#was watching and old jack vod
jrwiyuri · 2 years
I hate it when people are like ‘why is x called that it’s soo stupid it doesn’t even make sense’ GOOGLE IT. FUCKING LOOK IT UP. 9/10 IT WASN’T JUST NAMED THAT FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES BRO.
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paragal · 2 years
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kitty-thinks-stuff · 3 days
you guys when you find out im reverting back into my jack manifold phase
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svtskneecaps · 2 months
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mediamixs · 20 days
What You Wish For: a horror movie worth watching
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The upcoming horror movie What You Wish For is a twisting thriller that delves into themes of desperation and the pursuit of a life-changing meal. The film follows Ryan, a down-on-his-luck chef with gambling problems, who flees to a Latin American villa and assumes the identity of another man. As he gets entangled in a dark and complicated situation, the story unfolds with elements of dark comedy and suspense, creating a balance between seriousness and absurdity. Starring Nick Stahl as Ryan, the film explores the consequences of envy and the lengths people go to fulfill their desires. Directed by Nicholas Tomnay, What You Wish For promises to be a gripping and unsettling experience, set to be released in theaters and on VOD on May 31st, 2024.
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The plot of the upcoming horror movie What You Wish For can be summarized as follows: the story follows Ryan, a down-on-his-luck chef with gambling problems, who flees to a Latin American villa and assumes the identity of another man, his old friend Jack. As Ryan gets entangled in a dark and complicated situation at the villa, the story unfolds with elements of dark comedy and suspense. The overarching theme of the film is about how life is not automatically better just because you get what you want. Ryan is jealous of Jack's success as a private chef for wealthy clients, and he goes to extreme lengths to take on Jack's identity. However, the situation he finds himself in ends up being worse than the one he was trying to escape. The film explores themes of desperation, the pursuit of a life-changing meal, and the consequences of envy. It promises to be a gripping and unsettling experience that balances seriousness and absurdity.
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a-moth-called-mof · 1 year
Okay so I was going through old drafts and I found this one from MARCH 26TH 2021 AND MAN.
I feel like the Dream SMP is one of those things where you have to have been there to fully experience and enjoy it. I'm not saying people 5 years from now won't be able to watch all the VODs and enjoy/understand the story. I'm just saying I don't think people 5 years from now will fully be able to appreciate and experience what makes the Dream SMP so good. To be put it simply, I think one of the things that makes the Dream SMP so good is the ability to watch the story unfold in real time and find things out at the same time as the characters. Watching VODs is cool and works great if you can't watch certain streams live but watching events or plot point play out live is such a unique, immersive experience
Another thing that makes it more enjoyable for me personally is just how fleshed out all the characters are and how all these different stories and arcs are happening at the same time(although that does make it hard to keep up with sometimes lol). Or how you can watch different/multiple POVs to get a better understanding of a situation or gain information/insight that some other viewers might not know from watching a specific POV. Unfortunately I feel like people in the future will probably stick to watching only Tommy or Techno's or maybe Ranboo's POV, which is a shame because it means they'll probably not fully understanding/miss out on the Pet War, C! Niki's arc, C! Jack Manifold's arc, THE ENTIRETY OF C! FUNDY'S CHARACTER(rip), the slow rise of the Eggpire, C! Eret's redemption arc(also C! Eret as a whole), El Rapids, the Badlands in general, Dreamon Hunters, *insert most canon romantic relationships*, C! Hannah existing, C! Puffy's backstory and so much more.
I mean this is already kind of happening
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lesbiansiffrin · 3 months
watching old jack manifold vods
“go get scott’s gay package”
jack no
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my-lunaberg · 1 year
OKAYYYYYYYY okay, Im about to watch Tommys The Last Stream vod after I go for another quick walk, after that its just Tubbos stream which is probably just the same thing but from a different pov anyway, then its just the Syndicate End vod and then its just a two minute video of Ranboos end and then Im finally free. I really wish I could do this properly on my blog instead of having to do this in my notes app but I simply cannot wait another day. Im so hopped up on adrenaline rn i dont think I can sleep tonight, especially if I dont finally finish this. Also I have therapy tomorrow when Im writing this and I need to calm tf down before I show up at the therapists office all shaky n shit because of some minecraft roleplay. Its almost 6 pm rn and I shall be free of this nightmare before the clock strikes midnight. Amen.
Tubbitch boi
I dont even have anything to say man
This is so upsetting dude
I made it through these first 15 minutes with basically no pausing and I just wanted to take a moment to appreciate that bc I just know the second that joker starts talking to Dream I'll be pausing every 5 seconds
Why the fuck does the prison look like it was under water for like a decade and now theres just barnacles n shit growing on everythinh
Alright I took two minutes to mentally prepare myself now Im ready for this
Wait why the fuck was he just hangin out in the main cell if he wasnt even expecting Tommy. weirdo behaviour
*long uncomfortable pause*
"Uhm... okay"
It looks like Tommy is doing a good job stalling them so far so Im very curious how it goes from this to the stuff Ive read spoilers about
Ouhhhhhh I wonder how hes gonna react to that dig at Spirittttttt.........
Okay, no like verbal ouward reaction but that is what got him to start attacking Tommy
I dont think Punz will care that Tommy tried to kill himself bc of Dream, I think hed find that kinda hot
"The world doesnt fucking revolve around you"??? Bro Punz Boomer arc??? "Those darn zoomers wanting compassion and kindness after almost killing themselves
"Youre insane to think everything revolves around you" hello?? says the guy who fancies himself a god and also thinks everyone but him and his boytoy deserve to die because theyre "simple-minded"
OH NO i completely forgot, the nuke is not gonna hit them. this is allpretty much pointless
Okay listen, Im a huge c!Dream sympathetizer and I know this is gonna end with him being presented in a sympathetic and pitiable light and Im gonna fall for it no matter what because of course I am but like, he has been so comically awful throughout this entire finale I am not expecting this to end in an actually satisfying way at all
Oh that sly dog got him monologuing
Girl help I dont remember pre-rp dsmp well enough to tell if Dream is embellishing shit and victimizing himself or not
OKAY dream smp from Dreams pov lets gooooooo
??? what.
Bro Dream is not in his right mind hes so far away from his right mind he might as well be chillin in lmoonberg that guy is so mentally ill (source: I have like atleast 90% of his mentall illnesses for sure)
what do you MEAN "know more"???
Maybe Im just a simple minded nihilist but why does that matter man. Why die so you can "know more" when you can live and have like, a party with your buddies
Honestly, I feel like Dreams motivations are so stupid at this point, like literally just make him someone who worships XD and is favoured by him or whatever and then also have him have this morbid curiosity about the stuff beyond the server and have him try and become god while appeasing his actual god in the hopes that he'll reveal his otherworldly knowledge to him or whatever idk man
Hows Dream gonna grow old with the people he loves when he doesnt have fucking friends HAH got im
No offense but why has most of this finale been Tommy philosophically waxing about how you should accept death even though all thats waiting for you on the other side is eternal torment with Dream responding by being like "but why though?? :(" when that has like, literally nothing to do with any of the Dream SMPs themes? Like, okay, theres been a ton of storylines obviously but the two main ones are definitely Tommy vs Dream (its essentially the throughline to all this bullshit) and Wilbur, Lmanberg and every single attempt at a country after that. Because of this I would say that the dsmps themes are Cycles of Violence and Legacy and when they intersect you occasionally get glimmers of this idea of History Repeating Itself.
The Legacy theme is insanely well executed, no notes, Im in love
The Cycles of Violence theme.... less so. I'll probably make a more detailed post about this in the future since I dont wanna waste too much time with this liveblog. But I personally think that if they wanted to pull this theme off while also making Dream sympathetic, he absolutely needed to be affected by the violence he inadvertently caused and the audience needs to actually see it in atleast one (1) scene that would be impossible to twist into something unsympathetic unless you were looking at it in bad faith. Dream being thrown in jail and subsequently physically tortured wouldve been a great opportunity for this kind of stuff like, I remember lurking in the fandom around this time, this was the point where plenty of people were starting to sympathize simply because of how inhumane the prison was. Like, if they werent gonna show him break a little in front of others for their perspectives, the least they couldve done was make like, a few short videos of Dream being alone, doing whatever, you wouldnt even need dialogue and then pepper those throughout the post-prison arcs. You could have one like two or three minute video right after Tommys visit where he maybe tries writing those stupid essays out of boredom before burning them and then some potatoes plop into the pool and you really get a sense for the emptyness and isolation of it. Another good one would be one showing how Quackity tortures him, or maybe one taking place right after one of the torture seassions with him starving and shaking and maybe trying to write a log or something but failing because everything hurts. Him being in the prison after hes escaped and made it his base again, watching it slowly decay and fall apart with him in it. They really dont have to be long, again, two or three minute videos wouldve done a lot of good here imo. And then you could also sprinkle in some monologues because as much as I like to make fun of the snake monologue in my head, it did give some much needed insight into Dreams perspective on all of this while making him a bit more sympathetic.
Honestly, Dream is making some pretty reasonable points here (if you completely disregard all the context of the entire dsmp but still) but like dude, you cannot go around calling your teenage nemesis a pest that such obvious villain behaviour dude
Im not gonna lie, i thought the very last final scene between Dream and Tommy would take place in a more, idk, intimate? place. Thats not the right word but whatever I cant think of anything else that fits. But like, they absolutely do not have a reason to leave so I guess this is just gonna continue with Tommy and Dream talking in this fucked up room of this fucked up prison while Punz is also right there
Okay, I just got to the bit where Tommy says 'Im sorry' to Dream and I know a lot of people were upset by that bc they took it as him apologizing to his abusers for being 'abuse-worthy' if you wanna phrase it like that and thats not what I got from that at all. Like, its technically part of a very earnest emotional statement so his tone was kinda soft and apologetic but it really came across as an 'Im sorry you feel that way' kind of apology to me
What the fuck is happening now
Is this hell.
Oh my god please tell me this wont go on for much longer I already watched like 30 hours of these boring ass guys dicking around back in late 2020 i cannot take a second more
Bro why did they pick the part of the stream thats just Dream trying to figure out his fucking minecraft settings for this this isnt doing anything
Please bring me back I dont wanna watch this boring shit
What is ahppening
Okay they revived him, are they gonna explain why his afterlife hell is just him watching the most boring minecraft streams on planet earth
"It doesnt matter if I get horrifically traumatized because I'll just live forever :)"
Okay I think Im starting to understand Dreams motivations here a bit more and they make more sense but its like, if you care so much about eliminating suffering why did you go out of your way to torment Tommy like that in exile. Like, i know its because you did want him to be your friend at some point and maybe you still do but you didnt like how he would never listen to you so you figured itd be better to just break him down mentally but like, I dont think that would be necessary for the long term goal of eliminating all death and suffering at all so, what
Dude, he was not happy he was adjusting his minecraft settings
What if he just started sobbed. Hes all smug like "well, im happy now :)" and then the dam jist breaks. wouldnt that be grand
Hes fucking psychoanalyzing the green bitch this rules
Im sorry man I was not envisioning this emotional final scene to be accompanied by Punz occasionally saying some bullshit in the background
"George and Sapnap are still here" uh no, George literally isnt and last time we saw Sapnap he was making a deal with God to sacrifice his own life and afterlife to ensure that Dream would die and stay dead forever
Oughhhhhhh this is great I can practically smell the insecurity coming off of him rn
Oh god why is Tommy being like "you just wanted things to be simple [like they were in the past]" giving me a more complete understanding of myself as well this sucks I dont wanna be a c!Dream kinnie anymore >:(
I dont think Tommy is wrong about what hes saying abt Dream at all here and I think this is a smart angle to focus on for making Dream seem more sympathetic but right now I definitely feel like its missing the crucial element of "yes, Dream just wants friends, friends who will do what he wants with minimal resistance because hes a control freak" yknow? Like, his need for absolute control all the time is one of his most prominent traits and him wanting to gain some understanding and control of death and other things beyond his comprehension actually lines up quite nicely with that, its just kinda getting muddled with Dreams statements about wanting to make everything better. Granted, he probably wouldnt want to admit that his version of "making everything better" is just making everyone listen to him bc hes god basically but still, I think his control freakiness needs to get addressed more explicitly and maybe it will be, weve still hot a few minutes but ehhhhh. I doubt it
Honestly, ive grown to like Punz quite a bit eventhough he really hasnt done much but like, why the fuck is he here
I realize that the dialogue in dsmp is always overwhelmingly improv but its just so odd and kinda bad in this conversation. I think its because out of context, the way both Dream and Tommy are phrasing things makes it seem like they were on more equal footing and both suffered equally during their conflict when thats just not the case and Im not a fan
I think Ill tentatively take back all the stuff I said about how Dream shouldve been a worshipper of XD but i still think its a neat concept so I'll probably do something with that later
Oh god why did they do that crown, Dreams skin already looks bad and silly enough. Oh well I take solace in knowing that all the fanart of this scene probably slaps
Punz is still there is he gonna say anything about the nuke thats about to hit
Lookat these guys, never heard a nuke about to hit before
Ohhhhhhh I thought that previous 'sorry' was the one Ive seen people upset about, but Im pretty sure its actually this one
Honestly, I still dont see why you would be upset about it outside of the fact that it is an abuse victim apologizing to his abuser but its like, idk man. I dont think a piece of media featuring a scene where that happens within a very specific context is doing abuse apologism, although I guess a lot of people would argue that the fact that Tommy is even reaching out to Dream after everything he did is abuse apologism and. Im not even gonna try to argue with them. I'll just say that I disagree and try to explain my perspective in some amount of detail, this will get pretty personal though, so watch out:
I was recently semi-diagnosed with a personality disorder and i probably have a bunch of other bullshit going on as well and not to armchair diagnose a fictional character but c!Dream definitely has that personality disorder and whatever other shit thats hiding inside my weird brain. His irrational, defensive thought processes, his contradictionary wants, his persistent need for control, his detached nature, his manipulation, the way he uses actual emotional pain as a tool for manipulation while keeping that pain at an arms length, even his weird monotone way of speaking, I relate to all of it. I have seen and related to a lot of mentally ill and neurodivergent and neurodivergent-coded characters and I have never felt as seen as now. He embodies my worst qualities turned up a few notches to make them even worse and then he has a weird god complex on top of all of that and yet, he still ends up being given sympathy, someone tries to understand him and offers him help. And idk, that just means a lot to me so I look at this whole thing a bit differently.
Also, while I get why some people are upset and I get peoples desire to critize this from a Doylist perspective because real people came up with this story in real life and that still has implications, even when the line between fiction and reality is thick enough to be considered a wall, from a Watsonian in-universe perspective its like, Dream is not a bad person for accepting help (or trying to accept help) when its being freely offered to him
Okay wait but if the nuke still hit the prison and blew everything to shit what the hell did Jack do when he rewired the redstone at the launch thingy. Is the prison that close to the main smp I dont remember
Oh man this is gonna take a hot second huh
Okay we're back in Minecraft, Tommys punching a tree
I hate the fact that Tommy doesnt atleast punch the entire tree down before making a crafting table
I was gonna finish the whole series today but its almost 11pm and I a sleepy gal so i'll watch Tubbos pov tomorrow and the Syndicate vod and all that and also I'll probably give my thoughts on the ending in more detail after that. Right now I dont think I cant bare to write any more man, I just wrote like three or four decently detailed (for me) analyses about fucking bullshit basically in a row, my head literally hurts
So yeah, goodnight I'll be hopefully posting all of these posts tomorrow and I'll hopefully be peoperly liveblogging everything again
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seafleece · 2 years
2 for Strahd, 8 for Vasily, 30 and 45 for Ibis? (also feel free to swap them round if that works better)
last one i’m answering before i sleep… so glad people want to know abt my little guys…
2. what was your original concept for this character? how did playing them change that concept?
(strahd) oh this is GREAT for my strahd. my first concept for strahd when i decided i was going to jack-o-lantern the curse of strahd module pumpkin was a sort of jonathan sims/og victor frankenstein who went searching for something hidden and was overwhelmed by the discovery. that hasn’t changed, really, but the way i’ve really fleshed him out during the campaign is via the people he’s known and how they know him— as a demon, a cursed vessel, an Unbelievably unlikely friend, or as just. a man before and after barov found him in a deep and endless city.
oh yeah my strahd is also russian. if you watch our vods i forget the accent half the time but i’ve always been a lot more interested in barovia as basically a romanian forest copy-pasted onto the mongolian tundra than just. magic romania. in my mind at one point i thought of the forest barov creates for strahd as a manifestation of one of strahd’s old memories and one that causes him endless pain to see again as his domain. needless to say it has affected the local trout population.
8. what songs remind you of them? if there are specific lyrics or movements, list ‘em!
(vasily) i answered this for vasily but i’ll give you another from her first playlist: is there somebody who can watch you by the 1975. it’s a song about feeling guilt towards your younger sibling after leaving home, because you were supposed to take care of them, and that’s how she’s felt pretty much every second since she left.
30. how do they handle confrontation?
(ibis) with the power of incredible violence. they’re getting better at it, but when you’re raised as the sword in the hand of god, there’s not much else you learn how to do. she still uses incredible violence, but at least now it’s in response to confrontation that threatens the party and not just her.
45. what lies do they tell themselves?
(ibis) for a long time it was that they are a tool and not a person, though in fairness this is mostly god’s fault. now, i think they like to believe that their volatility is just how they are and not lashing out as a result of not understanding things. they also don’t really understand all of their feelings towards yaros (lucretia-type girl best friend), so they deliberately interpret her being distant as an intentional slight against them even though, deep down, they know she probably has their best interests in mind and that they don’t actually mistrust her, even if they maybe should a little bit.
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squidthechaotickid · 2 years
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cupcraft · 2 years
I'm literally watching an old L'Manberg Vod when c!Niki joined or whatever and like I miss c!Tommy. I miss when he stole from c!Eret without reservation and got a book out of effort. I miss how he held his head high, staring c!Wilbur in the face and said "I never feel shame." I miss their little home. I miss c!Wilbur calling it a "better home now" compared to his ball house. I miss c!Jack. God I'm brainrotting.
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mariaiscrafting · 3 years
political science nerd coming in w thoughts on anarchy on the dream smp
no one asked for it, but here I am to rant about and overanalyze how different characters on the SMP relate to anarchist beliefs
anarchy is, basically, not just wanting to live without government, but wanting to live without the unjust social hierarchies set up by government. 
technoblade, for example, made sure that part of his manifesto states no one will be forced to fight against their will; on the other hand, under a government, everyone is expected to fight for the nation’s agenda - ranboo was expected to follow the butcher army, eret’s knights are expected to fight for the dream smp, etc.
tubbo is probably the best example of someone non-corrupt who is simply diametrically opposed to anarchist beliefs. he is not just representative of the government because techno uses him as that villanious figurehead. tubbo genuinely believes that society best functions under leadership that can be provided by government; but with leadership, comes unjust hierarchies. tubbo wants leadership because he thinks society is most stable and able to function properly when there is a leader at the top to oversee society, people working under that leader - as executioners, enforcers of the law, an administrative body, etc. - and the citizens that live under the government. the creation of hierarchies isn’t inherently a bad thing, in tubbo’s mind; it’s actually necessary to ensure civility and stability.
another person who wants government, but for selfish beliefs that aren’t really against anarchist theory itself, is quackity. quackity benefits from those unjust hierarchies enforced by the existence of a government. his position as vice president or on the cabinet gives him power - soft power, as in, influence over the leaders (getting close to schlatt via romance, manipulating tubbo to follow his plans), and hard power, as in, the authority to make laws and enforce them when he sees fit. quackity wants government not because he thinks it’s necessary for society to function properly, like tubbo, but because he is one of the privileged few who benefits from the power government provides. he would be anti-anarchist simply because anarchists threaten the systems that provide him with power.
eret is... interesting. he seems to understand that the ways governments have functioned in the dream smp and l’manberg have been flawed and actually detrimental, in the long-run. while tubbo still believes in government because the concept makes logical sense to him, so he wants to keep pursuing the experiment until it works out correctly, eret has seen how governments have failed and might want to give up on the concept. eret said that he only wanted to be king because he thought his kingship would allow him to change people’s lives for the better. these are the words of a benevolent leader who thinks their position of power could be enough to dictate people’s lives and steer them towards improvement. but because his kingship never had enough authoritative power - that is, it was never truly seen as legitimate to the people, besides his knights - he never was able to fully harness it to enact these improvements. so now he’s left empty and directionless; the functions of his government were never fulfilled and cannot be fulfilled, so what now?
phil’s pull to anarchism is pretty straightforward. he witnessed how government and the yearn to regain a position in government drove his son to madness, driving phill to kill him at his behest. he’s also a witness to l’manberg’s relentless pursuit of “justice.” for the l’manberg cabinet, a criminal needs to receive retributive justice at all costs, no matter the perpetrator’s current character or actions. phil sides with techno because he’s against this idea of retributive justice - an eye for an eye, a murder demands the death of another. he knows who techno is as a person - someone who combats their own bloodlust everyday, someone who struggles in social situations and with peer pressure - and he knows that techno has changed in his ways, and for phil, that’s enough. he doesn’t think justice needs to be enacted as long as the friend he is defending is not the same person who enacted whatever crime was committed - an ideology directly in contradiction with most governments, which usually enact retributive justice under their justice systems.
ranboo’s character is more a critique of the loyalty governments demand from their citizens, than anything else. governments are created within society under a contract (yay, bringing in john locke into this minecraft roleplay analysis, we love to see it): citizens give up some of their alienable rights in exchange for the protections that come from living under a government. in l’manberg, one of the expectations of this contract is that, if ranboo wants to be included among the citizens of l’manberg and take shelter in its buildings, he is expected to follow their doctrines and join in their cause. but ranboo doesn’t like choosing sides; that is, he doesn’t like showing exclusive loyalty to just one person or group of people - including governments. ranboo thinks loyalty should lie with whoever that individual chooses to trust - the people who show you kindness and mercy and companionship. he doesn’t believe in loyalty towards a nation or even a collective group based on the sole nature of that group; that is to say, just because you are a citizen of x place, doesn’t mean x place should expect your loyalty. does that make him an anarchist...? i’m not totally sure.
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journal-number-3 · 3 years
Thinking about how tommy and Jack were both so close to healing and now they're both spiraling harder then ever I'm so sad please just be friends again I miss you guys
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minamotoz · 3 years
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pov me everytime i see jacks house un-destroyed
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omegamoo · 2 years
getting nostalgic for a time period from the dsmp that i wasn’t even around for. thinking about l’manberg.
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mcytheap · 3 years
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Things I learned today: Jack Manifold used to speedrun Getting Over It.
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