#was more interested in companion animal and exotics
torchickentacos · 11 months
Good news: hit 4k words today.
Bad news: it was on what was supposed to be a brief outline of a shitpost au, and I've only written the outline for 1 and a half chapters of it as well as a character sheet, and it's longer than half my actual-fic-oneshot wips end up being.
Good news again: pokeani western au. yeehaw.
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AITA for trying to steal a kid's pet? WIBTIA for continuing?
That sounds way worse than it is. Please let me explain before judging.
Me (25M*) and my partner (25F*) (we'll call her J) are avid exotic animal collectors (we work for an underground organization). We're usually incredible at catching exotic animals (again, for our work—usually we only keep ones we can handle/we like, and we don't keep too many at a time. Our only consistent companion is a very chatty cat). We're also both incredibly intelligent. So I just can't understand why we can't get this one kid's pet.
The kid (10M), who we'll call A. Ais out on his own and constantly traveling. I couldn't tell you why. Usually he has older kids, what I can only assume are his babysitters. They change every time he travels. I don't know how he gets friends so easily. I'm not especially interested in any of their animals—none are quite as interesting or strong as A's pet. So we only really go after his.
After about fifteen years of doing this to this ten year old kid and successfully capturing his pet exactly ZERO times, J and I are kind of attached to both of them. I know she is, because I know how she gets when she cares about someone.
I think catching A's pet, at this point, is kind of more just a way to stay around him for J and I. Of course we want to succeed and move up at work, and of course we're frustrated by not capturing him for more than like, a week. Ever. But this ten year old has come a long way in the past twenty years.
Recently A has gone on to make a major life achievement award—again, at ten—and I'm just wondering. Are J and I in the wrong for trying to take A's pet? I mean, J insists he's kind of a twerp. If not, would we be in the wrong for keeping it up?
What are these acronyms?
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
Could you write a scenario for 2012! Commander Mozar with a mutant darling?
Some time ago, you said that you wanted to add more horror to your stories. Well, I hope this idea is horrific enough for you. It takes place in Annihilation: Earth! Part 2 of the 2012 TMNT show. But things happen differently in this different timeline. The turtles fail like in the show, but Fugitoid never shows up to save them, causing all four of them to be consumed by the black hole. But the worst thing is that the triceratons, specifically Mozar, decided to spare the reader, a mutant, by capturing and locking them in their ship. Why exactly? Humans were all over the planet, but a mutant is special. They could serve as an exotic souvenir from the planet they just annihilated. It is a desperate situation for the reader and there is no hope of escape. They saw Splinter getting stabbed in the back, all their friends dying, the planet getting destroyed and now they're just a prize/pet for an alien commander.
Sure! I watched both episodes to know what to write for this :) Here you go!
Survivor Syndrome
Yandere! Captain Mozar with Mutant! Darling Story
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Kidnapping, Isolation, Mind break implied (Darling), Mass death, Manipulation, Dark themes, Darling has Survivor's Guilt, Dehumanization (Technically), Darling is a pet, Forced companionship/relationship.
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You swore if your heart beat any harder you'd die of a heart attack. Your breathing was rapid as you look around your surroundings. You were in a cell... cuffed like an animal.
Perhaps you really were just an animal... you've been one since becoming a mutant.
The memories kept echoing in your mind. The black hole, Splinter dying, being kidnapped. You grit your teeth...
Everyone's dead... not just Splinter... far as you know everyone is.
Everyone except you.
Now look at you. Stuck in a cage like some exotic animal. It didn't matter what you looked like as a mutant... The Triceratons would still deem you unique. They didn't want to let you die like the rest.
Perhaps the fate of your companions was... better than this?
You aren't sure.
"Do you still cower in your cage, creature?" A deep voice greets you, heavy footsteps standing in front of your cell. "Pardon... Mutant is the term, no?"
Captain Mozar....
You hesitantly look up, eyes catching the blue eye of the commanding Triceraton. You grit your teeth and not answer. The captain merely chuckles softly.
"You really are interesting... Hard to believe something like you was once human." Mozar hums, looking at you as you press yourself against your cell with a smile.
"I wish I was still human! That way my fate would've been like the others!" You cry, Mozar tilting his head at your sudden defiance.
"Hm... your anger is understandable." Mozar comments, leaning down to get a better look at you. "But we have plans for you... Good plans."
The Triceraton chuckles, watching as you growl at him. You were such a strange creature... unique to Earth and now the only one of your kind. Oddly enough... He felt a bit drawn to you.
"I want nothing to do with your plans. Can't you just... Toss me out the airlock?" You ask, Mozar looking unimpressed at the suggestion.
"No. Where's the fun in that?" Mozar chuckles, tapping on the cell. "You have no choice but to stay here, pet."
"... What did you just call me?" You ask, staring up at the towering alien while he watches you with intrigue.
"Well, why do you think I decided to keep you?" Mozar grins under his metal plate. "A mutant like you is exotic... a pet... you'll grow used to your new role."
You push yourself away from the cell door cage when Mozar pulls out something from behind him. You make it out to be a chain... a leash. You really were just an animal now...
A pet for Captain Mozar to enjoy.
"Best you don't fight." Mozar warns, opening the cell door. "Besides... What else do you have to fight for, Earthling?"
You feel yourself yanked out by Mozar, cold metal clamping around your neck. You pull against the leash but ultimately end up choking yourself instead. So instead... you try to stay compliant.
"There's nothing for you... except for me." The Triceraton taunts, pulling you closer by the leash so he can stare you down. "I'm all you have now, aren't I? I'm your new master... your everything."
"What if I don't comply?" You hiss, Mozar harshly pulling the leash to choke you.
"Then you'll break." Mozar threats, chuckling as you pull at your new restraints. "I either gain your obedience now... or I break you to gain it later."
The Triceraton then walks you around the room, an attempt to get you used to the leash and your new role. It felt nice to be out of the cage... but you felt yourself crumbling. His words really got to you...
All because they were indeed true.
"What's it going to be?" Mozar hums, turning back to watch you. "Will you listen to me..."
He then yanks the chain down, making you collapse harshly to your knees with a whine.
"Or will I have to break you? Your choice, pet."
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Marvel has such great potential in STRANGE ACADEMY. A live-action or animated adaptation alone could be a huge win, whether it closely follows the comics or not, as long as they give us the diverse, inclusive stories that JK Rowling's Wizarding World fails to.
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Strange Academy's diversity is a central feature, not an "exotic" aside. It unites people across various cultures, so you see Norse runic magic, Voodoo practice, Aztec nahual lore & more, performed not just by fictional creatures, but women, people w/ melanin & LGBTQ ppl.
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Strange Academy's headmaster is Dr. Jericho Drumm aka Doctor Voodoo & various fan favorites act as instructors to the young mages, to humorous effect: Wong, the Ancient One, Magik, Scarlet Witch, Nico Minoru, Agatha Harkness, Talisman, Daimon Hellstrom, etc
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Strange Academy's prominent students INCLUDE:
-Zoe Laveau (zombie/necromancer/aspiring lich? & descendant of Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau)
-Germán (Nahual animal mage)
-Iric & Alvi (Asgardian twin sons of Amora the Enchantress)
-Emily Bright (newcomer on an interesting path)
-Doyle (nbd, just a son of The Dread Dormammu™)
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Strange Academy is set here in the United States, not another dimension or some other fictional locale; specifically, in New Orleans, Louisiana.
You get plenty of charismatic flavor & mystic color, whether you're reading about the mortal or mystical aspects of magical school life.
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Rather than typical YA-style focus on a singular "chosen one" & companions, Strange Academy offers engaging ensemble narration that addresses multiple story lines w/ due respect, all while managing to offer impressively dynamic & flamboyant magical feats.
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In short, if you're a fan of Marvel, a fan of magic users & a fan of YA stories that AREN'T transphobic or otherwise characterized by bigotry (whether implicit or overtly stated), you might want to set aside any...other options, in favor of Strange Academy. 😌
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lets-try-some-writing · 11 months
Had this really cute idea about TFP kids having pets of some kind if they ever do get a chance wanna know what you think!
Jack--- a pigeon- because they're great companions for people who has anxiety or feel lonely ( he probably has the one with small beak and feather covered legs and definitely a female because they're more loving and affectionate and puts her in cute clothes)
Miko--- a bearded dragon (or maybe even a gecko but definitely some lizard animal)- they're puppies with scales very energetic, weird and has fun personality and moves their head to music ( definitely dress it up and named it after a slash monkey member)
Raf--- a guinea pig or a rat (but I lean on rat more) - they're very social animals and love their owners very much and very intelligent ( he definitely has two because they has to have a friend. And he always let them climb on him or hides them in his pockets or bag and takes them with him)
And I like to imagine them explaining to the bots that they're not pets but companions/family or even their own children and how much they mean to them or how much of an emotional support they were to them!
And definitely found an excuse/reason to bring them to base!
And the bots reaction are like:
Ratchet wants them immediately out the base but get gaslighted into letting them stay for a day one the condition that they stay away from his work place ( Miko doesn't comply)
Optimus would be curious about them since he haven't seen them so close and would want to learn more about them and how they behave completely different and seems to understand their owners
Arcee might be more neutral about them saying if the kids are happy then that's it but surely gets interested in seeing how they act and the tricks they do
Bulkhead wouldn't want to be near them because he fears they get in his joints like some scraplets (Ratchet used that to keep him away from his stuff)
Wheeljack( I'm not too sure about him) but would want to see what they're capable of and tries to teach them bad tricks to maybe piss of a certain CMO
Bumblebee/Smokescreen would undoubtedly be amazed at these different animals and be even more impressed by the tricks hey do to the point they'd want one but gets shut down quickly by the whole team because they're too much work
Ultra magnus would just leave simple comment about them and leaves
What's your opinion? Maybe different animals? But these fits them well!
What do I think? Well, since I am unsure if this is a writing request or not, I will give my opinion on what you have presented here. Please feel free to send in another request if you were hoping for writing. I tend to misunderstand things like this more often than not.
Now firstly, this is an adorable idea and I do in fact think the animals fit. I doubt they would have any exotic pets, except perhaps Miko who I could imagine having some sort of parrot due to the intelligence of the species. Aside from that, spot on thinking regarding the animals that would be involved.
Ratchet's reaction is comedy gold I must say. Optimus's makes perfect sense considering his personality, although I also imagine he wouldn't be too fond of the mess or the pets getting into equipment. Arcee's reaction is also pretty solid, however I can see her developing a strange rivalry with Jack's pigeon or Rafael's rodent upon having to assist in collecting the small thing from either the rafters or under work stations. Bulkhead's response is perfect, no commentary there except for that I think it would be hilarious for him to fear Rafael's hamster above all else. I've dealt with hamsters, those little critters can RUN-
For Wheeljack I would alter his reaction only slightly to have him find it funny to watch the pets fail at whatever it is they are attempting. Him staring at the hamster and laughing hysterically when it runs into an object or the pigeon when it inevitably crashes sounds on point for him. You got Smokey and Bee also perfectly on point in my opinion. That sounds about right for them, although Bee I think would be less inclined to get one and more silently encouraging Smokescreen since if Smokey could convince the team to let them have a pet, then great, but I doubt he would want to deal with the glares personally. Ha, yeah Ultra Magnus wouldn't give a crap unless one of the animals touched his stuff. Then I bet he would have WORDS with whoever owned the animal in question.
In conclusion, a very humorous concept indeed.
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opalpearl86 · 6 months
Unlikely Bonds
Chapter 1: Cold Hearts
In a world where trust was a rare commodity, a unique friendship blossomed between an ooman and a yautja. For years, the yautja had appeared cold and indifferent, seemingly unaffected by the ooman's emotions. But deep down, the yautja cared more than anyone could imagine.
Chapter 2: A Breakdown
One fateful day, the ooman's emotions overwhelmed them, and they had a total breakdown in front of their yautja friend. Tears streamed down their face as they poured out their heart, feeling vulnerable and exposed. To their surprise, the yautja embraced them tightly, offering a comforting hug for the first time. In that moment, the ooman felt a sense of relaxation and security they had never experienced before.
Chapter 3: Small Wonders
As their friendship grew, the yautja began to share small things they found fascinating, like rocks, birds, and vegetation. The ooman reciprocated, showing equal enthusiasm for the yautja's discoveries. It brought them joy to see each other's genuine interest and appreciation for the world around them.
Chapter 4: Pranks and Laughter
Laughter became an integral part of their friendship. They played harmless pranks on each other, but the yautja had to learn to tone down their mischievous nature to ensure the ooman's safety. The first prank had been a close call, almost landing the ooman in the hospital. From then on, they found a balance between fun and safety.
Chapter 5: Absence and Reunion
The yautja often embarked on dangerous hunts, leaving the ooman worried and anxious. To ease their fears, the yautja would send pictures from their journeys, showcasing their triumphs and the exotic worlds they visited. And upon their return, they would bring small rocks as souvenirs, knowing the ooman's fascination with collecting them.
Chapter 6: Humor Lost in Translation
In an attempt to bridge the gap between their cultures, the ooman and yautja tried to understand each other's sense of humor. The yautja's dark and sometimes incomprehensible jokes left the ooman puzzled, but they persisted in their efforts to find common ground, realizing that laughter was a universal language.
Chapter 7: A Taste of Friendship
Food became another way for them to connect. They exchanged dishes, discovering the stark differences between their palates. The yautja's cuisine often leaned towards bitterness, tartness, or blandness, while the ooman's food burst with flavors. The yautja couldn't resist stealing bites of the ooman's meals, marveling at the richness and variety.
Chapter 8: Understanding Companionship
The concept of owning a pet was foreign to the yautja, who only knew animals as hunting partners. Over time, they began to comprehend the ooman's attachment to their pet, realizing that their clan simply didn't have animals as companions. This newfound understanding deepened their bond further.
Chapter 9: Fragile Strength
The yautja had to learn to be gentle with the ooman, understanding their fragility as a different species. They discovered that roughhousing required a different approach, ensuring the ooman's safety while still enjoying their playful moments together.
Chapter 10: Uninvited Presence
The yautja's unannounced visits became a regular occurrence, often finding solace in the ooman's presence. The ooman would return home to find their yautja friend lounging on the couch, whittling away and leaving a mess behind. However, the yautja always made sure to clean up after themselves, understanding the importance of respect and gratitude.
In this unlikely friendship, boundaries were crossed, cultures were bridged, and trust was built. Through laughter, tears, and shared experiences, the ooman and yautja discovered that affection could be expressed in the most unexpected ways. And in the vastness of the universe, their bond became a shining example of the power of friendship, transcending all barriers.
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mass-effect-galaxy · 8 months
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The idea of having Morrigan in Bladur's Gate didn't leave me alone, so I thought of giving it a try.
This would be a Morrgian of an alternative ending of Dragon Age Origins: the Warden denied her the ritual and died killing the Archdemon. So, there would be no god-child growing inside Morrigan, and no need for her to vanish through an Eluvian. That way, she most likely wouldn't end up at the Orleasian court either.
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This Morrigan would have returned to the hut in the Wilds. Flemeth is gone and won't return. She met her fate at the hands of Solas seven years later without ever seeing her daughter again. Morrigan would be living as an alchemist, making potions and ointments from the more exotic plants growing in the Wilds.
She would be selling these to the druids and villagers around but would also make a trip to the city at least twice a year to get better prices for the more elaborate brews. On that occasion, she was snatched off by the Mindflayers.
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While Morrigan still prefers the company of animals to that of people, her travels with the Warden have made her feel lonely in the Wilds every now and then. She is still a rather asocial person and somewhat awkward in dialogues, in particular, poor in expressing her feelings, but at least she no longer hates (fears) other people out of principles (otherwise I couldn't recruit any companions or do any side-quests).
However, Morrigan is still Morrigan: totally selfish, rude, and likes to make fun of others. She is a druid for technical reasons (shapeshifting). While completely lacking the "peace and harmony"-attitude of the true druids, she does indeed care for nature in general and animals in particular. Not surprisingly, her rough behavior has earned her the respect of Lae'Zel while Shadowheart is totally in love with Morrigan. Gale and Wyll hate her.
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Other than that, Morrigan is very interested in forgotten lore, ancient gods, forbidden knowledge, obscure rituals, and stuff like that. Her intelligence and wisdom are very high, while her charisma is somewhere rock-bottom.
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gkt-tummyaches · 9 months
pet hc
hcs abt if they're pet people, what kind of pets they like, etc. i've got a little free time.
likes cats but she's too cold for them to come up to her + they lose interest when they realize she's not a reliable source of warmth.
isn't really too big on animals otherwise, mostly because of how messy some of the environments she keeps can get - doesn't like the idea of an animal running around and maybe getting hurt; also doesn't like the idea of having to clean up her organized chaos.
had a big reptile phase as a kid, loved dinosaurs. is still kind of into reptiles but doesn't think she's responsible enough to really have a pet.
is chill around other animals, but has a thing against anything too exotic. thinks domesticating foxes and purposeful breeding of wolfdogs is questionable, hates people who own ocelots/servals and anything more wild than a chinchilla.
only exceptions are wildlife conservations, etc.
obviously the biggest animal lover. nothing very original here, just has a really big heart and a guilty pleasure for the zoo. animal rights activist. sometimes forgets to take petcare very seriously - which is just as well that she doesn't have one of her own at the moment.
BUGS. i mentioned this in another post. doesn't care for other animals very much, thinks they're all cool in their own ways, wouldn't be offended if he ended up owning a dog or a cat or a bird, hell, even a fish. nbd.
he has a collection of bugs. he has the pet african snail, stick/leaf bugs, praying mantis, ant collonies, cockroaches, a beetle collection, his pet tarantula.
just,,, NOT reptiles. hates them with a passion.
doesn't like animals. period. not even fish, or something as self-maintaining as an outdoor cat. none of that "acts like he hates them on minute, is cuddling them and spoiling them the next." just straight up has no patience for animals.
if he did for some reason get a pet he'd probably pass it off to butch or boomer to deal with.
dogs. loves dogs. they just get him yk. also likes a lot of farm animals too, like goats and cows and horses. anything big enough that there isn't a threat of him stepping on it by accident.
he probably also likes that in seeing these animals, it's a given that he'll be out of the city to do so. big open pastures, roaming space, etc. (definitely a connection between him and herding dogs.)
she doesn't like animals. she likes… other pets.
nintendogs. neopets. neko atsume. wobble dogs. anything that can work like a pet idle game, or a pet care game, she's into. it's the collection aspect of it, for achievements.
very neutral to pets in real life, probably gets along with them just fine, but doesn't feel the need to really own one. doesn't like the responsibility of one - jokingly calls berserk her pet most of the time.
really into rodents. has a pet hedgehog and befriended several rats that live in the walls of she and brat's apartment. anything small enough to carry around in her pocket, basically.
she likes the option to have a little companion to accompany her places. has enough sense to not fly around with them. doesn't have any idea how to really care for them but tries her best.
aspires to own a rabbit one day. for that, she'll make sure to actually do her research first.
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adarkrainbow · 1 year
The Yaga journal: Baba Yaga in the lubok
Our next article in the Yaga journal (again, I skip a few which are honestly no fun or not interesting to translate) is “Baba Yaga in the luboks” by Galina Kabakova.
There has been research about Baba Yaga ever since the first publication of Russian fairytales. People kept debating the origins and symbolism of the character: is she tied to an initiation ritual, with death or birth, as Vladimir Propp said? Or is she rather a figure of the earth, or fertility? But all those questions are based on the analysis of folktales and oral fairytales. This article rather proposes to take a look at the folk-iconography of Baba Yaga, to study the way the character was drawn and illustrated to explore new roads and theories about the character - more specifically the article studies the Russian luboks of the 18th and 19th centuries.
I) Baba Yaga and her companions
When it comes to studying “popular illustrations”, two drawings keep popping up. One is “Yaga-baba goes to fight the crocodile”. The second is “Yaga Baba with a moujik, an old bald man, they jump while dancing”. Both images date from the 1760s and appear in the catalogue of Dimitri Rovinski. 
The first picture appears in two different versions. The first has an inscription saying “Yaga-Baba goes to fight the crocodile, riding a pig, with a pestle in her hand. They have a bottle of wine under the bush.”
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The second version has a different inscription: “Baba Yaga wooden-leg goes to fight the karkadil while riding a pig, armed with her pestle. There is wine.”.
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These two pictures are fascinating because they depict a character ignored by Russian folklore: the crocodile. The book of Konstantine Bogdanov “Crocodiles in Russia” talks about the place this animal has in the Russian culture, and it insists on its “exotic” connotations. The korkodil or karkodil appears in medieval bestiaries and symbolizes either the devil, either hypocrisy (hence the expression “crocodile tears”). However these bestiaries depict the crocodile as he appears in real life, while the luboks rather paint a much more fantastical creature: it has the mane and legs of a lion, the tail of a wolf, the claws and beard of the devil. 
Beyond the two versions of the Yaga with the crocodile, we also have the famous depiction of the Yaga with the Moujik: 
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This other companion of Baba Yaga, the moujik (note: in French it is “moujik” but in English I guess it is spelled “mujik”, the same way we call “loubok” the thing English spell as “lubok”), with his bagpipe, is dressed like a true peasant, with typical Russian shoes - the lapti. His bald head implies he is old. The Baba Yaga is represented very differently from one image to the next, and two depictions can even contradict each other - but all in all, she usually doesn’t look like the way she is described in fairy tales. The famous “bone leg” does not appear. She looks like a woman, but with exaggerated traits. She has a big, large nose that is curved upward while also being hooked, and in the three pictures above we see her enormous tongue coming out of her mouth. Plus, the dancing Baba Yaga is depicted as a hunchback. 
In these engravings, Baba Yaga is dressed like rich Russian women of the 16th and 17th centuries. Her outfit is similar to the letnik, with embroidered sleeves and belts. She wears an earring and a necklace, indicating again a hgher status. Her cap is the one of a married woman (or of a widow) - but she is sometimes depicted with her hair uncovered and untied (such as in the second picture), which was thought to be indecent at the time. The Baba Yaga of the images 2 and 3 wear the lapti, just like the peasant-mujik, which creates a strange incoherence in her outfit, mixing rich and poor elements. In fact, some people point out that, with her cap, she looks like she is wearing a traditional Finnish woman outfit. 
Just as interesting are the attributes of the Baba Yagas. The mortar of the broom that she uses in fairytales are absent here, and she rather rides a pig or a boar. In the two first picture, she is seen holding both feminine and masculine items: the comb (feminine) and the axe (masculine). We also see the pestle she holds in her hand. In fact, the pestle used as a weapon in found in other luboks - and it is used by Baba Yaga in fairytales (for example in “Fedor Vodovitch and Ivan Vodovitch”, she hits an old man with her pestle). The pestle is also the weapon of the wicked woman in the lubok - in a book of the 18th century we find a popular image depicting an evil wife chasing her husband out of the house, holding in her hands a pitcher and a pestle. 
The strange couple formed by the crocodile and Baba Yaga has other interesting attributes: the bottle of wine near the crocodile, and a little boat that appears on the water. The symbolic landscape is also formed of flowers and branches - to signify a springtime flora. These depictions have been a mystery for the universities since more than a century. If the Baba Yaga of the luboks looks so little like her fairytale self, isn’t it rather an entire other character hiding under the name of the witch? 
Dimitri Rovinski was the first to theorize that these images might be a political satire of the first Russian emperor, Peter the Great, and his wife. The boat would symbolize the passion the tsar had for the marine, which led him to build a new sea-side capital (Saint Petersburg). The Finnish outfit of the woman would be a reference to the origins of his second wife, the empress Catherine the First. The wine would denounce their known love for alcohol, and the marital position of the wife would be to evoke their tumultuous relationship. Rovinski suggested that these drawings and engravings were created by “old believers” that had a strong hatred of the imperials as their sworn ennemy, and thus called the emperor names such as “cat” and “crocodile”. Other popular images could be interpreted as a satire against Peter the Great: such as the cat in “Kazan’s cat, or The funeral of the cat by the mice”. 
This interpretation was repeated several times by several searchers, and is still used to this day. But it opens quite a few questions. If the crocodile is indeed Peter, what would the beast’s large beard means, since Peter was known to hate and forbid beards? On top of that, the engravings we have come from the 1760s, and we have no proof that the originals were created half a century before. Diane Farrel in “Popular prints in the cultural century of the eighteenth-century Russia”, had doubts about the political context of thos pictures. She suggested that maybe the characters were tied to a carnivalesque world. Konstantin Bogdanov also insisted on a value of “pure entertainment” for those drawings, that are part of a long tradition of comical scenes depicting drunks and brawlers. These three engravings also seem to be part of an anti-feminist theme, to not say misogynistic, depicting women (especially young wives) as always trying to humiliate and abuse their husbands - sometimes this satire was aimed more precisely at foreign women. 
II) Searching for the origins of Baba Yaga
When the author of the article prepared an anthology of etiological fairytales (it was published in 2005 as “Contes et légendes de Russie”, “Folktales and legends of Russia”), they found a very short tale recorded in Eastern Russia - in the valley of Kama, a region noticeable by a high percentage of “old-faith believers”. The story goes as such: A devil decided to create Baba Yaga. He gathered the twelve most wicked old women, and he cooked them in his cauldron. He tastes the result, then made them cook a little more. He tasted a second time, and he sneezed so hard all the door flew open. He ate a spoon of the brew, and spit. From the cauldron, Baba Yaga then sprung forth. 
While the text appears in the Index of fairytale-types of Western Slavic tales (under the number SUS 1169), it stays an isolated phenomenon because no other version was recorded in Russia, and it is not present in either Bielorussia or Ukraine. It was after publishing this text that the author of the article discovered a lubok page, made of eight mages, forming a sequence depicting the creation of Baba Yaga. The fairytale quoted above seems to be an abbridged version of the tale depicted by the lubok.
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This lubok is quite rare, as it does not appear in the catalogue of folk-images of Dimitri Rovinski. One copy of it is kept at the Museum of religious history in Saint-Petersburgh, another at the National Library of Saint-Petersburgh, and a final at the National Library of France. It is this last copy that was reproduced above, in the monography of Catherine Claudon-Adhémar, “Imagerie populaire russe” (Russian folk-imagery), 1977. Here is the full text of the legend:
Origins and formation of Baba Yaga. The devil in chief, or leader of all devils, while being a great chemist, decided to invent an evil that would be greater than his own power. In this goal, he cooked twelve wicked women, because physics taught him that it was the best and most profitable way. After mathematic calculations, he understood that each wicked woman contains bad alcohol, compared to a regular devil, in the proportion of seven against twelve, and against his own person a seventh. By cooking the particles of the bad alcohol he set them free with the steam, but since he had nothing to contain them, he caught them with his mouth and swallowed them. At the end of the cooking, there was in the cauldron only burned matter ; he spit in the cauldron, and the alcohol mixed with the saliva of the devil fell onto the ashes, and all of this fusing together, created Baba Yaga.The devil considered her to be the ultimate evil, and he placed her in a jar, wanting to create afterward a dozen more Baba Yaga like her, and by cooking them together greating an even more perfect evil. But by weighing the evil that she contained, and comparing it to the evil present in the high-society women, he realized, disappointed, that these ladies, even without cooking, were not outweighed by her. This made him so angry that, out of dejection, he threw the jar onto the ground, and it broke in a thousand pieces, and the legs of Baba Yaga were ripped and broken. This made the devil return to his senses: understanding he was freeing the world of a great evil, he quickly gave to Baba Yaga legs of bones, he taught her wtchcraft, and so she could leave hell he gave her for a drive an old iron mortar that was laying around in his laboratory, and an iron pestle to lead the mortar - and she is still using them to this day to travel the world, doing evil wherever she goes. 
This is a clearly satirical text that insists on the “scientifical” aspect of the creation of Baba Yaga, invoking mathematics, chemistry and physics. But it is clear that this lubok was clearly aiming to mock the wickedness of women. Even though for once, upper-class women are more clearly the target. This satire can have roots in a Western model: there is the famous Lustucru series in France where the smith by the same name tries to re-shape women, and he even uses an alchemical still to do so. The motif of creating life reminds the homonculus of the Middle-Ages, while Baba Yaga and the upper-class woman being weighed together reminds the religious icons such as “Saint Michael and Satan weighing the souls of the sinners.” 
But there are also several motifs typical of etiological tales, such as saliva being used to create a human figure (usually the divine saliva helps build clay figurines that become the first humans). In the oral tradictions, there are tales that depict the devil as a creator: for example, sometimes he is responsible for creating the different nations. An Ukrainian tale depicts him in this role, and the story is quite similar to the one of the lubok above: the devil puts herbs and pitch in his cauldron, and cooks them. After it cooked enough, he first takes out of it an Ukrainian, then a German, then a Tatar, then a Jew - and the latter is considered by the devil as the most successful of the four. Even if this tale is supposedly etiological, we find back here the permanent trait of the devil: he is a misfortunate creator, he tries to create man but fails, or he tries to imitate the work of God but ends up creating something else entirely. And in the case of those stories, he tries to create something new that could harm much more than he does, and in the end he merely re-creates the already wicked women of the world. 
The simplicity of the drawing makes the author think that the one who created this lubok did not copy a Western engraving (unlike other lubok - such as the one of a couple fighting each other to know who is going to wear the pants). The artist is quite clumsy. The devil looks like a man, but with the typical attributes of a Russian devil: a tail, horns and a goat’s beard, rooster claws, but also wings to remember his celestial origin (this last detail is not constant in the depictions of Satan). Is the great similarity in the designs of the devil, the women and Baba Yaga an intended detail? The author rather thinks it is because of the lack of talent of the engraver. It should also be noted that Baba Yaga and the upper-class women are depictedwth a great simplity: no sign of their status, no sign of vanity. The only details that form the portrait of the wicked witch are her two legs (instead of one in the folklore) of bone, and her mortar with its pestle.
Searching for the origins of the mysterious lubok led the author of the article into the world of peddling literature, which had a heavy role in adapting and re-creating folktales. This “lubok literature” existed long before the “scientific” publication of the fairytales in the 19th century. Alexandre Afanassiev used numerous books of lubok of the second half of the 18th century, because he believed they were the closest to the oral folktales. And as such, the author managed to find the text of the lubok in a fairytale called “Tale of the sir Zaolechanine, brave in service of the prince Vladimir” which is part of the “Russian tales” in 10 volumes of Vassili Levchine (published in 1780). This text, unlike the one of the lubok, mentions the term of alchemy “caput mortuum” (mummy-brown), which allows to create the worst of all creatures, Baba Yaga:
Of the origin of Baba Yaga. The devil in chief, or the devil above all other devils, who was a great chemist, cooked twelve evil women, hoping to obtain from them an essence of evil that would outdo him in wickedness. Physics had taught him that it was the best and most profitable material. According to his mathematical operatons, each wicked women contained bad alcohol in a proportion of 7 against 22 (against a regular devil) - against him, it was an 11th, and this is why he cooked twelve. But since the still hadn’t been invented, he caught with his own mouth the alcohol particles that escaped from the steam. At the end of the cooking, was only left in the cauldron “caput mortuum”. The devil spit in the cauldron, the alcohol mixed to the saliva of the devil fell on the caput mortuum and the devil saw something that was beyond all of his expectations, as Baba Yaga appeared out of the cauldron. 
In the tale of Levchine, this text is under a drawn portrait hanging on the wall of an enchanted castle, and it ends with a warning: “This tale is told to you, o curious reader, from someone who is protecting your savior. But, as it is agreed that the mystery revealed against the will of a woman must be punished, for your disobediance be transformed into Baba Yaga”. And indeed, when the character tells of his discovery to others, he is turned into a dragon. 
III) Baba Yaga in the lubok literature
In the lubok literature, we find back the same motifs as oral tales, but some are modified, and others added. For example the motif of cannibalism: let’s take the fairy tale type ATU 327C, “The devil brings back home a child in a bag”. In the Russian version of the tale, it is always the witch Baba Yaga who captures a child and tries to cook them in her oven. In popular versions of this tale, such as in “Hansel and Gretel” of the brothers Grimm, it is the witch or her daughter or both that end up burned into the fire by the clever child. In lubok literature, things are very different. For example, in “The tale of sir Zaolechanine”, the witch not only successfully captures a six-year old child, but she also manages to roast him and eat him. The assimilation between Baba Yaga and the dragon, who is the antagonist of the hero in the tale, is also quite different from oral tradition. In “The second tale of Ivan Tsarevitch”, from the Russian Fairytales of Piotr Timofeev (1787), the dragon-king Erakski captures Maria Morevna, and then goes to war against Baba Yaga, which allows Ivan Tsarevitch to save Maria whila the dragon is away. Usually, in fairytales, it is the job of the hero to fight and kill the wicked dragon. Simlarly, in the “Tale of Leviane the brave”, from the anonymous book “The Narrator of Russian fairytales” (1787), it isn’t the hero that is asked to keep the fabulous horses of Baba Yaga, unlike in the popular fairytale “The magical horse” (ATU 302C), it is rather Kachtchej the Immortal, another fearsome antagonist, that must take on this job.
In the “Tale of sir Zaolechanine”, we also discover some “romantic” themes invented by the author: Baba Yaga adopts the female protagonist, and she falls in love with the winged dragon, who doesn’t love her back. However she visits him every day, and sometimes goes back to her house in tears, and sometimes in “great anger that always ends up in sigh”. And to end, when Baba Yaga dies, “her petty soul leaves her miserable body and falls into hell”. But it is especially in the descriptions that we find elements absent from oral versions. For example, in “The second tale of Ivan Tsarevitch”, the witch lives in a palace protected by an iron barrier - instead of a hut on top of chicken legs. In an anonymous version of “The fire-bird and the gold-mane horse”, published in Moscow in 1860, we have a description of the witch as having the head of a pig, the tail of the crow or a tail of bones” - or she has “two horns, a dog head, a goose’s nose, a tin tail”. And other times, it is written “the awful Baba Yaga with long teeth, a bone leg, a cast-iron head and a clay tail.” It must be remembered that the folkloric character of Baba Yaga is barely described, and when she is it is another set of traits that is put forward. In folklore it is her traits tied to the world of the dead or the reptile that are brought forward: she only has one leg, and it is a leg of bones (or a bony leg, aka a very skinny one). Her nose is sometimes so long it touches the ceiling. Other times, the traits described are about an hypertrophied feminity: breasts so enormous they cannot be hold in the room and overflow out of the door. Finally, there are also a few mix-and-match details, such as a nose made of iron or a face made of clay. 
To conclude this study of iconography and engraving of legends, the author says that the lubok takes the character of the fairytales, this popular character of oral tradition, not to retell its story faithfully, but to mock through it the weaknesses and flaws of women, focalizing especially on upper-class women and foreign women. Folk-imagery is thus very revealing of social, racial and gender prejudices very common at the time.
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hello there! curious autistic little shit whose special interest is zoology (entomology, specifically) here, so sorry to bother.
i would sell my soul to get a chance to actually study zoology, but the thing is, i have no idea what they do. after they graduate, i mean. do you have to become an academician at a university, or do you get to do something else too? if so, what? who hires zoologists?
i couldn't find any decent information on the web, so i thought it'd be best to ask somebody who's actually studying that at the moment. (if you aren't and i misunderstood you completely, well. it'd be very awkward.)
thank you and have a very good day!
No you absolutely guessed right, I'm also an autistic little shit with a special interest in zoology!!
It is true that a lot of folks who study zoology end up in academia/research. I think its helpful to remember that that doesn't necessarily mean working at or with a University lab! Generally speaking, museums, zoos, arboretums, and any other place with some sort of academic collection have positions. This is especially true for Entomology, in my experience. Entomologists seem to love keeping specimen collections, which creates a lot of positions for collecting/sorting/maintaining/archiving specimens. This route seems to appeal the most to people who just want to gather as much info about certain animal groups as possible.
Another major branch I usually see is wildlife/conservation/husbandry work. This one is more favorable if you're into animal handling and care (though its pretty dominated by charismatic animals like mammals and birds in case that's not your thing). Sometimes this is adjacent to academia, sometimes its more of a public service management thing like maintaining protected areas, and sometimes its more veterinary. Wildlife centers and national parks are famously understaffed, and zoos/aquariums are always looking for people qualified for specialized animal care (this would probably extend into entomology a bit more).
Then, of course, there's veterinary school. There's your veterinarians for companion animals, obviously, but also people trained in specialized/exotic animals (avian vets come to mind). There are also many veterinarians that go into agriculture, or caring for farm animals. (If you're really into domesticated animals, I recommend looking into animal science programs specifically rather than zoology as a whole). This branch requires a lot of work, and is very much the Zoologist equivalent of going off to med school, but tend to have the most stable and well paying job market from what I've seen. As previously mentioned, there are also positions for vets in specialized animal husbandry and care in zoos and aquariums, as well as in wildlife rescue centers.
Overall, most zoology positions are fairly specialized and require at minimum a 4 year undergrad degree, which is pretty frustrating. Most of the people I've interacted with in this field also plan to attend, are attending, or have graduated from some kind of postsecondary school, like grad or vet school. Its also kinda obvious that this isn't a field you get into for money or prestige. Most of these jobs are very much passion projects for anyone I've met who have them. Still, from one autist to another, passion's probably not something we have to worry about lol.
Anyway I tried to cover all the bases I knew about, but I'm just one guy and also like, obviously still a student so this definitely isn't comprehensive! Hope this helps though!!
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dmagedgoods · 1 year
Hello Sal! Here's something I've wanted to know for a while - how did you and Cassius first meet? And how does he get along in Drezen?
A little smile plays across Salvadore’s lips and the cold professionality of his posture softens ever so slightly against his will.
“When I was a boy, barely more than a child, I made the decision to not only perfect my fighting and rhetoric skills but to, furthermore, dedicate myself to the goals and visions that started to take form in my mind. It seemed almost inevitable for me to join a Cavalier Order like many members of my family had done before.
Now, my … nature made this intention harder than I had expected. I wasn’t judged based on talent and dedication, and not even my family's name seemed to weigh enough, not for someone of "my kind"; instead they had created a prefabricated picture of what they expected a dhampir to be.
As it turned out, only one order was interested in accepting my application: The Beast Rider Order. In my mind, I already had a clear idea of my future companion: A white feline predator, graceful and rare. I found a man trading with exotic animals from all countries who promised to deliver a cat to my liking. I was ready to spend a fortune, but when I visited his … emporium, I discovered that not only he was involved in countless illegal dealings, he neglected the creatures in his care, even abused them. I spotted a leopard kitten, too thin, too weak, and looking even more miserable than the rest of the caged predators.
Of course, I initiated that the man was arrested and the animals taken care of.
The experience made me change my mind about my plan to acquire a rare pet through dubious dealings.
As for the miserable kitten: I can’t tell you exactly why I felt the urge to do so, anyone was convinced it would die, but I paid for healers, medicine and looked after it in regular intervals.
To the vet’s surprise – and my own no less – it continued fighting and eventually became stronger again.
Its …”
He swallows and composes himself in an attempt not to appear ridiculously emotional.
“Its iron will to live impressed and inspired me. Furthermore, it seemed to feel comfortable in my company and I decided to keep it with me.
 A few years later, when I joined the Beast Rider Order, the now grown-up leopard was at my side and he didn’t leave it ever since.”
He laughs quietly.
“I’m pretty sure Cassius started to love Drezen long before I did. He felt at home right away, strutting through the city as if it was his. Well, he still does up to that day. Of course, he is well known and as far as I’m aware, most people enjoy seeing him around and watch him with fondness. They may be slightly amused by his attitude. He is a proud cat and likes their attention. – Although not so proud to refuse treats when offered, I’m afraid.”
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My First Contact Au Beachcomber would flirt with Kade Burns if he had a holoform and got over the whole human-pet thing.
He is, in fact, a large, fat, jovial, flamboyantly gay man who absolutely ends up with a whole entourage of gay and bi mechs around him and his friends.
(Boulder to this day has a huge crush on this man. He's happily married, but it's like having a celebrity crush on him. It's completely based on Beachcomber being pretty and having a job that lets him get close to interesting 'animals')
It makes sense in my head at least for bigger mechs to be the beauty standard among non flyers/racers, who have their own beauty culture. Like, inside their own universes, the rescue bots, especially Heatwave, are seen as attractive. Also, it makes sense when it comes to femme frames and transfemme bots, since we see that their augments are seen as countercultural.
But anyway, here's an au within an au of the rescue bots getting an eyeful of the first attractive civilian in years. (And in Quickshadow's case, decades)
"um, don't look now, but that's the new civilian mech Optimus sent over." Heatwave said, trying to not sound like a teenager while trying to process just how pretty the new guy was.
"huh, Heatwave, I didn't know you had a thing for bigger guys." Kade said.
"but he's perfect? Well, aesthetically. I haven't met him yet- holy Primus, Quintus had a field day with that face." Kade watched as the bot pulled into a parking lot in order to talk to a couple of townspeople. "Kade, I am pulling over."
"Heatwave, why are your seats warming up?"
Heatwave screeched to a halt, remembering he had a passenger. "Oh, sorry. That's a bit awkward. Anyway." He popped open his driver's side door. "You get out, and I talk to the new bot that definitely has more of a spark chamber than I do. No really. Get out." Kade, getting the innuendo but not understanding it, bailed out for his sanity. Heatwave transformed, and he could see The New Bot checking him out while chatting with Haley and a few of her students.
Heatwave flinched as he got a comm link request with the bots details. His name was Beachcomber. He hopped on it immediately.
:Hey, I heard you're new.: he messaged, trying not to look too awkward, staring off into space while focused on something that existed entirely in his head. (Well, really his ear, but semantics.)
: aren't humans amazing?: the bot replied :I wish Cilla and Jane could be here, Earth is just beautiful. It has its problems, but there's something about them that is absolutely stunning:
Heatwave paused, moving to lean against a brick wall, being careful to take up only a single parking spot. :my name is Heatwave:
: Beachcomber. I have a platonic human companion, Jane, who's with her adopted daughter Cilla. They are out shopping, but I couldn't help myself but interact with the locals:
:you are from space though?:
:multiverse stuff. I think we will get sent home soon though. There are doubles of all three of us, Optimus just needs to track down Janette's so we can go home.:
:you said companions?:
: legally, they can't return to their earth. They were both kidnapped and trafficked to Cybertron, they were found in the streets by passersby and since I was the nearest exotic vet, I volunteered to be their host for the rest of their stay.:
Two women darted between Heatwave's feet, absolutely fearless as they ran up to Beachcomber. They spoke to him in rough galactic common before Beachcomber took their bags and scooped them up onto his shoulder, the two of them sitting in the groove of where his neck met shoulder plating.
:I have to go. Good meeting you.:
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Hello! If I may, could I make a request of Snake, Cheslock, double Charles, and the triplets with a s/o who's selectively mute, but doesn't mind talking to them (the boys) because they feel comfortable with them? But also, they happen to own a macaw, and let's just say that the bird certainly has the mouth of a sailor and is not afraid to cuss out any strangers who try to bother the s/o lmao 💀 Like, the bird is the cutest thing ever and is affectionate towards the people it knows, but if you look at its owner the wrong way, it's game over for you, if that makes any sense! If you need me to elaborate more, please do tell!
heck yes!! cute animals who take no shit... we love to see it >:D
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Hah, now this is his kinda pet! Seriously, he couldn’t be more thrilled with his S/O’s choice of animal companions. He’s into the exotics in general, so a type of parrot definitely gets his attention. Not only that… he totally agrees with the bird. Anyone trying to bug (Name) will get cussed out by Cheslock too. It’s sort of funny to watch, because you’ve got this person’s boyfriend and their pet pretty much ganging up on whoever’s being a nuisance. And as long as it’s not stressful for the bird, he’s happy to cuddle up with both of them on the couch whenever.
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Hmph… he’s never seen anything like this bird before. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?? It’s neither, really. He very much enjoys the fact that someone will speak up for his S/O if he himself happens not to be around, surely. But the fact that another being is protective of them hits him in a strange spot. They’re not going to up and decide they only want the bird and not him, right? Call him insecure. (Because he is.) While he never gets as touchy-feely with the bird as (Name) might be, he does have his own bond with the creature. He likes birds more than any other animal, if nothing else, and this one isn’t so bad.
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… Well, the bird can speak enough for the both of them. That’s all there is to it, honestly. He’s not much of a talker either, so if his S/O wants to remain quiet, he doesn’t mind it a bit. The only thing which might grate on him a bit is the bird’s… colorful vocabulary. As long as the bird is well-behaved and only curses when the situation calls for it, he supposes it’s alright. His biggest hope is that (Name)’s macaw can get along with his chicken. During more domestic moments, one can sometimes find the bird perched on Phipps’ shoulder as he sews something, and he will gladly give the creature nuzzles and pets.
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(Oh, that’s rather different.) Indeed it is, Donne. (Do you suppose we could speak to that thing?) Hm, probably not, Oscar. This is almost the same way that Snake speaks to his friends; almost, not quite. He enjoys it for the simple fact that he’s never been able to communicate with other animals aside from snakes, so it’s a novelty. And the bird is more than capable of standing up for his sweet S/O in ways that even he struggles to. He’s grateful. Literally the only thing he’s concerned about is making sure the bird doesn’t view any of the snakes as a potential dinner. As long as that’s sorted, he’s more than glad to give the macaw the same gentle attention he gives his own pets.
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Ah, that’s certainly an interesting choice for a pet. None of them have ever seen anything like it. Also, as people who can be quiet and gentle but have absolutely filthy mouths themselves, all three of them very much relate to the bird. They view the animal like some kind of brother-in-arms in the fight of protecting their S/O. If someone is being rude? All one of them has to do is call for the bird or whistle and the situation will be taken care of quickly. That’s assuming one of the triplets doesn’t step in first, of course. They treat the creature like an absolute king, all taking turns bonding with this bird. Thompson takes the bird out in the garden (preferably on some kind of harness just in case); Timber makes special food and is the one to fill up the bird’s dish; Canterbury likes to just cuddle, petting the bird. All things being equal, though, the three of them very much prefer it when they and their S/O can all be together with the bird. Like a little family!
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Feytouched Companion (Animal Companion Archetype)
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(art by Rock-fairy-art on DeviantArt)
 We’re back again with another one of those “not quite an animal” archetypes for your animal companion (the last of them, I believe), and this time we’re looking at one for the fey creature type!
These so-called feytouched companions might have been altered by the primal energies of the first world, or they might have been born there as one of the strange animals that never made it to the final draft of reality. Either way, they are beings beyond the natural, yet inextricably part of nature.
Such beasts might sport unusual colorations, exotic or eccentric-looking features, and more, or they might even look entirely different, being a strange animal that fulfills the same ecological niche with the same adaptations, but be from another world or never having existed on the material plane at all.
No matter their appearance or origins, however, these animals gain more than an odd appearance from their origins, having minor magics and surprising power despite their size.
Indeed, it’s something of a curiosity that these companions always seem to take the forms of animals that start as Small or smaller creatures, though they need not stay that way as they grow and mature.
Regardless, they have plenty of curious abilities up their sleeve, which we will detail now.
 These beasts have a natural love of attention and otherworldly features, making them easy to train to perform. However, this otherworldly nature makes them more difficult to train in other areas.
They universally appear among creatures that at least start out small, but they are stronger than they look, all of their physical abilities bolstering when they come of age, though they remain small.
What they get in exchange, however, is a wellspring of magical power. On their own, they can only create floating lights, but if they team up with their master, they can combine their master’s spellcasting power with their fey nature to cast a variety of spells, ranging from illusions, mind-warping effects, and the like.
Their fey natures also make them resilient to mortal harm, though cold iron pierces it like any fey.
This archetype differs from the other blurred creature types with the addition of spellcasting, which it makes up for by always remaining smaller than normal. As such, these companions are likely not going to be front-line fighters, though they can hold their own thanks to their physical enhancement. Instead, you’ll probably want to use them for mostly utility roles, focusing on stealth and agility. In combat, you’ll likely keep them close so you gain access to the additional spells they grant. It goes without saying that you’ll probably only ever see this archetype paired with a class that actually gets spellcasting.
 Perhaps one of the more interesting questions that arises with any of these blurred creature type companion archetypes is the story of how the character came across them. Some like the augmented archetype are easy, but feytouched and other more supernatural ones have more options than deliberate changes. It may have been a fateful encounter, a gift from a powerful fey, and so on.
  The Balsyaman Jungle is well-known as a primeval place. Not only do dinosaurs roam it, but portals to the fey realms are common. Poachers seeking rare beasts often come there, in particular feytouched archaeopteryx are popular targets now, but the lizardfolk druids that watch over the jungle make sure they pay dearly for every beast taken.
 Though she is called the “Sea Enchantress”, Mikvana the azarketi (gillfolk) is actually trained as a ranger. Her anglerfish companion, however, has the touch of the fey, and through it she can manifest mind-bending spells to entrap the enemies of her people.
 Terrorized petitioners, the victims of the sahkils, have little hope on their own, but there are those who dare to venture into Xibalba and rescue them. One such figure is Ilfixi, a gathlain hunter and her plane-hopping companions. Alongside her giant ant companion, she raids the monstrous ethereal pyramid at great risk to herself.
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bone-appetit · 7 months
Digital XRay for Vets: Transforming Small Animal Healthcare
Hey there, fellow animal lovers and veterinary professionals! Today, let's dive into the world of veterinary diagnostics and explore how digital X-ray technology, specifically tailored for small animal Xray systems, is revolutionising our approach to animal healthcare. It's a topic close to my heart and one that's increasingly important in our digital age.
The Evolution of X-Ray Technology in Veterinary Care
Remember the days of traditional X-ray films? They were cumbersome, time-consuming, and not always the clearest. But the game has changed dramatically with the advent of digital Xray for vets. This technology offers unparalleled clarity and speed, transforming how we diagnose and treat our furry patients.
Why Digital X-Ray?
Speed and Efficiency: Digital X-ray systems provide immediate results. There's no more waiting for films to develop. This speed is crucial, especially in emergency situations where every second counts.
Image Quality: The clarity of digital X-rays is a game-changer. It allows for more accurate diagnoses, ensuring our small friends get the treatment they need without guesswork.
Ease of Use and Sharing: Digital images can be easily shared with specialists or pet owners. This collaborative approach is invaluable for comprehensive care.
Environmentally Friendly: Going digital means saying goodbye to chemical developers and storage films. It's a win for our planet!
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Small Animal XRay Systems: A Closer Look
When it comes to small animals, precision is key. Digital X-ray systems designed for small animals are tailored to capture the minutest details, crucial for diagnosing conditions in smaller breeds or exotic pets. These systems also allow for various positions and angles, ensuring a comprehensive view of the animal's anatomy.
The Real-Life Impact
Let's talk about real-life scenarios. Imagine a small dog rushed in after an accident. With a digital X-ray system, within minutes, you have a clear image of the extent of its injuries. Treatment begins immediately, significantly improving the chances of a full recovery.
Or consider a cat with a chronic condition. Digital X-rays can be used regularly to monitor its progress without the stress of long vet visits.
Choosing the Right Digital X-Ray System
Selecting the right digital X-ray system is crucial. Consider factors like image quality, ease of use, and after-sales support. And if you're looking for a reliable provider, Xray4Vets is a fantastic resource, click here. They offer a range of digital X-ray solutions tailored for vets, backed by excellent customer service.
Xray4Vets: Your Partner in Veterinary Care
Xray4Vets stands out for its commitment to providing top-notch digital X-ray solutions for vets. Their expertise in small animal X-ray systems is particularly noteworthy, offering systems that cater to the specific needs of smaller breeds and exotic animals.
Embracing digital X-ray technology is not just about keeping up with the times; it's about providing the best care possible for our animal companions. Whether you're a vet looking to upgrade your practice or a pet owner interested in the latest in veterinary technology, digital X-ray systems, especially those designed for small animals, are worth exploring.
For more information on how digital X-ray can benefit your practice, head over to Xray4Vets (https://xray4vets.com/). They’re your go-to experts for everything related to digital X-ray for vets, offering solutions that make a real difference in animal healthcare.
Remember, in the world of veterinary medicine, staying ahead with technology like digital X-ray systems is not just an option; it's a necessity for providing the best care for our beloved pets.
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but-is-it-vegan · 1 year
hey! I should preface this with i’m vegan myself, but I’m just wondering if you would be willing to chat about your stance on pet ownership?
everyone’s reasons for going vegan are all a little bit different, but at the end of the day we all agree Exploiting Animals Bad. I’ve found pet ownership to be a bit divisive amongst vegans as the ‘exploitation’ status is a little muddy, I’m interested to see what others have to say as there’s certainly things I’ve failed to consider. where I live in Aus, a lot of people are against pets in general regardless of being vegan, as cats specifically pose a threat to native wildlife.
my personal opinion at the moment is that pet stores & backyard breeders are the worst & pet ownership in general I think is something we should move away from. if i were to own a pet myself, it would be through rescuing from a pound/shelter or taking in a stray. <— most people I’ve seen in my circles get pets have done this one
I admit this opinion does not include working animals for instance, medical alert dogs or emotional support animals.
would love to hear your thoughts!
Hello anon, I'm sorry for the late reply, it's been busy lately. This is an interesting question that vegans indeed may have different views about, although I agree with your opinion mostly.
I can't decide whether pet-ownership should or shouldn't be a thing at all, it would be hypocritical of me to be completely against pets while knowing how great it is to have a pet through my family's cat. I believe that people will never stop wanting pets, having some form of closeness with non-human animals is such an integral part of being human and some animals, like cats, seek human company by themself.
I'm for sure strictly against exotic pets and any kind of exploitation, like horse riding. People generally should only get a companion if they're capable of caring for them - enough space, entertainment, proper food, medication, attention etc. I also think most animals currently avaiable as pets shouldn't be kept as pets at all.
As far as I can tell from my country, basically no one here objects pet-ownership itself (besides perhaps some vegans). I agree with you that backyard breeders and pet stores are awful, they treat them like products and cause such an oversupply of homeless animals in shelters and on the streets that I definitely don't consider it wrong to take care of those who're already here (which is what every want-to-be pet-owner should do). Assistance and service animals are tricky since these pets are "used" but their humans really do need them. At the very least, those who train and offer them should do their best to not add to the already existing problems, vegans with service or assistance animals could probably give a better insight on this than me as I admittedly don't know enough about this topic.
Letting cats roam outside uncontrolled is what enables them to harm native wildlife, especially with them procreating in exponential growth. It's still considered normal and necessary in most places to give cats free access to outdoors while keeping every other pet inside or allow only controlled run, nearly every cat-owner I talked to in person reacted very allergic to the idea of not letting their cat out uncontrolled. Of course different animals have different needs, but what exactly justifies cats to get more freedom than other pets? It seems like a lazy excuse for the lack of enrichment at home. I would even argue it's socially accepted neglect of the cat's safety. Cats can have a satisfying life indoors, it just takes more effort to ensure that than to open the door and hope that they return alive and at best without parasites or wounds.
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