#was that the seraphina figurine and it was a call back to this??
gifti3 · 9 months
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What is happening
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acaribeau · 1 year
Levi’s dolls
A little creepy shortfic based in a chat. A little crack-horror fic but it's mostly a hc.
gn!reader-platonic or romantic, SFW, 1.3k words
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I went to Levi’s room when he called me. He had asked me to help him move the real size figurine that he had ordered from Akuzon by accident without Lucifer noticing. I knocked his door.
“It’s me Levi”
“Are you alone?”
He opened the door and quickly pulled me inside.
“Did someone see you?”
“I don’t think… Woah! that is huge. It’s over 2 meters.”
“I know! I didn’t see the measurements! My Seraphina looks so beautiful in that hunting pose that I just bought it in an instant”
“It is really detailed… and with so little clothes… So, how are we supposed to move this to the entry without being noticed?”
“We won’t. Barbatos will open a portal in my door in… 5 min.”
“Won’t he tell Lucifer?”
“No, I bribed him… but it cost me extra…”
“Is that possible? How much did it cost you? “ He looked really gloomy. It would have cost him a fortune.
“It wasn’t money… I’ll show you later, it’s time.” He opened the door to show a turquoise portal ”Help me with that side, I’ll guide”
This was heavier than I thought.
“So… *pant* Where are we moving it? *pant* Purgatory Hall?”
“No, Lucifer would know. I’m putting it in my castle.”
“In your WHAT?”
I felt the floor disappear under my feet and the sensation of losing a step in a stair made me jump a little. I put the statue on the floor and looked at Levi.
“Did you say castle? Do you have a castle?”
I looked around. This was like staying in a well illuminated cave, a little chill and the floor was polished directly from the same rock that the roof and walls were made of.
“Yeah, each of us have a castle in their ring. They don’t come often to mine because it’s underwater, who would want to come to this humid and stinky place, right?”
Moments like this remind me that my demons are lords and how filthy rich they are. The room was even bigger than the dining room in the house of lamentation, 5 rows of glass shelves filled with all types of collectibles that I could imagine.
“Your collection is incredible Levi… And this place is so beautiful”
“Do you think?” He was flushed and avoiding my gaze “C-Come on, he-help me put it in its place, the portal will close in an hour and I have to go for Barbatos’ bribe”
We moved the figure to the row closer to the wall, close to another one even bigger than this.
“Wait here, ok? You know my rules, you can see whatever you want, but don’t touch anything”
“I know, I know, don’t worry” I was already looking at all the interesting things. He had 5 katanas!
He jogged to the back of the room, and then he turned quickly.
“Ah! almost forgot. Whatever happens, don’t touch the water!” and then left the room, as if he didn’t just tell me something so ominous…
I continued my exploration. Levi really had one of everything, three of some. Posters, mangas, figurines, he even had a center of entertainment with a gigantic tv and all the consoles I knew in existence in Devildom and earth and some I didn’t even know.
This place was awesome, I couldn’t figure where the lights were, and I felt observed in each step. I supposed it was the little fishes that were swimming in a section of the wall that appeared to be an aquarium without glass.
A little sound distracted me from the colorful 4-eyed fishes
“Hello?” I could just hear my echo… This place was really quiet, even the water didn’t make a sound. Just when I was about to return my atencion to the fishes, I heard it again.
To my left, a little more back in the room, was a heavy orange curtain. Maybe the sound came from there.
When I pulled aside the curtain, I found a couple more statues. An old man with a big white beard that looked from an epic fantasy and a magical girl smiling and posing with her wand. Wow, and I thought the Seraphina was detailed. I could almost see each pore in her skin, her eyes so realistic I felt like she was watching me. The sound began again really close, it sounded… as someone with a gag trying to speak. This thing was definitely moving its eyes!! 
It was looking between me and… something behind me. I turned back…
“Oh! you found my dolls” pfff it was just Levi in demon form “Do you like them?” 
“They are so realistic… Are they enchanted to move?” I could feel a little of magic coming from them.
“No no, the contrary! I have to paralyze them each time I’m out or they cause trouble. I designed her dress myself based on the dress of Yuriko in Magi Magi Police Sun first season. She was the best VA the original series had, her remplacement never got the high notes… Her death was really a tragedy, she got hit by a soup truck. A really ironic death if you consider the mock in chapter 138 season 3… Tho, it was a good luck struck that she decided to kill her best friend for assuring her stellar just a couple of days before the accident… She came directly to my arms as if she were destined to be mine. She is the most valuable anime merchandise I have”
“So… this is the real voice actress?” A chill ran through my body while kept staring at me with her frozen smile. 
“Yeah! If you want to play with her, she could even sing you a private concert! She knows all the routines, even the ones that came after her death, I made sure of that!” 
I saw the curtain that extended through all the wall as far as I could see, a bunch of other “dolls” all in display behind it.
“Are they humans?”
“No no, the correct term is damned. Almost all of them are from my ring, but I traded some. Like this one! He was the author of “The epic of the red goblins”, a classic from the 30’s. I had to fight with Satan for him, but it was worth it! Oh, I could tell you the story of each one of them!... only if you want of course… you don’t find them creepy, right? Mammon says they are scary… as if a normie could understand the passion of an otaku!”
“What is that!?” I was so focused in the dolls that I hadn’t seen before the bright orange thing moving in his hands. It appeared as little tentacles covered in blossoms, its movements were erratic and… a little hypnotic.
“Ah! its Glory coral snake, Barbatos wants to make them tea… It was painful to cut them up, it takes more than 500 hundred years to grow a centimeter… Right! we have to go, the portal will close soon.”
He closed the curtain with his tail and we went to the door.
“All of them are so jealous of you...but… well… who wouldn't? I mean… you are… you”
My sweet snake demon was all flustered all over again. I brushed her cheek with the back of my hand and saw him in the eyes, smiling.
“Come on, you can tell me all about them later, ok?”
He beamed his smile and his eyes sparkled.
“We can begin the anime tonight! You know? Magi Magi Police Sun was the anime's first deconstruction of magical girls and the legendary inspiration for Hana Ruri…”
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That afternoon watching Magi Magi Police Sun.
“And what would have happened if I had touched the water?”
“Oh, that would have woken up Lotan”
“Noooo, I wanted to pet Lotan!!!!”
“I already told you, Lotan isn’t a pet. He doesn't want to be petted!”
“Everyone wants to be petted” 😡
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I finished a thing!! See guys? and you told me to sleep in the poll... I work better after 20h awake
If you liked my work, please like, reblog and comment. Don't repost please. I'm not native speaker, if you see any typo let me know. My asks and messages are always open for anything!
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yeehawbvby · 1 year
Operation: Seraphina-chan Figure Recovery (Mammon x GN!Reader)
+ Slight Levi x GN!Reader, but it can be read as platonic too. I just want to include that because this is mostly Levi and MC's shenanigans.
Rating: Teen+
Summary: Levi needs help rescuing a special edition Seraphina-chan figurine from the Great Mammon's clutches, and you happily oblige. Hijinks ensue, and somehow, you wind up in Mammon's bed.
Author's note: *Spoilers for Nightbringer Lesson 5-14 (hard mode) ahead!*
I took most of the plot/script from that lesson and then just changed the ending, so please avoid this if you'd rather experience it for yourself first ^^ Enjoy x
Check it out on ao3!
Being the attendant to your beloved seven sinners, it wasn’t uncommon for you to receive late night calls for assistance. Sometimes, Mammon required a partner-in-crime for one of his typical money-making escapades; and others, Asmo would request your help with his skincare routine after a long night of partying. More often than not though, your midnight calls or texts wound up being Belphie, all but begging to use your thighs as a pillow so he could fall asleep more easily. It’s hard, after all, with all of Beel’s noisy sleep-eating.
The few times Levi needed you so late, it was because he was playing his favorite MMORPG, and wanted you to join in for the group-EXP bonuses he’d get out of it. That said, it was a shock to you when Levi sent you a text – all caps locked, to boot – practically demanding you to accompany him in a heist.
More fueled by intrigue than anything else, you rushed over to the House of Lamentation, quietly snuck inside and upstairs, and lightly rapped on the door to Levi’s room before being yanked inside.
“Ack!” you yelped, not having expected such force from the normally timid otaku. 
The moment he shut the door behind you, Levi put a hand on your shoulder. The expression on his face reminded you that he was a war guy up in the Celestial Realm. His mein was intense, brimming with determination, and maybe even rage.
“Alright, so we’re about to commence ‘Operation: Seraphina-chan Figure Recovery,’” he announced. “Our objective: find and rescue Seraphina-chan!”
“...Umm, what?”
Visibly frustrated by your confusion, Levi took his hand off you and brought it up to his face with the other. As he answered, “Ugh, come on! You ruined the moment,” both palms slid down, revealing a more fitting look of pure desperation. He continued, “Listen, and listen well!”
“Okay,” you sighed, crossing your arms and leaning back onto the door.
“My beloved Seraphina-chan has fallen into Mammon’s clutches.”
The demon continued, “Oh, and just in case you didn’t know,” before giving you a paraphrased explanation of Seraphina’s whole deal. You lost him for a moment, before snapping back to attention just as Levi got around to his point. “Mammon won her figure recently in a prize campaign after drawing a lucky ticket.”
“Sooo we’re stealing her?” you asked for confirmation.
“Yes!” Levi responded incredulously, as if it couldn’t be any more obvious. “It’s just awful. We’re talking about a special collector’s edition that’s supposed to be kept in an air-conditioned case, never meant to be opened.” 
Freaking nerd… but you wouldn’t have him any other way. You nodded along, jumping a little when he shouted, “But Mammon just tossed her on the floor! Like random garbage! It’s unbelievable! I know she would be happier in my care. Several thousand times happier.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, “Probably.”
‘Which is why I’m going to stand up and fight for her!”
“Hell yeah!” you encouraged him.
“So, tonight, I’m sneaking into Mammon’s room and rescuing Seraphina-chan!”
You responded as enthusiastically as you could in your sleep-deprived state. “O-okay!”
“And, like, you will help me with this, right? You are my caretaker after all!” 
Even if you wanted to reject him, you probably couldn’t. The third-born looked pathetically endearing. “Alright, sergeant. Lead the way.”
The two of you skulked down the hall to Mammon’s domain, and Levi let out a quiet “Ah-ha!” as he turned the doorknob to his older brother’s room. “The door isn’t locked! I knew he’d leave it open.”
You both peeked inside – Levi’s head at his own level, and yours poking out from underneath his arm. The two of you scanned the area, as Levi murmured, “Now, where’s Mammon…?”
As if on cue, a loud snore echoed from Mammon’s bed. Perfect. Your companion looked down to you as you looked up at him, and you offered each other a curt nod, signaling that it was time to go inside.
“Let’s find Seraphina-chan while he’s asleep.”
As you took a step forward, something crumpled beneath your foot. “Ew…” you mumbled. “This room is a pigsty.”
“Seriously, how can anyone be this messy?!” Looking back briefly, Levi warned you, “Watch your step. If you make too much noise, you’re liable to wake up even Mam– d’ahh!”
Seeing as Levi was about to fall over, you gripped his arm, pulling him closer to you for balance. It backfired, and you both fell, Levi caging you against the ground.
“Ugh, sorry. I tripped over… um...” You couldn’t see much, but the whites of his eyes became a little more visible. “Is it just me, or is your face awfully close to mine…?”
Before you could fully respond, Levi stuttered, “Ah, h-h-hold on, this isn’t what you think! I didn’t mean to knock you down and land on top of you, it was an accident!”
Finding his bumbling amusing, you decided to tease him a bit, rather than letting him know that you knew that. “Someone’s feeling assertive today, huh?” You weren’t sure if he could see, but you shot Levi a cheeky wink as you spoke.
His volume rising as he grew more embarrassed, Levi tried to defend himself. “I-it’s not like that! C’mon, don’t say stuff like–”
You could feel the soft breeze of Levi’s head whipping to look towards Mammon’s bed in tandem with your own. His brother groaned, then let out another snore. You felt a little more weight press into you as Levi breathed out a sigh of relief. 
“A-anyway…” He looked at you again, paused to gather his bearings, then said, “we’d better find Seraphina-chan ASAP!” 
The demon scrambled to get off of you, then helped you up as he scanned for his figure.
“Mammon’s room is totally different from mine, huh?”
“Mhm,” you very quietly hummed, hoping it would remind Levi to keep his voice down.
“I’m guessing maybe… you like this sort of room better…?”
You let out a hushed chuckle. “We’re at risk of getting caught snooping around Mammon’s stuff, and that’s what you’re worried about?” You nudged Levi’s arm, then took the neutral route. Both rooms were sick, in your opinion. “I don’t really have a preference either way.”
“Ahahaha!” You winced at your companion’s volume. He’d been too loud and too nervous ever since your little tumble together. “I mean, yeah, of course, right? It’s just a room!” 
Worried about the steadily raising decibels, you tried to cut him off. “L-Levi–” 
“Like, who cares?!” 
Oh good lord.
“Levi!” you whisper-yelled. 
Just as his name left your mouth, Mammon groaned again. This time, he spoke. “Mmn… quiet down…”
“Oh no!” Levi exclaimed.
Mammon slurred, “Whoever’s disturbed my… my sleep… I got a pile driver with yooour name on it…” 
“I think he’s only half awake?!” the purple-haired avatar speculated. 
Your eyes finally having adjusted to the dark, you could see his features better. As Levi looked towards you, you were looking at Mammon, who was skulking closer to the two of you.
“Levi!” You whispered again, “Watch out!”
The older demon’s form began to square up, and he growled as he inched dangerously close. “Ah!” Levi squeaked. “He’s coming in for a pile driver!”
If you weren’t terrified of, you know, the pile driver, this situation would have been hilarious. Unfortunately, your safety was on the line. You dodged out of the way, and noticing that Levi was frozen in shock, you told him, “Dodge right!” 
He obeyed, and Mammon missed him, falling onto the couch and right back to a full-on sleep.
“Ugh, what was that?!” Levi shook his head, then drew closer to you while still scanning the room. “Okay, now that he’s asleep again, it’s back to the search. This time we’re going to find Seraphina-chan, and–” He cut himself off with a gasp.
“What?” you questioned.
“I-i-it can’t be…” Levi groaned, falling to his knees beside Mammon. “That box underneath Mammon…”
“What about it?”
Levi didn’t – no, couldn’t – answer in coherent words. He simply stuttered and fumbled and flailed, his frustration growing as he gave up on speech and motioned towards the object in question. You could only assume it was his dear, sweet–
“She’s… she’s been flattened…” he mourned.
You kneeled down to comfort the demon, but just as your fingertips touched his back, he tensed up, stood up, and you could only assume he was about to yell. You didn’t risk the possibility of it. Thinking fast, you stood up too, clasping a hand over Levi’s mouth. He looked furious and his face felt red-hot as he groaned questioningly into your palm. 
“Chill. I’ve got this.”
Knowing that, even in this timeline, Mammon had a huge soft spot for you, you were ready to use it to your advantage. He was laying on his side facing towards Levi and yourself, and you hoped that if Mammon opened his eyes, you’d at least be blocking his view of his younger brother. If Mammon saw you first, he’d probably be too flustered to notice Levi was there at all.
“Mammonnn,” you whispered sweetly, running a hand through his snow-white hair. 
The demon said your name, and your heart fluttered a little, unsure if he was even awake. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t wholeheartedly reciprocate the avatar of greed’s feelings. 
“Let’s get you back to bed, yeah?”
Groaning again, he wrapped his arms around your waist, nearly pulling you on top of him. You held in a surprised yelp as you lost your balance. Your cheeks grew flushed as you gripped the back cushion of the sofa, so as to not further damage Seraphina-chan with your added weight. Hearing Levi growl from behind you, you turned to face him the best you could, and put your index finger to your lips. 
A silent, “Dude, shut up and trust me.”
Facing forward again, you placed a featherlight hand to Mammon’s back.
“Come on, let’s goh!” 
The next thing you knew, the second-born was tightening his grip around your midsection and hoisting you up over his shoulder, all while he raised himself back to his feet. You cupped a hand over your now-horizontal body to muffle an instinctive scream. Then, turning your upper half the best you could, you looked back towards Levi. 
“Grab her!” you whisper-yelled, motioning towards the couch as you were brought further away from it.
“W-what about you?!”
“What about me?! We came here for Seraph– oof!” 
Mammon dropped you onto the bed alongside him, before tugging you close. You were shorter than him, but he’d positioned you higher than himself, and was hugging your lower stomach to his face. Your shirt was riding up a bit, and you could feel his hot, steady breaths against the exposed skin. 
You breathed out a jagged sigh before metaphorically shaking several very naughty thoughts from your head, and continued to explain to the now-closer Levi, “We came here for Seraphina-chan. I’ll… I’ll figure something out, just get out of here and do un-flattening surgery on her, or something.”
Cradling the squished box to his chest, Levi looked between you and Mammon a few times before nodding. “A-alright. Uh…”
Backing away while still facing you, Levi seemed to be hesitant to leave you there. You motioned your head towards the door, and Levi finally gave up. 
“Uh, thanks for the help,” he offered before scurrying away.
When Levi shut the door, it became apparent to you how dark it truly was in Mammon’s room. In the present – Or was it technically the future? Whatever – Mammon normally kept a few dim lights on as he slept. You figured that it must’ve been a later Devildom development, because it was truly pitch black at the moment.
Not wanting to wake Mammon, but not wanting to scare him with your presence in case he did wake up either, you had the right mind to attempt to think of an alibi. 
Unfortunately, you’d soon learn that you wouldn’t have time for that.
Mammon sleep-spoke your name again as one of his arms shifted lower, now wrapping around your butt. You had a light hold on his shoulder, but the motion of his strong arm wrapping around a more intimate spot made you instinctively grip much tighter. 
In the future, this would’ve barely affected you. But given that Mammon only scarcely knew you in this timeline, and it had been so long since you’d last received a touch beyond a swift hug or light arm-link from any of your lovers, this was significantly more… exciting, to say the least.
“Mm…?” You sucked in a breath and remained silent as Mammon slowly came to. “W…w-what’s…?” 
His eyes were slowly blinking open, and they grew wider as they trailed up your form. Not knowing if you should meet his eyes or look away, you were kind of stuck, reluctantly settling for the top of his hair. The demon reached around you to grab a remote from his bedside table, turning some dim lights on above his mattress. 
It took a moment before he could register the position he was in. Then, Mammon shouted your name. Was it fear? Shock? Embarrassment? You had no idea, because you’d assumed you felt exactly the same.
Quick to react, you came up with the most Mammon-friendly excuse that you could think of:
“I-I… I was here playing games with Levi, and I didn’t want to walk home this late, but I didn’t want to stay in his room either… a-and I kind of missed you, so…” 
It wasn’t entirely wrong. You did miss him… the him that you knew, of course, but it was still him nonetheless. You’d take any version of him at that point.
As you spoke, you looked everywhere but Mammon’s eyes. When he didn’t respond, you finally took a peek, and your breath hitched. His pupils were blown wide, and he had a dreamy yet carnal look to him that you haven’t seen since you were in your previous timeline.
After an almost-cocky-but-mostly-nervous laugh, Mammon slid the arm that was around your ass up towards your back, sending a shiver up your spine as his palm grazed your bare skin. 
“Of course you’d come to the Great Mammon in time of need,” he responded. “Some attendant you are, making me take care of you.” You rolled your eyes at his typical tsundere behavior, but smiled anyway. 
“C’mere, you,” he mumbled, pulling you down closer to his level. 
Then, Mammon pressed a kiss to your forehead – you didn’t even think he realized he was doing that as it happened – and repositioned so that you were able to lay against his toned chest. 
You hadn’t meant to sleep over, but that’s exactly what happened. You weren’t about to object to a comfy night with one of your favorite non-humans.
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mcx7demonbros · 2 years
Catholic MC (III)
“MC, I recall that you only have a few set of clothes to wear sin you were brought to Devildom suddenly.”
As you and Luke was leaving RAD after all classes ended for the day - your first day, you met Asmodeus and Mammon at the front gate.
“You want me to go shopping with you?” from Asmo’s word, you could already deducted what he wanted. However, you were unsure whether you should go with them, because you feared they would tempt you to some horrible sin.
“We promise we won’t do anything, unless you consent. Right, Mammon?” 
“Y...yes.” the Avatar of Greed nodded.
Still, you had to think about this carefully. You only had the set of clothes that was on you the moment you were brought to Devildom, and 7 sets of uniform the brothers prepared for you beforehand. It was very uncomfortable, to be honest. You didn’t want to wear the same clothes every day for many weeks, until you or Luke knew where to buy clothes by yourselves.
“Hurry up and make decision, human!”
“Don’t pressure MC!” Luke barked. He actually wanted you to go back with him, without hanging out with the two demons, but he thought about your well-being in Devildom so he waited for your decision, respecting your free will.
“Alright, let’s go.” you finally agreed to go with them after 5 minutes pondering. You were really in need of new clothes.
💙 💛 🧡 💚 💘 ❤ 💜
“Eek, MC, you’re a student, not a nun!” Asmo screamed when he saw you dressed fully covered from head to toe, the only skin revealed was from the upper half of your neck up
“Asmodeus, this is called modesty!” you said.
“No, that won’t do! How’s about this?”
“Too flashy!”
“Then this.”
“Too eye-catching. I don’t want any demon eyes preying me!”
While Asmo was trying to make you agree to his suggestions, Mammon was going on a shopping spree, and Luke was helping you choose a set of formal attire for Sunday. Even when you were in Devildom, you should be able to watch Mass streamed online on Sunday morning. Even if it was only online and you did not participate Mass in person, you still had to dress formally to pay respect to God and the Sacrifice on the Altar.
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Finally, you and Asmo reached a consensus, he bought you some clothes without collar and with lighter colors, the rest were 100% your decision (i.e. no revealing clothes and darker color).
“No fun! You’re just like Lucifer!” Asmo said as you left Majolish.
You didn’t like to be “like Lucifer”, you wanted to be different from him, in every aspect. But regarding modesty in clothing, you intended to follow the traditional teaching of the Church, if you were similar to the Avatar of Pride, so be it. 
💙 💛 🧡 💚 💘 ❤ 💜
“Return my money, you scum!”
What greeted you when you came back to the House of Lamentation was Levi’s shout, which was actually aimed at Mammon.
“What money? What are you talking about, Levi?”
“The money I lent you 200 years ago. I really need the money right now to purchase golden figurine of Seraphina, it’s limited edition.”
“Levi, you dumb, it’s 260 years ago!”
“There, you admit it!”
“These demons are so stupid, let’s go back to our room, MC!” Luke said.
However, to Luke and Asmo’s surprise, you stepped in between Mammon and Levi.
“Mammon, return the money to Levi.” you said sternly
“Wh...why should I?”
“It’s justice. Since you have borrowed the money, you have to return it.”
“Human, did you forget that we’re demons or you’re just dumb? We’re DEMONS!”
“But you do have laws in Devildom!” you countered back.
“That...that...anyways, I’m not paying the money, and you can’t make me. Unless...”
“Unless what?”
“Unless you sell your soul and make a pact with me. I’ll be your servant during your whole life. But once ya dead, ya belong to me.”
“Then forget it. You can’t make me.” Mammon walked past you.
However, Lucifer appeared and punished Mammon, lecturing him about some debt, Levi took the chance to persuade Lucifer to tell Mammon to pay him. 
💙 💛 🧡 💚 💘 ❤ 💜
The same night, you couldn’t sleep. you kept tossing and turning while trying to fall asleep.
You just wanted to do what was right, giving Levi back what he was owed. That’s what you had been taught since you were a child, fairness, righteousness, rights,...in short, justice - a cardinal virtue. Yet, you were completely useless. What worse was the pity look Lucifer gave you after the incident.
You shouldn’t try to do something that’s beyond your mortal capability, was what the eyes seemed to tell you. You felt like you were not welcomed, your opinion was disregarded. This was supposed to be your home for the next year, yet you did not feel any sense of belonging here.
Maybe I should still try to escape.
“Help me.”
You opened your eyes immediately.
What was that? You asked yourself.
“Please save me.”
At first, you thought you were deceiving yourself, but clearly you could hear a faint voice asking for help. 
“Please help.”
You immediately got up from your bed and followed the voice, which led you to the staircase, which led to the attic.
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You were completely stunned when you saw a handsome man locked behind the room in the attic.
“You called for help, right?” you asked
“Thanks goodness, you finally heard me. Lucifer’s out tonight with Diavolo, so if I miss tonight. I don’t know when I can get out.”
“Who are you? Why are you imprisoned in there?” you asked but you suddenly came to realization “Did the demon imprison you?”
“Yes.” the man answered with a sad face “My name’s Belph Twinstars. And for what reason I was in here...I was your predecessor.”
“Sorry, I should have been more clear. I was the exchange student before you. After I finished the program, Lucifer imprisoned me here.”  
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sylphidine · 2 years
[ROTG] A Frost and Pitchiner Christmas Production
It’s that time of year again, time for the @rotgsecretsanta 2021 Stocking Stuffer event.
This is based on prompt#14: “Gift shopping! Modern AU: It’s Jack’s first Christmas with his new boyfriend, Pitch, and his daughter Seraphina. Cue panic in searching for ‘the perfect gift’. Could be Jack and Sera shopping for Pitch, Pitch and Sera shopping for Jack, or Jack and Pitch shopping for Sera (or all three!). “
Manhattan, December 5, 1981
"I need a beard."
Seraphina stopped pulling her masses of blue-black hair out from the collar of the coat she'd thrust herself into. She turned her head to Jack and quipped back, as they headed towards the subway station, "Well, we’ll be passing Trash/Vaudeville at some point, you can pick one up there."
"I'm serious, Sera. I need you to give me… I dunno, some kind of protective colouration in some of these stores. Does that make sense?"
"Jack, we're heading to the East Village. No one is going to care if you're buying a Christmas present for your girlfriend, your boyfriend, or your flamingo." She slung her arm over the shorter man's shoulders and gave him a reassuring squeeze. "Hey, I'm perfectly happy to be your wingman for holiday shopping. But you know my dad is going to LOVE anything you get him."
Jack answered quietly. "No, actually, I don't know that.  I don’t know that at all."
She gave him another squeeze, then dashed ahead of him down the station steps and towards the turnstile.
They got out at 59th Street and headed towards Fifth Avenue. Seraphina had their itinerary all planned out, and Jack was content to let her be the guide. When he'd asked why they didn't take the train all the way downtown, she'd replied cheekily, "It's the journey, not the destination."
Now, as they walked down crowded sidewalks, he realised that Sera had had the right idea. The department store holiday windows just by themselves started making him feel like… well, like a kid at Christmas! And an idea for a gift for Pitch [he was still getting used to the idea of calling Pitch his boyfriend] started taking form.
The Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building were both in view as block after block disappeared under their feet. Jack was happy that he could keep up with Seraphina's stride. He had never minded his own five-foot-nine height until he'd started dating six-foot-four Pitch and, consequently, had met Pitch's six-foot-one, nineteen-year-old daughter.
He had mentally compartmentalised away the fact that Sera was only five years younger than he was, as well as the fact that Pitch had been a year younger than Jack was now when Sera was born.  Jack had enough insecurities to deal with as he got ready for his first term at the Parsons School of Design, which would start in January. He would be older than so many of his classmates; not that he could have helped the delay, because of Emma…
Jack’s reverie was broken by Seraphina pulling on his hand and dragging him towards a storefront with all the energy and enthusiasm of a toddler. He barely had time to look up at the sign - The Compleat Strategist - before he was yanked through the doors.
His first reaction was “wow”. There were more board games, card games, pewter figurines, and multi-sided dice than he had ever seen crammed into one small space.  The second thing he noticed was that Seraphina was the only female shopper, and since she towered over most of the crowd, it was even more obvious.
Nothing ever stopped Pitch’s daughter when she wanted something. “I know exactly what to get Dad.” She made her way unerringly to a bookcase labelled “Avalon Hill”, ran her fingers over the spines, and pulled out a boxed set, showing it to Jack. “This is the one!”  A scene in sepia brown and military blue, two frigates from the Golden Age Of Sail, adorned the lid of the game box. The title was WOODEN SHIPS AND IRON MEN.
Jack laughed, delighted. “Oh man, that’s perfect.”
Seraphina gave him a grin in return. “Isn’t it, though. And it’s a bit of a present for me, too, since it needs at least three people to play it well.”
“Oooh. Savvy.”
“Anything you want?”
“Nah, I’ll come back if I do.”
“Suit yourself.”  She brought her purchase to the counter and fended off the awkward flirting of the [male] cashier with ease. Retrieving her backpack from the front hold area, Seraphina asked, “Star Magic first, or Dosanko’s?”
“You even have to ask? Dosanko’s! But we’re going Dutch, kiddo.”
“Sure thing, old man.”
They headed across the street to the Japanese “fast food” franchise that had outlets springing up all over Manhattan. They sat down with their giant bowls of kata yakisoba and happily slurped up soy-spiced noodles in an oniony broth, uncovering the huge portion of meat and vegetables underneath. For $3.00, you couldn’t beat it.
When Jack and Seraphina hit the streets again, it had begun snowing lightly. They scampered down the cross-streets to get away from the wind, laughing and making jokes about the upcoming snowball wars.
They went to four more shops before they took another break. At Star Magic they pooled their money to buy a miniature reproduction of an armillary sphere for Pitch’s desk at work. At Rivendell, after taking tea with the owner. Eileen Campbell-Gordon, they bought a gift certificate and watched her write Pitch’s name in flawless calligraphy on the envelope. At Love Saves The Day, Seraphina bought presents for her roommates Sandy and Thiana, while Jack paid quiet attention to whatever Sera gravitated towards. And at Sounds, Seraphina bought herself a poster of Philippe Halsman’s Dali Atomicus, while Jack finally made an independent purchase of two vinyl albums, although he claimed it was for school, not for Christmas. 
“You still haven’t gotten a Christmas present that’s just yours for Dad, though, Jack,” she said as she led the way down the stairs into The Grass Roots Tavern, which nestled below Sounds and abutted Trash/Vaudeville.
“Oh, don’t worry, I will,” he reassured her. They ordered two coffees and grabbed the front window booth. Seraphina handed Jack her backpack to guard while she used the unisex restroom, and then Jack did the same when she got back to the table.
Sera wouldn’t drop the topic. “C’mon, give me just a little hint.”
She raised one elegant eyebrow, looking so much like her father for a minute that Jack’s heart cramped.  She took a sip of the bitter coffee, then leaned back and crossed her arms, scowling at him so ferociously that he just had to laugh.  How had he gotten so lucky to have both these wonderful Pitchiners in his life?
December 12, 1981
Kozmotis Pitchiner wrapped his black scarf twice around his neck and tucked the fringed ends into the neck of his black peacoat. He locked the door to their apartment and went to join Seraphina at the elevator; she was literally jumping up and down in her impatience.  He couldn’t resist saying to her, “How old are you, anyway? Five?”
She retorted, “And how old are you? Five billion?  Let’s go let’s go let’s go!” The elevator arrived and Sera jumped in to press the button to keep the doors open. Pitch followed her, shaking his head.
Down in the lobby of Clifton House, they both greeted Dennis at the reception desk; he’d already called a cab for them. Getting in after Seraphina, Pitch directed the driver to an address on Canal Street.
“You’re sure about this, Sera?  It seems rather… obvious. Not to mention impersonal.”
“Daaaa-aad. Trust me. This place is art supply heaven, and anything you buy from there will say to Jack, ‘I believe in you!’ If there’s anything Jack wants and needs right now, it’s to be believed in.”
They got out of the cab about twenty minutes later at Pearl Paint, which occupied the full five stories of the building. Pitch leaned his head back to look up and commented drily, “Well, that’s daunting.”
Seraphina took his arm and leaned her head against his shoulder. “Don’t gawk, darling father. It’s tres gauche, and makes you look like a tourist.”
“Don’t scold, darling daughter, or I’ll be forced to return your present.”
“Ooooh, then you admit you got me a present! Very well, then. Pax!”  
They headed inside.
December 19, 1981
Jack envied how smooth Dennis at the reception desk at Clifton House was in everything he did, from slotting letters into the mail cubby behind him to how he spoke on the telephone.  Jack could only hope to have that kind of polish and savoir-faire when HE was in his sixties.
Now Dennis put the phone down and nodded to Jack, his eyes twinkling behind half-moon glasses. “Mister Pitchiner will be right down.” And less than five minutes later Pitch strode into the lobby.  No public displays of affection from the stern ex-military man, but Jack knew that the light in Pitch’s eyes was all for him.  He hugged that knowledge to himself and smiled up at the taller man. “I presume you have a battle plan?”
“Indeed I do,” Pitch replied as they exited through the revolving doors to the street. “With your reconnaissance last week, I think there are a few of your suggestions I can implement.”
“Aye aye, captain!”
Pitch made an undignified noise at that and pretended to be offended. “Stow it, bilge rat.”
Jack noticed that Pitch was directing their steps crosstown, rather than the downtown route that he and Seraphina had taken.  “Eeyore’s?” he hazarded a guess.
They spent more than an hour in the children’s specialty bookstore before they made their purchases. Pitch selected A WALK IN WOLF WOOD by Mary Stewart, saying, “it’s about time they made the werewolf the hero”, while Jack chose the Brambly Hedge books, showing Pitch the synopsis on the inside dust jacket of the final volume. “Listen. ‘The biggest snowstorm in years leaves just enough snow for a party in a palace made entirely out of ice.’  Give you any ideas?” 
“Definitely sounds like you, Frost.” 
Pitch leaned over and whispered into Jack’s ear, “Any room in that palace for me?” 
Jack’s heart thumped in his chest. It really did.  He tried to make a smooth comeback, but could only grin up inanely into Pitch’s face and mutter something about making igloos as a kid.
After cashing out, they took the subway, riding the 1 train all the way down to Hudson Street. They held hands surreptitiously under the cover of Pitch putting his hands in his coat pockets and Jack tucking HIS hand into Pitch’s coat pocket as well. No one paid them any attention, but it couldn’t hurt to be too careful.
At Books of Wonder, they gazed at Brian’s window art before heading in. Pitch had been buying one vintage Oz book from Peter Glassman for Sera every Christmas since 1973; this year it was time for TIK-TOK OF OZ. Sharon wrapped it carefully and smiled at both Pitch and Jack, a knowing but friendly look in her eyes. “Is that all for today, gentlemen?” She seemed to not be in the least bit flustered that Pitch had someone other than Seraphina in tow, nor judgmental that two men were together at her counter. 
Jack gave a small sigh of relief, though, once they got out of the store. After fourteen months in New York, six months of which he’d been with Pitch, he still wasn’t sure he wasn’t seeing judgement around every corner… judgement for being gay, judgement for the gay cliche of being a younger man with an older man, judgement that it looked like he, Jack, had set out to trap a sugar daddy. It was different with Pitch, it really was…
“Penny for them.”  
Pitch’s warm voice interrupted the broken record in Jack’s mind. He turned and looked up at Pitch as they walked, saying with a sassiness he didn’t quite feel, “Now I know where Seraphina gets it. Being a Pitchiner gives you mind-reading powers.”
“Not quite that simple. I just know that expression when people get tangled up in their own heads.  I wear it often enough, myself.” 
They turned to head towards 14th Street, and Jack gathered his courage to take the arm that Pitch offered him. He could feel Pitch relax, and lengthened his own strides to keep up.  
Some blocks eastward, Jack led Pitch towards Love Saves The Day.  Pitch’s eyebrows rose at the chalkboard sign that gleefully announced that unaccompanied children in the store would be given to the Krampus.  But he also smiled at the windup pig on a leash that trotted back and forth along the length of a leash lashed to a bicycle stand. “Sinister whimsy,” he commented.  “I can see why my daughter likes this place.”
“Uh huh.  But watch your head.  There’s stuff hanging everywhere.”
“Duly noted.”
Jack led the way into the shop, which “crowded and cramped” didn’t even begin to describe.  It was a cheerful explosion of colours, from the clothing to the posters to the piles of magazines, toys, shoes, and knick-knacks. A turntable next to the cash register was spinning an Andrews Sisters 78 record. “There’s one dress she was looking at yesterday that I don’t think she noticed that I was taking notes on.”  He went over a rack in the corner, rifled through , and pulled out a garment that glittered from collar to hem.  Every bit of material that could have a sequin or a fake gemstone on it was covered in sequins and fake gemstones, but somehow it worked, appearing sumptuous rather than garish. 
Jack held it up to himself; it hung to midcalf on him. On Seraphina it would probably be tunic-length at worst and a mini-dress at best.  Pitch made reflective noises and walked around Jack as best he could in the small space, looking at the dress from every angle, before nodding in approval. He stated, “I think she’ll like it. Very Cher.”
“I thought so too.”
“Good, that’s settled.  Anything else?  I’ve already decided your idea about the Walkman is an excellent one, as her ‘big’ present.”
Jack fidgeted while still holding the dress. “I did see something else here that I don’t think she saw, but it’s more a ‘from both of us’ thing than just me. If you think we’re ready to do a ‘from us’ thing, that is…” Jack trailed off.
Pitch’s eyes softened and he smiled at Jack reassuringly. “I want there to be an ‘us’ as long as you want there to be an ‘us’, and my daughter is the biggest fan of there being an ‘us’ as you’ll ever find.  So, yes, show me this gift that you want to be from both of us.”
Jack let out his breath in an audible whoosh and handed Pitch the sequined dress on its hanger. He moved towards one of the jewellery display cases and pointed. “That.”
“That” was a heavy round silver brooch that had been restrung from a long heavy silver chain. The chased figures on its surface depicted two antlered stags running together through a copse of fir branches bedecked with pinecones.
It seemed to be a thoroughly innocent piece of jewellery, until one actually gave thought to the unlikelihood of such a scene in nature.
Unless, of course, the two stags shared a bond, much like Pitch and Jack.
Pitch’s dark face split into an enormous smile as he came to the realisation that Jack intended him to have. Not caring who saw, he hugged the shorter man to his chest and kissed the top of his silver-blond head. “Superb choice,” he said.  “I couldn’t have done better.”
There was a world of layered meanings in his voice, and Jack smiled brightly back at him.
December 25, 1981
“You little liar! I knew those records were for Dad… sort of.”
Seraphina glittered as she did a twirl in front of the fireplace, between her new hip-length bejewelled tunic, worn over a green velvet skirt, and her new silver necklace.
“Manners, young lady,” Pitch interjected from his corner of the sofa, where he was flipping through the folio that Jack had made for him. Jack had used the album sleeves as front and back covers; one was “Welcome To My Nightmare”, the other “Frost Music”. About half the pages in the folio were drawings that Jack had already done, and half the pages were blank, with a handwritten IOU sitting on the coffee table, promising more drawings in the future.
In the other sofa corner, Jack sat sketching them both with his new pens, a look of fierce concentration on his face, but his body poised in a state of relaxation. Relaxed, that is, until Seraphina dashed off and came back with the family’s ancient Polaroid camera. Before either Pitch or Jack could move, Seraphina had snapped a photo of the two of them.
As the image emerged, she exclaimed, “This one’s going on the fridge door!”
As Sera scurried off to match actions to words, Pitch laid the folio on the coffee table and Jack did the same with his drawing supplies.  They reached for one another and met halfway across the couch cushions, sealing their lips together in a Christmas kiss.
21 notes · View notes
Spark, Ignite, Detonate, Explode ~ Mammon x Reader
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Trust is such a feeble thing to have in someone - It is build up and takes so long, and yet, it disappears faster than the blink of an eye.
It starts off with only something little, yet repeated, like the spark you get from hitting stones together to ignite the fire inside someone’s heart. And yet, few know that the heart is a fragile gunpowder bag, that one detonated, it shall explode and destroy everything in its proximity never to be restored to its former glory again.
Only ashes, ruin, waste and death...
“Yooo, how’s my fave human doin’?” Mammon’s usual lighthearted voice echoed through the halls as he rushed to your side, putting his arm around your shoulder, pulling Y/N closer into his side as they walked together to the next class. “Nothing out of the ordinary, Monnie. You, however, seem rather happy. Did something good happen to you recently?” Y/N lifted her head up to gaze at him with her usual, passive smile. “Yeah, actually, it did! I just got a great deal on an Akuzon item I sold! I got 500 thousand Grimm! Isn’t that awesome? I can go get new brand jacket and shades!” he laughed in glee, making her clap as a congratulation. “That’s awesome, Monnie! You gotta show me what you’ll be getting! I’m sure your next photoshoot is gonna be so great that your pics will get on the cover!” She grinned, which made him flustered, and yet, his grin was even wider. “Hahaha, of course! I am THE Great Mammon, after all! How ‘bout this - After my next photoshoot, when I get paid again, I’ll take ya out for dinner. How’s that sound, hmmm? Just us two, at Ristorante six, my treat.” he smirked, trying to look macho, but it only made her chuckle at his poor attempt. “No, that’s too expensive. How about going to the pub for a drink? We can go to The Fall, if you want! They have great music, and the drinks are good, and at a reasonable price!” Y/N winked at him, which made him blush harder. “You’re the perfect being, Y/N! Always thinkin’ of me!” he gave the girl a side hug, as they got in their shared desk in the classroom.
The girl, as she wrote her notes diligently, knowing very well that the white haired demon never bothered, and would always borrow hers, started idly pawing at the neck of her shirt, as was her habit, to play with her dangling necklace...
Only to realise there was nothing hanging around her neck.
A pang of panic shot through her veins as she hit her back on the chair seat, touching her neck, and inside her shirt, realising that it was gone. Frowning, she tried to remember if she even put it on in the morning, before getting dressed, but there was no memory of it. She was certain, however, that the previous day, she placed the necklace on her study desk, before going to take a bath...And since then, she has no more recollection of its presence.
Waiting nervously, bouncing her leg, tapping her fingers and biting her lip so hard that she drew blood without realising, making her friend concerned, yet not figuring out the cause for her concerns, as soon as the class was over, she sprung out of that place faster than the speed of light, rummaging through her whole room, yet finding absolutely nothing.
Taking a few deep breaths, to keep herself level-headed, she went to the brothers, who were having lunch, and took out her D.D.D., showing them a selfie she took, where the necklace was easily noticeable - Silver chain with an emerald stone.
“Have you guys seen it around? I’m afraid I might have lost it or misplaced it...” she asked, clutching the phone close to her chest in worry. “I haven’t seen it, sorry.” Satan said, thinking back on all the steps he took that day. “Are you sure it’s not in your room? It could have fallen behind the bed, desk, or some furniture, right?” Asmo asked, frowning a bit. “No luck...I searched every inch of the room, and nothing. I’m at my wits end...I tried using all spells I know, and still nothing. It’s almost like it’s not in RAD or the Dorms anymore...” her bottom lip quivered softly. “Hey, Levi, didn’t we see this necklace somewhere on the internet last night, when we searched Akuzon?” Belphie turned abruptly to his brother, who gasped, nodded, and ran to get his laptop. “Akuzon...? It couldn’t be...It’s was a very cheap necklace from the human realm...Well, it’s very old, and handmade, but still.” Y/N sighed, putting her phone back in her pocket. “Here, Y/N, drink a glass of hot chocolate, it will help you calm down a bit.” Beel raised, handing her a cup of hot chocolate. “Thank you, Beel, I appreciate it.” she smiled softly, looking down at her mug. “Ah, you were right, Belphie! Look, this is it, right?” Levi turned around the laptop for everyone to look. “Huh...? It even has the engraving on the back of it...How...Could this happen...? Yesterday it was in my room, I’m certain of that, so...?!” she freaked out, especially looking at the price at which was sold, and something clicked in her mind, making her gasp in realisation. “Ahhh, great, I’m late for lunch again. Beel, you better not have eaten everythin’!” Mammon’s cheerful voice seemed to make everyone go silent, and it was like a common thought in their mind. “Mammon...Can you tell me what exactly did you sell on Akuzon that you got so much money from it?” Y/N muttered, gritting her teeth, trying to keep herself grounded. “Huh? Why d’ya ask? T’was some necklace I found layin’ around. Why?” he asked, sitting down at the table to eat. “I can’t believe it...” her voice was soft, yet full of rage, almost destroying the mug in her hands. “Of course it had to be him...But to think he’d steal from the only person who defended him...That’s a special kind of scumbag.” Asmo groaned, shaking his head in disbelief. “You really are the worst, Mammon. I can’t believe we are related.” Belphie glared at his elder brother. “Huh?! Whadya mean?! Shouldn’t y’all be happy for me, for getting such a great deal for a cheap necklace?!” he yelled at them, not realising the dark aura surrounding the person behind him, “He really is an idiot.” Beel’s eyes softened, looking with pity at the girl. “I can’t say that I’m surprised...Maybe just disappointed.” Satan looked at him in disgust, then shifted his gaze away, unable to look at him any longer. “Oi, what the hell’s wrong with y’all?! What’ve I done?! Y/N, help me out here, give ‘em a piece of your mind!” Mammon turned around to look at the girl, only then realising that she had tears streaming down her face, and her small form was trembling softly. “The Lord of Shadows would never do something to hurt Henry..But what can you expect from someone who would sell Seraphina’s UR+ figurine anyway?” Levi shook his head. “What have you done...? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! YOU SOLD MY NECKLACE ON AKUZON, THAT’S WHAT YOU’VE DONE, YOU STUPID, SCUMMY, BRAINDEAD DUMBASS!” she yelled at him, pouring the hot chocolate on his head, making everyone gasp in shock at her reaction. “So what?! It’s just a cheap necklace! I can buy you 5000 ones just like that! Even the stone wasn’t genuine! I made you a favour by riddin’ you of it!” he got to his feet, arguing with her, not expecting her to get violent, grab him by his uniform blazer, shaking him with all the force she could muster. “YOU CANNOT BRING THE MEMORIES BACK, YOU DIMWIT! It was a goddamn family heirloom! It was the only thing I had from my family! My mother gave it to me before she died! How could you do this to me, Mammon?! I thought we were friends!” when her all her strength left her body, she started sobbing softly, which made the demon stiff as a board. “I-I-I...H-How was I supposed to know that?! C’mon, I don’t read minds, y’know?” he argued, but his voice was nothing higher than a mutter. “I told you...I told you before...I told you, god damn it...I told you my mum gave it to me on my birthday...And then she died...I told you I have no family to return to...I told you all the women in my family had the same nickname, and it’s engraved in the back of the pendant...I told you...But you never listen, do you? All you care about is money...Money...Money...And only money...You are such a disappointment...I can’t believe it...” her voice held a myriad of raw emotions, ranging from hatred, disappointment, confusion, rage, anxiety, nervousness, sorrow, nostalgia and many more - All that seemed to transfer to Mammon right away, as he started panicking. “Look, I-I’m sorry, okay?! I didn’t mean it! I screwed up, I’m sorry! Please don’t be mad at me!” he looked like a kicked puppy, but the girl didn’t care anymore. “I take back all the good things I said about you. I take back all the times I bothered to defend you from the insults and bullying of your brothers. I take back all the pity I had for your stupid puppy face. I take it all back. You are nothing more than a greedy disappointment. I am no longer your friend, I never want to see your face again, nor hear your voice, and I refuse to be anywhere near your. Goodbye, Mammon, we are never going to be friends again.” she roughly pushed him on the chair, making everyone look at the scene, speechless. “I respected you, cared for you...Fuck, I really loved you, Mammon, more than anyone would know...And look how you treat me. I guess that’s what I get for trying to babysit some braindead fuck up who cares for no one but himself. Disgusting.” she sneered, glaring at him with dead eyes, before turning on her heel and going to her room, passing by Lucifer, who looked at her with confusion.  “Did something happen...?” he asked, unsure of what to do. “I won’t be going to class tomorrow.” she muttered, passing by him and going to her room.
For the remainder of the day, she answered no texts, nor calls, and ignored everyone who tried to enter her room, going as far as to put spells on her door so that if they tried entering her room would get transported in the underground pool, and the yelling and knocking on the door wouldn’t be heard, no matter how hard they tried.
All the time, she tried her best to track her the person who bought the necklace, explain to them that it’s not magical and that it’s just a cheap, old accessory with emotional attachment, and that she will pay them all the money back in return for it.
500k for a necklace...What a robbery...
And the respective witch asked for double, to compensate.
That’s double the robbery.
But what could she do...?
Y/N checked her bank account, realised that she has already 800k Grimm she held on, to buy everyone gifts at the end of the year, to thank them for being such a great family for her, but that was going to be for another time.
The witch said they should meet at the end of the week, so she had enough time to raise at least 150k...And for the rest of the 50k, she’ll have to borrow from someone.
At school, every time she saw him, Y/N ignored Mammon, or did a spell to push him away, doing exactly as she promised she would do, and it was clearly affecting him.
It went the same in the classroom, as they were deskmates...
“Hey. Hey, Y/N. Y/N, listen to me! I’m sorry, okay? Don’t be mad! I-I’ll make it up for ya, okay?! How ‘bout I take ya to a Karaoke night at The Fall, as we said? O-Or lemme treat ya at Hell’s Kitchen -...Or better, Ristorante Six!” he kept rambling, which made the girl tsk, take out the scissors she had in her bag, cutting her finger and drawing a blood symbol on the back of her notebook, slammed it with her palm, before touching his cheek, and so, no matter how much he tried to speak, he wouldn’t be heard.
And when eating meals together...
“Yo, Y/N, my favourite human! Look what I brought! There’s this super VIP place that makes the best pizza, and I got one of each taste, so ya’ll see which is your fave!” he chirped, trying his best to stay cheerful as he sat down to her left, only to see he stop chatting with Asmo, raised her plate, and sat on his right, between the 5th and 4th eldest brothers, completely ignoring him.
It continued when he started getting bullied again, for who knows what reason...
“Not so smug now that Y/N isn’t taking your side anymore, huh? Well, you deserve it, after all. You really fucked up with her, y’know?” Belphie glared at his brother, leaning on Beel. “I know, okay?! I keep tryin’ to make it up to her, but she doesn’t even hear me out! What can I even do?!” he asked, obvious desperation in his voice. “Nothing, at this point. She’s working all night to get the money to pay the witch who bought the necklace from you. I don’t know how you can make up to her.” Beel shrugged, munching on his goat cheese tartar burger. “I heard from Satan she has to pay double. If I had to throw away all the money I kept for safe keeping, then have to be forced to work and borrow more to get to 1M Grimm just to get my prized possession back...I’d have killed you.” Belphie scoffed, putting his pillow on Beel’s shoulder, ready to take a nap. “Oh...I...Had no idea...” the white haired demon muttered, hanging his head, feeling his heart being ripped apart at the suffering he caused the person he holds so dear to his heart. “You never know anything you should know, why are you surprised.” Belphie muttered, shrugging “Imagine all the food you could buy with that much money. Maybe I should bring her a burger too, it may make her smile. Haven’t seen her smile since that day.” Beel nodded, getting up, with his younger brother in one arm, while the other hand held a take away food bag.
And the only one who managed to give him any sort of advice was Lucifer...
“I’m at my wit’s end, Lucifer! What can I do?! Nothing I try works! I feel like I’m losin’ her more and more with each minute...And she’s already gettin’ her necklace back, there’s nothin’ I can do to make her at least stop ignorin’ me...” Mammon sighed, sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace, in Lucifer’s study room, his head held in his hands, gripping at his hair, barely stopping himself from outright sobbing. “Keep on trying. I’m sure she will appreciate the effort you’re doing, even if she’s angry at you now, and rightfully so. The fact that you realised your mistake, and the gravity of it, is the first step towards redemption and forgiveness. Don’t give up...There’s no one who cares for you as much as she does.” the eldest brother sat down next to him, putting his hand on his shoulder and squeezing it reassuringly. “Thanks, Lucifer...I guess it takes time to heal...” he muttered, nodding as a way to thank him.
For the rest of the week, he continued to try to apologise in all the ways, imaginable and unimaginable he could muster, trying his best not to get discouraged by her ignoring him and going out of her way to stay as far away as possible.
However, he noticed how Beel was right, and he hasn’t seen a single uprise in the corners of her lips, there was no glint in her eyes, no warmth in her presence, and no life in her movements. She was tired, and rightfully so, considering the amount of work she’s doing, while also going to classes...
She’s just a frail, little human, she’s going to overexert her brittle body and break! Y/N already sprained her wrist by falling in her plight up the stairs once, a long time ago, and he has already seen her overworking on studying and doing multiple things to please people...
He can’t let that happen again!
But what can he do, anyway...?
On the last day of the week, he desperately tried to search for her, only to overhear a conversation in the library, between her and one of her brothers, and his heart started breaking even more, if that was possible.
“Hey...Satan? Can I ask for your insight on something?” Y/N asked, sitting on the couch next to the blond, who was reading in the library, as per usual. “Yes, what is it?” he asked, closing his book, giving her his undivided attention. “I managed to track down the witch who bought my necklace, and she said she will agree to an exchange deal, if I give her the money back...In double. I need 50k for this afternoon, and I don’t have how to get so much in such a short time, so I’ll have to borrow from someone. Any idea?” she sighed, her lips turning into a self-pitying smile. “I see...Well, honestly, anyone you ask would lend you money, but since you have to hurry, then here’s I’ll transfer you the money you need in your account.” he pat her head, doing as he said. “Thank you, Satan, you’re a true life saver. I owe you everything.” she sighed in relief, hugging him tightly.
Him! She should have picked him! He would give her his heart on a platter to sell, if she asked for it! He would sell every possession he had, including his organs, just to make sure she got her necklace back! Nevermind that it was his fault, even if it wasn’t, he’d have still given you everything he had to make sure she stops destroying her health and start glowing with happiness again.
He missed her angelic voice when speaking to him, he missed the glint in her eyes whenever she hung out with him, or helped him hide from his brothers, he missed the soft kisses she gave on his cheeks whenever she congratulated him on something great he did, and he missed how little and warm her hand was, in his, fingers intertwined, whenever she’d walk side by side. He missed how cute she was in his arms, whenever he’d crash at her place and want to cuddle, and how she was a feisty firecracker filled with justice when he got bullied and insulted by everyone.
He missed her so much...
Now that he had her around him so much, he felt it impossible that she should disappear just like that...And yet, she did, and nothing in his life hurt Mammon more than Y/N hating him.
She’s now on her way to meet the witch, get her necklace back, and here he was, a failure... But a failure who felt like something wrong was going to happen, while he was pacing, and looking at the watch, he noticed it was about time the exchange was to happen...Yet he never picked up where it would be...?
He called all his brothers, one by one, and only Satan seemed to know where she was, so Mammon ran there as fast as the fastest demon could.
Y/N was skeptical, nervous, and afraid to deal with this witch, as she was radiating an evil and intimidating aura, and it was obvious she was heavily overpowering her with her magic.
“I’ve got your money...It’s on my credit card. I will transfer it right away...But please show me the necklace first.” she muttered, holding up her phone, showing the 1M Grimm account she owned. “Good...VERY Good, little mouse. Here is your little necklace...I will give it to you as soon as you transfer the money.” she smirked, making Y/N nod and bite her lip, but doing as she was told. “Here. Did you get it? It says it got sent.” she showed her phone screen again, letting the witch check. “Perfect~! What a good, obedient little human you are...I should have you around as my lackey more often. You’re much more reliable with bringing me money than that stupid Mammon.” she scoffed, using her hand to roughly squish Y/N’s cheeks. “Can I have my necklace now, please?” she tried to say, despite looking like a fish. “Yeah, sure, here you are....Oops! Oh, no, it broke! What a pity~!” she giggled darkly as she she destroyed the necklace, letting the pieces fall to the ground, along with Y/N’s paralysed form. “NO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! You promised you’d give it back! I have you the money you asked for! Why did you do that?!” Y/N groveled on the ground, trying to desperately pick up pieces of the broken necklace. “You’d think someone who spent so much time with demons wouldn’t be so stupid! Didn’t I just say? You’re so much better than that failure of a Greed demon! You KNOW him! And you KNOW all the brothers! You are that exchange human Diavolo is protecting! Hahaha...! Imagine everything I could do if I held you hostage! I can force Diavolo to marry me, I can have Lucifer and Satan be my consorts, Mammon to constantly give me jewels and clothes, Asmodeus to please me, Beelzebub to bring me food, and Belphegor to make sure my room is always perfect! And that’s only thanks to your idiocy, you little, worthless human!” her grin was wide and scary, as she suddenly grabbed Y/N’s hair, roughly pulling her up, before using her hand to grab her slender neck and squeeze, as a threat and a warning. “Keep on dreaming...That will never happen...And leave Mammon alone, he’s not stupid.” Y/N tried to claw at the witch’s hand, only to get roughly slapped, then got a pain curse put on her, which made her fall to the ground, gritting her teeth to keep from wailing in agony. “Don’t tell me...This stupid little human is in love with that waste of space? Did you know what I fucked him? Long before you even existed in this life. He cried and screamed so much that night, it was pitiful, but also amusing. You’re nowhere close to even be in my league, but you think you can please the Avatar of Greed? You’re really pathetic and delusional, darling.” the witch’s banshee-like laugh resounded through the abandoned field, amplifying the curse, as her voice was only beaten by Y/N’s stifled cries of pain. “You will pay for this.” she managed to say, before she felt a sharp pain in her side, which proved to be a kick in the ribs. “I already did, darling, the moment your stupid Mammon sold your necklace, and you tracked me down, instead of letting him try to get it back. He’s already high in debt with everyone, but he wasn’t stupid enough to be in my debt too...But now, for your sake, I WILL get him, and all of the others!” her voice was dark and menacing...Only for it to suddenly stop, as sudden the pain from the curse.
And yet, a much darker, stronger, overwhelming, suffocating aura seemed to make the whole place look as the abyss just took over.
“There’s one thing to mess with me, Maddi, but it’s another to mess with the girl I love. I don’t care what ya put me through, but as soon as ya try to even look Y/N’s way, I’m killin' ya, and ya did much worse than that. Say goodbye to your life, ‘cause I’m truly pissed off.” next thing that the human eye could comprehend was a flash of black, then a screech, and the sound of flesh being ripped. “Shit, I made a mess...Not very like me...” he muttered, before dropping to his knees in front of Y/N, pulling her into a protective embrace. “I’m so sorry ya had to see me like this, Y/N. I ain’t like this, I promise. I couldn’t stand seein’ ya gettin’ hurt, especially knowin’ it was my fault and I caused all this mess. I did all that, and yet, ya still defended me in front of her...I don’t deserve ya, Y/N, you’re too good for me.” his voice was so soft, so full of pain and regret, that she couldn’t help but throw her arms around him, letting the tears she held on from fear. “I love you so much, Mammon, you have no idea. And you saved me now...Gosh, I was so scared...I’m so glad you got here...I’m sorry I got so mad at you, Monnie, and it was all for nothing. She broke it. I ruined everything.” she sobbed, holding onto him as if to dear life, and he could only cradle her, cooing soothing words into her ear to calm her down as much as he could. “It’s fine...I screwed up, ya did nothing wrong, I promise. I ain’t mad at you, I deserved everythin’. Trust me when I say it, no matter what, I will always love ya, y’got me? Never forget that. You’re my favourite human, and nobody’s ever gonna even dare to think about approaching ya with bad intentions.” he kissed the top of her head, feeling her heart beat at a more normal pace. “I forgive you, Monnie. You will always be my favourite person in the world.” she muttered, raising her head to look at him, wiping her tears with her sleeve and smiling softly. “Eyyy, that’s the smile I was waitin’ for! I missed it so much. I can’t stand ya bein’ sad.” Mammon confessed, his face burning with a blush, but not being able to feel Tsundere in any way, and instead, he held her hands, kissing her knuckles. “I’m really sorry about your necklace. I’m sorry I forgot what ya said, and that I stole it from your room. I promiseI won’t do that again.” he squeezed her hands, looking at her with a sincere look in his gorgeous blue eyes. “I know you’re sorry, Angel Eyes. It’s fine...It’s just a necklace, after all. It’s not good getting overly attached to material things...And I have you, I don’t need any necklaces.” she confessed, fighting to keep the pain away from the thought of the broken necklace.
As she smiled, she quickly took her hands from his, cupping his face and pulling him into a passionate kiss, letting out all the pent up emotions they both had stored in their hearts for so long - All the love, the softness, the gentleness, all that as if afraid the other was a mere illusion and they were afraid they’d wake up and everything happy will disappear.
Mammon knew what Heaven was, and nothing felt better than kissing Y/N and having her close to him, that much was certain for him.
Still in his demon form, he picked her up and quickly got back home, since, after all, he wasn’t the fastest demon for nothing, and brought her back to her room, preparing a hot bath to her, proceeded by lots of good food, snacks and drinks, cuddles and a movie marathon of any film she wishes to see. As long as she was in his arms, safe and sound, happy and smiling, then he couldn’t care less about anything around him.
One week later, unbeknownst to her, things started shifting in her favour, as when she checked to see how much money she had left, she found the whole sum back into her account, then, when she went to Satan to give back the borrowed money, he chuckled, saying the debt was already paid...
And obviously, that was all Mammon’s work, no doubt, and at this point, she knew she shouldn’t even bother trying to find out how he managed to do that, but she was still thankful and decided to order the jacket and shades he knew he wanted, packed in a beautiful yellow and blue package, resembling his eyes.
She left it in front of his door one day, knocking before running away, giggling childishly to herself, and her heart started racing at dinner when she saw him wearing the gifts from her, and he looked gorgeous.
“Woaw, Mammon, that’s a really nice jacket. Where’d you get it from?” Asmo asked, his eyes wide at the obviously expensive item he was wearing. “Quite a lot, but you gotta say, he it suits him perfectly, don’t you think?” Y/N stifled her chuckle, leaning back on her chair with a smug expression seeing everyone’s shocked faced. “Whaaaaaaaaat?! So you made up?! For real?!” Levi gasped loudly. “Yep. I can’t stay mad at him.” she shrugged simply, winking at the white haired demon who was the only who knew the secret. “Why can’t I say that I’m surprised?” Satan chuckled with his usual, passive smile. “What about the necklace?” Beel asked, looking at her with a worried look. “Ah...About that...It was broken by the buyer. Nothing else to be done, unfortunately, so they gave the money back.” Y/N gave him a side smile, coming up with a milder version of the story. “Uhm...A-About that...Uhmm...Y-Ya see...Lucifer’s real cool, y’know? He’s like, super smart, and, uhh...I managed to...Y’know...I-I-I...” Mammon kept stumbling over his words, walking behind her, putting the necklace around her neck that had no more marks from that witch. “I fixed it for you.” he muttered, trying to hide his face in her hair so nobody could see him. “Would you look at that? It looks as if it was never broken in the first place. Who’d have thought.” Belphie let out an amused breath looking at the two lovebirds. “How...? But...It was in so many pieces...Some that we didn’t even find...This is impossible...?!” she kept staring at the necklace, not believing her eyes. “W-Well...Lucifer helped me find the lost pieces...And taught me this spell to get it back to its original form. Wasn’t simple, but...I-I think it’s okay.” he spoke in flustered voice, making the girl squeal with absolute glee. “You’re the best, Monnie! I can’t believe it...! You’re truly the best!” she jumped from her chair, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down in another mind blowing kiss that made the poor demon completely forget himself. “Hahahaha, y-yeah, o-of course I’m the best!! I-I’m THE Great Mammon, after all! Haaaaa!” he tried his best to appear boastful, but the fact that he was flustered beyond belief, making his brothers chuckle at how cute they were.
What a surprise, the cutest human being such a great pair for the cutest demon ( at least by Lucifer’s standards, anyway. )
So maybe, after all, if you have enough will, and a brother who knows great magic, you can reverse the outcome of an explosion of that caliber.
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cynergy-laughter · 4 years
Obey Me! One Master to Abridge Them All! Ep.3
3: I Pact You a Lunch~! (Rated PG-13)
MC: *laying in bed, thinking about stuff* I’ve met all but one... who’s the youngest brother? The Avatar of Sloth... I imagine him as a scene boy, carrying a pillow everywhere.
*D.D.D. Vibrates*
Levi: So you are sure that Lucifer said that Mammon’s assets were frozen? Like he said the word frozen?
MC: Yes, for the 18th time, as in Let it Go, as in ❄️❄️❄️ Like what do you want from me?
Levi: ... Come to the kitchen.
MC: You getting another Game Fuel energy drink?
Levi: NO... Maybe... no! Just come to the kitchen. And be quick about it, normie.
MC: *smirks* It’s been a day and Otakon still hasn’t noticed.
MC: *walking into the kitchen, and hears a rustling in the kitchen* A burgular is eating our food? *walks backward, and hides behind the wall* okay... 1... 2... *jumps into the kitchen* FREEZE SUCKA!
Beel: *jumps up and hits head on the top of the fridge* OW! *cough cough* ah shi-...! You startled me!
MC: I startled you?! B-Beel?! I thought you were a burgular! But I can see I was right, you’re the Hamburgular!
Beel: *eating a leftover burger* I eat when I’m lonely... and hungry, and my whole life. What are you doing here?
MC: Oh I’ve been there... But I was seeing if there were anything to eat, I couldn’t sleep.
Beel: Ah, a fellow midnight snacker, Huh? Well sorry to disappoint you, but I just polished off everything in the fridge.
MC: Well, I guess I’ll have to resort to my own stockpile.
Beel: You were holding out on me with snacks earlier. I want more.
MC: Alright, but first... *pulls out a snack cake* Sit.
Beel: *sits*
MC: Roll over.
Beel: *rolls to the right*
MC: ... Play dead.
Beel: *faints in a dramatic way*
MC: *blinks and goes over to Beel and rubs his belly* Good boy! Who’s a good boy?
Beel: *chuckles and squirms* Thahat tickles.
MC: *gives him the snack cake* There you go.
MC: As frightening as the amount of stuff he eats is, Beel is pretty adorable... I absolutely love how he’d do anything for food. He’s like a mix of Garfield, Nermal, and Odie. Always hungry, super cute, and innocent, to an extent. That’s my first impression of him anyway, watch him really be a hard rock.
MC: By the way, where’s the 7th brother?
Beel: Do not talk about him, especially not to Lucifer! You should just stop sticking your nose into business that isn’t yours. Thanks for the snack cake, but I’m leaving. *storms off*
MC: ... Call Me... *takes out another snack cake and eats it*
MC: ... I guess that was a sore subject... I think I heard him crying... Now I’m determined.
???: Psst! Hey!
MC: *looks up* God? Is that you? Grandma? Uncle Jack? Dad?
???: No! Down here! Help me out!
MC: Levi, what are you doing down there?
Levi: Planting a garden and talking to the tomatoes, what do you think I’m doing? I was hiding from Beel!
MC: Are you stuck?
Levi: N-No! I’m not! I’m just... grr... sore cause you... ack! Kept me... come on... waiting!
MC: *takes out D.D.D., gets down onto the floor near the island and makes a video of them and Levi.* Just making memories with my best bro Levi.
Levi: Gah! Hey, what are you doing?!
MC: Levi thought it would fun to try and dive through the island, and he got stuck! Heh, classic Levi. So glad you chose to stop gaming and hang out with me, your best pal! *stops recording*
MC: Heh, okay okay... there, it’s deleted, alright, let’s get you out.
MC: It’s not really deleted, I just sent it to my other phone and deleted it off the D.D.D. It actually gets good reception down here. So, I have some leverage, and Levi thinks that it’s not on my D.D.D. Maybe next time, don’t talk trash about my baby boy Shizuo Heiwajima.
Levi: Ugh, finally. Now, back to business... since Lucifer told you that Mammonms assets were frozen, there’s only one place it could be.
MC: ... So why are we in the kit- no. You’ve gotta be kidding me... in the freezer?
Levi: I mean it’s worth a shot. After all, Lucifer wouldn’t put it somewhere far away, like over on Diavolo’s personal ski resort.
MC: Well... work smarter not harder. Which also works better cause it deters idiots.
Levi: *opens the freezer* Let’s see... Hmm... Frostbitten Salmon... Freezerburn Gorgon steaks... Oh, there’s Beel’s ice cream sandwich he lost a few thousand years ago.
MC: *blinks* That’s an ice cream sandwich? It looks like the inside of a meteorite...
Levi: Oh! Here it is! *picks it up and falls down, the block of ice with the credit card resting on his chest* Ack! It’s cold and heavy! H-Help!
MC: You are a demon, you are stronger than me, and I’m a human.
Levi: Just help me team lift it to the microwave!
MC: Alright, hold on!
Mammon: Hey! What are you two doi- *gasps* Is that Goldie?!
Levi: Yep! I found it all by myself.
MC: ... Oh hell no, you got me messed up Boku No Shut-in... Wait... he named his credit card Goldie?
Mammon: Shut it human, me and Goldie have been through so much together, you don’t have what we have!
MC: You sound like you both starred in a romcom called The Golden Moron.
Levi: *snorts at that* And you aren’t getting it back until you do what I say.
Mammon: P-Please sir, Please May I have her?
MC: This guy did an Oliver Twist impression... I’m done.
Levi: I will when you give me the Seraphina figurine you won.
Mammon: The Sera-who?
Levi: Seraphina.
Mammon: *blinks* Seratonin?
Levi: Ser-A-Phi-Na! You don’t even know about her, you probably forgot all about her! I got pile driven by you trying to get her back, and you were half asleep naked!
MC: ... lucky bastard...
Levi: How dare you forget about the cold, egotistical Queen of the High Elves who wants nothing more than affection and love-!
MC: Hey, Otakon 2020, can we wrap this up here, I’d like to get some sleep before Lucifer blasts the morning bugle, thank you very much!
Levi: *slowly turns head, hurt* How dare you...
Mammon: I’ll do anything, just give me back my card.
Levi: Only if you also make a pact with Enn. So I can finally get my money back from you.
MC: Oh now we’re getting somewhere.
Mammon: Ain’t no way I’m gonna be making a pact with this simple, lowlife, good for nothing, piece of garbage.
MC: I’ve been called worse, you Pell Grant Reject.
Levi: Oh Luciferrrrrr~ 🎶 Mammon’s defrosting his credit card~!
Mammon: I mean yes, i’ll form a pact with this amazing, first class, special, beautiful slice of heaven. It would be my honor~.
MC: Don’t push your luck, Mammon.
MC: This fucking sucks! In prison, you have to take down the biggest baddest mfer down in order for people not to mess with you and get respect, and then the funniest. Now I only got the funniest guy and the biggest and baddest is still not taking me seriously. So what the heck does this mean for me? I’m at second best right now.
Mammon: *next to them* Hey, you know I’m right here right?
MC: Yeah, and you started the insulting first, and plus, I said you were the funniest, take credit where it’s given, dumbass.
*moment of pause*
MC: I’m sorry I called you dumbass...
Mammon: Oh you’re so kind, Enn, I’m so grateful to be your demon. *Fake Smile™️*
MC: Well now I’m not sorry Yeager Sarcastic.
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candybisous · 5 years
how was paris? what are some of your favorite things you did/saw?? what are you up to now? xo your adoring fans
It was such a dreammmm! I’m already thinking about going back ☁️
Some of my favorite things were
-seeing a swan family in the Versailles gardens
-Psyche revived by Cupid’s kiss at the Lourve
-so many roses. specifically there was this rose bush by the Trocadéro that had the most amazing smelling roses. I cried.
- frozen cosmos at this bar called lipstick
-purchasing my Agent Provocateur Seraphina Bra
-dancing in front of the glimmering Eiffel Tour at midnight
-pasta and pizza from Pink Mama. incredible
-a lot of rosé. a lot.
-The new Gallaries Lafayette
-Nice was so nice! There was this place called the Fairy Shop and had a bunch of angelic figurines and other items.
-The Palais Garnier. beautiful :)
right now I’ve just been working and trying to enjoy summer! I’m planning on going to back home for a little next month and possibly LA in September 💗
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