#wanting to connect with her on this level too
babybells123 · 2 days
Umm I just realised something. Maybe I’m late to the party and reaching a bit but when Sansa dreams of having children that look like her lost siblings she says she also dreams of a girl who looks like Arya. But the only way Sansa could have a child that looks like her long faced dark haired gray eyed sister is by marrying a certain similar looking long faced dark haired gray eyed brother-cousin…
Hey there anon!
This isn't a reach at all, that is certainly the conclusion I came to upon reading that excerpt.
Not only do Sansa and Jon effectively have similar fantasies regarding domesticity (in the same book), they also specifically dream about having children named after their dead siblings, though I'll point something out about the 'looked like' and 'named after' distinction, and what really sold me on Sansa's fantasy being the missing half of Jon's.
"If I give him sons, he may come to love me. She would name them Eddard and Brandon and Rickon... In Sansa's dreams, her children looked just like the brothers she had lost. Sometimes there was even a girl who looked like Arya." (ASOS Sansa II).
We know that Bran and Rickon take entirely after their Tully mother (auburn-haired and blue eyed), so Sansa yearning for children looking like in effect, herself (and her mother) makes sense on a personal level. I also think it speaks to Sansa honouring her Tully appearance, and wanting her features to be passed down as a reclamation of identity. When we consider her Alayne Stone arc, and having to disguise her very distinct hair, it's certainly relevant that Sansa desires for her future self to be untainted and genuine, if that makes sense? But I digress, onto the second aspect of this dream.
Grammatically, there is a punctuation mark to separate that particular thought from the rest. It is its own, distinct musing and George wants to emphasise the thought away from the rest. And it is so very profound not just in a Jonsa way, but in regards to Sansa's relationship with Arya. Wanting a daughter who looks like the sister she has quarrelled with, and who is plainer-looking (and has been picked on for her appearance) is so..sweet? I love it so much?? I am a pro-stark sisters truther!
Okay now for that connection to Jon...
As we know, Stark features are distinct: Somber, long-faced, brown haired and grey eyed. They are never described as particularly attractive due to this appearance (well Brandon Stark was very good looking though Ned was described as plainer faced) though I'd argue that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's why some perspectives consider Lyanna beautiful whilst other perspectives think she was nothing special and too "wild." But yeah, Stark features are certainly distinct, there are other Houses with similar appearances but the Stark look is just ?very uniquely STARK "Winter is Coming" esque.
Sansa wanting a girl who has the Stark look is then very significant, especially when we consider the entire context: Although she is supposedly fantasising about a future with a Tyrell who has southern looks, Sansa almost entirely makes her fantasy about a mystery man where they have children who just so happen to be a blend of Stark and Tully appearances...coincidence? absolutely not!
George could have had Sansa say she wanted to name her daughter Arya, though he specifically said "looked like Arya," and isn't that beautiful!
Luckily our boy Jon just so happens to be long faced, grey eyed, and brown haired whew!
It also conveys Sansa's progressive desire to return North and I also believe it foreshadows Sansa having a Northern husband! Breaking away from the idealised beauty of the South i.e 'the golden prince' is certainly significant for Sansa. And we know that she fell in love with Waymar Royce, who resembles Jon strikingly. Huh, that's two people who appear to resemble Jon that Sansa has associated with love and children. Interesting George...Interesting....
But to summarise, yes - that is the connection I have also made, and considering that Jon's fantasy is the perfect half that includes Robb as well (the missing child from Sansa's fantasy, apart from Jon)
"I would need to steal her if I wanted her love, but she might give me children. I might someday hold a son of my own blood in my arms. A son was something Jon Snow had never dared dream of, since he decided to live his life on the Wall. I could name him Robb." (ASOS Jon XII).
occurring in the same book where that desire for a family that Jon has precedes Sansa's chapter where she builds WF in the snow and the fact that they both equate romance/love with children.... oh my poor heart cannot handle the pure softness of them. Every time I start talking about one piece of evidence, I end up going on a tangent connecting it to other things, but that is the intricate and poetic beauty of Jonsa, what can I say. Sometimes I’m afraid of opening my inbox because I immediately think it’ll be hate, so I was pleasantly surprised because I LOVE discussing this topic; one of my favourite aspects of Jon and Sansa is how compatible their dreams are.
Thanks for the ask <3
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deathsbestgirl · 15 hours
So Never Again. Just saw this post and the way she looks up at him there is on a level with Mulder’s famous Fallen Angel eyes and his reaction to her? He doesn't melt? He chooses violence and being a dick? Please tell me why.
i LOVE this question because it is so easy to see it from scully's perspective. it's her episode. but you really have to think about mulder's perspective.
for mulder, this seems out of nowhere, and in his mind she was extremely inattentive with his informant on a case he's taking seriously. he doesn't understand what she's really asking or what the problem is, and a big part of that is she doesn't exactly either. it's almost like she's blaming him for the stand still in her life, but at the same time wants to be seen & appreciated (in a way that she understands, can feel, can see). and i don't think she could have figured it out the way she needed to with mulder. she needed the safety of talking to a stranger, someone inconsequential to her life. (like there's no way she could have that "other fathers" conversation with him lol) so ed jerse is the one to give her that. (she does with ed what she can't yet do with mulder. something neither of them are ready for and she isn't brave enough to do yet. and like. idk i just think she needed this! regardless of mulder lol)
like: "this isn't about you. or maybe it is, indirectly. i don't know." the one thing she got right is "i don't know" lol so of course mulder is confused!!
if you place leonard betts first, she's contemplating what she's leaving behind. has she had any impact working on the x files? on mulder? who is going to remember her? what evidence of her life will be left? in that office...it looks like she's had very little effect. (but i do not subscribe to this one.)
if never again is first, which i like better lollll (it makes more sense to me. i understand why people like lb first, it's more clear cut. it puts a reason behind her behavior. but i just don't think it quite fits. scully literally doesn't know what's wrong. if she was already worried about cancer, i think it would come across differently. but she's frustrated & confused and she wants for something she can't admit, express, pinpoint, articulate? idk what word i'm looking for lol) scully's just hit that point in her pattern again, her cycle...it took her four years, and after some rough cases (paper hearts – she couldn't help mulder despite how she tried, el mundo gira – a dead end. and idk, so many of their cases. and she's always wrong, he always does the crazy thing, he's always hurt)...well anyway, at the end he's still asking "all because i didn't get you a desk?" he still isn't quite understanding, until she says it's her life and he almost says "yes but it's become mine." he doesn't say it, they sit in silence, and in leonard betts, he tells her she did a good job & should be proud. all his little jokes like he's trying to make her laugh, to get back to their usual banter. because he wants to make her smile. so he understood at least a little by leonard betts. but they also come to a silent understanding. i just love the way kae talks about it. and i think the end is kind of the explanation for the beginning. the end is the real answer to the whole episode, and what it took to get there...and this post here, kae just understands him and talks about him in a way that i feel. it's exactly what i see in a way i could never articulate. (and she does my favorite thing!!! connects different moments. the characterization is so good.) and she has such a special insight to both of them, different patterns, but to me two sides of the same coin.
and so, either way, at the beginning of never again, he's completely thrown because he doesn't know. this is when their bad verbal communication and personal issues/insecurities/fears take hold. they're both so good at taking too much responsibility.
we're seeing into scully's mind a bit, but we aren't really seeing into his. but he's afraid, he doesn't want her to leave (something he's feared for a long time), he thinks space is the answer to whatever's going on. but he's also kinda needy and he can't just say that. so he calls her and they misunderstand each other again and she makes a date. he isn't trying to be an ass but he's scared & defensive, and he gets like that when she makes him nervous. like whenever she believes (beyond the sea, revelations, all souls, en ami). it feels like that to me. he's afraid, but this time he thinks he's the problem, their work is the problem. and he kinda said the worst thing he could say to her at that moment. "you were just assigned" — he has no idea how she understood that, how it hurts her. (and she's not thinking about how he means it, what he thinks/feels/fears.) and really, it's because she sucks at just saying the thing as much as he does. it takes them a long time to work out their direct communication. their unspoken communication, the way they work on their cases doesn't translate to their personal relationship. as intimate as their partnership is, working through their own issues takes time and it's those things that hinder them moving forward for so long. ya know?
i think @randomfoggytiger talks about it beautifully here — in depth essay on never again. here they touch on mulder's fear/walls & scully's insecurities/needs. it's a journey!! which they talk about here. and i forget what this one was (lol) but i'm sure i saved it for a reason: a little master post. i love the way foggy breaks things down, especially visually. it's something i could never do.
i also reblogged some other never again posts. not completely on topic but it's all connected!! (you can definitely go through my never again tag to see more probably too!)
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chaoticpuff17 · 20 hours
When the Chips are Down
part 27
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Y/N couldn’t say that she was a big fan of weddings. She hadn’t been too a large number of them, but even counting her own horrible day, this was the worst wedding she had ever been to.
Iyla, for her part, took the ordeal like a champion. She marched down the aisle on Namjoon’s arm with all the grace of a queen and all the wrath broiling within both of them shining in her eyes. While Y/N had spent her own wedding in a haze, Iyla seemed all too aware of what was happening to her. She completed each part of the ceremony with contempt. Each time she was asked to do something, she would pause for an uncomfortably long moment before she would comply, a stubborn tilt to her head and a mocking glint in her eye as though she was daring Hoseok to do something.
Unlike her sister, Iyla still held the belief that there was an escape from the hellscape they had found themselves in. She hadn’t yet been beaten into submission with the knowledge that there was no leaving. Anything that Namjoon and his brothers wanted, they got. This applied to all areas of their lives both in business and in personal matters. Their chosen mates got very little say in any of it, and weddings, from what Y/N could tell, were simply an announcement to the world that they had gotten their way. They were a public claim on their partners, not that any of the boys needed a public claim. Simply the whisper of one of the big bosses having taken a partner would give the woman in question a certain level of respect and protection. No one in the organization wanted to upset the higher ups by disrespecting their wives.
The wedding made things official though. It was a legal binding that many of the boys seemed to crave. You could always leave a partner if the relationship was bad. Marriages were harder to end though. Even if any of the girls ran and managed to stay gone there would always be a legal tie to the boys that couldn’t be undone without revealing their whereabouts. It was a catch twenty two.
The final bows were soon made, and Hoseok and Iyla were announced as a married couple to everyone assembled. It was a traditionally Korean ceremony for the most part, but the plans for a reception afterwards were much more Western in origin. While it wasn’t typical, Y/N’s working theory was that Namjoon and the boys liked to show off. A reception was an excellent way to get caught up with business associates, make connections, and generally boast to the world about their chosen wife. Namjoon had chosen to do much the same thing at their own wedding.
A pang went through her heart as she stood, ready to follow the newly weds to the reception area. Her own reception had been one of the last times that she had seen Jackson alive and well, and she’d been so blind with betrayal and hurt that she hadn’t even talked to him.
It was in these thoughts that she was caught up when the first sound of a shot was heard. She had barely even had time to register it before she was being shoved to the ground, Nara clutched tightly to her chest and Namjoon’s body hovering over the both of them as a shield.
His eyes were wild as he looked at her, scanning her and their daughter for any injuries. “Are you alright?” The words came out in a rush almost as though he was panicked, but Namjoon was so very rarely panicked. He was the leader for a reason. Situations like this weren’t meant to faze him. “Is Nara alright?”
Y/N nodded, stumbling over her words as she let him know that they were both alright. They might have been a little jostled and possibly bruised from the force with which he’d taken them all to the ground, but they were for the most part alright.
“Taehyun!” Namjoon roared, calling out for her bodyguard. “Get them out of here!”
“Wait!” Y/N looked around desperately as Namjoon helped her to her feet. “Where is Iyla? Is Iyla okay?”
“Taehyun is going to take you and Nara to safety.” Namjoon assured her, brushing the hairs away from her face that had been knocked loose when he’d taken them all to the ground. “You’re going to be just fine.”
“What about Iyla?”
He quickly pressed a kiss to forehead and did the same for Nara as well before pushing her into Taehyun’s arms. “If anything happens to them, I will gut you.” Namjoon promised, his tone low and dripping with venom.
“I’ll protect them with my life, sir.”
“What about Iyla!” she cried, as Taehyun began to drag her away, his grip unyielding on her arm as he led them out.
“Keep your head low, buin.” he ordered gently. “Cover Ms. Nara’s head as well.”
Despite her protests, Y/N kept her head low as instructed, and Nara, who was by this point screaming her poor little head off, was tucked into her chest with her head shielded. Taehyun had moved from dragging her by the arm to ushering her forward with his own body half covering hers as they moved. When Kim Namjoon had given the order to protect his family at all costs. He had meant it, even if it came at the price of bodily harm to Taehyun.
Part of Y/N was selfishly grateful for Taehyun’s protection. There were bullets flying across the venue, both from BTS and whoever had decided to crash the event. People were running in every direction, and screams filled the air as everyone tried to find cover.
Y/N tried not to look at the carnage of what had once been a beautiful venue as they went past. Her focus had to be on her baby and getting her to safety. She’d get Iyla too if she could, but she didn’t think that Taehyun would let her go searching, and her first priority had to be Nara. Nara had to get out of this mess before she could truly worry about anyone else.
It wasn’t the first shoot out she’d been in. Marcus hadn’t always been careful about where he brought her and when. Her safety had never been a primary concern for him. She’d taken precautions after that not to accompany Marcus to any parties she deemed particularly sketchy. Her second shootout had been over a year ago when she’d been running for her life in an attempt to escape the estate, her first escape attempt. They hadn’t been aiming for her though. That had been made abundantly clear. So she wasn’t a stranger to shoot outs, she’d just never been in the middle of one before.
“Where are we even going?” Y/N asked, her words coming out as more of a pant.
“To the cars, buin.” Taehyung answered, voice low and not nearly as out of breath as her own was. “Sajangnim ordered me to get you to safety. Once we get to the cars, I’ll see you and Ms. Nar-”
The first thing that Y/N registered was the stinging pain in her arm, almost like a bad carpet burn. She’d had many of those as a child when she and Iyla hadn’t been careful in their playing, and she’d tripped and gone skidding across the floor in their childhood home.
The next thing she registered was Taehyun’s voice had gone abruptly and completely silent, his sentence left unfinished. She didn’t have time to question this change as his form which had been a shelter from the maelstrom around them became a dead weight dragging her and Nara to the ground once more.
Y/N cursed under her breath, checking to see if Nara was okay before glancing over at Taehyun to check and see if he was okay and promptly wishing she hadn’t, her stomach turning.
A pool of deep red was seeping towards her with nauseating speed from the figure next to her. For the most part, he looked as though he’d just tripped much the same as she had. It was once you looked past the shoulders that the damage became apparent. There wasn’t much left of Taehyun after that point to recognize as Taehyun any more. The bullet had torn straight through his skull, destroying all of his recognizable features.
Y/N choked back a sob, scrambling back in an attempt to get away from the carnage though she quickly found herself ducking down to avoid a shot going off far too close for comfort.
Nara continued to scream in her arms, her little wails cutting through the air and making the both of them an all too obvious target for anyone who was looking to get revenge on Namjoon.
“It’s okay, baby.” she shushed, gently bouncing Nara in her arms. “Momma’s going to get us out of here.”
Y/N placed a quick kiss to the top of her baby’s head and began to crawl back over to Taehyun’s body.
He was one of Namjoon’s men. He had to have some sort of weapon on him. Y/N highly doubted that any of Namjoon’s men went anywhere unarmed, at least not foot soldiers like Taehyun had been.
With some rummaging, Y/N was able to find a gun stashed in a shoulder harness. It was a little bigger than anything that Y/N had shot before, but it would have to do given the circumstances, and Y/N wasn’t about to turn away anything that could help keep her and Nara safe. She wasn’t entirely sure how she was going to shoot and hold Nara, but she had something on hand to protect them if worse came to worse, and that made the situation marginally better.
Y/N got up, careful to keep her body as low to the ground as she could as she moved through the carnage. Keep low and move quickly, that was the only thought in her head as she picked her way out of the wedding hall. She couldn’t get to the cars. It wasn’t safe. She didn’t know who was out there and who they worked for. She didn’t know who half of Namjoon’s men were, and she didn’t doubt that the ones she did know were preoccupied with keeping their own wives safe as well as putting an end to the chaos that had ruined the wedding. If she asked for help, she was as likely to ask someone who was responsible for the chaos as she was to pick someone who worked for Namjoon. Along with those two factions were also visiting families and business acquaintances, and there was no telling who of those would help her if she asked and who would slit her throat given the opportunity. She was on her own.
Once she was out of the main hall, there was more room too maneuver and more options of where to go.
Frantically, she looked around, trying to find somewhere to go. What she needed was a place to hide, somewhere secluded and somewhere where she could hopefully form a barricade to keep others from getting in. She found her answer in the form of a supply closet tucked away from the main hall.
Briskly, Y/N made her way towards the door, keeping a careful eye on her surroundings as she did.
“Y/N!” an achingly familiar voice called causing her head to snap in the direction it had come from. Mark was rushing towards her, looking disheveled in his suit as he sprinted across the hall foyer. “Y/N, are you alright?” He rushed to ask, quickly scanning her for any injuries. “Is Nara alright?”
“What are you doing here?” She asked, out of breath as she took in the sight of him.
“We have to go.” He urged, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the exit. “They’re going to be looking for you soon.”
“How are you here?”
He smiled, the expression rakish and exasperated at the same time. “I promise to explain everything later, but we have to hurry right now.”
“Where’s Iyla? Did you get Iyla out?” She asked, scanning the room for any sign of her sister as Mark pulled her towards the exit.
“Iyla?” He questioned, brow furrowed. “I don’t have Iyla. We barely had time to get you out. This whole operation has been a mess.”
Y/N stopped dead in her tracks, his words playing through her mind. “This was you? You did this?” She asked, hoping against hope that it was a lie. “You shot at my baby sister? You shot at my baby?”
“Y/N, we don’t have time for this right now.” He tried to tug her forward again, but she wouldn’t go. “Y/N, please.”
She wanted to believe that Mark wouldn’t put Nara or Iyla in danger for some hair-brained scheme, but looking at him now, how frantic he seemed- how desperate to get her out of there, she knew that he had. “How could you?”
“Y/N, we have to go.”
Shots went off around them as she remained immobile, Mark pleading with her to keep going, to leave with him, but she couldn’t move. She couldn’t bring herself to leave with him knowing what would happen to Iyla if she left her behind. Namjoon had made the consequences very clear if she should ever try to leave him again. If she was going to escape it had to be with Iyla.
“Let go, Mark.” she ordered, shaking her arm out of his grip. “You need to leave.”
“Y/N, you can’t be serious.” Mark cursed under his breath, pushing them both to the floor as someone fired a gun in their direction. “We have to go now!”
Y/N pushed herself and Nara up from the floor, aiming the gun shakily at Mark as she did, tears pooling in her eyes.
He stared at her incredulously. “Y/N, be reasonable. We won’t get this chance again. Lee won’t agree to help me again.”
“Go.” she ordered, her voice just as tremulous as the rest of her.
“I swear to God, Mark, I will shoot you if you don’t leave.”
“You can’t stay with him.”
She shook her head, the tears starting to fall. “I can’t leave knowing what he’ll do to my sister if I do.”
“We’ll get her out another time.” He pleaded, standing up as she rose as well, Nara clutched tight to her chest, her little face red as she shook with little hiccuping sobs. “We have to go now.”
“You have to leave before he catches you.” She kept the gun trained at his chest. “He won’t let you go a second time.” Mark didn’t move. “You have jeopardized everything.” she hissed, the possibilities running rampant through her mind. Namjoon would not be kind if he found Mark here, and considering his actions, she wasn’t feeling too charitable towards him herself.
“Y/N, I’m trying to help you.”
“You shot at my daughter! You shot at my baby sister!” Her eyes scanned his features looking for a shred of remorse. She found none.
“You need to leave.” she hissed, but Mark didn’t move. “Leave!” she screamed.
He still didn’t move. Y/N lowered the gun, aiming at his foot as she fired, and Mark jumped back, letting loose a string of expletives as he did.
“I don’t want to shoot you, Mark,” she began, raising the gun to his chest once more. “but I will if I have to.”
He took a step forward, reaching for her, and Y/N was quick to aim a shot at his leg. The bullet grazed his calf, missing its mark. She was no good at aiming with only one hand, and it didn’t help that she was shaking like a leaf.
“Go!” she urged. “Go before he finds out this was you.”
Without a backwards glance at him, Y/N turned on her heel and took off into the foyer. It was almost as chaotic in entry now as the main hall had been, the fighting spilling out as people ran. her aim was to get to the supply closet she had seen earlier. It wouldn’t be much for cover, but it would be something so long as she was lucky enough to make it there without getting herself shot in the process.
With some difficulty, Y/N was able to make it to the closet. The door had mercifully been left unlocked, giving her access to the small room. It had just enough space for her to crouch on the floor with Nara half hidden behind some packages of toilet paper and paper towels. It wasn’t much, but she was more than grateful for it.
The supply closet only had one entrance for her to guard. If anyone tried to open the door, she had a direct line of sight and therefore fire to defend herself and Nara.
Hiding in the dark room did nothing to settle her frayed nerves. Every sound coming from outside her sanctuary set her on edge though Nara had thankfully settled down. As much as she loved her child, having her screaming while they were attempting to hide would have been counterproductive, and the sound would have worn on her already ragged nerves.
She didn’t know how long they stayed there crouched in the dark. It could have been hours or it could have been minutes. She had no way of telling the time, and her own anxiety made her an unreliable judge of exactly how long they’d been there, but it felt like an eternity.
Even when the noise from outside had died down, Y/N refused to leave her hiding place. She had no way of knowing who had come out on top of the chaos outside, and without that knowledge she was not willing to put herself or Nara in any more danger than necessary.
Her legs ached from her cramped position as did her arms from holding Nara for so long, but she stayed still, waiting for a sign that it was safe to leave, her mind reeling from the events of the day. Her grip remained tight on the gun she’d swiped off Taehyun’s body ready to shoot should someone try to open the door even if her hands were shaking. She’d already shot at someone today, and she didn’t particularly want to shoot at anyone else, but she would if she had to.
Part of her couldn’t believe that she’d shot at Mark. She couldn’t believe that she’d let the opportunity to escape pass her by. She could have taken Nara and ran. She could have had a shot at freedom, but she hadn’t taken it. She’d made a choice that she had never even considered as a real possibility. She’d chosen to stay with Namjoon of her own volition.
Of course there were other factors. She knew what Namjoon would do to Iyla if she’d chosen to go. She also knew that Namjoon never would have stopped searching for her if she’d managed to slip away, and that was a big if. She doubted they would have gotten very far before Namjoon would have found them. Taking their daughter and running, while it sounded nice in theory, would have unleashed an almost unholy fury within her husband. He was already slightly insane when it came to her. She could only imagine the lengths he would go to to get Nara back if she were ever to go missing and the consequences she would face if she had a hand in it.
Y/N was shaken out of her thoughts as the door to her sanctuary was ripped open. Without even thinking, she lifted the gun and fired in the direction of the entry. Nara woke with a start at the sound, starting to cry as she did.
“Fuck!” the intruder cursed, jumping back as her bullet barely missed him, embedding itself into the door frame. “Hyung!” he called, stepping away from the door and keeping an eye on her as he shouted over his shoulder. “Hyung, I found her!”
She stared at the man in the doorway, heart racing and her hands shaking so much that she was afraid she would drop the gun.
She didn’t have a chance to fire at him again as the man in the doorway was unceremoniously shoved aside to reveal a new figure.
She fired again, just barely missing him and embedding a bullet into the other side of the door frame eliciting another stream of curses from both men standing at the door.
Before she could try to steady her hand enough to fire again, the weapon was ripped from her hand and tossed out of the small space.
“No!” she screamed, kicking at the man trying to drag her and Nara out of their sanctuary.
“Jagi! Jagiya, it’s me!” her assailant cooed, wrapping a hand around her wrist to keep her blows from landing. “It’s me.” he said again, keeping his voice low and even. “You’re safe now. You’re both safe.”
Slowly Y/N began to register who was in the closet with her. “Namjoon?”
“It’s me, jagi. It’s me.” He hushed, smoothing away the mess her hair had become during the chaos of the day. “It’s me.”
Namjoon was unceremoniously knocked back as Y/N threw herself into his arms, her free arm wrapped tightly around his neck as she clung to him, sobs wracking her frame as the stress of the whole situation came crashing down on her with the reassurance that they was safe and keeping Nara from harm was no longer her responsibility alone. No one was going to hurt them. Namjoon would make sure of that.
Namjoon wrapped his arms tightly around her, careful not to crush Nara between them as he held them both.
“You’re alright, jagiya. You did so well. You’re safe now.” he murmured into her hair. “It’s all okay. I won’t let anything happen to you.” she shuddered against him, her whole body shaking as the adrenaline left her system. “Jungkook, have them bring the car around.”
“On it, hyung.” Jungkook quickly scampered away leaving the couple in peace.
“Okay, jagi.” Namjoon began, gently trying to shift Y/N away from him slightly, but she clung on, gripping the back of his suit jacket. “I’m not going anywhere.” He reassured her, gently stroking a hand down her back. “I’m just going to take Nara and hand her to Soobin. He’s going to take her to the car while I take you there. Okay, jagiya?” Y/N didn’t move, clutching Nara closer as the infant continued to cry. “You did so good, jagi. You did so good, but you don’t have to hold on anymore. I’ve got you.” Y/N choked back sob. “I’ve got you.”
Y/N slowly released her grip, slipping back and giving Namjoon room to take Nara from her arms. The little one was still crying, pathetic hiccuping sobs that tugged at Namjoon’s heart strings.
With a quick kiss to Nara’s forehead, he stood up, passing her over to Soobin who was waiting to take her to the car.
“I’m going to pick you up now, jagi.” he explained, moving slowly as he stooped to scoop Y/N up from the ground. She went willingly, wrapping her arms around his neck and tucking her face into his shoulder as he strode through the wrecked venue towards where Jungkook had the car waiting. “Rest, jagi. I’ve got you.” 
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amelikos · 3 days
As much as Dot's development revolved around food in the first two chapters (food as a way to connect with others, come out of her shell, and try out new things), I feel like they were kind of dancing around showing Murdock giving food to her directly?
The first time Dot ate something onscreen was when she tried out the donuts Murdock made for her back in HZ008. He left them in the kitchen for her and communicated through written messages to let her know about them, but he didn't give them directly to her. From then on, Dot gradually tried out new things. Liko included her in the picnic in her own way (with Murdock's help) in HZ013 and she enjoyed it. In the following episode (HZ014), we also know Murdock gave her breakfast (Friede asked him about it) and that she was happy about it. Even fastforward in HZ019, she was seen drinking coffee and Murdock asked her if it was too sweet for her and she replied to him without fully facing him. But in both cases, we didn't see Murdock giving her breakfast or coffee, it happened offscreen.
And in the other significant moments revolving around food for Dot (like the curry in HZ027), Murdock was acting more an an observer and watching from afar instead of getting involved directly. I think part of him doesn't want to come off as pushy or like he is forcing her (since we know Dot apparently almost blocked him over him sending her messages).. I think it really shows through in HZ039 when Dot wasn't exactly too thrilled about going out shopping at first and he immediately took her side and said that she didn't have to go (he didn't encourage her to go, but I think his reasoning was that he thought Dot needed someone on her side in this situation and he didn't want to get on her bad side or for her to dislike him if he told her to go out.. which is such an uncle-like reaction). In general, I think he both wants to respect her boundaries and do something for her even if he doesn't know what exactly, and while knowing she won't easily open up to him especially since he is her uncle. Which isn't exactly wrong per se, because Dot mostly needed a peer like Liko she could connect with and open up to, and that's why Murdock mostly watches over them instead of getting involved and doesn't interfere (though I also think he may be underestimating himself a bit on some level because while there are things only Liko or Roy can do for Dot as her friends, there are also things only Murdock can do for her).
Either way, that's why I thought it was sweet in HZ049 when Murdock told Dot that he brought cake for her. It wasn't "hidden", it wasn't something he said through a message, he said it directly to her and was happy at the thought of giving cake to her and being directly involved in that. Especially since food is his way to communicate and how he expresses love, so I feel like he is getting more open about showing his affection to his niece, and in turn, Dot is more willing to accept it.
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reversatility1 · 1 year
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Warrior Nun: Ava in motion around Bea’s stillness (except that one time Bea was drunk)
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hamable · 7 months
Need low stakes DLC Psychonauts 2 levels in, at this point, anyone’s mind. Fuck shit up and kick ass in the interns brains? Hell yeah. Otto? Sasha round 2? Milla round 2? ANY Aquato? I’d eat it up om nom nom. I’m begging. As a treat for me please.
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hauntingblue · 2 months
Try not to make fights between two women look homoerotic challenge level impossible
#if franky isnt good with swords why does he have a sword on his mecha 💀 just for the shogun bit#inu inu fruit??? he is just like inuyasha... omg.... crossover of my favourite things.... yamato i love you.....#yamato eating the protector deity of wano fruit.... calling himself oden.... his father must be fuming he is the antithesis of his person#obv its very much on purposes but lmao rip bozo (kaido) you didnt think much about that one.... maybe the deity of wano wants its people to#be free and not slaves of a weapons industry idk....#not olvia omg... and saul.... and clover... they changed little robin's name.... and her mom's voice is the same as hers lmao it's too much#robin said this is way too nice.... can't be real#once again thinking about robin holding her mothers hand..... and becoming an archeologist to make her proud.... the hands....#but now it's not about her mom now its about her friends.... also her childish heart omg.... truly#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1042#robin defending sanji's honor akdjsks#robin that was so slay... take care tho.... ily.... until next time#luffy on the floor passed out having a tantrum about food. incredible#fucking caribou again.... DIEEE!!!!#MOMO FLY AGAIN!!!! GET OVER YOUR FEAR OF HEIGHTS#also yesterday i was showering and thinking about like dying like this cant be right... i am on thay level....#episode 1043#'i am not soft on women' oh yeah i bet...#see how good armor haki would have been here..... i have been saying this#robin's face..... strongest element in all of one piece.....#robin wanting to become strong for someone else.... just like nami.....#OHHHH SHIT!!!!!!! she said i wanna be with my friends 😁 -> 😈#that was so cool. also black maria is DEAD. that was a CLUTCH WWE STYLE. DAMN. robin getting there by thinking about his friends :)))#what love and human connection do to a mf (positively)#OH SHINOBU'S ABILITY.... MOMO..... OMG#episode 1044#robin ily that was so cool. call me any time btw.
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dutybcrne · 3 months
Kaeya is rather touch averse, cringing away from casual contact people give him under the guise of being distracted or idle movement. He's used to it, the Ragnvindrs and Adenlinde got him used to frequent affectionate physical contact, but it can still be entirely Uncomfortable if he's touched by someone outside those he is close to or someone he's otherwise Allowed to touch him.
#hc; kaeya#//Mentioned before; but am Elaborating on other aspects since Aven get brain juices flowing for this#//Unlike Aven; he's FAR more tolerable of people who touch him unprompted. & more willing to indulge for himself outside his comfort people#//Unless he himself had actively given the indication he doesn't want it; in that case THEN he's likely to anger & retaliate#//But yeah; his response is usually Discomfort & trying to get away from it one way or another. Can tolerate it to appear friendly; sure#//But would rather not want people to touch him so easily. Is decently okay with brief touches tho; like shoulder pats or the like#//Will actively lean into it & encourage further touching ONLY as a means to an end; adjusting any wandering hands only when going too far#//Esp if he can use that like a carrot on a string–if they concede to what he wants; they can touch him more. Maybe MORE than just that too#//He won't initiate any touch unless he deems it Absolutely Necessary; WILL internally scream if they Immediately reciprocate the contact#//Uses it as a 'reward' sometimes; a little pinch of the cheek; a hug; getting right into their space; if he sees they'll react favorably#//Maybe more if they have connection enough; like Huffman or one of his longer-running liaisons. Is p ok w/ sleeping w/ them as reward#//Sometimes he forgets some people don't like that he does this; like Rosie. Tries the tactic to get a favor then Remembers#//Absolutely apologizes; feels mortified when she scrutinizes him for it. Esp since she'd be one of few ppl who KNOWS just how Averse he is#to it in the first place. Him slipping up like that in front of HER is smth he'd STRESS over. She could hold over his head for all he knows#//How can he even joke abt it? Worse if she asks abt his way of doing things or indicate she doesnt Like that he uses himself as bait#//Has absolutely accidentally tried to seduce/bait sb like that who he absolutely should Not have. Like Jean. Ended up playing it off like#a joke between friends; but damn near had a panic attack from the guilt the moment he was safely in his office. bc Jean is SPECIAL to him#could he treat her like THAT? How could he almost let her SEE that side of him? His casual charm and facade are ONE thing#//But him actively doing something like THAT; esp for Jean of all people; is COMPLETELY off-limits; no matter his feelings#//Actually; especially BC he harbors feelings for her. Ppl like Lisa on the other hand; he is VERY comfortable doing this with/to#//She GETS the flirty habit & dishes it back without losing image of him in the way someone he regards at Jean's level possibly could#//And as far as Lisa knows; it's Only a playful habit; not a means to an end. The ones who prolly Know might be certain folks in the church#//But that's just bc he gets frequent checkups after every lil Rendezvous of his. Which is why he's got dirt on Every Single Person There#//Except Barbara; but he absolutely makes SURE she's not the one he's dealing with whenever he goes. Wants to spare her his messes#//Damn; veered a little but it's alright. 'A little'; HA. Nah; my tags are but the cluttered corkboard of my thoughts jhdbfjdf#//Diluc; Addie & Jean are the people he most Fears finding out abt his methods. Doesnt wanna THINK abt how they'd feel/regard him after tha#//Knows for SURE it'd be painful if the way they treat him changes even a SLIGHT. ESP Addie; he can bear the other two; but Addie???#//Nah; he'd be fucken DEVASTATED. That's the ONE person he knows hold true unwavering unconditional love for him; no matter what#//To do anything to damage that? He'd be so fucken GUTTED. He expects everyone to get fed up with/disdain him at some point. But not HER#//Keeps this shit on the down low by always having dirt on the people he gets Involved with; if not using keeping it up as an incentive
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azure-arsonist · 1 year
I need to start pushing my mama's boy Touya agenda bc idk him and Rei have such an interesting dynamic it's not as saccharine as early fanfic but it makes brain go brrrr
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cannibalismyuri · 1 year
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(song added by me)
#i am so Unwell rn what the fuck.#/pos So Fucking /pos#so the art ask was from u as well....elijah ur so secretive and suave this is Too Much for a girl to handle#willelmax in the arcade and byler valentine cards ur too sweet to me i actually cant Take This :')#you're right our friendship IS on another level esp now because i've never felt So Connected to someone its insane#im a little surprised but it makes sense that its you yk#like you're so naturally sweet and kind and amazing at ur core so OFC it was u#and good job i can never listen to (you) on my arm without thinking of you /pos /pos /pos /pos#this is at the TOP of on the list of the pretty little things i've been given#ik i sound like a broken record but its so insane how much i love you. i didnt know i could bond w someone over anon sm and i JUST. idk#its something abt me never getting something like this and idk never ever feeling so cared for....#you deserve all the pretty things and someone who never lies to you and someone who wants to be on your arm so bad that they write a song#about it and someone who cares about you so deeply that they think about you at night and smile so big that it hurts and someone who loves#you so much that it hurts physically and someone who thinks of you now when he listens to songs sometimes and someone who cares#about you so intensely that when he's reading messages from you she feels comforted and your words are smtg that's on repeat in her head no#and someone who wants to mail you flowers so bad because you made him feel so amazing and someone who recognises how much you deserve#and wants to give it all to you so bad and someone who loves you as much as you deserve.#and i wanna do all that and be that person so bad and i'm gonna send you a daily ask now because you mean so much to me#and you deserve someone who makes pretty things for you too and someone who tries so hard to show it#and im GONNA. im gonna try So Hard.#you'll probably get so sick of me but believe me i'm gonna make you feel as special and amazing as you made me feel. believe me.#anyway yeah. i care about you a totally normal amount#if you read all of this just know i love you so much it hurts sometimes 💗💗#my feelings towards this are : 💖💝💓💞💘💕💗⚡☀️✨⭐💫🌟#elijah my heart my love letter my special and awesome best friend my heart anon elijah#<- better tag for u because you deserve it so fucking much#elijah <33#<- ur old tag too so u can look thru my blog and see this whenever u want#heart anon#<- for me. so i can look at this for hours and find it easily so that i could complete loving elijah hours daily
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celestial-sapphicss · 8 months
#so i just finished s1ep2 of the bear (i don't really get it so far but ok)#and there's this scene where the main character calls up his sister and tells her about the mental shit that has been happening with him uk#and like even though this feeling is always there but lile i can't help but feel like my life would have been so much better with a sibling?#like one id have good relationships with uk???#and ik ik found family and forming meaningful relationships outside is an option but like in this capitalistic individualist society? is it?#anyways that's not the point it's that there's always stuff no body in the world would get except people who grow up with you innit?#be it school or hometowns or families and it would have been nice to have someone help me not feel this complete overwhelmness all the time#and without me feeling like im exaggerating or thinking that the person would judge me or having to keep telling everything repeatedly#but then i think would that even matter when I am the one who's the problem and like can't work to form that connection with anyone?????#like i for the life of me cannot share anything beyond the surface level or without making a joke out of it#and it seems funny but i trivialise so much of the fucking shit that happens so obviously no one takes it seriously not their fault right?#and like how fair to my friends that i literally almost always been superficial and lowkey untrue with them in exchange for their honesty???#at this point i feel like i don't even know what i truly feel or truly am because whenever i look back at my past self im like wtf#idk most of the times it just feels like being 'stuck' in a glass container and me not 'letting' anyone in if that makes sense?#ik im being very annoying about it but im just so tierd of feeling like this its been a decade & its way too long to constantly feeling dead#and im so fucking stubborn in my sadness that i won't even go get help after years of crying about wanting it & now finally having resources#it's like this mental block which i can't seem to remove and i feel like even if i do get help ill still be untrue so what's the point!???#yeahhhhh anyways i'll delete this later i don't journal so tumblr will have to make do#vi.txt
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parasprite · 9 months
ik she'd never play favourites and stuff but god its like. depressingly clear how much my mum prefers hanging out with my cousin over me. they have outings and regular movie nights and go on walks together and run errands and do chores they do literally everything together. and honestly its not just that like... even when im hanging out with the two of them i know she's more focused on my cousin. like she takes an interest in his interests. she asks him about spanish all the time but doesn't give a shit that i'm learning portuguese. i feel like i bore her whenever i try to speak. i always wanna let him ride shotgun the rare times im out with them because she can hold a conversation with him but not me. and whenever i'm alone with her she just treats me like a receptacle for her dumb fucking rants about facebook drama and then she seems so surprised when i have good advice for her even though i Always have good advice. she treats me like her talk therapist. she never thinks about my needs or my life or my interests. not that i even wanna tell her about it.
and like. for my cousin's birthday she got him a paranormal activity 6-movie blu ray box set because it's their favourite film series to marathon together. like they've rewatched it a bunch of times. they discuss their fan theories and everything. yknow what she got me for my birthday this year? nada. which is PORTUGUESE for nothing. god and they had that spontaneous weekend partying in london together and then a few months later she fucking planned a trip and went to sussex alone even though she knew id been wanting to go to sussex with her for literal years. she kept saying she'd take me then she didn't. what the fuck.
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spiinsparks · 1 year
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         ||. it’s 3am and all i can freakin think about is that any person who wants to romance this idiot is gonna have to deal with whatever the equivalent of an emotional one-night-stand is (we’re not here for the actual thing in this house) bc he’s a dumb teenager who’s too independent to consider yknow maybe a proper commitment to someone doesn’t actually mean ... getting shackled down
#(it'd be so messy at first)#(like on the one hand you'll never find someone as loyal)#(he'd fight for u)#(....oft times quite literally)#(but on the other hand .... the concept of tying himself to (1) person is so foreign to him)#(and there's such a different commitment level that comes into romance vs. like. idk being a kid-parent to a kitsune)#(or a pal. or a hero/adventurer like there's EMOTIONAL STAKES)#(i mean that's not even getting into if you like him and he falls for you back it's gonna take him forever to notice)#(MUCH LESS actually come to terms with the feeling and what it m e a n s)#(but then it's like his lifestyle is so come and go... you'd have to be so mentally/emotionally prepared for that)#(like yes he'll make it up to you in spades and he'll always run right back bc i mean look at him constantly crashing at tails' place)#(but geez i can imagine that would make things so complicated for uh... certain... people)#(i think of amy in particular she seems to thrive off of connection/quality time)#(they have the same vibe just 2 completely different ways of going about it im going feral)#(like still using them as an example if /she/ wants commitment but /he/ wants .... not 'freedom' in the sense of her but like)#(//gestures//)#(he wants to go do things ok he's not settlin down that's not in his vocab)#(but like where's the compromise yknow? i think they''d find it real easy cos they both care about each other but where's the line)#(and yeah that question of 'what's the compromise/where's the line')#(idk that's interesting for sonic's romantic relationships but tbh also some of his more strong platonic ones too)#(admittedly like all of his relationships are platonic but still)#(like i just think =w=)#(i'm rambling imma delete this in the morning i thing but hh)#⸨ * OOC ⸩ — he was never actually called a rodent in the games but yknow .
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crystal-verse · 1 year
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various gpose images of sae'pheli'ehva and a'mehka'ahma, feat. some wolraha
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sovonight · 2 years
#my only note for the next part of the sith au is ‘‘cela accidentally hurts jaq and he’s ok with it but she’s deeply not’’#and yet somehow it's not at all writing itself. HMM#maybe it's bc i'm also trying to fit ''jaq's best friend thinks cela's manipulating him and tries to convince jaq to 'break up' with her#but only ends up breaking jaq's trust in him & jaq does something terrible to him#thus taking his first real step to the dark side'' in there too#& also trying to retcon the end of the last part to delete everything that happened after leaving korriban bc it was too big of a timeskip#& also trying to think up what cela would possibly do for jaq's training/lessons#& at some point during all this establish that the jedi jaq failed to kill has gotten news back to the council that cela's still alive#so now the council wants cela dead* by any means necessary (*something close to death but not quite)#oh and somehow cela has to seriously reflect on her place in revan's army and wonder why revan Does keep her around and become#convinced that 1) she's on thin ice 2) jaq becoming her apprentice was orchestrated by revan who's using him to secretly evaluate#her DS level. which is partly bc she finally saw his korriban vision and read it as him being eternally loyal to revan#but also partly bc she needs an excuse to push him away bc she's afraid of letting him love her#oh and somehow their developing force bond is like stifled and one-way bc of cela's refusal to let him in#and jaq should somehow almost die from it to make cela think emotional connection is bad#and everyone who knows cela's entire backstory should believe that there's no way for cela/jaq to happen without one of them dying#and in fact revan's banking on it#but it turns out cela's refusal to fully connect with him is exactly what's been making jaq like a finite battery that can be drained & die#so like as usual the big bad is a fear of intimacy and the whole thing ends with cela accepting jaq's love#and once she Does connect with him & complete the force bond jaq is now more like a wire connecting cela to the endless force#zero resistance
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chaosgenasi · 2 years
warning i am having hishari thoughts again
#basil.ramblings#i keep thinking about that gateway. and how people had specific positions that they took around it.#and there were various sets of armor all matching in theme but it wasn't specified if ashton's dad wore the armor of the 'lyth' i.e. stone#priest or if he wore something else. i still think he was the 'charismatic leader' of the village esp bc his armor matched the gateway#which i thought was interesting.#or maybe even ashton's mom?? she didn't take her position around the gateway but she was described as 'saintly.' she could've been involved#in the ritual as well on some level#i wonder if they were trying some sort of dark aramente shit. like getting control over all the elements??#bc if there was a 'stone' priest then there could've been priests of the other elements as well#and ashton saw not only the ground breaking apart and was obviously influenced by earth elemental energy#but they also saw violent air/wind and light??#also i Do wonder if the light ashton saw was somehow connected to leyline energy. i will die on my solstice hill#my first thought with the glowing gateway was something feywild related too and ashton's mentioned fey shit before#but i'm not sure if that's bc they thought hexum hit them with something magical or they thought that's what the potion of possibility#was or what.... i referenced the fascinating wild magic barbarian flavor text in regards to genasi barbarians but elves are mentioned too#also the whole. they delved into things they didn't full understand concept. still thinking abt ashton's dad or mom having ruidus dreams#but like what were they trying to unleash!! what were they worshipping!! gosh#also also i do wonder if ashton was used during the ritual at all / if something backfired / if it was 'successful' but again they were#messing with shit they shouldn't have. also curious on how the armor survived?? did they find bodies??#i want to connect all the dots but we don't have all the dots yet kdsjfh#bells hells thinks that they're trying to free something on ruidus so. if the people of hishari were attempting a ritual of a similar#nature; not necessarily connected to ruidus or anything but. idk that'd be an interesting connection for ash's backstory#( in terms of learning more about hishari so they can prevent a similar ritual from happening )
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