#was totally fine haha so wild
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when you realize you may have had a couple heart attacks as a young adult but it's been a few years since it's happened so you can't really do anything about it
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myfaveisfuckable · 1 month
you got me thinking of Mulan(the twink of a woman) insisting on carrying Mirko(buff fem, to me) bridle style whenever the opportunity arises. You did this to me.
They throw each other around like sacks of potatoes
I think Mirko picks up her girl boyfriend Mulan just bc she can and it's funny
Mulan does it bc she has a point to prove. Her girlfriend may be all dense muscle but her love is stronger than gravity! And she does pushups! Basically, she's stubborn. More stubborn than gravity!
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colormints-art · 4 months
pretty much done with the charity techno drawing and very happy with how it turned out ayee
still gonna make my mind up on the last color correction to finish it off for good but ayee finishing something ~5 days before deadline?? me?? incredible
gonna do some smaller art stuff and skribbles soon again then but no more full illustrations with background and all for a while i guess it just takes wayyy too much time in my current state to finish these even semi regularly its ridiculous OTL
so june is probably gonna be filled with more character design sketches and some headshots and then we gotta see how things will go after my appointment to get my wrist checked out (that is doing much better atm but is always quick to tingle and hurt again hhh) very prepared for a long art break during summer but who knows how itll go c:
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drchucktingle · 2 years
favorite author i have never read
hey there buckaroos thank you for all the DEEP DISCUSSIONS we are having a great time here on tumblr. thought today i could make a post that is slightly more difficult its not all sunshine days ahead and requires a little introspection. LOOK AT US we have all arrived here together through trust and love and i think we can keep this going. chuck made this post on other platforms years ago and i think it was said very well then and led to some good discussion, so i am going to repost here. okay lets go deep bud here we go:
i would like to spend moment today talking about common joke i hear online (and even too my face at conventions). this is jokerman way i hear ALL the dang time: 'chuck tingle is my favorite author i have never read' or less jokerman way but of ‘i have never read his books but i love chuck tingle'.
first of all, THANK YOU buds. this is not way of call out post to make you feel bad, i appreciate your way and understand you are trying to support. this is not attack on your message and from bottom of chucks heart THANK YOU.
BUT i have to say something about this. please consider what you are saying when you post this. would you send this as message to STEPHEN KING or NEIL GAIMAN or NK JEMISIN? i doubt this. it would seem VERY RUDE to message other authors. just imagine trotting up to a writer and saying ‘i would NEVER read your books haha’ but it is sent to chuck all the dang time.
obvious reason buds say it to chuck is that i am queer author with a unique way. yes i write in realm of wild fantasy and erotic pairings, but by saying ‘i have never read chuck BUT' you are really saying 'i am posting my support of this but PLEASE DONT THINK I AM REALLY INTERESTED IN THIS PERSONALLY.' there are similar distasteful jokes that i will not repeat involving saying 'no bud on bud pounds' after a sentence that works in similar way.
is sexual art really that bad? is queer art really that embarrassing? is unusual outsider art really that funny?
it is one thing if your preferred pound is not one of chucks tinglers, that is TOTALLY FINE BUD, but if you are an adult i would say 'is it REALLY that scary to read a book about a way of sex that is not yours? is it that difficult to think that something that seems silly to you could actually MOVE YOU in an important way? do you HAVE to disconnect yourself from lgtbqia art with a 'but i don't read this myself?'
keep in mind, there are gay tinglers, there are asexual tinglers, there are trans tinglers, there are select your own timeline tinglers, there are horror tinglers. TINGLERS FOR EVERY TASTE. the thing that buds are often REALLY saying with ‘favorite author i have never read’ is ‘this is WEIRD and dont be confused because im NOT WEIRD IM COOL DONT THINK I ACTUALLY LIKE THIS’. funny enough even the proudly fun and wild and unique buckaroos will STILL say this line, maybe without taking time to think of what it means or how rude it is?
WHY would you never read a chuck book? because my way is queer? because it is neurodivergent? even if that is not there reason or even if YOUR ARE ALSO PERSONALLY QUEER AND NEURODIVERGENT TOO, think about what the joke is IMPLYING.
is sincerely enjoying something thats kind of unusual that difficult? do we really have to slather it in irony and ‘so bad its good?’ before reposting?
in closing as man name of chuck i will say you can still make this joke if you want buckaroos i know you are just having a good time proving love in your own way. i am not upset with you bud and i appreciate your support in any way you give it. there are some buckaroos who just CANT AFFORD tinglers and that is an important way i understand as well. obviously this conversation does not apply to those buds. but for the rest of us trotting along, MAYBE think about what you are really saying with this jokerman way first, and MAYBE try cracking open a tingler because you might be surprised. its not that scary bud. thank you for listening
being sincere is VERY COOL and VERY PUNK ROCK. i encourage all buckaroos out there to give it a try.
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wayfayrr · 3 months
do you think the self-aware boys could be aware of other games you play on the console? this is kind of a silly thought but i got age of calamity when it came out and didn't play much because i was really bad at it. i've been playing totk recently but some self-aware au posts reminded me that i have age of calamity so i popped it back in to try out again (i'm still not great at it). and i just imagined tears getting jealous haha sorry hon i swear i didn't mean anything by it
(not me who plays a ton of indie games on my switch - guys I'm so sorry I just like the silly sushi game)
So as for them being aware of other games, they start off as not knowing much, just knowing that they're there. but after a while they can see the hours played! think the switch timer that shows how much you've played or maybe steam library style, I'm not entirely sure yet
as for your other point - I think their jealousy really depends on what game you're playing, how long you're playing for kinda a mix on the two!
other zelda games could have little/no jealousy or they could actually end up causing a literal fight if those two links met. I actually really need to draw out a relationship chart! cause I've been planning a self aware links meet and I've been stewing over this for a good while <3
say for legend? yeah, he's not going to be jealous of himself - that would be a waste of energy Sky would be a little petty if your totk playtime is higher than his but he gets along well with tears - to the point he'd be willing to share you with him (the same goes for wild/ possibly wars) Twilight wants to work with others - not all of them mind you but time, wild and wind? given the chance he will go out of his way to work with them rather than not and he is the ONLY one who does this - this is not 100% reciprocated with all of those links. (and his allies depend on what console you're on) the others are opportunistic with allies but they don't go out of their way like he does.
other series games? yeah no get them OUT of here they aren't sharing you with them.
in your case though anon?
I think tears would be more than fine with you playing aoc!! he's a little bitter over the fact (in his head) you might prefer the version of him that didn't die but no don't worry he's not that offended Calamity on the other hand? he's going to be a smug little shit. He had more than a bit of an inferiority complex when it comes to the others - aoc kinda flopped compared to other games (4mil copies to totks 20mil (totk sold half of aocs total sales in japan in THREE DAYS)) if you have more hours with him than with wild/tears then he will become more of an ass and get whiny about having your attention on him when he gets out. I also like to hc him as having really bad anxiety which leads to a really clingy yan
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Hi, happy Miguetri Monday, what the FUCK was this look!!! WHY is he smoldering our boi Miguel Diaz!!!
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Y'all I am SCREAMING. I've been on my clown shit for YEARS now being like "haha wouldn't it be funky if Demetri had a crush on/was attracted to Miguel!! Wouldn't that be wacky and wild and kind of delightful!!" but I had no real evidence for it, it was solely Vibes. Like Demetri is 40000000% gay, but usually, the only guy he checks out on the reg is Eli. Like, I always liked the idea of him being kinda into Miguel, but it was mostly just me being goofy and shipping my two favorite male characters with each other (sorry Eli ^^;).
Anyways, breaking news: Demetri Alexopoulos is bestiesexual! The only way in the world to get him to be into you is to be a boy and be his bestie (yes, I AM implying he does not genuinely romantically like Yasmine at all, but that's a rant for another post). And just being a casual friend will not do--you MUST be intensely ride-or-die through the thick and thin to unlock The Horny.
I also have a headcanon (that I honestly can't decide if it's more heartbreaking or hilarious) that Demetri has had an on-and-off crush on Miguel for the entire series, and it tends to activate/intensify when he thinks he's too deep in Eli's friendzone or has otherwise completely lost his chance with Eli. Like back in S1, he lowkey seems to be crushing on Miguel to the point where he's a little O____o when Miguel invites Sam to join their pig dissection group XD Prolly because he was like "WELL Eli is definitely definitely DEFINITELY never gonna see me that way, or else he woulda said something by now...but this new guy, tho? 👀👀👀MAYBE IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO BE GAY WITH HIM--"
And then shit gets so intense with Eli and Miguel dates so many girls that Demetri kinda forgets his crush for a while. He's got bigger concerns, and Miguel probably doesn't swing that way anyhow! And THEN he gets Eli back, and things are looking up, and--
What's this??? Eli wants to "explore his options" for college??? Well maybe I'LL explore my options for DATING then!!!! I am checking out The Goods, Eli, and The Goods are fine as hell, and maybe MIGUEL would treat me right, and maybe it's not too late for Miguel to come out as bi and also totally into me--
(DEEPLY funny because it's like. Boy be so fr right now! Your rebound crush is a guy in a committed het relationship who you have even LESS chance with than the homoerotic best friend who spurred all this in the first place???
Then again, Demetri has a history of getting "safety crushes" on people he views as completely unattainable, so...this is nothing new XD)
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ktzart · 3 months
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give me the character of your choice and i will turn them into a horse!
this is more intended for OCs, but I can also do real people (normal ones not celebrities) and #official media characters.
ideally (especially if it's a character with whom I'm not familiar), I'll want to ask you some questions about their personality and such so that I can give them a more thoughtful horsesona. if you have ideas in mind already I'd love to hear them!! if you'd also just let me take the reins (HAHA!) then that's fine by me also. if you're reserving your comm via ko-fi there's a space for that in the form-- otherwise you can DM me on tumblr!
again, ko-fi is preferred (form link in title) but if you can't do that, i can also do payment via venmo or paypal (DM and we'll hash it out)!
not doing poses/scenes/horses interacting; you get a full body, digitally colored sketch of a horse in profile on a white background.
we can go with realistic horse markings/coloration or we can go wild. tack is also an option!
they're called horsesona commissions but I'm totally willing to do any other real world equines and Certain horse-themed mythological creatures (so long as they have a horse's head and no humanoid body parts. think unicorn, pegasus, water horse-- no centaurs, no nuckelavees, and no furries, sorry!)
the character being horsified does not have to be humanoid!
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I'm not sure if you've been asked this before, but could you do the chain with a reader that is very much NOT built for the outside world?? (ie has asthma, hayfever, and all the works that werent an issue back in their modern world...) if the chain is too much, than maybe specifically just wild or twilight haha. thank you so much if this is possible! I'm a new fan, but these characters have infested my brain lmao
Oh honey they would be on you 24/7 and I mean that literally.
Admittedly, they’ll each be slightly irritated with this situation, they don’t hold any ill will towards you having someone who isn’t suited for traveling or combat accompanying them isn’t making their job any easier.
But as time goes on and bonding happens, when their blossoming feelings start edging into obsessive devotion, they have some…realizations.
For one, you’re just so delicate, even in your own world you were faced with specific burdens that others just weren’t. And while these burdens may have been alleviated by things from your own world, in theirs you struggle greatly.
So of course this sparks the already existing fear of you leaving because they’re smart enough to know that you want to go back. And they understand, why wouldn’t you wish to return a place with remedies you couldn’t find in theirs?
But where they once felt slightly burdened by your presence, now they are burned by your absence. You occupy every their every waking thoughts and at night they’re blessed with dreams of you.
At this point it feels like their hearts beat just for you.
Suffice it to say, they aren’t willing to let you go, not in the slightest. So they overcompensate by making it so you don’t have to lift a finger.
When in battle you are their first priority, protecting each other or themselves be damned. No hard feelings though since everyone is on the same page about this.
And lets say you get winded easily when walking with the group.Don’t worry, Twilight always has a spot for you on Epona and if on the off chance he doesn’t then he’s totally willing to just carry you.
A little too willing at some points since you’re pretty sure he nearly got into a fist fight with the Captain over who got to carry you one time…
Any and all chores you previously did as a part of the routine set up in the group have been pushed aside onto the other, more willing boys. Particularly Wind, Wild, and Hyrule since those three have always wanted to impress you and have you look at them and only them and say you’re proud of them, preferably accompanied by a kiss-
Plus, you’ll have a buddy in Sky who can relate to your issues and is always there for you whenever you need someone to vent to about your frustrations.
Sometimes you feel bad for pulling him away from the others to talk about your problems, but you don’t see the side eye he gives the others and the way his lips curl into a triumphant smile.
Whenever you share the former thought with him though, he always brushes off your concern and just says that he wants you to be happy and seeing you feel a bit more calm after venting makes him more joyful than you can imagine. You don’t owe him anything, just keep letting him hold your hands while you talk and he’ll be fine~
All in all, they just want you to see this world as more appealing than your own. You won’t need to worry about your health when they’re around to take care of you, nor would you become stressed because of job or school.
They’ll handle everything and take care of you, all you need to do is stay.
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monstrous-munch · 1 year
Ok I’m back with more thoughts…. I ended up writing way more than I thought I was going to haha also why is it every time I actually write some stuff for this blog is fae or fae adjacent ?? pfft
Tw: voyerism, dubcon ?? Like at the start ?? Idk just to be safe, vague mention of rejection by other humans, mentions of feeling isolated, yall get jiggy with a water elemental
Ok, but imagine living by yourself, out in the wilds, away from the village full of people you turned you away. Do you get lonely sometimes ? Sure, but it’s better than being around those who don’t want you.
Most often you’re fine with it. You enjoy your own company, and spend your days in a comfort of your own making. But sometimes that ache arises. The one that yearns so desperately for warmth. To be held by another. To no longer feel alone….. when this happens you take a trip to the hot springs.
Slipping into the warm water, you bask in the heat - letting it seep into your tense muscles and ease that aching in your chest. Faint ribbons of steam dance in the silver light as you relax fully. You’ve been coming here for many moons now, and each time you leave feeling content.
Hands creeping downward, you gently brush the skin of your chest, stomach, thighs….before dipping further. The water already feels so good, why not add to the satisfaction you feel before it’s time to leave ?
Eyes closed, you feel the the pleasure from your fingers, and the warmth of the water - the way it’s gentle volume seems to craddle you, move against your legs, gentle lap at your throat.
With a soft moan you lazily lift you eyelids, only to be startled by the form of a man waist deep at the other side of the pool. Well not really a man. Although it takes on a humanoid shape, the figure across from you is completely formed from the hot springs water. You’d heard of creatures like this. Ancient magic so strong it took on a life of its own; through water, air, earth or fire.
There world around the two of you totally stills, waiting for someone to break the silence. It’s the water elemental who speaks first. Well, he doesn’t really speak, the sound of a babbling stream emerges from him, though you understand as if he were speaking in your own tongue.
A garble of flustered apologies tumble out. He hadn’t meant to watch you… but he couldn’t really not, seeing as he was the hot springs. He should have revealed himself when you first came to the pool, but you were so beautiful, he felt unable to manifest as anything other than a puddle. And the way your tension eased as you lay within the water…the way you seemed so much happier when you left… he couldn’t stand to take that from you.
After hearing all his rambling, only one thing hummed in your mind.
“You’re the reason I don’t feel alone.”
Although the elemental had no need to breath, you swore you saw him gasp softly, eyes filled with yearning as the water around you gently swirled.
Standing, you made your way towards him; parting the spring slowly with your hips as you came to stand before the curious being. Lifting a hand, you gently pressed your fingers against him. Sliding them up his chest as the water tension kept you from sinking in. With only a moments hesitation, you tentatively pressed your lips to his, cradling the warmth of his cheek and raising to your toes to press closer. The crash of an ocean wave filled your ears, what could only be a groan from this watery creature, as he pulled you’re naked body further against him.
Soon sweet moans filled the night. The elemental held you close, his touch at times almost human - strong arms around you, his mouth pressed to you neck - but the sudden morphing of sensations, into the caress of water you had grown familiar with, reminded you what held you was much more than a man. A gentle current seemed to spread you legs wider as you were filled over and over. First by a tender caress, the tide against a river’s edge in the mauve hours of evening. Then, growing, swelling, till you felt like a rocky cliff meeting the crashing waves of a storm. Despite the rhythm of waves rushing forth, you still felt safe, the warm water holding you, soothing you as it always had - only now the whispers of steam carried with them sweet words of worship.
With a final cry you pleasure reached its peak. The waves around you lulled, encircling you in a soft embrace. The spring had always been something that helped ease your loneliness, now running your fingers over the water elementals tenderly smiling face, you felt a lightness in you chest like nothing you’d known before.
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piratefishmama · 2 years
For One Night Only | Part 2
Eddie remembered a lot about Steve Harrington, so to get this fresh new perspective on him… it was wild. He remembered a jock, the king of Hawkins High, the king of Hawkins in general, women wanted him, men wanted to be him, or in some cases men also wanted him. Rich, popular, kind of a jackass at times but never mean enough to warrant dislike. Would have never associated with Eddie’s kind, but yet there he was, comfortable on Eddie’s hotel bed, one long leg crossed over the other as they moved on from pleasantries to business.
Steve wasn’t there as a social call, no matter how fun it might have been to catch up. He had a job to do, and Steve was good at his job.
“Alright, considering our history, or what little of it we have, it might be a good idea to use it if asked on the carpet how we met, I can spin a story about us being secret high school sweethearts who recently reconnected as friends if you want, really big you up to the paps.”
“As lovely as that idea is since high school me would have been thrilled to have been your secret sweetheart” Steve grinned “shut up, I was a nerd with a crush leave me alone” the snigger that followed only made Eddie smile, it wasn’t a hurtful laugh, and Steve’s smile was just to radiant to be mad at. “I said shut up!”
“Shutting up” the smile stayed though as he mimed zipping his lips. Adorable bastard.
“Anyway, as lovely as that idea is, too many people knew us in high school, if the press got word that it was a lie from one of our mutual past acquaintances, eh it’s a hornets nest I don’t wanna poke. Too many what ifs, but we could say that we went to school together, it’s true, we could say that we reconnected recently and… y’know, hit it off…”
“We are hitting it off.” Steve mused, tapping his finger to his chin in thought. “I like it, easy, close to the truth, very little room for mistakes. So I’m to be your date, not just a friend joining you for the evening?” That was what the invite had requested but… Steve was clearly amusing himself by making Eddie squirm a little.
“Mmmhm, yep. Steve Harrington, my date, Can time travel just exist already?”
“Haha, why?”
“Teenage me could do with a visit right this second to tell him Steve Harrington is gonna be our date someday.”
Steve covered his mouth as he laughed so sweetly, the picture of perfection as always. His nose scrunching just a little as he laughed. “Were you always this cute, Eddie?”
“Mmhm, once upon a time, I was even cuter, I swear.”
“I’ll believe you.”
“You shouldn’t.”
“I know, thousands wouldn’t, but I’ve always been a sucker for cute brunettes with big ol Bambi eyes, can't help but believe everything they say.” Eddie hadn’t felt his cheeks warm in years and yet there he was, hiding behind his hair, his complexion turning as red as a fire hydrant, stupid pale skin.
Speaking of brunettes, and incredibly convenient subject changes for the safety of his own composure. “Wait, YOU’RE who Nancy knows!”
“You know Nance?”
“She’s our manager now, man, gets us all the best shit! I met her in a bar after she totally blew off the journalism thing, something about sexist work environments and bosses who wouldn’t know a real story if it slapped them directly in the face. They kept giving her fluff pieces.” Nancy Wheeler, a fluff writer, the audacity of anyone who ever made that assumption. “Now she’s the most badass manager in metal history. I swear to god she’s made many a producer pale in fear at the very mention of her name.” She read all the fine print, with a goddamn magnifying glass. She’d made a grown men cry multiple times, it was badass. “She’s the coolest.”
Steve’s smile was so fond Eddie could have swooned just having it aimed at him, even if the fondness wasn’t for him, it was beautiful enough for it to be swooned over anyway. “She is, cool. I’m glad she found her people.” Even if they no doubt made a funny looking group, little not so primp and proper Nancy Wheeler among a bunch of metalheads. It fitted, in a strange kind of way, she’d always wrangled Mike easy enough.
“How did you uhm… y’know… it’s probably none of my business and I keep changing subjects so stop me if I keep jumping around I’m still a little flabbergast from seeing you at my door but uh… how’d you—y’know… what’s this uh… the whole thing like?” Steve tilted his head like a confused puppy and Eddie just kind of wanted to melt into the floor. “The escort thing.” He added on, for clarification.
“Oh, uhm. Chrissy? Chrissy Cunningham, cheer captain of ’86?”
“I know her, she and Gareth have this—”
“Thing! Yes, she talks about him regularly with Robin.” Robin? He doesn’t think to ask, Steve and Robin, Robin… who would be associated with Steve a Robin whom Steve would just mention as if expecting him to know. He only knew one Robin from those days, and he didn’t even really know her.
Just kind of… existed near her in band for a few months until his style of music pissed the teacher off enough to kick him out. Couldn’t be that Robin, right? Not important.
“Oh my god don’t tell me that and expect me to keep it a secret that’s brutal of you.”
“God, tell him, please, I didn't even know who he was but she keeps talking about him and waiting for him to ask her out. Eventually she’s just going to pin him against something and kiss him so—”
“Tell her to do that but god wait until I have a camera please!” Eddie Munson was not against begging, his grin wide and eyes shimmering with gleeful mischief. “It’s reciprocated, totally and completely one hundred percent reciprocated, he is so gone on that girl, it’s adorable.”
“I will let her know, at least now I know he's one of yours and a good guy." Gareth was the best guy in Eddie's opinion, like a brother to him, not that the others werent too, but... Gareth had known he was gay since Hawkins High. Just him and Uncle Wayne in the know, and he'd always been there to support him, Gareth was good. "Anyway… we ran into each other in this café that I’d gotten a part time gig at in Indy, she looked good, healthy…” he didn’t need to say that Chrissy had had a problem. But she had, and that problem began with ‘M’ and ended with ‘other,’ hers to be specific. “She was already doing it, loving it, I was dubious, asked if she was okay, if she needed help, but no she was loving it, thriving actually, and well… I like making people feel good, both emotionally and physically” oof that was a tone that went straight to a place it shouldn’t do “why do it for free, y’know? She got me set up and the rest is history.” He enjoyed himself.
He loved his job, his love language had always been acts of service, he liked making people feel good, liked making them feel wanted, feel loved, feel seen and heard. Eddie couldn’t help himself “ever do anything… y’know…?” He really wished he could help himself sometimes.
“Sex related?” The red in his cheeks only deepened, Steve didn’t seem offended, or upset, in fact his smile only warmed, eyes crinkling at the corners, gods above and below he was beautiful, how did anyone survive after a night with him, having to let him go? “Sure, like I said, if I’m good at something, why do it for free?”
“Even with…” Eddie motioned to himself
“N-No! No, Men—wait sorry—that’s—that’s none of my business” he turned away to move, to pace, so much energy in his body suddenly there with nowhere to go “none of this is any of my business, I don’t usually ask these kinds of—I mean it’s really wrong of me to even ask this sort of—" Steve was just there so fast, hands on Eddie’s biceps, holding him in place, Eddie hoped he couldn’t feel him almost vibrating out of his skin.
“It’s okay, Bambi” Eddie’s eyes snapped up to meet Steve’s, his wide and unblinking, like a deer in headlights in the face of Steve’s so warm and understanding, Bambi really did suit him, Steve thought, his left hand lifting to rest on Eddie’s cheek as if to ground him, it worked. God it worked. “Ask all the questions you like, but maybe save some for later, we don’t have long before we have to go.”
“…Later you’ll be leaving though...” he didn’t want Steve to leave. He didn’t want his next time seeing Steve to be part of a lottery, would he come next time? Would someone else who Eddie didn’t recognise appear in his place?
“We’re hitting it off, remember? I’m sure there’s going to be an afterparty we can both be caught sneaking away from to hang out, right?” Eddie kind of felt like he was flying. He felt like a teenager again, a nerdy, virginial teenager. He refused to acknowledge that little goblin voice telling him that Steve was actually probably just doing his goddamn job, he was on the clock dammit. He just wanted to have this. “You can ask me questions then, I promise I’ll stay.” He didn’t have anywhere else he needed to be.
“…Yeah… if that’s okay with you.”
“More than. Now how about you introduce me to the rest of Corroded Coffin, we all need to be on the same page before we get there.” Work now, catch up later. “Sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can ditch the after party to hang out.” Eddie giggled, an honest to gods little giggle. He really did feel like a teenager again, only Steve was looking at him. Holding him. Grounding him. Steve Harrington was seeing him.
Teenager Eddie would have shit a brick.
“Alright, I’m warning you though, I think you let Tommy H. stuff Jeff into a locker once so don’t expect a warm welcome.” Steve grimaced a little but nodded. He was a different person now, but that wouldn’t erase the mistakes he’d made as a stupid teenager. Plenty of bridges to rebuild and apologies to give. Jeff wouldn’t be the first or the last.
“Bring it on, Bambi.” Eddie could only hide behind his hair again, bashful and flustered.
Part 4
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wikiangela · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @dangerpronebuddie @diazsdimples @aroeddiediaz @underwaterninja13 @nmcggg @ladydorian05 thank you <33
How many works do you have on ao3?
right now it's 90! (57 of these are 911 lol)
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
currently just 911, but I have some destiel and sambucky fics and who knows, I might get back to them at some point haha
Top 5 fics by kudos:
For a holiday (and forevermore)
I can't love you any more (than I do now)
I'd marry you with paper rings
the next best thing
There’s no way that it’s not going there (with the way that we’re looking at each other)
(they're all buddie and I just noticed that the top 4 are all over 1k kudos?? when did that happen lmao)
Do you respond to comments?
I do! sometimes it takes me a while bc i get lowkey overwhelmed lol but I always do!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
there's not a lot bc I prefer happy or hopeful endings, but I guess by post 6x10 fics? Fine and don't know what I'd do if your tomorrow never came idk lol
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of my fics have happy endings, but I guess I'd say For a holiday (and forevermore) 
Do you get hate on fics?
not really? got like one or two not very nice comments but generally no haha
Do you write smut?
yes I do 😁 not often and it always takes me forever but I do have two smut fics in the works (one buddie, one bucktommy lol)
Craziest crossover?
don't have any
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no, as far as I know
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you co-written a fic before?
All time favorite ship?
(ngl, bucktommy is a veeeeery close second rn🙈)
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
there's two that have been fighting me for so long they're lowkey abandoned now and tbh I don't know if I still want to finish them? one is a 5+1 nicknames, and the other just a silly idea about eddie flirting with buck since they met but buck being veeeery oblivious lol
What are your writing strengths?
I think (usually) I'm pretty good at staying true to the characters and not making them too ooc (and I know when it's ooc, okay, I have one wip rn where I just don't give a fuck, I'm writing it anyway lol), and I can get into their heads pretty well. Also I think I'm good at the cute fluffy stuff lol idk
What are your writing weaknesses?
there's probably a lot lol - rn the one that comes to mind is descriptions probably, which is why writing fanfic where we have established characters and settings is so much easier than og stuff haha
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I don't mind it but I don't do it a lot aside from a pet name here and there bc I just don't wanna get anything wrong lol
First fandom you wrote in?
for tv shows supernatural, but before that I did write rpf which i just wanna forget about lol
Favorite fic you've written?
rn it's three:
we don't know where this is going now (don't be afraid of heights, let me open your heart wide) - my tommy pov fic <3
I'm comin' back, don't let me go - buck driving/breakdown fic
baby, you drive me wild - car smut - might not be my best but it's my fave smut lol
tags: @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @loserdiaz @evanbegins
@wildlife4life @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @weewootruck @loveyouanyway
@spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks
@rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @exhuastedpigeon
@jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @buddieswhvre @theotherbuckley @daffi-990
@hoodie-buck @tizniz @bidisasterevankinard
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
RAHH your wars smile post has given me so many thoughts
first off it’s sad that the fact that wars is at his most genuine the time he really smiles just because he feels happy is when he is literally alone and by himself.
second off the FIC THIS COULD MAKE DONT GIVE ME IDEAS BRO like wars thinking he’s alone when they’re all at the ranch and wind and twi are having fun outside, legend and Hyrule and wild are causing mischief, sky’s taking a well deserved nap, fours reading by a tree, and time gets to spend TIME (pun haha I hate myself grr) with his wife. And wars is just, happy genuinely because everything’s fine he’s on the porch alone in a rocking chair, the most relaxed and happy he’s ever been in forever and they’re just this goofy little grin on his face because my man is happy LET HIM GRIN. and if time saw it from the corner of his eye out the window then that’s his business. and yes eventually legend and twi have to drag him in cus he took a snooze but shhh they’re all happy
okay first of all i love absolutely everything you’ve just said, but wanna add somethin’ cos I ran out of the ability to add more pictures to that post so the yap was cut a bit short, but you reminded me of another thing I’d meant to say alkhgfjhfdg SO I HOPE YOU DON’T MIND THE YAP:
Yes for the most part, Warriors’s real smile is almost a ‘hidden’ thing, it only comes out in full when he’s alone or no one’s looking. HOWEVER: There are a few instances where his little crooked smile is a bit more clear, even when he’s still talking with the others (not fully 100% his real smile, but you can see the one same side of his mouth a tad higher than his fake straight smile). And it’s always moments where he just seems a little bit more relaxed. Specially in ‘Regroup’ when he and Hyrule have just come back and Legend has his bright pink hair and Wars is teasing both him and Sky. When he first comes in and he’s being a bit over the top his smile is clearly more even and straight, even when he’s teasing the others a bit
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but the thing i find interesting about this is he’s standing up talking to a group of people sitting down. He’s the center of attention, he’s aware of it, they’re all looking at him and he knows it. He’s probably a lot more focused on how the others are looking at and perceiving him, they’re LITERALLY physically looking up at him. He’s taller than them because he’s the one standing. On the page AFTER this one, however, once he’s sat down and towards the end of his conversation (including the entire page so people can see how everyone else is physically existing in the space):
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now here he seems a little bit more relaxed, and while in the first part of the page the way he’s acting and speaking still comes off as performative, that last panel of him on the bottom seems a little bit less of an act. He doesn’t come off quite as (for lack of a better description) cocky, he seems a little more genuine and down to earth and chill in the way he teases Sky right there, and his smile is a little more crooked than it usually is when he’s joking around with the others. He just went on this whole thing about how he and Hyrule totally had it handled and the two of them were very badass, but he’s poking fun of Sky in an extremely lighthearted way and now that he’s reaching the end of what he has to say he seems… Not like he’s running out of ENERGY, but like he’s just taking the dramatics down and acting just a bit more like himself
Also: He’s no longer standing above them and being intentionally larger than life. He’s still acting a bit, he almost always is, but he seems much more relaxed, and he’s actually put himself in a position where he’s physically beneath the others with the only other person sitting on the ground is Legend. And as someone who is a certified YAPPER, I know when I have a yap coming, I stand up and I say my shit but when I’m getting to the end of the yap I sit down and take a chance to be quiet. And this might just be me, but that does seem like what Warriors is doing here. He’s done his bit, he got his yap in, but he’s done now and probably tired after battle and walking all over the place, and he’s bringing himself AND his energy down to get ready to eat and calm down for the night
The others may not have really seen his REAL smile (or if they did Wars has no idea because he wasn’t aware he was being watched), but they’ve certainly caught glimpses of it in moments where Wars is able to relax just a little more. And I feel like maybe they’re even able to recognize that. Maybe it makes them feel a little bit sad when they realize that Wars’s flashy obnoxious grin isn’t a ‘real’ one at all, because I’m sure to an extent he probably does feel a bit happy when he’s laughing and joking around with the others but that straight, even smile is a controlled thing and not a true expression of his happiness
Now this may be completely a headcanon of mine: But I do feel like Warriors is a person who greatly values his physical space. He likes being alone (not being lonely), he likes getting to take time by himself to just breathe and appreciate what’s around him, and he doesn’t have to deal with the crushing pressure of being the person everyone thinks he is. He can smile at things and not worry about the fact his real smile isn’t perfect because no one’s watching him. He can allow himself to maybe actually be happy for a second when he’s alone because he can really just relax
IF YOU WRITE THAT FIC AND SHARE IT ANYWHERE IM ON MY HANDS AND KNEES BEGGING YOU TO SEND ME A LINK 🥺 I love the idea of him just falling asleep on the porch in a rocking chair OUGH. IM OBSESSED WITH IT.
anyways sorry for yappin, i turn into an unskippable cutscene when people mention Wars
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avionvadion · 3 months
Please please please please please please please please !I beg you! please please please please please Please please please please please please please please please please
More of your Toga(inu no taisho)x oc pleaaaseee 😩 You fed me something I didn't even know I needed so much!
P.s.I love your art you have evolved a lot over time especially with the coloring and shading.
They're just a silly rom-com couple and honestly I love that for them.
Also, awwww~~~ thank you!!! <3 It definitely helped that I switched from doing art with a computer and mouse to an actual cintiq and pen.
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Do they speak each other's languages? Absolutely not. Toga figures hers out pretty quickly, though, so he understands everything she's saying even if she doesn't fully understand everything he's saying, which he finds fairly amusing because she doesn't know he can understand her, but it does get frustrating after a while when all his attempts to court her fly over her head.
He gifts her a proper kimono to replace the one that got ruined when she was injured by a wild random demon in the nearby woods. (Legit though I can imagine him vanishing for a couple hours than coming back with like a dead boar or rabbit for dinner and she's just like: "You know you're gonna have to gut that for me, right?" And he's just like : "Really, human." and she's just, "I don't. Know how. To gut. Mammals." "How have you survived this long on your own?" "I. DON'T. KNOW. HOW. TO- oh, you're gutting it. Thanks!")
Anyways, at some point after Toga heals he probably vanishes temporarily (and even if he tried to tell Iliana he'd be back she probably wouldn't understand) so she thinks he just kinda... abandoned her. Which is fine. It's totally fine. She didn't get used to him being around all the time or anything, she's not lonely with him gone, hahaha... ha... It's not like he's her only friend or the only person she's ever actually talked to in this insane world or anything... haha...
Double anyways, Toga comes back (probably shows up just in time for some bandits to try and hide in the cave/attack Iliana) and Iliana is both mad and relieved because she missed him but also she totally thought he just abandoned her, and while she's telling him off he kisses her.
Her brain does not compute the affection.
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screechingkroh · 1 year
Thinking abt Honkai Star men being dragged to a concert.
(Can be read platonic or romantic)
Sampo is so totally down for it. He just gives the energy of someone who wouldn’t say no to a free concert ticket (AND HONESTLY?? ME TOO BESTIE)
100% gives his all because why the fuck not? And it’s so much fun. Like— BABES. When I tell you that this man probably hypes you up hella hard when you start belting it out— I MEAN IT.
He’s taking pictures, he’s taking videos. (He’s 100% taking advantage of your excitement to get a few free drinks)
Okay— but Sampo would totally be happy for you. And he’s also really happy. Like you’re yelling your lungs out. Singing screaming— it does not matter. Both of your throats are GONE by tomorrow.
Speaking of— Sampo probably almost made you two late. By accident. He just kept forgetting things or tried buying stuff.
It’s fine, after the concert he was a gentleman with guiding you back to the room. You both knock the fuck out though. Your heads hit those pillows and you were GONERS.
It’s NOT Gepard’s first concert. I refuse to believe that man has never attended any of Serval’s concerts. He’s got the best tickets, the best placing, he knows when to get ready and when to go— Dawg is your best man to be with for concerts.
He’s not good at singing, but fuck that. You’re both singing and losing your voices. Both of you are standing and fucking rocking out to the music.
And if Serval is trying to get people onstage?? SHUT UP, YOU TWO ARE TRYING TO GET THE OTHER ONSTAGE. It’s such a funny mess because you guys are too high on energy and pointing at one another.
Doesn’t matter— neither of you are chosen. But that’s okay bc you two are laughing so hard and leaning against each other. Like jfc you guys lost a lung AND your voices.
Gepard had to awkwardly tell Bronya that he couldn’t make it to work today. Why? Oh… you know. No voice, haha.
She knows and is happy he’s getting time to have fun.
Dan Heng?? How tf did you get him to go?
It’s not that hard actually. March and Stelle tag teamed his ass into going.
But that’s fiiine. He’s perfect for navigation and knows where stuff is. He’s got your back with the good hotels and restaurants.
At first, this man is QUIET. He’s nodding his head to the beat, but that’s it. It isn’t until later when the energy is really out there, that you catch him standing.
He probably doesn’t yell or scream like you, March, and Stelle. Dawg probably smiles like a dumbass though and is shaking his head. You guys won’t have voices for shit tomorrow. That’s okay, he can help soothe your sore throats in the morning.
He won’t admit it (he does but not verbally), but he enjoyed the concert. Like he loved seeing you guys let loose and go wild. Makes him feel like shit is gonna be okay.
After the concert is so funny tho. March is riding that energy high, Stelle wants to devour food (and probably inedible stuff), and you’re slowly crashing. So he’s got you leaning against him while trying to convince the other two to get back to the hotel room.
He’s semi-successful.
NOW JING YUAN— I am so biased towards this man. You guys don’t even know.
But he’s slightly unsure what to do, but whatever. He’ll follow your lead.
Fuck the before— DURING?? His hand is hovering over the small of your back. Any open drink you have is covered so it doesn’t spill on your outfit. He’s watching out for you with the softest and happiest smile. Because he’d trade the world for you to be this carefree.
You’re yelling, screaming, singing— you definitely have a sore throat. But that’s okay. He’ll take care of you. He promises.
Bro probably is laughing and smiling so hard. Like— you take his hand and start scream-singing the lyrics and he’s for it. Do that sway stay-in place dance with him. Please. He’s overjoyed every time you face him with that smile.
Okay, but afterwards, he’s probably still dealing with lingering energy. You two are clearly dropping in energy levels, and he’s urging you to the hotel room. Saying stuff “we can see it tomorrow, just rest for now,” while helping you deal with a very sore throat.
… this man has my heart wtf. I am so biased with him.
For Blade? Good luck. I actually don’t know how you’d get his ass to go. But if you do, you’re the safest motherfucker there.
Your drinks? Safe. Your items? Safe. You? Safest person to exist. He’s responsible for your ass now… much to his dismay.
I don’t have a good grasp of his character yet, but I think he’d be a bit irked. Irked… but slightly smug knowing you chose him over Kafka and Silver Wolf. Because, hey, that’s shit he can say he’s done that the other two haven’t.
Oh, but he’s so over it at the end. “Get your merch and let’s go” type bs. Literally picks you up and makes his way to the hotel room— bc we all know he wouldn’t settle for some cheap ass hotel. Dude made sure it was nice enough where there was two beds and easy to secure.
You probably had at least one argument the entire day. Maybe more bc it’s Blade.
It’s fun though bc you’re smiling and don’t put up that bad of a fuss. Especially when he tosses you onto the bed and almost threatens you to sleep.
You knock out about thirty minutes after.
Blade just lets you sleep and debates if he wants to let you deal with that sore throat or not. (Spoiler; he doesn’t)
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wildpeachfarm · 3 months
Sorry I keep sending in asks LMAO but yeah I totally agree especially nowadays I think the fandom numbers and activity is fine on tumblr? It seems to be similar as before for me but on Twitter holy fuck is it like really really dead (at least the interactions are) I can’t tell if people are just more inactive or just don’t interact w art as much as before + dranart is like gone most of the month so my posts barely even hit likes and interactions as it did before which feels like a punch in the gut for sure I don’t want to sound ungreatful in ANY way btw hope I don’t sound like that😭😭 I think most artists and writers are going thru it rn I hear that their interactions keep getting dropped like 50% every week it’s so sad
I think it’s the fandom + the algorithm too cause I have NOT been seeing any dteam stuff on my tls just because I was inactive for a couple days which is wild like 😭
Many artists and writers are probably feeling down and struggling with numbers and self worth including myself so we just gotta push forward and wait for the drupload ig 💪💪 atp since everyone’s struggling just draw write whatever the fuck you want you know nobody gives a fuck in a good way if you think kinda positively ig haha
Also people on twt usually only interacting w mostly straight forward Cc art (in case of Dnf like them cuddling and kissing) like it’s cute yeah! But those seem to be the few art that people actually interact w which is sad too as an au based art acc LMAO but ig it is what it is and I need to deal w it
Sorry for the long rant GJSJFKA love you mokuuuu
ILY wolfy and yes you are so correct I really do think people especially on twitter need to get better with supporting artists and writers because I am especially seeing low rts. Dream fanart pivoting to liking random shitposts and tweets from stan accounts definitely killed their impact because now their likes hold very little importance AND we can't even see them any more 😭😭😭 so that also sucked and it just happened to be during a time where reach and sharing was low to begin with. Certainly hope that activity resumes with more content but idk I think ultimately we need to remind the fandom how much supporting others really helped everyone and uplifts the fandom "functionings"
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bloodtwin · 25 days
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below the cut are the details for puck's modern verse with the addition of a jojo's bizarre adventure au !
whatever happened to the sleepy, little town of hound parade on new year's eve, 1999 ?a mystery still unsolved to this day, for no witnesses survived to tell the tale. it was a full moon, and there was an attack. a wild, rabid animal. a werewolf, so the conspiracies say, likely more than one. how could only one beast cause such destruction, after all ? they painted the town red & didn't stop until there was no more blood left to spill.  despite what the stories say, there were survivors that night. a teenaged boy who stood up to the monsters, and his twin sibling who watched him transform into a monster himself as he tried to protect them. a single bite in his shoulder was all it took. having lost control, the boy participated in the slaughter of the town, the original monsters & even his own parents some of the many lives he took. he hesitated only once that night, saving his sibling's life a second time in the process.
an emo heartthrob to angsty teens everywhere, puck darlington has parents all around the world positively shaking in their boots !but just who is this enigmatic, young man ?the lead guitarist of pop-punk band BLOODTWIN does a fine job of keeping his personal life under wraps, but one thing about him is certain ⸻ controversy.  notoriously aggressive & wild on-stage, generally sweet as a pup off-stage, he has an ever-fluctuating reputation. die-hard fans swear up & down that the violent persona is simply an act. the grisly mask comes off as soon as he sets the guitar down, obviously !it's only a performance !! . . . oh, haha, don't look at that article; it's all baseless rumors & gossip in there. it wasn't real blood in his mouth in that picture, don't be silly. no, no- he didn't mean what he said in that interview. he was just having a bad day, he wouldn't- of course he didn't eat anyone; don't believe everything you read online. that's, like, internet rule number one. it was an ACCIDENT when he curb-stomped that one paparazzi !we all make mistakes !! besides they totally deserved it he's soooooo nice & cool though, trust me !!!
the same as the modern verse except puck has a stand. unlike most stand-users, he has had his since birth. it is called weapon of god, and the glowing, red greataxe he wields in combat is often mistaken to be the stand itself. however, the stand actually manifests as a pair of boots. big ol' fuck-off, stomping boots. at a natural height of 6'5, puck appears to be 7'0 in the boots. he can pull any weapon he wants from either boot at any time, but he is partial to the greataxe & throwing knives. he initially defended iago from the other werewolves with the greataxe before succumbing to the curse himself.
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