forystr · 1 year
we need the Cutie (josephine)
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pov you see fenesvir loosing chess
genuinely can't put into words how much i love her
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sw4tch · 7 months
"catboy website" u KNOW ur several lizards fleeing
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 2 years
hello! may you find peace and healing on this day
Thank you ❤️❤️❤️ It means a lot
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oakfathers-blessings · 9 months
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Rualam for @wardenalissa 🌙
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pinayelf · 1 year
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A commission for @wardenalissa of Alistair and her Warden, Odessa! 
Thank you so much for your support ^_^
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dalishious · 3 years
Hi first you’re amazing. Second, as a biracial woman I struggle with the white fandom’s treatment of elves. Not in the dismissive way, but sometimes it seems like it’s discrimination porn for them. They get to play-act being oppressed without really challenging their own world view esp because so many elves are white. I can’t really explain it, have you noticed this?
I have seen this time and time again, yes. It’s one of the primary reasons I don’t really read any Dragon Age fanfic anymore.
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dalishiousmods · 2 years
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Vitiligo Skins for DA:O
This mod was commissioned by @wardenalissa, who gave permission to share publicly.
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trvelyans-archive · 2 years
take a break
a commission for @wardenalissa of her oc cecily trevelyan and one miss josephine montilyet <3 thank you so much for commissioning me i hope you enjoy !!! <3 <3 <3 
It’s rare for them to get a moment alone these days.
Well – perhaps not a moment. Even with her and Josephine’s schedules, Cecily always finds the time to sneak into the other woman’s office and lure her into a secluded corner of Skyhold to – well – “catch up”. If she didn’t do it at least once every day, it’d be a fair indication that something was wrong. But this, lying lazily in Cecily’s quarters with the sun slanting in through the open windows and the silk sheets tangling their bodies together as the morning stretches on –
This is very, very rare.
Josephine sits up from where she had been lounging against Cecily’s chest and casts a glance at the other woman over her shoulder. “We should probably consider get out of bed soon,” she cautions. “There’s a lot to do today…”
Cecily snorts. “You say that every day,” she answers, “even on days where there is absolutely nothing for us to do. Like today.”
For the most part, she’s right. Their recent expedition to the Frostback Basin proved fruitful, with alliances and resources secured, and as of right now, there is little else on the agenda in the Inquisitor’s immediate future besides travelling back to the Winter Palace in a few months’ time. It will not stay that way, of course – it rarely does in Thedas – but, for now, Cecily has little to do but train with the soldiers, keep up appearances, and, most of all, keep herself safe. Not that that’s difficult with the dedicated forces they have in Skyhold, but sometimes – well, Josephine can’t help but worry. Sometimes it feels as though her only job is to worry when no one else does.
After all, she’s in charge of maintaining Cecily’s wellbeing as well as the wellbeing of the entire Inquisition. She signs the forms and writes the letters in order for them to be gifted food, water, supplies – everything necessary delivered to Skyhold as safely and swiftly as possible at Josephine’s insistence. So while the other members of the Inquisitor’s inner circle can relax during these few rare weeks of downtime, recover from their recent wounds to both their bodies (and occasionally their pride), Josephine must keep working.
Even when her wrist hurts…
“My love, I – I have letters to write,” Josephine replies. “The Marquis –“
“You’ve written a million letters to a million Marquis,” Cecily points out. Not necessarily correct, but – well, Josephine focuses more on the sentiment, eyelashes fluttering shut as Cecily brushes her dark curls out of the way and presses a kiss to the top of her spine. “And none of them can sweet-talk you as well as I can…��
“Mmm… that is true.” Josephine leans back into her lover’s touch, a smile gracing her lips. “But I should…”
“Then don’t let me stop you.” Cecily winds her arms around Josephine’s waist from behind and squeezes her – tight enough for Josephine to feel it, but not too tight that she wouldn’t be able to escape her lover’s embrace with the smallest of pushes. “By all means, if you’d like to leave, then you can leave.”
Josephine sighs. “Well… Perhaps I’ll stay here,” she concedes softly, dropping her head back against Cecily’s shoulder and turning her face to nuzzle her nose against the other woman’s jaw. “If only for a little while longer…”
“Mmm… Are you sure about that?” Cecily asks. “I know I was the one who asked you, but I can’t promise I won’t see to it that that ‘little while’ turns out to be the rest of the day…”
In place of a response, Josephine reaches out and swats playfully at her arm, but Cecily only chuckles. “Come on, lean back against me again. You need to relax for once. I promise I won’t let you fall back asleep.” She pauses. “Probably.”
Against her best judgement – because it really is easy to fall asleep while enveloped in the warmth and comfort of Cecily’s bed – Josephine does as instructed, letting Cecily flop back against the pillows before leaning back and tucking herself underneath the other woman’s chin. It’s a comfortable position, and does little for her determination not to fall asleep, but she doesn’t protest. Instead, she watches, transfixed, as Cecily twines their hands together and raises them off the bed. Shafts of morning sun filter through the space between their fingers like heavenly light, and dust motes dance in the air around them.
“See,” Cecily whispers lowly into Josephine’s ear, her other hand casually trailing up and down Josephine’s arm. “Isn’t this better than being cooped up in your office?”
Josephine smiles in answer.
There’s been many times that she wishes the two of them could get away from it all. The letters and the diplomacy and the writing and the fighting. While she loves her job and her work, and she’s good at it, sometimes it can become a little too much. Of course, the Inquisition is important, and Cecily’s role in it the same, but Josephine often wonders if they could go somewhere for a little while, just the two of them, with nothing to do but stay wrapped up in each other’s arms and laze around in the sun all day. Like this, but for longer than a morning. Even longer than, if Cecily manages to convince her, a single day.
Perhaps they can take a trip to Antiva, spend some time with Josephine’s family. There is a beach on the coast that no one besides the occasional fisherman or farmer ever stumbles across, so if Josephine and Cecily went, they’d have the entire stretch of land to themselves. Or maybe they could visit Kirkwall – she’s certain Varric would make room for them in the Viscount’s keep. And if that’s impossible, they might be able to at least manage a trip to the coast of Ferelden and stay with some of their allies in Highever. The harsh, choppy waves of the Waking Sea would certainly be no match for the glittering water of Rialto Bay, but – well, it’d be close enough… 
“You’re thinking.”
Josephine tilts her head back, grimacing as though she’d been caught with her hand in a cookie jar. “I’m sorry, my love, I cannot help it.”
“Don’t say sorry. What are you thinking about?”
Josephine laces her fingers through Cecily’s and drops their hands back onto the bed. “Mmm… I think that I shouldn’t say,” she answers. “I don’t want to give you any ideas…”
“Ideas about what?”
Cecily’s arm curls possessively across Josephine’s stomach, and she laughs. “N-not like that, Cecily,” she says, her face heating up at the thought. “About – well. If there was time for us to go somewhere, I was wondering where we could go.”
“On a vacation,” Josephine murmurs. The word sounds foreign in her mouth. She’s never considered vacationing before. She feels bad for even doing so now. “Although it’s difficult to believe there are any places in Thedas where we can find a moment of peace…”
“We’re in one already,” Cecily points out. “We don’t even have to leave Skyhold.”
Josephine sits up and rolls over, leaning on her elbows. “I know, but…” She trails off, furrowing her eyebrows. “I think that we should, some day. Don’t you?”
Now that the words have left her lips, a pit of nausea grows in her stomach. She assumed that… As much as she loves Skyhold, she doesn’t want to live here forever. She misses the sun and the ocean and warmth on her skin. It’s a good fortress, and has served them better than she ever thought possible, but it’s perhaps not the best home – and certainly not one where she can see herself settling down and starting a life with someone…
She’d like to. Start a life with Cecily. Well - she’d have to propose first, of course. But she can’t find the words for that. Not yet. Not when there’s still so much to do.
But she wants to. And now she’s scared Cecily might not feel the same...
“I do,” Cecily says, startling Josephine out of her thoughts as she reaches up and cups her cheek. “And we will leave Skyhold someday. I promise. I love this place, but… I’m getting a little sick of the cold.”
“Yes,” Josephine agrees, a laugh in her words. “I am getting very sick of that, too.”
“Well… keep thinking, then,” Cecily says. “About your wild dreams for a romantic vacation, or what you’d like to eat for breakfast - and whether or not it’s something you need to get from the kitchen.” She wiggles her eyebrows and the other woman laughs. “Just don’t think about any letters or missives or noblemen, alright? You deserve a break, Josephine. You work harder than the rest of us combined.”
“I don’t know about that…”
Cecily tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “It’s true,” she responds. “Now, do I have to write you a strongly-worded letter first, or will you just lie back against me and let me take care of you for once?”
Rolling her eyes, Josephine flips over again and rests her head on Cecily’s chest. She lets out a thoughtful hum as the other woman’s fingers brush through her hair, gently pulling at all the tangles and smoothing over her scalp. She can’t help herself when her eyes flutter shut and she sinks back against Cecily’s body completely, comforted by the other woman’s warmth and the sound of her heart beating beside Josephine’s ear.
She feels herself falling asleep, and, though rare for her to do so, she welcomes it.
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sw4tch · 1 year
Also I went back to search for the post and man I STILL ADORE THEM
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also I’m sorry but past me was hilarious with Dictator♦️Ship
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sw4tch · 1 year
for you my beloved friend? It's on the house
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And don't forget the banquet (vegan, for u) I've prepared for this beautiful occasion too
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Bon appétit ⭐
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sw4tch · 2 years
"#would you still love me if I threw a worm at you" no bc why would you do that to an innocent worm???
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and i lost my friend's love in the process, what have i done
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sw4tch · 2 years
u should info dump about smth, anything
(ali my friend my beloved my good time gamer and bestie HIIII!!!! 💕💕💕)
it's not like i don't have topics to infodump about, but the truth is that i feel like you've handed me a mic in the middle of karaoke and now it's my turn (oh god it's my TURN)
also 👉👈 um um i'm not sure if the info i'd be dumping would be NEW or interesting to anyone. why am i overthinking this. "I have no mouth but I must Rant" kinda situation over here.
Like I'd LOVE to infodump about my very, very personal deltarunesona au shenanigans I've been working on for like, a YEAR now- but that feels too PERSONAL to TALK about on my PERSONAL blog, gods forbid I show any kind of Intense Passion i have which might be deemed """""weird"""""
Same goes for my 4 DnD characters (DID U KNOW I RECENTLY FINISHED A WHOLE CAMPAIGN?!?!?! MY FIRST CAMPAIGN and my tiefling paladin got the happiest most lesbian ending possible, hell yeah) bcus i have LOTS of lore for them but i always end up. Not sharing it? Not even with my fellow players on the table bcus man i know they don't really care lol. Like, did u know i have Powerpoints of various lengths talking about them?!?!?!? For at least 2 of them. Eshuu (my most favorite warlock, my goat boy whomst i love deeply) got the 5 star treatment and his powerpoint has 40 slides of content. I JUST LOVE ALL OF MY CHARACTERS and i have been CURSED, cursed I TELL YA to play on tables that don't really. Have that same passion for roleplaying characters (acting wise, u know) or creating OCs. Like cmon guys i thought we all agreed dnd was for repressed theater kids (JOKE)
hmm hmm I MEAN my on rotation rants currently are:
Deltarune (just. listen this is MY BEHEMOTH talk about deltarune with me and i will just not shut up. mostly i like to talk about speculation of what will happen on the next chapters and my god. my god, toby fox when will ur brainworms end (never apparently)).
Star wars (THIS IS A SPECIAL ONE. OKAY??? BCUS I BECOME A FUCKING HATER WHEN SOMEONE EVEN BRINGS IT UP. Not because I don't like star wars per se, BUT I HAVE FUCKING BEEF WITH IT AS A FRANCHISE. This all started on the day i was born ON THE DAY they released that last trilogy movie and my life fucking ended. "somehow palpatine returned" I WILL NEVER LET THAT GO, THEY MADE MY BEAUTIFUL MAN OSCAR ISAAC SAY THAT LINE AND NOW HE'S THE FACE OF STAR WARS' SECOND GREATEST NARRATIVE SIN- HOW COULD THEY DO THAT!!!!! WHO WROTE THAT!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I MEAN. I MEAN. I'm always ready to list all of the reasons why i fuckin love Mob Psycho 100 but i don't think that's revolutionary. Everyone is doing it these days. Anyway I am in love with Reigen Arataka and my hot take is that HOW could you not love him. Also the Reigen spinoff is GENIUS bcus it's not even ABOUT him.
This is also a special case but it's not a rant im always ready to make but. Homestuck 2. The epilogues. Krusty from the Simpsons going "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT".gif As I'm sure you'd suspect I have STRONG emotions and OPINIONS about All that mess. What a trainwreck. They did ONE thing right but it did not justify the Clown Show it all was. My god. my god.
The legion of super heroes (and by extension, the CW and Michael fuckin' Bendis): Do you wanna know my complicated relationship with DC comics, my love-hate relationship with it, my love for supergirl, my love for the supergirl series which ENDED UP BADLY and also my deep deep love for one of the most BEATEN AND BRUISED hero teams in modern runs???? My god this rant is for YOU. But all u have to know is that I love Brainiac 5, he's my beloved, and i think my love cursed him to be the most DONE DIRTY character of all time. It is my cross, my burden to bear.
I'd add the magnus archives to that list BUT admittedly I still haven't finished the podcast and I have still a very loose grasp on the concepts they just introduced on s3. BUT. B U T. JUST KNOW. I love Elias Bouchard he's evil and he sucks and he made me listen to the brutal pipe murder of a man and i went "wow :) what the hell is his deal <3"
Well. Well I think that's my infodump about MY possible infodumps. Now that I think about it, i'm not sure if this is the answer u wanted. As in, was ur ask made in response to something else? Literally i dont know why i am once more overthinking about it. ANYWAY ALI ILU AND I'M ALWAYS GLAD TO HEAR FROM U!!!!!!! SORRY I DONT TEXT MORE LIFE IS HECTIC AND WHEN TOO MUCH TIME PASSES I START TO THINK I MIGHT BE BOTHERING PEOPLE, BUT ILU FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sw4tch · 1 year
on that nick castellanos post: he's the batter from OFF irl
bringing the apocalypse with him lol
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sw4tch · 2 years
Yea she also looks like you!!! I can’t believe my friend Snaily Snailyman starred in an animated movie
You heard it here first folks!! Finally i made it to the big screen
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Behold, a Snaily!!!!!!!!
Which is fun bcus now i just go "Mirabel they/them enby confirmed" lmfao
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pinayelf · 2 years
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@wardenalissa I've had it in my head for a good few months now 😂
The change is Amihan tells Finn about the deal with Jowan and he joins and gets caught up in it
They're both such sheltered Circle mages that Duncan was genuinely surprised they survived the Joining 💀 Finn brings with him a book on wildlife from Kinloch and learns those drawings are like...COMPLETELY INACCURATE lol
They hit a few snags - Amihan keeps from Finn that she became a blood mage and in the end he says it hurt him more that Amihan thought he would stop being her friend because of it. Amihan finds out that Finn's parents said they could save him from conscription but he refused cause he wouldn't be with Amihan anymore.
At one point out of frustration they start blaming each other for what happened with Jowan. This ends in them both helping him escape when Arl Eamon decides to have him sent back to Kinloch.
I can't decide who deals the killing blow to the archdemon. Maybe they could both do it together and then they trip on the way lmao
But yes their friendship only gets stronger because I'm corny lol. I got very invested in building a friendship between Amihan and a minor character 😭
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pinayelf · 2 years
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@wardenalissa I hope you don't mind me using this as an excuse to post about my Circle mage OCs 😂 they've been in my head for some months now
Pic of them are here! And Gabe has his own backstory post here
Magdalena Otranto, who is more commonly known as Magda to friends is the younger sister of Adorno Ciel Otranto. Idk why I decided to expand on lore for a minor character djdjd but I did.
Her parents deeply cared for her and tried to keep her out of the Circle for as long as possible. They hired her an apostate tutor, but because of speculation, the tutor was blackmailed and threatened into outing Magda as a mage. She was taken to Ostwick.
Her parents spent a considerable amount of time and resources to make sure they stay in contact with her. Up until the fall of the Circles, they were. Magda was the only one of her friends who was allowed to leave the Circle to meet with family. But she always brought them back gifts and trinkets (her, Mayari, Langdon and Gabe have a strong fondness for Carastian candies lol). Magda always let her friends be able to indulge whatever privilege her noble title gave her in the Circle.
She's extremely bright and sort of fussy, but she loves her friends very much and will do anything for them.
Langdon is the son of farmhands from Redcliffe. He is one of five children, but he barely remembers his older siblings and was in the Circle by the time his youngest siblings were born. His parents tried to keep his magic a secret, but he was told on by someone. Dennet (who his mother worked for) attempted to keep him with his family but to no avail.
Like Mayari, his family lost contact with him. Part of it was because they thought he was brought to Kinloch and was never told he went to Ostwick instead. His family also relocated because of the Blight. Langdon's magic was mediocre as well so again, like Mayari, he put his focus on herbology and alchemy.
Langdon is sarcastic and often loves cracking jokes. He's a bit of flirt too. He uses humor often as a coping mechanism. He deeply cares for his friends and to him, they are his family.
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