#watch motorcity
spectra-bear · 1 year
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kicktwine · 2 years
sometimes cars are tanks also
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r0b0t1me · 1 year
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get your fuckin dog bitch!!
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+ the plain lineart bc i like it
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clowningaroundmars · 6 months
ADORABLE how the burners are always so supportive when mike saves the day <3
except for texas
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saphushia · 2 years
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been thinking abt motorcity lately- specifically it's fun to think abt motorcity born-and-raised chuck. minus childhood friends muckles, plus more points for mike "i find a wierd guy in the gutter i pick him up. simple as that" chilton bonus- look below the cut to see all the messy sketches i did working out redesign for chuck's arm that're mostly hidden/illegible in the 3rd pic. tbh the redesign isn't so much a motorcitizen!chuck thing i just like fucked up cyborg arms n wanted to channel some vash energy into him a bit
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^^^ these aren't in any order btw, good luck linking the different design sketches together lmao
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dreamundraws · 9 months
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Alright you got me… I’m invested.
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zombiewilder · 10 months
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ifellbecausegravity · 8 months
also my hot motorcity headcanon is that the mama's boys' "mama" is a slightly evil ai that wants to subjugate other machines because I think it goes well with their robot livestock/gladiator thing
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fate-defiant · 1 year
I'm only like six episodes in (been trying to average out about an episode a day but it's an uphill battle my executives are dysfunctioning ok) but I have some Initial Thoughts on Utena I want to share so here's some Initial Thought on Utena:
I didn't look much into the marketing of the show but I do wonder how people initially responded like.... this was airing once a week right? I wonder how people responded to the first few episodes. If you're going in completely blind it really comes off as a particularly batshit shoujo. It's not hard to figure out that it's meant as a parody of sorts but still. What an Experience lmaoooooo
I know that rn we're only scratching the surface but still I like the things it sets up
Like that scene where Utena shows up in the boys uniform and Totally Owns The Teacher is like. Farcical. Category five and-everyone-clapped moment. There's already plenty in that alone.
Also Utena not being able to clearly recall how her desire to be a prince started being immediately being juxtaposed to Wakaba's recollection of a silly childhood memory. Something something the way this shit takes root and the absurdity of it all...
I know this is all baby level stuff don't laugh at me established Utena scholars
"Uuum this whole duel thing is so dumb you guys are like dumb" said Utena, taking no actions to like. Take off the ring. Refuse to participate.
Obviously it's not as simple as saying Nah but her protests still ring hollow
We get it she's lost in the sauce. She's lost in the sauce she needs to get outta that damn sauce or like properly examine how and why she's in the sauce and then at least like navigate her way toward the shallow end of the sauce.heh You see what I did there I totally did a metaphor there I'm so good at this hehe--
You know a big problem with examining systems of oppression is how they can trap you just by making you overthink how steeped we all are in them it's like an eldritch horror It's Literally Everywhere. Hard to focus on fighting back when you're also fighting the fucking. The despair the fatigue the confusion
It's like trying to root out a blackberry bush what the fuck this shit is neverending
That kangaroo really said fuck them kids
We haven't even scratched the surface of the incest and I'm already banging my head against the table. Why are they all like this.
And that is It so far thank you fir joining me on my journey towards expanding my horizons. Also look see I've been a Good Girl I've been doing my supplemental reading.
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unknown-jewel · 2 years
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Blame my sibling for this.
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denimsnake · 2 years
[Motorcity] The Duke ~ Hot Love
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spectra-bear · 1 year
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I wonder what these two shows i love have in common. Oh i wonder
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motorcity-thoughts · 11 months
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was there ever any progress on this? im literally so curious as to what the heck they were gonna doo!! i found these on pom’s tumblr before and now im thinking abt them again. i remember someone else made a 3d duke model but i forgot their user :< it was pretty accurate actually.. ill reblog it when i find the post again.
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clowningaroundmars · 4 months
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hey. hey did yall notice smthn interesting about the kane dogs in the show and the mechanical hounds in fahrenheit 451? :)
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especially the energy boosted kane dog? especially especially bc it grew an extra set of legs?
ya wanna know what else is interesting?
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blinkpen · 2 years
if i could have MD animated in any style, my top picks would probably be
-Osmosis Jones
-Late 80s/90s TV animation that was still done on cels so it has that nice Texture and poppin backgrounds and hard shadows and the character animation can be limited or even charmingly janky at times but this is done to save resources so that the actual action/horror scenes can go hard as needed
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Weeks ago I watched and finished what is perhaps the best- and not often talked about- Disney action cartoon from last decade.
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That's right. Motorcity.
I was optimistically cautious at first because while it has gotten a ton of praise, I had a feeling that it would be one of those shows like CN's Robotomy where the premise was too mature for the channel and it had a hard time appealing to an audience that is both kids and teens/adults, which is why I thought Motorcity became an obscurity.
Boy was I glad to be wrong.
Motorcity felt like a glove that fitted Disney XD's action-filled cartoon roster at the time, which is a shame it didn't last for more than one season. Every episode felt like a joyride, literally and figuratively.
The show doesn't take itself too seriously (there were serious moments but it was never completely "doom and gloom" until the high-stakes finale), and knew had to have fun with the concept. The show manages to balance humor, heart, and action. The Burners and other Motorcity citizens are likeable in their own right, including the antagonists (though Red is a mixed bag for me). The Burners are also like a found family (outside from Julie and Dutch's actual family) which I appreciate.
Very fun and excellent show. Would reccomend watching in your free time.
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