#was a little trickier
rubysharkruby · 2 years
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Cannibalism foreshadowing 💀💀💀
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yunyin · 9 days
Thinking about the reverse-verse again and wondering if Felix and Kagami exist in it
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felsicveins · 12 days
The newest thing with Patty, all I imagine is Otto trying to burry their face after their little sibling buried Patty's body-
Have you seen Patty's teeth? I don't think Otto is putting his hands anywhere near her face . ...
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triffany-lottablog · 8 months
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My pockets full of. Cheese. Explodes
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ana-cantskywalker · 20 hours
sabezra + start over again by new hope club for the drabbles?
I try to respond to an ask in a reasonable timeframe challenge (level: impossible)
Legally this isn’t a drabble (I only very recently learned what a drabble technically is and this ain’t it) I don’t even think it can be considered a microfic anymore. It absolutely got away from me and is kinda massive considering the prompt.
Anyways, I hope you like it!
Setting: Modern au, they are in college (idk the details just college)
He was an idiot.
He’d been told that before but now he was sure of it because only an idiot would do what he’d done yesterday.
It had started out going extremely well for him, after taking nearly three years to work up the courage to do so, he’d finally told Sabine how he felt. How he saw his best friend as more than just a best friend, how he wanted them to be more.
And she hadn’t killed him surprisingly enough.
He thought such a heavy confession would ruin what they already had, which is why he’d taken so long to admit it, but she took it well. She didn’t hate him for one, and she even agreed to go on a ‘date’ with him. Not a real go to a nice restaurant type of date, but something slightly more intimate than their usual hangouts, to see if it would be a dynamic they might want to pursue.
He didn’t really know why she’d agreed, he wouldn’t dare hope it was because she reciprocated even if she wouldn’t admit it, but maybe…
They’d agreed on a picnic in the park near his house, casual but not anything like what they would normally do together. All their cards on the table, but without the pressure, the stage was set to be a perfect day, and he’d been thrilled.
That is until he had to go and kriff it all up.
His first mistake was being chronically late, not on purpose of course, but late nonetheless. She had to wait for him for nearly half an hour, it was a miracle she hadn’t just left, and maybe she should have. And then he had to go put his foot in his mouth when he tried complimenting her, he couldn’t even remember now what he’d said, just that it had sounded like a borderline insult.
He should’ve just told her she was beautiful, because kriff, she was.
Then, the cherry on top to the disaster of a date was when he knocked over his drink and spilled it all over her dress. Like an idiot.
It hadn’t ended with her yelling at him like he probably deserved, but it had been three days ago and she hadn’t so much as texted him. They usually talked every day. She was rightfully upset and he didn’t know how to fix it.
He needed to, his relationship with Sabine, friend or otherwise was one of the most important relationships he had. Also if he didn’t Tristan was going to kill him the next time he saw him.
The sound of a door closing snapped him from the doom spiral he was having face down on the couch. Looking up he saw his roommate Zeb walking in. The older boy gives Ezra a disapproving once over, “You still moping?”
Ezra doesn’t dignify him with a response, so he keeps going. “You know moping here on the couch isn’t going to fix anything.”
He rolls his eyes, “Thank you for that astute observation, Zeb.”
Zeb pushes through their tiny living area towards his room, “Fine, if you want to sit here in your misery then do it, just don’t bother me about it. But, if I was you, I would go apologize.”
With that he’s gone and Ezra sits up, he was right and Ezra hated it. He’d known for the past three days that was what he needed to do, he was just terrified of the response he might get. What if she chewed him out and never wanted to see him again.
Well, maybe that was a little extreme, she had every right to be upset but he might have been making the situation more drastic in his head. He had been known to be dramatic over things on occasion.
As he is pondering the extent of his dramatization of events, his eyes land on a picture stuck to the fridge, he could barely make it out from where he was, but he knew what it was of. It was a picture he and Sabine had taken when they went to the amusement park outside town last Summer. It was one of his favorite memories, not just with her, but ever. Was he really going to ruin that over his stupid cowardice?
No. He wasn't.
He was going to make things right.
The trip to the coffee shop where Sabine worked was quick. It was the prime spot to run into her for two reasons. One, because it was currently her work hours and he didn’t want to wait. Two, because if he risked waiting till later and trying to go see her at her and Tristan’s shared apartment, there was always a chance he would be there and she wouldn’t, and he didn’t fancy getting punched in the face today.
However, that still wasn’t out of the question with Sabine.
The bell above the door rang as he entered, and he was greeted by the familiar smells of coffee and pastries. It was quiet inside, only a few customers sitting at tables and no one in line at the register. Behind it sat Sabine, hunched over what he could assume was a sketchbook, golden eyes narrowed in concentration, purple and pink hair framing her face. She really was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen.
He cautiously approaches the counter, and she doesn’t look up, even when he reaches it, clearly not noticing it was him. Without so much as a glance she asks, “How can I help you?”
He clears his throat, pushing down the nerves in his stomach. “Could I have a hot chocolate please… and a second chance?”
Her head snaps up, eyes locking with his, shock written on her face, “Ezra-”
He cuts her off, which probably wasn’t the best idea in terms of trying to make it up to her, “Sabine, I’m really sorry about the other day. I messed up completely, and I know you’re probably really mad at me because I was a total idiot.”
It all comes out as one big word vomit, and he looks at the ground, embarrassed both because of why he had to apologize in the first place, and also because of his delivery of said apology.
“Yeah, you were kind of a total idiot weren’t you?”
When he looks up, instead of the disapproving scowl he’d been expecting, he finds a mischievous smirk. He could cry from relief at the fact that she apparently didn’t hate him.
He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, “Could we start over?”
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aintgonnatakethis · 1 month
characters through quotes
Thank you @fortunatetragedy for the tag! 😊
My prompt: a quote about ideals
Telford: "The ends justify the means. It's my job to get my hands dirty and do the hard thing so others who aren't capable of it won't be called on and fail. It doesn't matter whether I can look at myself in the mirror at the end of the day - the only important thing is reaching the goal I have set for myself. My feelings aren't important."
Young: "I want to be a good man, someone younger men can look up to, someone I can be proud of, someone who doesn't struggle with the difficult decisions. I'd know what the right thing to do is because I'd be a good person."
Rush: "Ideals are a waste of time. Success is the only thing you should be focusing on."
Your prompt: a quote about justification
No pressure tagging: @frostysfrenzy @adriankyte-writes @bagheerita @etoilesombre @ashirisu + open to anyone else who wants a go!
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edenfire · 3 months
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🌸🌟 you got it, boss! 🌟🌸
since I drew sir pentious, I figured I should draw at least one of his adorable lil henchmen🥰💗💞
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I’m learning Spanish right now so I’ve been thinking a lot about the wacky ways Saeyoung would probably try to help you improve your language skills. In this context, italicized dialogue means it’s being spoken in the target/foreign language! Also the small marked off section is supposed to imply it’s over the messenger. Anyways, this was just a short silly idea I had lolol.
"What'cha working on there?"
came the voice of your boyfriend as he peered over your shoulder to catch a peek at what you seemed so involved in studying at the table.
You chuckled as his fiery curls entered the edge of your vision and you felt him leaning against you. "I've just got to get through this next chapter," you explained, lifting your textbook and turning it so he could read the title. You were taking a foreign language class and it was already so much to remember.
His face lit up at the sight of the title, recognizing the language immediately. "Oh! I know that one! it's pretty easy once you practice it enough."
"Yeah... it's just tough to keep up with the practice I guess..." You groaned, rubbing your face tiredly.
He hummed in thought, absentmindedly resting his hand on your shoulder. "hmm... how about I give you a hand?"
"Uh... well, I guess it would help to drill some stuff with somebody. I'll have a test coming up soon and I'm not sure if I'm ready…" you admitted, assuming he was offering to go through flashcards with you or something.
He gave you a confident grin. "Oh don't worry! You'll be acing your tests in no time after we're done!"
If you had known what he really meant by this, you probably wouldn't have accepted his interference so readily. But it was too late. The gears were already turning and he knew exactly what he was going to do to help you.
You didn't notice the change right away. You got up the next morning and went through your usual routine. It wasn't until you opened the fridge and pulled out a drink that you spotted something so strange you had to do a double take. 
The label was in a different language.
"...What…??" You breathed out, your brain struggling to catch up to what was happening. You pulled out a different bottle from the fridge, eyes widening as you found its label had also changed languages.
After a few minutes of rummaging through the cabinets, you realized just about everything had been relabeled in your target language. Once you reassured yourself that you had not gone crazy in your sleep, you came to the conclusion that only one person could be responsible for pulling off something of this scale.
"Saeyoung!!" You called out.
It wasn't long before the culprit in question came strolling in at your call. "Yesss, my honey?" he greeted you casually, and it took you a moment to register that he was speaking your target language.
"Saeyoung, what in the world is going on??" You huffed.
"Immersion really is one of the best learning tools, Y/N. Trust me, I had to pick up a lot of languages on pretty short notice with the agency," he explained, shrugging.
You frowned, brows furrowing. "I understood next to none of that." You grumbled unhappily, hoping he would get the idea and go back to talking normally.
Instead he just laughed, ruffling your hair teasingly. "You'll get the hang of it!"
Oh you were going to kill him.
— — — —
[Jaehee] "I can't help but notice that Y/N has been speaking strangely in the messenger today."
[Yoosung] "I noticed that too! I wonder if their phone keyboard is broken."
[Y/N] "Help!! Saeyoung change me messenger. Language stuck!! No use good T-T"
[Jaehee] "...I'm sorry, Y/N. I can't understand what you're trying to say. There's something wrong with your copy of the messenger?"
[707] "Don't worry, they're fine lolol. They're just using a special version today."
[Y/N] "fix language set!! >:( no more help;;"
[707] "You're doing great, honey! ^^"
— — — —
You tossed your phone aside with an aggravated groan. Your entire version of the RFA messenger had been switched to your target language, but only on your end. Part of you couldn't help but admire the effort Saeyoung must have put into all of this…but that didn't change the fact that it wasn't exactly the kind of studying you had in mind.
"Aww, is my grumpy little kitty getting tired?" You heard Saeyoung coo from his place beside you on the couch as he wrapped an arm around you.
You just pouted at him, your brain too tired to try decoding all his words.
He chuckled at your expression, leaning in closer. "You did really good today. But of course I already knew my 606 was smart, hehe..." he breathed out softly, finally speaking normally again, much to your relief.
You couldn't stop the bashful smile that spread across your face at his gentle teasing and tender praise.
Your flustered look only spurred him on. He slid closer and leaned towards your ear, slipping effortlessly back into your target language and whispering, "There aren't enough languages in the world to tell you how you make me feel, you know. I love you, agent 606~"
You shivered slightly at the feeling of his breath, recognizing at least one particular phrase in that. Before you could form a coherent response, he brought his lips to yours in a gesture that needed no translation. Maybe his way wasn’t so bad after all if you got rewards like this.
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amber-tortoiseshell · 2 months
Probability calculations
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Here is a general formula for any arbitrary, mutually exclusive traits:
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So in case of tabby patterns:
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Punnet square of a pairing of two complete heterozygotes (Titi Spsp Mcmc):
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(Forgive me for I've counted spotted completely dominant here. I know it isn't this clear in real life, but let's not complicate it even further.)
So for example a litter of three from these parents would have the following pattern distributions with the following probabilities:
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Or you can just calculate the probability of a single specific case. For example the chances of getting a litter of exactly one ticked, one spotted, one mackerel and one blotched from these two different pairings:
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Raguel: done!
Okay so here's Raguel's thing: he h a t e s being wrong about souls. His whole job is judging which souls can go to heaven and which go to hell by looking (there's no other properties he looks at, can't even quantify it other than vibes; whatever they did in life, it affects how their souls look to him), and he h a t e s the thought of those souls suddenly "deciding" that they can change (they absolutely can and should if they want to). For ten thousand years now, he's been in charge of sorting the souls and sending them one way or the other. The fact that they can change post mortem? Absolutely the fuck not. This is why he feels so strongly about Angel, Adam, and Pentious. He hates his judgment being called into question and ultimately being wrong
Then he finds out that Vaggie falls through what he deems a just action. Sparing a child, even if it is a demon? That should be rewarded, not punished. If a heavenborn soul can change after the fact, then maybe he could reevaluate mortal souls that are designed to change throughout life and have now decided to change after death?
They're still human, after all
And after all, two human souls have changed now. Maybe he wasn't wrong at first, but he can certainly look again
I like to think that Raguel is first given the title and domain of "justice." He later earns the title and domain for "redemption" because of his role in helping redeemed souls make the final stretch into heaven (especially contracted souls, but that'll be addressed later)
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leafdrake-haven · 3 months
Posted the first chapter of my Breeze fic on ao3! I may eventually post all of my fics there, it would be nice to have them all in one organized location :3 Maybe I’ll actually get inspired to work on this fic….. chapter 2 is technically started and i have ideas for like several more chapters 😅
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chiropteracupola · 5 months
the last two posts have been brought to you by the fact that a) I just realized that bilingual duetting is now a Theme in my fic-writing and also that b) I went into the basement and hit my head So hard on a ceiling beam.
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gurorori · 4 months
i don't know, people can be trans in whatever way they wish and feel comfortable with, i just wish the people on the lower end of Actually Putting Work and Visible Effort Into It and Actually Experiencing Transphobia/Transmisogyny didn't feel like they automatically get a free pass to claim the same things we go through. if you do not share the experience of the vast majority of trans people, maybe you do not get to talk about it, or reclaim any part of it 😐
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corevoid · 1 year
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Some hands as requested by @cl0wng00re33! Had no idea how to approach this haha hopefully this works well enough lol. (Please keep in mind, I’m no pro. This is just kinda how I go about things 😅)
Also sorry again for my shite handwriting hhddh. Main takeaway is to look at references, find the big shapes in the palm and understand how fingers work, and then I simplify the heck out of it while keeping the big shapes in tact.
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explosionshark · 1 year
THE THING IS for like a year or so I've had an idle fancy to like try my hand at some kind of fuck-or-die/sex pollen fic bc I find the whole concept of 'an external factor facilitates action on a long simmering sexual tension' to be like a juicy concept both from a smut and a character perspective HOWEVER my biggest stumbling block is the fact that while intellectually I know most people clicking through on a fic like this wouldn't actually give a shit about logistics and I could handwave to high heaven my own brain NEEDS a set up that makes some kind of sense to me or I can't even get started. And like pretty much every narrative device to make this trope go is, regrettably, monumentally stupid and thin
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robo-dino-puppy · 1 year
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