#wash basin models
salusindiabrand · 5 months
Exploring Modern Wash Basin Models: Blending Style with Functionality
In the realm of interior design, the wash basin stands as both a utilitarian necessity and a stylistic statement. As homeowners increasingly seek to personalize their spaces, the diversity of wash basin models on the market has expanded exponentially. From sleek minimalist designs to bold, avant-garde concepts, there's a wash basin to suit every taste and requirement. Let's delve into a few notable models that exemplify this fusion of form and function.
The Minimalist Marvel: For those who prefer clean lines and simplicity, the minimalist wash basin reigns supreme. Characterized by its understated elegance, this model often features smooth surfaces, geometric shapes, and muted colors. Crafted from materials such as porcelain, ceramic, or even stone, these basins seamlessly integrate into modern bathrooms, creating an aura of tranquility and refinement.
The Space-Saving Solution: In compact urban dwellings where space is at a premium, innovative wash basin models designs offer a practical solution without sacrificing style. Wall-mounted basins, corner sinks, and pedestal sinks are popular choices, maximizing floor space while still providing essential functionality. These models often incorporate clever storage solutions or multifunctional features, catering to the needs of modern urban living.
The Artistic Expression: Elevating the wash basin to a work of art, designers are pushing the boundaries of creativity with sculptural and avant-garde designs. From asymmetrical forms to organic shapes inspired by nature, these basins serve as focal points, transforming bathrooms into gallery-worthy spaces. Crafted from unconventional materials like glass, copper, or even recycled materials, these artistic basins add a touch of whimsy and individuality to any interior.
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essco-bathware · 8 months
Wash basin design and models for large and small bathrooms from Essco by Jaquar Group. Know more about the dimensions and height of modern wash basin sinks or bathroom basins.
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hmmarble · 2 months
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Marble Bathroom Sink
When it comes to home design, few materials evoke a sense of luxury and timeless beauty quite like marble. A marble bathroom sink not only serves as a functional wash basin but also elevates the overall aesthetic of your space. The elegance of marble exudes sophistication, turning an ordinary bathroom into a serene oasis.
Marble Bathroom Sink
A marble bathroom sink is not just a functional component of your bathroom; it is a statement piece that adds elegance and luxury. Marble, known for its unique veining and rich texture, brings a timeless charm to any space. When choosing a marble bathroom sink, there are several factors to consider to ensure it complements your bathroom design.
First, consider the style of your bathroom. Whether you are going for a modern, classic, or rustic look, a marble sink can fit seamlessly into any theme. The color palette of the marble also matters; white and cream marbles can lend a fresh and airy feel, while darker hues can create a dramatic effect.
Maintenance is another important aspect to consider. While marble sinks are stunning, they do require some care to maintain their beauty. Regular sealing and careful cleaning will help prevent stains and etching, keeping your sink looking pristine over the years.
Installation is another key consideration. Marble is heavier than other materials, so ensure that your cabinet and plumbing can support your chosen marble bathroom sink. Consultation with a professional can help you navigate this aspect of your renovation.
Ultimately, a marble bathroom sink is an investment in both aesthetics and functionality. By choosing the right type, color, and maintenance plan, you can enjoy the beauty of marble in your bathroom for years to come.
Wash Basin Sink
A wash basin sink is an essential fixture in any bathroom, offering both functionality and style. When selecting a wash basin sink, it is important to consider various factors such as size, design, and material.
One popular choice among homeowners is the marble bathroom sink. Known for its elegance and durability, marble sinks can elevate the aesthetic of your bathroom. Their unique veining patterns ensure that no two sinks are alike, providing a one-of-a-kind centerpiece for your space.
When choosing a wash basin sink, you will encounter various types including undermount, vessel, and pedestal sinks. Each design has its own benefits and can enhance the overall look of your bathroom. For instance, vessel sinks are often mounted on top of the countertop, making them a stylish option that complements modern decor.
Aside from aesthetics, the wash basin sink should also offer practical features. Consider looking for a model with easy-to-clean surfaces and a design that accommodates your bathing and grooming needs. The right choice will not only enhance your bathroom’s style but also improve daily usage.
In terms of installation, make sure to consult with a professional if you are unsure. Proper installation of your wash basin sink will ensure that it functions efficiently and lasts for many years to come.
Lastly, don't forget to incorporate additional features such as stylish faucets and accessories that complement your wash basin sink and add to the overall design of your bathroom.
Ancient Roman Baths
The Ancient Roman Baths were an essential aspect of Roman culture, reflecting the importance of hygiene, social interaction, and relaxation in ancient society. These baths, also known as thermae, were large public bathing complexes that served as a social hub for citizens of all classes.
Typically, the layout of a Roman bath included a series of rooms with varying temperatures and functions. The caldarium (hot bath) heated the water through a sophisticated system of hypocaust, allowing steam to rise and warm the space. Next to it was the tepidarium (warm bath), which served as a transitional room, and the frigidarium (cold bath), where bathers would plunge into cooler waters to invigorate their bodies.
In addition to hygiene, these baths featured amenities such as libraries, gymnasiums, and gardens, encouraging a sense of community and leisure. Romans often visited to socialize, conduct business, or simply enjoy the art and architecture that adorned these luxurious facilities. The decorative mosaics and grand columns were not only functional but also represented the wealth and sophistication of the society.
The significance of the Ancient Roman Baths can also be seen in their architectural innovation. The Romans mastered the use of concrete and arches, allowing for grand open spaces and intricate designs. These structures have inspired modern spa designs, embodying the idea of relaxation and wellness.
Despite their popularity, the fall of the Roman Empire led to the decline of these spectacular sites. Many were repurposed, and their intricate plumbing systems fell into disrepair. However, remnants of these ancient baths still surface in archaeological sites, offering a glimpse into a fascinating aspect of Roman life.
Today, while we may not indulge in the same communal bathing practices, the legacy of the Ancient Roman Baths endures. Their emphasis on hygiene and social engagement continues to influence how we design our own spaces for relaxation and community interaction.
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veerbles · 6 months
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Kaz's attic rooms in the Slat
(canon notes under the cut)
All canon descriptions of Kaz's attic rooms:
"The Slat wasn’t much [...] crowned with an attic and a gabled roof." -> most likely a room with slanted walls.
"The attic rooms had been converted into his office and bedroom." -> the attic is partitioned into two separate rooms.
"The [office] room was mostly taken up by a makeshift desk – an old warehouse door atop stacked fruit crates – piled high with papers." -> the office isn't large; considering the dimensions of a warehouse door, and that it takes up most of the space, the room is VERY ROUGHLY 4x3m (13x9 ft).
"...he walked through the door to his tiny bedroom. [Inej darted] a glance at him through the open doorway [as he] dipped a cloth in the wash basin." -> (1) the office and bedroom are separated by a wall and door. (2) the bedroom is even smaller than the office - around 4x2m maybe. (3) assuming Inej was standing in the middle of the office, she had a line of sight to the wash basin through the bedroom door.
"Whenever he sat down to try to get some work done, he’d find his eyes straying to the window ledge." -> the window has enough room to sit, and there is a direct line of sight from kaz's office chair to it.
the slat is pretty clearly modeled after amsterdam's canal ring houses. I based the room's overall set-up and position within the house on this incredible post by @arany-studio.
furniture designs and bedroom features are inspired by 17-19th century rooms. I didn't try to be very specific with the style because (a) Ketterdam is not really a direct adaption of the early 19th century, (b) Kaz is a barrel rat and his furniture just came from wherever he could get them, including the street, abandoned buildings and mansions he robbed.
there are probably more things in the room that aren't depicted. I didn't want to crowd the drawing.
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sotwk · 6 months
The Baker from Lórien (Haldir gen ficlet)
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Summary: A visitor from Lórien brings some excitement to the kitchens of the Elvenking's palace.
Word count: 1.1k
Content: Pure fluffy randomness, mother-son relationship, toddler Legolas
Rating: General (no warnings apply)
To Read on AO3: Link
A/N: I wrote this ficlet purely on a whim; I had no plans or strategy for it going in. It could be nonsense, or I could be onto something. XD It's most likely going to stay a random SotWK AU one-shot, but who knows. I pretty much just wanted to finally write any story featuring Haldir, whom I love dearly and firmly believe was one of the most desired bachelors east of the Mountains. Special thanks to my friend @creativity-of-death who inspired the concept of a Baker Haldir long ago!
Headcanons about Haldir in the SotWK AU: Any questions you might have about the background history in this fic would be answered HERE.
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The Baker from Lórien
Third Age 246 Spring
Bar Lasgalen, the Palace of the Elvenking
“Down and forward, turn, and fold over. Repeat. Remember to use the heel of your hand--this part, right here.”
The lump of dough felt pleasantly squishy in Legolas’s hands, and only with great self-restraint did the four-year-old elfling manage to resist playing with it like modeling clay, instead of following his instructor’s example. With eyes narrowed in determined concentration, he watched the steadily working hands of the elf across the table from him. After just a minute or so of observation, he began to mimic the brisk kneading motion.
“Yes, good! That is very good.” The visitor from Lórien seemed pleased, albeit surprised, by how quickly the child caught on.  
Legolas beamed at the ellon’s praise, and held the smooth ball of dough up high over his head in triumph. “Is it ready for the oven now?”
“Not quite.” The silver-haired ellon took the dough from Legolas and checked it with a few expert prods of his fingers. “It needs time to rest and rise. An hour at least, although up to three is much better, and then we can reshape it into loaves. Then it must rest again, before it can be baked.” 
“Three hours?!” Legolas exclaimed, already dismissive of whatever other steps came after. “Does bread really take that long to make every time?”
“The loaves should be fresh and hot out of the oven just in time for your Highness’s breakfast.” Legolas watched as his dough ball was placed into a large pan next to five others and covered with a dish cloth.  
“And a delicious breakfast is best preceded by a sound night’s sleep, is it not?” The voice that came from the kitchen doorway made Legolas scramble off his stool. He smiled sheepishly at his nursemaid, Ninniel, as she entered with a knowing smile and firm shake of her head for him.
The older ellon spoke up. “My apologies, Emmë. I should have realized the hour was too late.”
“It’s all right. It appears some valuable learning has been accomplished here, at least.” Ninniel took in the rather comical sight of her grown son towering next to her not-at-all-grown charge, both of them dusted in flour, and felt all her exasperation melt away. She dipped a tea towel into the washing basin and set to work wiping the sticky residue off Legolas’s fingers. 
“Will you come and get me when my loaf is finished baking, Halidr?”
“Well…” Haldir of Lórien glanced hesitantly at his mother. He was still unsure what to make of Thranduil’s sons, who all behaved without any regard or perhaps even awareness of their social rank. Legolas, in particular, had been unabashed in his fascination with Haldir ever since his arrival at Bar Lasgalen. Today was merely the first day of a month-long, overdue visit to his parents, and most of it had passed with the little prince turning up wherever Haldir happened to be, armed with a constant stream of questions. “It really is not my place to--”
“When your bread comes out of the oven, I will wake you to come and have it for  breakfast, with me and Haldir,” Ninniel interjected smoothly. “But the sooner you get to bed, the sooner you can rise refreshed for a new day, yes?”
“That sounds excellent!” Legolas threw his hands up, and wriggled his hips in a little sort of dance. “I shall be back in a few hours, Haldir! Please take care of my bread!” he called out to the bemused elf before bounding out the door. 
“Are you still finding everything all right, dearest?” Ninniel swept a light hand over her son’s broad back. In one touch she could tell Haldir was fairly relaxed, as she had hoped he would gradually become. Her eldest had always been the most serious of her children, and his nature only grew graver as the ages passed and the memories of hard years weighed on him. It had been far too long since his last visit to Eryn Galen, so rarely could he be persuaded to leave his post at the March, and Ninniel hoped the brief holiday away would be restful for his spirit. 
“Yes, everyone here at the palace has been… quite attentive.” Haldir smiled and planted a swift kiss over his mother’s hair. “The prince’s arrival sent them scurrying off, I fear, but I do not think he seemed to mind or notice.”
Ninniel shook her head. “The only thing they were running from was their own embarrassment,” she said. “I will let you return to your work, my love. Legolas and I will be back soon.”
And indeed, as soon as she exited the kitchen, she encountered the gaggle of young kitchen maids waiting in the hall, preparing to re-enter now that the royal Highness had left and gone to bed. 
“Lady Ninniel,” they curtsied to her, appearing only mildly abashed by her witness to their obvious intentions. But this was a small phenomenon Ninniel had grown accustomed to over the years, for it became clear early on that her handsome son elicited rather strong reactions from elleths, often without any encouragement. 
“My lady, if we may…” one of the girls blurted out. “We were wondering… that is, we wanted to make certain… do you know whether or not Lord Haldir…”
“He is not a lord, and he would not appreciate being addressed as one,” Ninniel corrected gently. “And as far as I know, he is not engaged, involved, or taken with anyone at present.” She gazed at the line of hopeful faces and pressed her lips to smother a chuckle. “Any of you are welcome to try and draw his interest, if that is your wish.”
But best of luck, indeed. Ninniel sighed as she departed, leaving the sounds of pitchy giggling behind her as the pack descended on her oblivious son. Whether there was any chance of a maiden in all of the Woodland Realm catching Haldir of Lórien’s eye, much less his elusive heart, she did not know. That hope had certainly not borne any fruit in over a thousand years of matchmaking attempts. But any diversion, any added source of joy outside of his work, his books, or his baking, could only be a good thing. 
Anything beyond that--dare say a betrothal, a marriage, or even a new precious grandchild--was something Ninniel was prepared to be completely surprised with. But a mother will always hope.
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rjzimmerman · 3 months
Excerpt from this story from the New York Times:
For years, politicians, industry groups and environmentalists have argued over which bodies of water in the United States should fall under the jurisdiction of the Clean Water Act, a sweeping law, passed in 1972, that allows the Environmental Protection Agency to limit water pollution. While there’s consensus that the law applies to major rivers and lakes, there’s debate over whether federal protections should apply elsewhere, such as to nearby wetlands or streams that go dry for part of the year.
Environmentalists favor broad protections, arguing that these other bodies of water are important; homebuilders, some industry groups and conservatives oppose what they see as regulatory overreach.
In May 2023, the Supreme Court voted 5 to 4 to restrict the scope of the Clean Water Act, with the majority ruling that the law should apply only to “relatively permanent, standing or continuously flowing bodies of water,” as well as to wetlands that have “a continuous surface connection” to those waters.
That ruling effectively ended federal protections for up to 4.9 million miles of streams that flow only when it rains, according to officials at the E.P.A., which announced in August that it would follow the court’s guidance.
These temporary streams are often overlooked since they may look like unremarkable dry ditches for much of the year, said Jud Harvey, a senior research hydrologist for the United States Geological Survey, who wrote a separate commentary on the Science study. “But when it rains,” he said, “these streams convey a substantial amount of water” that ends up in rivers and lakes.
Mr. Brinkerhoff and his colleagues identified millions of ephemeral streams across the country and used detailed modeling to estimate how much water flows through them.
In the West, ephemeral streams flow only for four to 46 days per year on average, but contribute up to 79 percent of the downstream river flow, the study found. Ephemeral streams contribute roughly 55 percent of the flow in river basins across the contiguous United States, on average.
Mr. Harvey said he was surprised by the amount of water originating from ephemeral streams. “But it is a rigorous and detailed investigation using the best available data in the United States,” he said of the study.
Because so much water passes through these streams, the study notes, it matters greatly whether or not they are polluted. Sediments or excess phosphorus from fertilizer run off on farms could accumulate in dry channels until a heavy rainstorm picks up the pollutants and washes them into larger waterways.
Mr. Brinkerhoff said that the study did not try to quantify how much pollution was actually passing through those streams. That is a subject for future research. But, he said, these streams have a large influence on water quality.
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myremnantarmy · 6 months
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝟐𝟖, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐆𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐥
Holy Thursday -Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Jn 13:1-15
Before the feast of Passover, Jesus knew that his hour had come
to pass from this world to the Father.
He loved his own in the world and he loved them to the end.
The devil had already induced Judas, son of Simon the Iscariot, to hand him over.
So, during supper,
fully aware that the Father had put everything into his power
and that he had come from God and was returning to God,
he rose from supper and took off his outer garments.
He took a towel and tied it around his waist.
Then he poured water into a basin
and began to wash the disciples’ feet
and dry them with the towel around his waist.
He came to Simon Peter, who said to him,
“Master, are you going to wash my feet?”
Jesus answered and said to him,
“What I am doing, you do not understand now,
but you will understand later.”
Peter said to him, “You will never wash my feet.”
Jesus answered him,
“Unless I wash you, you will have no inheritance with me.”
Simon Peter said to him,
“Master, then not only my feet, but my hands and head as well.”
Jesus said to him,
“Whoever has bathed has no need except to have his feet washed,
for he is clean all over;
so you are clean, but not all.”
For he knew who would betray him;
for this reason, he said, “Not all of you are clean.”
So when he had washed their feet
and put his garments back on and reclined at table again,
he said to them, “Do you realize what I have done for you?
You call me ‘teacher’ and ‘master,’ and rightly so, for indeed I am.
If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet,
you ought to wash one another’s feet.
I have given you a model to follow,
so that as I have done for you, you should also do.”
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owlwithanapple · 8 months
Your Hero
He is one of my favorite characters in mha. I want to write a future version of Bakugou Katsuki, I hope you guys will like it. 😘
Part 12.
( Bakugou Katsuki X Y/N )
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When got home, you walked into study room and placed Endeavor's Figure on a glass shelf. You put the books on the desk back on the bookshelf, and Dynamight Figure placed next to the computer.
You originally planned to buy one but he couldn't bear it and instead gave it to you. You admire his Figures with a face full of intoxication, seeing how the hand-made work and high quality show off its details.
Out of curiosity, you on your computer and search for the price and production quantity of the Dynamight Figure. The price listed on official website is so high! Global production only 30 units! The pre-orders are currently full and it won’t be officially launched until next week?
The company that once specialized in producing All Might and Endeavor Figures. The maximum production units of each figure is 50 units. When you check Figure's site, there is a mark with the number 1/30 engraved on it! You were the first to get it!
The official website uploaded a video interview about the cooperation between Dynamight and the sculptor. The sculptor wanted to restore the details of the Figure's movements and equipment, so Dynamight cooperated with the request and put on combat equipment.
This guy is a lot more attentive than you thought! No wonder this company's products are so expensive. They rely on the high level of reproduction and detail. It's worth the price, it's great value for money.
What about the Figure of Endeavor just now? You found out that they are produced by the same company, and the number engraved is 20/20, which is the last one! The model has been officially announced to been discontinued for 2 years and cannot be pre-ordered.
"This should be worth a lot of money if sold..." You had an evil thought, but gave up because you afraid that he would blow you up.
When you are intoxicated with joy, your computer screen displays a message. Sender: Unknown, Content: Video. You watched the video and found out, Why is this video......!
Video content makes you feel actively uncomfortable. You covered your mouth and ran to the toilet to throw up, your body shaking. Why is this video still there?
"Why..." You collapsed on the ground, hugging yourself and crying.
You wake up from a nightmare, sweating and shaking all over. Last night you cried in toilet until you fell asleep. You remembered that you felt uncomfortable after watching the video last night, so you kept hiding in the toilet and crying.
You stood up and leaned in front of the wash basin, taking a deep breath slowly. Last night's video made you have bad memories, so you were a little out of control. Damn it! Makes you feel sick just thinking about it now. But why hasn’t the video been destroyed yet…
"Fuck..." You clenched your fists angrily and gasped.
Suddenly your phone rang again. You hurried to the study room the phone showed the contact was the police. You calm down and answer the call, they ask you to assist in the investigation at 12pm Tartarus.
Special Prison For Villain Criminals - Tartarus is a prison distanced from civilization where extremely dangerous Villains are imprisoned and interrogated under the highest security standards possible.
You answering the phone, you go to the kitchen to make coffee and put it on the table before sitting on the sofa to rest. Close your eyes and cover your ears with your hands, not wanting to hear any sound, because now will make you feel suffocated.
After calming down, you reach out your right hand to get a cup of coffee, but your hand is still sweating and shaking. You grab right arm with your left hand and tell yourself to calm down.
"Damn..." You covered your head, wanting to cry.
You take out a brand new hero costume, a dark blue cape, all black clothes, a blue skirt, white gloves and white boots. The design this time refers to All Might Young Age Costume. You prefer a cape-style design than wings.
Forget about the video for now, there are more important things to do now. You are suddenly asked to assist in the investigation, which means there is something wrong with Tartarus. You're ready to go straight away.
12pm Special Prison For Villain Criminals - Tartarus Entrance
When you arrived saw Shoto and Froppy standing at the entrance, you stepped forward say hello to them. They also gathered here after receiving notification from the police this morning.
The details haven't been explained yet, but the tone sounds like it's an emergency. While you were talking to Shoto, you felt Froppy staring at you.
"What's wrong, Froppy?" you asked her curiously.
"Kero, just call me Tsuyu chan. Wind Chan, you look bad. Are you okay?" Froppy looked at your face.
"I'm fine. Maybe I didn't sleep well yesterday..." You smiled at her.
"Kero..." Froppy is still staring at your face.
"Go in first." Shoto said calmly.
The three of you go in together, there are two guards at the door who lead you to the conference room. When arrived theroom opened the door saw a tall man with a dog face named Tsuragamae Kenji.
The other four heroes present are Dynamight, Deku, Uravity and Hawks. Kenji asked the three latecomers to sit down first. He left to get documents and then came back to start the meeting.
"Kero, do you know something?" Froppy was confused.
"I don't know...Kenji said we can't start talking until everyone is here." Deku said.
"Now we can only wait for Kenji to say." Uravity said.
You sat next to Dynamight waiting for Kenji to come back for the meeting. Dynamight said nothing and just kept looking at you. You felt uncomfortable and asked him in a low voice.
"What?" You asked coldly.
"You didn't answer my call. I thought you would get rid of me if I gave you those valuable things." He said helplessly.
"Sorry I fell asleep. I promise to pick up next time." You raised your right hand and swore.
"Did something happen? You shaking." He grabbed your right hand and asked.
"It's okay!" You pulled your hand back in a panic, squeezing your own hands.
Kenji walked in and handed the file to the heroes present. You took the file and flipped through the contents. They were the citizen (name Gen) who went on a rampage last time and the Villain (name Koe) whose dagger was poisonous and Quirks the voice.
"Now that everyone is here, I'll start what I want to say." Kenji said.
Kenji turned on the screen and played the news report at that time first. It's a video of Gen and Koe being interrogated. You hear what they say and you wonder why it's the way it is.
What is mentioned in the video is that both of them were detained without remembering what happened that day. Gen is an ordinary citizen so he is still undergoing treatment, while Koe is temporarily detained because of her criminal record.
"Hey, dog face. What is this?" Dynamight pinched the document.
"Don't remember what happened that day?" Shoto asked confused.
"Are the denying ?" Deku asked seriously.
"It's useless to deny it. We arrested them on the spot." Uravity said.
"Kero...their reaction doesn't look like faking it," Froppy said.
"I don't know whether it's true or not, but still trying to defend themselves..." Hawks said calmly.
"The current situation between the two of them is one of denial and ignorance." You said.
"Yes, I am also very confused. Neither of them can explain what happened that day. But please look at the documents in your hands. It contains reports on their interrogation, confessions and physical examinations. According to the analysis, they have the same drug component in their bodies." Kenji opened the file and flipped through it.
"Drugs?" Uravity asked.
"Kero...could it be that they happen to be taking the same medicine? Like fever medicine." Froppy raised his hand and asked.
"The ingredients contain stimulants." Suddenly there was a deep voice.
"You….." You looked at a man wearing a black mask standing in the corner with confusion.
"Overhaul!?" Deku was surprised.
Chisaki Kai,also known as Overhaul, the former Yakuza leader of the Shie Hassaikai.
"Yes, he is an analyst. In exchange, he will help us when we need him." Kenji answered.
"Can trust him?" Uravity stared at him.
"I'm just telling the truth. My ability allows me to break it down and put it back together again. So I know." Overhaul said.
"What do you want to say?" Shoto asked.
"These two people may have suffered memory impairment and Quirks loss due to overdose of some kind of drug."
"Is there a chance of coincidence like Froppy said?" Hawks asked.
"If the fever medicine had stimulants, the patient would have died a long time ago. First of all, they have no memory of the incident. Secondly, according to the police investigation, Gen has awakened Quirks since he was a child. Thirdly, the poisonous component of Koe's dagger was synthesized through chemical experiments. ” Overhaul analyzed the content calmly.
"After synthesis..." You whispered.
"First meeting, Wind Breaker. Let me tell you the fact first. You were listed as a special case when you entered the hospital. The doctor is not treating you with ordinary detoxification, but "cleaning". The ingredients contain chemical synthesis ingredients, so the surgery class requires “cleaning up” is called treatment." Overhaul explains the unknown to you.
"Kero...it means someone borrowing a knife to kill someone." Froppy was worried.
"The hell!" Dynamight said.
"Someone secretly making this kind of thing." Deku whispered.
"Know the origin of the ingredients?" Shoto asked.
"These are ingredients that come from the realm of illicit research. Things that our society generally doesn't see and doesn't use." Overhaul explained.
"Now we can only start investigating from the drug." Uravity said.
"I'd like to add that this is a conversation I had with them. They didn't remember what medications they took that day. It's possible that they took the medication themselves, or it was possible that someone inadvertently injected it." Overhaul clicked on the video to play .
"There are these possibilities." You sigh.
"So I summoned you all in the hope that we can keep this matter confidential for the time being and conduct a private investigation. If we directly launch a comprehensive operation, maybe the mastermind behind will escape." Kenji said seriously.
"Dogface, one is in prison and the other is at home, right?" Dynamight asked.
"Correct." Kenji replied.
"Dig out whatever the fuck can from them!" Dynamight shouted.
"No. 1 is right. We may not be able to ask questions through normal interrogation. But maybe we can do it in another way." Hawks agreed.
"Then I'll interrogate Koe. I'll talk to her face-to-face and maybe I can find out something." You vote by a show of hands.
"Kero...then let Dynamight...better Deku interrogate Gen." Froppy said.
"Damn it! I'll blow you up!" Dynamight shouted.
"Then I will make arrangements now, please wait." Kenji left the conference room to make arrangements.
You look through the files to see if you missed any clues. It's so strange, except that they don't have the memory. If someone really caused trouble, wouldn't it be declaring war on heroes...
According to police investigation, Gen has awakened Quirks since he was a child. But when you were on the rescue mission that day, he had no idea about his Quirks.
He will attack you when he is confused and frightened with his hands. Wait, those hands? The force he used to strangle your neck was very strong. Could it be the power of the drug to invigorate the body?
You clutched your neck and thought calmly. According to Overhaul, the drug contains a mix of stimulants. Gen's physical power and the poison of Koe dagger…..
"You're pretty good-looking." Overhaul said suddenly, standing next to you.
"Huh?" You were surprised because he walked over quietly.
"Have you figured it out?" Overhaul asked you.
"Yes, there are indeed unusual signs." You replied calmly.
"Kero...Wind chan, what do you mean?" Froppy asked.
"Say it!" Dynamight shouted.
"What Overhaul said is understandable. I have met them both and found something strange." You explain.
"What's strange?" Deku asked.
"Dynamight, do you remember when Gen strangled me, I tell you that Gen's power was extraordinary?" You looked at Dynamight.
"Yeah, I remember." Dynamight replied.
"His Quirks are transfer not power-type. But the moment he strangled me, I felt as if I was suffocated and about to die, as if my neck was a branch about to be broken by him." You explain.
"Really?" Uravity wondered.
"What she said is true. I checked her neck and there was indeed a deep red mark. His strength is no joke." Dynamight said.
"The poison from Koe's dagger. The poison spread quickly. I felt that my vision, breathing and strength were almost gone. But I still have self-awareness and can continue to think." You said.
"You were still able to think during the time when you used the storm to blow up the upstairs. This means that the poison was used to take away your vision, breathing and strength in order to suspend your body's movements." Shoto said.
"The head can think, but the whole body cannot function." Hawks said.
"That's right, smart woman." Overhaul praised you.
"Kero... things are more complicated than imagined." Froppy said.
"Overhaul, let me ask another question." You looked at him.
"Yes." Overhaul said.
"Are there any traces of injection on their bodies?" you asked.
"What a quick mind. Yes, Gen showed signs of being injected, but Koe did not. This shows that Gen and Koe became experimental subjects for the drug." Overhaul said.
"Is it possible?" Uravity raised his hand and asked.
"Fuck! Anything is possible!" Dynamight slapped the table.
"Kacchan?" Deku was startled.
"Idiot! Think about it in another way! Don't always think of them as victims or perpetrators! The investigation report pointed out their identity and background! Gen's guy has been working hard in a company for 10 years but never been promoted or received a salary increase. That woman Koe has a history of robbery and was sentenced to 3 years without a job after being released from prison, but she has a stable income!" Dynamight pointed to the report and explained.
"Kero….what does this prove?" Froppy asked.
"Part-time job?" You said suddenly and unintentionally.
"Drug testers. There are two opinions. In the light society are legal and have medical insurance, so they can sell legal drugs in society. In the dark society are classified according to the risk of the drug and value judgments." Overhaul explained.
"They are volunteers. After all, a person with a stable job but no high income and a person without a job but with a stable income does need a lot of money." Hawks said.
"Wind Breaker, you've noticed, right? That girl Koe's dagger is made of super high-quality material. That guy Gen’s shirt and watch he's wearing are famous brands." Dynamight said.
"Yes. I remembered." You said.
"Are your two heads one?" Overhaul suddenly asked.
"Shut your fucking mouth! Black mask!" Dynamight shouted.
"Everyone. I have arranged the schedule for you to discuss later." Kenji opened the conference room and walked in.
"That's none of my business. I'll go back to work first." Overhaul prepared to leave.
"Overhaul, one last question. Are the poisonous components in my body mixed with the same things as theirs?" You asked.
"Why do you feel that way?" Overhaul approached you.
"I don't understand. But for a moment I felt my strength a bit different." You answered.
"Yes. It's slight, but if your body can bear it, it means a special constitution." Overhaul said.
"The fuck!" Dynamight was surprised.
"Thank you for your answer. I will come back to you if necessary." You smiled.
"You're always welcome, Wind Breaker." Overhaul suddenly approached you.
"Hey, what are you doing?" As soon as he approaches you, you immediately step back.
"Tempest, this is not the first time we have met." Overhaul whispered into your ear.
You have an impression of this nickname. Someone once called you that. But when did it happen? Why does he know this word? Why would he say that word to you?
After Overhaul finished speaking, he left the room and left you alone. What he just said about "Tempest" and "It's not the first time we met" gave you some impression. Because the first time you saw him you almost said "Kai".
But you have no idea where you saw it. Have you really seen it? Your memory was still a little hazy but still conscious. Just losing a little memory isn't a problem.
Losing your past memories has caused you to have a habit of self-doubt now. Memories, confusions and questions are always on your mind. But now you just have to accept not to continue to think wildly.
"Hey!" Dynamight grabbed your shoulders from behind.
"What!" You slap him away and step back.
"Kero...what's wrong?" Froppy asked confused.
"Oh! Nothing! I was thinking about something and didn't notice him behind me." You explained with a smile.
You followed the others out of the conference room, leaving Dynamight alone. The first time you refused his physical contact. He had doubts about what Overhaul said quietly to you just now and felt something was wrong.
"The hell..." Dynamight held the file tightly.
Kenji arranged for you to interview Koe, while Deku arranged for an interview with Gen. You sat in the interrogation room waiting for Koe. You and Koe will be talking through a layer of glass.
There will be monitoring and recording during the interview. Therefore, both parties must communicate carefully. You really hoped that Koe would be willing to cooperate because Kenji had mentioned that Koe insisted that she didn't know anything.
"Damn it, a psychological warfare." You sat on the chair and thought.
There is also a layer of glass behind you. Behind the glass are Dynamight, Hawks and Kenji listening to your conversation. If they are suspicious they will send you a signal.
This is when Koe walks in and sits across from you. Her expression was very calm, unlike before. Her wrists were cuffed, but there were signs of struggle, indicating that she had been emotionally agitated. Ask calmly and carefully.
"Won't you introduce yourself?" Koe suddenly asked.
"I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me. Hello, my name is Wind Breaker. I have a few questions want to consult with you, and I hope you can give me a chance." You put your hands on the table.
"I told the police everything I needed to say. I don't remember what happened that day." Koe said.
"I know, I've read the report." You said calmly.
"Then why are you here?" Koe asked.
On the other side of the interrogation room—
"Wind Breaker very calm..." Kenji was watching your interrogation process from the other side.
"What the hell was she thinking?" Hawks asked.
"She wanted to try psychological warfare. That's why she was so calm." Dynamight said.
You and Koe side—
Ordinary conversation cannot yield any information. Koe's expression management is simply invisible. She didn't make any small movements with her hands. It's really a tricky thing, and now we can only rely on that method to find a breakthrough.
"How much do you earn per month?" You ask.
"Huh? This has nothing to do with the case." Koe replied.
"Yes, I'm just curious , no other meaning. Can you answer me?" you asked.
"I may refuse, I will not answer questions that are not related to the case." Koe said.
"I wasn't asking about the case from the beginning." You said.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Koe's fingers began to move.
"The first thing I said was consultation. I never said I wanted to discuss the case with you." You said.
"What do you want? Don't be too quick-thinking. Just say what you have to say." Koe asked.
"This is what you said, I hope you can bear it." You said.
On the other side of the interrogation room—
"That girl started nervous ." Dynamight said.
"I don't understand." Kenji and Hawks said.
"Stupid! Watch it yourself!" Dynamight yelled.
You and Koe side—
You stayed silent and focused on everything Koe was doing. The interrogation room was air-conditioned, but she was already sweating, her fingers were shaking slightly, and her brows were wrinkled. Stick to this point now.
"You know me." You said.
"I don't know you." Koe's eyes weren't focused on you.
"The basic courtesy when speaking is to look people in the eyes. A little education, okay?" you said.
"Damn bastard...it's not your turn to teach me." Koe glared at you.
"I'm not teaching you. I'm warning you," you said.
"I'll kill you now!" Koe stood up and shouted.
"You’re welcome to kill me. But you will be dead in an hour anyway." You said.
"Huh? What are you talking about? You want to murder me?Wind Breaker." Koe asked.
"I don't have to, you will die naturally." You said.
"What the hell are you talking about! Tell me clearly!" Koe shouted.
"Didn't the police tell you? He’s dead..." you said.
"What does his death have to do with me?" Koe asked nervously.
"I'm hungry. I'm going to have lunch first." You stood up and said.
"Hey! How did he die! Tell me!" Koe shouted.
"What for? His death has nothing to do with you." You said.
"I..." Koe became nervous.
"Right, then I won't hide it from you. He had the same drug in his body as you. That drug contained a stimulant and a lethal ingredient. To put it simply, the stimulant ignited the lethal ingredient, causing him to have seizures and eventually die violently. "You say.
"No... doesn't mean it's harmless?" Koe started to get scared.
"What?" you ask.
"He said it was harmless, just would lose the memory after the medication! He didn't say would die!" Koe cried.
"The higher the reward, the higher the risk. Are you ignorant?" you said.
"Fuck..." Koe said.
"Can you tell me? At least I can avenge you." You said.
"Actually... the man named Gen and I took over the job of testing drugs because we were short of money. The man picked us up that day was masked and wearing a white coat, so we couldn't see his face, so we didn't know who he was.They asked me to get into the car with mask on, so I didn’t know where I was going. The whole process was done in the car without being able to see the person or place." Koe said frankly.
"How did you get the job?" you ask.
"There's mail coming to my house." Koe said.
"What did the masked man say?" you asked.
"Just tell us the reward, that the drug is not fatal and there will be no memory after taking the drug." Koe said.
"Did you see the car?" you ask.
"Before I got in the car, I saw it was a small black car," Koe said.
"I see...I feel so sorry for you, life is so small." You said.
"You must catch them for me! I will never forgive him! He fucking lied on me!" Koe banged the table hard.
"I promise you, I won't let him do whatever he wants." You said.
On the other side of the interrogation room—
"Wow, she knows..." Hawks said.
"Yes, I admire it." Kenji said.
"If you “don't bite the bullet” with this kind of person, your questions asking for a long time won't get any answers." Dynamight said.
Dynamight admires you in his heart, you didn't waver during the interrogation. You will also pick up the fatal points let her reveal the information herself. But he knows very well that this is not the only thing that is scary about you.
"The interrogation is over, you can stop, Wind Breaker." Kenji reported.
You and Koe side—
"Thank you very much for your cooperation. I hope you won't be so confused again in the future." You stood up and prepared to leave.
"Future, I will die soon..." Koe cried.
"I lied to you, you will be tried but don't know what the conclusion will be." You said.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Koe looks at you.
"Everything I just said was a lie to you, otherwise you wouldn't have given me the information obediently. I believe the reward also includes hush money." You said.
"How dare you lie to me, you damn bitch!" Koe scolded you.
"There is something called psychological warfare. Although it includes deception, this is also the scope of my work. It is aimed at dishonest people like you." You said.
"I will definitely kill you when I get out of prison!" Koe shouted.
"Try it. Believe it or not, I'm going to punish you a little bit more." You said.
"Damn! Insidious woman!" Koe said.
"I think you're complimenting me." You said.
"Wind Breaker, you are more difficult than you thought." Koe said.
"Well.Thanks for your cooperation." You leave.
You leave the interrogation room Dynamight standing next to the door. Hawks and Kenji went to the office to handle the interrogation. You stood next to Dynamight and stayed with him.
"Why you so close?" Dynamight asked.
"I just want to stick with you." You whispered.
"Haha, that mouth so damn sweet. But good job, I'm impressed by you." Dynamight said.
"Thank you." You smile.
"What do you have to tell me?" Dynamight asked.
"You're thinking too much." You were afraid that he would alienate you if he found out about the video, you chose to hide it.
You left him and went to the office alone to find Kenji to help you read the interrogation report just now. You were really afraid that if you recalled the memory and that video, he would completely withdraw from your life.
If he knew, you might not be able to stay with him anymore. You think about the past memories, may not be able to accept it. You must have been scarred at that time.
"Hey!" Dynamight shouted loudly from behind.
"The hell?" You turned around to look.
"Listen to me! If you are afraid of something, you must tell me! Don't hide it from me! Do you know? Idiot! I will protect you!" Dynamight suddenly declared to you.
"In what capacity do you protect me?" You approached and stood in front of him.
"You know." Dynamight holding your hand..
"I want to rest." You leaned against his chest and closed your eyes.
"You are special to me. You can come to me anytime you want. You know it." Dynamight stroked your hair.
"Will you be my exclusive hero?" You whispered.
"Hahaha, do you hope?" Dynamight put his arm around your waist.
Why is he so gentle? Really love this moment. He is completely yours at this moment. You are very happy that no matter what, he will always be your support.
"I hope so." You smiled.
With him by your side, you tell yourself must retrieve your past memories. Even if you can't bear to look back, no matter how scared you are. Trust him no matter what, he will definitely protect you.
Part 12 end.
*If you have any ideas, you can leave them in the comment section, and I will try to add in the story.*
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Hope you all had a fun and safe New Year's Eve! This month we will be talking about my favorite rock formation: the Morrison and today we will specifically be discussing the sauropods. The Morrison Formation is probably best known for the many sauropods found in it but are there too many? We don't really have an analogue today to compare to. The closest is the African savanna and but the megafauna there is very different from each other.
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Let's look at a list of the sauropods found in the Morrison Formation:
Haplocanthosaurus (possibly 2 species)
Maraapunisaurus (now lost)
Apatosaurus (3 species)
Atlantosaurus (dubious)
Brontosaurus (3 species)
Barosaurus (2 species)
Diplodocus (3 species)
Seismosaurus (considered a species of Diplodocus by some)
Galeamopus (2 species)
Camarasaurus (5 species)
That's 32 different sauropods. Imagine 32 different elephant species/genus' living all together on the African savanna. That's a lot for one environment but we're gonna dive in and see if this really is too much.
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The Morrison Formation covers an area of 1.5 million square kilometers (600,000 square miles)
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and spans over 10 million years.
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That changes things. Now, let's start seeing where everything falls. First, we're going to remove sauropods that are dubious, unknown, or lost. Basically, ones that probably don't exist or can't be proven to exist. That removes 6 of them.
Then we look at where each of them was found. Outcrops of Morrison with dinosaur fossils have been found in 7 different states: South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Oklahoma.
South Dakota has one sauropod: Barosaurus lentus. Okay, that's not too bad.
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New Mexico also only has one sauropod as well, Seismosaurus hallorum. Now, some paleontologists believe it's a species of Diplodocus but that's not important for this post.
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(Fun fact, this model is in the Montana Dinosaur Center where I worked last summer and I totally got to sleep under it. I know, I'm a nerd).
Speaking of Montana, it has two sauropods, Suuwassea
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and Camarasaurus grandis.
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Again, not too bad numbers wise. Oklahoma also has two sauropods: Barosaurus lentus and Camarasaurus supremus.
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Then we have Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming. Utah has 8 sauropods: Apataosaurus louisae, Brontosaurus parvus, Barosaurus lentus, Diplodocus hallorum, Camarasaurus annae, Camarasaurus lentus, and Dystrophaeus.
Colorado has 12 sauropods: Haplocanthosaurus, Smitanosaurus, Amphicoelias, Apatosaurus ajax, Apataosaurus louisae, Galeamopus pabsti, Supersaurus, Brachiosaurus, Camarasaurus grandis, Camarasaurus lewisi, and Camarasaurus supremus.
FInally, Wyoming has 14 sauropods: Haplocanthosaurus, Dyslocosaurus, Brontosaurus excelsus, Brontosaurus parvus, Brontosaurus yahrahpin, Diplodocus carnegii, Diplodocus hallorum, Galeamopus hayi, Galeamopus pabsti, Kaatedocus, Supersaurus, and Camarasaurus lentus.
Now, those numbers are little less believable. Let's take these three states and break them down more. Time. Each of these states has multiple members (layers I will discuss in another post later) that represent different stages in time during the Late Jurassic Period.
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We will specifically be looking at the Tidwell, Salt Wash and Brushy Basin Members. Some of these can be broken down even more.
Utah: Dystrophaeus is the oldest sauropod, found in the Tidwell Member.
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Diplodocus hallorum is found in the Salt Wash Member and the lowest Brushy Basin Member.
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Brontosaurus parvus is also found in the Salt Wash Member while Camarasaurus lentus is found only in the lower Brushy Basin.
Finally, in the upper Brushy Basin we have Barosaurus and Apatasaurus louisae.
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So that means one lived at the beginning of the Late Jurassic, two lived in the lower middle, two lived in upper middle, and two lived in the latest Jurassic. Again, not bad.
Let's do the same for Colorado. Camarasaurus lewisi was in the Tidwell Member (probably), Camarasaurus grandis and Brachiosaurus are found in the Salt Wash Member ( though Brachiosaurus can also be found in Brushy Basin) and the other eight are found in the Brushy Basin (Camarasaurus supremus and Supersaurus are only found at the very end).
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That means one was alive in the early late Jurassic, two in the early middle Late Jurassic, nine in the Brushy Basin and two at the latest Jurassic. Possibly a bit but still better than 32.
Then there's Wyoming. No Tidwell there, but four are found in the Salt Wash Member (Brontosaurus parvus and yahrahpin, Diplodocus hallorum, and Kaatedocus), one appears only in the lower Brushy Basin (D. hallorum), one only appears in the upper Brushy Basin (Supersaurus) and the other 6 are found in the Brushy Basin Member (though one might actually be lower Cretaceous. Cedar Mountain Formation looks way too similar to Morrison for our sanity). Again, smaller numbers are better.
The other thing to keep in mind with numbers: we hardly find sauropods in great numbers. The exceptions like Dinosaur National Monument show a catastrophic burial event and it's highly unlikely that all those dinosaurs died together at the same time.
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But it's not just numbers. What about the environment? There is this terrible misconception that the Morrison was this semi-arid wasteland savanna but that is only true in one area: on the Colorado Plateau. It's due to the Plateau's popularity with geologists and paleontologists, it is a well-studied area. Most of the Morrison was lush, wet forests. At the site I work at we have tons of petrified wood and cycads in the entire layer.
Lake Too'dichi' was a saline lake just like the Great Salt Lake (about the same size too) and yes, it was an inhospitible place for animals just like the Great Salt Lake but guess what? NONE OF OUR SITES ARE NEAR THE LAKE. Imagine that. No dinosaurs near the big salty lake. However, near the receding Sundance Sea? In the big green forests? Yeah, crap loads of dinosaurs found there and each one filling a different niche.
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So, the reality is, no. There are not too many sauropods in the Morrison Formation. They were prolific and lived for a very long time co-existing and evolving side by side.
Whew...that was a long post. Hope you learned something new!
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28th March >> Fr. Martin's Reflections / Homilies on Today's Mass Readings (Inc. John 13:1-15) for Holy Thursday (B) : ‘He began to wash his disciples’ feet’.
Holy Thursday
Gospel (Except USA) John 13:1-15 Now he showed how perfect his love was.
It was before the festival of the Passover, and Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to pass from this world to the Father. He had always loved those who were his in the world, but now he showed how perfect his love was.
They were at supper, and the devil had already put it into the mind of Judas Iscariot son of Simon, to betray him. Jesus knew that the Father had put everything into his hands, and that he had come from God and was returning to God, and he got up from table, removed his outer garment and, taking a towel, wrapped it round his waist; he then poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel he was wearing. He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, ‘Lord, are you going to wash my feet?’ Jesus answered, ‘At the moment you do not know what I am doing, but later you will understand.’ ‘Never!’ said Peter ‘You shall never wash my feet.’ Jesus replied, ‘If I do not wash you, you can have nothing in common with me.’ ‘Then, Lord,’ said Simon Peter ‘not only my feet, but my hands and my head as well!’ Jesus said, ‘No one who has taken a bath needs washing, he is clean all over. You too are clean, though not all of you are.’ He knew who was going to betray him, that was why he said, ‘though not all of you are.’
When he had washed their feet and put on his clothes again he went back to the table. ‘Do you understand’ he said ‘what I have done to you? You call me Master and Lord, and rightly; so I am. If I, then, the Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you should wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example so that you may copy what I have done to you.’
Gospel (USA) John 13:1–15 Jesus loved them to the end.
Before the feast of Passover, Jesus knew that his hour had come to pass from this world to the Father. He loved his own in the world and he loved them to the end. The devil had already induced Judas, son of Simon the Iscariot, to hand him over. So, during supper, fully aware that the Father had put everything into his power and that he had come from God and was returning to God, he rose from supper and took off his outer garments. He took a towel and tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and dry them with the towel around his waist. He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Master, are you going to wash my feet?” Jesus answered and said to him, “What I am doing, you do not understand now, but you will understand later.” Peter said to him, “You will never wash my feet.” Jesus answered him, “Unless I wash you, you will have no inheritance with me.” Simon Peter said to him, “Master, then not only my feet, but my hands and head as well.” Jesus said to him, “Whoever has bathed has no need except to have his feet washed, for he is clean all over; so you are clean, but not all.” For he knew who would betray him; for this reason, he said, “Not all of you are clean.”
So when he had washed their feet and put his garments back on and reclined at table again, he said to them, “Do you realize what I have done for you? You call me ‘teacher’ and ‘master,’ and rightly so, for indeed I am. If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet. I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do.”
Reflections (4)
(i) Holy Thursday
I have a print of a painting of the scene in this evening’s gospel reading of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples at the last supper. It is by a German artist named Sieger Koder who died nine years ago at the age of 90. He was a prisoner of war during World War II. Having worked as an artist for many years, he went on to study for the priesthood and was ordained in his late forties. He combined his vocation as a priest with his work as an artist, and continued painting well into his retirement. The focus of his painting of this evening’s gospel reading is on Jesus and Peter. A kneeling Jesus is bent over a bowl of dirty looking water and the seated Peter has his feet in the water. Peter has his left hand raised in protest at Jesus wanting to wash his feet, ‘Never’, he says in our gospel reading, ‘you shall never wash my feet’. He is outraged that Jesus is performing for him a task that would normally be reserved to slaves. Peter’s strong protest is matched by Jesus’ strong insistence, ‘If I do not wash you, you can have nothing in common with me’. Peter’s eventual surrender to Jesus’ desire to wash his feet is depicted in the painting by Peter’s right hand which is at rest on Jesus’ shoulder. The artist doesn’t show the face of Jesus directly, only his back, but his face is reflected in the dirty water where Peter’s feet rest.
A painting that comes from the soul of an artist can speak more powerfully than words alone. Peter felt unworthy of this menial expression of Jesus’s service of him. We can all be like Peter. We feel unworthy of the Lord’s loving service. We struggle to receive the Lord’s gift of himself. Sometimes we have to learn like Peter to let go to the Lord and to allow him to serve us in the way he chooses. It is was difficult for Peter to accept that Jesus, his Lord and Master, could relate to him like a slave. No doubt Peter would have said, ‘It is your feet I should be washing’. Yet, this is the way that the Lord has chosen to serve us all. He gets down on his knees for us to demonstrate the depth of his love for us. What Jesus did at the last supper anticipated what he would do the following day on Calvary. At the supper, he laid down his garments to wash his disciples’ feet. On Calvary, he laid down his life to wash all of humanity in his love. Just as he humbled himself to wash the feet of his disciples, so he would humble himself even more when he submitted to death on a cross for each us all. The Lord who emptied himself to wash the feet of his disciples is the same Lord who emptied himself on the cross for each one of us. We can each say with Saint Paul, ‘I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me’. Like Peter, we can struggle to accept the way the Lord empties himself, humbles himself, in love for me personally. We can have our own way of saying Peter’s ‘Never’, ‘not me’. Yet, the Lord would be as insistent with us as he was with Peter, refusing to take our ‘Never’ for an answer.
The Lord who washed the feet of his disciples at the last supper also did something else, as Saint Paul reminds us in the second reading. He gave himself, his body and blood, to his disciples, under the form of bread and wine. Like the washing of his disciples’ feet, this too anticipated what he would do the following day on Calvary. On the cross he gave his body and his blood as an expression of his love for us; he emptied himself for us. At the last supper, he brought forward this self-emptying love by giving himself, his body and blood, under the form of the bread and wine on the table. Just as he insisted that his disciples allow him to wash their feet, he now insisted that they eat the bread and drink the wine, which he identified with himself. They are to receive this gift of himself. His command to ‘do this as a memorial of me’ meant that the Last Supper was also the beginning of what we call the Eucharist. At every Eucharist, the Lord gives himself to us under the form of bread and wine. The Lord’s self-emptying love, expressed fully on Calvary, is present to us at every Eucharist, as it was present at the Last Supper. When we take the bread of the Eucharist and eat it, we are entering into communion with the Lord’s self-giving love. We are allowing ourselves to be caught up into the Lord’s servant love for us, and, in entering into communion with the Lord, we also enter into communion with one another.
Having received the Lord’s love at the Eucharist, we are then sent out to share that love with one another, to give as we have received. We are to wash each other’s feet, whatever form that might take. Such acts of self-giving love are to be found throughout the homes of this parish. The spirit of Holy Thursday is alive among us, and for this we give thanks.
(ii) Holy Thursday
We can learn a lot from the way that children express their faith. Those of us who are adults tend to think of ourselves as the children’s teachers. Yet, they can teach us a lot, especially when it comes to our relationship with God. Their spontaneous openness to the Lord when they are very young can touch our own faith and help to deepen it.
On one occasion in the gospel story the disciples of Jesus were trying to block parents from bringing their children to Jesus. They were clearly of the view that children should be neither seen nor heard. The evangelist tells us that Jesus was indignant with his disciples and said to them, ‘Let the children come to me; do not stop them… Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will not enter it’. Jesus was saying to his disciples – ‘Look at the children and learn from them. They have a lot to teach you about receiving the gift of the kingdom of God’. Children know how to receive the gift of God. Their openness to the gift of God can help to open up all of our hearts to the Lord’s presence and call in our own lives.
The meaning of Holy Thursday could be summed up in the word ‘gift’. At the last supper Jesus gave his disciples the gift of himself in loving service. He did this in two ways. Firstly, he washed their feet. This was a menial task that servants in a household usually performed. In washing the feet of his disciples, Jesus was showing that he was their servant, our servant. We usually think of Jesus as Lord. ‘Jesus is Lord’ is one of the great Christian confessions. How can a Lord do the work of a servant? This was why Peter objected to what Jesus was doing – ‘you will never wash my feet’. Peter, unlike children, could not receive the gift of Jesus’ service. However, Jesus was showing by this gesture that he exercises his lordship not by ruling and dominating but by serving, by giving the gift of himself. It was by giving the gift of himself to us that he became our Lord. In laying down his garments to wash the feet of his disciples, Jesus was anticipating the greater gift he would give them the following day, when he would lay down his life for them and for us on the cross.
The second way that Jesus gave the gift of himself to his disciples at that last supper was when he gave himself to them under the form of bread and wine. Taking bread, he blessed it and gave it to them saying, ‘Take and eat’. Taking a cup of wine, he blessed it and gave it to them and said, ‘Take and drink’. Like the washing of their feet, that gift of himself under the form of bread and wine anticipated the gift of himself that he would make to them and to all of us the following day on the cross. In allowing Jesus to wash their feet and in taking the bread and the cup, the disciples were receiving the gift of himself that Jesus would give them from the cross. In receiving that gift they would never be the same again. They would now have to give as they had received.
Jesus intended that what happened at the last supper would be the shape of the church forever, the shape of our own lives. The last supper was not just a once off event. When he had washed feet of his disciples, he said to them, ‘Do as I have done… love one another as I have loved you’. As he has served us, we are to serve one another, and in serving one another, the Lord continues to serve us in and through each other. In giving the bread and cup to his disciples he said to them, ‘Do this in memory of me’. We are to repeat the words and actions over the bread and cup, and in doing that the Lord will continue to give himself to us under the form of bread and wine. This is what we do when we celebrate the Eucharist. Both of those commands that Jesus gave at the last supper are important: ‘Love one another as I have loved you’, and ‘Do this in memory of me’. A life of service and the celebration of the Eucharist are both at the heart of what it means to be the Lord’s followers. At the Eucharist we receive again the Lord’s gift of himself that he made to us on the cross, and in receiving that gift we find the strength to live faithfully the call to love one another as he has loved us.
(iii) Holy Thursday
All four gospels agree that Jesus was crucified on a Friday, the day before the Jewish Sabbath. All of the gospels agree that, on the previous evening, Thursday evening, Jesus had a final meal with his disciples. We call that meal the Last Supper. We commemorate the Last Supper every time we celebrate Mass. However, at this Mass which we celebrate on Holy Thursday evening, we commemorate the Last Supper in a very focused way. That is why only this Holy Thursday Mass is called the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
The earliest reference to the Last Supper, the oldest reference, is to be found in this evening’s second reading. In that reading, Paul reminds the church in Corinth of the tradition about that Last Supper that he had earlier passed on to them by word of mouth, when he first preached the gospel among them. ‘This is what I received from the Lord, and in turn passed on to you’. The memory of that Last Supper was one of the most precious traditions of the church. It was a precious tradition because of what happened at that Last Supper, what Jesus did. However, in that reading, before describing what Jesus did at the Last Supper, Paul refers to what was done to Jesus. Paul initially refers to that evening as ‘the night he (Jesus) was betrayed’. This was the dark side of that evening. One of Jesus’ closest disciples, one of the Twelve, one of that group in whom Jesus had invested so much of himself betrayed Jesus that evening to his enemies. Yet, the shadow that was cast over that evening did not define it. It was not defined in the memory of the early church by an Judas’ act of betrayal. It was defined by Jesus’ act of love. It is that act of love that we commemorate and celebrate this Holy Thursday evening.
What was that act of love? There were indeed two acts of love that defined that evening. One is described by the evangelist John in this evening’s gospel reading and the other is described by the apostle Paul in this evening’s second reading. The first of Jesus’ acts of love we are about to re-enact in a few moments. Very often, in the culture of Jesus, a host would give his guests a bowl of water to wash the dust of the streets and paths off their feet. It was considered an fitting act of hospitality. It would never happen that the host himself would wash the feet of his guests. If the host was wealthy, he might get one of his slaves to wash their feet, but he would never do it himself. What Jesus did at that Last Supper in washing the feet of his guests, his disciples, was something completely out of the ordinary. It was totally unconventional. Peter’s reaction to what Jesus was doing was perfectly understandable, ‘You shall never wash my feet’. Yet, Jesus’ insistence was stronger than Peter’s resistance. This was how Jesus wanted to relate to his disciples. He wanted to serve them in this very menial way, as it would have been understood then. He wanted to empty himself in their service. He was treating them with great respect and dignity. He was giving himself in love for them, for all of them, Judas included. We have to see those disciples as representing all future disciples, all of us here this evening. The way Jesus relates to them is how he wants to relate to us all. The Lord’s self-emptying love embraces us all. In laying aside his garment to empty himself in love for his disciples, Jesus was anticipating what he would do on the following afternoon. Then, his garments would be taken from him by his enemies and Jesus would empty himself in love on the cross for all of humanity. This evening we celebrate the extent to which Jesus gave of himself for us all, at the Last Supper and on the cross. We are invited to do what Peter was so reluctant to do, to receive the Lord’s love in the way the Lord wanted to express it. Having received that love, we are then invited to share that love with each other. In washing the feet of his disciples, Jesus was showing us how we are to relate to one another. We are to approach each other with the same respect for the dignity of the other that Jesus showed on that evening.
The second action of Jesus on the evening of the Last Supper is described by Saint Paul in the second reading and by the other three evangelists, Matthew, Mark and Luke. He took bread, thanked God for it, broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, ‘This is my body, which is for you’. He took a cup of wine, thanked God for it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood’. Jesus identified himself, his body and blood, with the bread and wine. Just as he gave himself in love to his disciples by washing their feet, he now gave himself in love to them by giving himself to them under the form of bread and wine. Just as in washing their feet, he anticipated the gift of himself on would make on the cross, so in giving them his body and blood under the form of bread and wine he was again symbolically anticipating the gift he would make of himself on the cross. The early church repeated this second action of Jesus with his words every time they gathered to celebrate the Eucharist. At every Eucharist, the love which Jesus gave expression to by his actions at the Last Supper and most fully on the cross is present again to us all.  As Paul says at the end of that reading, ‘Every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are proclaiming the Lord’s death’, and the love which the death expressed. At every Eucharist, we are invited to receive the Lord’s love and we are called by the Lord to bring that love we have received to each other. At every Eucharist, the Lord sends us out with the words, ‘Love one another, as I have loved you’.
(iv) Holy Thursday
All four gospels agree that Jesus was crucified on a Friday, the day before the Jewish Sabbath. All of the gospels agree that, on the previous evening, Jesus had a final meal with his disciples. We call that meal the Last Supper. We commemorate the Last Supper every time we celebrate Mass. However, at this Mass which we celebrate on Holy Thursday evening, we commemorate the Last Supper in a very focused way. That is why only this Holy Thursday Mass is called the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
The earliest reference to the Last Supper is to be found in this evening’s second reading. In that reading, Paul reminds the church in Corinth of the tradition about that Last Supper that he had earlier passed on to them by word of mouth, when he first preached the gospel among them. ‘This is what I received from the Lord, and in turn passed on to you’. The memory of that Last Supper was one of the most precious traditions of the church. It was a precious tradition because of what happened at that Last Supper, what Jesus did. However, in that reading, before describing what Jesus did at the Last Supper, Paul refers to what was done to Jesus. It was ‘the night he (Jesus) was betrayed’. This was the dark side of that evening. One of Jesus’ closest disciples betrayed Jesus that evening to his enemies. Yet, this shadow that was cast over that evening did not define it. It was defined by Jesus’ act of love. It is that act of love that we commemorate and celebrate this Holy Thursday evening.
There were indeed two acts of love that defined that evening. One is described by the evangelist John in this evening’s gospel reading and the other is described by the apostle Paul in this evening’s second reading. Very often, in the culture of Jesus, a host would give his guests a bowl of water to wash the dust of the streets and paths off their feet. It was considered a fitting act of hospitality. If the host was wealthy, he might get one of his slaves to wash their feet, but he would never do it himself. What Jesus did at that Last Supper in washing the feet of his guests, his disciples, was totally unconventional. Peter’s reaction to what Jesus was doing was perfectly understandable, ‘You shall never wash my feet’. Yet, Jesus’ insistence was stronger than Peter’s resistance. This was how Jesus wanted to relate to his disciples. He wanted to serve them in this very menial way. He wanted to empty himself in their service. He was treating them with great respect and dignity. He was giving himself in love for all of them, Judas included. The way Jesus relates to them is how he wants to relate to us all. The Lord’s self-emptying love embraces us all. In laying aside his garment to empty himself in love for his disciples, Jesus was anticipating what he would do on the following afternoon. Then, his garments would be taken from him by his enemies and Jesus would empty himself in love on the cross for all of humanity. This evening we celebrate the extent to which Jesus gave of himself for us all. We are invited to do what Peter was so reluctant to do, to receive the Lord’s love in the way the Lord wanted to express it. Having received that love, we are then invited to share that love with each other. We are to approach each other with the same respect for the dignity of the other that Jesus showed on that evening.
The second action of Jesus on the evening of the Last Supper is described by Saint Paul in the second reading and by the other three evangelists, Matthew, Mark and Luke. He took bread, thanked God for it, broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, ‘This is my body, which is for you’. He took a cup of wine, thanked God for it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood’. Just as he gave himself in love to his disciples by washing their feet, he now gave himself in love to them under the form of bread and wine. Just as in washing their feet, he anticipated the gift of himself he would make on the cross, so in giving them his body and blood under the form of bread and wine he was symbolically anticipating the gift he would make of himself on the cross. The early church repeated this second action of Jesus with his words every time they gathered to celebrate the Eucharist. At every Eucharist, the love which Jesus gave expression to by his actions at the Last Supper and most fully on the cross is present again to us all.  As Paul says at the end of that reading, ‘Every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are proclaiming the Lord’s death’, and the love which the death expressed. At every Eucharist, we are invited to receive the Lord’s love and we are called by the Lord to bring that love we have received to each other. At every Eucharist, the Lord sends us out with the words, ‘Love one another, as I have loved you’.
Fr. Martin Hogan.
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kissofcashmere · 2 years
Old Draft: Cold as ice rn my pressure is so low it’s stinging throughout the body n my chest is paining my lips are quivering wid any like sensation my chest feels too tight & weird.
Click on the inspiration board for better quality, it looks best however in my camera roll cuz it gets rasterised once published on twitter n other social media apps
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I had created these moodboards long back. I was talking about them the other day, ppl will hate ‘em cuz they might find them childish idk but there’s a lot of significance attached to each one. I’m not in the state to elaborate further but you can read my article which is scheduled for 7th Mar it has all the details www.lilacnights.com/post/my-little-barista I have never felt so numb before my bp is too low and I’m feeling like this is my last day.
Speaking of the other bathroom moodboard, my parents had just given me a raw area even 10 yrs ago when I was in my teens my living conditions were very poor I was inexperienced and I had no help (even now I don’t) so I don’t want ppl to assume I’m very happy with all my stuff or I have my family’s support & that I’m just being “whiny” for no reason. They don’t care about me… they pretend in front of strangers. The bathroom was partially tiled (I’m not in the state to write my pressure is severely low so is my heartrate n I’m very numb) it was partially tiled it was embarrassing, one cud even see the raw grouted masoned wall there, the tub had no skirting it was again just a drop in tub which they’d dumped inside (haphazardly) there was fungus growing on my shampoo and other Bath stuff, I can barely breathe rn I am not obliged to give any explanations there was no towel ring or even a wash basin stand I wud wash my hands in the outside bathroom I wud go all the way there now I’m bed ridden (luckily I renovated everything) I was made to cry when I called someone from urban clap to fix a stand there and what’s worse is that he fixed it in a slant manner it was so tilted that my clothes would get wet the WC was leaking so were all the attachments in the shower area but my mother kept challenging me and fighting as to why I had to renovate it (I used it that way for TEN LONG YEARS an entire decade) I was made to cry LIKE HELL even in my horrible health condition and I was abused a lot…
I had somehow renovated it in 2021, unfortunately now I’ll have to do it again because of some major fault on the plumber’s part + other irrémédiable issues. I was also surprised to learn that our own Indian brand is keeping their classic range only for show here at the orientation centre and EXPORTING everything to UK & Dubai where they already have other alternatives such as Drummonds and Burlington, they have the entire set with the crutch and the hand shower THERE whereas in India everything has to be purchased separately and that too they have DISCONTINUED the crutch (HERE) without which its useless, our own crutch which is made in Rajasthan is exported there and they’ve kept this classic range only for show, everything is reserved for exports. Whatever looks ugly or has that local masculine design (every other local brand has the same products only the labels differ) is kept for Indians, we are beggars or what? All the classic, heritage stuff is sent there for what? To compete with other rival brands? They are so stingy and frugal when it comes to Indian customers that they kept only ONE piece/unit in the thermostatic model and divided that also into 2 halves, just like Greek God Zeus who had split soulmates out of intimidation, the top part is sent to Delhi and the back concealed component is kept for Mumbai! How stupid? It has been rendered useless for both the cities now. I somehow procured the crutch from an old stock (box packed) and I was continuously getting a rusted concealed back unit (thermostat which is super pricey) from everywhere cuz they were rotating the same damaged piece, I somehow got in touch with another dealer and ordered it from the main hub but it was the same one from that “pair” which had no front component cuz that was lying in Delhi. So I got the front also from an old stock it has scratches but at the back of the plate so they won’t be visible. It has those beveled edges typical hotelier style which I wanted since long but I can’t elaborate further like I said, I can explain everything detail probably in person… wish I had someone to talk to I’ve always been passionate about designing and interiors in fact everything, give me any topic. All I want to say is STOP smuggling what’s meant for us - Indians… all the way to UK & Dubai. You are an Indian brand, I love the quality and make I was so excited for this I’d planned it since Nov, I got it somewhere in the first week of Dec or so (last year) but we were still struggling for the top thermostat (front and back both) and hell no I’ll never put those ugly local designs in my bathroom. I have my soap jar and other apothecary stuff there I will never compromise. I’m a lot into designing… I was going to recommend everyone to pick both your brand as well as this particular range but then I realised people won’t be able to buy anything cuz you don’t keep all this stuff for Indians. We want the crutch which comes with the Victorian set, it’s an essential, and the entire range all the models (black and white both) I was so happy with the make and mechanism but I ended up being really disappointed.
I can’t write much, people even buy your freestanding bathtubs in India we have all started buying that I’ve seen the reviews, for such bathtubs we require bigger spouts too and this was much more ideal I even opened the autocad to check if the thermostatic one which I’d selected had a single outlet or not cuz I didn’t want anything with a diverter I have a bathtub I needed something right there for my hand to reach while sitting inside the tub hence we had to spend more and I didn’t want the 3 way one, this set has a different spout which is better than the ones we are commonly getting in abroad they all have a flat nose, whereas this has a round ribbed border which looks more expensive and a mesh filter plate inside, I needed one with a crutch cuz I don’t have more room there to fit both my soap tray as well as the shower bracket and I’ve optimised whatever space I had skilfully to keep all my apothecary jars and everything to have a full sized vanity, a free standing almost 1700 mm bathtub… (cuz again you don’t get smaller ones in India where bathrooms are matchbox sized) and all kinds of other things even wall art and frames.
So I needed one with a crutch provision not a bracket, secondly the long bend exposed pipe would’ve been difficult to put there as I have a highlighter tile which is running throughout the bathroom lastly it had a tap not a spout which is a bit unappealing moreover its not long enough to enter my tub completely so all the bubble bath solution would’ve ended up at the edges (cuz it has to be poured right under the faucet in running water) and last but not the least this was my main reason - we could’ve spent half the amount but we opted for the thermostat mainly because the 3 way one had a pull and twist knob on the tap to switch between Bath spout and hand shower and I wanted the one with a lever/dongle cuz of my previous experience (which was horrible) with Kohler no offence and with wet hands it’s anyway difficult but yeah Kohler’s spout was faulty. I wanted to make a budget bathroom so I got from there but I went wrong because I also realised that all my stuff is very common Kohler has only one design or product in each category and they are promoting the same 1-2 things everywhere which means I ended up with something really common, faulty and boring. Nothing vintage or whatever we want, just the typical semi modern 2003 stuff. I’m very happy with this one (I haven’t used it yet but I saw all the functioning with the lever and knobs) and this is exactly why I wanted it, I have put the entire thing together as a set & I matched the the bottom mixer with the thermostatic one on top for my overhead shower to have 2 separate modes, I’ll be able to use the overhead along with the hand shower BOTH AT THE SAME TIME secondly I was looking for a budget mixer again but that too was discontinued and we anyway would’ve had to upturn the outlet flang or whatever from behind cuz it was meant for filling pails and buckets, now after the thermostat my shower portion is gonna have a modern touch because of how they’ve designed it, when you are paying so much you are getting that typical shower console look with black insets, they aren’t illuminated because they are not digital (that is usually there in a 50k to 1 lakh unit) however you do get the console with that typical look and everything since its an automatic model and I even edited all my stuff including the renders to make them more realistic for my moodboard cuz I was not able to find real life images. Ab naak mat kataiyen cuz ppl might show interest and none of this is easily available for Indians… it’s the classic range which should be manufactured and supplied in full swing/bulk please do that why is India always lagging behind? There’s an entire cult following including me for this Victorian style everywhere in abroad but in India we are not getting it easily especially in Mumbai.
- Zara Sauleh
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ambiente11 · 6 days
Elevate Your Bathroom Experience with Top-Quality Sanitary Wares in the UAE
When it comes to transforming your bathroom into a sanctuary of comfort and style, selecting the right sanitary wares is crucial. Sanitary Wares in UAE In the UAE, where modern living meets luxurious aesthetics, finding high-quality sanitary products is easier than ever with leading providers like Ambientz.
Why Invest in Premium Sanitary Wares?
Premium sanitary wares offer more than just functionality—they enhance your bathroom’s overall ambiance and provide long-lasting performance. Here’s why investing in high-quality products is a smart choice:
Enhanced Comfort and Hygiene: Modern sanitary wares, such as bidets and advanced toilet systems, offer superior hygiene and comfort. Bidets, in particular, provide a gentle and effective cleaning experience that traditional toilet paper cannot match. With models available at Ambientz, you can find options that fit both your practical needs and aesthetic preferences.
Durability and Longevity: High-quality materials and craftsmanship ensure that sanitary wares withstand the test of time. Investing in durable products reduces the need for frequent replacements and repairs, saving you money in the long run.
Eco-Friendly Options: Many modern sanitary wares are designed with sustainability in mind. Low-flow toilets and bidets that use less water contribute to environmental conservation, aligning with the UAE’s commitment to sustainable living.
Innovative Features: From touchless controls to heated seats, advanced sanitary wares come with innovative features that enhance convenience and luxury. Explore the latest technological advancements at Ambientz to find products that match your lifestyle.
Top Picks for Sanitary Wares in the UAE
When selecting sanitary wares, it’s essential to choose products that combine functionality with style. Here are some top picks available in the UAE:
Bidets: Ambientz’s bidets offer a range of features, from basic models to advanced systems with customizable settings. Enhance your bathroom with a bidet that suits your needs.
Toilets: Opt for modern toilets that provide comfort and efficiency. Look for models that incorporate water-saving technologies and sleek designs.
Wash Basins: Choose from a variety of styles and materials to find the perfect wash basin that complements your bathroom’s décor while ensuring practicality.
Why Choose Ambientz?
Ambientz stands out as a premier provider of sanitary wares in the UAE, offering a wide range of products that cater to diverse needs and preferences. Their commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction makes them a top choice for anyone looking to upgrade their bathroom.
Investing in high-quality sanitary wares is a key step in creating a bathroom that combines luxury, comfort, and functionality. Explore the extensive range of products available at Ambientz to find the perfect sanitary solutions for your home. Sanitary Wares in UAE Elevate your bathroom experience and enjoy the benefits of top-notch products designed to enhance your daily routine.
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esselbathfittings · 19 days
Top 10 Kitchen Sink Trends for 2024: What's In?
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Hello, kitchen enthusiasts! Welcome to the Essel Bath Fittings blog, here we will provide you with the latest trends in kitchens. This year, the kitchen sink is in the spotlight with trends that promise both form and function. It doesn’t matter if you are going to remodel the entire kitchen or just replace the sink, these trends will guide you. Here is the list of the top 10 kitchen sink trends for 2024 find out what is the new ‘it’ thing.
1. Handmade Sinks
Handmade sinks are set to be the biggest trend in 2024. These sinks are designed with special features, better quality, and personalized feel which the commercial ones cannot provide. The handmade kitchen sinks particularly in stainless steel offer the beauty and the functionality of the sink. Due to the high attention paid to the quality of the sinks produced in the artisan style, they are gradually turning into the main attraction of the kitchens.
2. Stainless Steel Sinks
Stainless steel kitchen sinks continue to be the most popular in 2024 due to their shiny look, strength, and low maintenance. The current tendency is observed in the increase of the thickness of the material, which is more resistant and less noisy in comparison with the sound of running water or dishes. Stainless steel also goes well with different types of kitchens, which makes it an ideal addition to every home.
3. Integrated Workstations
Integrated workstation sinks are becoming more popular this year and are an all-in-one basin with built-in cutting boards, colanders, drying racks, and much more. These multi-functional sinks increase the productivity of the kitchen making it easier to prepare meals and clean up. They are most commonly used in compact kitchens where every square inch of the space counts.
4. Double Kitchen Sinks
Double kitchen sinks are also set to rebound in 2024 and gain a lot of popularity. They are flexible in that they enable one to do two things at once, for instance, washing dishes in one basin and rinsing vegetables in the other. This trend is ideal for large families or for those who like to have many people at home because it allows them to keep the kitchen neat.
5. Matte Finishes
Homes in 2024 are using matt finishes, which give a velvet-like touch as compared to high gloss countertops and cabinets. Matte black and brushed stainless steel are especially popular right now, as they provide a sleek yet unobtrusive look that is also very low-maintenance.
6. Eco-Friendly Materials
Another theme in 2024 is sustainability and the availability of kitchen sinks produced using recycled or sustainable materials. Recycled stainless steel is preferred as it is a strong material and at the same time eco-friendly. These sinks are intended to meet the increasing consumer interest in sustainable home products that are aesthetically appealing.
7. Deep Basins
New models of deep basin sinks are now incorporated to give more area for washing big pots and pans and at the same time reduce water splash. These sinks can be very useful for those who like to spend much time in the kitchen or for large families.
8. Apron-Front Sinks
Another kitchen trend in 2024 is apron-front sinks or farmhouse sinks as they are also called. As they are installed at the front-facing part of the kitchen they bring a certain character to the kitchen and are suitable for both modern and conventional kitchens. The deep basin and easy access also make them ideal for large families since they provide enough space.
9. Colorful Sinks
2024 is the year of colorful sinks, and the shades that are going to dominate the market are navy, forest green, and even pastel. These sinks provide homeowners with an opportunity to add character to their kitchen while at the same time offering a central feature that is both practical and decorative.
10. Smart Sinks
Smart kitchens are not an exception and smart sinks are now available with touchless controls, water-saving technologies, and sensors. These innovations increase the convenience of the kitchen and serve the modern consumer’s need for energy conservation.
At Essel Bath Fittings, we have prepared the latest trends in kitchen sinks for the year 2024. If you love the idea of having a handmade kitchen sink or need a double kitchen sink, we have them all to meet your needs and preferences. Explore our range of stainless steel kitchen sinks and discover the perfect fit for your home. Let’s make your kitchen both beautiful and functional this year!
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sakhshimandal · 27 days
Stylish and Functional Double Kitchen Sinks: The Perfect Blend of Design and Utility
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The kitchen is often considered the heart of the home, a space where functionality and style must coexist seamlessly. A well-designed kitchen can make cooking, cleaning, and entertaining more enjoyable and efficient. One key element in achieving this balance is choosing the right sink. The double kitchen sink has become a popular choice for homeowners who want to enhance both the aesthetics and practicality of their kitchen. Offering versatility and a range of design options, double kitchen sinks provide the perfect blend of style and functionality.
Why Choose a Double Kitchen Sink?
Double kitchen sinks feature two separate basins, which can be used simultaneously for different tasks. This design allows homeowners to maximize their efficiency in the kitchen by making it easier to multitask. For instance, one side of the sink can be used for washing dishes, while the other is reserved for rinsing vegetables or soaking cookware. This division of labor helps keep the kitchen organized and clean, particularly during busy cooking sessions.
In addition to improving functionality, double kitchen sinks offer a wide range of design possibilities. From sleek, modern stainless steel models to rustic farmhouse-inspired options, there’s a double sink style to suit every kitchen aesthetic. This versatility makes the double sink a popular choice for homeowners who want their kitchen to be both practical and visually appealing.
Design Options for a Stylish Double Kitchen Sink
Choosing a double kitchen sink involves more than just deciding on the number of basins. There are several design factors to consider, including the material, configuration, and overall style of the sink. Here are some popular design options to help you create a stylish and functional kitchen:
Material Matters:
The material of your double kitchen sink plays a significant role in both its appearance and durability. Some of the most common materials include:
Stainless Steel: Stainless steel is a popular choice for its sleek, modern look and durability. It’s resistant to stains, heat, and corrosion, making it a practical option for busy kitchens. Stainless steel sinks also complement a wide range of kitchen styles, from contemporary to industrial.
Ceramic: Ceramic sinks offer a more traditional look and are often associated with farmhouse or vintage-style kitchens. These sinks are easy to clean and maintain, but they can be prone to chipping and cracking if heavy items are dropped into them.
Composite Granite: For homeowners who want a more unique and luxurious look, composite granite sinks are an excellent choice. These sinks are made from a mixture of granite stone dust and acrylic resins, creating a durable and visually striking finish. Composite granite sinks are resistant to scratches and stains, making them a practical yet stylish option.
Configuration and Layout:
The configuration of your double kitchen sink is another important design consideration. Double sinks come in various layouts, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your needs:
Equal Basins: Sinks with two equal-sized basins offer a balanced look and are ideal for those who frequently multitask in the kitchen. Both basins can be used for different tasks, such as washing dishes and preparing food, providing maximum flexibility.
Unequal Basins: If you prefer a more specialized setup, a sink with one larger basin and one smaller basin may be a better fit. The larger basin can be used for washing larger pots and pans, while the smaller basin can handle rinsing or draining. This configuration is particularly useful for homeowners who want the versatility of a double sink without sacrificing space in one of the basins.
Offset Basins: Offset double sinks feature one basin that is positioned slightly lower than the other. This design can add visual interest to the kitchen while also providing ergonomic benefits, making it easier to reach into the sink.
Undermount vs. Drop-In:
The installation style of your double kitchen sink also impacts its functionality and appearance. There are two main types of installation:
Undermount Sinks: These sinks are installed beneath the countertop, creating a seamless look that’s easy to clean. Undermount sinks are particularly popular in modern kitchens, where a sleek, uninterrupted surface is desired. They also make it easier to wipe crumbs and spills directly into the sink.
Drop-In Sinks: Also known as top-mount sinks, drop-in sinks are installed by placing them directly into a hole in the countertop. The sink’s rim sits on top of the counter, providing a more traditional look. While they may not offer the same sleek appearance as undermount sinks, drop-in sinks are easier to install and can work well in a variety of kitchen styles.
Balancing Style and Functionality
When choosing a double kitchen sink, it’s essential to strike the right balance between style and functionality. While the design of the sink should complement your kitchen’s overall aesthetic, it’s also crucial to consider how the sink will be used daily. Think about your cooking habits, how often you wash dishes by hand, and whether you need extra space for food prep.
For example, if you love to cook and spend a lot of time in the kitchen, a double sink with deep, wide basins may be more practical than a shallow, decorative option. On the other hand, if aesthetics are your priority, choosing a stylish material like composite granite or a sleek undermount design can elevate the look of your kitchen.
A double kitchen sink offers a perfect blend of style and functionality, making it a valuable addition to any modern kitchen. With a range of materials, configurations, and installation options available, homeowners can find a double sink that meets their needs while enhancing the overall design of their space. Whether you prioritize practicality, aesthetics, or a combination of both, a well-chosen double kitchen sink can be a stylish and functional centerpiece in your kitchen for years to come.
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yaxing · 27 days
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The material used in high-end basin faucets is another factor contributing to their cost-effectiveness. Materials such as brass, stainless steel, and high-quality chrome plating are not only visually appealing but also resistant to rust and corrosion. This resistance means that the faucet maintains its pristine condition for a longer period, reducing the need for frequent maintenance or replacement. The cost of maintaining a high-end basin faucet is often lower than that of a cheaper model, which may require more frequent repairs or complete replacement.
Ergonomics and ease of use are also integral to the design of high-end basin faucets. These faucets are engineered to provide a comfortable and intuitive user experience. The handles are designed for ease of operation, and the spout is often positioned to prevent water splashing. This attention to user comfort and convenience can enhance the daily routine, making the act of washing hands or brushing teeth a more pleasant experience.
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rvtravellife · 28 days
The Coolest RV Kitchen Gadgets & Accessories in 2023
by Jasmin Banwait Outfitting your RV kitchen can be a daunting task, with all the gadgets and accessories available to choose from, so it’s important to do some research before you start shopping..... Outfitting your RV kitchen can be a daunting task, with all the gadgets and accessories available to choose from, so it’s important to do some research before you start shopping. There are plenty of benefits that come with upgrading your RV kitchen gadgets and accessories. Not only will these upgrades make your life easier when cooking on the road, but they also add a touch of style and sophistication to your living space. Upgrading your RV kitchen gadgets and accessories can help organize everything from countertops to cabinets, as well as increase storage capacity for food items or cookware. In addition, many of the latest designs feature practical features such as USB charging ports or pull-out bins for waste management. With so many options available in 2023, there’s sure to be something perfect for every camper out there! The Latest Designs One of the most innovative designs for RV kitchens in 2023 is a wall-mount prep table. This space-saving solution allows you to easily store and access your kitchen items without wasting valuable countertop space. The table can be quickly mounted onto any wall and then folded away when not in use. It’s perfect for those who need extra work surfaces or storage options but don’t have room to spare on their countertops! Another great option for upgrading your RV kitchen is a high-tech refrigerator insert. These inserts come equipped with plenty of features such as adjustable shelves, temperature control settings, and even built-in USB ports so you can charge your devices while cooking meals! Additionally, some models are designed to fit into very small spaces–which makes them ideal for RVs with limited cabinet storage capacity. Finally, an expandable sink system provides much-needed additional storage and workspace in smaller RVs where there isn't enough room for everything else necessary in a fully stocked kitchen setup. With these systems you get two sinks–one large basin that expands outward from beneath the counter space when needed–so you always have enough space for washing dishes or prepping food no matter how cramped things may be inside your vehicle! Functional Appliances & Fixtures Smart ovens are an excellent addition to any RV kitchen, as they provide a range of functions that can help you save time and energy while cooking. These ovens typically come with features like convection baking, steam cleaning, and a temperature probe for optimal results every time! Plus, many models have built-in Wi-Fi connectivity so you can control them remotely from your smartphone or tablet. Two-in-one dishwashers/dryers are another great options when it comes to outfitting your mobile kitchen. Not only do these appliances take up less space than traditional separate units, but they also eliminate the need for extra plumbing connections–making installation much simpler! They’re perfect for those who want to keep their dishes sparkly clean without having to constantly transport them back and forth between sink and countertop. Finally, pull-out waste bin systems provide much-needed storage capability while keeping trash neatly tucked away until disposal day arrives! This type of system usually consists of two bins; one larger container placed underneath the countertop surface along with a smaller upper bin designed specifically for sorting recyclable materials or composting scraps. Both containers slide out together making emptying quick and painless–while still leaving plenty of room inside cabinets for other items such as cookware or ingredients! Space-Saving Solutions One excellent space-saving solution for RV kitchens is sliding cookware organizers. These organizers are installed directly into any existing cabinet and provide a convenient way to store pots, pans, lids, and other kitchen essentials within easy reach. An added bonus of this design is that it also helps keep items organized, so you can quickly locate what you need while cooking. Another great option for saving space in your RV kitchen is an RV pot and pan rack. This compact system hangs above the countertop or stovetop and provides a safe place to store essential cookware without wasting valuable storage space inside cabinets or drawers. The clever design of these racks allows them to be easily folded away when not in use–making them perfect for those with limited floor area! Magnetic spice racks are another invaluable addition to any camper’s kitchen setup as they can instantly add much-needed storage capacity without cluttering up counter space. These sleek designs feature individual compartments which allow spices to be neatly stored on the refrigerator door–or wherever else you choose! They’re a great choice for anyone who loves experimenting with unique flavours during meal times but doesn’t want their ingredients taking over half of the cupboard real estate! Finally, mini microwaves provide an ideal solution when it comes to preparing quick meals while on the go..... Read More... Read the full article
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