#warm and yellow and dandelion….ish
moon-mirage · 7 months
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The Boy with the Bread
(I couldn’t resist a quick Peeta sketch)
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aladaylessecondblog · 2 months
#WeFoundTheHeart (Red Mountain Waffle House ch. 2)
"The fuck is that thing?" Jiub, from behind the grill, gestured at the pot that Sadara was adjusting on the front window-sill. "Looks awful."
The plant in question was definitely under the weather. The leaves were turning yellow towards the base, the red petals were looking dry, the white-ish ones weren't much better, and Sadara was hoping the nice bit of water she'd given it, combined with the nice spot at the window, might be just the thing to perk it back up. She'd considered repotting it--the pot was a bit cracked, and had some daedric-looking figure on it. 'N,' she was pretty sure, but it was faded enough that she couldn't be entirely sure.
"Google calls it a bleeding heart. I found it outside the apartment...it's not doing so well there so I thought the sun might be better for it here."
"You've got a black thumb, that thing's going to be dead inside of a week." Jiub laughed, flicked at his cigarette and went back to work on a scrambled egg, "Put it out of its misery."
"Says the man that once killed a dandelion." Sadara handed over a buoyant armiger's coffee and then looked back.
"Fuck you, it only died because my nix-hound decided that exact spot had to be where it pissed."
"Enough with the chit-chat, can I get my eggs?" a shirtless dunmer called from the table on the other side of the jukebox. Near the bathroom. Usually, Sadara was told, a problem table given the view it gave of the road. "Or are you two going to go at each other right here in front of Dagoth Ur and everybody?"
He looks like he doesn't get enough sleep, Sadara thought, Probably a tweaker. Skooma head, at the minimum.
"I've got about fifteen reasons why that'd be a bad idea," Jiub called out, and dished the eggs out and onto a plate next to the waffle.
Something told her to put on the corprus gloves, so she did, and then brought the plate over. "There you go. It's just been a slow night. People must be getting a good night's rest...unlike you. If you'd like some more coffee--"
"Coffee's the last thing I need right now. Maybe something...less...wake-y."
"We don't have any weed or we'd sell you some," Sadara replied, "And warm milk doesn't do anything except make you want to brush your teeth right that second. I could hit you over the head if you wanted."
"I've tried that. Doesn't work. All it did was give me a headache. I just...I got really bad insomnia." There was a pause, a look past her, and then, "Where'd you get the plant?"
"The plant? Oh, I found it outside my apartment. The sun's better here, so I set it up. Poor thing looks like it could use a little extra light. Better than it'll get on...well, you get the idea."
The conversation petered out and the dunmer paid his check. As she looked up he was snapping a picture of the plant with his phone, but when she was coming back with the receipt she realized he was making a grab for the plant.
"Hey, hey, that's MINE!" she snapped at him, "Fuck off, get your OWN plant!"
"It's not yours!" he snarled back as she was tugging the pot from his hands, "It's my LORD'S!"
One of the weaker blooms shed its bulb from all the motion and the shirtless dunmer moved back suddenly.
"Then tell your lord to come and get it!" she said, "And to ask politely instead of asking randos to do the job for him!"
For a moment the dunmer looked like he was going to give a really acidic reply, but when Sadara raised a hand like she was going to smack him--he stared at it just for a second, and then left.
"The fuck was that about?" Jiub called from the back.
"He says the plant belongs to 'his lord'...whatever the hell THAT means." Sadara put the plant back once she was sure the dunmer wasn't coming back.
(Within the hour #WeFoundTheHeart was trending on Morrotwitter, all accompanied by the same damn picture of the plant in the Waffle House window. Had it not been for what followed she would have been sure that she was hallucinating the whole thing.)
The shirtless guy wasn't the first one to try stealing the bleeding heart plant, and after the next four attempts Sadara felt it was pretty safe for her to assume he wouldn't be the last either. It wasn't just regular dunmer either, it was ash zombies, ash ghouls--It had gotten to the point where she considered telling them it died, but something always seemed to stop her doing that.
"You'd think it was moon-sugar cane, the way they're after it," Jiub said, passing her the bottle of sujamma over his shoulder, "Did you sprinkle it with skooma? Seriously, the fuck'd you do to it?"
"I didn't do anything to it! Well...I gave it some compost I got off Nibani, but...other than that, nothing."
"Heads up," Nibani said suddenly, from where she was cleaning up one of the corner tables, "Ascended sleeper. Stay polite, but don't talk to 'em much and--"
"Don't ask about his god. I know, I know." Sadara took a gulp from the bottle of sujamma and then breathed deep.
The ascended sleeper meandered in and took a seat in the middle of the dining area, right at the counter. There was a look in the direction of the bleeding heart plant. Or Sadara assumed it was a look, anyway, the damned thing didn't seem to have any eyes, what in the hell would it look WITH?
"Coffee, please."
The tone was...strange, not like any voice she'd ever heard. Like someone was putting it through an instrumental filter or something, maybe talking next to a fan.
"Dark? Any sugar, creamer?"
"That's the best way," Sadara gave a slight smile, and moved over to the coffee maker to pour him out a cup. "You had a pleasant walk...ah...float here, I hope."
Laughter came, like an orchestra of slightly-off-key flutes. "Pleasant enough. I hear this is where I can see the Heart."
"What, the plant?"
Another couple customers came in. One was a buoyant armiger, off-duty from the look of him. He gave the ascended sleeper a strange look but went on and called for a steak with his waffle.
"Rare, medium, or get the hell out," Jiub said.
"What's wrong with well done?"
"What's wrong is it's a crime against fucking nature. A guar died to give you this meat and you want me to burn the shit out of it?" Jiub asked.
"I was going to ask for it medium anyway." A huff, and then a look back to the menu.
"Is it always like this?" the ascended sleeper asked. "I don't often come here, you see."
"That? That's nothing." Sadara laughed. "Now, what do you want to actually eat? Can you eat?"
"I can, yes. One gets the urge for something more than corprusmeat, now and then..."
"It doesn't sound like it would taste very good, but you must enjoy it or you wouldn't keep doing it."
After a short pause the sleeper said, "Some sausage and a waffle, if you don't mind."
Sadara gave a slight smile. The next fifteen minutes or so were actually rather pleasant--the ascended sleeper would glance at the bleeding heart plant now and then, but mostly he would watch her and make polite conversation. How long she had been in Morrowind, how she (disliked) the weather. All weird, unconnected questions, but she was glad to have one of them talking to her that didn't
She took a from the sujamma bottle when he'd turned his head to look at it.
"I've seen that mark a few times," the ascended sleeper said, "Strange that you should find it on a flowerpot of all things."
"Everyone likes to plant things." Sadara shrugged. "I usually have a black thumb, but..."
"But that plant seems to grow for you?"
"Yeah, it does. Strange, that. It's finally starting to look better."
It was a nice feeling, really. To have plant after plant after plant die--to the point, way back when she'd lived with Jiub the first time, he wouldn't even let her step inside the room he grew the weed in--and then to have something actually grow for her.
The sleeper gave several nods. "It means 'Neht,' if you wanted to know."
"The symbol on the flowerpot. It means 'Neht.'"
"Huh. Interesting."
"Oh, come on!"
Sadara looked down the bar at the off-duty buoyant armiger. "Sir?"
"You're going to let that thing stay?"
"He's being more polite than you are," she replied curtly, "And his money spends just as well as yours."
"I spend my day defending the Ghostfence from that sort. Why does this place just--let them--"
"See previous answer. The only one being rude here is YOU, jackass."
That was when Nibani spoke up. "Either shut your mouth or leave, we don't want fighting here if we can help it."
"You two're awfully mouthy for someone who's cozying up to the Sixth House's monsters," the armiger stood and crossed the room. "Makes me think maybe you're involved with them too."
"Makes me think you're about to write a check your ass can't cash," Sadara replied. She took another sip of sujamma, and walked through the little gate at the end of the bar. "So do like the manager says, shut your mouth or leave."
"As if I'm going to let some Sixth House sympathizer--"
The buoyant armiger lunged. Sadara ducked his wild bolt of flame, and clocked him right in the jaw.
"You BITCH!"
Behind her was another shout, Jiub, who'd let out, "I JUST started that egg!"
Then, a rapid fire alarm.
Sadara sidestepped and grabbed the back of the armiger's armor, and with a great effort hauled him towards the door that she pressed open with her foot. "C'mon, I don't care if you paid or not. You're out, and if you try to come back in I'll drag you right back out again. Got it?"
The armiger did not, in fact, get it. He swung at her, got her hard in the shoulder, and found himself hit in the jaw once again, this time with the hand she wore the ring on. It left an immediate imprint, and would probably end up bruising, from what she could guess.
"Now are you going to leave, or am I going to have to kick you in the balls?"
It took the actual kick for him to figure out Sadara was serious.
The ascended sleeper had been very pleased with what he saw. Very pleased, indeed. He'd told them, hadn't he--those beneath him--that they could get more information if they just used their words and asked nicely. But then again, niceties weren't their strong point.
That was why HE had been sent.
Once #WeFoundTheHeart started going around, his lord had asked - discern the truth. See if what they were seeing (and hearing) was true. Don't attempt to steal the plant, it was too precious to risk in a tug-of-war situation. It was a delicate variety, after all, it couldn't hope to stand up to much of a stiff breeze this far away from its usual soil and tending.
His lord did not turn around, but that was usual. It was a privilege merely to be in his presence, to behold even part of his magnificence.
"It's true, lord Dagoth. The plant is there. And the one who chased off the dreamer claimed to have a black thumb, yet somehow the bleeding heart grew for her. And she was wearing...the ring."
"The ring?"
"THE ring, my lord, I saw it with my own eyes. Briefly--there was a bit of a scuffle, as a buoyant armiger decided he wanted to make trouble because I was allowed to dine there, and the one in question fought him half-drunk."
There was a pause, and then a sudden sharp intake of breath.
"Nerevar's ring, his plant that I've kept alive for these centuries...and now you tell me there was a drunken brawl."
The next breath was shakier.
"Nerevar really has returned."
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necro-man-sir · 2 months
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Name: Vrev Honeyheart
Nicknames: Honey, Cadence, Dandelion, Poppet, Embers, and more. Often adds or changes his names, or has specific names he goes by in specific places or around certain people.
Age: 178(ish)
Nameday: 21st Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon (4/20)
Race: Viera, Veena/Rava mix, grew up in a Rava village (Viras)
Gender: Neutral / Cis(ish)
Orientation: Bisexual (Fem preference)
Profession: Alchemist, Doctor. Former Wood Warder / Teacher (thaumaturgy).
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: strawberry blonde, lightens and darkens with the seasons.
Eyes: Pale yellow, pupils are clouded and hard to make out, often unnoticed.
Skin: Mid-toned, cool undertones and neutral, dusky. Heavily freckled.
Tattoos/scars: Newish burn scars on his face and down his neck, ending at his chest. They are now fully healed, but due to a burn from alchemical fire in an accident at work.
Parents: Veena father from a village in the neighbouring mountain range, who he does not know but speaks highly of. Rava mother who he rarely shares about but holds deep love for. Considers his whole village to have raised him as parents.
Siblings: Twin sister
Grandparents: Still alive and well, as far as he's aware. There are a number of generations still in Golmore who he grew up with and adores.
In-laws and Other: Briefly met, but quickly lost some years after marriage. He didn't really know them, but they were members of the community regardless and he holds them in high standing.
Pets: None
Abilities: He is a skilled mage, but he has since put that down after blowing himself up once. He may return to it. He is also a musician and enjoys dancing and performing, and will potentially focus on this more. However, nowadays he is fairly firmly married to alchemy.
Many of his skills and abilities, however, focus on survival and protection of Golmore. He was a wood warder for over 100 years, and he was good at it.
Hobbies: Music, song and poetry writing, socializing, storytelling, reading, tea making and drinking, exploration.
Most Positive Trait: His kindness.
Most Negative Trait: His poor self confidence and self worth, which can hurt others with how he feels unworthy of them and his attempts to test and chase them away.
Colors: Gold specifically, not yellow, gold, the metal. He can see it shine in the sunlight, and the sun is something he can see. He loves both.
Smells: Teas, honey, oat, earth and soil, the wet air before and after the rain.
Textures: Silks on skin, the weight of a thick warm blanket in the cold air, strong wind that pushes him over, the heat of a fire and sting of embers.
Drinks: Rose tea with an absolutely absurd amount of honey, which leaves it thick.
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Dear lord this man rarely doesn't have one in his mouth. Nowadays, however, he has been smoking less.
Drinks: Rarely, he's not a huge fan of alcohol.
Drugs: he partakes, mostly marijuana equivalents or somnus. He also has other drugs effectively full body somnolents/paralytics that he takes specifically when he is sharing a bed.
Mount Issuance: He adopted a baby chocobo about a year ago from a faire held at Tailfeather, when he went with a Warder he met some years ago in Golmore. He has been raising her to help him with foraging.
Been Arrested: Surprisingly? Not yet! There's still time, however.
tagged by @oneiroy
Y'all see this? It interests you? I'm tagging you, too!
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greypetrel · 1 year
🙤 Unusual OC Associations 🙧
Tagged by @demandthedoodles , thank you very much this was SO interesting to do! I love some moodboard-ish, synesthetical memes.
If it counts for all blorbos I'll do it for the other girls as well? Anyway, here's the cinnamon roll.
Seasoning: Orange/Lemon, something sweet and tangy.
Weather: Rain in late spring, the one that makes the meadows go green and the flowers bloom and fills the air with the smell of earth, when it's not cold anymore so you can enjoy it outside if you want.
Colour: Teal, that deep shade of green that you're not sure if it's still green or blue, dark, saturated. All blueish shades of dark greend, rich and soothing and warm. Dandelion yellow, warm and cosy. The turqouise of clear water with a shallow bottom.
Sky: That exact point when the clouds are dark and promising rain, but it's still not raining and the sun shines in just that side way that makes all the greens of trees and grass pop bright against the deep gray of the sky.
Magic power: Weather magic, thunder and rain, water healing the earth and making plants grow.
House plant: Sage or Rosemary. Not decorative, it doesn't bloom in bright colours nor big flowers, it won't make your friends gasp in admiration. Something aromatic, humble and unassuming, easy to grow and resistant, that smells nice if you rub your hands on it. Doesn't need much care, it won't catch anyone's eyes, but it useful. Put them in your food, use it to cook, or for home-remedies for a sore throat or a cold.
Weapon: A magic staff built of a loose branch or driftwood. Or, a rapier.
Subject: Experimental physics, electromagnetism. Or, pharmaceuticals.
Social media: She'd be a great Tumblr girl. Tumblr.
Make-up product: Hydrating cream, coloured lip-balm, or blush.
Candy: Lemon drops.
Fear: Abandonment, being left behind and forgotten by people she loves.
Ice cube shape: … Unicorn.
Method of long distance travel: With no one's surprise, horseback.
Art style: Art Nouveau, something whimsical and airy, but VERY controlled and studied, clean lines and precise details
Mythological creature: Again, with no one's surprise, Centaur, on a Chiron style. Half-horse, half-human, fierce when enraged but very wise.
Piece of stationery: A sketchbook. Not the most expensive, but with a sturdy hard cover and decent paper, perfect for scrapbooking.
3 emojis: ⛈️🦄🌈
Celestial body: Polaris, aka the North star, showing you the direction to follow.
Tarot card: Queen of Cups (Upright: compassion, warmth, kindness, intuition, healer, counsellor, supportive || Reversed: insecurity, giving too much, overly-sensitive, needy, fragile, dependence, martyrdom )
Tagging: @shivunin, @dungeons-and-dragon-age and @scribbledquillz (as a thank you for THAT ask :P -joking I appreciated it it's just... Who needs FEELZ anyway right.) and whomever leaves a comment writing Pimpiripettenusa.
Edited with the tarot card, because Shivunin had the great idea and I jumped at it. :3
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lavastonetoad · 11 months
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things i've been into recently: painting. i'm currently working on a mural! i haven't painted in basically months, so i'm glad to get back in the saddle. reading. right now i'm about 300-ish pages into 'A Little Life'. so flipping good so far! its been on my tbr for a while now, so glad i'm finally getting to read it. studying anatomy. i'm trying to get myself more acquainted with human anatomy in prep for nursing school. music. lana del ray, lorde, mac miller, tyler the creator, bo burnham!! (love) writing. i love picking apart literature, annotating and editing. i have this idea for a book that's been in the back of my mind since 2020-21, i'll write in small increments now and then. autumn. although i really, really like the warm weather and the sun (gimme all the vitamin d)- i cannot wait for it to be fall. i love autumn so, so, so much. wearing layers again, the breeze, yellow, orange, and red leaves, warm drinks (even though i drink iced coffee all year round), and freaking halloween!! fun fact: for years i've had a tiny paperweight that was gifted to me from my mom. in the centre of it is a dandelion. which is what inspired my pfp.
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albedo-gender · 3 years
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(flor - AIR - ay - aes - ic)
An aesthetigender relating to the aesthetics of the Moobloom from Minecraft. It is warm and sunny, can also relate to the color yellow, dandelions, bees, sunflowers, honey, and bathing in the sunlight, and is connected to being trans.
Etymology: Florere is Latin for 'bloom'
[Flag description: Two 5 striped pride flags. The colors in order are a warm mustard yellow, a lighter version of that yellow, a cream off-white, a darker mustard yellow, and a warm orange-ish brown. The first flag has a simple drawing of a Moobloom's head with a white border around it. End image description]
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[Banner description: a DNI banner with chibi emojis of the character Albedo from Genshin Impact on both sides. The banner reads "DNI IN BIO, READ BEFORE INTERACTING!" End image description]
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jonogueirawrites · 2 years
Ipê Branco.
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Rick Flag already has a lot to worry about with the group of criminals at his command. But when an unknown woman named Prim volunteers to accompany them, Rick gets lost in his personal world. Despite the risks of his job and the fear of getting hurt again, it is hard for him to not fall in love with her refreshing personality and to not let his protective side try to keep her dangerous secret hidden. As if that isn't enough, he will have to navigate the many miscommunications and his own self-doubting before he can answer her question, "Do you believe in love, Mr. Colonel Flag?"
Tags: Alternate Universe, Canon-Typical Violence, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Angst, Fluff, Jealousy, Slow Burn (ish), Smut, Dubious Consent, Sex Pollen, Rick Flag Lives, Peacemaker dies, Happy Ending.
Notes:  I hope you like what I worked hard to create and enjoy it as much as I do. The story begins in the first movie and ends in the second with different missions and events in between.
I want to thank @isk4649​ for being an INCREDIBLE person and beta. I also want to thank the lovely @loverhymeswith​ for helping me in the first chapters.
Chapter 1 - Sunshine.
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Midway City Airport was chaos. Not as much as the city, she reminded herself. The wind picked up, and she welcomed the next person into the tent. The line of victims only seemed to grow. People were not only desperate to seek physical help but also to leave the place. The military shouting at each other a few meters away, and the bunch of misfits between them was not helping to calm anyone's nerves.
She applied the bandage on the man's leg when a blue bird flew into the tent, dropping a beautiful dandelion onto her lap. Her eyes fell on the yellow flower only to follow the bird leaving a few seconds later. Smiling to the man, she stood up, cleaned her hands, and headed to the lined-up soldiers.
As soon as she left the tent she had to shield her eyes from the sun. Its rays warming her amber skin and hopeful soul. Giving her a rush of confidence.
"Excuse me?" Many eyes looked her way. "I couldn't help but hear your conversation-"
"This isn't a civilian reunion, Lady. If you’ll excuse us." The man narrowed his eyes at her before looking back at the group in front of him.
"I’m sorry.” She took a couple of steps his way, making him glare at her and the others to show many levels of surprise and amusement. “I know, and it’s why I’d like to volunteer-”
“Volunteer?” He asked, surprised. “What exactly do you think is happening here? If you want to volunteer,” his voice was full of sarcasm, “you can go to one of the medical tents over there and-”
“Oh no! I want to go with you guys. I know you are going to stop whatever is causing all of this ruckus.”
Harley lifted her hand before saying, “I think she should come.” She waved to the woman in front of them. “I mean, look at her!” And they did. “She looks as crazy as any of us.”
“You mean as crazy as you, Harley.” Deadshot pointed at them.
“There will be no volunteering,” Rick addressed the group, completely ignoring the woman. “Now get your asses in the helicopter.”
The group walked past her, and Deadshot shrugged her way while Harley mouthed an “I’m sorry.”
The helicopter came to life, and Rick finished his conversation with the pilot. He turned to give the group of criminals his orders when he noticed the woman sitting next to Captain Boomerang and the pair chatting amicably.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” His hands landed on his gun. “And why didn’t any of you let me know she boarded, huh?”
“She said she only wanted to volunteer.” Harley winked at her.
“Look, Flag.” Deadshot started speaking and counting on his fingers. “She’s got no gun and no weapon whatsoever. She’s not even wearing shoes.” When everyone looked at her, she wiggled her toes and smiled at them. “I’m sure she’s not going to cause any problems.”
“She’s a civilian in a suicide mission.” Rick approached her and bent to be face to face with her. “We don’t have time to babysit anyone.”
“Oh no, Mr. Colonel Flag.” Deadshot laughed, Captain Boomerang chuckled, and Harley smiled. “I don’t need anyone looking after me. I promise not to cause any trouble, okay?” She lifted her hand, and he looked at it as if it were an alien. “Pinky promise!” She unabashedly smiled at him.
“Oh my God! How old are you? 5?” He rolled his eyes when her smile fell, and she seemed hurt.
“Just tell Waller we have one more, and let’s get on with it, Flag.” Deadshot didn’t look at him and kept his eyes on the woman.
Flag radioed Waller, and Harley, seeing the woman still had her pinky up, laced her finger with hers. “I’m Harley.” She tilted her head.
“I’m Prim. Nice to meet you!” Prim’s face lit in happiness.
“I like her!” Harley stated to the others.
“Of course you do,” Chato spoke from his isolated place. “Crazy knows crazy.”
“What?” Prim asked with her finger still laced with Harley’s.
“Look, Lady,” Flag started to explain. “If you really want to join our merry group, you’ll still need to get tagged.”
“Sure thing.”
“I wouldn’t be so eager, crazy girl,” Deadshot warned her, but she simply laughed. “What’s so funny?” His brows furrowed.
“I’m not a baby.” Something lurked on the undertone of her words. “Although I’m more used to dealing with children than adults. So I apologize for my childish behavior.”
“Whatever,” Flag said. “You better not do anything funny, or I’ll kill you without a second thought.”
“it’s alright, Mr. Colonel Flag.”
“Don’t call me that. Flag is enough.” He ignored her when she smiled at him.
“Here,” Deadshot handed her a gun, “you’ll need it.”
“Oh no, thanks. I don’t do guns.”
Captain Boomerang faced her. His face had all kinds of questions when he asked her, “You are going on a suicide mission without guns?”
“How are you going to kill the bad guys?” Harley asked, amused.
“I don’t need guns to kill.” Chato, who studied her, noticed a glimpse of something dark deep inside her leaf green eyes. “No one needs guns if they really want to kill someone. What do you think poisons are for?” She smiled at them.
“Or baseball bats.” Harley patted her weapon.
“Or swords,” Slipknot said his first words since the conversation started. His eyes on the katana near Flag.
After the initial commotion, the conversation died down, and Prim looked outside the window. Her eyes on the destruction on the streets and the ring of energy in the sky. She did her best to hide her fingers digging the seat under her and the slight tremble of her legs. Glancing around, she felt the seed of a tiny doubt try to settle in her mind. It had been just a few hours, but Prim knew she would have a lot of work to do.
Lost in thoughts and in awe with the sky turning dark, she didn’t notice the first bullets hitting the helicopter.
When they landed, or more precisely, crashed, she left the helicopter and stood a good few meters away. Panting and making sure she had earth beneath her feet’s soles.
Everyone gathered near her, and Rick called one of the soldiers over, who brought a small black suitcase with him.
“Here,” he said to Prim and opened the case, “this will make sure you don’t do anything stupid. Now let me see your neck.” Harley caressed hers and seemed a bit anguished.
Prim took her time to study what exactly he had in his hands, and when he continued his speech, she approached him. “It’s curious you happened to have an extra with you, no? Afraid one of the others will fail?”
“Wanna put it to the test?” She flinched when he injected her. “I dare you.” He smiled a wicked smile at her.
“Oh no. Just thinking thoughts.” She showed him a smile of her own.
“It can be dangerous, Sunshine.” He threw the injector to the soldier, grabbed his gun, and ordered everyone to follow him.
Closing her eyes and digging her toes into the dirt, she sighed, and before following them, she prayed her decision had been the right one.
Thank you for reading!
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Next chapter
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sunshinetoshi · 3 years
Which flower/plant do you associate your moots with?
okay this idea is so cute omg ty. honestly i don’t know much about flowers/plants besides saying ‘pretty!!’ every time i see one HAHA so i had to look up a bunch so now i’m very soft. ANOTHER WAY OF SAYING THESE MIGHT BE RANDOM BUT I STILL PUT THOUGHT INTO THEM AND IT MADE ME SOFT. i tried to include as many moots as possible (but there are still moots i missed bc i’m shy and we don’t interact as much or i feel like a bother asdajkf sorry lovelies ahh). 
this is me dropping the prettiest bouquets to you all each with a lil kith heheh. ily all 💐💐😙😙
@daichis-kitty - sunflowers (you’re my sunshine bubba heheh plus i know you love ‘em so automatic association). these make me so happy just like you dooooo. personally sunflowers are just so iconic and so are youuu
@tetsunormous - string-of-pearls. okay i LOVE these sm they might be my fave succulent. they make me giggle bc they look like green peas BAHAHA but i also think they’re soo pretty and they make me so happy. that giddiness i feel for them is similar to how i feel for you bestie oooo. okay but also lavender bc purple hearts for you forever
@luvbub - dandelions but before they’re fuzz-on-a-sticks (yellow fits the happy you make me plus the crafty flower crowns and you’re crafty aksdjfh). but even when they're fuzz you make me laugh and smile just like the fuzzies lol
@daichidaichidaichi - black velvet petunia. babe if you haven’t seen these look them up i am in love. petunias themselves and even the name are cute like you but the black captures your theme and i am obsessed.
@gg9183 - willow tree. very romantic vibes which i’ve always gotten from you bb. like imagine a date on a little lake in a row boat. ugh my heart. yeah those are the vibes. these are just so so pretty to me idk. for me your personality embodies an unmatched aesthetic. that doesnt even make sense but i hope it does pLS
@love-oikawa - feather grass but when lavenders grow between them?? very specific HAHA but i looove the look it makes me want to run through a meadow where your fingertips are brushing them and your giggling. idk something very cinematic and then add your s/o. yup. those are my hannah vibes.
@osamus-wife - pothos plant. okay these are the ones i see on ig/pinterest and they’re so aesthetic and i associate them with a person who has their stuff together (is a hard worker) and a person who has style and taste (like your taste in rb’s asdjf immaculate) and i see these things with youuu <33
@sunalma - wisteria. in the lakes by taylor swift there’s a line with wisterias and that whole song is the aura i get when i read your work. like the words just blow me away and i feel so lifted when i read it?? just beautiful bb. and your soul is beautiful too!! also purple for your theme heheh. also pretty flowers for pretty you angel
@xomiya - yerba mate bc i drink guayaki yerba mate when i need to stay up and given your body clock -> yerba mate <33 HAHA but you’re also so florally in my heart and head so also sweet peas my sweet pea soul sis
@catwithangerissues - bonsai tree. i know it’s random but i think it fits pLS. okay one reason is bc i think you’re fun (and slightly chaotic and i love it) and that’s the joy i get when i see those fisherman figurines in a bonsai tree planter thing (is this just me?? ahh) i also think you’re really cool and to me bonsais are so cool. like in general but also how old they can get it’s so cool what!! also your theme is green so my mind went green
@targaryens-blog - bat flower. these are strong and pretty looking flowers that i admire and those are things i think about you and your blog bb. the vibes of these are just amazing woahh. but your sweetness also gives me daisy vibes bc daisies make me so warm and happy so you get two flowers aksdjf
@cubbluv - spruce tree. are these christmas trees?? yes. but the warm fuzzy happy of christmas is like the feeling i have with you. and i will always associate green with you from your theme when we first became moots heheh. also?? i can’t remember but didn’t you saw you liked to pick up pine cones?? if not picking pine cones is cute so i still think it fits aksjdf ily melody heheh
@amjustagirl - southern magnolia tree. i’ve seen one of these trees a while back and they are just so memorable. they just have a unique feeling where you want to sit under the shade of them forever and take in the breeze. and that’s how i feel with your work <33
@kodzkn - marigolds. the slightly orange-y ones. they remind me of your theme and pfp heheh. also whenever i see these irl i go “marigolds!!” which is the energy i have when i see your user on my dash or notifs aksjdf
@notcurrentlyactive - chamomile. okay this one i can't explain but i love how cute the flowers are and i love the tea and you are just so kind and warm they radiate the same energy?? heheh <33
@iwaizumini - ranunculus/buttercup flowers. they’re just so bright and come in so many colors and are pretty just like you!! i love these sm and they make me so happy when i see them so i think they’re a great fit for you. heheh love you bb <33
@shoyotime - wishbone flower. bestie i’ll be honest. i looked up ‘clown flower’ out of curiosity AND THESE POPPED UP. but they’re so cute like you and the purple matches your theme so it actually works out BAHAHA. no but fr you make me so so happy and ilysm so also hydrangeas bc i think these are unmatched pretty flowers. there’s just something about them.
@tsukkisfatsimp - jade plant. okay hear me out bb. this explanation has ~layers~ okay first i love succulents and i love you. simple but effective (especially when i mean it with my whole chest). second the reddish tint on the ends reminds me of your red tsukki theme from back then. and third these grow HECKA fast just like you are on here and it makes me so happy and proud bb heheh
@hvnlydmn - calla lillies. okay i cant pick between the white ones or the black ones but for me they exude hot girl energy bb. either these are red roses. same reason HAHA
@u-make-my-heart-tsumtsum - camellias. pretty and pink and now match your theme heheh. BUT if i’m being honest it’s bc they appear in naruto a lot and when we became moots was when you first deep dived into naruto so that association will probs stay bb akjsdf
@floralkawa - baby’s breath. i think these are my favorite flowers. but just like you they give off the sweetest and softest vibes and they make me smile whenever i see them <33
@lovelytarou - canterbury bells. the blue-ish ones remind me of your theme HAHA. i’ve already told you how much i love your blog but you are also so sweet and funny (pls your tags give me life) and these flowers amuse me and make me smile bc they’re bell-shaped so i’m matching them to you. askdjf okay slightly a reach but bb look how pretty they are!!
@izhyperfixates - hollyhocks. they are just so soft and bright and lovely like you and your blog!! and i can totally see you and kita growing them in the garden you two have oooo
@marshieee - delphiniums. the blue of your theme is just so iconic i love it sm. also these are just so pretty!!
@pixelwisp - forget-me-nots. i know your theme is no longer blue but i still think of blue when i see you on the dash asjdf. also these have the cutest name and i think your user is so cute heheh
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kiwi-draws · 6 years
How do you color your art so nice??? Like, some of my art looks kinda bland and muddy, but your work is just popping dude
Ok so first like, in terms of color choices just kinda choose whatever yknow? Nothings permanent, go with whatever looks gooooood
 BUT a color will only look even BETTER when paired up with a different color! In this example, a red/orange would look pretty good with a light blue/green!
After this its time for lines n shading, usually for greens slide to blue, for reds i slide it to more a magenta ish.
BASICALLY go wild!! as long as it looks good my dude!
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For this example I used my OC kri! I went for a dandelion yellow, and a pretty bright orange red (leaning more towards red). To balance those colors out, she usually wears darker colors! She wears a light black shirt/hat which are the outline color. She also has a purple grey bandana, and dark teal pants which are 2 darker cool colors to balance the 2 brighter warm colors! The outline colors also add more magenta and blue to make them work well with the base colors.
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TL;DR just go fuckin WILD and make whatevers appealing and different + learn how to combine / balance colors!
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lichacha · 7 years
The Woman with no Name
She followed him. There was still something she needed to discuss with him.
He was new in their team and he just led them to win. He scored the winning shot.
She wanted to congratulate him. She wanted to invite him for their celebration. He wasn't very good at what he's doing and still he made the winning shot.
But instead of celebrating with them he just vanished.
And she followed.
She followed that chubby, nerdy looking guy with long – ish curly hair that stood up in all kinds of directions, kind of like an afro.
She would've liked to shout his name to get his attention but her social anxiety stopped her from screaming his name in the middle of the crowded sidewalk.
So instead she followed him.
For a moment she thought she'd lost him but then she spotted his red oversized shirt that seemed too big even for his generally big body.
She followed him into the next street. And the next street. And the next.
She followed him out of the city center.
She followed him out of the city.
She noticed how the tone of the city changed into some eerie quietness.
And it was just him ahead of her and herself.
And then she noticed they were nearing the woods.
Every normal person would've either stopped and left or at least get curious as to where he was going.
She didn't though. She was just determined to invite him to their dinner.
She was mesmerized. It was as if a curse enveloped her whole presence.
She didn't even know how long they were walking for. She just followed him as if she was levitating.
She wasn't even aware of her steps anymore.
They neared a forest glade. And if she didn't know any better she could've sworn that this was the place where fairies live.
Dandelions lined the clearing having their seed floating through the air.
She could feel a gentle breeze caressing her face.
As they walked along she came to a stop when she saw an old building.
It resembled an old hospital. Or mental facility.
All by itself it looked run down and broken.
The kind of building you'd see in a horror video game. A closed and barricaded clinic of some sorts.
She could picture herself only armed with a notebook and a flashlight to try and escape the asylum with jumpscares lurking around every other corner.
But right now with the way the light hit the building it just looked serene and peaceful.
The light bricks once must've looked warm and welcoming.
On the side of the abandoned building she could see poison ivy climbing up the facade.
And the floating dandelion seeds just added to the fairytale look.
She asked herself what it looked like by night. Would it look the same but with the moonlight replacing the sun? Or would it look haunted and cold?
A shiver run down her spine.
But right now it was just an old building.
An old building that he was entering.
And she followed him.
When she stepped through the door she was shocked to find the building not abandoned. The polar opposite. The facility still seemed like it was running.
Must've been some kind of private clinic? Or maybe an old people's home?
Nobody in town knew about that building. It must've been a private institution.
She stepped in just in time so see him at the receptionist's desk and leaving down a corridor.
The lights inside were yellow and reflected on the light marble floor.
The walls were either tiled or stone. The ceilings were all in some kind of arc shape. They looked like catacombs. But not in a bad way. Not in a good way either. Just in a neutral way.
She followed him down the corridor and up a staircase.
The receptionist, a heavy middle aged woman with a reddish brown pompadour and a bun at the nape of her neck in an outdated nurse uniform, hurried after her and tried to make her stop.
But she payed her no mind.
She just followed him. And fast.
The nurse's short stumpy legs with feet clad in kitten heels stomped down the corridor and she yelled something along the lines of 'You can't just march in here' and 'I must ask you to please stop now'.
But still the kind woman was ignored.
He was gone somewhere.
She looked out for him and her steps slowed down.
She was standing on some kind of intersection with different pathways leading to different destinations.
She just kept walking looking into every new corridor.
On her way she passed a man cowering on some chairs lined outside of a room.
He was huge with no hair and a red shirt and grey-ish blue shorts and he had his arms slung around his knees. His expression was gloom and scared. He rocked himself back and forth.
The door wasn't closed.
Inside the room she could see a man with a clipboard dressed in a white coat talking to a woman. Her expression was understanding and every once in a while she would nod her head. Whether it was an indicator for him to keep talking or a sign of reluctant approval she didn't know.
On her right she could see three children playing. They were dressed in cream coloured shirts and brown shorts.
Two of them were on crutches.
When she looked at their legs she saw one of them with really thin crippled legs, another one with metal prostheses were his legs should be and the third one without the crutches with no legs at all.
The were hoisting themselves up an some metal bars. Whether it was a game or practice she didn't know.
She kept going. On her way she passed some more people. She passed children with disabilities.
Children with no arms or legs.
She passed people being pushed in wheelchairs that were so apathetic that she thought they might as well be dead if it wasn't for the occasional gurgling sounds they made.
At the end of the corridor was an open room.
And in that room he was.
She stepped in.
Finally she caught his attention.
He looked up from the hospital bed that held a person that he was staring at.
Next to the bed on a stool was a house carved from wood with beautiful detailing.
It must've been the size of a small toddler.
It was round and looked like a multi level cake that got smaller towards the top or maybe a Christmas pyramid. It was round and the wood had a light brown colour. Every angle revealed another beautiful detail. On the porch was a tire swing and some benches.
Some parts of the house were so thin and fragile that it seemed even the lightest gust of wind might break it.
She looked at him.
He didn't speak. Neither did she.
She grabbed the file from the end of the bed and observed it.
She tried to make out what it said but the paper was too yellow and old. The ink on the form was was faded.
On the place where a name was supposed to be was only an empty spot. It was clear by the state of the paper that once there had to be something there but now there wasn't
Her eyes skimmed the corrugated paper but she couldn't make anything out except for the age. 12. No. It didn't say 12 it said 129.
Carved on the paper next to the number was a house that resembled the piece of art next to the bed.
A skinny hand emerged from the bed and touched the wooden building.
A hand that was so skinny and wrinkled that it might as well belong to a skeleton.
The skin seemed paper thin. So thin the veins shone through it where the light hit it.
The bones were clearly visible and the long bony fingers affectionately caressed the texture of the miniature house.
Attached to the hand was an bony thin arm and for the first time she noticed the person that the hospital bed sheltered.
It was an old woman. Her cheeks were sunken in and her grey hair was thin. Her eyes were strictly cast on the piece of wood next to her bed and still it seemed as if she was looking at nothing in particular. As if she was looking but not seeing anything.
The woman's  hand grabbed the side of the house and gently spun it.
To the girl's surprise it didn't break and as it spun it played a beautiful melody like a music box with those dancing ballerinas in them.
“It's her's, you know? The house, I mean”, he said and finally looked up at his persecutor.
He stood up and beckoned her to follow him out in the hallway.
“Who is she?”, she asked.
“I don't know. Nobody knows”
“What's her name?”
“I don't know.”
“Doesn't she talk? Haven't you asked her? Why is she here? Why are YOU here? What kind of place even is this?”
“ Of course I've asked her. Everybody has. She just never answers. We aren't even sure if she can talk. Or if she can hear. I tried talking to her in the beginning but she never answered so I stopped talking”
“But who is she? Where do you know her from?”
“I don't”, he stated with a shrug.
She was getting frustrated.
“Why are you here then??”
“ I visit her. This is some kind of nursing home. Once I walked in here thinking it was abandoned. When I noticed that it wasn't I just kept walking. I kept walking until I came to her room. When the nurses found me sitting next to her bed  they asked me about her. And I asked them. Turns out that neither I nor they know anything about her except for her age apparently.”
“Why do you keep coming by?”, the girl's whole demeanor turned quiet.
“She doesn't have anybody. She is the oldest patient here. She was here before all the new nurses and staff got hired. I used to visit her every once in a while. But now she's dying and I don't want her to be alone. So I come by everyday now.”
There were still so many questions soaring through her mind but she needed to comprehend the newly gained information first.
When they re-entered the room the woman was still playing with her music house.
None of them talked. The atmosphere in the room demanded for them to be silent.
He grabbed another chair for his friend and so they sat in silence for who knows how long. Sometime along the way the same nurse that tried to stop the girl, entered the room and silently brought the two visitors some tea and biscuits served in fine china.
It was like a unspoken rule  or a spell that was cast over the room that when you enter it every sense of talking leaves you.
After a few hours of drinking their tea and listening to the sweet tune of the music box both of them quietly got up and left. The woman didn't even seem to notice. Maybe she did.
Before they left the room the girl thought she heard a whining sound. She looked back at her friend but he just kept walking. He did not hear it. She looked back to the old woman and found her gazing in their direction. But her eyes weren't focusing on her or anything in particular. So she just left. She didn't bring it up to her friend or the nurse or anybody else. It was probably just a loose floorboard. If she didn't make a sound all these times he visited her why would she start now?
On their way out the nurse told them that his visits do the old woman good.
And the girl promised to accompany him in the future. They said there goodbyes and left the old building.
They left the clearing. They left the forest and they entered the city. Neither one of them talked about what had happened that afternoon. As if it was just a figment of their imagination. It seemed surreal. It was night by now and the closer they got to home the more talkative they got. The old woman's spell wore off with every step they made. By the time they got home they excitedly talked about the game and the boy's winning shot. He walked her home, hugged her and told her he'd get her the next day so they could visit the little old woman again.
The next day when he got her they made their way over to the nursing home. And when they arrived the receptionist already awaited them.
Her face was gloom as she told them the old lady died in her sleep.
Without a word the boy just turned around and left.
The girl followed him. Once again she followed him like the first time she followed him on the way to the facility.
She tried to make out his expression but she couldn't read him.
Whether it was relaxation or conflict on his face she didn't know.
She, however, had a thousand thoughts running through her head.
Was that sound yesterday the woman trying to say goodbye? Or was she trying to make them stay? What would happen with that beautiful music box?
Who would hold the funeral? And what would her tombstone say?
The woman with no name.
The both of them never talked about what had happened again. Ever.
She didn't tell anybody and she knew for a fact that he didn't either.
She thought to know that he was sad and disappointed in himself for not being with her when it happened. The thought of her dying alone made her sad. She was sure he felt the same way.
Once many years later she tried to find the old woman's grave but without success.
If he ever tried to do so or not was a mystery to her.
And often she found herself imagining the 'what ifs'.
What if I told him about the noise?
Neither of them continued to visit the nursing home and by the time she was married and had children it all felt like a dream all over again.
And even when she was an old woman herself and lost all contact to her childhood friend she still thought back to the old woman with no name.
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doctormelapples · 7 years
moon, stars, sun, comet, space dust, fairy lights, meteor shower, vanilla twilight (hehe), milky way, saltwater room, dandelion wishes, rose petals, floral, and constellations
Dreamy asks: 
Moon~A childhood book and your favourite line from it:
~ I gotta be honest, I cant remember any special quotes, but I grabbed one of my old books, read ten pages and picked a few nice lines for you : 
“Stories have a way of changing faces. They are unruly things, undisciplined, given to delinquency and the throwing of erasers.”
“Even if you’ve taken off every stitch of clothing, you still have your secrets, your history, your true name. It’s hard to be really naked. You just have to work hard at it. Just getting into a bath isn’t being naked, not really. It’s just showing skin.”
“We all live inside the terrible engine of authority, and it grinds and shrieks and burns so that no one will say: lines on maps are silly.” 
-Catherynne M. Valente, The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making
Stars~Who’s someone you’d sleep on the stars with?
~ Adam
Sun~City night lights date or meadow picnic date (or both) and why?
~ What about a picnic date on a roof at night to see the city lights? Meadow picnics has always sounded like something to be spent with a group of amazing friends. They both sound lovely
Comet~A movie/show/book that taught you something important you’ll never forget
~ This is so awful, but I cant remember the name of the movie. I watched it at a friends house at a sleepover when I was much younger. I was half asleep for most of the time, but I had a revelation. Life is allowed to be beautiful. You’re always told to slow down and smell the roses, and I didn’t get that at the time. Life and living it can be Fucked at the best of times, but there are always small things that can cast a bright shadow from a dark wall. Look at the little flower, living its life. This is a good song. I like this shirt. Take the time to think about how everyone is living a different life. The movie was just really really pretty, and I was like oh shit this is what real life is like. But if you want an answer, another movie: “That’s What I Am” is pretty great. It’s on Netflix.
Space Dust~Night rain or day rain? soft rain or thunderstorms?
~ aaah, I love precipitation, Day rain if it’s soft rain. Like “It’s warm-ish out, sun shines from behind the clouds” kinda day rain. Thunderstorms at night. Light up the sky with thunder + lightning
Fairy Lights~Soft candlelight or warm sunlight
~ warm sunlight, the feeling of the rays dusting your face… your whole body warm, comfortable. I love summer hammock naps.
Meteor shower~Favourite songs to fall asleep to.
~ Currently I listen to The Front Bottoms self titled album to sleep (if not asmr) LOudlY in earbuds. Recently by the time I go to sleep I’ve degraded to sadness, and that’s my sad album. I used to always listen to OW from Oh Wonder to sleep.(Tidbit: “lose it” from that album makes me tear up from sadness every time I hear it even though it may be the peppiest sone on the album.)
Vanilla Twilight~If you wrote a concept post about your future in your dream home what would it say?
~ Concept: You and I loving each other in our studio apartment with a city view. Art and culture filled, we are traveling and happy.
Milky Way~If you could go back in time where and when would you go to? why?
~ I would go back to spend more time with people I’ve lost. Just to see them again for one more day.
Saltwater room~Sunrise or sunset?Do you like saying hello to the sun or the moon more
~ watching the sunrise after a night of fun, or a night of alone™. It’s a special feeling. Last summer I would never be able to sleep. It eventually got to 4 or 5 in the morning and I’d say fuck it, I’m getting tea/hot cocoa and a fuck ton of blankets and I’d climb in my hammock, in the dead center of my big backyard. I watched the stars, so many stars. I’d watch them twinkle away for the day and the black and blue of the night sky make way for the purples, the pinks, oranges, pale yellows of the dawn. feeling morning dew settle on the tip of my nose, the hammock, etc. All while listening to the sounds of nature or acoustic music. It’s beautiful. Hello Luna. 
Dandelion~What is one thing that always gives you hope?
~Dandelions!! I love dandelions, they are so pleasant and yellow, bright and happy, they deserve so much. They pop back up every year, no matter how much people try to get rid of them.
Rose Petals~Where do you want to be most in the world and why?
~Somewhere surrounded by all the people I love where everything is happy by some magic. Also Italy.
Floral~Would you rather live under the water or in the sky?
~Can I breath under the water?
If I’m free from harm, absolutely under the water.
Constellations~What is your fav instrument to listen to? What is your fav instrument to listen to what is your fav instrument to play ( or that you want to play the most).
~Violins and Pianos for the same reason. An instrument can create such feeling and story in your soul. Or drums, talented drummers can be amazing. I love watching people play instruments. Or anything people are passionate about, really. (watching someone write is beautiful) I would play the violin again, if I could.
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benjamingarden · 5 years
How to Dye Yarn with Dandelions
It takes a bit of time, but it’s a super easy process. Learn how to dye yarn with dandelions in 4 simple steps and just 3 ingredients.
Okay, you all probably get sick of hearing how much I adore dandelions. How I’ve loved them since I was a kid (and back before it was cool to be a dandelion hugger!)
I do a little knitting here and there (and even crochet), and thought it would be awesome to see how dandelions dye wool. So I set about to learn. It’s a super easy project (the only ingredient you might have to buy is Alum and it’s cheap) and it’s fun to do.
Here’s the step-by-step directions on how to dye yarn with dandelions.
Step One: Collect Ingredients
The ingredient list is small for this natural, earthy project. You simply need
Yarn (white wool yarn works best)
Dandelion (the flower part)*
Powdered Alum
You’ll also need a big non-reactive pot and stirring spoon as well as an old towel or two.
*As far as how many dandelions you should gather, that depends on the amount of yarn you want to dye and how deep you want the color. A general ratio is 2 parts dandelions to 1 part yarn. That means, if you have 3 oz of yarn, you’ll need 6 oz of dandelions (you will soon realize how LIGHT dandelions are and how MANY you need to pick to get a substantial amount of them). The dandelion collection and preparation is the hardest part, and luckily, you’ll get it out of the way right off the bat!
Step Two: Prepare the Dandelions
You’ll (mostly) just want the flower petals of the dandelion. Separate them from the stems and leaves and put them into a large heavy pot.
(For this process, it’s not as crucial to get every single little green speck removed from the dandelion petals (like it is with baking). However, having said that, the more ‘just petals’ you use, the nicer yellow you’ll get for your finished project.)
If you’d like a simple way to remove the petals from the greens, here’s how I do it…the key is to rip open the ‘bulby’ part of the base of the flower and puck the petals out (this is much easier than the popular chopping petals off and separating greens later):
Once you’ve got your dandelions, put them in a large, heavy pot with about 3 cups of water and bring to a boil before simmering for 2 hours.
Strain out the flower parts and reserve the dye to use for your yarn.
Step Three: Prepare the Yarn
In order for the dandelion ‘dye’ to change the color of the yarn (and have it stay that way after you wash it), you first have to prepare the yarn to accept the dye. This is done by soaking the yarn in a fixative that will help the dye bind to the fibers. (The technical name for this is mordant).
While there are different ways to accomplish this, I used Alum powder, which you can find in the baking section at the grocery store (it’s used in pickling).
**Note here: some suggest using a second-hand pot and utensils when dealing with any kind of mordant as well as gloves and goggles. Some fixatives are more toxic and caustic than others, so use caution**
There is no fast and hard rule about how much of the fixative/mordant/Alum to use. The advice I took was 8% Alum by weight, which translates into about 1 teaspoon of Alum for every 2 ounces of yarn used.
Measure out the Alum and dissolve it in a cup of hot water. Add this and enough water to your pot to cover the yarn. Add yarn, stir slightly until coated and covered. Bring this to a slow boil, then simmer 45 minutes. Allow the yarn to cool in the water before removing it.
Once it’s cool, if you’re going to use it immediately, the yarn is ready to add to the dandelion dye.
Step Four: Dyeing Your Yarn
Finally! It’s time to dye! Add the dye and your yarn to the non-reactive pot and bring to a light boil before simmering for an hour or so.
Turn off the heat and let it all cool. If you’re using natural fibers (wool) don’t move it around much or you could cause it to felt.
Once everything is cool, remove the yarn, rinse it in warm-ish water and hang to dry.
Do you like all-things dandelion like I do? If so, here are some other great things to try using dandelions:
Rhubarb Dandelion Pie (a spring tradition for me! I LOVE IT)
Dandelion Lip Balm(my friends tell me it’s their favorite lip balm EVER)
Dandelion Jelly (it’s cheery bright yellow and tastes a lot like honey)
Dandelion Salve (this anti-inflammatory salve is good for achy muscles and for soothing skin)
Dandelion Cookies(a basic, sensible cookie with dandelion petals mixed in)
Dandelion Pesto (‘Italian greens’)
How to Dye Yarn with Dandelions was originally posted by My Favorite Chicken Blogs(benjamingardening)
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galaxy-warping · 6 years
unusual(ish) ask: 39
I have so many aesthetics like I could not physically name them all but my personal favorite accumulation of feelings, items, colors, etc. can be simplified to:-massive storm clouds, tall, yellow grass, partially melted ice, dandelion fluff, partially closed window blinds, old postcards, passing desolate cities on the freeway, warm light, vines on block-colored walls, deconstructionist architecture, rusting iron, Victorian houses, cat whiskers, finger tapping, muted colors, old globes, art museums, tarot cards, dnd dice, quiet conversations, hot tea during a thunderstorm, open air theatersI could go on forever honestly whoopsss
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benjamingarden · 5 years
How to Dye Yarn with Dandelions
It takes a bit of time, but it’s a super easy process. Learn how to dye yarn with dandelions in 4 simple steps and just 3 ingredients.
Okay, you all probably get sick of hearing how much I adore dandelions. How I’ve loved them since I was a kid (and back before it was cool to be a dandelion hugger!)
I do a little knitting here and there (and even crochet), and thought it would be awesome to see how dandelions dye wool. So I set about to learn. It’s a super easy project (the only ingredient you might have to buy is Alum and it’s cheap) and it’s fun to do.
Here’s the step-by-step directions on how to dye yarn with dandelions.
Step One: Collect Ingredients
The ingredient list is small for this natural, earthy project. You simply need
Yarn (white wool yarn works best)
Dandelion (the flower part)*
Powdered Alum
You’ll also need a big non-reactive pot and stirring spoon as well as an old towel or two.
*As far as how many dandelions you should gather, that depends on the amount of yarn you want to dye and how deep you want the color. A general ratio is 2 parts dandelions to 1 part yarn. That means, if you have 3 oz of yarn, you’ll need 6 oz of dandelions (you will soon realize how LIGHT dandelions are and how MANY you need to pick to get a substantial amount of them). The dandelion collection and preparation is the hardest part, and luckily, you’ll get it out of the way right off the bat!
Step Two: Prepare the Dandelions
You’ll (mostly) just want the flower petals of the dandelion. Separate them from the stems and leaves and put them into a large heavy pot.
(For this process, it’s not as crucial to get every single little green speck removed from the dandelion petals (like it is with baking). However, having said that, the more ‘just petals’ you use, the nicer yellow you’ll get for your finished project.)
If you’d like a simple way to remove the petals from the greens, here’s how I do it…the key is to rip open the ‘bulby’ part of the base of the flower and puck the petals out (this is much easier than the popular chopping petals off and separating greens later):
Once you’ve got your dandelions, put them in a large, heavy pot with about 3 cups of water and bring to a boil before simmering for 2 hours.
Strain out the flower parts and reserve the dye to use for your yarn.
Step Three: Prepare the Yarn
In order for the dandelion ‘dye’ to change the color of the yarn (and have it stay that way after you wash it), you first have to prepare the yarn to accept the dye. This is done by soaking the yarn in a fixative that will help the dye bind to the fibers. (The technical name for this is mordant).
While there are different ways to accomplish this, I used Alum powder, which you can find in the baking section at the grocery store (it’s used in pickling).
**Note here: some suggest using a second-hand pot and utensils when dealing with any kind of mordant as well as gloves and goggles. Some fixatives are more toxic and caustic than others, so use caution**
There is no fast and hard rule about how much of the fixative/mordant/Alum to use. The advice I took was 8% Alum by weight, which translates into about 1 teaspoon of Alum for every 2 ounces of yarn used.
Measure out the Alum and dissolve it in a cup of hot water. Add this and enough water to your pot to cover the yarn. Add yarn, stir slightly until coated and covered. Bring this to a slow boil, then simmer 45 minutes. Allow the yarn to cool in the water before removing it.
Once it’s cool, if you’re going to use it immediately, the yarn is ready to add to the dandelion dye.
Step Four: Dyeing Your Yarn
Finally! It’s time to dye! Add the dye and your yarn to the non-reactive pot and bring to a light boil before simmering for an hour or so.
Turn off the heat and let it all cool. If you’re using natural fibers (wool) don’t move it around much or you could cause it to felt.
Once everything is cool, remove the yarn, rinse it in warm-ish water and hang to dry.
Do you like all-things dandelion like I do? If so, here are some other great things to try using dandelions:
Rhubarb Dandelion Pie (a spring tradition for me! I LOVE IT)
Dandelion Lip Balm(my friends tell me it’s their favorite lip balm EVER)
Dandelion Jelly (it’s cheery bright yellow and tastes a lot like honey)
Dandelion Salve (this anti-inflammatory salve is good for achy muscles and for soothing skin)
Dandelion Cookies(a basic, sensible cookie with dandelion petals mixed in)
Dandelion Pesto (‘Italian greens’)
How to Dye Yarn with Dandelions was originally posted by My Favorite Chicken Blogs(benjamingardening)
0 notes
benjamingarden · 6 years
How to Make Dandelion Cookies (with Essential Oils)
Have you ever made dandelion cookies? If not, it’s time! For one, they’re tasty! They’re also easy to make and have some great health benefits to boot. If you’re new to cooking with dandelions, its great fun to forage for those lovely yellow gems and then turn them in to delicious food. These dandelion cookies will be loved by everyone. Ready to try them?
I’ve been a dandelion lover for as long as I remember. I even wrote a poem about dandelions when I was younger! While I’ve never understood why people view dandelions as weeds (they ARE actually flowers. Invasive flowers, but still flowers!) and took such drastic measures to destroy them. Needless to say, it’s exciting to watch dandelions rise from hated to revered in our culture. Slowly but surely.
Why Dandelions?
Why the sudden mainstream interest in the lowly dandelion? The masses are finally catching on to what so many have known for a long time: they are good for you. Not only that, but every single part of the dandelion can be used for a variety of amazing things.
Dandelions are high in antioxidants (they contain things like luteolin (known to reduce free radicals) along with vitamins C, A and B12. They help support such things as healthy blood sugar levels, blood pressure and gall bladder function.
Dandelions are thought to help with supporting your body to its proper weight (by helping to get rid of ‘water weight’), help loosen you up when you’re elimination tract is stopped up, and even helps support the skin to stay healthy (and zit free).
More widely, dandelions known to help with aches and pains (which is why they’re often found in salves like this one). In fact, they’re found in all sorts of things: tinctures, tonics, tea, pesto–like this, wine, cordial, pie (like this dandelion rhubarb pie I make every year), lip balm, jelly (it tastes like honey–here’s the recipe) and more.
If you’d like to know more about the health benefits of dandelions, check out this article by Dr. Axe.
Picking and Preparing Dandelions
And now, if you’re still craving dandelion things, here’s yet another recipe for you:  dandelion cookies! I love giving people reasons to nurture and not kill dandelions (another important reason for dandelions is that it’s some of the first food for bees in the spring).
These cookies are tasty and easy to make.
First you’ll need some dandelions. When collecting your flowers, it’s good to go early while they’re fully open. Also, avoid areas that have been sprayed (or that you’re unsure about) and areas that are close to heavy trafficked roads. One of the biggest reasons to eat dandelions is for health benefits, so be careful to select ‘organic’ flowers that aren’t covered with toxic substances.
You’ll need 1/2 up of just the petals for this recipe (no green parts at all–those parts are bitter). Generally, I pick around 3 cups to get .5 cups of petals.
Once you collect your dandelions, gently rinse them in cool water and lightly pat them dry-ish with a towel or paper towels (they will stain with their yellow pollen, so don’t use something you love).
Next, you’ll want to de-petal the flowers. The easiest way I’ve found to do it is by firmly taking the green bulb part of the flower with my thumbs and pulling it apart. Then it’s easy to pull the flowers from the base without getting any green bits in it at all. Here’s a bit more detail on how to do that:
Or, if you’d rather, here’s a little video of the process:
Dandelion Cookie Recipe
Now that the hardest part of the process is complete, the cookies themselves are quick to make.
First, pre-heat your oven to 375 degrees.
You will need:
1/2 cup coconut oil (softened) or other oil or even butter 1/2 cup honey (if you slightly warm it, it’s easier to stir into the mixture) 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup flour (I use Bob’s Red Mill 1-to-1 Gluten Free Flour–but regular flour will work fine too) 1 cup old-fashioned oats 1 teaspoon baking powder pinch of salt Sprinkle of cinnamon
1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut 1/4 cup chopped pecans 3-5 drops Tangerine essential oil (food grade only) or other citrus oil of choice (optional)
What to do:
First, soften the coconut oil and mix with the slightly warmed honey (don’t make it too hot or you’ll cook your eggs!) Mix in your eggs and vanilla stirring well.
In a second bowl, mix flour, oats, baking powder, salt and cinnamon together. Pour this mixture into the wet mixture and stir. Mix in the essential oils if you’re using them (they add a lovely taste).
Next add the coconut and pecans.
Drop them by spoonful onto a cookie sheet. (These cookies don’t get much bigger than the dollop of dough you place on the cookie sheet). Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until browned on the bottom and golden on top. Move to a cooling rack. Eat these cookies warm or cold (or warm AND cold if you’re like me!) I made a batch of these cookies and shared them with my neighbors. They thought they made a great breakfast cookie. I agree. (But they’re also good any other time as well!)
If you keep them in the tablespoon-ish size, you’ll get a couple dozen cookies. If you make them bigger, you’ll get less.
Ingesting Essential Oils
If you’re going to use essential oils in your cooking be VERY VERY VERY sure that the oils that you’re using are safe to ingest. I bring this up because MOST of the oils on the market aren’t safe to take internally (and should say so on the bottle). Also check on the bottle to see if there’s a nutrition label (like any other food we consume). If it doesn’t have that, steer clear.
If you’re interested in pure therapeutic grade oils, let me know. I’d love to help you get started. Or, you can also start here.
Tangerine (and other citrus oils)
Why I chose to add tangerine oil to my cookies is because it tasted great!  Tangerine oil supports healthy digestion and metabolism, cleans and purifies the body, supports healthy immunity. It also smells terrific.
Other citrus oils have similar properties and would taste fantastic as well. Try Lemon, Lime or Wild Orange.
Mmmm. Mmmm. Enjoy!
How to Make Dandelion Cookies (with Essential Oils) was originally posted by My Favorite Chicken Blogs(benjamingardening)
0 notes
benjamingarden · 6 years
How to Make Dandelion Cookies (with Essential Oils)
Have you ever made dandelion cookies? If not, it’s time! For one, they’re tasty! They’re also easy to make and have some great health benefits to boot. If you’re new to cooking with dandelions, its great fun to forage for those lovely yellow gems and then turn them in to delicious food. These dandelion cookies will be loved by everyone. Ready to try them?
I’ve been a dandelion lover for as long as I remember. I even wrote a poem about dandelions when I was younger! While I’ve never understood why people view dandelions as weeds (they ARE actually flowers. Invasive flowers, but still flowers!) and took such drastic measures to destroy them. Needless to say, it’s exciting to watch dandelions rise from hated to revered in our culture. Slowly but surely.
Why Dandelions?
Why the sudden mainstream interest in the lowly dandelion? The masses are finally catching on to what so many have known for a long time: they are good for you. Not only that, but every single part of the dandelion can be used for a variety of amazing things.
Dandelions are high in antioxidants (they contain things like luteolin (known to reduce free radicals) along with vitamins C, A and B12. They help support such things as healthy blood sugar levels, blood pressure and gall bladder function.
Dandelions are thought to help with supporting your body to its proper weight (by helping to get rid of ‘water weight’), help loosen you up when you’re elimination tract is stopped up, and even helps support the skin to stay healthy (and zit free).
More widely, dandelions known to help with aches and pains (which is why they’re often found in salves like this one). In fact, they’re found in all sorts of things: tinctures, tonics, tea, pesto–like this, wine, cordial, pie (like this dandelion rhubarb pie I make every year), lip balm, jelly (it tastes like honey–here’s the recipe) and more.
If you’d like to know more about the health benefits of dandelions, check out this article by Dr. Axe.
Picking and Preparing Dandelions
And now, if you’re still craving dandelion things, here’s yet another recipe for you:  dandelion cookies! I love giving people reasons to nurture and not kill dandelions (another important reason for dandelions is that it’s some of the first food for bees in the spring).
These cookies are tasty and easy to make.
First you’ll need some dandelions. When collecting your flowers, it’s good to go early while they’re fully open. Also, avoid areas that have been sprayed (or that you’re unsure about) and areas that are close to heavy trafficked roads. One of the biggest reasons to eat dandelions is for health benefits, so be careful to select ‘organic’ flowers that aren’t covered with toxic substances.
You’ll need 1/2 up of just the petals for this recipe (no green parts at all–those parts are bitter). Generally, I pick around 3 cups to get .5 cups of petals.
Once you collect your dandelions, gently rinse them in cool water and lightly pat them dry-ish with a towel or paper towels (they will stain with their yellow pollen, so don’t use something you love).
Next, you’ll want to de-petal the flowers. The easiest way I’ve found to do it is by firmly taking the green bulb part of the flower with my thumbs and pulling it apart. Then it’s easy to pull the flowers from the base without getting any green bits in it at all. Here’s a bit more detail on how to do that:
Or, if you’d rather, here’s a little video of the process:
Dandelion Cookie Recipe
Now that the hardest part of the process is complete, the cookies themselves are quick to make.
First, pre-heat your oven to 375 degrees.
You will need:
1/2 cup coconut oil (softened) or other oil or even butter 1/2 cup honey (if you slightly warm it, it’s easier to stir into the mixture) 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup flour (I use Bob’s Red Mill 1-to-1 Gluten Free Flour–but regular flour will work fine too) 1 cup old-fashioned oats 1 teaspoon baking powder pinch of salt Sprinkle of cinnamon
1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut 1/4 cup chopped pecans 3-5 drops Tangerine essential oil (food grade only) or other citrus oil of choice (optional)
What to do:
First, soften the coconut oil and mix with the slightly warmed honey (don’t make it too hot or you’ll cook your eggs!) Mix in your eggs and vanilla stirring well.
In a second bowl, mix flour, oats, baking powder, salt and cinnamon together. Pour this mixture into the wet mixture and stir. Mix in the essential oils if you’re using them (they add a lovely taste).
Next add the coconut and pecans.
Drop them by spoonful onto a cookie sheet. (These cookies don’t get much bigger than the dollop of dough you place on the cookie sheet). Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until browned on the bottom and golden on top. Move to a cooling rack. Eat these cookies warm or cold (or warm AND cold if you’re like me!) I made a batch of these cookies and shared them with my neighbors. They thought they made a great breakfast cookie. I agree. (But they’re also good any other time as well!)
If you keep them in the tablespoon-ish size, you’ll get a couple dozen cookies. If you make them bigger, you’ll get less.
Ingesting Essential Oils
If you’re going to use essential oils in your cooking be VERY VERY VERY sure that the oils that you’re using are safe to ingest. I bring this up because MOST of the oils on the market aren’t safe to take internally (and should say so on the bottle). Also check on the bottle to see if there’s a nutrition label (like any other food we consume). If it doesn’t have that, steer clear.
If you’re interested in pure therapeutic grade oils, let me know. I’d love to help you get started. Or, you can also start here.
Tangerine (and other citrus oils)
Why I chose to add tangerine oil to my cookies is because it tasted great!  Tangerine oil supports healthy digestion and metabolism, cleans and purifies the body, supports healthy immunity. It also smells terrific.
Other citrus oils have similar properties and would taste fantastic as well. Try Lemon, Lime or Wild Orange.
Mmmm. Mmmm. Enjoy!
How to Make Dandelion Cookies (with Essential Oils) was originally posted by My Favorite Chicken Blogs(benjamingardening)
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