#was gonna just buzz it but decided to keep the bangs. gonna grow out my natural hair colour for a while methinks
tomb-mold · 9 months
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icarussometimes · 2 years
alright i’ll bite. what are your (wrong and incorrect <3) batfam hair headcanons
uhhh okso. goddamn this is gonna be long, here is a cut for your health and safety <3
bruces hair has been 100% the same 100% of his life. maybe he had it like a little longer for like a year when he was 20 but that was IT. back to default right afterwards. hes like the settings ur videogame character is on when u open up customization
dick is fortunately a bit more interesting. he had the cute floppy little boy haircut until he was in like his mid teens and then he was like imma grow it out and he did. by the time discowing era rolled around it was LONG long, and he did in fact have a short but traumatic (mainly to bruce, poor man) period with a mullet. post-discowing he figured out what to do with it and settled into a style around shoulder length with lotsa layers so it does that 80s shag surfer rockstar thing. he was later a firm supporter of the covid era shag/wolf cut revival. looks fucking stunning, no doubt he is the supermodel of the fam. chefs kiss
jasons hair is curly (!! i am very particular about this! he has curls) and was pretty short before he met bruce, for easy keeping, and that obviously all the same length sorta look where u can tell it was buzzed at some point. when he’s robin obviously hes got the heart bangs and is just adorable all around. the one thing ur right about is that it gets long when he’s in zombie mode and they shave it in the league. i think in his red hood era he learns to cut his own hair and experiments with lotsa fun stuff like punk hairstyles and shaved sides and at one point a little mini mullet which he somehow pulls off. once or twice he probably bleaches the not-white-streak parts of his hair to try to make it blend in, and goes thru all the weird growing out stages after that. its an all around fun time, and he pulls off way more weird hairstyles than he has any right to tbh
tims hair is very very straight and for most of his childhood and early teen years its in a pretty basic short sides long top sorta cut, low maintenance and fine-looking. he dyes it blue once when hes like 14 and that’s the only time he ever does anything intentional and interesting with his hair, because to him it’s pretty much just a chore. when all the red hood shit starts going down theres a period where he goes full what-is-self-care mode for, like, many months and thus his hair grows out enough for like a tiny scruffy ponytail. its like very badly taken care of tho bc my boy doesnt have TIME to shower, bruce, youre not my REAL dad. once jason and damian both mostly stop trying to murder him on sight, he starts taking care of his hair, but i firmly believe that (for a while at least) he decides not to cut it. YES long haired tim. fight me. i think it’s almost always up, in various buns and braids, and dami and the girls (steph and cass, i mean) really love it which tim finds utterly baffling. but my boy needs to be loved more. cass calls his hair beautiful and he turns into a puddle of goo and doesnt stand up for like 2 days
dami keeps his hair short (not buzzed, but short) while in the league, and when he moves to gotham there’s a period of a couple months where he decides to try to be mini bruce. but bruces hair is kinda hard to recreate and looks a bit silly on him, and also every single one of his family members wont stop MUSSING IT so eventually he gives up and learns to tolerate his normal (if spiky) tweenage hair.
steph is our token blonde but we love her. i think she was one of those girls who decided at like 9 that she wanted to grow her hair out REALLY long, and was like moderately successful at it to the chagrin of most adults in her life (because long hair is SO HIGH MAINTENANCE). not long before her tenure as robin she gets sick of it and chops it to like,,,, idk, armpit length? yeeah. and later in her teens she has a whole cycle (or two) of bangs, she flipflops like weekly on whether she likes the way bangs look on her or not. she usually does them herself, and (everyone but her knows) she rocks them every time
cass i think had longer hair when she was doing the assassin gig, mainly ao it could be tied back, but as soon as she had more agency she went “nope” and chopped it to her normal short bob and has kept it that way ever since.
the one other thing u were right about i think is that duke has had the same hair his entire life, that just sounds correct lmao
anyways thats it, totally open to debating with you but just know that i am correct <3
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Buzz the Tower
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw/Jake “Hangman” Seresin Rating: E Word Count: 2263
Summary: Hangman wants to buzz Bradley's tower. Bradley knows that is not what buzzing the tower means, but they're alive, so he'll let Hangman have this one.
The reception is… Bradley’s never gotten a hero’s welcome quite like that. He flies well—better than well—and he’s been commended on his textbook tactics, his clear and frequent communication with his squadron, his ability to keep a level head. But he’s never risked his life and his aircraft to go back for someone, especially not one of the Navy’s living legends. He’s never been given the chance to prove himself like that.
So he takes the hugs, handshakes, and back-slaps. When he’s hoisted into the air on somebody’s shoulders (he can’t say whose—the energy on the flightdeck is tornadic and he hardly knows which way is up), he’s only humble about it for a few seconds before he’s pumping his arms in the air and screaming his head off. It means everything to him. He almost feels his dad in the crowd.
But he’s not the only one who has to be celebrated and by the time each of the aviators who flew the mission seems to have been acknowledged and praised at least once, the reserve pilots and ground crew are in such a frenzy of chatter and cheers that they don’t even need the Dagger squadron to keep things going. And so it isn’t difficult for Bradley to wind his way out of the swarm with a shouted excuse about stowing his gear and then just not go back. He dumps his stuff and jogs through the base, headed for the locker room.
He bangs the door open harder than he means to and it slams all the way around into the wall.
“Coyote, I swear I’m comin’ back! I just really had to piss!”
Bradley strides to the row of lockers the voice came from and announces, “It’s me.”
His declaration is redundant; Hangman—t-shirt stripped off, flight suit tied around his waist by its sleeves—can already see that it’s him, Bradley knows, because he’s staring right at him. Does he look surprised? Bradley can’t tell. Spending time with Mav again is rubbing off on him; in greeting, he walks up to Hangman and shoves him in the chest. Hangman sits down hard on the bench between the lockers.
“If you’re here to say thank you,” Hangman begins wryly, “first of all, bad start. Second of all, I accept thanks in the form of large cheques, expensive tequila—”
“I’m saying this once,” Bradley warns, hands shaking. His voice isn’t loud, but his tone is enough to cut Hangman off and make him listen. “And if you say no, I walk out and this never happened.”
“Fine. Agreed.” Hangman sits up straight, eyes alert on Bradley’s face.
“I’m either going to suck you off—”
“Or you suck me off while I tell you how incredible what you did was and how incredible you are for doing it.”
Well, that’s something. Looks like he’s stunned Jake Seresin into silence. Bradley takes a deep breath and waits with his hands on his hips. Other people might not consider this a tough decision, but Hangman’s expression looks like the one he had on his face the first time Mav described the mission they just completed—kind of a tell my kids I love them face. Bradley wonders whether Hangman looked this serious before he took off in Dagger Spare.
“Second thing,” he decides.
Bradley doesn’t need to ask if he’s sure—their game is snap decisions.
He unzips and drops his flight suit, yanks his sweat-drenched shirt over his head, and steps up to Hangman. He’s already growing hard and Hangman tugs his underwear down to put his hands on Bradley’s naked hips.
“Here’s to enduring traditions,” Hangman says.
“What do you mean?” Bradley’s more than half distracted as Hangman spreads his thighs and squeezes Bradley’s hips to direct him in closer.
“It’s time to buzz the tower.”
“You and I have very different definitions of that term.”
“I’m correcting yours.” Hangman grins. “And this is the first thing you’re gonna think of the next time you hear those words.”
One of his hands leaves Bradley’s hips to give his cock short, quick jerks as his mouth closes around the head. With the adrenaline, the praise up on the flight deck, the euphoric-bordering-on-horny atmosphere (at one point, he turned his head to see Fanboy and Bob making out like the world’s ending), and, of course, with Hangman being the beautiful, eager sonofabitch he is, Bradley’s fully erect fast.
They’ve shaken hands exactly once, and it was only, like, ten minutes ago. Most of the time, it feels to Bradley as if there’s a thick wall of static between them, sparking when Hangman tests it for weak spots, taunting him or making public critiques that are way too personal. He should be terrified that touching him will destroy both their capacity for being in the same room without beating the shit out of each other and the tension that’s kept them alive. Hangman slides his tongue over Bradley’s cock and Bradley touches him anyway.
He kneads the back of Hangman’s neck, grips his shoulder, breathes through his nose. Tilting his head back, Bradley stares sternly at the ceiling and mentally orders himself not to spurt across Jake’s tongue immediately. He’s already calling him “Jake” in his mind. They’re dropping away like defensive flares, these rules of engagement they’ve unspokenly devised to allow them to survive each other’s presence. Bradley licks his lips and starts talking.
“There was no doubt,” he says. “We were dead. Nose up, pointed at the sun, and it would’ve been so fucked-up to die that way, moving that fast towards the light.”
Hangman’s head dips farther and he sucks Bradley on the way back up, like all the stimulation can say, See? You’re alive. Once again, I’m keeping you here.
“My head was a mess,” Bradley admits, blinking rapidly. “I kept thinking, Missiles—no, missiles are gone. Guns—no, ammo’s out. But Mav told us, didn’t he? You can’t think up there. You can’t even think yourself out of something. The F-14… so many fucking breakers… gotta be three, four hundred…” He adjusts his hand on the nape of Jake’s neck, fingers tensing. “…and it felt like that was the inside of my head. Like I could save us if I could just find the right breaker, pull off some fucking miracle. My dad flew those planes. Why did I never fucking bother to learn those schematics? I felt like a stupid pilot and a bad son.”
At that, Hangman massages the base of his cock firmly with his thumb, making Bradley’s hips kick forward. Yeah, he was starting to spiral for a minute there. He’s good now.
“My point is,” Bradley says, “there was nothing I could’ve done. Mav either, but… but be nice to him if you ever get the urge to rub that in. You’re such a fucking shithead.”
He hangs his head forward and smiles down at Hangman’s irritated expression. Right, maybe he should get to the part he promised—the part where he pays tribute to the asshole whose mouth is full of him. That would be fair. Bradley rests his fingertips against Jake’s forehead and then combs straight back through his hair.
“You felt like a miracle,” he says simply. “It almost wasn’t real until I heard your voice over the comms, saying all that dumb shit. Somebody said you were ordered into the air, but you know what I think happened? I think Hangman launched without permission and, after it worked out, Cyclone took credit. You better be careful they don’t change your nickname because you sure as hell didn’t leave me hanging today.”
Hangman’s fingers tighten around Bradley’s thigh and his eyebrows pull together, the upper half of his face grave and intense while the lower half plunges down on his dick. Bradley’s eyes threaten to roll back in his head at the sensation of gliding across Jake’s tongue and bumping the head of his cock against the back of his throat.
“You wanna hear me say hero?” Bradley asks. “You’re a goddamn hero, Seresin. I’ll never fuckin’ forget it. You must’ve hauled ass to reach us as soon as you did. Perfect timing, zero hesitation.”
Like those words are an instruction rather than a compliment, Jake relaxes his jaw and lets Bradley sink deep. He follows it up with swifter, shallower bobs and Bradley tries to hold back on bucking into them until he realizes Hangman wants him to. His hand moves to Bradley’s ass to pull him forward in encouragement.
“I swear to god, I loved you for a second,” Bradley confesses joyfully, then shakes his head. “Fuck, don’t listen to me, I don’t know what the fuck I’m saying.”
He holds the back of Hangman’s head and fucks blissfully in and out of his mouth. Hangman rubs his hands up and down Bradley’s thighs. Bradley can see how hard he is, the tent in the crotch of his flight suit, but Jake doesn’t draw away to cockily suggest Bradley do something about it. Did it ever stop being a mission to him? Did he come because it was his duty or because he felt compelled to save Bradley? Did he feel, like Bradley does, that they’re two songs playing jarringly over each other, and that the sky would be too quiet if one of those songs stopped?
He's so fucking close when the locker room door thumps open again.
“You in here, Jake? D’you want to— Oh. Oh, shit, I—"
Bradley’s frozen while Coyote stares at them. He can’t see Bradley’s dick from that angle, but it’s not like there’d be a whole lot of explanations for why his flight suit’s pooled at his feet while a shirtless Hangman sits with his face at hip-level. Especially when Hangman—that absolute fucker—withdraws his mouth with so much suction that Bradley nearly falls to his knees. Hangman turns and acknowledges Coyote with an upward jerk of his chin.
“Did you know there are over three hundred breakers in the F-14?” Hangman ask casually. His voice sounds rough and Bradley’s face flushes hot and deep red, fucking mortified. And aroused. And mortified that he’s aroused when Coyote’ll see his cock all lubed up with Jake’s spit if Jake tilts his head to the side.
“Sorry about this, man,” Bradley manages weakly.
Coyote shakes his head and lifts a hand to dismiss the apology. He’s taking backwards steps.
“I will see you guys at the Hard Dick. The Hard Deck. Later.” He laughs loudly to himself as he disappears from Bradley’s line of sight and his footfalls retreat. “Jesus fucking Christ!” he hoots before the door closes.
Bradley puts his hands on his hips and it’s not that imposing when Hangman’s are already there.
“Aren’t the two of you friends?” he demands.
“Don’t feel bad for him. I once caught him fucking someone in my car. I’m not gonna be embarrassed about this.” Hangman glances pointedly from Bradley’s cock to his face. “If he heard you say you’re in love with me though…”
“That’s not what I said.”
“…that you’re head over heels…”
“…and you’ve written ‘Bradley Seresin’ all over your diary…”
“This is why the option where I give you compliments relies on you not being able to talk,” Bradley lectures. “You can’t help yourself, can you?”
“Come on, sweetheart, let’s not fight,” Jake pleads, grinning facetiously.
“You want me to revoke your reward?”
He’s caught off-guard when Hangman propels him backwards by his hips. The locker doors clang as Bradley’s back collides with them and somebody’s combination lock is poking into him, but those things are just background noise because Hangman’s dropped off the bench and onto his knees. He strokes Bradley’s cock back to impossible hardness after the shock of Coyote’s entrance had him wilting, then guides him into his mouth. Bradley pants and sets his hand down on top of Jake’s head with a groan.
Whether Hangman will respond well or poorly to threats is always a question—the certainty is that he will respond. His response to Bradley’s is to wrap his mouth around him, seal his lips tight to the shaft, and then tongue delicately around the head of his cock. Bradley finds himself curling forward around the feeling, but then Jake fucking deepthroats him again and he slams himself back into the lockers for support.
Hangman runs his hands up the front of Bradley’s thighs, then the inside, caressing his hot skin under his thumbs.
“I’m gonna fucking come down your throat,” Bradley gasps out.
Jake pulls off, dragging his lips over the slick head of his dick.
“You better think of something nice to say if you wanna do that,” he teases.
Bradley shakes his head against a locker door.
“That is not how this works,” he says, desperate to just grab Hangman and bring his face forward again.
“I know, but don’t pretend the split-second when you thought I was in charge didn’t turn you on.”
He goes back to blowing Bradley before Bradley can form a sentence—form a thought.
“I’m glad it was you in that plane,” he blurts. He looks down and meets Jake’s eyes earnestly. “I’m so fucking glad it was you.”
And he comes down his throat, just like he said he would. Maybe this is trusting each other. Maybe this is ending a mission together, even if they didn’t start it that way. Maybe—in the dirtiest, nastiest, bare-ass-against-the-lockers, knees-on-the-locker-room-floor interpretation of the tradition—this is buzzing the tower.
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agustdakasuga · 3 years
Between The Bloodshed | Epilogue
Genre: Mafia!AU, Angst, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Doctor!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: Being a freelance doctor, this was just supposed to be any other job, helping a private client and taking care of him through his recovery. But you were not expecting to get caught in something so much darker that would change your life entirely.
At this point, what can be considered normal? 
Warning: This story is fictional and has nothing to do with real life events or the actual members of BTS. It may contain depictions of violence, blood shed/ gore and mentions of abuse. Please read at your own discretion.
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It was a nice late morning. The sun was shining but thankfully, it was blocked out by the dark curtains. It was nice and quiet, only the sounds of your breathing as you slept peacefully. There were no alarm clocks or phone calls-
“Yoongi hyung! You’ve been holding onto her for hours! She needs to come out!” Taehyung was banging on the door. You could hear Jungkook, Jimin, Hoseok and Jin there too. 
“Yeah! She needs to work!” 
That was a lie. After coming back from performing Geumjae’s surgery yesterday, the boys had insisted you take a break since it was a long, gruelling surgery. But then again, the others would do anything to get the pale man to open the door for them. 
“Just keep quiet and they’ll go away soon.” Yoongi grumbled, holding you tighter, totally unaffected by the screams. 
“No, we won’t!” Seems that they heard him. 
“Come on, I have to get up.” You patted his back. He tucked you into the crook on his neck like a mother holding her child. His cheek pressed against the top of your head as he huffed. 
“You don’t have to get up. It’s your day off.” He murmured. You giggled, arm slinging around him in defeat. 
“That’s my girl.” He kissed your head. 
“That’s it! I don’t hear movement! Either get the keys or Jungkook, kick the door down.” You heard more commotion outside. Everyday was a chaotic day in the Bangtan household. 
“Ugh, hang on a sec.” Yoongi got out of bed, ready to give them an earful. But the moment he opened the door, he was mowed down by everyone else as they approached you, who was on the bed. You welcomed them with open arms and they piled on, engulfing you in big hugs and smiles. Yoongi stood there, glaring at you.
“Yah! Get off!” Yoongi shouted. 
“Okay.” They willingly slipped off the bed, which was surprising. Until Jungkook scooped you up into his arms, running out of the room. He cackled evilly while you yelped, arms tightened around his neck in fear. 
“I’m hom- What...” Namjoon stopped in the doorway when he saw what was going on. You have him a pleading look.
“Kook, let her down now.” Namjoon frowned. As much as you liked to play around and have fun with the boys, sometimes, all you would like is a peaceful morning. 
“With all due respect, hyung. If you try to take my baby away from me, I will actually fight you.” Jungkook said. 
“Rich coming from the guy who took her from me. Fight him, Joon.” Yoongi snorted from the top of the stairs. Knowing that the boys will actually fight each other (which you do tell them is dumb), you pinched Jungkook’s pressure point, temporarily immobilising him. 
“Ah!” He yelped as he let go of you. You fell onto the couch, standing up and straightening Yoongi’s your hoodie. With a sigh, you headed over to Namjoon to properly greet him after his early morning meeting. 
“Welcome home.” You grinned. 
“Thank you, my love.” He wrapped an arm around you, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek. 
“You’re bleeding!” Your eyes widened when you saw his knuckles. It looked exactly like Jungkook’s knuckles. Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. Grabbing his wrist, you brought him to the office. 
“Love, I can patch it up. They’re small wounds. You’re supposed to be resting.” Namjoon told you. You shook your head while washing your hands. 
“Small wounds that can get infected, Joon. And I don’t need to rest much more, I knocked out like a light with Yoongi last night.” You chuckled, grabbing your first aid kit. You pulled your stool to sit in front of him and began to clean his wounds. The first thing you did was remove some of the dried blood that crusted on the side. 
“It’s gonna sting.” You said before putting the antiseptic. He winced slightly, his nose scrunching up. 
“You guys never get used to it.” You laughed. Once the wounds were cleaned, you bandaged his knuckles. You placed his hand in yours, inspecting his hand for more injuries. 
“You’re lucky you didn’t break anything again.” You lectured. 
“Because I have a doctor that takes good care of me.” Namjoon grinned. You shook your head, kissing his cheek. 
“Please, I already told you not to overwork them considering they just got better after you broke them. And you always scold the younger ones for not listening to me when you’re no better.” You teased. Namjoon laughed. 
“If I have you to take care of me, I will get injured more.” Namjoon hugged your waist. You flicked his forehead. 
“I dare you, Kim Namjoon.” You frowned. 
“Alright, alright. Namjoon looks good and patched up! Now it’s my turn, I want my morning kiss. Come here.” Jin yanked you away by your waist, dipping you down and showering you in kisses. You burst out laughing, grabbing onto his shirt so you won’t fall back.
“I’m going to get a coffee.” You shuffled away to the kitchen. The maids prepared your usual iced coffee. 
“Thank you.” You yawned and sipped before going back out. You sat on the couch and Jimin sat down, bringing your legs up to drape over his lap. When your phone buzzed, you took it out of your pocket to check. 
“Ah, I have to go check on Geumjae. He just woke up.” You announced. 
“But it’s your day off.” Hoseok said. 
“I know. But it’s the day after his surgery so I have to make sure he’s feeling alright and not having any complications, considering it was a major surgery.” You grunted as you stood up. You quickly finished your drink and went to change. Yoongi would be accompanying you, of course, to visit his brother. The other boys decided to tag along... just to not be left out. 
“You guys go grab a bite. I shouldn’t be too long.” You sent them a kiss as they dropped you off at the staff entrance. 
“We love you.” They said. 
“I love you all too.” You smiled and waved as they drove to the public parking. Slipping on your coat, you went to Geumjae’s private ward. He was awake, sitting up slightly and watching the television that was provided.
“Hey, got here as soon as I heard you were awake. Yoongi should be coming up soon, he’s parking the car.” You greeted. 
“Hey... Thanks again... for everything. Not just the surgery... but for making me realise my mistake. I’m so glad Yoongi and I are close again. It’s really all thanks to you.” He smiled weakly.
“Don’t mention it. How are you feeling?” 
“A little light headed. And sore.” His hand lightly touched his clothed chest where the surgery sutures were underneath. 
“That’s normal, considering the effects of the anaesthesia is wearing off. I’ll still put you on IV painkillers for the next day or two, until the wound starts to heal more and cause less pain. Can I check your wound?” You asked. He nodded and you unbuttoned his shirt to check the sutures. 
“Looks good. I’ll replace the gauze.” You removed the protecting gauze above the sutures and replaced it with a clean one. 
“Good news is we managed to remove the affected tissue. You still have to be on your medications for the next week? We will do a follow up biopsy after just to make sure we have completely eradicated the cancer.” You instructed. 
“Okay. Thank you.” He nodded as you buttoned his shirt up. 
“Hyung.” Yoongi came in. 
“Yoongi.” His brother greeted as you straightened up. You let Yoongi get closer to his brother as you removed your gloves and washed your hands. As they chatted, you checked his charts. 
“Take your time, Yoongs. I’ll go find the others.” You smiled. Yoongi nodded, reaching to peck your temple before sitting down to speak with Geumjae. You gave them privacy, exiting the room. You went to the nurse’s station to update Geumjae’s file. Although the surgery was tiring, you learnt a lot and was glad for the experience. 
“Mr Min in Room 32 should be in IV fluids until he’s no longer nauseated by the anaesthesia. Then move him to soft foods.” You told the nurse, who nodded her head and keyed in the instructions to the patient’s system profile. 
“Thank you!” You smiled and handed the file to her. You went to the vending machine to get a can coffee. 
“Hi, are you a doctor here?” Someone appeared. 
“Kinda?” You chuckled, pressing the button for your cold coffee. You weren’t gonna tell some stranger the long story about you being a private doctor to singular patient here. 
“I’m a new resident. Nice to meet you.” He held his hand out. You gave a small smile, shaking his outstretched hand. 
“You’re Dr (y/l/n)’s daughter right?” He asked and you nodded your head. 
“I look forward to working with you, sunbae. I know you did the recent lung cancer tissue extraction surgery, it was very knowledgeable and I learnt a lot.” He bowed. 
“Thanks... But I don’t actually work here as a mentor so you won’t see me around anymore. The other doctors are just as good, I’m sure of it. Everyone is trained and of professional calibre, you will learn a lot from them as well.” You were starting to get a little awkward by his overly enthusiastic disposition. 
“Baby, there you are.” A voice appeared and you saw your 6 other boyfriends there. They did not look pleased. 
“You took so long so we came to find you. We had to stop Kook from ordering everything on the cafeteria menu.” Jimin laughed. You shook your head at the maknae, who pouted. 
“I’m still a growing boy.” He argued. He wasn’t, actually. 
“Who’s this?” Jin raised an eyebrow. 
“Uh... He’s a new hoobae that works here.” You explained, realising that you hadn’t even learnt about this resident’s name. But it didn’t matter, you probably weren’t going to see him after this anyway. 
“Come, jagi. We should go.” Taehyung grasped your hand, glaring at the now scared boy. You shook your head, knowing exactly what they were doing. Even before you got together, the boys always said you were their partner just to keep other girls away. Vice versa, they branded themselves as your boyfriends to scare other guys away. 
“I-I have to go. Bye.” He bowed and scurried off. 
“You guys are horrible, you know that?” You folded your arms with a shake of your head. Hoseok grinned, leaning to peck your cheek. You reached over to straighten his blazer. 
“Oh, you’re still here.” Yoongi blinked, seeing the group of you there. You nodded your head. 
“Are you hungry? We bought you guys sandwiches.” Namjoon lifted the bags up. Instead of sitting there to eat, you ate in the van as Hoseok drove. 
“Here.” You gave some to Jungkook. 
“But you hardly ate any of it yourself.” He told you. You just shrugged, not really having the appetite to eat anything. Jungkook leaned forward to eat the last bit of the sandwich out of your hand. You would much rather have your coffee instead of the sandwich. 
“Shall we have barbecue tonight?” You asked the boys. 
“It’s been a while.” They nodded their heads. Hoseok detoured and went to the big supermarket. You split into 3 teams, Jin and Yoongi buying the meat, Hoseok and Namjoon drinks and you with the maknaes for everything else. 
“Buy a lot of meat, hyung!” Jungkook shouted to Jin as he placed his hands on your shoulders to push you to the other aisle. 
“Hyung wanted coarse salt for his shrimp. This or this?” Jimin held up both the boxes. You looked at both of them before pointing to one. He happily placed it into the cart. 
“Shall I make japchae?” You asked them. 
“Yes!” Taehyung cheered. You sent a message to Yoongi to pick up some beef for japchae from the counter for you. After that, you picked up some vegetables that would go into japchae. Jimin trailed after you obediently while Taehyung and Jungkook disappeared. Jungkook had reappeared with loads of bags of snacks in his arms. 
“Koo! That’s too much.” You chuckled at your now almost full cart, half filled with bags of chips. 
“But we need more snacks for our movie nights! And besides, Jin hyung and Taehyung hyung keep eating my snacks. This is so they won’t take mine.” Jungkook pouted. 
“Banana milk!” He quickly got distracted by the dairy section and ran off. 
“You know, I can see why people don’t believe our line of jobs sometimes and how Jungkook is supposedly our best fighter.” Jimin scoffed. 
“Well, take his banana milk and you’ll truly see how well he can fight.” You giggled as you placed some carrots and bell peppers into the cart. Taehyung came with 3 different ssamjang containers. 
“Tae, why are you getting so much? We won’t be able to finish them all in one night.” Jimin scolded.  
“But these are brands I haven’t tried before! So I wanna see which is the best. Then I’ll know to buy it next time!” Taehyung argued with his best friend. You shook your head and continued, Taehyung loved ssamjang. There’s no arguing in that. Jungkook came back with banana milk and cheese. 
“You want cheese rice?” You asked. 
“How did you know?!” 
“Koo, even if I’ve only been your girlfriend for a short while, I have lived with you longer. You practically breathe cheese rice.” You scoffed, offended. Jungkook bunny grinned, wrapping his arms around you. 
“Of course, you know me well.” He peppered kissed all over your cheek. When you were done, you went to meet the others. 
“Boys, I may not be specialising in hepatology but that amount of alcohol is definitely not good for you.” You raised an eyebrow at the amount of alcohol that was stacked in Namjoon and Hoseok’s cart. Totally not in a helping way, Taehyung even got a few bottles of his and Seokjin’s favourite plum wine to add in. You laughed. 
“We needed to stock the bar anyway. We promise not to drink so much.” Hoseok winked. 
“Yoongi hyung and Seokjin hyung are ready. They’ll meet us at the cashier.” Namjoon informed. You nodded your head and you all went to pay. 
“A big party?” He joked as he scanned. 
“You could say that.” You smiled, waiting to pay with the card that the boys had given you for ‘house’ items like their groceries and meals. But honestly, they just wanted an excuse to give you a card to spend on yourself. 
“You’re pretty.” He complimented. 
“Oh... Thanks.” You blushed. A sudden clear of the throat made you jump slightly. You turned to see Namjoon and Yoongi with stern looks on their faces. 
“Are you done yet, baby girl?” Yoongi emphasised on the pet name, which he never really uses at all. You blinked, still in slight shock. The cashier looked terrified suddenly, quickening his pace to finish scanning all your items. Namjoon wrapped an arm around your waist. 
“Love, later let the others load the van alright? Wouldn’t want you hurting yourself.” Namjoon smiled sweetly at you. 
“Uh, payment please?” He squeaked. Before you could hand the card over, Yoongi plucked it out of your hand and handed it for him to swipe. He gave it back with two hands and a deep bow. 
“Let’s go.” Yoongi held your hand and led you away. The boys loaded the car and you were ready to head home. Suddenly, their phones all rang at the same time. Namjoon took his phone out to check the notification. It was quiet for a while. 
“Everything okay?” You blinked. 
“Yeah... But looks like we’ll have to return to work for a while.” Namjoon sighed. You nodded your head. 
“We’ll drop you home. It’ll be safer.” Jin told you. Again, you nodded. You knew how these business meetings could go from bad to worse in only a couple of seconds. Hoseok pulled up to the house and you jumped out. 
“Stay safe, boys.” You told the 7. They sent you in with hugs and kisses, waiting for you to disappear into the house with the maids before Taehyung pulled the butler closer to whisper something into his ear. The butler nodded his head, bowing deeply. He closed the door for the van, standing on the porch until the van disappeared. 
“Agashi, I was told that there will be barbecue tonight? Shall I prepare the ingredients?” The butler smiled as the other staff brought the groceries in. 
“I wanna help cook! Let me change first.” You smiled and went upstairs to the room. You changed out of your hospital clothes and into more comfortable clothes, aka Jimin’s lounge pants and Hoseok’s hoodie. 
“Thanks for bringing this all in guys!” You said to them as you saw them clearing all the bags of shopping and keeping everything in its place. You really bought a lot. 
“What do you want to make?” The maid asked. 
“Taehyung likes marinated kimchi. And Jungkook was saying he wanted cheese rice to go with the meat. I also bought japchae ingredients.” You said. 
“You guys can take a break. Don’t worry, I would like to think I’m better in the kitchen than Namjoon is.” You joked and they all laughed, loving your attitude. The mansion’s staff loved working with you. 
“We’ll help where we can.” The cook took the ingredients out for you, laying them out neatly. You started with the marinated kimchi, which was frying kimchi with garlic, spam and minced meat. While the rest of the staff attended to the things in the mansion, the cook stayed by your side in case you needed help. 
“I think a bigger dice is okay.” He demonstrated. 
“You can put it here to cool. Then I’ll close the container later.” He gave you the plastic container. You scraped the contents from the pan to the container. 
“Are there some side dishes that go well with the barbecue? That the boys will like.” You asked him. He went to the fridge to look through what was inside to make side dishes. 
“We have a few hours so we can do some pickled radish, spicy cucumbers, the fried anchovies that master Seokjin likes?” He suggested. 
“Sounds exciting!” You clapped your hands. 
The next few hours were spent cooking and preparing various meals to go with the barbecue for the night. You learnt a lot from the cook and your energy was mostly fuelled with iced coffee (of course). You were just happy to prepare so much food for your boys now that you knew what their tastes were like. There was even time to make grapefruit syrup for Taehyung’s sodas. 
“I’ll help prep the shrimp too.” You rolled your sleeves up to prepare for Yoongi’s salt baked shrimp on the grill.
“Ah, agashi. Let me. Your hands may smell. After all, you’ve been cooking the whole day, why don’t you take a break? I insist.” The cook shook his head. 
“Oh, alright. I’m only giving in because I need to make Koo’s cheese rice later.” You giggled. The cook nodded and you grabbed a snack before leaving the kitchen. You helped the staff set up the barbecue outside. 
“Let me help.” You arranged the chairs. 
“It’s okay, agashi. Please rest.” The maids shook their heads. Going to retrieve Kookie, you sat under the gazebo with a book. 
“Kookie ah. Don’t do that.” You stroked his head as he began to nibble the corner of your book again. Looks like even without the boys here, you still wouldn’t be able to read in peace. 
“Where are they?” You checked your phone, there were no calls or messages from any of the boys. As the sun set, you were seated in your designated seat, which was in between Jungkook and Hoseok. You checked your phone to see the time, it was getting late. 
You perked up when you heard the door to the backyard open and footsteps. However, when you turned your head, the smile dropped from your face. 
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Series Masterlist
[If you are reading this, thank you for making it to the end. For now. I’ll see you in the sequel ‘Everything Between Us’]
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skzvibes · 3 years
It's not like you're in love
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pairing: bang chan x reader
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: intense make out, mentions of nudity, mentions of sex (not explicit smut tho)
word count: 4,6K
a/n: sorry if you find mistakes or typos, English is not my first language so this won't be perfect <3
You met him because you started working on JYP as a staff.
You were almost always working with Stray Kids, so you got close to them and, after a few weeks, you were already friends.
But with Chan was different than with the rest of the members
You have always looked at each other in a different way
And even if you said that you were just best friends, even the members knew that you were just avoiding your feelings
"Are you still here? I need you in my studio." That was the text Chan had just sent you. Yes, you were still in the JYP building where you worked, and even if you were about to leave to go home, you immediately headed to his studio. You adored those moments when you two were alone because he wanted your opinion about his new song or maybe just some company while he was working. You had a special friendship with him even if you had not known each other for that long, and you did not expect that at all when you started working in JYP as a staff member.
When you got there, you knocked at the door, and you heard him saying that it was open. You smiled right when you entered the room. It was kind of cold and dark. The only light was from the computer screen, which let you see his silhouette. You got closer to him and sat in the chair next to his, knowing that he was probably finishing something and he would look at you in a few seconds. And that is what happened. He typed something, and then he took off his headphones to look at you. He smiled and hugged you quickly before handing you the headphones.
"Thank you for coming. Did I stop you from going home?" He asked, looking worried.
"Yes, but you know I don't mind," you smiled and put on the headphones. Chan smiled and played the track he wanted you to listen to. You had the same conversation every day he asked you to go to his studio, but he still felt guilty.
Chan observed you while you listened to the song. The first time he asked for your opinion, you were so serious while listening to the song that he thought you didn't like it, but now he knows that it's just because you want to listen to it carefully so you can say something more than "I like it", and, to him, it's the cutest thing ever.
When it finished, you took off the headphones and stayed quiet for a few seconds before talking.
"I think it's good, but... Don't be mad, but it sounds kinda similar to the last one." You said, and looked up to him, hoping that he wasn't angry at you. You knew he wanted your sincere opinion, but sometimes it scared you that he could get angry or hurt. But he sighed and nodded, resting his back on the chair backrest.
"That's what I thought," he said, staring at his computer. You felt bad for not being able to help him out.
"Maybe you could ask Jisung or Changbin for help. They're way better than me at producing songs, and I'm sure they can give you a better opinion." He looked at you as you continued. "Honestly, I don't know why you ask for my opinion." You laughed, making him laugh too.
"I don't know, it helps to have different points of view, you know?" He said, and you thought that was all but he continued. "And I like spending time with you, so it's kind of an excuse." He added smiling and observed how your cheeks turned pink.
"Me too." You said softly, and after that, you both stayed quiet, the only sound in the room was the buzzing of his laptop, and your eyes locked.
And then he leaned in, slowly. As he got closer, you could smell his cologne, and your heart started to beat faster, not knowing what his next move would be. And when all you could see was him, you stopped feeling your body, you couldn't hear the buzzing of the laptop, and the room didn't feel cold anymore, but warm.
And he kissed you.
His plump lips brushed yours softly and carefully, making you close your eyes. He tasted like mint. At first, your noses touched but then he tilted his head so he would be able to kiss you more confortably. But as he did that, he noticed what he was doing and stopped the kiss. You opened your eyes and took a deep breath. Your eyes connected.
"I'm sorry, are you sure you-" He started, and you answered by kissing him more. You placed your hands on his shoulders and made him rest his back on the chair again, at the same time that you stood up to sit on his lap. You started running your fingers through his hair, and he held the back of your neck to keep you close with one hand while he placed the other one on your thigh.
Your heart was about to explode, and you felt dizzy as you tried to process what was happening. But you just couldn't. All you could feel and think about was him. At one certain moment, his lips were around your bottom lip, and he bit it, taking you by surprise and making you let out a little moan. Then, you two needed to breathe, so you pulled away.
"We can stop if you-" He started again, and you rolled your eyes, placing your hand against his mouth.
"Can you please stop acting as if I don't want this as much as you do?" You whispered, and you felt his smile grow against your hand. Then you placed it in his shoulder again and leaned closer to him. "Because I do." His pupils dilated, and he connected your lips. His hands started rubbing your back and went further down to the end of your t-shirt.
"Take it off." You mumbled softly against his lips, knowing that it would lead to much more that night.
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Two weeks later...
"Chan, we should get dressed." You whispered against his chest. It's not that you wanted to do it, but you were in his studio and it wasn't exactly private.
"Five minutes more, I promise." He said, and he kept drawing figures with his fingers in your naked back. You nodded and closed your eyes. You've never felt so relaxed and at peace in your whole life.
It had been two weeks since you and Chan started... whatever it was. And it was great, but you hadn't even talked about it, and you didn't know how to bring it up. Because you appreciated him so much and you didn't know how to tell him that you had fallen in love with him without ruining your friendship. Maybe, if you had noticed that you were in love with him earlier, you wouldn't have started this "friends with benefits" thing. But now you just couldn't help it. You liked him so much that you didn't want to lose what you had.
After a few minutes, you got up from his lap, making him groan.
"It's been like two minutes, not five." He whined. You let out a little laugh and hurried in getting dressed because it was cold without him hugging you.
"Chan, someone could show up here at any moment, and I don't want any of the boys to find out about us like that." He sighed but, knowing that you were right, he stood up too and started putting his clothes on. "Are you going to the dorms now?" You asked him.
"No, I think I'm gonna stay for a while. I got a bit distracted by you the last hour." He joked.
"And you dare to say that it's my fault. I will not come the next day you text me." You teased him. He smirked and got closer to hug you.
"We'll see." You locked eyes for a few seconds. You wanted to say it. I love you.
But you didn't.
"Goodnight, don't leave too late. You need to sleep too, superhero." You kissed his cheek and turned around to leave, but he held your wrist.
"What kind of goodnight kiss is that?" You laughed and pecked his lips. When you pulled away, he smiled at you. "That's better."
"You're unbelievable." You walked towards the door. "Goodnight, Chan."
"Night Y/n" he answered, and you closed the door.
When you got home, you took your clothes off and put on your pajamas. After that, you went to the bathroom to remove your makeup, and you saw yourself in the mirror. You were smiling widely, and you hadn't even noticed it. Of course, it was because of Chan. The last two weeks had probably been the best weeks of your life. And you wanted more of that. You wanted to know if he felt the same way you did when you were together. That's why you decided to talk with Chan the next day.
"Come on, you can do it." You encouraged yourself. You had been in front of the practice room's door for about ten minutes. You could hear them practicing inside. It's not that hard, just open it.
And you did it, making everyone in the room look at you. Chan smiled instantly, and the others were surprised but happy to see you too.
"Hey Y/n, what are you doing here?" Jisung asked you, and he got closer to you to hug you. Jisung was one of your best friends, even though you haven't been able to spend a lot of time together lately.
"Hi, everyone. I wanted to talk with you, Chan. If you can." You said, looking at him. He nodded and indicated the rest to practice the choreography while he talked to you. You walked to a corner where they wouldn't hear you, and he looked at you, waiting for you to talk.
This wasn't a good idea.
"Well, umm..." You looked down and started playing with your fingers as you got more nervous every second. "You know we've been... spending time together..." He chuckled at your way to call it but he let you continue. You took a deep breath and looked at him in the eyes. "What are we, Chan?" You asked, and his smile faded away as soon as you did it.
No, this definitely wasn't a good idea.
"Why are you asking me that?" He asked, frowning. He looked so confused, and you didn't know how to explain it. You started looking around, avoiding looking at him, wishing you never started that conversation.
"I... I just thought... I don't know, we're not friends but- " You tried to speak, but he interrupted you.
"We aren't?" he asked, and you panicked since he misunderstood you.
"That's not what I meant. I mean... We are friends, but we aren't just friends?" You tried to explain, but you didn't even know what you were saying.
"I swear I don't understand what-" He started, and you decided to go straight to the point.
"God, I like you, ok?" You let out, and his eyes widened. "I like you. And not just as a friend." You finished, and he sighed. He looked at the boys making sure they weren't listening, and then he looked at you again.
"Y/n, I don't know if you misunderstood but... I do like spending time with you but that's it..." You felt how your eyes watered, but you held back your tears. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you... God." He stopped talking and massaged his temples. "What I mean is... We aren't dating" And you hoped that was all he had to say so you could leave, but it wasn't. "And we won't. We can't have another type of relationship." He added, and you felt as if someone had just stabbed you in your heart. You waited a few seconds to answer because you were afraid that your voice would crack.
"No, I understand. It's fine." You finally said, but when he tried to reach out to you and hold your arm, you took a step back. He looked worried. "Umm... I have to leave now." You said, walking backward. You just wanted to get out of there.
"Y/n..." He tried to stop you from leaving but at that point, the boys were looking at you, confused.
"No, really, you never said you..." You stopped there, you couldn't talk with the boys listening, but you knew he had understood you. "It's okay. We're still friends." He nodded slowly, but he wasn't sure that you meant it.
"Then... We're fine?" he asked you again before you left.
"Yes, sure." You reassured him, and then you walked out of the room as fast as you could, leaving the boys, especially Chan, so confused. He tried to continue practicing, but he just couldn't stop thinking about your watery eyes. He couldn't take your sad expression out of his head. He tried to explain it to you without hurting you. But you said everything was fine, right? Maybe you just needed some time to think. Everything will be the same tomorrow. He said to himself.
Too bad he was wrong.
The next day he didn't see you for the whole day, and since he didn't want you to feel pressured, he didn't text you when he used to do it. But the same happened two days later. The third one he tried to text you, but you left him on read. The fourth one, you replied to his message saying that you had some stuff to do and you couldn't meet him. He started to feel worried. And he missed you a lot. Not only having sex with you but everything. Chan missed spending the evenings with you in his studio, listening to his new songs or recommending music to each other, or talking about weird and deep stuff he couldn't talk about with anyone else.
After one week, he thought that was enough. If you said everything was fine, why were you ignoring him? So he got out of his studio, where he usually spent the whole day, and started walking around. Of course, he had a million things to do, but he couldn't help it anymore. He needed to see you and ask you what was happening.
After about ten minutes of walking around, he spotted you talking with another staff member. As he got closer, he could see the bags under your eyes, as if you hadn't been sleeping well. What had happened to you?
You noticed him when he was a few meters away from you. You knew you would have to face him at some point, but you weren't ready yet. He said that you couldn't have another type of relationship, so what was the point? You couldn't act as if nothing was happening and keep meeting him in his studio. Because if you were already hurt, who knows how would you feel after a month. Or three. Or a year. You couldn't deal with that, and you needed to tell him, but you didn't know how yet. That's why you had been avoiding him. But you should have known he wouldn't let you do it for so long.
"Y/n, can we talk real quick?" Chan said, and Lena, the staff member you were talking with, left thinking that Chan needed something related to work. Shit, don't leave me alone. You thought, but of course, your friend couldn't have an idea of what was happening. When she left, you nodded slightly, and you two walked into one of those "focus rooms" that everyone could use. They were soundproof, so Chan knew you could talk freely in there. He let you in first and, when he was inside too, he closed the door. Then, he turned around to look at you.
"Do you need anything?" you asked, trying to act as if nothing happened. Chan sighed, knowing what you were doing.
"Yes, I need you to buy me an americano, and I think Jisung wanted cheesecake." He said sarcastically, crossing his arms. You tilted your head and sighed.
"Fine, what do you want?" You asked. You tried to act rough, but if he had held your hand, he would have noticed you were trembling.
“What do I- Did I miss something?” He asked, slightly annoyed. He couldn’t understand your behavior. “You’ve been ignoring me for a whole week, I thought you said we were fine,” Chan observed you, trying to figure out what was happening.
“It’s not that I’m ignoring you…” You started, and he raised an eyebrow. “I needed to think, I thought you would understand that I can’t just act as if nothing happened.” You replied. Chan shook his head.
“Then you shouldn’t have said we were fine. You should have talked to me.” He complained and raised his voice without noticing it, but you did. That annoyed you. Why was he mad?
“Sure, after you told me we can’t have another type of relationship. What a great moment to talk with you, Chan.” You said, loudly. You didn’t know at what point that conversation turned into an argument, but you wanted to end it. “Chan, you only want sex. I don’t want to have that type of relationship with you anymore, and, as you said, we can’t have another one. So I don’t think there’s anything to talk about anyway.” You said and shrugged. Chan looked at you as if you were saying nonsense.
Well, for him, it was. He only wanted sex? Absolutely no. Could he be only your friend after everything that happened between you two? Also no. Could he date you? No, it was forbidden. Did he want to? He didn’t know.
“I’m trying to be professional. I work here. I’m a staff member and you’re an artist. That’s it.” You finished the conversation and tried to open the door, but he stopped you by holding your arm.
“That’s it? What about everything that has happened between us?” Chan asked. He couldn’t believe you wanted to go back to the time you weren’t even friends.
“I don’t know, Chan. Find another girl. You’ll forget me soon. It’s not like you’re in love, right?” You smiled slightly, and he looked down without saying anything. Why couldn’t you understand he couldn’t love you? He would risk every single thing he has been fighting for during all his life. He just didn’t know what to say, so he stayed quiet.
And you interpreted it as a no.
“That’s what I thought.” You said, lastly. You moved your arm, and he let it go. He observed how you got out of the room and walked away without looking back.
Of course, he didn’t know it was because you didn’t want him to see you cry.
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One week later
"C'mon Y/n..." Jisung complained. He wanted you to hang out with the boys at the dorms, but you didn't want to. Because of obvious reasons. "I know Chan and you aren't on good terms. I don't know what happened between you two..." If you knew... You thought. "... but we're still friends. I don't want to lose you because of this. And maybe you can talk with him too, I know he doesn't want to lose you either. You two are like soulmates." He said, and you sighed. You knew he wouldn't leave you alone until you agreed. But you weren't ready yet. And, talking with him? He said what he wanted, and you didn't want to do it, so that was it. You didn't need to talk.
Jisung noticed that you didn't want to talk with Chan by your facial expressions.
"And if you don't want to, it's not a problem. Lately, he's been in his room the whole day if he's not in the studio. I don't think he goes out." You were still doubtful. But you missed the boys a lot.
"Fine, I'll go." You said, and he clapped, showing you his heart-shaped smile, and hugged you.
"Cool, see you tonight." You nodded, and he walked away since he had practice with the boys.
After all, he was right. You couldn't just stop talking and hanging out with them because of what happened between you and Chan. That's why, that night, you were at the dorms when they told you. Hyunjin opened the door and smiled at you.
"Hi, Y/n! I'm so happy you decided to come." He hugged you quickly and let you in.
"Well, Jisung said there would be pizza." He laughed and, after closing the door, he led you to the living room.
"Y/n! Changbin-hyung wanted to start eating without you." Jeongin said, pointing at him. You laughed when Changbin raised his arms, trying to look innocent. You were so happy to see them that you almost forgot that Chan was just a few meters away, in his room.
Even if he had his headphones, he heard your laugh. Of course, the boys warned him that you were coming over, and even asked him to have dinner with them, but he excused himself, saying that he had a lot of work to do. He wasn't hungry anyway. He never was since you two stopped every type of contact. He did have work to do, but he couldn't do it anyway. He hadn't composed anything in that week either, and it was driving him crazy. One of the main reasons why he wasn't dating you was that he didn't want to get distracted from his work, but his world seemed to be upsidedown since you distracted him, even more, when you weren't with him.
In the living room, you all were having an interesting conversation about if birds had ears or not (Felix's thoughts sometimes amused you) when Seungmin talked.
"Should we bring Chan-hyung some food? He must be starving." He said. Minho nodded.
"I haven't seen him eat today," Minho added, and your eyes widened.
"For the whole day?" You asked, worried.
"It's not that weird. When he has a good idea, he stays in his room or the studio for days. We always bring him food, but he's been rejecting it lately. I don't know how he isn't hungry." Minho explained, and you looked at Jisung.
"You didn't tell me that." You said. It didn't seem that serious when he told you.
"I didn't? Sorry, I thought I did, But yes, he's been acting weird lately." He stated. Then, all of them started to talk about another topic, but you remained thinking. You weren't sure if he was like that because, as they said, he was working on something good... Or because of you. You didn't want to think like that, but you couldn't help feeling guilty, even if you didn't know if it was your fault.
That's why, a few minutes later, you took a plate and put in it one slice of pizza. Then you stood up, and everyone looked at you.
"Where are you going?" Jisung asked, even if he knew what you were about to do. Of course, he would have brought food to his hyung, but he hoped that you would do it. He wanted you two to talk.
"I'm gonna bring Chan some food... It's worrying me that he hasn't eaten today." You said and walked away toward his bedroom.
When you got there, you opened the door and saw him with his headphones on, the room completely dark except for the computer. Of course, it reminded you of the evenings you spent in his studio.
Since he hadn't noticed you, you walked toward him and tapped him on his shoulder. He turned around expecting to see one of the boys, but he almost choked when he saw you there. He immediately took off his headphones, but he couldn't say anything. He just observed you, there, in his room.
"Umm... The boys told me you haven't been eating well so... I brought you dinner." You said, placing the plate on his desk. You waited for a few seconds, but he didn't say anything, and it was getting awkward, so you decided to go back to the living room.
It's not that he hadn't anything to say. He had so much to say that he couldn't even verbalize it. He was shocked to see you there, after one week of not having any contact. He couldn't help to stare at you and ask himself what he had done. You were probably one of the best things that ever happened to him and he didn't want to lose you.
And when he realized that, you were already about to open the door of his room to leave.
"Y/n" He called you, making you stop and turn around to look at him. Again, he didn't know what to say. He just didn't want you to leave again.
He stood up and took a few steps until he was right in front of you. He cupped your face with his hands and placed his lips on yours. It was so sudden, but as soon as you felt him kissing you, you kissed him back. At that moment, you felt like your senses were waking up. You didn't smell his habitual cologne, but you did notice the vanilla from his shampoo. And he tasted like mint again. His thumb started caressing your cheek, sending shivers down your spine. And after a few seconds, you felt your cheeks wet. He was crying. You stopped the kiss and opened your eyes to look at him. He opened his eyes too when you placed your hands on his cheeks to wipe away the tears.
"I'm sorry," he sobbed. "I shouldn't have kissed you. I'm sorry." You ignored what he was saying since you were more worried about why he was crying.
"Are you okay, Chan?" You asked him. And he sighed before letting it all out.
"No." He confessed. "I can't sleep. I'm never hungry. I can't write lyrics. I can't compose anything good. Everything I do is think about you even more than before, and it's driving me crazy. I don't know what to do, Y/n." And he locked eyes with you, almost begging you for a solution.
"Chan... Do you love me?" You asked, risking it all. But afraid of being hurt again.
"I told you, I can't..." He started looking around, avoiding your eyes. You interrupted him.
"That's not what I asked." You said, and he stayed quiet. You decided to risk it all one more time. The last time. "I love you, Chan." You confessed, and he broke down in tears and pulled you into a hug, buried his face in your neck. "I love you too." He muttered against your neck. Then you held his face and wiped his tears again. You knew that the tears were just the proof of how much stress he had been going through.
"Then everything is fine. We can go slow and see what happens. I dont need you to take care of me or give me attention all the time, Chan. I know that music is your passion and that you need time for that. I'm okay with it. I understand it."
He just nodded and placed the softest kiss on your lips. "Thank you for not giving up on me."
Then, you told him to lie down on his bed. You knew how tired he was because of not sleeping. You took off his shoes and yours as well and lay down next to him. He hugged you and kissed your forehead. "God, I missed you so much." He muttered against your hair.
"I missed you too," you replied, and you two fell asleep, feeling safe and happy, knowing that the other would be there in the morning.
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binniesthighs · 4 years
call me babydoll | reader x chan
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a/n: chapter threeeee here it is!!! hehe thank you all for being patient for this update and thank you as always for giving this fic your love!! i start out the first part of this chapter in 3rd person which is a lil different, but i wanted to try it out! hehe i love hearing what ya thought of the chapter too! 😊
Pairing: self insert, female reader x bang chan 
Genre: action, mystery and suspense, fluff, smut, angst 
Tags: (of this part) bodyguard au, secret agent au, royal au, moderndayprince!chan, secretagent!reader, secretagent!jeongin, secretagent!jisung, collegestudent!seungmin, skz side characters, 3rd person for the first section, adventure and mystery, action and peril, plot driven, running out of time, slow-ish burn, growing feelings, sexual tension, explicit language, mentions of food, brief talk of gaining weight while travelling, there’s a few spoilers hidden in this one...can ya find them? ;) 
CWs: blood and other wounds, shooting at a convenience store, thoughts about death and dying when in peril 
Word count: 5.6k 
Two years of pocket change and Seungmin had finally saved up enough money to afford to study abroad. It had nearly taken him life and limb, and he might’ve suffered (1) concussion from a bowl of soup being thrown at his head, but, he had done it. 
With grease stains on his sneakers Seungmin traversed the long and stretching corridor of the airport terminal with his backpack strapped onto him tightly. The air smelled different here. It was fresher than he was used to--coming from a large city center--everything here felt more pristine. Outside of the tall glass windows, airplanes lifted off into the sky like massive metal giants. He couldn’t remember properly, but the last time that he must’ve been on a plane, it likely had been when his mother...
Seungmin shook the dusty and cobwebbed ideas out from his head. 
No more sad thoughts. 
I’m gonna like it here. He thought to himself, then clipped the little buckle to his backpack straps over his chest with a determined huff. 
I’m really going to like it here. 
With his phone in hand, he tried his best to decipher what the signs said above him. Mostly, they looked like a jumbled mess of symbols, but luckily he had spent some time trying to learn the language between shifts and sneaking peeks at his little dictionary under the diner counter. The whole terminal buzzed with a lovely kind of energy, and he was thrilled to get to know it better. The first wonderful thing about travelling abroad was that no one knew who he was, and he could be whoever he wanted. In this new land, no one knew him or anything about the dingy little apartment that he had lived in. No one knew about his less than honorable roommates or the debt that he had put himself under to go to college in the first place. 
I could be a prince for all they know. 
Seungmin liked that idea a lot. 
His stomach grumbled as he passed by food stands, however he hadn’t had the chance yet to change his currency, so he knew that he would have to wait just a minute longer. Seungmin had been assigned a host family by his college, and he hoped like crazy that they would be the kind to cook for him. Seungmin had heard somewhere that kids who go on study abroad gain a ton of weight at first...but he didn’t mind. Where else would he get the chance? 
There had been a host father that had sent him an email a couple weeks ago--that he promptly had to run through Google Translate--who told him that he would meet him outside the main luggage claim area after his flight landed. Seungmin had tried to look up and see if his host family were on social media, but he could find no such profile of theirs. He decided it probably was better that it was a surprise. 
Seungmin lugged his two large suitcases out to the summer air of the new and strange land, and it finally hit him. Standing on the solid ground of another land thousands of miles away from his home, it was really all happening. 
The landscape outside was like that of a movie scene: rolling hills and jagged mountains capped with snow, adorable little homes built into the countryside and tiny cars with horizonal license plates. The sun was warm in the cerulean sky that puffed with perfectly white clouds. On the air, the scent of flowers wafted, and he was certain that there was a lake nearby too--he had researched it. There were old men in their caps with a crook in their back, and ladies with long floral skirts and dresses with Mary Janes. Each of them had smile lines on their faces and under their eyes as if they had all lived lives well lived. There were pretty girls too with slender legs and delicate arms swaddled in light scarves. 
Seungmin wouldn’t have minded getting a girlfriend on this trip. While he kept the fact to himself, Seungmin had never really done anything with a girl before outside of some awkwardly handsy kissing in middle school. Maybe this time around, he would finally get his chance: he had read somewhere that girls often like foreigners. 
“Seung Min! Seung Min?” A man’s voice called. 
The young college student whipped his head around in the direction of the sound, finally finding a middle aged man with salt-and-pepper hair with whiskers of the same color. He had red cheeks and a large nose, and looked a bit like a character from a comic. Seungmin waved back, greeting his new father. When they met, the older man threw him into a large hug with a chuckle. He smelled a bit like Tabaco and old leather. He had a couple missing teeth, but that didn’t lessen his bright smile. 
“English?” Seungmin’s host father asked. 
“Yeah! I can speak English.” He returned with a welcoming grin. 
“I thought it would be good for us to speak English since I don’t know your tongue and you don’t know mine...meet in the middle?” 
“Thank you for coming to get me!” He said, handing the man his suitcases which were just a bit too big for the tiny trunk of the car that looked as if it had come from the 80′s. In the end, they decided to put his bags in the backseat. 
The man beamed with smiling eyes. “Of course...son!” 
Seungmin gave him a little bow, “Heh, thank you.”
“Get in the car! You must be hungry right? Long flight?”
“Oh yes, it was really long.” 
“You will eat well here! Mother knows how to feed well. She will put meat on your bones. She did with me!” He guffawed out with hearty laughter, and Seungmin already knew that he would really like this man. 
“We have a room ready for you back at home, and I will show you tomorrow how to use the buses. Okay?” 
Seungmin nodded with a bit of rose to his cheeks. He found his hand wandering down to his arm which he pinched at lightly--cliché as it was. His host father coughed and the engine sputtered, then they took off away from the sounds of jet engines to the countryside which was scattered with churches with protruding steeples and all kinds of homes with red-orange roofs and perfectly symmetrical windows. Seungmin couldn’t help but keep his eyes glued to the window as they drove on to take in the whole scene. Never had he seen a place so beautiful or magical looking. They drove on past a crystal clear lake that stretched on and on to the base of a mountain appearing to claw at the heavens, and adorned in emerald green pines and other deciduous trees. If it was even possible, he had never seen greener grass in all his life. 
“Beautiful, eh?” His host father said while tuning the radio. 
“It’s amazing.” The young student said in his amazement. “Oh, do you know if there is somewhere I can change my money? I don’t have any of your money yet.” 
“Ah!” The older man said with a wink. “I know of a place. I can take you there first.” 
The radio hummed with a static fuzz as Seungmin’s host father messed with it, skipping over the channels, blurring the music and the talk radio all together. 
Seungmin tried out the best he could to make out the words he knew, but even then he didn’t focus too hard, not when he had all this to take in. 
Mad....crime....joke...violence in the South...drugs...unknown...information...hiding...red... 
“Ah!” His host father called out after changing the channel once more, “I love this song!” He held his chest with an affectionate grasp. “The song of my homeland!” 
Seungmin whipped his attention back, trying to listen to the song that sounded anthem-like, and was sung by what sounded like several men harmonizing. Seungmin tried to focus on the melody--it was nothing like he head heard before. It sounded very...honorable. 
The small car whipped up to what looked to be a gas station on the edge of the town with one single pump and a little convenience store attached to it. In the window he read the yellow and black sign saying Currency Exchange. 
“This is what you need?” 
Seungmin nodded in his thanks then stretched his legs out once he exited, slinging his bag over his shoulder. “Are you coming too?” 
The older man shook his head and took out a pack of cigarettes. “I’ll gas the car, you go in.” 
The young man gave his host father one more nod, then set fourth inhaling the immaculate summer air into his lungs. It was as if the very oxygen there held the vitality of life; he almost felt bad wasting it on himself. 
The door swung open with the tiny tinkling of bells and he entered to the smell of cured meats hanging on hooks along side the dry scent of the refrigerators holding their display of soft drinks with labels that he had never seen before. He chuckled a little seeing the giant slab of meat with twine hanging from the ceiling as such. 
“Free sample?” The attendant said while he picked his teeth with a toothpick. “Foreigner?” He added after looking Seungmin up and down. 
“Yes, and no thank you. But, can I exchange my currency here?” 
The unamused man nodded in the direction of the little kiosk in the corner of the shop. He went back to reading his tabloid where he slumped in a stool surrounded by an assortment of candy and cookies. 
Seungmin picked his mother tongue first on the little screen, robotic and green, thankful to see Korean for the first time in this new place. He navigated to the options screen. Behind him, the little bells tinkled to the shop door again, followed by the sound of the attendant scrambling out of his stool, metal legs scraping the floor. 
The student turned his head around in the commotion, taking in four very strange looking customers. Firstly, they were all covered in blood in one way or another, and each of them wore clothes--pajamas from the looks of it--which were shredded, torn, and blackened by something that might’ve been soot. Three men and one woman, and they all had a bit of a crazed look to their eyes. Clearly, none of them cared that they had walked into the store looking as such. 
Seungmin pressed his body to the corner of the shop, as if this could make him invisible. The attendant cowered behind the counter with a series of scared sounding whimpers. 
“Wh-what do you want?” He asked in his native tongue with quaking breaths. 
One of the men in the group wearing a flannel with chocolate brown hair threw open one of the fridges, took out a water bottle, cracked it open, then greedily slugged the liquid down his throat. 
“Pay the man, Fox.” He said to a man with pure white hair and shattered glasses. 
The man with white hair and glasses nodded, digging through his pockets. The man with the flannel then proceeded to revenge the place, opening up snacks and shoving the cheesy dust into his mouth with gluttonous moans and crunching loudly with an open mouth. Had he not been doing something as unsavory as such, Seungmin thought that he was pretty handsome, and somewhat familiar. The other three simply stood and watched as he did so calmly, and surveyed the shelves themselves after a moment. 
The attendant clocked Seungmin with fearful and confused eyes and Seungmin truly didn’t know what to do besides melt into the corner with the currency exchange kiosk. 
A man in running clothes ran a hand through his deep brown hair, then turned to grab several first-aid supplies in his hand. Seungmin noticed that he had a horrible gash over his eye that crusted and bled into the white of his sclera. The woman approached the attendant with arms crossed over her thin camisole that was stained a number of different colors which Seungmin didn’t want to identify. He noticed that she was only wearing white socks that were nearly stained green. 
“You do currency exchange right?” She said with a bold kind of confidence. “EGP?” 
The attendant shook in his boots, then pointed a trembling finger at Seungmin. The young man nearly felt his heart stop. The woman had stern eyes that were bagged with exhaustion, but that didn’t make her any less intimating. While she too looked a wreck, there was something about her so cold and threatening that Seungmin felt like crumpling up into a ball. Over it all, she was startlingly beautiful too. 
“Are you done?” She asked him kindly, and Seungmin struggled to get out a feeble “yes.” Of course, he hadn’t actually drawn any money out yet, but this seemed to be the best answer. 
The man in running clothes dumped a large arrangement of goods on the counter with an emotionless expression: coffee drinks, shooters of alcohol, gauze and tape, Band-Aids, anti-bacterial ointment, gum, a couple lighters and toothpaste with four tooth brushes, combs, several bottles of water, sour candy, and, oddly, condoms. 
The man with white hair came behind him to provide the cash to pay, and the attendant rang the odd group up with nervous glances to the man in the flannel who destroyed the store further. That man laughed maniacally as he popped open the plastic packaging to a pastry, then shoved in as of much of it as he could, smearing white cream over his lips. 
“Bee!! You have to try this!! A day driving through the woods and this is fucking fantastic!” He jumped up and down like an ecstatic toddler--but this was a strange juxtaposition to all the blood staining his arms and the fabric of his flannel. 
“Have some decency, Your Highness.” The woman chided, then held out her hand as the bills dispensed from the little machine. 
“Your Highness?” Seungmin muttered, not really understanding why he was still in there in the first place. 
“Fucking scam.” She muttered. “Is this all that you have??” She growled at the attendant. 
“It’s a little thing!! What do you expect??” He stammered with hands thrown in the air as if she had pointed a gun at his head. 
“F, tell Carroll to wire us when we get to Egypt. This’ll barely get us a place to stay.” 
“When I get internet access, sure, I’ll try my best.” The man with white hair said with an edge to his voice, sarcasm clearly giving it a type of bite. He then took to shoving all of their goods into plastic bags since the attendant had been too fearful to do so. He slid a few spare bills onto the countertop. “This is for everything that he ate.”  
“Do you have a bathroom?” The woman demanded, and the shopkeeper nodded, giving one more fearful glance to the college student. 
“Is there somewhere around here to get clothes?” The man with running clothes asked. 
“I-In town, a couple minutes in--” 
Outside of the little store, the sound of tires screeching on cement screamed, and all four of the strangers whipped their heads in the direction. Seungmin jumped too at the sound, and held his backpack to his chest tightly as if it were some kind of safety vest. 
The four strangers gravely exchanged terrified glances before throwing their bodies to the floor without a word. 
“GET DOWN!” The woman screamed, and in milliseconds, the rapid-fire crack of machine gun bullets came shattering the glass of the convenience store. 
Seungmin too threw all of his weight to land on his stomach on the cold linoleum floors and pressed his cheek against it while his ears rang. Tiny shards of glass pricked at his hands, but this adrenaline didn’t even let him feel the pain. He was certain that he must’ve been hyperventilating, because the room had started to spin among the relentless sounds of metal shells hitting the ground and metal shelves being upended from the force. The room filled with the smell of dozen different kinds of foods as packaging was ripped open and food and drink came spilling to the ground. The shopkeeper whimpered out loud prayers in his native tongue while he hid behind the counter. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as three of the strangers whipped out hand guns from their waistbands and knelt down behind the remaining shelves to shoot back at the black van outside. 
Seungmin pinched his arm with eyes shut. 
He wished he hadn’t. 
oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. He bit the words into his lip. 
“Hey kid!” The man with white hair growled at him. “You okay?” 
While the two of them looked nearly to be the same age, this other man with snow white hair seemed to know what he was doing, so Seungmin decided to take the smallest bit of solace in that over the deafening sound of bullets. 
“I-I think so?!” 
“Keep your head down!” He said with gritted teeth, then angled his gun with a squinted eye. 
“Bee??? Bee?” The fourth man with the flannel cried. 
“Head. Down.” She said while firing more shots. 
The room filled with a thin haze, and Seungmin covered his ears with bloody fingers. 
The strangers fired their guns until there was nothing left, then escaped hiding behind the shelves with heaving chests. The young man had curled up into the fetal position, mouth feeling deathly dry with hot tears streaming down his cheeks. 
Seungmin didn’t know that he had gone on this trip for his life to end. 
How fucking cruel fate was. 
His body shook, and he clung to his bag for dear life, waiting for it all to end, and for his time to come. Seungmin would’ve thought that in the moments before he had died, he wanted to think of all the good things that had happened in his life, but, he was disappointed to find that all he could come up with was fear. 
“Did you get a look at him?” One of the strangers yelled on the other side of Seungmin’s muffled ears. 
“NO!” One of them barked back. 
“He was wearing the crest!! The red!!” The woman called out. 
The world was black behind his eyelids, but anything was better than the scene that was actually unfolding before the terrified college student. Soon, the sounds faded, and Seungmin was then really convinced that it had finally happened. This was it. He was even still scared to open his eyes. 
A grip at his arm pulled him up. 
“You okay? They’re gone. You kinda blacked out there for a second.” It was the woman had pulled him up to his feet. 
His head spun seeing the carnage of the destroyed store, and the student became dizzier by the second. 
“I-I think I’m about to black out again--” His knees felt week and his vision blurred. 
“Hey! Hey!” One of the other strangers, the one with the running clothes scooped him back up and gave a light pat to his face. “You’re alright! See?” 
Miraculously, Seungmin really was unscathed. 
“Who-who are you? Who...who the hell were they? What the FUCK was that?” 
The four of them exchanged glances once more, communicating some kind of silent understanding between all of them. 
“What’s your name kid?” The white-haired one said as he put his gun back into his waistband. 
“Ok Seungmin, there’s a lot going on here that you really shouldn’t be aware of, and there's a lot of answers that I can’t give you, I just need to to trust me, alright?” 
Now that the shop was devoid of windows, the summer breeze came blowing into the store--an odd contrast to the mess that was made all over the glass shards and food. 
“You’re safe now. They’ve gone. No one can hurt you.” 
“A-are you sure about that?” 
“We need to get going. I don’t know why the hell they leaved when they had us cornered, but we can’t be here for long.” The man in running clothes said with a tentative bite to his lip. 
The woman nodded. “You’re right Two.”
“What do we do with him though?” The man supposedly named Two said, motioning to Seungmin. 
“D-do?” His eyes widened to frightful full moons. “D-do????” 
“We take him with?” The man in the flannel suggested and shrugged. 
The woman rolled her eyes. “You don’t call the shots on stuff like this, Your Highness.” 
“H-Highness? What??” Seungmin blabbered. 
The man with white hair snatched the young student’s bag from his hands. “You got a laptop in that bag of yours?” 
He man pulled out Seungmin’s dismal Chromebook that he had also saved several months for. 
“Hm. This will do.” 
“I guess we don’t have any other choice...” The woman rolled her eyes. “Introductions later. They could be coming back.” 
“Hey, HEY!” The shopkeeper yelled, then rose from his hiding place to look in despair at his destroyed shop, and his aging cured meat slab stuck with bullet holes on the floor. 
“We’ll take care of it all. We apologize.” The man in the flannel bowed deeply. 
Sunlight stung Seungmin’s strained eyes, and he realized that he had completely forgotten about his host father in his little car from the 80′s. To his surprise, the little car was nowhere to be seen. 
“M-my dad??” He said under his breath, also realizing that all of his belongings had gone with the man too. All he now had left to his name was his passport, a spare set of clothes, his laptop, and a couple school journals. 
“Get in.” The man named Two said while throwing open the door, but then gave him squinted wink. “Been to Egypt before?” 
“This mission is fucked.” Jeongin muttered to you, voice echoing slightly in the cobblestone alley. 
“Yeah, it certainly seems like it.” 
You fiddled with you new blouse. It was two times as itchy as you had expected and two times as expensive, but you had been desperate. With all of the spare supplies destroyed in the bombing, you and your partner had found yourselves hopelessly empty handed. 
“Carroll is gonna have our asses. Fuck...” Jeongin slicked a hand through his hair with a bandaged arm. “We can’t take that kid to Egypt with us!! We already have to be on high alert for the prince...and now this??” 
Your partner threw his head back incredulously against the brick wall, then stopped to watch the rest of the group sitting outside of the café and garnering odd glances from passerby's. 
“Well what the hell else to do we do??” 
Jeongin shrugged, then looking to the side shamefully. “You...know what the protocol is. We can’t stay here to watch over him until someone from the agency comes...and, we’re running out of time...White Rabbit is waiting for our correspondence..” 
“Absolutely not.” 
The poor young kid, naïve as he was, you couldn’t but help but feel bad for him. Not only was he all alone out there as he had explained, it appeared as if his host father had made off with all of his things too. It was hard to not pity the kid. 
“Y/n, you know that he’ll only drag us down. If we take him with, his life becomes our problem. If he dies, we’ll have to answer to whoever his family is and we both know that could get messy. We already have a mission: get the intel, then get the prince home. Not take that kid along with us for the joyride.” 
“You’re forgetting that they’ve seen him with us now. He’s associated with us. If we leave him in the dust, there’s gonna be an innocent kid dead in a foreign land, and it’ll be our fault for letting that happen. Do you want that to happen?” 
Your partner sucked at his teeth in thought for a moment, then groaned out. 
“I really fucking hate this babysitting thing.” 
“It’s the three of us and the two of them. The odds are still pretty much in our favor.” 
“It’s still dangerous odds.” Jeongin threw his hands onto his hips, then paced the length of the alley for a small stretch. “As of now, you’re assigned to the prince. Forget about the kid, Two and I will worry about him. The prince is the priority. If shit hits the fan, don’t even think twice, take the prince and get out. Okay? You should never leave his side.” 
You nodded in agreement, feeling a sneaky sense of pride. After all of the chaos and the uncertainty, Jeongin was really coming into his own. 
From the little patio where the others were, it looked as if Chan and Seungmin were getting a long swimmingly. You assumed that it had something to do with shared trauma. Weirdly, Chan had taken to the young man like a bit of a pet. Knowing all that the prince was going through, it made sense...perhaps this also could’ve explained why he had kissed you more than once. Anyone in his position would’ve acted as frantic as such--at least, this was what you had convinced yourself. 
Two sat with the two men wearing thick black sunglasses to hide his gnarly eye wound, sipping espresso. Jeongin started walking back towards the group when you grabbed at his arm. 
“--Wait, I need to talk to you about one more thing?” 
Your partner’s rather gaudy Hawaiian-themed shirt flapped in the breeze. “What’s that?” 
You drew him in closer. “What do you make of Two? He doesn’t strike you as suspicious?” 
“Suspicious? Why?” 
“I-I don’t know...it’s just a feeling that I’m getting. We know next to nothing about him--” 
“--But isn’t that how this goes? We’re not supposed to know things about each other? That’s the point? He’s stuck with us this far...and...” 
A couple passed by the two of you with linked arms, and Jeongin stopped his thought out of distrust of the two of them listening in. 
His voice lowered even further, “If Carroll trusts him, so should we.” The young man nodded, then patted your scratched shoulder. You winced, and he quickly apologized. “It’s...fine that you’re suspicious. Its best for us to be, you know?” 
“Expect the unexpected?” 
Your partner dished out a little eyeroll, “Yeah. Something like that.” 
It was as if His Royal Highness Prince Chan had never seen the inside of a public airport before. Everything was just so novel to him, and he gasped out at all the little trinkets and tchotchkes. 
As excited as he was, he still tried his best to keep a solid composure under his disguise: a cap, a hoodie, and thick framed sunglasses. The royal didn’t look the most non-descript, but you figured that it was better than nothing. 
The young kid sulked seeing the inside of the airport once more, as he had claimed that he had just left from there. You still didn’t know what to make of him all the way, but at least you could tell that he had a good heart. While in the car he told you and your companions how he had saved up all this money to travel, studied the language and arranged to go to school here too. While all of his plans had been thwarted, at least the kid was still getting to travel...with a price on his head...but still...he was getting to travel. 
Now that Jeongin had been able to contact HQ thanks to the kid’s computer, everything was arranged. Flight tickets, sleeping arrangements, supplies and Bun even knew that you were on your way. You had little desire to see that man considering how you had heard that he was one to live up to his eccentric reputation, but there was little other choice. Jeongin’s words ran through and through your head, “If Carroll trusts him, so should we.” 
Over it all, it was the prince who had worried you most. He was out in the open, and undoubtedly whoever those bastards were with the red crests would be close on your tail. Your neck strained with a pain that only seemed to grow stronger with every corner that you turned to ensure that no one was there. While the handsome prince liked to joke about how his life was on your hands, it was much more serious than that. 
You had seen the fear in his eyes that night--it was so tangible that you could practically hold in your hands. He was a man terrified of death, and he knew that he had little control over it. You had control over it, but you knew that you could only stretch yourself so far. 
Your group of five neared your gate in the international terminal lined with several dozen different kinds of multi-colored flags. You situated yourself between Two and the Prince on one of the thin teal chairs with flattened cushions. Chan tapped his hands on this knees impatiently as he inspected the place. 
“Kind of exciting isn’t it?” He said with a tiny grin. 
“What?” You moved to look at him with his obscured features. “Exciting?” 
“Yeah, you know, travelling together. It kind of feels like an adventure. I mean, they’ve got a gun to our heads, but at least we’re together right?” 
You scoffed, simply amused at how he had taken the severity out of the situation. It was clear that this prince knew little about the concept of perspective. 
“I’m not following.” 
“I get that...we need to be careful, but who said that we can’t, say, enjoy the journey?” 
“You’re saying that you want us to have fun while we’re running for our lives?” 
The prince smiled. “You know that I like having fun. That and...I’m just trying to be optimistic.” Under his cap, he slicked his brown strands back. “The three of you seem to be so tense all the time. Obviously, that can’t be good for your health--” 
You cracked out with laughter. “You’re being ludicrous, Your Highness. We have to be on high alert at all times--” 
“I said, that you could call me Chan, remember?” He rather languidly spread out his legs in his seat, removing his glasses for moment. “How about, when we go to Egypt, I take you out somewhere nice to eat? We can relax, talk, get to know eachother more--” 
You raised your hand up to silence him. “--If this is just a ploy to get me alone, I politely rescind the offer. Here I was thinking that you were concerned about all three of us...” 
“--I am!” Chan quickly piped, “I-I’ll take you all out for dinner! But...but...you’ll have to allow me to take you out for drink then. Just the two of us. I still hold to my word of wanting to get to know you.” 
The prince’s face was puffed and bloated, and scraped with little pink and red cuts, but nothing stopped him from pulling out his signature charming and persuasive grin. 
“Try to kiss me again, and I won’t hesitate. You might be royalty but I don’t ca--” 
“--Hmmm no promises.” Chan then cut in, his grin turned even more indulgent while you watched him inspect your frame in that god-awful scratchy blouse. 
Next to you, Two let out a particularly amused sounding scoff of a laugh. 
“Forward as ever, Your Highness.” Jeongin deadpanned, then buried his nose in his coffee and newspaper once again. He hadn’t gotten to finish doing so earlier. 
Seungmin, the young student stifled his own laughter which then gradually got louder and louder. “I can’t fucking believe this. Me. Kim Seungmin, the most normal-ass person in the whole world with you four: a fucking prince, secret agents...and now we’re going to Egypt??? Egypt???” 
“Why does that sound like the set up to a shitty joke?” Two popped a bubble he had blown with the gum from the convenience store. Turns out he actually had a bit of a “gum habit” as he called it. 
“Settle down kid.” Jeongin said without his eyes leaving his paper. “You’ll make a scene.” 
The prince yawned, sliding his sunglasses back on. 
“I never really did end up getting as much sleep as I would’ve liked.” If you could’ve seen his eyes, you would’ve then seen him eye your shoulder. “May I?” he politely asked. 
Rather than giving him an answer, you rolled your head around as if to say do I need to? 
Chan let out a happy little hum after resting his head on your shoulder, nuzzling in slightly. 
You met your partner’s side eye, and he repeated for you, I really fucking hate this babysitting thing. 
“Thank you Bee.” Chan softly muttered, almost too quiet for you to hear. “I really do owe you everything.” He was careful at first, but he reached out his hand to rest it atop of yours. While the action made you twitch at first, you remembered how the same action had calmed him in the van when you had escaped the gala. 
You told yourself that you were just being nice. 
The young kid pulled out a journal from his backpack and started scribbling something, Two popped a bubble, snapping it on his unnaturally white teeth, and Jeongin sipped at his coffee. 
This really was the set up to a shitty joke. 
A woman cleared her throat over the intercom and announced, Flight C1180 to Cairo will be boarding in one hour. Thank you for flying with us today. 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @eunaeiekim @lunarskzzz
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happyandticklish · 4 years
Not Just An Annoyance
Notes: For the ask by @ticklish-sidekick. Based somewhere between the Titan’s Curse and The Battle of the Labrynth. As someone who was once the younger kid with the stupidly obvious crush on their older peers, I related a lot to Nico throughout the series. I hope you enjoy my sweet emo child as he receives all the tickles he deserves! :)
Summary: Nico keeps annoying Percy to get him to tickle him, and Percy is oblivious as per usual.
“What’s that?”
Percy jumped near out of his skin at the sudden presence of the other boy peering over his shoulder, banging his knee into the cafeteria table. There was something about the way Nico moved that made him slightly uneasy, like he was sliding out of the shadows. He glanced down at the sword Nico had asked about, which mere moments before had been a pen; Percy had wanted to polish it while everyone else was out at activities.
Evidently, not everyone.
“Uh, it’s my sword,” Percy answered, holding it up for him to examine. “Riptide, technically. Haven’t you seen it before, in battle?”
Nico’s eyes widened at the sight. Before Percy could do anything the boy had snatched it out of his hands, running his fingers over the blunt side of the blade. “Yeah, I mean, a couple times. I’ve never seen it up close though. How come it has a name? How does it turn from a pen into a sword? Do you actually know how to fight with this? Could I try?”
The questions buzzed around Percy’s head, whizzing too fast for him to concentrate on one. He decided to focus on the last one, as he figured that was the most prominent one. “Absolutely not. You’ll get yourself killed.”
He held out his hand for the sword, but Nico was already swinging the sword down in a wide arc, flushing in excitement as it whooshed through the air. “Awesome.”
“Nico, c’mon, give me my sword back.” Percy stood up, attempting to wrestle the hilt of the sword away from him. Nico was small and squirrely however, and easily evaded his grasp, clumsily slashing at empty air several more times. “That’s not safe, you know. And your technique is all wrong.”
“Then teach me the right way,” Nico responded brazenly, completely oblivious to Percy’s growing annoyance.
Percy narrowed his eyes at the insolence. He knew the kid didn’t mean to get in his way, but that didn’t stop him from making endless troubles for Percy. He thought back to Manhattan, and all the times he had acted up in similar manners. He remembered a certain technique his mom had used on him in those circumstances, and he figured they would surely be just as effective now.
While Nico was distracted attempting to heft Riptide into a natural thrust, Percy managed to sneak up behind him and place both hands on his sides. Nico froze, his entire face going red though Percy of course couldn’t see that.
“Give me the sword Nico,” Percy demanded. “Or else.”
Nico stiffened, trying to act brave through his apprehensive confusion. “No. I’m still using it.”
“Okay,” Percy said, shrugging as if to say the matter was taken out of his hands. “You asked for it.”
The last thing Nico expected was for two pairs of fingers to dig suddenly into his sides as Percy enacted his tried and true method. Nico jumped, bursting into uncontrollable giggles as he squirmed in his hands.
“N-Nohohoho!” Nico protested, attempting to wriggle out of his grip but finding that Percy’s strength vastly outmatched his own. “Ahahaha, Nahahat fahahahair!”
“Are you gonna give me the sword?” Percy asked, knowing that technically speaking Nico’s grip was weak enough on the weapon by now that he could grab it himself if he wanted. He decided it was more fun this way, however. “Hmm? What’s that? Are you at a loss for words?”
That’s a first.
“Stahahahap!” Nico screeched, dropping the sword finally and attempting to pry away Percy’s hands. “Ehehehe, pffft, nohohoho mohohore!”
“Are you gonna leave me alone?”
“And quit asking so many questions?”
“Yehehehes, yehehes!”
Finally Percy backed off and Nico collasped to the ground, wrapping his arms protectively around his middle. Percy calmly retrieved his sword while the other glared at him. “Tickling is not fair.”
“It’s called strategy,” Percy informed him, bumping him affectionately with his foot as he walked by. “See, you did learn something.”
Nico watched as Percy capped his sword, the weapon instantly shrinking down into a pen that he pocketed before walking off to go find the others. His skin still tingled anxiously as phantom tickles ran up and down his sides. He slowly clambered to his feet, trying to shake off the leftover embarrassment from acting so childish in front of someone as cool as Percy. Crumpling into a ball of giggles in front of your hero certainly didn’t help when you were trying to look tough.
But there was something about the way Percy had smirked when he had grabbed his sides, the teasing lilt to his voice, that awoke strange, fluttery excitement in the pit of his stomach. Percy was normally so dismissive of him, treating him as some annoying younger brother; it was nice having all that attention focused on him for a change.
So for the next couple weeks, Nico found himself doing everything in his power to provoke Percy into another “attack”. And, as most would say about him if asked, Nico could be very persistent when he wanted to be.
“Nico!” Percy spluttered, resurfacing after the other had shoved him quite suddenly and unexpectedly into the lake. “What the hell?”
Nico shrugged, flashing him an impish grin. “I wanted to see if the Son of Poseidon could swim better than normal people. I guess I was wrong though, because you seem to be struggling quite a lot.”
“Because you shoved me—” Percy exclaimed, before cutting himself off with an irritated smirk. “Alright then. But you only have yourself to blame for what happens next.”
“What do you mean—wah!”
Nico yelped in surprise as Percy’s hand shot out of the water suddenly, grabbing his ankle and jerking him into the lake with him. He landed with a splash next to Percy, waves cascading out around him. He came to the surface with an indignant gasp, and barely had time to get his breath back before Percy had pulled him into his arms, fingers wiggling into his now soaked shirt.
Nico shrieked, instantly squirming and attempting to evade his grasp, but Percy’s grip on him was too strong. “Ah, wahahait, nohoho, Pehehercy!”
“This is what happens when you mess with the great Percy Jackson,” the other triumphed, squeezing his sides rapidly and prompting a flood of embarrassing squeaks and giggles from Nico.
“Ihihihit wahahahas juhuhust ahahaha prahahahank!” Nico protested, throwing his head back with a wild grin and kicking his legs out violently in the water. “Thihihihis ihihihisn’t fahahahahair!”
“It’s perfectly fair,” Percy argued. “This is revenge, plain and simple. I wonder what would happen if I just��” He grabbed both of Nico arms, holding them above his head with one hand. With the other, he started rapidly spidering fingers in his left armpit. Nico promptly freaked out, writhing and bucking like crazy as the unbearable sensations took over. It was a credit to Percy’s superior abilities as a swimmer that he was able to keep both of them afloat through the process.
Nico got truly desperate when the touches changed from light fluttering into intense drilling, directly in the spot where his armpits met his ribs. “Nahahahaha, stahahahahap, stahahahahap, ohoho myhyhy g-gohohods!”
“Alright, alright.” Percy let go, whereupon Nico’s arms hastily clamped to his sides, and paddled their way back over to the dock. Nico gratefully pulled himself up and collapsed on the wooden platform, freezing cold and giggling.
“That was mean,” he accused, throwing an arm over his face to hide his growing blush.
Percy pulled himself up besides him, playfully poking him in the side to hear him yelp and scramble away. “Hey, sometimes you gotta be mean to teach someone a lesson. Besides, you’re too easy. I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever met someone as ticklish as you are—it’s kind of adorable.”
Nico opened his mouth and closed it, attempting to somehow stammer out a response to that. Before he could, Percy had shot to his feet and was off again, presumably to go dry off. Nico flushed violently and, after a moment of hesitation, followed in suit, the slight breeze combined with his dripping wet clothes causing goosebumps to scatter up his arms.
Nico failed to get any sleep that night, as Percy’s words echoed over and over again in his head until he eventually buried his face into his pillow in delighted embarrassment.
The provocation only continued as time went on. Nico sprinted frantically across the camp grounds one late afternoon, dipping in-between confused campers who stared after him quizzically. In one of his hands he clutched a simple necklace—a necklace which happened to belong to one Percy Jackson, furiously in chase behind him. Already, helpless laughter spilled from the young boy’s lips as the anticipation of the chase caught up with him.
“Nico!” Percy yelled after him, hastily apologizing to campers as he bumped and stumbled into them. “That’s important, give it back!”
“Make me!”
Evocative words, a tease Nico knew the other couldn’t resist. Sure enough, Percy soon caught up to him, and instead of grabbing him he skipped straight to digging hands into his sides as the two rolled over on the grass. Laughter spilled already from Nico’s lips as electric shocks coursed up and down his body from the sensations. Percy quickly forgot about the necklace, as he did most of the stolen objects in these games they played, and simply went about wrecking the boy, wiggling fingers into every ticklish crevice on his body until Nico was squealing and begging for him to stop.
Only once Nico had truly reached his limit did Percy back off, letting the other breathe as he collapsed on the ground. Percy retrieved his necklace easily, as it had fallen from the other’s hands quite a while ago. Nico rolled over on his sides, leftover giggles wracking his shaking frame.
“Don’t take my stuff,” Percy warned him, trying to sound angry though most of the anger was stripped from his voice as he beheld the happy boy before him. “I mean it this time.”
Nico nodded frantically, but deep down knew this wouldn’t be the last time.
Weeks went by before either of them said something about it. It was a colder night, one of those midsummer evenings where one could feel the hints of autumn creeping in, and thus Percy sat huddled by the fire, his eyes closed as he absorbed the heat gratefully. There were a couple others milling in and around the fire pit, most either in their cabin or engaged in late-night conversation with friends and lovers. Nico hesitated before approaching him, worried for the first time in quite a while about being a bother. Normally he wouldn’t care as it usually resulted in Percy tickling the ever-loving shit out of him, but he was always worried that he might be going too far and that one day Percy was just going to snap at him in anger.
Not to mention, he looked so peaceful with his head tilted back, eyes closed and wind gently tousling his hair. Nico flushed, pushing the invading thoughts aside. He was well aware of the hopelessness of his crush, but that didn’t stop it from encroaching at the worst times.
“Hey,” he said, lowering himself to the ground and crossing his legs besides Percy. The other startled at his presence, whipping his head around to face him. “Nice night, huh?”
“Yeah,” Percy replied warily. He waited for a moment, clearly expecting something from the other. When Nico did nothing, he relaxed slightly, allowing himself to face the fire again.
“Hey,” he said hesitantly after a couple seconds of silence had gone by, an awkward note to his voice. “I just wanted to say sorry. For, you know, torturing you for the past month. It’s just… I don’t know, I guess I’m just not that used to dealing with kids, and I went a little overboard with you. I know you don’t mean to be annoying, or anything—”
“I do,” Nico interrupted, surprising both himself and Percy. He hadn’t meant to say the words—they had slipped out without his permission. “Mean to be annoying, that is. It’s… uh, on purpose.”
“Oh,” Percy said, frowning a little. “Why?”
Nico shrugged, picking at his fingernails and avoiding the other’s gaze. “Dunno. I guess it just… it felt nice to have your attention, you know? You usually treat me like a pest, or some minor annoyance you don’t want to put up with. I guess it was kind of fun having you hang out with me.”
“Fun?” Percy repeated incredulously. “But I was always so mean to you! I mean, what, do you like being tickled out of your wits all the time?”
Nico blushed furiously, staring intensely at the ground and not responding. It took a moment for the realization to hit Percy. “You do like being tickled? Wait—is that why you’ve been bothering me all this time? So I would tickle you?”
Nico grunted noncommittally.
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” Percy exclaimed, knocking his shoulder against the other affectionately. “I would have just tickled you, if you had told me that was something you wanted. You didn’t have to force me into it—in fact, I think I would much rather you ask as opposed to just stealing my stuff all the time and shoving me into lakes.”
Nico whipped his head up to stare at him for the first time throughout their entire conversation, his eyes wide. “You don’t think it’s weird?”
“I mean, I don’t personally understand it,” Percy admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I mean, I think I would die if anyone tickled me as much as I’ve been doing to you all the time. But if it’s what makes you happy, then it makes me happy. You’re my friend Nico—not a pest or an annoyance. I care about you.”
Those words, such a simple thing for Percy to say, meant the world to the little boy staring up at him. He flushed, trying to figure out how to possibly respond without sounding like a lovestruck dork about it. “Thank you,” he muttered, before kicking a foot out and digging it into the other’s side. “Idiot.”
Before he knew what was happening, however, Percy had latched onto his leg, locking an arm around his ankle and thus securing his foot in place. Nico swallowed nervously as Percy removed first his shoes than his sock, the cold air blowing preemptively against his now bare foot. Nico’s toes curled in anticipation at Percy’s growing smirk.
“Oh Nico,” he said, clucking his tongue regretfully. “You shouldn’t have done that. Especially after you just admitted that you like to be tickled, well… I mean, it’s really your fault what happens next here.”
Nico grinned, ducking his chin into his chest in embarrassment. “I hate you.”
Percy matched his grin with his own and Nico’s heart fluttered traitorously in his chest. “Of course you do.”
The camp soon rung with the sounds of Nico’s crazed giggles, leaving many a camper to stop and stare at the sight of what looked like the famous Percy Jackson tickling the shit out of the new upstart Nico di Angelo. That wasn’t the last time they witnessed such a sight either, and in the end, Nico found he couldn’t be happier with the way things had turned out.
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kingofhearts709 · 3 years
Prompt: bill and ted give each other haircuts
hello yes im sorry this is late but this is adorable and im happy to write this excellent prompt ❤️
A/N: SO! this came out SO MUCH LONGER than i expected. like i was just gonna cute-drabble it but then my brain was like "NO PERFECT CONCEPT MUST EAT IT." snd I'm very happy to have written it all. im setting this at like pre-excellent adventure.
anyways i hope you have a lovely day and to please enjoy this little thing 💓"
Ted blew his bangs out of his face for the fifth time since he'd sat down on Bill's bed, trying to focus on his comic and finding the ultimate difficulty in reading between the long strands. His hair almost reached past his shoulders, and Missy's abandoned scrunchies were starting to look most intriguing.
Bill was no better. Every time he ran his fingers through his hair, they wound up tangled. There was no way he'd be able to handle brushing it every single morning, but the habit of messing with his hair was too ingrained.
"Dude, we need haircuts," Bill grumbled as his forefinger caught on a twisty piece of fringe. "I'm gonna look like a seventies disco dude." Ted snickered at that, and Bill thwacked his chest lightly. "Shut up, Ted, I'm serious."
"Well, my dad won't even pay for a good haircut," Ted huffed, dropping his comic book and blowing his bangs away once more. "If he did, it'd be a buzz." He paused for a moment before suggesting, "You don't suppose Missy could cut our hair?" Bill let out a laugh.
"I would be most doubtful of her skills."
"Okay, well... How much do haircuts cost?"
"More than we can afford." Ted frowned and looked down. "My dad would probably just tell me to cut my hair myself if I asked." It went silent for a moment before a lightbulb lit up in Ted's brain, and he bounced on the bed with enthusiasm.
"...Well, why don't we?"
"Why don't we what, dude?"
"Cut our own hair!"
The idea thrown out to the wind sounded more than insane. Neither of them knew the first thing about cutting each other's hair, let alone their own.
But the thing about Bill and Ted was that, as long as they did it together, it was more than enough reason to say why not?
"Ted, my friend, your idea is definitely most forward-thinking!" Bill complimented, jumping up. "We both know what each other's hair looks like, so we'll totally be able to replicate it!"
The wide grin on Ted's face was enough to break it, jumping up with Bill and looking around.
"I'll go get hair stuff," Bill said as he rushed towards the door. "You get a chair set up." Ted nodded as Bill bolted from the room, going to the corner to grab an old twisty chair that they never used. It still twisted, and was just about the right height for cutting hair, it seemed.
Ted was testing the chair by spinning in fast circles when Bill came back in with a pair of kitchen scissors and two huge towels. He swayed a little as he regained his normal vision from spinning, seeing that Bill was also carrying a spray bottle filled with water, a brush and comb, and a tube of hair product.
"I grabbed some other stuff from Missy's counter, too," Bill said as he dropped it all down on the bed. He picked up the tube and read it, "Something called...'Gar-near Fruck-tiss.' The instructions say it makes your hair smooth." Ted gave an intrigued head tilt before giving a nod and a smile.
"Well, dude, smooth me!" Ted joked, and Bill gave him a look before they found themselves air-guitaring.
Bill wrapped one of the towels around Ted's neck and shoulders, making sure he pulled his hair out from underneath. Bill leant down to assess it, squinting to see if it would help him decide on a course of correct action.
"How short should I cut it, dude?" Bill finally asked. Ted brought up a hand and hovered it palm down before holding it right where his chin ended as reference, and Bill nodded, picking up the spray bottle and spraying Ted's entire head all over until his hair went damp through.
"Bill, you are most concentrated," Ted hummed as Bill ran the comb through his hair to measure it down. It was already frayed from whenever his last haircut had been, it seemed. "Do you actually know what you're doing?"
"Uh...," Bill hummed, shrugging. "I used to watch my mom get her hair cut before when I was a little kid, I guess. They always wet your hair and then do this trippy snippy thing."
Ted snorted as Bill snipped the scissors a couple of times in the air before diving into Ted's hair, holding the length to cut off between his fingers and slowly scissoring away.
It was quiet while Bill worked on his hair, Ted doing his best to keep still, even if he really wanted to turn his head and see exactly what was happening. The only sounds filling the room were Bill walking around him and the snip of the scissors.
As soon as Bill cut off the last edge of Ted's hair, he stepped back and studied his work, furrowing his brows before grinning.
"Dude, I totally nailed you!" he exclaimed, and the redness to Ted's cheeks caused him to add on, "Uh- Your hair, I mean. It looks most bodacious." Ted looked around the room frantically for any reflection, and jumped when Bill held up a mirror in front of his face.
Bill really had done an excellent job. His hair was back to its regular length, hanging right around his chin. His bangs were still a problem, though, and he looked over at Bill and gestured to them.
"Oh, dude, yeah," Bill huffed as he dropped the mirror back where he'd grabbed it and picked up the scissors again. "Sorry, Ted, I forgot your main problem is your egregiously long bangs."
"They're like curtains for my face, duder," Ted hummed as Bill began to separate the bangs from the rest of his hair. He cursed when he grabbed too much of Ted's already-trimmed sections before Ted spoke up, "Oh, dude, grab one of Missy's scrunchies!" Bill raised a brow before following Ted's gaze to the bedside table, where about four of Missy's scrunchies were sitting. How they got there, Bill personally didn't want to think about it. Regardless, he went over to grab one and handed it over to Ted so he could pull his hair back and let Bill have full reign on his bangs.
"Where do they usually end?" he asked as he eyeballed possible measurements with his fingers. His face wasn't unreasonably close to Ted's, considering the circumstances, but it still made Ted nervous.
"Just, like, enough so I can see okay, I guess," Ted said, and Bill nodded as he took the comb and brushed his bangs even before sticking the handle in between his teeth and bringing the scissors up.
At this angle, Ted could see Bill's entire process as he watched his hair being snipped off. The way his face was scrunched in concentration, his gentle movements to make sure he wasn't tugging Ted's head any direction.
He didn't realise Bill was finished until he saw his reflection in the mirror when it was held up.
He looked good, if not better than before, with Bill's handiwork.
"How'd I do, dude?" Bill asked, and Ted reached up to touch his already drying hair. "Want me to put the Fruck-tiss in it?"
"Uh- Yeah, dude, sure." Ted looked over to see Bill grabbing the tube and opening it up, squirting a generous amount into his palm. "Do I have to wash it out?"
"Uh...," Bill turned the tube in his hand and scrunched his nose, shaking his head. "It says to leave in for fifteen minutes and your hair will be, 'smooth and sleek.'" He looked up. "Ready?"
"Yeah, Bill."
After a moment, Ted felt Bill's hands and fingers running right through his hair, keeping away from his scalp as per the instructions on the tube. It was smooth and gentle and overall intimate the way Bill paid careful attention to Ted's hair, running his fingers through. He might've put too much product in, but they could always wash it out if needed.
"Alright!" Bill said when the product was more or less incorporated. "You have been fully transformed into your most authentic self, my friend!"
"Dude, excellent!" Ted said as Bill took the towel off of him, trying not to get the hair everywhere (it already was, but that was beside the point). "My turn, Bill!" Ted stood up and took an exaggerated bow towards the twisty chair, gesturing for Bill to take a seat. Bill bowed back before dropping down and smiling.
Ted mimicked his actions from earlier, draping the towel around his neck and grabbing the spray bottle. However, Bill's hair was curly and almost like a jewfro, and he briefly wondered how he was going to cut it down.
"Dude, I don't think water is going to help," Ted said as he looked around at Bill's head. "You do have one stellar mullet now, but the rest is growing up." Hesitantly, he ran his fingers gently through Bill's curly hair, feeling just how insanely tangled it was. Bill briefly shivered at the motion, telling himself internally to just relax.
He'd already cut Ted's hair, so he should know what to expect, but still, the shock of actually feeling Ted's hands and fingers gave him the most unusual of feelings in his chest. He wasn't necessarily sure if they were nerves or emotions, but either way, it sent a shiver down his spine every time Ted's skin connected to him.
Bill bit the inside of his cheek as Ted stuck his tongue out and tested a single lock of hair, snipping off the end before grinning, nodding as he started to continue.
"Dude, it's like trimming a bush!" he laughed as he went all around, mimicking Bill once more by holding each lock between his fingers. Bill's blond hair fell and separated with each snip that the scissors gave. Ted's movements were slow and calculated, his genuine care for making sure he cut Bill's hair in the most correct way making Bill feel a little more than special.
It took Ted longer than it took Bill to finish up, giving a lock one last cut before jumping back and grinning as he crossed his arms.
"Dude, how is it?" Bill asked, gesturing. "Gimme that mirror!" Ted straightened up as he remembered, turning in a couple of circles before picking it up off the the bed and holding it up.
Ted hadn't done a terrible job, he had to admit. He turned his head back and forth, his smile growing as he saw Ted show up behind him in the reflection. He took a hand and ran it through his hair front to back.
It took Bill a second before he concluded that Ted forgot to cut off his mullet, and he grinned with a scoff.
"Dude, you totally missed the back," Bill said, his hand flipping the hair in Ted's view. Ted frowned as he stood up straight and tilted his head.
"Did I, dude?" he raised his eyebrows, reaching down to move Bill's away and examine it. "Bill, if I might be totally honest, you have always had this mullet, though I will admit it's much longer than normal..."
"No way, dude," Bill rolled his eyes in response. "Gimme those scissors." He reached back to grab the utensil from Bill's hand, a most dangerous risk. Ted, however, held back the pair with a grin.
"Dude, you'll be a total mullet-head!" Ted laughed as he turned and jumped up on the bed, knocking a couple of the items onto the floor. Bill spun around in his seat and looked at the scissors clasped wrong-way-up in Ted's fist.
Bill eyed him for a long moment before bolting up from the chair in a lunge, a total disregard for all those 'safety with scissors' rules from grade school. Ted leaped off the bed for the corner, Bill chasing him there. They could only run around in the small confines of Bill's room, so there weren't many places for Ted to go, nor space to make between himself and Bill.
It became apparent when Ted got onto the bed again and Bill fully tackled him so he had him trapped underneath.
Ted was still laughing even when Bill had him pinned by the wrists and was currently looking down on him with the most fondest of looks, a huge smile gracing his entire face.
"Dude," Ted said through chuckles as he flipped his newly cut bangs away from his eyes, "you look definitively bodacious with your mullet. I think you should keep it." Bill tilted his head.
"Ted, my friend, there is nothing in your head that could ever convince me." Ted let out a laugh before he looked at it over Bill's shoulder, comtemplating.
"I like it on you, dude."
It didn't take long for Bill's brain to immediately agree with that statement.
"You think so, dude?" Bill found himself asking, and Ted looked back to Bill's face, smiling with a nod.
"Most triumphantly." The words put a smile on his own lips, and the warm, butterfly-feeling in his chest was new but most definitely welcome as he squeezed Ted's wrists.
"Well, then, Ted, my most excellent and esteemed partner, I suppose I must keep it just for you."
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sirowsky · 4 years
The Flowers Always Know
Description: When a mad scientist uses you as an experiment while you’re on holiday, the Heroics only just manage to save you. And in your recovery you become very close to the leader of the group. (Slow burn)
Warnings: Language
Link to Masterlist
Comment: Hint to what the title is all about, and plenty of Máma Moreno.
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Chapter 6
  The house was a mess, to say the least. You had left in a hurry that evening, after things had taken a very sharp turn towards very bad, shortly after your dinner. You’d been glad that you had only eaten a light pea soup, when it came back up again some ten minutes later. You’d only just made it to the bathroom, but after the food had been coughed up, a large amount of fresh blood had followed, and you knew you were in trouble.   Why you hadn’t called for that ambulance was anyone’s guess, but then, you had never liked being a bother, and you had been perfectly capable of walking out to the cab.    It was just that, in the twenty minutes that the drive had taken, you’d gotten significantly worse. Your whole body had started hurting, you’d begun bleeding from the nose and ears, and just as you got to the hospital, you had begun to get spasms and cramps in your spine and legs.   When you staggered into that emergency-room, you did it truly convinced that you’d leave it in a coffin.
  You shuddered slightly with the memory, as you walked through the house, opening all the blinds and pulling all of the curtains back again. It was already late, and thus dark outside, but you wanted to wake up to a house that bathed in sunlight in the morning.   The kitchen was probably the worst, in terms of the amount of cleaning that would need to be done. The remnants of your cooking that evening where still on the counter and in the dishes, and the amount of mold that was growing in there was somewhat disturbing.   You couldn’t leave that for the morning, you’d lose every ounce of appetite waking up to that crap. So, you set about throwing away everything that had been left out on the counters and in the sink, and quickly scrubbed all the open surfaces clean, before handwashing some of the glasses, plates, mugs and cutlery, that had gotten dusty even sitting in the cabinets, in the four months you’d been gone.   Once the kitchen felt usable again, you went to the bathroom to check what state that was in. It wasn’t too bad. You flushed all the pipes and let the water run in the sink and the shower for a good half-hour to clean them out, and begin to work away the smell of stagnated water. The toilet needed a decent scrub too, but it could wait until morning.   It was after midnight when you’d finally changed the sheaths in the bed and settled in for the night.
  A sharp rapping on your door woke you after what seemed like mere seconds. But the sun was up, so you looked at your wrist-watch – 06:15 – and sighed. Who the fuck would be there at that hour?   Grumbling into your pillow, you turned over and decided that whoever it was would have to come back at a more decent hour.
  “Come on now, mujer, I don’t have all day.”
  You physically jumped at the sound of Anita Moreno raising her voice behind your front door. She wasn’t shouting, just applying a good amount of force to her voice. Just enough to make you feel a size smaller than usual.   You scrambled out of bed and grabbed a robe which you put on whilst walking towards the door. You had no idea what you looked like, but you hoped there was an air of scarecrow to you. You’d found her intriguing when you first met her the day before, but she was little more than a damned annoyance right now. You were not a morning person, and especially not today when your body was tired and sore from the tests.
  “I’m not gonna ask if you know what time it is, because you obviously do, and you obviously don’t care, so don’t beat around the bush and just tell me what the hell you want so I can go back to bed and finish waking up.”
  “You always this cheerful in the morning?”
  “I’ll be sure to let Marcus know.”
  “What does my morning mood have to do with Marcus?”
  “Nothing. Yet…”
  What? No, no, don’t let her distract you, idiot.
  “What do you want, Mrs. Moreno?”
  “Tell me, what kind of flowers do you like?”
  Nope. You’re not doing this, whatever it is, you’re not doing it at 6 fucking 15 in the morning.
  “Have a nice day, Mrs. Moreno.”
  As you went to close the door, she simply barged right in, straight past you, and completely unbothered walked into your kitchen while you scrambled after her, shocked and abruptly furious.
  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!”
  “Don’t you cuss at me, mujer.”
  “If you want me to treat you politely, then don’t fucking barge into my house uninvited.”
  “Calm down, I’m not staying for breakfast. I just want you to answer a few questions.”
  “You’ve got some nerve.”
  “I’m old, mujer, I don’t have time for intermissions. Now, tell me, what kind of flowers do you like?”
  You were fuming, but this woman was a super. She wasn’t leaving until she decided to leave. So, you took a breath.
  “Interesting choice. Why?”
  “What does it matter? What do you want from me?”
  “Do you know the origin of Dahlias?”
  “Why? Am I to expect a pop-quiz banging on my door tomorrow?”
  “The Dahlia came from my ancestors, the Aztecs, they called it The War Flower. Nowadays, it’s known as the King of summer flowers, because of its wide range of shapes, sizes and colours. It has something of a demanding presence, you never walk past a Dahlia without seeing it. And yet, it doesn’t ask you for much.”
  “Do you have a point, or is this becoming a lecture on the mythology of flora? Because I will go back to bed and ignore you until you leave.”
  “It’s an observation. What’s your opinion on supers?”
  “Are you serious? Ugh, forget it, of course you are. Fine. I have nothing against them, but I don’t adore or idolize them. They’re flawed just like the rest of us.”
  “What’s Marcus’ flaws?”
  “He’s… too kind for his own good sometimes. He let’s people walk all over him if he thinks that it’ll keep the peace. And he… tries to carry the whole world by himself if you let him.”
  She smiled.
  “Good. You’re hired. I expect you at Heroics HQ at 7 am tomorrow morning.”
  …what THE FUCK…?!
  She walked back towards the door, while you stood dumbstruck just staring after her. She had reached the door by the time you unfroze and ran out to the hallway.
  “Wait, what the hell are you talking about? Hired for what? I didn’t ask you for a job.”
  “No, you didn’t. But you need one, and I’ve got one. Take it or leave it, if you’re not there by 7, I’ll know what you chose.”
  You stood in the door, watching her disappear into a black SUV, and drive off.
  Did that actually just happen? It must have, there was no way in hell you’d ever even dream something like that. You shook your head, and decided that there was no point in going back to bed now, your head was buzzing, so you might as well have breakfast and get the cleaning going.   As you went to the bathroom you caught your reflection in the mirror, and smiled to yourself. There was definitely an air of scarecrow.   You turned the TV on while you made tea, and tried not to think about what had just transpired in your kitchen.   You had always loved coffee before, never started the day without it ever since you were 16. But your body seemed to have become oversensitive to it after your cellular breakdown. You’d had your first cup about a month ago, and it had really done a number on you. You’d been hyperactive for hours with uncontrollable twitches and insistent trembling in your hands.   You’d given it a second try a week later, but even just half of a small cup had resulted in the same outcome, so you had accepted that your coffee-days were over. You were actually really starting to like tea, especially the spicier types.
  The news showed a highlight reel from the Heroics latest outing, and you found yourself glancing at the footage, looking for a glimpse of Marcus. You saw him flash by as he fought someone, or something, you weren’t sure, and then again when the fighting was over. He looked confident and strong when he was out there. When he had an enemy in front of him, and a clear task.   It was enticing to watch. Oh, who were you kidding – it was fucking hot!   You shook your head and turned the TV off as you finished your breakfast. There was a lot to do to get the house in order, and you had a plan to get it all done. The problem was that a certain uninvited guest kept popping into your head, distracting you with thoughts about flowers and what the hell that job was all about?   So, by lunchtime, you weren’t anywhere close to where you’d hoped to be. You’d managed to wipe down all the surfaces where dust accumulated, and the vacuuming was done. But you’d hoped to have washed the floors and beaten the carpets and cleaned the refrigerator and freezer by then. 
  Oh, well. Rome and all that. 
  You decided to have pizza for lunch and called in an order.   But later, as you were eating said pizza, you had something of a lightning moment. You didn’t need to sit there and just fidget and wonder and worry about what you were gonna do tomorrow. You could just go back to HQ and talk to Marcus. He’d only be happy to see you, he’d said as much when you went to find him to say goodbye.   It hadn’t been a very long exchange, since you’d been eager to get going, knowing there’d be things you’d have to do before going to bed. But he had said that he’d miss you and that you’d always be welcome to visit them.   So, why not? If anyone could tell you what Máma Moreno was up to, it’d be her son.
Authors’ Note: I love criticism, don’t be shy to let me know if there’s anything you like/don’t like/have questions about.
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thesightstoshowyou · 4 years
Okok Pennywise fluff? If you can. Just a cute little thing with pennywise. If you need an idea maybe Pennywise seeing s/o dancing in their room on a rainy night then he decides to join in? And then cuddles after ?( ^ω^ ) hope you are doing well and this isn’t too much to ask.
I am doing very well! Thank you so much for the ask. You are very sweet, anon. I gotta be honest with you, though. I struggled with this ask! With the way I write him, I have difficulty seeing Pennywise in fluffy situations. But, I’m always up for a challenge. I’ve come up with a compromise that I hope suits us both. I’m calling it “creepy cute.” Enjoy :)
For familiarity, I’m sticking with the same reader from my other Pennywise fics on my Masterlist.
Warnings: Horror elements, nothing too crazy
             A movie plays on the television, one whose title you cannot recall. A heartfelt scene between generic man and woman characters reflects off your glassy eyes. Absently, you scratch the scabbed over bite marks on your shoulder.
             Your eyelids droop. You hover on the precipice of sleep, the movie’s soundtrack now a distant drone in the back of your mind. The muted colors on the screen begin to morph, growing bright and loud. A clown wearing red and white face paint dances around a neon stage, giggling and kicking red balloons that fall from an unseen ceiling.
             Your eyelids flutter. Pennywise points to the side of the screen and grins wide with too many teeth.
             Wakey, wakey. There’s someone at the door.
             BANG BANG BANG
             You jerk awake, sitting bolt upright. Disoriented, you look wildly around the room. The television is off—hadn’t it just been on—and the living room is quiet and mostly dark, only illuminated by the light from the kitchen. Rain pummels the windows and wind howls through the trees outside, lightning and thunder cracking overhead.
             You take a shuddering breath and realize you must have been dreaming of the clown again. They happen so often anymore, the dreams. You think you should be used to them by now.
             Dragging a hand down your face, you stand and head to the kitchen. You peek in the fridge and open cupboards, your body anxious to move and relieve your jitters. You decide to make a snack. Maybe food will calm you down.
             You choose a playlist on your phone, hoping some music will fill the uncomfortable silence broken only by the pitter patter of rain on the roof and the rumble of thunder. You push the tab on the toaster, mindlessly swaying to the music crooning quietly from the speaker.
             You sing along, tapping your fingers on the counter in time with the beat. You pause, falling still. Unease settles heavy in your gut.
             Your skin crawls. You tense. There’s something behind you, right behind you, breathing down your neck, hot, metallic breath that reeks of death—
             You whirl around, eyes wide and heart hammering. The kitchen is empty, save for yourself. You draw in a shuddering breath, gripping the counter in an effort to steady yourself.
             He’s here, somewhere, toying with you. You’ve long since abandoned the hope that these little occurrences are all in your head. The reality is far more frightening. Something hunts you.
             You shriek when the toast pops out of the toaster. Gripping your chest, you smile sardonically and shake your head. Fuck, you’re gonna have a heart attack—
             Suddenly, the lights go out with a click. You’re plunged into darkness. Your music slows unnaturally, tone deepening, a low growl replacing the lyrics and rising to a deafening roar.  
             You slap the screen and pause the song, your breath coming in rapid gasps. You sprint to the light switch, flicking it off and on to no effect. Trembling from head to toe, you wait for the laugh, the bite, the long, gloved fingers closing around your throat, the next trick.
             Nothing. The rain and wind still rattle the windows. Lightening briefly illuminates the kitchen and thunder booms. Nothing.
             BANG BANG BANG BANG
             You yelp, clapping a hand over your mouth. Someone is pounding on the door, just like in your dream. Maybe it hadn’t been a dream after all….
             Slowly, timidly, you make your way down the hall toward the front door. You stifle a whimper as you round the corner to the entryway.
             BANG BANG BANG
             The door rattles with the force of the blows, the frame splintering, wood chips skittering across the floor. A scream tears from your throat and you jump back, tensing and wanting nothing more than to flee.
             Do you run? No, you’ve done that before. You can’t escape him. Then, do you open the door?
             You wait. And wait. Silence. Lightening flashes, thunder rumbles. Silence.
             Where did he go?
             You turn and run straight into a solid chest. Bells jingle. A white glove wraps around your throat, cutting off your next panicked shriek.
             “Rude, rude, girl to leave poor Pennywise out in the rain.” You meet his glowing yellow gaze, drool dripping from his full, bloody lips to splatter onto the floor between you.
           You don’t fight. There’s no point anymore, no escaping him. There was only ever one outcome. This doesn’t mean you are any less afraid, however. You’re shaking so badly your teeth are nearly chattering in your mouth. You wonder what fresh horror he has in store for you tonight.
             Pennywise tips his head to the side, leaning over you, observing you. He hums thoughtfully. The hand around your throat moves to your jaw and he gives your head a playful little shake.
             “Little thing.” Odd. It almost sounds affectionate, the way he says it, instead of condescending as it does normally. He leans low, burying his nose in your hair and inhaling deeply, “Want to know how your fear tastes? Sweet, honeyed, sticky, sticky girl. Addictive.” The last word is purred against your cheek.
             With a giggle he takes your hand, spinning you in a circle before pulling you back against his chest. His other hand wraps around your waist and he sways back and forth, just as you had in the kitchen. He takes a huge step, long, gangly leg reaching into the hallway, towing you with him as he goes. He’s swaying still, waltzing down the hall toward your bedroom. Frantically, you think this is, without a doubt, the most bizarre thing that has ever happened to you.
             As he swings you around, he hums a tune that sounds vaguely familiar but, at the same time, impossible to place. You struggle to keep up with his long strides, stumbling along awkwardly as he half drags, half swings you down the hall. He pauses at the doorway to your room to kick it open, laughing when it bounces off the wall.
             Once inside your room, Pennywise scoops you up and tosses you onto your bed as though you weigh nothing. You bounce, nearly rolling off the other side completely. Before you have a chance to right yourself, he’s gripping your calves, pulling you toward him.
             You expect him to tear off your clothes, but he surprises you once again by bundling you up in his arms and curling up on the bed. The way he holds you, tucked neatly under his chin, drowns your face in the ruffles of his costume and you must crane your neck to avoid suffocation. This close you can smell everything, the rotting carrion scent of his breath, the musty smell of his costume, the metallic tang of blood still lingering on his lips from who knows what.
            You can’t see his face from where you’re smashed against his chest so there’s no way to tell what he’s thinking; if he’s leering at you with all those teeth on display. What is he planning? The suspense is going to make your heart burst.
            “Wiggly thing. Hold. Still,” he commands, crushing you harder against his chest and burying his face into the top of your head. Immediately, you still, your panicked breaths making the dingy ruffles billow. What is happening?
             Is he…is he cuddling you?
             You were wrong before. This is the most bizarre thing that has ever happened to you.
            “Poor pet. Too many thoughts. Human minds are always so frenzied, a thousand wretched insects fluttering, buzzing….” As he muses, he pets your hair, twisting the strands between his spidery fingers. He playfully tugs a strand before resting his hand on the back of your neck.
             Minutes pass where you stare, wide eyed, at the ceiling. Pennywise hasn’t moved, aside from the steady rise and fall of his chest. You’re so confused, anxious thoughts reaching, reaching for an explanation.
             You jerk when a low rumble starts up in his chest. At first you think it’s a growl, but when it continues, an incessant, deep, rolling sound that vibrates in your own chest, you realize it’s something else. You gape.
             He’s…purring. Purring, like a cat!
             You give up. The more you try to understand this unusual situation, the more curious it gets. There’s nothing you can do about it anyway. You’re trapped here in his arms until Pennywise decides he’s had enough.
             The clown titters quietly above you. He must realize he’s won. You sigh and will your tense body to relax.
             Eventually you do relax. Your frantic heart rate slows, your gasping breaths even out. The gentle drone emanating from his chest is oddly soothing and soon your eyes droop. The heat from his body lulls you into a cozy, semi-conscious state. Slowly, hesitantly, you slip into slumber.
             In the morning, he’s gone, the mussed bedsheets the only hint he was ever there at all. 
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princessdong · 3 years
Chapter Seven
I'm in for trouble (not into you) Minnie ver.
Minnie didn't thought about the whole dating scandal way too much after she heard it. After all, she knew you would deny them, and none of her “night friends” would really care about the fact that she had been linked to her enemy in different ways she always had been linked.
So, when she came back to her dorm with spray paint in her hands and slightly buzzed thanks to alcohol, Minnie still hadn't thought about the problem that would carry the rumor.
She would soon found out, as the next day she was suddenly awakened by a loud bang on the door. She looked at her phone, only to find that it was nine in the morning, and someone was disrupting her long sleep before the day ahead she had. It pissed her off, and to find who was on the other side pissed her even further.
There she was, Lalisa Manoban, her worst enemy, the devil incarnate, the constant nuisance of her life... And her half sister.
“Whatever you want, the answer is no.” Minnie answered, closing the door shut in Lisa's face.
Minnie dragged her feet to the bed, but as she was nearing destination, she heard her sister's voice.
“I got food. I wanted to celebrate your new relationship.”
Those words got through the haziness of Minnie's sleep, as she suddenly was remembered of how getting her sheets back got her into a rumor that was obviously not welcomed by you. She knew that you were one to pay no mind to gossip, so it was possible that, if she didn't say anything, no one did, and that was why her sister was in front of her door asking to celebrate a lie.
She walked to the door and opened it, ready to tell her that you two weren't dating, but the hurricane that was Lisa had already gotten in and started rambling about the relationship as if she had known it for a while.
“... I mean, I wouldn't humiliate her just to keep it a secret, you could've just ignore her, but I get it that you don't want people to talk about it, so I'm no gonna say anything, not even gonna tell mom and dad...”
Minnie scoffed, knowing that it was possible that her older sister had already told their parents, and probably the whole family.
“...But I bet they would be proud of you for deciding to grow up a little. That whole go to parties, pretend to be a bad girl... It was no life, Minnie. If you decided to come out to them I bet-”
“Okay I'll stop you there. For one, I don't care what my parents can possibly say about me, I stopped caring when they wouldn't stop comparing us, so if they're happy or not with who I date, that's on them.” Minnie started, raising a finger, and after that, the middle finger went up. “For two, it's my life, it only belongs to me, and will only be mine for as long as it goes, so the one that should be happy with the life I carry is me,” she then raised her thumb. “which leads us to three. If you came here, to my room, to critize me, get out”
Lisa didn't say anything, she knew she had crossed the line, but also knew that she had make her point known. So she just got up from the place she had taken in Minnie's bed, and walked out of the room.
Minnie waited until the door closed to lay on her bed, leaving the bags with food on the floor. It was all a lie. She did care about what her parents thought. She cared about what her sister thought too, and that was why she couldn't tell Lisa that she wasn't dating you.
She just had some of the validation she secretly needed, and Minnie wasn't going to let them down like that. She needed to show them that she was able to be this responsible, mature women they wanted her to be, and if that she would achieve through fake-dating someone, she might do so.
She didn't expected you to say yes, somehow. She knew you hated her, so her chances were pretty low, but it happened. You, the girl she liked so much, but she wouldn't ever be able to have, was suddenly her girlfriend, even if it was a lie. She was overjoyed.
But all that happiness was quickly replaced by guilty when she saw Soojin talking about it in their group chat. She couldn't keep quiet about it with their most trusted people.
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Maybe her friends were right, maybe it was an awful idea and she would get both heartbroken and eaten alive by you. But even if it was true, there was no way back, and no way out.
And maybe, she wouldn't want it any other way.
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samwilsonsbabymama · 4 years
Let’s Clear Some Things Up
Pairing: Angel Reyes x Black Reader
Summary: based off the tags in this reblog
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Warning: angst with a fluffy ending
Word Count: <2k
A/N: big ups to @brownsugarcoffy​ for writing the ending and betaing the whole thing! I appreciate everything!!!
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It had been a few days since you last saw Angel and you decided to pay him a visit. 
You grabbed your keys and slid your feet into your slides.
You were excited to see Angel, you were always promised a good time with him. It also didn’t help that you were in love with him, but that was neither here nor there.
You and Angel had been best friends for as long as you could remember.
He was your next-door neighbor when you moved to Santo Padre when you were younger, and the two of you hit it off quickly.
You went to school together and were in some of the same classes as well.
You’d always felt something for Angel, but you knew how he felt about relationships, so you never said anything.
On your drive to the clubhouse, you thought about your friendship. You’d do anything for Angel.
Growing up, you noticed that Felipe treated Angel differently than how he treated EZ and it bothered you. 
You’d called Felipe out on it before, respectfully of course, but nothing ever changed.
When EZ got out of jail and joined the MC you were worried about how Angel would take it.
You knew that he wanted a better life for EZ, he’d told you on multiple occasions, but EZ was a grown-ass man.
Pulling up to the clubhouse, you smiled when you spotted Angel’s bike parked next to the garage, and you made your way in.
As you approached the door, you heard EZ’s voice, “You’ve gotta tell her, Angel.”
Curious about what, well who, they were talking about, you halted your steps.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Angel said gruffly.”
“Fuck if you don’t,” EZ yelled. “You know I’m talking about y/n, you need to tell her how you feel about her before you lose her, Angel.”
You quietly open the door and slip in. How does Angel feel about you? You needed to hear it for yourself.
Angel scoffed and shook his head, “I’m not in love with y/n!”
“Come on, Angel,” EZ begged. He still hadn’t seen you, his focus was completely on Angel so you pressed yourself into the door.
Angel took a step towards EZ and shook his head once again. “No,” he said before he bumped shoulders with EZ as he walked away.
Your eyes filled with tears as your heart sank. You weren’t surprised one bit. There was no way that Angel could ever love you as more than a friend. 
You heard EZ sigh and you tried to leave without him noticing you, but as soon as you moved, his eyes locked onto you.
“Y/n,” he whispered.
You shook your head and ran through the door. You needed to get away from there as fast as possible.
You heard EZ calling after you as you sped to your car, you brushed past Coco and ignored his questioning gaze as you got into your car.
You sped home, ignoring your phone buzzing in your pocket.
You knew it was EZ, but you couldn’t bring yourself to talk to him. 
How could you face him?
You needed some time away from him. Some time away from them all.
When you made it home, the first thing you did was grab your spare key from its hiding spot. 
You knew that EZ would be coming soon and you didn’t want to see him just yet.
Once inside, you locked your front door and drew all of your curtains closed.
EZ continued to call you, and you continued to ignore him throughout the night.
It’s not like you truly thought Angel could love you, he always believed that he was no good for relationships, but hearing it firsthand was a blow.
You headed straight to your bedroom and plopped down on your bed, your tears picking up speed as you cried into your pillow.
You must have dozed off because the next thing you remember is hearing banging on your front door.
You pull yourself up from your bed, your eyes dry from all the crying, and you made your way towards the front door.
You peeped through the peephole and cursed silently when you saw EZ on the other side.
“Yn, I know you can hear me,” he said. “Just let me in.” 
You thought about it for a few seconds before you backed away from the door.
You sat in the dark until you heard EZ walk back to his bike, the roar of the engine calming your nerves.
A few days passed and you were feeling better.
You’d sent EZ a text letting him know that you were okay but that you didn’t want to see anyone right now.
He said that he understood but he still thought that you should talk to Angel to clear everything up.
Angel had dropped by a few hours after EZ had left. He still didn’t know that you heard what he said and you wanted to keep it that way.
You’d successfully avoided Angel for the last couple of days, and even though you felt better, you were still hurting.
You were deep in thought when your phone buzzed again, and you frowned a bit when you read EZ’s message.
“I’m sorry,”
The fuck does that mean?
You pressed the call button and EZ answered on the first ring.
“What are you sorry for, EZ?”
“I may have let it slip to Angel that we’ve been talking and he’s headed your way,” EZ said. 
you heard the nervousness in his voice and you sighed.
“Honestly, I think it’s a good thing. You should talk this out with him, clear the air, ya know.”
You shrugged, “EZ, you know how I feel about him. Hell, everyone knows how I feel about him. I don’t see how he doesn’t know, but it doesn’t matter because he made it very clear that he doesn’t love me and that’s okay. I just have to live with it.”
“Y/n, look, Angel -”
You cut EZ off. “Angel’s here. I gotta go.”
“Y/n, talk to him, please,” EZ said before you hung up the call.
Your heartbeat increased as you watched Angel walk up your walkway. He took two steps at a time before his heavy knocks sounded on your door.
You stood on the opposite side of the door for a second before you opened it and Angel pushed right through.
“You gonna fucking tell me why you’ve been avoiding me?” he barked.
“Well ‘Hello” to you too, Angel,” you snarked.
“Fuck the bullshit, y/n,” Angel yelled. “We’re supposed to be best friends, and you’re fucking avoiding me.”
You shrugged but didn’t say anything.
“Come on, y/n, you gotta give me more than that. Just tell me what I did and I'll make it better, I promise.”
You hated when Angel begged. It broke your heart every time.
You sighed and shook your head. “I’m in love with you, Angel, and I heard you tell EZ that you didn’t love me,” you sighed before you continued. “I’ve kept this a secret for so long and it just hurts to hear that you’re not in love with me. Like, I knew it, but it just hurt me to hear, I guess.”
Angel stared at you with his mouth agape.
“Y/n, I,” he paused, “I didn’t know you heard that. I mean-”
“It’s okay, Angel,” you said. “You don’t love me and that’s fine, but I still need some time away from you because it still hurts.”
Angel opened his mouth to say something, but he thought better of it. He made his way to the door and was gone before you could say anything.
Three weeks. You stayed away for three weeks after Angel came to your house. You continued to talk to EZ, but not as often, only letting him know that you were okay. You knew that he was keeping Angel updated but you didn’t mind too much.
But three weeks away from your second family made life boring. You missed your boys and from the number of texts you received from them, you knew they missed you too.
EZ told you about a party that the MC was throwing and you decided to crash it.
You headed to the clubhouse and of course, the first person you spotted when you parked was Angel.
He was perched on the steps of the clubhouse as if he were waiting for you.
You contemplated whether or not you should turn around and leave, but Angel started making his way towards your car before you could decide.
He stopped a few feet away from your car door and waited for you to step out.
When you did, you waited for him to speak, and when he didn’t, you moved to step around him.
“I’m in love with you too, y/n,” he said, his words halting your movements. “I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember. I just wanted you to choose someone better.”
You rolled your eyes but you let him continue.
“I was afraid to admit my feelings to myself because I knew that once I did, there would be no turning back, but I can’t lose you, y/n, you’re my life.” Angel sniffed then continued. “These last three weeks without you have been hell and I just wish that I hadn't lied to EZ about how I feel. I wish that I hadn’t left when I came to see you.”
You took a step closer to him and cupped his face. “I’ve loved you my whole life, Angel, and it really hurt me to hear you say that you didn’t love me.”
“I know, y/n,” Angel said before he kissed your wrist. “Could you ever forgive me?”
You felt your teardrops stream down your face as Angel words overwhelm you.
You knew you couldn't stay mad at him for too long. You and Angel always made it through your ups and downs.
But at this very moment you knew Angel truly is in love with you and that is the only thing that matters.
Releasing your hand from his face, you wipe your wet streaks." You know I never stay mad at the man that loves me." You let out a soft giggle.
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A/N 2: If you like this, please leave a comment and let me know what you think, even if it’s just an emoji or keysmash 💖
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jeonqqin · 4 years
no more choices. [m]
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k. seungmin x reader x l. felix | friends to lovers au
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— ❝You loved your boys. They were your soulmates and the only two people you could imagine spending the rest of your life with. In what way, you didn’t know—until Seungmin returned from his two month trip to America, and things began to change rapidly.❞
CONTAINS: college au, best friends to lovers au, confusing love between best friends au, angst, fluff, smut, dom!felix, soft dom!seungmin, sub!reader
WARNING: threesome (mmf, barely any male on male), oral (male and female receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, self-deprecating thoughts
A/N: my first requested fic,, thank you anon!
▸ request
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blog masterlist  | ⟲ fic song
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© jeonqqin 2020
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minnie ♡ [5:47]
Hey princess
minnie ♡ [5:47]
Just got back to the dorm, so I’m gonna unpack
minnie ♡ [5:48]
Do you want me to pick you up after class?
You smiled down at your phone as the professor droned on at the front of the lecture hall, your thumbs rapidly typing a reply. 
[5:48] sent.
No, I’ll walk :)
[5:48] sent. 
I missed you
minnie ♡ [5:48]
I missed you too 
minnie ♡ [5:48]
Call me after class, okay?
Setting your phone down with a dopey smile, you sighed.
Seungmin had gone to America for two whole months to study under a well-known law firm in Los Angeles and was just getting back from the airport today. You wanted to be the one to pick him up, but due to your afternoon classes, he decided to spring for a taxi. 
You really needed a night of mindlessness after having a packed week of lectures and classes, and that was guaranteed when you were with Seungmin. Normally the night would consist of a movie and some cuddling, then the two of you would fall asleep on the couch before nine. And that was exactly what you craved as you struggled to retain any of the information your professor was spewing. 
The lecture ended after another hour, though it felt like several, and you quickly packed up your things into your bag. At least you had gotten your notes and listened enough to have a decent idea of what the next project would be. You could hardly care, you were just eager to get back to your dorm so you could see Seungmin. 
But as you were leaving the university, there was a sudden force knocking into your back and almost pushing you over. “How’s my beautiful girl?”
You laughed as the not-so-stranger placed several tickling kisses on the crook of your neck, holding you in place so you couldn’t wiggle away. “Felix, get off!” 
“No way, babe. You’re stuck with me.” He said, his breath seeing shivers down your spine. 
It had always been the three of you—it was you, Seungmin, and Felix who were stuck together. You grew up with the boys, going to the same elementary school, and coincidentally continuing to enroll in the same college. It was a special connection you shared that not many people could say that they ever experienced, and the three of you came upon it by chance. 
You did everything together, whether it be homework or parties, and you would drop whatever plans you had for each other. They were closer to you than siblings could ever be, and they were ultimately the people you considered to be your soulmates. The three of you could crash onto one of your small dorm beds and talk for hours about things that normally you would keep to yourself until you fell asleep surrounded by one another. 
With them beside you, most first experiences were shared together—being there to celebrate Seungmin’s most recent internship at a prestigious law firm, and when Felix finally earned his third-degree black belt. As well as other things. The first alcoholic drink you ever had was in Felix’s room while his parents were having a dinner party and the three of you managed to sneak some wine. At your first high school dance, the boys went as your dates, matching your dress with a blue tie on Felix and a blue handkerchief haphazardly folded in Seungmin’s breast pocket. 
That night was one you didn’t like to reminisce, solely because you tried to grind against Felix, and had participated in a very awkward slow dance where you happened to knock your forehead into Seungmin’s. 
Seungmin took your first kiss in middle school, followed up by one from Felix, all because they needed to be on even ground. The boys were there for you to cry on when your first boyfriend broke up with you, Felix spewing death threats while Seungmin spoke comforting words in your ear. 
Your first high, your first low—it was all with them. 
“Did Seungmin send you?” You asked, grabbing his hand and continuing forward. Such gestures weren’t foreign between you and Felix—public displays of affection weren’t Seungmin’s cup of tea, but Felix thrived on them. 
“He told me not to tell you.” He snickered, plucking your phone from your back pocket and typing in your password. “And correct me if I’m wrong, but you were asked to call him after class.” 
He pressed the call button and immediately put it on speakerphone. 
“You on your way?” Seungmin asked. 
Felix slipped his arm over your shoulder, leaning towards the phone. “Meet you at the dorm, Minnie!”
“Oh,” there was a brief pause on his end. He sounded hesitant, and despite it being subtle, it didn’t slip by you. “See you soon.”
“Okay, Min. Love you.” You responded out of instinct, waiting for his response with a smile. 
Seungmin hummed. “Love you too.”
You held onto your phone until the beep. Seungmin’s tone set you on edge. He had seemed so happy when he texted you in class, so it was off-putting to hear him in a bad mood. 
With a sigh you stuffed your phone back into your pocket, continuing the short walk to the boy’s dorm. 
“Did he seem weird to you?” You turned to Felix, a small furrow to your brow. 
Felix sighed, ruffling his bangs. “A little bit.” 
“Right,” you frowned. “I hope he’s feeling okay. His flight was pretty long.”
“Maybe he’s just tired.” Felix shrugged, reaching down to lace your fingers with his. “Don’t worry too much.”
You felt a smile twitch onto your lips as he squeezed your hand. He was probably right. 
After their first year of college, Felix and Seungmin were offered to stay with their upperclassmen friend, Bang Chan, in his apartment with him and five others. But they declined, in favor of staying roommates in the school’s dorms. You suspected it was only because they wanted to stay close to you, and as flattered as you were that they loved you enough to pass up an opportunity to live in a more comfortable place, you felt frustrated. The two boys were always throwing away chances to grow and change just so they could be with you. You loved them to death, so you wanted what was best for them, even if that meant that they would distance themselves. 
You had always been the one who thought rationally when it came to your friendship, and you didn’t ever see that changing. 
Felix unlocked the door of his room, pushing it open and throwing his jacket onto his desk. The dorm itself was neat and clean, a tell-tale sign of Seungmin being home—granted, you had seen it the other day and Felix had really let it go. 
“Minnie?” You called as you stepped into the room, peeking your head around the corner to see him already on his bed setting up a movie on his laptop. 
Your voice startled him, causing him to jump. But the surprise was quickly wiped from his face when you launched yourself into his arms, eager to tuck your face into his neck to inhale his cologne. He and Felix always had two very different scents, and they were both two smells that put you at ease. But this time, the moment you pushed your nose against his jaw, you recoiled at the foreign smell that stuck to his skin. 
It was strong, and not at all Seungmin. 
He chuckled at your expression, absentmindedly rubbing his hand over his neck. “Sorry, it’s a cologne I picked up in America.”
You frowned. “Right…”
Felix came to your aid immediately at the sense of your displeasure, throwing his arm around your shoulder and tugging you down onto Seungmin’s bed. “Get used to it, Y/n. It’s been two months. Minnie’s practically a new man.”
You grimaced. “Ew, don’t say that.”
Felix popped a quick kiss onto your cheek, smiling widely as you squealed in shock, swatting at his arm. 
Seungmin pursed his mouth to the side in discontent at the scene. He hadn’t seen you or Felix in two months, and it seemed that the constant lovey-dovey actions weren’t getting any milder. 
But the buzzing of his phone had him tearing his gaze away from you, grabbing it from the side table to check the caller-ID. Unfortunately for him, you also catch it as well, your smile slowly fading from your lips. He quickly flipped his phone over and muted the buzzing, despite it already being too late for that. 
An awkward silence filled the room as Seungmin cleared his throat. 
“Sarah with a heart?” You laughed; short and tense. “You could’ve taken it, Minnie, it’s not like we would mind.”
Felix raised a brow. “Sarah with a heart?” He snickered, sending Seungmin a smirk. “And who is that?”
Seungmin shrugged, busying himself with his laptop. He definitely didn’t want the two of you asking questions about his visit to America; he had done a few things that he didn’t want to tell you quite yet. He knew Felix would make fun of him, and you would pout for the next couple of weeks. 
But the topic was already up.
“Oh yeah, I met her at one of my friend’s baseball games.” He looked away, tossing his phone onto his bed. “In America.”
“And what’s with the heart?” You asked, tilting your head to catch his eye. “Are you dating her or something?”
Initially, you said it like a joke. But you quickly realized that it wasn’t funny as he remained silent—it was true. 
“You’re dating a girl in America?” Felix asked for both of you, his eyes wide. “And you didn’t tell us this important detail when we regularly asked ‘oi, Seungmin, what’s new?’”
“We’re not really dating, okay? She just—”
“I thought we told each other everything?”
Your broken words had him pulling his lips between his teeth in guilt. He knew you weren’t upset at the fact that he was “dating” someone, but because he withheld the information. In all the years of being friends, you all made it a ritual to tell each other about important changes. And yeah, the fact that Seungmin was romantically involved with a girl from America, was pretty important. 
“Well,” Seungmin shrugged, frustrated. “I didn’t think it was a big deal.”
You scoffed. “Really? Now it’s not a big deal?” You stood from the bed, turning to face him. “What about that guy that asked me out at that bar? Was your reaction then totally justified?”
He remembered. The three of you had gone to a nightclub for Felix’s birthday and you had been pulled from their arms by a man with too much muscle—in his opinion. It wasn’t that he was mad about you being carried away, Seungmin was upset because you took the time to dance with him. So he had grilled you a bit when you returned with messy hair and pink cheeks. 
Perhaps he had been a bit jealous, but that was beside the point. 
“No, I was upset because you ditched us on Felix’s birthday—”
“Oh, because you weren’t jealous at all.” You said accusingly. “Right? It wasn’t because I was giving my attention to that guy and not you, right?”
Seungmin felt the retort bubbling up in his throat, but it was immediately cut down when he watched Felix grab you by the hand and tug you into his chest. His eyes rolled, turning away from the small display. 
“You’re both stressed. We should go to bed and talk about it in the morning, okay?” Felix hummed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
“Fine.” You agreed, releasing a breath. 
But the three of you stood there, completely still. 
Fights weren’t unusual for you, although you never once left them unresolved. And you weren’t sure about Seungmin’s feelings, but you were still pretty upset with him. You knew you needed to sort things out, and so did he. Unfortunately for you, Felix was pretty adamant about keeping the conflict between you and Seungmin to a minimum. 
You also had no idea how the sleeping arrangements would go; you were mad at Seungmin, but it was still his first day back and you really wanted him to hold you. 
Felix cleared his throat from beside you, breaking the silence. “I have a shirt for you to wear,” he motioned towards his side of the room. “I’ll grab it.”
You thanked him quietly, turning away from Seungmin just in time to miss him throwing a glare at Felix’s retreating back. He really had no idea what had him so worked up, but with every little domestic act that you and Felix shared, he grew even more irritable. Sure, it could’ve been that he missed you, and he wanted to be the one to put you in his shirt. 
But it also could’ve been his fear of you and Felix growing closer that was clawing its way up his throat.
“Okay,” Seungmin scoffed under his breath. “And you’re complaining about me not telling you things.”
Though, unfortunately for him, you heard him loud and clear. You spun back to face him, fuming. 
“What was that?” You asked slowly, knowing very well what he just said. 
Seungmin threw his arms up as Felix returned to your side cautiously, his spare shirt dangling from his arm. Seungmin glared at the offending piece of fabric. “You two!” He motioned towards you. “It would be fucking insane of me to think that you weren’t a thing now! Do you think the guys don’t tell me shit while I’m gone?”
Felix pressed forward, frowning at Seungmin’s brash words. “It doesn’t matter what people tell you. Y/n and my relationship has nothing—”
“Kissing? Making out with your best friends doesn’t matter now?” Seungmin raised an accusing brow, glad for the few inches he had on Felix.
Your face flushed in both anger and embarrassment. 
It hadn’t been your first kiss shared with Felix—he had been one of your first after all. But one afternoon the mood was just there and he leaned in. It wasn’t even awkward afterward, solely because it was you and Felix, and the two of you always shared romantic gestures. What was a little kissing? You told yourself not to think anything of it.
Until Seungmin’s comment, of course.
“And you tell Hyunjin before me,” Seungmin said, betrayed. Though, he wasn’t really sad because of the betrayal. Something else was presenting to be a harder pill to swallow, “So are you two a thing now or what?”
Your gaze snapped up to him, your eyes wide. “What?”
“Last time I checked, you didn’t just kiss your friends,” Seungmin replied bitterly, his words having more of an impact than you expected. 
Felix took a hasty step forward, his brows pulled tight. “You’re acting like a real asshole, Min. Did America change you or is this shit coming from the guy I called my best friend two months ago?”
Seungmin sneered, standing. “Oh, fuck you, Lix.” He jabbed a finger forward into the shorter man's chest, his mouth opening before he could process what was about to come out of it. “I told you that I was in love with her way before you pulled this shit.”
Silence took over again; raw silence. 
Your mouth hung open at Seungmin’s unexpected confession. Never had you taken into account whether or not the boys could hold those feelings for you, and you were quickly regretting that. They were always your best friends, and thinking of them as something else was playing tricks on your mind. 
Before, you had felt jealous of the girls that the boys occasionally brought up—pouting whenever they called them pretty or stepping away from the conversation when they got into too much detail. But you never chalked it up as jealousy. 
The messy pieces of the puzzle were starting to arrange themselves. 
“Well, I love her too, asshole.”
And what a mess it was indeed. 
You took a step to the side, looking at both boys with wide confused eyes. “You what?”
Felix and Seungmin shared a glance, suddenly unsure about everything going forward. You were traveling into uncharted territory, which was something you were used to doing together, but not to this extent. 
“I didn’t want to tell you,” Felix avoided your gaze. “But yeah. I’ve kinda been in love with you for a while.”
Your eyes flew to Seungmin who wasn’t faring any better than Felix, his own eyes cast downward. You swallowed. “And you?”
He nodded shyly. “Yeah. Me too.”
Your question shocked them, the clear break in your voice included. They understood that you were confused, but they couldn’t push past their best friend instincts when they saw you with tears in your eyes. 
Felix immediately pulled you close, his arms wrapping around your form in a comforting embrace. While Seungmin stepped closer, his hand carefully pushing back a few strands of hair from your face. It was hard for you to hold in the tears that threatened to fall, when the two boys you loved more than anything were holding you so close. You missed them so much that it started to hurt. 
“No, don’t ask why beautiful,” Felix whispered against the side of your head, feeling his own emotions rise up. “You don’t have to ask why.”
Of course, you did. Why would they fall for you, when there were plenty of other girls falling at their feet? Why did both of them have to love you? Why did you feel so conflicted suddenly? 
You took a deep breath, your body stiff. “I can’t choose. It would kill me to choose.”
The boys took a moment to look at one another—having been best friends for so long gave them the ability to understand each other’s thoughts with a simple look. And hopefully, they could see that they were thinking the same thing. 
Felix rubbed your back. “You don’t have to choose, Y/n. We wouldn’t make you do something like that.”
You shook your head, letting your forehead fall against Felix’s shoulder. Your head hurt. “Why—why didn’t you tell me?” You whispered, barely loud enough for them to hear you.
“I—” Seungmin sighed. “It wouldn't be fair to you…” 
“We knew you didn’t feel the same,” Felix said against the side of your head, his voice tense.
Seungmin was someone who easily hid his emotions. Sometimes to the point where you found it hard to decipher what he was really thinking. But Felix couldn’t hide anything from you, and he knew that. 
As for you, they weren’t as well versed in your thoughts. 
You swallowed, pulling away from Felix to look him in the eye. You watched his jaw tick under the pressure of your stare, but you didn’t let up. “You don’t know that.”
Their eyes fell onto you, intense. 
“I love you too.” The saliva collected in your throat. “I love both of you too.” 
You didn’t like the look they shared. Even if they shared their feelings first, it felt like you were the one with everything on the line. Before you had time to dwell on finding the reason, you pushed past them to sit on Seungmin’s bed, suddenly feeling lightheaded. 
“This isn’t you saying you love us like every other time, right?” Felix asked as he hesitantly strode with his hands in his pocket to close the remaining space between him and you, leaving Seungmin standing in the middle of the room. When he was at your side, he caressed your face to take your nervous eyes away from the floor and over to him instead. The crease between your brows softened automatically when you met Felix’s gaze, and he leaned in so you could feel his breath against your lips. “Do you mean it the same way we do?” Straightening up, his calm and laidback aura disappeared for a second, allowing you to see the worry behind his eyes. 
Humming in acknowledgment, you nodded. His palm was cool against your hot cheek, and it was suddenly very clear why your heart fluttered every time he touched you. “I do. I feel the same way.”
“And that’s why you kissed me?” Felix questioned, Seungmin slowly joining his side. His fading auburn hair hung in his eyes and you resisted the urge to push it out of the way for him. Felix leaned close, “The whole time I was waiting for you to tell me to stop, but you didn’t. I thought about it for days and couldn’t get the feeling of your lips out of my head.” 
Your breath caught in your throat as you listened to Felix’s words whilst looking into Seungmin’s darkening gaze. Something about the way he looked at you made your palms sweat, and the vibration of Felix’s deep voice didn’t make it any better. 
“Did you know how you were affecting him, Y/n?” Seungmin asked, the subtle teasing tone in his voice surprising you. 
Your head shook before you processed what he really said. 
“Well, did you feel the same way?” It was Felix’s voice that asked, his lips caught between his teeth. 
Looking down, you watched Felix’s hand fall to your knee, carefully pushing your thighs apart as he took a seat beside you on his bed. All of a sudden, the fabric of your jeans felt too constricting under his palm, and the sweater was too warm on your body. Felix could see your need in the way your fists clenched from where they pressed against the bedsheets, and he had to hold back a snicker. 
Sliding his hand further up your thigh, he leaned into your neck to simper just outside of your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. “What do you really want us to be, princess?” Felix whispered, running his tongue over his lip. “Best friends? Or…”
His fingertips brushed between your thighs, the touch so light that you had to look to make sure it was really happening. Your breath caught. “Lix, I—” But his palm flattening against your core had you choking on your words. 
“I don’t think what you did to us was very fair,” Felix hummed. You felt the whimper bubble out of your throat before you even realized you made the sound. But Felix was proud of his effect on you. “I think we deserve an apology.” His hand slid over your dampening cunt, carefully—almost lovingly. “Right, Min?”
Your eyes jumped to Seungmin, having forgotten he was still there. He stood in the middle of the floor, stock still, eyes hyper-focused on his best friend’s hand at the junction of your thighs. He had been silently watching up until Felix acknowledged him, his eyes lifting not to look at who addressed him, but you. Though it looked like he was trapped in place, you suddenly had a sinking feeling that he would turn around to leave. So you took your bottom lip between your teeth and sent him a pout that he always had a difficult time denying, “I’m sorry, Minnie…”
Seungmin made a little choked up noise at the back of his throat, taking a hesitant step closer to see more clearly.
“Show us how sorry you are, sunshine,” Felix said, his voice low. Patting your thigh, he commanded, “Up. Let’s see our pretty girl make it up to us, hm?”
Whimpering, you complied, standing up on shaky legs to give Felix better access to your jeans. He carefully reached to pull you closer, maneuvering you between his thighs to unzip your jeans and pull them over your hips. The pace was agonizingly slow, and you couldn’t help the embarrassed blush that rose to your cheeks when he let out a low whistle. He slid one finger under the elastic of your underwear, releasing it with a snap against your skin. “Cute, huh?” Looking over your shoulder, his eyes met Seungmin’s. 
“Wow,” Seungmin swallowed. “Pink panties, Y/n?”
Though you couldn’t see him move closer, you could feel his fingers ghost along the hem of your shirt, gently lifting it over your head and throwing it to the floor. 
Felix snickered, tracing a finger over the cup of your bra. “They match. Why am I surprised?” 
You preened under his touch, lifting your arms to curl around Felix’s neck. You were nervous to take that first step again—you could mask the last kiss as a mistake if Felix miraculously changed his mind, but if you took that leap for a second time, fixing what little of the friendship you still had would be impossible. You would be too far to go back. 
Fortunately—despite it being a risk—the decision came easy to you. 
Your legs saddled his lap, your breath shallow as you cautiously brought your lips to the corner of his mouth, placing a coy kiss there to feel the power fall back into your hands. His hand stuttered as he placed it on your waist, his fingers fumbling over the waistband of your underwear. But his eyes flickered to Seungmin and a small chuckle left his lips. “I don’t think it’s been made even yet, beautiful. Don’t you think Minnie should get the chance to kiss your pretty lips before I do?”
Seungmin snorted, sliding his hands over your ribs. “It’s like middle school all over again.”
“Yeah, but this time I got her first kiss—” Felix smirked, transitioning to English flawlessly, “Mate.”
Seungmin glared playfully, making a point by threading his fingers through your hair and coaxing your head to turn his way. “Jealous?”
You had momentarily forgotten that Seungmin just got back from spending two months in America, and his unexpected English sent a spike of arousal through you. With a whine, you grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him into you to close the gap. 
Seungmin’s lips felt different from Felix’s, his approach automatically more aggressive than the tender kiss that you and Felix had shared. His teeth nipped at the flesh of your lips, which had you involuntarily bucking your hips against Felix. There was something about how they were still fully clothed while you were presented almost completely bare to them that had you painfully turned on. 
Taking advantage of your distracted state, Felix slid his fingers past your underwear. In your surprise, you bit down on Seungmin’s lip, melting at the groan he let out while Felix continued to tease you, spreading your arousal from your entrance to the little sensitive nub. Finally, he sunk two slick fingers inside, slowly stroking your velvet walls, and you uttered a shuddering whimper into Seungmin’s mouth. 
“God, baby… You’re so tight.” Felix groaned, feeling around your cunt as you began meeting his prods. “Fuck, Min. You have to feel how perfect this is.” Felix hissed, using his free hand to grab Seungmin’s and push two of his digits in beside his own.
The feeling of both of the boy’s fingers stuffed into your core was something you never wanted to forget—your moans loud to convey your lust to your two best friends. 
It was your little noises that had both of them twitching in their trousers, the whole scenario still so unbelievable in their eyes. The only reason why they never wanted to pursue their feelings for you was a fear of losing their relationship with each other. They knew there was no way that it could be the three of you if they tried to make you theirs individually. 
“You’re wet because you have our fingers filling that cute pussy of yours, hm?” Felix grunted against your neck, sucking bruises into your unmarked skin. 
With a particular thrust of what you believed to be Seungmin’s fingers, you jerked away from his lips, feeling boneless and falling against Felix’s chest. “Yes. Feels so good—fuck.” Eyes squeezing shut, your back arched. Seungmin then found that special spot inside you, pressing his long fingers against it over and over and over again. It was too much, your thighs almost snapping together if it weren’t for Felix’s elbow pushing them apart. 
Inching closer, Seungmin used his free hand to slide the skinny straps of your bra down, one at a time. As soon as your breasts came into view, the boys groaned, Felix’s face only inches away as Seungmin tweaked the nipple between his fingers. Seungmin was usually an ass man, but nothing could compare to how pretty your tits looked under his hands. He had to hold in a moan when you wiggled around and stuck your chest out for him, wantonly panting and mewling his name.
“I’m gonna cum—” You gasped, tugging on Felix’s shirt, the feeling of the two boys working on you becoming too much. 
But suddenly, the feeling of fullness disappeared as Felix pulled his fingers away from you, dragging Seungmin along—ruining your orgasm. Your eyes snapped open with tears clouding your vision, walls clenching around nothing, desperate for them to bring the pleasure back. 
“Not yet, baby. I think I want your first orgasm to be on my tongue.” Felix murmured, sending Seungmin a taunting look. 
“Now?” You asked, pleading. 
Felix chuckled, popping his slick covered fingers into his mouth. But then, torturously, he pulled his digits out and pushed them past your own lips, allowing you to savor your own juices along with his unique taste on your tongue. Patting the bed beside him, he pressed a chaste kiss to your lips, “Come on. Sit up here for me, beautiful.” 
“Hold on,” Seungmin huffed, playfully nudging Felix’s shoulder. The younger of the two wrapped his arms around your waist, squeezing a giggle out of you, and sat in the place beside Felix. Hoisting you up onto his lap, he situated you so your feet rested against the outside of his thighs, leaving you open for Felix’s prying eyes. “This is the least you could do for me while Felix gets to taste you.” 
You shivered at the feeling of his breath against the back of your neck, leaning your forehead on his shoulder. “But Minnie, I could—”
“Not now, beautiful. Be good and then you can play with us.” Felix said, biting his lips before tugging your underwear down your legs and immediately wrapping his lips around your clit. He then slid—not his fingers—but grabbed Seungmin’s hand and pushed two of his fingers into your pussy. You gasped, bucking up against his hand. 
You heard Seungmin’s moan in your ear, followed by your own, “Fuck, honey. Look at you…”
Felix hummed a chuckle, letting Seungmin move his own fingers inside of you. And soon enough, he started to really finger fuck you, hard enough for you to feel feverish. The precise rub of his long and thick fingers had you painfully close again. With Felix’s deadly suction on your bud and Seungmin’s fingertips brushing the sweet spot inside of you, the buzz in your stomach climbed quickly. 
Finally, the little cord in your belly snapped. 
Moaning through your orgasm, your hips shook and jerked, your fingernails digging into Seungmin’s wrist that was still pumping in and out of you. Felix was quick to flatten his tongue over your gushing slit, collecting as much of your juices as he could, like a man starved. 
“Your legs are shaking, baby,” Seungmin stated, pulling his soaked fingers from your hole and running a soothing palm over your quivering thigh. 
You smiled, completely breathless, just trying to recover from your orgasm. “Yeah, just—wow.”
Standing from his kneeling spot, Felix wiped your release from his mouth. His eyes darkened at your fucked out form being held tightly by Seungmin’s strong arms, and he made a quick decision. With a slow stride to his own bed, Felix pulled his shirt over his head and fell back onto his mattress. When you sent him a look of confusion, he raised a brow, “You wanted to thank Minnie for being so patient, right?”
Your head turned to face Seungmin, blinking up at him as you nodded. “Yeah…” So you slid to your knees, taking Felix’s spot on the floor. Though, not before running your palms under his sweatshirt and helping him lift it over his head, nearly whimpering at the sight of his toned chest. 
Felix laughed, unbuckling his belt. “She missed you.”
“Yeah,” Seungmin smiled as you leaned forward to place a soft kiss against his stomach. His hand cupped the side of your face. “I missed you too, sweetheart.”
You hummed, coy. “You still smell different.”
Seungmin snorted, leaning back against his hand to watch you unbutton his jeans with eager movements. “I’ll use my other cologne from now on.” 
“Good.” You said, slowly pulling his jeans down his hips. The second his hard and throbbing cock was in your hand, you could feel yourself start to clench around nothing, dying to feel the weight of it on your tongue. Stroking him slowly, you whispered, “You’re bigger than I thought.”
Through his heavy breaths, Seungmin laughed. “Do you flatter every guy you’re about to suck off?”
Glancing up at him with the wide-eyed look he loved so much, you answered cheekily, “just you,” and you were pulling his cock into your mouth, eagerly running your tongue over it. 
Seungmin was in heaven—he never expected to see your pretty lips pulled tightly over his dick, and it was so much better than he thought. The hardest thing was keeping himself from tipping his head back and shutting his eyes because of the pleasure. He didn’t want to miss the way your eyes watered when you dropped down and took everything you could, or how your tongue darted around the head when you lifted up. And he had to hold back a moan when you swallowed around him until your saliva pooled out of your mouth and leaked down your chin.
With everything you were doing, Seungmin couldn’t help but groan and call you his good girl. You preened at the praise, happily wrapping your mouth around the head of his cock to gently suck, tasting the precum that leaked after his low moan.
Threading his long fingers in your hair, he guided your head as your sweet mouth brought him closer to his release, gasping when you moaned around him as he held you down. How he got so lucky—he had no idea. 
“Cum on her face, Min.” 
Seungmin was caught off guard by Felix’s deep voice, not expecting it to send a jolt of electricity straight to his cock. 
But it did, and with one last moan, Seungmin cursed, pulling his cock out of the perfect feeling of your mouth. He roughly stroked himself to orgasm—cumming in multiple spurts over your face. You took it eagerly, shutting your eyes and obediently opening your mouth to catch as much as you could. The grunts of his pleasure fell to your ears like honey—you loved Seungmin’s voice almost as much as you loved Felix’s, and hearing him moan so prettily had you leaking. 
His hand dropped from his cock and he released a shaky breath, watching intently as you opened your eyes and kept eye contact as you gathered his cum on your tongue. You swiped your index finger over the strands of his drying cum on your face as you showed him the pooling of white on your tongue. At a loss for words, Seungmin just watched as you closed your mouth to swallow it down, unaware of the rumbling groan in his chest. You then presented him with your clean tongue with a coy smile.
“Fuck,” Seungmin huffed as you pushed your cum covered fingers into your mouth as if it was your favorite treat, cleaning up every drop that was left on your cheeks. His broken voice caught, “How are you real?”
Still filled with excitement, you lifted to your feet—only wobbling a little—and wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your lips to his. Seungmin hummed into your mouth, shifting you closer with his arms sliding around your waist, pushing his lips harder against yours. You sighed, pleased with the way he could handle you so effortlessly. 
With the way you melted into his arms, he completely forgot about your argument from earlier. He didn’t care. You could love Felix more than him—as long as he could still hold you, he didn’t care. 
“As pretty as you two look right now,” Felix rasped from his place behind you, his voice strained and rough and—wow, you never thought he could sound hotter. “I’d really love to feel your tight little pussy around my cock, sunshine.” 
Looking back, your hands tightened on Seungmin’s shoulders at the sight of your gorgeous best friend laid out over his bed like a god. His tan skin illuminated by the setting sun that peeked through the window, the freckles that you loved prominently contrasting against his flesh. How could one person be so beautiful?
Even though his cock stood up straight in attention, pulsing with need and leaking down the length, he still acted laid-back and carefree to tease you. “I waited so politely. I think I deserve a thank you too, right?”
You nodded with a smile, more than happy to do as he asked. There was no way you could deny your sweet friend, not after everything he had done for you. 
When you approached his bed and crawled over him, you leaned down to kiss the head of his cock gently before straightening up to peck his grinning lips. But as you turned to grab his shoulder, about to straddle him, Felix pulled away with a smirk, shaking his head. Before you could ask why he raised a brow and glanced to the side. “Hands and knees. Look at Minnie.”
Understanding his request, you spun to face Seungmin, and couldn’t help but pull your lip between your teeth. 
He watched from the other side of the room, his arms folded behind his head as he watched with bated breath. You hadn’t expected Seungmin to enjoy something like this, but seeing his red face and dark eyes, it made you even more eager to continue. 
He was soft against his stomach, but the way Felix grabbed your hips roughly to manipulate your body just the way he wanted, adjusting your wet heat snugly so it was hugging his hard length, it made Seungmin’s dick twitch. Cheekily, Felix leaned over your back to murmur into the back of your neck, just loud enough for Seungmin to hear, “I think Minnie should get a punishment, baby. It’s only fair since he went off to find some American girl while we were patiently waiting for him to get back.”
You whimpered at the feeling of his rutting hips against your ass, head going dizzy. “But—but he didn’t—oh, fuck…” The head of his cock slipped over your sensitive clit, cutting your breath short. 
“Uh-uh, beautiful. He was so mean to us when we came over. He needs to see what he would’ve been missing if he went off with Sarah, got it?” Felix gritted through his teeth, snapping his strong hips into you, just grazing his cock against your hot folds. 
You then nodded your head fast, no longer thinking straight. You didn’t want to punish Seungmin—you missed him, and whatever disagreement you had before was erased the moment he held you in his arms. But with Felix teasing you to insanity, you just said whatever you could. 
Lifting you up with his hands on your hips, Felix placed one last kiss against your spine as a reward. When he lined himself up to your entrance—torturously prodding only the head of his cock inside you—you squirmed in his tight embrace, wanting more. In English, you heard Felix murmur, good girl, and then he was pushing his length into you.
With no fight left in you, Felix slid his cock into you with no trouble, his hips sitting flush against your ass. Before your narrow walls were quite used to the new stretch, you suddenly felt a push of his hips and an unexpected pain on your ass, a loud smack falling flat in the small room. Whining, you looked over your shoulder, locking eyes with Felix’s now stern ones. He growled, “Look at him while I fuck you.”
Obediently, your eyes shifted to Seungmin, and Felix started moving. 
It was all so much. With Seungmin watching you get fucked by your best friend so intently, and Felix’s low groans above you, it was hard to take. Everything was overwhelming in the best of ways—you didn’t even remember when your eyes started watering. With your high moans mingling with Felix’s low growls, it was pornographic. 
And Seungmin was suffering. 
Breath heavy and short, he took his hardening cock in his hand and pumped it slowly. All he could do was watch Felix push in and out of your tight little hole, his eyes flickering between your half-lidded gaze and Felix’s taunting smirk. Felix really did want to punish him. 
“Later—” Felix panted, thrusting hard into you. “Later we will see how good you are with both of our cocks stuffed inside of you—ah, see how much you can take with Minnie’s fat cock right next to mine, hm?” Felix groaned, planting another hard smack to your ass as you mewled at his filthy words. He might’ve been talking to you, but his eyes bore into Seungmin’s, both of the boys making a silent promise to each other. 
You were theirs—both of theirs.
Quickly, you were approaching your high for the second time, your stomach tensing and mouth falling open. As your breath began to pick up, Seungmin caught on and motioned to Felix, biting his lip at your pleasured expression. 
So Felix hummed, sliding his hand over your throat and lifting you up so your back was flush to his chest, giving Seungmin a perfect view of your pretty tits bouncing with each thrust. Felix pressed his lips against your ear, smirking at your little pleas. “If you cum now, I won’t let you feel Seungmin’s cock inside of you.”
You practically cried, feeling the wetness of your eyes fall to your cheeks. “Please, Lix. It’s so much—so good. I need to cum…” 
But your whines fell to deaf ears, Felix’s focus zeroed in on how Seungmin gripped his cock hard and hissed through his teeth. His length pulsed inside of you, his groan sending vibrations straight to your cunt and causing you to clench down on him. His orgasm hurled into him by surprise, a deep string of curses falling from his lips as he haphazardly pushed your front back against the mattress and pulled himself out of you just in time to release over your ass. Growling, his palm connected with your wet thigh one last time for good measure. 
Huffing raggedly from his orgasm, Felix clenched his jaw. “Get over here and fuck her.”
Seungmin didn’t waste any time getting off his bed, and stumbled forward, ready to finally feel you around him. He kneeled beside Felix, allowing the shorter boy to manhandle you so you were leaning back against his chest, feeling secure with his arm around your torso. 
Felix grabbed Seungmin by the wrist and pulled him forward, looking at his best friend carefully. “C’mere Min…” He instructed gently. 
Seungmin nodded, grabbing your hips and lining himself up to your entrance. He needed to feel you too—he needed to so bad. “Okay—fuck, Lix. She’s so wet.”
“Yeah, she is.” Felix chuckled, rubbing his free hand down to play with your wet folds, showing Seungmin what he was really in for. 
You shook when Felix’s thumb brushed against your throbbing clit, a broken moan leaving your lips. Both boys hissed as you bucked forward, more desperate than they thought. 
Seungmin then pushed into you, moaning softly at the tightness of your cunt. 
You cried out, head falling against Felix’s shoulder as the stretch of Seungmin’s cock rendered you speechless. It was hard to believe you had just been fucked, with the completely new feeling of Seungmin’s silky length teasing your sweet-spot, the head just barely brushing it as he bottomed out. He groaned at the wonderful warmth, but held you tight, whispering words of praise mingled with curses of how tight and perfect you felt around him. 
“Please, just—” you moaned, pushing down on him. “Just fuck me, Seungmin.” 
Felix ran his lips down your neck, grabbing onto your hips as Seungmin shifted just enough to brush that small spot up inside of you. Felix lifted your hips as you whimpered, groaning in your ear, “You heard her, Min. Fuck her.”
So he did—thrusting his hips forward with a strangled moan. 
There was no better feeling than having your two favorite boys holding you so tightly. Felix’s fingers digging into your sides hard enough to form bruises and Seungmin’s strong arms caging you under him. It was ethereal. Even though you were overstimulated and so so painfully close to your orgasm, you couldn’t help but feel so happy. Never did you think you would feel so happy, But with them, how could you be surprised?
Seungmin’s thrusts stuttered, his cock digging into you at a breathtaking speed, and Felix’s hands starting to bounce you up and down on him—it was too much. Sobbing, you came around his cock, pulsing and clenching and leaking all over Felix’s strong thighs. 
“Shit, baby, you’re cumming so well around his cock. Look at you,” Felix praised, dragging his fingers over your pulsating nub to coax another loud moan from your throat. Your orgasm was intense—possibly the most intense you had ever felt. 
As hard as it was to keep a rhythm, Felix helped Seungmin the best he could to bring him to his second high, his dick twitching inside of you and adding to your pleasure. “Oh, fuck—”
“Cum inside her hot pussy, Minnie.” Felix moaned, high pitched and pretty, one of his hands guiding Seungmin’s hips into you for one last hard thrust before he released deep inside of you—just like Felix instructed. 
You felt so gloriously full, Seungmin’s warm cum pooling between your legs. You hummed softly, threading your fingers gently through Seungmin’s soft hair and leaning your head against Felix’s where he had his face tucked into the crook of your neck. Both breathing heavily from the intensity of their orgasms. 
Seungmin panted, leaning into your palm and making eye contact with Felix. “Did you…?”
Felix nodded, a blush rising to his cheeks. “Yeah.”
The three of you smiled wide, your heartbeats in sync as Seungmin shifted you to lay properly on the bed, carefully helping Felix collapse next to you. He felt warmth spread through his chest, seeing the both of you blissed out and exhausted. “Hold on, I’ll get something to clean up.”
Felix snorted. “Always cleaning, huh?”
Seungmin rolled his eyes fondly, standing and moving to the bathroom to get a washcloth, grabbing a few of his shirts and clean pairs of your respective underwear. 
His mind swarmed with thoughts—both good and unpleasant. But he pushed them away for another time. He just wanted to curl up around you and fall asleep, perhaps he could deal with them in the morning. 
But returning, he froze, his eyes locked onto you and Felix tucked in together on the bed, you pressing soft kisses along the boy's face. Felix’s little laughs were a complete contrast to his persona he had brought earlier, but still so entirely Felix. It made Seungmin’s chest tighten. And in the short time, he had been gone, you had managed to throw your hair up and out of your face, letting him see every little bruise and bite Felix had left on your neck. 
The picture was both so perfect and so heartbreaking. 
Finally, your lips landed a quick kiss on his, your eyes soft as Felix leaned in for another and another. You giggled, rolling to rest your weight on him and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. Gently brushing Felix’s golden hair from his eyes, you sighed, “I love you, Lix.”
He smiled, tugging you closer. “I love you more.”
Seungmin never thought it would hurt to hear you say those words to each other—it was so pure, so intimate. He actually felt like he was intruding on something, which was foreign when it came to you and Felix. Never before had he felt like an outsider, it had always been the three of you against everything. 
He knew it would change after you realized their feelings for you, but never like this. 
He was brought out of his thoughts by your sweet voice, his eyes snapping to you, and his heart aching at your pretty smile. “Hm? W-What was that?”
You frowned briefly, catching the hitch in his voice, “What’s wrong, Minnie?”
He quickly threw the washcloth to Felix, his friend catching it with ease as he carefully placed your clothes on the bed. “Nothing. Just tired.” He cleared his throat, motioning back towards the bathroom. “I’m just going to take a shower, yeah?”
And without waiting for your reply, he slid out of the room, finally catching his breath. 
His heart thundered in his chest, the warm feeling of embarrassment encasing his face. He quickly turned the shower on and leaned against the wall for a moment to compose himself. Listening to the water run, he felt a sting at the back of his eyes, cursing as he pressed his palms against them. 
As much as he wanted to regret what just happened, he couldn’t—it was solely the best moment of his life, after taking you to that silly high school dance where you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and he could feel your warm breath against his neck. That was the first time you told him that you loved him. 
Granted, it was only as a friend, but the moment still made his stomach twist in knots. 
Running a hand through his hair, he stepped into the shower. Seeing you and Felix together intimately was one of the biggest reasons why he didn’t want to go to America and the only reason why he tried to date Sarah. And confusingly enough, after tonight, he wasn’t sure if he was just upset about his chances with you being gone, or if he was upset about both of you being in love with someone else. 
Did he really love both of his best friends?
He jumped at the sound of your voice, gripping onto the shower curtain to keep balance. He must’ve been so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn’t hear you open the door. 
He cleared his throat, “Yeah?”
The curtain pulled back and his eyes widened to see not only you but Felix—both of you still naked. Your expression showed your concern, and despite being naked in front of the two people he recently discovered that he was in love with, he couldn’t help but feel bad for making you worry. 
You sighed, sharing a look with Felix, before stepping into the shower in front of Seungmin, back facing the running water. Felix followed suit, taking the place behind you and pushing Seungmin out of the reach of the warm water. He could hardly care though, with the two most beautiful people he had ever seen, naked, and only inches away from him. 
“Minnie, tell us what’s wrong. We’ve known you for our whole life, you can’t say you’re ‘just tired’ and think we won’t notice you’re upset.” You said, running your hands over his shoulders in an attempt to comfort him. 
Seungmin swallowed. “I don’t—”
“Seriously, Min,” Felix huffed, leaning against your back to catch Seungmin’s wandering eyes. “Tell us what’s wrong. We haven’t gotten this far by not talking to each other.” 
It broke your heart to see him like this. Especially since you didn’t know what caused it—
“I think I’m in love with both of you.” 
Your eyes widened, and you felt Felix’s grip on your shoulders suddenly tighten. You really didn’t expect him to say that. 
“We love you too, Min,” Felix said, brows creasing in question. “You know that.” His voice was hoarse, he sounded choked up.
Seungmin felt goosebumps rise over his skin, but he knew it was due to Felix’s words and not because he was cold standing outside of the stream of water. “I know you guys do. I get it…” He trailed off as a conclusion. It was stupid, he knew that, but he was a lot more insecure than he let on. 
You glanced back at Felix, and you locked guilty eyes. As his best friend, you knew that Seungmin didn’t like sharing his feelings freely, so you should’ve seen his grief coming. 
Biting your lip, you took Seungmin’s face in your hands, directing him to look at you. His eyes were glossy and wide, and you could feel your heart clench in your chest at the sight of the innocent little puppy that you grew up with. “Seungmin, you don’t get it. We love you too—so so much.” You smiled, leaning up to place a chaste kiss on his lips. 
“I love you too, Seungmin.” Felix swallowed, clearing his dry throat. “More than you know.”
He couldn’t fathom the chances of his world coming together so perfectly, it just seemed so impossible in his mind to be able to have you both. All his life he had called the two of you his—his best friends, his soulmates, his partners, whatever title seemed to fit. But he never believed that there would ever be a day where he was able to just call you his.
Maybe he finally could.
In a burst of emotion, Seungmin pushed forward, leaning down to kiss Felix. Your body was suddenly stuck between the two boys, your hands wrapping around Seungmin’s shoulders as his arms snaked around your waist, holding you tight against him. 
Growing up, Seungmin never liked his family home. It was too big, way too empty—filled with many memories that he would rather not think of. It didn’t feel like a home to him. And you and Felix replaced that empty space. You gave him comfort and Felix gave him security, and he loved every bit of what you all shared. So he didn’t mind that he didn’t have a home. 
But standing in the smallest shower in the world, with you and Felix by his side, he felt different. 
Pulling away from Felix, he panted, licking the taste of his best friend from his lips. You giggled at the goofy smiles on their faces, placing a quick kiss on Seungmin’s cute nose. 
Both boys stared down at you—their girl—in complete and devoted awe.
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minyoonmeme · 4 years
Normalcy of the Pretty Posse
Chapter 2
Word Count: 3708
Pairing: ??? x reader
Description: Stupid Jeongguk and his cute sweaters and pretty posse of hyungs.
Genre: again like 90% fluff, 5% humor, and another 5% of reader literally forgetting how to function a little
(Some rambling because I have no life: here is part 2! I honestly didn’t expect any one to find part 1 so??? thank you guys so much. I’ve missed writing lately and this has been such a good outlet for me. I hope you guys like it.)
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“Hyung…” Jeongguk skids to a stop just before one of the sets of speakers. A whine leaves his mouth as he puffs out some air before tossing his bag haphazardly against a random speaker. “I messed up. Big time.” His legs, just slightly too long for the childish behavior, fold underneath him awkwardly as he flops against the dusty linoleum floor. 
Hoseok looks down at his younger friend as he folds another chair and places it against the wall. “Messed up as in pissing your pants again like that one time Freshman year or getting another C on a test?” Hoseok only laughs when Jeongguk throws a pen from his pocket at him. Jeongguk’s pout settles deeper on his face as his eyebrows furrow and Hoseok knows that whatever is bothering Jeongguk is something a little more closer to the heart than pissing his pants at a frat party after chugging an entire keg upside down.
“Hyung, I’m serious.” Jeongguk closes his eyes and wraps his sweater tighter around his body as he rolls on his left side to look at Hoseok. “You know that girl that dances in the back in your Thursday workshops?” 
“I’m gonna need you to be a little bit more specific, Guk. There are a lot of girls who come here.” Hoseok is only kidding, of course. He and all of Jeongguk’s hyungs know of his crush on the girl who comes every Thursday to his workshops. Jeongguk had originally only come to the workshops because Hoseok was nervous no one was going to come, but that was 2 months ago and despite the sign up list being full every week, Jeongguk still came despite being a little bit more advanced than the beginner classes he attended. Hoseok had offhandedly mentioned that Jeongguk tended to glance at the back, at a particular girl, during another one of their game nights and Jeongguk, wine drunk off of two bottles, giggled as he explained his small crush on a girl who attended Hoseok’s beginner class. 
“Hobi-hyung, she’s not a beginner like have you seen her dance? She just looks so pretty and her hair is just so..” Jeongguk giggles as he wraps a finger around his hair. “...fluffy after she dances.” A small hiccup escapes him as he finishes his glass. “It’s so cute.” Jeongguk, in silent awe, squeals a little into his glass, one of the many stolen from his favorite bar, as he scrunches into a ball and bangs his knee against the table. A smile never leaves his face as he continues to giggle into the fogging glass. 
Hoseok’s heart strings tug at the fond memory he has of his younger friend and decides to leave putting away the rest of the furniture to the workers who litter around him. Jeongguk lays his head against his knee when he sits next to him. “Tell Hyung what happened, Gukie. It can’t be worse than vomiting on the poor girl…..” Hoseok grimaces before giving Jeongguk a look. “You didn’t vomit on her right?” 
Jeongguk shakes his head no before huffing. “I asked her friend last week if (Y/N) was okay since she hasn’t been coming and I don’t know I panicked because like what if I missed my chance to even talk to her. A-and I saw her outside and I walked over and like spoke to her?” Jeongguk knocks his head a couple of times against Hoseok’s knee as he relives the moment in his head. “I was so nervous and sounded so stupid. She probably thought I was stupid and weird for coming up to her. What kind of person asks a stranger if they plan on coming back to some stupid dance class. She probably thinks I’m a creepy ass stalker who watches her dance every week.” 
Hoseok runs his hand through Jeongguk’s hair for comfort as the younger beats himself up mentally. “Are you saying my dance classes are stupid?” It’s meant to be a joke, but Jeongguk shoots his head up and sputters out incomprehensible words. “Guk, I’m kidding. I know you don’t think my classes are stupid, you’re just frustrated at yourself because your first interaction with your crush didn’t go as well as you planned.” Jeongguk flops back down against Hoseok’s thigh as he groans. Hoseok just smiles softly at him wondering how Jeongguk, handsome and all, was someone inept at talking to a simple girl. 
“I may have also lied and told her that you have me here to help out with teaching.” It’s muffled against his leg, but Hoseok hears every word. 
“So you chose to lie, for what?” 
“I panicked! I told her that her coming helped me with the others since she’s obviously experienced. How else was I supposed to explain that I, a complete stranger, noticed she was gone for two weeks? She’ll think I’, watching her or something.” 
“That’s all you ever do, Jeongguk. And besides, I didn’t even notice she was gone and I read the roster every night.” 
Jeongguk smacked his hyung’s hip closest to him as he huffed. “You’re not helping Hyung! Even if you didn’t notice she wasn’t here, she probably thinks I’m a stalker now. A big stupid stalker who can’t even look her in the eyes. I’m gonna be alone forever!”
Hoseok wanted to laugh at him, but decided that he needed to play the role of the helpful caring hyung for now. He’ll let the others clown him later once he retells everything to them tonight. “Gukie, you’re not gonna be alone forever. You’re smart and stupidly handsome. I don’t think you should’ve lied to her, but it’s not life or death, so you should be able to save yourself from this. How about you let your hyung help you a little tonight? Let me work my magic.” 
“You would help me?” Jeongguk throws his arms around his waist and gives a tight squeeze.. Hoseok grimaces from the too tight hug and the dust from Jeongguk’s sweater falling onto his new clothes. He ignores both in favor of giving Jeongguk’s back a few solid rubs. “You’re the best, Hobi-hyung.” 
“You’re on your own after tonight though, Gukie. No more help from your one of kind, amazing, most handsome Hyung.” 
“Jin-hyung isn’t here though?’ 
Hoseok scoffs and pushes Jeongguk off of him as he cackles from the floor. “Go open the doors you ungrateful brat.” 
Tonight had been… interesting to say the least. 
Yoonjin had chosen to nudge me every time she thought Jeongguk had glanced in my direction resulting in a dull throb in my ribs. 
“Don’t look but he’s looking again… Oh my god, I said don’t look!” 
“You said that the last 4 four times and every time I look back he’s literally looking at Hoseok-shii.” I huffed and rubbed at my right side. Yoonjin has always been stronger than she looks. “Yoonjin, if you ram your boney ass elbow into my ribs one more time I will drop kick you into the wall.”
Yoonjin blinked at me before rolling her eyes. “He keeps looking away. Just trust me why don’t you! Why would I joke about this.” I rolled my eyes and refocused on Hoseok as he explained some of the footwork again. House dance had never been my speciality. 
“I don’t know, maybe you like to see me suffer.” 
“I’m literally trying to help you get a man.”
“No, you’re trying to break my ribs.” 
9 o’clock rolled around sooner than I expected as Hoseok wrapped up his lesson. Many of the students who endured the class in its entirety were shuffling to the walls of the room where their water bottles had long ago since turned lukewarm. Hoseok was not one for lots of water breaks. Used to long durations of exercising and cardio, I had chosen to hang back and stretch out while Yoonjin made small talk with the others around her. I held in my laugh as she shot me a look or two of ‘what the fuck is going on’ and ‘please help me’ while talking to the animated girl with sweat drenched pink ponytails. Figuring that whatever kind of conversation she was wrapped up in was payback enough for the bruising I was sure to have on my ribs for the next week, I chose to let her suffer. 
“You know I think you’d do a lot better in a higher level class.” There stood Jung Hoseok in all his beautiful glory as I attempted to straighten my legs from their lunge. I tried to blame the jittery feeling settling in as adrenaline from the cardio, but I knew my body was just buzzing from having him stand so close. Did he even sweat? How did he manage to smell like fucking flowers after dancing? Damn Jeongguk and his pretty posse. 
“Uh sorry?”
Jung Hoseok smiled and offered a hand to me. I smiled back, although less brightly, and hoped my hands were not as sweaty as the rest of my body. “I just meant that you seem a little more experienced than what this class has to offer. It’s a shame to see talent be wasted on some basic combinations.” His eyes took a quick over my body and I flushed at movement. If he looks at me like that more time, I will be internally combusting. 
“I-uh used to dance growing up.” My hands gripped my shirt as Hoseok proceeded to make eye contact. Does he have to be so nice and beautifully intimidating? A deadly combo for my poor nerves. Do I look away? Is it rude to keep eye contact? Would a wink be appropriate for a first conversation? 
“How long did you take lessons?” 
“Like 14 years maybe? My mom tried to put me in baseball like my brothers when I was 4, but after I started spitting and grabbing my pants before I batted she decided it probably wasn’t a good influence to be surrounded by all boys at home and during practice.” My lips pressed together as I pinched my face in horror. Oh god, why did I say that? Hoseok on the other hand was having a jolly good time as dropped his jaw and choked in a fit of laughter and I screwed my face shut in embarrassment. “I don’t know why I said that. Oh my god, please forget I just said that! I’m just nervous and I say stupid things when I’m nervous. I’m an idiot and I just don’t know how to shut up sometimes.” 
Hoseok continued to laugh as I covered my overheating face with my hands wishing I had grabbed Yoonjin and left before we both got wrapped in unwanted conversations. “Y-you’re too cute. Oh god, I can totally see it!” Hoseok laughed for a few more breaths before settling down into giggles. 
“Hyung...? Is everything okay?” Jeongguk shuffled over with both his and Hoseok’s bags as he glanced between Hoseok and I. 
Hoseok giggled a few more times before accepting his bag from Jeongguk. “I was just just asking if...”  Hoseok titled his head before looking back at me. “I forgot to ask for your name actually, I’m sorry.” 
Not used to having 2 out of 7 members of Jeongguk’s Pretty Posse’s attention on me made me flush even warmer. “No worries, I’m (Y/N).” 
Hoseok smiled at me before swinging his bag on his shoulder and went back to addressing Jeongguk. “I was just complimenting (Y/N) on her dancing. We could do with another dancer on the team don’t you think Jeongguk?” 
“We could?” Jeongguk bugged his eyes out a little at his hyung before throwing a confused look his way. 
Hoseok raised his eyebrows and tiled forward a little bit. “Of course, we could Gukie! Remember we had that talk earlier about adding a new member? Junhoo graduated last semester, so we don’t have anyone to fill his spot.” Jeongguk stared at Hoseok wondering who the hell Junhoo was and when this conversation happened. Hoseok starred a little harder before-Oh! “How about you let your hyung help you a little tonight.” 
“Yes! You’re totally right Hobi-hyung! (Y/N), you would love our dance team! You’d fit right in too!” Jeongguk bounced on his heels a little as he turned to me. Back on was the sweater he had been wearing earlier. Damn. The sweater paws have returned too. 
“Isn’t it all guys? How would that even work? I’m literally like half Jeongguk’s size.” My glance danced between Hoseok and Jeongguk as I bit my lip. 
“Where there is a will, there is a way (Y/N). And I’m sure you won’t pick up any bad habits this time (Y/N). We’re all mannered and hygienic, so no worries!” My jaw dropped as Hoseok poked fun at my previous story and raised his eyebrows at me. That little-
I scoffed and stomped my foot to turn his direction fully. “I wasn’t even talking about that! I can’t believe you! I let one thing slip and you use it against me!” I jutted my lips out in a slight pout as I crossed my arms. 
Jeongguk deflated a little as he watched Hoseok’s teasing glance and my pouting. “Am I missing something?”
My finger found a place on his chest as I leaned closer. Are those pecs…?  “Jung Hoseok, you keep your mouth shut!” Those are definitely pecs. 
“I will if you join our team.” 
My mouth fell open as I removed my finger with an inaudible gasp. “I see you play dirty, Jung.” I tsked at him before turning to Jeongguk. “Get your hyung before he embarrasses me more and I combust.” Jeongguk blinks as I give him my sole focus and nods softly, most likely lost on what’s happening. 
“So if that is a yes?” 
Defeatedly, I face Hoseok and shrug my shoulders as I grab my bag from Yoonjin as she approaches. “You’re in luck. I was actually looking to join something a little more advanced dance wise. My body misses dancing despite how old it makes my bones feel.” 
“So.. is that a yes?” Jeongguk reiterates as he bounces forward a little, eyes wide as his hair flops a little. I smile a little as my heart flops along with his hair. I give Hoseok a quick glance and will the oxygen to return to my lungs and brain at the focussed look he gives me. 
“It’s a no.” My heart sinks at Jeongguk’s sudden smile. “Not that I wouldn’t join; I totally would! It’s just I have to find a music production mentor for my Music Composition and Engineering class and I’m basically meeting with strangers every other day until one decides to take me under their wing. I really need this class to graduate and I can’t afford any breaks until I find someone.” My hands are flying everywhere as I try to make my rejection lighter on Jeongguk. 
Jeongguk nods a little and licks his lips as he gives Hoseok a quick glance. Hoseok seems to understand whatever is going on in his head and tilts his head toward him with a hard look as a warning to think before you speak, you love sick idiot. Jeongguk, with a heart often bigger than his brain, ignores his hyung and blurts out, “Yoongi-hyung is a music producer! I can introduce you to him and see if he’d be willing to mentor you.” 
Hoseok closes his eyes and drops his head forward into his hands. Dammit Jeongguk. 
I blink a few times before trying to stop my smile from spreading. “Are you sure? I mean I’d really appreciate it of course, but I know it might be a lot to ask. I’m also a total stranger, so you don’t have to at all!” My mouth suddenly feels dry as I lick my lips. “It would be really great though! Some of the guys I meet are total creeps and I don’t know how many coffees I drink everyday while one of them tries to feel me up.” I force a laugh to lessen my discomfort and hope it comes across as less awkward than I feel. 
Jeongguk looks to Hoseok after I’m done exhausting my voice and they seem to share a meaningful look before Hoseok reaches into his pocket. “Here, give me your number. Jeongguk and I will talk to Yoongi-hyung and see what we can do. He might be willing to meet with you and see if you guys ‘vibe.’” 
My eyes flick up to meet his as I smother another smile. My attempts fail and I grab his phone and giddily put in my number. “You guys are the best! I promise to join you guys if I can resolve this whole mess.” My grin widens as I think about not having to stifle through conversation after conversation every other day in some overpriced cafe with another self employed music producer as they critique every layer of my pieces. “Do guys like cookies? I’m totally baking you guys some cookies as thanks!” 
“Are you ready to go (Y/N)?” 
“Yoonjin! We’re going to be baking cookies for Hoseok and Jeongguk!” Yoonjin furrows her eyebrows as she loops her eyebrows with mine. 
“We are?”
“We are! Is chocolate chip okay?” I offer her no other explanation as I ask Jeongguk with a sweet smile. These pretty boys were coming in handy and so were my depressive episodes’ baking habits. 
“Chocolate-chip sounds great.” Jeongguk licks his lips as he feels his heart rate border an unhealthy pace. “Hyung, we-uh should probably head out and go pick up your package.” 
“My package?” Hoseok finishes adding a baseball bat and a flower emoji to his new contact before catching the look Jeongguk is sending him. “Oh! Yeah, uh, I’ll have Jeongguk text you about Yoongi-hyung. It was nice meeting you (Y/N), get home safely!” 
Yoonjin and I watch them both leave the room before facing each other. 
“What the fuck was that?” 
“I honestly have no fucking clue, but I think I’m gonna die. Please check my pulse.” Yoonjin feels at my neck and sighs. 
“Nope, still alive. Maybe next time though.” 
I re-loop our arms and pull her out of the emptying room. “Come on we have to go get Chaebin from the library before she has another aneurysm over her homework. I’ll fill you in on the way there.”
Yoonjin shrugs and follows along. “I hope you know that if this progresses into some dramatic fated love story I will be living vicariously through you.” 
“I expect nothing less.”
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cloudshapedpatch · 4 years
take my money (take my heart, too)
the awkward julie & luke sugar daddy/baby au no one asked for
rated teen and up for swearing and semi-mature themes such as the concept of a sugar daddy/baby arrangement
no smut! insane tooth-rotting fluff tho
slow burn juke
and disaster lesbians flarrie side plot and (eventual) willex
also a coffee shop au because i said so
read on ao3 (chapter 1 and tag list below the cut)
* * * *
Julie is nervous. No, nervous is an understatement. Her knees bounce uncontrollably under the table, shaky fingers twirling the straw in her iced coffee. And the knot in her stomach seems to grow ever tighter.
She pulls out her phone to check the time for the third time this minute. How is it still 10:57 am? Just as she is about to put her phone back in her pocket, it buzzes with an incoming text from her best friend/roommate, Flynn.
Flynn: calm down
Julie smiles despite herself, turning around to look at her friend a few tables away. Thank goodness for her friend, willing to throw away a morning to make sure she is safe and comfortable on her blind date. She shoots Flynn a small smile. Flynn, to their credit, is taking their job very seriously, wearing an absurdly large sunhat and sunglasses, sipping on a mug of hot tea with a decoy book under her nose.
Julie turns to anxiously watch the baristas, moving around the small space with ease, mixing drinks hot and cold alike. Twirling around each other without even looking. And she lets her mind wander.
How had she gotten here? Waiting for a man whom she had never spoken to, let alone seen? And she isn’t counting their text messaging. Not really. Not even if they had been talking for weeks. Not even if they regularly stayed up well into the night just to keep talking to the other. Not even if he had her blushing furiously, toes curling from giddiness and hiding under her sheets, smiling at the flirtatious speech bubbles on her phone for longer than she’d like to admit.
Because that doesn’t count. She has never heard his voice. She has never seen what he looked like. Anyone could be a charmer, and she is undoubtedly nervous about who she might find walking through the door and towards her.
How had she gotten here? It is a simple question, and one she has the answer to. Doesn’t mean she likes it. She had made an offhand comment to Flynn at work one day. Julie is sick of working 12 hour days in the cafe (not this one. she would be dumb to meet a stranger in her workplace) and barely scraping by. She had joked she needed someone to fund her shopping sprees.
Flynn had suggested a sugar daddy.
Julie wants to bang her head on the table. Past Julie is an idiot. And now Present Julie is going to pay the price.
Why had she let Flynn convince her to download that dumb app?
(Because she has a virtually useless college degree, bills to pay, and school loans creeping up on her and she is cutting back every month. Living in L.A. isn’t cheap.
And, if she really lets herself think about it, Julie is lonely.)
She checks her phone again, pleased to find it is finally 11 am. He should be here any minute. Luke should be here any minute.
Is it a red flag that he had only been willing to share his first name? Should it have concerned her that he didn’t have a profile picture on his online dating account? Is she dumb for letting him change the subject every time she asked about his job? Solid ‘maybe’s to all of those, but! After they had started talking, they had instantly clicked. He loves music almost as much as she did, maybe even more. They bonded over that, and many other things.
This is fine.
She straightens her posture, glancing down at her dress to make sure all is in order. It’s baby blue with golden sunflowers all over, and she had slipped a cropped denim jacket on top, the one with patches of all her favorite bands. She fusses with the loose curls hanging by her face, her hair pulled into a half bun at the top of her head, leaving a clear view of her sunflower earrings. It’s the perfect outfit to be noticed in, she had told him she’d be wearing blue and sunflowers, certainly he wouldn’t miss her.
Whenever he decided to show up.
Wait. he would show up, wouldn’t he?
Of course he would.
Before she can get too far down that rabbit hole, the chime above the door is jingling, and Julie has to fight hard not to turn and see who it is. The anticipation crawls up her spine and settles in her neck, jaw tingling.
A man comes in, approaching the counter with confidence in his step. One barista takes one look at him and gapes like a fish, turning to a coworker to nonchalantly point at him. Both girls look at each other and quietly squeal, letting one of the male cashiers help him.
Must be attractive, she thinks, and she isn’t disappointed by what she can see from the back. His sleeves are short, showing off his muscular arms and he’s tall. She’s always liked tall men.
Supposedly handsome stranger orders his drink and waits at the counter for it. One of the girls hands it to him with a gleeful smile. He accepts, then says something to her before the girl’s smile falters and points right at Julie.
Wait, she’s pointing at Julie?
Definitely handsome stranger follows her finger and lands on Julie, eyes scanning up and down her body (at least, what he can see from above the table), his face instantly lighting up in the most gorgeous smile she’s ever seen.
And then he’s turning back to say thank you and then making his way towards her and oh no what what what--
Because this isn’t her date. It can’t be, right? But Luke Patterson is stepping up to her booth, sliding into the seat across from her.
“Hey, you’re Julie, right?” His voice, sweet and thick as honey, and Julie would know that voice anywhere.
“Luke Patterson? You… you didn’t say--” She cuts herself off before she can say something foolish.
Because there is no way in hell she’d unknowingly put up her sugar baby services to Luke fucking Patterson. Not rockstar Luke Patterson. Not lead guitarist and singer and songwriter for her favorite band, Sunset Curve. Not literally in the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame Luke Patterson.
“Yeah, about that… I am really sorry about not telling you. It’s just not something I like mentioning to everyone I meet, you know?”
She’s having a hard time processing what he’s saying. He’s so close. Why is he leaning on the table like that? Why is he so close?
“Yeah! Yeah, totally. That’s understandable.” She laughs nervously, taking a sip of her coffee to avoid speaking any further.
“This… this is okay, right? You’re not mad?”
“Mad?” This clears her mind a bit. She takes in the way his hands fiddle with the rings on his fingers, his shoulders raised, and while his smile is easygoing, his eyes say otherwise. Why would she be mad?
She expresses this to him, and he just looks at his hands.
“Well, because I wasn’t completely truthful with you. And I totally understand if you want to walk away.”
“No!” She says before she can filter herself. His eyebrows raise in amusement. “I mean, it’s fine! I was just… surprised, that’s all.”
And surprised is correct. Luke Patterson is the same Luke she’s been talking to for the last three weeks, the very same one who’s been making her laugh and who’d almost made her miss work last week because they had texted about everything and nothing until the sun came up.
He seems to like her answer. His smile never leaves his face.
“You seemed to recognize me. You a fan of Sunset Curve’s?”
And maybe it’s the way his cocky smile burns her cheeks, or just the fact that he’s talking to her. Panic sets in and she lies.
“Never heard of Sunset Swerve.”
“You knew my name.”
“You know it’s a household name, right?”
“Your jacket says otherwise.”
And shit. She had forgotten about the Sunset Curve patch right over her heart. In fact, it was the first patch she had put on the jacket. But he doesn’t need to know that.
“Fine. You caught me. I’m a Curver. Happy?”
And though she’s teasing, he couldn’t seem to be happier. Seriously, she’s worried his dopey grin is gonna break his face. Then an ugly, ugly thought rears its head in her mind.
“Wait. You let me gush about Sunset Curve so many times and you didn’t say anything?” Her sentence ends in a laugh.
“Oh, Julie, I wanted to so bad. You have no idea!”
Julie finds herself not really registering the second half of his sentence. She had missed it, the first time he said her name due to being starstruck, and her face warms a bit when she recalls just how good her name had sounded when he said it. Like a splash of cool water on a hot day. Like sap dripping fresh from a tree, glinting in the sunlight.
“Then why didn’t you?”
He sobers a bit at this, though his eyes still hold the same fire as before. “Well, I didn’t really want to go around announcing that. Can you imagine how many matches I’d get if I put that little tidbit in my bio?”
Julie laughs at this, the absurdity of it hitting her. Of course. He’d want someone who’d like him for him, not for his status, or name, or fame or money.
Oh. Shit. She was literally here for his money.
“For sure! Must’ve been hard.”
“Oh, not really. I matched with you on day one and deleted the app once we exchanged phone numbers.”
“Really?” Julie felt a little guilty for still having the app on her phone now, even after she was pretty sure Luke was a good match. There was still the possibility that mystery man was a total creep. If she’d have known who he was, on the other hand…
“Totally! I’ll be honest, my bandmates put me up to this, but once we started talking I just knew I had to meet you.”
Julie’s mind still feels a bit foggy, like she was dreaming. A fantastic dream, might she add.
“I’ve been really excited to meet you too. My best friend also convinced me to get the app. She’s actually over there.” Julie smiled, nudging her head over towards her friend, where they were certainly trying their best to eavesdrop.
“Brought a plus one, I see?” Luke chuckled, giving Flynn a wave. Flynn hid her already shielded eyes from view with her book.
“Hey, you gotta remember I was meeting someone whom I had never seen before, and the fact that I didn’t know your last name was not helping.”
Luke’s smile turned bashful again. “Ah. She’s backup.”
“Yep! But I think they’re good to go.” Julie whipped out her phone and sent Flynn a quick message, relieving her of her duties.
“You sure? I might kidnap you.”
“I’d let you kidnap me.”
Oh god. She so did not say that.
He seemed to think it was funny. At least she was amusing. At her own expense, maybe, but amusing nonetheless.
Amusing to Luke Patterson.
If she doesn’t stop saying his last name, she’ll go insane. This is just the dorky guy she’s been talking to. The one she’ll hopefully get to talk to tomorrow.
Despite the rocky start, Julie would say it was a successful date. Coffee turned into lunch at a nearby bistro, and he walked Julie to her car a few blocks away. She didn’t get to her apartment until after 4 o’clock, and Flynn was waiting with two glasses of wine in their shared living room. Julie is eager to spill all the details, and Flynn is the perfect listener, oohing and ahhing at all the right moments.
As Julie crawls into bed after her eventful day, her phone dings on her nightstand.
PayPal: Luke Patterson sent you $500.00  “I had a great time today :) hope to see you again soon!”
Well. If she had calmed down any, this just undid all of her efforts. A wave of guilt floods over her. The concept of a sugar daddy sort of seemed too outlandish to really fathom. But now she feels awful taking his money.
She’s really doing this, isn’t she?
Julie: you really didn’t have to
Luke: but i wanted to
Luke: it’s ok tho right?
Julie: i guess it’s fine, it’s just a lot of money
Luke: i realise how conceited this is going to sound but its no sweat off my back. just think of it as a gift
Gifts. She could live with that.
* * * *
taglist! @ladyblanche :)
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dirty-urie · 3 years
Date Night
Third Person
Brendon x Sara (OC kinda)
College AU
PWP Oneshot
5.4k Words
Disclaimer: This is a fictional story using the names and/or likeness of at least one real person. This is intended for entertainment purposes ONLY. Please do not share or bring up my work with anyone other than fellow fans. Any similarity to real-life events involving these characters that have not been shared with the general public is only coincidence. Just because I’ve included something in my fics does NOT mean I condone, support, or encourage that behavior, language, or action in real life. Please practice safe and consensual sex practices, and just be a good person.
Warnings in Order of Appearance: Real Person Fic, Crude and Vulgar Language Throughout, Mentions of Alcohol, Brief Joke About Forgoing Contraception, Talk and Consumption of Pornography, Unprotected Oral Sex, Female Receiving Oral, Intercourse, Male Receiving Oral, Female Masturbation, Use of a Non-Sex Toy as a Sex Toy, Minor Social Anxiety
Author's Notes:
1. I spelled Sarah's name wrong on purpose because I felt bad writing porn about her. Brendon's technically permitted to write about him, so I'll do that without guilt (okay, with some guilt, but I feel guilty about everything. I have anxiety), but I respect Sarah too much to do that to her. That being said, I didn't want to use a random name, so I decided on a middle ground. Here's Sara, who is both not a real person and also not not married to Brendon Urie in real life. Schrodinger's OC. Okay, thank you for putting up with me.
2. I don’t know if I’m going to write any more third-person fics. I know they’re not really that popular, but for some reason, this spoke to me in third, so I embraced that. Anyway, give it a chance, and if you don’t like it, give whatever I publish next a chance.
3. This used to be split into two parts because I uploaded it on mobile, but I have since condensed the two parts, and now the whole thing is on this post.
Brendon fumbles with his keys as he unlocks the door to his apartment. Sara won't be there for another little while, but he's anxious to get inside anyway. His roommate is away visiting his family for the first time in nearly two months, and he hasn’t gotten any real alone time with his girlfriend since then. It’s hard, and Brendon knows Sara’s been struggling too because she spent their whole coffee shop study-date the day before whispering to him about how she's been practically crawling out of her skin. Brendon shivers at the memory of her hot breath against his ear as he slams his front door shut and hurries to his bedroom.
He's thinking about all the nasty ways he wants to get back at her for getting him so worked up in public when, speak of the devil, his phone buzzes, and Sara's name pops up in the caller ID. Actually, "Brunette from Creative Writing" pops up, but he swears he'll change it one day. Sara jokes that they'll be married with a whole flock of adult children, and she'll be calling him from the bingo hall as "Brunette from Creative Writing." God, he fucking loves her.
"Hey, babe, I just got home," he says after he hits the answer button.
"Okay, I just got out of my lecture, but I'm stopping by my dorm to grab my duffel bag, then I'm going to the drugstore to get condoms that aren't the shitty university clinic ones, so I won't be there for almost another hour," she tells him.
"Noooo, just come straight here. You can just wear my clothes all weekend. And condoms are so unnecessary; I'll just pull out," Brendon whines.
Sara laughs into the phone, knowing he doesn't mean any of that. "Oh sure, in that case, I'll come right over. Did you want to pay me $400,000 to raise a child in cash or check?"
"Uh, check, but you're gonna have to wait a bit to cash it," he replies.
He can practically see her rolling her eyes, even through the phone, "I'll be there in an hour, but I'll bring you something fun from the drugstore," she says.
"Fun like sex fun or fun like gum from the checkout stand fun?"
"You'll just have to wait and see, love you, bye!" she tells him through the phone before hanging up.
"Love you too, babe," he says sarcastically to no one. He walks into his bedroom and makes sure it's spotless. He doesn't want anything whatsoever to get in the way of fun, sexy times once Sara gets here.
His apartment is clean; he has wine and groceries in the fridge, enough money saved up to rent a movie and order dinner later, and no homework, so once Sara shows up with the condoms, he’ll be good to spend the entire weekend at home with her. With nothing else to do, he climbs onto his bed and grabs his laptop. No harm in a little pre-gaming, he figures, pulling up his favorite porn website while he waits.
He clicks on the first video without too much thought. It’s a girl, one Brendon recognizes, wearing a tiny thong and nothing else, and playing with a small bullet vibe while her boyfriend watches. She’s wet, probably just with lube and not actual bodily fluid, he realizes, but at least they bothered to make her look physically aroused at all.
He gets invested in the video, in the new toys that the boyfriend hands her, in the way both of their arousal grows as time goes on. He gets so engrossed that he’s beyond startled when Sara interrupts with, “Starting without me?” eyeing the erection already straining through his jeans.
Brendon laughs with glee now that she’s finally here, “No, no, no, just passing the time while I wait for you. No touching yet, see," he says, holding up his hands and waving them around before pausing his video.
"Well, don't stop on my account," Sara scoffs. "I don't mind you starting without me as long as I'm there when you finish," she murmurs.
They both moan, Brendon in response to her words, Sara in response seeing Brendon's cock twitch in his pants, “Ah fuck, babe, that’ll be sooner than I’d like if you keep talking like that.”
Sara climbs in next to him and snuggles against him so that she can see his computer screen, “Ooo, she’s hot,” she says, pointing to the girl now getting eaten out by the guy who, coincidentally enough, doesn’t look dissimilar to B.
“Yeah, I like a lot of her work,” Brendon says back, disinterested in the video playing on the laptop now that Sara’s actually there in the flesh “hey, you should take your pants off,” he suggests, totally smooth and subtly.
“You’re such a guy, B. No ‘how was your day? Are you hungry? Can I get you something to drink?” she teases.
Under normal circumstances, Brendon would object to such slander on his impeccable moral character. But, well, there’s not a lot of blood in his brain right now, and he knows that she would just respond with more teasing, further delaying the Fun Sexy Times, so he rolls to his side and kisses behind her ear, pressing his cock against her leg in an attempt to tease her into pliability. It works; she melts, whimpering a little bit as heat pools deep in her stomach when she feels just how turned on Brendon is. “You feel so nice, B. Bet you’d feel nicer without this layer of denim between us. Can you help me?”
Brendon unbuttons her pants and moves down to slide them off her body, moving his mouth along the newly revealed skin as he works them off. He’s paying so much attention to the warm flush of her thighs that he almost misses her panties: dark red lace, even darker where she’s soaked through them, and so delicate that they’re nearly see-through.
“Oh fuck, babe, that’s gorgeous. Are you wearing a matching bra?” he asks.
She answers by sitting up and pulling off her t-shirt, revealing the same thin lace. Her nipples are hard, practically poking through the delicate material.
Brendon settles back on his heels to fully take his girlfriend in, now stripped down to just her matching bra and panties set.
Sarah grins down at him, “Why do I get the sense that I can expect this set in every color for my birthday? Although, I know for a fact that I can get the same reaction from you wearing full-coverage high-waisted granny panties,” she thinks aloud after seeing Brendon’s wide-eyed awe.
Brendon isn’t paying attention, though. His mindset shifted from the fun and playful sex they usually have to lust-fueled passion as soon as Sara took her shirt off. Don’t get him wrong, they have great sex, but they normally have to do it fast and quietly and spontaneously, so they’ve gotten good at not taking themselves too seriously, at laughing at Brendon’s old superhero boxers, and then getting to business. Now that he has the chance to really take his time to appreciate, no, worship her as she deserves, he wants to do it right.
He moves off his heels and crawls over her body, supporting himself with one muscled arm as he moves in to kiss her. She picks up on the change in mood immediately, grasping the back of his head to deepen the kiss. He’s throbbing against her thigh now, even through his jeans, and she’s worried that she might come just from feeling him.
She, too, loves their normal sex, but even though it’s fun, it can’t always be as intimate as either of them would like. And it’s a shame too because as good at Brendon is at fucking, banging, screwing, whatever, he’s damn good at making love. At making sure she’s safe and supported and in absolute bliss, even when they’re hooking up in someone’s bedroom at a party, but especially like this when they’ve got hours and total privacy.
When her moans increase in pitch and frequency, Brendon crawls back down on the bed and settles between her thighs. “Darling, these panties are a gift to humanity, but I’m afraid they’re going to get in the way of some things I have planned. You don’t mind if I take them off, do you?” he says, voice deep and gravelly. He mouths against the soaked fabric while he waits for her response.
After taking a moment to collect herself and catch her breath, “God, Brendon, please, I need your mouth, fingers, cock, something,” she whines.
Now that he has her permission, he moves his mouth from her core to the waistband against her hip and bites it, just letting his teeth scrape her skin as he pulls down. Whether intentionally or not, Sara arches her back up, making it easy to slide them all the way down her legs. He kisses her way back up her legs, but instead of stopping between her thighs, he keeps going up. He licks up across the flat planes of her stomach all the way until he reaches her bra. Just like with her panties, he mouths over the fabric first, inching up slowly before sucking on one of her nipples through the lace.
As much as he loves how her breathing gets faster and heavier just from that, he can’t resist the actual mouth-on-skin that the low cut of the bra allows. He sucks a pink mark on each breast and then moves to lick and suckle gently on her neck. They’ve both agreed that they’re not middle schoolers and visible hickeys are beyond tacky, but they both go so wild from neck stimulation that it can be hard to resist spending a few minutes sucking a licking at the rapidly-beating pulse points.
As much as Brendon wants to keep teasing, Sara’s squirming like crazy, and he’s worried that if he kept going in the same way, she’d come before he got to touch her for real. He finally settles between her thighs for real this time, kissing and sucking gently on her vulva for just a second or two. Sara is quivering by the time he moves down to suck on her clit. As soon as he finally makes contact with the sensitive hood, she screams out in ecstasy, taking full advantage of Brendon’s roommate’s absence. He sucks around her clit just like her nipple, a few short staccato bursts followed by long, drawn-out pulls. He moves his tongue gently the whole time to stimulate her further.
Both of her hands are tangled in his hair, tugging hard when he moves from sucking on her clit to licking across her entrance. He licks across the opening in broad strokes before his tongue enters her, rubbing her clit with his thumb the whole time. He waits until her thighs are clenched tight around his head, and she’s bucking up against his mouth before he slips two fingers inside to rub over her g-spot.
“B, stop, I’m gonna fucking come!” She shrieks.
He lifts his head without slowing his fingers, “You don’t wanna come?”
“Want you to be inside me when I do. Inside me for real, not just fingers,” Sara pants, trying hard to distract herself from her building arousal.
As much as Brendon’s disappointed that Sara won’t come on his face, after all, he’s been hard for over an hour now, and he would love to get out of his restrictive jeans and get a little more stimulation than rubbing himself against the bed.
He crawls out of bed and peels his shirt off. Now it’s Sarah’s turn to marvel at her lover. His cheeks and chest are flushed a deep pink from the exertion and arousal, his face is shiny with spit and her juices, and his cock is tenting the material of his pants.
Sara strokes over herself lazily, it’s not nearly as good as Brendon, but it’s something to take the edge off while she watches Brendon unbuckle his belt to strip his pants off. He’s moving slowly on purpose. He always did love to put on a show.
Once he’s down to his black boxer-briefs, he asks Sara where she put the condoms when she came in.
“B, I love that you’re so distracted by me, but the bag is right next to you on the nightstand,” she answers.
“Hey, I’m not wearing my glasses. That’s not fair,” Brendon replies softly. He turns and opens the plastic bag with the drugstore logo on the front. Sara laughs when his eyes visibly widen. “Should I be scared?” He asks, holding up a large vibrating dildo.
Sara laughs. “No, love, I just wanted to get some toys I could leave at your place,” she answers as he pulls out a bullet vibe, two different types of lube, a cock ring, massage oils, whipped cream, a multi-pack of condoms, and yes, gum from the checkout stand.
“...I may have gotten a little carried away in the sexual wellness aisle,” she admits.
Brendon’s eyes are still the size of saucers, “God, no kidding, babe, this is all incredible,” he says, stripping off his boxers and opening the box of condoms to tear a packet open with his teeth. It’s a bad habit, and usually, Sara would scold him, but she’s so worked up that she spreads her legs in anticipation anyway. Her mouth goes dry while he strokes himself with lube before he rolls the condom on.
He finally, finally, finally settles over her. “Is this position okay?” he asks.
“It’s perfect, baby; I love getting to see your face when you push into me,” she answers, whining as he drags his cock across her opening.
That’s good enough for Brendon. He rocks forward into her slowly, partly because he’s a tease but partly because he wants this to last as long as possible. After pushing in deep to rub back and forth across her g-spot, he starts thrusting in earnest, relishing her moans and pants.
“Oh B, you feel so good,” she cries out.
“You feel even better, love. Squeezing so nicely around me. So tight and wet,” he says.
Sara scratches down his back in sheer bliss. Brendon’s rhythm is steady, but he’s moving just slowly enough that they can both relish every thrust without feeling overly needy or impatient. She pushes her thighs together to feel him even better inside her.
His thrusts falter for a second, and he chokes out a gasp. “Love you, love feeling you,” he groans, “but it’s been nearly a month since we last had sex, babygirl. If you keep that up, I am going to come.”
She relaxes her thighs just a little bit. “God, I love how sensitive you are right now, babe, responding to my every touch so much. I love you collected and composed too, but it’s such a treat having you so weak for me,” she marvels, stroking the back of his neck.
A shiver goes down his whole spine, and he devotes all of his energy to not coming. “I haven’t touched myself since we last had sex,” he admits, “I figured if my sweet girl couldn’t get off, I couldn’t either. It’s been such a challenge, but fuck, it was worth it. I’m so on edge for you.”
She tightens around him, moving her hand to touch her clit. “Shit, Brendon, that’s so fucking hot. I’m just thinking about you late at night, hard and aching thinking about me, but controlling yourself so it could be all the better when we finally reunited. Did you ever cheat? Did you ever jack yourself but force yourself to pull away right before you came to roll over and go to sleep? God, I bet you had so many dirty dreams. Bet you woke up humping a pillow because your body needed to get off so bad. Bet you’d struggle to hide your hard-on in public when your mind wandered even just a little. Such a dirty needy boy, but so so good for me, aren’t you?” she pants out, squeezing tighter as she talks.
He laughs, “You know me so well, sweetheart, all of the above is true. My roommate was thrilled to have all the hot water for himself this month because… I took a lot of cold showers. I’ll leave it at that. Now, if you don’t mind, I believe you’ve taken my job,” he says, replacing her hand on her clit with his own.
Sara falls back and goes rigid, crying out. He circles his thumb faster as the pace of his thrusts picks up. “I’m gonna come!” She shouts.
“Do it, come on me,” Brendon whispers.
Sara contracts around him, shrieking and convulsing as she comes on him before melting back onto the bed.
Brendon leans down to nip at her shoulder and then kiss her lips. “Good, baby?”
She nods, eyes closed and still panting hard.
“I’ll give you a second,” he murmurs, mostly to himself before pulling out and collapsing down next to her. He strokes over himself while he waits for her to come back down to earth, still rock hard.
“Shit, B, you still haven’t come,” she finally realizes, “do you want me to blow you?”
His cock twitches at the thought.
“Or I could ride you? Let you watch my tits bounce as I fuck you?” She suggests.
“That one wanna be back in that perfect cunt.”
Sara moves to straddle him, rubbing her clit against his tummy and kissing him before moving back to settle on him for real. She lets him thrust up into her a couple of times before moving herself, relishing the way his muscles tense under his flushed skin.
Brendon loves being ridden. He wouldn’t say it’s his favorite position, but it’s up there. It’s even better when Sara takes her bra off, as pretty as it is, and he gets to see her entire naked body. She gets herself at the perfect angle and rides him as hard as she can.
“I’m really not going to last long,” he warns.
Sara tangles her hands back in his hair just like he loves. She’s pulling out all the stops to get him to come. “God, B, me neither, I didn’t think I had it in me, but I’m right back on the edge. Just rub my clit, and I’ll come.”
He moves his hands from her ass to touch her clit.
She shudders, “B, I’m gonna come!”
“Me too,” he grunts out, “do you want me to pull out?”
“No, wanna feel your hot come inside me, even with the condom,” she answers before coming again. Even harder this time as waves of pleasure roll through her entire body.
The rapid contractions around his cock trigger his own orgasm, and his entire head goes blank as he gets lost in the sensation. Sara collapses and situates herself in his arms just as they’re both starting to come down.
He moves, but she stops him. “Honey, I’ve gotta,” he starts, but she whines and shakes her head, knowing exactly where he’s going, “I’ve gotta pull out so we can clean up and eat dinner. Round two after Italian?”
She finally nods but wraps her legs tighter against him anyway, “just two more minutes. Then we can go be romantic.”
“Sara, sweetheart, food’s almost here,” he whispers thirty minutes later. He’s wearing pajama pants with no shirt, and his torso’s still wet from the shower he took to rinse off. “Do you wanna go get yourself cleaned up while I set up the coffee table to eat?” He asks.
Sara shakes her head, “I get clingy and needy after sex-”
Brendon cracks a grin because he knows this, of course.
“So you’re stuck with me for the next couple of hours,” she finishes.
“Mm, that’s fine with me, babe. I just want you to be comfortable,” he responds, kissing her forehead.
She moves up into the kiss and realizes that a shower might be nice after all, “Actually, I am a little sticky. Come into the bathroom with me?”
“Anything you want, love,” he says, scooping her up and carrying her to the shower.
He turns the water on for her and then goes to sit on the counter while she rubs off the sweat under the spray. “B?” She calls.
“I know it’s nothing fancy, but when you rubbed my clit in little circles, I nearly died on the spot. Normally when I’m alone, I just stroke back and forth, but god, it felt so good to feel something new,” she says. Brendon doesn’t respond immediately. “B?” She calls back timidly, shy now. “B?”
She’s getting worried that he left without her hearing, so she pulls back the shower curtain and has to choke back a moan. Brendon’s still sitting on the counter, his head tipped back on the mirror, palming over himself through his PJ pants.
“God, Sara, sorry, I just love hearing how I make you feel, and I couldn’t help it,” he tells her.
Sara shuts the water off and walks across the bathroom to Brendon, paying no mind to how she’s dripping all over the tile. She yanks him up to his feet and drops to her knees on the padded bathmat in front of the sink. She pulls his pants down just enough- no underwear, she observes without surprise- and takes him in her mouth, getting him slick enough that she can stroke him to total hardness with her hand. Once he’s fully hard, she takes him back in her mouth and sucks hard, making his knees tremble. She bobs her head up and down, stroking him with her hand when she doesn’t have his whole length in her mouth.
He’s bracing himself against the counter to stay upright and not buck into her mouth. She moves down to just stimulate the tip while quickly stroking over the rest of him.
“Can you come for me? Food is going to be here any minute,” she says, looking up at him with big eyes.
“You playing with yourself down there, baby? Getting all wet from sucking me off?” He asks, the dirty talk getting him closer to the edge.
“Oh, you know it, gets me so hot, making you feel good. I wish I had one of my new toys, though,” she pouts before licking his dick again.
Brendon gropes behind himself blindly, trying to find… well. It’s not a vibrator, but it does, well, vibrate, he thinks, hitting the button on his electric toothbrush. He hands it to Sara, who puts it between her legs without hesitation, pressing it against her clit.
She goes weak, moaning a buzzy hum over his cock while she sucks. She knows he’s close by the way his balls are drawing into his body, so she goes ahead and lets herself go. Tightening the pressure around his cock.
“Shit, babe, I’m gonna come,” he warns, hips bucking. “Can I come in your mouth or…?”
She holds up a thumbs up, and he comes, most of it staying in her mouth, but some ends up dripping down her chin. She swallows, and Brendon hands her a wad of toilet paper to wipe off the rest with.
He tucks himself back into his pants and then helps her back to her feet.
“Can I have my toothbrush back, love?” He requests softly.
Sara blushes and takes the still-vibrating toothbrush out from between her legs, “Sorry, I forgot I still had that.”
“No worries,” he responds with a soft chuckle, kissing her forehead. He takes the toothbrush and turns it off before rinsing it off under the sink. “Gosh, you did a number on this thing. It’s soaked,” he marvels, “My perfect messy girl.”
Just then, there’s a knock at the door. “Perfect timing, must be the food. I’ll deal with that while you get dressed?” He suggests, and she nods, still a little dazed from the orgasm. Well, orgasms, plural.
She goes back to his room, where she stashed her bag and rummages through it for her pink silk slip nightgown. It’s super simple, just spaghetti straps with a straight-across neckline and then deep pink fabric straight down to just below her ass, but Brendon loves it. She suspects it’s just because she can’t move very much without flashing her butt, but he insists that the slip itself is gorgeous.
As she’s getting dressed, she hears the door open and Brendon apologizing for his relative state of undress, saying he just got out of the shower. Brendon’s naked more often than he’s clothed, so Sara just shrugs it off until she hears a giggle and flirting coming from the delivery girl.
Brendon stammers out that he has a girlfriend, but he’s flattered, but that doesn’t seem to be deterring the delivery girl, who makes an extra point to linger her hand on Brendon’s as she hands him the food. Sara strides out of his bedroom, “Hey, B, have you seen my panties? I can’t find them in your bed or your bathroom or the kitchen or the sofa, so I wonder if I left them in your pocket during our multiple rounds of lovemaking,” She calls before pretending to spot him and the girl for the first time by the door. She scootches in next to him and kisses him on the cheek, plastering a sickly-sweet smile on her face. “My apologies, didn’t know you had a guest,” she lies, shooting death beams at the delivery girl whose hand is on Brendon’s bicep. The girl retracts her hand, and Sara grabs a twenty-dollar bill from her wallet on the doorside table to tip her. Sara knows Brendon would’ve already tipped her on the website, but this more of a ‘please don’t touch my boyfriend without his consent tip’ than a ‘thank you for your work tip.’ “Have a nice day, ma’am,” Sara tells her, shutting the door.
Brendon smirks, but there’s a weariness behind it, “Way to save the day, baby. Getting possessive?”
“No, I love it when others check you out. Just validates how hot I am for you. You just sounded like you do when you get overwhelmed at the grocery store, and I figured you were feeling a little claustrophobic,” she explains.
Brendon nods. “I don’t mind a flirt, but she was getting way too handsy. And even then, it wouldn’t have been the end of the world; I just felt a little vulnerable being shirtless and all. She probably just wanted a big tip. I bet that works for her a lot. And y’know, I probably shouldn’t have been shirtless at all. If I was in a restaurant, they’d have every right to kick me out, so really, I’m lucky she didn’t blacklist my address,” he rambles, turning to get plates and silverware from the kitchen.
Sara touches his shoulder and grabs the bags of food from him. “Hey, B, you don’t need to justify your feelings, okay? I get it; she was in your space. Both your personal space by touching you and your physical area by being near your home. But it’s sweet of you to give her the benefit of the doubt. You’re probably right, I would guess that works with nine out of ten guys; she was cute. And hey, I gave her a nice tip to get her to go away, so it worked on us too.”
“And you got to brag to a stranger about our hot sex life, so it really did all work out in the end,” Brendon half-jokes, and she’s happy to observe that any panic seems to have left his body.
“Mhm, my favorite hobby. Maybe we should order dessert, and I can change into something even more slutty. This shows my ass so nicely, but my chest is totally covered,” she suggests, and he cracks a real smile for her. “Seriously though, you’re totally good?”
“Yes, ma’am, everything’s perfect,” he responds, and he’s telling the truth.
“Good, let me set up dinner then. You go relax on the sofa,” she orders.
Brendon goes to sit on the couch, knowing better than to deny a direct request. Sara plates the food and brings it to the now dim living room, where Brendon’s lit three candles in the center of the table.
“Awww, how romantic,” she praises, settling against Brendon with their food.
“I had more romance planned, I promise, I just weighed my options, and I cared more about snuggling with my girl than trying to overdo it on decorating the living room,” Brendon responds. “I do still have wine in the fridge if you want that?”
She twists around to kiss him. “The romance level is perfect. Consider me totally romanced. I think I’ll wait on the wine until later if that’s okay? It’ll make me sleepy, and I’m still interested in a round two,” she says, resting her hand against Brendon’s thigh.
“Whatever you want is fine with me, love,” he says, sighing contentedly.
“You’re falling asleep, babygirl.”
“Am not.”
“Your eyes are closed.”
“Your eyes are closed.”
Brendon smiles, “Do you wanna keep watching the movie, or do you wanna go to bed? If you’re sleepy, that’s fine, but we’ve gotta move to the bedroom then,” he murmurs.
Sara moves off the couch and stretches, turning on the light. “I’m not even tired; I took a nap earlier. It’s just the dim lighting and carb surplus. C’mon, let’s keep watching, it’s only 10 and we’re not even to the, ‘paint me like one of your French girls’ scene.”
“Okay, if you insist, then we’ll soldier on. I’ll get dessert,” he agrees, getting up to head to the kitchen.
“Ooo what’s for dessert?” she asks.
“Cannoli and coffee,” he responds.
Sara moans playfully. “God, Brendon, I’m so turned on right now.”
Brendon rolls his eyes. “I’ll try not to take offense that you’re more attracted to sweets than me.”
Sara wraps her arms around his waist from behind him. “I’d choose you over cannoli any day. Someone could offer me a thousand cannoli and I’d scoff in their face and then go kiss all over you. I love you, babe. Thank you for a great date night,” she says before spinning him around to kiss him.
“I love you too,” Brendon whispers against her lips. “Tonight was wonderful, and I owe it all to you.”
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