#wasn't until I cut the scenes together that I actually saw it
meggtheegg · 11 months
FNAF Movie Theory...
I'm pretty sure there's still one major plot twist in the universe of the movie that's been set up for a sequel but hasn't actually happened yet. Heavy spoilers under the cut:
After watching the movie in theaters and then revisiting a few scenes on Peacock, I'm still kind of convinced that Mike Schmidt is Michael Afton.
Here's my reasoning. A lot of the characters spend time acting like they know something the audience/other characters don't, and those things are...mostly resolved. But some of them just...kind of aren't.
The main thing that sticks out to me is William's whole storyline. Starting with the scene where he offers Mike the job, his behavior is almost explained by the movie's logic. He sees Mike's name, seems...kind of deeply upset, looks at him very closely, stands to get coffee, and has a moment of visible internal conflict. Then he instantly offers him the Freddy's job. The way the movie frames this, it seems to be saying that he recognized the name of one of his victims, realized this was the kid's brother, and decided to kill him right then and there. Which is passable as an explanation, but it has a lot of holes, if you look deeper.
Why would William so instantly recognize a fairly common last name as the brother of some kid he killed that wasn't even anywhere near Freddy's? Why did he kidnap/kill Garrett in the first place, in some random forest in Nebraska? Why did he see the name on the file, then immediately stop and examine Mike's face so closely, when Mike's memories/dreams pretty clearly show that they never saw each others' faces when Garrett was taken? Why did he send Vanessa to "keep Mike in the dark" if he purposely gave him the job to get him killed? Why not have the animatronics kill him right away? He didn't know that Mike was searching for the man who took his brother, and while he could have maybe guessed he was still actively haunted by what happened based on Mike beating up a guy that he thought was kidnapping someone, it still feels like a weird choice to go and hire him, then just have him do the job with no issue for a few days.
As for Vanessa, we see that she's been cleaning up William's messes for years. Why is Mike the one she changes her mind and stands up to her father for? There's no implied romance between the two and no particularly meaningful connection beyond them both having family issues. I guess she cares about Abby because she's a kid, but kids getting hurt clearly never stopped her from helping her father before.
And, on a more meta level, this is Scott and his storytelling style we're talking about. The man puts plot twists inside of plot twists and everything always ties back into the Aftons, somehow.
So, here's my theory: I think that Mike is William's kid, but Mike's mom left Afton when he was young and remarried the man that Mike thinks is his father.
It seems convoluted and maybe cliche, but if it's true, then suddenly there's an answer to all of those questions. "Michael Schmidt" isn't exactly an eye-catching name, unless you had a kid named Michael and your ex-wife married a guy with the last name Schmidt. Garrett's kidnapping, then, becomes an act of intentional, petty revenge rather than an extremely random coincidence. Giving Mike the job and sending in Vanessa suddenly becomes about piecing together how much he knows and figuring out if he's worth trying to reconnect with or is just a threat that needs to be killed. (It feels worth noting that William is as far as I can remember the only person to call him Michael in the whole film. He also very pointedly never says "Schmidt" until he's decided to kill Mike and suddenly announces his full name out loud. If he went by Michael as a little kid, that is what William would default to calling him, but if he took the new husband's last name, that would be like like salt in the wound that he wouldn't want to voice. By finally saying it out loud, it feels like he's making the decision to fully separate himself from Mike.)
As for Vanessa, if Mike is her brother, it makes sense that he would be the person she'd turn against William to save. It would be weird for her not to tell him, but she could also be trying to protect him, in some way. There's never any mention of her mother, and it seems like it's just been her and William for a long time. Also, ending the movie with her in a coma feels like a strange narrative choice, but it makes sense if she knows information that's purposely being kept hidden for the sequel.
Of course, it could just be that the movie has kind of messy writing and I'm trying to fix it because I want there to be a deeper reason for it. Maybe there is no Michael Afton in the movies, or maybe he's off chilling and doing his own thing somewhere and we'll see him in the sequel. Only time will tell.
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savannahsdeath · 1 year
Hiii, so I wanna request an ellie x reader where they are like fake dating but then one night they're out at a bar and some guys are messing with/bothering (basically harrasing) reader and Ellie BEATS them up. Like bad lol. Then reader gets mad at Ellie, insisting she could've "handled it herself" but then ellie ends up accidentally saying she's in love with reader hence why she got so protective
i cant stop thinking about this omg.
mdni please<3
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warnings: 18+!! mention of alcohol, catcalling, sa and just creepy guys overall, blood, fighting
writers note: writing this took my blood sweat n tears and im not sure wether it was worth it or not
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while you and ellie had been close and even affectionate with one another, the nature of your relationship had always been that of simple friends. holding hands, sitting on her lap, or other romantic gestures seemed natural and casual between the two of you without any thought to anything more. however, you were both acutely aware that everyone believed you were romantically involved and you knew that was one reason you were still single.
when you were in ellie's room you began to notice little things. she had framed pictures of the two of you together, notes and sketches she had made about you, and a diary full of your name. dina and jesse kept teasing you about it, but 'isn't it what friends do?'
and, god, how oblivious you were.
one day, you took her out to a local bar, feeling the need to just drink and forget about everything for one night.
as you walked into the pub, you couldn't help but notice all the heads that turned to watch as you passed. it was like something in the air compelled you to turn to look at her. a familiar feeling of warmth ran through you and you instinctively reached out to take her hand. ellie giggled at your gesture, but didn't let go and you continued through the crowd which got already bored with your appearance.
it was just a normal night, the drinks making you a little tipsy and loosening your tongue, but everything was going just fine.
you saw a group of boys your age suspiciously eyeing you and ellie, their gaze mostly focused on you and your clothes.
well, that's true, you didn't put your everyday clothes on, but you had a good humour and felt like dressing up... actually, who am i trying to lie to? you wanted to look good for your friend.
she didn't notice the boys, but you did. your eyes met with the one in the leather jacket, and he looked away quickly. his group turned back to their beers, but you couldn't stop thinking about the way he glanced over at you.
the situation made you a little uncomfortable, but you played it cool and ignored the boys, turning your attention back to ellie. she was in her element, chatting away in a loud and lively fashion, her hands flying to emphasize whatever story she was telling. you couldn't help but let out a laugh as you took in the scene.
things were going just fine until one of the boys approached you. "hey, gorgeous." he said, in a voice that was trying just a little too hard to sound casual. "can we buy you a drink?"
ellie frowned, her gaze flickering between you and him. "she's not alone."
the boy tried again, undeterred. "i wasn't talking to you." he scoffed, his voice dripping with condescension as he turned to ellie, pointing you with his chin. "who wears a dress like that if they're not looking for a good time?"
ellie looked shocked for a moment, then her eyes narrowed. she leaned towards the boy, keeping her voice low. "this dress looks like it's worth more than you make in a month. now, leave us alone."
the boy laughed, turning his attention back to you, seemingly oblivious to the warning. "why don't you take off the dress and let us see what's underneath?"
you watched ellie open her mouth to answer for you again but you cut her off with a shake of your head and quiet 'let it go'. she looked at you, her mouth half open, as if she was waiting for your permission before starting her response. she rolled her eyes at you, but said nothing.
the boy seemed frustrated that his insult was met with no reaction. he jabbed his finger at you. "or maybe you're just a dyke?"
at that, ellie's eyes flew open. "the fuck did you just say?" she hissed, clenching her fists to the point her nails were digging into her palm.
you gripped her wrist, trying to pull her away. "ellie, come on–"
as things were just starting to escalate, a bartender rushed over, looking agitated. "hey, hey! none of that in here!" he pointed at him. "you, out now!"
the boy scoffed, as did his friends, but obediently left. you could hear him muttering complaints under his breath, but his voice faded away into the background din of the bar.
you kept close to ellie as the boys were led out.
ellie was still fuming, taking a few deep breaths. she looked up at you with daggers in her eyes. "why did you stop me? he deserved more than that." after a little pause she added; "no one will disrespect you like that. and no one can disrespect you when they're unconscious."
you weren't sure whether to be amused or horrified at her comment. "and how exactly were you planning on achieving that?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
ellie smirked, taking your hand in hers. "you don't need to know. just know that i was prepared if things had gotten out of hand."
that answer did little to ease your skepticism. "you know you can't go around knocking people out like a character in a movie, right?"
ellie raised her eyebrows, staring at you with a challenging expression. "sure i can," she grinned, "if the situation calls for it.
"ellie," you said, "be serious." but ellie's confidence was charming, and you couldn't help but crack a little smile. "alright," you added. "just... try to keep your cool next time, alright?"
she nodded, squeezing your hand. "promise. no knocking heads unless i absolutely have to."
you decided to leave the bar shortly after, not in the mood to socialise anymore. she told you to wait outside as she, obviously, paid for the both of you.
the atmosphere outside wasn't so cozy - not only because it was cold and windy, but you also saw those boys there, smoking and laughing. you thought about going back inside but they didn't seem to notice you - well, not at first.
one of the boys spotted you and instantly smiled. he nudged his friend and said something you couldn't quite make out. the two of them laughed and started approaching you. "hey," the first one said, "is your little girlfriend taking too long in there? we could take you home and warm you up."
the thought of people thinking ellie is your girlfriend seemed funny but not new to you, so you ignored it.
you rolled your eyes at their comment, but kept your expression neutral. "no, thanks, but you might want to work on your pickup lines. 'warm you up?' really?"
the two boys exchanged a look and laughed. their friend said "oh, she's feisty. we like that."
you felt your stomach drop. ellie was still inside the bar and you had no clue how long she might be. not too long, you hoped. i mean, how long can paying for a few drinks take?
as if on cue, ellie opened the door and came out. she stopped dead in her tracks as she noticed the two boys who'd just been hitting on you.
she took a moment to take in the situation, then rolled her eyes and scoffed. you were relieved to see she was wearing a smirk that told you she was ready for whatever was coming.
the two boys stared at ellie, eyes darting from her to you and back again.
"oh, hey ellie." you exhaled, putting on your best fake smile. "good timing. we were just about to–"
ellie didn't give you the chance to finish. "sorry i took so long." her tone was friendly, but it was obvious she was trying to claim you as her territory. all three boys watched her in silence.
"can i help you, boys?" ellie said sweetly, her voice dripping with sarcasm. she put her arms around your waist, which only amplified her already mocking tone.
the boys watched her with leering eyes. the tall blonde one put his hand on his friend's shoulder. "we were just saying how pretty your friend is." he paused, raising an eyebrow. "she sure looks... hm, how do i describe it? slutty?"
at that, ellie's demeanor changed, and her previous smile faded. her look was cold as ice, and she clenched her fists again.
'this is getting out of hand'
"hey," the tall blonde said, "i bet there's something better under that dress." he pointed at you.
"yeah, there's a fucking gun." you hissed.
he didn't seem to take you seriously, as he should - you were in fact completely unarmed. the only weapon you had was... well, ellie. "we'd like to personally test that theory."
ellie's knuckles turned white. "i'm here with her."
"look, you can watch from a distance." the blonde laughed. "but me and my friends here are going to have a good time with a girl like this, whether she wants it or not."
you felt yourself flush with embarrassment. "oh, uh, no. we're just leaving." you said, grabbing ellie's wrist and trying to pull her away.
ellie wasn't having any of it. "go to the car and wait for me there." she whispered, tossing the keys to you.
"you're crazy." you whispered under your breath.
"just do it," ellie hissed. "i can handle them, and i don't want you getting involved."
'like i'm not involved already.'
it was impossible to argue against that last point, and you reluctantly followed her instructions.
you were surprised they didn't try to stop you but you realised they probably know what's going to happen.
as you opened the car door and got in, you watched the situation from the safety of the passenger's seat. the boys had surrounded ellie, one with his hand on her arm and the others laughing and pointing at you. you couldn't hear them but you guessed what they talked about. they were just little shadows in your eyes now, you barely could tell which one's ellie.
from your vantage point, you watched ellie and the three boys facing off. she spoke in a quiet, measured voice that you weren't sure you wanted to hear the contents of.
suddenly, you saw the blonde reach towards her. that was enough for her.
she slapped his hand away, and in a swift motion, kicked him in the groin. he let out a, silent for you, cry of pain and sank to the ground, while the others were still recovering from the surprise. ellie turned to them and and soon they were all on the ground. the blow knocked the last boy out cold. ellie quickly turned to the blonde, who was now sitting up and holding his injured part. without a word, ellie approached him and kneed between his legs just as he was about to stand up.
the boy groaned, dropping back to the ground. ellie reached down and grabbed him by the shirt. she hauled him back up, and raised her fist again. you turned away, not wanting to look at the scene and uncomfortably shifted in the passenger seat, hoping it'll be over soon.
she took her time. you didn't know what could they possibly say to piss her off that much but you didn't want to.
she approached the car and got in, not saying a word to you.
you didn't say a word either, you just watched her cautiously driving. your anger started to grow - at the boys, at the whole situation, even at ellie. what she did was just reckless, one of them could be armed... or have really good skills. plus, they barely touched you and the comments didn't really get to you anyway.
you let out a frustrated sigh and turned to her. "why did you have to make such a big deal out of nothing? i could have handled it just fine on my own."
ellie didn't look at you or even acknowledge your words. she kept driving, her attention focused on the road.
you weren't sure what to think, but it frustrated you that she was acting like this. 'why can't she just drop the tough girl act and admit she overreacted?'
you tried again. "ellie, come on, i know you were just trying to help, but–" you sighed. "just ignore me, i guess."
you turned to look out the window in annoyance, but then ellie spoke suddenly, her tone deadly serious. "you know i was right to do what i did."
you whipped your head around to look at her in surprise. "what do you mean?"
ellie looked straight ahead as she kept driving. "those guys would have taken advantage of you," she said quietly, "like it or not."
her words hit you like a ton of bricks. you sat in silence for a moment, trying to process what she said.
"but that's ridiculous," you frowned, "i wouldn't have let anything happen."
ellie shot you a look. "you really think you're the one in control of the situation? sweetheart, you have no idea. as soon as you let them talk to you, it was out of your hands."
you mockingly laughed. "oh, so i can't handle them but you can? what am i, a deer surrounded by lions?"
ellie sighed, shaking her head. "god, you're infuriating," she said, keeping her eyes on the road. "yeah, actually, you are like a deer surrounded by lions – completely oblivious to how predatory these men are."
she cast a sharp and serious glance at you, making you flinch.
"i can handle myself." you repeated, with growing annoyance. after a moment, you added; "why the fuck would you do that? you should mind your own business."
"i make it my business to look after my friends." ellie answered, still not looking at you.
you felt your blood boil, but you forced yourself to remain calm. "i don't want you to look after me, ellie. you are my friend, not my babysitter."
"oh, i'm sorry!" she shrugged, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "i thought friends protect each other!"
you scoffed at her last comment. "how exactly was i in danger?" you asked. "they barely even touched me!"
she sighed again, this time with irritation. "jesus, you were really lucky, alright? i get that you feel like your ego's been hurt by all this, and i'm sorry. but if i hadn't stepped in, you could have been hurt. maybe the situation wouldn't have escalated to violence, but i wasn't taking any chances." she looked at you, her expression softened and she seemed truly concerned. "do you understand?"
you huffed but your tone calmed down a little. "that was my problem, not yours."
"fine, it was your problem," ellie rolled her eyes. "just don't get mad at me for looking out for you."
"i'm not mad." you said, your tone turning defensive. "i'm annoyed you think i'm incapable of looking after myself."
her eyes fixed on you, cold and sharp. "you're lucky i was there."
she parked the car in front of your house, where she was supposed to sleep this night. at least, you planned it like that. now you'd prefer to be alone. you let her in anyway, hoping to talk about what happened in better circumstances.
as soon as you came in, you took some ice bags and went back to ellie. her knuckles were bloody red and swollen, even though she didn't seem to be hurt. she looked up and took the bag from your hand, but her expression was still stern.
"thanks." she said in a raspy monotone, holding it to her hands.
you cleared your throat awkwardly, hoping that the ice would help ease the situation. "ellie, i just want to say i appreciate what you did, but–"
she sighed and shook her head. "don't start."
"well, i was going to." you said, unable to hide your irritation. "you overreacted. i don't need your help. it was my problem to deal with."
ellie stayed silent for a moment, as if contemplating what you just said. "i might have overreacted," she admitted, "but i still don't regret what i did."
you sighed and threw your hands up in frustration. "we're just going around in circles here. why can't you understand that i can handle myself? i don't need you. i didn't ask for your help. i don't understand why you just have to get all protective over me."
ellie sighed, dropping the ice bag to her side. her voice was still calm, but with a hint of anger. "i was trying to look out for you. i was trying to do something nice, and you just keep yelling at me for it."
you felt your confusion growing even more. "but- why?"
she shook her head in disbelief. "because i love you."
the air seemed to suck out of your lungs when she said that. her words were unexpected, and you wanted to know if you heard her right. "what did you say?"
ellie chuckled and nodded, her expression almost teasing but still nervous and even a little aggresive. "i said i love you, of course."
you couldn't reply, too stunned to speak. you just stared at her, feeling the familiar heat on your cheeks rise.
she clicked her tongue at your obliviousness. "that's why i'm so protective. that's why i couldn't just ignore how they talked to you."
you just blinked, still unable to process what she said.
ellie must have sensed your confusion, because she continued. "i'm not your babysitter, alright? you're a big girl. you can take care of yourself– but that's not what i meant." she took your hand in hers. "i'm worried about you because i love you."
the realization of what she'd said suddenly hit you like a train, and you felt your heart race. for what felt like an eternity, you just stared at her, still not believing what you were hearing.
ellie just smiled, a little bit embarrassed, as if she hadn't just made one of the most profound declarations of love imaginable.
"so," she said quietly, "can you forgive me now?"
her tone was so innocent, so sincere, that it seemed almost cruel to keep arguing with her. it seemed cruel that you ever did.
in the end, you nodded. "yeah, i can."
that was all it took for ellie's expression to light up.
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drmaddict · 8 months
Spooky Girl
Summary: Ghost, Soap, Rudy and König have a girlfriend who just likes things, that are a bit spooky. (Just a few little scenes that my brain spit out.)
Wordcount: 2.497
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"Are you growing your hair out, L.T.?" Johnny laughed and flicked Simon's wrist.
Simon reacted as expected. Not at all. He stared at Johnny motionlessly.
"Fits the look, after all.", the sergeant winked at him.
Simon rolled his eyes and pulled his sleeve over the hairband on his wrist.
Johnny continued to grin. "My sisters say these scrunchies are best for the hair. There's less friction. So no split ends."
 Simon continued to stare at him.
"Are you going to tell me why you've got that thing on?", he grumbled.
"No.", was Simon's simple answer before he turned back to his food. It was nobody's business. (Y/n) was nobody's business, or what was between them.  It was still too fresh anyway. This was his first mission since they had met. He wasn't sure what to make of this relationship yet. He liked her. It wasn't because of that. He was just too used to being alone. It scared him. His therapist would probably have found a bigger, more important-sounding word for his emotions, but fear seemed appropriate enough to Simon.
She was weird. He was weird too. He had started to like the weirdness. He was probably too old for her. Maybe he wasn't. He'd never been in a relationship. He'd never had to discuss the fact that his hoodies were actually HIS hoodies until a few months ago. She had only told him that they were hers now, as if that was the most normal thing in the world. But she looked really cute in them. She'd beamed at him when he'd unceremoniously thrown three of his hoodies on her bed. 
"Until I get back.", he'd mumbled.
She had then pulled her hairband off her head and put it around his wrist. The black satin with the little skulls on it was soft and had immediately clung to his skin.
"So that you'll really come back.", she had said and kissed him on the forehead.
"Always.", he had mumbled.
 "Who is she?" Johnny asked him directly. He looked at him with gentle playfulness.
Simon snapped out of his memory. He looked into his friend's blue eyes.  "You don't trust me with a 'he'?", he grinned under his mask.
"Well then HE definitely has long hair."
Simon shook his head in amusement. "A little one from home. It's still fresh."
"Photo?", Johnny continued to grin.
Simon shook his head.
"Oh come on!"
"No Johnny."
Johnny looked at him like a petulant puppy. "At least describe her.", he sulked.
Simon sighed and rummaged for a small photo in his pocket. The boy wouldn't stop anyway. He plonked it in front of the sergent and stared at it.
Johnny stared at the photo. "A goth chick?" Johnny reached for the photo, but Simon immediately pulled it back to him and put it away. Johnny looked at him in surprise. "Hot.", he grinned.
Simon just grumbled.
"Yes, I get it. I can see it. You fit together."
Another grumble.
 Johnny grinned like an idiot.
"What?", Simon snapped at him.
"Does she have a friend?"
Simon just rolled his eyes. His cell phone buzzed.
A message from (Y/n). When he opened the message history, he saw a picture of a rabbit skull.
'For your collection?' it said underneath.
Simon looked at the picture. He had been glad, that she didn't see his little hobby as disgusting. But that she was now also participating in it. It was a beautiful bone. Completely intact.
'Beautiful. Where did you get it?‘
'Judas picked it up on our walk.‘
Judas was her dog. A stubborn but tough creature. It was probably her type. 
'Put it on the ant farm. I'll bleach him when I come back next week.‘
'The three of us are waiting for you. ;)'
When he looked up again, Johnny was still grinning at him.
"The little one really has you wrapped around her finger."
Simon just raised an eyebrow.
"Good for you L.T."
Simon grumbled in agreement.
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"What magazine did you cut that out of?" Kyle laughed.
Soap pulled off his boots. "Huh?" he groaned and looked at his friend.
Kyle pointed to Johnny's locker page and the photo hanging in it.
Johnny followed Kyle's suggestion with his gaze and immediately furrowed his eyebrows. "That's my girlfriend you douche!"
"That's never your girlfriend! She's far too pretty... Apart from the fetish make-up."
Johnny threw his boot at Gaz. "Don't talk about my girl like that!", he growled.
Gaz raised his hands defensively. A grin stretched across his face. "Oh come on."
Johnny continued to scowl at him. Simon came into the changing room and looked at them both wordlessly. Without another comment, he went to his locker.
"How can you always train with that thing on your head?", Johnny asked him.
"Habit.", came the curt reply.
Johnny rolled his eyes as Gaz clapped his hands with a laugh. "So you've got a type!"
Johnny looked at him in confusion. Simon paid him no attention at all. 
"Dark and intimidating," Garrick winked at him and nodded towards Simon.
Johnny followed his gaze and a blush immediately appeared on his cheeks.
"I don't have a type!", he barked.
Gaz chuckled in amusement. "Sure."
Simon slammed his locker shut conspicuously loudly and disappeared just as wordlessly as he had come.
The two of them looked after him.
"She's very different from him.", Johnny grumbled immediately.
"Is she?"
"Yes, she's very reserved, but when you get to know her better, she's really funny. She likes to tell jokes, you know? Even if she's more into dark humor. And she likes her order, but accepts my chaos and she's not immediately put off by my job. Well, she goes to therapy, but she's actually really tough."
"Where did you two meet?"
"At a shooting range for my brother-in-law's stag party. She's really amazing. She could almost be a sniper and..." Johnny eyes widened.
Gaz grinned knowingly.
"Oh God! I'm dating L.T.!" Johnny exclaimed, overwhelmed.
"Really, how did you notice?"
Johnny threw his second boot at him. "What if I'm just trying to replace something with her?", he asked anxiously.
Now Gaz looked at him, confused. "What now?"
"Well... What if I subconsciously just saw her as a replacement. God I'm such an asshole."
"How many times did you try to enroll before you were finally eighteen?", Gaz asked him firmly.
"I stopped counting. What's that got to do with it?"
Gaz shrugged his shoulders. "You're nuts, but you know what you want. You've never accepted an alternative before."
Johnny looked at the photo in the locker. "No I never have."
Gaz nodded. "You clearly have a thing for mentally unstable Halloween decorations, but that doesn't mean you only want the girl as a substitute."
Johnny nodded. "Yeah, you're right. She's really great, you know?"
Gaz grinned. "I'll take your word for it."
"She always makes chocolate muffins, that look like the little coal men from Chihiro.", Johnny smiled at the photo. "And she can cook! I really put some weight on the last time, I was with her. It's almost like the good old times at grandmas.", he grinned to himself. "Even if it scares me a little, how relaxed she is with the house ghost."
"Please what??" Gaz blinked at him in surprise.
"The house ghost. She calls him Edgar. After the guy who built the house. She bought this old victorian house and at night you can always hear the back door banging open and shut and someone running up and down the stairs. But never up to the top floor. That was  built on later. I nearly wet my pants the first night, when I went to see what was going on and this gigantic mirror fell on me. The thing was secured with six sturdy wall anchors! SIX! Well, I didn't set foot in the house for two weeks after that, but she says she's negotiating a deal."
Gaz looked at him with horror in his eyes.
Johnny shrugged his shoulders. "I'm used to it by now. But the noise is a bit annoying."
Gaz gave him a forced smile. "You see. You don't have anything like that with Ghost... No ghosts with Ghost."
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He was sitting in his small kitchen with Alejandro, listening to everything about Ale's last date, until they were interrupted by a loud noise.
Ale flinched in surprise and looked at the kitchen counter behind him. Rudy immediately ran to the counter and grabbed a cell phone. He wiped the green icon across the display and held it to his ear.
"(Y/n)s phone. Rodolfo on the line. - Yes, you forgot it here. - No, no problem. - Good. See you in a minute."
He placed the device on the kitchen table and looked into Alejandro's shocked face. "What? Was? That?"
"(Y/n) left her cell phone."
Ale looked at him like he was stupid. "What was that sound?"
"Her ringtone?" Rudy replied hesitantly. "Yeah... Her taste in music is a bit...  special," he admitted, looking at the device again.
"A bit? It sounded like a pig had been tormented.", Alejandro said indignantly.
Rudy grinned. "Somehow that relaxes her." He rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed. "I think the band was called... I can't remember. Lorna something."
Ale looked at him skeptically. "Wait. Is she coming over? I can finally see the mystery (y/n) with my own eyes?"
Rudy sighed. "Be nice, please."
"I'm always nice."
Ale gave him an annoyed look. "I'll pull myself together."
"No subliminal threats.", Rudy stated firmly.
Alejandro started to speak, but didn't get the chance.
"And certainly no direct ones!"
The colonel fell back against the back of his chair, annoyed. It wasn't as if he had no manners. If anything, some even found his temperament attractive.
"Fine," he grumbled.
Rudy nodded in satisfaction as he heard the front door open.
"Hey." (Y/n) called down the small hallway.
Rudy stood up and walked towards her.
Alejandro didn't know what he had expected, but somehow he had always imagined her... pinker.
When Rudy spoke of his girlfriend, it sounded like he was talking about the sweetest creature on earth, who couldn't hurt a soul. Alejandro had envisioned a girl in a summer dress with pink lipgloss kissing Rudy on the cheek.
What he saw was a girl dressed in black. Transparent cut-outs, heavy boots and various buckles adorned her body.
Her lips, which Alejandro had always imagined to be pink, were painted black, just like her eyes.
She gave Rudy a quick kiss on the lips. "Sorry, I'm only here for a moment. Sofia got tickets for a concert today. I'd rather not ask how. Oh hi!"
She waved to Alejandro.
"This is Alejandro." Rudy introduced him.
He waved at (Y/n), overwhelmed.
"I'm (Y/n)." she replied quickly.
"You sure?" asked Ale before he could stop himself.
Rudy immediately gave him a warning look before turning back to (Y/n). "Be careful."
She kissed him again on the tip of his nose. "I'll text you when I get home. Bey Alejandro!" she called out and was already gone again.
Alejandro looked dully into the hallway. Rudy looked back with a raised eyebrow.
"Well I didn't expect THAT.", Alejandro said.
Rudy sighed.
"Oh come on! You described a lamb!" He threw his hands up in the air dramatically. "Not a little vampire. No matter how cute she seems to be."
Rudy sighed devotedly and sat down at the table.
"She's just like I told you."
"So... a black lamb?"
The corners of Rudy's mouth twitched. "Yes. That fits."
"To get back to the, let's call it 'music'."
"I don't get it either.", Rudy smiled with amusement.
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"Little bat?" König asked his girlfriend cautiously. She was sitting in one of his shirts next to his legs in front of the couch, looking thoughtfully at her puzzle, while the movie of her choice was playing on TV.
"Yes Bear?" she asked without looking up.
His eyes darted to the television at a particularly organic sound, before quickly settling back on her.
"Um... I know I said 'My job is war and I can take more than nornal humans'."
(Y/n) looked up and grinned mockingly.
"But I admit that your warning was probably... justified."
She grinned at him openly. "No (y/n)! I've seen and done things-"
"All right!" he interrupted her. A woman on the television screamed. "Is this girl still alive?" he asked in disgust.
(Y/n) pressed a button on the remote control and the movie stopped.
"There's no way anyone could survive something like that," he huffed.
His little bat just took a sip of his coffee. "The lore is, that Art keeps someone alive ,until he's satisfied. He decides when you die."
"That doesn't make any sense."
"It's horror. It's not supposed to make sense." She patted his gigantic thigh. "You held out very well, but you dropped out of the movie. You lost the bet. You have to order today.", she smiled mischievously.
He grumbled and reached for the tablet.
"No! You have to call! That was the bet."
He looked murderously at the phone. He hated ordering food. Which made no sense, considering his job and his career in it. He was a grown man. He made most people afraid, but still. These everyday situations weren't exactly easy for him. It wasn't like it used to be, but it would never be normal either. Nobody had to like him in his job. No one expected him to be polite. In the real world, there were all these rules and unspoken regulations.
"Like always?" he asked her. She just nodded and went back to looking at her puzzle.
Sometimes it was funny. They both weren't the most confident when it came to social interaction, even though the world always thought they should be. Him because of his body. Her because of her look.
They had started making bets. The loser had to make phone calls or tell the waiter in the restaurant that the food was going back.
He ordered the pizza and felt (Y/n) put a hand on his knee. He had started wiggling his legs again. A habit that had always upset his mother. She stroked his knee with her thumb and he brought his limbs back to rest. With a sigh, he tossed the cell phone towards the pillow. It was nice that he didn't feel any anxiety with her. It was nice to have someone who gave him the space to find peace.
"What kind of picture is this going to be?", he asked her, stroking her hair and looking at the dark puzzle.
"Yes. It's just black." She grinned.
"Because we as humans like to play God. The nice thing is... There's a reference picture."
He grinned. He loved how she was amused by little things like that. He loved his little bat. Her and her bloody pointless puzzle.
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dollypopup · 3 months
also also- to cut so many intimacy scenes in a season where body positivity was the focus is a slap in the fucking face
The showrunners claiming that love scenes matter less after the couple has gotten together- bullshit. I call fucking bullshit. Because that scene of her riding him at the end of the season could have made up for a LOT of disappointment in the ending. That bed is symbolic. Them being TOGETHER in the bed is symbolic and meaningful and says so much and is such a perfect way to represent they are a unit again. He was on that sofa for so long in part because of a rift between them with Lady Whistledown in the storyline, but also because that was a safe place for him. That was the first place he and Pen had sex as a couple and they were happy and they were in love, and it was difficult for him to leave that.
A scene at the end where she is on top, riding him, and they are on the bed together, signifies his trust in her and them moving together into the future. It is important. And it should have gotten more than just 20 seconds on the screen. Her on top was meaningful, because in the carriage, she is a passive participant to pleasure. On the sofa, she asks him to tell her what to do, and when he says he'll do it all, she demands to be a part of it. And in riding him, she is an active party in the intimacy. He can relinquish the control, trusts her enough to do so, and she trusts him enough to be in the vulnerable position of being on top. A position women who have had concerns about their body in a fatphobic society know all too well. Why cut it so short? Why not truly lean into that?
You cannot pat yourself on the back as a body positivity season to make bank off of your plus size viewers and then cut so many intimacy scenes, Shondaland and Netflix. That's fucked. You cannot profit off of us and then do a half assed job in telling our stories.
Where are the fat writers in the room? The fat editors? To say 'actually, this love scene is important. we should cut something else'. Why is it that we don't get Colin going down on her? It was filmed, why was it cut? Why are there less intimacy scenes between Pen and Colin than there were for Benedict?
How are you going to claim over and over that this is representation, and then do our representation dirty? I would understand in part if it wasn't even filmed, for various reasons. Actors feeling uncomfortable, the scenes being unnecessary to the narrative itself- but they were filmed, and they were VITAL.
Pen and Colin are FROSTY after that Lady Whistledown reveal. To use words from a very hilarious video: he doesn't wanna dip his quill in her inkwell anymore after finding out about the lies. Because for Colin, love and intimacy and trust are all entwined. He can't have angry sex with her because he craves intimacy, not just sensation. To have one without the other isn't fulfilling for him. So they split apart and apart and apart, until they come together again. (pardon the innuendo) Them having sex at the end of the season is supposed to be the sigh of relief the viewers AND the couple get after that angst. It's the payoff. They had distance, and now they are together again. They were apart and now they are one. They are joined.
Where was the payoff?
Nicola talked about the importance of intimacy scenes, that they are not throwaways, that they mean something to the plot, and for them to be scrapped feels like an injustice. An injustice to the people who saw themselves represented in this story, (note: I'm a fat woman, and I'll say, I do NOT feel personally represented, because I'm a size 18/20 and a size 8 lead isn't my representation, but many many people do not feel as I do, and so if you DID see yourself on screen, I'm sorry: you deserved that intimacy montage), an injustice to the narrative, and an injustice to your actors, who put themselves in a very vulnerable position to deliver the most poignant love story they could, who really went for it, and who ended up on the cutting room floor.
Nic and Luke love this pairing, you can TELL they're shippers, you can tell they have so much empathy and adoration for Pen and Colin. They poured their heart into those scenes. To see them cut is a disservice and a disrespect.
We fucking deserved better.
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
If anyone ever asked me why I'm sat permanently here at the WH it's because of the videos I just rewatched of L anxiously seeking out N's presence and then hand on the red carpet for the NYC premiere. When he finally saw her, this man blew her a kiss and then spent the rest of the time lingering around her and behind her waiting for her to turn her attention to him which wasn't until they were prepping to take the cast pic on the carpet. He was so anxious and wound up that he sought her hand and refused to let it go. She's his comfort in a sea of chaos.
Cut to the London premiere where he seemed a bit off, like he wasn't fully there, yet we again see him seeking out N's hand to ground him. Even saw his hand twitching to capture hers while she was being interviewed as he chatted with Simone. Then you see them once again prepping to take the cast pic on the carpet and he absolutely refused to break his and N's connection so much so that we saw him switch hands to maintain it. Again, she's his comfort.
All of this is what we've seen publicly. Can you imagine what's actually transpired behind the scenes? They're so unhinged, this is what they've let slip and it really begs the question of just what the hell is happening that we can't see? Not that we're entitled to any answers mind you. The point is that the behavior is what fuels the questions. With a connection and comfort like that, having it for months on end to then losing it and falling into superficial behaviors with superficial people can be quite taxing for L and with N diving so much into work I hope that she's finding comfort in her group. I just know that when they come back together to work on s4 that, with everything that seems to be happening in front of us, what we don't know about them is what ultimately might bring them together in the end.
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ingravinoveritas · 8 months
Just saw a clip of the Staged bloopers and cut scenes and it made me wonder if you'd ever written a post about David saying "you're the Debbie McGee to my Paul Daniels". Non UK people might know that Paul Daniels was a stage magician who was very popular in the 80s and might even know that Debbie McGee was his assistant but they might not know that they were married for 28 years until Paul Daniels died in 2016. David is calling Michael his wife, or at the very least his glamorous assistant 😳🤣
No need to post if you've already written about it, I went quite a way back through your blog to try and check but, well, you've written a lot about Staged 🤣
Hi there! Oh gosh, I have not actually written a post about David saying that, mainly because being a non-UK person, I did not actually know who Paul Daniels or Debbie McGee are, or that they were married (I think the other part of the reason I don't know them is that they were both a bit before my time). So thank you so much for this delicious tidbit/insight! Let's get a visual up here as we start to talk about it:
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The first thing I will say is that I have seen the Staged outtakes, and what makes me love this moment so much is that this was very definitely not part of the script, but rather something David said himself, without prompting. He says it so earnestly as well, as if this particular reference is one that is specifically for them but also one that he does not mind other people hearing. David had to know that this could have made it to the final cut, so the fact that he said it despite that fact seems to speak volumes.
Again, could this just be David joking and calling Michael his sidekick/assistant? Absolutely. But it's incredibly hard not to see the deeper meaning potentially at play, especially when we consider that David has called Michael his wife on at least two other occasions. The second instance in particular is still so remarkable to me, because it wasn't in a promotional or media context, but to a private audience. It's further bolstered by Rob Wilkins referring to Michael and David as "the loveliest couple," which again is a specific choice of words. So it does make one wonder if David and Michael have quietly been calling themselves that for some time, at least to their personal circles (a long time, even, given that Staged 2 aired at the beginning of 2021).
Regardless of whether David's comment was meant as a joke or as a sly allusion to the nature of his and Michael's relationship, what I love most about this (and what I think we could all agree on) is that David is saying that Michael is the person he makes magic with. Magic we saw in Good Omens, and then subsequently in a few seasons of Staged, and again in GO season 2. And with any luck, magic we will get to see Michael and David make together for a long, long time to come.
Also, for those who have never seen what Paul Daniels and Debbie McGee look like (as I hadn't), I need to share this picture:
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...And also say that I really would love to see Michael in that outfit and headpiece on the left. His hair is as curly as Debbie's, so we can definitely see how lovely that headpiece would look on such a head of hair. Not to mention the pink sparkly I Dream of Jeannie-esque outfit and coordinating eye shadow, which Michael would absolutely slay in. I will never know peace until we see a picture of him in that outfit, and I think he would love to wear it, especially given how much we know Michael loves drag. Couples Halloween costume this year with David? We can only hope...
Again, thank you for sharing this most excellent information, which I hope my followers will also very much enjoy. Thanks for writing in! x
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exit-path · 1 year
Hey, remember this video? This is how tumblr made the Undertale “Stronger than You” parody.
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Hi guys! Before we start, some of you on tumblr may have been in the Undertale fandom in 2015 when this was taking place, but I wasn't. So if you were at the devil's sacrament, then reblog with what you remember! I'd love to hear primary source perspectives of events.
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But without further ado, let's begin, and watch as ordinary people made Internet history. (under the cut)
Part 1: gymleadercheren
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It all started when @gymleadercheren drew a snippet of the Sans fight, with some Steven Universe lyrics underneath. This post caught the eye of @thepinkestpug, who had an idea.
Part 2: thepinkestpug
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Later that same day—Oct 10, 2015—thepinkestpug sang a parody. Now, her Soundcloud link… how do I say it… doesn't sound very good? (He calls it "poor quality" herself.) But because he was in both the UT and SU fandoms, she was uniquely qualified to come up with these lyrics.
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Upon seeing the "Stronger Than You" parody, gymleadercheren was ECSTATIC that she inspired someone with her post. The next day, she asked thepinkestpug for "permission to smoosh our lyrics together and make a comic?” If you've seen djsmell's video, you may recognize what she made next…
Part 3: The Comic
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It took 3 weeks, but on Oct 29, 2015, gymleadercheren finally finished her comic. With 38 PANELS in total, the post was an instant success. She credits thepinkestpug for her lyrics, and links to an 8-bit "Stronger Than You" instrumental. Today, the post has over 20k notes.
Part 4: djsmell
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Two days later, on Oct 31, 2015, @djsmell made a song cover of the comic. He NAILED the voice of Sans, and used the 8-bit song cover from gymleadercheren's post. He posted about it on his blog, while his YouTube video now has 11M views.
Part 5: alfa995
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It wasn't until nearly 2 months later that on Dec 21, 2015, @alfa995 finally finished his animation. It used djsmell's audio, and filled in the gaps where the comic made you use your imagination. Today, the YouTube video has been viewed nearly 80 MILLION times.
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These were alfa995's words about everything that had happened so far: "So basically someone… made lyrics for an Undertale version of [a song from Steven Universe] and a comic based off it, then someone else sung it, and now I animated it. I love the Internet."
Part 6: Reflections
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And that’s the history of this video! This singular video has grown in popularity to such immense heights, it's a well-known piece of trivia that more people recognize the Undertale “Stronger Than You” parody than the actual Steven Universe song it’s based off of.
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What I find interesting is how each person involved in this process had a tumblr blog. They saw each other’s posts and made more posts based off of them. By fandom standards this happened LIGHTNING FAST, the idea took 2 and a half months from conception to completion. It’s this connectivity that created the 4th most-viewed Undertale video.
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The Undertale scene on tumblr spawned many more memorable fan creations, such as the “Underpants” series by SrPelo, which became the entry point for many into the wonder that is his animations.
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It is this fandom that made Undertale a goliath of Internet culture. It is this fandom that made it so that Toby Fox will always have a loyal, rabid audience. Say what you want about it, whether you love it or hate it, the Undertale scene on tumblr may never happen again.
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Thank you for reading, and I hope that you enjoyed!
This was my first time thinking about the Undertale fandom in a LONG time, and it was a nice trip down memory lane. Also, here’s a few things I found while researching that I couldn’t list above:
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First, what's with all these "Stronger Than You" versions? I had no idea until I started researching that there were so many spinoffs of this singular video. Like, there's a CHARA response? There's a FRISK RESPONSE? THERE'S A TRIO VERSION?
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And speaking of spinoffs, I want to shout out the video "Richer Than You"—absolutely phenomenal YTPMV that had a lot of effort put into it.
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Finally, I want to shout out Super Eyepatch Wolf’s video, as it was my inspiration while writing this, and explains: “why did these videos get so popular?”
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bygiornogiovanna · 1 year
Back to what we were
a small yandere! giorno one shot because I love this man so much
actually, it isn't small at all oopsie. I got carried away.
warnings: implied yandere themes, implied stalking, giorno still considers you are together, manipulating
also, i don't know if my previous post was seen, but my requests have been opened again. send me your ideas!
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Everything went quiet.
The chatter stopped the moment he opened the door.
You felt your knees getting weak when you saw his tall figure. It felt like time stopped the second he stepped inside the room.
With his blonde locks resting gracefully on his shoulders and his head held high, he exuded a superior air. The power he gave off was intoxicating.
His presence was overwhelming.
Every pair of eyes was laid on the influential man walking across the room. Even you couldn't break away from his spell over the public.
You, who weren't supposed to be there.
Actually, he wasn't supposed to be there. Because you worked there and he didn't.
You and Giorno broke things off a long time ago. At least, that's what it felt like.
In reality, only a few months passed. And, during those months, you couldn't say you were the happiest without him. You missed him much, but your pride kept you from returning to him. Especially since you were the one that broke the relationship.
Your gaze dropped as soon as he stared around the meeting room as if searching for something. His vigilant eyes quickly caught your figure, but he kept up the show.
"Is L/N Y/N here?" His voice rang through the room, pretending to not know exactly where you were, hiding behind your documents.
Your best friend leaned to you, his gaze moving between you and the blonde. He whispered- "Why is our new boss searching for you?"
Wait what? New boss? How?
Even though that would explain what he was doing here.
"New boss?" you whispered back, almost inaudible. Your heart was pounding so hard inside your chest that you were afraid it would get out.
"Yeah, how didn't you know? Mr. Giovanna became our boss a few weeks ago. It's said he bought the company from Diavolo." Before your friend could say anything else, Giorno's suave voice was heard again.
"I'm not aware of how the last boss let you treat him, but when I ask something, I expect answers. Immediately. I also hate repeating myself."
You rolled your eyes at his remark, but you remained quiet. You didn't want to speak with him. You preferred him being mad at everyone in the room, rather than seeing him for the first time in so long.
However, your plans were ruined by one of your coworkers, who almost yelled - "Yes, they're right there!" while pointing to you. You shot a deadly glare across the room, from where your coworker sat.
"Y/N, stand up, please. I can't see you." Giorno said, but the words sounded more like an order. Not wanting to make a scene, you sighed deeply and got up from your seat. "Good. Thank you for telling me, miss Hannah. You, come with me."
You shot another glare in Hannah's direction and got your things. "I'll be back." you murmured to your best friend and followed Giorno outside the meeting room.
Not a word could be heard until you got into what you supposed was his office now, and even then, he didn't say anything. He sat down in his chair, his emerald eyes eating you up.
"Okay. What the hell is happening here? Why are you here? How did you get this position? Why don't you leave me alone?" you said, trying to sound like you were mad at him. Honestly, you were just confused.
The corner of his lips rose, forming half an arrogant smile. You felt your heart flutter, and you bit the inside of your cheek.
"That's no way of speaking to your boss, is it now?" he said calmly, but your head was spinning with the need to know, not giving a damn about his role now.
"Cut the bullshit! I didn't even know you were my boss until like, what, five minutes ago?" you kept your attitude while Giorno just extended his lips into a full smile. However, his eyes weren't smiling back at you.
"I suggest you lower that tone of yours and change your attitude, sweetheart. If you are not aware, I'm the one who is in charge now. I could fire you any second. Perhaps, I should." The coldness hidden in his calm voice sent shivers down your spine.
You roll your eyes, annoyed, and he signals you to sit down. He was right. He did have the power to do it, given his new position. "Fine, I apologize for my behavior. I'm just...confused, to say the least. You were okay with us breaking up, and now you are in my life again. As my boss, but still. I thought that's where our paths diverged. Why are you here?"
"Well, I think you know my dream is to make Italy a better place. Meaning I need to absolutely get rid of drugs. And I'm pretty sure I never agreed on our break up"
"What does that mean? I asked you if you are okay with us parting ways and you said yes!" Probably the combination of shock and confusion that was displayed on your face right now was more than funny, considering the giggle that left his pretty lips.
What am I thinking?!
"Oh, my silly little bunny...You are so funny sometimes."
You raised your brow at his remark.
"What do you mean? I'm pretty sure you did agree." After he realized you were serious, his smile dropped. You felt shivers running down your spine and it suddenly felt like the temperature went down.
"I told you I'm only giving you a break. You really thought I'll let you leave forever?"
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the-offside-rule · 2 years
Joao Felix (Chelsea) - Unrequited Love
Requested: yes
Prompt: Reader loves Joao but he loves somebody else
Warnings: it's soooo sad
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No matter how much you would try, you always found yourself being the second option for someone. "I love you Y/n but-" That's how itt always ended. They always promised to stay friends but that never happened and they never really bothered you. That was of course until you met Joao. He was probably the first ever human being to consider you as a first choice. He didn't treat you like anyone else did. You'd stay up late almost every night to just talk about anything and everything. You cried together, laughed together, basically did everything. Life was great, love was great, you felt healed it seemed and then that fake kingdom of hope shattered and crumbled to the ground once she came along.
You walked to Joao's apartment and knocked on the door. Today was the day you were going to tell him exactly how you felt and nobody was going to stop you. Your shoulders lifted as you saw the door opening, only to droop when your eyes landed on a beautiful brunette girl with blue eyes and a practically perfect body. The words got stuck in your throat as you tried to speak. "Can I help you?" the girl asked. "I- erm. Is Joao here?" you asked, fighting back the tears. "He's actually gone out to the gym. He'll be back soon though. Would you like to come in?" You shook your head. "No thanks. Could you just tell him that Y/n was looking for him?" you requested. "Oh my god! You're Y/n?" You nodded your head slowly. "Joao has told me so much about you! I'm Mila. I'm so sorry about your love life sis." You faked a smile and clenched your jaw. "Yeah well, it happens sometimes doesn't it?" You hated her already. "I'm sure you'll find someone one day." Mila reassured you. "I thought I found someone once before but it appeared that he wasn't the one." You said, sounding hurt. "Well, I should get going." You began walking away only to stop in your tracks and turn around. "Actually-" Mila reopened the door and looked at you. "What is that feeling when you finally find that person?" She smiled, remembering the very first time she realised she loved Joao. "Like nothing else would matter anymore. That's how I felt anyway." The smile on her face was telling youu she wasn't lying. She was completely and utterly in love. "I'll keep that in mind then." You chuckled. "When you do find the one, dont let him go. Never, ever let him go." Well sorry Mila, but for your sake I'm going to have to let him go.
"I won't. Don't worry." You both bid your farewells and walked back to your car. You looked blankly at the windscreen and smiled slightly before finally letting the plank break and allowing your eyes to finally drain the tears she had been fighting in for so long. You hated this feeling, this love thing. So many times you got it wrong and when you got the formula right finally, you couldn't have it. What was the reason?
Why? Why did it hurt so much?
Why? Why was she angry?
Why? Why? Why?
"I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Felix." The crowd erupted into cheers and claps, which included you up near the front, watching the scene unfold before you. Joao pulling Mila closer and kissing her. He pulled away from the kiss and looked around, catching eyes with you. You stuck your thumbs up, showing your approval which made him laugh. What a beautiful day. The wedding day. Everything seemed so perfect, much like the couple themselves. The dance went perfectly, the dinner went perfectly, the only thing left to do was basically cut the wedding cake and that would be it. However, everyone just wanted to talk for a while instead. You sat drinking your little glass of cola, minding your business when youu felt a hand on your shoulder, belonging of course to Joao. "Whats up?" you asked. "Let's go to the balcony." he said. "Why?" you lightly y chuckled. "Please? I want to talk with my best friend." Ouch. Best friend. You got up and followed him, walking out to a beautiful balcony view. "So, what do youu want to talk about?" you asked as he poured a glass of champagne. "Just nothing, like we used to."
Drrink after drink, you found yourself getting that little bit drunker but you didn't care. It was fine. "You deserve it Joao." you croaked. Thankfully he didn't notice how down youu sounded. "I'm going to feel bad leaving you out of something though." he replied. "Psh, it's fine Joao. I promise. I think you could use being away from me for a while anyway." Joao laughed and sipped the last of his drinnk before sthanding up. "We should get going. The cake is going to get cut soon."
"Yeah, I'll follow you in a minute."
"Y/n, my cake!" He laughed as you stayed sat down. "I'll be in soon. Don't worry about me." You smiled. Joao walked back over and kissed your hair. "Well don't spend too long out here. It's freezing." he whispered. "I'll see ya, yeah?" You nodded. "Yeah. I'll see you Joao." Joao smiled again and walked back in to his beautiful bride. You finally stood up and looked in at how happy he was. Laughing, talking, holding hiss perfect bride. You couldn't help but feel jealous at this scene because no matter how much youu told yourself otherwise, they were perfect for each other and itt tore you up inside. That's when you made your decision; to leave for good. You took one of the pieces of paper that you are supposed to write good luck messages to the married couple and wrote everything, absolutely everything on your mind before placing it under the glass and creeping out. And just like that, youu disappeared into thin air, never to be heard from again.
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symbologic · 8 months
Luffy vs. Zoro at Whiskey Peak
Unpopular opinion maybe, but the Luffy vs. Zoro clash in Whiskey Peak made sense for their characters. You could even argue that it was bound to happen, given their personalities.
Luffy likes the people who feed him. In the the face of their suffering, no matter who's responsible, he's too angry to concern himself with the reasons behind it. Zoro, on the other hand, prefers to handle things independently without saying much about it, especially if it means his crew gets to enjoy themselves a little longer
So it's not really surprising that Luffy would be blindsided by finding their hosts cut up by his swordsman, and that this would send him flying into a fit of rage. If he's never paused to listen to context or backstories before now, why would he start here? And of course, Zoro is not the type to back down from a challenge. He will match Luffy's energy and respond in kind
"But if Luffy were a good captain, he would have stopped to listen to Zoro's side of the story." Vivi tells him he's a bad captain two arcs later, precisely because of this kind of behavior. It clearly leaves an impression on Luffy, and we see he's grown into a better leader by the time he reaches Amazon Lily. (Almost as if Oda set all this development up on purpose with Whiskey Peak. HMM...)
"But Luffy refused to believe that Nami had killed Usopp in Arlong Park." This argument is like comparing apples to oranges. Nami did not actually do the murder that Johnny and Yosaku claim they saw, nor is she capable of killing people in cold blood. Of course Luffy isn't going to believe Nami killed Usopp based on hearsay. But in Whiskey Peak, Zoro did cut those bounty hunters. Luffy sees the evidence for himself, and he knows the carnage Zoro is capable of inflicting once he puts his mind to it. There is no denying what happened. Nothing other than Zoro saying "someone else did this" (or Nami knocking the soul out of him) was going to stop Luffy from going ballistic
"Why would Luffy fight so hard to recruit Zoro into his crew, firmly believing that he wasn't a bad person, only to later attack him because he believed Zoro was capable of harming 'innocent' people?" Because the fight was never about whether their hosts were "innocent" or not, not really. Their fight was about what Zoro did (assaulting the ones who fed them), and how those actions made Luffy feel (mad as hell, because these people FED THEM) For Luffy, context did not actually matter at that moment in time because, for him, "they fed me" unequivocally means "they're my friend", full stop This is even shown again in Mocktown! Both when Luffy unquestioningly eats an apple from Doc Q, and when Bellamy buys Luffy a drink in Mocktown. In the first case, Luffy only lived because he was lucky. And in the second case, he assumes Bellamy is a good person despite all evidence to the contrary, only to have his face brutally smashed into the bartop by Bellamy. Luffy is shockingly bad at reading people who try to feed him.
Luffy has interpersonal conflicts with all the core members from East Blue at different times. The fight with Zoro is the only one instigated by Luffy. But surprisingly, their fight highlights their similarities instead of their differences. They still fight equally and work together against BW agents who try to interfere with their fight.
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I think that's what Oda wanted to showcase with this scene.
In short, Luffy's initial anger stemmed from his protectiveness towards those who have fed him, while Zoro's actions were driven by his dedication to the crew and subsequent refusal to back down from Luffy's challenge. It was a clash resulting from miscommunication and misunderstanding, something that is not typically a problem for them — until it suddenly becomes one When all is said and done, they're both quick to forgive and forget. This, too, is fitting for both their characters. From that point onward, Zoro continues to demonstrate that Luffy's trust is not misplaced. And Luffy never, ever doubts Zoro again after this
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mamuzzy · 5 months
This blurb was born from a conversation where we talked about how no one is there for Kal to counter, oppose or punish him for his decisions and deeds therefore the author favors him over the characters who are critical about him.
Mind that, this wasn't meant to go after anyone, just my observations about the character I deeply love.
If we see this as some dramaturgy aspect, Kal already got his punishment and judgement from others, but that happened in the past. By the time we see Kal in Triple Zero, he is already at his redemption arc!
Long rambling about Kal Skirata under the cut.
Kal lives a life that is not suitable for a family that requires all parents to be at home, and from the narrative, it's really similiar to the military families in real life.
When they say, he was never home, usually they don't mean that the children and the wife never saw him. It's more likely, he was at home for months or two and then went after a bounty. Difference is, in peace time you usually know when will your soldier husband return, but as a bounty hunter, I think it's unpredictable when you will see your family again, or in family pov, when you will see your husband or father again. There was a sentence I think, where it was stated Ilippi at first enjoyed being a wife of a famous bounty hunter and it was pure love at first (you know: sounds cool in theory, but actually having a soldier-boyfriend/girlfriend demand sacrifices), and probably the money was good (couples and families with children often staying together for financial safety eventhough they both know it's not working).
The two oldest boy had time to understand what is happening between Kal and Ilippi. The oldest boy was 8 when their divorce happened - that's the time when Kal wanted to take the boy with him to hunt.
Thinking about a lot about Ruu, and I think she already raised in an environment where she barely seen her father but was too young for understand how that affected the rest of the family.
Now if the boys already had hate for their father, it was because of the mother's influence. I think this is a perfectly valid women representation. Not the one, people want to see in fiction, but valid and real. Also real, because Ilippy decided this life is not for her and her children. Kal and Ilippy had cultural clashing many times. She realized that she doesn't want this for herself and left. And this is something people in bad relationship usually doesn't have the strenght to do it. Ilippy is fucking valid.
But I also understand Kal too, because he had an expectation how he will raise his children but chose the bad partner for it. Their relationship never was about "them", there was either Kal's way or Ilippy's way. Their expectations never matched. Yet Kal never ceased to love his wife or biological children, he financially supported them until his sons disowned him as well because he couldn't be there for them when Ilippy died (I think it happened when Kal was already on Kamino).
Kal got his punishment by being disowned by his wife and later the boys too. There was a scene in the 501, where he thought about his part marriage and started to understand her ex-wife better. Kal tries to redeem himself by giving everything to his boys he couldn't give to his biological family. He really sucks at it, he makes dire mistakes, but he is trying.
(To be continued with more blurb about the relationship between Kal Skirata and Walon Vau, Nulls and the Commandos he raised. And Darman himself. Maybe Ny too.)
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profoundbondfanfic · 1 year
do u have any favorite canon compliant / "missing scene" fics?
Hello there! Yes, here are a few suggestions with fics that include extra scenes like the 'fanfiction gap' and add something new to Cas and Dean's relationship.
a kiss for every season (literally) by sobsicles [Explicit, 22k words]
The first time Dean and Cas kiss, it's not really even a kiss at all. It is not, however, the last kiss that they share. ~~~ Dean doesn't think about it. Not about what it means, not about what it makes them, not about how it affects him. This life—that's not how things work. It's just this, these "in the moment" moments that always slip right out of his fingers because he lets them. He doesn't try to hold onto them, and neither does Cas, and maybe they shouldn't. Cas kisses him like no one else does, like no one else ever has. Dean absolutely does not think about it unless it's happening to him, and then he doesn't have the ability to think at all. What does it say about him that he occasionally kisses his best friend, who's a man? Dean doesn't know, and he doesn't really want to find out, either. 
All This Happened, More or Less by ceeainthereforthat [Mature, 88k words]
Dean had no idea that inheriting John Winchester's Impala was only the beginning of the destruction of his life. That Sam's dreams were more than just the consequences of late night pizza dinners. That angels looked like slightly rumpled tax accountants. And he's not ready for any of it.
Fracture Mechanics by Rend_Herring [Explicit, 43k words]
Admitting it won’t make Dean any more inconsolable than he already is, and he’ll never feel Cas’ absence any more or any less acutely than he does in this exact moment. “He’s gone,” Dean finally admits, because it seems like the only thing left to say. When the terrible, swollen vacancy of the room offers no recourse, Sam says, “I know.”
Home by FriendofCarlotta [General audiences, 2k words]
This is the story of a car, and the boy who loves it so fiercely, it becomes a home. As the boy grows into a man, his car is the one constant in his life. Until, one day, he meets an angel, and "home" takes on a new meaning.
If I Could Change One Thing by 2Minutes2Midnight [Explicit, 13k words]
Spoilers through Season 5 finale. When Dean gets sent into the future where he refuses Michael, he vows to change one thing, if nothing else. He must prevent Castiel from becoming human. No matter the cost.
Revisions by zeppazariel [Explicit, 127k words]
From the beginning, Dean and Cas continue to find their way together over and over. Chuck keeps erasing it.
That Wasn't Supposed to Fucking Happen! by anyrei, queerwerewolf [Explicit, 66k words]
What if it all wasn’t just subtext? Individual, subjective interpretation? What if we’re only seeing a fraction of what’s going on with the Winchesters? What would happen if we saw what was actually happening off-camera? Destiel might not technically “exist”, but that’s because the cameras haven’t captured it. Now that the fourth wall has been broken, subtext may become explicit text. Explicit being the operative word here. Season 12 Ongoing Fix It from 12x09 through 12x23.
The Sum Of My Regrets by LoveIsNotAVictoryMarch [Mature, 20k words]
“A quick trip to the past, that’s all. Look Cas, I know we can’t do anything about all the innocent people getting into the crossfire of our battles, but this I can do. Let me rescue this child and give Lily Sunder back her life. What can possibly go wrong?”  In which Dean Winchester travels through time, learns a thing or two about best laid plans and falls in love with an angel – all over again.
these masks we wear by deansnuggles [Mature, 24k words]
These are the things you hide, when you’re John Winchester’s oldest son: A feather Sammy found and gave you. A piece of satin you cut from a nightgown you swiped from the thrift store. You like to keep it in your pocket and rub it between your fingers. A romance novel left behind in a motel. You tape the cover of a Stephen King novel on the front. A picture of Robert Plant hidden under the fabric on the bottom of your toiletry bag. A cassette of Queen, a cassette of The Beatles. You like to draw. Knights and dragons and cowboys. A mockingbird. A lily. A boy in your class. You rip that one up and burn it. We follow Dean through important times in his life as he slowly learns to accept who he is and figures out what a happy ending means for him.
this ain't for the best (but i want you) by jewishdeanwinchester [Explicit, 8k words]
Five times Dean and Cas fucked, and one time they made love. Or, times Dean and Cas could've been but weren't. (Until they were.)
You can also check our coda tag for fics that follow along with specific episodes.
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nutcasewithaknife · 2 years
Controversial take time! Wei Wuxian knew that his siblings always loved him, but believed that they were making a mistake in doing so.
(This got too long, it's is under the cut!)
Hear me out. I don't think that Wei Wuxian didn't know he was loved unconditionally. He knew!! For a whole year or so after the war, he was at Yunmeng doing less that the bare minimum to help rebuild, and his brother is mad about it. But he still tries to stand up for Wei Wuxian in front of the rest of Jianghu! The have the stupid soup conversation! Yanli goes off at Jin Zixun in front of half the Jianghu bigshots for insulting him, runs into a battlefield for him after he's killed her husband!! He's never truly afraid of meeting Jiang Cheng post-resurrection, not surprised at all at being asked why he didn't come home. He's just trying to avoid the inevitable mess of feelings that the meeting would entail. Afterall, when it came down to it, Jiang Cheng shut his eyes and stabbed a rock in the end, not him, not even after he'd killed their sister.
Now for the argument. Look, the sibling trio has some complex dynamics, but they survived that household on a mutual understanding that they love each other. That's why Wei Wuxian leaving is the point that casts everything into doubt - they have always been together, and that was an immutable fact until it suddenly wasn't. I don't thing Jiang Yanli or Jiang Cheng ever understood how much Wei Wuxian took their mother to heart - he truly believed any love he deserved was to be earned, because was was a servant. Unconditional love was for family only!
It hit me only while watching the best scene aka Yanli ripping into Jin Zixun at the hunt. She defends him, basically declares him as part of her family, and Wei Wuxian? He's watching his sister having to defend him when it should be the other way round, getting flak for sticking up for him too. He's in agonies the entire time! He's not even happy about jzx getting verbally eviscerated in public!
Most obvious between Sunshot and leaving with the Wens, there's a pattern. Wei Wuxian may not be stepping in as First Disciple to rebuild, but he's still useful - nobody will dare harm the Yunmeng Jiang while he is part of it and holds the power of the Stygian Tiger Amulet. And then, slowly but surely, he sees his brother and and sister standing up for him, deescalating political situations caused by others vying for the very power he possessed and wanted to use to protect the sect. It was actually harming them, in a way that couldn't be solved by its brute force. He is the opposite of useful, now - he's the root of a brewing threat to the sect. This is a huge part of why he leaves! He's pushing away the people he can no longer help but only harm, and he's going to those who he can still be useful to.
Yes, it's about keeping them safe because he loves them, and about protecting lives, but also because he thinks his brother and sister had it wrong all along - they saw him as family when he was just a servant, and therefore acceptable as collateral damage. He cannot allow them to protect him, because that's his job even if they refuse to acknowledge that, isn't it? He left because he thought he was useless, a danger, he didn't deserve their love after they had to defend him at the cost of harm to the sect and themselves. It really fits into his habit of deciding for others once he's made up his mind, doesn't it?
The crux of it is, I think, that he eventually learns that he can have a family. That's why Lan Wangji is important. He doesn't have a fragile, struggling sect of people to protect above everything else, unlike Jiang Cheng. He doesn't die while trying to stick to Wei Wuxian's side, unlike Yanli. He doesn't die for Wei Wuxian either, like Wen Qing. Lan Wangji is able to stay by his side and survives it long enough for him to realise that maybe, just maybe, having him as family is worth breaking rules for, and won't get people killed by default.
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Asked : 🤕 + AN INJURY to find my muse with that injury.
「 🕸️ Another late night stuck at the studio recording various scenes until fatigue set in. The load, in more than one way, doubled this evening since Angel arrived late to his last shoot. The punishment more severe than anticipated leaving him sore afterwards. He had a hidden bottle of bourbon in his dressing room. He had stood outside a shop one day staring at it and recalled the time Alastor had been kind enough to share a glass with him. One hand pressed against the window of the shop, and a smile curling on his lips. He purchased it as more of a secret comfort, then a vice. But tonight he finally cracked open the lid and drowned himself in half a bottle.
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He understood the contents of his contract. He was use to the freaky, sadistic shit that moth made him do. In one scene the other actor was supposed to hit him hard. It was supposed to be fake, but he kept fucking it up and making it unbelievable. His skin crawled as he felt his bosses anger lingering in the atmosphere. Did he dare look? No. He only gazed at Valentino when the moth rose and got in-between them. He was yelling at the guy and his performance. And eventually Val turned his attention to him. Shit, This was bad. ❝ ....Val, wait... ❞ He was instantly cut off. He watched as Val sighed and told the guy to watch as he demonstrated how to do it right. And done twice.
His cheek ached still and he curled up on the floor with the half empty bottle. People got hurt all the time down here, so not like it was that big of a deal. He scrolled through his phone debating on messaging Cherri. But he had a hunch she'd come if he did, and he wasn't in the mood right now. He threw a fluffy pink sweater on for comfort and got himself together, eyes wiped, before leaving the studio. The bourbon left behind on the floor. He took his time returning to the hotel in hopes everyone would be sleeping by now. His only concern was Husk being at the bar. But to his surprise, Smiles was the only one out in the lobby. Fuck. He knew the discoloration would be obvious. ❝ ....It's nothin'. ❞ Why'd he even bother addressing it in the first place? Just cause Smiles was nice to him for one night didn't mean he magically gave a shit about him now.
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You're a lot more than the filth you've become accustomed to.
Why did he have to think about that now? Just cause Smiles said it didn't mean he actually meant it. Sometimes people just said shit in the moment to make you feel better. Or get you off their back. Anyone could have said it. But who was he kidding...Not just anyone could have said it for it to pierce his heart the way it did. Husk could have, since he always had the best advice. Their friendship had grown, and he'd actually believe it coming from him. But Alastor? he wasn't sure. And that's why it fucked so much with him.
He went into his room, gingerly closing the door behind him. He stripped down (shorts and shoes only) to get comfortable, before getting beneath his blanket. Fat Nuggets must have sensed something was a miss, since he got up onto the bed and nudged one of his hands with his little nose. Angel gave him a brief pet, smile even. The buzz of his phone caught his attention, but it was only Val telling him he did well. After everything he endured tonight, he nearly threw his phone. But set it aside instead only to be caught by surprise when he saw a shadowy figure un his room.
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❝ Look, I don't wanna talk about it, ok. Just leave me alone. I ain't in the mood. ❞ 」
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howtosingit · 1 year
Some good/bad/ugly (but not super ugly, I'm not a dick about it) thoughts on RWRB. Obvious spoilers.
The Good:
The cake. Different from the book in a few ways but so damn good and a really strong beginning for the film. Also, watch through the credits for a tiny post-credit cake moment.
Alex and Henry messaging back and forth and talking on the phone at the beginning. A perfect way to translate that to the screen, taking advantage of the visual medium. I laughed out loud multiple times during the segment and just really enjoyed watching it.
Zahra. All of her scenes. So good. Dare I say her relationship with Alex was the most developed in the film? Maybe. It was certainly my favorite.
The polo match was a lot of fun, too. Though brief, it was very much in-line with what was on the page and that was satisfying to watch.
The King. He's a very different character than Queen Mary and by casting Stephen Fry and refocusing the moment, it became layered and interesting. An implied foil for Henry. Probably one of the better changes from the book.
The Bad:
Nora and Bea don't have a lot to do. Nora certainly gets a little lost after the first part of the film, though she’s around. Bea doesn't really mean anything until the last half of the film. Neither of them really have any of the depth that their book counterparts had, which is a shame since they're so great on the page.
Percy (because I'm pretty sure he is never referred to as Pez in the film) is an absolutely nothing character. Surprised he wasn't cut, but they clearly wanted Henry to have a counterpart to match Alex's Nora. But he actually gets nothing at all to do.
Alex and Henry's Christmas phone call is gone, and they only really have one big moment of vulnerability before New Year's (the hospital closet), which kind of makes the big kiss feel unearned. They're definitely friendly by New Year's, so that's something.
We're told a lot about the cages that Alex and Henry find themselves in, but they're never clearly defined in the film (it's very tell, don't show), which makes the stakes of them breaking out to be together feel lower, at least to me. I wish we saw a little bit more of the world that they inhabit so that we could understand the risks, but instead it's all summarized in TV segments.
For me, Alex and Henry never really feel fully-realized, especially Henry, who doesn't get his big moments until the later half of the film. It's a shame, but none of their moments of sincerity felt truly earned. I don't know, there was some kind of barrier between me and them for the entire film, I struggled to feel for them outside of "oh that's cute" or "oh that's sad" or "oh how nice."
The Ugly (or, more accurately, things that still don't sit right with me 15 hours later):
Miguel. Oh, boy. I really, really don't understand the choice to include this original character. From the very beginning it's just very... what? And why? All of the leak and antagonism of the leak, instead of being contributed to the white conservative Republican was instead placed on a queer Latiné man with no depth and I'm just... so very very confused by this choice. Obviously it was to streamline a lot of the backstory and details of how the leak came to happen, but my god... I really don't even know. I don't know if Matthew will ever talk about his choices for this character, but I'd really like to hear them. Also, he's not Liam or Rafael Luna, not even close. A pity that comparison was even made at any point during promo because it's 100% not true.
We get maybe 3 mentions of Arthur, no sight of Catherine. In fact, while Catherine is an absent mother, it's not attributed to her grief at all, but more just that she'd rather be anywhere else than by her children? And Henry and Bea are both very resentful of that fact. And I was like... why are we doing that to Catherine? She doesn't deserve that writing.
So after the leak, we get the communications lockdown which makes it impossible for Alex and Henry to speak to each other. But the film decided to have Alex make his big public speech during that time, without having Henry by his side or without him even talking to Henry about it first, and I found that really really upsetting. That was one of my favorite parts of the book, that Alex got to Henry as quickly as he could and then they walked through the whole situation together, side-by-side, as a team, both consenting to the everything after their consent was ripped away from them because of the leak. The film didn't give them that and I really didn't like it at all.
I mean, there were other things, too (the big sex scene was in Paris and happened way too early in my opinion - not because of the sex itself, just how it was framed), but I'm really not interested in picking the film apart. It's an okay film. It's not a terrible way to spend 2 hours. All in all, it feels like a solid summary of the book with glimpses at a lot of the book moments that we love. That doesn't make it a bad film, just a straightforward, simple one. It was made to be palatable for a general audience and that's fine. There's a deeper and more complex story here, which we know from the book, but this film wasn't the place to tell it. It tells a version of it, and it does an okay job at it.
(But, like, I'll take a 5-6 episode mini-series one day so that we can get the fully complex Henry backstory and screen time that he deserves to have.)
Also, Taylor Zakhar Perez's bare ass is a 10 out of 10, would recommend. There will be plenty of gifs of that in the next day or two, and no one will be complaining about it.
Oh, the opening credits were cute too and had an early-2000s rom-com vibe, which was great!
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fancy-fangs · 2 months
I have now finished "I saw the TV glow" and will leave my thoughts about it because uhh that's why
(obviously spoilers for I saw the TV glow below the cut)
(TLDR: it wasn't what I expected but I still enjoyed it and found the story very interesting)
First of all some general stuff.
I love like most movies A24 produces they're always a joy to watch for me, so I had high hopes and they didn't disappoint. It was obviously very A24 but I think they did a good job with the movie in general.
I enjoyed all the shots and I thought the lighting was super cool and worked very well for the general mood of the movie. Again very A24 but the scenes were set up in a super captivating way.
Didn't expect to see justice Smith as the main character in this, I feel like he's been stalking me since the Quarry but honestly he's a great actor so I'm not complaining. Just didn't see him in any of the promo stuff so I was surprised to see him again lol.
I found the breaking of the fourth wall super interesting. It was a very surprising element to me but it worked super well with the themes and it brought a meta element to the storytelling that was super interesting in context of the rest of the story.
Now onto the stuff everyone actually wants to hear:
I actually thought the storyline was super interesting. It had a very slow buildup and it took a while to get like anywhere but I think that works perfectly with the themes of the movie and where it ends. I understand why this made it rough to watch for some ppl tho.
A lot of that beginning gave a sort of uncertain and almost uncomfortable vibe, which again I think worked great but I understand why someone wouldn't like that. Personally a great buildup to the later story tho.
Now I'll be real, I didn't quite understand the aggressive trans themes everyone was putting on the story until like after they were at the football field and Maggie tried to convince Owen to bury themselves together. Like I understood the story obviously and I got some hints but I didn't get for most of it how it was meant to be so much Abt being trans.
Once it hit it hit tho, like once Owen talked about it and once you were confronted with it more it hit and I think it worked really well and was super interesting.
It definitely wasn't what I expected it to be and that makes it even cooler in my opinion. I was slightly worried it would just be a movie about a trans kid and then they figure themselves out and yippee. A part of me was glad it wasn't that.
Because - and now this goes into the actual theme - but I feel like so rarely there's a point made out of "okay but you will have to kill who you are to become the person you're meant to be". Most of the time in pop culture when there's trans representation it's still "oh this is great and awesome you're gonna become awesome and you're life is gonna be great and nothing will change that you don't want to change" which I get but it's also not really how it works.
I thought it was super refreshing as a theme to talk about how yes sometimes you have to kill the person you have been all your life and it's scary and awful and you obviously don't want that but you have to if you don't want it to forcefully kill you in the future.
Obviously it's in the themes and the subtext and the interpretation and there's gonna be a lot of (especially non queer) people who won't get that from that movie and that's okay. I wouldn't be mad at someone if they didn't pick up on that. But to me it was super interesting and I thought it conveyed a lot.
Now still, and maybe this train will hit in the next hour or tomorrow or whatever, but it didn't make me feel any sort of big emotion. Like for me personally, I have been dealing with this for two years, this isn't a new conflict for me. This isn't some realization of something new that sent me down an emotional spiral. And that's okay but I just didn't sit there crying sobbing like some people said they did.
I thought the ending of the movie was really interesting and gave the viewer a great moment of reflection. I really liked how sudden it was and how cut off it felt. Both in story and with the themes that just worked super well and like I said I feel like that gave an extra push to the viewer emotionally.
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