#was it coding? was it accidental? was it baiting?
lzrusrising · 11 months
how is deancas not canon when it perfectly parallels samruby in s4
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
A few days ago you wrote about being worried your Barriss Offee writings were controversial. I feel that deeply, since I write for her as well. Almost exclusively. Really though you can't mess her up more than the end of season 5 already has. A Muslim and lesbian coded character becoming a terrorist bomber? Yikes. Write her as angsty as you like, feel liberated. Exercise sympathy and sensitivity, of course. She's really a great character with a lot to unpack. I could write her a thousand stories and still not be done.
the post
Yeah, I get that. It's just... difficult. Because how do you separate characterization that builds on the cynicism that was introduced with the terrorism plot?
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catcatb0y · 10 months
I'm not going to be pretentious on someone else's (half) joking post, but you don't miss queerBAITing. You miss queer CODING.
You miss youngins not sending asks to Neil Gaimen wondering if Crowley and Aizaraphel are /actually/ gay nonbinary lovers, dispite them being written as contextually genderless (angels and demons, not humans) and in love (with each other). Also, a question that Neil Gaimen has answered many times.
You DON'T (probably) miss* Voltron swearing up and down that their Netflix show was going to have a gay main character and marketing the series as being 'for the gays' and constantly pushing it as having a romance... then making the last character you'd expect gay AND killing off his husband within five minutes of meeting him. (*Miss it for anything but the mass hysteria, but the rise of antis and harrassment culture that came with it is not something anyone should miss)
You miss Madoka Magica being contextually seen and accepted as a love story between Madoka and Homura, even though neither of them said "I love you," because of their queer devotion.
You DON'T miss Disney's "first gay character" every three months, all of them which were maybe a passing background character with a line or two.
You can even miss that weird in between where Naruto and Sasuke were each other's thematic opposites, revolved their lives around each other, and kissed twice... but still somehow ended up with wives that made them so miserable they became shells of themselves (and it then became a running joke that their marriages were loveless, at least for a while).
But you can't miss queerbaiting.
QueerBAITing is still alive and well, queerBAITing is still going strong with The Mitchels Versus The Machines (great movie btw) being in the "LGBT" category of Netflix because the main character has a rainbow pin on her backpack and hugs a character that is contextually a girl at the end of the series.
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ronearoundblindly · 10 days
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omg not me freaking out that i am part of the group that gets bait gifs! FRIENDS!!!!!!! i'm fine. i'm chill. don't leave me!
This took me a minute to figure out what I wanted Sir Dorksalot to have done that was sketchy enough to have him make this face...
Watch The Fish, Jake Jensen x reader headcanon wholeass fic in bullet format because my god this got long
Warnings for mentions of masturbation and porn, accidental then totally intentional voyeurism, awkward and oblivious!Jake--so just Jake, yeah?--and smutty implications...
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🥹 roommates to lovers 😊
you rent a pretty large house maybe even with one or two others at first, but they move out
jake has to use it as a crashpad sometimes because he'll be away for so long at a time, but he pays rent and the entire electrical & internet bill no matter what
you keep a fish tank in the living room
after jake comes back from months in hiding abroad away, he gets so excited to be home and spend time with his niece that he hosts an after-game pizza party for her soccer team
someone practices headbutting the ball inside and nearly topples the tank
jake catches the whole thing with his broad arm-span and a decent amount of strength just in time when it wobbles the whole table beneath it. his heart nearly stopped, and he's so grateful the glass didn't break. thank god you weren't home.
however, you insist on moving the fish to your room instead once he tells you.
jake's a little sad to see them go. he pouts so much you decide to take pity on him, buying a web cam to mount beside the tank so jake can watch them whenever he wants. he loves to do voices for each one, personalities, soap-opera-like dramatic storylines, the works
as an aside you ask him if the sound can be turned off on the camera. jake says yeah but he mostly means he can turn it to mute on his computer.
which he does, for the record, but he has to remember to do it each time he pulls up the feed of da fishies. honestly, half the time he's wearing headphones and the other half you aren't home while he puts the Marauders (because there's just one fat one) onto his third monitor for background.
so he forgets that the sound is on and a thing he might need to avoid
weeks later, maybe months, jake finally removes his headphones after a very long stint of coding, completely unaware of what time it is and that you are home in your room
at first, jake is dead convinced that some porn ad has popped up in a window behind his work, something he would go apeshit about and ransomware bomb the shit out of whoever wrote such slippery spam
the fish are peaceful as ever, blooping away whilst jake frantically closes program after program trying to find the hot chick moaning on his desktop...until it's all closed and the buzzing remains though his tower's fan stopped...then the squelching noise starts
jake is frozen in place, looking away from the fish like they're the damn problem, but he doesn't cut the feed
he...he shouldn't
he should turn it off or just mute it like he promised
and he tries
he tries really hard, gang
it's the cursor's fault that it hits the command to send the audio to his bluetooth headphones instead of mute
and he sets the headphones down on the keyboard, gnawing on his bottom lip and watching his closed bedroom door in anticipation of...getting caught, maybe? he's not sure
he watches the fish putter around like it's no big deal
which it isn't, right?
you're human. he's human. humans have urges. they touch themselves--they touch each other, too--and there's no harm in that. if anything...jake encourages it, or he would...if you knew that he knew about this
the noises are so faint from the itty bitty speakers two feet from his face, but he doesn't pick them up, still debating what to do
because there's a big difference between what jake should do in this situation and what he wants to do
he mutes audio and then cuts off the livestream
at least, that's what he did the first time it happened
he knows he's a perv. jake can't help it.
it becomes a game of sorts. it's like practice recon for learning a target's routine. not that jake needs practice at the job he already fucking has but that's how his brain justifies laying on his own bed in the glow of the fish tank feed with his headphones turned way up
he knows your bed is on the other side of your room from when he moved the fish tank in
he knows what your underwear look like from the laundry room downstairs
he knows what you smell like from the shared bathroom and the products lining your shelf
he now knows there's a bottle of toy cleaner in one of your sink drawers
and he shouldn't but he absolutely touches himself listening to you, fists himself when you're fucking a toy he imagines six-shapes-to-Sunday, teases himself when all you're doing is breathing softly from across the whole house and he's cold and covered in cum by the end
to be fair, jake hates himself because of all this, but he is now mildly addicted
he doesn't even exit out of the livestream anymore. it just stays up on his monitor like a screensaver, but he doesn't realize that once he takes his headphones out of range, the audio transfers to his speakers again
so jake goes on a mission for a few days, and at some point while you are cleaning up your room, playing music, you find two pairs of jake's socks in your load of clean laundry and go to toss them in his room...where the same music you're listening to way down the hall is playing...in sync...
you're horrified and then embarrassed and then quickly realized it might mean nothing
you have to test if it means something
jake returns from his mission on complete autopilot
just so damn tired
throws down his duffle on top of some socks he doesn't remember leaving out and just hits the shower for a long, long time
he hasn't talked to you yet
he hasn't even seen you except your car is home and your door is shut
he goes about his business
the volume on his speakers isn't high but he hears you speaking and assumes you're on the phone
he pays it no mind. he is glad to be home, glad you're fine since he's just been in a part of the world where most people are not safe.
in a weird sort of way, he feels he's earned the mundane sort of comfort that comes from "the same ol'" of this house
he's wiped out, so he crawls into bed with his headphones immediately, hair barely toweled dry, not bothering with boxers because...why make more laundry?
and then the worst thing happens
there's a man's voice coming through his headphones, and jake scowls in frustration and rage
did you go and get a fucking boyfriend? in a couple of days? or goddamnit is this some tinder shit in his home right now?
but it only gets worse
he can hardly contain himself, what with the gagging sounds and this dude telling you to take it like the whore you are, and JAKE WILL LITERALLY BURN THIS PLACE DOWN
now his ass is putting on clothes
now his ass is ready to riot
the sex gets more and more degrading; spanking noises and even choking, but not in a seemingly consensual way, which is when jake rips his headphones off, storms down the hall and barrels straight through your bedroom door
no one is. no you. no man.
just your laptop sitting on your desk near the fish tank, playing the money shot of a porn video he was just listening to
get the fuck out. get out. get out. his brain screams, and he bolts
he makes it three feet before stopping short
you're standing at the top of the stairs, a bowl of ice cream in hand, licking the spoon unbelievably slowly with your whole tongue
you're fucked. you're fucked. you're fucked. his brain adds helpfully.
"hey, jakey," you say with a smile. "whatcha doing?"
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A/N: this cat is officially my reaction to pretty much everything because...well...it's very accurate.
[Main Masterlist; Jake Jensen Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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virgobingo · 6 months
welp. accidentally deleted the question anon. so i'll answer it in a post.
is satosugu queer baiting? i think they're queer coded. if they were queer bait or, probably more accurate to japan, fujoshi bait there would be a lot more fanservice. i'm talking like in black butler or more obviously "kiss him, not me". or when animation studios do heavy leg work for a ship in shounen.
which, actually—
with all the anime only moments in jujutsu kaisen, this is one of the criticisms held against satosugu. ppl insist that the narrative is being twisted by MAPPA to feed shippers. but the difference lies, in my opinion, on how closely gege was involved in the production of gojo's past arc and the praise he has for it.
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satosugu is also a ship that can stand on its own with the source material. especially after chapter 221, when i think gege decided to commit to them? it was around a month or two before the anime was released, and it also coincided with tokyo rainbow pride which i think is a fun tidbit. considering gege can be very particular about dates sometimes. he also decided to bring up how romantic dec 24 is— as well as gojo's decision to fight that date.
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i think for the longest time gege was unsure whether to double down on what he sort of set up between them in jjk0 (that was written as a standalone). which is why the hidden inventory arc/premature death arc is ambiguous, and he toes the line in shibuya.
with gojo's sealing, gege, on top of many other things, basically had three years to think about the direction he wanted to take gojo and geto's relationship.
and he arrived at this:
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which i think is more of a hint than bait. who knows what else is in the future?
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nyxxxpng · 2 months
//side order spoilers
so i had an idea for what i think would've been cool for side order's story!
although most of it is the same some is kinda mixed around to make order (smollusk) seem like an actual threat!
how order came to exist was similar to tartar, but in a much shorter span of time; smollusk was accidentally born from the code of the memverse, using the available memories extracted from memcakes to be it's main source of energy and power, taking some parts of marina's memories as well!
due to order being born from the code, it gained plenty of knowledge on how to hijack the system, and know knowing some of 'rina's deepest desires of having complete order, tricked her into letting it gain even more control over the memverse and later on, control of her
even after capturing marina and holding her conscience captive within the memverse, it was still bored, which is where it dragged in acht, eight, and pearl
order's plan was to not only use marina, but the other three as bait to any others unfortunate to get into the memverse to grayscale them
the story of side order would now go on as it normally did, although the beginning and finale being reversed, instead of saving marina after the initial climb up the spire, you save order, impersonating marina (image below v)
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and the final boss not really being a boss, but destroying the machine being used to grayscale the real marina.
grayscaling is a pretty lengthy process, taking up to a day to fully grayscale one inkfish
once at the top of the spire, you have an estimated three minutes to either rip apart or decode the machine in a sort of puzzle format, the final, final phase being the regular overlorder boss, and it's defeat revealing the now famous smollusk!
after barely saving marina, you now are suggested to reclimb the spire with the other palettes available not only to keep the other idols/important characters out of trouble, but to also help with restoring marina's memories, because smollusk was a little piece of shit and mixed parts of rina's memories into the other palettes just to fuck around
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(bonus "marina" doodle!)
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robby-bobby-tommy · 7 months
I haven't watched purgatory streams cuz I am too busy rn, but here's some hcs
- Only emotionally charged scars stay on the body. Like both Phil and Fit have their scars because they felt so betrayed. The other wounds heal with respawn.
- Fit thought that Pac not only helped to kill him, but also agreed to be a bait to lure 2b2t veteran in a trap. After this "betrayal" Fit's eyes change.
- as a dumbahh who watched arcane, I really like the idea of eye changing with emotional stability. Like powder — blue/grey eyes, Jinx — pink eyes. So I have a HC that after the incident Fit's usually brown eyes change to almost toxic green eyes.
- Fit has severe PTSD about 2b2t. The betrayal triggered it and now he doesn't trust people.
- also Fit has 2b2t gravured in his prosthetic arm/gauntlet.
- every time étoiles kills someone, they have a star shaped scar.
- Phil has star shaped scar. Also the majority of his scars from nightmare and code fight. Also some from earth smp.
- Phil had a very speedy, flying oriented battle type. Now he has a different fighting skills, but likes to attack from above (using paraglider)
- Fit's battle skills are way more grounded, he puts way more force in his punches and swings. He also used to fight with only gauntlets/bare hands, so he's a master of hand-to-hand combat.
- Étoiles is just a goat, but he's something in between. He's also very grounded, but is jumpy.
- Roier is a funny but quiet kid, when it comes to battles. Nobody expects it, but he's a pro. He's super good at breaking through shields and at unarming opponent.
- Fit and Phil train together, and it's fun. But sometimes when crowza accidentally triggers PTSD, Fits fighting style suddenly changes. He now doesn't fight to better his skills, he fights to survive. His punches become more chaotic and heavy. They both apologize later.
- Jaiden is literally "I'm a helpless little girl. And j set the building on fire by accident, tooootaly by accident. Also I brought this dynamite. Goodbye:)" And then everything blows up. She's the epitome of "act weak when you're strong".
- Pol (i sadly haven't watched any of his streams cuz of language barrier, but I think he deserves more recognition) only pretends being oblivious and indifferent towards federation. Like he's the first person from all frozen members to remember his past and cooperate with cucurucho.
- I kinda feel like Rubius is one of the old residents of the island.
- Aypierre is Ayanami Rei (/j but I honestly don't understand his lore. I use Tumblr as a news channel and I still don't know what happened to Pierre. Is he ayrobot? Do they now share a body???)
- after the nether Forevers hair go to shoulders.
- Rubius once was just a man. He was an original old resident. After a few years of working with people on the server he was promoted to an angel/devil entity. For it was funny at first, but soon enough it became boring, cuz he wasn't allowed to interact with people apart giving them quests. So he disguised himself as a man and left the island. Later he came back on train with everyone. For escaping and messing with people, giving them illegal stuff ect he was demoted and "fell from heaven". (This HC has literally no reasons, but I like it.
- Carre likes to stretch like a cat.
- team bollas sleep close to each other, but don't go under blankets, cuz in their base there's literal lava above the celling.
- Fit is severely touch starved but he doesn't always trusts enough. During qsmp he became more affectionate, and started to initiate touching. He always puts his hand of someone's shoulder to comfort them (baby steps). I don't feel like after purgatory this stays like that.
- it's not my headcanon, but I adore when people draw Bagi muscular. Like, I dunno why. But I love it so much.
- Missa is a real skeleton, so when death duo reunited for the first time, Phil literally detached wet cat's skull from the neck, yelling "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN"
- Some people have things that represent their close ones. Phil has skull, trinket (is it how it called?) of his kids on his back, flowers from forever, star keychain from étoiles and a bomb from Fit. Fit has Philza's feather, a necklace with a pacman on it, a bolt from Tubbo, and Ramon modifies his arm a lot. Ect ect.
- waaaay back when Slime went on a rampage after Juana's death, Fit called him to a tête-à-tête dialogue. At first he pushed Slime to the tree and put elbow on his neck, but during Charlie's monologue he let his guard down and even wanted to place his hand on the shoulder. Yet before that they were interrupted by Roier. (Also Charlie asking advice and trusting Fit all this time was quite sweet. Like, he even asked advice when dead eggs came back)
- during purgatory Phil balances himself with weapons.
- Charlie always suspected CodeFlippa wasn't the real one, but he deliberately chose to ignore that. Ignorance is a blessing.
- gladiator by Jann but Étoiles, you see what I see???
- Phil and Fit are terrible sleep bros. When they went to adventures with kids and had to sleep in the open, Fit couldn't sleep, listening to players steps, and Phil tried to figure out mobs. Also they play footsie (they said it on one stream, this is cannon. I really dunno are they besties or homos anymore)
- one of the ways to know if an avian on the server is sick is to see how their feathers react to water. If I'm correct, irl birds have a special stuff on them to not get wet. Only birds with sickness appear to be wet (mb not all birds are like that, I don't remember)
- just "are we still sisters?" Dialogue from arcane but Bagi and Cellbit
- everyone has bags under the eyes
That's all for now.
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theveiledmaiden · 10 months
gojo satoru x reader, rival!gojo, nonsorcerer!au, academic!au
in hindsight, you realize maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to sneak into the boys locker room. however, you were backed against a wall with no other choices, and gojo satoru’s locker contained something that could kill you from embarrassment should he ever discover it’s contents; your diary.
specifically, a page you had written when you were young and naive and undeniably in love with him in 8th grade. it was a long time ago. before you had entered high school, where he became your rival and arch-nemesis. no one could really blame you for your crush though. gojo had always been the class heartthrob, but you knew that if he found out, he’d never let you live it down.
you hadn’t meant for him to find it, for anyone to find it, but you accidentally put it with your textbooks in your bag the night before. the issue is, you made plans to study at the library during your free period, and had emptied everything in your backpack onto the table. you turned your back for a second, one second to pick up the pencil you had dropped on the floor, and the next thing you knew, the bane of your existence was skipping away with your diary in his hands.
somehow, someway, the universe always seems to favor the boy with starlight in his hair and oceans in his eyes. that becomes glaringly obvious when your plan to crack the code on his locker fails. before you can even come up with a plan b, you hear the voice of the last person you wanted to see right now from behind you. “what exactly do you think you’re doing, brat?”
the thing about gojo satoru was, he had everything; wealth, influence, intelligence, looks, connections, popularity, an endless list of girls lining up for a chance with him. it infuriated you, that he looked down at you, that he thought he was better than you. you had accomplished as much as he had with absolutely none of the privileges.
your family, although supportive, did not have nearly enough money to send you to this prestigious school, relying on your hard earned scholarships to pay your way. you worked hard, studying long hours, to be one of the top students in your class, second to only gojo himself. you did extracurriculars to build your resume for college, and even took on a part time job to help with your household finances.
so why the hell was this spoiled, rotten child, who has always been handed things on a silver platter, calling you a brat?
you close your eyes, allowing yourself a moment to breath and collect yourself before slowly turning around to face him. and much like every other decision that has led you to this moment, you end up regretting it.
he adorns nothing but a towel hung low on his waist, hair wet and water dripping down his chest. you feel your cheeks burn, and try your best to appear unbothered by the sight. “what does it look like, idiot?” you seethe, ignoring the stares of the other boys who were also freshly showered and filtering into the locker room. “i’m trying to get back what you stole.”
at that, the corner of gojo’s lips quirk up into a taunting smirk. “first of all, i didn’t steal it.” you shift nervously as he steps closer to you. “second of all, it’s not my fault you left it unattended.”
“i didn’t leave it unattended!” you immediately defend yourself. “i wouldn’t have looked away for a second if i knew you were such a thief!”
“right.” gojo scoffs, his eyes rolling before finding yours again. “well maybe if you weren’t this irresponsible, you wouldn’t always be second place.”
that stupid comment has your eyes narrowing at him and blood boiling beneath your skin. he’s baiting you, you realize, trying to get a reaction and rise out of you, like he always does. but at this point, you can’t really find it in you to contain yourself like usual. before you can think it through, your rage, embarrassment, and shame has your fist flying towards his face, where it collides with his jaw.
you hear both shocked and amused gasps from onlookers, and you watch in horror as the gym teacher pushes his way through the crowd. “principals office. now.” he grits out, and you feel your heart drop. as you walk away, you spare a glance at gojo, only to see him staring into the space you were once standing, with that irritating smirk on his face.
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Submission message: I can't believe no one submitted narumitsu yet, the queerbait has been going on for over 20 years (they started to consciously put hints in after the second game, after they learned that it's popular with yaoi fans)
Submission message: Mean Girls  - Janis Person who submitted Janis here. Yes, I meant the movie. The whole time it is implied she's a lesbian only for her to end up with a dude lol
Additional propaganda: Narumitsu is that one ship that Capcom just like… can’t put a block on.
If they give either of them a wife the fandom would be fucking fuming. Especially if it was Miles. He is not a straight man.
I ddon't even see narumitsu as bait I think they just accidentally wrote gay tension and rolled with it to keep fans happy
doesn’t narumitsu have themed wedding rings 💀 not sure how you would like to interpret that
Meanwhile Janis from Mean Girls IS queerbaiting: She’s presented as a lesbian throughout the film. She gets very emotionally attached to girls and tries to sabotage them after they ‘betray’ her and become more interested in boys/popularity (Regina in the past, Cady during the film). Proudly declares herself a “big lesbo” to half the school during her trust-fall scene. Wears a suit to Prom and kisses her gay best friend Damien, they both show complete disgust afterwards. But in the LITERAL LAST SCENE OF THE FILM, she’s shown dating a guy and kissing him. ((I also haven’t seen the musical yet, so I can’t comment there)) Vote Janis, she’s the only right answer.
janis is a complicated character because while i do agree her writing sucked, and having someone so clearly coded as lesbian end up with a dude fucking sucks ass, i don’t think the actual intention behind janis was to bait the audience. mean girls was written based on the non-fiction book “queen bees & wanna bees” by rosalind wiseman. MANY of the characters in mean girls are based around the archetypes that book presents, janis being the “alternative girl” who feels ostracized by the other girls and therefore takes on a more nonconforming rebellious personality to make it seem like she CHOSE to be ostracized. her ending up with a guy then makes perfect sense if you follow the guidelines set by the book. of course you don’t have to follow the guidelines the book sets up and i think doing that uncritically is a really BAD idea (the book predominantly focuses on straight white teenage girls so it’s not exactly great for representing… literally any other kind of teenager, as the movie shows) but i do think janis wasn’t supposed to be read as actually gay and is a more nuanced situation than just being straight up queer baiting. basically like. she’s bad, but the WORST queerbait of all time? ehhh?
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fagtainsparklez · 5 months
please tell me ur patterns. plea
my danganronpa autism patterns…… for u……
chapter one:
tricked into murder
leon didn’t mean to kill sayaka. in fact, it was shown that she accidentally stabbed herself during the struggle in the bathroom, but since there were no cameras there, no one but leon knew, and it’s likely he fully believed he was the one who stabbed her.
teruteru only acts because he thinks nagito is planning to kill someone, and interrupts to take out a person he deemed as dangerous to the group. while he did mean to kill, he got the wrong victim.
kaede meant to take out the mastermind, and set up her trap accordingly. instead of killing the mastermind, however, she “killed” rantaro.
“important” victim
sayaka was played up to be makoto’s helper, of sorts, and also a possible love interest. she was the character we, the player, gotten the closest to at that point.
twogami had stepped up to be the leader of the group. additionally, since we believed him to be the real byakuya togami, his death so early was even more alarming.
in both previous games, the character with an unknown talent survived until the end, and coming into/remembering their talents was an important part of their stories. rantaro, however, doesn’t live long enough for that. he, additionally, is set up as the mysterious, knows more than they let on character type, like kyoko. additionally, the protagonist herself is killed in this chapter.
chapter two:
killer reveal
togami’s set up baits out genocider, a known serial killer with a considerable body count.
peko’s true talent as a swordswoman for the yakuza is revealed. ignoring the sparkling justice red herring, it’s reasonable to assume she’s killed at least once (ignoring her time as a remnant).
while technically after the trial, kokichi outs maki as the ultimate assassin, making it damn certain that she’s killed.
hard framing of another
byakuya strings up chihiro’s body and writes in blood to frame toko/genocide.
peko knocks out hiyoko and leaves a gummy bear at the scene. hiyoko’s footsteps are the only ones seen running from the scene after the body’s discovery.
kirumi reveals ryoma’s body at himiko’s magic show, leading everyone to believe it was himiko’s doing.
something unobtainable/something lost (unsure how to classify this one but trust me it’s There)
mondo snaps because he sees chihiro as a better person than he, a man he could never be, and is overwhelmed with anger. he lost his brother and could never move on, but chihiro suffered so much and was able to despite it all.
peko kills mahiru because of her covering up the true killer of fuyuhiko’s sister.
ryoma lets himself be killed because he has nothing left, while kirumi has the weight of japan on her shoulders. she’s what he never was: someone with a purpose.
chapter three:
double murder
kiyotaka and hifumi
ibuki and hiyoko
angie and tenko
death of a gay(coded) character
it’s not even coded! a spikechunsoft rep confirmed that taka and mondo had feelings for each other, even if they didn’t know it themselves.
more arguable, but mahiru and hiyoko’s relationship can very easily be interpreted as more than just friends. additionally, both ibuki and mikan are canonically sapphic.
killing for love
celes kills for the person she loves most—herself. not only does she want the money to fulfill her dream, but she’s also led to kill because her heightened sense of self made it impossible for her to coexist with her classmates.
despair disease reminds mikan of her true love—junko. while it’s very clearly the remnant brainwashing talking, it could also be argued that mikan did admire junko even before then.
kiyo kills for the only person he’s ever loved—his sister. as fucked as it is, she’s the reason he turned to killing in the first place, and his love for her is what inspires him to continue on with his plans even after angie intervened.
death of a developing character
taka had just managed to overcome mondo’s death, and gained a brand-new personality to go along with it! but then he dies, so all of that was for nothing, i guess.
mahiru’s death hit hiyoko hard, and it’s clear that she was trying to open up more to the group and soften her ways. too bad she never got to show that improvement.
tenko’s relationship with himiko had finally begun to improve into something tangible, and she was even starting to get along with some of the guys! until one of them killed her.
focus on female antagonist
angie, although unlike the others, hers is pre-trial while the others are built up during it
chapter four:
for the “greater good”
sakura sacrifices herself not only for her classmate’s survival, but because she feels as if she has failed them as the “traitor”. this is the only way she feels she can both fulfill her promise and keep her family safe, while also protecting her friends.
both gundham and nekomaru sacrifice themselves so the group can go on, because otherwise, they would’ve all starved to death in the funhouse (asides from nidai).
gonta doesn’t only kill miu because of the “secret of the outside world”, but because she was planning on killing kokichi, which she could’ve very easily gotten away with, leading to everyone’s deaths but her own.
death of the buff character
chapter five:
overly complicated (goes without explanation i feel)
shrouded blackened/victim
mukuro’s body is covered and destroyed before any real investigation can be done. additionally, her killer is literally hidden, as the real junko had yet to make an appearance at that point.
the culprit themselves don’t know they did it! because of komaeda’s set up, chiaki throwing the poison bottle was pure luck, and nothing else.
we don’t even know who’s the victim and who’s the culprit for the entire trial, with kokichi’s body squished, and the eva not only hiding kaito, but allowing him to change his voice at will.
honorable mention: someone explodes
when the bombs around mukuro’s body are detonated, genocider is sent flying, but ends up being unharmed.
when komaeda blows up the dining hall/restaurant area, souda is caught up in the explosion, but he’s fine.
i don’t have anything for chapter six other than the big reveal bc other than that i think the similarities would be more in the themes than anything and. i am not putting myself through v3’s final trial again you can’t fucking make me
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pixelatedraindrops · 9 months
Rain Code Alternative Scenario Post Chapter 2:
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So, what if Yuma became very ill after Makoto saved him from drowning in the river? Kanai's waters are very polluted, so that cannot be healthy to almost drown in. His body's already pretty frail so... this would really do him in.
The bacteria from the polluted water he may have accidentally swallowed from drowning would be thrashing in his system causing him to be rendered weak and completely helpless. Burning up with a high fever from both the bacteria, and from being wet and cold.
Makoto rescues him and puts him to rest in his room with whatever he could use to stabilize his ailing guest, AKA he "reluctantly" dries him off then places a wet cool cloth on his forehead then dips. Then he immediately calls for any sort of doctor in Kanai Ward. With him being Amaterasu's CEO, he probably has the connections, as well as the money that comes with it.
After all; He could not let him die like this...not while Yomi was still in the way.
Just a little quickie edit I thought of doing after finishing replaying Chapter 2 (and taking some screenies at the end) this game needs to stop giving me all this whumping bait frfr
Credit for the idea from this ask c:
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janeeyreofmanderley · 10 months
Rearranged my Lotr duck collection and so had to ask this!
(No, no duck is no answer! Too sad!)
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bylerconfessions · 4 months
i feel like everyone experiences byler doubt from time to time but there's also some really major things that I just can't imagine meaning nothing.
they spent the entirety of season four together which I can't even process, honestly, because it means so MUCH. and there's accidental romanticizing, alright? that's a thing. like with El and Max. you can do that. accidentally make two people have a dynamic where they would be good together in a relationship. I understand that. but you don't do it on THIS level and have it mean nothing. that's more than just queer baiting, actually, and what would they gain out of that?
there is so much tension. and I don't see why they would go and make all of it if it was for nothing. the Byler rain fight has almost no purpose otherwise because if that had been with, like, Dustin and Mike, it would have been totally out of line. and when has there ever been a rain fight, ever, in cinema in which it was between "just friends"
and speaking of just friends, Mike saying that they're friends. they're FRIENDS. was such deeply coded that I think that it makes up for like, everything. Will said nothing that implied, of any matter, that they were anything more. but Mike took it that way. and why else would be unless he thought it was possible?
Mike is like, the YA protagonist in a novel who had to choose between her childhood best friend and the mysterious stranger who introduced her to a new world. and we all know how that ends.
I'm just saying. it's gonna happen, guys. just you wait.
but sometimes theres just this twinge that like we're looking too deep into it. like what if the posters are just fucking posters and the duffers are just making a show
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kebriones · 1 year
Alcibiades music playlists
Okay here it goes!
There are 2 english playlists and 1 greek. Note 1: so some of these are very self-indulgent and might not make sense but at the very least maybe you'll find a new song you'll like. this was really hard to do because evey song reminds me of him. I tried to make sure all the lyrics fit him somehow, might've failed at that, and the order is completely random.
Note 2:
a (v) next to a song menas it has a music video I reocmmend checking out,
a (s) means it is heavily socrates/alcibiades focused rather than just alcibiades.
Note 3: Feel absolutely free to add your own suggestions!
ENGLISH PLAYLIST (part 1) -Anger (sleeping at last) -Young and beautiful (lana del rey) (s) -Because the night (Patti Smith) -Cellophane (FKA twigs) (s) -i dip (Sawn Wasabi) -All Eyes on Me (Or3o) -Heavy in your arms (florecne and the machine) (s) -The first disciple (tamino) (v) -Grown Ocean (fleet foxes) -Dots and Dashes (Silversun pickups) (v) (s) -Never look away (vienna teng) (s) -Behind blue eyes (L'Orchestra Cinematique) -Ever fallen in love (Pete Yorn) (s) -Neo Surf (GENER8ION, 070 Shake) (v) -The greatest show ( -everything I wanted (Billie Eilish) -i wanna be your slave (Måneskin) -we have it all (pim stones) -accidentally in love (counting crows) (s) -the shrine/an argument (fleet foxes) -Eros and Apollo (studio killers) -S&M (rihanna) -Scream until you're coughing up blood (against me!) -Addicted to bad ideas (the world/inferno friendship society) -Wicked game (chris isaak) (s) -Everything at once (lenka) -Your younger man (the world/inferno friendship society) (s) -The rifle's spiral (the shins) -two men in love (the irrepressibles (s) -the weight (amigo the devil) (s) -Desire (champs) -Rich (andrea vargas, cosmo sheldrake)
ENGLISH PLAYLIST (part 2, songs that i'm on the fence about kinda) -I'm so sorry (imagine dragons) -Bad Karma (Axel Thesleff) -Mountains (Socrates) -Sugar boats (modest mouse) -Not strong enough (Apocalyptica) (s) -Everybody knows my name (Harley poe) -dear fellow traveler (sea wolf) -Who are they (Danai Nielsen) (v) (half is in greek) -Revenge, and a little more (unlike pluto) -No good (kaleo)
GREEK PLAYLIST (with commentary, some translated lyric bits are in purple . If anyone wants a full translation of any specific one, let me know! songs are linked on the titles for your convenience)
-φρονιμα κουκλα μου (behave yourself, doll, I tell my soul. Everything will happen as we have planned it, there's a flirtiness towards the soul there that UGH idk) -μαγιατικο (every other lyric in this song is so alcibiades coded I am losing my mind) Newly brought spring, my red fate Awaken to speak your dreams Awaken and hold close The most beautiful things, the most distant, with stubborness and bait The haze from the perfumes, your youth's load I woke you up suddenly, I know You'll see I'll turn the wreath twice on my head, my mind is the warp and the weft is the world's daze -αναθεμα σ�� (the socrates/alcibiades mood here :''') shout out to my best friend, this is their favorite singer ) -κατω στης μαργαριτας τ'αλωνακι ( the overall vibe of the song gives me something alcibiades-like, also: their sleep smells like wildfire, the sun writhes on their teeth) -τα μπλουζ της αγριας νιοτης ("the blues of wild youth") -δεν χωρας πουθενα ("you don't fit in anywhere", but the phrase for fit in is here literally means not fitting in due to size, like something that doesn't fit in a box because it's too big, not because it doesn't match.) -με γελασαν τα πουλια (the birds tricked me and told me I would never die, so I built my house taller than the rest) -κοκκιν' αχειλι (traditional love song, there's some desperate feeling underneath it all that reminds me of alcibiades. also half the sun and the whole moon turns red after a kiss how crazy imagery is that) -ελα ψυχουλα μου (okay so I really fought with myself for this one because I think it's cringy as a song but some of the lyrics scream socrates/alcibiades and that made me put it on the list. I am sorry. I debated this for days but if I have to hear this and think of them, you have to as well.) -σιμουν (everything went wrong and everything is beautiful, along with "sends ships off the cliff, fades the shade and turns me into brushwood, but me, I don't care gives alcibiades) -καιγομαι και σιγολιωνω (again, socrates/alcibiades I am also partial to this version of it) -σπιρτο και βενζινη (tell me this isn't an alcibiades song with soc/al undertones i dare you) -γιορτη (set fire to what burns you, what eats at your soul, the streets outside are breathing, thirsty, open. Love is a trip from celebration to celebration. live with me in the wind, the fire, the rain, empty days and fractured skies await us, love is a trip from wound to wound) -παντα θα ξημερωνει (I'll become a thorn in your throat, dust in the eye, a whisper in your ear and shivers on your back, a splinter on your certainty) -Κρασι, θαλασσα και το αγορι μου ("wine, sea and my boy". a eurovision song from the first time greece took part in it.) -μη χαμηλωνεις τα φτερα (turn your heart into stone, and hold onto the stone)
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echoedcrosshairs · 1 year
The Portrait ~ part two ~ Boba x F Reader
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Plot: You, a daughter of a former bounty captured by Boba Fett, are asked to paint a portrait of the new Daimyo although you despise him you can't help notice the growing tension. 🖤Enemies to Lovers 🖤
Warnings: second person narration, no y/n, age gap (reader is mid-twenties, Boba is early fourties’ canonically ), lots of petnames (Little one & Old Man), praise kink, rough smut, bathroom smut, fingering, light hand on throat.
Word count: 5.7k
Masterlist part one
🔞no minors allowed🔞
Maybe part three, feeling spicy about Boba right now.
Boba watched you walk away leaving a trail of vanilla fragrance in your wake strong enough he didn't need to see you to follow you. He was thinking about the look in your eyes the shared expression of desire but your words conflicting. He closed his eyes feeing the raise and fall of his chest wondering if you really meant it or if you were baiting him into following. This is my fucking town. Attempting to be discreet he followed after you at a distance, finding you didn't go to a cantina but to the edge of the town staring into out into the vastness of sand. He prompt himself up against a building watching you and the sand if any creature emerged ready to terminate it if it even looked at you.
You felt the hairs stand up on the back of your neck realizing he probably followed you anyway, you groaned. Can't I have a moment of privacy? Would he follow if I walked into the sand? Probably the Tusken's are out there and whatever else. You grabbed handful of sand watching it trickle through your fingers, before tossing the rest into the air watching it resettle below. You groaned picking yourself up, Just go to bed and work longer on it so you can leave but if only paint had been so simple to comply. He might not be the monster you thought him out to be and he’s insanely charming but everything catches up.
"Ride?" You heard him ask from the shadows.
You opted to drive again so you didn't have to touch him but the moment his hands found your hips you almost stopped breathing. Maker, do I want to fuck you or kill you. The answer should be simple. You were thankful he still had his helm on so you didn't have to feel the warmth of his breath against you but the warmth of his body and the closeness made up for it somehow. You practically jumped off of it after arriving back at the palace before he even had time to fully remove his hands feeling them accidentally trace down your ass as he pulled away. You briskly walked to your room his shadow in tow, thankfully he went into his own room when you went into yours. Striping down you found a few new things in your closet with a scowl until your fingers found the tailored pants. Angrily you ripped it off the hanger and put in the floor of the closet slamming it. You opted for your silk pants and shirt, climbed into bed wondering how much longer you could stand to be around him.
Boba went for his usual patrol in the morning greeting those in the streets as the suns began to rise. He knew that to help keep the peoples respect he needed to be seen keeping the place safe but his mind was distracted wondering how he could make it up to you. Bring her the sender but that goes against the code. The code that kept the guild strong and the one rule that Bossk shoved down my throat growing up more then any other. He knew there was only two people he could ask their opinion mattered to him and he resigned himself to asking, pulling off the normal route heading back home.
"Something wrong, Boba?" Fennec asked pulling her riffle off her shoulder.
He raised his hand motioning her to relax, "I have a moral dilemma, walk with me," he said heading away from the guards around the palace.
"Must be important," she chirped following after him.
"I want to serve her the man who ordered the bounty on her father on a silver platter," he admitted, "to see if it... make the rest of her stay tolerable."
"You were paid to forget," she said eyeing him, "but are you technically retired unless you have plans I'm not aware of," she added, "although it could cause some... problems if your caught."
"I'll just have to keep my hands clean then," Fennec was smart enough to catch a double meaning, "It be be a shame if I was set off world for... supplies."
"Speaking of which, I do happen to acquire some more fire power for if the Pykes ever return."
"I'll see what I can do."
Boba smiled finally taking off his helmet and continued walking. He stared down at the helmet, What would you have done, father? I should honor the Guild code yet I should offer him to her for my honor for what I did. He sighed wishing this particular woman wasn't so difficult. He thought of man kissing you and what he was going to do and it made his temper flare again. This is the right decision. He was sure of that, the flame of his father burned in him and his blood was boiling means there was only one opinion to fix it. He stood at one of the many windows wondering how many other things did he have to mend both within himself and for the sake of his honor.
Tapping woke you, your eye's slit open seeing it was dark already. You groaned rolling over but the tapping continued.
"This better be important." You huffed pulling back the covers to pry open the door to glare at whoever was disturbing your reason.
"The Daimyo has a tribute for you," Fennec smiled.
"Do I need to change?"
"No but you might to want too," her smile grew bigger with the annoyance leaving your tone.
"Okay..." you said puzzled closing the door.
"On our way," Fennec spoke into her comm the moment you stepped out the door.
"Why would the Daimyo have a tribute for me?" you asked letting the curiosity get the better of you.
You looked at Fennec but she remained silent. What's going on? The wheels turning in your head made internal gear grinding noises to figure it out. Did he deem me a threat to be eliminated because I turned him down? Although the major disrespect would be reason enough. Good thing I came prepared. Fennec lead you to the throne room, motioning for you to sit on it. Your jaw unhinged and your eyebrow's shot up, you found him standing on the floor below waiting. She's serious. You cautiously walked up the steps and stepped carefully on the stone slab staring the throne and then back at him. You wouldn't show the fear or anticipation. You took a steady breath sitting on throne crossing your legs the pant slits concealing your blaster more accessible.
"I hope my tribute to you will at least mend the wounds that I caused. I too lost my dad young, it wasn't until I found home with the Tusken's that I remembered what pain that caused me."
"This is a surprise," you said leaning forward teeth bared in a grin as Kilas was dragged to the floor draped in silver colored entire, hands bound and a silver chain collared around his neck. Served on a silver platter just for me. You watched Boba take the other side of the chain from Fennec, approaching the throne but never stepping up.
He offered you the chain, "As I see it he was worth far more to you alive then dead as tempting as it was," he said eyeing the disgraced former mayor of your hometown, "I hope this returns a shred of my honor," he whispered as you took the chain.
You pulled the chain watching him squirm. You coiled the chain around your arm dragging him the lip of the throne, "It's nice to see you again," you cackled watching the color drain from his face, "I would say we're going to be great friends but I don't think you'll survive long enough."
"I think you two would have made a great team," Fennec whispered watching you feed the man's fingers to the rancor.
"At least I just disintegrated them," he said watching the scene amused, "I'm not sure if this counts as cruel and unusual punishment... for my rancor," his laughter sounding like turning on your first ship, unforgettable the memory seared into every corner of your mind, "Having fun, little one?" He called down still watching.
"At least you know I won't feed you to your rancor in your sleep, old man, this is to much fun."
Fennec raised her eyebrow wondering if it was a valid threat but dismissed it, watching you apply Bacta gel on the numbs. "Is there a point to that?" She inquired.
"When I get out of here I'm turning into the guild!" The man shouted staring at Fett.
"Unfortunately your not leaving this place," you said pointedly rubbing the Rancor's cheek, "Fett, I thank you for the gracious gesture."
Fett nodded, "I'll accept the gratitude when your business with him is concluded however you see fit."
"How noble," you said patting the man's cheek, "however I have work to do, can I throw him in the cage next to the rancor.. to keep him company?"
"The rancor would be amused," Boba replied.
You grabbed the chain and yanked him into the cage by the chain carefully pulling out your blaster and turning the temp down shooting the chain to the bars sealing him to its, "I'll see you in the morning," you purred, "Make sure your in a better mood for me or I might have to take a trophy in hope that changes your tone." You smiled like a sly loth-cat walking up the stairs enjoying the sound of his pain and begging with every step, "It's going to be a long... long day." You heard the rancor start growling at him. Neither of them try to talk to you as you walked back into your room dawning your painting attire but your heart and mind weren't in this painting right now. You couldn't get your mind off of him. You took your sketch pad out hoping that drawing it would finally let the image dissipate from behind your eyelids. Hearing the door open you quickly closes the pad and pretended to get back to painting, you glanced over seeing Boba had taken the seat next to you placing his helmet on the floor by his feet.
"Aren’t you suppose to be asleep?" You mused at him.
"You seemed to be in a better mood" he said noting the change.
"Careful maybe it won't last," you laughed, "I'm happy with one of two," then horror hit your face when he picked up the sketch book, you tried grabbing it but it was to late he found the page.
His face betrayed nothing but mild amusement in  eyes, he closed it and return it to the floor, "I'm glad I could be inspiration. I could pose next time if you'd like," he said jokingly smiling staring at the painting.
You glared at him making him look at you, "You'd like that wouldn't you," you said pulling your eyes off his hazy gaze but he didn't say anything, "man of a few words," you mumbled.
"I would."
This time you remained silent, "What emotion do you want in your eyes?" You asked.
"Surprise me."
"Are you sure that's a good idea?"
"I'm sure."
"Can you stop with the two word answers farking answers."
"Make me."
You got up and put his helmet on, shoving his chair over. You stood laughing between his legs looking down at him his back to the floor.
Boba gazed up at you through his visor, "That's it?"
You pulled the chair back up still between his legs, "I still don't like you," you said pulling the helmet off.
"I know."
You took your seat again holding the helmet in your lap, staring at it remembering the first time you saw this realizing you didn’t see the same man wearing it. You passed it back and forth between your hands before handing it back, “You giving him to me is almost irony on several fronts. I don’t see why you would care enough, I’m nothing but hostile towards you and the code is our life,” you said flatly looking at him, “It would have to be an important reason for you to do it.”
“Simple, honor.”
“That’s it?” You asked hitching an eyebrow, “I was expecting something more,” you added turning your attention back to the painting.
“Is that your question for today, why did I?” he asked examining it too.
“My honor is everything but I’m a simple man. The comment from earlier that you didn’t want me too either. I don’t care about the hostility, I deserve it but being around you sends shivers down me,” he admitted, “I hope it would at let’s allow us to be… acquaintances.”
You sighed putting down the ain’t brush, that was the final straw. He eyed you as you stood up and stood before him. You wrapped your legs around the chair putting yourself in his lap kissing him. His hands still for moment stunned that you were kissing him he was expecting you to kick him out, not this. Your hands start to roam his body and his start to roam yours. A small moaned escaped you just enough to break the connection.
"I wasn't expecting that," his breath is hot against your throat. The heavy sound of need in his voice makes your heat slick even more and his fingers digging into you caused another small one to escaped. "We don't have too continue," he added pulling his hands off.
"I need this out of my system," you breathed putting your mouth on him removing the cod piece from his suit, “if we’re going to try to be… acquaintances.”
"Me too." Boba grinded into you letting you know the size of his need too sending a pulse through him at the contact of how close he was to you. He moved down your neck placing hot deep kisses tugging on each one wondering if you'd even want to remember but the marks would be there to remind you. Both of you burning without a thought in your head other then getting to feel and see the other. He scooped his arm under your ass picking you up leaving the armor peace on the ground. Neither of you stopped grasping and clawing at each other not caring who saw until he dragged you into the door way of his room.
Letting his hand leave your thighs he pulled away from your mouth, "Are you sure, absolutely sure?" He asked hesitating uncharacteristically looking at how beautiful you looked in his arm.
"Yes,” you breathed panting trying to take some steadying breaths, “or you might not get a second chance,” you add noticing the predatory glint in his eye promised you one long night causing a demanding warm pulsating need through your hips.
Even with the delay he carried you effortlessly to the edge of his bed setting you there, kicking the door sharply with his heel causing it to slam shut. His hand worked it’s way up your shirt feeling the goosebump his touched caused in one quick movement he pulled the shirt off followed by letting his armor clank to the ground. His mouth founds it way back to your neck, hot and heavy going down it just stopping at your bra line before pulling back again to look you in the eye as you tugged impatiently on the flight suit.
“So impatient, I promise it’ll be worth it,” his voice was as velvety as it was course and the flame in his eyes making the shades of brown deepen intensity was enough to make you quiet the retorting joke about his age. The gaze was intoxicating you dropped your eyes down to your cleavage with a smile feeling his eyes trail there, “and demanding” he teased.
“Is the great Boba Fett scared he’s not as good as he once was? Is that why you only admire?” You finally poke regretting it the moment it came out as he stood you up and ripped your pants and underwear down
“I’ll replace those later,” he growled picking you up and dropping you back onto the bed reddening knowing you just got even wetter. He ran his fingers up your leg letting his nails graze the bare skin soaking in the image of you laying there just for him.
You watched his pupils dilate further watching you spread your legs further for him causing a string of words to fall out of his mouth that you didn’t understand, you smirked giving him an puzzled look. He’s before you leaning over his desire with his hands squeezing the underside of your thighs pulling you to his face. You look to see the ravenous look in his face and the smirk on his lips as he slowly bring his mouth to your thighs kissing up them each kiss forcibly deliberate. You whined his touches but not touches driving you crazy.
“I want this as much as you do,” he smiled moving his mouth up your other thigh, “just wondering if I’m going to wake up before I’m done.”
“You better hurry up before I do it myself,” you breathed frustrated. The look in his face fades a little from carnal desire to show some intimacy in his features. “What?” you asked seeing the slip.
He took a breath standing up removing the suit and his underwear pulling you both up on the bed putting your head on the pillow, “I can wait a little longer on what I want to do with you, little one,” he whispered lining himself up at your entrance.
Boba traced you, stroking himself with the wetness that was seeping out letting his tip rack up your clit causing a small grunt to come out at the sensation. You looked up to see that the carnal looked had fully returned. He stared at you pinning your legs open with his deliciously rough hands. He took another stroke in stride feeling your lips open to him and the tip pressed into the knot cause your hips to grind back into him. He lined himself back up slowly pressing the tip into you groaning as felt your walls drag against him trying to adjust to his size. Your fingers dug into his arm as he pressed himself fully into you bottoming out bringing your hips together. You closed your eyes from a moment, the sensation sending signals scattering through out your body. Your eyes opened back up when you felt his hands move off your legs leaving them tender without the pressure of his touch. One hand planted it’s self by your head gripping the sheets and the other right below your belly button.
“Next time the artist becoming the focus for once,” he growled in your ear smashing his mouth against yours, biting your lip and sucking on it gently before positioning himself up. He gently stroked himself inside you lazily moving his fingers to your clit circling it with the usually light tug but slow lying down every time you started getting loud nearing the edge before the sensation deflated. After a couple times he saw you glaring at him, “Punishment for bringing up I’m older then you.” You looked down him admiring the scars on his face and across his body wishing you could use them to rack your body against. Your mouth wished it could trace the muscles outlining his figure chiseled his arms and legs like stone.
“But I like older, if you remember,” you reminded smugly, “or do I need to go out and remind you,” you tsked at him. Your throat let out an unrestrained moan as he quickly pulled out and slammed into you giving you an idea of his strength and how much he was holding back.
“Say that again and I’m binding you to my bed.”
Your moaning picked up as the ferocity of his pounding didn’t let up. Your head sunk into the pillow and you could barely keep your eyes open. Instinctively your hips tilting causing him to press into the right places as he thrusted. “Maker” you moaned taking your knuckles into your mouth to silent yourself.
His hand came up and forcibly ripped it out of your mouth, “I don’t care who hears” he growled biting your wrist before bringing your hand to his neck. You moaned at the comment, the heavy lust that coated his voice not realizing you would love it if this man was rougher with you. Every stroke pulling more of you out with it, making both of you wet messes down to your thighs and creeping up towards his abs. He speared into you harder his tip kissing into the top of you each time. He moved his fingers faster stroking your clit with urgency watching to feel you clamp down on his cock and see the face you would make for him when you came.
“Cum with me,” you pant, “I want to feel you,” you moved your hand from the side of his neck to the back of it letting your nails dance up his scalp.
“Maybe I should have warned you to be careful what you wish for,” he smiled, the molten look over his tanned face made the feeling building up unbearable. “You look so…” he place three rough strokes feeling you start to tremble under him, “stunning, mesh’la,” he got out staring to feelvhis thighs start to tighten. The praise caused unbounded warmth to go down you and he could feel the warmth on his cock, “You like that don’t you,” he smiled, “You’re taking this old hunter’s cock so well,” he purred working his fingers around your clit faster feeling you spasm around him, “I promise you’ll be full,” his voice dropped threateningly.
You cling both your hands to his face, “Boba,” the moan came out like a cry as he finally set you over the depth end knowing that if anyone didn’t know what you two were up they definitely did now with how loud it was. Your hands tremble over his face, your face between pleasure and pain as you watched him finally release in you.
He slowly pulled out as he filled you from the top before slamming it back in cause some of it to slip out. The warm gush made you tighten against his cock holding him there with a vice. You barely heard his groan as he brought his other hand off your pulsating clit to the back of your head pushing your forehead against his still lazily stroking himself with you. Your body feels heavy coasting on his bed trying to find yourself. He finally stills pushing his hips against your groaning deeply, his lung protesting the lack of air your pussy knocked from him. He looked down at your soft sleepy expression, smiling at himself carefully pulling himself out and weak legs walked over to his towel rack and selected a soft one before climbing back into bed carefully moving your legs to put the towel between them noticing the goosebumps that lined your skin.
“So beautiful,” was the last thing you heard from him panting before subconsciously turning yourself into his chest, your head pounding feeling the bliss fading to a warm tingled. Boba started stroking your sides pulling you out of your mind, “Mesh’la.”
“Hmm?” you replied.
“Again or do you want to nap?” He smiled noticing the yawn.
“Nap” you admitted your body drained, you felt him press a kiss to your forehead before drifting for a bit. You woke awhile letting stretching out feeling his absence. You found another fruit basket where he was suppose to be with a note sticking out.
“Bathing join me? Ignore this if I’m back already -Fett”
You laughed prying yourself up noticing a robe laid out for you. You sat up the last little bit of him left in you trickling out over the completed soaked towel. How much is even possible? You laughed again putting on the robe going down the hall with a note attached to another door, “This one -Fett.” You shook your head and opened the door and closing it behind you. The room was steaming with a huge pool tub in the middle with little jets.
You saw him open one eye “You’ll never want to shower again if you step in,” he jokingly threatened.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” you said discarding the room to the bench along the wall, seeing his other eye opening taking in the view of you as you stepped into the pool. “You are correct,” you groaned sitting across from him putting the knot in your back against the little jet.
“I warned you,” he chuckled. He eyed you for a moment before leaning his head back on edge staring up at the ceiling enjoying the warmth of the water respectfully noting your decision to sit away from from him. “Glad you got to enjoy this before whatever’s next. Personally I think this my favorite room in the whole palace” he said closing his eyes.
“What was wrong with it?” You inquired doing the same.
“I may have to much spotchka and fiddled around with the plumbing trying to make the jets blast harder.”
“Not so good with your hands?” you snarked with a giggle.
“I’m excellent with my hands she just didn’t enjoy the amount I had to drink first,” he said tossing back the innuendo.
“Can only have so much before you get sloppy.”
He chuckled, “in my case a bottles worth.”
You leaned your head back up looking at how peaceful he looked and how vulnerable with his throat exposed. Your hands probed at your feeling the tender spots remember his kisses. You smirked standing up and walked over to him sitting in his lap putting your mouth on his throat, he didn’t even finch as your teeth grazed him before your lips replaced them tugging on the spot. You could feel his cock growing again but he kept his hands to himself smiling at the ceiling.
“I’ll always want to do it in here if you keep it up,” he warned keeping his arms folded over his chest.
“You want to prove that one too?” You said moving down his throat letting your tongue graze his Adams apple.
He groaned grabbing your hips and lifting you off of him, covering you with his hand setting you infront of the jet, “I warned you,” he said releasing his hand letting the jet hit your now throbbing clit. He held you there letting one hand travel around to your breast and the other to your entrance pressing his cock into your ass cheeks slightly moving up and down, “Now make more of those pretty noises for me,” he said plunging his two of fingers in knowing his fingers were in the perfect position as you immediately grabbed the lip of the bath.
The sensation of the water against and his fingers were turning you into pleasure putty for him. Boba was rough, a little rougher then he meant to bed but the noises you were making were driving him mad. It didn’t take you long to be squirming on his fingers, he brought his hand to your the front of your throat pulling you up towards him, “Say my name and I will fuck you until you forget your own,” he grunted watching your face twitch nearing the high.
“Boba,” the moan reverberated off the walls, and you felt yourself coating his hand and another sensation tear through the lower half causing another moan to come out. He didn’t give you time to ride out the high even a little as he pushed your hips up on the ledge of the bath planting you on the warm ground with your legs still submerged as he slammed into you.
His cock had a mind of its own ramming into you, there was something about how you moaned his name that made it sound so ethereal like the maker himself designed your voice for him. He enjoyed pulling you part on his cock a few times watching you squirm with ecstasy each time. He finally slowed down after the fourth time to see the quivering mess you were. “I think I’ll finally cum in you,” he laughed kissing down your back at your string of nonsense, “I warned you.”
Boba can fuck, apparently you had said it outlet because he started rough again. He pulled your hips back letting his hand find your pulsating pleasure knot, you widened your hips for him making him moan your name as your walls clung to him tighter. Your mind was fuzzy only about to think of him and the feelings he made course through you. Your hips are shaking against his, you practically screaming his name as his hand tightened around your throat. Your whole body burning at his touch.
“Your pussy better enjoy this,” he said roughly fucking you as he exploded in you making sure every ridge and millimeters of your cunt was covered in him. He carefully removed his hands from your throat and clit letting you fall carefully in his hands pulling out of you still semi hard wrapping you in his lap. Boba chuckled as you barely responded, you were gone from this world. He kissed your head standing up patting you dry wrapping you up and covering himself and placing you in his bed again, “Drink the melons when you wake up,” but you were to gone to recognize the words.
You when you woke again he was gone again but this time there wasn’t a note. Every inch of your body ached, then you thought of what you too had been up too and your faces heated. That actually happened. Where is he? You made your way to your room to find actual clothes before wondering out to the throne.
“Lady Kryze!” You smiled running towards her practically slamming into her with a hug.
“Interesting,” you heard Boba say.
You pulled off of her, looking at him and then back at her the red returning to your face, “Sorry it’s been so long,” you smiled at her.
“I was wondering if I could borrow your skills when your free.”
“Any thing for the Queen of Mandalore. How can I be of service?” You asked ignoring the small glare from Boba.
“I need your painting skills,” she said watching Boba relax a little, “amusing your almost done with your current commission.”
“Give me two hours to finish,” you said with a small bow.
“How do you two know each other?” Boba asked.
“Where do you think I learned Mandalorian philosophy?” You said smiling arching a brow at him, “I wasn’t the only person in the galaxy back then you hated you.”
“Should have figured, Princess,” you noticed the endearment wasn’t pointed at you but her before you had time to question if they were a previous thing you dismissed yourself to finish the paint and pack.
“You did this?” Bo said surprised sneaking up behind you as you finished packing up your supplies, “It’s one of kind.”
“Thank you, the Daimyo wanted to be show in a previous light compared to his predecessors so I took some personal liberties to improve it.” The look in his eyes you picked were adoration specifically how he looked at you, you smiled looking at it signing your name and com frequency in the corner. You found Boba waiting for you outside with his Helmet on when the two of you left the room.
“I’ll be at the ship while you to finish up business,” Bo said looking at rigid posture.
“Digital or physical creds?” He asked coldly.
“Either, my frequency is on the painting. You can have Fennec contact me,” you said returning the tone wondering where it was coming from all of the sudden or wondering if he happy to discard you now that you both got what you needed. Your throat tighten, It felt like more to me. Your heart raced confirming it, “Now excuse me, I have a favor being called in,” you pushed out, “by the Princess,” the word came out harsher then you meant it too. You moved away by you felt his gloved hand on your wrist, “What?”
Boba realized he fucked up that you weren’t leaving because you regretted it but because you are loyal, “I… look forward to you coming back,” his words betrayed his composure, his words tender. He saw you relax hoping you knew he misread the situation before releasing your wrist watching you walk off.
Getting on Bo’s ship you were bombarded with questions as she noticed the tension and marks you were trying to hide. You listened as she told you Boba’s story and him helping a friend of hers. You stared at the window of the ship realizing he more then a former feared bounty hunter who you wanted to hated but a reformed man who might be worth a chance.
“She’s been gone for two weeks,” Boba said downing another glass of spotchka.
“I’m sure your precious artist is coming back, at least for the man still in your rancor pit,” Fennec said trying to be uplifting but realistic at the same time, “plus she’s almost done anyway.”
Boba put the drink down and looked at her, “how do you that know that?”
“Cause I reached out to her frequency to transfer the credits? Her and I, are actually friends… Haven’t you? If I didn’t know better your head over blaster for her” She said raising at eyebrow.
“A couple times with short replies.”
A ship crash got there attention and they went out weapons drown towards the smoke. They found you bent over laughing watching it burn.
“I found and stole Kilas’s ship,” you cackled laughing with tears streaming out but you tired to composed yourself, “For a rich man his ship definitely just spare parts.”
The sound of Boba’s laughter brought you back, the sound like liquid gold laced with the sensation of a good nights sleep. He holstered his blasters and walkover to you pulling you against his armor, “Little one.”
“Your crushing me, old man,” you huffed the armor digging into you.
He pulled off lifting his helmet just enough to put his lips next to your ear, “I’ve been thinking about fucking on a canvas covered in paint… with a bath afterwards,” the daydream shot electricity down you with a smile.
“Only if I get to to pick the colors,” you smirked leaving him standing there heading towards the palace with your two surviving bags.
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dez-wade · 10 months
Omg okay so you know how Forever asked for mod ideas to add on twitter? Well I can't stop thinking about the one I recommended bc it'd be such a fun server event.
The one I recommended was a double life mod. Which is basically like, two random PLAYERS (not eggs >:( !!!) are matched up and they are "soulmates". Soulmates share all dmg between the two of them which means if one of them dies, the other does as well.
I was thinking its an optional event obviously but theres some sort of prize for the last soulmate pair left standing. Maybe something like being able to ask the federation for ANYTHING (except obvious things like creative mode or leave the island) and its implied u can ask for egg lives too but idk if that'd ACTUALLY be a prize or just bait.
Essentially the participants are trying to make it to the end and be the last pair standing so they can get the prize which could include alliances, desperately trying to protect each other nd making it to the end bc they have the same wish OR betrayals bc they dont :D
I think it'd be a nice incentive for players to interact and be active since I think how active you are will have to be a factor or else a pair can just join the event and never login until everyone else dies lol.
I'm thinking, just like the actual double life series, each pair has like 2 or 3 lives until they're out of the event? I also think it'd create interesting dynamics.
Like how funny would it be if tazercraft participated but they werent paired up since its random, so their soulmates just have to accept that they have to work as a 4 person alliance? Would any soulmates rather go solo then stick around their soulmate? Would there be drama about soulmates going and doing dangerous things alone, risking if not actually accidentally costing them one of their lives?
Idek I just think it'd be fun. Idk who I'd hope Forever is paired w bc it'd be fun no matter what, but I do think he'd absolutely gear up his soulmate and give them everything he can so they can survive since if theyre BOTH downed, they will be completely reliant on the kindness of other players/participants to see if they'll be revived or lose a life which. Isn't ideal. I actually think he'd set up a statis room and want a code for if one of them is in danger and needs a tp yk
Tysm if u read this all, you are my fave Forever blog bc u Understand my cubito which is why u unfortunately got the brunt of this ramble 🙏🙏🙏
Ooh I actually like this idea! Actually I have been excited for Tazercraft's Murder Mystery because one of the roles is "Lovers", and if your partner die you die. So I really want to see the random matchups we could get.
In a way, it'd be like your government assigned partner all over again like it was with the eggs, but this time the French and the Brazilians can participate since they've always been just a big polycule. So it'd be nice for a short event where you can get some good but not game-breaking rewards.
I agree that Forever would become very protective of his partner and instantly set up an enderpearls stasis chamber like he does with his family, but I'd love to see how insufferable he'd get too if he got someone like Philza lol.
Anyways I really like this idea mainly because I'd love to see the unexpected duos that would come from it even if temporarily. I really hope the admins think of some type of event like this, but if not we can get something close to it with Tazercraft's Murder Mystery at least!
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