#warwick meale
booksandwords · 1 year
The Boy in the Dress by Jonathan Butler
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Read time: 8 Days Rating: 4/5 Stars
The Quote: You must tell Warwick's story — 'Mum' Butler (she died while Jonathan while writing this Warwick was her Uncle. If any line made me emotional it was this one, it was her death.)
Warnings: Homophobia
The first thing you need to know when reading this book is it is an investigation written from an assumption. The author, Jonathan Butler's assumption or familial belief that Warwick Meale was gay. There was no evidence. I could just as easily project my own sexuality onto him. Quite frankly that was extremely frustrating, especially because the author kept pointing out the ways ie saw himself in his great uncle. But yes this death did impact his life too. Warwick's homosexuality prevented Jonathan's mother from easy acceptance of him and his sexuality. His father's family had that generational homophobia I've honestly just come to accept. They'll all be gone soon anyway. His mother's diagnosis was hard that was just a painful disease. Jonathan does in the last chapter acknowledge some of the concerns I have with the book's premise, as does one of the interviewees. I do appreciate that he nearly acknowledged his naivete in the original now he has finished it.
This is not a bad book a does a good job to educate readers on some of the realities of queer culture in WWII but some of it was also nss (no shit sherlock). It does at times feel a little disjointed but that's kinda charming. It feels like what it is... someone's personal research project that they lost control of. There is an interesting writing style used. It is readable, with very short chapters. I think the longest I found was about 20p most would have been under 10. It combines two narrative writing styles in a single chapter. One is written almost from the prospect of being there at the time, though not 1st person. The other is J relaying the facts he discovered as they were relevant. It's quite a captivating way to read the story. Even if I did occasionally lose track of who the players were, there are a lot of them.
I like the conclusion that Jonathan comes to with the three cases he raises. They feel like almost the three options for Warwick's death. Though there uses some wriggle room on all three. Jack Lloyd's conclusion feels particularly stereotypical and disappointing for the family. His senseless death is excused because of gay panic. Even if sexual encounters at the time were slightly more fluid than people would like to think. We are talking about virile young men in their prime for the most part, what do you think was happening?
Have some comments and quotes.
I think this is book for those with an interest in queer history. But for those with an interest in military, it feels like it could add a whole other dimension, especially those younger readers.
There is a bibliography available online for those with an interest. I was entirely unsurprised to see serving is silence included and referenced in this.
Tom and Clyde and written in a way that makes you kinda what to know what happened to them, we do find out. We find out about most of the major players.
Look no further than Australia's Defence Minister Peter Dutton who, in 2021, scolded defence personnel for celebrating the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia. He ordered his department to stop pursuing a 'woke agenda'. — I really hate Peter Dutton. The thought that he may become our opposition leader now Scott Morrison has stepped aside distresses me greatly.
But what made the blood of many Australian men boil, more than anything else, was the Americans' relationships with Australian women. The Yanks were paid considerably more than the diggers and had nicer uniformer and a certain way with women - they knew how to dance and how to charm. — I mean can you blame them? The Americans were the peacocks with the finer plumage and women needed to make their nests somehow. Hard to do in the post war period.
History has a very real impact on people today. It's shaped how I see the world And so much our history would be lost without the nations archives. — My librarian self loves this quote. It is a joy to see someone acknowledge their societal import.
As a child I found it soothing to gaze at that image of a boy in a dress, It offered me hope that maybe I wasn't so different. The older I got, the more I struggled with an alarming feeling growing inside me, a feeling I couldn't name at the time. It was an urge to wear my sisters' clothes, play with dolls and be free of typical 'boy things': — This is the importance of Warwick to Jonothan. I think s many queer people have someone like this. But few have someone so close to them, so biologically connected.
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sadesluvr · 2 months
NOPE Relationship HC's (SFW + NSFW)
Featuring OJ, Emerald + Angel (Mainly AFAB anatomy but some are GN)
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gif by @ayoedebiris
Having OJ as a boyfriend might seem difficult at first, but once you adjust it’s rather smooth sailing. It’s easier for him to understand you as he would a horse, so a lot of your connection comes through that. OJ takes his time through actions rather than words to get to know you; and once he feels comfortable enough, he’ll introduce you to the horses. ‘Dates’ aren’t really dates, more of a thing where you two do stuff together, not set on a certain date or time. His favourite activity is being with you whilst you do menial, but necessary tasks to help in the stables, and if you’re lucky he may even teach you how to ride one. OJ doesn’t venture far, so you’d spend spare hours inside, listening to records and having a drink. 
OJ’s favourite position is doggy, and whilst he doesn’t necessarily have a breeding kink, his favourite thing to do is to finish inside you. Backshots can sometimes lack romance, but that isn’t the case with OJ. He’s a bit on the huskier side, and in the heat of the moment he rests his full weight on your back, shoving you into the bedsheets as the fat of your ass slams against his own skin. You’re practically prone-boning at this point; his hands gripping onto the curve of your hip and ass as you angle your head to kiss him. It’s so rare to see him so uninhibited; but he’s still OJ – focused, analytical, all in the chase of your orgasm. He’s the type not to pull out immediately, holding it in you until you both catch your breath and eventually fall asleep... 
OJ is a total munch. He has a habit of devouring you, taking long, deliberate licks on your folds before sucking intently on your clit. He’s all eyes here; studying your face and all its little reactions as he fucks and fingers you until you cum. 
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gif by @horrorwomensource
Em is a bit of a player, but when she wants to settle down and commit, she will. Being with her is always fun; with spontaneous dates to music shows, arcades or sports events. She gives you complete princess treatment; and will fully walk down the street with her arm around your neck and show you off to everyone who passes. Em def has old school swag (she gets it from her Daddy of course), and in her slower, more intimate moments you spend time getting high and drinking together, listening to the oldies on the record player. Dionne Warwick and The Isley Brothers to Public Enemy and Biggie; they set the tune of your rare but cherished quiet nights in. 
Her nickname for you is ‘Lil Mama’. 
Homegirl is experienced so she knows just how to make love to you. Em eats you out with surprising variety; knowing when to speed up with her fingers and flick her tongue just at the right angle, or when to slow it down and really explore you. She’s humming and praising you the entire time, speaking into your wet pussy. “Damn mama, you sure is sweet.”  She loves it when you run your fingers through her short curls, gripping her roots as you beg for more. Being the competitive spirit she is, Em needs to hear how good she makes you feel. “That’s right pretty girl, say it. Say my name...” 
When she brings out the strap, she’s a total menace. She managed to get the ones that are flesh coloured, and she takes advantage of it. She’ll slap it on your lips and lie back as you ride her, taking it off at the last second and eating you out just as you cum. 
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gif by @keefechambers
Being with Angel is the typical 20-something relationship experience. Meeting him at the store, or on Instagram, Angel is chilled, but sweet. Most of your dates/hangouts take place late at night after his shift; going to the movies, the arcade, or just crashing at his place. It isn’t the tidiest, but half the time you’re only there for one thing anyway. Angel loves a late night meal – whether it’s because he’s got the munchies, or that’s when he has free time – but most of your dates include eating at some diner or restaurant. He’s truly the plug when it comes to good eats. 
It’s cliché, but he does love seeing you wear his band tees, especially when you’re at his place, lounging on the bed as you watch him play video games and it rides up your stomach. It makes him feral. 
 His only red flag is that he’s a Bitcoin miner. 
Angel has big dweeb boyfriend energy. His favourite way to fuck you is when you’re both half high, or tired, or just plain bored. One minute you’re on his bed smoking and listening to one of his favourite niche rock bands, and the next you’re in cowgirl, lazily fucking back on his cock. He’s loves blowjobs, especially while high, and is definitely more of a receiver.  Angel prefers to cum somewhere on your body, just because he’s 24 and doesn’t want to risk having a child/getting a disease, but there’s been one time where you’ve fucked raw. He came inside and he loved it. 
Angel is more of a whimper, preferring to make soft moans rather than loud noise, but when he’s really riled up it’s damn near impossible to shut him up. 
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Speaking to the Observer, Prof John Edmunds of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who was a member of the Sage committee of advisers to ministers and who has submitted written evidence to the inquiry, said the controversial Eat Out to Help Out scheme – which gave people discounts for eating in restaurants and pubs – was never discussed with scientists.
“If we had [been consulted], I would have been clear what I thought about it,” said Edmunds. “As far as I am concerned, it was a spectacularly stupid idea and an obscene way to spend public money.”
Eat Out to Help Out was launched in August 2020. It allowed diners to claim 50% off more than 160m meals at a cost to the Treasury of about £850m. In the process, it also drove new Covid-19 infections up by between 8 and 17%, according to a study carried out by Thiemo Fetzer, an economist at the University of Warwick, a few weeks later.
Edmunds said the Sage scientists had no real role in shaping policies across government. “We were asked questions and gave scientific answers but we didn’t know what strategy was being discussed by the government. It was written by them and we saw it the same day that the press saw it.
“They never said: ‘Here’s the strategy, what do you think of it?’ That’s not how it worked and that is why it’s always been so misleading for the government to pretend that it was following science. That’s just nonsense.”
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smolvenger · 1 year
Arise Fair Sun (Henry V x fem! Reader Oneshot)
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Word Count: 3K
Fandom: The Hollow Crown
Summary: One night, Henry appears under your balcony to confess his feelings to you.
Warnings: None, just a lot of fluff! I guess brief mentions of sex.
A/N: This was inspired by @theartofimagining13's small post that can be found here! A lot of it was taken from the Balcony Scene from Romeo and Juliet (and no tragic ending in my fic, hooray!), bc I'm a basic bitch who genuinely loves that play, do not @ me. Enjoy!
Taglist: @evelyn-kingsley@jennyggggrrr@five-miles-over@fictive-sl0th@ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @infinitystoner@littlespaceyelf@superficialdomina @muddyorbsblr
“Y/N, a marriage to the Earl of Warwick shall be a wonderful match and you must consider it!” your father said at dinnertime.
You felt as if the roast chicken you had just eaten was curdling in your stomach. Though it was a warm summer night, you became very cold. You saw stars in the fields of your vision from the shock. The words were thunder to your ears- loud and shocking and bursting from nowhere.
You did meet the Earl of Warwick a few times. He was a handsome man, though he was older. Not elderly, but close to your father’s age to where they were friends. Often, they attended events and court with the king himself there. Just yesterday, he was there with you at a ball, hosted by the king himself. He had long since been widowed. Now it seemed he was open for a replacement.
Though you did dance with the handsome young king, Henry the Fifth. His eyes were piercing but his face had a gentle smile on you. You were sure he was not betrothed to any princess. At least not yet. The times you spoke with him and attended events with him, he did speak to you. And he was so…so…
No, it was impossible.
“Father…am I…am I betrothed to the earl?” you asked, still dazed at it.
To think, you were already set for a marriage without your knowledge! Yes, you knew it would happen eventually. You never thought it would happen now!  Your fingers curled into the table’s wood as if it could support you.
“No, I will tell you, you are not. At least, not yet! He is only interested in courtship first…then we can consider a betrothal,” your father replied. He wiped off the sauce of the meal from his mouth.
Your mother turned to you.
“But the earl seeks you as his lady love. And you shall consider him, shall you?” your mother encouraged.
You blinked rapidly.
“I…I will consider it,” you answered.
“Then, we will invite him to dinner and if this continues further, a marriage for you will finally be settled. Isn’t’ that wonderful?” your father asked with a smile.
You nodded politely, despite the racing of your heart. You reached for your goblet of wine and took a sip, resisting the urge to gulp it down to calm your shock.
Not that he wouldn’t be a good husband to any wife. But…in the depth of your heart, you wanted to marry out of love. Like with….with….
No, that was impossible. Don’t dwell on him, you urged yourself.
This was it. Done and done-at this rate, you would have to start signing your letters as Lady Warwick.
That night, you were troubled. You found it hard to relax to sleep. The stifling heat on the blankets on a summer evening didn’t help. You knew marriage was never for love, but for duty and diplomacy. Love was only for knights who pined for already married women. And even that was never to be except for all the yearning and sighing. And you didn’t think of yourself as worthy of a knight’s adoration either.
You put on a white shift and a pink robe over should a servant run nearby. You went out of your room to go out to the balcony outside.  It was a lovely night. The moon was up in the sky, full and round and white. Stars were sprinkled as light as sugar dust over the ebony sky of midnight. It ran over the back of the house where you could peek over the wall that surrounded the house. Right below was the garden where trees grew so tall their leaves could kiss your fingertips. And even though you could only smell the garden and never touch it, vines and flowers blossoming from them bedecked the balcony wall. Moonlight glowed over it all, giving it a shine making it seem more ethereal.
You leaned onto the balcony railing, putting a hand against your cheek. You let out a deep sigh, just enjoying it and the sounds of the crickets of this summer night. It was cooler now with a breeze that made you shiver a little. It was as if the world sighed down with you. Crickets and owls sang their music.
Then you heard the distant whinny of a horse. Your head turned, jumping from its suddenness. Did one break from the stable? You walked up the walkway to where you could peek over the wall and saw that there was a white horse on the other side. A horse you did not recognize!
Zounds-a burglar!?
You ran down to where you saw the garden. You noticed a figure in the dark with a dark cloak running forward. Your heart raced with panic. As you lowered your jaw to let out a scream and alert someone, the hood lowered.
“Don’t be afraid, my lady!” cried a familiar voice.
Out came a head full of auburn curls and a handsome, ivory face with a goatee. And you fought the urge to let out another yelp. Of all the men on God’s creation who could be down there-fie! It was the king of England, Henry! The panic ran its cold lightning down your body.
“Your grace!” you said out of surprise, dipping into a bow out of habit.
You returned up. How beautiful his curls and skin shone against the moonlight. There was a faint glow caught in his high cheekbones. He wore a dark cloak and gloves over his red doublet, its color bleeding out between the folds of the cloak.
He placed his hands out in peace and walked forward to where you stood over. The most powerful man on earth but here he seemed so little. He looked up at you like you were a giant. Like you could squash him between your thumb and forefinger.
“What brings your majesty here and why? Without your guards? No one to protect you?” you asked.
“I do not need nor want them here. Here, my dear lady… I come here under the cloak of night-she hides and protects me.”
You began to clutch the railing of the balcony, leaning over.
“How did you get in here?” you asked.
He let out a smile that made your insides wriggle in excitement.
“I climbed over the walls-I was always quite good at climbing,” Henry said.
Peeking over, you noticed how tall they were. You forgot he was young and spry, even if he was royalty. He had the energy and strength to get over a tall wall. You turned down to look at him.
“You…didn’t answer my first question. Why are you here?” you asked.
He folded his gloved hands, looking up. His brows furrowed and his shoulders began to raise.
“I spoke with your father today-and he was making a boast that concerned me…are you betrothed?” he asked.
You felt your eyes go wide. You shook your head.
“No…no I am not. The earl of Warwick is interested in me. But no, there’s no betrothal. Not yet,” you told him.
Henry let out a deep breath and loosened his shoulders.
“I am relieved…” he commented.
“What…what do you mean, Henry?” you asked, swallowing.
You saw him smile as you said his name.
“The night brought me here…and Love.”
The air stilled around you, and the earth stopped as he spoke. His own jaw trembled and though his voice was soft, you heard him clearly. Reality surpassing your dreams.
“Love gave me wings and urged me forward…and here, in this garden tonight, I am not a king who can only speak in declarations and laws and propriety. Here, there are no eyes watching us. I can speak to you honestly. I can speak to you as a man. As a man who loves you.”
You were almost dizzy. Processing it. You held onto the railing to keep your legs from knocking.
“You…you love me?” you repeated.
“Y/N…I…I wanted to give you a speech. Recite poetry and verses. But your eyes make me turn red. The sight of you and I am speechless. I cannot say a word from the fullness and longing of my heart. So I speak plain- I love you, Y/N. And that I will not be ashamed to say aloud. Not anymore.”
You then eyed the tree right next to where you stood.
“Can you climb up here…can you talk to me there…”
He then moved to the wall before yours. Easily, he pulled himself up the trees. With the grace of a dancer, he moved up and through until he went to the branch right before where you stood.   He caught his breath from the exertion, holding onto the branch to support him.
“Are you alright?” you asked.
“I have never felt better as I did.”
“Then come forward, Henry-I don’t want you to fall!” you cried.
He walked down the branch, making himself steady. You reached out a hand-touching his leather gloves, and helped him on. Though you paused when you realized- you were in the intimate position of an embrace. He didn’t let go. You didn’t want him to.
“Well-this is better, my lady…” he remarked, with a naughty twinkle in his eye.
“At this point in the poems, many men call their ladies the moon….a few call their women the sun…That should give you a hint of what to say…” you teased.
Henry glanced up at the sky, he then returned to you with a smile.
“Then…then you are the stars, Y/N. The light of this night…perhaps this does make you the sun. The sun itself is a star and all go about come alive when they rise. So should the world come to life when I see you. There were times I wished…I wished I was a mere insect in this house, Y/N.”
“An insect?” you repeated with a small laugh.
You saw Henry turn pink and both of you dipped your heads into laughter again, then he continued.
“I envy each bug. Each small crook and mouse that can go in. That can lay eyes to you, hear you speak and laugh and sing and whisper. I would trade my crown to be them. For they can look at you and hear you all the time, but Harry of England cannot.”
You never thought your smile would grow as big as it currently did. He removed his gloves and set them on the railing. Then you took your hands in each other. A touch of bare skin upon bare skin. He twined your fingers between yours. He held your hand so smoothly, a great treasure. Worth more than anything he materially possessed.
“I don’t know who would get more in trouble if my father arrived. If it would be you at the sight of a man so near me, or if he would get in trouble and be exiled by the king of England!”
Smiling and bursting into laughter-how easily you could speak to and laugh with this man. The pure joy that tingled inside you when he was near!
“I won’t exile him…at least, not too long,” he said with a wink that made you flutter in your insides.
“I love you. No other embellishments- I love you. It is like you haunt me, Y/N. There were times I’ve wondered if I’ve only dreamed about you. Then I feel the itch of my clothes or the scratch in my throat and I could cry with bliss. For it means you are real.”
You began to tear up with happiness.
“I had to tell you how I felt. Before you were sold off forever. Before you followed your father’s wishes.”
“Couldn’t you command him?” you questioned.
“When I was not sure if you liked me?! And have you hate me all for forcing your hand? I couldn’t!  I had to be sure how you felt about me! And I wanted you to…to like me. Like me a little. I had to tell you my feelings before we had to say nothing for all eternity. Before a loveless marriage was forced on me too. I wanted it to be genuine- nothing of crowns and laws and power. Only my own heart beating fast when I see you smile at me.I…”
He paused. His mouth dropping to a gentle frown.
“Y/N…How do you feel about me?” he asked.
You felt yourself warm up.
“For someone who insists he is plain of speech…you are pretty with your words…and I like them, Henry- I do. And I like you. And I…I love you too…”
Giving in, you embraced him. He cupped your cheek and kissed you. Fire engulfed you as you leaned in. You felt his hot breath from his nose against your face. You could have stayed there forever in his arms. You reached up a hand to run through his hair as you kissed again. He pressed further and your body was shot. You were so drunk on love, on his touch.
Fie, the great trouble that would land you! Both of you-more you than him! And in fact…
You pulled from the kiss.
“Henry…you come here with honorable intentions-that of marriage, do you?” you asked.
He shook his curly head.
“My lady, no- I come here with no thoughts of anything vile but only with the sweetest, purest sentiments. I swear on myself!” he promised.
“Oh, good! I’ve heard of men saying things to women to seduce them…I’m glad.”
You went up to cup his cheek. He leaned into it, kissing the palm of your hand. His eyes as bright and shining to rival the moon. Then he took both his hands to touch yours. You sat on the railing, and he knelt down to talk to you, his voice and eyes earnest.
“Y/N, I am relieved you love me as I love you. As you are a bright gem to me, a sweet pet. But I come here not because I wish to possess you- only to stay by your side. I was crowned king of a nation but here, I am only your humble servant!”
“Then…could you kiss me again?” you asked.
He wrapped his arms around you. He began to repeat your name as he laid a kiss on each of your cheeks, then your neck and lips as you melted into laughter from his arms. He kept murmuring sweet nothings into your ear as he held you, nuzzling you close.
“The sweetest, dearest name…loveliest, most precious of women….”
Both of you let go. How warm he felt compared to the chill of the night.
“Then…then you will speak to my father. Tell him you are interested in me. Insist on yourself as a suitor with intentions on marriage,” you urged him.
“Yes! Yes I shall!” he agreed, nodding.
There were footsteps from inside. The air stopped in your lungs and both of you fled to a shadow. But seeing that no one approached, you let out a sigh of relief.
“To think…we have to go…there might be some to hear you…” you mused sadly.
“I can’t remember how much delight I’ve had in this hour since my tavern days…to think we could be caught-the thrill of it!”
“Henry…we should exchange tokens of love.”
Both of you plucked the flowers growing on one side against the balcony. He gave you one. You gave him one. He tucked his own flower, a large, bright pink blossom, into his doublet. He put on his gloves in the strands of his belt for security.
“Here….symbols of us. To remember each other…” you said.
He said, tilting your chin up to his. You touched his arm gently and smiled.
“Henry, when you talk to father-come here. You could see me tomorrow…I’ll put my ears against the door when you talk to Father! I doubt he could refuse the king of England as a son in law and his daughter a…a…”
The word, in your disbelief, went to a mere whisper of your voice. The idea gripping you.
“a…a queen.”
“And what a queen you shall make!”
He took his hands on you and lifted you up in an embrace to where your feet didn’t touch the ground. He twirled you around. You let out a small shriek in spite of yourself, despite the risk from the surprise.
He kissed you again on the lips. The man was insatiable for you, but you would not complain about it.
“I’ve never been…been this happy…I am not sure if I want to leave…”
“Well then…you must…you don’t want my parents to suspect anything. And servants like to talk- wouldn’t you provide some interesting gossip for them,” you sighed.
“I could brave them all if I had to. But if I must…”
He held your hand as he began to climb out to the tree branch. Your own arm reached out, holding his. Just enough so that you still felt secure on your balcony.
“I will see you on the morrow, when the sun rises and all of dawn and day shall behold your face where it will stand by mine soon for all eternity…” Henry said.
“And I cannot wait until then…” you replied.
You held onto him until only the bits of your fingers touched. To memorize his skin. His feel. He then climbed down the tree. then you let go. Your own hand holding onto air. Feeling the ghost of his touch as he had to use both of his hands to climb down. Then you released it as well. Watching him vanish.
You blew him a kiss and he caught it, putting it to his lips. He bounded across the gardens. Then he crawled up and over the wall-and his cape did seem like a birds wings in the night. You ran over to the other side of the balcony wall to watch the last of him. You saw him on his white horse, like a maiden’s sweet dream. With a last smile, a smile of promise, he kicked his heels against his horse and rode off into the night until the whiteness of the steed was a mere speck.
You missed him already. But you told yourself, it wouldn’t be long now. Just a few more hours. And you would be reunited. Bound to never part forever.
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sorenyael · 3 months
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𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 : soren yael lawrence . 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 : october 25th, 1985 . 𝐚𝐠𝐞 : 38 . 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 / 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧 : york, england . 𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 : eniola adebayo & oscar lawrece . 𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : koen & isla . 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 : cis man . 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬 : he + him . 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 : dark brown . 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫 : dark brown . 𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 : 191cm / 6'3" ft . 𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 : black . 𝐦𝐛𝐭𝐢 : entp ( the debater ) . 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 : heterosexual + heteromantic . 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬: married . 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧 : none . 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 : english, spanish , igbo . 𝐨𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 : cmo at telegrapp-h . 𝐝𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞 : marketing and strategy msc at warwick university .
soren has the same old 'poor kid makes it in life against all odds by working his ass off' backtory. lower class mother, two siblings ( he's the middle one ), an amazing track record in school and no belief in meritocracy whatsoever. even today, when most would view him as a product of it, soren would likely punch you in your throat if you attempt to tell him that's all one needs to sit among the ones who were born with golden dummies to suck on. he was nothing but an exception, his family was the rule. his life up until university was uneventful: he enjoyed studying, likes knowledge and is the type of man to always have a fun fact to sprinkle on a conversation when given the chance. he likes knowing people, their interests, what captures their attention and how that translates into the way they do business. it was no wonder marketing was his selected field. he attended warwick university worked in a restaurant for the first two years of it to afford his living in coventry when he's from york. the last two years he was fortunate enough to find a paid internship. in some much smaller local business but an opportunity is an opportunity. after university he moved to birmingham, expecting that a metropolitan area would make it easier to find job opportunities that wouldn't only allow him to eat three meals a day. he was wrong, though, the best he could do there was freelance work for some more known companies but no stability. still, that lasted three years before his decision to finally make his way down to london in 2011. somehow he found a job at hsbc, where he stayed for nine years. working for a bank provided all the financial stability he had been looking for ever since leaving york. it was 2017 the first time he ever heard about app-h inc. and it peaked his interest, but that was the extent of it. it had only been around for a year and some companies vanish as quick as they appear. he wasn't about to risk his new found ground to walk a tightrope. it was also in 2017 that he met his now wife. and he knew from day one that she would be his forever without a shadow of doubt, it was that easy. however, his wife comes from wealth and it has always been the thing to set them apart. it wasn't a problem per se, just a major difference between them. but she was down to earth and understanding, there was nothing else he needed. until, of course, 2021. app-h buys chitchatter and does a huge rebranding not only on the app ( now telegrapp-h ), but on the inner workings of the company as well. it was the perfect time now. app-h inc. was now a consolidated company, a major one at that, and the midst of a merging is the perfect time to apply for a position. cmo could seem like trying to reach for the stars with an olive branch but he had nothing to lose. and so he gained everything. the position is now his and he feels like it is always on the line, so he has to fight with tooth and nails to keep it, even if it's costing him his marriage and he's too blinded by his own accomplishment to see it.
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dcbbw · 1 year
Sunday Six 9.24.23
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Happy Sunday evening, Tumblrs! I know I have been MIA for the absolute longest, and wanting to give a huge THANK YOU to those who know the dirty deets about what’s been going on this summer, and being the shoulders, ears, support, and encouragement, I need to carry on and carry through one day at a time.
Despite posting two dribbles over the past day or so, not saying I am on the comeback trail, but I have been putting fingers to keyboard, and sharing story ideas. While they are not part of today’s Sunday Six, I am working on Sins of the Father; a part two to Dead in the Water (the How to Get Away with Murder AU), tentatively titled Tell Me When I’m Telling Lies; and a Riam one-shot that may become a casual series titled Happy Family.
What I offer to you tonight dear readers are two new ideas (well one isn’t that new):
Church Folk (the MegaChurch AU) based on Wonder’s worst ever version of Riam; she looks like a cross between Wendy Williams and Dionne Warwick, and has six fingers (five whole ass fingers and a thumb); Asian Liam is a dead ringer for Joel Osteen. They are co-pastors of the First, Last, & Only Cordonian Church of God in Christ where the mottos are:
We’re Alphabet Friendly!
God LOVES a Sinner, and so do we
Jesus Ain’t No Joke!
Think of every megachurch scandal, and give Riley Tammy Faye Baker’s hair …
A Summer Place—The Graduate which is an age-gap romance between Liam and Diana, who is Drake & Riley’s daughter. Except Liam doesn’t know, and Diana knows nothing about Cordonia except it is where her parents’ once-great love story originated.
There will be two versions to this story; Version B is titled A Summer Place—Mrs. Robinson, where Riley has an age-gap romance with Andreas, Liam’s son who visits NYC for the summer before starting University. Again, they have no idea of the other.
I realize others are writing age-gap/forbidden romances, but I am hopeful that my ideas and execution will make mine different from what's out there. And it’s me; by the time I finish writing the stories, it isn’t as if I’ll be glutting the market with the trope.
Okay, enough rambling; sneak peeks are below the cut, and as usual everything is in a state of rough draft and published product may vary.
Church Folk (song inspo: Church Clap, KB/Lecrae):
Their courtship had lasted two years; at Liam’s insistence, it had been chaste as well. At least for one of them.
The couple attended church together: Monday night Praise and Devotionals, Wednesday evening Bible study, couples therapy on Saturday mornings, 11am Sunday Sermon.
Between work and church activities, Liam and Riley dated; meals, museums, hikes, volunteering at soup kitchens. No matter the time or venue, all tended to end with them getting hot and heavy in the back seat of his car: Moans, groans, fogged windows; deep French kisses, groping of breasts and fondling of balls, arching and thrusting of hips. All the while keeping their clothes on.
The son of a preacher man never allowed himself to finger Riley nor for her to stroke his manhood.
Penetration was completely out of the question.
Riley often thought it was because of her 6th finger, and that despite his protests, Liam really could not deal with it. But he assured his bride-to-be between desperate kisses that it didn’t matter. Saving themselves for marriage did.
Liam Osteen Rhys firmly believed Riley had been sent to him; her polydactyl was a sign from God Himself that this woman was to be his wife. In the biblical sense, her extra finger was a sign of both wealth and that she was a messenger of God. Liam needed the former, FLOCC needed the latter. In the scientific sense, persons with polydactyl were proven to be stronger and more dexterous than those without.
Yes, Riley B. Williams was his good thing, and he wasn’t letting lust interfere. So, after every date while Riley sat alone in her bedroom with her battery-operated boyfriend and Pornhub pulled up on her phone, Liam visited Maybelle Nussbaum, his high school sweetheart.
If all had gone according to Liam’s plan, he would be wedded to Maybelle already, but his father absolutely forbade an inter-faith marriage. Only one version of God would be worshipped in the Rhys family, and THEIR God believed in ham, bacon, shrimp, and one day to celebrate the birth of Christ.
With Maybelle, Liam could go all the way, and he did. Every time. Sometimes protection was used, but most times not. The future preacher was convinced God wouldn’t allow anything bad to happen to him because he always sought forgiveness afterwards.
On their wedding day, all of Cordonia’s press outlets were present, as well as most of the town; the Rhys family was practically royalty in the small suburb, and everyone wanted to be in attendance for the wedding of a lifetime. Liam stood at the altar with his father, best man and groomsmen, occasionally looking over the crowd still being seated.
His eyes widened when the doors to the ceremony room opened and Maybelle Nussbaum strode through, wearing baggy sweatpants, a vomit-stained tee shirt, and her hair in a messy blonde bun. A swaddled infant rested in the crook of one arm; her free hand pulled a rolling suitcase behind her.
Liam had broken it off with his lover exactly 13 months earlier; he needed to focus on being a husband and ensure no hint of scandal touched his betrothment. He did it via text message and promptly blocked Maybelle’s number and deleted their chat history. And that was the end of that.
Or so he thought.
“Here ya go, Liam! You left this in my uterus right before you blocked me,” the new mother said loudly and cheerily as she placed the baby in a non-plussed Liam’s arms.
The murmurs and whispers amongst the guests began immediately. Constantine’s complexion turned a vague shade of purple. The groomsmen’s eyes went between Maybelle and Liam, who was sputtering and stammering as he protested.
“Why not? You did it to me,” Maybelle retorted as she rolled the suitcase up to the altar. “Everything you need is in there. I’m gonna skedaddle now. Take good care of her.”
The scorned lover slipped out a side door just as the Wedding March began to play.
A Summer Place—The Graduate (Version A, Liam)
Song Inspo: Parallel, Emlie Kahn
The server and the sovereign stood at the balcony’s railing as they awaited their food. The dock surrounding the sea harbor was gaily decorated with colorful streamers and balloons. The intricately painted dragon boats sat in their slips, bobbing against the gently cresting aquamarine sea while crew members worked on last minute inspections and details before the race.  
Diana’s chocolate brown eyes were wide with excitement as they took in the scene before her.  
“This is amazing! I’ve never seen anything like this. Montana is basically bull riding, which is literally flags and cowboy hats. And the ocean … it’s so blue and clear, like something out of a painting!” 
Liam studied her profile, wondering why he had the nagging feeling he had seen her before. Her olive complexion, high cheekbones, the curvature of her full lips. It was as if he had seen her features on another face, but not in this particular order. 
“It’s the Aegan Sea,” he gently corrected her, “and yes, it’s a beautiful sight.” 
Diana felt her cheeks flush crimson, as embarrassment flooded her body. She stared up at Liam contritely. “I’m sorry, you must think I’m a goof!” 
Liam’s arm reached out and his palm gently patted the back of her hand. “Why would I think that? You simply didn’t know. It’s your first time here.” 
Diana’s eyes went between Liam’s hand on hers and his eyes, which were filled with a gentle emotion.  
“You’re fine,” he assured her as his other hand ran fingers through her hair, tucking strands behind her ear.  
She felt a pleasant shiver at his touch, which she quickly dismissed as her imagination. Yes, Liam was manly perfection with his trim physique, head full of hair untouched by gray, and the face of a Greek god. But he was her father’s age and had women across the country and continent ready to do his bidding.  
She was a tourist that would be leaving in a couple of months. A nobody, 24 years his junior who didn’t know an ocean from a sea. Diana slowly pulled her hand away from his.  
“So, what’s for lunch? I’m starving!” she said a little more loudly than intended.  
“Oh, you are in for a treat!” Liam grinned. “Mediterranean seafood pie, scallops in a lemon garlic cream sauce, lobster tails stuffed with crabmeat, crab imperial …" 
“Oh my God! It’s like Red Lobster!” Diana exclaimed as she clapped her hands together.  
Liam looked puzzled. “Red Lobster?” 
“It’s an American surf and turf chain restaurant. It’s delicious!” 
“I can only hope Portavira lives up to such a lofty ideal.” 
Tagging: @jared2612​​​ @ao719​ @marietrinmimi​ @indiacater​​​ @kingliam2019​ @bebepac​​​ @liamxs-world @mom2000aggie​​​ @liamrhysstalker2020​​ @twinkleallnight​​​ @umccall71 @superharriet​​​ @busywoman​​​ @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam​​​ @beezm​​​ @gardeningourmet​​​ @lovingchoices14​​​ @mainstreetreader​​​ @angelasscribbles​​​ @lady-calypso @emkay512​​​ @princessleac1​​​ @charlotteg234 @alj4890​ @motorcitymademadame​​​ @queenmiarys​​​ ​​​ @choicesficwriterscreations
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stepseduworld · 8 months
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Studying in the UK Dream: Decoding Costs, Scholarships, and Student Life
Are you considering the thrilling prospect of Studying in the UK? If so, buckle up for a journey that promises to enrich not only your academic prowess but also your personal growth. The UK beckons with its flexible academic structure, global recognition, and a vibrant student community hailing from every corner of the globe. Imagine a dynamic environment where you can share your unique background while exploring fresh perspectives and ideas. In essence, studying in the UK isn't just about boosting your resume; it's about nurturing your growth as a well-rounded individual.
Decoding Tuition Fees: Affordable Options and Top-Tier Dreams
Now, let's delve into the nitty-gritty of tuition fees. For those seeking affordable options, consider universities like the University of Brighton (£14,770), Nottingham Trent University (£15,300), City University of London (£16,750), and Queen Mary University of London (£16,750). Dreaming of the academic giants? The University of Cambridge (£21,411 – £29,769), University of Oxford (£9,391 – £30,540), Warwick University (£24,630), University College London (UCL) (£17,710 – £24,610), Imperial College, London (£27,750 – £29,750), University of York (£33,016), and Loughborough University (£25,500) await. It's not just education; it's an investment in your future.
Scholarship Safari: Funding Your Academic Odyssey
Worried about the financial crunch? Fear not! The UK generously offers a plethora of scholarships from government bodies, universities, independent organizations, and charitable foundations. While master's programs often have more opportunities, exceptional undergraduates can still find their golden ticket. Dive into the official websites of your chosen university and explore scholarships in your home country. Think British Chevening Scholarships, Commonwealth Scholarships, Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme at UK Universities, and Marshall Scholarships. Keep an eye on university-specific scholarships from Cambridge, Warwick, Bristol, York, and Loughborough—competitive but oh-so-rewarding.
Cracking the Code: Cost of Living in the UK
Let's talk numbers – the cost of living in the UK is a crucial puzzle piece in your academic adventure. From accommodation to food and transportation, your budget needs to stretch. London, the crown jewel, is the most expensive, but don't worry; we've got figures. According to UKCISA, international students can expect to spend an average of £12,180 per year on living expenses. Dining out? It might pinch your wallet with an average meal at a mid-range restaurant setting you back around £15. But fear not, savvy students, cooking at home is your budget-friendly ally.
Embark on your UK study adventure, armed with knowledge, scholarships, and a keen eye on your budget. Your academic odyssey awaits!
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jynxd · 7 months
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continued from here
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Despite recognizing Vi, the beast was in full control and right now to it, she was just another meal ticket. So, he rushed full speed to her and went in for the attack. However, she wasn't like anyone else that had the unfortunate luck of coming across him. She fought back in full and the punch that found purchase in its abdomen only served to only cause more anger.
The liquid in the tank changed to an orange hue immediately, disappearing into his back, and pumped more liquid rage into his system. Warwick let out an animalistic growl as he used his speed to barrel towards her on all fours. However, as he primed his claws to strike her down, Vander seemed to take control for a second just enough to speak words. "Vi?" As he spoke his words even sounded like Vander's, only much more darker and gravelly. He not only looked like a monster, but sounded like one.
Warwick stood on two feet and backed away as large hands were pressed against his head. Why did he have these memories? Vi wouldn't even recognize him. All she would see is a monster, not Vander. More so, just seeing her caused a pain in his chest. Grateful that she was still alive, but the fact that she was seeing him like this... Warwick let out a growl of frustration.
Or Perhaps this was all just in his head? He remembered temporary moments of lucidity during his change. Images of his long dead children plaguing the mind of the monster. "Are you real?" He finally asked, not sure he'd get an answer. Powder wasn't with her, and this certainly wasn't the same Undercity. So, he wasn't sure of anything. Except for the fact that he did not want to be recaptured by Singed and the need to hurt Silco. "No, you can't be."
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travelonourown · 1 year
Thu July 13
No service at Durham Cathedral today! Did a group excursion to Alnwick Castle and Garden as well as the Holy Island of Lindisfarne. Alnwick Castle is a bit like Warwick Castle, which we called the Disneyland of Castles. For example, there was Quidditch practice with broomsticks for kids ( best line- “The only forbidden word is Whee! No Wheeing on my broomsticks”). The Castle is beautifully kept, though, and the living area is quite spectacular, with many old masters (Canaletto, Titian, etc) and gorgeous ceilings. The garden was designed by Capability Brown, and was also lovely, with a large cascading fountain. After exploring the cute town for a short while, we were off to Lindisfarne island, where the tides allowed us to pass in the afternoon. The Priory is a medieval ruin, where we wandered about and around getting some photos. Headed back to Durham for another group meal.
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countlessrealities · 2 years
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@misstantabismuses sent: "What Blue Whirlwind look for?" (Warwick for Jinx, no context)
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Jinx twisted her neck to look over her shoulder, bright blue eyes sliding down along the Beast's figure for a long moment, but the she ducked her head back in the chest she was rummaging in. After a moment, she carelessly tossed an empty pillow case out of it, accidentally aiming it at Warwick face.
The room around them was a complete mess. The furniture had been moved, the drawers had been yanked opened and emptied on the floor, and the cabinets had suffered a similar fate. In a corner there was a small pile of shards, the remains of either a small vase or a glass. Some of the pillows had even been ripped open and their padding spread all around.
It was almost as if a hurricane had stormed into the room. And that fact made Warwick's nickname for the blue-haired girl even more accurate.
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"It has to be here!" Jinx hissed, hopping on her feet and kicking the chest hard in frustration.
Feint, mocking laughter reached her ears and she spun around, her long blue braids cutting the air like whips. Sketchy masks of paint glitched at at the corner of her eyes, but every time she tried to put them into focus, they darted to the side, feeling her gaze.
"I had stored one of my devices in his room to use it later and it's not," kick, "here," kick, "any", kick, "more!"
With a high-pitched snarled, Jinx threw her hands in the air, before stomping towards the other side of the room and starting to tear apart the only cabinet that was still left intact.
"If it goes off on its own I'll never hear the end of it! When I find out who took it, I'll make sure that their next meal is filled with lead!"
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More heritage train rides to wine country at Ballandean
Queensland Rail is working to reopen a rail siding at Ballandean on the Southern Downs.
This will enable heritage groups to run steam train trips from Stanthorpe to Ballandean on a regular basis.
It follows severe fires that ripped through the region last year, destroying and damaging rail infrastructure.​
Queensland Rail is committed to supporting heritage train travel, with upgrades to a rail siding at Ballandean soon to be underway.
The restored siding will enable heritage groups to run picturesque heritage train services between Stanthorpe and Ballandean once again. Ballandean is a little village renowned for its wineries, making it a sought-after tourist destination. The line from Stanthorpe to Wallangarra (including Ballandean) has been closed since fires ripped through the region late last year.
 However, the opening of the siding at Ballandean will ensure tourist trains can operate along part of the Warwick to Wallangarra line again, allowing the services a place to turn around.
 The journey will see train enthusiasts travel through Granite Belt country with stunning and rugged high-country scenery including boulders, ravines, creeks and unique timber and steel bridges.
 The reopened siding, which has been closed to rail traffic since November 2003, means that heritage groups will be able to bus customers a short 15-minute journey from Ballandean to Wallangarra to allow for tours and meals.
 Major construction will commence in coming months, with the siding expected to be reopen by the end of the year.
 The remainder of the line, from Ballandean to Wallangarra, will remain closed at this time.
 Quotes attributable to Queensland Rail CEO Kat Stapleton:
“At Queensland Rail we are all about connecting communities and we continue to work very collaboratively with our heritage partners to preserve and showcase important historical rail assets to local communities wherever possible.
“While the Wallangarra branch line isn't used by Queensland Rail customers or freight partners, we know how important it is to the community, so it's great to now have 'plan 'B' for Ballandean' in place to support these heritage groups.
“Having Ballandean as a destination once again will help with the viability of heritage rail groups into the future and Queensland Rail is committed to supporting them.
“To demonstrate our commitment to heritage, Queensland Rail has also recently granted a heritage group use of the historic Warwick station through a long-term, 'peppercorn' lease to support the expansion of their business."
For more details, accredited journalists can contact Queensland Rail's media team on:
Phone: 0459 226 970 Email: [email protected]
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fernsplaysthings · 25 days
Archie and Warwick are very toxic co-workers, sometimes.
“You summoned me.”
Archie took in the sight of the white haired woman slouched backwards in his armchair, one arm draped carelessly off one side, the other on its elbow picking at her perfectly manicured nails nonchalantly. The pissed off image of a bored and mildly inconvenienced monster. The vivid green of her slitted eyes fixed on him, no fear - a challenge. As always.
“I h-”
“Don’t summon me.”
His brows furrowed and he stared at her much the same way he would a petulant child, “Are you done?”
And much like a petulant child, she shrugged, sinking back further into the seat with an exaggerated roll of her eyes, vision downturned .
“I asked you to meet with me because I have a proposition,” he started in a slow and even tone, remaining standing in front of her, “A somewhat unusual one given our usual dealings.”
Somewhere in the middle of his sentence he caught her gaze flicker upwards, the barest hint of interest but not enough to hold her full attention as she once again returned to preening. Archie paused to watch her, holding the silence to see if she’d find the curiosity in herself to break it but…nothing. Stubborn as usual with an impeccable poker face.
“It benefits you too,” he sighed, “In a way.” She hummed softly as a prompt to continue and Archie found himself grumbling under his breath, “I thought you might like this one.”
“You haven’t said what it fucking is yet,” she jabbed with a pointed glare, “Don’t bore me.”
He took a short walk around his desk and grabbed a file, passing by the back of the armchair Warwick was lounging to drop it into her lap.
“I thought you might be hungry,” he spits, the words bitter in his mouth, “I have a need for you to be hungry.”
Warwick took the file, flipped it open to the only two pieces inside. A paper and a photo. Her posture changed immediately to alert and ready, and the grin that spread across her face made Archie sick to the stomach. Her slitted pupils that had been set on him earlier were huge and caught the low light in his office giving the already unsettling creature in the armchair an even more eerie look.
“You want him eaten?”
Archie swallowed hard around a lump in his throat, standing tall to hide the unease at her eagerness to follow through with what he loathed about her.
“I want him gone.”
“Gone?” She stood, file dropped to the ground by her feet, “Or eaten? Be specific.”
Unwilling to bend to her demands and play her games and admit that yes, he was somewhat going against his morals by asking this of her, Archie turned to his floor-to-ceiling windows and pretended to find something off across the skyline to hold his interest.
“However you see fit, Warwick.”
Her tone of voice had rapidly shifted from cool and bored to freakishly riled up and on edge. The promise of a powerful Shifter for her to take down with no repercussions from Archie or his people, the kind of meal she craved from time to time, no poker face could cover up that level of  excitement. Despite entirely in her human shape, she was already prowling up behind him, pupils reflected in his window. He suspected if he kept her for much longer she’d shapeshift, lightning fast, and make an attempt at eating him before heading after his target.
He’d kill her another night.
“Fine. Eat him,” he huffed, hair on his neck bristling as she moved past him and away into the shadows of the large open room, “And don’t let it come back to me.”
“I’m nothing if not discreet,” she all but purred.
Archie daren’t turn around, even as her words dropped off. He imagined her there in the shadows, eyes aglow, a vile and pointed smile on her lips. But when he eventually did it was just him in his office, dim and quiet and blissfully Warwick free.
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shivam95 · 3 months
MFin in UK Cost: A Comprehensive Guide to Expenses and Financial Aid
Starting on a journey to pursue higher education in the United Kingdom brings forth a spectrum of possibilities, and for those aspiring to delve into the realm of finance, a Master of Finance (MFin) is a promising avenue. In this blog, we will break down the MFin in UK cost, covering essential insights, fees breakdown, and funding options to help you make an informed decision.
Tuition Fees
The MFin in UK cost can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the university, program structure, and whether you are an international or domestic student. On average, tuition fees for international students in MFin programs range from £36,000 to £56,000 per year. Domestic students may experience a lower fee range, typically between £15,000 and £50,000 annually.
Living Expenses
Also to tuition fees, prospective international students pursuing a Master of Finance in the UK must carefully factor in living expenses. These encompass accommodation, food, transportation, and other miscellaneous costs. Urban centers like London tend to have higher living expenses compared to smaller towns.
Accommodation costs for international students in the UK vary widely, with monthly expenses ranging from £600 to £1,500. On-campus residences often provide the convenience of proximity to academic facilities, while off-campus housing may offer more independence and diverse choices. It is crucial for students to consider their preferences, budget constraints, and lifestyle when making accommodation decisions.
Food and Grocery Expenses
Estimating monthly grocery expenses between £200 to £300, students pursuing an MFin in the UK need to plan their food budget judiciously. Exploring local markets, taking advantage of discounts, and opting for home-cooked meals can contribute to cost savings. Developing smart shopping habits and meal planning are essential for maintaining a nutritious and budget-friendly diet.
Navigating the UK's vibrant cities often involves utilizing public transportation, which includes calculating the MFin in UK cost. Monthly passes for buses, trains, and other modes of public transit can range from £50 to £100. Students are encouraged to explore student discounts on transportation passes and consider walking or cycling for shorter distances.
Also to rent, utilities such as electricity, heating, cooling, and internet may collectively amount to approximately £1,000 per year. Students should inquire about utilities when choosing accommodation and factor these into their living expenses. Adopting energy-efficient practices and exploring bundled internet and utility packages can help manage utility bills.
Factors Affecting Cost
The MFin in UK cost can vary significantly depending on several factors. Understanding these factors is crucial for prospective students to plan their finances effectively. Key factors affecting the cost include:
University and program structure
International or domestic student status
Location and lifestyle choices
Accommodation and living expenses
Transportation and utilities
Financial Aid
UK universities and other organizations provide financial help to students through scholarships, awards, and bursaries. International students may find it difficult to pursue a MFin in UK due to the high costs involved. But, there are various scholarships available to help with expenses. Some notable scholarships for international students in the UK include:
Imperial College of London: MSc Finance Future Leaders Scholarship
University of Edinburgh: Business School International MSc Scholarship
University of Manchester: Alliance MBA Masters Scholarships for UK/EU/international students
London School of Economics and Political Science: Graduate Support Scheme; LSE Master's Award
University of Bristol: Global Accounting and Finance Scholarship
University of Warwick: WBS Scholarships
University of Glasgow: Adam Smith Business School Scholarship
University of Sheffield: International Merit Postgraduate Scholarship
University of Cambridge: MFin Program Scholarship
University of Oxford: Alumni Annual Fund Scholarship
Oxford Said - HEC Montreal Scholarship
Pursuing a Master of Finance in the UK can be a life-changing experience, offering unparalleled opportunities for professional development and networking. But, must to carefully consider the expenses involved and plan accordingly. By understanding the MFin in UK cost, including tuition fees, living expenses, and financial aid options, you can make an informed decision and maximize your return on investment.
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asqhomecare · 5 months
Home Healthcare Agency | Expertly Trained Care Professionals in RI
ASQ Home Care specializes in non-medical home care services and Private Duty Nursing for Rhode Island residents, focusing on personalized care plans for safe aging in place. Our services include companionship, medication reminders, personal hygiene assistance, meal preparation, transportation, and light housekeeping. Services include:
Hourly Care
Live-In Care
Light Care
Respite Care
Case Coordination
We address specific conditions and challenges with specialized care services that integrate seamlessly into the care plan. ASQ Home Care prides itself on its award-winning care, with a dedicated Care Navigator through the Empower Training Academy. Our reputation for reliability and excellence is evidenced by multiple Leader in Excellence Awards attained by our expertly trained professional caregivers in RI.
We serve the Kent County, Rhode Island, and Providence County Rhode Island areas, offering support to older adults and their families to maintain health and independence.
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Assured Quality Homecare [ASQ] Pond Plaza Shopping Center, 1160 Post Rd., Warwick, RI 02888  401-216-8818 | [email protected]
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allovertheworldblog · 7 months
Journey across Australia
Before I left New Caledonia I tried to figure out how I’d travel around Australia and how much of it I’d be able to see.
I ended up with the conclusion that Australia is one big country and that it’s expensive too.
One bus company website I was looking up was quoting over $300 AUD to travel from Brisbane to Cairns.
I was in shock.
When I got to Brisbane I got to talking to other backpackers.
Some had used busses to travel up and down the coast, others had used websites to find other travelers and share expenses, hire car costs and petrol.
That seemed like a good idea.
In the meantime I was in Brisbane, capital of the State of Queensland.
The city was hosting annual Brisbane Festival.
Many of the events held during the festival were paid, but some weren’t, the fun ones.
A free nightly light and laser show was held on the river front. 
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One day I happened to see an ad by an Irish guy who was going all the way across the country.
Was he mad?, was the trip even possible?
I met up with him, he seemed like a decent guy.
We set off a few days later.
On September 13th 2011 we leave Brisbane at 06.25.
Traffic in the city is busy enough. 
We see the first kangaroo early in the morning when the day is still beginning then nothing but dead ones on the side of the road.
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Kangaroo are a nocturnal animal, something I didn’t know before. 
The number of vehicles on the road become less as the day goes on.
We pass through Warwick and Goondiwindi.
After that we enter the State of New South Wales.
We decide to call it a night in the small village of Louth, which is in the middle of nowhere, literally. 
The village, I’m not sure if you can even call it that, has a population of 34 people.
I ask the landlady in the pub (that is also a restaurant, Royal Flying Doctors contact point, shop, meeting place) if Louth is the world or if the world is something that happens somewhere else.
'No’, she assures me Louth is definitely part of the world.
Earlier when we were driving into Louth with the sun going down the kangaroo had been visible on the road and in the fields beside it, live kangaroo, jumping pretty high.
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That night we sleep in the car.
I wake a couple of times with the cold, my nose is fit to fall of it’s so cold.
We set off the next day at 06.20, again with live kangaroo jumping about the place. We drive through Broken Hill and pass into the State of South Australia. 
An older couple who are travelling in the opposite direction stop and ask if we need any help when we have some car trouble.
They’re on their way home after spending three and a half months touring around the country in their caravan, a common enough sight. 
They’re only going home as they want to see their grandkids again. They put us back on the road.
That evening we stop in Kimba, which they say is 'halfway across Australia’.
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The caravan park which charges $10 AUD per person is a welcome sight, with free showers included. 
The next day we set off at 06.05. We come to Ceduna on the ocean, later we cross the Nullarbor Plain, the Treeless Plain.
At the border into the State of Western Australia (WA) we’re questioned if we have any fruit, as there’s a prohibition on bringing it over the border in WA. 
Mark, the Irish guy I’m travelling with, describes the inspector on the border as a 'cross wee woman’.
He was that alright.
That night we set down in another caravan park.
But in this one everything costs extra, no free shower. 
The next morning we set off at 05.00 to try to get the final leg done in that day.
We stop at the fly-ridden Head Of The Great Australian Bight to catch a glimpse of some whales.
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Mark leaves me off in the old mining town of Norseman and I catch a bus to Kalgoorlie, where I connect with the train that takes me to Perth.
On the train I buy perfectly ugly overpriced microwave meal that hasn’t even been heated properly. 
We get to Perth just before 22.00.
The hostels are full and I have to check in to a hotel.
This isn’t doing anything to make me like Perth.
Thanks once again Mark if you’re reading this, it was a great trip and a great way to see the real Australia.
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joeyscottagecom · 7 months
Choosing the Best Child Care in Chipping Norton, Warwick Farm, and Moorebank
Are you a parent residing in Chipping Norton, Warwick Farm, or Moorebank and searching for the perfect child care center for your little one? Look no further! At Joey's Cottage, we understand the importance of finding a nurturing and stimulating environment for your child to thrive in while you're at work or handling other responsibilities.child care chipping norton
Why Choose Joey's Cottage?
At Joey's Cottage, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch child care services that prioritize the well-being and development of each child. Here's why we stand out:
Qualified and Caring Staff: Our team consists of highly qualified and experienced educators who are passionate about working with children. They create a warm and welcoming atmosphere where children feel safe and supported.
Safe and Stimulating Environment: We maintain a clean, secure, and child-friendly environment where children can explore, learn, and play. Our facilities are equipped with age-appropriate toys, books, and educational materials to encourage creativity and curiosity.
Tailored Learning Programs: We believe in catering to the unique needs and interests of each child. Our tailored learning programs are designed to promote cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. Through a combination of structured activities and free play, children develop essential skills while having fun.
Healthy Meals and Snacks: We understand the importance of nutrition in a child's growth and development. That's why we provide nutritious meals and snacks prepared onsite by our dedicated kitchen staff. We accommodate dietary restrictions and preferences to ensure that every child receives wholesome and delicious meals.
Convenient Location: Joey's Cottage is conveniently located in the heart of Chipping Norton, making it easily accessible for families in Warwick Farm and Moorebank as well. Our central location allows parents to drop off and pick up their children with ease, saving time and reducing stress.
Experience the Joey's Cottage Difference
Choosing the right child care center is a significant decision for any parent. At Joey's Cottage, we strive to make this decision easier for you by offering high-quality child care services that you can trust. With our focus on safety, education, and nurturing care, we provide an environment where children thrive and parents have peace of mind.
Ready to enroll your child at Joey's Cottage? Contact us today to schedule a tour of our facility and meet our dedicated team. Give your child the gift of quality care and education at Joey's Cottage!
For more info visit here:-child care warwick farm
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