hushedclan · 2 months
is stonestripe an american curl?? :0
yes she is! stonestripe is one of the founders that used to be a kittypet (hence why she didn’t realize the rabbit she caught was sick…)
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warriorwhiskers · 5 months
GOSH i wish clangen would add more cat breeds like Scottish folds, American curls, sphynxes, munchkins etc. like i get that they're not genetically... Good but they do exist nonetheless and by golly i wanna see em !!
ik there are probably mods and also i can hypothetically just make designs for the cats with whatever traits i see fit but like. i dont want to Do Those Things. i am technologically challenged and i have aphantasia do Not make me do things myself or i will Die
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mourningsbane · 1 month
regarding the newest comic post, a lot of ppl are saying honeyspring would never harm a kit and that her "gift" isn't meant to be malicious. but, i mean, if it IS mourningsbane, she might be giving it to sweetkit in hopes she will eat it, pass away, and thus be able to join her in her weird limbo afterlife so she doesn't have to be alone anymore. that's a recurring theme that seems to be honeyspring's biggest issue: she doesnt want to be alone.
yes sweetkit talks to her now, but there is still the disconnect that sweetkit is alive and honeyspring is not. honeyspring also cant communicate easily anymore; nowhere near the way that sweetkit and other living cats can. honeyspring is limited in terms of communication with most of it seeming to rely on symbolism or physically visible things.
sweetkit has other clanmates to interact with and a life she has to live filled with responsibilities, events, etc. as she grows up in the clan. she can't give honeyspring her undivided attention and whenever she is away living her own life, honeyspring is left alone, waiting and hoping that sweetkit will come back (which is never a 100% certain thing.)
on the topic of sweetkit growing up, that's the thing: she's going to grow up. while kits may be less judgmental and indifferent to honeyspring's appearance, as sweetkit gets older, she may get more perturbed by honeysprings appearance and/or discover honeyspring's story and make the connection that shes been talking to a dead cat all this time. that being said, she might not want to even be around honeyspring anymore and might even fear her. if she fears her or doesnt want to see her anymore, honeyspring will have lost their only friend, rendering them completely and utterly alone (which, again, seems to be her biggest source of distress.)
on top of this, honeyspring lost her kits (whether u take that to mean they died or they became... Not Kits) so if sweetkit joins them, they can finally be the mother/parent they were meant to be but was denied so cruely. in this case, sweetkit won't get older. she will remain a kit forever, so honeyspring can be a mother/parent to sweetkit and cherish the joys of mother/parenthood forever, making her miserable afterlife a lot more bearable.
dont get me wrong! i adore honeyspring and hold her very dear to my heart (is it weird to say shes a bit of a comfort character to me at this point...?) but they're in a very heartbreaking, complex, and unstable state of being right now and who knows how in control of her emotions, actions, and thought processes she is.
cats make mistakes (obviously 💀) and dont always think abt/realize the big picture or the consequences of their actions all the time. and honestly, it's understandable for honeyspring to be acting "selfish" abt sweetkit; honeyspring did nothing wrong in life (as far as i know) and had all of what was meant to be a love-filled, family-oriented future stripped away from them in a gruesome and downright horrific way caused by such a simple mistake no less. why cant they have this one semblance of control over their existence now that their future is gone.
it wouldnt be the first time a cat gave their clanmate mourningsbane after all.
(sorry if a lot of this doesn't make sense or is confusing! i have a lot of trouble putting my thoughts into words...)
-warriorwhiskers (warrior cat sideblog)
Oh, this is a VERY interesting theory! I like the way your brain works! <3
I cannot say for sure how accurate this theory is due to potential spoilers, BUT I think you have a very valid read on Honeyspring's personality!
If it helps, know that Honeyspring has always been resourceful! LutumClan has no official nursery? That's fine, Honeyspring will make one! Does the clan need more prey for the fresh-kill pile? Worry not, Honeyspring's on the case!
Can't enter paradise? That's okay, Honeyspring will make her own.
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splinterclan · 2 months
omg... splinterclan breaking off as a piece from oakclan... that is SO CLEVER AND IM SO OBSESSED OMG
Thank you!! :D I thought it was fun! I've even gone in and edited one of the npc clans to be named oakclan so maybe we'll get fun interactions someday
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circus-clangen · 5 months
it finally happened to me: i had a dream abt someone's clangen. and guess what? it was this one.
do i remember a single thing abt it? no. but by golly it was these cats.
HAHAHA oh I am OBSESSED with that... I haven't even had a dream about these creatures yet smhh jealous
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soooo the obvious weakness is water/rain (unless i am Very Stupid) but like I'm curious about in what way.
is it a physical weakness (from the steaminess of the body that dewbat was holding) where water/rain is like acid and dissolves both the skin and the taker beneath (or just the taker itself if it doesnt have a skin)? and in that case, is one of the signs that something might be a taker that they won't drink water or go anywhere near it or show an unusual amount of nervousness/avoidance to water/rain/storms? (i know they don't have to eat or drink anyway since they have no organs, so in that case, if not already answered, does the fact that they don't eat raise alerts or do they just pretend to eat? CAN they even eat? sorry, tangent.)
i know takers aren't stupid but their intelligence is also not super advanced/high so i feel bad for asking this but i must know: do takers KNOW about their weakness? like are they aware? or are they unaware and then get very injured or very Dead from water/rain on accident. does that make sense?
does water collect at the bottom of the physical rift? and in that case, would that effectively kill takers who can't shelter from it? like. could that be a way to Get Rid of Them? bc all this foreshadowing and prophecy and stuff relating to storms paired with the "we throw takers down in the rift bc we can't rlly kill them" thing makes me think that if they just idk collected/gathered as many of the takers as they could up in the rift and waited for the water/rain to kill them (which is rlly good timing right now since the storms aren't stopping anytime soon if i remember correctly) they could stomp out a large portion of their infestation/problem.
idk im bad with putting my thoughts into words (something I struggle with and get very frustrated with) but i NEEDED to Say Things while it's still fresh.
1: Water is very much acid to them, a little bit of water on the fur won't burn them (morning dew), but large amounts (rain, puddles, lakes etc) will burn through the skin, which is already thin and weak with no nutrients to keep it healthy, and will touch the Taker itself, who smoke and dissolve were the water makes contact. Enough damage will kill them fully.
Takers with no bodies to protect them burn away easily. They will seek out shelter.
They never go near water, this isn't exactly unusual to most cats because they get most of their hydration from prey. Takers will eat in social environments, they don't get anything out of it, but they consume it the same way they do the organs from a body they inhabit.
2: Takers are aware of their weaknesses in the same way an animal with rabies fear water, it's simply instinctual. They don't have continence thoughts on "this is bad and this will reveal me" but instead "that is bad that is scary that is death".
3: Yes! The Rift, during rainy periods, will fill with water. The cats don't know about the water weakness and so truly believe that there's an uneasy amount of cat like creatures in the rift (very much the reason that Chasingclan is considered cured is because of this, since the rift surrounds them.)
There are still Takers that are alive in the Rift despite the water. There's many cliffs and caves all along the rift that can provide shelter, but they're all very badly injured still.
Redstep and Cicadabranch are still in the rift, their Takers have been able to survive for years in the rift. This isn't very likely to come up in story, so I don't mind revealing that.
All in all, there aren't actually as many Takers as you'd think currently. There's still an alarming amount, but not as many as there could be.
Doesn't mean that there aren't more being born/made to make up for it. There isn't a set amount of Takers, they're not a critically endangered species :]
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vaporclan · 6 months
you know, as someone who has been following this comic for a long long time (almost from the start. and is likely one of the worst offenders when it came to spam liking since i used likes to keep track of where i was. for that i apologize, but i digress.) and as someone who is very interested in psychology, the inner workings of the mind, what compels people to behave the way they do, etc., you have truly gone above and beyond here.
you are clearly so passionate about your characters, all of them (even if sootsky is somewhat of an exception, i still feel as though he means something to you as a character because you wrote for him and he developed at your hand) no matter how misguided, stubborn/uncooperative, and/or fueled by unsettled conflicts, unprocessed trauma mental turmoil they are; because you understand them.
they aren't just characters to you; they're like your "children" for lack of a better comparison. they're entirely three-dimensional to you and, although I'm not implying by any means that you don't see them as fictional, you breathed so much life into them that i truly do think that they have become something so special and alive. their world truly is that: a whole other World, with every individual living their own lives with their own thoughts, feelings, and motives, and while you obviously control what happens and make changes/add lore as you see fit, i truly do believe that these characters are telling their own stories through you.
i'm not sure if i'm being coherent/clear here as i am a highly abstract thinker and oftentimes overexplain things in an attempt to make it more understandable when it actually has the opposite effect and makes my thoughts more confusing/hard to understand. if i said anything that is incorrect, inaccurate, or pushing any of your boundaries, i deeply apologize. i just wanted to take the time and write out my thoughts to you in an attempt to say that i am so very impressed with the depth of this comic about cats with an origin from a game with randomly-generated events. again, it is so clear that you have put immense thought into each and every character, and your passion for this project is both admirable and very clear to any of your audience who are taking the time to analyze and read unbiased. and, even if some people aren't exactly doing that, there is no one who can deny the amount of effort you have put into this comic and how much you have accomplished in so little time.
you don't have to answer this ask or anything, so please don't feel obligated to. i don't require a response; it just feels nice to finally express my thoughts about this comic to you and it feels like the appropriate time to do so with the finale finally here and a new start coming soon.
i hope you have a wonderful day/night and that however long or short this next arc of the comic may be (and any other potential arcs/spinoffs), it brings you so much joy and pride. it certainly has given me a very complex and interesting story that i both enjoy and find incredibly thought-provoking/very relevant to my interests and studies. keep on doing what you're doing so long as it makes you feel good!
-crookedanchors / warriorwhiskers 💛
THIS IS SUCH A NICE ASK ur so right btw
I tend to put myself in my characters shoes and feel what they feel and I write how they're thinking and feeling from the heart
Some characters are inspired in places by real people I've known / their mindset and even me myself (but most characters arent)
Its crazy to me that I've managed to do all this tbh I've never created complex characters like this before this comic
This has all been very experimental for me
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warriorwhiskers · 15 hours
changed my header to match the end of summer (greenleaf) and the beginning of my favorite month (leaf-fall) <3
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(the babies in the pic are 2 of my ocs ive had since i was 7 years old!! jaypaw/jayclaw (left) and butterflypaw/butterflybreeze (right).)
(art creds go to raiuche on twitter/x!! PLEASE check them out!! they have INCREDIBLE art and their ychs are SUPER affordable! ive bought 2 of their ychs now and as soon as im more financially stable, ill def be buying more!!)
(old header under the cut!!!)
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same artist!! (raiuche on twitter/x)
same characters!! (jaypaw/jayclaw on the left and butterflypaw/butterflybreeze on the right)
this header is the one i USUALLY use for both spring (newleaf) and summer (greenleaf) and it matches their clan's terrain (the first clan i ever made at age 7 called splashclan), the fact that riverclan is my fave clan, and the fact that my warriorsona is from riverclan.
i RLLY need to get a leaf-bare one soon auughhh but need to get money bc in Bad Financial Spot rn and i might have 2 take one of my cats to the vet soon bc im suspicious she has diabetes 🥲
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warriorwhiskers · 3 days
UMMM??? i decided to open up thr web version of clangen on my phone just for funsiez (i already have one clan save on web version i just wanted to do another one ig idk lol) and even tho web clangen is MEGA behind on updates and generally very limited on what can happen, ive only been playing 5 moons and is the most tragic clangen ive ever had??? 😭😭😭 i mean, some of it is on me since i did the challenge where u kill off all ur cats except a few or just one (usually im too idk guilty/chicken/sensitive to do it bc im the type of person who never picks the evil choices in games 💀) but good GOD
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warriorwhiskers · 1 month
guyz ive been wanting to do a very casual clangen blog 5ever now but i was curious abt something.
SO i have multiple clan saves obviously (most of them i either haven't done anything except for select my cats and camp and/or have only played a moon or two). only one of them have i actually documented everything in order to make a clangen comic/written story. HOWEVER, im inclined to making content for most if not all of my other clangen saves.
none of them will have a set-in-stone posting schedule and some might not be as active as others. some might be entirely comic or entirely written form, while others might be a mix of both writing and comic. some might be more thought out/have more lore while some might be just casual records without lore.
i already made a side blog that's private for now, intending to just put all of my clangens on one blog under an umbrella name "crookedclangens". but then i started thinking about a pinned post and how i would set it up with multiple clangens featured on the same blog.
so heres where my question comes in:
(all of my clangen stuff will be reblogged here fyi. the blog(s) are just for organization purposes since i reblog other ppl's clangens here quite often.)
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warriorwhiskers · 5 months
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working on getting my side blogs updated and organized since my brain has decided that tumblr is a Good social media again 💀 ill make an official pinned post for this blog soon but for now i wanted to share my icon with y'all <3
dis guy is my warriors-sona: sleepyspark!!
made with this picrew: https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/254030
(info beneath the cut)
his name is sleepyspark, and he's a cis tomcat (he/him but they/them is also fine)!!
he's only a few moons older than the typical apprentice (young adult of an unspecified age).
he is aroace and has lots of friends and a few platonic partnerships of sorts here and there.
he's shorter than the average tomcat and lithe because he doesn't eat much (his clanmates usually have to remind him or sit down with him to ensure he gets food. he drinks plenty of water tho! and he totally chews on grass lol)
his ears can be flopped or pointy, usually one of each.
he has a naturally short tail, not quite a nub but still much shorter than regular, more like a bob.
he has a scar on his nose/muzzle from a dog attack when he was a kitten that healed nicely but left a prominent scar. he was very self-conscious about it as a kitten, but he likes how it looks now!
he has a small scar on the left corner of his bottom lip which he accidentally gave himself while itching a scratch bc he is silly.
his back is crooked, making his shoulders lopsided (left shoulder is higher than his right) which causes him to walk sort of funny. his left shoulder has chronic pain that flares up particularly badly in the cold.
he is partially deaf in his left ear due to nerve damage as a kitten. standing near his left side or calling to him from the left is not recommended since he either won't hear you or will misunderstand what he manages to hear.
he was born and raised in riverclan and loves it there, but he often goes and hangs around twoleg places for attention. most of the clan knows about it, but he's a pretty well-liked cat and the scoldings don't seen to do much so they leave him be. he sometimes brings home toys and twoleg things (and food if he can) which helps keep the clan more neutral about it so long as he still pulls his weight around the camp which he does. they do nag him to make sure the other clans don't see him there out of reputation preservation, but he's pretty much the clans' silly guy so no one cares that much. (the two legs probably named him "silly" too lmao)
he's friendly with any cats he meets whether they be clan cats, kittypets, loners, or even rogues. in fact, he's not even limited to cats; he is also friendly with twolegs, dogs, cows, horses, and would definitely try to befriend even a fox or badger. there are obviously communication barriers, so it's not like... the same as the friendships he has with other cats. he's just Like That.
he goes along on patrols to help where he can and keep spirits and moods high, and he is known to notice details that other cats might not always catch which makes up for his lack of hunting and fighting abilities while out and about. aside from mediating and serving as a sort of clan therapist, he also plays with and watches the kits, allows apprentices to practice battle moves or healing on him, and generally performs apprentice duties like helping clean up around the camp (nests, walls, dens, herbs, etc) and working with the elders. the elders are particularly fond of him since he is very mellow, patient, attentive, and chatty.
he's always been a laid-back, chatty kittycat who sucks at hunting, fighting, memorizing herbs, swimming (he's technically a "dry-paw" bc although he doesnt mind getting wet and likes water, he can't swim and is scared to learn properly, so he never goes out past the shallows), fulfilling tasks/orders (has TERRIBLE adhd and is also a hypersomniac), and just most things in general so it was only natural he became a mediator (and THAT he is pretty dang good at!!) he was initially training to be a medicine cat, but it just wasn't his calling. he and his clan are very pleased with his position now. he has also been referred to as a "camp cat", "nursery king/tom", "camp keeper", and "permapprentice". (think of him almost as an "omega" type role.)
ill add more info if i think of it, and ill link his toyhou.se profile once i get around to making it. but yeah! here i am! :3
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warriorwhiskers · 15 hours
sometimes i think about how the warriors wiki had juniperclaw's kit name listed as "unknown" so i changed it to "juniperkit", and it got rejected.
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warriorwhiskers · 15 hours
does the color of my blog look okay when paired with the header? or should it be more orangey? or some other fall color/color in the header? plz help me for i am so very Mousebrained (Stupid)
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vaporclan · 6 months
completely unrelated and not at all as personal as the last message LOL, but i just tried to join your discord server from the link provided in your pinned post, and it told me that the link is expired or broken or something, so i couldn't join. :( idk if that's just an error on my end or somethin, but i figured i'd better tell u just in case!!
(here's what pops up 4 me if that helps at all! hopefully this doesn't stress u out or anything bc it's truly not a big deal. just wanted 2 make sure u knew ^^ ignore the fact that i have 76 tabs open 🥲)
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have a lovely day/night!
-crookedanchors / warriorwhiskers
I think it should be fixed now?
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warriorwhiskers · 6 years
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erin hunter group designing darktail: okay now a cat,,, but like a panda
(Alternate versions below the cut)
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