born actor and my smut is my stage ✨ (god no pls don’t say that)
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
Hmmm okay well I’m not discounting anything yet cause my hyperfixation is still goin strong, but one fic idea that has been haunting me and I have yet to have the inspiration to write is something with Alberto in a Speedo. That’s. that’s really all I got so far. I have a rough idea for a set up, but no real solid ground to get running on. (Yes, this was obviously inspired by that one comic by someonehidethetequila I’m unoriginal we’ve established that.)
But there ARE a lot of things that I HAVE written and they’re DONE, but I haven’t had time to post them because of STUPID SCHOOL!
I swear one of these days I’m just gonna post like twenty things all at once and then you’ll see… you’ll ALL see……. 😈😈😈
Thank you for the ask!! This got insanely long, but it was a nice way to de-stress after an exhausting day of studying for my exams 😌
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bi-bobbysoxxers · 4 years
Heyy y'all! I was tagged by @meiyanaalexia Thanks for the tag, fam!
Rules: List ten of your fave female characters from your ten fave fandoms and then tag 10 other ppl!
This list is by no means comprehensive or a ranked list, as i think all my fave characters are equally bad betches, in their own right xD alright let's get to it!
-Tamari and Lady Tsunade (Naruto/Naruto Shippuden)
Tamari's one of the more cool, levelheaded female side characters in naruto and idk, she's very much Gaara and Kankuro's rock, and idk, i like that. I view her as a very strong female character, and i think she carries a lot of badass masculine energy. Plus she's a badass fighter as well. (((And she's hot but that's beside the point lol))) I like Lady Tsunade a lot, but i admit, i wasnt a fan of her at first. But now that I'm seeing her character unfold in Shippuden, I like her a lot. I like the concept that she's kiind of a grouchy, reluctant leader of the leaf village, cause that makes her seem like a very reliable leader, in a way. I think she's hella underrated as a strong character, tbh. Plus i like that she's a healing ninja, cause it seems so opposite to her outward personality. The more i watch naruto the more i'm really liking more of their female characters, tbh.
Tamari: "Sharpen your karma at sunset."
Tsunade: "People become stronger because they have things they cannot forget. That's what you call growth."
-Lucy and Kiyoko (Bungou Stray Dogs)
oh wow, uh, not gonna lie, i really like this anime more for most of the male characters, but Lucy and Kiyoko have alswas been in my faves list. I didnt really understand Lucy's character in season one but as the plot thickens, so does her issues with wanting to morally become a better person, but still being fairly new to learning to become selfless. I think a lot of people can relate to her because she can be fairly emotionally erratic, and she struggles with the whole "forgiveness thing." But later on you see that all she really wanted was a true family and friends that value her. And i think that's something we all want, deep down. Also, her powers are highly unnderrated and badass and i love how she is slowly becoming a protector for ppl like Atsushi, which really shows her growth as a character.
I also put Kiyoko on this list because i think she is equally as good of a female character as Lucy is, but for dif reasons. I loveeee the whole concept of "initially bad" characters soon wanting to become good. There's a simplicity in her character that i think models Atsushi's in a way, i mean they're both damaged, but both yearn to do good and make a comeback with the chances they've been given in life. If Lucy was a Tarot Card she would be the Fool. I also love how steadfast she is in her newfound family and how much she believes in everyone in the ADA now. It's very wholesome and pure :3 also i love her and Atsushi's relationship, it kinda reminds me of me and my BFF's ride or die relationship, lol.
Lucy: "Make sure you survive...Then come back for me. I'll be waiting."
Kiyoko: "I saw a bright world. I cannot go back to a time when I didn't know such a thing existed."
-Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
Ugh, there's so many things about this character that I have always loved and adored. Her character design, her quiet whimsical weirdness. Her determined loyalty to the people that accept her. Her lovely simple wisdom, at times. Like Harry said, Luna is just "...coooll." She kinda reminds me of me when I was a teenager but way cooler lol.
Luna: "My mum always said things we lose have a way of coming back to us, in the end."
-Lara Croft (Tomb Raider movies and videogames)
Laura is....a simple character by design. If anything, the plotlines and video game design of the Tomb Raider franchise are way more intricate. And yeah...there's her misogynistic character design (Note: the impossibly snatched waist and bOoBiEs in earlier games.)
BUT. I still stan her for a multitude of reasons. Growing up, there were may more princess characters than female warrior characters and ya know, I'm really glad I was exposed to Lara Croft movies and the Tomb Raider: Legend video games as a kid. I think Laura taught me that you can definitely embrace your feminine side and still be a badass and follow your dreams. Even now, after me finally figuring out i'm not cis, i know, that she's still an icon for most kids out there. And for me too. She was a symbol of bravery, intelligence, as well as still being a character of emotional depth, grieving the loss of her parents while vowing to continue to do what she loved, which is exploring. Cultural and moral problems with her character aside, i still find both her and her stories very inspirational, both as a bigender queer person, and as a designer.
Laura Quotes: "The line between our myths and truth is fragile and blurry."
"The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are."
-Scorpia (She-Ra)
Oh wow, i could go on for days about how much i love thus character. If you're queer or fun in any capacity you've probably watched the final season fo She-Ra by now and spoilers aside, i just love the journey this character went on from start to finish. Scorpia is so genuine and nice, and sometimes that puts her in situations where she has to make hard decisions. And idk, those decisions just made that character so much better for me. On a lighter note, Scorpia is great queer rep, especially for butch lesbians, lesbians, trans ppl, androg ppl, and gender nonconforming ppl. She's always said things that have resonated with me as a queer person and aside from that, she's a very excitable and fun character. She just excudes so much curiosity and joy that you really can't help but like her, lol.
Scorpia: "I am brave, strong, loyal, and i give great hugs!"
-Sypha (Castlevania)
Altho I personally don't view Sypha as a cis woman, (I see her as nonbinary or agender), I think the way characters treat her in the show is indicative that in that period, they view her as a woman. So i figured I could put her on this list as well lol. Anyways, uhhh wow, Sypha is great, there's so much I love about her that it's hard to put into words. I love that she regards herself as a "scholar" of magic, but still views herself as a heretic, I just find it pretty funny and very sexy of her lol. Aside from that, I think Sypha is a great character who always seeks out logic where there usually ends up being none. I love her cheeky remarks to both Alucard and Trevor, and I love her can-do attitude. At the end of the day, she's one of those characters you love just for her great energy she carries for herself within the show. There's really no rhyme or reason to her, she just, is. She subverts many female mage character tropes as well, being a natural badass. Also her god jokes are so damn funny.
Sypha: "See?? God hates me!?
-Aunt Sarah (Derry Girls)
Okay first of all, if you havent seen Derry girls, pleaseeee watch it, holy shit it's the funniest show i've seen in a longass time. Second of all, my friend and I are still going thru the show, but Ajnt Sarah has started to become one of my favorite characters. She's one of those very aloof characters that you kinda ignore at first but then her character just has these amazing one liners and she really grows on you. Also she is very caring about her family and she's cute as hell???? I'm sorry but like her aesthetic is just on fuckin point, like??? Go off babe?? Anyways yeah she's cute.
No quotes for her since that might ruin some of the better punchlines if you end up watching the show lol.
-Marga (Cable Girls)
Yeah, if you want a really good 1920's drama that focuses on women, go give Cable Girls a try! It is very poetic in its direction lol. Anyways, Marga is one of the "new girls" at the beginning of the show and she is just, so earnest, and genuine, and pure. And I love her. She's very nice to the other girls working and she's got some great one liners. She's that timid, cute character that slowy comes out of her shell throughout the show lol.
-Kiki and Sheeta (Studio Ghibli)
I loveee Studio Ghibli films, and one of my two fave films of Miyazaki are Kiki's Delivery Service and my ultimate fave, Castle in the Sky. I adore Kiki as a character because she is your quintessential cute witch, and her journey with finding and grasping her full powers are very relevant to me, and my journey with upholding my creativity as a designer. As well as being a great movie with a great lessom for all artists, Kiki is a very passionate and genuine character, who's resilency has inspired me in hard times. I love her relationship that she has with other ppl as nd creatures, especially with her cat Gigi. She's cute, i love her lots.
Sheeta, I love for different reasons. Sheeta is one of those rare instances where a quiet protagonist, really works. I love her calm and humble, yet powerful energy surrounding her. I love her background, and how there has always beem magic inside of her, even if she's not a practicing witch. She is so very humble and a very introspective character. There's not a lot of female protagonists quite like her. Plus she's adorable as well, lol.
-Aunt Hilda, Zelda, Prudence, and Lilith (CHAOS)
I'm not gonna get into super specifics since i love all these characters equally, but I will say that all these characters absolutely MADE this series for me. I personally found Sabrina's character very annoying and slightly egotistical (i mean she's allowed to be i suppose,lol) but these characters were just so much fun!
I love Aunt Hilda for her soft personality and great revenge comebacks. I love Prudence for her aesthetic, character design, and amazing characrer development throughout the series. I love Lilith, for being both a BAMF and. MILF, lolz. And finally, i absolutely adore Zelda's character, for being so poised, calculating, blunt, and yet so very badass and loveable xD I love everything about her character, tbh.
There's so many good quotes from each character, so just watch the show, lol.
Andddd i think that's it! Sorry this was super long, I wanted to state my reasoms for why these characters were on the list, lol. Hope you liked some of my character analysis, feel free to screech with me about shows anytime lol. I'd love more good show recs!
You def don't have to go as hard as I did on this but I tag:
@heathen-beast @iquotetheravennevermore @sweet-communist @gardiewithyou @sawayakakuns @shortlady72 @thatonegirluniverse @thatlowkeyhipster @letting-and-living @beauxxxtifullies @catastrafey
Anyone else can participate if they feel like it! Have fun lol. Let's love our great women characters lol.
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newgirlinthecorner · 6 years
Some quick letters
This is to my friends, personalized, in case they find this blog.
Also for my exes cause im salty
I really hope ya'll don't find it tho cause this is my diary sooooo
But if you do, this is for you, circa Feb 16,'19
So if you don't find yourself I'm either not close enough with you or i just don't know you yet♡
Btw this is in the order that yall come to mind (except the second to last one, ive been thinking about you nonstop for WEEKS)
Chloe, Ahlim, Seonmin, Chongwoo, Baron, Ella, Dale, Hannah L., Olivia S., Liv L., Marit, Maddy X., John, Abigail, Caitlyn, Terry, Harry, Ava, Adrian, Sanjana, Eliza, Juri, Lily M., Braeden, Dean, Ryan N., Chris P., Tyler, Ties
Hey, what's up
Nothing here is new for you so I don't have much to tell you. Thank you for your friendship through all these years♡
I miss you.
Also, I've been congratulating you on your birthday every year till 2018. Yet you haven't congratulated me once.
But I hope you are well.
Remember how we said we'd meet up at Harvard?
I fully intend on holding up my side of the deal.
I'm sorry for being such a catastrophe whilst we were close. I hope I'm living up to what you think I am now.
Say hi to harabeoji for me♡
Dude im sorry for how i tried to get with you but you didnt have to be so rude yknow like damn ok
another mothafuckin scorpio
I liked you for a longass time
Remember my letter you threw out in 4th grade? That shit still haunts me to this day.
I heard you really went downhill.
Sucks to be you ig
I love you so much
We need to talk more
I know you're seeing this rn, so hmu cause i miss you but im too awkward to say so properly
Also, feel free to show people that you're friends with their respective sections in this post.
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You deserve many love you adorable being and i love you very much
I miss you if it isnt obvious
Hannah L.
I really hope you're doing well. Are you still swimming? I bet your English is amazing now♡ I hope you get into an Ivy League like you've wanted to.
Olivia S.
How've you been? We need to talk.
I'm sorry I don't have much to say, we didn't spend all that much time together.
But I haven't forgotten you.
Liv L.
I'm still not really certain what I did the winter of '17 that cast us apart. However, I do know that I hurt you, so I'm sorry. I really did cherish the bond we had and I hope to rekindle that because I miss you.
If you see this, please tell me♡
You always kind of confused me, but in a good way. What I remember is your mother's lentil soup, the moose tracks ice cream, and our trip to Daiso.
I got a samsung phone so I can't use the case but I still have it in my memories drawer.
It's amazing how you didn't get sick of all the rambling about oowooppa that I did.
I miss you too♡
Maddy X.
I do genuinely want to see you again, so I'm sorry I couldn't come to Moraga in the summer of '18.
However, you hurt me pretty badly when we were in 8th grade.
I would support you, even abandoning all my plans to take you to the hill to rant and yell and sob, but I would get nothing back.
I spent 50 hours on your birthday presents that year and got nothing back.
I wouldn't expect you to do the same, but at least a liiiitle bit of efforr would have been nice.
I'm still hurt. Sorry. I wish you success with your family, volleyball, and academics♡
You already know this but boy we needa fuck asap
Anyways your friendship is great and even though we float apart a little, you're president here.
I love how you're so happy to help me in my amoral schemes
♡love you boo
How the hell did you get here?!
I'm impressed.
I'm sorry I've been neglecting our friendship but we have too divergent interests and I have other things to focus on
You're a sweet girl though and a great person
Plus I'm allergic to eyeshadow now so
i will fucking murder you you hear me
You thought i wasnt pissed after you cheated on me?
You thought you got away with it?
I know everything, aidan.
Don't try to hide from me.
I will always win.
Because almost everyone hates you, knows you're a liar, and much less people are antagonistic towards me.
Here's the truth:
I only dated you to sour the friendship with Terry. Why? Because he's a shithead. You deserve better than him.
I'm sorry, but I never actually liked you.
Your overly energetic moods annoy the hell out of me im sorry
Please shut up once in a while
Please remember what i tell you at least sometimes
Please talk about something aside from yourself
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Surprise surprise, i wanna fuck
Hmu youre hot
Also funny so like
Please learn to keep your mouth shut goddammit
you didnt have to tell everyone about my plot involving dean!
You're gonna date a druggie in the near future.
But you know what, you're great.
Sorry i hit you that one time it was a joke
I'm almost certain you won't see this
I understand youre evangelical but please stop preaching to me
You're a really nice girl but youre kind of hollow and a prude
Not too horribly fun to be around, sorry
Lily M.
I love you so much oh my god
You always light up my mornings and its amazing
Keep doin you boo
That one time, i wasnt just asking to hang
I was asking you out
Is your skull really that thick?
I liked you, you know.
You shouldn't even be on this list cause you're too insignificant
But like lowkey i wanna fuck
Your girlfriend can do much better than you but i on the other hand cannot so like
Ryan N.
Again, like with a lot of other people, I wanna fuck.
That is all.
Chris P.
Please stop whining
Otherwise youre a great guy
Oh, you're the hard hitter here
Mothafucka ive been writing about you to shit on this blog
Get in me right now
Just take me
In more ways than one
Also sorry im so awkward when we kiss or you pick me up im just taken aback by you yknow
I still intend on fucking with you.
I will haunt you for a longass time bitch
You made a fuckin mistake crossing me
Tumblr media
The end
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kovacissues · 6 years
There’s No Way I’m Falling (Dejan fic) Chapter 11
A/N: Honestly, I can write this fanfic the rest of my life so let me know if you want me to stop haha. I just remembered how much I loved reading longass fanfics that lasted like a year when I was younger haha. 
You can find my writing HERE! also feel free to ask me to write fanfics about other players. 
Chapter 11: You think you need makeup for that!?
Mimi woke up in a shock by her alarm clock and panicked when she realized Dejan had hit snooze in his sleep… 6 times! “Hijo de…” she said and slapped him lightly “The airport!” She screamed at him and he also woke up.
“What airport?” he said, clearly sleepy.
God she was so annoyed at him now “Anita is leaving today, and you have to be at the airport so the kids can say bye” she explained, almost as if he was a child. “Also, I have to go to work so If you want me to drive you have to get your sexy ass out of bed”.
She got up, got dressed (In jeans overalls and a cute top), and did her hair and makeup. “Why are you putting on makeup? You never do that before work…” Dejan said as he hugged her from behind. she loved the domestic sense of their relationship so much, and the hugs while she was doing stuff around the apartment was her drug.
“well I’m interviewing Moreno and damn I could need myself a Spanish man” she stated and watched him holding her way closer with his hands on her belly. “Oh look at my protective baby daddy”
“Be serious Mimi… me and Dejan number two and three don’t want to share you with anyone” he whispered in her ear and Mimi swore to God that if they hadn’t been late already she would have done so many things with him.
“I’m honestly just trying to look better than Anita” she eventually confessed, causing Dejan to fall to the floor laughing.
“You… you think… you… you think you need makeup for that!?” he managed to ask through his laughter. As a response to that Mimi kicked his shin and walked out to her car, having Dejan follow her, limping slightly.
When they had finally gotten to the car, she looked over at him “Why don’t you have a car right now? I forgot to ask” Her eyes glistened with amusement.
“Drunk driving… I wasn’t thinking straight” he explained and looked away from her.
“Everyone makes mistakes, also You didn’t get out of your own driveway, so you couldn’t have done much harm” she started to laugh as she drove
“How did you… Salah” he muttered and pouted.
*Dejan’s POV*
When they got to the airport, he looked over at Noémie and felt a smile over his face. “thank you for driving me here, have fun with your interview” he said and kissed her quickly “But not too much fun” he warned with a wink before he walked into the airport and Mimi left.
He had to stop before entering the airport, mostly because he needed to take a deep breath before seeing her again. His mind spun from how hard he had loved her once, how she was the light of his life, and how today he had no love for her. He felt that the only reason he wanted her in his life was because his kids needed their mom.
Upon walking into the airport he instantly saw her, mostly because in his mind sinister music started playing every time he was near her. He also felt as though she had a huge sign over her head stating that the devil incarnated was indeed her, and very much present. He shook of those thoughts and walked over to them hugging his children tight.
“Tata! I miss you” his son Josip said, and it pained Dejan that he had heard that one too many times lately. He picked up his son and gave him a lot of kisses all over his face before putting him down and doing the exact same with Elena.
“I missed you two too! I love you so much!” he told them and they both smiled so wide which warmed his heart. Then he turned to his ex-wife, who he swore had the evilest smile on earth. “Anita…” he simply said and nodded at her.
“Dejan…” she replied, her words full of venom. Dejan swore to God he liked her less by the second, he couldn’t even remember how he had ever loved this monster.
She eventually said bye to the kids and walked through security, leaving Dejan with the car keys and two bawling kids. He felt like the worst person on earth trying to soothe the kids before getting them out to the car, still crying.
The drive back to the house was torturous for him as the kids only took breaks from crying to scream about how they missed their mom already. Had they been the same towards Anita all those times he was gone? Wait, did he feel sorry for her? When they finally entered the house, he made them their favorite food to try to cheer them up.
“Who wants waffles?” he asked and they both came running to the kitchen, their crying completely disappearing as they dug in to the food. “You like it?” he asked and both of them nodded, with slight smiles on their faces.
After a couple of hours of watching movies and cuddling with the children, the doorbell rang and Dejan immediately remembered that he had forgotten to tell the kids Mimi was coming over. However he had no time explaining it now, so he just hurried to the door and opened it revealing Mimi standing in the rain, drenched.
“Can I come in?” she asked while stammering. “It’s hella cold here” she added before he took a step to the side to let her in.
“I forgot to tell them you were coming… but it will be okay” he told her before giving her a quick peck on the lips.
She looked at him and he couldn’t tell what she felt, he usually read her like an open book but not that day. “I hope so… also Alberto is an absolute love, he’s so sweet and made my job way easier than what you and Mo do” she finally said, adding a wink at the end. “Also, his birthday… finally I have a name to put on my calendar for July 5th” she stated and he actually felt jealous.
“You… you didn’t have a name there before?” he asked, feeling pathetic for being so insecure.  
“Wait… should I?” she asked with a grin, and Dejan realized she was teasing him. He just rolled his eyes and covered up everything with a laugh before showing her to the living room.
“Kids! I have someone here that I would like you two to meet” he introduced her, making their head shoot towards them and Josip’s eyes opened wide.
“Oh my fudging God! It bootifull woman!” he stated and ran towards her, hugging her tight. Watching this made his heart skip a beat and he felt a tear roll down his cheek. “Sorry for hitting you with ball” he said and Mimi said something to him but Dejan couldn’t hear it.
He looked over at Mimi and smiled “This is Noémie… or Mimi… you can say either” he told them and Elena stayed in her place, nodding slightly. “She’s my…” He struggled with what to say so he just looked at Mimi with help me written all over his face.
“I’m his girlfriend” she said with a warm smile that could melt any heart in the world. Also she said girlfriend, his heart was beating so fast and he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.
“I want mama… not that” Elena eventually said, crushing his mood more effectively than a wrecking ball destroyed buildings.
As he was trying to realize what had happened, Elena had already started running towards her room in a crying fit. “Babe, can you watch Josip for a while? I really have to handle this” he asked Mimi and she looked up from her conversation with his son to nod enthusiastically.
He quickly walked over to Elena’s room and knocked on the door but got no answer, so he took his freedom as a dad and entered, finding her on her bed crying into a pillow. “Love… I get that you miss your mom” he tried, and she tossed one of her teddies after him.
“I don’t want new one!” she screamed and got back to the crying. He felt hopeless by now, he didn’t know what to tell the 6 years old. He just sat down at her bed and started playing with her hair, that used to calm her down when she was smaller.
“I’m not trying to replace your mom, not for you… Noémie doesn’t want to take you away from her… I really love her, Elena” He tried to explain it, unsure of where all the words came from. It seemed his explanation helped a little as the girl turned around and hugged him. “She is never gonna be your mom, but give her a chance okay? Let her at least be your extra mom” he said with a little smile and Elena looked up at him.
“I won’t like her… Josip will, but I no” she told her dad and pouted a little. “But I give her a chance, if that help you” she added and Dejan laughed a little.
“You’re so cute, you know that?” he asked and she nodded proudly. “I love you Elena, and you will like Mimi, trust me” he said with a smile which was met by a skeptical look from the little one.
“love you too tata” she replied and kissed his cheek. “can we have pizza today?” she asked after a while and he smiled and shrugged his shoulders as if to say maybe.
*Mimi’s POV*
Mimi followed Dejan into the living room with a little more hesitation in her steps than usual. “Kids! I have someone here that I would like you two to meet” he said, and instantly all eyes were on her, his son’s eyes even opened wide at the sight of her.
“Oh my fudging God! It bootifull woman!” he almost shouted and before she could think his little leg was carrying him towards her, hugging her tight. She instantly felt calmer about meeting them. “Sorry for hitting you with ball” he said, and she smiled at him.
“It’s okay, at least you didn’t tackle me” she said with a grin, causing Josip to laugh. Mimi swore to God that was the cutest and most sincere laughter she had ever heard, like a mini version of Dejan’s
She suddenly felt  Dejan’s eyes at her again before he introduced her for real. “This is Noémie… or Mimi… you can say either” He took a little break, his face looking like he was thinking hard about something. “She’s my…” Once again, he looked at her but this time their eyes met and he looked at her with a desperation to get help.
“I’m his girlfriend” she finally said, flashing a sincere smile at the kids. Maybe she defined them too fast? No, she had just met the kids, he means this is serious too… and they’re having twins together, doesn’t really get more serious than that.
“I want mama… not that” Elena eventually said, and Mimi’s heart dropped so fast it was almost audible. Her biggest fear was that the kids wouldn’t like her at all. She decided, however, to start a conversation with Josip about how cool his t-shirt was and he could proudly tell her it was his dad’s clothing line, Rock Filius.
She hardly noticed that Elena had run to her room crying, before Dejan snapped her out of her conversation. “Babe, can you watch Josip for a while? I really have to handle this” he asked her and she nodded, maybe a bit too enthusiastically, before she turned back to Josip.
“Don’t Worry, pretty woman… I luuuuv you already!” Josip stated and kissed her cheek, making Mimi smile wide and hug the boy.
They had probably talked for at least half an hour when Mimi felt something soft hitting her head “Dry clothes, Sorry I didn’t give you earlier” Dejan stated, while holding Elena in his arms. “we’re gonna go make pizza, want to help Josip? Mimi has to go change” he then asked his son and he ran to the kitchen, screaming in joy.
“Really? Rock Filius t-shirt… male… and a shorts… Dejan this is your size!” Mimi whined but he just winked at her “Can I at least get a hoodie?” she asked and he shrugged.
“My closet is your closet” he simply said before giving her directions to his room and she went to change.
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monkeymindscream · 7 years
Same Mandarin leader anon (which btw thank you very much for the detailed response. It made me look at things in a whole new light that made a lot of sense. Particularly made me appreciate even more Chiro being their link to a greater sense of humanity and in general). Since you were strictly trying to keep to what the show offered only, what are your headcanons/theories about that time regarding Mandarin and the team? Go crazy. =)
Don’t have to ask me twice!!
Literally my biggest headcanon for when Mandarin wasleading the team is that I don’t think he was actually evil at that point. Imean tbh I don’t think he’s (completely) evil after his time leading the Team; he definitely does a lot of evil things – in fact if we go off onlywhat’s seen in-show he’s even more monstrous than even Skeleton King himself –but I personally think that’s more the result of him being a deeply flawed individual rather thanfrom him being inherently malicious.
As I’ve said, I don’t think Antauri was just being optimistic when he said Mandarinhad once had a “good heart.” All other flaws aside, Antauri is incredibly perceptive, and I feelimplying that his character will overlook the bad to focus on the good is doinghim a huge disservice. Also wouldn’t it technically be oxymoronic if he was overlooking the bad to focus on thegood? Considering at that very moment he was also going on about how he sure he was that Chiro would be swayed by Mandarin, I mean? I find it more likely in this case that,while Antauri would have been awarethat Mandarin had… problems, let’scall it (otherwise we’ll be here all day), he’d have been able to see pastthose to the person(/monkey) he actually was underneath. It’s just thatunfortunately those problems were too much to for Mandarin to overcome, andthus began his downward spiral.
Adding to this, we’ve got the moment where Sprxsays “the kid is nothing like Mandarin.” Nothing is said to dispute this; thecamera simply cuts to Antauri and Otto who both look skeptical, which to meactually says more than any line of dialogue ever could.
Breaking it down, they could have cut to Mandarin and Chiro right after Sprx’s line. Infact considering the next shot we see of Chiro has him wearing both Mandarin’sold helmet and armor, they could have easily used it as a joke. “He’s nothinglike Mandarin!” *cut to Chiro straight-up jacking his style* ha ha funny. Butthey didn’t. The fact that theyincluded a shot of the characters just reacting to what was said, anddisbelievingly at that, draws attention to it in a way that makes the nextscene seem completely separate. Sprx’s line isn’t being used as a segue. Theinclusion of Otto in that shot is also interesting, considering his was thefirst one to speak out againstAntauri’s suspicions against Chiro.
Overall from a meta-standpoint it doesn’t makesense for the writers to have Antauri make this statement if there was nomeaning behind it.
I’d also like to point out that Antauri isn’t theonly one comparing Chiro and Mandarin. Freakin’ Skeleton King kind of did it too. Snidely, granted, but whenMandarin’s like “I’m keeping the kid feck off” SK asks him if it’s because heviews Chiro as a “reflection of himself.” You can interpret that as himsuggesting that Mandarin viewshimself as similar to Chiro (which is how I take it, tbh) rather than SK makingthe comparison, but I figured I’d point it out anyway. Food for thought.
“But Mandarin’s always been a jerk!” I hear someof you cry. “We were only ever shown him being horrible! And what about all thethings he did after he betrayed the Team, how can you defend that?!” Well firstoff, Phantom-Voices-From-Nowhere, I’m not “defending” anything. I’m saying thatI can make the argument that Mandarin isn’t evil,just fucked up on a number of levels. Second off, behold my counterpoints.
Prior to being booted off the Team, we’re onlydirectly shown two examples of how Mandarin might have behaved: the trainingroom incident with Nova, and how he behaved under the Alchemists care. With theAlchemist, we saw him both growl and Sprx and Nova, and then make the DarkOne’s containment grid malfunction. With the Sprx and Nova thing we couldconceivably attribute his behavior to the fact that the Alchemist had just toldthem to calm down, and they hadn’t. Any of y’all have younger siblings? You everdo the “Mom/Dad told you to (insertwhatever they’d said to do here)!” –thingin an effort to score brownie points? I did. I did that frequently. I was acomplete nark. Look me in the eye and tell me you can’t picture Mandarin beinga nark in his youthier years. Or maybe he was just annoyed by the racket theywere making and snapped (I did that alot too). Both are perfectly non-evil explanations for his behavior. Dick-moves,but not evil.
As for the grid thing… okay, tell me honestly, ifyou found out that a scientist hadlet a bunch of monkeys run rampant around his work station, and it resulted inone of them getting him seriously hurt, would your first thought be “oh my Godthat monkey is such an asshole!”? Or would it be “well what the hell did you think was gonna happen dumbass??” I loveya Al but this was poor planning on your part. I’m surprised you lived longenough to even be possessed by a Dark One in the first place tbh.
The Nova-thing is, let’s all agree, one of thedickiest moves anyone’s ever committed in the show, and it’s mind-bogglingalmost to the point of actually being impressive that the same monkey somehowmanaged to top it later. But I have never been of the mind that it was done forthe sake of sadism. Because okay, we’re never explicitly told that Nova hatesthe cold because of the training roomincident. We’re told that that’s why she has to control her anger. It still makes sense that thecold would now make her temper touchier than usual (poor girl’s probablytraumatized), but it seems more likely that Nova had always had an intensehatred of the cold, to the point where it debilitated her at least slightlywhenever the Team had to go on missions in cold climates. Not to the point towhere she couldn’t function in it, but enough where she wasn’t at peakperformance.
EVIDENCE: Regardless of her hatred of the cold,she is, as stated, still able to function in it. Apart from repeatedly voicingher discomfort, her rage being amped up is the only reaction we see her havetowards it. Given the extent to which the training room incident clearlyaffected her (so much as referencing it, even vaguely, is enough to make her and the rest of the Team stop dead), Ikind of feel that she’d have a more visceral reaction to the cold if the reasonshe hated it was because it had become a trigger for what happened. So if thiswas a problem before everything went pear-shaped, I can see Mandarin – after aseveral instances of going “come ON woman, get it together!!” – being like“Okay yeah no we’re not doing this anymore. Nova come down to the training roomlater we’re ironing this out tonight this is getting ridiculous.” Because he’s Mandarin and he has the sensitivity of amalfunctioning chainsaw, so of course immersiontherapy is the way to go (you absolute fucking walnut). Again, not evil, justan asshole.
Also, regardless of what I said here, another headcanon I have is that he did care about the Team, if only in hisown demented way. I mean I stand by what I said about him using/enjoying theposition’s ability to give him power, and I’d have to be snorting somethinghardcore to believe that a considerable portion of his motivation in-showwasn’t vengeance, but there ain’t no damn way that he didn’t have any emotional investment in the Teamitself. I made a tiny post that pointed outtrace evidence of this, but basically when it comes out that Ma and Pa Cinco arecrazy cult people, Mandy’s clone, upon seeing how upset Chiro is, sneers athim: “I see Antauri hasn’t taught you life’s first lesson: trust no one.”
Like… where the hell did that even come from??Why did he specifically pick Antauri to be teaching Chiro that “lesson”? I meanyou could argue it was because Antauri is Cheerio’s mentor, but wouldn’t heknow that Antauri’s the kind of person who’d teach the exact opposite of that message (and does, at the end of the same episode)? Isthere literally any other way to interpret this than he feels that Antauri (andby extension, the rest of the Team) taught himthat lesson when they threw him in the HOOP? I’m genuinely asking here, I’m inso deep I can’t even tell anymore.
Anyway what I’m getting at is that if the Team did teach Mandarin to “trust no one”with what they did, then it implies that he did, in fact, trust them.Apparently to such a degree that he decided that if they couldn’t be trusted, then noone could.
(Or y’know alternatively this was his solely his clone speaking, and doesn’t necessarily completelyreflect the original’s current views. Basically like “Look where trustingpeople got him. That’s not going to be me. I’m smarter than that.” Either wayit still suggests the original to have held some degree of trust for the rest.)
And I just realized how long this response is getting. I have a lot more to say, and I’mnot entirely certain I stuck to topic and didn’t just ramble for 2+ pages, soif you want me to continue or would like a more specific opinion on anything,just shoot me another ask. Thanks for sticking with this longass thing if yougot all the way to the bottom here!
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