toxictrashdump · 1 year
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Red Set Horrors
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lyssak09 · 2 years
Valentine's day is my favorite holiday! So as my valentine's gift to you I have written for 'My bloody valentine' both the original and remake, enjoy 💙
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Tom has been obsessed with you since he first met you. So him getting you as his girlfriend was miraculous.
He hated leaving you behind, but he had to, you couldn't be dating the town's most hated man. But he still kept an eye on you. Its fascinating what people will do for money.
Eventually Harry fell for you. So why not kill two birds with one stone?
Kill a hell of a lot people back in valentine bluffs, and get you back in Tom's arms.
"Y/n" Tom called out. You could hear him dragging the pickaxe. You hid deeper in your hiding spot. "Baby, come on out. Don't make me have to hurt anyone else. Not that Henry won't like that." Tom said the last part to himself. "Y/N! Come here now or else your friends are gonna get it!" You scrambled out into the open once he said that. "Tom, please don't do this. Just kill me and leave everyone else alone" you begged him. Tom gives you a smile, "Oh baby, I'm not gonna kill you. We're just gonna take you back where you belong. With me". "W-what?" You stuttered out. Tom let out a chuckle. "Y/n, haven't you felt watched while I've been gone? That was people keeping on eye on you for me. I could never let my sweet girl go. Now come here before we have to drag you" you stood still in terror. Tom let out a puff of air, "Guess I get to carry you." And slipped you on his shoulders. "You make any noise and anyone who comes for you is dead, you hear me," you let out a small yes. Tom slipped out the back door with you, and you were never seen again.
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Alex always had a thing for you. And when TJ left, it was his chance
But then of course TJ came back. So Axel snapped
Taking out anyone in his way, and others just for fun.
Then Valentine's day came, so he decided to kill his biggest rival and take you home. Isn't that poetic?
"Be my valentine?" Axel said with a smirk, covered in TJ's blood. You crawled away from TJ's body planning a way to escape. "You killed him! You killed nearly everyone in town!" You cried out. Axel stepped over the body and walked towards you, "For you! For us!". "Don't worry baby, I'll take you home and we'll enjoy the rest of valentine's day. Now, come here" he grabbed your wrist and pulled you up. "NO!" you screamed, but Axel didn't care. He knocked you out with the bottom of his pickax and took you to your new home
I think I'm gonna do full fledge hcs for these characters so be on the look out!
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timelord-emmet · 1 year
What Ingo is like in this Au
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Character sheet
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wayfaringstrangxr · 5 days
Cont. from here @eyeofvengeance
When he received news about the burning of Castle Cerwyn and every village around it, Lord Stark immediatelly called a retreat to Winterfell. Every woman an children were safely on the cripts and every single man capable of raising arms had been given weapons.
Even that Winterfell were heavily guarded, Cregan knew that no ground army would be match for a dragon and he had no plans of making the same mistake as King Harren once had, by locking himself inside his castle.
There were no storm coulds in the sky when Cregan heard the sound of thunder. The wind carried the scent of burning wood, flesh and the screams of helpless people who had no time to defend themselves from the Terror of the Trident.
Grey stormy eyes scout the sky non-stop in search of what he knew to be inevitable. His hope relies in having time to evacuate the villages near to Winterfell. Ravens were sent to the Stark's bannermen, but he knew their arrival would be late. The North would face fire, and if they were to meet an end, their Lord would make sure to be an end worth of being sang for generations.
The wardern's resolve didn't waver when the flap of Vhagar's wings brought the scent of death and blood. "Load the scorpion." his voice sounds low to the men around him and they waste no time, before the ground shakes beneath the beast's weight. Ever since Prince Jacaerys visit, Cregan knew retaliation was likely to happen, if by land or sky he didn't know, but they must prepare for everything, and so they did. With the little time they've had, two scorpions were built and placed behind the walls of Winterfell, hidden in the arrowslits and covered behind the Stark banners. But his men were not used to such a massive weapon and he needed to buy time for them to position it on the right angle.
He could only hope that they had enough arrows to bring down a beast of her size. Cregan's expression didn't shift with the prince's threats, he had experienced colder summers than his raw rage. He expected no respect for his people or their gods, not from a kinslayer, but what he heard of Aemond Targaryen were mere words compared to face the prince himself.
Vhagar inspired fear into his men. Her unease was also theirs, and her growl awaken the most raw of human instincts: the will to flee before such mighty force.
"Steady, men." Cregan's voice was low, but firm. His steadiness was a beacon to his men, and as long as he stood strong, so would they. "We shall not find our end today."
"Gods! You do enjoy the sound of your own voice, don't you?!" The wind carry his words.
He had no business to deal with Aemond, his threats wouldn't get under his skin, the harshness of the North had made it thick and the prince would find much harder to set fire to his cold will.
"Aim for her chest." He commands once the scorpion is loaded.
The first arrow only grazed the dragon, cutting deep into her flesh close to the wing. But it wasn't supposed to be a warning shot, if they had more experience, the dragon would be dead. The element of surprise with the hidden weapon was their leverage, but the danger for both dragon and rider was still there.
"Archers, get ready!" His voice echoes, strong, fearless. "Aim for the rider!"
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inky-duchess · 9 months
Hello, Inky! The writter with a nine years old murderer here again to tell you I have written you in my story involuntarily-ish(?)
So, like, I have a culture where knowledge it's very important, so much that "Librarian" it's a noble title.
Anyway, reading a part of my WIP and see this is small part:
'So, who was your teacher?' Alexander asked, as he looked around for some old governess, in a room full of them.
'Librarian Azner, dame of the first warderner' she noded to a young woman who was surrounded by scholars.
'Azner? Isn't that the word for ink of your people?'
[...] 'And yes, azner is our word for ink, she's a blood librarian […]'
Just making sure you're comfy with that, if you are not, I will just change it; thanks a lot for your blog and work!
Aw this is so sweet, thanks for the honour 💜
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sweetmage · 1 year
WIP Wednesday 2
Now here's a little snippet (rough draft) from the upcoming 7th chapter of Your Fading Light :)
Anders and the Hawkes have joined up up with Wardern-Commander Edan and the Inquisitor to pay a (rather unpleasant) visit to Adamant Fortress.
"Bloody Maker, that girl!" Edan saw her first, he and the Inquisitor just barely through the doorway, gazing upon what initially appeared to be a small assembly of Wardens gathered before an elevated speaker. The vague chatter drifted from the doorway, hitting Anders's ears before he decipher the scene playing out before them, whatever had Edan so shaken.
"Stop them!" A man bellowed from within as soon as they'd entered, fixing the intruders with a glare and paying no mind to the bloodied girl that fell beside him. "We must complete the ritual!"
Every muscle within their group seemed to tense, Anders's grip tightening around his staff, Marian's expression hardening, Edan and the Inquisitor taking a collective step forward, but the Inquisitor kept going, sword sheathed and arms raised placatingly.
"Stand down!" The Inquisitor called, directing their eyes to him instead. "Clarel, if you go through with this ritual—"
"Madness," Edan hissed, knuckles whitening around the hilt of his sword, cutting in before the Inquisitor could speak further, "Have you forgotten our duty is to slay darkspawn, not collaborate with them? Do you not recognize the corruption that lies within the Venatori? The one they serve--"
The quarrel between Commanders faded out, Anders's attention drawn instead to the faint glow emanating from the man on the platform's hand, the subtle tap-tap of his staff against the stone flooring. Suddenly, Garrett wrenched free of his hold, shattering his daze. Anders's heart lurched in panic as his reaching fingers caught only empty air. "Stay here! Where are you—?" A deafening roar from overhead split the sky and swallowed his words before they could reach him. "Garrett!"
Anders's blood ran cold as they were thrown into shadow by a great beast that swept down from on high, wings spread and thrashing, an inferno pouring forth from its screeching maw. It cut across the skyline in their direction, descending rapidly, its tail lashing all in its path, reducing stonework to dust and rubble and scattering the nearby Wardens like dolls.
"Look out!" Anders shouted, he and Marian throwing themselves out of the creature's path as it nearly fell upon them. They tumbled and rolled together into a heap, cowering from the assault with their heads beneath their hands, just as the beast crashed down to the earth, causing a tremor that sent Anders's stomach into his throat.
"Bloody fuck!" Marian snarled, casting her eyes upward as it swung back into the air, circling.
Anders was more preoccupied with finding his footing in the chaos, using his staff to steady himself as he righted and waited for the spinning and stars to clear from his vision.
"Anders," Marian called urgently, still at his feet and huddled forward, frantic hands shredding through the fabric of her pantleg, fighting with the straps of her prosthetic.
Concerned, Anders bent down to assist, but she pulled away, tossing her head back towards the fight that raged beyond. "Help Garrett!" she barked, giving him a shove as she pulled free of him. "I'll catch up."
His eyes roamed to where hers had landed. Garrett was already meters ahead, sprinting for higher ground, heedless of the danger overhead. "Shit," he breathed, giving in to her command, his feet flying on their own, staff forgotten as he lept over debris and gave chase.
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strscrossed · 1 year
i’m genuinely trying not to giggle 😭
eren’s imprisonment lasted for a month and mikasa visits him everyday. she literally spends most of her time there. all warderns are trying not to roll their eyes at the pda, and everytime it’s time to say goodbye, they won’t let go of each other. so she ends up overstaying sometimes 😭
they’re really, really dramatic.
the warden: can you guys stop now? it’s fucking disgusting
e: mind your own business asshole!
man I can imagine mikasa coming in with tears each time and asks if he’s okay and if they’re treating him well and if he’s eating well and that she’s so worried like ma’am this is the county jail not prison he’s fine.
the warden just rolls his eyes and looks at mikasa like what do you see in that guy and she’s like I love him 🥰 he’s the best. which is not an answer and the warden is like yeah okay good luck ma’am.
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ninamodaffari · 2 years
what is a warlock in this context and also what does the forehead tattoo mean
Thank you for askin, anon!
Warlock in this sense means that he is someone who formed a pact with a greater power, in this case, a Greater Devil (Pitfiend, specifically) named Baron Carmine, Wardern Ameliorate of Malbolge. In truth, his Patron is practically an underpaid assistant manager at Hell Inc.
The forehead tattoo is the symbol of his gang that he was formerly a part of. The bottom part represents the anchor, doomed to drag us all down to death. The dot above represents the Orphan themselves, without anyone. The gang is called the Doomed Orphans, so -- ta da!
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iviienn · 2 years
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“in war victory, in peace vigilance, in death sacrifice”
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pumboss · 4 years
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Manchmal gehe ich immer einmal pro Woche allein ins Café wie eine Gewohnheit. Ich weiß nicht, warum ich das mag. Der Kaffee und die Umgebung des Cafés macht vielleicht mich bequem und entspannend. Brauch nicht zu sorgen und zu viel zu denken :) - Die Fotos sind totale schöne Erinnerung. - im Dezember vor 2 Jahren in Dalat - Schönes Wochenende
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large-black-coffee · 3 years
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Behold! A man! With a naginata 'cause I saw someone write about giving Ingo a staff (sorry, couldn't find you)
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I've always been intrigued about leader of the order of the Grey Warden being referred to as the "First Warden". It has always made me think that the First Warden is actually the very first warden, the one who started it all and like Avernus from the Wardens Keep DLC, found a way to extend their life. And the fact the First Warden is considered a figurehead and is majorly involved  in the politics of the Anderfels makes me suspicious since we've been told the Wardens are heavily encouraged to not interfere in the political affairs of other countries.
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blazevillains · 3 years
pandoras vault among us map
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hello-nichya-here · 3 years
"Azula did NOT torture Suki" But in Suki, Alone didn't Suki get tortured, or at least cruelly mistreated? For the Boiling Rock purposefully starves its prisoners to make sure they can't rebel & Suki does get put into solitary confinement in a very narrow room for 2 weeks. & didn't Azula's taunting at the start of the comic heavily suggest that at a bare min that she knew of these conditions? Also, isn't Azula responsible for the actions of her subjects just like Sozin, Azulon, Iroh, & Ozai are?
The comics are bullshit and retcon pretty much half the show (Zuko being Ozai's son almost was one of those things, even though the fucker was designed to look like an older Zuko). The show literally has Suki being absolutely fine, and Sokka even mocks her for having been captured by Azula - and she only looks bothered that he brought up the fact that she was defeated, not like she's remembering a traumatic experience. The show wasn't perfect, but it was never that insensitive (unlike the comics, and even then it was usually at the "fair targets" like Azula and other villains)
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure prison was still awful without torture, but we see Hakoda stand up to the fucking Wardern and his punishment is being locked up in a cell while the others are "free" to circulate through the place. The only forms of torture we see at the boiling rock are:
1 - The cooler, which is a punishment for firebending. Even if we assume they extended it to other benders (which wouldn't make as much sense, but whatever), that still leaves out Suki.
2 - Guards beating up prisoners despite it being against prison rules. Again, Suki doesn't have a single scratch on her and Hakoda's punishment for disrespecting the Warderns autority in front of everyone was pretty mild. The older guards imply that the only ones who engage in that behaviour are the new guys.
3 - The Wardern torturing a guy he believes was responsible for an escape plan - which is an abnormal situation, that is stopped by Azula.
That's it. And regarding Azula knowing Suki was at the boiling rock, the show never made that clear. The one scene in which she implies she ever "paid Suki a visit" was while she was saying literally anything that came to mind to stop team Avatar from going after her father while he couldn't bend. The one time we see her actually leave the palace is when Ozai tells her to. And on top of that, Suki didn't say "Azula sent me to the boiling rock because I'm the leader" she said "They sent me here because I'm the leader"
Who is "they"? Azula and Ozai? Azula, Ty Lee and Mai? Whoever the fuck is in charge of deciding where prisoners go, which likely has no imput from royalty or nobility because they don't care as long as the prisoners don't cause any trouble? Considering Zuko merely suspected Hakoda could have been sent to the boiling rock, but didn't know it for sure, I'm saying it was probably the third option.
"Also, isn't Azula responsible for the actions of her subjects just like Sozin, Azulon, Iroh, & Ozai are?"
Why is Azula expected to have the same level of maturity as fully grown men when she's merely 14? Why isn't Zuko on this list even though he was older and was on the Fire Nation's side up until the eclipse (and conveniently didn't bring up Ozai's plan to devastate the earth kingdom because he was afraid that the gaang would think less of him since he did not speak out against it because he was afraid of being punished by Ozai)? Why is he allowed to be friends with Suki later even though he knew Azula captured Kyoshi Warriors to infiltrate Ba Sing Se and he had even burned her whole village?
Why is Ty Lee allowed to join the Kyoshi Warriors even though she helped Azula capture Suki and only changed sides when Mai was in danger, not because she had a change of heart? Why is Iroh allowed to be shown as a hero even though he was a grown adult and didn't really change sides until Zhao went "I'ma kill the moon"?
Why does nearly everyone get to have their motives to do bad shit at least understood, while Azula has to be "held accountable" for things she did not even do? (including the ones that were against the rules she was reinforcing?)
So yeah, Azula did not torture Suki, and it's more than time for this fandom to stop pretending she did, and for them to notice that, whether they like her or not, if she is a "monster" so are good boy Zuzu and wise uncle Iroh - aka their sweethearts.
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vioarryalt · 3 years
Prompt ideas
/dsmp rp
ghost!dream but it comes in with a bonus
[Dream was slain by Quackity using Wardern's Torment]
The message appears on the communicate tabs, it was a canon death. There is something wrong and everyone want an answer.
And when Quackity and Sam trying to covered things up, Dream came back as a ghost. Well, to be clear, as a child-ghost and barely remember anything (he said so)
People decided he can't come back to the prison since he is a kid now (Sam and Quackity tried to say it' just some manipulated shit but whatever) (what's wrong with the biased toward children now ?)
But there is one thing that the ghost didn't say, as an owner of the revival book (a necromancer) he can see...things from limbo.
And he comes back with a bonus. Another "ghost" that no one can see except himself- c!dream.
And then their plans keep going
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averyredcabbage · 2 years
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pov your base mate is an insane bastard that came back with gifts after they killed 4 warderns in an average trip to the deep dark
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